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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1883)
. -j ; - ; : ; . , _ _ _ _ - . - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - V - = - - - : : . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - t TTfl DAILY BEh--WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19. , 1S& . 7 - - - - - - - - - - - E.COLE&Co. , , , AND ILAUJIS IN ALL 1' Al i. e Most 1proved Kinds of Lightning Rods At OThnent. A1.o nI TrOTI I'tituv , Soo4 Thbn nil aM rIN , ftRI PI FLttircs , for both . ( s nod anil lroii 1uuo. OriIcr % 1I ! recetve jrorn1t ttentloii. j Main Street , COUNCIL ILUFFS , IOWA M. CALLACHER , _ r Ft C ) ii 1& I Ncv Store1 VroIi (1oot1 , Low Prkc and l'ollto Attendant , -r : { First Door cast of Metropolitan hotel , } LOW:1tiifloAiflVAY. PETER C. WIILLI , W1ILELtI , } AN ! ) ItTA1h Y/atI-Papci / and iId'i ' Shades afid PaltIg In all iS tanches , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. 1\Tc. : ? 3 cttL. Xoix1 t. 'ZcY'Ui.ci1 : , . EVOL & 1E : 504 Broathvay and 10 and 12 Maui Sf , , Council Bluffs. MPT ATTENTION AND OLOSE PRIOES ON MAIL ORDERS. r Broadway steam Laundry I ' 72 W'i' A. C. LARSON , - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MAOBINERY. IViodel Steam Laundry ! 712 BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. I-Ins iis opened : new arni well fittea senni laundry. Guarunteegool work , Please give me a trial. IF YOU \TANT . OOT OR RUBBR ? CALL ON s _ A. PIIHIROEJ ! , Oorner : Maiti : atiti First Aveitue. Council B1uff. lie has Them. CURE OR AO PAY. Mineral Springs ! gi&rntee the cure of the fotlowlnr nftmod die. .aesorno p&y : Itheutn&tItu , Scrofula , Ulcere , Ca eli Bloodend Skin Dioase , Dypep8ia , Lter omp1atnt , Kidn.y and Riaddor Ulsoasee , Gout , Neu. raita and Asthma. These Spilnge are the tnorIto roort ot the tired * 11(1 debIlitated , and are the } 'cbIo Ladles best blend. , Good hotel , Livery and B3thlng accommodations. ' .ocattty highly picturesque and healthy. , Corrosponden.o solicited. Address Re , . M. M. TIIOMI'SON , Manager. Siioam. Gciitry Co. , mo. ove1ty Works . NORTh MAIN T..COUNCmL. ULUFFd. e ' 0 ReK & JIIREY5 FROPRIETORS. All Inds of repairing. t'urntturo , epaircd and flnihed. Chairs ro.cafloil anil ro ieatsd. All kinds of lJiholsterlng. Locks , Hells and Electrio metro- nents repaired. SfleakIng Thbe put In old or new buildings. Keys fitted aud Storog repaired. Fimt. ciae work guaranteed. Give vs a trial. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE 'The foliowln are the timeof arriaci and deiarture t trains from the local depots. The trains start from the Union l'aciilc depot about ten nilnutce earlier then below sttte , and arrive at the depot about ten ininutee later. Trains on pool lines and K. C. run on Chicago time , A hail hour teeter than Ioc.I. Wabash tralne run on at. Louis tjme , twenty minutes tater thai , local. U. F. and Lincoln triin run on Council Bluffs time. clilcAso , ROOK TStLSD AD rAclFc. Depart. Arrive. AtlanU&Ext..530p.m. PacIf3oi.xm..0:4 : ° in Ex and Ueil..OtO : % in. 1x and Mail. .0:5 : p. in Zev1oIneeac'.7:15a.m. : Ies ) Mnlneic..e.3 p. in. colcAGo , 1uaLIleroe AxeD ouiec. Depart. Arrive. Obloego z' . . . 5:35p.m. : ConneR lYoffeex..9.45 Mail aii 11 , , . .9. 45 yfl Mail and Ex. .7:00 : P. in. CHICAOO and Dcvrt. Airive. Atlantic Eit . . . . . .15 p. in. l'aciflc lxt . . . .9:15 : a. in. Mali aad Xi . laW a. so. Mail and Ex. .Glb : , . in. Aocoiu ( ) . . . . . . . . ; . m. Acconi ( Moii ) . .1:45 : p. in. gA,5s CITY , ST. JOI AfD COU5CII. 5l.UFrS. Pepart. Arrive. Mall and Ex . . . . . 0:55 : a. in. . . . . . . . p. in. Exprote . . . . . . . . :2. : i. in. 1aii and Ki .6:45 : p. in. IlllON PACIIC. Depart. AirIvo. Overland : OvcriatulEx. . .4OO : p. In. Lincoln . a. iii. Denver i : . . . : oo a. in. Denver Ia..7:00 : 1' . In. L.cji Ir.&SO a. In. Local Ki..7:25a. : m. " E . . . . . .Ot15 ; a. in. . . . . . . . . . . p. In. " . . . . . . : a. in. frY WADAISII , lX . .O'.lIIi AND rACIYIC. lepart. Arrio. Mail andK . . . . .9:4. : a. in. Slail end tx. . .4SO : p. in. Cantion J33.11. . . .4:4) : p. in. Cannon Iiall..1l:05 * . in. Sioux city MD ACIIiC. Uci'.rt. Arrive For Sioux City.7:55 : a. m. l'rin Sioux CItyCt.O : p.m Eor Fort Nlobrara Friii Fort Niobrara _ 4a. . . . . . . . . .7:55a. : m. Neb. . . . . . . . ' 6:50p.m. : U . Paul. . , .74O v. m. J Froni St. Paul .8:50 : a. in. 'I culcloo , UILWAVIXN Ai ) Hr. IAUL. Leaves Omaha. Arilvee at Omaha. Mail and Ki. . . . 7d.5 : a. m. I l'acIflclx. . , . 0:45 : a. in. Uantlo Kz. . . . 8:40 : i. mu. Mail and Ex. T:2S : p. in. Atitrains LtehI7. cIIIcGo , MItWAUCCIS AD CT. tAut. Leaves CouncI hjititte. Jsrlves Council fhhmilTo. Mail and F.x. . . . 9:20 : a. in. Mail and 1x.,6:55 : p. in. Atlaistlo } tx.I5:15 : p. in. Atlantic Ex.I:1O : a. in. oovvcmi. stun v : owAmfA STCKXT IUILWAT , Leave Council IlluMe Leave Omaha. ' 3. . in. 0 a. In 10a.m. 1a. 8 a. In. 9 a. in. lao. m , 11 . 1 p. in. 2 p. in. 3 i'.m.4 ' I. In. 1 in. 2p. in. 3 p. in. p. in. 6 mm. In. 0 m' . In. I 4 1' . 10 , 5 tm. in. 0 ' . ' in. Street cars run half hourly to the Union 1'acIfl deiOt. On Sunday time care beidn their trips at 6 o'dock a. in. , .mid rue regularly during the tisy at 9 11. 2 , 4. 5. $ nd 6 o' dock , and run to city time. ml. 11. rL'sr. C OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Oovc Ifluff. , . 11. Estab/iea - - 1856 Dealer. In Forg1e md Domestlo Exchange and Mom. Sscuzittas. 4w. RI.VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha atmtl Council Bluffs , Real etate anti collection agency , . o ii Fehiow"s block. over t4avtns I3ank. MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The neat quality and largest etock west of Chlcagc of Wooden and Iletallo Cacao. Calls sttenmltvl to al aU hours. We defy comnietitloIm iii quality of oodi or pricee. Our Mr iuran has aened a undertakem undereta'id his bust thoroughly for forty years anu mieu. Wsrero.nnJBll broadway. UVIIOLSTEItINC 1mm &U It. brammchee irumpthf attended to ; io carpel laying and lamubroquine. Telemrapbio * ad wail der. flUed without drier. I - - - - R. Rice 1VL D. II A1TflPB or other tumon. removed without ii un1 w111131 kntfo or tlrmiwimig of blood. GHRONIC P1SBAES of kInds a specialty , Over thtrtyyears vractical experience. Ofilco N 5 l'earl street.CounciI Illuff , , LTConsuitation free. lilrs. II. J. ilhltoll M. P. . . . , . . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEO 222 Broadway , Councti Bluffs. western Coinice-Noik IRON AND SLATK ROOPINO. C. SPECHT , PROE 1111 Douglas St. . . Omaha , Neb. MANUFAOI1JRBIt OF Galvanizea Iron Cornices rDormer Wmnciows , Flniaie , Tin , Iron and Ole 110061mg , Spwht'o vatent Metallio Okyhight , Fate adjut.ted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving. I e the general agent for time above hue of goods. In Fencing , Crestthgs , flaiustradee , Veranda. , Iron Bam Itahuzigim , Window liIimic1 , Collar Guards ; also goon gent for l'ecrnn& Hill patentlnelle Itiled. TRUE . Temperance Is not signing a pledge or taking a solemn oath that cannot be kept , bccau3c of the non-removal ofthe cause -liquor. Tile wayto make a man temperate is to kill the desire for those dreadful artificial stimulants that car- . my so many bright intellects to premature graves , and desolation , strife and umi- happiness into so many Lhinilics. IUsafact Bpowi'sIaoi BrrrgRsatrue non.alcolmol. i Ic tonic , made in Baltimore , Md.bytlie Brown Chemical I Company , who are old drug. a ghts and in every particu. I Ian reliable , vill , by remoy- ing the craing appetite of the drunkard , and by curing the nervouaneu , weakncsa , and general III health result- I , log from intemperance , dci more to promote Iempera.'cc , in the strictest sense thr.n a.nyother means now known. It is a well authenticated fact that many medicines , espccially'bitters , ' are nothing - ing butchcap whiskey vilely concocted for use in local option countries , Such is not the case with BRowN's InoNBirritits. Jtisamcdi- Chile , a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous , muscular , and digestive organs - gans of the body , producing - ing good , rich blood , Ilcaith and strcngtll. Try one bot- tIe. Price $ i.oo , H 2.TdXJ-"j'ertd of I liumnam , tiotly ciarod , , dnveioped end strengthens etc. , Is and lmmtercsttmg asiventisenment lung run In o Isper. In reply to inquinlee * e will ally Suet there no cidence , humbug about Slits. On time contrer the a.lventiecre are very highly Indonsed. intenteit 'CfOii5 fl1 get iinlsI drclii&rI giving cli ; &rticUi ' by s.tdrseeirig Erie lisdiwl Co. , ! ' fdt , BuOni tI. V Eren. 1COUNWLBLUFFS _ ADDITIONAl4 LOCAl , NFWS. 1u11 ISONA I4. ( eore l. 1)rpcr , of S1lnO ) , nrnlvol nt ti Ogmiemi ycaterilay. \v. J. iliclmaril , , of lieu Oak , wn In the cit ycoterday. S. F. l'erry , of Kcmnioy : , Xci , . , waa loukimi mit the BInITA ycoteritay. .ludgcs heck , flotIitrok iiml Amlanis , of ti Simimreino Cnmrt , urrivoil ycitenil my toe rooms at thn Ogden. Attorney Smimith Mcl'iiarvon , o lleil Oak , iii time vlty , atteiuiiiig to liii ihittoq lit tli St ; treIIm3 Commit. Doc. Bat'gm , whoeo imamo at loat h ( nitillim to imc.mmly everylt1y in title put of thu coin try , roaclioti timie city yetorday ( room ( ) eiive 'l'V. . Ivory , of ( flcnmvooil , , as in time cit yoterday , and at tim l'mtcil'mc. 'ri cimtimiit Ilommj antimi mn1 I I , .1 , Cimamimbor rcmntoemmtIimg thin 4.mtca liar , weio in thu cit yesttrmlay oii lcgmtl bimsi imee. u.V. . lavis , of win it edil to 1 ( limb of the lloinildicui mcmrt.omitmtIvo trot t1ii coillmty iii tim iioct Aovemiilmly , wmm iii ti city yestenmlay. l i. . 0. ( ' . Coiner , vlmo for mm long ti moo Ii : bean traveling v.slo.imman for , lnmnes ltrowmmto left yoterday for lenvcr , rliuro ho oxpcctv I locate. City Editor \Voomlbiidge , of thu Oinal Ilernid , too1 ; a iteei at the city yesterday am gatheicil up lminters oil time contct for tI hoes girlihip , immttmimmliimg , It is whispered , I write mm book , with Clark m tim hero. Mrs. E. Tinley lia gmmno to Leamivillo , b lug called thither by thu illimcse of her grani datiglitor , it1tsm Bertha \ttmeller , who is qui sick. That young Indys many frienile he will await vith imitich ansioty for further an it is to bo hoped , better tidimigis coileornim her - - . cotmmwi COUNCIL II1.lfl'Yd ) IAIIKIIr. Wheat-No. 2 ejmning , 7c ; No. 1 , 03c ; r I ecteil , 5Oc ; good deummmnd. Conmi-Doalera mo maying 31@32c ; rojecti corn , Chicago , 4Oj14ic ; nev miaed , 49c ; whi corm , ISOc : the receipbs of cent are light. Oatmm-In good deiimaimd mit 20e. llay-- 3Jj ( 00 hier ton ; &Oo per bale. ltye-40c : light vmmip1y , Cons Meal - 1 25 tIer 1(11) 1)OUlldS. Vuod-Good supply ; PrICUC at yarmbe , 5 00 6 00. 00.CoalDelivered , hard , 11 00 jmor toim ; vol S 50 vor tomi. Butter-Plenty and in fe.Ir demand at 2 creamery , SOc. Eggs-Ready smlo : at ISo ver dozen. Lminml-It'airl.aiik'v , wholesaling at lic. l'oultry-Fi rio ; dealers anti mayimig chickens tOe ; live , 2 tmO er dozen. ' rmOc onions 50c ca Vcgotablce-l'otatoot , ; , ; hague , 3040c per micron ; } ) tm1e , 5Otj4 uer barrel. Flour-City floor , 1 603 40. Brooma-2 0O@3 00 icr doe. LIVK BTOCK. Cattle-S OO3 00 ; caivov , 5 O0@7 iiO. llogmm-Marktmt for bov quiet , na th mine log lmouaeie are clommed ; shipperms are mayimIg 4 4 75. Time Streets orJeruHalemn. Time etrect.s are narrow , badly pave and crooked as a corkscrew ; time lwinc pal being the street of David , leadil from time Jaffa gate to the Ilaram ; ti street of the Gate of time Columns , rul niug from the Damnacus gate to thu atre of the ( into of time Prophet David , mid which imamo it cohitiflues to Zion gut Christian street , running from thu stre of David to the Church of the Ho Sopuicliro , and time Via Dolorosum , rim fling from the Church of the holy Sept clime to St. Stephen's gate. Tituro a very few open spaces , aiid imot one rutre ill widcii a carriage can be drivoim ; tl bazaars arc toor utimil not to be coolparm for a moment with those of Cairo Damacus ; they are in narre lance , for time i > r vamilim over , and exhibit the usual artici to be found in eastern bazaars-shoe pipes , tobacco , hardware , jewelry , cutler and so forth-each shill being under ti suimerintcndcnco of a milan iii flowing rob aimd turban , who sits cross-logged ai smokes while the crowd buzzes unceasin ly around him. There are two go hotels , the Meditoramtean and ti Damascus ; and several hospices-ti Case Nova of' Limo Franciscans , LI Austrian hospice of St. John-but ti majority of travulers w'mo are mnakiiig ti tour of Palestine C3IIII ) outside time cit as indeed do inammy of the imilmabitants the simmer tiimic for tile sake of the pun air. Almimoat every house in Jerusumle line a cupola , with a lint space on Li roof to allow a stroll round it , anti mill Li houses arc of atone. Very few of then exhibit any traces of architectural beau I in fuct , the dwuilfng-liouoos guncraii suggest PovertY and dirt. 'I'hli Igm ; Case. Wavhiugtuis Special 'releatri. At time request of the PreSitleIlt Seciu tam'y Limicola sent to JtdjutuLllt.G oiler 1)rumn for time procechimlgiA in time case Liutit. Col. 010(10 hlges , Eighteenth Ii f.umtry , and ieeeivc.l the PitIord tii IllotnilIg. Sccnelar.y J4ilmclIu had aim it terview with Imrcsidm.'mtt Arthur , and asked , as lie was leaviiig the dopuirtimiont as to the present. mmtatims of time case. ii said : 1 Imavo time papers ill limo case and wi exiunine tllJlIl carefully , as I do a cases rcquinimmg time President's action. will not ho ready to submit. the case tim Presidommt , at Limo cabinet ZncoLiim but will sommie time this week. A legal question is raised with rofoi once to the Ilges count.martial , which i thought in 81)1110 quarters to ho fatal to tim verdict. Two of the mnomiibers of tim court , havimmg } ) dfl on the previous trial wore objected t by Col. Ilgos , and i such cases it hart boemi time invariable cut 1Mb for tue ollicurs thus challenged t either state that timoy imal no imrojudic against Limo defendant , or to be excuse Iy their own requmest from service. I this citso 0110 of the 'fticera asked to ii excused , but 1ms request was not grante as usual by time court , mind time other siti nothing , timemeby infurcrmt'mally admnittill he did entertain prejudice agaimmat tii defendant. It is regaruiel by good mi itary lawyers its leing rum objection of character winch would disqualify a juno : amid times vitinto time verdict ; eu this mit count it. would not cause smmnlriso if ti : scntunco of the court , which , it is mir dorstood , was dismimissal frommm thu ammn would ho set aside. ! l'Imo Olimmm'chm huh N IIJUIIOO. Titus growls (1110 Now Yorker : "Th is a relillmflIlt of the feummlai tmystcmu whir egisteti ill tliiie city forty ytrtrs ago. 'hlr thu church bulls scrvcl ( mmmc pmmrpmo , 1 they rali ( Or fires , Jimit now that nece sit ) ' iS pasted. l'ciijule toil mu that ti hells are imecessuiry to call Cimrintiails I worship. Jf that were true- limit i is ito 'i'iiu I healers , concerts , Imuills , circuses am : schools do not require such means of cc lucting its ltatromms. And thus only cigi or lou churches in the city , I almi iiifensi cii , continue tue ancient cuBtoul of rimlj ilig tiw bells , and tileBo are to ho zt.oj lied. " T1iu says another New Yorke . - - - - ' ' 1 lire right timmdor limo belfry of yomk clmmrcli , nial I love to hear tim bell as rings three times on each Sabbath 1103 I hmuito to hear it. mtiiul time beilsof chtlrCllt of all nlcmlnmnhIlatiolms oil time last Sabbat of my life. 'I'11e3' are ins cmanlmllflg ) to iii at verc those iti timi , siites of lmiy 'iIlng lIiillC ( ill boylutmoti. Cit3' life does Ill cimmigo time fact that. tim" colIsolitilIg tnt ditinmmv iii time cilIlrc1mts that hiov bolt. t1'tlm , lmmkti time lillilmg hell a sweetly i tuumed nimd kimuliy salutation omic II ) I'll oilier , mmd to nil lilt ) itcoitle. - - SImeCeRs vu Ithm ( 'iittmtmm Cai'i' . Very ehlcolmragil1 Fuliorts 8111 receive of time exImerilnemIts Ill rnisilmg Gerimlutli eat ill all tile stmtcs V1lurO time fish Is it ti'otlticctl. 'l'lie largest growth is itttaitic vithuim it giemt timimu in limit south , as ( Ii elilihitte is litoro futvornlmle. 'Vito halt hem is rs'get4bte feeder gt'imvv while piallti at ill it t'iiittlitiuij , t ) Cilt nimmi remItaills in imommliulmrmmtmllt. stto durmmmg titt > wiutet 'l'Imu liesli is hot equal to that of ( lie trdmti bl.tck icmss1 uir whitetlimhm , Ittit is gititi Visit , like t'ggA , u > Vo imitteim of their cxci' icitct _ ' to lmcimmg ( realm. fly ra'matmlg tbiim o tlieim ou'lm ImItlitOmi futrimmeam call rely o iiitviiig ; tlmcmim fresh. 'l'imit growth of earl like that of ulmimimest icated mumimitusis all biitls , hliumy be lmnstemied Imy liberal foediim1 l'Ime spmalmty uf , time lh'sim lIlLy also be iii inovid by umlflmnmliimg time t'isim a supply well l1tvtumr'ul : font. 'J'Iit > fmil : is aim cxcii liMIt Limo ill 'tlmiiui to obtain carjm f in'eciliimg atmd for trauslmorimil simiall fry. 'L'hmuy illut ) ' be wimitared 1mm band or reservoir .1accd in time celia : Time vessel Wilielt coiitaiims time watt slmoul(1 have vcvtmr.ti i itches of 11 > 1111 lit ti : hottolmi. ' [ ' 110 fail is itleit imit excelueilt. 11111 ill which to cmtimstmimet Iish.polltls. 'Vu Ittimids vill be tilled with water dumrhig tl late ra'mlls. If the water of it alnall spni Call be luti 11111 , a P01mm1 ft. amy be kej sullicuoumtiy foil errol cimmriimg time drougl of sulniner. An artificial pond is lii. likely to ho infested witim creatures tim : will clevotir or injure the yotimig lisim tin : a natmmral hotly cit vatcr. Thu pnineip umicumiies of carp are turtles , vate snakes , immitiks , immuslc.rats , frogs and watt fowl. 'l'hio fish commuissioner of Iowa mitk the following suggestions respecting ti coimatructiomi Of pommds : For a st'mll-wat wintering time ittimmul , time deii1)er a port of it is time better. If there ho plenty mmlUd iii the bottommi of time poiitts in wimli time carp caim bumry itself dtmriilg its perui of imybenilatiolm , or winter sleep , a de1mi of five feet , nimgimti aimawer amid bring time safety. But a greater depth would plea Inc iiiucii better. If spring vator can I thu steadily into time ponds ( lunimmg II winter the depth is of imumcim less comms quonco. In draiiiiiim pommds great en sliotmid ho taken to imitvu it donu slowi so timttt time fish mmay , not ho too iriut fniglmtemmed to gather in limo deeper ti tioiis. Timoy are quite likely to bmm timeiimselvcs in Limo numd of any part of ti bottom when they take it sudden alarm and immight be left there to amnother am 010. The location and bras of poll should be such as to add to the bcammty time surronutliimgs ammd to the COIlVOIliCIl timid pieastmrc of time owners. They mmmi be needed to suptiy ice , or If stock 1 kept they Imlay be usefmml as a reservoir BUply water. Of course these poimi are to be settled by these who p1 timemu , amid their great imnportammco shou Ilot be overlooked. Carp can bo kept am fed , amid made to grow rapidly in rest voirs , Lanka , small ponds , or other aim bodies of wmmt.or durimig tim shunner Lb would mmml o safe front fretizimig dunim winter. And they are ofteim so kept in LI old countries. Stock fisimforauchmipurpo would lowe to be procured annually fro 801mb carp.brocder. Mr. L. Jones , of Russell , Iowa , co tributes to Time Iloimim.stead tue foiiowin I have had ft little oxperiomico with Ge man carj ) that immgimt be immicrestimig snub of your readerd. It is as follow On time 15th day of last April 1 1laecd , i a simmall 1)01111 , 18 feet iii diameter amid foot deep , three Gorinami carp five inch bug that imati beemi whitened iii time linus and were consequently in very poor com ditiomm. Time 24th day of August I dna offtimo water to see imiy little fish , aim found they wore twelve iimclmes in iemmgtl and would weiiiz froimm a pound to a poumi and a imutif. Their primmcipal food dtmrim : the tiimmo they were iii time P01mm1 vav alma : oats. Oii Limo latL day of April , 1883 , imrocurccl from time ( hilled States lit commnissiommcr twenty snmnll Genoa leather carp , 'varyilmg front an imicim and liutif to two iiiclmes and a imalf 1mm iemmgti These were placed in a pommd of nina ano.fourth of aim acre in extent and cigi feet deep. They nlc as large mmmv , if mm ( iarer , tlmaim timso in time smaller pout ' ' of temm inches i 'I'imuiik of it ? A growth loss Limit three immoritims Oh aeammt ( hot i sheaf oats. 1 imavo now comimimmemice fecdimmg theni regularly aim acrapa fret time table , such as cold potatoes , itoile corn , balied beana , ate. V1iomm time aeri : arc thrown limb the water time lieu hg over thiouii like pigs. 'J'hey will Iowa tie lilolitils yet to grow before winter , vime they will push tiiemnstulvcs hmuuommg tim ( crime cmi time bottom of limo jOilIi , amid ii clonmnurmit ummtil smniIlg. I believe iii to yeimnt ovary fitnimier vill have imis carj iommd to raise fish for his own bmlio. henry's ( inrHullo Salvo. Time bomt salvo miseul tim the world for Cut Jlrmmivas , l'iicit , Sormt.m , ( liven. , Suit itlietmmm 'i'ettur , Cimmippeil llammdm , Ciuiiblnlmimt , Corn nimd mmii kimuil of Skimi Iruijmtloimv , Yrockio.i aim i'imuplet. 'I'Ime Salvo hi guaranteed t.ii git. Imurfoct satisfaction In every Cio. Ito HUI antI get hliNItY'S OAltlthlO ( SAI4VF , all , , timers arm > but IiiiIt.tkimie amid comumt.orfeIt l'nice 25 centir. " - Particular Alioimt. Ills Company. Brooklymm Eaie. "Say , Mister , " said a red-headed SIn Limo other day , approaching ii gontloine who limid just nliglmtod front a car at station to procure a samldwicim ; "say , Mb tar , are you acqunimitod witim that lad you wore isittin with ? " ' 'Curtnimmly , sir , responded time gwmtiejmwn indigmantlj "that is my daugimter. " "rlmeii 'o must know all about Imor , " continued Lii rud.hieadod man confitfomitinlly. "I aa 18 tImeuil teeth o' Imurmi itaturalil" Tliu are , sir , " replied time goIltIcIlman , roprcam ing imims omumotioii , ' 'And ' that him , is Liii imonii , or is it a vlgl" "l'iiat hair itt Pt fectiy natural , ' , , aid Limo gentiemumar sternly , with an ummcommmforta.biu itching i thu viciniLy of the foot. "You don toil , " Iulillied time rod.lieaded man in rai tune ; say , eloes siuc paint or is that Jim color ? ' ' 'Site does lInt owim , paiimt , an hint hlJOHt you are an good to notice the flush of nmodcmmty , " niiawered tim gem ilmulmI preparing for the worst ; "why ] you ask timetmu questiommim ? " ' 'Because , all you army about. her itt true I dcii imittlim' aiomividu of lion for a mmmiiu ( twi > imiymmuif , but if you are giviimg mime mu : atelir on thu racket , and I get onto it , I lunist you armd time girl right up timu stovi pipe without fituimliiri' to ask whore y Collie ( mmmi or where youm'rtm goiimm. to Amid whaii Limo gcmmtiuiimau lifted imitim e time Piittforiml witiI Limo too of huiut boot. Ii rmi.iieaiiud imunu got. p mmmiii aiim'ommimce ' witim a ammmilu hint lie hmmew time girl ii made up ( vomit tue first , amid lmu'd be do god if imo was goin' to "sat" dowii by curiosity that a zimmmn bad to fight for , ma 158 bug as there was a dog iii tiu baggaf car that ito knew was genuine. AN AMIiiICtN COMMUNI , II Istory amul I iahltM ol I Ito Atitmimmi Smmmcty.-4t t'emmmmilam' Sect lit Iovut. A letter frlml les it.tnmmucs , Iovn , to liii Now Vork 'I't'mbmmmmo says : Time travelo oval. tile Iliuck lalatmii amId l'citic railroad ihC'lL Iitem pasaitmg 1Oct11 City , itihl ii treotetl imy time voice of time tmrnke.mimmm a lie nmmmmoumees ' ' I loihmestead. " Stoppimmm amId taking a luituber wagon vit1m simimli , seats , iii charge itt a ileuttltt-umivetl , : mmmiii of evidcmmt 'I'outomic extraction , a ride o a mmmliii , across time Iowa river , will lain Imhmu jim ( ho imtidst tf a ctmiittms pePio ivitim qimaimit 1111(1 stmuligo ; smmrrommmmuitmmgs I'm' .tmmmmlii society is limo ommignorthi ( if I sumuall baud of 1)001 > 10 vito eniulo to I imi : ci 'limit ' my fi'om time t Ii ( iemiiiaiiy itt I 8 1Cm Vlmeir ntmiigiomm was tmlo , of pt'ncu. Tlmei govcriiimmemitmiumtmatmdetl of cttt'y 111011) IIOV itimm mmumlmtnm'y ItCtVjCii , 'rimiM timu ) ' i'ofiisei a , give. 'limo ' ) We11 timiim , iimmti isinieui film tiltil' mr.mwrty itemjuicstr.ttt'il. About f1)nt 'I f t imttiit t'm 'mmmc to I imi enulmut my mum md set Lieu imeam I tmiibmio , N. V , , him I atitu m rift um'wuim.i i'rtmtin't'ti to ( imia HPt : iimil imuutled it Ammitimn : tviticlm aigimilies ' 'hero wo vmii rest. " ' [ 'Ito ) ' P tirelmamecul ft oimm t lie gnveimtmiiemmt i mm'iii mb tii mmsimi p , Si him lit's Smlmtme ( : , I imnotlgl which lmmmms 1'va ti'ur , mmllo of ( ho ltrgos : Ill time St.tto 'l'itey itrfectttmt ummm OV .a1mi'/ttiomt of time coimmiutimmity ummul utve I time 11111110 of Aummitimus society , which is mme mmieorpom'atcul muuiuimir tue lars of time State \ll that. tticlt : imulivimlumal vn commooliulated into CohImlimOil jurtipurt. it. tlmtt teimmms of time compact timeru is ito immuli t'idtmtl tovimersimip of iumytimiimg , itim sligim UXC&tjtimmls for pordommuul tmam. 'I'imo commi mnummmity is govtmrmmed by a presiulcmmt ama oxccumtive cullmmfllttee , elected by tim VOiCe of time Comflmmluilltty. 'l'imis Coimmmlmit let , , imas gemlermil sitpotviiiiit ( Of nil bmmsi imess of thu society ; elects time atiluoriii temmulm'iitme mit the vamlous ( lepmmrtmmleilt.3 a labor nmmd direta mill its atilmirs , 'rim linesidemit is aimmumiy oil iuL'ismry ollicer an Iii selected for imimi ago amid mmmumtmmro jmmd mncmmt. lie imresitues itt. umcotimmgs of til tmxecuitivc commitmittee. Iowa river immakes a hirgo bemmd near tim mmmintcnmi houmitlary of time towimsimip. Prom time eanterim tlelltmctiuumm a cammal umbommt tei feet wide was emmt , five imiiiee iii lemmgti through time vUlago to time westermm poim : of tuiiulictiuuim. loimg timium caimuil are leer ted Limo resiulomice lots , each lot almuttiim ( lii time cammumi. 'I'lmo unumal ftmrmmislmotm vittc for dommmustie use amiul wmttcrimmg time gal deimmi. hiacui faimmily hits it hommso for it Own misc , meimrroummdotl with yards ammd gardcmm. 'rime highest emiltivatun is timum mtttaimmed ( if vegetables amid fruit of mm kilIds. ( irapes are oxtcmuuuivuiy growm timid italatablo i'immo mmmade froimm tlmeim > , eat faiimily iimmmkiimg its owim uumipply. Lnr boardimmg.lmomiscs are ' iii each vii age ( for there are mmow six villages ) f , time aceommunodatiomi of time umimmmarrit people. At those boardimmg.imoumties iii : time eimtire Ie0PlU take their ummeats. cooking or gommorni imommacicooping is dom at the residences. 'I'liuro are appoimiti itt ; regular intervals lmrsoims to lorfor Limo vmmnious duties of time society : 'I oversee time boardimmg houses ; to tin ti work timureimm , cooking , baking , lammmmdm work , scrubbing , carrying vater , , etc Stlil ( > feed and care fortho pommltry , swum sheep , horses , cattle. All time variom kimmd of farmmt-work are set oil' to dufrerci jiersomia. So iii tue immilis , factories , am : sliutlis. Just before imical hours a maim wi Comimu ) to a boardiiig.imouso with live imeum try , wimmclm is at omico taken amid drenmw amiotimor will bnimig vegetables , anotlmi imient. After each meal Ume garbage immr collies aroummd amid nil rofumso is carric away , fed to swimme or bit Iii tim compo haul ) . Each itiid ovary poraomm imuw his liar allotted ivork , amid all nloves emi i potfect system. Timmuro are no clnomme 'I'bore arc largo cotton amid w'ollomm mmmillm a starcim factory , amid fruit-cammmming Elliot ) : TimOCOttmli goods made arc time bust aim mmmostcmim.immrabie to be found in time Ummite States , aimd Lucy got iiigimer lrce tim casterim mmmamiulnctimrera. 'l'imuy veil ii timey comm immke to retail dealers iii tim amid adjoimiiumg States , who imave regumli emmatoimmors for tluommm. So of tiiuir ivoollo goois , time stalmmp of time Aimmamia muocuut estabiislietm their quality. They ni timourommglmly lmoiicst people.Vimimtov they ito is well (10110. They nra slow rum pioddimig. 'J'Jmoy miovor get hi mm lmmmrrj ' .i'imoy retaili mnalmy of time haimits ammd cue Louis of F'atherlumd. : 'l'imo older vuoimi still retaimm the qmiaiimt dress of their am cestors. 'J'ime yoummger lontiomi ha Aimmoricaimized timemmisclvemm. 'J'imoy imavo schools , amid arc thmorouglmi educated. Tiiy print their owmm booki ummmd do time primmtiimg of labels , cards , rum work mmccessary for their mmianmlfaetmmrc articles. They muulce : mmeinly : ovcrytliin used by tue society , except farimi immmimli miieiits. They are very dovommt people. 'I'hmoi roiigimui iii simimilar tt Limo Qmmakenui. 'I'imu do mint acce1t time Now 'J'cstammmomt. J'mluui ' VHi"O iii a divine immstitmmtiomi whim thou Iii each village its a mmmeetiumg-iioimso , wimur religious nervier ) in haitI every tiim About 11 o'clock , srimemm the clmmmrchm.irnl riumga , all york steps , ummmd time Peolhlo g to cimurcim , Lime mimeim mummd womnuim sittium aIart. Service is commdmmctcd by a leatiut htmL time s1)t1ik i 1mg 18 (1(1mm 1 > by d m fliunomm t i dividuale , mis Limo spirit mumovemu tlmemmm. ' .I'im Immarriago corcimmoumy is condumetumil always time cimmircim , mmuuid hi procisuly like timid. cLime Limo Qmiumkors ] n liolitics timeir afluiiatiomm are wit time ltopublicantm , though they isuidom vote. For mmrmtiommal officers timoy veto wit limo Itopubhicamis. For meal county o ficurs Limey vote adcortiimmg U ) timoi views as to their best interests himmamicia1l amid as they vote mme goes tue count3 limit imo party or cliqumo calm imifluouicu a commtrol timouim. As iou. been stated , they began few i miumnimer and poor. Additismis wore irmad ) ) y accretion. Wimeuiovor a dusi : .etl to joimm time society , imo laid to intuit tanimini npjmhication. A tmorougim } iriveamtigc ( mu follows of tilt ) antocedeumta and cimni actor of time umpplicaimt , If accepted , Ii surrundorod all ho possessed by legal cm vuytmmmco U , tue society. Shouid ito hi come dissatisfied zumd desire to leave , ii commid go but take nothing witim imiur Nimmuierous applications mire immiulo to Unit with them every year , but for Severn years nil luavo boon rejected , its they hay mmii large a mnemmlboraimip as timoy desire , tim imuiuulat'mon buimmg about two thousand 'I'lmu society is irnummoumsely wealthy , aim hits imo imoed Of iflOIiU ttt time hcgiimmmimmg of each year , a gcui oral account of bummimiesms lit timinemi nmmd balance sheet struck. 'J'o every mersm a time wnmiuty iii sot if a curtimium suit > , sue' as s'ill he mmoccstnry for hut use dumniui time year. At tiiu stores this ; morfiomm i crtaiited to limo fanmihies arid imumlividunim mmd wlmatover they got xmL the store i cimargemi at exact cost. Outsiders imavu t pmy : a gooil prolit. 'litutm a alarm dies vim is thu hieui : ( if imlumimily ida afihmrs are in : imlclmately settled , inn ? a mmcmv lullom ) tlonimmommt is immadu to timim wiihiiw nun 1dm ed to liar credit , I f .mrimlmumim cimiluiroim or loft1 mm gumlrlialm 18 uiiimmtcd , numd ho ro resents time puironts. 'Flue ruummaiimdor t time year's busimmess after this ruppurtiom mmiomit jim mumado is iiivuumted in immlprovm mnents. At each village are imniwmso barns aim FURNITURE ! . -THE- . ; 4 OHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY ; urnIture ISAT - DEWEY & STONE'S They always have tlir largest and best stock , . NO STAIRS TO OLIMB ELEGANT PASSENG.ER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. simi'ils , iVimlirti all ha ) ' iiuitl gmaiiu are stored amimi vimtmntm uuil fectiimmg iii wimmter is ilommi , Oxumm utiut extensively tmscd uI fmtrmmi vom'k huimmr iulumiimimhly suited to limo ii(1ttullg , eamuy-goimmm it3a of timevo l ° P1 ° . 'l'lmi icPlo am e emmmimmemitly social a lumitmmg thmeuim selvcs , 'l'1103' arc commnucotus to metrmttmgura limit tin mint. ulcaire Ilium' lmresemIco exeump for lmmmro bimaimiesmi. - - - MLMV MxrI'tats ltet iremmmemit ol' Gui. hunt itmimi tin l'mOmmH ) ( 1(11mM 'tVliLclm 1olIov. \\'asii'mmmgtoim , Septolmilior 14.-i omuora II. .1. liummit , comuimnammulimmg time Deimrtmmmoul of time South vuis lilutecut tituoum thu netircul limit of time animly (0.11113' ( , lmnvimmg riacimtuu ( I I years of age , mmd vmms instrumctetl b turn over his comumimmitmid to Gemm. lmmmmcock ! s'imo mviii assmiiimo coumimnand temmmpornniiy ( lou. I tout's rutirummmemmt. vrouumotea Liout Coi. .Jmuimmes I Iimmmuiltomm to ho Colommui Iajor II.V. . Gleason to hO Liotmtoimnmmmt Colommel ; Capt. tlmmrcmma P. 1mIiller to hi t1mmjor ; First. Liout. Iiimmt , I' . Story to hi C.mptnimm , amid Seeommd L'muumt. Clnrciic Deemmee to be First Lioutemmammt. Firs Iiemlt. ilonryV. . llumbbeli , Jr. , Firs Artillery , has imecum ulctniied as I'rofessot or Ittilitai7 Siuumico ammd ' .Vitctics ut timm Umitout College , Selmuumituctatly. N. 'V. Firsi LiuuiLVmuitur S. Selumylar , Fifth Cavuulr imas beemi tiotaileil nut I'rufesmmr of ? iliiitmmrm Seiemmcc immmd 'I'nctics at Cornell Uimk'eu'sity 1 timacim , I'utttemi , Eighmteemmtiu lnfaimtry , Imme boemi rolieveul frommi duty at tlw,1tivervhi Acaulemimy , Pomiglmkeepsio. Leave of mubsunco for four mmmommtha , b take effect mus soomm as his survicus can spared by his tlcpartmimoiit commmmmmammdurlma mcmi grammted iecoid : Liouitunaumt. Cimarie r. Trumitt , Twemlty-first immfammtry. Socmid Liemit. Itobort. \Vaislm'l'womi ty-secomid immfaimtry , has , on lila own ni : llicntioll , beomi transferred to Limo Iourt' cavalry , witim mimic as uuccommd lioumtommami of cnmvmmlry , to date freimi Jummo 13 , 18& Ito will joiim iiis proper troop ( - Per Stamit.omm , N. Ill. ) cmi the uxImirmitimmi of iii gramluatimmg leave of absouce. Secomlel Limit. George W. Reed , Sis teemith 1mmmmutry , Ilas , mum Imium own applier tiomm , buo' trummisferred to Fifth cavalry with manic as secomid lioutommaut of cavalry to ditto frommi Jumie 13 , 1883. lIe wit joimu his proper t.ioOl ) ( A , Fort \Vasliakic Vyommmiug 'lurritory ) emi time expiration his rndumatiiig leave of obsommee. First Liommt. Saimumel Ii. Woouiwnr 'Peumlim ' cavalry , has been relieved from duty itt. .Julflurutoim Barracks , ! tlo. , amid ii ml mnommiher of thmc gaimormul commrt umiartial ai lmoimmtctl to moat itt. that host by Rilmicium orders Aug. 21 , 1883 , amid will joimi lii troo1t ilk Limo departmimeuit of 'I'uxmum. Ce ! . Iiummjammmiim IL. Oriormmomm , Temiti Cavalry , Imas beau musigimed to time temimpo rary coimimmmauid of time Dopartnmemmt o 'l'ttxas dunimmg time mibmmouico of Brig Gomm Clmniatophuar Li. Augur , UmmitcuiStates Animmy on leave of abaemmco. Thu following trammalors iii time Fourth Artillery hmuivo bomi immado : First Licut .Joinm I' . Stovev frommi Battery A to I3um tory C ; First Liout. Sammmuoi It. Joume frolim Battery 0 to Battery A ; Cipt George 'I , ' . Olimmated , Jr. , UnIWd , State Anmmiy , has beau rolievud from dulLy rn timi imervico , 'I'iio leave of absence granted Capt George ' 1' . Ohmimmmted , Jr. , Uiuitad State : Ariumy , Aug. 23 , 1883 , Jim been cxtoiidui timnee mnomitimum Secozmd Lietit. Clarence it. Edwards 'rivomity.timiril limfammtry , luau been trans furred to Limo 'I'onth ( Jmivnlry , with rant mmml Se"eimd Liemmtuumumummt of Cavalry , to daLi frommi .Juno 13 , 1883. lb willjoium liii proper tm'ooj > ( Ii. FurL Stockton , 'l'oxmum on time expiration of imis gm'aduating letuvi of absence. A PQJtMANO DUTY. l'.liccmrmamu ti'1 : Iluittim , 29 North Street , Port taint , tte.5Stmiy fl , 1831 , write- : "I ) mnv.bmuiitroibiumt { tor'a onI mnaqy years witi tmmflaimmajf.m of time t,1a0.Iur , ilmittmeras faiback am , dur lug time tune i wa iii thu mirmoy. I ilmifereit with dmmll heavy Paimis III )3 luck ammd k1dney too tmitemmeo S mime tim dnmmcrlbe&ammil ; trktl several remedies that wcr recorummsmen.iedIemuu ) ijuiux.jmmlmmeti by ciruof our bee pumysiciamme , who' ) Inicp9u.s' I it Immllet > mu.atiomm . of thu bladder ; antI Irwent t' 'iJud hmoepitmil for trnetmnemt but .11 , miedkutmmu ti'1 trstrnent hiatt rewned to fall I wa.s r000tmlmnendLd to try tiumut' . ileimicily , am it ham hucemi foci Iii several such cases lucre tim Purtlaimd sam vicinity , I rurelaind a bottle at Smith's drug uteri lucre , intl foimnmlafter ushm g the fhrt bottl& 'that I relieved me greatly , soil aftir 0511mg ecvrilbottie , , found that Ii .11th time mon good than gill cthmnI mmcd Inure &imd treatimment I lice. rec.tvu1omimmbinacE Am to add to mimy goodIosInlorm of h1utm'i&Ilnrrmnuhyi I te1 to Otatc ii my wit. ha , leon for a tomim tiinetroeihmlemlmwflim e , weakness emmd Intlouirn.etlon o this llsmimter , wit.halammihie&tiom , of otimer dle.ase , it , , cuter towomocil , Att.erusing only two boUts. shm. has beer , comnpIte1uru'tI ; amid I ca's y tImeS nm wife ii loud In prati4 of thIs wonslertul mnedloimme , am , I would lmlghly r.cozthml.nd IL tovil wloiaru olmffcrhiI from ktdnq . dteasseodI..amtcsulfh. bladder. " l'vrttamul , Me. , May II , iBIS , I hmer.liy certify thiol lIimQw time tact. of 11mm , sick rice. d Iii. . I. K. heath , and thatthucy arveorre tlj stated ii , the foregoing cortlllrste , amid her cure wam accOmnImilsliOml by the use of IlunCo Iteimmetly. I' A. SB' . S5lITiIIrug1sts , ( Jar , l'ortland amid Grscu Iltrecto. NO MATBRIAI C1IANUB. 'flue Iv to certify that. I lane Imioul Itimut' , . flcmned fur the i.lminmuy ( Etmuiimt5lUt , Such demivud immuob jmuol hietmefit frummi ml. lice. I heemi stllIctemlabomitme ; yea , hid recelinil treatimsemit lrommm this local pimycklammo , iimmd.tieoml a mmmii her of sucaliomi s'eclfl ; without army immaterial IiiI. I amim lisjpy to say , alter u.imm three bottio , hlummVe Itcimiomly , I was coin.mctely . cured. I 1101cr Sail U , rccoiimjuiemmd It , maid you art at 'iller ty to une lily liSliW 1mm 5m' mnmmmmmur 'ou mnay.lrslro. JOhN W. JoiiNij'rON , Nnawmcu , Comimi. . May 7. 1848. - _ _ _ A i1 A ii Ito , , , 1,3 ( metI , .Imot , , I sr eumur . .am , . em. , . , . . . . . , , , , , , viii , q n. .j. I I > m , , ' , & . t O etl..r.m. ut , ' , dull0. I ' . ' .t i ) , m 0 1 mt17 m.m'.s. , mmIt eur.l , w ii , , ' . I : . , t' 4 . .m , I Imi dm1114 , , . , , . . . . . , , . ' . I.L'i ' ' ' d.4.e ,4 Im 'sit .o I 'tim. nit 1.1,1 fm.nilr , ' ft . ' m.m , : , ' , . . .i it.'v. .t. . . . , . , ' ' ' , . " . . I. * j , 1 i'm 'ml ) I' Y.T.m . , , . , . . . . . , , . . . C..trir' .i. ' 'a" I ' m ' O II4I Wl.iis ( i'l' ( owl , ' . . 'im. 4 , I. r t , -r-m. . . ' 4. . m f. , , ' , . . l' , , , , ' . I , , . ili.i. I. . , 4 u. io : i.ea.1t ) ( cc. . to % 1 , milk SI. , Sec T.r1 a ! flt I"IB9r Time mmcc rTho trrmm " Short H Li Ii.4 lhmto' 1mm , 'oimtmcctlimm mm itt , the Is U fl I coniInmte 11111110 % t P. greatntieml , ma C ) II All Imlea ci imet a haUL requlreml by ilimi urnclimmg lie me tlimrnt Tlmlc , Quick Time L g N E nmmii time hmevt if necomomnomla. it 1101111-nil of ' hmkim err film. llmeml II ) ' time greatest railway tim Almmcrb'mm. C IIIOAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It owes mmii oilernt.'e orer 4,500 inlIne of romemil a Nortlmvnii iliiriole , IVImeommeimi , ) timmmoota , , toe's atmil makote : ammt , aM hi maui lilies , brmmmmclice mmmiii coimnec- tiomi reach all time great bmiqimiesi ccmmtree of the Nmtrtiiwot amimi l"mmr Vent , it mmatlmnmuhly smiemvrrv time diweniption mf Simort bimme , cmiii iiet imouto between ( imieogo , .iiiv amiker , St. l'atii meiuil Y.i lnttenimolle. Clmirego , lillmsmnllccu , 14 ! 1'TH110 aimmi VInorma , Cimit'gn , Milwaukee , Atmerdecim aimml iSlentini. Chicago , Mitmeatikee , C1lro ammml Iittilwnter Chicago , Blilimallimee , Vammsau mini ! Il.mrnili. Clmlrsugo , SI liv silk , , , heaver iSmlm smmml Oshkoeh. Chicago , Bmmmwatmkce , Vnttkcslmma amil Ocommomnmiwea , Chmiengi , , II ibm itoh so , ! mtmimiioom , anti inmmInio dii Olden. Cttim'iigo , ittiwaukee , OsatoimlIa fttitl B'alrilmammlt. Clmimago , llcimiit , Jammeem Pie cmiii lmlimicrai Point. . Cimlengo , augimm , iimmckfimnml mimmul iubmiqmme. Cimirsgo. Ciimmtomi , flock ielmmmmd amid Cedar itapide. Cimirmigi' , Comimmalt ihimlils ntlml Omimisha. Cbtinmg , , , Siimmi City , 5iti. t'ailc aiim ) YSJIIIIOn. Ciimt'mmgii , utimv'ammkcu , Siiteimcii suit Chammuberlaiii. iltwk Isiammil , lhmhimmmmumo , lit. m'amml aimd ? mllmmmmoajmoita ilaicimliort , Calnmar , lit. l'auI niimt Stlumle-ailolic. i'tmliimmiin Sleepers ammd the l'Immnet. Iimiimmg Cars int'l , flnnimt cEo nit , , em , tlo immnhmiIimmc oRhme CH POAC MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWA ammmi every nttetmttmmii is tinimi to mneImgcrc Iiy courte oue stillmioycms of timu colimpamly. S. l'I. BlmtmULL , A. V. U. CAItI'F.NTIUB , ( kill ilamimugcm' , ( iemm'l l'aes. AgecL J. T. Cm.Alum ( , ( ] IO It. llAFF0iit ( ) , ( ieimi Sup't. Mist. Ucim'l i'muee. Agt. 11am. been nioro destnmrtlso to lmunman health mmcii , tliamm war , ; oititommco umd fonmimie coumhimmoml. So stild ' ft diettImgulelmeiiivnttenImuanyemmrs agomind it I. ne true today as themi. Time Imoor iictiun of Imloomt hflscammo Ia drtmggeil meitim Mercmmry to cure time mimalamly sItu then ( io'i'ml whim iodide. 1.0 CtllO hmimim of time Mercurial i'oi. . omlimmg ; but imisteati of relief , tIme flnst erie breaks .iown his grimersi hminlthi and nmakrs litmus a cripple , anti Limo .mtmior ruiim liii Ulmemmtivr organs. To timoami aillinted lii this way Swift s Himeciflo is tile greatest I'nomm on cattim , and Is worth mom timmm mlii w.'ight In gold. it antidotes this Mercmirial Polvoim , tories up tmio .ystea aimil brings thu sufferer hack to Imealtimmind happine.'ry : itcrsou wlmmi hiss ever been .aliateml sliommhl by all immemmns talue a thorough course of tlmis reimlotly. , Jrvrrmtsosvmi.m.s , Twinas Co. , Ga. Flee ycore ago I foumlil mm mmmy plamitatiomi a colored 015mm 'eim ( , woe Imadly tlimmeace.m. ito statemi that. flee 3 ran , before lie had cmmntracteil a violemmt case of biomal loiemmmi , timid imaim ImCcrI treated by Imlany mi.ysi. faims all fslltimg toemime lilmu. Itreated hInt will , Swifta Siecilic , almil lmi a short. titus liii was sotitmil &imm ! wrU , nuit 11111 imotlmmid a ryumptomn of time mlieeaeo since , D. It. IlUOliliS. ( ) mmogentlrmaim who hued been confined to lml be clx weeks with Mercurial itheuniattenihacheen cured smtlrciy , , mind silealme 1mm the imighicet iiruio of S. Ii. S. C1IILEII & i3liULY , ' . Clmattumlmoegs , Tenn $1,000 REWARD. vmul be pa.iml to ally Ciiemnit who will find , on a. lysimi of 100 hottlo 8. 8. 8. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide I'otuoium , or any immineral substance , Tiiiisv1i'Tsm'nclFia co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ge. _ _ _ ) , tt3TWrlIi ton time little book , which will be mmtUed . free. 2 - l'rhcq : Stash airs , $ i.00 tier Iottlm''Lau'ge alz.a ( imamimlimig double quammtity ) , $ b.tfle' .piarug. ; gltv sell It. . - ' NEBRASKA LOAN AND TREJT'CO5 IIAIITINGS , lIEU. , , ; , Capital , - - 25OOOO. JAIL Ii. lrF.Amerwr.LL , PresIdent. A. L. CLAIIKE , Vlco.i'reeliicat. mu : . c. SV1OIK1'lfltlTmceaurer , C. I' . wnmen'nit. Caitmier. m.niuic'romun : amuci Aloxammmlcr , famesiti Oliver . . I. . Clerk , . K. (1. Wclnmter , 'tie , II i'ratt , Jas. II. ilcAnuwcll , p. If. STclltIlmmmmuy.I , . . ; ' ! irt Morigago Loan nSppoialtv \ . Title Company . a lrrmmorment liunmu insIDe. : ' 'in ivhmero ecimomil Iimmnmlmi anti other legally ivomemi Mu. . dial Hecuritiem , to cull Ito imigotItteml en irmttl , & . % , inmiilu tot miim. loamme mmmami mini iimlrovcd .mE , , It : all well aettlomi cuummtir , of the , t4tcm tlmromigh , otel : ciirrcmmumimiilumitm , . , mv , q EI . To the Traveling Public ! -711K-- - - - , COMMERCIAL HOTEL -AT- oo1a , Ii. imow uridergolmig Iltrorougim repairs , both wlmliin and without , and illS hri.nictor Iiitenda It. shall be StG. GM ) Ti ) NONI III time ittate , liszt to ( hocus. C , t : . mu. IJLMSWELL , 1 , .1 Proprietor. Nbraska Cornice -AND-- . Orlijflellt ¶ orks ! .3 MANIJFAItIlltEIUI or GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES- ] DQx"mcr' 'Wixi.cLcwss , FINIALS , WINDOW CAl'S , . ' TIN , IRON ANL SLATEROOF/NO , I'ATKNT IlmrrALio 1SKYLIOIIT , Iron Fencing' ! . Croetlmmg. , flsiustramiee , Vermmumlee , Olilcoand Bank lt4iililmge , Window and Celiartiuarils , Etc. N. W. COIL NINril AID JOK3 81d , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wtr. dAmson , Ilaimager. I Iim IOLt s.c j' ' , _ . iaca : ' ; ; : 'eN.y ) ; ; ic1) ) ) , , mtIiOIit4It m'1Jr.i ; : : \ur9Bj _ _ . . * ; " 1 i 1111' . ii \ m 4Ir 'aeP' . ' ' ' ll'Ot , ( , t lLIitily . . ' ' ' . . , . . " 11110 ma , n.m. DI 'I'.A5.L/ . s 5 'lC'mmi Ha ' r-eJF.s f i. the , , It's IjU'i , : . . Ie'ls . , imi , m. , . slarmOc pmnmamm _ \1IANIIOOIihmm.itiveiy Itestored Ip' ivi deyC by IIvxican Yrgctablo/ tamrtlomlere addree , $ aai 1uteu Sindi VltiOt.Lou I 1 C 1 /