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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1883)
, , , - _ . . . .d . . + . aJL.L J.JiLiJ&A.La 1U , LIJVJi , ' I'LCE DAILY BEE. oTJNcIL BLUFFS , : r : . Wednesday Morning , Sopt. 19. stmscnirrioa MT } : By C.rrlet - . - . 20 oeat4 per week ts1 Mal _ - $10.00 pet Yeu OFFICE : o , Z Pear1 Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Sco JoscphIloitor's ; fall goods. Additional local on sovcuth pngc. Cheap ltltltoad Tlckebt At BOAhllcll'6. I'ny Templeton appears at Dohany's this evening. The acliool board Ina decided t employ a special teacher of peuninnship. Tim eupremo court met yesterday morning and got the business started. Leave to wed Was qtl on yesterday , to Barry Nortliovor and Lizzie Schwab. , Tolnr N. Baldwin is to speak in the Davis school house , lIardin township , Friday eight. It is expected that the new opera house will 1)0 completed and opened by Notembor 16. Taylor 1C Cnldif are to soon occupy the sloro lately used by Tieknor's meat market kot , on Broadway. The fair hero proved n Ifunncial anccesa , though not so great a one a9 it would had the rain not interfered , The Presbyterian church is being fenced in avow , not theologically , but practically and mechanically. At n meeting of the school hoard Momi daY oreninK + F. 0. Gleason wan elected treasurer for the coning year and Chas. M. Ilnrl secretary. L. A. Casper , the garlner , ban 6onog into Ilorals also , and is just ftmiishin6 building a greenhouse 100 LY 55 foot , to be huato(1 by steam. A Loam belonging to a man named Mollenery , took a run yoalorday from Main street , near Kiel's hotel , to Eighteenth atreet. No damage. Time dutnnly train Aeons to have run up Main street and clear to time Ogden house. It is a paper concern on the bill boards , advertising Cal Wagner for nuzt Monday night , It is now thought that it will be the first of October before Limo dunnny rand up to Broadway , as thorn are side-tracks , shads , a flagman's cupboard and a ( ow other things to bo built. . Next Saturday night.lolln N. Baldwin is to ape ik for time Republicans at Bloom 1c Nixon's hall , lie is a atrong talker , and more than an ordinary political apoeclr is to be oxpectod. Tim Odd Fellows' Protective Life association did not comilpleto all of its business Monday night , anti adjourned to Thursday night for a finish , amid all in- torestud should endeavor to be on limid thou. thou.A A follow giving his tame as John Dliller , wius arrested for sumahiug windows - dews and raising a row at what is known as the " 'Three Nines , " n disreputable sort of a ; cost him $10 to settle his matter in court yesterday. M , B. Brown , manager of the telegraph office , has bnun.givon the task of overhauling - hauling the electric fire alarm. If it was overhauled into the crook , the whole of it , and a now and rolinblo one put in its place , it would be a saving in the mid. Itachel Kennedy for threatening to shoot Ma Hoyt and Sarahi Benson , has hold boon Justice Abbott to ken the peace in the sum of $ 26 on each china rg go. bho seems to have a terrible temper , and the other women claim to be afraid f liar when she gets . To-morrow night ht Dohaly's opera ] rouse there will bo a happy social time indeed , as tlna Ancient Order of Hiburmi jails give their grand ball at tlmt time and place. No paina have been spared y or money either to get. good music and all the other necdfuls for n first class ball and a joyous season. Tolophotic coumu icatioa was per fcctly and ponnateutly established yesterday - terday between hero mind Avoca and for a few days subscribers land businosa amen $ encrnlly will liavo a free clancu to test Its workings. After this chance of trial the regular rates will be charged , 30 cents for each chaico to talk , Tim 'Thurston Hose cenpany , of Omaha , who won tIm state bolt at Lincoln , have challenged time Iiuff City boys for a hub turd hub race for $100 and half Limp gate mono , the race to cone oil in Oin511A. The Bluffs have accepted 1 conditionally , el their running for $100 acid thu winning Leant to take all the gate ( monoy. Now it is the Thurston boys' turn to speak again. A strange accident has bofaller sonic. body's hunting dog , time owner not being yet discovered. Thu dog full into all old well on Madison street , tumbling a depth of nearly a hmldrod feet , and yet not being killed , but was lying there , moaning painful ( . At last reports lie bad uoithor boon roacued nor put out of hia misery. Sonlotrin } ought to be dente e to relieve the poor canine , surely. Time case of Ifarson , charged with nian I slaughter , in leaving time switch unlocked , thereby causing a fatal railway accident l at Croscunt City , was couun mcod bofor o Judge Aylusworth yesterday afternoon. There arc between thirty and forty wit , ncsaos present , and time facts are to ho sifted pretty tbomuihly. ; County Attor fey Ht bld.ts attending to the prusecu Lion , while G , A , llolmes and Won DIy.i . miter are looking after time defendant's in tercats. Time ltescuo ongimmo louse has now brlei still farther improved by the placimig o f doors at the emtranco front the mai ( i roan to time horses' stalls , to take tie place of chic chalns formerly swung there to keep the horses front coning out , Tlmulwrscsfrcquonthystruck against tlma u chins while etanning in their stalls anti ' on the chains being dropped at time o f lire they are apt to catelm in the hurry The doors will keep time big heater frou keeping the stalls too IYarui , will sae ° time heat whore It will do time most good , 1 rw d at time of fire tlmop fly open by a 1 automatic arrangonlont , gmvmg time hors a free chance to go the polo. Thor , never was a contest of ally ser t but what there was a kick at time tail end Such a one now comes to time front with one about the decision of time news vapor men on i'tle boss girl , " Now , I t that unsatisfied soul thins it is arm enviable viable task to pick out "time boss girl andbr out of a score odeserving ace W l the battery of the bewitching et mourn mil eyes of the disappointed 01105 tf It c tldnlia there is army delibght in foaatiug o l r . . ii' the lair ones' cooking , and then .otinq s hip-bang against liar ; if ho thinks it is so easy and so pleasant , ho can have at Icaat Otto of t11o judges' places in limo nazi base girl" contest , TILE Bums man me- s igns might off. - Dr , West , dentist , 14 Pearl street. IOVE'8 1riNK8 , Marringo of C. I' ] , Adolf loMlas Annie Ilcohtelc. Ycstenlny afternoon a large number of l adies uud gentlemen gathered at time elegant beau of Mr. and Kira , Peter Bcchlelo , on Washington ovonue , in ro- apanae to the invitation of that worthy and respected couple , requesting their presence at the narriago ceremony o f their dnuglitor Annie to Dir. C , I : , Adolf , After time guests had gathered in th e parlors bliss Amelia I'nachcl played time Wedding March , and thq bridal party entered and lock positions in ! runt of Rev , Father McMunonly , 'limo bride was d ressed in nu elegant brocades satin , of cretin color , the dress cut al train , She woru n veil , nd orange binssomus , with 8ia m ouths for jewelry. 11iia.9 lsnuun Lnkowaki served as I ridunlnaid nod appeared in n white anon and clAhinoro dries lrinlmed with Natural tlowcra. Mr. Louis Ilochtcie , the brother of Limo bride served as groomsman - man , Dir , Jnhu Adolph nccomigm icd DG s. Adel , h , the minolhor of time bridegroom - groom n , anmi DIr , and blrs. Becldolo , the I ronA of the briaoeenplutea time group. IRuv , Father DicDimronpy gave n very imireASivu [ address , in which lie briefly and clear ( called nltwdioi to thuancroa IICb9 R9 wU 1 aim ! 110 I'n ) g of the vows nbelt to be token , and after they bud ulaau the milutunl pledges hu pronuuucua than husband nod wrfo. Corgrntulatiomis mid hull wishes then poured iii pleimty and cordial , as might be ozpactoa Eton the frimida of so worthy n young cuuplu. Thu bride has Loco n favorite hero irtm her curly girlhood , while the young man who thus wins her has uu less friends. One of time most sumptuous feasts over s pread iii n [ , rivato residence in Council sB luffs was Llion curved , The tables wcru beautiful in appearance , hastily adorned with flowers amid pyramids of G1koA ai(1 fruits , while iu limo concur of that occu pied by lima bridal party was n pyramid s urrounded by n wedding ( 'all at pure w hite. Mr , and Mrs. Adolph left of last oveum- ing'a train for Chicago and Milwaukee , imitmtuiug to be nbsmlt about n week , and thou return to nmko Comtcil Bluge their h ome , it in to bo hoped , for years. Among the guests and gifts on time oc- G1Aicrtwura : i'arerts of Limo bride , an elegant and c omplete silver ten out. Mother mid brother of { ' , room , an ole- 6'ant BI1YLC water act , mll lined. Louis hicchtalo rother of bride , n hmtaeeuo ceubiriod silver calla dish nd castor. Dir. and Mrs. S. S. Keller , elegant ubomiy statuary stand. Mr , old Mrs. L. Merkel , plush autograph - graph album. Dir , cord Dirs. L. linunerlin ; elegan t silver bettor Ilmiifu iii plush case. Carrie amid Amianda himiumierlin , silver u nit pinks in ciao. Mr. uud Mrs. J. Kotteritlg , silver re- vol'ing butter dish. Mr. ail Mrs. Le ! zinger , silver and cut gloss fruit atald. Lutzf Laugo , time groom's employers , a pair of elegant French vases , Mrs. A , Darralgh and Mrs. J. C. Leo , n pair of bisque candle-sticks and fruit plate.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J01111 Epeneter , elegant Japan teapot. Miss Beectlor , Omaha , Nob. , silver card receiver. Me , and Mrs..1. Mergen , silver butter dish. dish.Mr Mr , and Mr& Mick Wack , silver pickle caster. Mrs. Dr. Hilton , silver fish-slide , in h andsome morocco case , satimi lintd. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lakowaki and daughter tor ( , ilanaeema silver water pitcher. Mr. and Mrs. DE. F. bluer , china fruit d ish service. Ma , or S Craig , an elegant china fruit dish. dish.Charles Charles and Adolph keno , an after- d immer collco sot. Mrs. A. Berwinu , pair silver napkin tinge. Mr. aid Mrs. J. W. Crossland , pair haadaolu , large vases , Mr , mold Mrs. 9apt. L. Kirscht , nut cracker and out picker , in lagldsono c ase , and silver nut bust ( . Capt. D. F. Eicher , fun opera ilass. 1'tur marblu busts , Mr. aid Mal. P. 0. DuVol. DIr , and Dias. John Schununtgou , ole gnat silver jewel casket. ] lorry amid D1' , and ,11rs. Simon Eise. uinu , Frmieli chino after ainmiur fruit set. Mr. amid Mrs. D. J. O'Neil , otiu down hmid pnintud French china fruit plncoa. ThuIUGre Lakowaki , two silver gob , lots lined with gold Mr. and Mrs. Ilmtry Pasclual , Bold , s onic fruit dish. Miss Mortio Merkel and Nevada ( Yard , ousel amid hnnasouno staolu angrnvill Mr , uud Mrs. 11 , 11. Suing , haidsomo majolica ohinn breakfast set Mr , aid Mrs. Oromewog , silver cake bush ct. Miss Mary and Aumolia Pasclml , ele gnat loutuuadu and patch setter. Mr. and Mm-s. Fred Spohnan , ono doz ad silver table apeols iu hmnaaorno flier- ecco case. Mr , and Mrs. E , Stockort , hanasolne roserucd ettud. ' Mr and Mrs. F. G. Pfoif'er , hnndaomn ° plush and gala coutru table cover. Mr , and Mrs. P , liuokelugalt ! ( Ivor Lctwu tutu , Prof J. J , Slnttur' , handsono , pilvor t pickle castor , , DIr , and Mrs. Ed Cnos , hntiu aonto cut . glass and silver Itsli djeli , , A. Lowtorn , card rcceiyeii ! , Mr , and Mrs , Geruur , eats silrof tya . npomts in hnndaomu case , . , Nr , and Mra , rSclmwongor.silvgr oyster bowl. L , 0 , Longo , I t F. brorao,1l , 0 Lamgo,1. L. AvlvIh1a , one elegant sa t Dresden Chinn fruit , plates. DIrs , amid Mrs. Emidlo Durr , silver burr und angnrspoon , " . Miss Matte Sauudurs , St. Juc , Mu. , elegant butter dialm Two dollars worth of Dr. Jullerica , ( Coaucil bluffs , 1n , ) catarrh mudicin ° cures the worst eases of chrone ( catarrh m , Skntln ( ante. 4 Flame are nor randy for thug naanuuoth i and work w111 conuncnco at once of tin 0 grand , circus , roller skating , bieye ] e and gyllniaeimu hull , 75 footlfpont by 1D toot deep. It will certainly b4 the palac e of skating minus , built as the .auto pia n as the great Philaaulphis rink , ihat i a east rumling fn Philaaolpbia , ' fioasou tickeb are vary cheap for fire t class families only , Tha ( loot of the rink will be of ttspllaltum so it can be flooded f or { ca in limo winter season , The four gentlemen from the east am now here and will superintend the work on the grand ontorpnso. Wnit but a short time and watch close for tlmo four gentlemen f rom limo oust , 1V , li , S. A , A. Booth's select' oysters reooived daily at 1Y , T , Brnat's , A FOIt1tY IiOUS1IIOIiD. A Dealiluto Pnnrilr Who Should lie Lonketl After. Attention has been called several times to n family by the nano of I'nr roll , who have been living out doom on n vocalt let on Sixth Aveuo and Ninth s treet , They pulled up stokes limo other day and disappcnrcdbut yesterday n scoutfor TttE llEE being iunnned that there was a family living Hoar the broom factory , in n very destitute condition , v isited time place and & , nna that they wura 1110 AOIf same fnuilly , they having taken possussio of a little house there , and got under shelter at ( cast , but wore still lacking lima necessaries nod eoulfe ts of life. The wounm lad just gil mn birth t0 n child , aaa there huddled 111 1110 Aa1m0 room were the live other children , the married , islet , and the man , who elands mimninnlly as time head of the tumidly , t hough from the appearance of the sup , port ho hmrniehos , it aeons a poor head. 'Phis family is in filth amid spualor boyoua description 'l'ime children are growing up in rage and igmiortuw and it aecnis limo that rho authorities took some nc lion by which rho menbors of the Fmuuily could ho limited null those who are slot sclf aupportiug , except the mnu , should b e earns for while the man should be given sumo chance to stork. Time ceudi lion of the Eauily is certainly n disgrace t o such a city as Cowicil Blull's. Item Esuuc Trnnsfers. The following deeds ircro filed for re- corn i the recorder's ullicu , Suptenibur 18 , reported for time BEE by I' , J , Dfo Malmmi , real estate agent : C. , It. I. 1C P. II. R. Co , to W. Lip- polo , nssseJ . 0 , ii , 40 ; $ :100 , C. B.1'erkimis , trustee , to E. Burbridgo of nh , e , ne } 11 , 77 , 1.k . ; $040. 0. , it. I. , C 1' . it. It. Co , to 1V. Lip gold , lcj so , ° o , 77 , 10 ; $300. DI. Grosvenor to B. I. Caldwell , lots I , 2 , 3 , block IC , ; lots i , 8 , 0 , block 10 ; lute 1 , 2 , 3 , block 2D ; lots i , 8 , black 2 ° ; lute i , 8 , ! 1 , block 23 , nna lute 2 , 8 , block 32 , Bayliss 1C I'ahncr'a add ; $1,200. .1. II. Niehola9 to George Follerhakcn , let I1 , block G , Turluy's sad ; $ ( i0. ,1. II , Nicholas et al. , to George Feuer , baba ( , lot 5 , block G , and lot 8 , block 4 , T umrloy'a add ; $100. L , E , Calushn to. ) . C Browmi , no } so. ] 1D , 7.130 ; $100. ' .1. C. Brown to Isla A. Galusha , no } Samuel Sn + ilh to .1. C. Nelson , lots 5 mum G , block ] S , Walnut ; $4ii , I' ' . II. hlancnck to W. S. Williams , part iota 18,11 ! , 20 , 21 , llancocl : ; $100. G. H. Ilepkuia to 11'illian Larsen , lot ° , hloch Li , L'ures' add ; $200. 1Vn1. F. Sapp toV , A. Christensen , part lot I , block I , Bayliss' tat Had ; $1,000. 'fetal sales , $3.835 ; total sales for the week , $43,000.50. A CIIANCE POLL LIGIIT. Orders NOW Iicln ; ; Taken Not for Stock but tor the Lig2mt Itself : The Arneux .C Hochhausor Electric cuunpauy ia , throng ] its Iowa company , prncacling ur establishi itself in this State , and has already a ft odrold in Des Moines nod has no : . beD n preparing for practi- c al wort here. 31. G. Griffin is working up rho business , and has already the as auranw of several merchants. who say they will take burners. Council Bluffs needs the electric light , and ought by all meats to bare it , unless it wants to sleep while other cities grow. The trouble with moves in lime past has been that their , ' , euts wanted the very first tlirmo to cull stock and n > X anizea log ( eom piny , and Council Bluffs folks who had tnortuy looked timidly at the enterprise , Time present work seems to be to secure bona fat subscribers , not to stock but to rho light itself , who will anrec to take it 011 certain corldit10nz and under certain gunrattees , so that they risk nothing , they simply plea > ; ing to pay for the light if it suits ! beam. It is to be hopes that Council Bluffs will wake up on the elca tric light business , gut the hest they can gat , and than patronize it liberally. 'l'o atrongthen and build tip the system a trial will colvinco you that Brown's ] roe Bitters is rho best medicine mode. bloom & Nion's OPERA HOUSE , i'nAnr.sTUEFT , orga I'OSTOFFICF. GREAT ATTRACTION ' TUURSUAY EYHNiNUSRI'IMMUEII Moth. Capt. James H , D 1ton , s ai CHICAOO , Champion Heavy Weight Pugilist of the Northwest , AI(1) ACOMUINATIONOF noxors , Wrestlers and Club Swingors. GuJIIL.rrnn uyslov , rsu TENTS , SI' + CIAL NU''ICI S , _ NOTICt.-spuclal uhortleemcut. , such u Lost , Found , Tq Jean , Fur Sumo , Ti. Imcnl , Waut , , llanl tug , etc wlll lie Daortod In thb co mm + at tin to w rota of TEN CEh"I'a t'Inl LINF , for limn are ! Inivrtlu n AndF'IYICItA"1 : Jl'IiltldtiKfornicheubsoquaptln ebrllon. Lnsro nd + ertleenonts at ouruaice , No. luad Street , near Itro.lw.y VANTEU-Esory Gwly w emmdl iUtr : ; tat a V rnsllsa , Udtvvred by carrierat unly twcnt Y cents a wank. l yANTEU-Alwywhhpony , toddbrerTt + aUn 4 l 1Y TANTEI-To.ell 5,000yarde of la.ry ellk ribbo for lugs than It cortto Import thorn. Ite.t b.r r.tna over uaorod In ribbons. J. J. ltl.Iie4 s28 llru.dway. , l1TANTF.1/-hnwndlatoly , a ant das coat maker 1V ti111TiltTOId.EIi. T urd011.1u + lrevt , Comical tiler. . FOR BALE AND RENT , ToliBALaflows and 101 , northwest mrntr o t Tenth and ilro.dN.y , Joua Ir. Uala. rACltlxa fluals Foil aet.E an nENTTn e Onl.I'sckinlhouse.cspsclty lOohoxsperdsy , with .aaioderatp,4l.neeswell , ; looekd : bur wbeo less Apply to UUY.hG UAT. Coosa lass , , fa , B.rtos r 10 , 16 * VISITORS TO EITIUR OF TIIF 2 GREAT FAIRS 2 SHOULD SPEND AT LEAST c : ta ® J . fAT , -AT TIiE- Carpet l9 -OF- P , r & ORCUTT 502 BROADWAY , Council BlufS1 - - - Iowa. MAYNE & PALIVIEI DEALEIIS IN Liffle LuuisvilIe&Portland IIiCI110AN PLASTER , IIAllt AND sE1YEa 1'II'E , lIAmtD AND SOFT COAL AT LOWFST PRICE No , 1139 flroadWay , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFB , IOWA ; SMITH & TOLLER , , ' ' ' av + t . 7 ( Dj b s C. W 4 ti 1 J. - xd. . r. , 1 oE - - - - z - - - - - - - - = . " erc antaiOrs. . t . 71111(1 9 11Iaiu Street. .r aTR7CCTORY , COt7TTt SL 33Lr'LTl = ' 3 , aES. JOIIN KENO & CO OENEIAL IIEIICUANDiSE. , , 13 Mnlutreetand Ii 1'enrl street. 1 t 1 LAg IVIUR le CILESTON IIOl1SE. , Grocery , :15 Main Street. Ilvtci , :17 and a0 yarn etreet. J , M , BARSTOW _ M , D , , Corner orFlcF Fifth , street and ritth are. alt' , J. F , W. ItE + orFICR , ' , Corner Mumn and Fifth up ataire. Itcsldenco , W1 Willow .venae. aC iUR 'JUTwF : or 'rumm'ncu , Gala ocr American Express. g LIVERY AND FEED , S. S VVAGNEft' . ' , w'tllcontract forfuneralat reasonable rates. :9 Fourth street , UJ , M , S T , JUH , i I nr GO.ICASH I BUYERS , 111ro1esalobutter try and/rah. Shptoue. cage , , pout ralt by return mall , 140 . S A . PIERCE , NEw ROOT AND SFICorner Main and Firet avenue , smc , w nnta AND ORAINEIt. D A BENEDICT , , Oy a r Dra + dway , Counctl DIufe , IONR JACOB KO CH , stock Iampkte. Stu asdenit to a nsDle prtocs. 5n , 805 Main at. a . F SMITH coNTTACIOa AND DUILDEiI , . , , Comer 7th and Drasdw.y. Plan , and rprciaratlvns lwnlehed , DEALER IN FINE 1ARNESS. W W SHERMAN , . , I late the variety flat brhrge patronage. 124 Main street. JAMES FRANEY , Artistic work and } IE1tCIlANTTAmL01L rcaeeuhle charge. . 672 Broadway. HOWE & SON FWL iITURE STOVES , , . and Ilcwgehotd Soppllee. 803 Droadway. LINDT & N ART ATTORNEYS AT LAW , , James U1otk. Practice In etato and lederal courts. And bath Louse , 421 arum . . , , ' , . SANITARUf ( 4Et Urradway. L. rx verel7n Prop I' J. Mont gomcryllU.I'hytrian. WADE CABJY , Otrir. , Broy'e.UtleVt X7.RiNAI Y aU1lOE0N'xo lE Scott street , JIJW1ICI OF VIII' PEACE , EDWIN J. ABBOTT . , Notary lutiioarumGeneral Conveyauoer. 415Breadwey. - - - - REV ] RE HOUSE & Nolrrux , , Broadway oppalte flew ( ) j. era Ifouse , Refitted $ l , $1.50 , wrda Y SULLIVAN & FITZCERALD , DItALF.1t IN t f OY1S1Oll8 , . Boots ffli Slioos IMMx . [ ' , .TIc : x 1 ! Q i i x' . D RAFTS ON TIIE BANK OF IIlRL.4ND , DUIILIN , FOR SALE , 813 BROADWAY , COUNCIL DLUFFt s CRESTON HOUSE , MAX MOUN , - - - PROPRIETO R . 2.151 , 131 ? ar3ad 210 t5. Mu1aZ Istroot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - fOW MRS , D. A , BENEDICT , TUC LRAUINO DEALER iN G- 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. t / I.r SRELT 1 ON HENDRICR S & RICE , ' TAILORS 102 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS 4FALL FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES 1 OT . WHERE , YOUR TRADE 1 S SOLICIT E D To The , a eWe : We takQ pleaaure incalltngyourattention to the fact thntwehavetnadssucharrango- ; tnenti as will enable us to sell you Rilbijeli Boots , Slioes , Etc Here , as Low as you can buy them East , 'Writ for further fufonuntion. . . , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 4r { E 1 mkie Hai dware Co. Y ' $ hM ' 'YYOL SLLT.ieZr . 6 ti 1 Hardware ! u 100 and 111 S. Main Street , . > > COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. tc1f Q RruoLISAL1s DEALERS IN HATSCAPS BUCKLOVES , 842 and 314 Broadway , - - COUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. , . Parties , Socmbles and Prc ncs supplied on abort notice , old goods delivered tc all parts of limo city. Vienna Bread , and Pies. Fine Cigars. W. T BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. , t ru u. S E c : ' ; b.t i c1 So1ca. one ; Loaned ) Abstracts Furnished No. 4 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , ecia a e ® r ir a s -COMMENCING- To reduce our stock and make roam for a large stcckof PALL AB ROLIBAY GOOBS We oaer at reducedprices ; our stock of . I 1t. . PIIOTOGIIAPIT ANDoMJTOGRAPII ALBUMS , Pocket Books . , Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags FANCY G0S Steel En and Other Pictures---Cabinet ' ' avings - - - Photograph - graph Frames , Parlor Easels , WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , 1 1' 9 Consisting of all lima ot ; , Baskets---Clothes Baskets and Iia mpers. ALSO A LAItOF ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS , will Pay Yeu to Calls and i Leak at Oar B argainu , H. E. SEAMAN. 406 DroadYPT4y , COUNCIL DLUY'I ' + S IWA A r , 1I I 1 w