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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - . - - - . - _ - I. - . - -I----- _ . . - - . - . - - - - - - - - - . _ _ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - . _ I _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; I ' . THE OMAHA , ) DAILY BEE. \ - - , \ p - 4 \ ITIIRTEENTU YEAR. 0lt " 313. ThURSDAY MRNTNGSEPTJ1BER ( 20 , 1883. NO. 81. TIlE MIflHT OF BEN. Th Tewksby Rcsnrrc1io N&e & Issue in asschusetts o1i1ics , The Republicans Determined to Bury the Gabriel of Pauper- dom and Harvard. The Unanimity of Now York Republicans - publicans Oonspiouous by ith Absoiioo. A Ringing Protest for the mdc- pendents Against the Moth- ads of the Machine. The Party Recall the Thunders of the Past to Wake the Echoes oftho Future. The Democracy Of MarylantL Pztrcc OILt tilO SpnII. for Another Scasoti. Massachusetts Repubilcans. BOSTON. September 19.-Tho Rcpub1i- can State Convention was called to order at 11 o'clock by the chairman , Lodge , of tim Stito Central Committee , with was chosen temporary charman , and , after prayer by Rev. Orwin P. GifFordaddrcss. ed the convention. At the conclusion of Lodge's address the usual committees and permanent ofli- cors were appointed. Charles R. Cod- man was chosen president , and on taking the chair addressed the convention at con- Biderablo length. us remarks wore chiefly in reference to the present Cover- nor. Ho reviewed the Tcwksbury airair , and said : "One man has led this crusade against the fair fame of Massachusetts Ho is a inati conslicuous always , of great audacity , of ready wit , of voluble and copious - pious 81)CeCh and of restless personal am bition ; a man of national notoriety surely , if not of national reputation , who hia often solicited and sometimes obtained the votes of"pcople , but never has been blo to retuin theni long ; a legislator identified with congressional raids on the treasury ; a politician who proposed that the people repudiate their honest debts and so to make their great and solvent country a byword among the nations of the earth ; a major general whose most valuable services were as provost marshal and never as a leader of men , and whose successes were these of Butler and not of a atrateg. 'I s HjS references to Butler's political A - and military record and national notoriety 1 loudly applauded by the delegates . : and ho was given three cheers when he 'I onc1uded. After transaction of routine , ' . . . huniness the convention took a recess until 2 o'clock. o'clock.TUfl TUfl rLATroEL. Upon roasembling , Senator Daes ' - 4 suhnntted a latform recommended by the committee on resolutions as follows : In presenting to tim people of Massachusetts - _ chusotts its candidates for State officers , .L \ - the Republican party does not S.- deem it necessa.y this year - ' . ' to offer any formal tatouiont of pohitic&l ' , principles. These principles have becit often declared in national affairs. We believe in equal rights an'1 a fairly counted - ed vote , a thoroughly pure and reformed civil service beyond tim reach of party lobbyists ; a sound currency based on an hoitest specie dollar ; a liberal but in no case extravagant or wasteful expen. diture ; a largely reduced taxation and wise and well matured laws to promote and develop American industry and. enterprise - terpriso both at home and on the ocean ; we endorse the administration of President - dent Arthur as wise , conservative and patriotic. The platform was unanimously adopt- ed. The committee counting thoballots , reported the whole number of ballots castfor governor its 1,168 , necessary for choice 5S. Henry B. Price 1 , A. W. Beard 1 , A. H. Rico 1 , Rufus B. Frost 1 B. W. harris 2 , Chias. It. Codinan 3 , henry Cabot Ledge 5 , Thos. Talbot 6 , Coo. It. Bruce , 35 , Chas. Francis Adams , Jr. 117 , (100. D. Robinson 996. TIme result was received with vociferous ap- plauso. On the ballot for lieutenant governor , Oliver Ames had 775 out of 1,097. New York IOjiLbIlCflfl Convention Rioiwinan SritINas , N. Y. , September 19.-Weather beautiful. Time large morning - ing influx of delegates and visitors filled the hotels to overflowing and gave the village a lively appearance. C.umcusing with reference to the new state commit- . , . - , . - tco has been very active during the morn. rU _ ing , amid most of tim congrosioimaI dcl- egations have hmald iirclimimmary imicotimigs. Thu Albammy delceation elected Ammdrow S. Draper to the state committee. John N. Smith and live of his friends iii time delegation declined .to attend the moot- lug. The Twenty-sixth congressional district elected Senator Holmes , of Madison , to time state committee by one majority , over Thos. C. Platt , of Tioga. ¶ lIio convcntioii was called to order at 12:05. : Carroll Smith , of Syracuse , was elected committeeman for time Twenty- fifth district. The ziames of Senator A. M. Holmes amid James Smart wore both mnentioned in connection with the chair. mnansliip of time State convention. The place of mncotimig is a temporary frame structure or wig-wama iu time spacious and pretty grounds of the Spring hotel , It was erected at the cost of villagers. B. C. Lapliamn WLtS unamiimnousiy chosen temporarY chairman. lile was received 'with applause. Upon taking the chair Senator Lauhani said , "Vo kayo met at a moment o interest in time history of Jiopublicans , and if we are faithful to our trust we shall organize victory hero to-day. l'o. I liticaily , last year was our Bull Run I , [ lau"lmtcrl , and if we are faithful this jJ ; yoarwo will ) rove our Gettysburg amid I/ A1)hommuittox. Lt1)lI1uso.J What Charles S. llontrni once characterized as "timmnult- uary 1)cmmmocraCy of the Misaissijipi yal- Icy" is now the scat of our Republican ' ' Democracy" strongiioldnd 'tuinultuary we find in the State of Now York. lIom' could it be otherwise with distinct amid rival bodies in our commercial city , each refusimig to surrender its organization - tion amid each duterimiimied to scud full delegations to time convention at Buffalo I Time result is that the idol of a year ao has beemi cast ( loWn amiti almost. 1itorahlr trodden under foot in his owmi hiommie. [ L.'umghtor. ] lIe referred at sommio lenthi on national airairs , amid closed by statimig that ' 'by wise and hiarmnoniotms actiomi tim Buccss of ( ho Itopublicami Imarty would be commipleto. " After the appointmnont of the usual coimimnittees and transactions of routine business the convention took a recess until 8 o'clock. Thu m'LATFomM. flIL f'owing is a synopsis of time 1iitil'i I. , idopted l' the itepublican I. , . .it imitmon to-day : Time itu1itibll- C.IIIM uL York hold that the record Ui IC lteimubiicami arty iii the past af- ' , tim best guarantee of the 1)artios l'.Ir ese atmd acts in the future. 'l'lio r.ncrvmitioit of natiomial life , extension of freedom and equal rights , the promotion of national credit , P' muomit of the jitibtic debt , reduction of tax- itiomi , protection of homue imidtmsfries , elevation - vation of labor , puriticatiomi of the civil service , nmmtl in line , an admimmistrativo policy based tLpo'i Wise legislation , that Imas given unexampled prosperity to the country amid prommioted the happiness and progress of time PeoPle , nro achiovemmiemits that comnniend time Republican Party to comitinued popular favor. Wo rejoice in time wisdom and success of President Ar- thur's admninistration of the airairs of the govormunemit , which coimimncmmd ummiversal universal respect thirougimotmt time country and 1mm tIme support amid confidence of tim Republicans of the State of Now York. Time platformmi approves the reduction of interest on time public debt. as rapidly as may bo without ummduly burdcmfmmig time people ; rejoices in time successful immaug. uration of civil aervico reforimi ( time result of Republicami admninistratiomm ) and mma- tional progress ; favors a systemu of tarilr iavs under wimicim , while time revenue for time ovorimimiemit is provided , Amen- calm producers are justly protected , Amen- ican labor elevated , and home mnarkota are secured to home products for time advantage - vantage of time producer and laborer ; favors time removal of all umijtmst burdens 111)011 Aimiericami simipping , and award- imig of oceami mail contracts to thmo lowest bidder amnoar owimens of American vessels after open competition ; favors establish- lug a national bureau of labor statistics ; advocates surroundimig of primary umeot- ilmgs as well as popular ohectioims with security - curity of Imomiesty amid purity as inthispeim- siblo requisites to correct political action ; declares time tendency to create mnonop- dies requires checking by adequate legislation - lation ; that unjust indiscrimuiimatiomi in transactions should be prohibited ; tara- tion should be equalized , its burdeus borne proportionately by real and personal - sonal property. The free canal policy of the state is commended ; approves the plan of party reorganization in the city of Now York and recommends that it be persisted in , to time end that it shall embrace all republicans in the city on equal terms and footimig ; believes in tiio wisdom of time people in deciding all questions pertainimig to public welfare , and would acceda to the desire of a large body of our citizens , to submit to the voters of the state a constitutional amendment - mont in regard to tue sale of intoxicating liquors ; says the reckless partisanship and insatiate greed for office , of the Dam. ocratic party , brought it into jubltc con tempt : its special logislation. . tp snake places for partisans and its increase of the salaried list to reward favorites , brought upon it execration. Time platform closes by stating that it is time duty of the iieoi1o to rescue the legislature from the control of au incommi- potent , faithless party , amid secure ccoii- omical , efliciemit amid satisfactory admnin- istratiomi of time State departments by time election of time ticket for State officers this day placed in iiominatiomi. TJfli ricmtnr is as follows : Secretary of State-Ceo. Joseph B. Carr. Comptroller-Ira Davenport. State Treasurer-Pliny T. Sexton. State Engineer and Surveyor-Silas Seymmiour. Attorney General-Leslie W. Russell. itepublican "Ilarniommy" Niiv Yoiti , September 19.-The ox- ccutive commnittee of time anti macimino Republicans of New York , lust evening adopted resolutions denouncing time proclamation of tIm niacimimso organiza. tioim , "that its doors were opomi to all re- publicamis , " as a simamno , declaring time late primaries wore conducted according to the usual machine nictimods , that emily 5 of time 80 delegates elected are mdc- pondemits , The resolutiomms comiciuded by stating , wmiio ] they arc loyal Rojiublicamis they do not hold thmomnsolvcs bound to obey time orders of "this galmg of politi. cal frauds. " A copy of time resolutions will bo forwarded to time State commnitteo. l"faryiaimd. 1)ommmocvatic Convention. BAi.Tzstomtl , Saptemuber 10.-Time Doimi- ocratic State cotmvontion immut at noomi today - day Ex-Goy. Philip Francis Timomnas was cimosoim toniporary clmairnmmmn. 'limomnas addrcssbd time convention , counsoilimig forbearance - bearance , wisdoni and time sole regard for public immtercsts iii its deliberations. Coin. mnittees on credentials , pprmanent organization - ization and resolutiomis were appointed and time commvcntiomi took a recess for half an hour. The convention reassembled axmd time following ticket was nominated : For Governor-Robert M. McLano. Attornoy-Goneral-Olmas. B. Roberta. Comnptroilor-Gon. J. Frank Turner. TI ! ii ILATEORM. Time Demsiocratic party of Maryland reSOlVeS - SOlVeS timat time election for executive otlicors of time State , to behold inNovomn- bor , timia year , is of muemeimtous import. amice. Time declaration of tim election of hayes amid Wheeler , iii 1876 , totimo office of l'resident amid ' , ice-President of time United States , was brought about by fraud , commsunmmmiated umider time forms of law , and tIme macthoU used imm time election of Garfield and Artimur in 1880 , imaa boon proved iy time creatures who did time evil work , to Imava been if possible nioro discreditable - creditable titan timoso adopted by timeir fellows imi 1870. Time Republican jarty during its tenure of power imas made 1)Ublfc lands time spoil of favored corpor- atiomma ; imas squandered time mommoy of thmo country by mnaimmtimining a imordu of idle proiligato , incapable plucemimon ; time Ito. 1mu1liummm iarty mmm its taritI legislation imas not givumi just or equal protectioim to time industries of time country wimicim it ougimt to imavo afforded , but omm time comm- tramy imas made time masses of time people ay frommi tlmeir earnings enormous ijoun. ties to favored smiommopolies ; it has brokemi up time commmnmerco of time United States iii vessels carrying time National flag ; it imas lenimmittetl tmimwortimy mmmcmi wimo i1ammmmed time frntmds PerPetrated lii the Imrosmdeatial elections of 1870 auth 1880 to deal with time patronage of time govormimmient amid with pimllio mmionov as if thmeso great trusts were svoiis ( if time emiomy's cnimmp. TIme 1)omuocrat.s of Maryland tlemmmamml that mmational taxation , iii all its forums , shall bo limuited to atmcim amotmuts as are miecossary for time ocommomnic.ii ndmmministra. tints of time Government ; deummid a non- sion of time federal laws relating to simip. pimig amid cnrryilmg of ocean freight , as well as to restore tim mmierclmammt ummanino to its former proslicritY. Itummmumnmutoum 1)eimo'i-at , . 1)ruivQuE , Soptomimber lt-'l'lmo ) 1)ommmo- cratie county commvemmticnm tim-day was time largest over held in time coummty , every delegate beimmg presemmt. Nomnhmmatiomma for Ropresemitativos mire ox-Mayor J. .T. Limmcimamm aimd . .1.V. . llaitlwimi. All vimmts of time pnrt mire represented on time ticket mmii all are satisfied. Tiui' ,101s'y lteiuIhIIcatmm l'iit ihrmmm. 'l'ItToN : , N. .1 . , Soptwmmlier 19.TIme imlatfnmmi mulopted 1 time lle1nibhicmum Coim- vommtiomi ( if Now .1 eru' , re.aIl'mnmmis all questiomis of femiemal policy emuuumciated by time last ltepubiiean National Commvemmtiomm , emidorses Presitlcmmt A i thur's admmmiimistra. tied , congratimiates time coumitry impomi time smmceessfmml application of time civil service law , favors adoption of situmilar syst.'mn 1mm tIme State goverrnmmemmt , declares fir " tariff so adjusted so mis to give full ir. . toction to Imoimm inbor amid to develop all resources of time country demand that state taxes be eqtmitably assessed - sessed ; pposo mmionopolies , which lmpress time people and imimfainly discnimmummate agaimist tlmoir imitereats. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. Tills N.W COMMANIamt IN TONQUIN. LosnoN , Septommmbor IU.-Timo Paris Temimps nays ( 'en. Cotmrbut hilLs been isp- lOimitC(1 to commumnanl time Fronds force in Tonquin. Comm. Bicimot will succeed Comm. Bommet , acting tinder orders of Comm. Coumrbct. I-RooflEss OF Nmuhr.msM. Time Narodrtja : 'mVsmija , time chief nihilist - list ongami being secretly ? rimited imi St. l'etoraburg , amid iii a recent publication a review of time work of Count 'I'olstoi , ummitmistor , says : "Thu commtimmtmammce of secular policy camimmot be toieratcd. Time days of Tolstoi Jiangumian , " it declares , "are numbered " An account is given of excesses at Ekatrimmeslar , wimero ammti- , Jewish riots receimtly occurred , wimick is quite different fromim the olilcial version of time aflitir ammd in which it is stated iiOO persomis were killed by time troops. Time tone of tue NarodrajaVolja shows time nihilists are imot foreign to these excesses - cesses , but desire timeir frquemit repeti- tioii. Potropaulonski Citadel , time paper - per states , although mumany prisomiera had died , it was so crowded recently that 50 prisoners had to be remuovud. Many of timons were so ill they hind to be carried on stretchers. Time nihilist Ichirmajoir died there from bad treatment amid a female umiluilist was shot dead in attemnptiumg to escape. Tim BTRIKINC WEAYJSUS , at Ashton-Undor-Tynohold a mama meeting - ing to-day , at which a resolution was adopted rejecting themastirs propos ls , amid deciding thoy'il1 rcinainou dn' other month pending preparations of new tenumma. T111 FRENCh OUTIIAOES IN TAMATAYJi. LoNDoN , Septemmmber 19.-Time Times' Calcutta special states that. time iubliaimed account of French outrages at ' .l'amnatave falls far simort of time trutlm , amid adds : ' ' \\Thmcmi time Emmghish commsul , Pakcnlmamn , vmss dyimmg thu Fremich priests oimdeavored to force Imim to bocomimo a Catholic amid comnlelled iiimum to kiss time crucifix. " O'I'ONNELL'i4 AN'rEoiNTs. ! Losnox , Septomnber 1(1.-Tue ( Times , iii traciimg time ammtccedenis of O'Dommmmoli , 1111dB that lie is ' 15 years of age , aimd a native of Meraciaddy , county of Domme. gal , Ireland. lb 1mm beeui to America several times ; served 1mm the American snar , and lived for some timmie iii Pimiladel. pimia , and ko1mt a pu blie lmouse out time Canadian border. II invested his fummida iii silver mimics andimi Femmiami bonds and lost his money. lie returned to Iroinimd last May amid frequented the company of Irish Amnenicaums in London- derry. lie carried a revolver amid was considered a strong Natioumahist , but opposed - posed to timolimvimmciblemm. lie doimouimccd Carey , wimeim time latter turned iimforimior , amid declared lie would not shoot him but would burn iuimui by humelmes. lie uncut to time Cape to seek his fortumie because 1mm. , considered Ammierica played out. lie Immid imevor scout Carey before takimmg passage , ammd imad ito idea time iumionimmer was emi boamd time steammier Kiimfaumm's Cm- tIe , when ho embarked. Time dcfcmmse is'ill probably lie that Carey tried to shoot the prisoner , who wrouicimod time revolver away mmmiii mused it to protect imis own life. It is stated tlmmmt O'Donmmuhl's brother , who Is living imm Jrelammd , viIl emudmuivor to oh- taimi time services of Suiliviimm , ] 'ml. ' P. , to conduct time defeumce. Time fniemids of O'Donimchl ridicule time idea tlmat imo went to time Cape for time special lmurvose of killiumg Carey. - _ _ Time Society of 1'4iIItiiiy TiIegrapliors. CurucAco , Scptemmmbor l9.-'rhmo roummion of time Society of time United States Miii- t.ary Teiegrapim Corps bcgamm imere Lo.tiay. 'limo mnonuming was devoted to routimmo busimmeas In time afternoon time mnommibonmm took a carriage ride about time city. Jim time evening a banquet was imeid at time firand l'acific imotol , him conjunction svitim time veteran civilian telegraphers. 'l'o- morrow anotlmer business ummeoting will be lucid , at wimichi it is understood actioim will ho taken Iookimmg to secuniim rocog zmition of LIds branch of time service dur- jog the war ( noun Congress. During time scasiomm a committee was aemut out to iimvito General Grant and Semi. ator Logan tO address time body. Time fonimmer was not to be found. ( Jommeral Logan was brougimt in , imowever. Jie said iii his cxpcriommco as au oflicer lie imad imevor kmmown a tciegrajmimer to imeglect nor otherwise fail to do his duty , amimi closed by assuring imis hearers if Ito could at any time be of service to thmomn it would give hmimmi pleasure to slmow.miis good will. Slinking imp a Grading Gmrig Syiumusn , N. V. , Septenilior 19.-A construction train on time \\'est Shore railroad , going east at 7 this nionmiimc , struck a lmammd car four immiiea east of the city , F'ifteeim ihatform cars , with iso worknmon , wore pileti uj iii a mass , 'I'imo killed arc Peter Smitim of Syracuse ; iumm Jtalhiamm , No. 88 , name uumknowrm ; mitt ! Joint Cam , Jr. , water boy. VANDERVOORT'S DEFENSE. . . A Crcfii11v Arrne Apo8l for the Syffipathy of the Uran rffly. ' "I Sha1l Make tile Soldiers Fight for Soldier's ' Rights , " and a Fat Office. " 1 ll1 itCC'lit Ntliillg Emit Itelmm- I4ttmtemuCtt tO the p1)511 lou I was Iepmmvetl of. " Si'eclal lbpatclt to Tim Baa. l's i-rsmiuitu , Septoimuber lt-Sommie ) tiumme ago mm sub.coumitui'ittee was appointed by the Grant Armny couummmuittctm , iepreseumt. immg mull posts jim this city , nnd'directetl ' to lmrepato liii address to the Presmm.temmt lmro- testhimg agaiimst time roumioval of Pistil Van- dorvoort frommu time postal service ; also to obtimimi Vmummlcrvoort's version of time ailhir , to which limo followuig reply vas received front time latter yesterday , dated Ommmaima , Se1emmiber 13 : lIe says : aiim cimarged with being absent 265 days dtmrimmg nm. ' torah flS commsmmiander4n-ciiief. This 1 , ' t.mmit , lmtit 1 cimm.'miii , amid iiavo time proof , timiut 1 had leave froumu Postmaster C en- oral Howe amid Oroslmammi-frommi Howe with pay , ittid frotmi Gems. Orchmaumt with. out pay. The leave fromis howe was verbal - bal , unit vas granted iii July of last year. I oumly wemit to California , l"Iiiitmcaota " aimd Demiver under Judge Oresiiamn's adummimiis- tratiomi. During which aibsoulces I wemit with penimmissiomm , which I now have iii writiimg , without ) ay. Time dopartmneuit dedm.mctcd py wimile ems time California trip , 28 days , about $145. Tiims covers the 2fi5 days while serving time ( irammd Arnmy. I would nut blot. out time record of those days to e Postimiaster- General or ? rcsidemmt. Tiiey lmve abandoned those cimarges and say 1 was absent jim Imlaimo contrary to the wisimes of Superimitomidomit Wimito. I can prove by sworn evidence that \Vimito kmiow tumid tip- proved muiy trill to Idahit , ' that 1 m'cmit. tiiere to place mmiail service oil time Cregoui Short Line. " Time letter further says tile writer had a ccumferemico with White at Rich Sniflgs , iii which all of his ( Vamidorvoort's ) work imi time last was approved , and plans for time futmmre discussed. Tim letter concludes : " 1 arrived hmonmo Moaday mormiiimg amid uiiy successor walked in Tuesday imiorn- hug , without any umotico whatever. It is mieedless to say lie w'as not in time armmmy. I walked out amid veuit to the Hmmstimmg re- umiiomm , feeling that I could not be relieved from that privilege cxept by death or povorty. That grand macjut. biage passed unanimous resolutions do- mnandiimg umy reinstatement , and they are now before thio Frssidont. I have written - ten no word to members of time Grand Army except in answer to letters. I aims unable to state my case -to the country. It is needless for mc to say to time Gramid Army comnradca that r.shial ) niako time soldiers fight for aoldiora"richita ; that I will accept nothing b'ut reiiitutemuntto the position I was deprived of without notice , without investigation , and comi- trary to time rules amid agaimmust all precedent - dent in our service. " RAIIiltOAl ) NOTES. Time Pmsssemmger Agouuts 1)ecldc to lteStIVC SC1IClUIti ittitCH oum OCIObOP 1st. CmiIcAc.o , September 19.-The ammmiual comivontion of general passenger timid ticket agents was concluded timis after- nooum. Bummimicas was clmiefly of a routiume nature. It wits decided to place Florida tourists tickets good for six unommtims on sale October 15 at a rate of U coumts per mile for tiuoroummd trip amid 2 camits imor mile omme way via time siiort lines. A committee of .15 was apoimmtcd to comm- sidor amid report at time micxt scummi-anumual mneetimig out time practicability of eatab- lisiming a rate bureau , imaviumg such jurisdiction - diction as mimay be agreed emi , to imiako all timrougii rates for time coummtry , time ox- peumses to be divided ammuomug time hues on time basis of revenue. Time question tf restoring till rates to scimedule eu time 1st of October wits again broiuglmt up mmmd put to mmii aye amid iii , vote. Of time 68 humus iojresoimtcd , 53 voted aye , time rcimmtiumdcr : declined to vote. ( ) f tlmimm uiumnber all verc western roads except one. 'I'hue nammmes of timoso deciinimmg to vote ss'cje not obtained. No new emit mmmdc iii time passenger rate war betivecum Chicago mmmd Louisville , Time rate romnaiuma at $4.50. 'run JiMlc1AaI M.mASIiF.Ii8. CIrIeAoo , Septemmmier , I 9.-'l'imo Na- tioumul Association tif itailmvay Baggage- ummeum , in session imi this city to.tlay , spemmt time day in time discussioum of time suliject , "Lost , strayed ummd stolemi bagago , " svithi ilmeazis of tracimmg tmuml pruveumtummg loss to time traveling inuiiiic. 'J'o.mmmorrow time body will coimsider time report oum time cimcekimmg sytstenm , with suggoatiomma for inmprovomuiuut. 'rime brass check was feuuud to be quite costly aumd cumnbursoumme itemrm iii time equipummeimt of thin road timid 0110 growing all time tiuimu , for , as time nummumbor of roam. ! immctoaso all oIlier roads oven remotely commimocted with it. iuiuat add a set of cimeeka for poimmta en time iiume. itRTIutmom fliOM TitS TRACK. 'l'oI'ItKA , Septemuibor l9.-'l'hie Coumm- monwoaltim will uummmouimco ta-morrow time rosignatloim of 0 , (1 , Wimeolor , general mnamiaer of time Atchmison , ' 1'1oka & Smummtu Fe railway. Time atop is umade zmecessary by commaidoratiouma of a strictly busitiemsa imaturo out time part of Mr Wheeler , mmmd has bocim commtemmmplatoml by imium for somuue tmmuio. Time resigumatiomi takes effect Octo. her I. - - 'I'iIi Emlucatlommal Convermtlosm. LOtJIM'I 19-'l'hmo lit- % LLS , Soptomumber - - terstato educational coimveimt'uoim uumot this Iumorniumg ; 140 doiegrtes prese t repro. aeumtmmmg twoumty.timrco States. 'l'ime comm. VelitiOmi su'as called to order by l'rof. \Vllhiamum Cimoumault , of time Uumivoms'mty of Louisville , .1 udgoVilhiaumm N , Jieckimor , of lCeumtucky , timrougim wlmoso emmorgica the coumveimtioum was uissemimbied , was ummuimmi. immously chmoscmm temporary cimuirommum , Mayor Jacobs delivered mu address of woicoiuue. hloui. Joimim Eaton , Ummited States commimmuisaioimor of odmucatiomm , ru- Eimozmded to time nmayor'n welcome. At time cozuelusmoim of tlmemse foriumal addresses a I discussion arose as to time nigimts of imer summit to positiouis as delegates , After tliscussioum it. wits tiocitled that all porsmms umitorested in time tilijects of time couveum- thin ho decinreti delegates , but. votes will be taken bV State , . .Itulge W itt , lieckner was tmnammimnmnmsiy chmosm.'um ioruumamscumt chairman ; lIajor 'i'mmm. .1. Dinma s'as elected secretary , Time vice irositlcumts yero elected by States , 1) . Nicimol was appointed for iowa aiim. ! ihemiry Rob for Illimmois , After complet- 11mg Ami om-gaimizatioum time cuivemitiomu ad. jourumed , after ndtqmtimmg time schedule t'o- imrtctl by thmo committee cmi pregnanumie. In time aftermummim 1)r.'aito tielkomed aim eximatmativo address out etlucatiommal lessoums of time ceumaus , whmiclm occupied time greater vart of time eomsvuumtioum , At its commchmsioui time commveumtiomi adjotmrumetl mdii 10 a. mum. to.muiorniw. .tumuig time mleiegatea ore IS colored mmmcmi , m.immu of simommm , Prof.V. . , I iiuiuu1mI8 % , of lemitucky , is appoitmtetl to ouChi time tliactisaitmui miii time sumbject relat. immg to cdtmcatioui of imis race. - TIlE AM1LIICiN NAVY. Somumo luiterest lug i"Igiurt's umiul Coin. imrumtIs& Iata Fumm'uimslietl by Jt1um Itoacli , Nmw : Yomuc , Soptomumbur It- ) Time Aummerican l'rotectioumiat will iitmlliaii ) to- mmmorrow time atatommicut of , iohmn Itoacim , relative to the recomit. Imistory of time Aimierican navy mmmd mmmorcimnt mmmarino , in roalmoImse to qtuestiomis 1mumt to imimn by time Scumato coimsmmmmtteo on cducat'moim mmmd labor. It shows iii detail time mmaval expeuiditurus simice 1860 , mmmd ives us ammmmmummmiry of all umaval commtrncts svmtim Amumericaum ship build- era. Itoachi claims Imis figures are all uiowly collected fromim otlicial Enropeami aiim. ! Amumericami records mievor before pub. lisimed , amid that they establish time re- apoims'mbility of 1miglamud for time faisitica- tmoum of Secretary Seward's prouimec of time speedy smmppress'momi ( ml tIme rebilhuoum. lie gmves IL list of twemity-timree Eumgiisii blockade rummimera captumned iii time early jiart of time war , wimicim wceo loathed nitlm mmmmmmmitiom4s of war to time value of $6,000- 000 , Time imavy immiprovised during time war lost. $8 1,000,000 , mmmd time immittemiala amid vessels swore sihtl , for $ li',000,000 , heaving time umet emmat of time svuit' miuivy about $17,000,000. 1mm time eighteomm years a'mmico time svar time Ummited States shout ; for imew mmaval vessels omuly $3,000- 000 , vimiio Eumgiammtl spout. $ lfifl,000,000 , Framico $88,000,000 , Itussia $35,000,000 , italy $3,000.000 , Gerimmamsy $37,000,000 Turkey $17,000,000 , Brazil $10,000,000 amid Chili $7,000,000 , all for iroim dads , itt all over $100,000,000 expcumded by naval amid ceumimmumrcia ! rivals. Roach gives a list of Aimmurican naval commtracta and says time imew cruisers will be fimmisimed proummiitly amid cheaply. SPOUTING NOTES. COVINOTON flACKS. Covxr-mroN , Ky. Septommiber 19.-Time Latonia jockey cftmb mumeetimmg. Kimball stakes , for two.year-olda , Matimice won , Powimattan second , Audriami timird ; time , 1:164. : . . Mile and a half , ' Cardinal Mcaloskey von , Nattio Rapture socommd , Blazes third ; time , 2:39. : Three-quarters of a immilo , heats , Jocose won , Bridget second , Egymtiamm third ; tinme , 2:17f. : Hurdle race , Bell Boy won , Carter Harrison second. . , , BhtlOhtTON iuitACil SIACES. Bmm.IcultTos . BmiAdiu , Soptommibor 19.- Thmruo-tiumartora ofa immilo , Calms won , .Joo second , It. Monec third ; time , 1i20A. Timree.qmnirtors of a mile , liattledoro s.omi , Baron , time favorite , secommd , Camutlo Bhmimicy third ; tiummo , 1:19.j. : I'Iiio mum ! a ( lmlmtrter , Apollo vomi , Ida 1 ! . secoumd , Goverimor liamumptoum timimd tiummo , 1 ; i9j 1'iile mutt a qmmarter , Slocummi weum , Bar. mmmli sccommd , liusimwimaekor tlmird ; tiumme , 2:17 : ilmirdlo race , mumile ammd a half , hover- vick woim , Kate Croumin second , Ilammk Sage timimmi ; timmie , 2:57. : IJAMR mmAi , . Su'im.zstmrxir.n : , Selitomimber 1t--Sprimug. ) fields ( I , Toledos 6 , 'I'eum imuumimiga ; gaummu called cmi account of darkumesa. Nsw Yomtic , Sopteniber 19-Nosy Yorks 2 , Clovehimmitis 2 Draw gammie called at tue eumd of eighth imimmimug. l'IIILAUEI.miiiA , Soptouumber 19.-Plmiiii- doipimimis 14 , Buffimios 8 , Eiglmt inumimmgs. BosToN , Soptcumiier 19.-liostomma 3 , Detroiti 2. PitovmnENcm , Soptemmiber 19.-l'rovi. demmce 7 , Cimmeago 4. MYSTIC IARI ( mIACES , BosToN , Septomumbor -Secommd ( lay of l'mu'lc . 2:33 cimimsa Mystic races. : , Kitty I'atcimemi womm iim straiimt , imwtts , Peaul scc ommd , Immo third , 1mmmimmy Irwin fourtim tiumme 2:22j : , 2241i ; , 2:23k. : Claus 2:21 : , l'ilhhis won , Clamomnie sec. mmdViismm thud , Dkector fourtim ; tiummo 2:20 : , 2:17 : , 2:18 : , 2l7. : tI1CstiIE IIACIs. : Suim.isori amui , Soptcummi.ier 19.-Twemmty tlmournm.umm.l people witmmessed time bicycle race of oumo uumilo without tutu , hurt l'tessy , Smumitimnihle , N. J. , voum ; timmie 3:11. : 'l'wo imuile scrmmtelm , Itobimusoum , of Emug. land , woum ; tiumie 6:02j. : 'l'oum zmmilu imaumlicai ) , Burumhummi , of Now- tout , svoim ; tiutme 32:131. : ' [ 'lie immter.coilegiato five mile race was woim by Cialhitm , of himtrwardimm 61:48 : , Twenty ummile race for aummateurs was womm by Ilumidee , mit Spniimgfield , in 1 Imour amid 7 nmimmutoa and 32 seconds , beating time Ammioricamm professional record , Time vrofessioumal Imandicap race wait won by Primico of Waaimington , iii 31:061 : , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Recovery of Chancy MoCouumuis , Foiti' Scorn , Kimum , , Septoumibor 19.- Private dispatches rcceivoI imero to-night front reliable sources at Silver City , N. M , by II. F. F.Varo , m.mnmmouumco time fimmding of Charles Mcciommmas , time little 80mm of Judge amid Mrs. McCoimmas , wimo were butcimored by time hmmdiimmis jim Anizo. mum some mouths ago , and rcimrt imimmm 1mm good lmealthm. l'axtios who returum Imimum claitmi tie $1,500 reward , which will be paid. No imarticulars of imi recovery gmveum , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'limO ltmilluvmiy iaIl Heu'vico Society , ST. I'AUY , , Soptcuimi'cr 1(1-Time ( rail. way ummail service commvtimmtioim was iii sea- tmioum agaimi to-day. A umuuumbcr of smuii- mstitutwm for lmist uuiglmt'mt rosolutioum timrow- 11mg OltOit time doors of time amssoviatlomm to miii time ommmployos of time 1ostofllco , depart. tumemit , snore tifflired. After tedious do. bate time resolutioum of lust night was ( ho- foaled , mmmii it was decided to commf'mume tIme uumcummberslmip , as at presoumt , to tue railway - way utiuiji service. W' . A. Butnicka syas elected hmresideumt. Ouio vice vreaidemit for eacim of mmmc districts urns elected. ( Jon. It , Steele , of Iecatur , secretary ; . .1.V. . Simaw , Coiutnmmms , treasurer ; .1. V. henry , of ( , uutimcy , amid , J. N. hiraugim. utian , of Cautip l'oiumt , Ill , , are aimmong Limo ( itrectors for time cmmstmimug year. A rose- ItIttui eimatmiuig time Priu1ciPl oflice from Cimmengo to SIitilm1meld , iii , , syria passed , ldeuimbors visit imiterestiumg points to. ummorrow. IiAIltI't3 1iAY.OUP. Aim EtiititinhIomi'Iuleh Explains Nuitliltig. Si'edal Li , time 1tmto : .lm.imirumal , IlAsTINIiH , Nub , Soptemmuber 18.-Tim aim iuterv'musv him Vehltthitm tO time charges mmmd tutisteiiieiit minute lmy Time Omumaima i braid of this tiate iii megard to time lmumdi omm Stink. imug W'ater cicek , Cnigressmumaim Lain ! flmmtiiotiKCtl a ( lazctto'Jotmrmmal reporter to susie tlmmst every stnteimieumt. imiado by 'I'lme I lenuiul , SI ) fmmm' as it. melateti to hmiimm , was mmiitttum' , smith timti ( xcelt , t'mm ' tititt. Ito via- lied Stimmkimmg'atur ' emeek to , htiumo 1 , 1883 , aiim ! a garhlctl mtccotmimt of a commvoramstiomm witim H. \Vubstor in limo l'axtomm hotel , iii which time mmmattor was discmtssed mum It ) wimmut time govcrummmietmt could ( IC ) to obta'mim some revonumo frommm laimm.l imumavmuiltsblo for settlcmmmommt lnmt mmow occmmliieth. by atock raisers , Lairm.l also mutated that. Limo alildavit rogardimug time couitituct of time land ollicors at ImicCook , to Fratmeimu , time stmrveyor , aiim. ! Stam'btmck time attorney , are false ; ftmml furtimer , that. Mooro's atateimuemit that his cmliii su'aa jiimmmped snas also false , KEEL' I1llt 1101' , BOYS , Amummuni Coumveumtlon of ( lie Brother- hmooti ) t lsoetmmmoivo Vlreimu'um. Duisvsu , Septemmulrnr 19-Time tu'mstim ammummial commvemmtiommofllrotimenimood of Loco- ummotivo Fimetimomm of time Ummited States ummid Caummula is in sessiomm imoro. Presimlout. Aiimolml , of Coltmmiubtma , Oimio , liresimlemi 'l'ime pcmg ezercises commaisted of 5lCUCimCs by Col. Ilhiymmmrd : , editor of 'l'Ime I tidiammapoiis Sommtimmol , Cmumgi'eaaimmuitm ford , ox-Governor Itmiute , .1. TiE. Stovouis amid others , Iiommm'yVard Beecimom' , s'hmo is deliver- oriuig a series of leetmmres hero , spoke tout mmmiumtmtes , Abomit. 180 delegates mtme pros. emit , reiresoumtimig time saiume mmuumbor of lodges 0,1mm. ! a mmmomnbermlmip of 8,000. Ba- ecut'mvo soauiomi to-mmmorrow. - - 'I'Imu , F'e.ver Iii Mexico. GUATMAB , N , lit. , Septeummber 19.- Yesterday's rabin have checked time fever. No smew cases reported aimmee last milgiut. By order of time prefect , PaatilCs mire be- imug burned in time streets to aid in time vurit'mcatiomi of time im.tmiiospimero. Bimsimmeas imouaea are reopoumimig. SAN FimANdisco , Septommibor 19-Intel- ligemice received to-day frommi ( lumyummas mmmi- rmoummces time death in that jilaco of yellow foyer of George B. Eckolson , aim old mesi- dent of this city , amid time serious illumeas front time saimie disease ofVillianm B. Ilooper , a member of the shmippiuu. firm here. It is supposed mummy other Aiumni- calms have aucoummuibed to time disease , but it. is iimmpossible yet to obtain the imaummea , Time action of tIme Moxicams authonitius iii accrotimmg Limo oxistomice of ollosv fever is severely condoinusod. it is nosy known tlmmmt mnammy were sutThning from time disease - ease long before the authorities itorlisittod it tm. ) be niadepublio. ' TEIjEGILAPIL Timmi ftummenmmi of , Jiunlus Brutmmms Boothm still take pimmco to-timmy , Tine araoiis were killed by higlmtmiiumg at LammlogaH , ? .Ilcim. . , yeaturczm.y. Easterti JoIirmmnhIMtn : m.ccoitmamivitig time TjJ _ lnmd ttity motutmumod to I ' , , itiiuid front l'ugct sommutil last. oveumiug. Thmcy lease fr , , thu oat tO.4111y. 'I'lio Aimiem-icaim Iilliilmtcr to Cimimma iou. jolumod ssiUu time EiighIii roprctcmitutlvo iii urging Cliimma to , .ommmo Li , aim muuiLleusttlmd , tar svitli Franco , hLiti.Vuti. . Fttxomu , Asabstammt Secretary of tue Numsy iumitier ( 1 idcommVeiis , led ! simtiilommly at Jimmrtmord , Count , , yesterday mitorititig , Of haunt ( liacaMo , agoil I'I2. 'l'lmo Moody Evamigolical coumveamtIomu iii Chicago suits oven moore limmgoly attetiInl ycs. torday timimn l'mioid.y and overflow mncotutigs siero om'gauilzotl iii time aftcrutomm , timid ovomiluig. Sextoum defeated \Vailnco lii the cushion car- ( ) mmi gaulle , ' 1'imoitlay miglmt , at St. Joe , acoro 15O t , ) 8I , Sclmaclier s'uuiimmiaiiotl Suxtui , lii time Balk lute gaure , , score , Scimueffor IEJO , Soxtoum 429. 429.Capt Capt , Storcims of tim nteamn barge Oiukiauul , which ioiumiclored itt Lake Erie ! lotitlay , wits Pickol imp by time sitiji ItcI , Cloumil , tutor cling- lug to a raft ( or forty imiumnit , lie state thu Oakiaumtl is ii ttititl loMs ; Ito I iismmrnimce. Three otmtritgos imy ticiijiermm.Ioos are rcirtod , , , ( torn 'l'imcnou , , Ark' . A toiograuit states time cithiemus fear to timko mliointireii iigititiut time ; urpctrator.4. ' 2iie govoumior still loire tim suppress Utcmmm zu Limo civil authorities are joworicic , 11ev , .1. it , If , 'I'omtuplctomi , for nmtmliy years iastor , mf thu Ciirlsthimum church Little Rock , 3ttIC , , , ii.i . , iii LuisvilIo ' 1'mueJmmy afturuuooui. ito immth bL'Oim rupresotitiuig Arkmimimsas lit time ihoittiterum cix iiotitlomm the joist nmoumthm mumil stas mm tlistiiigmuiitiiutl ummiumlatur ii i thu ChmuItiamm do' umnuud immitiout. 'rime oxtunmivo wiii factory mmmiii dammIng until of ( jiimttpbuhl & ilrockotmniilgo , corner of 12th imimil Siinuico streets , St. Jou1s cmm.tmgiit fire iii t4omime mimmkumowiu miiammmmer 'J'uciay ovumuiuig , mmmiii hiimrnoi , H' , ilorcoiy that It was entirely coimmmumn. ad ( loitlitO time stromitmoims eIIirt44 , tif time lire ile- iartmtmomit } , Liisi , , 'JOOO0 ; Insured , $ ROJ0. ( A Lommgvlew ( 'l'oxas ) .pueIal says Moumday tmigimt wits emma of fuvoriim excltetrmoimt , bitt. nothmiumg occurred. Nearly miii time stimi tois are imutsjokcmu 1mm time belief that there is ito m.hmiu- : gor. ilualmious wa restmmoii Ii ) ' the wliitos , time imlacks agalum ummiximig withmoimt. routrmilmmt. 'l'imo blaummu for Limo iauilo is laid emi a ( ow scsi- lawug mmogruca. ' York 'l'ribmmmmo redmuc- 'rime Now timimmoiuiicos a - Unmi iii time selling jmnico of Time Trilimmumu frommm flys to three commts a copy , It .sys , "Time ro. mltmction imsummado out the timeory thmat.our rotclorm are our jurtumerms , tutu are entitled tea share him our geol fortmmumo him time reduced iinlcu of uniter. Time state tariff coruseumtlomm'comuuimaaed of del. agates .mfSO tariff clmmb , iimciudhuig I ,000 mmmlumens frommu hhricklog Valley , auseunblod hum Columbus Ohio , Tuesday. 'rime coiuvuimtlomm was woicoumuoii by Governor Fostor'is Bieeoim favoring hinotce. lion. State orgammisatloum was perfected. lii time evening liO00 poopis hItoimed to addresses imy .Juudga Lnwroumco , ( Jormeral Itmiumum amid Con. grossmnamm Moidimmloy , Various reports havoroacimed B11flU40 Term , commcoruming tim cotmihict iictweemm time iexicLsIui4 simil , Apaclme. Nothing timmilumito hma imeen ro. couved. .i Hpeclal froumm St. Jose stutloim cmi time ! iluxlcaum Central says : sNumrmoromis rummmors cimmimo itito Ojo Cahieumto saying Limo Aicimo wore roummdhmmg up stack. ts'ummural coimstonumatiuums vravaiiod all ever time couumtry. " heavy Pmthiuum'o , Sn , 140015 , Septemmmbor 19-Time intl. miiato of time litwihities of Ammtimommy & ICuhmmm is betweuum $350,000 and $400,000. 'rime imnimmcipal creditors are two local banks timid ii large saloomi. 'l'lmo busimmoas of time fmnimm still comitimmue. 'I'iuo creditors' mruoetiuig is called for to-morrow. I THE NATIOUL CAPITAL. SllllCFYiifl Architect Hill Conc1nes to llOSill ' ! tholltYati \ ! for 811 Illyitatioll. Anotilor Call for Fifteen Million Three Per Cent Bonds. Gm't'ch3' Itelhtg'ittutiidonet1 Sir I Ito t'rescuut Yenr-'mmo.hier fllosv nt time Tutuenies , CAI'lTAIj NOTES , vita m'mvuims : siuumemikN , \VAiuitINuToN , Septemumber 19.-The Secretary of time Navy decides timoro is no hussy umumder wimicim lme can remider time do. aired assmstaumce to time POOC ( itS time mUial reseravtuoum of l'omiuacohmi. vuuuu ( litEfiLity RmLIuir. TIme i'mtmal decis'momm of the Secretaries of War mmmd Navy is that it is miot. practicable to somid ammotlmor expeditiomm to time relief of time Greeloy Party this year. liLt itESmUNS. Supervising Architect 11111 thin menus- imig tcmidercl hum realgumatiomi to Secretary Folor , to take etloct omm the apmimitumient. of his successor. Secretary Folger said this aftormmoon that time resignatioum of Smuperv'msimig Archmi- toct 11111 sylil be accepted. ' Normulu TO iiONIlIOLflEItS , Time Secretary e' ' time Treasury iota is- muumeul mm. call for $15,000,000 3 imer commt.a. I4otice is givumm that tue pnimicipal amid. accrued iumterest , cmi bomuls lmelow desig. mmated will be imaimi at time treasury of time United States \Vtuulmimmgtoum , time 1st of Doceumibor , 1883 , amid time interest on said boummis will cease timat. duty , viz : 3 per cent bomimis iasmmod uuumder time act of Comugress aipros'cd Iuly 12 , 1882 , nut imumumibored miii follows : $50 , origiumal No. 972 to onig- jummil 1 , lO3 , lmotim iumciumsive ; $100 , origimial No. (3,720 ( to onigiumimi 9.I50 , both immclu. sivo ; $500 , original No. 2,927 to original 3,977 , buIlt iumchmtsive ; $1,000 , origiumal No 18,1)75 ) to 22,635 , boOm inchusivu ; $10,001) ) , onigiumal No. 27,010 to original 28,208. 'rm.tai , $15,000,000. , nowx WITII TiltS LO5Jtm.Y , Time postotlice depantmnoimt to-day addressed - dressed a letter to time Now Orleans post- immatur , calling his atteumt.ioum to time fact timmit It. A. Daumlmin , of time Louisiana State lottery , yas mmmv receiving regis- bred iettcrs aiim. ! other mna'ml mnattor , in commmmect'ioim witim time lottery busiumesa , timrotugh time New Orleans mmmm.tional bank , all lottery commimumummicat'momms now being addressed - dressed to time bank for Dauphimm. The letter eluaracterizes Dauphin's action and that of time bmumic as a achiommue to evade goreriiumiemmt orders rec'iitly given the poatoflice dopartuumont at. New Orleans for time purse of protecting time mimaiis against lottery swindles. It concludes as follows - lows : "Hereafter , timeroforo , you will deliver to tIme Now Orleans umatiommal bank ho rcgistomed letters and redeciim no. mommy orders imyallo to it. This order svill be revoked whmeumover the bank gmvoB satisfactory evidence that It has alian- domied time above achmeumic. " . , _ . , . IfliCIIIIONJN A LANDCASE. i - Tn time case of time Nortimerms Pacific Thiihm'oad commmpamuy's vs. 11a1)tiato Home , appeal frommi thin corummumissiomuor of time gutmem'al lain ! office , Secretary Toiler imna ruled that a settler uumder time Oregomm do uimutioum act of1850 , does miol. foroiL imia riglmt to himmud mipoim wimicim ito imaa'settlod. ' by failure to tile limo mmotico required by Limo act of 1853 , for time rcasouis timat. no adverse right iums mtttmmcimcd , and pemialty syima rcmmmitted by time mmcl. of 18114. Tlmero- fore , his cimiuut : wims absolutely reserved to hiumi mmmdii three mumoumtius afier time survey , uummdcr time origimual act. Jim this case time riimL of Limo coumupammy attmieimcd to its laumda p11th. to time ditto i survey , amid comiso- toommtly time ] mmuidimi questiomm was oxeumipted fromum thom grant. m'ItOF. nonaum's STATISTICS , Time last CO1)Y ) f Time Lomidomi Field , a mmewspapur devoted to agricultural imitor- oats , lots a most comumplimnentary allusiomi to limo s'ttltme amid accuracy of time reports prepared by I'rof , .1. ' 1' . Dodge , ittatis- ticiamm of time dopartmumeumt. of agriculture here. It ; says his rolmorts pyevido for all who grsv or buy time produce of Amneni- cams 5 ii fully term times aim mumucim informa- tioum as do time agniculturni statistics issued by time Euuglish goyernmmmemmt mmmd time reports of time harvest collected by Emmglisim fanumi iniimors wimomm both are clubbed together. l'eimItum tiProPrhttt louts. WAHIISNoToN , Soptcummber 19.-Of time appropriation of one hmummdred million dmmllars for PaYtmiotit of Imeumsiomis for time year eumded , .1 mimic 80th , $811,000,000 re- uuialumod iummexpemmded immmd svmta reappropni. tiled for time prcseumt. fiscal yemmr , ranking time stumn available for oximeumses of pen- siomm bureau about $125,000,000. Comn- ummismsmommoi. Dudley uxpresses time opimmion thieve s' iii be miumotimer large surplus itt time emit of time puesemmt iiBcal year. In timid ; eveuut. hue will ask to hmavcm time sur- imlus reappropniated and expects to be able to commsitiormmbiy reduce time amount mequired for fiscal year beginning July 1st , 1884. Gnu ViiIuaumt's at. I'oom'jn. 1'SOIIIA , 111. , Soptcuumbor 19GusVil - immiutis to-immght , piayimmg agirmst 1' . T. Bar- umummi , turned people asvay ( rein time opera house. Timis is time first imistamico on s-ce- ord where a theatrical company played with success stimers imavimmg Barxnmmn for opoosition. SCROFULA I'rolAtdJ' no torni of disease 1. ,0 generally dli. tributed among our whole iOPUiUOn 53 Scrotums. .Auzno&t every Indtvlthmal ins thu latent potson court meg hit veins , The term-tUe suffering. endured tq those nilUcted wtUm ecrolnioni .or cannot bo itnilerstood by others , sail thu Intenulty ot their gratitude when they Coil ii m'eunedy them cubs thtm , utommisbea mm welt rem-ion. We rerer by per. , mntuio&i to Mti 0 0 S Sarah C. WhitUer , or Warner , N. II. , , 'who wu curtd by Sai'saparilla thoieyeittyOt whtdmconflned her to time Iiousetoc twoycars. Six mnozmtiiit previous to tk1ng hood's Saxsareimua sue could not get about her room wItS. outcrutcImeL her Silent saysm "ICSt uot thtzmkii po.sibio : or her to Ilto anny muontlial site wsa ro. duGd to a mates skemeton. Her cure I. luurdij' Rae Coin a mntratto , " Mote womukifid cure. than this 1mev. been effected lii this medicine. There ii iso doubt tieR In IIoo4'e Sarsaparilis w. IsAvo the most rcmnarkat4omedicUuthat Sos ever been m.oduced , And a po.tUyo cure tor Scrofuls tim mis numemue tonal. I'rtce i.Oxor $5oi. Vrepared onij by , p. 1. uiouit co , ioeiu , Mae. . oki Si Praazieis. a i- . -