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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1883)
- - - - - . . I S RDALY JT--OMAIIA , WEDNESDA1 SEPTEMBER j _ _ - . - , TIlE DALY BEE. oiiii& WednosdayMorning , Sopt. 19 Weather Inilicatloun. } 'or the nper Miuisi1)pi Mid Miti.inu. ii val1cy , 8IghtIy warmer , generally fin' wethet , followed in the extreme orthorn portion by 1ocI rnin , varhiblo winds from eMt. to Routh , lower barometer. LOOALBREVITIL3. -It I aKflt thno to be looUiig out for ' 'tho lMt 1)Ot ilos'n" on the l1sMoltri. -ChkI Butler .i ietcrinhiel ! to fiirot1i the department with good quarter M far ts -Thoznnonllght an" oectrhflglit ) coinbhioa mule the treeLq la.4 night brlllLtmt to an tin. , uttal degree. -The soca1 cronndo at Ed Maurcrn i1aco ] njt night , wai a p1eniliil treat and wa en j fl3'Cl ( 1Y 1InY who vero merely by L9 ttCII M those who wore on the Itishle. ---I I the Herald , lloiub11can anti llvi sliouhi aliut dowii fur a weolc , the daily Union would be ( ) lllgOil ) to itctiro a lti.klo and the ulllc wonlil hot ho gtilloil vltlt ocotul limnd lee.l every ov tilng. -Bill Nye IN looking iujrihigly voll. Ito says ho l tired ot being regardo4 zv nit Invalid anl hat .lecketl to i1tilt Ltho btiIiie. Ito hi sen4tlvo on iiiio point-ho .lon't like to be J OltO(1 over Oniaha pavornent.M.-Booznorang. [ Tlie Tlittrtoii1ltoqo team of tlliH city lia challengeti the Council J3liifr boys to a con- tcgt , propoSIng th ruli the lnttr for 8100 a ildoand half tIm gatorocoIpt. , The I3II1IrhoyN accept , but want 1OO a side and the gate to- oeilti ) to ( ) t , the WilineiX. -I'lto now roller katIiig rink on Iougla troct oi > onotl III ) last night In fine tyi. , the A. . 0. 11 , band ilhicoursliig lb most InMIring ) music for the occasion. 'rite attondanc. w very encouraging to the proprloLrs , both In flUllI1)Or atti ! character. It vIli no doubtlrnve a good patronage thhi winter. -lonoral Stiperlittotidotit Clark , of the C. liii. & St. I'aul railroad svaii out to eo hhi farm of 2O acreii , four anti one-half muon north of thiM city , recently PllrclrnMod. lie bouilit tlthi , 1ilciitlItI idaco for one of litn aonti , vliu 1)0901 tO work It. It hi the bett rccottuiiontlit- tioti \Vootlhury county , possible , tltoii a 1)ClOIl of Bitch experience its \r. ! Clark colons In it.--Si , Totirnal. to itity lanti - - [ nix City -A torriblu accident is reported as having hnipoitot1 recently to alniIy rositlitig In Nrthi Omaha. 'I'IIO woman litol a severe Itoatlacho aitti wius uHtng cainphqr fur It. In the datk 'iilto got hold of the wrong bottle , takIng one filled With tuttle acid , wtth WhICh isito bathed her forehead before the mittako wns tihicoy- creil. The unfortunate ititistako Itivi resulted lii the ) kltt and hash being litiritoti oil clear ( IOWII ' . ( ) the bone , nitti may yet iirso fatal to the ; ictAnt. -In an article recently 1ntblishetl by Tji : ] iIi : : concerning nit overcharge by a htnelt 4. drIver the fachi in the cato ishiow that no littoti. tionni intitoition was maim on thto jatsoiier , but that the latter was hiniseIfropotislbIe for the trouble nitti tlt the arrested wi iinJu. Thu factis are that the ittait oiinged the hack to take him to the depot at a erta1n hour , ishinrp , the diRer having anothr etigageinotit a tjuarter or an hour later.Vhen hut was called for Ito vtut not ready anti slotalunti the liackitsati for an hour , .101)11 iing hihtit of the I job he already hind. lie wios charged for the t.Iino and trip thiu bit and should hiavo iiiade no kick about It. -Tho wife and two ilaughiters of Leopold Snyder arrived from Yort Larainlo yesterday and departed In the evening for Omaha. It Is just half a century since Sergeant Snyder enlisted in the United States army , and since 1819 he lies boon stationed at Fort Lariunie , whore ho has hung hiohi the position of ortl- t itatico sergeant. In 1878 he canto to Cheyenne . : and hohold for the first time a railroad bce- ; mtstivo anti the accuiiipanyiiig cant. The . fbcrceshrlnkof thiowbistbo au ho stopped oil I.e . the engine startled the clii tacit , anti It was 5(11110 little time before ho recovered his initial COIiilOisUrO.-ChiOyOIitiO Leadur. I , -Among the OPOCiRl vrernlums offered at the last. State fair was one desiguatoti on the list the ' 'Paxtuit lintel " , as special premium , which was of SiO , oiYcretl for the boot dozen ( jiatirt jars each of current and Pluto jelly. . ] otli lots were furnished by Ilis Minnie Uro. nell , of FL Calhoun , the daughter of I [ nit. h. 14. Greimoll , antI a young lady but I'J ycaris of muse. Shto was paid the ( till ainount yesterday by the Kitchen Brothers , and sItu bias as good reason to ho PrOUtl as any girl itt Nebraska. ( She will make semite guotl man a geol wife one ( if these days. -Base ball this atornoon. -Tue cushion coat is being bait ! on the liar. S . .noy street Pavumnetit oil the block be twoon 11th and 1tli streets. ; -l'bo barge stock of goods reeelved daily by ? iir.V. . F. Stootzel , the reliable stove dealer k iii ii sure sign of fine anti large biialiicasa. . . , -T. 'iv. harvey , of the Turllngt.omi stocl farm , walked away Montlay with about $50 ( Itrumitium money on cattle at the State fair. -'rbc w&s a fine titsitlay of the Northori Lights on Sunday ovonilig , which soeuii ti have escaped the notice of the majority o ultirens. -Secretary 'sThoebor ' , on behalf of the Stats jloartl of Agriculture , Presemitoti :1'rcaidon : ioItityre Motitlay evening with a bianilsomni golil.lioatled cane , . -'I'hio \ VeudmigVaters play genii ball , ant are liable to iii&ko It very warims for the U. P's -Ladies of Grace chapel biivo a fosttva Wednesday evening , luth , at Toft's nov block , S&uRdorti street , ShInti' addition Come 4 01)1 -rIce disturlianoite of the Itoaso at thii p1Ico court yesterday , slisehargetl. On mami , firing a pistol , 3OO , paid ; 0119 drunk , ditto , not void , jailed. t -It is reported here that a fonner Oxuak ni&chiniet , Tow Uendor4on , bias been ahot ii Texas , for beitm too intimate with anotlie inati's wife , and his slayer acquitted. - 'L'ho Weeping waters meet the Unioxi p5 dfini oa the groundis of tint latter ta-da ; L at 1 p in. -The State 1air next yeaz wiU cotnmnenc on a Friday amid run until the fob owimi , ] friday , Tue Council Bluff. Asoclation tic siring to do whatever Omaha does , have mat ! the same arrangomeutsi for the same dato.i. I -The hiea'ry , four story brick block on 11am DOT auti 10th streets , hi boin lint U by Cltaa Turuer , and the north store will ho ocoulsie from top to bottem by a hartiwaro firm whie 3 hi coining here front Nobzaakia City. l' -Time most gtItetl actresi on the otage I I'thx JIbes , who appears at IIoyd'i Irida And Saturday , in "Adrienne , " "Yx-ou Fruu and "School ( or Scandal. " % -1anager lUng , of the Omaha Vortillze WQrlcS , has boon arreatad by Thomas Gibaoo U on the charge cif embezzling 2tOO , of the corn- pany's funtbo during the abenco of Mr. Gibson - son in Coboratle. lie gave bonds In $2tOO ssntl will li oxiuninoti Friday. It in miii that Ito used the cash at faro. -To 1lmuy.-Thto bar anti bilhiartl rooms , the barber shop , tlm cigar and news stantl of the Cozzens , ' sopl7-m&c3I. -The 1epimblican County Central commit. too is to meet at the court hiou.o Saturday at 2 1' . tfl. for the PUrl)000 of fixing the time for iirimnarie amid the convention. Five boxcs of Quaboy's teAl ) staitib in the hallway ready to grease Political vlinels if nccesary. If they wore five 1oxos of Mummn's extra they wnuldui't stay there so iotig. -Thin Weeping Waters are made up of "dark liorse" nut ! come prepared to hoist the U. P's. slown dote , -ltesolution of thanks have boon iiasesl by the State lloartl of Agriculture to Ilon.G.M , 1amlscrtsomi for his atldress , and ordering two tlmotmsamul copio irinted ; the isimperintoittbont of committees itt the fair ; toV. . I' . \Iummxaxxghi , superintendent of mnacliinory , cmiii to thin gait- oral MlperifltOlitlOflL to thin hmotel amid hii'i- iteMs moon of Omaha ; to 'strss. ltcmniixgtsn alit ! ? drs. Cooper , art hall , ttmperimitendemit ; to emuploycs amid to the various railrtasls outer- lug imito tlio city. 'rite Implement nxhiihitors liavo also comnmnemislatory rcsolixtions sot thu boaril. MUSIG MASTERS , The Growth iiPrarcss of the Oma ciIct C1n it It'otv or tue I'InnN haul Out , br his i'titiim's. At I.hio IMI. mneotimig of thio Omaha Gboo club II. was rusoived , tipomi rut1imnsI. of many citizomis , to organize aim nssociato tixomnboralmip to the club , the imuinber being - ing limited to two hundred. These niembors are entitled to two ad- imijaxtiomis , with reserved stoats , to the club comicurtm , of which thrco will ho given during time coming season. These concerts wihi 1w given at lloyd's perxL house , the first one iii about. BIX weeks , and the mnuxitborahtip fee , $5 , will entitle the htoldor to admission amid unit choice of seats for lihnaolf and lady. Messrs. Al. Morris and Frank Smith , of the committee , will start out this swelling to wait upon Mmcli as have beoxi dueLed associate mnonibors for their no- coltaflcO or declination. 'lime ' club has begun negotiations with several ibnimlia donimmux to secure their muir- vices aim ate xtdditiommal attraction to these comicerts , and it is safe to say will secure the best txelrnmt iii the country. In this ctxxtcctiomt it tony ho stated flint the boyb howe agreed to furimishi a double t1itnvtotte to simi on the occasinxm of tIme hxty'imi of time cormier sLoth ) of the hOW : IIxttsonie tcixm1)ho at Coutmeil illimirs , on the 27th inst. , anti have also Jrlmm- i14Cl to 1)11011 thu new opera house at Fair- mitomit , this 5141te , alnut Novommibor list. 'l'hmu Onimilni Glee Climb is one of thin liveliest ( ) rgammizatioxms in this city amid has iimttl ii. steady and healthy growth over since it. first began time cammipaigmi work in 1880. It coxaprises some of time best imiiis'mcnl talent in the city muni in tntTimiiig amid litaimagemuent hits beomi exceptionally fortumiate. It deserves success. - - - - 1tOSi'H UACIci'I' . 1 % Colored Wunmaim Arrcstcd ibm- Stenlfiig U , ' .YtiIchi Ollicor Lane last night arrested a col. orod woman itamed Rose , on the chiargo of stealing a gold watch several ifltlithlB ago. The woman was at time time working for Mr. A. D. Jones' fmunily and Mr. Jomios lost a gold watch amid cimmi'mn valued mit $175 , which it is imolioved Rose took. The womnami has 1)00mm known to ptHsstiss a valuable time 1110cc atmil took t to Edhmolmu Erickson's a few days ago to got. stmno alight repairs mna'lo. 'l'hie chitoiiomntjter was afterwards takomi away , but huts notItoon rccovercd , lonmg , it lit claistied , in time hxamtds of a umaim unimmed Elguttur-mmot tIme clothier , how- over. . 'l'lmo womiman prtosts her immuoconco and sticks to it titat time watch i'x lmer owxm. Thu Utah C.nieiIihNHIoi . , A. 13. Carltomi , vhio signs hitnschf , ' 'Of time Utah Oommimmmisaion , " hits written mm letter to Secretary Teller , tiunotmixcing as false time allegations coimtaimmed in an in- tcrview with ox-Attorney Gumioral Pierro. 1)tIit , in regard to time llmnuiid's law and time work of thin comimmmmissioi , ; Hosaya ho . does this itiio absences of his associates on tIme comiminlaaiomm ' 'tvhmo tin ' , are a fuw weeks' 'ncatmi. " \V'olIi thiit is : ' 'absent on a 'fc'mv yceks' vaatmon. " ) \Viiy , they have lCeli baomit frtimmm Utah tlmruo-fommrthis oftho tiimm9 inco tly were xmjjsoiiitod , If all of 1IrParlzommm state. I imicitte are as void of trqLi 'its ' Ods , we ) svihl shako thu statomimomits sf'Mr ) ' : P4orre- r 1oxmt , Sid , Piuldock has not tiassed three mouths iii Utah simice last Novommm. bar. ho hits just returned froni a brief b visit there. I lasaocl Semite ( into lately in Utahm anti frommi time informimatiomi I could gathmor from 1 time Oomitmlo iortin of the people , I timit commvimiced time stateimicitte attributed to , i : Judge Piorrojcimm are true. r 'r.tmis comnmmuasion is an expensive farce , . Itx1gxicnbors occamiomixibly take tunis iii , immaking iileasuro trips to Salt Lake and draw their $5,000 a year mmmiii xpoimuoe with reimiarkablo regulatity. S One of thin first mmm ustmies to be lixusod I , by Congress iiext whiter simouki be time wmptng out of this commimmmission , which a emily Provitios ailioctmro phacos'for live do. Li fummct politjcian , 1'iimmt. C OMAHA , Sept. 10 , 1883 , , . 1'JRHONt1j. y flommural howard has utmto to ] ) eor Lodge5 S iloot. g Misi 1 ; Oab ( . , of low City , hi visiting hot 4- sister , Mnii.V , If. Stoetrol , It E. V. uith ittitl John G , WilII5i have to. . - turned .tiln their Callformtla trihs. Liout. Jxmmnsltuclummmamm , lourtjnthi itifu. si try , has arrived in town frommi Ft. Sidney , 11 Mr. : i.v. . liradfo d , rohlrossontimig Coaboy's Weskiy Novdchi , Comm. , is in time city , and ii will 'rumnaimi xi few days before leaving fox y. homntt. ' , Mr. Fend. C , Bhmormnamm , hate of the U , 1' , , oihice.i in Omaha , lies been appointed cashlom I. ut the A. , T. & S. F. , at Trinidad. Th1 will ' bit jiloasant nevmi ts5i hi. friends. - CITY COUNCIL Bi Batch oiOrdinallccs Bisoc of , it $ icclnl Meeting To.nlglmt. emi IUL Inipomiant. BmmbJoct. The regular meotingof the city council last oyoning was attomided by nih the nicmnboro. Time mmilmmtmtos of time prcccding meeting Were read amid approved. P1T1T1ONM AI ) ( ON1UNRAT1O8. Fromn time Mayor-.hIIlrOVhmg time ordi. Imanco nmnropnmating cerinili Plivato property - orty for time oxtonsloim of Virgimmia avenue ; also , time otdilmaflcO d'mvidimmg Limo Fifth ward into two election districta ; also , tIme 0110 ortierimmg time curbing ammd gtittcning of Nicimolas strcot also the one regardiimg limo use of a public street for building Itlnlmoscn also , time ommo to pay Duiry Bros. for gradimmg Cass street ; ahan , time Olin ortiemimmg time constnixetinim of sewers ill sewer districts ; n1ssi , nppropriatimmg Illolley to hay for tIme Northm Oamahma sewer amid curtimimi curbing nmmd guttonimmg. Flied. Frommi time mmimtyor : Vetoing time srdinnimce immuilig $24,000 in Irnudis icr lavmmm dis. tnict No. ; also thin ordinance amiticipa- I.iimg time issue of $30,000 in bommds fur maving district N. . 8. Veto austimimied. Frommm thom mmmxmyor : Appointing John Grocis , , Joimmi henry and Johmn Potcrmsumm appraisers iii time mimattor of time extemmmmoim of Virginia avummue. Ocmmmformmicd. Thu olhicial bond of .Jnmnes O'Iloylo as pohicemnitmi was flhiirOVCi. Fromim General Mammdersomm : Asking for cerI.aiii grading emi Cmmhifoimiia street. Ito- ferrod with power to act. From tIme water works commmmmmitteo : Ad. vising time council that certain imydrammtu ordered are ready for use. Itefurred. Frommi time dde ! emmgimmocr : Ankimmg per- IlliSaloll to repair C1ifliO imouso N0. 1 , at a cost imot to exceed $ iOO , atid have sonic gradimig done xxi frommt of santo. ltefcrrcs.L Froimi Fred Stubbemmdorf : Asking for damiingcs from 'l'cmmth street gradummg. Referred. Fromim A. A. Dommeckeim immiti others : Asking for certain gratlimmg on I'rospcct street. Iteforred. Fromi Frank Murphy 1111(1 others : Ito- comnmmiemmding E. D. I'ratt for keeper of llammsctmmm Park. Itefunred. Front 11. T. Lcavitt and others : Ask- iimg that Smcumidems street be imiade of ummi form width before grading. Referred. A imumimber of bills were referred to their appropriate coimmimmitteos. From thu cbmairmmian of the board of public works : Prescntimmg abstract of bids icr curtaimi curbimmg and gtmttoring amid coimtracta entered into as follows : II. l'mleititmist Co. , curbimmg niid gut- terimmg Cumnimig street ; Thiomnits L. iItmrplmy , grndimmg saute and .1 emmkimmsomm amid Archibald for curbing amid gtmttering 'l'imirteuimtim , Fourteenth and I"iftoemitlm streota. Time first comitract is for Matikato limmie stone amiti time last. for Colorado icuitistommo , or .Joliet stommo. Contracts approved. l'romn time chimmirixmami of time board of 1mtmhuie works : Smibximittimmg estinmato of sidewalks commstrtmcted. Approved. Front \\rmmm ] ) ell amid othicrx : Asking for ehmamigo of grade mm Pierce atm-cot Re- furred. Fromit .1 . .1. O'Connor : Submitting ab- stiact of title to city liroIrnrty ordered by rcsolutioim. liefurrcd. Petition for grxmJo of Pierce street be- tweomi Fourth xmimd Eigimtlm streets. ito- formed. 1cmnioLuTioNt. By Unseal ! : ' .I'o pqblisim all ordinammcos , special its well as goiierai. Lost. By Iummitamxm : Te put alloy in blo k l.I' iii ) . " coxmdition. Referred. By Itedlie4 t : To ro-curb and gutter i'.fteeimthi street from Douglass to Fur- mmxcii. Adtptvd. 1-ly Ammdcrisomm : To repair sidewalks on \Vo1)sLer street. itefurred. By Kaufmmmmmmum : To proceed ivitli time ctmrbimmg amid guttorixig of Fifteenth street south of Farimaum. Adopted. By Ilolmimi : Orderimmg sidewalks. Ad. opted. mumomtrs op commiirrimmxm. Judiciary : lteeoxmmmiiommdiimg amnomidmoxits to now paviimg bonds orslimmmtmmee. Filed. Streets timid grades : Granting P. Mc- CalIroy perximissin to ratle , mimider direc- tiomi of time City Engimmeer. Adopted. Sammie : ituportimig on petitions front districts Nos. 8 , .1 , 5 , Ii mind ' , amid time gemmural choice of Trinidad asphalt timere- tui. Adopted. 0mm guts : ItCtrti1mg that all immommoy ccl. looted by tixO overseer of lianscont park foa immtpttmmmdumg ) cattle had imot been turumed iii. omtmINANCIs. : Special ortliimammces levying a tm for time construetiomi amid repair of skliwalks mimiti appropiiatimmg miloimoy to pay for time smile voro passed. Aim ordnmanco nuthmoriziimg time issime of $ ,24,000 pmviim ; bommdsfor , paYing disrict Io. ii vtns itusod. Aim ortlimmamico appropriatimmg $3fi5O.78 for the paymmiomit of fudgmmiemmts amid clmmimuo Ivas passed. Amm ordinamico for time issue of $30,000 pammmg bonds for mavimmg d'isict No. 8 was passetl. Aim ordinance providing for time ssuo of $100,000 aaving bonds of the city of Ommiahma , in lieu of tim $100,000 issueti in llmlrstmance of ordinance No. 575 , atimd ro- poalimmg said ordimmammeo. Some rrzmiilimmg ommimued over this unit- ilttuco. Mr. 1aufmmmamm stated that time cmmae in a miimt shell , wits timat if a imimmn wimo lotmgimt a horse for $120.00 and found it wasn't ' worth time muommey ammd now wanted to turn it back. l'iir ' , ltedfleld said the maim who hind bought. timiii horse found it blimmtl in oimo eye , amid wanted a glass eye put iii. I Mr. Ilaseahl said tue purchaser bought it for a live horse amid ( oummd it was a wooden hmoroo. S Fuvthmor commaidoration of time ordinance , l)05tJ)01m0l umitil mm apeiuml mitetitimig this ovemung , aimd tlio ordimmumco ordered to be eimgroasod. Adjourimed. , - - Time Oregomi Shiort LIim. \Vo lotrmm fr'mn Thu Salt Iako TribuneS that. time Oregon Simut L isiilu reached time S miorth side of liolso riven- , thirty niiles . below iloiso City , on Saturday. AL this poiimt tIme supply of stool rails bocamimo I exhausted amid there will ho a short immilt by time track layers. Suporiimtondomit , Doddnidgo has Isouct orders for the oreo ticim of a depot , amid for that place called I CaIthyoll to be a termnjmimml point for I time Itrosexit. Fm-omii Caidwell to thu junctioxm with time Oregon Navigation amid railway conipamiy iii Burnt river it i 50 1110 thirty or forty mmiiies , vart of which will be very expoimsivo to build. Snake river is to be croasrd again above time mouth of time Boise river , after which the track will run on the west aide a few . , * a.M. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . milem , then cross time river agalu to time east side , amid afterwards back to thmo west titus imialcitig three long and oxpen. hive iridgos. 'ntis is made imecossary by time broken condition of time country. Timero imac been comisidonumblo talk about. time roast being mlxii down Snake river to Lewsthwmi , a dis. tanco of 130 roth's from Limo poimmt of junction with tim Oregoim Navigation Company. Thmo route has boon survey. ccl miimd ; , iattcd , btmt it would be ito ex pensive that Lucre is no prospect of it being built. Sucim a real would have to pass thmrotmgh a great gorge or canyon thirty iimiles hong. Very few persomma have ever passed through this canyon , bocaimso of the dilhiculties and datmgcrs ntteimdnmg time trip. We learn that time roui is carrying mnamiy passemlgcrs and mmitich freight botweeim ( lrammger amid time lreseiit westormi terimmimius , a large per- ccmmtngo of busimmess being with time \Vood River coumitr , ' . - - flhmekleii'M Am-milan Salve. The greatest mncsilcal wommder of tim vot1d , \Vanrantctl to speedily cure hums , Cimts Ui. cars , Stilt lthiemmmu , Fimver Sores , Camicemsi Chilblains , Commi" , 'rotter , Chapped mamitia , : uxti ah I ski it eriiptisitms , gtlaranteesl to euro iii livery imustatmco , or mnotmoy rofimmitlcd. 2 cemits iser box. MANY MEMORIALS. Th Tresll1'csThiCh \ are to Fill thc Epioepl Cathdi'al , AItttm' mint ! Itorcilot , 13lhmop'is 'I'Iimne , Lecterim atmil i'sltim'Iibo Vtsflt. Trinity Cathedral is mmsv so nearly commilmieted that a simort catalogue cami be given of tiio mnemmmorinis wimicim kimid friemmds immtemmd to bestow imimui liii immtonior decoration. II. is visited by mmiamiy people every day who express time nmost tin- ioummded atimniratioii of its graceful amid studied features. Time painting of time iimtorior was doiio by Sullivan Broth- mcml , of Chicago , amid limit becim paid for by Mrs. Ilishiop Clark- 50mm , timroimgii dommtiomms of item- friomidim iii Chicago mmmiii New York. Time colors usedaro veryapprop1latefor catimo- drmmi ( lecoratiomm. Thu clercstory is all iii hilreroimt shades of olive , thin aisles are terra cotta , time chmammcoi is maroomi with decoratioxms in lire-bromine , time pattermi beimmg a repeated croes amid inommograni. Till : clLLINQ : is Imaliolleti in creauin color amid. buff , amid over time chmammcol are sowoim pammels , cmi- tniimiiig mystical symmibols. 'limo columnmms are doimo iii olive amid mnarooxm , amid time waiimscoatiiig is oak. Time altar immiti reredos , ( time canopy behind - hind thin altar ) time bishop's throne , time doami's seat aml caucus' stalls mmro all time gift of Mr. Woolwortim. Time altar is ricitiy caived in oakwithi five large brommze linimmelis reprenoxmtimig itcelmes ill time life of time Savior ; time ammimtmiichmtinmm , thin Imassion , Ciothiseximaimtn , time crixcilixioxi , time resum- FeCtiImi ammd time aseensiomt , all bas.rebeif figures. Thin bishop's throne will be richly canopied , muado mmfter time style of time thiroimo iii tue English catimetiral , fol- lnwimmg out time general idea of thus build- iimg to itnihito ax closely as possible time coilvemmtitlxaI Emiglish mmxodei. Tim CIiAcEI. 1AIL , exquisitely desigimed iii brass is time gift of . ? sIris. Calit. Bmtrko , given as a thanks- givimmg , 0111mm-lug for rQcovury fm-out aim no- eitlcimt. Time outer rail , time choir rail amid time iiimiii'1t , all elaborately carved in wsod , are time gift of Mr. and 1ri's. 11cr- miman l'oumitzc iii Imleimiory of the cimiidrcmm they have host. Time iecterxm , time ciman- eel stamidartis , and xi very superb solid silver - ver aimmis basiii , are all time gift of the Misses Ciarkeon , of Potsdammm , N. 1' . , iii itmoinory of their father , immotimor and aunt. JmAPTIsMAL 1oNT. There will be a large baptismal font , carved from pure Italian marble , presented - ed by Mrs. Fred IL Davis , iii lmiemmmory of her children. Time tower is to be coin- 1detcd by Mr. E. IL Simeidoim , of Chmica- go , and a chimno of bells , text iii all , the gift ; of Mrs. Win B. Ogdemm , viil be put iii time tower as soon as it is limmisimeti. Time BiSiiO1) hopes thixit seine omme , in timnoinay presemit time cntiiedrmml with a iiew ongaim. For time preseimI. time ohi one will he used. 'l'imo stomme svall xmow 0mm time vest side of tIme churcim is to be extoimded aroummd time mi'ntim side allis ) , boimig built bnv ; time yard will be turfed and atommo ittc1)s will ap- proacim time tower door aims ! time north liorcli. Time church will be coimsecrateti time 113th of Novemimbor , Bisimoji Garrett pioaciiimig time seruiomi , several otitci bishops aimil forty or l'mfty of time clergy assisting iii time cssni'monv. AuossImigto : ii Mmmimkinil. 1mm thioto tiimmcs wheim oxmr Newspapers are fiitti ts'ithm Itatont itmodicimmo n'ivertisemxmommtss , it is , gratifying to know imnt to intctmre that mill ceratimily cure you. If you are Bilious , blooti oUti ) ! order , Liver innttlvo , orgomicrnhly debilitated , thitiru is mitthuimig I ii the trorlil that will cure you so quickly u.s Electric hitters. Thmey tue mm bbossimig to all imiamikimid , amiti can be had for emily fifty eotmts a bottle of C. F. ( iood. maim's. If your Clotimingllouso will not toll vhio Lim'i'vrr LmAK Co. yomi , are , we will mmuxt v.ek. s18-mn&ow A ICING 1101/1' , 4trz-cBt. ot' tIme Mmumagcr of time Ne. lruuulCtt 1i4imUorimig aiim ! 1)ry- 11mg Cummmpnmiy , Lewis Holier , who line charge of time factory of time Nebraska Itemmdorimmg amid Drying comupammy , imiformueti a Bisa reporter - porter ycstcirday iii regard to time de- falcntiomm of Robert (1. Kiim , time mnaima- ger of time works. Mr. holler had 5115- lmeted timmit there was soimmotimimig wrong formtQvoral weeks , amid about two weeks ago , hearing that ho vits drunk- , lie immmtde imiqimiries amid loarimed that it. was true , amid their domnmuid at time Batik for a statemmient , which was forwarded - warded to Mr. Gil > soxm , imiminagor and treasurer , roveali'ml time fact that time accotmut was short twentr imumidrod dollars. Gibson sent Ileller miistructions fromu Demiver , and wimat to do jim regard to time mnomiey and timmmt luttur huller hover received , jfter tluit. mmlOm-fl mritciy vas drawn by Iiimg , mimakiug time tut.d tlufnicatiomm $2 , . 1107. Timi. nmommey , or a large Part of it I veiit through thin faro bank. As soomm as Mr. Gibson arrived imomno Saturday even- iif1 the whole gammin was aimowii up , anti , Iflimg was asked to muako a statement to time board sif directors. Refusimig to do this a warm-mint was sworn out before Judge Anderson and ho was arrested by ft pohicumminum. Ito secured bail b1 deposit. . immi $1,500 in shares of thin 1' urtilizing Works wimioli lie owned. 'J'ime discovery amid arrest of this mimami was iargoiy owing to thin actirityof Mr. holler. Why usea grittymnutidy , disntgrcea bie articho wimemi hood's Sarsaparihia , so pure , so clear , so dehigimtfcml calm' be ob- tainod. 100 doses $1.00. , _ . _ ' THE BONDS BUNGLE , A New York Expert Picks a Flaw ! 1110 O1 Issilo. Amiti Now the Vhmolo Timing Must be 1)oimo Over Again. 1tofermmco to time council ltOCoedimigs , pubhisimod oisowhmere , wili simu , that time acljourmied mneeiimig of that body to be hold to-miighit is iii reference to time ItasI- ago of an oriuimammco providing for thin issue of $100,000 iaving bomida of the city of Omaha to replace a simmiilar quantity issued tnider ordinammco No. 57I amid to repeal timat ordinaimce , 'rime new OmliImahiCO is demmiamided by t1me discovery of a technical poiimt connected with the first issue of bonds , which was "dropped on" by a Now York expert. These bonds were voted by time city mit time spring eiectioii of 18S.i , time ticketa rcadummg : "For time issue of $100,000 (3 ( ) ) CI' Cr111 ! . pavimmg bonds" etc. Simbsequemitiy city ' [ 'measurer Buck mmegotialed time sale of time boimile to time Ommiaimmt imatiommmml bank vhmieim took time wimole nimmuuimt isstmcsl at Ii per cent. instead of I ; . Tiieau bonds were ( lilly dehiiercd : mmmd time bammk fortardcd tlmemmi to New York wimero thmey wemo c.x- amtiiiied timid aim abstract of time history of time issue semit for. ' [ 'lie mmext news received was that as thin vote \vas for ' 'six per ccitt inoiids , " time live iior emits wore umot legal amid time atitimorities were requested to legaiio time imisti" iii sotlie tva . As time case is stated to Tim Dais reporter , the batik doenm miot wamit a higher vtte of interest amid pro- 1)0503 ) to puny a premmiiumii ( mu time mic'w issue wimicim will uimake tue bommds virtually five per ccitt boiids. Time immatter will be ad. jested to.miigimt. IxcItetI jTimoLimmailill. All over the iamil are goummg imuto ecstasy over 1)r. hing'a New Dhicovery for Consunnption. 'rhmeir uiimitokod for recovery by time timmmohy 1150 of thti great life Satiig remimody , caummos timumim to go imearly vild iii its prmmiso. I t is gumarniiteetl to .osit1vehy cure Severe Coughs , Coiths , Asthma , JEtty' Fever , BrommclmithiJoarsc- mmess , Loss of Voice , or any affection of tIme a hrtat anti Lummgs. - - - Am-immy Ortlems. 'rime telegraphic imistruetioiis frommm these imeadqtmarters tinted September 8th , 1883 , directiimg Major E. V. Slmmiimier , Fifth cntvmtlry ( Fort Niobrara , Nob. ) , to report iii at these headquarters , amid re- turin to imis post , are imerelmy coimlirmned. A SULE IIor : Fill Co1ll1@xion. @ Positive reliefand IllillIhIlli- ty l'roiu COIlqlCXiOllfll ) blent- slies hlIflV hO thitud in Ilagan's 1Iu'iio1ia ] a1m. A delicac ( harmless article. Sold by drnggists everywhere. It inipai'ls tile IlIOSt brilliant - liant 811(1 life-like tints , and the closest scrtitihly CallitOt iletect its use. .itl1 unsightly fliscoloratioiis , Eruptions , llhllg IIarks under the eyes , Sa11OWI1CSS MCIIICSS , Jiough- neSs , aiid the hush ot'flttiguo and excitement are at onet ( IISpCIICCI by the Magnoli. It is the 0110 incomparable Cosnictic. SPECIAL NOTICE rSpociaIs will Positively not be inserted unless paid in advance , TO LOAN-MOney. - ONWTO LOAN-The Omaha .SavItgs : namik is 41 110W mrovared to iiiako baits on Omiumiia city or Iougiae county real estate at current rate of ititercot. No cornmliiomi cliargesi. . ' , oNnv TO 1,0/mN-The lowest rates of interest I Ileinis' Loan Ageiict , 15th & Douglass. . ' N mv'm : o l.OAN-Cafl at Law oltice uf 1) . L. I s Tiictiia. , rOOsii 8 , Crcighton itlock. I oNnvtX'uo-o Chattel mortgage , room I A Nebraska Natiomutl flankliiiiisllnm184 - U , T ONEV 'ro ro.t-j. T. Heatty oan on chattel ASt , rom.ertv , 213 South 14th St. hELP WAr4'LiLi. At I ito Cornisiersamiiotci ic tie 1 ; i Jtmiictiom , ltwa , a good eooi. Ooo.l wsni Isititi to comtipctcntpaity. 693W io3S 11th St. in a sunali private S 1 f.iiiuii $ ' , a girl tolo , ecommtl work. 6)m.20 \TMTit-Ulri todo general hiouto work , 210 N. S S 2ith St. UD5.mOI TANTmfl--A : young mali to take care-of ) itrscs S 1 aiisiiiia1t hiiimsis useful about mioue. 4ail : at 1301 I9otmgIa St. 600.10 1TANTFi4-A mean to work In 1 > airy. inquire at flAiluuiirotliers , grocery store. 09m.20 KgElEItYANTFm-A mnhh9o neii laily I-lOUSE IrcferruJ , one child vsuliI be Rio objection , for particulars , address b.c. U i.s.cic bot47O , iavht City Nuts , 002.2mb I1TA1.'TEm-Cook Mill tWO girls at l'aciflo ifuse , fllothamid l.ttenport itreub , . t , ANTE1)-Cook. Woumami Isreferral at restaur " att hiS Iodgt St. 1. , 1)ANIIAIJ3I ANTmi-A girl about ii or iC yeaceoid at 1624 S S Dougime lt. 7i2'201 'yANTEI-o first class barisoni , ittady iiork S g'osl ivages , cone lwwediatelv Comnnierclai hotel , Limicolti 711.10 ) - mcmi to take orders for a tmmtcias 1 yAKrEI-Tvo emI1kiylIiuuit. Call 1215. lOut s. _ 7 m6 lOt TANTii-A good iri at the Immuiou : lioue. S 1 UTU.22 % yANTIutrI for Islam sewixig hi , amitali family , I Apm.sly cait side hUm street , beteeti Ioustiai amid lodgu. Mlii. 11. A. HiUltumil. e&&m-tt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TA1Fm-uirl : for general Imouuwomk at 2010 : ' iiurtstrfet. 'V.IINTifl-A gooti woman cook , usol to hotel or V reotaurunt , 7 1sOr wuk to cue comumsetwmit , Addrcse"lt.statmramt' { , lice olflos , 0,4.2f TAVEt-A goodgirl fur IIht liouwork- , Al S S at Xe. 810 south mOth stied , but. l.eayeu. worth timid ii.mrcy. 67010 'TANTmi-A : iri to do goucram hotm.ewojk. , V iiiej. t. F. siimmiumu.t : , $715' _ 315K , 2'Ilslrect. ) . 1'.tNtmtl : Iiumnvdi.ttoiy , and . .miti T I ruomsi girl at iuCkee Meat .l.imkt. ( io4 % ! 'ae. - % % TANTLI-A competed gui for gumieral house. V T work imi fantily ci two , Must bo a geoti cook. Call butseeti 2 amid 5 oclock p. mit. cmi i'ith street , lit d91itti of Ilarnty , 004.141 , \ \7ANTIt ) Iining room girl and i&uiidry girl at . ( ) tnia House. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11TANTI-A good girl to ito general housework. at itud J3ckion strcetbot. i5thaini 16th. TANTnU- woman to wash and Iroti at the VTrnfltet Ilouaa. 403.22' \TANTF.D-A good diihwislcr at Now } ngland OSltestauratit , usms l.uglas street. 6dt-i0 % % TANTEl-iutnidIatcly,25 soammietresso. at Can. V V field' , ( herall factory. titcady otk , hO ? liar. n.y itreet , 5.1 floor , Chit TANTEI4-A girl for gonoal bouework. Apply I V it 803 s ; 151km strect. 04511 Infants and Chlfdrcn Without Morphine or Nitroofino. What give. our Children rosy cheeks , \Tht cures their fevers , makes them sleep ; 'TI. Castorin. When habits trot , and cl-v by timrns , What cures their colic , kflls their worms hut Castorle. . What quickly mires Constipation , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigs'qtion : hut Castoriri. Farewell then to Norphino Syrups , Castor Oil amid Paregoric , ansi hail Castorla. Centaur LinIme,1t.-Ab , solute cure for Rhonmntlmm , Sprains , Burns , Onihmi , ito. , and an instantaneous Pain-rollover , - - - l- % 7ANTCi--Cook amid , iinlng room girl at N.V. . 1 5 cot. 11th muitlIJScnlmrt. _ 055tf for general housework. l'ernia- S S oust etuploymneist. . 123 l'arriam St. Out ! j7AN'rmI-A No. I harmices maker wante.l for one S S % ear or le'i.i time , at golmig wages ; I iant a mali that doc hot sisree all the time. I vant a good honest utah. A. 11. IXIICK , Wakclehi. Nob. 197-14 urANTmD-A : genii girl for waslilmig , cookingarid S ironing. Oood wage ; paid Ccli at 191l Capi- tel avenue , sotitisemat cor. of 20th street. &D6tt ' 'rANT1i-A cnmnpetcmit girl gos wage' , 1310 1 5 1).svemiport St. 1TNT10-0oam girls for good families. Heat V S vagcs , Apply ' llOlflCtllatCiy at eiiiploiiiiciit bimrcatt 217 N. Ititli tt. No. 0111cc ice. 022 tt - ' ' AcmEi-i expcrieiteed salosmnimi : In general , 1 mneiciiandnse , cay work. Adilrca U. II. X , 1' . ( I. hex 4Sewani Neb , 012-101 1TANriml-1miatcnas : cooL and lauiisirosi at 2420 S S lmarney s.trctt. II7ANm1D-Latly agents for the "Queen L'rotcct- S S or.A new under garraent for latmmc , muasmo of soft , ilcaihie rubber. Suru ProtCctiomt to the nosier. wear , whomi necessary to bo norms. ltetaii for 2.OO as fast at aiits can siow it. Large lstotlt4. Asislrtsa saitli ita'rp , "LZtsijO.5' Ustisdergat tarot 1ainmraeturiutg : ( ' 0. , No 4 May htreet , ( hicno , 1.1. 7'ctitrr. 'I TtNr1u-ufri t No. 1OO Sisersteut at note. I 2Sltf MitS. .3. M. COCNS1t.N. I3ITUATIONS WANTE1. j of booia to i.cems oralsy clerical vork to do even- logs or ally time uttir 4:0 : p. in. tddrci .3. ii. C. lists 001cc. 7o1.2I ' \rAN I ED-Situation by a yoults girl to do gemi- , crl housosork. Ai.yly at o ems IOu street , miear Jackson. 760.lSl 17ANTED-Sitution by an cxpericnccl young 'q t misan. Sjss'aks dlmTcrcmit langtiagns. Can flirts- lsh city refetericci. Appiyat 803 N. i5th street. 672-isi Young limo vho utidorstansis ( icrmuaiaid , Eng. b lish 10 years aid vait to get elulsloysnent iii sole , , itore. inquire of 13. Lebmisami , iies Faritain St. _ _ _ _ 017.1 ! . - ( situation as meat or pastr cook , 1\TANTED-A S Apl)1Y at cor. 18th and Wcbater. 003.1St 1TANTED - Bituat5cn a muree fur the sick , S S calm british beat of roferoticos. Addres 11mg , A. L. I'erry , 722 liynster street , Councim iliuffe. L AlIUS Ott YOUNG MEN in city or country to take milce , lizist and pieaaant work at their owmi helens ; $2 to 5 a slay eMily and quietly made ; tnrk sent by much ; no canwasinmj ; no stanip mor reply. l'loaeo mtiidres3 Reliable Mait t'g. Co. , i'liilai'a , i'a. , drawer TI' 4751.1 moO 11CELLANE0TTS 'VANTI5. D A V Hoarders can bo accumminsodated at 11123 lodgu St. , 00024' 1rANTiD-1to : imnfurmui.iied rooms with hoarilisy 1 1 gemitismiscri miii w ito ; no cliiiItemm. Alires it , I : . J. neil Saunders St. 710101 \7ANTEl-Ts. rent , a 1iouo . 'f ' 0 or 6 rectal , or a S 1 fov ttiifsrmii.ditti rnoiisq % s ithisi lii q biock4 of tin Opera licuse. "Ii. " lieu 0111cc. (315.lifl ( 1AN'rED-To buy , a , .mnall lrlntimmg outfit I 1 t iiii Ilte town in eastern Nobtaimsa. Can ICY 2)0iowii ( , balance Imi paynicnts. Adslres4 imiNmiy m'im'mmt : , CSlT-22t Corley , Shelby Co , Iowa. TAN1'11I-Jtnont aisU board by ii laslyisinl ' , ialI , , chili. South . Oir.aiia prefericil. Anss'er "ith utica , " Is l. Ii , ' this otilce. 061201 IXTANTED-3,000 buheis of treiaplckni , rIpe to S ! isiatoca , at llstrrie s Fli.mier's. 327.1 ! TAN m'it-iO : l'Y Cash for one acre of land Jtit , S north of the city liumits. See 6O.1sl m'icmc : , OpOSlte 1' , 0. Foil RENT--I1ouea anti Lots. I tar fimsu chainhjer roomii stilts etc. Mti't bu bid In side of 43 hour at a great bargalim , 1903 Farnamn. 037-101 Foil IIENT-Two unfurnisheil roomne "li , talrs , S. I : . dottier lull and Cats St. . 700.10 * t0it I1ENT-Two new cottaoi B roommi , ttsii lot , cistern , $ m2. each. P. L. T1m0mlA. 003 22 tOIi IILNT-llouse with 8 rooms 2 stories and brick lasemnont , pleasint aurrouniling. , No. 20 ( , mi I'ark avenue Inquire I. . .1. Liminimigon l'oppictou betwoemi l'amk amid ( Yatliorine street. 004.24' Foil IIFNT-Two rooits furmiishod for Ii51ht house. l.oesIng , $110) lCT iiioiitli , Ileetner's biook corSthaiid liosird. , 705 20 I tllt RENT-I'icasaiit turmilIsei cottage , or fund ture _ for sale. APPlY ( $01 N. iStit street. 704201 Foil IIEXT-Nlcelyfurjmlshed roonis for the wiutor. Inquire at coat ilde 18th m3t. between Dotirias .t hedge. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 101t Itiramrnmeh.i : front room. InquIre N. .1 1. mom. mliii amid .Jaclcsomi etroets , 6Tl'lUt house id _ & stable , eta , ( si ) N. V. coiner 211th amid Cstmuultr streetS , tsow occulsltxi by Charles l ? . sMandermixi , In. 'tuire opel , lrcnmise until October let , whstm mososa ion will be given Auctlan sole of iiouao bold goods Thursday , 27th. i7ii mmNttur : room. , leanti , situated , near I street carchurch , .tC. 1emms $ t ror mnomitO In. c1uire of m' . v. no. , Icing streel , between Cbario , amid Seward , 670.i2' 1. [ ° 'm and neatly } urnl'hni Homes , In uii tsr siligle , hot smut eIU 141ls4. DualraiIe iotatlon , i32OCspltol Asenue. 04321 new , torecer. iOili amid Jotie I itroata Enquire of Mrs. 'F. Koohiody , 11. it. cot. 16111 amid Jackson , 645-If i'omu tsmN'T-A nicely turnishost recta 1314 Jackson _ . ftsllt mtgNT-Waz.houo on Joneg atreol , butwemm _ I _ ' 10th ansi 11th streets , Omaha. luquiso of L. . J , Iunmiartll0th atsdtcdg. . TIOItltE.'fl'ma1fottsIs , 421 8. 23.1 , near I enworib , $11 I'r mouth. ' 1 , J. mltziuoeri , ; 612 S. 10th treut. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 194-ti FOR ltN'r--'r-o ) floors Inst basement , Elevator . attached. 1207 Farnaun street , 270-Itno 1t0l1 ltl5NT-A new brick store 83 feet d.e1 on 1 howard strict , betwuon 15th ansi 16th , trecte , liuet lhisismuan. dry goodsi store. 131U i OR IIIINT-Woll tutciiiiosl o ; at 1914 Web- ; Lte ! 100ti Tomt 1IINT-Furaishod room. inquito at' . I music and act store , Dodge mImI. $0-tf Broom Corn MA dllINBllUt . A FIJ1.t tiNg-CONSISTINO O' ' : ID , ' DOL/I9LE CYLINDER 6 CRAPERS . -AND- - HORSE POWERS vZc , ] The Best in the Market Sixmmmmitaeturcd byC. . D. COLTON & CO. , Oilesbtimg , U. . . . , ffScnd for Circular amid Pries 1.1.4. THE 3ESTTH1EA iron EWlN ( MACFHNES SIXCORB SPOOL COTTON . Is 1TI1tELY The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXIEItTS TO lIE THE BEST THREaD IN THE WORLD FOR hAND AND MACHINE SEWING. Full as4ortmuent constantly cii hand timid for ale by HENRY PUHRMAN , Premont , Nob. F Oil 1un'T-nriek store. inquire at drug store , -I oor. 10th ntis. ! 1)oimglas street. 310-ti 35011 IIEN1-Two floors and basement. Elevator J attached. lO7 Farnant street. 270-It - t011 1IFNT-Furnishotl and umifurnlshed rooms. Flno location. PECK , Opp. P. 0. 50-tf - 1011 1tmN'r-1teeidcnces amid storebuildimige , lIED. I FOlti ) & SOUEI1 , iteal Estate Agency. office east side 14th itroet , between Farmiam ansi Douglas streets. 7m12t FOR SALlI. . iesirablo hoiiqo at a bargaIn , house 6 rooms , - cormier lot O3xi4Q , eocretm titii iado trees , Ono block iromn street cars. Must be ioltl tiii neck. Loimmisbury amid Martin , S. W. car. hum and Farmiam. 710.181 I tOll SAL1-An entire outfit of lioix.ehoid goods amid iurmimture , neatly now , at 1T ( ) ) S. lith Street , two blocks fromn tmemot , nith house of eight roonis for remit. 707-201 JClFOlu SAlEm0) tons or lusg , LI. 11 Itcomer , Stii and howard. 700 221 SAL11-Thrce of the best residence tites in FOR the cIty , itli houses , 2 in 7 muinutos walk potoUice. l'Ecit , 648 tf Opposite l'ostoliico. -loll SATE-Itestaurant atid stock of goceries In -4 mine of the bct coumity seat. tonmis In eastern No- , Israssla A itumisber one elomsec for a muami of energy. Atldres " 1' . .1. 'l' . " floe ottice. 505'271 F ° R SAi.E-'Ewe lsortal.ic boilers , 10 horse power. Apply at lI ) . FIi7.I'ATmIICE , iilJ-tf 218 South 15th Street. I l1 HAIl-Two lotsdcsirablolocatlon and clical. . : laoh $275 , on good tarmac. imiqulro at thIs II _ dike. 334 tt I'Olt SALE-i'fiactomm , eneap mar cash. l'arty wants Is. leave town. 440 21s1 street , bet. Ilarisey and tit.Mary's avenue , 647-221 1 % Felt SALE-ilunso 2tefO ti-ct , nitli 7 r000is , wIth Itaif acre lot near Fort Onuuha , l'rico $600casli , j or 700 on tile . Address James A. Taylor , Fort 9liq5. 525201 I ohit SALI-200-Very desIrable cottage , 5 rooms , lot GuxiO3 feet , bouth front , easy broiL Bar- gaits. 22,100. 220-Cottago five rooms , barn , half acre ground , south front , Iltirt street , 2I0O. SIT-Four eliolee lots , liamiscotit l'laee , each $700. 203-Sisiemmdid residence , 0 roonig , cast front , 10th street. Bargain. 218-Cottage 7 rooms , barn , large lot , near car lIne. maay terms. N17-iot , $ lsinms asi.iitlon , south iront , tli5. 323-Center lot , Shirims' additIon , 725. Lots imi 110)118 addition , each $100. 012-21 _ _ _ _ ilIrIlIvEit & 1llLL. SAi-t Isou.o arid iot at a sacreilce. J , I. Foil , tim ? N. 10th St. 623-If Foil nltSc-I'our : cholee lots omt2OtIs St. , long- time , 217 N , iitls st. J. 1. Marble. 021-If Fomu Inrrmmii s.trect 77fetimiioge ? , 125 depth , lIve roomed houe$4.000. OIt.mnot W1SA-Splendkieeok-stoee , lord coal heater and s.-xtcmisiou table. Only been u.ctl three iitonihs. CAi. lmAltl'iN. _ , ] 20S.14Uietrec2d1lour. ( - - - ; -toit SALC-Gootl buiinee chamtcce at 217 N. 16th street. .1. Is. iiAitiiLlL lOot ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 tOlSAl.S-Ar. aba'gaim , , a etmiall siosier , Ilatniamin and Co's fIre Isroof cafe. Inquire at this olilco. Foil SALI--A cleats stock hardware. ilargain. F.ay terms. Addre M. J , Work , Simirord , Neb an-mint ; 'tOIt ' SALI-A mulmmther one horse , a-Ill drIve single or slouhic cud nIll be told at a haraiu , Imiquire at the olllce ci the Oruid IJision Tea Ca , 110 5. 15th St. 102-tf JtOlt SALE-Flmmo farm close to the city. 848tf I'ECiC , Opposite F. 0. ATm-LU rout SAtE- O 300 eamling Iiolfcrs , 200 two 3 car old heilers. 400 mIxed caheg , October delIvery. 200 head yuarllim51 ste-ers , October delivery. 701 hc.d ismisooth tso and three year old steers. Iowa atok. STRANGE 11110'S , . - Cattle Contractors , hIde , Wool and Tallow dealers , SIoux City , iowa , 303-im -itoiu SALE-A first class second hand top buggy. .1. Call at 1310 liarney street. 807t1 FoIl SALF.-Itcsitienco ant business , property in all arts , of Otnaha , anti I'artn Lands in sill iart of the btate. miEIFOiII ) .tm SOUEII , 793-ti 213 S. 14th } 'arnamu ansi 1)ougias. itoit SALE Oil EXCIIANUE-Fuil lot amid three _ 1 _ dwellimigs oortier of 11th nmid I'aclllo streets. Nine lots Irs south Otnaha. Also los ) acre. of land near isanton , Nebraska , and building and , tock of clothing No , 804 Tenth street. Will oreliange for Nebraska farm lands. Further partieimlrs at Coo , II , l'eterson'e Clothing Store , 601 Tenth street. 46deod-tf -lOlm SAI.E-olo mu largs and small .1. qcantltlee at this SlIce. If I MIIICELLANliOUII. yFEHiI ) FOIIA i'ISV hAYS-An opjsrtunItyt linest a small amnommmtt of CI5ital in a limsiness ishielmodil lay ItO Percent , heal utate receIved in cxcliamsgu , Imiquire of Loumiabury and MailIts S. Ii. car 15th amid Fiirnamii , 7O2.2 U0ltSurves maps or Islam. of real e.taton r _ 1 _ alit of the city , apply to l'F.CK'fr 637.1 ! Agency , Opposite L'.O. T OST-Thureilay , Sept. 0th , a brown cow wIth _ 14 Cmiiesputss on iide , . Lttoyo hurt , IJsl reps onu'oI Its , , its a lien lost. i'hullp Schmidt , 12th amid t7astsllar sIred. . 078 20' j"0iIND-A POCket book osntalnlmmg ndtee and i-c. _ 1 ceipt , . tinner non lite saws by piecIng prep- \ ' oriy imiti payIng charges at thie otilce , 010.19 FJs'l1 OltDEilS-l'or baggage , express or car. _ _ 4 riages , to any iazt of the city , at 213 8. 13th St. 'lolepluoxie No. 1402 , A. F. KELLNEIL 22l.lmii TFou want piles Oriven forany purpose. sceW L U.ydCantield house. 201.113 EDWARD KUETTT , IsI4OISTF.It OF l'ALSITSTEIW AND CONDITION' Ailsr. 404 Tenth street , between Farnam and liar- nil , will , with the aid of guardian itpiriti , sbtil3 131 any on. a glace ot lb i past and Prnrat , s-nd on eeetibcnditlomi.iv th.tuttmre. liaa hand 5Da mid. t 44er , Remtin iattdscttca gamz&aIeeii. -I