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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - -r-- TilE DAILY BEE --OMAflA SATU1WA' , SPT1IBER 15 , I8S. I'OOR 8PELLUW. ¶ % sre hi t'w Mid then person 'who the d' ' % roprIeQt * . t ThomM' F.d.ctrlc tiittt be very 1g. , - ' \IonLnt. orthogrephy n epe1lIti ( ho "ekttl& lth ' ictzarittc Is ued to iroteet agaInst do . . Cste lilki bfto lnltator * Iio , elnc'o ttvy hAve learn. kl.t thIs renrkebla remedr enil lt cttcnslo al ttougliout the country , lIee et.t In th'lr lts cud ti the ett.mpt to manufecture , rthlng to rceiublc . .11. . Whilu we take tht PrcUtonary meMure nlght aittt that the heftllng ol Thotna Eeicctrlo Ott C'OUI1 no nioru he ouiitcrfclte.t then the pyrftmttII of Pgjjit. The ntnal and only Eclovt4c oil Ic Oolle emong Iti Tern Thumb coml'otlton , d he & rep1.atlon for heaety and emdency utd. ereally aiinred IMd near siproech.d. For tlK'I ntlein end eli ncho , epralti , end ialne. we moet bartlly reoomtnontt t. Moere. Sargent flrne.drug. letM , Dt4 , Ohio , In eo'2er1n e quantity of Thomee' EcloctrkOll , write Tht they hover .oltl . .nthlng that ga iiicti ainlsrca1 iatlfactln In viarttig'oughs , voIle , , nticIiltl , , tl.cunrntleiii , tienralgie , etc. etc. Joe. t. . Voote , the Commodore , ElgIn1 Ill. , eiyTlnin. eI letrl& , 011 cnvd him of eclatIa vth one caUtati , thorotghtv a1ipllcI. It alio cuied ldn ol a F41CIJ rold nut erugli. lie thftike IL a very vau.iblc , tntt wW never ho lt1toit out It. $30,000 for $2. Regular Monthly DraWIng Ilitake place ' In rIu , Maconlo flail , Meelc Teiiido lIulId. , leg , Iii LouI , Ille , I. Thursday , September 27 , 1883 , A Lawful Lottery and Fatr DrawIngs charteetti by the IeiIaturoot I3..ntI'1eIc.3 declar. etl Icgd by the ldIiest court In the State. bond gIcii to Ifenry County Ii the ruin of 1OO.tOO for the * * Pfl3IClit of all PCIICe told. A RIVOLUTI0N IN SISGLI NU3t18I DItA\\'INOS 4tCcrv ticket holder hleown eup'rrIor , can out the number on ble ticket aiiil sec'thu ' corrwpond. ng number on the ta ncoI In Ilie e heel Iii liI lLreeeIlcThce trawlttg. vIlI eccur on the laet 1flUrday of every month , . F.ead tlcittagnIflcent September Scheme. 1 PrIze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ooto 1 PrIze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tooo 2 PrIzo' , $2,500 CLCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Prlree , 1,000 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t,000 20 I'rlzce , OQ cad , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iouo lee lrIzee , 100 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oooO 200 Prizes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tot ) I'rizee , 20 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . icoo PrIee , 10 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U,000 ' 9 I'rIze , UO each AfIl4xilntttlon l'rlze 9 PrIzes , 200 oech " " 1,800 0 I'aIzes , lee cccli . 000 1S57 I'rlzee. I10,400 Wliolo Tickete , $2. 'Half Tickets , $1. 27 Tlckotu , $50. 5 Ttckets , $100. IlemIt lnoliey or ftaik Poft .n Letter , or eend by exprese. I)0NF ) SENfl'IWIlF.0ISTE1tEt ) LETFEI ( 011. I'OSTOFFICEOIWr.It , untIl turthernotlcu. Or 41e03 of $5 and upward by vxpree , can be pont at our XPC1SC. Addteej lI ortlere to J. .1. DOUGLAS , LouIevIlIe,1y. Sw em BAD BLOOD ! SOROFU LOU S. INHERITED. CONTAGIOUS 1)1 1870 Scrtlheloua'U4cere'.broku out on my body ' ; . .LuntII my breaet vae e.maee of corrupUon. Some . S. . ef theseulcerewbero not lee than one and ozi.hcilf . Inches In dlatieter , thee,1ee , rough , ragged aod . eeemingy ! dead , the uavtty open to the bone aed , 'S tllledwiih ofonstvc matter. EverythIng known to the g mcdlc4l Iacnlt.y was tried In iatt , . Graduallythe bono ? . itself bemmedeeased , and then tlieeuffcrtng bogati in earneet. louoUlcors began to take tlio PIe ot thee hlthe.'ito onthe eurfaco. I become a mere b wreck. For r.ionth at a tlntocould not got my hands t to n13 head becauee ofextronie sorenos , . Could not turn In bed. inew not what It was to be an hour teen free from paIn. had reason to hook upon life Itself aa Cre. In the eulemer of 1830 , after ten years of thIs wretched exlotenco , I began to me the ( 'uticura ItemedIo , and aCtor two yoara perolstant . use of them the last Ulcer had heated. The dread 'p. , disease has jmunsbed. All over the breast whore once a maso efeorruptlon ; is now to healthy ekin , "weIght hA8 lucrenecel from one hundred and t one hundred and fIfty.slx P0un , ani ho good work ketllh golugoi. I feel niyootf . new man , ami aU through the Cutlcura Remmhles. JAil. R. ItICI1ARDSON , Custornflouso , New Orleans. Sworn to heero1Jnlted States Coinmlselone , , J. I ) . CaAwyonD. t ; TO CLEANSE TUE BLOOD I Of Scrofulous , .Inheited and ContagIous 11iiwo , . t soil thus remove the most paullflc cause of huarnn ' suflering. to dear the skin of dlsfigudog ldobthre , ItchIng Tortures , I1umhlIattn hruptIone , and Loath- 50100 Sore , caucU by itihorlWl scrofula , to IUfy and beautify the skin , and rreteros the haIr so tIne ! no trace of lhease remain , Outhetira ltesolvezit , the new blood PurlhIcr , atid Cuticum. atid Cuticura hoop , the groathldn ( ros antI Ilcaut2flore , are hnfalhlldc. They are the only remedies that.succeod whoii PhYoi. claneand all other means fall. It IrIce of Outleura , small hove 51c ; largo boxec , $1. Cutlcur Uoolvont , $1 lee bottle. Cutlcxra Soap ; 25c. eutlcxra hhaIngHo.'p , Ito. Sold by uI ! drugf lst . IOTrEItDltUG-ANI ) C1IE1tlOJLCO. , BOSTON. Sanford's Radical Cure For the inedIatu relief and er1naiient cure of every - . form of Cotarrh , Irons a , .ltn- - .0 vic Ilcad I Colil er liiiIicizc. , ao the los of Smell , TaoW and hearhi. Cough , liror.- cldtl , antI Incipient COII5ll1litIfl. Colnidetu 'focat- nient , with Inhaler. I , at all tlni.gglsts. . . _ - FELIX LE SRI/N'S - r rr r VI I'ivENiiv1 AND atJllE. I FOR EITHEIO ? SEX. ThIs remedy being lnjoeto0 drO. the sent of -the dhere , requires no.chaiigo of . or nameous , V 'rial or poisenotos iiodlchnes to heaI.eti hiitern. t'iicn ised M a prventIvo by mhoer sex , It I. impoesiblu to contraut nn prIvate thiseut ; lint Iii the .0050 of those already .eff-uiateJy , aflbctrd we guar. ntto three boxes to aLoe , or we nIErefuud the t enoI2oy. I'rlce be nuLl , paId , gcr boxer -Uirocb3xei for 5. , WItI1TE'OAItANTKF.9 .uueol'hy all .utliorlzui ujants. Dr.FelixLeBrun'&Co . SOLE PROC1iETOR& C. F. Ooo&nan , Druggist , cle Agent , for Omahe , ) h into wly Health is Wealth hr. 11. 0. West's Nerve end Braha Treatment , giiarant4uj SpecifiC SOT hysteria , DiessOonvW stUnS , flti , flerYous Nearalgla , ileadacho , Nervous l'rostrItlOfl caused ba tI use of alcohol o tobacoo , W.kefulnc'W Mentzol flepemelon , SoftIng of the flrain , r'Uitlng In lsanity anil leading to misery , d y and death , Premature Old Ago , ? .xrrennco. 01 POWOC In either see , Involuntary Loose natorrinea cau.ed by 'over sxcdtorw It , sclf.Luie or oyer.lnduwice. ! 'ain. one montb'o treatment. L,00 a boa , or boae toe .00. Sent by mall prepald on rerelpi price WE GUAIIANTRS SIX BOXRI To cure any case. With each order rocehecol by no for els boxes aecompanlesi with , 36.00 , we wIll icrot th. purthaoer our written guarantee to refund the xnooey II the taeatmerot duce nut aCoot a cure. Guarantee. ued only by C. I' . ( I000MAN r Wi 110W lot Omaha Nob. BELLEVUE COLLEGE. Under the care of the Pre.tiyterla.n Synod of No. braska. IJains SCPtember 10th. ClassIcal sod Sdentilbo courcs with preparatory department ; also , Iluelcal and Mt Department , all open to hot ! , sexes. TuItion low. Loentlon beautiful and healthful. OaIy eineznUesfrouoOnhaou , the 13. & 11. it. ii Ad. etee. . for cIcuisis , JJ10F , IV. J. IIOLLMAN ohIo. floe , Neti. Jyld..od m&c&slm - - - - - 'lnt lggcr Jauk. " - - - - to , oe. . . L'cLxLLD , New ( ) rleXto Tim&aenooerat. Otto teoriiltig iet tito early tinys of free. tlott , olit Aunt NaitCy , at litttiilolo lO taiIiCr , f the itfainty , came up to "tie bg house" to call OIl the white folks stl , niso to 'itx ' oTh tis' fur one Cth sugar , a Inrtkitl' o' coIi , an it inouf'ful or meat. " After a clint III the kitchen silo tutlo her way indoors to inaku known her WIUIts mid have a few inontcnta' coit. vervation with the 15(1105 before wending her woy hoIfloWitril , \Vlittei the chickens , gRrtlen , ahIti weather had beeti thhly ctiriuosed , and discourse threatened thu hag , Miss It- bethought her of a rtuiior winch had reached her that luOnhilig , the niehitioll of which would thu conversation the lice- ess.try lilhip. ' ' \\'Iiat's that I hear , ittiiit NithiCy , " she ( IthcStiohieL about your hitlYing uiecit to the bureau with coinii1ainte'hat was the lihatter ? " ' ' [ l'lhh ' , ' ' gruhhted the old woman , warily , ' 'who tolo Oth I bid tint' , htohiOy" 'l'hCll with a sudden burst of confidence , ' 'Ves , lUissic , I bin dar , alt' Inuch good it (1(0110 tile , 1)a ole biirca ain't hiothuhi' , l'iliss Mary , I kin tell yet chit itiucit ( lOUt wink- in' iary eye. I Went. (1111' , 'hnht , dat lug- gar Jock , an' I never got no satcrfncthni OUt'Ctl ( IC tril ) , n'othcr. " " \\'ull , honey , buin'as you'sarterhwar. ill' , I eloii't keer if 1 does , " responded Aunt NIuley , settling herself coinfoitably 1111(1 folding her arms up in her apron , as Ivas her custouti viicn iiulnlghiig in it tivo. 'It hiapoeii Ioii o' dat hue haiti o' hull0 , wiiar 1 bin sa'rii' th } ) t.'woil big lilcotill' tiiiie , VIII311 801010 0' tIe fin-ron dcl. egashun 0' PrCCiICrS is gwine to koiuro. gate at IIIy house enduring do 'sociatiun. Dat nigger .Jack , you 111111' , Miss Mary , ho ailIt , ot no 'ooinan folks Vail fur to do hiOthill t'all ' fur hilu , co Ito gin'erally go 'bout lookin , mighty sorry an' nanty , 'ceptcn snub o' sic neighors wash liiiit an' patch hihil up little.ohl chile , Ollo uijorilit' litS' week I'so aottn' iii do chuinl- bly corner , roCkiht' and atuddill' 'bout big iticetiti' tifflo an' ' do strange folk wihar 0011u1h1 , an' all like or dat , Arter while I got up Otlt'Clt hL1 chuocr an' step over to do CU1)bOMd ) all' fetch down dat ham of'cii do topmos' shief fur to git or little snilr 0' do goodness o' it. T'wero ( lIlt brown tuid tChhl1)tiht' it fP.'rly inuko my inouf water. 1)c skin vao3 tU'lhed 'up at do coratlers , slIowiIk' tdo fat , an' all romi' der hock hilt' knuckle bone ¶ 1 had done rub pcper an' lasses fur to keep do skippers out. I say to niyscf , sos 1 , 'Nancy , dis yer in tb hubbies' scrop o' bacon din side do white folks'' ; collie bun ineetiit' you tAkes dis lMUfl.all biles it , den you sprinkles sugar ' 1)011 tel ) cit it an' browii ita little iii do oben , artor dat you dross it off III sprigs o' oa'sly , an' t'wouit nary nigger Lii do country hiab sich a dish fur to sot do preachers down to , ' " \Vliile I taflrin' to inysof dat peacibbo by do cunboard , vIio dis come dodgin' in .ibo : cabin but Nggor Jack , vid or hittlo bundle o' rags in ho unit' an' grimlin' and grinlun' caine as IL 'posSuln. ' "Mornin' , AJiit Iaiicy , , sos he , duckin ho haid an' vottin' dciii roguish eyes o' his'n 'loon mythain. " 'htorflhhi''tI SIlap back , short as pie- eros' , turiiin' ouil' for to lock do ancat 'U' ) . 4' Dot ! ' fine o' bacon a , iuow'ful piece , .A.'iit Nancy , " es Nigger Jack , perhitoly. 'a 'Tnintnoncdo bettor fur ' ' yo' Iraisin' es I , fasteniri' up do safe do' . , ITow , what you conte atter , Jack-kasc ? I well , .kiiows t'want : jes' manners whar fetch you , knee youain't got 110110. ' . ' 'Lordy , % . 'iit Nancy , yeti pintly 'is pcartJtn' iu1hOrsoflho dis inornin. LJlare of you ain't 'bout do cutest 1ian'utgues. in' I ebor see ill lfl hifol' see dat out- daciousdarktty , . an' don ho took do giggle. 11101118 mighty bad , an' he giggle an'tho : giggle t'wt.l I.git clear out or pashunse wid him. " ' ' ! ' I Sos 'FInaliyo'niouf , nigger sea , I : 'You do jus' like you ain't got no SCIISO , yO)1 doos. Shot up dat aniggling an' tell mc whnt you want. ' 'Won Tack , ho onwrop do buoile , ho did , an' shuck out two pizehl nasty nhtuts LIlt' 0. 1)R" aummorbreeches mighty nigh Ce black es 'do baok. " 'A'nt ' ' he he soiter i'ancy , sos , mis , satoful like. Jjoz drop in for to me of I couldn'tgityou'te wash one shut fur inc I to war at do pigucak Sad'day , I aii't got nary clean oiie. ' " 'Go 'wr.y funoboro , nigger , ' I sea , sooT T , ' 1 shua&t va.shi yo' shut to sabe yo' ' life. ' " 'Lor& , 0)0W , A1lt Nancy , ' sec lie , don't go forte talk dat vay , ef you Ideaso : mann. I .aiitt got nobody fur to .vashi lily shut , mi' 1 ahiiiie fur to go to do pig. nick dutty hike 1 is. I gwino ktke one gal long'er .inutoo. . A'iit Nuncy , plasse , inarm , wash lIly clo'os kaso I 'bicegod tote to hab 801110 OlCitli 01103 01105 , Rh' I ahitis char's dar ani't harry 'oonuaii ill (10 coUll- try iciii totoli .yoi in do doiii' u1i 0' ehuts hail' collars am' mckot-ltaii'chiers. "Well. Iuflss Mary , -lie beg so hard au' talk so fa'r. datJjt' tohe bill he oiiiiut lef tie buii'cl , ind artor while I put do irons OIl flit' vaaht dciii clm'cs an' (10110 'Clii UI ) Jiku dey white folks. I 'dir , )1IRS Mary , (10111 clooa hook mo saiiier iueachier's wht.cji fgot done vit1 'em , 'Sad'dny mu(3illliIL' j was Ill le hart h&ttlhiii' corn , then here COllieS Niggor .Jaek after de close. Ho holler Whar is dey ? ' aid II holler : 'Dee is iayiit' 'pon do caudd' do lead o' my big dug , ' and 1 holler back dat ihe's 'nhighity wttloiiriio , kase thnnky's all do pay I gwine to see ouf4n lihlihi. ' loii ho went away. "P'ct'ony I coizie ziawn to put do dill. tier-pot on , au' went to do.cupboard for a SCTltJ ) 'O' nuiddlin' to 4r iti 'it. WhIch I UIhf&Chi do do' , ( u.s huiog 1 dhcle was to 'zamniti bo top she'f utter my ham ; I look , and den I look. Ieti I. 4juiny beck and rub my ejes hard ; den Ljuinp forreds an' rub my eyes liarder-likuss tim Lord1 do haiti Wits oi1e Do slio'f was onlioly an' do bacon s'ras 'partt1-t nigger Jack done stoiot1 When I conc to aicotle out cli de a1ick I was powedul mad. Do hot water skittle , whiezi aho was aizzhin' all' bihin' au bubhin' ain't no inoro ( oI'clh ' liar balance 4e.n I was , I cry some , an' I holler some , but dat sort-er tu'n hiuy 'shun into tCSJll all' make ii apile foe a dsploohlion , so I pUt lfl ) ' bonnet on riltet itraiaht an' took out Up Llars'r Dr. Wilson It-'s JIOLIBO , an' toki hhilfl RU 'bout it , an' he s'sod mo to go to tie bu reaLl man. " " \'Iiat diii the & 4licor do for you , Aunt Naneyb" "I gwine tell 'botil it right 110W , halley , kasu dat bureau luau want nuflin , I o'ns iniglit.y t'ore up iii my * hliIld Miss Mary , 'long er nat lILCOII , anil I 'lOW t'WILiS du b'iz'iless 0' titit Lurcau znaii to hielio tile kill dat aorry ihigger , or to cripple him Baltic % ay , WTcIl , I vomit ill U sorter oficu room , whore ti itiaii in line 1)1110 clo'es sot writiii' ill a big boolt , all' I wait au' I staii' , an' I stami' an' I wait , 1111' do mall ain't takimi' no notice , " 'Mornimi' , ' I see , sos I , outer I done kurtey an' make imuy respecks. " 'Mormuin' ' ' lIe kuerless , ii03 sharp an , like be jest as Iool'e bite yo' hiaid off es not , , an' tiruthor , too. 'What kin I do ( Br 10U tii xaornin'I ' Iook almarp , floW , I'hIl ill do biggest sort o' hurry. Au' , my good 'oounan , lluhsil't call me inars'r , hose you ain't got no mnars'r how. ' " 'No , sat , I knows dat , ' ses l 'ebor sohlce freedom 001110 out , but. dat aIn't (10 1Iihit. Do pint 0' die ccnborsaslnnn , ' " hiiars'r , 11111- 'I ' calhin' hflh1hs't (01(1 ' do 'Quit mo , ( ( lailyl' oflicer 'ruptedf hlhiflity touchous. 'L (10110 tub you you am t got 110 lnars'er ; tiat's all done avay vid. ' . \\'hiat I gwihho te call you , tbon ? ' sos I ; 'kasa ' I blueged to call you somnctlliih , ; of I don't calls you oine title it 'rupts tie coiubersashunu. ' 4' 'Call ' ' ho ho. mu cap'ehl , see , sos "Wchl , den , ? lars'r Cap'olh , ' see I , 'I COllie ( boWfl here fur to tell you 'bout tint niggcr Jack- ' , ' ' \Vhio is NiggcrJnckI" hoaxes , 'ruptin' Os. 1110 xtguu. \'llAt's 110 nanlol' " 'Dat ho name , ' 1 'spond back : hue ain't got no entitle 'co1d. joe Niggor , lnck. lie pa' white folks' nigger ; do ) ' don't 1mb 110 entitle , ' 'I'hat he done ? " ax tie ollicer. Don I took alt' hitow ( bat. soft ) ' varmuint , CoIhie tbowhi to iiy house an' stole iity ham , 'Is you (1(1110 ntiythuhig , ho want'cr know , niid I sos : 'No , stIr , I ain't ' , knee fus' ' I ( lilml't believe tie meat was gollo , all' don I cried , 1111' ( lOll 1 get uiiad , all' walked hlh'sO'f off to 'l1ttrs'r Dr.Vilsohi U- , all' fits' he tole nio : ' ( h ) to tie tbelile , ' den ho tole urn 1(0 COllie to you , all' I tiiie Collie Rh' , ihlals'r , IYIUlt I ll ) 1111111 , of you please , sar. ' "Do bureau naii lie thought , an' lie thought , ( loll ho scratch ho haid , 1111' ' stretch hissef back imu lie cheer , an' gigle. Arter tlitt. he gin hue three soot's all' tole lila fur to kar 'cmii ( bowhi to Niggor , Inck's liotico anti miuitke strch arter may haiti. \VoIi , Miss I took dciii biggcrt.y sojets , siiiggfln' lilt' hhhakiht' full at 1110 , nIl do V1t ) ' down to Niger , Jack's otbin. \\'hcmi we got right 11103 at it , here eohiie Niggor ,1ack , juihipin' otit ( be f4hhaiity all' tiikiit' III ) tIe railroad track t'id do ham III lie hituii. ' iit' dey shoot. itt hiimn , all' do shoot at him , an' couldn't. liar ) ' title o 'CIII i ) ; 111111 , hue hop miii' jtiiihp SO poart. Dt'y shoot , itui' dey sihoot , all' he 111h1 , an' ito jihilhl ) , Rh lie junip , mthi' ho run -blickot3' , blickcty-azt' I wish to do Lord dey ltztti boon kill dat nigger , an , I could er bin got my hais.-New Orleans Timnes-Dclnocrat. - - _ The finest nitorativo anti anti-bilious inediciiie on carthI , is Samaritan 2'cr- vifle. 1hiO. ' 'The tboctors said my citilti must die with apasmhls , &lflZt0"ialL .tVcrvhw cured him. . " 'iVuu. E. ' . [ bniior , Dayton , Ohio. At druggists. _ _ _ _ _ _ RUSSIA'S HUNGRY MOUJIICS. The Problemia tleat Is Presented to the Czar by Sillitons of' Un- rotec'd Peasants. A correspondent of Tim Now York Suit writes from St. Petersburg : Twen. b-two years hiwe passed Since the great emancipation edict was proclaimed hero , and yet to the serf qilostioll re- .maifls practicaihy unsolved.nhieai free. .ing the serfs , the czar libotator out- nouneed that.thoy would be given land enough to austain them , and to citable thieni to pay all the taxes. No doubt that was a very wise plan , and in Russia there wits , and still , is , Bloro thsn enough free state land to carry the imperial project. Yet the lmtt.o auotcrat wasiinpotont to fulfil hits solonin premise Li.ko the negroes who expected "forty acres and a mule , " the Russian pCltSahlts are to thus day waiting for the "golden charter" that is to endow theist with plenty of hand. "lSIore laud ! " is the cry of tIme freed serfs , and this nsaisds tIm attention of Russiaii st.'ttes- ' 111011 far isiom urgently that the Eastern , tim Panshavitotic , the Roman Catholic , or the Hebrew question. A tbcco formon- thtionia miow going on in tIle very heart of Russia , and , if it remains u.nohocked or uiircleived , it will iii time. , like an earthquake , upset tile foundations of this autocrottinregimno. There is leoinillg tqh a now spectre which frigiitoais the very NlhlihiStS. Russian history sliowsthsat the enoujik , . ? hlilO he hIlts 11111(1 omtoigh to feed UOil , 18 thO niost dccii being iii the world , hut whims ( lerpived of Jand 110 be. COIIICS a Inoihator. The antiJcw.tnht riots plainly show timat the teeth and claws of the Inonster are growing. .111 1861 25.000,000 serfs weroliboratod , each male adult receiving altoutoighit 4tcresof hand. By his work on this patch tiio freedserf had to sustain Iiiafamnily , tite state , laovilocial ) , and hocal taxes , timd lily by citoiighi to rodeelu his laud from his . formller immaster. Iow that svas mnnrethman eroil tile frcu lhiouj'lk conilohishi. What was the rcsuiU Ills family was humugry , his taxes were iii thou otrreais , his grohihli-Up loyH had to lemtrui 501110 oUter trade thami farimhimlg ; thtyhiitd to lexvu mid sowuhl thu labor muarkot , wltiali was ii imuv feature in itussia. Joz his L1'FCitlti ho was flogged.Vhhilo Ito WItS yet it surf , flogging was latl enough , limit IA ) be fico autd yet have to subnmit to flogging - ging tVIiS too bc.d ; htIld time nioujik got otmi- gry. Omie year his CII' , was sold to flt3' time taxes , tilt ) miext year Ito lent his 1lrso ( ill tht.u 5111110 IVo- ) ' . 'l'lloul Ito load ommly a iRVO attc1t tf iiiimtl utmiti Ihith bare liautis with nitiehi to SItotIhill 11114 ftimzily .urud the eumpire. lit his di1iur : Ito began to lao- tiuoitt the VolkhLSlmj ( , . amid tile vilhigeis grmmittbie mid to talk of tioutitfer- .rllmg hmis.allotmtment to 501110 ttller reliable ) Ctttahlt. And so our free ly&ut is adjudged - judged ito a usehess , nuid supci-iiuoiie man , at least ill his Will village , As the 'goIdmieiarter" iheos uhot apcar , Ivan conies to ) tIme coicluciomi , that 1w hail hot. lox' imiigrattu to soino1phttce where huid is plentiful , amid so. along with his od wife awl Imungry ohilidren , Ito ioins a Jarmy ) of other umsohessuiuemt like ihlImaseif , wboto either to Sibeoa or Ctiucaucus. IJo bitteriy liii weeps when leaving his dear native place , whtti-u his jarcitt and ahlc4tstors lived , worked. .and diml' ' This is the 811(1 story of lIhilliolls ( If freed s.erfs , nmt'l we must keep it in initid in oriiez t ) un&orutt.amid the 1mrosclht troub. los of the cuer's country. There is another - other great clam of shm1mor.uoI's miloujiks. As we hvo seen , every adult serf rcceiv- 0(1 eight acres of land , and Ltiu COllhrImUmles were composed of serfs , eack hiiiviimg cx. actly the 1011110 otliotmnent , flIt during these twenty ycas tlitm 1)1)uL'f011 has increased - creased frttit 20 t O Pr cent , while the atmiomint of Luid reltisilia the santo , It is exceedingly hard and pltinfmhl , yet the old villagers can unit help dmnitthng that their grown UI ) 50115 UV Iiierlhuohui } , and mIlust go. 'I'huis we touch tIhill tile C.IUSCII s'hiicht have origimiateti the great llmigrutioii of Ume peastiitry : , it unignttioit tlhiU itatilits all thu miglny of.- forts of tltu czat's ereathmitti. Around the czar tlittiu itru himauly courtiers , kitiglits , geiioiala , dipioumiuits , and n.elllhimiistl'a tors but tlwro alet lii ) statesimion equal to the present f.IttIIt occasion , Amtd so the juas. ant foiiuat'momi goes ott lhmlcllocked , ull- guideil , daily irlCrCatilhg III ICOjlU mid sti timlgtIh , tccordint' to time official statistics for 1880 , III tIme Kursk jrovillcu them were 102 , 000 superfluous jeasahltn , ill Limo Vorortiju 1rovihtce , 125,000 ; itt tltu l'ot- tavii pyy1rA , iOOO ° ncl tie on , otimil there arc over fifty provinCes now bend. hug umnior the lnmrdeui of tuiieinphoyed hhlOtIjikR. TIm Czar's own govenhhlhcmit admuit.s timitt there are at least tOOOOOO UmtCiilplO'Ci Peahit8 imi ittussia , inul this patrmarclmal govorlimont (1005 Ihotimlug to etumiblo these Ilcasanta .o bcconho 1180' fill , loccntly { about 5,000 pcasouits frotu ililforemit , ' of ittis- sift arrived III tile city of Tommnk , Siberia. They were loChlmlItOsS , smck aliti on tue point of starvatiomu. , Time ( Oltilorities diti not kIhOW WhIRL to do with tilehhh. TIle ) ' tuiegraphieti to this city for instruction. The lnhiilstcr of tIle interior souL a circular to the llrUYImlCmal governors asking for ihiforlfllttOhl OIl the subject , Owing to the ( bog.tifIys the gor. eriiore postponed their reports unttl fall , 3leaiiwliilo lmiahhy of the elnigrahits died 110115 starvatiomu , othiorto ran awn' at , their owii risk , uniximIg with the SiberIan ox- lIes , and the rest were sent Imomni' , TIme traiiiiuig muotmj'tk is a new chaincter in Itussia. 'I'hiere are Iuiaiiy ndliiit istrmitors who blaine tim freeti serfs tlmemnsolves for mull thieii trotibles , lInt imttelllgemit aini lll- partial iiivcstigators give us thitse hlt strtmctive facts : As a rule , time taxes limi. Pt)3Cl all each Peasahit's allotinetmt far sill-pass huis Illeollit ? ff0111 it. I ii order to clear all' hmis taxes time peasant is obliged to tb other Wlk besitbes farmmuiug. lllmt simdt a practice is veiy tiutrimmuemital to tile ftrmner's iiiterest. litissia ho 1)to'elhii ) mhelltiy mlii agricultural country. I f ag- ricultuic love hhot. to be tt ) ayilhg bus- imless , tIlell state blthIki'1l1)tOy follows , llcs'mdes , utot. every Ileasalit how hitte a hlOVSO 01' a cow , 'I'lto number of simeel ) auid hogs ill the inotmjiks' ltSSeSsiiOlt iulsto alnrmlhimltzhy small. It. ilhity glatitben tim Imearts of vegetirimuts to leant that ittissiati lcilsltmhts nowadays Use 110 ani- Ilial food. 'Fitey cinimuot get iL if a muoujik gives up his fiiimn anti becomes a htirctl laborer , ho camu cant only froimi 80 to i0 iubies per huhhltilIli , svlt'ict ) is lmai'dly eiiotmgii to clear the taxes , itIlti Imis fauiiily miitist tithe care of themselves. 'I'Intre are freeti serfs v1to hare saved enough to jim- crease thick' nhlotmneuit by ptllehia8e , iflit these stro oimly htmcky exceptiomls to the rule. rule.In In view of the presentS hard coiiditioii of the freed serfs , souse Itussiaii vriters and 1tihlliliistrators hare comiuo to the rash coiiciusiomt that ( lie great reforlns of the late czar did not materially improve the Coilditioml of the C0Ul1t17. Notimnig camt be hmhore foolish titan that. Onhy he who remembers tue former serfs can UlmUer- stahid what a womidorful change has oc. ctin'eci iii time intollccttmal aunt mnorah status ol the peasalitry. Compare chattels and meal If 1 toll you that there are thousaiids of freed serfs who have obtained a umiivei-sity education anti hOW figure asedoctors , lawyers , writers , profosmrs and engineers , it is only a weak imidication that I give you of the iuilprO'euhiehlt in tIm condition of former serfs. Mr. ( itmbonin , trustee of the cathie- Illal of SS. l'etcr amid Paul , whore rest time reimiaimis of the czars , frons Peter the Great down to the liberator , hits rccolihy restored that cathedral at him own cost , and the expense wits ; 500,000 rubles. Ho was a serf. Slievo. henko , tile greatest writer of Little Rue- silt , was a serf. Jollibofr , the genius ol terrorism , the leading spirit of the regi- cities , wats a serf. A score of other ter. rorista WhlO have died for the Itussiaii ropuWic were serfs. The word "master' is gone froni the language of the freed eorf. In the free movements and bold . looks of tue free serf you will easily read " .1 nitt lily OWlS master. Don't touch : mci"Wimat Wimat is to be done to save the country froiii the umlcnh)1oyed uiioujihcs Instead of forimiing useless amid costly comnmnittoos , tlto czar had bettor 1151011 to tile WISt suggestions of the freed suns thiemmiselycs They ask that the govorutnent hand , in stead of being granted to coimi-tiors , miii isters anti generals , be cold at a low rak to the peasants , who are .iiow styled sn perihiious , and could titus form imidepen dent village COiillliUllOS. They ask also , that their fariniumg iIihp1Oll1emlth ftll worhcimtg cattle be no longer sold to pt : the govorminmemit taxes , These demnandi are wise , lure mmnd luto.ujik-Iike ; btmt. tin czar will hot eiidorse thiemmi , for by doin1 so lie would sigh lila osvmt abdicatiomi ii favor of govornmneitL No , 110 lie viIl rub in his own fasilioll , at 1mm ulltil the stijrnrlluous millions of itioujikti imlstead of migrating to Siberia , nmrch Upoil his DmAMTATg , wlhichi is mlocosttry to tim digea tloti of firi llflCO'Il03 f.sol , , I , , IIICICI og ill tootilitO' ) ilmftmite ; heumee the great ziiot-tsliLy wimoro tiio are fed on time HIj.Ctllfll 1)Id.f1t.SllitiltOI foIH ( 'I'o immect timis tntmmt I it roan iig Iutmu'l.fotl ' , CIII I di cmi , l dIm Ih' Ftttorl lmzts lnteui PrtOIHlmOtl , ammd I 11)11 % ' tlmcn-ouglmly octal ) ljsilol its the beet mm tmtm I miteult for I mifaumts ituttl ill vnlidt over lculuwil.1 I druggists luivu it , Cokrhlge. Title is the vity' LImo Ikiihingtomt hawk Eye truths LOU1 Chalet .Jnstieu Coleridge \'eih , Lord Coluritigto , chief jimsticu o Illg1itllI. 18 here. I Ic is itcwutpaimictl b his moomi ( Ill. Full naitto is ( lihliert hIlt w always call hiimmi ( lii , 'l'liey oxjcct ) to ha till ) guests of titu lbuilitugtomi iar or 1)1,11 ) , clImb , tlioy itavcmj't docittod which. 'i'1m pu'ty : ClJlhe ( nshtimu i it Elhmridgo Gerry' ; yacitt. Lord Coleridge is ix feet aId atoiit sixty _ YttiIlH hung , amid shiavems lii face cleum : uvsi'y day. itteludmimg tIme Sitb loath , .11 iii hiiggago : siits ) iiiilioi vitltou t. . , ixititi imiatloit , Imilder Iltu tlisgmmin of luggage , a 11:0110 : itlIjIhiCtI 'to it by Ihihim self. ILu does mmst know lihuell. lii culls hls'vahises ' 'bags" and his trunk ' 'boxes , " nmmd spoke of a baggage car as i ' 'luggage rout , ' ' lie iii mtot so iumtelhigen as lie looks. Ho wits ntaim-iy .OilOkcd t ( lentil III luncheon , by swaIIwiimg a IIilg II , whtichthrn illaistud oil liuttilig till htisoys , ter , miithoimgha lie was told repeatedly thma IL wasit't lLlhmi.timuui tO IIOI HO. On be 1111 shown a dude hleremltarkoI that Luoeonimmit , ted several oif tltoimt to the asyluw for lifi jint before leaving Euglanil. lie Ila ( rIfles of the Ist liLy-olmts for itti extotide Iwichi roimte over orgamiizml out tillS cmlti ziout , tile hulihfUets builIg located all tht way fromn Nuw York to Oregroi , both it Canada fOld this United Staks. Ills liidshiip WItS VUry 11118011 amlrpi-iset CHi iearmhimmg timat thu ztiarrimis ( If Jormn was not governor of tIle Umtjtctl Stst , ' 'had we no governor , tflomlV' il ( masked. bOlt , yes , " we said. "Amid witu wa-s go'crnor if the marquh vats miotr' Amid we told Jul11 , lieu IJutler , lie Ivall jtitt : ibomit the givumitorest govoriioo thoU over govoimmeti , we said , And lIlt Iludsilip VitRS o1easei1 , muitl htti siiiii Ito Ititti nevoh met ( vurior litltICl , lout 1111(1 rtSti hum ' ' " ' ' - " 'Aimitiogy" armd 'Lifti of II , Ito said lie hitd a littLer ( If itti'odtmctjton , to a 1111111 IIaIIItiII ( i'euley'i& repommtor au 8(11110 mlowslmaIer Ime hmlmdeasfrodI. After hlihlciiOOhm Ills imulsitip called a cab auth or- deremi tIle driver to take 111111 ill lciimmoiui , 011111 svm : greatly discohicoltelI 011 being told thIat thu eiios : aitly rait as tar as time Gnind Cemttrtl depot , auiii tllat larisas telLs at least : g ; mitilos out ref the city , lie expects tA ) mOdIhitihi ill this coiiiitry three vceks , lie wotihi return to lmigIarid to. mnonuw , limIt will ho detailIwl somntiwhiat longer , collecting imiaterial far a history ( if thu United States , which Ito is going to write. Do No'raTonM TUt STSTRM , WITh VlOI.RT CATIIAIITIUS THAT IIACIC AND TRAIt AN ! ) WRAF.N ) TIIF. tINFOI1TNIATI- : . VAll' . ' , I1UTTONF. 7115 STOMACH , ltEl.lKRl llOWl.l,8 : htIaUI.ATF.TIIR : l.I'tlm AND llEI'RRhl TIlE NIlti8 WITII TAImANT'S BFFF.RVBS' CENT SELTZER AFRR1NT WIIKN TIIR Fituhl' SVMI'TOttih UI' lt.1NKoS Ah'l'l.thi. A MOItE hR. h.lulhTrUl iFFRttVRSdlN : I' I'tlAt'UIIT hI NOT TI ) hR I'OUND , ANt ) A ilthiR ) l'OTENl' ltF.ltRhV I'Ohi Il'Rh'SlA , hhhhIOUSSRiUI UONSTIPATION , NRI1VtUS hIR.UACIIE , COt.hO AN 0 (1UNRIIAL lanhI.rrv : , IaRtONOT , EXIST , 501.1) uv ALL 1)lthUOlSTS. " \\'ho hold the hoMe of the Tiiertuopylae ogiulmumit tli l't'rslamu 1iost" ticiumaimoleil the teacher. Atni the ethhtor's boy lit thin foot of the class up aiid snll : ' 'Fitther , I reckon , lie iiohhs an antiuini in's on every road Iii tile comllhtry timat lumme a ersseiiger tralmi . " SCIIOFL'h.A , A imiciticlile tltat destroy tile gt'rlus of Setoimmia aliti hIlts tile povor to root it Ollt is nppreciat ed by thie af. lhietet. 'I'lw rcinarkitbiu cimies of immcnwo- lmlt'tt ittiti chiildreum , iti desci'ilctl by testi- llhmmhiitls , prove llootl's Slirsluhoarihla l's fitli. 111)10 ) hIht'llcilio cohitotunhIg iclhiiMhiItl mtgeiits which tthitiliUltt ) SCi'tlfiliil fromu thie bluish , 100 iloses $1.00. Soltl by nil dealers. C. I. hlootl ic ; Co. Lowell iIlUS. ! ) lnteIils , , imt , of two colon are very ( audi. lommablto , n.j ttolI Imu t'itt.0h15 , , amiti WOOiClt'l as Iii sIlks. 1kliles bt'ilg ) shot , they are , , ( teot tlmecktsl , dtottml or brocanleti vItlm : tttermis Ill CilohaIlo or velvet , If silk ; or lrIlhtOtI imioreiy , If cotttiit or sool. . - lien , ' lIhitu , "i/ret ourmo. I was alhllcttoti wIth sick head. ticliti oumd general dchhlltybttt Ilimntot'k ) )1i1 ( cr5 brnmglmt , alsoiit an mmmmmnctilatto Iuiprovt'imoeiit Iii muy gohieriti health. 1 consider thomu tltto load fanmmIv ( iliethlCImltO hI the imiarkoL ' ' 'ltlolIaii i.ahlox , bhiifitio , , N. \ . iroeees ) of eIther , oIhIc or satImI au-c grovlng tt'ItmitIftlIl' ) less Imi mlmimnbcrl4 mqnmu tlmo motile , and lii their ihac.o uii-e secmm ttmo nmre ap. I rioprIlto mImhil seimelldo costmmmmmei of serge , cliii. tIt , tweed , ciudtimmsno , , atlil cuotimtlno tailor- uumaile stIlts ( oritmimig 1w fair time leatltmig styles , - North l'tIe Fiedltloms , , Prize fights , lotteries , waIkIig mmmtches , niuti hatllioit , zucoiiolomis itmo usually Inmimilugs , of time worst ort. 1k.' , Ackct'ic , ( iii Is not a smmimmbii. It Is mt tiutek cmmm-e for miclics alIt ! i'rititis , anti is jilet Its good for a lantemiess. - - - Ntiw kerchiefs for the mtock , Ith mnotmclhoirs ii ) carrespumiil , are mantle of 111th yellow taslt. imo ; sIlk , etubrohbereti in gayest colors 1mm do. sigime , if bees , inmmmimnliig.blrtls , roses and lnols nut ! large lnmtterflles with brIlliant. ctl- orcol vihigs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ioio't tie Pmthmii-Ileatvttml , If you ate III trouble look 1i1 hold emi , gIve tile blues gtoot1 by. If you mtru In palmi , have a laimmolless , have an ache of ftlI klimd , go to the iriogg'ist aimd ask hlimt for 2'/aoumaa' / Jlrctrtc Oil. It vlll di ) 3'otl goon _ every tlmiio. ShIrt-tall ] ' hlat ' - , l'tlppytoWlu , \ Vilitnaiiikoe itamiclm , Squaw I' lttt , ltawhklo itamich , Loafer's itavlmio. Spmltch ( .ulcli , Toe. tutu Lake , are a fetv of the mmamnue of places Imo Butte county , Cal , IlrSftNI' $ ichtI l'Iiusphmate , Tonic for Overworked Mon. Dr. J. C. ' , Vilsoii Phlilltdeipliin , Pa. , says : "I hiavo used it as a general tomtic , : and in particular ill the debility and dytipepsiri of overworked uiten , with sat' . isfactory results. " A. Biston sIIonkor - who alluded to hml eanill. date as "the war horse that mimiulfed thu battle fm-ommt afar , " climbed up to the commopooltiomi I room with a club alter readIng It lit the paper I UN ' ' ( lie ward boss that sititteltod the bottle from the : _ isUNFAILINO. , AM ) INFALLIIILE EVER FAILS. k11m1 . E'pilepUc Fits , 1 Sjiairn , Falling Sieitties , Comuvul- sbus , St. Vitus Dance , AleolaoiItn , Opium Eating , Seminal Weakness , liii- potency , Syphilis , Scrofula , and nil : Norvoua and Blood Dlsoneoo , :7-To : Clergymen , Lawyers , Literary Men , ; Morelmauts , Hankers , Ladies and all whose sedentary enlploymnehut causes Nert'omis l'ros- r tratlomo , Irregomlarltles of tile blood stomach . , bowels or khtimicys , or who require a micn.u 3 tonIc nppctlzcrorstlniuient&zntarUan Xrr. 1mie is imivaluable. imivaluable.TJ1EGREAT ; ( ) wonderful 1. Igor. t ant that ever sustain- Cd fl sInking system. $ ljjO , at Druggists. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : riSlrt. lit , Joseph. Mn. I ; ' ' 'P' . . . . . . . . . . Old. tICImISI I' 'OtOt , .tnm ' 15 nfl llPlTflPfltIflhl A regular grLottlatu ho V mnc.mktnu. Oser slatoon . hiCOatith 008 WyantIotto St. years' Iractlco-tWClVo In KANSAS CITY , 1110 , Chitcago. ' 4 , Authiorlmmn1 by ( too state to tros I. ' Chronic , Nero'ousaiI i'rlvoto dIs.soer , _ , A..ttlllla , l1tle1ey , Ithieutnntlsni t'Itos , nt ; ' lnte Wonn , tirmoary aitil Shiui Ills I d ; _ caoesHeiahahVakiauonhgIit , , , ttii.aue p. . s1L. .i1 heMmnl mb.f.lllty ( I.e. ii ? i.xiinI etc. ( 'fires guarauat&'el , , r liLomy retiil.It,1 , , Charge. . Ion' . 'lloamle , , , , of ( nooN enrol. No Inju , Ions inch. cino' , turialsliet coom , to 1atleiit , at a Itstaiicu , Con- I uItatloii frio niil c.uitiilciitlal toll or so i ltu ago road C .axt.erleiace tire till sartaput. A bOOR for both sex- hIlustrcte.l.-nid c reula , , if oh h.r , thihiig , tent eaiot V for two 21 cant OtamnIls. F11h5 lluSiutr 1 U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ torloo.I.v I - . Broom Corn ACHJNERY ! . A FULL I.iNmi-CONIIIIITINO OF t 1 ? DOUBLE CYLINDER SCR4P/1S ANt ) HORSE POWERS . I'c , 3itto1z. The Best in the Market M&jittt.ttuud by 0.0. COLTOU&C0. , . ( JaJeobuig , II. Cb-trd for CTh'ular cud I'ritu i.t.t. . . , . 1 tI . . g , , ' 8 , KIRKWOODII P1119 S It IIO % 1111(1 ( beautiful IhiulitiflIl to tile oily of Ontahrt , siuatecI , ill ( lie north pir of' the city , fronting ott ShierIhilut I1YCIIIIO , a'iil is the IHOSt desirothilo 1ocLioii1 for 10S111011C081 that 1lai4 been piaeel ( Oil thu market - ket for 'ettrs. BflDFOitD & SOUEIt. Kirtwood. Titis ProPerty IS ilivideti into regular size city lots and acre lots. vhiic1i will be soh'l ti reasoIhablo ric 1111(1 011 CIIS % ' ( CFIIIS. 13E1)FOItD & SOUEIL. . KIRKWOOD. Fronting 700 feet on Silerluall Avenue. This roerty CIiIinOL fail to be tiesirable ahid vihl ba rnpihIy takeui UI ) imntl iiuipros'ed. No lulls to- climb , ito ravines to cross , iii gettilig to KItICWOOD [ addition. Re- inentlier , WhIch 3'Olt buy a lo ill this addition , you will iiot have to payS Itli IttUOhhilt equal to IIFI3t price to gl'nhlO your lot before building. . Kirkwood. . . , . . Street cars will he run ts this addition at an earhy day. These lots will double iii value in 12 months , Cull at our offict and see lat and lURks selections early. BEDFORD & SOUR. KIRKWOOD. Elegalit Building Sites ahid at half the price of any otherlots in the city of eqnal distance ahid location , on the best street in the city. BEDFORD & SOUER , 14th Street , bet. Farnam and Douglas. Improved .k'roperty. El C tOtOO-12 room hoim , , , our. isOi seth CalIfornIa itreet , , 0 closet , collar , city water , uuItotmes , eta. 7 tr.700-O room tioure on N. hail , utreet , closets , cellar , deter , , , well , etc. IIuiooau , & Soucia. 12 2t.0O-Oood six room house on Davoilport , bet. 23.1 and 24th , two story , o osot , , lthntr- cellar sIster , , , volt , fruIt anal shrubbery , staldo anti outhouse. . If ) : h 100-Full size lot on hIeOuuIllh , 1)1500 , WIth two frame cottagee , one 5 room , coo 3 room. For nab or cxchiallgo ma 2.1oo-oooi two anI a tall nero lot with , fIve mole nottage , brick ocllar , well , frxtlttroos , etc. 17 Oite of the beet three story brick lauirieoa , house. on } 'arnuilo street. Ternia vrhvatu. 18 t3200-New7 room hones on N. 18th , street. All modern Inlprovoincits. , ( load location , Cheap. 10 V,300-Ncv two story house Quecii Ann , atylu. Alt modem tiiiprocuaotts , city water , lot itoix 100. 22 'l'ovo full lob , St Mary's avoroiis ni.l 20th , , wIth 3 house , , . WhIt ho llrt cla buhilesa PrprtY. Tcruie eau , 20 t1,7b0-Lot OfIsOC , will , two lioness. ClItni , . so 2O-Twolours to Nelsou , ' , a.hctlthon , on Ceo. ( or street. Otitnousuc , cistern , fruIt trees , etc. 82 Btiehiic.s hoaxes anal lot on Iouglaa , street , bet. 14th , nod 15th. J'erns easy. SI N.w S room ) iouseoiiChilcago , heat. Cithiarail 25th. All tmoiproveiiioiits. 85 'I'ao new home , , erie .lx suit orlier 5 roomais. Flr.t.olaas antI mia.aleri lnitaroO sinent , . rormate :30 : 2,7lJO-Lot lflOxlO2 , College Street , itethlck's roilsitolaloti , now ( I ruomii tuouse. Velt lantirovoit , a's (0db , C'niytiat street , U room cot- tagu , large basenierat sultithalu for ruojms , liar ; , , etc. 89 2lO0- , omn hioum.e , 'iiitrmachh'i , , zohlItlou bar , , , 5 ; oIl , i-l.a :1 , , glinit t raqrux u'ent ' , , O0 cash , , $1,501) oil long tliio. , 41 lt'O4)7 ) mcmii linus. , nim Itvenport ) , bet. 10(1 aol 17th , . 45 Lot i75t,00 on Uhicriuxmi , , targo houeo , larmi a , , I other liiularyt mucus , i.ot wlthiot , 1iipnoo. iiiit , , Is worth the iiioaey ; no ask for it. 47 'isea , now lie , , , . , anal two tub sIze lobi oh l'ark is's nile. t hit unit eohl water , o mail all ijacasler , , llrot clue , tiipr.vuiu : siata. . I louses s iil1 , omt what itu ask for nIiido. Extra giuoul bargaIn. 45 ( ) OUt IP ) nor. 17th cmiii Cuator , , tiousu 4 rooms , liar , , , ts a.tur , tl Ce. , oiitlatolh.Ilsagsi. 41) $2OoO-I"ivu ra'ouii ' lioio ; , Itito bet. CalIformila & Wtntor. Nice 1i'I'OlY. 'Icr , , , , cae' . 50 $1 , tjO- Lot 0 , block H , blihai's 2.1 mohalltlo , , . 0 ; , . , aitil a hull story taoimm. 'f.-naas easy. 52 $ ii,0Q-iaasj 7 roonI tlolsJ on Staeruaam , . MoIern tir.Ilro , omnoits , , . .tablo , so lI , ( lsterl. A bargaIn , 53 8UO0-FiIi , lot , ciii , S r.aaiii anit on. S r.ioil hijalse , flew , 6 libel , . fret , , Chic . .pra houiasa. , % 'ury Clamp , 02 $ lb0-HIlea.llaIlot ml Iu.lro , hear 11th , . Cluaiil , 03 tlXXJ-Laygc house atial stiaxhi cottage. Socel lent looaUom , full sIze lot , Itvonport , near 111th. sta 4OiO-Lot tiOx2& ) , gooi 0 coma itemIse , modern llirreilaelt ; , , , iear buolijess , on hInirmilaum bCe. ' $7,000-Two lulllaitis , wIth , two gtoi ii Uses , tt5Um anal ChIcago ( Will sort , elaaratoly for cash. ) 00 $ lUO.-'I'wo ) lots , ir xllO , ltt , house , table etc. Darker's sub-etobhoi , 93 l ,000-Lot and a hiatt , good house , itedtck' . sub. , hlIslor , , ( curlier , ) 95 Lot wIth 7 room home , Chicago , bet. 18th aiiI 'till. 101 1t0O-i.ot and S room Ihouse , forbad , ' . atliIl. lion , well , .1.1cm , etc. Easryttitng in good ro. 102 $500-Lot sod 4 room house , Iasrd , her. lOUi and 17th. Unimproved Property- FOIl HALE I3YHRDFORD3iII0UEIL. . No2. 1,00O-Lot fI0x127 , Tidlana , and DIvisIon. S 7 ® eacl-l'wo loteSOxlS2 each , on 11th. Cheap , slot ! told 05s1112 earl , 'in 10th. ii 8200 caxch-7 lots In Yates & tIceil' . additIon. 23 eT,200-12 full shoe lots , lIamacem l'Iace , one - bhook est of l'ark avenuo. $ tO ascii-Two lote 00 l'ark avenne. Bargains. . hlustmiess lots cii ledge , hietsoem , 11th antI 12th. Ill lO0-l.ot lo ; 141Iiin'i , ailhltioii , on Seward strest. 33 $5,000-Full lot , Iteed'slst addition , cii 25th and Cliarago. 40 5 ( au-Six good lots In ilamsooin , Ptaee. Bar. galis. ; fit Zl,00OLot (0100 , on } arnamn , hear Outh. Ver cho'I ) . Sc 5225-GoOh lot In Lowe' iulalithon. Casto. - at ) FoiracroInIVest Omaha. 00 hM.o-I.ot lit Isaac-s .tt Sclileiii atldlUon. 05 'I'yi ) lobs 14th niad Loavenwoxth , , ( busIness lots. ) 07 e325-Lot 12 , AlIt , , ' , sxmb-dlvlslo , , SixilO. A ija. gahii. lit 5175-Lot 4 , block I , Lowo' 1st additIon. Good iociitlni , . 00 $ t,000Flue lot Itcaldick's additIon , l'ark ave. 84 ti00-52 foot of laluck II , Stdiiis , aildltlo , , . Fine' vIew , 813 $2,200-Lot 4lxOOoii ICiho. lhtmslaesa , ProPurty , worth tahoe lit. lartre asked. Di h,5OO-Ftilt sloe graajetl lot on Cliloxgo , bOt. 18th aaI 140 , . Os PlOlJ-Ool tot , hIgh locatIon , sotith loCh , . 10(1 tO,000-Rlx182 on 10th , , bet. Itarraoy anal 110w. anl. 10:3 : eflAm caehi-'I'wo extra good lot Iii lIatsom , , adailthoui. Cooshhilacta locatIon. Bargains in Farms & Lands- . No. I' , . 10 $ _ ' 7 lerncro-100 acre liiiprosel tonal , , iear Cream. tail , , loan , 10 a. ream wonahlahtal , 45 acres cool , 25 licres 'Iiinotliy nod Cloyct , is 5-1,000-40 nero , 34 of a miotlo west of Ft. Ouiaahn , two iaoii'ea , , tnt , taiiiiam , granary , corn cr11 , , two - uellamSfNi hietrlig fruit trees , 300 gramu vtiauam. \Vill .et or oxeliaiige. 14 7uoo2N ( ) acres , hotlf laohhu N. IS' . iikhiori ; , 1W as-rue In cilLhatloi , , lnihtiee lanotliro. Four roon. bailer , sitabie , etc. 'i'oriom , Si * J0 ( ) --I 0) ) ct-i-vs ga'ail ltiat ; , 4 1.2 mIles fnoui ; Ilur. I lgtoi ; ; , C.tTx Il t-aiiaiity , Ratusm. lVIlt etchatago faa taaahiai ) lritrtY. 55 1t15Xk ) mush -tOte of this I.c.C , toctaoi rauictca , to tfac State , 1400 acres of ,1ecald taut. Call for I iitrtlctmlatrs , Oh $4,400--240 ai'rLmwhjohilhig eIt ut Wiltier , SalIie eouty. ; , A It itaaier , twit-u atiat ivull Iiupruv.d. 'lithe property Imehirahi ait I0O00 , Cd 0 tier nero 4y ( ) act. ' , , :1 : iiiles ; footi lVaterloo , iouglas ) miasaily. hart Iii oiiltlxatloi , balance iaaalow i'll goitI laaal. 'iYIt sell or shIl arrange. tIth cadlu titan for co-partnersliti , or will contract - - tract to fed 304) or 400 hacail of cattle. 70 to 82-10 00th acres hi Murrlck county. Gooth IU. able In.1 , , aol aslIl lao sold from $0 to O per. acre. ItS 7 iwr acre-WIll buy 100 acre. It , Ccdtr Co. Dii $11. . her at-rs-'JiO arres 2 mnlleim from llaunburg. has. 07 * 15. Iieracro-liiapruved macar Logan lows. 101 Several iauiadruil acres In Ctunhiig (10. Nob. 105 SIx ttiummsasiil er-roam lim Stanton Co. Nob. 107 I0'hier acro-2200 acres tlmobereal hand In Its 00. , Mu Chime snout farms Oil tillS hand , batancel lCUo4i cottonwood timber , whIch wiU more than. hay far luveetutemat. For sale or exchange - Oaial ; , jarojsrty , tg'Call aimd exaintlito other luolierty not Isted. BEDFORD & SOUER , 253 5. 14th. hasit. Faruani and Douglas ,