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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1883)
4 TFiF. DAILY 13E-'OMAHA , SA l7ItL t1Y , EPTEMBEIt L ; , 183 , ' ' THE OMAHA BEE. Ibblbahed eTery morning , etartf Snndty. 'The i .ntr MOI dey morning ditty. ItYI IT MIII. be . . . ,11Q00 I Three Hnntht . . . . . .p OriMonane&o0IOne Month. . . . . . . . . 1.00 TIr. WIULT Ito , tCIU1atbITIRT RIITtD/T. 11rRYR feATT/ID. one Year. . , . , , . , . /t0O ThIee MOntin..I W bliMonths . . L00 I One Month . Amedan Ne. e Cotwtwy , Bo1a jAgtrt.NewedeJ eta In the Ualted Btatee. ; iMItt110RDRx(1' A CommunIn tlon. rtlating to Ne.n and FUtoriel Nttkn should be.ddre. ed to the EDtTmtor , Tu. i Yui d . " : ' Icauxu LIfrtR. All Redne. , Lenete and Itemnt.neeu'ehotdd' be I /ddrea.ed to Tue lki PDaIJ nRo tMrART , Oalnl. Dr.ft. , Cbec end I'o.totaee order. to be mule py. Ib a to the order oo the company. THE BEE BIIDLISHING CO. . PROPS , & RCBEWATEREdltor. t NEW YOILK democrat. are preparing . for their annual fight among themsohee , and the republicans will wait wkh inlor eat the cnneoquont disorganizaticn. A ray of hope nIpPcars in the Nicker. . t on case. The major has failed to report 1' hie addrese to the war department , and it in proposed to drop him from Clio rolls as a dcacrter. Y. ; Tue New York Times urges the retire. meat ° E the three cent piece which it { sale was "created in 1851 under an fm t g preesion on the part of congress that N , without it nobody could buy a poetago t' stamp , " and has outlived its ueefulnose , , Tilr scheme for consolidating the Now England Boll Telephone companiee has . failed , for which the public has cause for congratulation. No business neode the stimulus of competition to perfect the system more than the tdephono service. THE Edmunds bill is basodon the hope that when the Mormon L faced with the aiternativo of having only one wife or los. ins the a P oils of office ho will waver. This is a very slender thread upon which tv base the regeneration of a whole tur 6 ritory. Iteronrs from various sections of the State confirm the belief that corn was not injured by the late frost. . While the total corn crop of the country will only average 80 per cent , , Nebraska will more than exceed her record of last year ; ; THE Galveston NCWs has compiled n m report of the business of Texas for the past year , and shows that the oxporad I products reach a value of $107,842,880 , i The atato has 0,139 miles of completed railroad within her borders , and loads the country in the production of cattle and sheep. The value of her cotton crop R alone was $75,000,000 , AN ENOLLSIIMAN Oh AMEJUJA. We hear so many eulogies of England by Americans and are surrounded by et much American snobbery and servile im itation of British speollt , dross , custom ) and mannerisms tlmt it is a pleasure t learn that America and American clmrno tor poesessca same nUraotions to one of the most tjintjnlruished of our Englsi visitors , Tlro grtmtcgt English lawyoi and fno2t vorsMllo and eloquent tiftord n. ltor speaker , Lord Chief Justice Cole ridge , a few days ago was cntortainod at q' ' dinner in Boston , and spoke as follows of f , some of our countrymen : how can I rim to the height which the , .eublt of bIgg gcltusotta Rnc3 9f J3cton m would. fait invite ma w is'ln"ro to Ys Bali In the neighborhood of Bunker lull. ] have soon your old State house , with tht lionand the unicorn upon it. I havosoor m that noble building in which your two Irl , houses c f assembly moot , with Govern t , Burgoyno s carom in the anto-cham a i bar. I have seen Fanouil hall , glair } but most interesting building , and I i have seen the more recent and moronmg T niicent building within a few miles o k , kilts place tlmo memorial hall and Iimm rev 1 and university. Gentlemen , these things are full of interest and of history. De not believe hint who tolls you that yore have no history. You nmy have a shore ifs history , because you cannot help it ; bra sJ yomi have a great history. You have m ' history of whole any commonwealth ram 1 m justly and rightly bra proud. You know ' 'i -forgive m vanity say I know tot -that ouy bred cis Franklin Joseph Daniel 1Vebntor and 'l'laeo doro Parker. Daniel Webster , whus , lend 1 onepmrivileged as a toy at Eton t + press wIImI was in England as you and whuso eloquence 1 hae humbly tudied over efueoStorey I household ord with every Eti6filial 1 lawyer ; Parker , perhaps one o 1 your highest and ; greatest souls ' I Hawthorne-if you will forgive time ox pression of eras Insular oplnfone-porliapa takun altogether , your foremost man u letters ; Lougfellsw , the delight and th darling of two hemispheres ; Holmes , tic autocrat of the breakfast table-throe uts crat if ho chose of every dinner table , tot But there , I am told , ho is content t t play the part of the constitutional sovot cign. Emerson was great and as strum as one of your own rivers , and as purl Lowell , I am proud to say , is my ow j honored friend-your representative m this moment in my own country. Lit Garrick in Joseph lteynnlds picture , Ii excels either ht tragedy or coinedp , a Is equally delightful whether as Ifose Bic low r as James Itussoll Lowell. gifted with equal eloquence to move tl hearts of his rea ders whether to smiles , to tears. And Howolls , the last of ti American Invaders who has taken Emil land by storm. Those are your glorie Tleso arc the tree who make your hi tory. 'heso are the mat of whom-fe give too for saying it-youougltt to be , you are not , proud. Such words in Boston , the home fiunkeyfstn , are grateful to Anneric ears , and all who hoard than no dou joined in the concluding soutimuut of t speech ; eclentlumon , we are one , Washington Alleton , poet and painte truly said-/Wo are one in blood , we a one ii ; language , we are one in haws , v are one in hatred of oppression and lu of liberty. ' We are bound together , ii may reverently say so , by God hltns , hr the golden chin of maternal report The two nations ao joined together , I a firmly conyincod , mat will never p asunder. " x- tf A8 IT I'JWMdrU/Wi A largo number of the railroad organs wcar ng the republican label and several journals who have classed themselves as friendly to the Anti.Monopoly cause are clamoring that the endorsement of Judge Savage by the Grand Island convention was premature. They claim that the convention should either have nominated a straight out and out Antimonopolist or else should have deferred their choice until after the Itepublican convention had presented a nominee to thu voters od of Nebraska. Now no one knows bettor than them gentlemen that the nomination of a candidate didato unendorsed by either of the twn dominant parties , would have ben a sensolcss waste of ammunition eu the part of the Anli Monopoly convention. There would have boon no possibility of the election of such a candidate and thu only elr'ect of hit nomination would be the certain election of any scan put uir by the railroad bosses who control the Ile. publican machine. Such a calamity could only be prevented by the tonsolidatiei of all opposition of ° rnetts upon one candi date. It was desirable if nut essential that this candidate should not only ho an able lawyer , with an unstained reputatiolI , but a lawyer who can lirhng to the so. promo bench the experience admired as a judge of the lower court. . Judge Savage ago cornbinud these qualities in an emi nent degree , and what is more ho is clcan Imuded and unapproachable by corporate influence. III addition to these qualities Judge Savage huts a record as a veteran whose loyalty to the flag and the Union , was attested by gallant service in the field , during ueru thnu four years. We may as well state right here that .Judgo Savage was importuned to become the Anti bionopoly candidate forsupreme judge , by leading Anti Monopoliatn , weeks before ice was nominated by time Democrat. , and Judge Savage gave his unconditional consent to become their candidato. As a plain moat. tor of fact , then , Judge Savage was the choice of many leading Anti Monopolists for weeks before his Democratic support. era presented hum to the Omaha convon- tfon. tfon.If If the Itepublican party had not intentionally - tionally followed their old scheme of a snap convention and a short campaign there might be more grounds for the charge that tine nomination at Grand Island wan prmnaturo. In the pros. omit instance they lava succeeded only in overreaching themselves and taking away in advance the chances of a united Antimonopoly nupportfor their candidate. , It was the aim amid intention of time leaders of the railroad wing of time party to leave as little Limo as possible for "kicking" be. twoen the convention and the election , and to force through their candidate , whoever ho nmight be , without affording the opportunity to their opponents to I tvago a thorough campaign bused on the I merits of time candidates thonmsolves. ' Under the circumstammces time only course loft for the Nebraska Auti monopolista was exactly time ono which they puraued. Last fall in Now York 100,000 rupubli cans rebuked time party by endorsing at the palls a democratic candidate - date for governor , not because they inclincd'towards democratic allilia- tione but to stamp their disap1ygyd ; upoi Ropublicam political mathode , Ciot'ornoN Cjyvylamld's olectiomi by 21bo0 majority was Line result. If tlma ltopublicui party in Nebraska is again conipulled to taste the modiemo of defeat front its owim fol. lowers , it huts omuy itself to blame. There was nothing prmnaturo in the action of I the Amiti ni nopolists. . It was tlmo neces sary cousoquence of a Republican policy ; which for years past iii this state lute endeavor deavor ° d to smother party sentiment min d I to stifle all fair opposition by the nmethod s I of the profesniomua politician. 'l'le ' Gram l Inland coiv'cntion was called with tie intention of prosecuting a political can . I paign. 'lime thou of the Rupublicamt gath P tiring was iaumed with tlmo idea of pru- vantiig 0110. PORTEll , Limo defaulting post coiituis sary of time 3d cavalry , has not yet bout i caphurod , but wlmen Ice is , thu only r chance of his escape froth time punitumi ' F tiary will rust on the presldmdlal clop One ) , . Army otlicera lava at ulrcctiv u r utotlmod of dealing with offundura b3 ; court martinl ip which vine cases out u tour conviction results as time cuisuquoic u i of tire trial. Tle greatest ononry in 0 tlmea past to a rigid discipline in tlm ° e army has boon all executive clemmo Y . which has forced gmmtlenien amid ollicemi o to associate with the blackguards au d scoundrels whom tlmy have ignomin g fously kicked omit of the service , n Ire paving operations are to be begin it early iii the spring mutd continued faux year , a prnpositionfor $100,000 fn pavimi d bonds should ho aubmfttod to the poopl a at time coming county election , r IC OT'JfER LANDS 2'RAN ' OURS. u Time 'I'onquhi war is still confined to limo diplauats , bfinistor Challmnul Lacou s , amid time Marquis Teung being time leader I in the conmbat 'I'horo is a violet cot i I trovcroy gohmg on In the I'mrisian journal and lougthy telegrame eontaiiing tows def of warlike liroparatiolme conic froun Ilan uI and bhursoillps , but io act of war eilh lit overt or opml has yut boon canmit t 1o and tlmor0 is a growing opiiicmm that tF n as difficulty will yet be settled by patcut r , arbitration , 'J9mia opinlon Iras bet ro strungtllened by the doteraimud attitmi re assuoed at time close of Inst week l v0 China whore the war fever was at i I height. It is one thing to bully and al IIf other to fight , and time commeurvat'm t. French opfmfoi is atroigly opposed teat at war fmm which io principle is at shako am : ut whore victory itulf would bealmost : dearly bought as defeat. 11'hotlier Am nam remains as the vassal of China or be. comes aurerain to France is after all of trilling ilportanoe to time mass of the French people , while a campaign against a foragn enemy with all the chances of success against the republic meets with violent opposition everywhere. Political affairs in England are quint during the seas , wlmish has now entered the second week , and the Liberal jour. minis who discuss politics at all are hammy. fag themselves in apologizing for time mistakes of the late session , Loral Hart- iigto has pmcticilly admitted that the principal measures of time government at time next reassembling of limo British par. liamont will h ° devoted to alterations in the franchise laws. A bill will doubtless be introduced dealing with ami extension of the franclmiso in time counties and tnak fag time qualifications tlorolike those now existing in the boroughs. It is also prob. able that a general redistribution of rep. resentation will be agitated , though both time Conservatives and Irish representatives - tives will bitterly oppon ° it. The more general time reforms in time election laws in England time more the aristocratic class privileges will be endangered , and it is trot certain that the Liberal party will hold together for any important reform bill. In Ireland tme ) Nationalists arc taking ndvauttgo of time parliahmentary recess to hold a series of nmonster meetings under time auspices of time league. Thirty thou- , c and pcrs011s attemmled the 1Vaterford dmuonatratjm , where resolutions were passed demanding a parliatneut for Ire. hid and declarimmg that Ireland umust have what England granted to Canada because Canada was rebellious. Time success of time Irish party in the Coin. maims , though largely imegative , is greatly appreciated as indicating what my yet be accomplished by organized opposition in time way of first provontimig obnoxious legislation , amid second in securing valuable - able concessions to limo demands of time Nlttiomlaliata. Parnell 1ms ncvcr been more time uncrowned king of Ireland than h ° isat.present , andlmisprogress isattend. od with generous ovations wimiclt bespeak the hold ho retains upon'ttmo popular atfce- Lions. At time opcniig ; of tire next par. limnontary session time Nationalists confidently - dently expect to secure a clear balance of power and to wrest fromn the government concessions which their nunboro would not permit during the last session. Time situation in Eastern Europe is believed to be extremely critical. There are rumors of a coalition consisting of Itussia , Turkey , Montoncgro and Bulgaria - garia , directed against Austria and designed - signed to prevent further acquisitions of territory on the part of time Auatro Hum- garian monarchy along the Danube. Large numbers of Ilussian officers are reported - ported as crossing over into Bulgaria and a rumor conics by way of Berlin that time Itussiana are concentrating an armed farce north of time rivers Pruth , between Itounmauia and Bessarabia. Tie present aim of the Czar is stated to be time re- imuval of Prince Alexamider of Bulgaria from time throne and time placing of a iomineo who can be depended upon in an mnergoucy to faitlmfully protect Itus siai interests in that section , Iieantimo Itounmamiia has joined time Austrian alliance - anco and any overt act of war would find the Empire of time Czars menaced by mini d force which controls time entire i J ° r , from Posen on the north to time Balkans on the south , The Slavic troubles imi Croatia hav e subsided under a rapid display of energy on time part of the liungarian amid limps rilil authorities. Itiotiig continued der - ing time early part of time week at Agrau , Omi Saturday Jowisli houses bccaumo time objects of popular assault , time more read i13' becusu of time luuimmcy with which I simiaar outrages hind been dealt with I across the llumigariau border , list time Ilungarinn Government bnd become tired i of mumlif swish riots , amid oarmeslly Comm corned about all kinds of riot and ngita tion in Croatia. 'l'imo intmumlry fired upon time stub , amid time hussars cleared time streets. Similar collieiona , net cntirel Y bloodless , took pl,1cu , in limo rural dis tricts , nnilitery raanforcmuents arrivin g froun Styria amid other parts. A nciv at tuigmt by time Agranm imob on Smmdny win s easily quelled. A nuumbur of eittzmm a oll'crud lhoir strvices to presurt' ° order mud both time city amid country lmavu vu sumed a immure quint tgppcartnce. Time culebrntiui of time anniversary o , Ring Jolum Sobieski's rescue of Christun dom front time danger of bluslmi con f quests look place in Vienna ° u 1Vednes tin . Owing to fears of a ruvival of tie I national spirit. hutlm time I'rusaiamm amu 1 Itusalaim 6ovurumeits forbade limo pelebra Lion in fusee , but Austria , whose capital city was saved froimmconqueatby time brave c Poaud ° rs conunanorted time mumnivcrsa ms a gala day. Sobicski fn early youth - ° mttered the 1'Olish army ail rose ateadil y until he became ehmi ° f commander , ! to punted cuuquusts over Tartars and Turk umde hinm recognized as the greatest gmi i oral of leis ago , amid in 1070 he was elect t ; eel King of I'olnnd under the title o g Jolmn 111. Shortly afterward he chocks 0 a forntidablo'1'urkislt array on time fron t brand gained for Poland seven years u froudonl frost further monacce. TJmi was the situation of atl iire wimon fu time nuideummnor of 1083 , Eu rope ivies thrown into constori a r tin by time appuarancu of a new Mim i euluamm army , $00,000 strong , undo Kart biusbgola , which , crossing Hun gory , laid siege to 1 iemmm m. 1'0 mo mite cent IN , anti Ianoror Leopold alik 'i turned h Sobieski Morin g Imis assimm t ' nueu. 'l'imo ICin g irauidl set iii mimetic ° i all his available forooslaud was joined o 0r the umarch by a body of ( lurmnn tree 0 I ud lie canto iu sight of ime besieged city time litlm of umtenmber , l'ruseiimgto r tvvard , hu attekod time Ottonmatm force I mi thu folloaiuig day with mi array very im mi feriur Lim tnmtuor and totally dufeatu do tlmumim. , y hailed as time preserver of Clmristem dmn , Sobieski retired front Viunmia to hie kiigdoni , and limo auuivuraary of h m great victor' line ever since been cal v0 bmtud as u natumal holiday iu Poland , L l \Vilhiamn Harwood , the notoriotma publ ltauguran of England , died ON m1oud me of commjestion of time lungs amid jauudic 1 n jQII 1)3. ) It is his distinction that Ii 1 had sent hur women and over 100 men into an eternity they wore by no means prepared to enter , timid that ) to mid a "system , " What the "system" in Was doubtless his professiomtal secret ; but he claimed that by it not only was time neck broken , but the tightening of time cord closed time air pipes and produced ape jmlexyand immediate and painless death. Pima system had not been working well of late ; and only a week or two ago the attenlimt of I arlmment was celled to time horrible bungling which had disgraced two recent executions. These were attributed - tributed to the hangman's intoxicntion , but poriuaps Were only a sign of foiling vigor and approaching death. It seumns strange tlmat this man , an enthusiast in his calling , ( whose ofiico , though divested of much of the horror which marked it mm century ago is still time most odious in England ) was a bookish man of wide reading mud of no little natural ability , and tlmat he began life as a Wesleyamm preacher , In personalnppcarancolieaug gusted time preacher or well to do trades. mm n , mthor than time hangman. It seems somewhat uncertain whether Dr. Iloiub will be able to nmak ° his long talked of second expedition across Africa. Time time of startimmg lots been fixed for the last of this imonthi bat there is a serious - ous hitch about time funds , The cost of the exhibition five or six years ago was $30,000 ; about $10,000 moru than this will be necessary for time prceent under. taking , and only half of time amount 1Lm yet been raised. The Austrian Govern. went amid people arc indifferent to the undertaking , while the Emmdish ; , will only advauco the mono on condition that the journey shall be made from east to west , amid time ex edition shall be subordii- nted to Brutish commercial interests , Dr. Holub insists rom trarelin7 fromn south t ° north , amid has left Englaimd fn disgust. But ono chance remains. Time Cape'Governnmmt offered Dr. Ilolub $20,000 for time callectiomi made on his first expedition. The present undertaken - en seem n to rest solely upon time hope tlmnt thootfur will be reewed now mid time nmmmey be advanced at oncn. It is to ho hoped , for time state of the scientific knowicdgo likely to result , that time purposes - poses of the distinguished explorer and actemitist will not be defeated by time lack of money. And Dr. Holub lmirnsel r seonma to be confidmmt that they will not. He has engaged his assistant. , made all the necessary preliminary purchases , amid us far as possible mapped out time programme of the trip. European statisticians are gradually reducing tlmeir estimates of the population - tion of Chita. It used to be put at over 400,000,000. Bolmm and Wagner reduce their estimate for China and Corea from 434,500,000 to 379,500,000 Petersen reduces his estimate by 75,000,000 , mak- immg time present total 350,000,000. Dr. Happer , missionary , believes this can safely be reduced another 50,000,000. Mr. Hippislov , acting commissioner of customs , tlunts ) 250,000,000 more nearly correct than 350,000,000. Time losses by the Taeping and Mohammedan rebellion and by time famine and pestilence which swept time provinces of Chili , Slmantung , Shansi , Sliensi and Honan are variously estimated from 01,000,000 to 81,000,000. Franco has adopted a convenient excuse cuso for withdrawing from an untenabl e ditdonmtic position in time controvera Y with China. The blame for time oxpeh tion against Hue and for the signing o the Anamito treaty is to belaid upon Dr Ilarmaud , time French commissioner , wh o ordered the expedition and signed tlr treaty tvitlmout authority from his govern rnent. It is rather a gauzy pretext , bu if it keeps the peace it will serve. Time balsamic healing amid sootlmin properties of Samaritan Nervine arc sometlmiig marvelous. "My brother , aged 10 , had fits fro m his infancy. Samaritan Ncruiiie cure him , " A. W. CurtisOsakis , Minn. $1.5 tit Druggists , Afraid. Somme pee pie can never gat on Lot thorr chances be as cool as it may , 'Phuy stammer , ahl simultlo , amid stick Whore others will dash right away , They xay it's for want of a cheek 'rimat time world ion t properly made , But it's 'pluck ' and not chock that they wan t Yee , time truth of It is , timoy're afraid. Thero' many a man witlm good hands , 'T'hat can work with true strength and ten skill , Gets shumited aside just bec mmee he'll ' not hitch where auotlmer man will ; Ile ewoats and he ruane In time mud , And lots himeollRsink la the shade , Yet ito ndght have bean fauvnms amid rich , If lie hadn't bomm tuft and afraid. Theo are men who are upright amid true , 1Vbn slut tlmeutsolvcs tic their own tlun-- 'Phoy t aren't stn , Into the ( rent , And take up their study there like morn ; 'Phoy Ilve mind grow rich out of sight , And haver are known but iii trade , Yvt they nmlgimt have been honored mud bie if tlmy badmi t been still aid nfndd. Sthal , tip , then , and don't ho Bono down lay check , amid by swagger mind brag , For ii utmm ehoald stick up fur life rihtn { , Whether wealthy or nut ivortlm a' tmtg ; " The 11ad that undo omia line made all , f One hunven to mix all is die dayad And If a maim dues what is ribht There's h0 Olio coed make ldm nfrald. IMPIETIE8 , 'Phore ' Is as uttploasait xcamdal hi lvau yule that lmivolvus several members of Trlnlt M. E , church , A knockduwmi occurred Ih t vaster 's study , ] leacher amoumd no change bra his felt last week la co far as we Nava seen. 'rim : would indicate timat he threatuns to become settled in his views. B ' 1'tmero will soon , with the recovery of Noah ark , a deutcrononmy or two , Pharaoh's chariot - and other old Junk , be enough material for f pretty ree pectable musoumn , d In a Cimielnnatl store a piano la mark . "Achorn , 1701 " And the music Lang tf from commie pianos eounda like that cyclic f from a churn of time 1701 pattormm-Nom a town Ilermdd. A 1Vachington preacher , who Is cubig t divureo froun hie wife on timgruundof II , treatmneait , says that she knocked hit do . with a chair , oumidod hlnm withm a hlck0 ir cane , and hit Imlnm with a Iioavy water pltt e A railroad conductor was recently cliomi , deaelmm of a Cllitrch. , 'lieu It becanmo his dmm to take up a Lvlloctiei , he surprised the to u gmr ± getiem by starting out with the eharac " ' " ' 1' IsUo ejseulatimm 'flcketc , goutlutmmenl" II colloctier tlmat stay was large , n If there is any money to be made on sollim , wbiakoy to Indians , it should be made by ti mm ndsdoharios , who boar time hadehlpu of can ingcivillzattun to the unenlightemod , nut time cutlers , who have a hood etougim thing s it hm pia yimmg Coker with the army ollhers. : I. Now Qrlleaas l'icayuuo d d Nevada paipereays : Now timid creme and ruttiin nucleus are boginhimig to lw plen I f mil , time I'iutcs are nluuwt reedy to iwllume t t0 mhlllu0ulnm la at lend. Iii the present pl ucld couditiuu of their intends .mil gorged nmdltl me of their sWmimachs they would ulfur but it , f ti' Lie , if any rcaietammee to being baptized la our euvora\ \ Christian churches. Thieve a times and aeasomta for an things a is tlw maclon seined is time tinme for saving ti 1'iutea. ay A coulpie of Munson elders , attempting tiI Imld religious eersleo upon 'the beauties u Monuoufan" in Curveta county , Geergl This is the sum { i Mr. A , Barns , three miles east of Coburg , Ont. , says he * ouldn'L ' have given for hie chance of living before Jmo used Burdock Blood Bitters , lie had dyspepsia for fifteen years , mind was cured by three bottles of this very excollotit prpparation 12 biro , J , C Anderson , of 12 Peehtigo , 1Vis. , asks us the price of twelve bottles of liur dock Blood Bitters. They cured her of erysipelas anti salt rheum , and alto expresses herself as highly pleased about it. She is no more gratified than we are , however. No. 1. My wife considers Burdock Blond Bitters a number one medicine. Timey cured her of dyspepsia nut liver complaint when no other remedy - edy she ever tried would do it. This is what btr. Martin Eizer of Linn Grove , lttd. , ways. lately , discovered to their sorroww that the Georgia young men are still in the gall of bit. terness , and are alt ther too free In their distribution of eggs wtmiclm are no longer mom. chantable In eua'aluense thereof the Mormon - mon elders are supposed to be still le Bing it for t tah , and their rn vertetI "sisters await in vain the expected baptismn into the new faith. Time prophet l safes belies ed that John , the Baptist , was the precursor of Christ , likening Lim to the "voice of one crying in the wilder- ncrs : Prepare ve the way of the Loni : make ] de paths straight ; " but , acsnling to the theory - ory of aopular ; 'preacher ' in the city , Ksaias may have been mistaken. The preacher says Loroaster , who was suppo ed to be a contemn- lara.y with Moses , } prepared the way for the Christian religion by inculcatirm its main tenets in advance of divine revelation. Esaias may get out of the difficulty the best wayy he can. can.The 1Vall Stmt News Is responsible for this : The other week when everything took a tumble and it seemed are if the bottom had dropped out of 11'all street and left a hole big enough to tale in the whole country , a holder who was being pinched and scraping his soul for more margins , was infnrnmed that a visitor desired to see him. 'Can't see anybody , ' was Lis reply. In five minutes the messenger came back with the announcement that it was very important business. 'Can't help it ; I'm in no condition to see my own father. ' A third time the messenger disappeared , but a third time returned to say : 'He says it is a case of life and death , sir. ' This decided the operator to admit the nnknown. He entered with an easy step and a pleasant smile ; and after mature deliberation softly Inquired : M y friend , bpw Is it with thy sour. ' 'My soul I lialifax and Texas I Do you think a man who has 6O,000 worth of stocks shrivel. tag up on him like a cabbage leaf on a hot stove has any time to fool away on his benighted - nightod soul l You git 1' THE DOWNFALL OF PAUI , Ctnnmontc of thoPresn of the Region Where Vallelervoort Labors. Denver Rocky Mountain News. "A CREEKY DLdTHERSKITE. " In the last year before his dismissal from the mail service Mr. Vandervoort was absent from his post of duty 205 days.Yet Yet hehas the immeasurable impudence to ask the president to order his ro- appointmnent , and it is most probable that ho will beg the Grand Army to join in r the request. We hope for the sake of ublicdecenc thatthe veterans belonging to the Colorado oats will. champion the cause of this cheap and cheeky blatluerskito. Postmaster Gneral I ; Oreslman simply did his dutyin removing a negligent and incompetent official , and his action in that matter should be endorsed , not condemned , by every old a soldier in time land. General Gresham was himself a gallant soldier , having lost a leg in battle , while Mr. Vandervoort was simply a quartcrtnaster'a clerk. Lot l Mr. Vandervoort earn a living by honest 0 endeavor for a year or two. MUTILATINO ruin mucoan. In order to shield Paul Vandorvoort the Omaha Republican of ' uesday mutilated latod its own dispatches a d refused to publish oflicial record of lmis duplicity and incompetency. This is a cheaper amid meaner fraud to shield a U. P. bummer than oven boss Stoutand his state office would over be guilty of.-Nebraska . Signal , The Civil Service Rmnedy. Patti Vandervoort , Into chief clerk o fn e time railway nmil service , has thrown hi n mantle of grief upon the shoulders of time GrammdAriyof the Republic , and propose to use that organization in a fight for his reinstatmnent. The mail service is better - ter without him , mid Postmaster Gen creel Greshamm did a goad thing wImen im gave him his walking papers , ] Sir. Van dervo ° rt is notoriously inconmpetcnt , tY enly lold the office as long its lie did b tt ntcane of lmis wire pulling propmisittos. bfeamtwhiio liia aubordinutes laughed n t et luinm mad held him up as an object of ridi tide-behind lmis back-knowimig himn the O ho utterly unworthy of time inmportant 1)0 sition ho occupied. If the dose of nmedi ciao adnmiustered to Mr. Vnndorvoa t canto from limo bottle labeled " civil sere ice , " we call time caienction a soverigm 1 renedy.-Laranmie Boomnurang. A Terrible Shriek Goes Up. Postmmaster General Oreshmn evidentl y keeps Imis eye open. his little ax h. ym dropped again , and this time time ] mead o f s. Clriuf Paul Vamidorvoort of the milwn fY mail serrico rolls into time basket. Th o hI execution seemms to have slipped a cog i n time nmaclmine somewhere , jtmdging by tim 0 h terrible slmriek that goes up. Otimorwia 0 a s timings glide on about as , - [ City Courier. 'e t Go Hack to the Piles , a If time editor of time Omaha Republicam mid cares to ktmow what his honest opinion o ud Vandervoort is , let Imim republish aim edi d tonal tlmat appeared in time Omaha Now : I' sometinme L the ayrchm g of 1880 , W e vo much fear the young roan is talkie g or l : artist timno.-Schuy [ for bun , lwu wu ry to iPrDG ' arq a r i by _ s i , sr.F y aft THE GREAT tlhe bLA4 REM to RhounialismCffCHuralgia , Sciatica , lumbago , Backad.u. . Ileldache , Toothache , mid fiera'L'nraalNaMllhpt.l.pndn.nrubeY , 0 ! turn. . Avatd. , 1'ru.t Ulna , . , 'Alin ilL alllla ItUa16r emits tau IlliS. /.m4byUru411.n r.1D..lrn"r.tgn,115C.eUsWU. Dp.rora.wr ma mm at fl 1'ImAltm.Yx AA t'anla.lU : ( ' 0. u , u. . + wv".twnuaatu ) pup-a0.C.1.I. Dry Goods ! I SAM'L C. CO. , Washington Avenue and Elfth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO STEELS JOHNSON & Co. , Wholesale Grocers ! AND ycnnnmts n FLOURf SALT , SUGARSI CANNED G00rSa 'ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & 'RAND POWDER CO Je A. WAKEFIELD , 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN e I ! 9 ! ! , SASH , BOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS LIME CEMENT , PLASTER &C' CEMENT COMPANY TATE GENT OR MILWAUKEE Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB . C. F. GOODMAN Wholesale Druggist ! AND DEALER IN Oils , Yarilisiles aild ¶ thdow Glass OMAHA. NEBRASKA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Cakes It le the beet and cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound is equal to three pounds of corn Stock fed with Ground oil Cake in the Fail and Winter , Instead of running down , will increase In weigh and be in good marketable condition in the spring. Dairymen , as well as others , who tlse It an testify ' Its merits. Try It and judge for youraelveayPrIeo 175. ° 0 per ton ; no charge for sacks. Address o4 eod me WOODMANILiNSEOD OIL COi1PANY.Omaha Double and Single Acting Power and Hand PUMPS , STEAM PUMPS , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings' Steam Packing at wholesale and roail , HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. Graiilte 1 E' BOILING. BASING. Ol\ BOILING , PRESERVING. ' , LIGHT. HANDSODIE , 1 I WHOLESOT.IE , DUItABLE. The Best Ware MaIe ( tor time lCitclien. rF1eGa MAtIUFACTURED OiZLY BY THE PIItG CC tiPfa , YT { I / / E \ i OI' ' u0 P llJ a 11 t t fi V . lljli I ! r l ll il p f lf , X1,1 . . f , nlsh i i i l P ire. i GATE CITY PLANING MILLS I MANiIFACr EILS OFt ' , Carnentors' vr. . -ALSO- Sash , Doors/ / Blinds stairs , Stair Railin gs ! Balustor1 s WilldOW & Door Framos. &c First-class facllltlea for the manufacture of ail kinds of Mouldings. Planing and Matching a sppeclalty ! On1sfl front the country will be promptp ! executed. Address all oommnnlatione to A ! MOYER , Proprleto' C01 , k 1 , TMPORTEItSmjOF 1f HAVANA CIGARS ! AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC f 1 D PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : . Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS ; Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and , Brigands. w DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. ; SEND FOR PRIDE LIST AND SAMPLES. 1 , a