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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1883)
r g I'IIL DAILY BEL---COUNCIL I3LUrFS , SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER ] 5 , 183. , ' 1'irE DAILY BEE. I ; C OUNCIL B L UFFSa a Saturday Morning , Sent 15 , 9UBsCRn'noN fAT18 : By c.nler - . - - - 20 mfa per week E , MM - - - - - - - 110,00 per Yea ? orrlofi : o , 7 Peart 9treot , Hear Broa4way. MINOR MENTION ( Sec JosephIWter's ; foil goods. Additional local on seventh [ urge. Cheap Ib inroad Tickets nt 13ushnell's , Spiritual sociable tonight. Good music. Tuna i1tt and her General Sherman and General Prentiss tonight. Yesterday morning the Ogden house , breakfasted about 225 persons. Tito horse Columbus , which trotted in t e 2:34 : class yesterday , Itnn boon sold. TO day is children's day n gain , all . children being admitted to tire fair free. No charge is made today for private v carriages mad volllclest' the fair grounas. Sonic of the beat 8 port of the week is j pmmieotl at the Driving Park this attarr noon. The 1Vnlnut Bureau is beginning to Agitate the old question of dividing ih ° county. r , Meeting of the Young Mctt's Repub. , lica n cluagain last night , at Sims' ; ! r Cadwoll s office , r The contract to furnish the county w Itll fifty tons of coal was lot to Iv. M,1Va1. lace , as his bid was the lowest , The nmpliitheatrea are to be thrown v' open free this afternoon to all on the fair grounds who want to sop tire races. The Congregationalists arranged for n social at tire residence of Mr. Jame s Brewster , on Glen avenue last evening. Republican mass mooting to nigllt at Bloom , C Nixon's hall. Gonorat Sher man and General Prontiss will boll t ' speak. i A young son of Jolm Epenotor mad e good time at the roller skating rig k Thursday evening and scored two tumble s and a sprained arm. Mr. James Templeton , brother of Joltt n Templeton of this city , waa badly hurt by falling from a train on the Hannibal and St. J00 road. a I The county board completed its labor oatorda fonoon and adjourned. The u who did not present his bill t ' o time must nosy wait and grumble fo r throe months. r Dr. Beningor , who has served ncco . U i bl tire past boon ear as county physician nto d surgeon , has ro olectd by the coup board t lowest to the position , h being th o billdor. Eighteen car loads of Mormons , iii tw 0 trains , wore brought in over the North western road and forwarded to Utah i Thursday night. Mormonism iicens t e > be on the increase. One little' girl who hold a prngranun u of tire races said to her companion , "No w wo will sco tire chastity race. " "That i , isn't ' a charity race , it is a chrriot race you goose , replied No. - . Tire Danish band , of Marla , , wh 0 tame [ Hero to play for the dance given b r 1 the Danobo society , disposed of thei r ' musical instruments here and have or dorod a now sot , fine oti ° s , too. . , At St. Josopln's acadoniq yestorda Master Michael Rtoski received the sit vor medal offered by Prof. Slattory fo r S pod conduct and assiduity in study , tin ru recipient holding it subject to compoti Lion. Lion.A. A. B. Walker and N , P. Dodge , Co bought some land at tax sale , and paid Utorefor some taxes that wore erronoousl amenaod , and the county board granted r j th e petition to refund the money the s ' pats. pats.The The Herald gives the credit of the music at tire fair to the Union Pacific band , of Onnalm , whilu the Ilarulm y I hand has been playing at the groun t i s smco Tuesday , lleior to whom homo r is duo. The Wabash road is sulling Itrt clas s limited tickets to Chicago at $0,30 , a cu t ' of ? G free the pool hate. Thu C. , M , , tC St , l'aul tickets can ho had at the satin from scalpers. Looks hike a small war cloud. ] C E , lfutnbert , of Conning , who ha s had four of his fine imported aGtllious or t exhibition at the fair here , returned Itonlo with his [ gorses last evening lilivin ' received lrst prmuium in every class in ' 'j which ho showed , "To be , or not to be , that is the c ues tion. " Spiritual Circle tomorrow tun ' 1 day ) afternoon and evooing [ , , rooms Ives 4 and G , Shugurt , C Bros' , block at 2 sun l 7:10 ; : o'clock. A general invitntimi i a I , giver to investigators. Y l At its last session yesterday nlornili g the county board voted to accept this u propaeitiel of the Union Pacific llalroat [ company to pay ? 1,500 for the inturos t e eutnttY in the bridge across lndia 1 . crook on Union avenue. \v. T , llruwn , the genial proprietor o f s the European restaurant , has sutFurod f ° r a week past with a very sere fngu r , caused by a alight scratch in which h e e caught cold. It has beau pretty seriou Is but is noww nearly healed , Tlno Democratic County Centml Con ' f mittou hums organized by the election c If Co ) . Tau as 1nesidott , John J , ( ' 'mine ' secretary , dull the oxecutivu unumiltc w. If , i. Posey , Col. ,1 , 8 , 'l'ain , n 1 r Iioatntg and Thos , Bowmuu. The countY clerk rarely tetusus his po y. rnissior , whlor n loving couple ask tl to privilege of being purnilied to we d , ltoward Crofta and Ilelou llmnford , of Ayer , applied for and received pornni e 111011 , ns also David Welch r and nln , p gip hlagbatcr , of this city. It is confidently prcdictod that Sail ur Boy will beat , 2,18 this afternoon , as nd there are numerous onus anxious to ha ck up this optulom by money , but not nna 11Y taker. Sailor Bey has shown up hdorably inaido of 2:18 : before , and w' th tfoo ; ] twig up before his nose lie will d ° tits boat and all ' ' inn ) expect the e at elwwing of 81)0 ° (1 over soon oa the t rack hare. hare.J. J. 0 , Hunt wanted rat abatement of suossmont of hla personal propo rt There are plenty of men who would ii ko their assessments abated. But this ap plicatton was net made on general p rn espies , but ho claimed that some cat tlo assessed to himn did not belong to hi n Thu Country Iioard refused to grant hiL petition , rlsoro scemo to be a diilferol tco of opinion about those cattle. 0 FRIDAY'S FUN , A Crowd 10 3cc II at the Drirllg ( Park , Will Bonham and Anglin the Winners , Sailor Boy to Pnco Against 216 ; To-Day. Other lGu'o Hport on ToIlay's Pro. gramme , The fair yesterday proved a continued succons. Tire openhtg of the day proved th reatening by clouds niul antnpuose , but th e skins brightened up , and limn crowd begun gathering early iii the aftonmon , and before tire races wore started there sc ore several thousand presmtt. Those who have boon across the river locking at tltu state lair in Omaha proo flo unce the display til0ro in sanity rcapocts hotter than hero , but Council 131u1Ie way ahead in fho number end speed of track horses , The fruit show hero fe acknowl paged to be far nhenll of either Den Moines or Omaha. 'tiro other depart. motel have fair displays but not so mark. wily superior to other faire as tire fruit sh ow la The oxpottitott [ building lists bcon daily th ronged throughout the week , fho din- playa thuo being vary attractive. Mud- her , limn tousle dealer had n large and flue display o [ instruuouta .ccupymg ti n ° center of the axIposition building , niut calf Bros. sharing tlno rotunda booth with him , eta n' ' vat croaiGablo an a at tractive chewing of hats , caps , gloves , fora , eta Cnantly , C Orcutt peen'dud ' n of romiuont place and made such a thisndo y carpets and curtains as was to bu ox pucted Eton n house standing at fho fret t in their line , Ilarkuuss Bros. ' ( his play was also good though not so uxtoupna C , A , Ilex , o S : Co. had aomo line turui taro , and other tnorchnute displayed various goods , making guile n varied ou t 1 plensmg showing nnurchnndisu , 'riser" was a showing up o [ stock yester day forenoon which attracted much utter lion ne they worn led around and oyetl by judges , George F. lvriglnt's guar ca ptured a ribber and 31. F. Itohrora ge lding was decorated by throe , one as ti me best for gomaral 1purosos one as th ° thgelding under Elw enddla , and on ° as fast alker. Col. Sat got n large number of first romiums on laid stock M r. TroYnor also won honors on some 0 E his stock. A good joke is told on tire committee 'who had tire awarding of premiums o t choose. One exhibitor slwod uI , norm Sp chweitzer cheese , renounced by uz p orts in that clads a e' bt th e familiarfinwith c ommittee , being familiar that kind and taking it s ordiua cheese wore horrified nt the peculiar a moll an a t aste and prmnouuccd tire chuosa too her riblo to to canaidor at all old tin S chweitzer went without a friend o r ribbon , Thera [ a no Irnosving how ball y tire couuuittco would hnvo been brokai ' up if any Linbor/rur / had burnt exhibited T ire mistake was discovered and rectified i after n linty and the Schweitzer oxhibi tor had his wrath cooled down by a antis ' factory oxplnnaltan , Some tall stalks of cunt worn shown u [ I a s grown by air. McCord , of Da onport 7 buy wore 174 fact tell , and the cent i OF limo Kentucky variety. TtE aAUhv. Thera was n good sized crowd out ngai n in the afternoon to sop tire tacos , fllin ng into amphitheater and n goodly numbs r of dears iii tire other. 'l'imo Marmara Y band again furnished music. The proprainuno furnished for tire of tor.ouu a apart wins n gaud cue , but a still' bettor one is offered to dny , nm many who could not attend both days tacos , f0rowont the pleasure , praf0rrin B to attend today. TIII 2:3t : opancd very tamely. 'there were tsv u aGirtera , Anglin and Columbus. 'I'nn u latter took limn pale amid led from begin wing toiniah. / . Bath horses L rolru badly Auglnt rat the first quarter being br0u li L n early to n , nhuld still bctnru 6eitin6 , hot t his foot. 'Inns gave C0lunbus a bag fund but Anglin garnered lpimself up eu ne tt i cut dawn the gap , till at the hash tlnur u W as only n streak of daylight butwocl 1 then , ' 1'iune , 231 ; 'Tune second haft was very tame. A th e rlgarter , Anglin toner the land ruts ( mllcti steadily away , boin'g sarurn 1 rap6 guns alluua ad keeping there , COh1n11 boa going ul1' his lout a gaud aeul. An glht jogged in tire winner of the boat , 2101. ; ; 'l'lio ' third heat was very Grate. An rein kept ihu lend , followed clear nrotnt d b y the lwres steno } ' to tin o fi nish , when Columbus u , ado ; , up tl littl ° tau fast , wont alt' his toot , Anglin win niugihu heat iii 2:3i : , , 'l'imn fourth heat old tire race woe war easily by Anglin. Columbus brohubadl f 0u every quarto' , old was 01l' Lis feu nmuh of time tune , trod the lima uuulu are uteri little utlthueit9nt. : 'l'imn heat Wn a turned inn 2:12 ; : , aUnSL11tY. . 91-7 rnttiu . 1ul ne tl100 , .T , 1' , ( illbdl's ( , . g. Allgfhb. . . . . . . . . : 1 I 1 Jului 1Y , Ihtsaull's h , g , llolnmbus..122 2 Tittio , 231 ; , 2,301 , , 2u. : ' , 2i2 : ? . . TIIE I11LIItlOT II.IUE , This caused , na on previous days , unnc h onUwsin9ul , nli s liurku kept tire heal d must of tire diAttutcu , but liunrdaloy , a team crow in syiunurA. 'rune , 20:1 ; : Till : 2:28 : 'riser , ! n this there worn only two starters- - liig Snap nn + l 1Vll [ liunhnm-the Intl or Garin , ihu polo , J lw tarot brat ss ua pretty overly col , t ested , lYIl [ ] lunhnm u unt Gp tbu fro It on the aoml elf , but at thu quarter Iii ' 6' fionp got up to his ivltuul , but thoul Kruk ° , mad at the half was two luntgths buhint t . ! lu ilwn got down h , business and close tire gulp , tad tire tire sroru neck tutu nee k until just before they ranched time born o atrotcln , whoa Iiig Song brolw again , bt It made up much that ho lost , so that wlli ] e lio11hnut paesud under tlw wire the wit ' our , Ili ; Snap's , ' ' 115,50 ivus nn his svhou 1' 1'illw , 2j , ' In tire next lu'ni thuro wins a lilllunw ° interest awnkwitd. I t woe vor'scut trotted , 4Yill Buuhmn } to the thrcu kuupiug [ time lea s yunrto' polo , with Ili' S on P close auto hug , but just as the elnsu cut test cautu 0u tire lwmu stretch Big Son wont elf has lt toot , but caught thol quickly , a ltl Burnham wont off anal sid aB /g 1 l Coining mu steadily the sriunor UI ! n the third husk 11'ill Iladuun first on ll no quarter ot tins pwlo , and Big So puehlug up tJlO two ku I , t iii eiiu r np ; s ' , , tnas'eling duaol y and . steadily 1110 f U. fah , I3onlmm w uuun6 by , + 22G4 ; , a neck , . I n I l0 ' 1'lio fourth proved ihu and ft thu deciding o to was neatest heat of all , lie p ham led to limo quarter stud from there l0 tire homo stretch limo horses wont node and nose most of tire way , but Ifanhnm passed under time wire about a neck ahead , winning the pant and taco } a 2:24i : ; , the best time of ho any , at nrAiY. 2:29-TrntUng ; $500. John 1V , ltus ell , h. g. Will honhnm..l 2 t 1 Jolpn Olean , b , . Big 8onp.2 12 2 Time 2:27 : , 2:2U : , 2151,2:21. : TOO rlooh TO LET 110. The attendance Lan booms no large , the di splay so line and the truck horses so nu merous arid epcoay that it has burnt acidcd to continua the mcoiiug to-day , and time bent et all has been awed trl the last at the ( cast , 'rite prngrnmmo far to aay is n sensational nna tudecd. There will be tire following events : Trot in time 2:30 : class , pure 8400 , three to start ; entries closed at 8 o'clock 1n9t ovonLeg , Sailor Boy svthl Pace against time to bent 2:18 : for n purao of ? i,00. Sailor Buy won the big frou Eur nll pacing race at ' l ucsdny , ulak11pg 2'l : ° , , which was fho tautest tuna over paced over the Council lilutfs track , hilly Scott will accompany Sailor Boy. Running taco , half mile amid repent , in which anlricfl chaea , lest evening at 8 o'clock , which will b ° n flinko race. A chariot race and an Indinn warriors' race for n bride. Also during tire after. noon Mrs. Burke will appear iii n race accompanied by n uunbcr of trained clogs. In tire 2:30 : class far today there are encored Charles G. llnyos , Annie Lou , Lucy B , amid McMahon. In tire half toile tumid repeat , Lucy Johnson , Black Bill , Bee's Ni11g and limo B. 'I'Iru above progrmmnia is n flue uric , and n large crowd will doubtioea be presaut. Tun nosy GIll6. By special request , and owing to tire unposslbnlrty of tllu arrival 0f Bill Nye , ti re prescuGdnon of the $ iG nosving nna chino to qw "lions Girl" nna beau post. paned until 2 o'clock today , when it will positively be awarded alto bust girl. Today thin aupphitheatres are to b thrown span trca to all who attend. All private carriages are to be nainitta d iron , Children under fifteen are also to b ntlmittod iced to tire grounds today. Special bargains in nos. and decor a hand furniture ollcred by nfandal during fair wook. Remember ynu can aavo money by haying boots and slices at tire corner o arum street mad First avenue. See time blankets , bed comforters , table ninon , boa spreads , etc. , etc , , at Casnd Y tC Orcutt's 1lauso turnielting store. Yesterday morning was laid away t 0 rest all that was mortal 0f tire bright little one year old dnu htor of air. Ed , Ollieon eta wife. 'clue is tire last 0 f euvmt who hero been sent and remained but n abort limo to cheer tire hearts o f elimn now sorrowing parents. Several /10ra1 / tributes were loft at tire residence et nfadison street. Among the mos t beautiful worn thoao emit by afro , N P. D edge and Mrs. Marshall Key. Tire sympathy of many friends is extended i timid hour of dark boronvumont. o A little fellow , clainniug to hail from 5t. Louis , turned up horn yesterday , fulling rather ahnrtl , etary of how ho h a d boon used by a atop-father in that city. 'Piro buy nna heart dolling nowepapor , nu d the old man , who abused nun badly e nough before , grow still warn in iii 9 tr eatment after has mother's death. Tln o boy cold stand the ale non s tottin ; d runk , bud when it canto to tnlung his uorvapapor mouuy for drink , and than of ' g etting sabot whaling tire boy for hnvan g Je st it , lm could stand it ire logger , an d run away. Ho nays time conductors to t him clog through to here and be w as ir'iu'r u to horn to Chariton . ' 'A horn he ban ea duff livinL. Venterday forenoon Chief Field ar reeled 1'at Ilnnleu , n burly fnrmormad e still nwru burly by bad wlunky. Al to r being put in rho back romp of the police station Ilanlon tried to knock the doe r alt' its hinges , end the Chief wont in ° c hange hint into the dark cell. Menlo n p itched into hint fiercely , but tire Chio f dowuoa him , and bola him till ho begun a f or mercy , and thou let him up. N ° enouor was IInnlon on his fuel than h ° s truck the Chief n honey blots , raising welt un hid forehead and breaking elf th ° skin n little , 'l'imo Chief that struck kin t wiilui bill ) ' , knocking himnutottime , cut ling his head , and ranking him wilt Ilnnlon was their placed in rho dark col I nud gluon n better chance to sober up. A. Booth's select oysters reeive ll dully at N , ' 1' ' , Brnuu'a , Dr , West , dentist. 14 Pearl etrout. Pnrunt9 pratuct the lisros of your littl ° Duce by kuo fin r on head llr , .futl'uri s Council lilufls diphtheria preventive nu a curd. Seven } 'cae trial has proven it t bum iuFnllb1o [ , nor dung at entice , No , 52 3 Sixth avenue. ' 17to Ilots Iteptnurnn4 Bechtelu's new Iwropuan rentauran t , which opened this week , hn9 lord n rums h o [ buaiuess , nud yet , with Ed. Olono the well known caterer , ninnnging alliair the pottage hnvo been nwro than a u lighted at the prouphn0ss amid attcumtivc IICBa 111 BUCrlllbg , mad tlw oxcullmlcu of th 0 cooking. No pity now nifaras a buffo 0r rostnurtult tluur thus now ono of Itucl , r rule's , which had opened so auspiciously and it is already' air ! 189111'011 aUCCCRa , Ivit urery indictation of an increasing [ > atro ' rage , Tire beat in the nutrlat is to b ; found nu its tables always. and its patron la eau always have just what. they ss rw t , and pay only for srhnt they want , an d flint at rcasolnblu prices , - - For the linear lieu of fall goods nn tt at1w atylinhuat goods in town , call tt Smith t ' 1'ollur's , 7 and 0 nlniu atrouL Ilourer , the Clriummau , 23nldn strcu t , Sl LCIAL NOTICES _ _ . NOTICE.-Slwclal pulrurtlecmuub , such a9 Tn w t , 1'uund , To LOAD , For Sale , 9'u Il.nt , Want , , Ike nh bib , ale , , nlll Iw lusnrt rl ht thla Ndnum at ihu I1W tofu of TEN Clh"1131'Elt : LINK ant the llrot Inaaltl an and P/VI : CERTd 1'lilt 13N1 : for each eubettiuunt 1 , wrtlon. INaw adwdlranuula at mu ulllco , o. 7 Pearl Htroct , Uuar IlroadN ay v7ANT8L ANTED-Incry haq w Council 111101 * to to ko YY 9'llalapt. { Inllrurod by wrderat only ten tS.ko cr ± nts a week. \jANTKII-A boy , with Ipny , to dclhor Trull u. _ FOR 9ALfi AND RENT , TI OItBALKllou.u ud lot , aotthNeat Horner of J TnllnlanJ droalNq , Jwpn IY , bus ° P AOKINO IIOUBE FOIL HAGK On IlElry- Unlel'aoktn huusuoalaetty 20011a4 slrii al , wllkdUualamygdlatcwxealooakrh , ; for aln ° r Inasa Aptdy to OIIKLL A DAY . Council U1uQs , la , , Septcmbur 10 , 1El3. r VISITORS TO EITIIr7R OF TIIE 2 'GREAT FAIRS 2 SHOULD SPEND AT LEAST cxle-H1Ilf ] D , y- -AT TIiE- Carpet Ernporiuiii -OF- a 502 BROADWAY , Council Blu ' f - - - Iowa. MAYNE & PALMER DEALERS IN Lime Louisville MICIUOAN 1'LAUTER , IIAIII AND SKWEII PIPE , ) ( Aril AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST PRICE. No , 639 Broaawaq , COUNCIL IILUFF9 , IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER , , ' I11 I , 1111 - l' . ) I i ,1 ' 'I p . 1 1 IN > I9' ' 0 w w - CD 0 r S Wz is t w f > ere an = al ors. 7 and 3 Main Street. = R CITOR Y , COUNCIL $ LII1''FI , X4- . JOHN BEND & CO GENERAL MERCHANDISE. , , , 18Malnstreet and17Pearlstreet. tIUTAg MOHD1 , Grocery , 215 Mali , Street Hotcl , 217 and 2111 Main street , J , M , BARSTOVP , D , , Corner ru t , street and Fifth ate. D R. J , F , WHITE F1GaWcncc , Cnruor Main and Fifth up stalrs. ; , e0e willow avenue. N SC HIURZ JUSTICE OF T11E PEACE , , , Omco over American Express. S S VYAGN ER { AND , , atAND , Will contract for funerals at reasonable rtes. 22 Fourth street. J , M , St. , JOHIV & f..CAS aH BUYERS , wh olesafobut lrult. Sldpgs , topouusf. Uralt by return mall. 149 Broadway. S A , PIERCE , NEW BOOT AND SHCEn [ E , and Fars : avenue. D A BENEDICT SIGN AND GRAINER. , , , Otiice 337 Broadway , Council DIuQa , Iowa. JACOB KOCH , Stock Complete. Suite li ANT at reasonable prices. No. SOS Main St. G F SMITH CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , , , , Corner Rh and Broadway. Plana and epeci0ratfon9 furnished. W SHERMAN DEALER IN FINE HARNESS. , . , 1 have the variety that brings patronage , 12 ! 5aln street. JAMES FRANEY and rewennb a , Artistic Work charges. 872 . _ HONE & s01 sr STOVES , , and household Supplies. 309 DroadN ay. LINDT & HART ATTOIINEYS AT LAW , , James Block. 1'ractlcu In state and federal courts. SgNITl116And bath huue , 421 and 423 Broadway , L. Sovereign , Prop. I' . J. Mont gouwry , I [ , D , I'hyeicaps. { WADE CAItY , _ 'VETERINARY once , Dmy ° e stable , SUItOEON , No. 12 Scott arrant , JUSTICE OF TIIEI'EACE , EDWIN J ABBOTT , , Notary Public and General Cunroyancer. ! 15 Droadway. -S111TI1 k NORTON , REVERE HOUSE , Broadway opposite New Opera house. Refitted 81 , 8L50 par day SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS 1N I , P1'oisoll ! $ , Boots aii ftoo IMMIC3 R13TION 1 G1 NT > < 3. llIlA19ON ; TIE BANK 01' IRELAND , UUBWR , FOR SALE , 343 BROADWAY , COUNCIL DGUF re CRESTON HOUSE MAX MORN , - - - PROPRIETO 2.L , 217 4ana 219 ! . 10rlttill f3troot , COUNCIL BLUFFS 10W A , - - - - - - MRS. D , A , BENEDICT , TIIE LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. SL.rE LTON , HENDRIC ] S & RICE , TAILORS , 102 NIA IN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , FALL AND WINTER , 5 T OCHN COMPLETE EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES ivOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITE 4 - pSrrrw . To The Trade I W e take ploaauto in calling yonrattention to lima fact that woha9amndo sach alaatrge meats as will enable us to soil you Boots , Slioes , Etc Here , as Low as you can buy them East , "Writs for further infonuatfon , zs . CO. , 412-Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . . _ Em kie Hardware Co. A rr .el i : W YOL FJdLE Hardware ! f A t , ; t 100 and 111 S , Main Sheet , 1 e y 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . IOWA. 1Ietcalf Br ® . . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATSCAPS BUCKGLOVES , &L" and 344 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL I3LUFFS.1JOYVA. CreaMPrujts , ConTeclionery c Parties , Somables and Picnics supplied on abort notice , and goods delivered to j all parts of the city. Vienna Bread , and Pies. Fine Cigars. W. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , , 40.1 Vest Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS Fought 19o1c1. M oney Loaned Abstracts Furnished . . Ia. s. 1A oA2SI30N No. 4 Pearl S tteet , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. , i a S pecial Sale or r Da s -COMMENCING- rt . - A 'Irt w r .rC a .Y 9 ii ' e i To reduce our stock and make room for a large stock of t ' FALL AB HOLIBAY O UPS r f Ne offer at redueedprices ; our stock of Toys , 11OllOry ! , isoolio.llooiis I Boots 11 ' PIIOTOGRAPII ANDoAUTOGI1APII ALBUMS , Pocket Books Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags FANCY CODS Steel Engravings and Other Pictures---Cabinet Photograph - graph Frames , Parlor Easels. WALL POCKETS AND BRACTETA , { 1 I 1D11 > ' ; 9 , 7 ColEisti an of all kills oi ° r Baskets Clothes Baskets and Hampers. ' , s ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS. will Pay Yu to Call' ' and Look at Our Bargains , . , H. E. SEAMAN , 05 Broadway COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA - - - - - - - - - - - - - -