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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1883)
'i 1 , : 1113ii1it % e : OMAHA DAILY BEE. , . . TIIIItT ENTII YEAR. UIiAIIA , NEB. F1tID111'O.1tNING , SPTE\LI3lt ! l4 , 1883. NO. C THE PROTEUS PACKED AWAY . , ' The Stcamer of time 4rceley Rclicf Ex- peaition Crashed By the Ice Up north , i The Officers and Oran Safely , Roach St. Johns After a ' Six Weok's ' Trip. TIN , 1'opularity of the festal Note- \ The CnlU'oruin Timber Laud I T'hlev. H horestatlcd- I Othcrlhitturs , r CAPITAL NOTES , HONEY IN CIRCULATION , WAS1uNUTON , Suptembor.13.-Tito to- - t. { l paper circulation now outstanding is ' ,831767,000 ; total coin circulation , " $7'13,347,573 , ; grand ) total , $1,576,101 , 642. Aasuming the total population tc d be 62,000,000 distribution per capita would bo $30,20. A TOTAL F'AiLUItE , The signal office rccolvcd the following front Licit. Garlingtou , connuandiug the Oreeloy relict expedition : ' " $ T. Jams , September 13-It is my painful duty to report the total failure of mho expedition. h'ho Protuus was crushed in the pack , latitude 78' 52' , longitude , . ' 74 ° 2b' , and sunk on the afternoon of the + 23d of July. My party and the crew of s , the ship tt ore all eat cd. I rondo my wag across Smith's sound and along the ft eastern shore to Cape York , thonceacross s ' Molviile bay to Upernaivk , arriving , j there the 24th of August , The Yantic reached Upornarick the 2d of September and loft the day bringing the , ' same , entire - tire party hero to-day , all well , ( Signed ) E. A. GARLiN ° ToN " POLAILIC HAIWSIIIV. The steamer Protuus , was crushed in the ice six miles north of Cape Sabine , ' Jul 23 , The crow and relief party , after depositing the records at Littleton island and Random harbor , retreated south , in six boats , to the Upernavik , suffering many hardships m Mellvillo 3 bay. The party ronolied Littleton island August 3 , without much difficulty found the records , and immediately proceeded southward. They searcliod the coasts and Islands tlioroughlq down to Saunders island. 'he ice pack then closed in. ' . t They could neitheget around nor through and were obliged to retreat under - der the lee of Northumberland island. On August 9th a southward gale loosened the pack and they were able to get through and continue the search. The coast about Cape York filled with ice and packed so close they could not gat within 20 miles of land August 10th , having ice f ( , in all directions but southeast , proceeded P to U ernavik sent 16 ( lays' rations to , Lesinsako and the whale boat to Cape ' Shackleton August 22d , sailed for coal mine , thence to God Haven , On the ' + 31st Lieut. Caldwell arrived in a launch ' k , from Upernavik , having been 39 days iii an open boat. Had separated under ) orders at Cape York , 'hailed the same day ; day for Upernavik. The party'arrived there September 2d , and , proceeded homeward. They had a rough passage. CALIFORNIA TIMUUR FRAUDS. F r The commissioner of tltu general land office said to-day , in reply to inquiries in regard to timber land frauds discovered ' in California : "Have had knowledge of 1 those operations for some time and have I had agents out there making investiga- + ceived from them I love suspended ac- I Lion upon all timber land cases in Call- ' fornia , Oregon and Washington territory , I Persons interested are not betting any any patents and they will not got any until I am satisfied as to the honesty of t their entries. In explanation of the , nature of the illegal operations , Commissioner - sioner McFarland said congress by special act provided for the sale to individuals - viduals of separate tracts of timber land . in California , Oregon and Washington territory at $2,60 per acre. TILE PRESIDENT'S I'LANS. It is not likely there will be a cabinet meeting to' niorrow. The president will probably leave Washington to-morrow I afternoon for New York , to attend the , 1 funeral of his friend , Hugh Hastings , I The president has been requested to act as one of time pall bearers. Whether he will then return to Wasliingt01m or extend the trip further , has notyot been decliled. ! 'OSTAL NOTES , A statement prepared at the money order office , based upon returns for one week from 100 smaller money order of- flees , eliows that 42 per cent of tire money g ; transmitted by the money order sorvivo was in postal notes.CADET . CADET TAYLOR , -at WAsiuNoToN , September 13-The ' case of Cadet Taylor , late postmaster of t Winona , has Loon decided in his favor by the solicitor of the treasury , TDE NATIONAL 1'IIARMACEUTWAI. 1i880- CfATION convened again to-day and elected W. S , Thompson , of Washinton , president ; E. W. Runyon , of San Iiranoisco , vice. president. A number of connnittees were appointed. The treasurer's annual report stated that all bills were paid and $7,000 in the treasury , Time Elbort prize for the best essay was awarded to .I. 1V. Lloyd , of Cincinnati. A committee - mittee was appointed to select the tort p15ec of meeting. The delegates were given a reception tonight by the citizens of time District , T11U EFFECTS OF TILE FROST , Tolegmph reports have been received from the state and agricultural department - ment from Ohio , Indiana , Wiscoucin , 3ihimnesotn , lficliiFan and Dakota , 't'hey 8110W that frosts since the 1st inst. damn- aged thu corn crop in those states from 6 to 16 percent , time greatest injury having occurred in Ohio , Notwitlishnding this time sthitisticiun of thu dupartmont says I , the two and a half nmilli01m acres increase t' " over last year's planting will probably L. keep time total yield from falling below 1J00,000,000 bushels. ' 1'io ! total for last year is 1,625,000,000 bushels , so time decrease - crease will not , ho says , be serious enough to cause short supply , lire Record , DEs MOINES , Is , , September 13-The Adair county court house in Greeniold , Ia. , and all the adjoining buildings on that aide of time /public square were burned this morning , Ime fire originated in the Banton bake ; cause unknown , Ten buildings , including the court house , were destroyed , Loss $10,000 ; mnsur- Race $3,000. The county records were all saved in the vaults , MINNRAVOLIS , Minn , , September 13- A fire last evening at Albert Lea , Minn , , destroyed several buildings , Loss , $26,000 ; insurance , $12,000 , SPO1tTING NOTES , COUNCIL 1mLUiFs RACES , Special Dispatch to Tax IIEL Cot'NrIL IltuYFB , Iowa , Sopteubor 14 , 2 a. m-The races at the driving park are to be continued on Saturday , the following being the prograuune : 2,30 , class , purse of $400 , entriosto , close this evening at 8 o'clock , three to start. Sailor Boy is to pace against time to beat 218 ; for $600. half mile anti ru- peat running race , entries to close this eTeming at 8 p , nt. Chariot race by Miss Nellie Burke and Prof. Beardslo ; also an Indian warrior race and n ltecided novelty , in wheli lliiss Burke will introduce - duce , besides her hoisos , her flue kernel of hounds , HASH BAIi. . BoSToN , September 13-Bostons 3 , Chicagus 1. Yotr 13-Not NEW , September - - Bullido gauto poatponed by rain , PIIILApELYiIIA , Suptentber 13.-Clove , lands 1 , Philadelphia 0 P1tovxnlNeu : , September 13-Provi Bence 9 , Detroit 0 , T11E S110W AT QUINCV. QUINCY , September 13To dny li e been n great one for the Quincy exposi Lion , business in the city being almost entirely suspended. There was time largest - est attendance over attracted on a similar occasion in the city. GENLILAL FOItEIGN NEWS. TILE BIsTURUANCES IN IROTIA : , AORAM , September 13.The violence of the rebels against the land owners between - tween Glona and Potriiiial is increas- ing. The military force winch was sent to the scene of the disturbance wore coin- pulled to fire into n demise mass of rioters at Jakobovaz , killing fifteen and wounding - ing many others. The Hungarian Prime Minister had an interview with the Crotian notables summoned to an audience. The interview - view was stormy. Time notables , after excitedly - citodly detailing their wrongs , under which Crotia suffered , promised to fulfil certain conditions proposed by the Hungarian - garian gevernntont , the details or character - ter of which is not made known. The disturbances in time interior grow more frequent amid conflicts with the troops are assuming a mutest serious character. The Pesth llontzot , organ of Prime Minister Fisza , expresses the fear that the outbreak iii Ciotin is wall organized , and that to suppress it effectually additional - will ditional troops have to be forwarded to the scene f time disorder , LUTHER'S UIitTIIDAY , WIrrnNnEno , September 13-On time occasion of time ceremonies of time celebration - bration of t'.me birthday of Luther , the city was profusely decorated. Crown Prince Frederick William was received with great enthusiasm. Two thousand clergymen are hero. VIENNA September 13-TImeEmperor and King Alfonsuslaid.tho lastatoneof the tfoty'totdh tallTlitfcGrciil"onfa4 secti' grand. At time banquet in honor of the event the Emperor proposed the health of time king , to which the latter responded - ed in German. Time Emperor also proposed - posed a toast in honor of the Czar of Russia. The Emperor and King ] taro gone to Mortvim to witness the annual military maneuvers , TIIO EVIL OF UNTILLED LAND. BIJr11N01IAM , Septemmber 13-At the trades unions congress Joaeph Arch offered - fered a resolution that , considering time large amount of waste land in time in g- dent which is capable of cultivation , radical - cal changes fn tbo land system of time couutrp are required in order that the land may be put under productive cultivation - vation fo time benefit of time comnmunity , theruby offering a chock to excessive cum- igration. An amoudment was offered calling upon time government to declare such guvornnmont rumlpert and with this addition the entiroresolutiom was adopted , Losnor , September 13.-A Norwoginn vessel was sunk in the English cimannoltD- day by collision. Twelve persons wore down. TUE NEW CIlICAOO , LNNUON , September 13. The now In. man steamer City of Chicago made a trial trip yesterday , nccamnplisiling a speed of 16 knots an hour HUSINEMS 1tESUMED. Private advices from Citnton state that business has been resumed as before time outbreak. DIED. Admiral Sir Richard Collinson , K , 0 , B , , F , It. G. S is dead. lie commanded - ed time Enterprise expeditiom which loft Plymouth in 1850 in search of Sir John Franklin. GERMANY WILL NOT ACT AS ARBITEII , BERLIN , Sopt01nber 13-Sovemmteen herring boats are missing since Limo recent gales.Under Under no conditioiIS will Germany consent to net us arbitrator between China and Franco , hitherto China has not requested the intervention of any European powers , Time aggregate strungth of the Oermau ° squadron in Chinese waters is 30 guns and 060 ummu , LUTIIEIt'S ' CENTENARY , BERLIN , September 13-1'he ' quarto centenary of AhtrLin Luther will ho Cole. bratud at Wittenberg , I'russia , to.ume' . row. Over ommthousand clurgyumonfrom all parts of Gernany will assist. Many descendants of Luthcr have already arrived - rived \Vittenbog , IN FAVOR OF i'NACE , PAlus , September 13-Tito general Public are regarded mate thmu ever as bout on peace. Should negotiations with Chumn collapse it. Hs thought the ggovern' ntentwill survive anooling of time U chanmbers 24 hours , WILL CONCEIIE NOTIIINO. LONDON ,9optuumber 13. , ----Marquis Teeing , Cimines ° Ambassador , in au interview - view at Jolkestotmu on his return from Pais , said China was detortnined to con. cede nothing concenrlmig suzerainty over Anmiani. She did not tvisim France t ° 1)055055 time territory adjoining the Clii nose frontier. The despatch of French rumnforceinomta to T'onquum would be un fortunate as it would compel Chinim to boldly send troops to adjacent provinces , 'Vhmo military party are daily gaining ground at I ekln mud the Marquis said that netlming definite had resulted from his journey to Paris. A NEW MINISTRY , LiIA , via , Galfestou , September 13- Iglosias tninisfry is given as follows I resident of time Council and Minister of Justice , Dr , 13nrringn ; Foreign Affairs , Jose Antonia Lnvnrelle ; War , Gemioral Osma : Chancellor of Exchequer , Dr , Mnlfarhida. NOTES. The French cabinet will consider the Tongnin question toanorrow , The steamier Athenian with O'Donnell , time slayer of Carey , on board , has am'- rived at. Madeira front Cape Town , Ile is closely guarded , lie maintains lw shot time ntfornter in self-defense. A number of inmportaut witnesses in time ease of O'Donnell , trio killed Carey , arc already in Loudon , Mrs , Carey mud fauily have arrived. English detectives just returned from America have in their possession valuable - ble iuforntatiou conecrniug time extent of time Foniam conspiracy , It is nscurtained time real name of time uforme' , Nornmar , is Gibney. It is rupurtcd serious changes have occurred - curred iii time condition of Bismarck. Doctors have been suddenly stunntuued to Gnstein for consultation. LrlbOi' III Iliu South , NE V YORK , September 13.-John C Calhoun , of South Carolina , grmtdsun ti the famous statesman of the sane mu and who is now a resident of Arktut0.W , was n witless before time senate committee - tee om labor and education this mimrniug , lIe was called to testify in regard to time condition and prospects of labor iim the south. IIe stated that laborers 1n the Mississl ipi''alloy were entirely agricul- tural. wlmito nun are employed , as they soot become either land weror tunanta. The condition of negroes is good , compared with a fcw years ago , but tlmoy are indolent , and only worked to supply the necessaries of life. IJnre was Ruch greater tendency to a conflict betwecnrnces than between labor mmd capital. Time best interests of laborers - ers of time south could be subsarved by time establishment of industrial schools and by total elimination from federal politics - itics of the so-called negro question and by leaving its soluticu to tnuo and time reduction of taxation. For tunny years the negroes regarded themselves as the wards of time federal government , mmd it were well for thou to understand they have nothing more to expect front the federal governmment titan time white man , and that like Limn their future depends on their own energy and industry. Nothing probably would contribute so mmumedintely to their prosperity as time reductiom of the tarilr , 1Vittess thought time south offered the greatest inducemnents to imiumiigration , ! lace feeling was dying , amd if time south was left to itself there was no more danger - ger to be feared from it. Parties could all then find secure investment. In politics - itics , time negr0 vote was by uo menus so solid for time republican ticket as so many in time north supposed , but was split betweem time parties , a large proportion voting with time platters , their employers , not from coercion , but by preference. Witness advocated govern- nment improvement of the Mississippi. In regard to educntlon , , by suggostedthat Iho fbrmeeri cotton tax of (0,000000 ; should be appropriated to time education of time negrofu the south. As to time rest of the states , they could take care of their colored citizens , and lie recommended - ed that time settlon'mnt of all difficulties be loft to tune , - - - The Skeleton of a Love Story , CtneAoo , September 13-Johan Sculling - ing amid Paula Hell were lovers in Germany - many mud engaged to ho married. Schilling - ing tired of his love and came to thus country and to Chicago where lie mmtrr ed another weuan. ] , fuss Hull followed mum and was a frequent visitor in Schilling's family. Time castof'wanton - wanton was light- ] mearted amid jovial and though occasionally - ally threatening suicide in a jocular way , no one paid any heed to it. One day several weeks ago , being an export oars- tvormum , she rowed out upon Lake Michi grin , amid some days after her body was futumd floating in time waters. It was identified by Schilling amid time cnrouer's jury l'ettlrned a verdict of suicidu 'l'o- ( lay .loluum Schilling wits adjudged insane in the county court. It appears that after seeing her lend fitcu at the morgue the features of his old and dircmu'dcd love t-mm conliuomlly before hfui and drove hinm dsstrncted , 'Pima Jer.Oy Iomoct'try , TIuIN'roN , N. J. , Septciuhiv' 13-'I'lme democratic state convcmmtiomm nssenblcd rut 12:35. : Allen 0 , McOormott wits su- Iceted as chairnmu , and the socruhiries and usual cuuunittces appointed. Leon Abbott was n01nimatud for governor - ernor on time second ballot , A motion to make time noumiutttion unanimous , was howled down , and uith out ndjournmont time dulugatus dispersed. Great dissatisbtctiom is expressed nnmwm time delegates , and thuru are thusu whit talk of a bolt. Thu ropuhlicnus suemm m articimlat'ly pleased with time nonmiuutlun. The platform adopted refers chiefly to shttu matters , itnd i5 stromigly uopOly throughout. The Cedtmr IlaplilS Iloumitou. 1VASiiINOVON , Soptuumbur 13--leis , Ormshime , , Legtiutt , 111eArtbur , Ilulknap , ! lydnck , 'I'ultIc and Sudurv , all mil' shunt had cutpunamids copmnectcd with Cmocker's Ilnwll brigedu of time Sevorm. teemmth corps , hmvu nccupted iuvitati(1mis IA ) nttemmd eta reunicn at Ccdtr Itapidi , Iowa , Septumimbor 20th timid 37th. Thu hrigadu lust over 1,100 ulllccr5 mud mmmei in time war. Capt. , ii , 11. Itooti , of Mt. Vernon , Iowa , is limo scmchuy , The Fune mil of Mast ings. NEtV YogNSoptunmbur I3-Tho funeral service over time remains of liugh .I. Hastings , editor of 'I'Iu Conmrnurciul Ad- vorhser , will take place fit St. Lets Catholie Clmurch , Saturday mnarnimg , 'J'htu fullowimig are time pull bearers : Pruefdcnt Chuter A , Arthur , Secruta Fol3ger , ltu14000 Comikling , 1V. 11 , audorhflt , IIughJ. Jcw'ctt , Jay Gould , Snnm Sloan , Chum , 'Thos , .I , Eekort , Jenkins 14uI Scheick , 1Viliitun O , 1Viced , Isaac Eng. lisim , J , Nolmmon Tappan , John beg. A QaictOmit In Hates , CnwACo , Suptember 10-It is stated that the Rock island mud Nertimwuster n roads today made a quiet cut of two dol. mars on limo passeugor rate between Chicago - cage mend Cedar Rapids , This is armdor stood to ho in response to time Wabash cut to Council Bluffs , NORTHERN NEBRASKA , A RcmarkablY Good Iiarrcst Rcapci in the Valleys of the Elkhorn Nio brara old Kea Ilaha. The Peat Bcdg of the Latter Two Valleys Surpass the Bogs of Ireland. Arllstle Suetchcs of the Genernl UhnrnelorIStlcH of the Collmtlt'y , Currospoadeueo of ' 1'mu : lhxm ; Sn.Lmty , Nsu , , September 12-As TimE Ihsu is time standard of authority mad the great family newspaper of all thissee tion of cotmtry , l nut mumstrainctl towrite you my observations of several w ulte' travel througlmottt Northuru Nehraskm , Crops all along time Elkhorn valley , time Niubntra and time Koyaa Palma , nru as good as could ho asked fur. Oats in many places I find , mo yielding 60 to 80 bush- ole to time acre , 11'hent 20 to 40 bushels to time acre , altbomigh thorn is very little nixed. Corn lnerois time bust I imave soon . .ttLtvomn this and time Mississippi river this season. Time production of sod corn is remnarknble. Vlach of it will yield 60 bushels to time acre , and as thuru was much broakimg dune last spring , there is a great deal of it in time country , although time present weather is injurimi it smuu- what , most of it will ri on std lie somtd. No frost hero to date. This country is settliim u ) fast , amid is decidedly worh time husbaudumu's attention , rood deal of it is very said but suoums to lire. duce good grasand yall kinds of crops , especially There Jmns boom AIIUNDANCII OFILAIN all suuumer until within the past few weeks , and grass anywlmero east of Valentino - entino is yet fresh atd'grmon. T'lmroo is a great deal of stock in time cotuttry , amid owners of it find it very profitable. Thousands of tote of ] toy are now being put iim time stack. There is yet a great deal of good government land to be found on a line west from Noligh , on time Nio brara and Keya Paha rivers amid their many tributaries , There is considerable lire wood to be found on these streams , and several saw mills are located on the Niobrara , and are kept more than busy saving pine , chin , oak , cottonwood mmd basswood lumber for time settlers , at frotn $0 to $1.1 per thousand , Many sectiemms oil time Niobrara amid time Keya Papa abuumid in extensive beds of peat of time finest qualit I over examined. A home. stcader on time Sand fifteen miles north of this Ilucu has acres of it on Imi' place and is being it far fuel within great satisfaction nlthom glm ime has plea of fireweed close of ] aua. I mn ineliued to think there is an unlimited - ited supply of this peat , but time prairie fires in dry seasoms destroy tons and t na of it. Old bog trotters otime Emerald ' Isle say the ever saw a finer of is Bquality pcat thn to be found imi own nd Holt counties. Everything him ; this sec , tioti indicates an abudanc-Of' coal and an interesting prehistoric day. In a leisurely - urely stroll week before last between hero mud the Keyn Palma , nmy attention was called to sows nucE uoNFs : that had lately bent discovered. On examination - amination I fommd one of them to be be- ynnd question time jaw of arm olophant. ' 1'ho ivory tusks were brokemi off chose t0 time jaw- , but the ivory in time socket is plainly visible amid in good state of pres- ervation. Placing the bone upon scales I found it weighed 76 pouim 1 , although a large portion of it lord been broken off ammeanY of the teeth had . Time tusks wore three inelmos in diameter. Other huge bones , such as me not found in animals of time present age , were also in this collection , 'l'higim bones measuring - uring front four to six inches in diameter , mad jointsockets of immnense propirtions ) , and time lower jaw bomio of some smaller aniutal having two ivory tusks , all of which I found in time hands of a ] Ifr , 1Vobmter. At Ft. Niobrara 1 found what sciuutists premounce to be the hip bone of a ntim'Ihd ' at in the holds of Chaplain 1V , 'I' . P11cAduur , Omm the Iiuya Patin , last Monday , I found the ball of a bumie cu time prairie which moanures seven inches across. 1 mint told tlmat alndy at Long Pine this. covered aim ivory tusk lust epring which was aoverfoot longbutl cannot vouch for thin , as I have not seen it I nor also told that 26 mites north of hero on the Niobrara , was discovered a jaw bone that whom set on and a Jour could easily walk umi(1ar time arch , ] , fiery other relics that should ho collected collected - lectod by the state and preserved us cvi- iluneen of time characteruf itspast history , limo proumiscuously stuttered over thin portion , ail would ho of great intorust for sight suers to look at. 'flue Niobrara river vicnmity from its umoutli to 60 miles 5bovu Fort Niobrara , produces souse f the finest a iecimonu of ) otrifnctious of different substnneen over somm. 't'lto uvidcuces of coal all tlmrough time heylI Paha 1111(1 Niubrata river regions muu prnmouuce(1 ( of thu very strongest ciuulIetur by mdl oil amine's now in Limits region , lllr , Menus , an old settler on the Niobrara river , informs limo tlutt hu has frequently fonul ohumkn of coal of a hundred pnmumds or more lyluo urn tap Of ihuground , and carved soil wof lieu huuo ) amid b11rumd therm. ( No coal tins uvur buuu luutlc + l limbo lriatsecliJn , its wood is nlnumdiumt , ) 'I'h0 ' qunrt01.5 at 1'o t Niobrara are of a V. 1 y neat mtmi slmhdtautlmh CI mauicter. 'I'hmo w'rdlwof time ii illeroit buildings nm u mmsni : ( i1 Dlilt' ( Illnm'S. Theme brick are mmlu of black clay grvnnal as ardImu'y brick clay , molded 9 tnchus Iumig , 0 inches Lido , by 4 inches thick , and tut ( b'y fn Limo auu twoutyfour hours , By thin tmiu Ilwy are dry anti nlnmost hn d as himn bnrnad brick , and when laid fu time + vall in limo nmortar au ilrmpui'vimmn to water. Thu old buildlmga have unlls two ( cot thick , but tlmusu now being put up arc one fuut. 'l'ime fort hums lmerotot'oro been a four curnptmy post but is now beimig rondo aim eight eaumptuiy pur immanent ost. ' 'Imo fort Is well ollicured and equipped.umilitary reservation is square mid is woh situated let time midst of lent ( if wood amid excel. lout water , The cou itr west of time fort Hs too sandy , high rumrl yd for ngricul tural purposes , exc0 lie g early vegetables and produce , 'J'here time bucher hengs his fresh killed beef up to the sfdu of time building in the hottest weather w'Wteut ' fear of it spahllug , ( 'ATTLR , CATTLE , CATTLE is limo wealth of the country mud all it is good for. North of Limn Minueclmaduzn river p'hiclr empties into time Niobrara at the fort there is seine very fine soil but it is on table Isud too Iii h and dry to Pro duce mtvthing but a short bim hlo grass , I have seen no ngriculturnl lmtds worth having most of Long Pfau except in amnll patches not worth looking fur. Johnny'Carmes ' , of Omaha , accmupmtied nw on a couple of days' mumble and gat satisfnctior , as stagmg amttl wnikiumg was abundant the auu hot , amid our uutlnadln broken , but Johang wded through the tall grass ul ) to tits neck very ccura go' b ousl aud ntni ght ncctt + tcd timsoft silo of a head for re pose without gruutbliu g but w hon Ito wadi meet a homesteader nmtd hear him sing the praises of ' 1'lu : lhEtas : was generally time caseOit elmeerod bin ltrou pin spirits ' anti lived u ) ilia lag. liuibsb ' 'rent of giim g 1'lioro is n ' deal ma mesia limestone on the tnlile lauds botivecn time Niubntra nod h o 'a Pain rivers but no regular lodges dent I have diseovored. Good linen is ismado fm-omit it. and it miakes Food building material , Much of thma country is fur ahenil of anything l saw in n ramble through southern 1)akota mud will coutpm'u very favorably with any of Iowa's boasted ng- rieulturtl soil , 1 nutico that quite a nunsber of Iowa's best citizens nru now here amid that seine of lter best punt- 1nbitiouists of a year ago are saloon. keepers hero now' . Theme in a ntovumimemt of foot hero now to nuke three counties out of hlult ltd Brown by taking two tier of townships from time west side of unit and three tier of townships front time east side of Brown , to forum a nov county. Petitions are being eireulated for smguers. I think Lima project will prove successful. But space is tip , yet my star is but half told. Yours truly PEE DimE. . . - - - - AHhnro In n Fog , FREEI'ollT , Ill , , Septouber 13-Time Italian sleamshtip , Lmdopeudemmt , fromim Palermo , wait drove on shore at Jones iii- let at 1:30 : this morning during a fug mud high sea. It is loaded with 9,000 , tons of sulpho , 1,000 boxes of loncus std oranges , and has also 100 pnssengema amid crow on board. Time captniu thinks if the weathur holds as it was this umormiing it is a very dangerous position. Time wife and children of time Americtut consul at Cadiz , Spain , are of board , New Yolln , Soptentber 13.-A miumbor of passengers of the steamship "Lido. pondent" arrived hero from Frooport. It scums thmo ' "Indepmndoit" had pleasant weather until she entered the sound Inst night , There was a duuso fog ail hedvy seh. About 3 n nt. there was n lord crash aid time captain said time ship was agrolmd. Itoekets were bent up , but no assistance came until Ott , nu , , when a life boat camio and took otNimo passen gees without nccident , 'fltii ' 'Inde- pondcnt't is time seventh vessolgonom shore at this p pint , She hiss n tbnnage of 4,600 ; aecomumudatiooa for 00 cabin and .800 , s oerage passengers , sub has on boars he white cattle aent by the king of Italy to President Garrett , of time Iliiltihfloro & Ohip road , , - - - - - Pnus of the Colored Eptscapullitna , NEw Yonn , September 13.-Pima con , vuntiou of colored clergy of the Protest , alit Episcopal cimurchm adopted rca- olutioa tht it was deeply conscious of the local disasters tvhiclcm to time 0(11. ored race tlmrouglm the existence of slavery amid how 'fnnmily life , paternal authority amid marriage integrity have beun hrokmm down almost beyond repair by that sya- tem ; quit as such is time caso'thu cent mm- tie u , in order to put time colored race on a moral footing with their white brutii- roe , request bishops of the Episcopal church amid time mfasiomar board of Limits city to make extraordit nr ollerts to- wads erecting churches throu bout time noth. The necessity of a faro increase of colored miniaters is also urged , mid it was recoumnmuuded that in order to sue- eesafully carry emi the work of Clmristiau itY a lien 1 g , te black race. Brent cmmte's of population should ho first seized upon anLim mrish schnols should be msmue ated with laueh ventures , - - - - - - - The llamas Sugar Pactory. IIUTOUNSONSeptemnherl3. Bait- San Sugar Relining compnury , located at this place , turned mint its hrst batch of sugar this adtornooL Thu works cost $126,000. Bramtclm nmil a mro to ho oshtb. linhmd all over the state. 'J'Ime results to. day settle all controversy about time lies- nmbildy of making auger from sorghum came. Time sugar mausfactured tu dny crystnlim d perfectly without the aorgimmmnt taste. The null will be rmi at its fullest capacity , 100 barrels per day of syrup. This scasori'a product will aggrcgate0,000 barrels of syrup. All grades of whitu sugar will be mndo , Two lmundred men are employed day std uigbt. Thu Stor hug works are run min time sumo principle ns lucre , Ilulchinnon and Sterling will 50011 supply the state of Knusas with all iii sugar. - - - - CRiMINAIi RECORD , IIROWN ANU YNITU. LoVYIAY , Texas , September 13-Last iiight , live rullen west of Lure , Themes Snmitim welt into a church moeling whnru religious services wore in progress lie wiusslightly intoxicated mid stuppod ou time toots of one Brown , the elurgynmm's 14011. A few words pnsmed , but Limo mat , tor was dropped until niter norvieuu , wluen it was renewed. SJritb was stubbed mmd inatnmitly killed , lirown'n brother , mud:118(111ev.11. h , Brown , his fitthor , are nuppos ° d to hu iniplieatud mud wdl be arrested , A IIUlblo tS'reck. I/AN'ASI'EIL ( , l'ti , , Septenber 13 , - 1Vbilu going to time wreck on Woo Column. bin & Port Ioponit railroad last night , Lima engimiu of the wreek'ng ' train struck a large rock that hind fitllen on the track uoar Conewego. 'l'imo train left the track iml plunged owei' a high emnbankmont into time Susquohaunrm river , Four pc'- s0ns were mm time emginu wlmun it wumit over , butall oscnped witim slight injuries , ' 1'bo ' track was nut cleared until Lida morning , Trouble Vii Ii Iho Itarumouks. Boisa CITY , Idaho , Septombee I3 , Adyices report the , ) respect of serious trouble with Bannock Imdinnn. A part of tun Iton neturs had one of tlieirltorscs stoles and traced him to the Baumuck eucainpntout. ' 19me Indiana rofuscd to give up the horse , wlluroupon time leader of time party knocked ono of the bucks down , flue Ltdiane opened fro , which was instantly roturncd , resulting in one Indian being killed and three wounded , of time minors three Wore wounded no soriommly that they are not expected to recover , TWLi'1G1tt1'11 NOTL S. ltfchnrl IC , Fox itffers a pdro of $6 000 to be fought for by 81ndo and Afltclmefl with amnll gloves , the fight to take place the first week to Novemhor , time and place to ho nsrued 1)orenfter ) , ' 1'w ! county democracy of Now York do' chimes the hrvltaUnn of Taumauy hall and Irving imll to unite hen time election of delegates to time state emmvontiun , The Itichlletm Navigation anupauy'smlemeor , 'rarrouwuts , It avhoro at imlo Aura l'runos , in the St. Lnwrouco All otturts to gt't iwr oft failed. The mldo wlwol stsrieuer Quson 1'ictoria , which has Leon rnnnln tin past two tveuks on the undo betnocn l'letthnm , ( Immt , and Uo lmit bnrnad at Clnna'nv tvhsrf six tuilos below - low ahnthaum , ye4crdny , ltotmss.C Co. , of St. Luui + , ii sigucu1 to ( feu. Laoge nit trttmtt'o , The nstignntnnt covers - ers time llmm uig mills at Itolluvlllo and Ironrge town and the elevator nt 11nri + + n , all In iit , lllnir cauuty , Ill , , valued tit : ,000 , IJaldll ties nut stated , 'fie passaugur ng'mty repra mdiug time DIII wnukt'o. St. foul , .ltunoapulis .h St , Louis ltd Nnrtlmtvevlnrn rnals , held a utootiug lit \liunnap.lls mud decided to restore the rates IA ) t'ldcngn nt once , anti orders Maio boon moat ngmtts to sell tickets only at former price + , - - - - o-- lustu'mtco ItugttlttloRs , Cuie.uto , September 13-Sixteen of the minmtmal lire insurance eoatptnies of time United States , a nession here tu dny , resolved to decline sty risks or intpUr- foctl proteoted mills and factoriua and to allow these furnished with : uttomatie sprinklers and reliable water supply , m reduction of 26 per cett front time prein- 1umim rates , Time conmamiesalso approved time su"estion that n chain load fmmont time safety i'nl'e ' of n boiler to Limo exterior of the muildin so that in ease of fire time min give room eon be flooded with live stomit and the danger of ux1)losiums averted , - - - - - The I'ulhuan ht Court , lkeoslmNUrON , Ills , , Sopieubo 13- The celebrated Nevin case was tiled before - fore a jury on its merits and time verdict Syria is favor of tho.ullnmmi cumpoty , The tnlgo charged time jury uulor time decision of Judge Mallory , that the Pull. mint enumpany were not common carriers , ns railroad con patios mire , lie further imuld that time Il'ullunan con pmt had n right to emfiag u bertha s mrd that its rules and rogulatiors in this regard were binding - ing on its patrons. Who o Is Mary ? $ Sr , Louly , Suptontber 13.-Specials received at a into hour slww conclusively that Mary Churchill is not in Elpaso , its reported. No chin to her whureahouta unto yet beun found. Thu case is a great mystury , a New Jersey Ueaocratm. T1lgEToN , N , J , , September 13-TIme democratic state executive coinurittee remained mainod jai nessioi until 6 o'clock this nrbruing ivlmon temporary. 'ollicema worq deaeled upon. Allen McDermott , a strongA butt mar , was clmoscuchiairmmn. A careful review of time delogatiols at 10 o'clock this morning in hcatoa , that Abbott max g ° _ 1'Sl ' , lend , ti liitto tatiNfF ° ° aocunICoclmran ( , lmirtiurd , - - - - - - - - The . MllfN Strike , CIrwAco , September 13-A conference - once leas boon arratmgurl for next Saturday - day evening between time proprietors of the South Chictgo rolling mills amid a counuittue of striking enployees. it isun- dcratuod that the men atamd ready to ru- turn to work at time coutpnny's ' turmanud the general iumpressiomi is that work will be rusumed in about two treeks , _ _ 'l'imn Coreut , LnhnmrnrlorH , CnngAco , Soptenubur 18.-Time Corenn mubtssadora spout time day in being driven about time city under time escort of Col , M. V , Sheridan and tvitnussing time vorkiogs of the police and fire Rlarn iu st01mis. in time evening they uttandu(1 ( tun ox ) oaition and at 11 u'cluck Lo i6gilt left for Watshin6toim. Ianmgos Paid. Nlw Yoluc , Suntcmnbur 13-Time Long Island railroad company agreed to pay $4,600 fit limo widow of John hurt , killed by n eolliaiou emi time 2d mist , Oleun , engineer of time lltnnhatt. m Beachm hour , fn time enlli8fon ueur the depot , was last night released fn $3,000 bail , 001mm ii i(1. Nlw Yoim , Se itunmbur 13Time inc - c ueut nu the hodfoe of Jules hart and .lobe Ileumry I3alka killed in time collision of time Itocumiwa and Long Branch trains on time 2d inst. is concludd , Time jury fund no criminal negligence to be charged but severely cemmsurctime conductor and utimr einployets , . . . . - - - - - - - Died , LENalmumw , Va. , September 13-Gen , 'I' . T , Fnustlory died lucre today. Gun. Fautleroy was conn11asioned colonel of the first dragoomma of United States troops in 1860 , and rosigmied fr01n time array iii May , 1801 honors to Chlof Justlcc ( } oleridge , NFw YoHE h'umtornbor 19-Lord Chief .Justice Coleridge was given a bril- lima rocoptcu ut the Casino today , which menu attended by umJm ; , rouummut ) eoIdu , Judge Snmimuul 131acufurd doliv crud mum a(1dre8s of w olcouto to wlmiclr Culoridgu fcoliugly roplicd , DII1ter $ AiSImed. ; SI' , 1401115 , September 13-F , A. lceusse & Co , , millers , have assigned. Assets etlmltntetlig mill proPOrty in hello. ville , Ill , , rudued nt $27,000 , Young Slue , Sliddlu Aged Limn ail All blcn xi hi , suffer hem dimly Inthlscrctiuns will lied Allen's IIm aim FCeti time mmuost itmteerf ul ilgurant rvt'r ' bmtroduual ; Duce resterad by It therm lu nu rehiipvu , 'Fry it ; it aura fnlls , . ? l ; Purrb. At drugglmts. - - - - - - - I'rivate Glove 6'IghL NEtr YORE , September L3-1Villinum Slmurill' , "thu Prusslau , " tO-night posted $1,000 with Harry 11111 for a pronto glove light with Jon L , Sullivan , A Idfo [ roving Present Mr. 11. E. Allimmn , Iiwtchinson , Knn.t Saved his life by a mlmrle trial bottle of 1)r. ) King's Now Iiscovery ) , whlclm caummd ltinm to prmcae a largo bottle that coin. pletely mired Idum whoim doctors chaug0 of sllumnte 'end everything olio had failed , Amth- eur , brgmeldtlm , iloarmauss , , severe coughs , mmd all throat mud lumig diseases , it la gimarauteed to eute. Trial bottles freoat0F.Ucodman'e drug -Acre. Large size $1,00 , A SUGAR-COATED SAND WIC H Ilow the Hawaiian Trcat Berclo p cd a Paying Idonopoly for Planters and Refiners , The Ohargog of the Eastern Sugar Mon Investigated and Pound Untrue. AISlm nut of 1 ho Iteport of time Cont. mlaslon Appnhmtul by limo Trensury , 1VAS111NOTON , September 13-Tho commiasion ) by Secretary Fol- ger t ° investigate time time ehn > Eetlm t under time treaty between the United States std Sandwich Islauls , sugars have been immported free these islands into the ports of the United States which wore nut entitled to exemption from duty tlmm eutdor , has ubutilted a report ; It tiitlls time charges coilsist ntail11y of two ; first , that class of sugar imported since the treaty went math uffeet differs fromtt that eomitumitplated in time language itself and home time importation trout llaw uian islands prior to said treaty ; that iii fact the process of mmnufachure in the islands had radicallyclmanged. Vac- limit pans amid coutrifugads have been nubshtutud for o tot kettlots and ordina osethods of purging Museovado sugars. Second , dint sugars from other countries were imported into the SanwicbsIslnnds mud frnuduluutly exported to time United States as lIawafiam sugars. After careful investigation at San Francisco - cisco tbu conntission ascertain there was a remarkable iucroase in time purcentago of lower grades iuimrted ; into ban Francisco - cisco frog July 1 , 1876 to Septuutbor 9 , 187(1 ( , wluilo the treaty was pumiding , as compared with previous and subsegnont years. During that period the proportion of sugars bulov No. 10 , Dutchn standard , w'ns 02 , 62 per cantngainat an aortio of the sane grndon of 16,28 per cent in the lineal year of 1874 , and an average of 14,62 per colt from January 1 , 1877 , to Jimmie 80 , ] 882 , It appears tlmat up to 1876 most of mho bettor grades of Sandwich - wich Islands sugars were sold in thmo Iitarh itn of time Pacific coast directly for eoununtptiot. Early in tlmat year the Sat Francisco retiners made contracts to purchase time greater part of the crop of the islands and arranged with the plant. ors to ntako as largo proportion as poasi blo dark in color to moot time then existing - ing tariff ; After time treaty wan promulgated - gated time propartmns of 'several grades became about time sumo as before said arrangeneds ver ° entered into. 1lrith this exception it does not appear there is any substantial difference iii time clmnrnctcr of sugars imported prior ammo since time treaty , nor is there any cvi- dunce tluat the importatiumia under the treaty were not such sugars as were eom- mouly unported amid known as Sandwich island sugars trior to 1870. The infer- immation obtaind frohm a large number of mnerchants aml'citizehs 'officials in San Fratcisgp an(1 Portland , fanmiliar with time subject , trap alsoto time uttoet that a maotialchan ggo had taken Ilace ) ! in the , 0hsrnetcN ofdtl'u su g a ismronto L , Itt1a- worthy of notice Lull ! for time fiscal year ending Juno 80 , 1888 , there has been an imirportatiomi , at Portland , of Sandwich ielmmd sugar. An to Limo r01nninimig charges they could only be inveatigatcd satisfactorily iii the Islamic ) , Time commission proceeded to Houohda mumd fuumd that no Muscovado sugar had been mmm do in time islands for immure thami 20 years prior to time treaty. 'I'he charge that time sugara are iinpurtod frog time East Indies amid China into the Smtndwicb Ialaida amid frou tbormce re- sltippcd to time United States , as of Ifa- weunu growths amid Jmnnufacture , is do- cidal to be without fotudati01L Time o ° imimin5ioIF says such operations nru utterly - torly inntpracticable. The lmntdiug of sugar could be only nccon dished by cul- luemn amid between slp mars the Uited States amid the 1iiawaiian oflicicle of wlmielm there is no evidence or grouude for suspicion. It in a significant fact that while vague charges of frauds of this nature are nmadc , no specified case Jima over been brought to time kuowledgo of either governmment. Thu allegation suunts t ° haw no other foundation than time fact that there has been a large fu- crease fn time quantity of sugars sent to time United States since time treaty , but this imierense con lie otherwise accounted far. It is time hegitimato result of Limo daints itself , Withi respect to time cum- of the easier sugar refiners that y althomm the treaty provided on ] for rorhhdmom brown dmom free of duty of Muscovado and unrefined sugars , Muscovado has been imim ortod under tlmtreaty while large ( uantitties have beep receied of what are lmowim cmumerciall as "semi- refined" sugars , which wore referred to a conunission 7'lme latter say they have found mop before stated that o Mscova- do sugars have bent muade in islands for twenty years or more prior to the treaty mud than time turns Muscovado sugar has not a thtcu in the treaty. Witlr regard to time prospective large m 'nc noose ill time had pruductiom of Limo island , which been much talked of amid formed part of their iitv'eatigation , the co11nnisston say they are ceimeiuced the output of all isaids nna under the nmost htvoruble cirouutntances , unless by a bettor - tor s mtom of cultivation , cannot exceed 100,000 toes of sugar ! w r am u n m , T1m 0 cenmission find that with few exceptions the sugar producing industry of time islands is in the hands of Germnnn and Engl'slm ' citizema or Hawaii.Vitlm ro- spoon to the ehnrge that time treaty ltan created a augur monopoly on time Pacific coast amid imicrensed time price to eonslunurs , they say they did not find thin shttummpunt warrmttcd by the facts. It fa trim they pay that limo remis- sims of duty by time United Slates has not boon a o to time cousuue' on time Pacific coast , but the duty rumimmtted , tvlmicb , we'u tlmuru nu treaty , would go Hitt time Unito(1 Status treasury , now goes to limo planter and rofinur , who buy ucarlY the entire 1 groduct of time island. Thu increase in cost to time cousunwr on that coast of roftned sugar , as compared by time price paid by cunsuners in time eastern status , frmn two to two and one. half cents per pound , is not time result of Limo treaty , but grows out of the monopoly - ly of time refining business in San Fran. oiSco , coupled with the still greater monopoly of railroad transportation , Tlmo police frustrated a plot to Lilt King Alfonso during his stay in Paris. .j