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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1883)
. . -w. _ C # 7 V rrn ' , iATi.Sr BEI3CUUNCIl. . BLUFFS FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 14 , 1883. I - TuE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Thursday Morning , Sept , 13 + SUUSCRiVf10N RATES : B en1er------- 20 rrnh per Reek fly Uri - - _ - - - - : o , 7 roan Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTIONI See Josephllleitcr'a fall goods. Additionnl local on serenth page , Cheap Railroad Ticket at Bushnell' , , The Young blot's Ropubhcan club was called to meet at the ollhco of Sims + C Caldwell last evening , Judge M , V , Burdick will address the democracy of Council Bluffs this evening , llo is said to be a big gum. Rescue engine was not needed to sprittklo the park yesterday. Nnhtra'a fire department performed the work more thoroughly. Mr , heat ICissell and wife mourn the loss of their little boy who came to them Tuesday , and whom they hoped to have kept with them , The county board met yesterday , and after working n while adjourned to go to the Enir. It is ox'petted ' that the board will cant1pleto its labors this weak. Yesterday was not very prolific of n ws. Many of the usual sources of information were dried up. In the afternoon every count office except the auditor's was close , 'r 1 Democrats promise n lively cantpnin. [ { The leaders are now busy maturing pla1B. Republicans expect not only to conduct a lively campaign , but a success iul one , a. Plnoboard of eupm vnsora yesterday lot the building of the Matti street bridge to 1 Raymond cC Campbell. It is to be of wrought iron , with an 13 foot delivery n and two aide walks of six foot each. I. At the police station there was no stir yesterday ; only one plain drunk , Ed. rint had been picked up , and that was n the only nrrost made during fort eight , , hours , Pretty fair showing fair tinfo , Every justice oftico in the city was do. " sorted yesterday afternoon , and the stair- v , of two of thorn wore occupied by mot not sober enough to go home , and not quite drunk enough to go to the cooler. Gov. Sherman and Con. Prentiss will speak in Council Bluffs Saturday evening under the auspices of tire Young Men's RcPublican club , All are invite to at. . , tend , and those who do will surely enjoy a rich treat. A number of the young men of Neola , Iowa , have organized an orchestra and have christened it to "Le Brilliantu , " They will give their opening party Satur I day evening , September IG , nt the cit y hall in Neola , Mr. George R. Board , the artistic sign t writer , has recently completed and put u < place for the Council Bluffs Insurance I company , amnguifcent sign forty-five foot long , with litters two foot high. 1 is the largest and finest sign in the city , Mr. Ed. Allison , the head cook a t ' Ilechtlo's European restaurant , mourns 1 the lose of life little girl , who , died es. torch morning at 1o'clock , Slto ys just year olThe funeral will occu r this morning from the family residence oh North First street , i The members of the democratic count y central committee , together with the # democratic candidates and all workin g a democrats , are requested to moot at the office of John Jay Fminoy , 33Broad. . t way , Council Bluffs , Iowa , on Wednes i day , September 10 , 1883 , at 10 o'clock a m , By order of the committee , JS. Tam , chairman , John Jay Frainoy. sec- rotary , li + r Bechtolo's now European hotel , which ' opened this wok , is doing a lively bust. floss. Excellent meals , nicely served. Pay for what you gat , and no more , r t A SIIOBT HESB10N , JI J I The Ilomcopaths Crowd Two Days Into One So As to See the hates , 1 Thu Northwestern Acad + iny of Mcdf ' p , Club mot in this city this morning , Thi o attoadaneo was not as large as usual o r as was expected , but thu secretary in torus us that ho has received counnu i / ' r cations from many of the n + ontbora wh o } expected to be Presort stating that thi a unusual amount of sicktesa had rendered 1 it impossible for tlleni to gut away , Valuable PaPers were Irosonted b y Drs. Pittman , of Villisea , Carllich , o f 1 Harlan , Cowperthwait , of Iowa City , an d 1 ' ' hart and Campbell , of Omaha , and Still man , Pouleon ad Ranch , oft , f this city , ana a number were no t p rosuntedus tosucietYad1journed to 6'iv o I } the members an opportunity to attend ih the oxpuaition. Next meeting will b o by held in this city in May or June , ' Parents protect the lives of your littl o ones by keeping on hand Dr , JelFori I b I Council Bluffs diphtheria rorontive an d curo. Savor oars trial has I proven it to q be infallible , For sale at othco , No , 52 3 fiixth avenue , + ' Wild Predictions , Col , J , S , Tam' of Avoca left las t evening for home , after having taken i n t the democratic convention and the fai r ' in each of which ho is a atockholda r ' Thu colonel is an old democratic wa r I ] torso and sni Th the battle from afar as keenly as over. lie scums pretty wol 1 aatisfied with the result of tlto cotvu n ' tfon , especially so far as his part of it w ae conconiod , as ho took upon luuiself tit special rniasiori o1 getting Cramer itot n mated for the ussombly and Cooper fo r the treasurer , and he lot there. Th D colonel didn't buthor himself so mac h about the way thu rest of the ticket w framed , and Mario' rot what ho cam for lie took in the rest of the fun with a s gay heart , and enjoyed the fair lik u one who had got fresh laurels , 'ho of ud democratic hand has evidently not fo r gotten its cunning in setting up the plu s , but he is wild in lute predictions when 1 1 wale Cramer add Cooper will got then o 600 io 800 majority , and the t Ifolrnes will probably squcezo through b Y ' a reasonable majority , riotwtthetalidin g the democratic of J , 0 , Morgan / Tlo ( sage is still wilder in au elarog that no republican , howuve i li wprthy , will go to the front from th' is 4r > Tounty this fall , c Dr. West , dentist , 14 strooL d - 4 A GUANO SUCCESS , Th e Crowd Iacreasia at the Fair auk Races , T he Best Sport Of All Promised To-Day. Ycstnnln } 's llulnks Not Spoiled by Hhnwcre-ltnro Itnecs Tu 1)o } , The henry rain of the previous night won rather n dampener upon the pres. peals of rho fair ycslarclnp , Lttt n.9 the clouds broke and the sun come out in the morning , everybody felt glad again , and by noon there had quite a large crowd gathered on the grounds , but nlwut that hour the clouds began gathering again , mid mats who find proposed io go down to the grounds , remembering rho moist Limo had on the lest Fourth , whiled to son how it was coning out before vmn hiring into the hacks and street cars. During the early showers of time after. noon the crowd rat the grounds kept close to plncea of alnellerand were not very vmnturonsmb , ' 1'Iw w aaUnur bright. Cu ed up , however , and gave n chateu for ihu rotes , rho wind and sun doing much to dry the track soma , thought it. was still n little heavy at idle hugiuning , but dried so rapidly that nt ihu finish dust appeared iii spot , , llcepitu the risky showers ihu nituuanncu stns forger than un alto day provisos , and everybody xna delighted , mid rho prdnnieo is of n still forger at tendmlcu tu any , ns it is to bo ihu host day of all on ihu : lock , as will be ace ] by the progrnuunu , which includes tire 2:23 : and 2:34 : classes , hoslaoH the novelty rotes. Some of time too oconenical souls who trios to sneak iota ihu grounds sestetr any by going through certlmbl + ls and pas. Lu res and crawling elder time lentos , wore nipped yesterday by the ullicors nu watch , and made to pay over their half do llars , so that besides having their tree. btu for uotlling , U1oy wuro subjected to rho mortification of bump the observed of all obsurrore. One follow was escuriud through time crowd clear to time gate , and there compelled to buy a ticket , mnktag him rot rultu , n gauntlet. O , W. hfeFndnIun of Atlantis lit , hail rho mgnopalyatehd + op , ho being the only ex hibitor , and his allow buiug n flue one indaad. Another boy had his curiosity in the utachino department , allotted ester. da y. I HIw ( lacer S mink n son of John S : rink , IIu got hie thumb into seine of th e machinery , the /lnahl / being quickly ' st ripped off , d rho thumb badly udTho litle tallow was tut into n care ri , 'o and take : to town f tronhnmlt , lime agricultural reporter of Time Non- p anel agnox liable to be rolios'oa , since tie Writing up rho fair ha gave n glowing ac count. of an mght year uld calf , A , N. Carpenter , of Galesburg , time lnndacnpu gardener is ranking an inter- ea ting exhibit , both hero and at the Oum na fair. The city nuthorihoa have been in correspundmtco with hint in tu gars to thaiugsrovammtt of Fairmount pork , for which nntutro has done so leech , an d which merits tlto expenditure of so me nnouoy in iwproving nna beautify- in g still further , flit. Carpenter has be en lookiuq over the park since Lfe ar- ri val , and thinks : halt : will take little money , compnmtivuly , to make it very b eautiful and couvonient , coorxu ANU M'OEE ' , Li mo well-known hardware moor : Hoke n torp creditable display in the exposition builain especially of stoves , Bona of gwhich nro which beauties as all as beg - in g as wall up fn utility na in urnnmunt , They have the Uarhutd stoves and rouge , , They also bxlubit tlw flub Royal , aquae hooter , , which take time lead in their close , 'rho hub heaters , round sheet- ir on stoves , are also oxcullmlt. Cooper C 11fcCoe also make n flume display of car- hardware coals , std builder , bronzed Tim firm make a show in which not only attracts uttottioH , but proves that they keep up with the latest turd host in their line. ' rltlnDiIAN'H DINI'LAY , Thu space oocupiod by H. i'riadmnn , tvhoao establishment , No. ; 131 Broadway , is veil kuoxn , is one of the moat attract- u fraly arul ; ed of fury iu the uxpuaition building. lhogernln in richness , : oriels and nuunbore , are tars creditable nod ar e displayed vary tastily. ' 1'lnunifline TY aiaPInY , to very flume nod excites nett 1 p raise from the ladies who crowanbuut it , Tharu is n large Hhawin'ef phmnus u1 /lowunL 'J'huris not onl'lthu lotus : stylus of bouuuls nod Innis of clanks soma of whfcll are rem beautiful , std childruus' and ladies hoods in grunt vu riots , lhncygoods , sores , zeph ) rs , etc , , c omplete winch is clue of the beat dia ploys in the 11n11 , ItAItKK'H 1'110T0ORAl'lld as displayed in the ly xpoailiuu build. .C ing , nttruct and merit ranch attention. They are excellent , amid yet are hid san JIIDa Of the work done doily at rho Excel- gallery , 100 ltimau street. Mr. Burke 1f introduced vur huudseuu ] tlnu , m + s i us suitable far holiday gifts.i Ilarko fins bminus tlto rodutatnon n keeping nhvnys to ihu front in fife line am id time bunuty land finials of hia pictures , espeak time true artist , 'lime display utado at the fair in nuntbum , variety run uality of wok , would do credit o nu Y artfst t at ox wsition iu the land , ilfr pre togas Berko to exhibit also at ti m. . . aintrict fair. Tun 11A01ms , Tlturu was , despite the shnasrorrs , t a gooply crowd in time nmphitheniur to wit + Hess ! ho racosbesidus auto' m atrrinb'ce and ilnu thick hue nluub U fences , [ 'lie Marntuu bauda sin furnished meet , for the rote , 'unto sin ' 17nu ho a 16 lay pretty } yell , t1Rm'11 their ruIparfait b not very uextensive , A , O , lnncock et Kansas "it' , na t li d to his laurels y 'uatutl uy by time prompt w nose and ( irnucas with w'icll hu starlet i and judged Ihu meas. IIu is the bas t man to that place whiuh time twaociatim t Ilura hoe had yet. Th e first rout tolled wait time " :6C : clues , Of the efz uutrius five failed it star-bfodjuaka and Clatwoud , ' 1'h tarters wuro [ ducua as follows : Lucy ] I , l.oruno , Bay ] lhack ud 7otonto blm d , + Thu first eat was rnthor tuna , Lucy ' s + ' B , kept the loud G ou1 Ulu sbdrt to ihu fin Ieh , 7 uronto binia pushing u t tvilhin ml Imngtli and coining hum second , loran a t11ir1 , amid Bay bhto , who acted badly ii n scoring told was off his taut moat of th e distauee round , brntbinp imp the roar ' 1'innb , 2:38be : , rlime sucoud ( teat was a good deal of n ditto , save that 7urutlo laid kept 1 t ' ttle closer on to Lucy B and hold ho r . auwn pretty well clear to the /inieh / Lorene comutg in third , Bay Mm ii 0 ouldn't or wouldn't ' keep file foot au a ropped far LD11id , than mum in , savin his distance , but when on his teat onto showed himself capable of ltrottq good sp eed and a aqunto trot. Time time was 2tlbj : , n little ! Hater Unnn the previous bent. bent.The third head was a little more inter. sting , Lucy B and Toronto bfaid keep- jaLu pretty wall abreast. ! o the half mile , Lu cy 11 lending slightly. The Maid on the third quarter broke but got down sin while Loreno crawling up the ut rue bunched pretty closely. llap bloc 1 > 0hnve + l rtoff xalluntil on the home' alr6tch wtioi to wont o1 [ his foot again but carne down quickly , Lucy B paeeec tin der limo wire an easy winner , while Iurone , by a fine spurt , crowded her nuoo sh eath of Toronto Maki anti coma in sec. end , the Maid bent third and Bay Mao fnlttih , Time 2:34g. : TILE SUMMARY , 2:60claas , Trotting , 1'nnelt00 , lt hdcd , 82W , f1iN1 , N10 $10 , Haney CeumLp ' hr , tn. Lucy li..l 1 1 Ja mes blclioan , nt , Toronto binld,2 'l 3 Wade Cary , bl'cmlnrvno..3 { : 3 2 IlnkoInshgltayblac. , . . . . . . , , ,4 4 4 TI po , 2:313 , 2:351,2:31& : : . A MILE nASii batneen Mine Nellie Burke mil Madame lla Vera was also thrown in far rnrioty. The dollar led by two lengths or so until tim e homeatrolctt , when bliss llurko gained until she coma iii n uuck ahead , winning fn 2:01 : } , A QUAlt1'Etl MILE DASIt was t11T11W11 ill na a novelty butsruen Sot- ill ] Sill , Black 11111 , at \Iolliu l Cooper , Mallio Conpor won in - - , seconds. Sur rid 1611 second , nod Block Bill third , ANOTIiRuLIIIAn10T : RACE w as , , oven yesterday by Miss Nellie Burka and Pref , ] lonraelu } ' , each driving four horses nbronet , It tutor n dean heat , lieu 2UOj : , TIIE IIIINNINO RACE w ns naturally n little slow , owing to ! ho condition of time track. Time starters we re Katie B , old Ella Rnwelt. Katie II lea by two lengths through rho nnilo. Ella lioxutt closing t11a 6rnp en rho finish , but ] ca i6 Katie ll an oneY winner , limo lfit : 1 , A MALI' .MIIE 1ASlt ftniehod ihu nftcrueun's ' sport. Bee's lying won it in riG Htconde , Peter heed Hocana , and Sorrel lifll third , RAIp ; SrouT TO IIAY , To dny , if iho weather is at all favom- btu , thorn trill be time beat rltse of the ntecting , nod ihu spurt wil beat that of Wahwadlny evcuiug. Thu great oven ! will he lime 2:23 : trot , in which timer , , mire Houpo yens fast horses , in cluding Ili ; ; 10 JI , w'10 ! mode such n se nsation 11'erhmusdu } ' , Will Bonham Stratbinn Ensign amid Lillian. Tlnore will also be to-day time 2:84 : class , xiUt such fast flyers as Nellie Woodruff , An tin , Columbus , Dublin Boy Itl nhina , , Inc Paregoy'Prapozu , Anna Laura and M aud Ii. Thorn will also be a novelty race , inn which Council Bluffs , Dawn of Day , Sul livau , Nnrvin 13. , Col. Ile1phut : , lYinnie B , , Block Prince nod Ellis Ilou ott are m itered. IlosfdcH these there will be time Rmnnn Htaraimg race , tut exciting ono tooted , never nltroduced before ou any : rock in : file pert ut time country. A chariot race will also be given. With ouch n progrnumtu time big crowd may be as sured of having n true ! uuluad , Notice. I horuby amouuce myself to the voters of Potl , awattmniueounty us nu indupmul ant candidate for county surveyor. L. 1' , JcusoN. Councrr , BI.UFFs , In , , Septembur i , 1883 , - - - . i'all catalogues free t lharknessBrotlr era' . Fall aid printer cloaks note fu stock at Ilarkutas Brothers. A , Bootie's select oysters received daily at. IVT . Bcunt's , 1'EUSONALS , Yesterday the Pacific iouse opened n new reglsWr , mid uwong rho first W use it was J ) , 1' , Iubhull , \lfsanuri "alloy. 1v , B , Mu + lssay , of Slow City , heft Iffy nauw ( In ihu easy register at time 1'aclfiu , lv , E. Newhlt , of Sltuihy , Iowa , was ht to nttund Limo fair , and xtoppud at Limo l'rdlic : , John \lcCooneli , of Chicngu , shook hmtdy wi th blr , lrw gnson , of time [ 'nellie. (1 , 1..1'artridgo , of St. Louis , did cut occupy cot at , the /gdon t / , bat ammo ono rlso rlld , and hu heal a roue : . II , It. ( 'urpcutor , of ] linghnutou , N , Y. , rvglsturod yesterday at time Ogdmp. Iv , 11 , IintliugWo , of .1t. Jda , lusvn , was unuug , the vlsltors at. rho lair ycLcrtlmy : , tumid pot up nt Uw Ugdcn , The Black ivmf cunm .any , numbering 21 members nru + lttmturud at ihu l/gdon / , lduuuatntul Calm , of Nemv York , fu tie city on bnsiuuys , .topped nt the Ogduu. FredTnognr , of itint , , nay m n"ug thosu who dtuud yustedu } ' nt the Ugdcu , 1l , b [ , Spurry , seln , rupresuuts Culver , l'agu lIu } uo , of Cldcagn : , tats at Limo Ogden yua krdny and ushlbttud n flume lbw ut nanplos. Ono would : deeps : bu tmnptal to ru ry uwnuy tau hul gnu of : beau flume pooketbnoku , LIieu Josslu Ilomhnrtun , of Ncoia , hi in t11u efts , time gnus : ofIr , and Mrs. It. lrggluslun. Special bargailts in nuw turd second hood tutututu } ulli + rud by Ahuula ] during fa ir week. Renteutbur yon eut save ntunuy by buying hauls and HhuaH at ihu coruur o f ilhuu street eta First us uuuu , See time blankets , bud euuliorle H , table liege , bed sprawls , ufu , , etc. , ut Cnsatly C Urt utt's itemise furniahiug store , Kirkltuul lint ( ull line of rings , Stook . of C3rpula Of all doicriptlons i Hess. complutu and sold at lowest. price a nt linrknesa ] irutllurA' ' , Kirkland lots a large sleek uf wntulu + s hich Ito will sell tlwap. : S PECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE-Hlw'clal , adtcrtlscnuuts , Sucha as newt Found , to Inwup , l'or Hdc , To lk ul , wants , lbwrd lug , etc w911 bu least + 1 In lids rulnum at ihu to w' raw ul 'I'1N : CI : N'IN I'1 At 1,151 far rho tint lourtlur ' and l'IS'F : CIN'IY : I'CR IJNIi for cash euluwqucut in rllun , heave udscrll µ mumrlu at uurulllre , Na 7 1'carl Street , auar hoodoos _ V . . . . . _ . WANTS , - 'ANTItt-Iety : ; ' mm. Unuca ltluaa to tub c V 'IYpearL ltclherod byrardrrut only twrat nvd a wceb , TANTFIiV.1bn ; , , wlthlonytudAlterTua Us. FOR SALE AND RENT , UtlHA1.N Ilumo nod tut , uurthwrr0 corner W Tenth and Onudway , JDIIN W. IUtuu jArlifNii niiurieFOn HALE Out VENT-Tim - 0 OnlsPu'klulhuureramoltylW { hvte { rltday , w11ha11malurnappllwnceewu111ornlaL ; her value r arose Ap ay w ougLL s LAY , t 'uuncll icuru , la , Srptcmber 10 , 1153. VISITORS TO EITHER OF TIIE 2 GREAT FAIRS 2 SHOULD SPEND AT LEAST ne-IIEL1f DF , , 1 -AT TIIE- d -OF- CASADY & ORCUTT 502 BROADWAY , Council Blu 'Sf - - - Iowa . M AYNE & PALMER DEALERS IN Liffle Louisville&PoIand t MICIiIOAN PLASTER , 11Au LAND SEWER PiPEBARD AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST PRICE. No , 699 Braa4way , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW A SMITH & TOLLER , 1 ° f 114t I . I a rf li 1. p o . 0 H CD e W r - I o z - - erc ant = a1 ors. 7 and 9 Main Street , aIR ] It3CJTOR , cOVNc7YL I3LIIFF'1 , I8. JOHN BENO & CU + , 16S1aNFetrcetand117I1'earleteeG ltltl.qp. lY1.UHN , Grocery , 216 Sfaln 9trcat. CRESTON t/okl HOUSE , 217 and , 210 Mola etrceG J , M , BARSTOW M D OFFTCE , + , + , Corner Fifth street and Fifth ave , ' Ull ' , q , , F. WHITE , Corner Matn and Filth up etalre. OFFICE ltoeideace , , a ® Willow ardaue. N , SC EIURZ , Oalca orsr Ametlan Er p rdae' LWEIiY AND FEED , S. wAGNER , win contract for funerals et reasonable rake. 2 ! Fourth , tree. . J , M + (71 I' , JOHN. & COCASH BUYERS , w try ' . Bhtp eggs , tea po . , llroftbyreturn ruall. HDDroadway S A. PIERCE NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE , . , Corner Mala and Flret avenue. D , A , BENEDICT + SION Oalca witrrnR 837 Broadway AND ORAINEIL , Council Dluaa , lows. I JACOB 11UCH , stddk Complek. Suits made at . . No. 805 Mats St. lT ( + F + SMITH. Corner7th and Broadway , Plane AND and BUILDER elecfaatlooefurnfahed , , _ _ _ . : - . : -VV SHERMAN ALER IN FINE HARNESS. . , , T hero rho varletDy that bringsFINE 124 Mala street. - 1 MERCHANT TAILOR. JAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work and rcaaenablo charges. 672 Broadxay. HI WE & SON1 FURN1TUIlE STOVES , and IToucehold Supplies. SoS Broadway , - ' LINDT & HART ATTORNEYS AT LAW , , Jamce lllok , ! 'ractlce la stele and federal courts , - SANITAR I U And bath house , 421 and 429 Broadway , L. Soscrclgn , Prop , P , J. Mon t' , gumcry , bl. D , l'hyelclan. WADE GARY 1 1' ETEItINAIIY SUROEO r , - - - _ - - _ - - _ _ . , OI cc , Dray's _ stable. , 12 Scott sired. - - - - - - - - JUSTICE OF TIIE I'RACE , EDWIN , T , ABBOTT . , NotarylUbllcand0endral Canraymae.16 Broadway , REVJ.I1.tIt ; HOUSE SSi/T / [ [ A NORTON , , Broadway opposite New Opera llouec , lk6tkd $ l , :11,60 : per d ay SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEAiEitS IN [ iboooihoPrOY1S1OIIS ! i , , I IPJIMIC ZZ l > erxN AGFI7NTJ9. UItAFTSON ; TILL : UINKOF IIIIiAND : , UUItLIN , Fell SATE , 343 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFF CRESTON HOUSE , M9 % MORN , - - - - PROPRIETO R . 216 , 217 a sc1 211 . Maiaa. 1 troot , COUNCIL QLUFFS , - - - - - - l0 WA MRS. A. A , BENEDICT , THE : LEAUINO HEALER IN 337 Bi'oaflway , Council Bluffs. , SRELrON & RICE TAILORS 102 MAIN ST REST COUNCIL BLUFFS e TALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIE S lIUT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE , YOUR TRADE' IS SOLICITS 1 r To The Trade I W . takepleasuro ; in calling soar attention to the fact ihnt woharetnada each artango menu al will enable us to sell you Boots , Slioes , Etc r Here , as Low as you can buy them East , " 'Writs for further information , a TT. CO. , 1 412yBroadway ; Council Bluffs , Iowa. Em kie Hardware Coe , . * ' i w. bsrr v ! 109 and 111 S , Main Street COL 'NClL BLUFFS , - IOWA , : L 4retc ,1f rS- WIIOLESALE DEALERS IN BUCKGLOVES 9 , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , CreaffiPriiits , Couectiollefl ! Parties , Soctnblea and Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to ' all parts of the city. Vienna Broad , and Pies , Fine Cigars , W , T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS t8cs 1Lt and l c,1cL Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished . T. 1 2oMASON No , 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS H. E. S E . li/.E . . T' . Special Sale for. Thirty Days -COArn4ENCING- : S rt ard. , A te. u. t To reduce our stock and make room for a large steclcof t'I I I i FALL ANU ROLIBAY GOOBS Ne offer at reduced'prices our sloe ] : of TOS tflOllOry , ! SOO1llOOll8 ! Books PHOTOGRAPH ANDAUTOGRAPH ALBUMS , Pocket Books Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags FANCY GOODS , Steel Engravings and Other Pictures---Cabinet Photograph - graph Frames , Parlor Easels , Fire Screen , Frame WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , I i , IDo11S 9 1 , .E7 . o W 9W + A . " s I Consisting ofall hind o1 ; Baskets---Clothes Baskets and Hampers. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OT11EII GOODS , will Pay Yu to Call' ' and Look at Our Bargains. H. Ea SEAMAN ! 405 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOIYA t 11 ; f