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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1883)
J - - _ - . - _ _ - - . - , - - - - _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ . - - - ; - - : = ; , ( 1IE DAILY BEL--FRrDAY SEPTEMBER 11 , is8. ' I VTITD \ fSAVE YOU , ' ; yL TIME , TROUBLE , MONEY \I. \ If you buy your PROYISIOI'TS ' , . - : - - ; -OF-- : IcIYca'4T cc. . 10 Maui aliLl 17 Pearl Stroof , Council llIulTh. , R. S. COLE & CO. , tANUIA(1'UItER ANt ) ) EALEil.S IN ALL 1 All the Most lifiproved Kinds of Lightning Rods ¶ , Atiil Ornamcnt. Ao VooI atiti Iroti PuinpVOkl Tubing nnd 1'lpo atil I'lpo . Fhttirc. for both i No PcI , 604 , South Matn % ntht AfltI . . . IrtlI . . . . I'iiiii1iq . . . , . . Orileis . . . . . III . t . etch . . . . . o . prompt . . . . . . attention. . . BLUFFS , IOWA ! , M CALLAGHER , _ cr : . C ) . I T - k1 _ , _ Now Store1 FITh Ooot1 LQw l'rices anti Petite AttcnLlantL . I33y { First Doc , ' east of Metropolitan Hotel , } " ° ' ' ' ' , PETER C. MILLER , \IILiSAT.C AND RETAIL aII-Paer and IIndow Shades and PaiDflDg in all its Branches1 FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. . 1'Tc. :1.3 : cti. Xozr1 t. iui.oi1 1ti. DEVOL & WRICHT. : : rdv.rare. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf , , Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND OLOSE PBIOES ON MAIL ORDERS. I Broadway Steam Laundry ! . 7 wxIzl A. C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MAOIIINERY. : ' , , Model Steam Laundry I . 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. I : . . N. A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. Has just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee good work , Please give me a trial. . .J/p COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE . , The following are theiiof arrival i.ntl departure t traIns from the local dcpot. The trains start from the Union Paclftc depot about te mlnutw. earlier I' than below .tate , and arrive at the depot about ten Inlnute5 later. ) Trains on Pool llnN andK. 0. run on Chicago time , ft hail hour faster than local. Wabash tmin run on lit. Lotti. time , twenty niinute faster than local. U. J P. Afl ( Lincolfl traine run on Council Bluff , time. p duICAeO , iwea & 8I.AD co rACYIc. . . - Depart. Arrlo. k\ AtlantlcExt..5SOp. : in. PacifloEx..0:4 . : ° m , . fz and Mall..9:5O' : . ni. Ri and Ma11..6:5 : p.m. w . Do. Mothea. . Dc Moines ac..6.53 p.m. \ aIlCAGO , 1URUNQrON AND QUINCT. ' Depart. Arrive. \ Chicago Ex. . . .63p.m. Counall h'uffs ci..0.45 Mali and Ex. . . .045 t' Mail and Ex. .7:00 : p. m. c7ICAOO and NoaTuwIOcTnax. Depart. Arrive. AtIatlc Ext . . . . . .15 p. m. Pacific Et . . . .0:15 a. ni. . uu and Ex. . .9:20 a. ni. Mail and Ex' . .6:15 : p. rn. Accom ( Sat.50 p. m. ACCOm ( Mon ) . .1:45 : p. in. p KAI8AK CITY , 8T. JOH AD COTThCU. ULIIFV8. Depart. Arrive. , Mafi anil Ex..0:55 : a. m. Express..6:35 p. ni. xprus . . . . . . . . :25 : p. in. Mail and Ex. . .0:45 : p.m. . iniIo ( Depart. Anlve. Oorland Ex. . . .11SOa.m. OverlandEx. . .4:00 : p. m. . Lincoln Ex..flSO : a. ni. Denver Ex. . . .8:00 : a. in. . Denver Ex..7:00 p. in. Local Ex..6:30 : a. in. Local Ex..7:25 : a. in. Ex..0:05 a. in. , Emigrant..5:20 : p. in. " Ex..6:00 : a. in. , . :4-- wABMI ! , IT , I.OUI AD t , , Depart. Arrive. Slail andE.c..0:45 : a. in. Mail and Ex. . .430 p. in. tannon Ball. . . .4:50 : p. in. Cannon Ball. .11:05 : a. m. Sioux CITY AiD I'ACIYJC. Depart. Arrive ForSioux City.7:55 a. m. FrmSIourCity8Op.m. : ForFsrtNiobrara Frm Fort Niobrtra Neb . . . . . . . . . . : . in. . . . . . . . . ' : . For St. 1'iil. . . .7:40 : p. ni. I Frnn St. Paul , .8:50 : a. in. , CITICAOO , NlL\VAUKI14 AND T. ' Leaves Omaha. Aralvc at Omaha. i. Mall and Ex . . . . 7:45 : a. in. i l'acltIc Ex . . . 9:45 : a. In. Atlantic Ex. . . . 3:40 : p. iii. I Mat ! and Ex. . 7:25 : p. m. . Alltrain8 daily. , CIIICMIO , MILW..UEV.Ii AND N ? . PAUL. Leavee Council lilutid. Arives Council fulfiL Mall and Ex. . . .0:20 : a. in. Mail andEx. .0:55 : p. in. Atlantic Ex. . . . 15:15 : p. In. Atlantic i : . . ioio a. to. COUiCIL BLUI' AOMAIIA STRiCT RAILWAY. Leave Council fllutld Lea' . e Otnalia. 8 a. m. 9 a. in 10a.m. I. a. I 8 a. iii. a. In , iOn. In. ii in. 1 i' . in. 2 p. in. : i l.I.4 a. in. 1 in. 21i. in. 3 ii. in. p. in. 5 p. In. 0 p. In. I 4 p. in. 5 p. in. 0 p. iii. Street cars run half hourly to the Union I'aeifla depist. On Sunday the car. begin their Ulpa at 0 o'clock a. in. , and run regularly during the ilay at 0 , 11 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 6 o' clock , and run to city time. YlIoa. oryicea , II. M. PUET. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council flufYti. . Ia. Establishea - - 1856 Dealer. In Forglen and Domestlo Exchange and home Sccuritie. WI R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha aiitl Council 131uIt. ibai e.tate .ini collection agenoy. 't Old Fcllow , ¶ jlock , over Svlnc. Bank. KELLER & CO. MORGAN , , . , UNDERTAKERS. The fincet quality and largeet .tock west of Chicago of Wooden cud Metallo Ca.n. . ( 'aiI attended to at all hours. SVo defy clnhiictltion In quality of good. or lrle. ) Our Mr Siorgan hai .erveti ai undertaker for forty year. anti thoroughly iiinleri.tand hi buiil. IIe. Vareruoiii , 311 Ilroa4lway. UiliOLSTEltthG in all it. liranche ProItltlY attenileil to ; aIo carpet , iaIng aul lainlirerjulita Telegraphic and inail Jeris filled WIthout delay , 6 it. Rice M. D. 11 A ) JnPD. ! or oilier tnmor removed slthout the will UJ.JLII , l.iiifo or drawing of blood. ChRONIC D1EASBS ofklndia .pecialty. Oter thirty ) ear limetical eXperieiice. Office No. 5 lcurl , troct , Coiiiieil flufl , ilCori.ultatioii free. x1JxtJc2xr11x.a.II.arw of the . human body eiibtrced , deeloped md btrengthenod , . ate. , Id and intertin .Ivcrtisement long run In our 7. . . p&per. In reilly to Inquirle. we will thit there ii --J.- no evidence hnmbug about thl. . On the contrary . the advertteni are very hlRhIy indorved. ltoreeto.I persona may get .eileU cIzcua. liivtn all partioulAn by .4dreatIng ro M4tcat.P O.bux b , llulWo I , . Y W'J'OldiIO Lien. . . _ _ _ 1 _ : - SECOND TNt1L Fair ! OF THE Council Bluffs DEIIYINEi PARK & FAIR ASSOCIATION I SEPTEMBER , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14. $15..000 in Pomiums ! 35,500 FOR SlEED. Liberal Premluitia for every Product of the Farm , Workshop aiid Fireside. The 'IrottingItunning and Pacing Races will be The Most Exciting ! EVER WITNESSED. CIIA1tIOT AND hURDLE RACES Every Iday. The Track , Exposition BuildIng and grand stand equal to any in the Wcet. EXCURSiON RATES on all railroads extremely low. low.lION. lION. TIIOS A. IIENDIUCKS , of Indiana , ill deliver the OPENINI AlDItESS on theafternoon of Tuesday.or } or lireinhilnillet addresi ThOMAS BOWMAN. Secretary. CURE OR NO PAY. Mineral Springs ! We guarantee the cure of the followln named dk. ease , , onto hay : ithotunatlon , Scrofula , Ulcer , , Ca tarrit , all lilnoilatid Skin Disease , , Depe ala Lher Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Ilseaec , oitt , Neu. ralgia and Asthma. 7he.o Sirlng. are the favorIte resort of the tired and debilitated , and are the Feeble Ladles best friend. 000il hotel , Livery and Bathing acconiinodatlons. Locality ltlgiiIyilcturogquo and healthy. Correepondenco olieited. Addres. Rev. M. .i. TIIOMISON , Manager. Siloatn , Gentry Co. , Mo ABtII1TMN All the , , who irais 1n41.crciIoiu , .sr.i. . or cthi e&PI Iii .ik , as.v..i , Ins. agIIIet , hc.Iiv dI.ed , .rid snibli (4 perform life' . 4itke proI.rIy. v.a I.e cflI&aIJ ant ; rms. iIiIy csrd. wittoo .ior.ncii n'dInne. . EoIos'I b doctor' nlwitori i.i.t lb. ( re. . TA. AfUc.i FI e.iIy s.f. ' TL. ptii. 1tre.tIu Nerenu. ! IpItIItv I'I'DI' flI IiiKy. .t C. ii botly , spcr.uIeJ Cy 'filE .tIAlb.i i IIii.I' . " Eisa Iopvlm.iiies , , urej 1cetsIci rutorsliou to isli au.t . , er. tet uu.sihouI. $ mpI nOrth. , ctoinl , Vl.Iat , in , trilil. . . Cnnstt.tIni , ItIi phy.tcI. tn , . 1tfLToN UEMIlIy ( ( I. . do ST. lilt. St. . Rev , lInI f"7. ! ' , I1.inn - . for I. ii..I , S W . - - , Ito , lu . of 0. il.4 r ill. It. , r ( Iii 5i4r.IIi 0 ititii i no IIUUtflL. . itnoilt ' this Iuistssiiiiesit. lb. inn c.'t I Ir lint , . si I cOitI Ot 1 ii I ( I 1 V wi nh.dtiiIg IOioutI , I in I 0115 IrI.s . , S .101 C I Itn to IiiitIiy .0 I iii It .ini sonilniiiil Ito. . .itii Itevtrlc twit. oL , , i , Sri .i d in , vii ri al I III. I 11)111 ti'at I o Ins I t It for lb. oNE Jsiiiio tu' ' 05.s , . 01 in Iii it .x I P tutu tostlon aititres. Ciiee sr Yietrie Itoh I 0. Ifli S.o.Iiiigtoi& si . ( bkngi , , III , OOLD MEDAL , PIBI8 , 1878 BAKER'S * 8' Bro8kfllt Cocoa , . \Varranted ubolittey jtior Cocoa , ( tutu lilcli the excess o. , Oil Ins bien rentot iii . I L lana /ire . tunic , t/e atr.sI/fl of Cornt ittixi d . ' , itit btarsli , .iroflttio IC tugar , end Id tlercforo rat inure ccottontl. ' It Ii dvllclotts , itourl. blrt , . stretigtlienittg , i a.iiy digestid , stud suimirubty itttt1dtd fur Isalida us as ( or roiis its licuitli. Sold by ererpiltere. 1 , BAKER & C Borohcstcr , Mass. - . R4orsd In from two to IC , fANlIOOP-Po.itlrclY 'ugetablu Confectioti. Fet o4'Ixcv S.ut Mrto Ied1cai Cu. P. ( .5. j3oz 2141lt.LQu 22 wlm COUNCIL BLUFFS. A1)DIT1ONAbLOCA1 NFWS. THE TICKET. Th Rcn1icafls Pnt Ueorc Carsoli at the llca. Most of the Nominations Likewise Made by .Acolaiuatioii , 4t IltI'ttUtthttt4 tittil 1tttlIttMttast it , ( ' 01 % . . 'efltiUhI. Thu rejtlbhcall county COtt'tJlitiOlt IIIOL itt the cotir house yesterday foronooll. being called to order by . .loliutV. . 1iird. li. A. Cousignoy , of Avoen , was telitporry chairman , Oit inotiolt of \ \ ' , 1. BClIjtiUhII , 1iIt. j , NI. Matthews was chosen temporary sec. rotary. Oui Iflotiolt of .1. 'IV. ' Baird a COlIIlIIitteo of three sns n1)1toLntett on creilentistis , couisisting of Col. Daily , J. A. I Itiko and Jolt11 Lindt. On titotiolt of ' 1' . .1 . Evsuts a counnittee of three was 8P011110t1 ! 11 1)erIIIauIunt or- galinatissui. Thu thrco named wore Mr. Evalls , Dr. F. S. Thounas aini liii ! Ar- lnotlr. The COltIIItittCO 011 crctlcuitias reported all tile townslti1t delegtioua full except Boomcr , Keg Cree1 , Lilicoilt aitel Silver Creek , The tdulporary oflicors were oh the rePort - Port of the couninittee , Inado lorItIIIIetIt. OIl ItlotiOLi of .TOlIlI Lindt the COlIVtllI- tion procest1ed to the nolnillRtiott of it soirntor. Ccl. Doily addressed the convelItioll. lie reminded theist that twenty-one years ago that Inorniltg Ito tutu others stood tinder the shadow of South 1Iotiittaiit , Mttrylaiid , llghtiuig the battles of the country , anti now they had itiet to luiht a battle , not with arias , but in the 1)015CC of God , for the perllettlatiolt of the princi- } ) lCS for which they fought. Ho had beau listening for clays to the ailvorsary , and found that they wore the santo as twonty.ono years ago , CXCOIt in a new disguio. lie predicted that tlto party accepting the issues ziow for forced , would gain ill October a glorious victory. As i loader ill this victory ho lflovod as CIte of spotless character , one who bore wotiiitls on his person as a testimonial of the service Ito had rendered his country -Hon. George Vi' . Carson. On motion of J. B. Matlack the noon- nation of George W Carson was inttdo Uflallilnous by acclamation amidst great onthusiasni. On Iflotiolt of T. J. Evans Mr. B. F. Clayton was nominated unanimously and by acciatnatioll as OflO of the reprosonta- tivos , Dr. Thotsuts seconding the unction heartily. Mr. F. Benjantin then addressed the cotiveittion in a short , enthusiastic speech full of confidence of a coming republican victory. Ho placed in IiOtlIillatioll its the other representative E. W. Davis , of Avoca. Ho moved that the tiotnination be made by acclamation , which was car- nod unanimously. Mr. Jacob Sims imuned as auditor T. A. Kirkland , the present occupant. ( hi iuotioii ofTall ? IcFaddoit the nomination - tion was made by acclatnation and unani mously. John Ludt named as county treasurer - uror , Johiii Bennett , the present treasurer - uror , whose name called forth applause. He was unanimously nominated by ac- clatnation. Capt. Win. Boasley , in a iieat little speech , brought out the name of Theodore - dore Guittar for sheriff , pronouncing him as honest ill peace as ho was brave in war. Sheriff Guittar was also nominated by acclansation. F. B. Wilson , of Center , iii a brief speech , placed before the convention the Itamo of R. M. White , ofTalloy township - ship , its supervisor. B. F. Hake , with all respect to Mr. White , called atteui- tious to the fact that while ronotuitiating all the old county officers , ho believed that Eli Clayton should be the man , The names of M. Fox , of hazel Dell ; J. : lr. Phillips , of this city , atid A. S. Avery , of Minden , were also presented , but thin itattie of l'Ir , Fox was witlidrawis. It wtts moved that the convention pro- cocti tonit itiforinal ballot. Carried. On unction , the chtairntaii appointed Cnpt. Beardsey ] and Mr. McGiniss as tellers. 'l'lio iutforuttnl ballot stood : Phil- hiss 75 , Clayton 50 , White .11 , Avery 7. Mr. A. J. hart itioved that .1. M , l'huil- lips be flolIlillatetI as one of the stupor- visors by accialtiatioll. Carried unaui- iunously. Mir. Silils unovotl that a formal ballot ho t.akcii cii the other Itoluultations for supervisor. Carried , The name of A. . S. Avery was withdrawn - drawn , leaiitg Ely Clayton isuiti It. i1. White. 'i'to ] ballot stool : Clayton 64 , Whiito $4 , and oh a itiotiort of Captain Ilight the llolflillatiOll of 'sIr ' , Clayton was made ullaulimous. 5u1)orintendent of fifteen schools came iiuxt. J. ii : , Mattltuws , of the city , was Ilamed. 1)r. Thomas llamol F , A. Tur- iier , \\lLshIiltgtul , Mr. Matlock natticd N , Swanson , of Crescent. On notiou of Johtn Lintit the Coulvell- tiout itroccotled to a fornlal ballot. It restiltetl Number of votes ctst , 88 ; 11cc- essilt ) ' tO it choice , 15. 'l'ullIIur 'I 1 , 1\Iat- thews :111 : , S StitlittOll I 2. No choice. 'l'lto of TiEr. SWltllttOIl whIt with- drawn. Thu second bahho resulted ut tile 11010- illiltioll of .J. ? d. 1'.latthuvs ' . , who received 50 votes , Mr. Turner receiving 1t ) , ? tlr. Matthews ulolninatioll was lnadc ullanil000s. .111110 lIOIIlillittiOIk of corolter was next , Captain I I ubbaud iutitietl 1)l. ] \ . Coniiuhh , S. 'J''alker named It. Morgan. .t forlnal bahlott ivies taken , zesuhting I ) . M. CouncIl 78 , It , lTorgaii 10. 'J'hso llolllillation of ? tlr. Couliluhl wilt 100(10 ultaniullous. For coUlity surveyor J'slr , LiuIlt. Ilolu i hatch 'I'hiouii is 'I'ostevin . 1hto 11111110 ( )1 14 1' . , Judson watt isrosunted , A fsrinit lflthlt. ( % sts tllCfl , resulting iii ! II , 'J'os. ' tovill Iccelving 70 votes , and 1lr , .Jiitl son 20 , 'J'ho , uloinillatioll of iIr. Tosto Sill V1t54 11111110 UliUlIilllOlllt. Ciii. 1) . Ii , 1)aily was nonijiutted by ' 1' , , . Evnuis as chairman of tue county cei tEitl COlllllIittcO. Unanimously carriul. Thu following county CouhInitteu wa Ilahlied : Kttiio-Fir warh , , l. 11. Gardner ; isecahti ward , .r. r. tIuttlsows ; third worth , E. 11 ( ) tlohl ; fourth tsarch , A. J , I Junt ; hlelkuapV \v . Jiilver ; Crescent , .Josopli McCoy ; 'urtson Ii , 5 , Fields ; Cotitcr It. 11.Vilson ; ( irovo , Ii hlarcourt Garner I , . Gallup ; hlardln , I ) . F Perry ; lazel lelI , 11. W , McGintti ; Fnox P. . IienJuinlri Layton , % I. Ii , Yrisblo ; J.cwls iv. , 8Llkt1h. . ? .lacedotsla , L. 1) . Bullock Islinilexi Ii. Ellens ; Neola , J. P. Brown Nor walk , N. W. Matiton ; l'leMaUt , J. M. Ilockiord , 1In..Il Yo ; VahisyV. . 11. l'attor. 510111'nshltigton , , lenrotna 't'urncr avelattt1 , ST.V , Bower ; Vrlght , .1. II. 'l'yo. - 1"or the fitiot. line of fall goods and "the styhishtest" goods III town , t'ahl at Sillith e ' [ 'oiler's , 7 and 1) ) ? staiii street , If YOU witiit a watch , ilIteviev lirk- land , - 110111cr , the Clihinman , 23 slailI street , - - . _ - , , . .1 , Bliss , : h8 Broatlway , the leatfing ttiihhiiicry alni fancy goods hitttse of the west , - - - . AtlvaIItngt'M ( II' I'VttIuIiii eu I'i.ii : It. Sneratitonto lIce. Fl-nit evaporators dsing good eork cali 110W ho bad of any desired capacity , from thrco or four to iOO or btishniis pr thity . , 1111(1 ranging III PlC6 front $80 to $ i.lJo 1111(1 upward. 'rite Rlllahlt'l Si/5 ( tire portable , requiring un fihiecliti building , Call be placed iii a ltasomont. or sited and run by it 15(13' or girl of ordinary intehli- goIIce. \\'itlt an evaporator iuhittit eti to the aitiotilit of fruit ho has or yhijtjht ho I'itttls it prlltiiltlo to cure , the farinet' atiti fruit grower viIl ho indopelidelit alike ttf local itiarket nud canuter , hejd0 having the itiouIs ( If utihlRilig aini selling at good hrico a class of fruit. which is ordillarily a total loss , The following Piltts will give alt idea of the tulvant sges titiclt tint ttVflj)0rttetl ) 1)05508505 over tile callIled fruits. Ill the lIrst place , front the c'nstnucr's titaIltlltillt ) caillieti ttods of all hintIs are OlijCUtiollflble 011 htyguenie grountis. l'tlIo tilt is by 110 IflettlIs it elittais titticlo , and to iltereaso 1tiol'tt.s alIt ! light COlttlOtitiOlt ) tlte tiit used ut Inakilig calls is heavily niltilter- ated , principally with lttid. 'l'hto acitis of the fruit. actilig ilItOll it. produce ccitt- inlntls of it litOst piSollotis ( ) lititute , which lutvo often caused sickness and oven (108111 it those nrtttking of thu i'ittiitoil goods. 'I'Itis is why careful housuwivcs vih1 ijover use fruit calis lucre titan one or two soasolts and why tint use of glass aiitl earthen jars lout so utticli iucreasetl. 1 t i ; safe to 8:1) : ' thiiit no canning establish- Itlelit 11505 IIrO titt iii ittakiitg its cans , \\'hat is perhaps the largest eanltttry in the state puts ill ) a large two-pound calt of tomatoes , which is sold at retail ill its olvit towii for 10 cents. This tunount , of course , 11111sf. represent cost of can , material aitil tiiakiti-cost of toitiatoos autti expottso of cannIng and ltandliltg , Ii profit for thu canner itlid 'a prol'tt for the t'rocor. Can it be done if lIIPO tin is used in tito cati ? Those sanio Poisoltous cola- ioulitls of which I have spokutt are also formed should a drop of the solder tised ill .cnling fail within tint can. Tisis objection should , alit ! ill tny mind will , cause the 1)ublio to look with growing disfavor 011 canned goods. It is an oltjection , too , which will hold until soitto material is dicovored or invuitted tltat , ill conibino with the acid-resisting properties of glass and carthonwaro the cheapness , indestructibility and easy working qualitic of tin. Tim evaporated fruit , on the other hand , tiiay be relied 011 itS perfectly pure altd containing nothtng which is not. to be found in the freak fruit. It is simply the fresh fruit Ittiflus its water. A great 1toint in favor of the evaporated - rated fruit is its compactness aitd the Ccli- sequent saving in Italltllitt aiitl tshii1lg. A bushel of alplcs will yield. about six 1)0U11ls ) of uvitporated fruit ; of peaches front six to seven pounds ; or , to put it in another way , five to six 1)01111(15 ) of fresh apricots will give one pouttd of the evaporated fruit ; thiat is , thie freight chiarges on ii certain aniount of fruit in the sthtapo of fresh npricts will be live to six times that oui a like amount of food iii an evaporated state. What a truitien- doust saving. There ii. tiiany an orchard too far front tnarkot to ship fresh fruit profitably which tinder this system would yield a htalidSOitlo roturit. lit compari. 8011 with the canned fruit the ndvattt.ate ill shippiiig is oven greater , for thie fruit hits boon augmeitted in bulk weight hms in the caflhtillg process by largo additions of water ; and evaporated produce , when prepared for the table , is said to ho in no way inferior to thtat Cahlliod. The evaporator is ii boost to the farm- era of simittil moans , Tito heavy expense of cans and Caulting is entirely done itwity with , and iutstead of a largo expenditure of capital for buildings Mid lnacltinery the farmer itceds but an evaporator and the fuel to run it ( costing a few cents ior bushel of fresh fruit ) . It will pay cit a sunall scale and the fruit can 1w packed itwity at smith expense iii sacks nutd liar- rids. It ; ttltould ho remembered , hsoi - ever , that the fruit. which is best. cured and jaeked ill itttst attractive shape will niwitys colItlIlalId tlto highest Isrico anti the tlilhiienco ii'iII : iittply relisty the extra otitlay. Titu ) ( may HOIIU his fresh fruit to IlIarhet at such tiunes an(1 as as thtu price ( IbtaillUti justities huitt iii iso do- ilIg. \Vhteui prices ( hop tort lOW lie hits lItt to evaporate the heutlthilttler of his crop 111141 sttoro it airiLy until such tiities as tlto (1IlOt.atiOlts suit hut . 'i'hero ' is always at largo altlolIItt ( it ituitahl fruit , vhticht , because - cause of ltd stittall size or ' appearance is not lflaIketlhilU ; itiitl there are t.hto wiutdfails i'htieht , titider the old systetsi , have tusuitlly rotted cit the ground or fat- touied thu pigs ; all these , Ivhlull tivapor. ated , will yield tIll article as good Rltd . stalettilo as though it hiatt jossossul ( all the jrizo(1 iitiahities ( If SZU , shape tiitd color , lveu the core and pool of the I aphea yield , when uvaltoratud , a jelly stock lucre htealtbtful thout any gehatiii , aild t'hichm , in thio Eastern States , lipids ready stile at rcunuiicrltivo prices. Nothing - ing is host , nuid ill these hittlo ccwlouiiiun ; tloiie , which that faInter hits hover , thought , (11 jsorhitjns : boeut hlu tAt l1iiLC- tico , a ittitchtiiiti still often LIIY ; for itself ill fl short tittie. Nor is it to ho isiipposed thmttt thu ova- pratr' rangu of tusofuhitess in hjltlitel to the larger fruits , of which 111010 lIitr- ticular mnentioti has hecii 1111010. All the 81111111 fruits and hiorries aru succeissluily cured by this lIrOCUSH altd regularly I qtuttcd ill oaistertm ; itud all time ordinary vegetables , freon potatoes to nit. ) aragUfs and tomatoes , yiuld hiitlatnblu evaporated ticts , thought for inumiy thlero itt as yet ito Intukot , stitnjily because time public hits not leai'llel to know theiti , Large quantities of green cormi arc ova- I poritted every year , : imiil , so lirelsared , it Is Chltilllel ( by litany to give all orticlo of food stilpurior tet caiiuiijd corn. 'I'hus IIIt r eViLp0tttt)1 moizy be iii 1trofittthlo , U8 ( ) the I greittor P1t of the year , WHIIltlUlhcilIg . with the curliest vogetaitlo , and cit . thilcilghl the MUtHtt1 bt the ItIttist fruits fillS ! h)011iuit. On thi'is coast , ( if course , tInt public butt , t. , ho LtdlICatOl to the supuriority of - ' the dried but thiiitt it ovaporateil ( i'ttr , ( 110 tloiibt ( jf thto itsitlie. lit the Eist : thit t haittlu iii already iiomi 1111(1 (1utatills 11(1W carefully ( lLstiIIgtlishi hiutwoumt thio tivo , I . Even itt this very uiifavoiubho season , when , owiulg to the vrsllcu of fresh : fruit. in the market , there is no tlezgtant ] , : fur the cured , the qilotationts out peachici . 5110 ; liicd , 5cqilOo per poutiti , 12o ( ci , faiicy ; evstporntel , 1tl i2Oe for ordinary It higher of course for fancy. Later in tin : Isricea ( or uaporated will be 25 t , < ; 75 percent higher. THE 11EV/SOUTH. / 110w it Thriycs aii Prospei's , General Beauregard 011 its Present Sooial , Commercial and Political - litical Oonditioll , ItlV iloti. fliitint iotihit Ittit In I,4bitlItlIa , Chttcngt , Tittie , Sept , 10. Goll. (1 , ' 1' , Beauregard , of Now Or. leans , is at the lohiultl hotel , I to ro- turiteil yesterday freuti t ito northwest no- C01111)allied by .1. iil. Ayer , of thtis city , nut ! viil go htotico to-day for his southtetu htouno. I Ic spout several veeks at tint simtltornVisconsin lakes , visiel ( St. Patti tittil ? sliiiitea1ohis , flInt vns itresulit itt ( ho'ilitird receptiolt of a veok ago , and was ( itt' 501110 tinto at. \\'inni1teg , thto capital itt 'tlttititola , , I ho speaks lit tornis of fervent lIrtliso ( If the ( till of ? liiiito. ) ttthitt , itiul says they are uiiily 1htlil thttm ttleas whioli he IC& , ived frolti l4oiigfuhlow's ' 'I I iawnthm. " 'I'lio gein'ral Is very tvliito hutireil , but is ( till of vigor , lnttntal nail . .A for ho ' ' ' ' thtysicaI. rellorter ( 'l'ito 'l'iines lust ovoId ng ftnutil I din ttiijstyiiig a cigar ill his loOlti and hint a lung talk with Ililit concerni ng I otlisant : itisil I Ii o asait hi , Iii ( Ito course of t hio convursat ion t Ito gen. ertil said : ' 'Our ctiis t htis yont' itto very fair , 'l'l tore is hot so itinelt cot t on as tiiuto Inst year , bitt there will bo an ttverngo Crolt. 'l'liero was tot ) utuicht rain dtiriiig the early itart of thai season. ( Jut sttgr crop is ill about thtestuttostmtte. l9itt ycat. our sugar crop vnst very large. In the cathy lttttL of the Catie seatoili a little rain is io1l , lttt , fot- its lirilPel' niaturity it , requires it tliy stiutittlet' IIIIII late frttsts. if the setuton is vet tint still becoitics vittery , ( lie cane coittitatos to grow hugh. It is ititt ietly to be cut. until Octisbor. 'l'hte devetopenlellt of cauo-growiitg has bceit prevented tII account. of it. hick of capital , bitt thus is iiot. so with rice. It je a Chettli Chop , iiitd its gathering iumiti mit- tilig into shape for uxjtortntg iii 1101. costly. 'l'hte making ( If sugar rehllires costly iiiihls. Rico is a large crop this sittitutiotIt thrives best witht PlentY ( If wet iveatlwr , and as the rivers vet'o very bight the ittat- ( or of.irrigation was easy. The water for the irrigrutiolt of the tico-fieftis lutIst , itt a tiry seasout , be P111111)011 froiti the river , which costs mooney. Bttt this suntluor the Mississippi hits been live or six feet. above the land level , so that irrigatintt hina boott very chienply accomplished. " 'Woos Louisaua raise as Inuchk rice its South Carohimut' ' "No , tiot its mucit ; but I thtiuk are lieXt. to South Carolina , It is a prolit.- able crop , aiitl has becoltie One of our chtief iitduatrioa. " "Is Now Orluiuts growing ra1tidlyV' "Not yet , but it is getting a good sbtrt , Factories are being built , lute bitsiiiess blocks are boiltg erected , and we are tnnnufttcturing a good deal of cotton goods. There are seroriti oil-works. " ' ' \Vhat kitul of oil ? " ' 'Cottoit-seed oil. Its mitltufttctllro hits becottio very ilultortant. A. great. deal is ittattufacruted anti exported to France 1111(1 Italy. 'l'ltorc is no chitrilicti , and sotnething is probably added to it. to give tue Ilavor Of olive oil , ittiti it. is suitt back to America as olive oil. Soitse of it. doubtless coities to our owit city. It is ad good as the gcltttitle ttiticle. 'l'heru has not becit sull'tciettt. progress in its tttaliufncture in Nois' Orlenus to allow of the perfecting of the entire process titero. " ' 'Are you now manufacturing cotton goods ill New Orleans ? " "Yes ; that iitdustry 18 duvolOpilig. Heretofore our raw cottoti bias been sent to Now England aiid old Etiglatid , was titoro made into ftibrica , and caIne back to us in the cloth.Vo are improving upon that quite rapidly. 'Ilto cotton- goods factories which have becit fir several years running at. Coluluhils tiuid Augusta , Ga. , have boeut able to intiko cloth cheaper aitd at a greater prolit thmtin the Now England factories. When the Massachusetts ittihls wore idle thue south- urn iitills ran constantly. A large ittill has boeii established oit the , Jnckson iail- road iii I'Iississiiiii by a svcalthtycoittitmisisut iticrchtiiut. of Now Otlenits , nitd hue hits beoii very successful , lie raises his own COttlI , 8(1 ( thmat. ovorythmiiig its prolit to him , Ill New Orlt'ttits thuco factories are operatimtg with success. They ate , wuiud chiieliy hty imorthiorn itteit , froiti Chicago or St. Louis. 'I'liere is ii tine fluId for time itiaittifteture : tf cotton goods iii Ij000titlmtl. : Coal cotites dmen1 front l'it.tmsburght , said the cotton is liroctireti witltout. tlte ruitli. tinit to its cost. iif time freighmtitge to Now 1umghttimtl. Ik'sisles , it its smut. itocessary to eXheflI ) large ctipitttl for time rav cotton. I t. is bommghmt ( mmmi the hihnnters tot it. is itewleti , J I. ( IACS mint. Iitvo : to be jiresseil It is said that. mrossiumg it. itmjmtres tlto lihiro. I it New Oiltauis there arti imisumy vottmcui itiiil cit Ilsiren VJti have itothti I tg to ( It ) , vimo iiiiltl Ito glad of an oppoi-tuumity to sIrk in time itmihist. Jverytlmimtg is with us hut. the capital. " ' 'Is titore imtueit Prslmuct. for ( lie intro- dimetioms of llIrthIerlt capital ? " ' ' \Ve are hmoiiimg titat muon of vettlLh in the itortiu will see whmmit. is to their litter- cist. and invest. in the south. Thieve is undoubted ly iminimoy to ho itiado in ItitiflU- fttctumos imt New Orhoauis. fF011 lIll1U- factures there itro out of ( lie questioli , for we have imot. time ore.Vo can buy OtiF iron chtoitpur frommi St. Louis fir Bit'- mnihmghmaltt. Alit. , thmtimt we could ltlamtufmtc- turu it. 711110 itirniiiighmttiu unjust are be. COittiItg tory hargo timid immiportant , Ltu'gu deposits of both iron ore itmuti coal inc in that vicilmity , In titu JlIi'therhl if lu1itiitIUil there are hue salt. imiimietm , iutid i mu time stiti tim sttil1shuii r tla1tosi tit. ' ' ' I VImat. itt the ciiiili ( ion of ynum' hluhicE- 11mg chitsites ? " ' ' ( ual , % test of the lmlituitntms'n hiiuIllmi itte liegroes who receive good wttges but mt1somid thmoir itiiiley Itst 8Oit tilt they get it , \Vhtito laborers itto emmmplo1ycd in time an. gar imiihls. lit time city whIte hmuboi'et' are Itegiumnitig IA ) COlhltS iii , but. they stooli got. ilmt ( , busimmuss for thmommutulves , Few ito' P1 ° WitIlt. eimmjllo'hmlCuit. 14111(15 ( are cheap , ttmml tIme rnimsilmg itt sugar-cammo is hiomiig inado mnoro pi'slitahilu. 'lime hiirgui' 1tltumit. 01'It arc hu ii ilimig cummtrttl sugar-Itt ml Is , mummil they buy time ctmmmo fmommm time stmmmnhl groivoms. 'lii ml it ematbius 1,0(11)10 , ) to ci tgtmgo i Ii the ill ml mmsti' , iummtl is boim uticiuul to ni I . 'i'i mere iil1 be it greater ceitivatimii ( if humid wimemm ( ihir river levees tii"u itmamlo ttlisoluituly stti- Cui'o ngaimmst. crovitasos. 'i'hmis is boiumg (1(1110 1itbIidly. 'J'hto state has voted till this itmItUy' ( it. Cull sjaro ( OF timuit IItlrPu. " ' 'Jlttt'e ' hicumi lieu- ) ( ltV ) jetties it great - .i\r0y gloat. 'J'insy cost itiuchi ummonoy , un t ( hi umr CiH t. vits mum imiml I i a otim mipiuri sot I ii'itht thu good they httivo doiie us. For. mimoily vessels clull ( not. reach the city I drawiimg immure (11)111 ( ) cighitucit feet , tumid I ( lion they ivuro liable to rumi itgroumud mid I sttiek (1110 or tw ( , utUtltimH ) , Now vessuI drawimmg twenty-lire feet. commie UI ) to tite I city ivithi security , 'I'huis hits greatly ipti I Prs'od our graimi trade. SVlteat as ( iii I tmorth as St. I'uul commie's down the Mis. sisaIppi Oil barges and is transferred at FURNITURE ! -TIlE- OH EAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO B'UY Furniture IS AT DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGEIt ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. Now Orlenuts ly the elevators to largo vesseha for time seaVo Imave one sta tionmiry elevator timid live or six ikiatiug 0111'S , ti'iml3d by utoithuetum nien. " 'II Iti. lute 0UF PPI0 ( ( sit time titi'ilI ? , ' ' "I'hut'o hits always beeut a lingo free. trade eloineimt. ut time south , mit it is ftttl' i mig oil t , 1111(1 ( I me 1)001)10 itt's ) colililig ttrotim md to lirOtectiflhl , Ill 14)tlisiutila we ltttvo nlwa'ss bceii beeit ( ci' ii tarill'.itttt a hmigit tittilI , hut. such a one its would foster our t.osotlt.ceH.Vu have a very rich country lint labor tuider some thisidvammtages. : in Culta they have in , frosts so thuitt their date grovs all ( lie yeat tomtnd. If we caut get. but two hiogshteutds of sugar ( rein till itcro , they can get. font' hmogshmentls. Our eamie growers , therefore need Prtoc. ( jell , \\o L-uiliilt ( ctimitpote with Cuba itimilIexieo in tuigar muid i-ice. As intinu- fiteturos ilterenso in tInt soutit thte free. tritdo solitimitolit disutlmlletirs. ' 'I 1ttv you tmtuclu uiliticitl mtg'mtatiomu ? " t ' \ret.y little. hotitsiamiti is lirnily dent- ocratic , nail its ' ( ) te will be cast for aii' democratic cahiliIttto yii ( ) itt itttt Itositive- hy objectionable.Ve have un luillo of getting into the , rcs'tdency tiny ititut of cull. (111'h1 nut ! ate willing to ilullort. ) vhto- ever tIme northtcrit ( lenlocracy deettis host , \\'huttovor politics wo howe mire locah. This fmtll there iit'o ito gommorttl oloctions. ' ' "how would Butler strike your state as ( Ito douitscratie prcsishouitiitl cantli- datet ? ' 'Ait ! 1 (1(1 not. know , its lie hunts itot. been csttsitlored there , but I should thtink lie wutild ttioet. with vary sotiotis ojtposi. titit. I lUll glad to sco ( lint ho has ziiade a good goverutor for Mttssncliusott8. We arc perfectly willing thtnt ito should be govorttor there , but as a presidential cait- didmito lie would not likely receive strong auport. " "IJavo itiany negroes beconie democrats - crats ? " ' 'Quite a good bully. l1mtny ittero hiavo fitlluit iitto indillbrenco , 'l'hoy see ( lint they were used as the toohts of tito former federal ollico-holdors , nitd imevor got ; xtnttIiing of much itccount 01010. solves. ' - To mstreiigthmeui and build ujt time systouui it trial will comtvinco you thmitt Browit'mu 1 roit ilittorst is time best itietlicino utado. - COMMF1tCIAIi. couNcil. imiUl'Fst IsIAIIKET. \Vlmoat-N , , 2 spritig , 70c ; No. 3 , Cs3c ; rejected jectod , 60c ; good deittattil. Csrtt-1)ealnrs ate jtaying 3I6J32c ; rojoctint cent , Chicago , 406ji5c ) ; ituw ittixoil , tile ; whIte corn , tiOc tAio rocelpbiuf cortt are light. Otits-3carco anti iii gosl domnaitd at 10c. hay-4 OO(0 ( 00 or toil ; Oe per bale , ltyo-40c ; light supply. Corn Meal-I 25 iter 100 voumtsis. Wootl-Good tftmiply ; lrIco mit yards , 5 OO © 600. Coal-1)ehlvorctl , hard , 11 00 P ° ' toi * ; soft , ITO ier toti , .ilttttor-l'luttty attil lit fair dommitund at 25c ; crotutiery 30c. Eggs-twuly stile antI plenty at l0J11o per dozen. Liiril-Ftilrlmtk's , witolosiuhiitg itt. lie. l'ouitry-Firitt ; (1011004 tOO inylitg for eltickeris lflc ; liv , , , 2 hO iter iIzomi. VegOtLtlIleIl-l'iItlit.OOti , 60c ; nitlintit , rioc- cat , . bagos , 30iOe her dozen ; 8111)105 , 3 50djl 00 per liarrol. Flour-City lhsur , I ( I03 10. liroomtss--l 00@3 00 iser doz. livE tITOOI ( . Cattlo-3 0061J3 50 ; calveit , 5 00c7 0. ilogs-darket for hmogs ptIot , a. . the itnok- log htntsoit , are closed ; sltljtpors are iaylmtg 'I 00 © 47. TWELVE HOURS AFTER. Dr. hfetry , Ilarttei , the Tcaattd CoiTcu Mcrcltaitt , riO : hloltitort street , Nuw liars , , , Cottrtrito Ott May i $ , ltt.t3 ; "It Is witit teeuittg of gratitude , tsttd desire to benefit utty fullow'tiatt , that I write yost theio few lutes. as tcstinoity to tine value of tlso grcates.t of all ittel. lclnes. . Eight years. have I liecit a sttilercr froni kid. tsuyilinoriler tttI lit iIatsismtiott , of the lilatider , Hoitto. tlttse ltett ita.Iitg"nter the Inailt. Were siittctitltg : terrible , it scalding , littrtiliug iscitsatlots is lOt retctstlon of untie , % ( itlt t.lsLIrIt j auth lit my sItu , iltt , ait.l back , . etutt.ilsig thur to the ljack of mtsy lietul , toitileil to ittaku litu ttslseraliiu. I have itcets treated by is ttUItI. her of ouriest iltysiclatss , uttd Itaic used city tittut. her of prnjrlstary IlloLliclIteS , all to , so avail , obtain- lug ito relief. I low lotsg I would lsas o cotttittueti In titi. 4ay I .10 . mit kutow ; lit fact I iloslaireil isfgettittg relief , until a , telghhor , slso had beeti very muca btseflted Lay thu use of Iliitst'.i Ihittiutly , advIsed use to try it ; and altltouglt I 1usd no talttm that L would illicit lilY C.O.NO , yet as. Ito ,1oko o ) sigltly of Its great ttwrits. I decided ti , give lta trial and Itsuselsas. beers att.etstletl with thu iury botliosilslo results. . Twelve Itours. after taklu tue Itrat dose I eiporleiscsid relief. I continued ott It. Its. use until I haii used live bottleii , wlseit all tim haul. had vautisltuil , utty otherwIse good isessitis ruturncil , antI I ton free lroitt all i , aiss'asI ens a we' mats. I eni cotifisleist utty cure lists. rcitltvd troitt thu use of llitttt's Itcitsuily , aisil that alone , "What it bait slorse for Isle I nut , Isositlvu It. w ill tie for other. , 'soii are at hiiiorty to use itsy itatsto or LIsle letter its any mssanlser you see St. " HURT liT A FALL. Wheti orilyss boy , oitso titlrteeisycsers old I was.lsuet ( millIe lailiy by a fail , eisI severely itsjiired ny hack atsil 1.ldtscys. , atsil wat tIo.taro'l l'y ottr bust jtsys. Iclaus , , aisi trlet itusrsy retisoIiesi , anti they all fitileti , itustil I I stist's. Ilittsusly w Rs. recotntssetstled to us. by friends. I hat hail iissid it Isuru Its Man chester vltIs thu greatest ettecess. We hurcIsased a bottle frosts 1. . Foster Campbell's drug store , and foutsil that I Ito. hrovel isry ruiily : wsu. reilerwl of the als. , Its bock , and after usltsg ecvenriil bottltn foutsil that Israt consJietely CttUtI , tusd I cssrstsot uver.sstlsnatu tlte good I iitnt's. llettteely hsas. done tste , amid ear , tssost heartily recotituneitil it to Usosu trntblcMi a iths kliittuy costtilaiIsL and you cats use this letter as yost choose hitaiscetlulIy yoltre , Am.oai I' , MAuHIIAr.L , lYOrausn St. IsIasrlsustorNhi , May 7 , itsS. 1i Only Perfect substitute for IoUscr , hulk 'tlso tttost isourlslsiusg iitt fur istvitiitta end . tsurslttg mothsera Cotspswtided by all 1'lttsli4an. . Keel's It , all clImates , Sold by till drugiste. l canit. Sendtorthsu u'ensphlet. T. 1iIThtJALF&CO. , tno4u3ttii.2dt 41 Ocotral Ytsarf , LiuttQti ' The tto of the term " Short S H 0 R1' Tltt& ' iti coitttcstloti with the corporate . 1551110 tifit greatroad , , an Idea of lt.l whati teihlllre.h Ii- the traveling pub. I I 11 E lie ii Kltrt Iiise , qtilck Time rettd use bcst of necotuniods. U tionS-nhl of which are turn. iiltent iy tlso greetcit railway its AmerIca. C HICAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. it Ovtts. stnih operit'q over 4JOO tn1ie of ro.tdi ii Nottherti Illinol , , Wiconln , Mttttipsota , Iowa end lkota ; and ait t ttialn litters. , bratclte , nusd cotitioc- tliitt , , reach all tin , great busine , . , ectttres of the Northwot util i'ari'ct , It nuititrally alsewers. the descruletlout of Short litso , and ihcst Ilnitto between Chilosgo , Milwaukee , St. t'aul and Miitneahlolis. . CislcngtMilwaukuo , l.a Croso ansi Vinotta. ChIcago , Milwattkee , Aberdeen auth Elletitlala Citlt'ago , ill1aiticce , Eats Claire anti Stillwater cisicagu , Milwsutkee , Waueau atsd Merrill. elslciego , M ilwnttkuo , feaver Ihun atid Oshikosh. Cltleago , tlilototkee , Waikvshsa nut Ocilnomowoo. . ChIcago , Iilaaukoo , Madisoit attd i'ralriedsl Chien. Citleago , Milwaukee , Owatonusa atd ynlrilwttlt. ( Iskago , liciolt , Janoseille tiutti MIneral t'olnt. Cisleago , Elgiti , ltiwkfOtti cud Ciileaei , Ciiistott , lioct Islanti and Cedar ltcplds. . ChIcago , Conitcil hilitiis and Omaha. Cusltatg , , , SIoux City , Sioux lalls. aitil Yanklon. : Chtlcstg.i _ Mllwssttkeo , MItchell nttd Cltamborlain. hook IlatstI , 1)utnito , itt. t'aish anl M inutenpolis. . 1)ai etsport , Caitnar , St. L'snth and Minneapolis. l'tillsnati Sleepers autti the Finest fining Cars lottie worlti arc viii , ot. thte uitalit lutes of the CH MILWAUKEE t ST. PAUL hA end every attesitloti is. haul to iMsesIgc by courto. one ettiployci. of tite cunipscny. S. ii. MI2I1RU.t. , A. V. If. CARPENTER , ( lviii Massager. Gon'I l'ass. . AgonL J. T. CLARK , CEO 11. IIEAFFOIU ) , ( het,1 uiup't. /tea't Geni l'us. Ag't. ' 5o9e ar& I have httsoai tutd watchted the use of Swlft' Spo. clUe for over fifty toid Itave never ktmwn of C failure to cure blood i'ois.oti when l1r.l.cly taken. I used it on my , icrvant.s. frouit 1850 to tS05wi diii RuG a ituinber of usiy tielghbois , anti in every co thtat Casio within my kusowledgo it ciiccteoi a cure. In alt tny life I 1115 % 0 tiover knowus a rcttteiiy that would so fully accOIttlihisIt what It Is rccotstttiended to do. Ii. L. DENNAIII ) , I'crry , Usa I have kitown aul itscl Swift's. Specific for more tious tweitty yeats. , attd Itavu , ucn more wonderful r.- .ult. from Its. use titan frotsi any remedy in or out of the i'htarImeoiiscla. It Is. a ccrt.aitt aitd safe entidoto to till sorts of blood Pl5Otl. J. lilCl'SON SMiTh , M. B. , Atlanta , Ga. The Oroat Drug Rouse of Chicago. WoIoitot htwiltate to say that for a year pa ttiosohil tttoru of Swift' , Spcciflo ( S. 5. 5. ) than othser Blood l'ttriileri. cottsblned , , aitd with mo.t touslsltittg results. ( Hue gesttlotnau who used itaIf ilozett bittIs. says It lists , lotto him istore good titan treattutettt whirls co.t isltit $1,00o. Another who has tiei , It for a Serotsilotts atfeetion reports. a Prttseii cstre front its. tte. VAN SIIAACK , STIWENSON & CO. $1,000 Reward willbopaldtoanyCltomi who wiil mliii , on thse atsaty.b. of 100 bottles. S. S. S. . 0150 liartIclo of Mercury , Iodide t'otaiclum , or any ntltierah TIlE SViVF Si'ECIFIO CO. Drawer 2 , AtlAnta , 0. . , Write fir a copy of the little iok-f rue. l'rieu : liussall size , 81.00 icr bottle. 1trge size ( hold- tg dottlsle cttatstlty ) i.7ti bottle. All druggists sell EBRSK LOAN AND TRUST CU hASTINGS , 2E13. Capital , - - $250,000. JAIl. B. IIF.AIITWELL , I'resldont A. L. cLAhtlc } : , Vleu.l'reridont. E. Ci. WEIISTEIIfl'reatiurer. (1. 1' . YE1lt4'rElL Caisisler , DIREJTOII.S : amuoh Ahoxatsiier , Oswald Oliver , L. Clarke , E. C. Webster , ) tu II Pratt , Jai. Ii. llcssrtw.lh , Ii , 51. itcEliIintscy. irst Mortgage Loans a Specialty Tisls. Consuusy furtilsitos. a l.crmanottt home instRu. Ott where school liostiI and other legally issued Mu. dual Scestritlcs. I , , Nebraska can be negotiated tin tnhit 1.1 orahilo ternui. Lonits. tsmdo otit iiiproved. t .tr.s Ir. all well scttlci couttties. of thso state ttrough ) : ? ottsitie ) cai corresuuisdotsts. . NOTICE I To the Traveling Public ! -TIlE- COMMERCIAL HOTEL tAT t -AT- co1LL , Is. isow unslergoing tlsrorouhs repaIrs , both wltlilut and wltlsotit , atsd Oso lriiirlcttr ltstetsis it .ltnhl be SEC- ONI ) ' 10 2ONE lit ( Ito State , msext to thunisa. E. 11. HLAOI ( WELL , aug 2h.2nt l'roprletor. ' a I I "i. ERNESTU. HOFFMANN , I Physician & Surgeon. OFF1CE-8TI [ AND JACKSON STS , ltositinco , 18th btree , oyerl11eimrod Dormth' s.tore inter Jackson sto.t. ltdetuuce-A Ito years' ract1ca2 oxperlence ,