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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - T ; . I Lt ' : ' : ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ' . ii V 1 , Troub1o A'111bOrt .L.J- , livar n orpid , pcrhapsand you ita.y be said . ' ko be bilious. 7'he way to help yOLI out cthc difficulty is to take Brown's Iron Billers , whsch sets dsor.krcd . livers at work in good style. ' Don'I e cross and angy I Your ' digestion is bad , and that upsets your disposition. If you will try l3rovn's . trOll Bitters , you will find the digest- we difficulties driveti away in short ' , rdcr. Don't be des4b nden// You arc weak because your blood is thin , mul you cannot face trouble , or think you t : airnot. Brawn's Zroi Billers rilI put iron into your circulation , enrich- 4 tug the blood , making it a royal red ¶ color , and giving you the strength I OL1 need. , J The troubled , the weary , the tie- , spondent , the IIUVOLS ! , the debilitated and the bilious find rest , repose , re- ( reslunent , and reconstruction in the use of that prine ofTonics , Brown's d Iron Bitters. The druggist chargc ' - . t a dollar a bottle for it. 10 , ' , u ' ' Rlt Otl tegtCfl ' _ 'l14Rlt " cflcuATL. % Ldt4'd 1i ) . aiid inIee n hxalltks 1icrc thc ( , flIunOnp arc Un faornbIo Iiatth t1ii fittnon.i % ugeta . - . blo ii1gomnt , azid - . - - ; ; . ; . . : . ntcritie ) , floMtet. ; - : : ± : tvrs Stonu'vh flit. - , ; . . - ten , ha4 bon found ? . a tent itfeguard . . ' . ; - - C , CU to feeble conti. . - tUtiOlfl4 ntt fT3gtk fraint4 hUe n a cIro fnr 1su.ligctIon liiIounL'M ant kiii. STOMACH tlru.I compiaint ii ! 1TTER ; . TO THE PUBLIC ! . Investigate for Yoursoivos. P06tm18t0r.OoneraI OrreMm hInr pubUhed a I I -tfltu1 and inaticiona S&1ehOOd In regnI to th char. . acterof The LouIsiana Stto Lottery Company. th I. . " followtcg ficta arc ten to the ptihIc to rovc hia IT .taeinent , that we are engaged to a fraudulent boa. r tnoa to fiao anujuntrue : . A unt of prizes paid by The LouIsiana State Lot. . tory unpany from Januar , 1 , 187g. to proucot date : . raid to Southern Express Co , , ew Orleans , ' 1' . M. Weacott , Manager i,68,3Oc I PaM to Louisiana National Dank. . Jcus. H. Oglesby , l'repldent 453,00C Paid to Louisiana State National Bank , S. If. Kennedy.l'resldent . IW,1OC I raid to New Orleans National Bank , A Itaidwin I'reeiceuit . " S3,5r ( I raid to Union National Bank , at S. Charlaron , C.hler . 64,451 I Paid to Citizens' Bank , E L. Carricro. l'res'dent . 67,001 I Palti to Gerinania NatIonal Bank , JuiesCaaaard , t'resldent 30,001 I Paid to lilbemla National flank , ly Chaa. Paifrey. Cashier 87,001 Paid to OnaI Bank , Ed. Toby , Caahler. . . . 13,101 ) Paid to 5utual National flank. J06. ItItchel , Cashier . 8,901 ' . J Total paid aui above . $2,253,651 " I'a1dnumsotunderl,000 at the $2,253,651will ' nxlous offlcoa ol the Company throughout. thoUnitedStatea . 2,627,411 , . ' , ? Tot4I raid foroll . $4,881,001 ar tha truth of the above fata we ruler the public totho olflccr of the abovo.named corporations , and for our legality anti atanding to the MayoraiidOlflceru , her ) of the City .1 NewOriean , , to the State autluoritlesol and Louisiana , and also to the U , S. OtSelata of LouWana We claim to be legal. honoet and correct in aU ow : N. tegusactiona , as much uuo as any bualnesa In the coim try. Our standing is conceded by all who will levee tigate , and our stock hae toe. years been sold at U , to' Board of DrokeN , and owned by many of our host known nnd respected eltirene. 51. 1. . DAUPhIN , President. and J . k. ' ing ' . , L8CAPITAL , . TtcketB Onlj $6 , 8116108 In proporlion. ( 'k tion : . ble Louilla tatc Lottery G nlpally to the - * ' We do hereby certIfy that we auperviae The at is rangements ( or al Me MontMy anl Sem.Annua I Drawtwjuu of She Louiaia State Lottrnj Coin patty add lnpersen tnalsage and controi Me Drawingu geiiwivu , aitZ that the sae are conducted wW. , AmwIyfarnesa. and ( n yoodfath Coward all par . ae8 , and we authorize ( he company to use thit ocr it I tiJLcade , wthIutuuitea of our ritnature atacitut ( in it8 adverfoencn s. " the north With passed hawn gaged . of % . definit Incorporate,1 In 1868 for 25 years by the ioyisiaturi Garlin for eduacatloujal and charitable . It.aI ofl,01)0000-to ) iuich a reserve fund of a cap tioii c&w,000 baa iuluco ijeon added. over led fly an ovorwhelunluu Ioiuiar vote Its franchtat tenant was made a lart of the prcocnt uttatu oonbtitutlor adpkd floecunber 2d , A. B. 1870. iial The only lottery evrr voted on am ! eadoreed L'p or fJepeopCe of any state. Secreta It never Scales or Postpones. Ith grand siflgo uuiubor drawings thie flue . pisco monthly. are t A 81'LENDII ) OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A F0fl the TUNE. Tetith Grand lrawlrug , C1aa IC , at New Or vised a 4 Iscie Dnswthg. , TUESDAY , ( JOT. Phi , 1853-161st ! onthi5 the CAPITAL PRIZI , $75,000. 200,000 flCRETB at F1VI DOLLAIttI EACh. nsa : admit ttone , In Fifths In Proportion. serious LIST OF Pair ? : , . I CAPITAL Pitii.r itoiteles $7sooo , . I do do ltr ty 25,00t I do do Vislolis : 2 PRIZES 01 ° 50000 i2ooc until , 6 do 2000 , 10,000 10 do 1000 . partme , do 1,00 10,0cc 10,000 100 do 110 200 20,900 oo do tuation 100 . 60.000 I boo do 50 . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . 25,000 hits 4 1 do 25 . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . 26,000 , AraOIM % lloN paiziet. L11-1LI5 t . , p pproxiuuatlou lrlzeof $760 0,750 of ) do do 500 . . . , . . . . . . . 4.500 Noth 1 0 do do 250 2,201 versed i ; ; Prizes , amountln to . $265,500 done Applitlon toe rates to cluho ehould be mauls oniy fall. t. . to the ottice of the Company In New Orleans. hands For further inlormatlon write clearly ghiny 11 14 , q address. blake I' . 0. Money Order IAYabIO auid entirely aduirtad ltegItereuI Letter. , to nioiit , titw : 0IILIAN4 NATIONAT IlA1dK. ice , . ew Oriraits , La. Orilnary Itcrs ( by halter Exireas teAt to the At A. 1)AUI'IUN Uperna or 2,2 A. DAUI'IIIN , New Orleans , ; c 007 Sottnth St. , tvaahlngtoii , B. C Greenla SlluitII'lt tary : how party' mont . htoite LOUIAN ! 'TB LOTTERY GO year. scud a F3 Frank Moore. of their 127 La Salle Street. mmdles. . / . Chicago , mimeans , . ( ForInerIy8lDarud212flroathay N.Y. ) Lance , Now sianaer of Chicago Oftice. To fuon , apply lot tntonn&tlou and tickvta. 501st Monthly imior the Deswiiu , make Tuesday , Oct. 9. sent howeve tii First CapItal Prize , $16,000. Tickets $6. 8.11 Ia Palits w . FUttia at $1 each. See toll scheme elsewhere. t. a wud&aat.w.5w to ditto MANHOOD RESfORE1I 4t5 the , I A strUm of sarlj Imprud.nce , . of fract tty. premature . 1ocay .10. . hring canalag tried nervous In nh , debli. eve by the . .tz. aowueme6j.assdtseover.4a . weic he will aced PIIE to ttnpl. hi. lellaw..uUerers. mesusef 1.1. charges Addrsa , .1 , 5.1. E1VI. 4Clsathon it. . 2w osk. treasury A FORLORN HOPE. Tc Pr ospccls of llosduill the Grocloy P arty in Lady FFaIIUIR Bay Far from Chcorill , The Wreak of the Protons Oauos G roat Anxiety in Official Oiroloa. Tin' lL npkI GrOV.tI1 of l'atcitt tJflIt'o U , ttulisesus-flonil' ' Itt'tleeiiicil - ztttit hr Transit. thtl'ITiLi NOTES. liEColtI3 l)1sTltvl ) ( ) . W'AS IIINOToN , Soptumber 14.-A large numbe r of governinont records were lost lit the l ire by which tIm Olympia ( \Vaah. utgtcn Territory , IIUIl ollicowas destroyed yesterd ay. Over 100,000 mge of rec ords , b elonging to the Siirveyor.aeimr. al's offi ce will require the Cmoylfleflt of a hrgo number of clerks for at least a year to replace them. The l'resident will leave for New York at 4:20 : this afternoon. l'oiis acola advices state flint there are 110 110W cases of fever and no iloatlis yes. terday . A di spatch from \Vilinington , N. 0. , says : "Tim hurricane of the 10th and 11th ju st. was the worst ever known iii tiis ] vi ciiiity. : Iticli tmainztge was clone buildin gs and shipping. " TIIR tntininv ; E xl'mITIoN. No additional reports have becis ro- coived from the officers returned of the Orcelo y relief expedition. It is goflor all ) ' coi icedcd that the failure of tim ro- liof ox pethtion is mainly due to the omis- sion of Lieutenant Oarlington to land stores and liouso at Littiotoit Island. There would scorn , however , to bo solile justific ation for the course pursued by LLfll ill the orders issued hint by General ilazen on the 7th of Juno , just before he 4il ed from Now York , These orders I wore i n pare follow. ; "if ii should becom e clearly apparent that the Vesdol CaUflot be pushed through , you will ro- treat f rom your advanced position and land y our party and stores at or itear to Life ii oal Cave. " Thos e supplemental orders , which have never boon niado public , were a follows : "Tue naval tender is to join the Proteus St. Johns , N. F. , and proceed with her to the nctghtborhzood of Littioton L island. The Proteus is to land lie $ stores , CXCCIt supplies for moro northior. dep ots , at Littleton island , , on the way ' of north , if also succeeds in reaching Lady Frankl in bay. Site is to pick UI ) stores , of except ing those housed in depots , if pesto sible , o n her returit. The itaval tender . will a wait tim return of the Proteus at K. Littlet on island , and Oil her return steam L south III company until shso reaches thto u $ southe rn limit of the jell pack , vlici : L should the Protous be cruBiloll in the ice , cre w viIl retire oh Littioton island , t ti m tender will bring to St. Johns , . F. , the oliicors and crow 'of the , Pzotou s , thin rest of the party ' r oinain itt Littietoit island. Until t he Proteus returns , if her crew 4 , ex peditionary force succeed iii reach. the re , tim tender may go to the south , 9 , leaving full particulars at Littleton island. Sigital s , by flags , holiographa and guns , 11 should be preconcerted , and coinmunicaGrand by this menus should be maintained betwee n the two vessels as long as possi- aft er they are separated. Nothing in no rthward mowoincittmust be allowed Four reta rd thie progress of the Proteus. It of th e utmost iinjtortanco that she take advant age of every lead to got UI ) to Lady Frankl in bay. " From all information thus far received crimor wo uld appear that Licut. Oar- tinte lington disregarded or found it ticabio to obey them sup. Ti plomoz ital ordois with regard to lan ding house and stores Ofl his way Baldy , since the Proteus 'was crushed Ida al l her stores on board after she hued ' the point whetro tlio Htores should Feiiotv b eon handed , and while site was cii- 1:181 : in the extra hazardous navigation Sini tli's Sound. III the absence of any e inforitiation fruit Lictitcitant the glen as to thu reason for thu adop. line of the course he vuiraued and which her to the total futiluro of plitus for Liuti. , Orcoloy's relief , ollicors of the sig- \rigitutu city ser vice ( leclillo to express an opinion mak o a statcinciit for the pUlhiC. ' 1'lzo fering ry ofVnr , Acting ccretury : of iumhos pionsiui Na vy and Acting Chief Signal otlicers $500 in consultation this afternoon tipoti tut uatioii of aflhirs , but have iiot do- et uiy ltmcticablci'lan ' for the relief of La dy Franklin bay itarty. good. Oulic ers of the signal service bore freely clay the present situation of alhtirs is Sleepy . , but do not regard it iii any sense Q.tOJ s : 1hY SItY Lieutenant Greohty's o riginally carried a supply of pro. heats calculated to last three years , or 2:25 : th e suninier of 1881. Tue war do- Spoci nt authorities say they citii form est jlai is uuitit they receive fuller infor- 2IPA : froiii Lieutenant ( iaihiiigtoii , t'ho 2fi3 : bee ui asked for a suggestion. won ; Commuini SLOPS FOIL Tifit (1iIEllEY I'AILTI' . 2:2il : ing , it is thought by others vuhl - in Arctic cxphoratiJns ; can be to resdno the unfortunutto loon this OINl ' ' 'i 'hicir 1LSOS are now in their owit oflico , and their future dopoiitls almost oftico upon their on n skill aiiui jinig- that a nd upon the chances Of iviiid and ] 'orry J1 1te iiext information with regard ii'.cd rn is likely to count either from its ittsL vik or fiomim the Jsumimmicumx : of froimi nd coast , between the mouth of which ' Sound mtiitl Cape York. Setcia- issued Li micoin sail toniglit time qlmcstioii ollico b est to get relief to the ( rceh'y fit for h as becit discussed it tim depart. Browmm t ' .day , Ho , however , had hittho receivin th at anything could ho dotni Limits ( leemnhmi lie thought it would be useless to , Junctio pirty : iii , this ( till with ii certainty i'iIittI , huutyimig to winter several hmnnihrod front tircehoy's station , without o f traversing that imitorvening dis. chicui ly vaiting until next sum- NEW party could be sent that would to ollici j ust as good progress. lie saimi , of l'air r , if it vcro simowmi relief could be Jacmnei o Greeloy party hiavo It , no expense or ould be aPzlrel to rehiuvu thmeimi. forces , smoNmes 1iEiP.EMSI ) closely under the I2lstcahl , Slfl,772,850 , appropriition for transportation hlotr ional silver coinwill be tixitaustod Hopkin l et of . ' Ou.'tober , proiln , express jdoumt of on suchi coin forwarded front the 1Iisaimni : Oil and after that data wilt muot Detroit be aitl by the govorninont , but nutist bt borne by the consigneos. rims usroir : ' os' TIUt 1.tTIINT oun shows nit increase ill receipts over 1831 of $ O & , l)8O ) over 1882 , $1GO20. Nuni- ber of applications awaiting action on tue tar t of the ollico July 1 , 1883 , 4iliIl , an inc rease of 89 ptr ccitt over 18ii. The co mmisaionr says tim ltudness of the ofil co is stoitdily and rapidly iiieretas. 11mg , a nd that licarly $2(00,0O0 ( iutw stamnla to the credit of tim othico in the trtasu r y. - _ _ _ _ _ _ CItlMINikli ItIuCOItl ) , FEI.ONIOUM OFiICi tl. . Naw \'ORK , Seltoniber 14. The ru- IflorM o f mc dcfalcatiomt of front $100,000 tim $1O0O OO in the vater register oilier 0 bureau of the deptrLmiteitt of 1tttlttit 0 works created ROIIIC stir around thto city ball to -day. Oolillnissionor of l'ublk : \\'nrks TltiOfl1)Sll ( say's there was little in It nod ho wits itivestiguttiug thtt I mnati oP. 'I'Imo itIutyor said 'l'hunnpson litul L siatktun to lilimi soinctiitio ego alanit omit I or litoi c ) e0i1ts vin ) hail becii feloni . misty c ollecting rent around thu city mutti I giting receipts for tiucimi in tue naullo ol r thiti Ilel fllrtflIOlit , 'I'lio city , lie said , couli I not pes sibiy' lose a ccitt , its all couliI I vmiter rents are it lion on the 1)rlerty. ) . % IUInST oi c0t14TnltFalTnILs. tiN : U. % 1'IIM ( , Septeutbet' 14'l'his af . ternoo n officers arrested .imis. ? uleioweri ( I at 1)tihu ith , charged with complicity n uI t Ciutrie s Chianubers mid others iii counte rfeit money , IEcOowurn recelit Cattle t o Duluth front ( ir.tmid Forks and L vciit i nto business with Chambers. P is ru1)o rtcd the officers found a completu. I counte rfeit outtit sccrotcl ( in the store PILAVI1ULENT 1NSUILANCa. BeST ON , September 1.t.--Tho hloralt I says t he report of Insurance Conunis . siouior Tarbox upon the condition of thim 3 Motrop ole Insurance company of Parii S is in th e lutuds of the Attorney Ooiiorni who vi It irobaliy prococd against Jolt L ' C. Pa igo , insurance agent , for his ni . ieged flagrant violation of the insurnucs ) laws , b rought to light by the Coimn'is - Sioflur' s investigatloils. The authorities The H erald says , seem determined t ; punish any and all violations of law iii this co nnection. SPORTING NOTES. 805115 ItOWIO MATCHES , Nsw YoicK , September 14-In ropi ) p the challomige of Peter II. Conloy , oi Portla nd , 'to row Wallace Ross five mile : S for $50 0 a side , the latter announces he I wilI ac cept Oil condition that Richard K . Fox b e tlto final atakoholder , have tin : u namin g of the water and the appoinf - moat of thu roforeo. Rosa deposite 1 $100 with Fox , while Conloy has jus t putt up time smue ainntmnt with The Argo : 3 Per tland. In r egard to the offer of James loenai I j Bos ton to match Charles E. Courtno ) 1 row [ toss five iiiilcs , Ross says that i r lit Kecuta it scuds emi $100 forfeit to Richort 1 . Fo x , ho will arrange it imttch witi I hue Courtn ey and wager $1,200 agains ii $1,000 , on tue result. of HASP. li.tLL. P1iII .tDnLilLIA , September 14.-Clove , . lands 5 , Philadolphina 1 " Pito vIouNca , September 14.-Provi - dence 2 , Dotroit,1. NEw YOIIK , September 14.--Nc V BulI aho 1. s Foa v WXVN8 , September 14.--'l'oled 0 tIme For t Waycie 1. Sl'itr NoriEr.n , September 14.-Sagimiam V. , Sp ringfield 0. ' , P1OI : IIA , September 14.-Pessria 7 thu I Grand Rapids 5. lumuomiros BEACh RACES. Bhumn hlTOS B.tcir , September 14.- . u tile nlco , Darnuni won , Exote r tsCCefld , Lillie laho third ; time , 7:4i : Seve n furlongs , Ghost wan , Oranit C ) miccoiid , Ligan third ; time , 1:3t. : tiomi Mile and a furlong , 1(11 11 won , Coy . Ijainptomisecomid , lilushi Rose third , . , 2 :02 : , Mile , Barney Aaron won easily , Item seco nd , Ilmcrrictt third ; tiwe , 1I0 : ? . Stee ple chase , mile sund timroo-quaiters 'rime won , 'j'oimatvniitlmt second , Poiiwin thi rd ; thou , 2 : V. 'l'hrc e.qtmarters of us mile , Timig won , 1iiuy secomici , Princess third ; thor , I gates , YIII N/.L'X ANt ) 8CiltEFFEIL iN l'AiiIS. mmnti iii Ptmtz M , Seittomnlior 14.-liz - addition ts -u l5i ( ga me of billiards , 8,000 poruits , Balks I call , ar ranged to he itty'ed hero iii Octo . ( b etween l'ulaurico ' Vignauc , of timim I Lives , a nd Jacob Schindler , of Chicago I eludimi x has iteiit aiiothei' challenge , of . course to itlay ScimacfIer for tim ehiaiii : . ( rein p of time world , accmrlimlg ( to tim I ViLS , t ime rules 1)r'ido for 800 poinbsmine ] I sociali it aide , but PIIOVIHENCE It.tCFli. oral PROV IUUNCE , Sopteimibor l4.-'I'rack tieiim . :24 : chits , unfinished from 'J'nes. ccrs las t howard .1. , womi ; Louise second , vitJulm . .Joo third ; time , 222 : , 2:21 : , , time t ) .U1) 0.00 ) .Ot ) alone H - - - - - - - - - - Class 2:40 : , Joe B. won iii straight tciegra ; Pearl second , Ghmimmnia Lhiii-d ; tiiio , strike. , 2:251 : ; 2:24. : Labor al cfass 2:20 : , Director won ; For. or Pat chici second , Phyllis third ; tinie , ] Cumigim , 2:1 : 9 : ? , 2:11) : ) ? , 2:20. : strikes class , tmnfinisbed , Kitty I'atchicn time O nvaid second , Nottio It. third , gmtvo ssioiicr fourth ; timmie , 2:25 : , 2:28 : , Jimuanci , orguulmi - to Sloleii 1'stzul Notes. viI1 ( mNN.tvm , Septeimibor 14.'l'hmo Post- l'tlonda i nslteetor for time Cimicimimmucti Itost- etilicers re ceived olilcial imiforimiatiomi to-hay Mmuster ti me iostolIIco of Jumiction City , tomi , couimty , Ohio , had heumi bmmrghuur. feim , ' ' last night , and its safe robbed of mcli 'l'iirnom : t1 jiotets , iimimniieiwl comisucutit oiy summzcumc , to 500. 'l'imits was omie lmolc frejmmm % uu1 I ill t ime lirst six iostal imotes had beomi Illiitois , ' ( 'Ito thief took the itinudh anti 1J icimig st miiiij ) , comistituitimig time ciltiro omit- of I'ow istimimig iostal umotos. Immspector Ilium , desires to notify time public ttgaiimat it iclmig g and hiostiuiustors agaimumit ru- 1Ccmmtmi g ally postal notes issued frormi of 2Eiss n City , Ohio , of time above ele- of New imummmburs until further advised. 111th - T ime Itevoitmi 15)1) In ifayil , Vnio YaK , September J ' 1.-According Mureimm al advices from Ilayti , tim towns destroy et and Narigot , whicim fell with wits to jute time hmaimds of time imisurgomits , workin uomi rutakuui by time govorninomit wimumm The ittaurgomita at Jmrcmel are with ii surroumnied. full ion lccllimcs 11c.elcctloi , , lutmililimi os , Septumnlior 14.-Itoy. Mark s , for moore than thirty years pros. Bosr time Ammierican Board of Foreign cimusott a , will , at time annual flouting at Mommum , decline re-election. torday - - - - - . - . -.7 OUR VAltIlil ) VANTS. Its ' , V hIilt Momicy , Strange to Hay , O mits a i'ery Sniahl Figure. Nsw 'OiLK , September 14. Thu son- ate sttb .coultfliltkeO on labor nun education to-day' recoiverl comiiitinicatiomms fremi a uiumbo r of versons giving their views on time la bor question. Antomig these wore Edwttrt t Atkinson , lt.ratui Kopf , the rim. lflatic atithor 'umi. L'twreiice , president of the associmutmon of Anmorleami ecomio mists , \\'muolungtoii ; hit , editor of 'I'lmu , I ourita l tt' Cotnuturco , atuti .1 A. Schuitch of the Yolks citutiig. .1. A . Emerson , colored , once it dent o f Arkaiisas , iiQw litimig hero , ad- vocateu l the adoption of a moystoimi f ptn tal sav1ns hmniks in this country siiiiulitr to these mit London , They wotihul be boii ulieiai to tb cotiiitry mihel a beau to the colored iwoplo of the stituthi by atlbrcli ng utcatla at laying up their small earnin gs. 'I'Imo greatest evil , hue said , which threatened colored labor in time South was tb store system.'iuat the SoUth uueodert vits etitucatuon anti all the I troubl es arising front race mlistiitct'ion would be overcome. Theme was tie dliii- cuuhty i ii suporting schools at thm $ outh , its thu people were willing to eoiifribzIc liberal ly. Ccl. itichard hlititon , \Vashiington jiuuurima list , said what titia country flelc ( ( 1 was a .rovolution in time law ul i 1nity iii regard to corporations autri rlimo .buti of wealth. ' ' on . 'l'his was to be ac- coumipa niod by gradual lc1islmttioii its LIt I lreson t symotelii trous built up ly , tub I means . Flor ence Euizztbetii Cole , lirimicipal ci r Limo sc heel of iitdtustrial art for wommuon , this c ity , slioko of CImuimhmymuiemit. Sin though t teaching admirably mulmtptcd to I wonton and very rouuiumlerattve. Design. big wa s required in the niamnufacturo ci r carpet s , wall paper , gas fixtures , wood L engrav ing , silver work , etc. , but design , Cr5 in this country , witness said , wets I French men , 'l'hioro were large industrial I school s in Paris whore the most thorougi I instru ction could ho obtained free , _ - s- - T RTt SIOUX PALI1S SAaES. Tim r roamnbioanil l'roliiIItion 1mm tue t P poaetI Constitution of Iakotmt. Sio w FALLS , Septombtr 14.--Early ii I LImo ni brnin session time judiciary cent . It mittee reported the preamble to tito eisa . stituti on , Lobe substituted for the on I report ed from tb committee on preamble I sound days ago , It is believed that titim I report cannot ho cbjectionablo to Lime people o North Dakota , who took cxcoi . tions t otlio phrase , dI\\T0 , the imeoplo ol I Dakota . " The iroamb1o itself is brief , ) but is accompanied by the imitroductioui I front t he committee in which Stmttohiood I clai med upon similar conipacts and I of rights sot forth in tito origiumal preaumll)1o ) suh mnittluug the report , Moody said ii r fou nd that any material proportion oJ r tile po puhatiomi of .Nortlu Dakota desired we I should not assume tim name of thto Statr I Dak ota , ho would move to instruct tin I Condu ittee WIUCII wJ1 nresomit time consti . tutiomi td"Commgrca oo add thu lrc1i c "Sout h" so that time nauno will be "TIm I State of South Dakota. " At 10:80 : p. in prohib ition , iuich } was umiado specia ; i ber order , wn5 thiled up. The gallor u , as cr owded with ladies , who apPlaudet 1 w edge-drivers , sviio succeeded vera r succes sfully iii dividing the eomweumtioii L and creating considerable dissomision 'cVimon Limo conycuitiomu adjourned at 12:1 : ( S U1)jOCt was still tinder discussion . Durin g time aftormtoon aessiomu unaum r speeci ics were made for and against timi I subjec t , and it was linahly put to a vote Thirty -six voted for and sixLy.fou ; . ho agains t , whicit WaS thimai , At. an carl 1' hug Ieraod iii time ilmoriuiuig sessiomi time quos hoot a s to time advisability of olcetini , ; State officers was brought up and munch Li umot specia l order for tiu.umight'a aessiomi , Flag - Live T IlE JNIGIITH OF LAItOt. - - - I teeeimt Secret Comaventlcim mint I drew limo Ofllcersm Elected. of ttumed Ciji tmuo , Sejmtcnmicr 14.-Time dclii . to time seciet convontloim of timm I iCmiighi tmm of Labor Imutuly closed jut Cimmein - h ave rottirimed and ommo of thommi said , mmugoti tin iimturview Limits ovcmmiulg , them su'crt I Wei d elegates 1umcmoeumt at time first tel I ivuirtiim a nd the umummmuiem imicreutsed jutibiso wills lUcuitl y' to 170. 'J'hmuru wore rupreseimla . iim fromim a hinge imtmrmibur of stuutes , iii . ouclopt ' ' g 'l'oxmus mummol A mIommisas , tlmoumgim r it large ) , of tiunmi welt I time t ime east amid west. Time gzttimcriim e ntirely hmarmnuummiotmii. Ommo ou twi p utmaim stic rosolumtiomns were iumtrodmwtitl immaumy qu ietly PilL omsiolu. There were soy. coimgro view t elegraph operators in time convoimmirmmmmumm am mil two of thmemmi svcro ciected cliisaid mirmmmmumm , 'l'here vcmo ito signs of timuim . said miiiig. 'h'imo coimvuntioim let 11055 tclegrtith ; quictition severely , as the emily way to imarnioumy. 'l'Ime I ) imera wore imumsied iii going omm a paid . 'Ploy supposed tito Knigimtms of : l'nrimei 11mg would ataumd back of tlmoumi with tfle ) two imumnired tlmousaul(1 ( eloliars , Time tis of Labor , hmu said , always oppose VIE , unless forced lute timomim , After correusp oji uratoms struck , however , time body says ti memmi its ummorimi support amid Semite lurimiclit al mmiii , 'I'imo imeadujuarturs of tue sottiuim zation van mmmotcd front I'ittsbmmm-g Pim iimcdolpimia. 'I'imu next eommt'emmticim Lois be Itch lim time latter plitee' time lost auth's y iii 5e1)tenmitr , .1 88 1 , 'J'Iie umew tietmijius elected are wi follows : ( Irammol 'I'hmo Worlcmmmam , , I I. Powiiei'ly , Scrap. ing , l' ti , ; \Voitlmy Foremnaum , Prof. ( JuL. trots I liimuoits ; C maini Seomutitry , Fred. Cimimmemm , l'cmmmmsylvaiiii : Socmutary of 1mm. II Ilfl. o 1ionml , N. 1. tiEe(1 raw , I 'cmmimyi - 1 jot ; Ci mmmd 'i'rcastmrer ' , Itichmsuil Ci ml Ii I tim , themse ; ( Thumural iitatisticiaum , lsIr , Fgaii , i'irLy : rtmm ; Ixecumtivu Boarmi , l'sIcOlcIiammd ' Iii1isi .Jorsoy , Caimmpboil of I'rnmnmmyl vii- ho ilimmug F uistum of JIasmacmuosutts % ) , ilmuio : of immome , mimi ; Co.oiiurativu ileaud , Boycti of timmmtl ly eiy , ihiimmiommt mit Now York , Simmmrp Jlritiisii ommrj , 's ° aille cut Caumadmu , lialcomumb guimmbomu Jcraoy , 'J'iirmmer If ) l'timIIlIyivmLtiiu ) , of time 1u urmuuy of Ohio Posted itjuphuiio Ii ar1 'irmm Fmottiry : Ilimrmnml , amid eai J'1oissos , Suptommmiur 1.1. -'i'Imu ' itt. tIme cntms' Union ISaibViro works wore itself. ed fire . ' ' midmost by to.mmigimt. 'I'hme building tally comimimimimod. 'I'imo mmmcmi troru future g dijpimig wire ill time ; muimmt vat , time ext a bummeim sif wire caine ma contact lighted candle firing time oil ' ' , , 'l'lie , IoNl s is umukmmowmm mnsurammee cii time ( rout I g and mimaciminory , $20,00(1. ( tie imums - - - forces Jelibrosoim's ? , lgmumimmoiml , , imourms , oq , September 14'fhso -'fhso Mmnssitirceit ms brands of tliu.Jtmfforsoim Nottiommal 'I'Imu F'r nemmt muosociatioim was forimiud yes- lost tw , Itobert (3 , Winthrop , iresitlummt , of itlac s.J.lJ : 5. .LJ:4Av.L.LJ.JLL. . . . . . ltJj AVU. ? . IiIF1 IN NE' MIX1CO. The Em ol time Cowboy atuti Vigi- m ate } 'zullmmg Front View. W.tS iu1t0rIN , September 1L-lmt corn- ihiaiuco with a request froutu the eocrctary of time immterior , Cloy. Simeluloim , of Now Iexico , has just immaclo a full and jitter- eatimmg report 111)01 % the atlairmi , pro. rUs $ amid duvolopumlotIt of that toni. tory- . lie liegan by reforrimmg to time Preomm L security of life in Now Mexico , nini say s that with thmo exeoptitmlm of the umuirtisir at lutlgo iuleComumus mIttul wife , item citizemmi m lmavo becim killed by tIme immthiaimtm since O ctober , 1881 , mmumtl thmmmt timero mire mmd ) sig ns of hmost'mlo uleumoumstrat'momms. l'rPmin mtiomms Immiro beoti inane , however , speedil y to crush ally' imomottlo muovounont mttmtl th e lmmdiamis mire aware of time fact. ' 'Limo c rimtmiiumtl eiemmmcimt lois stmlstaimtimtlly , disapp eared. NoUmimig mmioro is Imeani of titui vig ilantes or lymmdli law , unut property is safe. 'l'ime cotmris are mibhi amid clii- cicimt , anti coimvietions , whmcmi deserved , are t1tii to certain at time imatmrls of juries. As a re sult of this itmiprovod simiLe of mif- fiirmt ilm mmumigrntinlm itis : boemu rommowod mmd immdumstr y muitul cmmtorpriso dii ' grow ) by day. TIme ( loverimor calls nttemmtioum to the tmrgont uUeu of ii school moyatmu imi New s iuaico , atmd tu. tluo ol imavimmg it sessioli of time territorial legismoLtuuco inturo 1mm Jmmuary mmoxt. lie 11180 r000umm. muemids that Congress create a special I couttmuti ssiomt to hear amid decide centre . versies growimmg nut of dofuctivo titles I I mmmd , l ) mtrticuiltrly timoso based or lumrPort . lug to bo based on Spanish amid Moxieni m grants . Spoa kimmg of imoummosteaci aummi vre-omL . thou ia wmt , ito say's timoir operatiomm iii Limit : I dry aum d immoummtninous coummtry Imas been te I fester imumd lmmmtoioly of time muost objec . tiommab lo character. Locatioims are immel ) emnbrn cing a sprimmg or uxteimding along z m strenimm , amid time aurrouimdimmg imomtls arm ) valuele ss to any one but the owners ol r the iv ator. 11011cc , a immil who obtaini I 160 ac res , oxcluusivo water privilege , coimtro ls a vast tract withmouut cost or tax. A ca ttlo commipauty or aim individual nifty , b y owmmiumg a tow acres , 1mavo tlmr occuitn mmcy of a tract as large as somuc states of time Uimiomi , amid if existing prac. ticos a re commtiimtmod time cattle bumahmmoss ol : : the so uthwest will , in a short timimo , be iii time ha nds of a few immdividuahe , tim Coy. ornmmse imt furumishimig time land gratuitously. ; is t herefore suggozmted that lmtnd iawt I applica ble to that territory be changed. Tb re port closes with a rocoummuendatioui timat C ommgress nimiko proven for anotimer . Judge of the Suproummo Court to relieve I the ov erworked judiciary of time Tcrei. . of ItEA lmiNti , Pit. , September 1.1.-A dims. latcil front Ilazelton says a fearful ritmi took p iaco thieve lute yemstorday at mm coal ' ' immino o n Limo tipor Lehigh. A nuntbem y uumi umors were discimargod amid tIme , ' timroat eumed to destroy Limo coumipaimy m I prolior ty. Time coimstabuiam.y wert I , called out anti a terrible light with pistols occurred. A wommlaul L namned llardimmg ivas struteic by a bail and L immataut tly killed. A young girl of nh . years vaa also instantly killed. Pellet I Omtptai mi IIinc vmm iiot titrougim tlucluind ' 'rime Nine miners wore arrested and eluvor I revolv ers fonmid ontimoir liersommo. A imtmmml . of immen were slightly wouuidmu.l , - G ENERAL FOILEION NEVM. ANOTH ER J'ItENCU VICTOILY 110 TOSQUIN . Los uioro , September 14.-Freimcim ad coumits of time battle withm Black Fimigo 3 state t imutt on Saturday , Soimtmnmmbcr 1st French forces frommi hanoi advanced I ; witiiiim 12 mmmiies of Soimtag , wimoro this , nimy enomfly wore foummd him casomumommt forts which time lire of time Fremmchm immit I elhi3 ct. After timrco ( lay's imnrd fight . , ti me Froncim troops , aided by a imeav p t nmder Admiral Boumet , carried thm 1 enemy 's works at the poiumt of time biyo : - send , c apturing two towmms muici two lilmict : stammdards. Time Frcmmclm losts ivat d ihicors amid fourteen imuumm killQtl , three olhicoms aumil forty mon wonimoluid : After Limit victory Admumiral Iboumot withm . q'ito i mis Ilcomt to Jiaumoj. Iteimmforccummeumti 0 100 ummomm mmro lccviumg : to imoid Limo cait . was teityims. miing Til i i'LAN OF vmir : ritsNi'im t'mmmNmr. : City l'All TS , Sciutomnbor 14.-At Limo cahimmo I liritis cotiimci l to.dcy : Cimnilemmiul Lacoimr stutter I lumntmu ntioiium in tim tim o Cii immesu : ulmmhalssahoi , L. o progrcssimmg favorably. 'J'imo for . fm-ant mg of reimmfoiccmmuemmtms to 'l'mimui iii I imutruic em ulommocul. IL wits agreuti thtuttFuiumce leaked time imegotiuttioimms with Oimimum , simould r Limo a coimuninitory polity. ( holy takum vimium : : is IIIIASON To rec oimt : mcccsuuioim Lu , timu Aimstro-ler ( . mti hiaimco will moimortiy result iii ( Jui' . ( limo i sisuiimg a liroluomsush for mc gommermul sos of miii Euiroimeali with vwors ii I o f deteriumimmiimg impomi guumorai cuts- eimt , Austria , Spahim ruumul I tziiy art t buiormmib to have already sigimhuied time willimmg. works to pamtieipmutu him sucim commgrwss. Novelt i'tmczqsmg's ' , momi'eten : mtmi . E. 141nn , oN , Sopteimmbom' I -luIr. . l'uirmell , I out of f thu uumortgmtgtmomt hum estate , atmtotmumt. . to 11,000 , , front the Proceeds of Limo I o'clock mum i testiiimoniah fmumd. 000. RNOJItANI ) Alt MEIISATOII. NNA , September 14.-'l'imo Loumdomi I ondont of Time Now Free J'meou m Sjuuoc C hjmmmi smith Fruuncu have accepted iii I lmmrt , ie time umiudhmutiomm of 1imgimuiitl for ii I Cutlultim mumit of time 'l'ommquin jtiestiomm. of 'I'Imo viii : OANON 1mb ? . icusrimool uihim i'os ' , Sunteimmbur I 4.-Timo Strmnul. . tmguiimt I I ommg itoimg sinicimul gives mcchditiommal I inoli. of time riot mit Cuumtoim 1sIommday hmst. J'iiioe ri ot boguuim at 8 o'clock inttimu . Smilg tutu us hmruviLus13' ostateul 'j'imti trouble guuuml cm utsed by mi qimrrcl betweemi tuoumuc I itruttum o umumd l'ortugmieno worknmeim on time 0 beumi limiimmg time litter ltmsmt ( If the , uuimohi : S obumo of LI ltsuluer , mu mmmomcman ] t us arimutal , lves to defend their liraitorty , 'i'huu ' immio fir c ommimiumleti ( if ohio ( urmmmuis : amuti three mist 21 , i mmmcmi , 'iboy Ii roil i mm to time immol , , five ( jim immesu tumid notummtiimmg mmmmmmmy ( Imurbm 'l'itu murmivmtl of ( Iblimeac trou,1is , cimech ed Li mc , iii jb , mu id imon time All , 0110 Fremicim , 1111(1 live ( Jimimmemso calmtiu ts mule mmmoorod him time riveimilmcummst foreigmi moetticimmont. Time Cimliuiaso lulitcards cmi titti WIllis of time city iimmg time action ( if time pojiuiutco Mrs. ihmg upon timommi to kill Jtmrojmeuummi imoxt.i.opiortuiiity wimicim lmrescbmtos FreIght 'l'hio different coimumumims at ( imcnttuim east yes Limo situation is serious mmmmd thu Ilss qt time Euzojieamm colommy gloomimy ibm vieltlimg remw , , hsui , AN SIIJIIT nov11 IIAYI'LR , sE ( , Suptomapur -Dcmsluatcimes b ug Komig to'dmuy states that a limitThis taken place between time Fremmcit \1arIorm amid illuek Flags , lmcatimmg eight Ittunts th ' ' . mmmiii f 'l'hmu vmmgmmgomutusmt took iuiaco be. ) l luumoi amid S'oimtay , uuwir Itud river , tlsmmm eIghty , ye eimcim forces are reported as having o olilcers and fifty immeim. 1ib hosts ( Imiri k Fimig's ' lit eustimamitutt st5botwoen Cracke three i munuired auicl six hundred. usual is Limo t own where time l"rcncim lmavo boon lmoldmn g timemr gsrrhson , since time IroviouR engage ummelit at Soumthr to walt remnfcr cemncnta. It. ma probably frummm ti me temo of time above dispatches corntimat th e lIhack Flags , whose hmeadqulartora , are at BaCimuimt , to time northeast of Ilautol , have dotcrmmthmocl to ' recapture S'ommtay front time Freud who , kept - gun- boats t here for time list fortnight , While 0mm ron to from lincunint across Limo Delta timuy w ere met ity tIme French from usual tot imtte rcept timommu , the above battle being the rem mit. - _ _ - - 'J'EIiEGltAl'Il NOTES. _ w . t lammtmuso , of the Now Virk Pollen ( In- 7ettt , S vtuu ctnmvlcteul at tiammtn , ( la. , yoster- iitiy , of dlstrlluutluu' ulsucenui luictoriuti . muewepa. lucris utumu l , uemmtcumcod to Jty : a tine of $1,000 or servo tw ttlmo mimommtimi 1mm thu cimalit gang. Noutt- 100 ' wo mmt to Atiammta by cut-tier of ihlclummd X. I'o , iu reurkitor , of The l'ohtce Uaretto , to mimako eotmrL a toiL care , It. goes to time Stuprenmo \\'mn. ilmiiiyutmm , a fumrmntr , mul vhfo wet-u fotu miul d ruid in I toil mit their u esitlutuce in mI Ill- Iiio , Cuhurnibta coimmmty , l'onnsylvummula , witim their th roats ctt. ft-aiim cam to car. 'l'hny imad $ mipparon tly lieca dotl , duoumt a vook. Somumo of Limo umelg hlorms , l'chieio ltmmmiyatm killed htI true atmot Lim it lultuvoif. OLberti say they trero killed by tran ips. Senat or Shuiron , nfIovmtdn , 1 1mm Clilcngr' . lie say s lmI arrest ImiSsim Frammeisce at thit lii- moLtuuco o f a wumunim imimo cialmneti Ito utmoti her mnummty , % % a umreh , a ctmso of biackumi all , lush- gateul by sit o.Attstrnhnum ( eomtvkt , trite scribluk 's fur mm law humiblicatluim lit Saui Frau- ciscu , , oumt of rovomugu , because imo lmumcl this ivomunut ejected ( tout the Phuicc Tim gemieral striku of titmdow gins ummakera ust l'itt rbumrg em time . ! OtIi immst. seeims , merits- 1111(1 lulu its itusuuumtettmron. ( , immalut upeut a rialuictitimi ( the nmmuiuloyt's asorh that. rather tiuium sumb. iuilt ti a cumt lii tvnge , they trill striko. As so on mits timojotirimal symis reaul 1mm tim l'eimmm- syimmimmi n SemmaW yesterday , time Rcpuubhlcuus , 1mm ordt r to carry omit time netlomm of the ciumcns tu mutoti t omiiy Cii Tumetubty tumid Frhlny , immured to to ndjo umrum , CarrlcoL Joimmm .7. .Tomie , a pnumilumcmmt nmmd wealthy slmlpbtmh itlor of Auimhmenutiuumg , ( ) mmtrmrto , ut Limo imiouitim of time DetroIt rimur , hums ttILiIpeuirCtI. ito imits seoummoti to ho ummeiitmmhiy ummmhahsumcod of Inte. I t hi foamed 1w Is drowmiod , ) l'etlrt , Ilichartle , of Fort Wayne , Jumul. , ro- cently divorced frommm his info yost.smrtiay ommhoreui lintrutsimil suit braimmod bor ivltlm a Ilat-irui r. lb is km jail. 100 1103' PmiCkafo contalnlnj SOO ( room 1mm. dlnmmaiuo llmt , destined for Frumimkfort , Intl. , wits tuikeum f the $ rom United States cxlmress car at Muncie , Monday imlgimt last. iot.octtvnus are looking bra claw to the robbers Time Fran k Atlitiunan , for a nmnbor of years opor for time ( ioneuooo Brewing coumml'ark Pliny mi t ltochmoster , N. Y , ammI .Iolmum Stopeaum , . t3x.Cohm3 Oter , imarmibeen arrested fur defraudIng time coim mpany omut of about iOOOO. l'outti imimster Ceimormil ( Jresiumum ha' , issimeul snottier order oxtemidhiug.ammd coniirnmhumg that Poatm immuitor ( iemmcrmil Key uoaImst tim LouisiSt. aims lot tery aimul immaklmig it apply to all hmst. St. ulilcea 1 mm the Uumttoul States. time \Vhuit ehmuw iteid , editor of Time Now York 'l'rlbumum n , was elected eiiogato Lu , the itepiub Ilcan St ate coumvoimtlomm ; also Cimuitmmmcoy M. 1)o. Limo l'ow milm el Joseph 1 hart. soft Ihumi omm , tIm , ommnuuuaim : , inn arrIved lim St. russ 1oumls. lb will give oxhtbltioims omm time uhls. siuutimpl river to.tlay mummet Sunday. itt 'limo North Ciulcago Rolling huh couumpiumy but itavode cided to buIld a SIOO,000 imnul mmmlii at Bayvie w , amid vlll employ 600 mmmcmi. Plot-r e , liakota , iuas Invited Shittie scud ' Mitche ll to comae omit there ammul slug omccim tither. tim'tmu Iig imt In still oiT , all Pres hlomit Artimurarrivod 1mm Now York last libya umight t o attend Limo fumiormd of hugh J , hash' logs. Ilnrmimoziy iii Now York , of Nitt t Yomuc , Soliteuibor 14.-At a ummeotin g of the Tmuuiiimaumy comummmitteo elm ( ala. orgiumi amitioum to-night time cimairmaum of time coinmmmi ttoo 0mm imarimmommy reported that time wiiichm CoumImL y Doummocracy dechimmed to oimter iimto crumble ov ertures lookimmg toward .i umimited stated delega tion. lie umaked that Limo matter be Falls referre d back tin timat a macro explicit mropoa uLiomi could ho mimade. Time mumotioim ca rried , Thu Cermumaum Dommuocratic orgmumbi aatiolm of this city limits resolved to of $ d elegates to thu Douimocratic State coimvei mtioim , east i4tenbmmosliij , 'V&cchei1. traIts WIJ , MblTo ( , N , C. , Sopleummbor 14MQVt'fl st estilor City of Athutmmta , Cimarleaton , mimaum C. for Now Yomic , witlm :13 : pamoscuigors , It is to wed immto Smnitimviilo yesterday eve- killed b y time revenue cutter Colfax. ¶ lime iikcl o f Atiaumtrm was in tow of time steammior tiemmimirs h Enmpiro. 'l'lmu City of At. of , of Oinumhestoum , Sntumrdmmy mind y ommcoummitcrod a heavy gale t ime miorthmenmst which increased to a mnmder aume iIoiudmcy evcnimmg. Time stcammmer bill , nrtuum fuet tf water mmimd ( irowbued fir es. She drifted fronm 4 j ) . Rb. Moim. coummpau mm lii 10 mc. iii. 'l'mmeumdmuy wluuim aimu was be hues him tow by Limo British Eumipiru. - - Cho colate mimbapum immado by Oarimeau its of time limmeuuL lOmimiw of detimmite l.'irt , itecormi , traium Niw : Yommmc , September 14-A lire Limits Time ug destroyed the hiuickoyo felt 1100mm ofVnm , A. Boyliim & Ci , , , mmmiii timti ly an y straw hat factory owmmed by Clout. of Eve rett , Jirookiymm. 'i'imo fire iroko , 'I'Jmis fir st last imighmt murmd was oxtinguisimed traiums tvams tiioiuiimt. it ngnubm broke ommt at Li tltimo munirmiulig. 'L'otnl loss , $135 , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SAN case T wo hsuitilcy Slom , eI , Selumia. ntoamiior tmiatiutum is rife its n titui hohlois of time ammtimmo of ticket iii 880 , whelm drew Lime soormcl It writ ! iurizmi of 2O4)O ( , Jim the August ; tlrswimmic time 1euulslumim , State Lottery , It wits court tlmumt time tlciut hiaml lasumi uioposi haul Lim o Summtimujrim Jrureas ( or cuuhlectlomm. Time w ouhil lint rovomul time tianmois of time lmcky , Every It tiuts a irofesslummmmmI sect-oh Time N.O , . / Jmuzoutt tom , iuuuumces : , blunt is ! mtssrus. Smiuim umm md .1 itt , IIttholiuio : , of Selmuma , hmtL mm of Limit itidol ' , mm mm mumluer drimmvlng t2ti0O 1mm 1L1tII bul mumulty , 'J'Imoy ltuumuglmt Ii mu liftimmi of ° i' bum-a utt mmmthtemts , 1mm tuartucishmip , at , they hued - rt- gmmlmir bmuyemus futi yuumrs mind imutto svuui , to-day Hu mmums hofuurui , Al r. Sehg is Limo bmtok. loot of , lesamps ( ii huh & iiulmim , 1)r , hAttIe. I bury hmus , , : , emiimermIsuur of time street fmwco OIL Limp 4uv trtmI , years , Sclu t iilz ' ' ( , ) 'J'iuucs , 4u. , enum'ms ' LimuicimVator. . alO.i1L - - g rocoms sell ( iarimcau'ui .iritcker be. HO t hey mime time host. l0ummlw - - . I'EILSON ,1j. , 1. a eaue 0 ! tOte lncst , a. 'l'Imoiummt Nmiaum , tvlfo iii tIme U , 1' , 'bales , Agomit , mouth sftu'r meturmmeu.i fi-ommm time list-k Dandelio uu terday. inedkine Aiimy Crates , of ChIcago , Is lii time city only lortommi. by 1mev grammdftmthmer , ( leorgu 'u\ ' . I lemumamu , Itwu ! upo England - Ilitytid of Lufledio Itouutis 11mm , % Voriti. Meigrg. l as trust 111 , 0. 1 lolieniman lii' eapre , a tirumg ist of ( .00k ilo , 01dm , says : ' 9'/unima , ' c1cc1rmc Oil worked u ¶ vmui fi. Suit ! ifimmo bottles yestertimmy Latezm . Uuuu ( iay. . ( Jmmo nmmmn cmmrtmmt of sore thu-oat of Amid yeses. has S ars tciitilimg , Its sjtiomnilml for rhmeumiius. Inudu found b.t tha vet-u lte5tl tVuUt sin ' - to do oCte ucmni's Criumipud Edge City Soda Yommrs tru rs immolt him your mmmoutlm , lOimmiw i'rmssbm ( .I 11 , NO. 77. THE SCHEDULE KNIFED. Pacna or Rates from Chicago to Van o ils Polills Cot y Rcu1ars an oa1ers , The H igh Tariff Uarmony of th P eel Par from Serene and Secure. A Collis ion Rcportctl , cmi the Vnbrnt -Itu tntlmmgoutVnrkis time Now Innt.htLr Leglshmitumre. 1 tAl1ItOAI ) MATTERS. A Ctl r TO 1,00ISVILIP. , CmueA uo , Soptomubor 14.-Time Pan ihandle z otmte to-day began soiling tickot.s front C immcago to Louisville at $0 , being $3 less than time regular rate. Time Pan ilmumuhlu ICOpO have beeui for sounctiummo tryimmg t o got its comnpot'mtors to join timent 1mm smit e agreeumment that would imold its i-aLes to time soutlm f'mrnm , htmL their efforts , they s ayverc fruitless , as tickets were ohi being s over other lines timrough scalp. ormi at l ess thamm Limo regular rates , mud time Pami lli tmmdie to.tlay commclumtletl to give tIme ntb1ic t he fimfl benefit of is reduced rates mmmstcad of gettiumg scalpers to do its bud- 11088 f or timemmm. Time mmlaumagers furtimer say it is thmemr immteumtiomm to stay in the field un til the umatter is setthcd in a antis- factory mmmummmmmermtnd that if railroads have ammy re ductions to make it aimonhd be to and not to scalpers. Time cut also takes $1.50 from time rate Iumd iamrnpoiis. Thu lines for Cincin- . nati ar e imot involved and time cut is not yet pub licly aimmmoummced. It ; is not known what a ction trill be taken by coumipoting hiumes , b ut. a serious rate war is among the 1)robabh iltiCts. "cImw Aoo CICNIuItAL ) tLVATED bLOAlu. " Sm'llz NoriaLn , lii , , September 14.-Time Secreta ry of time State of Illinois has Ilcommand time incorporatioum of Limo CimicagG Central Incorporated railway , capital $6,000 , , 000 , the iimcorporators W. D. Scott , C uss. 31. Clark and Jima. Sweeney. lin e is to extend to Rivordalo , En. glewood , Wmtsimiumgton heights , Norwood. l'ark an ti I'roviso , time suburbs south of Cimicago . A BA2KI1UtT IIAILRO.tU. Chic Ano. Septommibor 14.-K Dwight , receive r' of Limo Toledo , Cincinnati and. . Lo uis railway , made application in Umm itod States Court ta-day for aim in- junctio um restraining time Central Trust comflulal ly of Now 'York frommm foreclosing muo rtgago against the road for a large , cl airniuig audi actiomi would ommibar. hmim mi in iiaumdiiimg Limo property for tint bemmetit of creditors. The Court declined. 1mres oimt to issito a , formal injumictmon , exp ressed time opinioi tiit time Re- ceiver was rigmt in ills claums ! , atz tile Court h oped time creditors would comitidor ex prossoci opinion nut equivalent to Inju nctiomm Thu numettorWilt bobeard fu lly at a hater date. A CUT o 1LAT&3 TO IitPI'ALO. Citiu * oo , Septembem-14--T1tcroialack hari mmony nimmomig time trunlo lines emi passong or rates between Chicago and Buf. . A secret mmmootiimg of passenger ngeimta of timuso hues wan imeid , i t ; is tmnderstood emided in cormsid- ill fcolhmg , and as a result it is the Grand Trunk and Niagarn h ues vii1 to-immorrow inoraing aim- notmuco first-class rates between the oummta naummed of $10 , a cutof $2 froni the regular tarhirsecomul.claaa rate $9 , a cut $1 , COTLtS1O { ON TILlS WAUMIII , KANS AS City , Septcmnbet i.L-Tlmo ami d west bouummd WumbiuIm c ollided Lo.iiigimt at Armiold passenger atation , ' u uiiicms east of this city. A baggage mui d express messenger wore Icilled. re ported timmit sonic Mseflgera were a nd nmmmny immjured , but Liii. is do. by time W'abasim ' colmmpany. Time par- mmmc meagre , as timero iii ito nieaums comuu immmumicating with Armmoid mmtatiomm. IIU tTINbTN ( ) IN NRVS bt.511'SimIbtlt. CoNc omun , September 11.-TIme Senate , s Uspemmmsiomm of time rules , passed Limo iui corjnmrmmting the Southiorim Pacific my , wimicim proposes to consolidate numb er of immrgo railroad mmd siemmitiboat co mmmmoc'timmg 'Poxmui amid time Soutim , A rTbMI'TkD : : TIL4LIN WIIEeKLNO , Mzrs mtunmm , Septoimmber 14.-Oliiciahs tue Northwestern road say motimiui is kumosvim about tue attcmmlptott wrecking at Wimukegan Lra imm due here at 11:10 arrived about , J immying beumm timrowim frommi time track o bstruuctium , at. a ammirmil mutation north Waum kegamm. Timuawitoim was left open. bb lmmkes four umtteunpta mmt wrecking o n LimIt road witlmiim a Immomitim. Leprosy in CoumS. FnANClsco , Sopiommmbor 14.-Time of leprosy brought imere on the last front llommolulu was , by time quar- o fiicur , refuscdporumiissiomm to land. of imabcami corpus was issued and. case will coummu ill ) iii time Superior to -ummorrow. - body cumt ( lanmonu crackers. lOimsiw - Iliumigod , MONI , , Vii , , Septebmibor 14-Bat. M iller , ( colored ) , was lmauigdd hmero for onuimphicity 1mm time murder of imu sband , February last. Cimarles Lee , her mtccommmpilco , was hanged lrtl , OD'S ' SARSAPRILLn tmmily u'revared extract of tha best i-emcUe vu geuubbu Ungdonm known to umcWeal ad. . AiUrnttivee , SUmmed Put-lAces , Diuretics and secim it. , Sarsapartlla , YcmlowLnksLlWnIa. n , Jmmnhier flitriei. Slaimdrake , Wilt ! Chc- d otlwr elee tp roots. barks &net bert. . A , bike guuiyllthmg the , can be fairly Judged I ts reselLs. we loimut with satWaeflo to the record ' . . . ilood'a its , entered for n iRe lutarts of ibmouaand , , of people to New unto haiti Vrsonailyor Indlrvcfly besn ru- terrible eudrrthg which tuB elliot remedio rcaci' , . C. 5. mroed o : Genta.4'lsau send ( . M two IJOitIts bLood . $ nreaparjmta &ntl a few .o ok for ulW.rlbumton. Yummr i corniers bled witit fum umue cat , . of toy peemaradtomt Wife , tbo nsa taa sick Iuemu1atcii momS hmmlouzneea fec ite only look One-hair mesmooufLui AC a does. ot beuu n so well for mire yesr as how btm t wiLld1m ii week after tsk.imui mt she tell lar tout Li now . , very . . tumunuby tr.j froze those se. aewd. lObe ha. not tat.ea any of es ms.rt sprftmg , aimS ihtmt UiUo smtehad I . lent ts goo.I , atom we Inwt itsv. Is In em. , house. ly , StOSIMI II , 2AdRI , Ptmtsfl-md , Luaa. 001) , 00 , Ai4thetuaxto. Lowell , 2A ta tor$4. balO Dy Druig1M :