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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1883)
-u i'HE DAILY . + 'r.--JMAIiA , FRIDAY $ iPTLiI13ti1t [ 11 , 13$3. 1 \ . i ; . p w . kIRKWOOD This is a new told beautifill addition to the city of Onlahn , situnted iII the north pn't of the city , frmitiug on Sherman nveule , and is the most desirable location , for residences , tlint has heel placed on the mar- &et for years , BEDFORD & SOUER. Kirwood. 't'his Iroperr5 ' is divided into regular sire cify lots Inld acre lots which will be sold at reasonable prices and on easy terms , BEDFORD & SOUPR , . . KIRKWOOD. . . . Fronting 700 feet on Shermun Avenue. This property cannot fail to be desihIb L .rod will be rn1ullytnlmen up and . No hills to climb , 110 ravines to eras , in getting to KlUWOOD [ addition. Rey ntelnber , when you buy a lot in this addition. you will not have to pay an amount equal to first price to grade your lot before building. . Kirkwood. Street cars will be run to this addition at an early day. These lots will double in value in 12 mouths. Call at our office and sec plat and make selectionsearly. BEDFORD & SOUER. KIRK WOOD. Elegnnt Building Sites and at half the price of any other lots in the city of equal distance and location , on the best street in the city. J BEDFORD & SOUER , ° Za 14th Street bete Farnam and Douglas. I' Improved Property. 6 13,500-1 ! room house , can 13th and California + $ + atreete , 6 closets , collar , city water , outhouses , + eta 712,710-6 room have on N , 13th street , closet. , cellar , cistern , well , eta DearORD & SOuxa. . . 12 $ ! ,600-Good six room house of Davenport , bet 284 and ! 4th , two.tory C osots , pantry cellar , m .stern , well , fruit and .brubbery , etaio ad outhouse. , 16 $3100-Full size lot on 1tcCaadllek place , w Ith two frame cottages , one 6 room , as. 3 ream , For.ale or exchange. 1 $ $5,100-Good two aid a half acre lot with are room oottage , brick cellar , well , fruit tree. , eta 17 One of the beet three story brickhuame.i houses on F.riam street. Term. prt ate , 18 $8,200-New 7 room house on N. 10th street. AB modern litprovemcnt. . Good location. Cheap , 10 $6,300-New two story house , Queen Ann atyle All taodern h.prevementa , city water , lot 1002 100. 22 Two full loge St Mary's avenue and 20th , with 3 houeca WUho ) buriaes. property. Term. euy. 24 $1,760-i.ot 00x00 , wit ) , two house. . Cheap. { .30 $20-two house. la Nelron s addition , on Cei- I tor street. Outnoue. , cirtera , fruit tree. , eta 32 and lot mm Dougla. street , bet. 14thaudltth. Ternucasy. B4 New S room house.nChlcago. bet. 24thand 26th , All Imi rovemonte , as Two new houses , one six and orher s room. . First-class and ni.1ern lnIprovement. . Tenn. Faar. 38 $2,700-Lot 100x13 : , College Street , IGdick' . auhdivielon , new broom houio. Well hnproed , SS $2,500-Lot 50X150 , Convent street , 0 roan cott fade , large baromont ullsblo for rooms , barn , eto. 30 t',3o0-t hen house , Thomcil'e addition barn , well , elet tn , good hnprutewouts , $500 cash , $1,800 on loins tmc ( ' 1$4,200-7 room house .n Uavenyortt , bet , 10th anti 17th. 46 Lot 176x500 on Sherman , large louse , barn rot I other improvrmente , Lot without Improve. rent.Is worth the money + Yo ask for it. 67 Two new Iiuusea and two full size lott on Park avenue. Hot and cold water , and all modern first class Improrcniente , llousei would coot Fhat we ask for whole. Extra gooil bargain , 44 $2,600-1 ot 82x150 cos 17th and Center , house 4 room. , barn , water , tree. , outbuildlng. . 40 6,600-Five room house , 18t. bet California & Webster. Nice property. Tenn. easy. , 50 $1tO0-Lot 0 , block 5 , Shlnn's 2d addtion. One S l aid a half atory house. Terms easy , 62 $ S,00o-Good 1 room house onShernian. Modern hr , rormnente atabie wail , cistern. A bar vin 63 $6,000-FuU lot , one 8 rom and one 6 room house , new , 6 blocks from the opera house. Vary cheap , 02 $ l ,5r0-Splendld lot on Dodze , near 11th. Cheap 'G3 31,000-large house and small cottage. Escel lent location , full sire lot , Davenport , near 10th , 8614,6(0-Lot 60x200 good Uroom house , modern mprovetisent. , near budneeson Sherman ase. 1 d 17,000-two hdllota , with two gram h uset + , 25th and Chlmgo. ( SYOI eeil separately for ash , ) 02 $1,500-Two lots. 126e140 , olds house btable etc. marker's sub. Ivislom 03 $ I0o-Lot , aid a ) iaB , good bou'c Itedhck'e sub. I dlvbdon , ( corner , ) 115 Lot with 7 room home , Chii v o , bet. 13th aid 14th , ' ! /t tt00-Lot and 6 r.oui thouae , hlorbach's eddi r tiou , well , .sWrn , eta , Everytldng In good ter au , .102 lntim-Lot and 4 room house , lz.sri , bar. 10th sad 17th , Unimproved Property FOR SALE BY OEDFOI1D S SOUKIL No. 2 $1,000-Lot 00x127 , Indiana aid Division , 8 $ TOoeach-Twolotso6x132eachonllth. Cheap , and 2 lots 00x132 each on 10th. 11 $260 each-71ots In Yates do Reed's addition , 2317,200-12 full aizo lots , Ilanacom Place , one block west of I'nrk avenue , $1350 each-Two lot. on Park avenue. Bargains. Business lots on Dodge , between 11th mid 12th , 81 1400-Lob hi 9hian's addition , on Seward atreer. 33 $3,000-Full lot , Iteed'a let addition , on 25th and Chicago. 41 x good let. Ii Naascom Place. Buy gains. 64 $3,000-Lot 50x10 , en Farnam , near 20th , rer cheap. 10 $225-Good lotin Lowo' . addition. Cash , 50 Four acres in west Omaha. 60 $550-Lot in Isaaea k Belden' . addition , 65 Two lot , 14th and Leavenwseth , ( bueineee lots , ) 67 p525-Lot 12 , Alleu'e subdiviatoa tlxllO. A buy gain , e9 $17t-Lot 4 , block I , Lowo's let addition. Good location. 60 $1,000-Fine lot , lteddck's ) addition , Park are , 84 $400-b ! foot of blo.k 1f , Shaun' . addition , Fine view. 16 $2,200-Lct4ix1'iun Pith. Busluee property , worth twice the price atkcd , /4 1,500-Full dze rraia1 lot on Chicago , ; bet. lath and 1411 , /B $900-Good lot , high location , south 10th , 100 $0,000-33x132 On 10th , bet , llamoy and 110w. aad. 103 $750 coch-Two extra good lot in llanoraa addition , Cuwlhlich loatiuu. Bargains in Farms & Lands No. 10 $27 peracre--180 acre improved farm , near Cres ton , Iowa , 10arrswooliand,4i acres coot , 25 acrosl'h"othy aulClover. 13 b4,000-40 aeru , 3.4 of a inllo voa1 of i't. Omaha , two , two barer , granary , corn crib , two we11.,800 bearing fruit trees , 300 grape vines. ? viii so I or exchange. 14 $7u00 200 acres , half 11die N , W. Elkliom,140 ncrorht cultivation , r aluta pasture , four room ! louse , mumble , etc , 'forums easy , 61 1960-1a ) acres good lamed , 4 1.2 ndles from Ilur llugton , Collsu county , Kansas , will ci citaitgu fo Omaha property. 55 $ ; 15,000 cnh-no of them best stocked rauchcs hi the State , 1400 acres of deeded laud. Call for particulars. 01 $ S,400-240 aeroealjolsingcity of Wilber , Saline county. All under fence and well inmpruvd. This property lacheap at $10,000 , rA 020 per uro-400 acres , 3 miloa frommi waterloo , Dou'lae ; county. fart iii cultivation bdaoco rnealow , all good land , WEI ecU or will arrange with cattle man for coyarnershh , , or will cony tract to feat 300 or 400 ( wad of cattle. 70 to 83-10 000 aoros 1. Merrick county. Good ? III. able land , and will be sold from $6 to $ $ pate acre , 80 57 per acre-Will buy 100 acres In Cedar Co. 00 $15 , per acre-320 acres 2 mllee from Hamburg lewa. 07 116. per acre-Improved near Logan Iowa , 101 Several lnmdrsd acres In Coining Co , Neb. 105 Six thoueaud acres in Stanton Co. Nab , 107 $10'4er acre-2:00 acres timbered laud in Bay Co. , Mo three email tarnnuntnliland , balamoar good cottonwood timber , which wlll mum than pry far lttvestmrnt I'ur sale or oxcliasge . Omaha propeeL , d'cdll and examine other property not leted. BEDFORD & SOUER , 113 5 , 14th , bet. Farnam and Douglas. , S I 4c 1 THE BOSS BLOCK. NI B. Falcouclt Completes a Noble Balldlu And A , Oruiokshauk and doe o Into the Finest Quarters in the Oity. Dimensions and Oontontp of the Newly Oomplotod Houso. A Iiaad.Onto ltocogultlon ofthe ERi . clout 1Yurk , in every art gallery there is sumo c intl11g which morn that any other ploasus this cyo of the visitor , In ordry hook smun sontunco is luuro waruly endorsed thins outcry by the render , amid so It is in all our cxperiemico9 , In whatovcr deparhnmd of Ilfo moo take ft. 'lucre has beet tow ostnhlislunet ht Omaha which has abvnys attrncted Immure ndmtiraliuu amid nttentiumi fixo visitors me w nll cilizuns , ahl that is Limo well known block erected by N , hi , } 'AI.CONEII some years age. Its locatiets Is a good ntle , mm the soutlttvesl emmrucrof Fiftemdh mud Oeuglas stud it is bnddes a beautiful building , whilst at night It has hems noticeable fur the myriad of guy jots which Illtuuhmtod tire windows llko m eiclmuted ) pdaco : Imi tlso fairy talus , 'I'Iw business of tam tirni of A. Cruickshank & Cu , Imicroased so rapidly that It bocuro ; mioecsiary to Iruvido mimurocmuusodious gtlartera mud oar lyits the praseut suumser Mr , Fnlcuner cots ceivol the Flea of 1)OUIILIN(1 ( TIIE11t nt'AUI : , Mr. 'mV , R , Mcl'Imersun , the architect , wai omphoycd to draw up the phew maul specula. Lions after Mr. ] : alcuner'n vnggestloms nuti ideas. 'l'imo work of uxcevstiug wits eomim ioncvd stud live w oeks ago tie fnuu dations were rowdy for the suPenmtrueturo. It iui : time oarest ) dosiru of thu tirm to got into their how quartos bofuro the stabs fair week , but ox oricwed amt pronounced that nu hn Possibility. Su it would hnvo hems to 111001 mcu , but to the builder nothing that ECEIt(11 ( AYI ) I1L'TF It11 1hAT10N can accomplish is beyond rouge of possibility nod ho set his foot ltnwm on it that ito womilmi got the firm ht by SeiLomber 10th , 'l'imo ' work was pushed his a svouderful ntamumor , material was telegraphed for stud tire wurktnoi , incited by time ontitueiasm of their employer , oxertud every nerve to cumpleto the work , 'l'imo mid crowns the work , nod today A 5(1111,13 HT1ttCTCIIE bears tostinsm ) to time truth of 1)israoli's words that a man will ) "a settled purpuso amid the will to accomplish it , " can do so. Time uhgs hnvo been tlyiug all week over the new build. lug , and a brief description of it cannot but interest the public : o The Falconer block its it now stands is 88 by 80 feet in size , of brick , and throe storks light. The center wall has been removed on the low. or floor and the second flour is supported by tltroo rows of cast iron columime , five ill eachh row , surmounted wills iIODULN 110LLRD IIION beams , weighing 78 pounds to the foot , The Douglas street front is limo largest west of Chicago , being 88 feet , nun is Iigded ) by tots great French Plato lass windows , whNo outer wits. down amt limo F iftceutlt trout front and hr tlmo roar add to the facilities for displaying goods to the best advantajo { and mirko the room one of the lhutdsomebt lii the country. A broad stairway in the rear of limo room leads to time cloak room in the second story and auuther from Douglas street to the grand hall above , There are also TWO 1tAII4 ENTIIANCE5 to tha store from Douglas street , In this magnificent salesroom are eight counters , oath fifty feet in length , backed b heavy rows of shelving , so that titero is in all 800 feet , or nearly + mwsixth of a mile of canisters nnml shelvlog , which are today so laden with rich fabrics that there is not reemit for time domestics. In time second story is a hall 44 by 80 feet in size , and on limo third floor its duplicate , the hatter furnished with toilet rooms , closets , etc. TIII ltA9aliUNT is also 88 by 80 feet in size , and is laid throughout - out with asphaltum , crossed with strips of wood two by ono inches , and aver those a floor laid , so that theme is not roomo for even a mouse , and effectually shutting out all the noxious va muns Common to underground clans born , In thus basement will bo eight cuuuters , the same as above , and Messrs Cruickshank & Co propose to make it A IAGIC CAVE for toys , notion , etc. , which an n eat is now purcha Lim for them in Berlin. ' 1'ho entire building will be heated by steaut , time apparatus being in the rear of the barmnmt. ) It any be said that the idea of flooring this department belongs johitly to hlr. Falclmior and Mr. 1Vikio ) , time latter baviug executed time ivurk in a manner ai usual highly creditable - able to him. 1Viteh it is stated that this whole building has been eomploted its live weeks' time , it cumtut but be adudttod that it was A CIGANTIO UNIEIITAKRtm , and one few moms could carry out. Mr. Dfe I'hurson deserves nn little praise for the aide manner in which ho secoumlod Sir. Falconer's efforts , taw.omit heittg the euniplotion of-rune ( If thu fittest dry guilds houses welt of New York. A Splendid Sight is that obtained ai time custmimler outers limo bmildmg from 1)uuglam etreot mid catches n glhnpse pf the rows of pillars and the tiaree center counters with their load of Iticll 0001hv. On time cast side nro the dress guilds , blaulc- ets amid linens hl cudluss viuioty , ' 'hds was bmrnmerhy the silk du'artuimit ' , but that hits lion' been chamigod to time first canter cuwter ) , its accordance with thu custom in i mumters city fns. hero there is a better light until the ludfes cats sou Just what it is they more buyiug , aul get the full elfuct of the colors. Time shelves here nro crowded withl elegant silks s'elvets , and brucados , h1 black mid colors , al ll of Till : rt11n'n OWN IiI1'OIITATIOH. 'fhcre is also a ( till Iltle of ovcnlimg Bhamioi nvIli an the west side Is mm art stock of gloves , silks , rnitta and buttons. ' 1'110 Immltlmfle cmllltel' is devotcl 1) lime disiulay of laces , botim real urn Imitatinn smno of time meal hum sellhmg yord. 'l'his ii also time ds uwtomeut fur rilsbuus stud uotlonn of every loud. 7'he third center counter is for time display of ladles' rntmslin uudorwear , cursuts and yarns stud ladfus' ' old chlbhen's ml orbmo uudutwear , thm time wait side of time room gent's furnish. big gads mud ladies mind gents hosiery are time articles which A7TIIA.T ( TIIE EYl : , while time south side is takes mp by an hn tneasotumunrttnemt of blankets , comforts month lace curtains A. Cr lcksmmoik ) & Co. , regret oxcoodiugh9 that they are still nbUged to keoi ) their htock of dnlmehtlcr uimw'ti btairs in the hsasoment lint tloy are urinblo to hind room fur them niovo , ( Ale notably fe atmiro of thu house is time now cloak rtxnn ? by 00 feet in eizn in time second story. It is nut oniy rnmumoddmts but fitted Ill 111 a btyiu boyuud anything yet seer his ( hnaita. TIIll CiJAK CAllS Ia a beautiful iloce of furnitiro , and its contents will astmdsil limo ladies of Omaha. Quo beau. tlful ganmcmt is roversiblc , milk nn } idu and ittuma ) n silk nu time utimer , Amuther of seal plush amid quilted silk Is exquisite , and theta more brocttdtul , nttmimans , nattiossu's unml many other khhls , all gmultrd and for II m 1. 7'hore I9 aisu a soctou of the rnuUt do. voted to shawls amid ctlidron's ) eluaks sod uu Ilium north front a u ii enlent and eiegadly fitted rIUVATE orVICX Its short It may ho .aid that there is not In all time west as line a store room liar as vmtlua isle a stuck of genus as time onto thus brielly u1 lulled to , Mr. A Cruickshank superlutends the buyitm department in person and humus Just returned thrum thu rust where bus spent some time In laying ha time stock of gouda , whichu Is enough to assure tits Jsdku of a rave treat in hispocUng them , The storee though open , I hot yet in etnmiploto ruudng order , Litt TIIE nhtANI1 Oi'RSl ui trill tak6 place lit nlmout ten days , when ell the Indies are re pectImll b111tod to attend , A I'Ienvittit 1'reseutntinu , It would be a groAs tnjusdco to umt { ulmi- huh of the etlicleot workittg fnrco in the store of A. Cruickalank ) & Co. Thera are about forty clerks all of whmom have used every olfart Its aid lit getting thin sturo open nod in order uu the 1Otls , 'limo firm duly als recialo their good w111 and will not forget their exe1 lent work , Mr. Falconer last vonimg , showed his chnr actaristfe generosity tnvarl hie friends , by tanking Mr. A , ltomonborry , the woll'known contractor and builder , time recijdont of a bou tlftd anti eosIlp gift , in them ahno ; of the fined gold watch to be found in Omaha , s.lectwl by that jolly fwd fellow V' , 0 Sautldcia , an ex periemicod Oil limo outer cases was graved thu ntouograut , A , 11 , and the date 1&3 , mind on time inside , 'Fruhi N , ii , h"nlemm' er to A , Uaseisbury for fiuishhmg a dillieult cvmitrnct in Iliac , Septonlor ) 10 , 1J. " Alr. Nusenborry wits called iulo the store to nutke an e + tlnmato on the bnllding , wham Atr , Cruickshank handed hhu Tllg t1.TCll , and read the following letter to ldtn : 11 n , A , RtsEm'mE1nmi' : Sumo Boys ms o one of the wort l P mlumnrt Cltixnus lit 1)oulus ) ) said to tau "You cauuot have ( 'rlhekshmmk's store updu tor limo f tirl" Ihd 1 said , "l n ill slpou it , " ilo said , "it is Impossible ; it cant bit minima ! " ihtt l said , " 1 n'i11 do It : " l le air sirered n'alu 'Ever ) ' slue in Ilttmha says it its iluposviblo , Holy. Jiow cam you uuuutgo it ? ' ' 113nuswcr ryas , My wurktteu are my friends , " 'l'wo days inter n holy said to must , "i imuder sttusd your twntrmietors are tiucl one inuuimod dullnrn m diy for crei day they situ behind , ' 11y immiswor was , " 'I limit is utterly tumiruo , 'I'hero is Imo stelt ) chaise In our coutrAetr , " 'Thou slam asked'h ow du they work so fast stud sit hard ? " Dly tumswer men + , "Fur frietmd- shit ) amid to nccuugdislm n pmrlosc , " 'loudI fmywurkrumrlantfmideptedboynud mmtoy , ' 'rums could out hay suclm homiest and sciGNmr lihctlmg work. Alswars , llnihuy & Oloson really nmdo mite ushomsod at twir ) road. Ittess to leave everything mud carry forward this work ; Alr.1)ronnan ) , time ossehcu of guud ueture , was just the sane Notimlig euuld hays been ft Ilhui limo wnv Its trhicht hits jutuped its to lilt his , , lace , m1 y architect , Jlr , 1V. R , ylcl'Itirsomm,1kcdiii , time huiltllttg to got it dune , givh)1 ) + , invadmabie suchestiums ; to the w urlmen irons tluso Gm tium 11 Fun i ye' mhul you that there was out a piece of idarter oil time wails min 'Tuesday tnuruiug , you must kmuw tiutt it was a spmtdid ) elisrt. 'I'heso gctticumn ivcro coogmrutbv stmaiigers to ulo , limit yam , lit' Rosonberry , time maim old line friend. You built niy first Iitildiii Its Ouumiua , hnvo dune mill uq work siuen amid have always f.n ml you time sane , ' amt ttbae lately honest mnu , 11'ilhuut your generous amid dihhmtonstocl efforts it wo + dd Lai u been impossible to open A , Cruickshank & Co.'s store dnrimig tire fair , a matter of some iugwsr lance to Omimaha nod of very great hmpnntamicu touts , I sns well n vare of the very giott sac rifices you uutle to nceumplisll your per owes and you did' emu with such oscoiiomt goof tint- per and displayed suchu hndonmitoblo mmrgy in order to got there thmt I do out kttuw Ituw to express my gritlitule , or express rot } ' admiration for your charactor. 1Vords I thiim far to onnpty n cutnplafht , and I have to ask that youl will accept thus guild watch , neb as a recomonso but as a mark of my estcum amid acknowledgment of the service you hits' a rmr dored time. Yours very truly , N , 11. I'At.'ON1t16 Mr , Rosenberry was cousidornbly surprised but carried his honors gracefully , and the larty adjcunod to the l'astun , whole . Faleanor's health was drank in sparkling clmmpaguo. Extreme Tlrrd I' ' eehh.ig . , A lady tolls us 'thu first bottle has demo my daughter a great deal of good , her fund dO0a not distress liar now , nor flocs she sulfur front that extrunme tiiod fooling which alto did bcforo taking 1100(1's Sarsaparilla , " A secuud huttIe oll'ectod a cure , No other prupamttion contains such a concmltratiomi of vitathiziug , enriching , purifying and invigorating properties as lIood's Sarsrparilla , A MINIATURE ANII coitll'rETE WAGON. What Mr , T , G , Mandt Iles to I1mts rest Wagon Mon. Mr. T. G. Mmmdt , president of the T. C , Mandt maudfacturiti company , StoughtongWis , , is in the city prospect ing , and pronemices tire part of thu state which ho hums scolt th0 fllest la llla oxpoiy. icnco , lbo is of time opinion that Omaha has n very j ) remising future mind will eventually ontually become u very large and i migor- tant city , Mr. Mmdt will not have any goods on oxribitioa ) at thu fair , osi'ing t0 the shortltess of the tilltmr but Ito will have on exhibition a model of thu cola- brated Stoughtel wagon , which is tlio smallest eoamplolo wagon ever exhibited , and it is indeed a novelty. This wagon has a 1patent , extension roach , a tongue s 1 ) ring , droublu straI I Lax 1111(1 ovornl other nuprovumUts. An yet , it is not very oxtonsivuly sold in this part of the country , bemulso ? mfr , ltlaudt hits heretofore ehmmrded his efforts to Wisconsin , D1tn11csLa mud Northoru lawn , where he line almost exclusive control of the Endo. But , with iucretsed facilities , he pl'OOHCm ) ) 110W to extend tlmu trade into Nebraska , south nod westurn Iowa , 1 ruisas and Dlissouri. Dlr. Alnudt will also display his patent oscillatimig bob sleighm ) on which lie isniWl ( a chmlleugu to the world , 11 ' will be found vi tlm Fidler tf .1ohnson , ma nnfnc luring couilnumy of IllttdiselVis , , who mru uxlnhitmg a very limo lints of mowers , poivs ) loin of he' ugricullural iiiiiultiitcuts : , of their own nlaku. _ Sanluul K ltogurs mold tvifu to J'llijnh ' Grinlield , mod , lot 13 , binch 14 , moat Ain ocintion add , 6ai0 , Diary 1 , 11'alkur rued husband to Fred. W , 1Valller , iv I , n lot 1 , block ( I , l'ar- ker's add , $ l , AN I.xt'ItiSSION Ol Covi' nI'NCE , Iioty mho Ihuuhl 1'COplo l + 'eel About time lrahn r111iiiu. ] n IVcdnesday's Lincoln Juurnnl find time following highly cuunneidutory toy tire of Will E , ] john : ' 1 lsowhora in titla ltlorttiitg'a Journal we publish l the particulars of this arreat of 1Viil JS , lladul , of Omalmt , an charge of arson , its attempting to horn his store , 'I'he circulnhtances , an dutailod by 'J'im ; JfEtl , seen to he very smell agaimist the young menu , but his many fm-butts its I.iu Coln will be loth to heliuvu 'hat he is guilty of time crime , 'l'hnsu ' who know hint bunt bulievn ) ho in the viotium of 5(11110 tern hiss conspirtoy inaugmratesl t ) ruin the young mest. : Me. llrtlut , will bit IC' monibered as for home Hume comimircled with 7'hu State Journal conipatmy us tray. cling nalesmiali , " :11 r , ihdum ax pect.i to lo apun Ilia hutnre for busimesn thin roaming amid huts been delivering to Kitt nubnertbors period. icals as usual , so nothing is lost by time into accident. - ' ' - - - Itenl , Estattm Trunsfers , 'J'ho follownig deeds wuru filed for rec cord do thin county dons ' 4 oflico Supt0mhbor l.f . , reported for Tin : BSI by Acmes' ' real esbmto agency : I'iurce J , IIinmeblilgli and wife to .1no , 1V. ! lull , w d , lot 7 in Iliumubauglt Phmica -$860 , 1Vnt. DL Dwyer and wife to Carl E , Ilaumnar , w d , lot 0 , block 10 , fn Jteud's first addition to Omiaha-$850 , Sarah J. IVolct ) and husband to dolnl 1V. Jlowell , w d,1ot24 , block 2 , in ham. scorn Place-$1,100 , DO NOTISTOR1Pf T' E BYSTEht , WITH VIOLENT CATIIAIt1IS. , llAT hiICK AND TEAIt AND 1vlIKIN : : Tllh t'NI'tTNUAT } : IN. vAldah1 ; % rTONETHESTOMACl1,1IEt'l , tlfR ihO\'l l,91ttlUIATTllh : : iJYEIt AND 11Kf IiEAII Ti1E NEItS'1 i WITII TARRANT'S EFFERVES CENT SELTZER AFERIENT WIIItN Till : FIIIST SYM1'TtMSmF ILLNE8NM'I'EAIt ,111011E D } : LIOIIT'Uh EPFBItfI4CKNr h)11AUIIIT ( IA NOT To nE } 'OUND , ANl ) A 11(1111 ( : PnTLNT ItgMKln FOILDY51'EI'SIAn11.h0USNlsS ' CONSTIPATION , NEIIYOUS l1EAUACIIE , COIIO AND ONEItAL UEISILITI' , iOE $ NOT EXIS1' , BOLD nY All. unoualSTS , THE CONFERENCE. Proccca1ll s of the Moruiag SCSSiell at the First M. E , Church. A Nuumlmr"ol' " CIIIIIIIIIateH l' Iectrd In Oeat'on'H Orrlol'nj uul Ash. tl'e'ssrll , Time North Nebraska anunal confer. 01100 of the Dgethudist church held a soar iiun yesterday at lh0 First Dl , la church , beginning at 0 a , iii , , 111n11ol ) lsaac 1V , 11'iloy presiding , 7'h0 duvo. tional exercises oil opmliug wore coil. ducted by Alfred Iimdgetts , .1 , DJ. Adair , superannuated , teas reported ported for time ulioetiv'e rudatinu , and oil ruconlnelmdation of 1ev , Maxwellvas mndo fi11nmicial migemit of time Nebraska 11'eslynn university , Thu third tmikun ' 'IVIu quustiun was imp , ) shall rmanin oil trial ? " 1lijah C , ltnitr amid Clinton C , 1)ny wore reported. On nmtiomi ) of J , L , LeClair , ate , Ideas wits received nii his cietlemltltin , 11' . IVimiship mind .1 , 1t , l'rieat tvure coutiuuud on trial , 'I'hu'UhmirtecntIm ' qucstinn , " 1Vho ore duteous of the lira. class ? " was takemt tip , 1S. C , howler waa elected to elder's or. dota. Itiley Ii. Wtlnou wits reported by his prosiditlg elder , timid ndvituced to be a dencuu of thu suclnLl class , conditiotmud on intellectual science. Time following gentlemen were nitro. ducod front time Swedish celfuruncc : .1 , A , Cnbriulsoa , prosidiu' elder of time Kansas amid Nebraska strict , and N , IY. Sunduraon. 'l'loru were oleo intro. m minced 1)r. Dlillor , of time Nebraska cel- furunco , Rev. G'orhmemammd Dr , McCtnd ' lisp h Janlep It. Cearhardt kits reported by his presiding older and advauteed to be a deacon of time second class , C , F , Hey- wood was passed to the fourth year mind to be a deacon of lima second class , Joel A. Smimith's character was ) lassetl anti eollectiolm reported by Supt. T , 11 , Lemon , lie was received a't mum elfoelive eldee. Time character of Wm. 11. Carter was passed and lm was advanced to be a dca Colt of the second class. Fifth question , 'IVho ' are admitted in full cotlmiectionl" was considurud amid Earnest L Fox amid Robert W. Estuy were uleete(1 to deacon's orders , ' 111e Ilishup them addressed all time candidates who had been elected to deny colt's orders , Itov. Ceo , F. Colewrui discontiimuud at his owtt request. Dr. Fry addressed the conference iii behalf of time Central Chriatian Advocate and Dr. Stowe for the Wusturn Nook concord. This afternoon time Womimtnl's Foreign blisaionnry Society hold a meeting mold will be addressed b Mrs. Mary C , Ninde of Miminen mlis , and Mrs , Ilrodla . There will be a Missionary mi eotimm ti this ovotling. A Sonsllde Man Would Use Kea p's Ilalsnm for time Throat and Lungs. It is curing immure cases of Coughis , Colds , Astlnnn , Ilromchltis , Croup , mutt mill 9'luslat aid Lung troubles , than ittty other umedicinu. The proprietor haw authodzan Schrotor t Becht to rchumd your umouey If , after taklng three fuurtits of a bottle , relic ! its omit abtaheml ) , Price 60 coats and $1. a10 tf - When in Fremont , Neb , , enll at time New York lintel , whore you will fluid bet. tun ncceuumodntiem thou in ammy hotel west of Omiuaha house entirely now and very hnndsnmely fur fished , Jlnlw Tlil'1 OFF iAY. - - - The Union 14tulllcH iretvlm I lie I'ortllll- rors for th1,1 lrst'l'lune. Thu threatemming aspect of time lvoatltor mind time dunp conditions of the ground imfter 'tVcd11esdny' niglmt's doll' , did not notably diminish time crowd at Limo Union Pacific bnsu bull park. 'J9m grand ntaumd was cnnforhthly filled rued time pit was packed frame footbuurl to fmlco top , Time ground wits in no condition for it good game , 1'0nis ( of water dotted the field , wlmilu all around maid in the diruesond was just wet enough to ho slippery. 'fhmo ' runuarknblu success of time fort Ilurons in their cattiest with time Onmlma boys , lead mummy to believe thattlmuy wore invitmcible , but in yesterday's giunu they started out with three fatal errors ht time first inning , which brought in three bil lies , and they followed it up with a soy rius of brilliamit overthrows , mufln tummy isles and stud baths it ) Limo very uniwith ( out. a tally to hritihtcn time mouotany of cyphers , 'I'hoy wore realness , do. tne'mtiWcd and appareltly willing to he sacrificed , ' 1'ho U , I''n played a strong gtune. Salisbury's pitehing was , its usual , emery alfectivo , so much no that only fen' smun readied first , and of these only coo made third mold died there. Throe outfield hind ilttlu to do , as very few laths passud time dtauumll , 9'llu batting of the lteue club n'ts ; trcnmeulous , every ulelmbur buy ing n battery in himselt. Lm tlio fiflim inning they struck a land and worked it for all it was worth , scoring nillu rues , ruts- ning up the total to 1'I , Salisbury Louk in two hot balls direct ( room time Sal , sod was loudly cheered for butte , llandlo a11d Meyer , time catchers of both clubs , pia 0d it faultless galnu. WhitauY anllkaker mladu two double lmlay'n. It is mildly suggested that Limo fort Ilitrons iiiumply withheld tlmuir amnrnuumi lion for time mulangillor today and to tnor- row. Time visitors mire still time favorites h ) , larue oddd aluoug taw butting fritter- nit , liotim 'tunes will a uloubledl hu hallY contuated.n bath sides , tel d visitors uu ) safely uxpeot time bust. games of the seasel. ; Thu following is time score by innings : ' , llnlom l'acllo . ; I U 0 2 I U U U d 14 1'urtlluroms,0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 U ---'d-- 1Wdding'd Jtussia Salvo is ami Invaluable dretslmig for imflalued mad some juhata. Price 25o , OMAHA MEDICAL DISPENSARY ! OFFICE AND PARLORS OVER TllE NEW OMAh1A NATIONAL BANK , Thirteenth , Bet. Farnam and Doug 1 as Ste. A1 Sr DI ! P liv0 PRIETO IL 'P/se Rcaaon JVhy 1)r , J''iahhlall iv Eiu joyinjl Such Umparalfcd SuGecaa , 11me a + totlhhmhig rune aGectirl by Ur , iY + hllatt , of dieeavea fonnrrly thought Incurable , haie ghee hlin n Idgh mimic In time mnlicnt pnfeseku of Lids emmt ry , lie hiss worm suchl dcFent + l celebrity , 1110 people o time far nest he longer drem t nocessnry to rldt rnstenm citlee to Smut plgshciams comp lout to treat compd. catrd dliente. . c 'I osgtim0ittinllst 7Ies testittwmial. rued oxtrieta iron ) letters puLllsllnl hl tune 'cotumn , are only n few of themany thuusnodr Ur , Fishldntt Is eoomstwdly retiwhlug , mind throughout the northwest and In every county of Ne braska casbo found pones' who coil testify to limo etllrnry t4 his treatttmuL FROM A 1'ItOMINENT DItUCCIST OF BENNETT , NEII. 1'I , S'idts t , a J'rontfncnl Druylfal and Land Agcnl r f 111w 11. and .1f R. R 1Vrilca : Iirvsrr , Nebraska , ? larch 2 , 1883. 1)m.'IsusLtrr-noorSir ) : Apprerlathmgthe ' , nu act of ciutplo Justice to you to m ion' + s tam soneo of gratltlhlo 1 foil toss-aril you. After such smlerlug as 1 haw had hum cmhurim anti thrtmat truuhiur , from whlch all doeturhlg I hod heretofore douo ha l failed to' rollemii mu , lion mxrreloue it nioy mmgoaq the dlsase Ion ucarly dimaphavrerl after your treatment of scantily tun ttonmths , amid ht that tluio I hint gained eight pounds lit weight. Cuusldur toe , dear doctor , under us udartiug ohllgatlou + to yoonlid Ly referring any omit' to time , nlihtterl ni i wnv , Ishall consider it nu mid of klnduuse to thmu to advise thnn to suhuilttuyour tnmUtwut. Uter your friend , F , A. SIULlJ. . ! 2'crrfble CY1ae ( f ChtarrJl Cured , hone , r f the .nbae Dcoaycd. Curcd fat 2llr'ce .Monlha. Faxrorr , Nob. , Angu + t 2 , 188& lla 1'IalmLArr , Onmalra : In slow of time abno + t 11draeuluui cure oil imavr e0ectud him tiq case , l feel It ny h Ut' to you amid thaso aultetud as I lase boun to bestow Just prase wham It le due. Fcr years 1 have alaered frtnn Catarrim lit the worst forum. ' 1'Ilu dlrcimargu was anslant and very mdrensivo , audthe buttes of 1 mynose 'core inabatstate ofdoco ) ' , After doctorln { agreat deal wltliomttsueccss , Iwaslnducnl to isply to you t + , rtroattnont. 'rliree montlmi haie how acareelr ulnp5ud .inco sal took charge of nmy case , and Porn ap'ry ' to r i' rb wyself couipleteiy cured of that dreadful 11malacly , mud 1 att. attxluus to have all these trou Cad with Catarrh , whom I eau Intittenco , avail thum + uhus of your trontnwut Timaukhig you ttiost heartily fortime gnotiwxnm you hate conferred un mime , I au os-or gratefullyyuurs. 11115. JACIISON WILLIAMS. Front a J'ronlincn ( Cilken of Jlooac Cunnfy. Iw ) FlsnsLSn-Dear Sir ; I do not know exactly hosv Ito separate my conuoctlon with you without o saying aoniothing tooxpruss my gratefuhmsi fsrrcliet lrought by your treatment of too. My putxletaney In lryhug uscrythhig emsggestwl by others for the cure of Catnrrlr husml Jwtlo.I my faith.onsewhat lit the psnror of a11yono bringing relief. I even urietnutod limit yoimr wnfesslons were lased xlugdyontlmeorywhoh ) you desired to practie . lint to urp everlasting delight , I was s oeeletl , 1'our roaediussoil troatnontworked Ilko a chants , I w as mint only rellevud of Ow m htros + ittg ills of Catarrhs , but was entirely and , l believe , restored tc health. Ian. now no mom troubled seta ) use erects of Nmodisease which eo afflicted mime tlmn If I cover had time complalttt. I do out write this purposely foryuur nro , to ittdtwu others to tostyoue skill lit tlwlr behalf , but think it my duty to uinku sonic kind of au aeknowluds , omnerlt , triaing and shnplo , of how niuctt good you have aonu ties its your atfo amt certuhm treat memmt of a distressing nwta l . J , SV. DUMBLM Tcnintonial from Jluulbolll , Mb , 11a.OiausIt.Saularsof llmnholltNebraska , says : ihave culTurel formilong tiuse with rheumn- titni , which has prostrutod time to cud. an oxtemst that I was ohligud to giro up my faun 1llilt aide was especially nauctu 1 , and miller trying uuniurntw dealers without receiving any relief , 1 subnmitted to your truahwmitnbnut two tuouths ago. 1 aui happy t ) sty that I um now 11uarly troll , amd coiuider that you halolcefurnmedoil1110awnudurfulcure. 1hnvogalnud eight poundi and am tar oblotoattend to may work witiwut any Incunvcttluncu , Ifappirlcsa Ilb1a1U8 Despair. + TArwa Snnos , Iowa , February 7. im4 ) FlsltnLArr-DoarSir : I fuel oonsldonbhy hotter miow than wham tiret I wrote to cu , and life Ii bugining to hnvo some cham u for mu again. After having bean bed rWden so Pong , lutrt of the time givlng up all lope of ever beinguble to get up ugain , It seams so nlce , I can Imnnlly realize It , to take my umoale with a goal apputile , to move about like other puuptu do without pains and mi Los , and to hnvo everybody cony grotulato too on lily im woveti np1 ucaranco. And eh thds , doctor , thanks to your treatment , which ( .hall always believe , has nutcimed time froist limo sliatiowe of death. Mite , J T ei VEN. EA Dlfloult Came of Lung , 2)'ouble Cured , &moraia Nebraska , Feb. 7,18&1 Ili' D ua Ott. FmmuumiLATr : I owe you n debt gratltudo which 'I ( lever Wllf be aiio to repay for the ariordl0e skill you have displayed In tmating inc. i have for a long tines boon considered a hopeless car. mumigdhe , wid everyhn ly , luchmding myself , considered my days numbered. My goal fortune pod me to apply to you for treahuunt last Novemberaud its limits incredibly short tirna you havoefoctodwhatnumerouso her doctor. lae filled iii ; me con ) dale rosturation. I Imavu chic. galnud fifteen pounds , and consider myself thoroughly cured. You are , assreference forethers similarly ataioted , Yours Gratefully , ALEX MCINTOSn. It fa Rneolragiug to Read laic Following front a Long Sufferer JV/io has been' I IUrldcr Dr. F"ishblaR'8 T rcalnicnl for About Two Nonlht , MAcsaosmiu , lows , January 20 , 1883. Um. Fisnnu.Arr-Ileac Sir : My fotkesay 1 appear to hnvo galnah twenty pounds since I twmmencetl taking your mudicitte. And we all think timers was never anything like your treatment 1 know that medi- clime you summit m0 was just what 1 utsudod. Yuurs truly , MIL9. N,11 LONG. Cured of Calurrhr Iloovra , Nebraska , February 10 , 1883. DIL Ftii.LAT ) , 11 , ft. , Omnnha , lieh-iear Sir : I hiss beers snQurtug withi caturrhin the head oversinee I au rumeuilwr , and ttow I men twenty nine years of age. 1 had swig thought a cure was impossible , but nuverh.rsr placed n + yself nndur'our truntuwnt , hunt with rather shall faith 1 ttumit cunfuss. 1 am now hapfy to as ) ' lhnt I am grc'ly r0lkvud amid lmvlug etruimg hopes of is honed cure. ( have never used any uwillelno before which went right t. . time aunt of Use disuasu as the mudiehw you gave mo. Moping many uUwrsnmy th + d relief at your liattds , I returln yuun respuctfutly , y.1L MUYEIL A Vcry AggraPded Crrsc of F'cuuife Trouble , Time lady who gives thu following te,6lmnmiial duui not wish Imer ncsnw to njqour him print , but does not ohjeet to hnvo her address givmm on appllcatlon , ' } bhrary 1,1888. A. H FisusLArr-Kind Sir Agaht l uvhh to speak of this favor nG oadurrud you me. loons too great to Ise too limit 1 nro anrud. wurdefail to exprus + my gmtitaslu to you , aid had it not boun for you fluid only imu"ws wiloru I would bit now , i'erlnmps yami think I unly say nmb merely for thu sake o wt limg su11wtldug , bat , hollow mitts whuu 1 soy , Numt I hover in joy lifts Irate felt sogmteful toward anyom0for , mi act of khnduess , ai 1 fuel toward you. May happittuis "mid prusperhty attend you though life , usy bane. ? actor. Jlcjolccd Over Iii. J'-nu uucnl latccutwy , Our (7enuan friend from Ilnmlilla , Nuhraska , writes Junu 0 , 1883. Ia. ) Fusimetarr : Km inncht midr Verguuogam Limon mitlhuilen rim koenuen doe lob jezt gut to wcp , er walvottinehormiltenkm + dieit'melt ' Mporanlcm4 ) + mohrguspuruhthae. IehfucWodleeui Fruohahleseo ale Ich von lamsger acit gefuuhlt lmabu Acbtuugsyull , MAIITIN VEONE1L A moldiertatlnnedat Fort llhobmra , whose friend was boil rkldon , through a oompltatlon of dlsea.o writes uhdcr date July 4th,1Si31 I aril lrleareil tu , inurnm ( you tint my fdtsnd-leupagain , and is kahudr _ nicely thruugh the help of your valuable ttsodlcluos , lie euutmnplatur vlsiting you as aouu as strong onoug , Ms. ws , L--rr , of Kuarnoy , writes Jimmie 2. , 1193 : 1 hnvu loon taking"your nmudicinw acceding ) . dirocliond amid and myself greatly l11gmmsid. 'l'ira paiim lit nmy hwul and toy sloop wuch better , and 1 ; feu , wry muelm butter In all respects and an go about my work with 14eaeure. .1)prcclllfng lVhrdrDr , Tishblatl 11(11 Done for Iler , Giuso IsLAso , Nebraska , June 11 , 1933. Da A , H. rlsuLWir : f aims feelimsgquite strong anti looking numeim butter , llavo gsiuod fire pounds w cieid , Wish 1 could tell m urybtaly how had I felt and how wall 1 fuel how Your , , , MISS , 81. IIEMSTIIL E1 : Later ahu writes from Ioup City : My frimmde hero Kati out sceu mu for six hiontlu ; wow delighted whim thus hnprotaunmt him nmy hculth , A young friend says be never sae moe luokimig so it cli. MISS at 11EIISTIIEET. + Mr , It , A. Itnuues , of Lpnduu Nebraska , writes untiurdate of April 23 1983 ; Tlme remedy which ) I re. ceivtrl of yam uaunled great relief ; I feel as though I hmad Itoeu rrgcmerated. A young gentleman from Exeter , Nebraska , writee Juno let : I am matlefted that your medicine. are hu piug mime ; l ash nut as nervous , nor baits the dlzay spells. In fact , Doctor , I feel as tk ugh r wea au other buy ultugetlmer Airlncy ! 'rouble ( stld M'rVOOd J'roslrafion-A Remarkable Cure , SCIIOvLiayNeb. , July 12 , 1883 Da. A , H. Flsmutati , Omaha-Dear Sir : l'ermht mo bo oxprues to you my aeknowiodgmont pf thu great service you hayu done mite In rustnrln ' me ntteo more to health and strength , When I first consulted you , utlerabeyuud descripthuim from kl.lituy dleeaeo ant miry nonous eystattm was In aclateof canplotu prustra 11am. 71me llutteriug of my hart alter the sliglmtast elertlori , sues heyoild rimdumemre , 'l'hrough your treat nlent I arm now canpletcly restored we I amdl + Ier imdno u miraculous cure , l feel betted Ihau I have for ywa and thcrt + arenotract's of wy old complahdm left , Yery truly yours , JOIN 11. 5511111 Sated frontu Cerlsuuuptlre'dIra ec. , IOWA , SeptetnDer 3 , 1883 Bum. FIs111/LAr-1 / kmtettded to came mind aeu you for a lung lime , hut It rcemus Imposible to do ao. wwmtal 4.5410 . yon tare to face amid retort you llauks for what you itaio duou for muy wlfuu kealtlm. Sit has Leon letter these Iasi sir munttm ) sham almu has been for thrust years. Sim has nut takci any nielcuno mimic. , , thu Iast you icmit her altil Imassaute of it left , Slits hies gala oil Sully 25 powmds midor , roar treawlnti amid shit Is now doittg her work usvey day. 'l'ime ' family all Juln him acndhmg you their thatka 1 adslse al it cwutaet is llh , whit mute lroublod tats luugdhse.mru , to put theuusoi ee uttdur your troatamemmt. 1vlabing you success , I am your lrirmd , J , 5. Mt000n1tSY. It will bit ubroriud that tire alAru testimoutais are thu epontanomms uxprvs.oneof tho.e who are5 o tavu beeulmr. Fbttblatre patiads , arc not of an anchuut date anti ( rolaeolue farof place , but represent true seuthuenteof thruowho lhronghhis tratmnentpassbeen restored to lmalthand lapplheaa All Umoau suilaring from Chrottio Ulseasod of min matter low longutandlug ; , tun base an opportunity o cuueuilhngPr , Fbhblattatld. I'IIIVATE 0FF1CK8 , Ot'EIITMEOMAl1A NATIONAL. BANK , OMAIlA , NEBRASKA CONsu17rATIoN FluY : Cbargom nmodorats and wllhin limo reach of aU who need ccleuaeo wodlab rnomiL 't'hodo whit who rusldu at a didtancu amid tunnel call , will reohr. prowpt attoutloa throuyb ; m , mplyeondingthule.ymupteuu withpuetago , Addnw Luck slat U , Om shim , } 'lob , )