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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1883)
: Z 1'iIE DA1LY BL'LFIiIDAY , LP'f EilII3L1L . . . ' . ijos. GARNEAUL : L + ' CRACKERCOMPANY , , I cA1.11AL ! ! : , 9 ' ti OLDEST CRACKER MANUFACTURERS Our Factory , 12th and Jackson Streets , is the most complete establishment of its kind in this country. ' . Our Goods are the best in the Market. 1 3 \ FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. ' ' , : ' : ALWAYS ASK FOR ARNEAU'S ' EAGLE BRAND OF ORACKERS AND YOU WILL GAT TNT BEST. , , . " Qur exhibit .at the State Fair will be the finest'clisplWy of ( ; packers , Biscuits and Cakes ever seen in . Nebraska. . ! : II VISITORSTOO1VL&HA .end the public generally desiriug to examine the workings of our institution will be , welcome I , JOS. GARNEAU Cracker Company , - - - - Twelfth and Jackson streets. Railway Time Tably.1 V. P. IL R. , MAIN UNE. LIAVL ARI1rIL ) Pacleo Exprou.1406 ; p m Atlantlo Exproea7:25 : a mr Watam Expreae 8:00 : pm Eoatarn Expreae.0 top m CrandIelandPaee430pm a.hland1 a.11 O&m Lincoln Ex . . . . ,1210pm Llnooln Ex , 12:55pin : DUMMY TRaINB-DRiDOE DIVISION. Dummy trsine lava Omnhs u follow. : 8:00 : a m , 090 a m,10 00 a m,11:00 : a m 1,00 , p. m. , 2:00 : p m 8x)0 ) p m , 400p m , 500p m , 0:00p : m. , m0:10 p. m. Dummy . ! . : : a m,0:2m,10:25m,11:2am,1:25pm,2:25 : : : : pm,8R6pin 4.46pm,5:25pm,0W . : : omnli 10:50 : pm 8undaye-Tbe Dummy tmtns lave at 000 , 11:00 : a m ; 400 ; , 4:00 : 5.00 . , 500 and 1.10 p m Leave. Council Diua'.t ' 0:46 aid 11r : a m , 2:25 : , 4 4b , 525 and 0:50 : and 10:50 p m. LOOAL TRAINS-DIUDOE DIVISION ! LIAPI OMAaA. LIAwI 000Ima DLOrra. Poe No. 2 . . .7:15 a m Pub. No. 0 , 7:16 : a m " No.10..46pm " No. 15 , , , tL Wam " No , 4.8Wyrm : " No 8 11:2Oam : "Ito. 8.n.B.Win i " No. 1.,736pnn " NL8 5n5am 0 , M , & St. P. II. IL-U. P. DEPOT. i MallAEx . . . . ,7W.m , . , , D46am ; AUantl.Ex 880pm ; Msil&Ex..lOpm . WAIIABR , ST. LOUIS & PAOiFW-4' . P , DEPOT , Omaha , . , . . . . .7Wain : Omaha. , , 11:20.m : " Sa0pm " . , , , . . .6:20pm : ! o. , m & Q it , it.-u , p. DEPOT , 1 M.I1 . . . . . . . . . .7:20 : in . . . . . . . . . : in I Expraa. . . . . . . , B : W p in Ma' . 7:1o : p m 0. , It. [ . A 1' . It.11.-U.1' . DEPOT , . : . 0:15&m : . , . Express,7:10pin : C , A N W , It. IL-U. P. DKl'or. MaU 7:20 : in Ex'ireaa ' , , , , , 0:45ain : Exproti. . . , . . . 3W ; p m I MA1' 7:10 : p in s. 0. & P. U rL-U. P DEPOT. Malt' . , . , , , . . .0:15 : a in Ez'rue. ' , , , , , , , , ,0.45 . a m F.xpreae O:00pur : I MaI' . , , , , , ,7:10pn : UISSOUIU PACIFIO-U. P , DEPOT Exprcea . .7.00 a m I Expreee , , , , , ; 45 p m i C. , ST , I'AUL , DL k 0 It IL-DEPOT N. 16TII ST No. 2 . . . . . . . . 8:0O. : m No.1 . . . . . . . . 4W : p m No , 4 . .12:45p : in No.5' , . ,' : SIOUX CITY & I'ACIFW-DEPOT N. 15th 8trocC Leave Oniaha for Valonlino viadt Taut Lhw I 4 ArrhO tram V.lentlne. , , , . . , . . . . . ; W p m 13. A M. IN NED1lASKA. Denver ExprCM..8:15 : a m Atlaidlo , 5:80 : p m PadeoEzproae 085pm , I DenvorExproea'D:40arn : -x : a. , r JOE & a. D,1L'IL-D 4 : M. DEPOT. . MaU, Ex"ou , , . . . , . .500atn Espros..7:4Opm M OWpm : sundaye oxoeptal Opening and Oloatng of Mall. , aaurl. Orly. CLOL am. p m. ) , U1. Cldngo&Northwoatem. 15:00 : D. 6.30 . 2.40 . Chicago , hock hland& Padfo.U:00 D00 ; X80 2:40 : ChkagoDurlingtonkllulnoy1100 D:00 : 680 2:40 : Chicago , Mltw.ukoe do ht P..11 Q0 9 00 630 ; 2:40 : , , , , . , . . . . 1480 530 ; 8Ioux City & 1citmc , In Iowa 0.00 5.30 . UnlonpacISo. , . . . . , . , . . 8D0 4W : 11:40 : 5W : Orn h& & Republican Yatloy , , , 2:001110 : ; A D.BM.In Ndruka &oo 7:40 : G7dcagodt.P.8Ldr0 5W 7:20 : Mleeour , , : 590 SlouxCity&P,1nNcbraeka , . 5W 720 ; SpccIAI mall for 1'l.ttamouth , AllrlAlld and Lincoln doaa at 6:30 : 4ti m , o ; ens at 1080. . m. 09100 open SundAy. from 1400 in. to 100 ; p. m. O. K. OOtITANT Po + hnaaterR IIIRZRS. ! ! . I Have Found It t r WA. the oxdamdlon of a man whir he got a box of Eureka 1'110 Olmmnent , which ( a a dmldo anti sure cure for Pile anti all Skin Diaeuua ) iffy routs by miUPaatwlL , ; The American Diarncaa Cure i Iei stood the toot for taenty yearn. Sure cure for .U. Noier F.U. . Dlarrbsua , Dysentary , sod Uholu. Morbru. DCallC'S ' Fc cr and Aguc Tonic & Cordial It I. tmpoxxlble to supply the r.pld wlu of the same , SUItE CURE WAIIIIAATEI ) For Fever and Ague ; , and all Mxlarlxl trouble. I'IUCE , il Oo. WeJ. WTEHOUSE LAUOIIATORY,18Th , ST , OMAllA , NEB For Sale by all Druggists r sent by Ewrcra am roool0t of price. m&,0 DUFRENE & MENDELSSO/I , ARCHITECTS C 1 OYEZ ) TO OMAUA NATIONAL D Axx ILUUra , I u , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . - - w , . . A CURIOUS CLOCK , .t The Won41eifuI Timopteou whtolt WISH TwelvoYcnrs in Buihling , Cincinnati tlius describes a Tlipy ; fiUppsStar - scribes a rontarknblo clock which ma on exhibition in that city ; Ths mochaiism is enclosed in a walnut ciao twolro foot high and five f.dt wide , and weigh. 2,300 pounds. Tlie gottoral design of its ntt- nIorous figures is t. oxomphfy .ono of the loadiu ovonta and characters of America history , it yyasmado by Prof. Wcgunan at his homo , nt Frostburg , Md. , in 11181018U58 momouts , lee having boolm engaged on it for over twelve years. The base of the clock is about four feet high. At the top is an astronomical dial two feet in diamator , with figures of the plnnota , etc , , showing the movements of the slit and earth , the former circling the dial wino each year , and the latter re volving on its axis oneo every twenty. four liuura 'T'he moon's phases , time sea- Buns , and other fnniilliar astronomical subjects are represented. A large flag is carved in the case on each side of the dial uud above thou are , at the right a canton turd at the left a drum , also carved in bas relief , liulow tire dial is a scroll bearing the inscription , " 1' : Pluribns Unint , " bo neutli which are two crossed swords and a soldier's cap. lriunediately above thn base of the cluck is a stage or platform extending the fall width of the ease. On the extreme minds of the platform are aunall forts , oue surinotnttod by the figure of a sailor and the other by the figure of a soldier. Be- tweomithese fortsatUebackof the platfonn and resting agalist a central uIrilht ; ease are ten figures of miion five being u ton fie lido I mid five upon the other ide of an alcove ) in which a pendulum awingv , representing tan different nationalities. Every five utinutoa Otto of these figures plays a tune on a tuusic-box. Thu central upright case is 2h foot high and 4 feet wide. At the top of it is are ro ) resoutation of the Bunker lull monu- moat with an eagle perched a mom it with out stretched wings. 'l'imo eagle gels Is in his right clay an olive branctrod a boil- lo of pears. In his left halls a lobo , front whilt is sue 1 ended the iuuduhun forty-mime inches long. At the bottom of the peiduluut is a dial with the min utosanii hours uiarhedofl' and in limner ter old Father Time and his scythe remind mind the beholder of the flout passngo of time into time illimimitabloutorlmity Every quarter the eagle culls out ill hoarse tones the time. At time left pf the Bunker hill mono. tacit is a akeletomi a fdot high gins ) tag a homner , with which it tolls on a boil tire qulirtcr hours. At time first riunlter a door in time u1 ur case Inst described flies 911011 , and time funm tms 8cono of the throw. mug ovurbourd of a cargo of tea in Ruston lmrbor is reom meted , AL time second quu : tor hour aimther door le opened , turd line "cause of time war of 1111" is displayed by time represmdatlon of Emigilsimmiluli in time couventioal scarlet attire inviting an Indian chief to tithe up armna a imiust time Anerieaus time ) aluver being dulitientrd b clear ) antououlu lmi time back ground British Allericlll are seen soldiers taking sailers from heir ahip8 , 'l'imo ringing of time third quarter hour causes another door to upon , disclosing ( lens. Scott amid T11ylormmenuipud in 'l'ex- as. Each of time Utstimm guishud soldiers wlmtdl steps forward and takes of his chi eau to tilt ) s ) uctUt0r8 amid qtr tu tires to ken1m a vigilant eye on Limo groan. er8. er8.At the fourth quarter lour time open mug of u door brings to view a scene emn blonalmo of the late civil war. A negr o is scull at the back of the alcove bound with chains. A procession of eleven melt -representing time eleven secoeding states -dressed in time gray uniform of tire confederate - federate arm , sss in front of time un- fortunnt slave each turning his brick on the colored mat as he passes. After the kayo all gone by , time manci rotor of time down-trodden rae , Presh.ont Limi- cohm , conies along , and seeitmg the unhap tly son of Ilam , advances to kiln , loosmis his shackols and leads Lunt away. In addition to time air's that are played every five minutes the period is also marked by the passage across the stage of figures which pass from time fort at time right and dissappear through time portals of time Otto on time left. First commies Brig- hanm Young 1111(1 one of hmis wives , who are BUp ) OUCd to Ile mm tlmeir wedding tour. Next crones Gm1. Grant on horse-back ; thou a hard bearing time penknife with which Prof. Wegmimn carved out nil time figures of the clock ; then time fig- tire of a maim representing a mmmagor who rendered iimattors unpleasant for time prof. fusser at ono time ; them time figures of Garfield aid Cuiteau as tlmoy appeared at mho nmonmmt of time nssassumation ; them Guituai's deity who carries a sign "Cranks 1Vantod , tlmon time Imudimn : chief tniu , Captain - tain .lack , amid finally the historical yes- mid , time Mayflower. Only one of these iigurus pass around at each interval of five mimiuutes. The clock is operated by two springs tweimty feet long amid three imichm s wide , lmayimig a lifting power of eight hmmmdred pomidS , e 7051'4 rozilEllicAl'Em C1111i'LEAIO ( t'olrlIIh : For lafant's toilet it is nit hdispensnblo ) nr title htealbrg nil excumintluns immudintely. Jlotfmor's ab0ald use it freely onthe litrlo noes , It IB perfectly harndess , l or sale by ell drug- gists. . ---aa.---- A ONli MTstNl ) TOWN. I'athetlc Adllruhs of n Thentrlonl 1alanagor t4) a Iraraimmo Anlil011ce. ] 1111 Nye in thoFree Press. A Crory sad timing occurred at a late pOtfor uaimeo given at Laramie City. At time close of time last act ono of time primi- eipal putforumers is i115ta by killed. It is then time duty of time nudioneo to rise , pick up its umbrella and walk home. Smnulimes , huwovor the nudieimco is not familiar with time play aid don't go homu. It waits far more death and carnage before - fore its awful thirst for blood is glutted. 'l'ion was time easuat L aranio two weeks ago. 'Phu stage hired umu , w imo hauls the dund oil immto time drosstmig room , waited ttiuntly , but the 1)001)11) would not go. lu order to gut time full value of timoir dollar they , desired to sue time post mor- torn exammntiou. Time ) ' could not go Henn until it had bee11 settled that time vilraim was fully uud thoroughly dead. 'l'hu o le limy with his earmlganet a ker 050110 footllItt ( ; , sutl'urimig at $ t ) pur week , and time twdlemco absolutely refusing to go houmu uud allow the utnn to revive or mequiescat in pncu 'lime eurbuiu , though loaded at time bottom with a tulegroplt polo , failed to cone down , mud time logs of time nvouger amid othur members of time teoupo flitted 1Etst the space left by the uneuiy curtain , anti tire dead villntn lsy on hie back , ha mg y'mdldud imp hie life four times that saute wck um the samio umauttor , besides currying time heavy trunka of time beautiful actress up two flights of stairs for her iii tlmrco ditlcront towns. As there woto no prograunmies PCOp10 looked at each otlmoraul wondered. 'Phoy knew that tlmis nun iwa8 undoubtedly dead , but whutimur time conpauy had a fresh one or riot was time qudsholm , Finallytwo adultmomborsof time troupe came forward and pulled down time refractory - fractory curtain. Then the manager advanced - vanced to time front of time stage , and , in a voice choked with emotion , said ; "Ladies and gentlemen , we would be glad to massacre some more of our troupe if we could , but we cannot afford it. In a one stand town one man is about all that we call yield up to the cold embrace of death. Our printing is high amid wo have to pay $15 for the hail. Therefore , we payo say that time lay is now over. Y can go ome in safety and we will attend to time remains. 1 e have only hope that the young man will be able to draw his salary next week , and that we may win trim back to joy amd health again. lie has a good constitution - tion , a fair a ) otito , and wo feel like trusting it all to the future. We regret to see Sou , but as the janitor is now blowing ougo lmo lights , and as it is getting - ting well alng lute the shank of time evening we must say goodbye to you , the bsence hoping during our Lra- mimlopera house nomran will decide to assesits stockholders , purchase some more wicks for time footlights , the old ) imo out of its misery , amid tick a otlmer haiar of overalls into me broken window of the ladies' dressiu g ronnm , so that time time actresses that visit your town will feel more se g gre rated as it wore , and suIm rated from the great , vulgar world. " - - - - - - Young llerr , lllddlo Aged Nicn uud All blerm who sullor ( ruin early bmdlicretious is ill fed Allen's Brain Fond , the most powerful Invlgorant ever introduced ; once restored by it there is nu relnno. ; Try it ; it never fails. $1 ; O fur85.-At druggists. AI'ItItY , On Wlntolrmg Bees. I have received mammy letters making inquiry as to the beet mode of wintorimmg boos. 1Vhilo 1 not willing to impart all the kuowledgo I calm through time Apiary Dollartruent of Limo Gazette , for time bunofit of its renders , amid especially those wino 500111 anxious to succeed in wintering tlmeir boos , l am fully nwaro that the snnto pmrocesa or plat 1 nuglmt suggest at presemmt would not prdvo so auccoSsful in soimw localities as it might ill others. Lfonco I will describe a process wlmiclm , if followed out , would lmo doubt prold successful in localities whore time necessity scouts to call into ) rLctice : a plum .most easily mmana rod 1) ' time greatest nuttmbur , as well as b' those 'lmo reside in localities wlmielm are usually mnost severe on time bees. having arranged several bou housea witlmin time last few years for many wino are interested mm time welfare of mntty stocks of Dues , nnd , knowing also low easy it will be to add time oxtut luumbur as well as some extra labor , in order to save time bees du iug time approaching winter , I suggest tluat time boll stlumds , or stocks , if rou duase , almal ) be set on a close- fitting miatfornm or floor , 'this iua' be laid mii eraril . On this sot your atauds about six iuchos apart , leaving about time satuo space in ime front amid rear of mall the hives time , datfonn being iride onom to ndttmit of a back amid frmt vtul1 of dtum-time back wall to fit down un time platfotnn and time front to live two iuchm blocks amid time edge Of time board to lit closely up to mill time hives , wlrmch 'viii be in perfect line. Now , your front wall will also rest on time two-inch blocks amid forma a six-inch 81)110 in front of time hives amml time 5ix inch board ] viii forum time bottonm of said space , leaving au open entrance to each of tlm hives , which ms forumed by moans of the two inclm blocks before referred to. Now you have a complete continuous box made around nil your hives , and they being spaced about six incites apart , as before suggested. I will now suggest to you to gather forest leaves , and pack them between and around all the hives. You need not fear getting too many leaves , as time tighter you pack them between and around all our hives time better. I suggest that the back and front walls be raised high n enough above the tops of the hives to admiof a heavy layer of ! caves on top. You will osere that time bees will have free egress and ingress if fronting toward the East , as the hives should. I am quite sure that all bee-keepers who thus take the trouble to provide their bees with such winter quarters as we ltavo suggested , will riot have to wear sad faces olt account of losing bees next winter , by the severity of time weather. In case any one not favored with a supply of forest leaves , I recommend oats straw as the next best article for packiIl. This should be free from damp- ucss-ntdecd , perfectly dry-and the packing almould be well dono. after which I feel assured that time stock will pass tlmrough the winter safely on less that ten pounds of honey per colony. The paimis will repay the bee-keeper wall for time little trouble in thus anlnmg their bees to pass through a cold winter , and Conte out strong next spring. BATrLE ( irousn , INn. J. NI. Iilcm s. 1)o not forget to add to your Lemonade or 0r Soda ten drops of Angostura Bitters it imparts n delicious flavor and prevents all Summner lisoases , Ito sure tget thin genuine ringostmini , manufactured by Ur , J. G It , 'SIFCIEIIT & SONS. _ _ - - "Dldn'L lCnow'Tw'as Loaded , " .VItli a Varlatlon. From the New York World , "Whom you press this curved bit of steel , you see , Mrs. Clyde , said Mr. Clyde , who w as teaching lus wife how to use ii iistol , "the hauumer comes down 80- 80Thero was a bang , a puff of smoke , std NIr. Clyde ruined and fell to the floor. with blood rushing fruit at ugly wound iii ltla side. For n ntoaomt Mire. Clyde was mtdecid- ed wimethor to fnimit or 11Y for huh1) ) , but time mnonns of her wounded husband soon aroused her std she dispatched a servant for a surgeon. "Imo didn't know it was loaded , " she exclaimed when time surgeon arrived , and thou she became hystericd and cried : "Ohl will ho die , doctor ? Will he die ? James must not die-no , no , nol Jamies must not tile , 1 was going to time Catskills with time childrou , nlul him was learning 1110 hew to protect tlmeal and myself when time horrid thing ivoit ofl' , ( Jim , doctor ! doctor ! doctor ! will he did ? By this tiuiu'the aurgeon ) tad exauimued time wo mul , and Limo expression of his face as ho looked up gave ! tor mio lmope "it is au ugly , wound , " Ire said , without - out eonttmiittimg humsolf further. . At this nn awful expression erupt over her face , ami she ttmoaed mmd cried piti fully , "Will he be able to speak to me hdtore lie diuat" she cried , " 1 thimik not , Nlrs , Clyde , " "Old ho mlmustl lie lmmust ! lid mmstl" "lie cahmi , Mrs. Cl 'de ; we will do all we can to revive lion. ' " " she cried "if "You must revive llm , , only for a minute , 11 e will have to take up this carpet before the tumoral , and 1 want hums to toll me where he did the tack hammer , " y Housesl . ® e era ASK YOUR aROCERd FOE TILE . 1. OMAHA DRY HOP YEAST ! ' WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL. + t - Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Coe CORNER 16Th [ AND DAVENPORT STREETS. OMAIIA , NED. tarbliss 1i c1 in 1858. _ - - - Spriu Allaclimelit = p ( NOT PATENTED ) , Ju SMsou ! ? ill THE LEADING ; , m I I1Ja - , , ' II , r-- WQIUI n arr a a Factory 1 ' n 1409 and 1411 Dodge Street , OMAHA NEBRASKA , , - - - - - On Time--Small . Long - - Payments. . lloso Jr . 161. DODGE 9TIUI ! r A AL + iM' ' MANOFAOTUIER OF OF STL'KYFLY FIIIST CLAss Carriae , AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1310 and 13201famoy Street xnd1403 S 13th Street , - . - . tff t3 B U trated Catalogue furnlehed free upon appfluatban y MANUFAGTUIIER OF FINE Biiios f Cirros ! Sh ! li OllS My Repository Ii constantly SUed wttb a select stook. Peet Workmanship guaranteed. Office and Factory S , W Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha