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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1883)
- - - 4 , F--- G ! 'IIE DALLY BEECUUNCIL BLUFFS , TUItDAYSEPTL 'A1BEIt 1 , 18 i. riIE DAILY BEE ; COUNCIL BLUFFS , Saturday Morning , September 1 , 911B3Cntr'TIot RATES : Ey Carrier - - - - - - - 20 ants per week ley Mal - - - - - - - - 110.00 per Year OFFICE : o , 7 Pearl Street , Hoar Broadway. Ilepubllcan County ConventIon. The republicans of PoWtwnttamio count will meet in delegate convention at the court house in Council Bluffs , Thursday , September 13 , nt 10 o'clock n. 1R1 for the purpose of placing in nomfna tAon candidates for the following ofHccs , to wit : One state aonator , two reproson tives , sheriff , treasurer , auditor , snr- Yoyor. aupcrintendont of public schools , coroner , and members of the bard of au ) orvisors. Ench township will be Cn tined to the following representation : Kane , hat precinct G Laytm..4 Kane , 2d precinct. , .8 Llncoln..2 Kane , 3d prccinct..7 Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Kane , 4th preclnct..9 Mncodonla..3 Boorncr..2 bilndon..2 Bolknap..3 Noola . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Crescent..2 . Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . .2 Carson . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plonsant..2 Confer . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 ltockford..2 Grovo..3 Silver Crock..2 Carner..2 Valley..4 Ilardfn..2 Washington . . . . . . . .2 Hazel Del1..2 Wavoland . . . . . . . . . .2 Janis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrlght..2 Knox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 York.,2 Kop Creek..2 The $ rimaries in each township , unless othonvise ordered by tire townshi p cons- mittco will ho hold onde'r September at 7 p. mBY order of JOIiN 1Y. BAIRn Chairman Co. ] top. Con. Cam i MINOR MENTION. See Joseph Iloiter's fall goods. Additional local on seventh page. The public schools open Monday. Cheap Railroad Tickets at Bushnell's. The board of trade moats on Monday night. Pay day with the water works boys yesCerday. . Tim city council is to moot in regular aession'Monday night. Pormisaion to wed was yesterday given E. Johnson and Annie Olson both of Council'BIufFs. E. J. Abbott has boon absent for two days planting posts of mho 'G , A. R. , at Emerson and Noola , The Latter Day Saints are to hold n union meeting at Persia , commencing September 15 , and continuing for one Crook. + , The jury in the Story Calliaon cam having agreed to disagree , have been discharged - charged , afafter being closeted together ono night ad one day. Roy. A. S. Marshall , of Marie : : , Iowa , will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church next Sabath morning aneven- ing. Sabbath school at 12o lock. Gorman preaching on Sabbath next at 3 o'clock p , tn , at time Evangelical church , on the corner of Pierce street and Glen avenue , by the missionary , Peter Edger. "Are they not sent as ministering . Spiritual circle Sunday after- f . noon land evening in , rooms 4 and I , Shugart aC MoMahon s block , commneno- ing at 2 and 7:30 : o'clock. bi. F. Rohrer got out his fishing tackle read for a dam , and loft it on the porch of his houso. On waking for an earlY start in P morning lee feud some aneak thief had got the start of himn. In the circuit court yesterday the iivorco case of Mary Jane Footisch vs. Ernest Footisch was tried. She claimed that he abused her , wliilo ho claimed that her tamper was too high , and that Cho was tlio aggressor. Less than seventy dogs have taken out blsoir licenses for howling nights and barking day times. There will be a tor- , table sleddin of blood , if the cif marl ahal conimoucos next eak to slaughter all the unlicensed ones. . Robert 0. Palmer has boosi admittodto the bar hero , and will prove quito an ad. dittos , its lee is a finely educated young F..r man and quite talented , ' Ibis a nephew of Marshall ICsYe and came to this city recently from Marion county , Kansas , Afour yoarolddauglstorofMr.Itagoth has mot with a serious accident by fnllimi , froma swing in tko rear of Loutdin er bakery. Same atruek on her head , the injuries are such that it is feared also will hose the hearing of one ear and the sight of vise eye. Jury for the Soptopiburterm n of tim su- lerior court was draws ] yesterday , the ' following boingtlm victims : W. L. Ilsggae Win. Ward , A. C. Gralmam , M. E.1Vuth- orbco , J..1. Jennings , G. A. Robinson , W. 0. . Unthamnk , Peter Bochtela : Thu juryis to gather in the city. The trouble arising betweentlm , two boys , Rehardson and Bowls , which led to the hatter's arrest for assault and bat. torywaa brought by members of both fani ilfes before Judo A leswortlm oetorda a The boys wore givena good talh ing o to sd the scam dismginiesad . The Chautauqua club snot last evening to arrange for anotkoryoar'a study. Time club made much advancemnont last semen , and furnished a proltable and pleasant ' way of epesdsng the Yvintcr evomiings , and it should be heartily sustained this year. The ! colored man , Farnsworth ) tvhso took Jake Itoger's roll , amnouiting to $140 , yesterday , waived examination ho- fore. Judge Aylcawortls , and was placed in jail to await fhu action of the grand jury , being unable to furnish the $500 bail required for hfa nmIearanc ! a. , Work on the now Masonfo temple will begin next week , amid it is axpoctod that the corner stonu will be laid about Sept , 20. It to expected that Coy. Sherumau and Grand Master George II. Van Guior , of Cedar Falls , will be presort on the occasion. Time building will be enclosed before winter conea , t Judge Loufbourow has decided in favor of Jeffers , Kollar , Guitar , and others , ® who asked flint their lands , used for ag- r rieuitural purposes , be sot aside for time 1 city , so as to relieve them frost taxes for city purposes. This takes oil about 1 , 000 acres for the northori art of tl i o city , and five or silt miles of railway. The valise rp cently stolen at the trans- fur from SY. J , goner of Denison him boon recovered , WeT ho fellow who took it was spied across the river by the depot lice , and acting suspiciously , an oflicor began to bivcsti ate him , lie claimed that it was his valise and while the ofG cer was trying the key which ho claimncd pitted the lock , this fellow , ski 1 , 1 n / lean A , d' ing the valise in the officer's hands. It has been returned to its owner. The colored population hero mnlght its well take a fresh hold for a now wrestle. The circular issued by Frederick Doug. lass calling Limo contention to be hold at Louisville provides for only one delegate for the whole state of Iowa , so that a state convention will have to ho hold , and all tlmispotty fuming is of no account. One of time hotter carriers , .1. Goss , has been quietly dropped from time force. hie sayso reasons are given him , but lie is simply told that his services arc no longer needed , That looks like uncivil ser co , The man is surely entitled to sonic why or wherefore , avid Whitler , who was ) olicoman at time Union Pacific yards , has been given the 1Mace. A carpoator named Oleson , hailing from Fremont comity , found Fla visit to Council Bluffs a costly ono. Ile purchased - chased some tools amid sonic drinks , and when ho woke up in the morning ho found himself in time calaboose without either , Ito put his watch up as security for his fine and started out on time street again with a vague idea of how lie could got a ride home , hf. Chambers , chairman of the board of supervisors of Crawford couity , ro- Aorta that time poor farm there not only proves n good farm but its nmanngencmlt a paying success. They have 100 acres of land aid they hmavo a man and vvifu to manage it and ultilizo time pnu her labor iii mnkimi it. The faun not only cares for time poor but yields a reveue to the county. Ora of time reasons givtmn why lima Chicago rC Northwestern rofusec to raise its tracks across Broadway is that last sprimg it asked time city for the grade amid brought its 'rounds and tr. ohs u p to that , amid now time city wants to have time tracks raised still higher. The compamly tvtmit to be dead sure , before it raises ngnimi that it is fully up , amid won't have to change again. Nothing has been heard of ho where- miboits of lltartin , the abacondllmg ) hlllnl ) bought Cr. An ox mrcasman says Martin a micw trihmik the ( labefore lie dfea p roared amid hired.him to take it to his house , lie says that when Mrs. Martin aid tlmo carta o ho saw her hiavo a large roll band silver of nieno a quantity of If this is true it does awe with time theory that ho deserted fief , leaving her destitute of moans to help herself. Some who imvo hind experience in handling drunks , disorderlies aid crimt nals already begin findfug fault within sonic of thine features of time now city jail oven before it is fimislied amid occupied , and some of time criticisms made soma well founded. It is claimed that the doors are too narrow , and that this will add to time difficulty of getting a mnan iu if lea resists. Tlmoim the culls are so near time outside windows , and thmo bars are so wide that anyone on time outside can pass things through to prisoners inside uuloss further protection is made against it. Marshal Jackson was yesterday on time lookout for savornl pairs of undressed kk s. Ho found theta swimming near 1 otthbono a place , and was fsrat iuclimied to take thorn imp to time calabooso and lot then ) of dr there but final ) sot down on tam hanky the boys clustorimi , abaut him ho hold n sort of unda sr'hm ol. Tim boys wont forgot time leesutt very soon , and if they do , will the net kept atar cho amid nmade to learn the whole of it b heart , in the city lock. up. The marshal is pretty good ntured to the boys but when lie as "its bust- floss , " the boys know thatlie moans it. The man , Parrott , whose family is taunting on a vacant lot on Ninth street , was visiting the justice courts in great wrath yesterday because soma drunken man had insulted his wifo. All that was olahnod by hlim was that time man kept asking time woman if alma didn't want to cant some money , amid that ho refused to leave as quickly as she ordered lmim to. It is to be rorrotted that there could be found no law to punish time follow , for , while there was no ofunso teeluiically. yet , morally , it was evident time fellow insulted time woman as far as ho dared to. She 1ms time reputation of boimi + a very respectable woman and the delicate ditlom site is now iii and the destitute circumstances with which aim is sur rounded , made time imiault cosvnrdly and despeable. At the sauna time , n maim who is able to work at all , who will nllcw his family to lay around time weeds of ma opo1 lot , with a Yvifo iii such a condition , exposed to time jeers of any drunken fellow - low who may lnuis along time street , needs to lie stirred into a little activity by seaothtng. 'rImoso who have Loon so forward in board fun at time kinder gIrton ! , and the et education which its so willingly thrown it out of thu public selfocl s stwa should read au article which at ) ) ultra in Scribnor's for So ptonmbor. It gives a review - view of time work boimm done iii priusa schools in llhassaclmnsetts amid time methods ods adopted , emmtering into mill the details. Iii many rospocta the systamn which is there described as mauling with such wonderful success is time sane as that which has been used hare. Primary scholars are ivon a woulorful knowledge of fractions having clay moulded into cake s , amid thdn diideinto halves quarters , oLe. Thoyare taught time tables of ) uenauros , not by note and mare mcui- o'izili , but by ain ills , pintaetc nseasurin Nfor .l gnmoasures brn aimmi water for liquid inenaures. This are taught b uam , to ) o lines of their own the table of lineal mneasura In fact clear through the various studies thu syatemn is used , limit then Massaeliuotta is a sort of rude kalf civilized eomitry , aid is doubtless further behind ion such utattors than those of the west , , Prairie chickomis mud A. Booth's select oysters rueived daily at W.1' ' . Brtui's , - - - - .ra - - s UN1Tl'1D THI'1Y S'1'ANI ) . The lllllta County ltepublleatms Ifnvo a Ilapjy T4nma Alnlting NousloallommH , The Aiills county republfca n convon- tiolt is reported as being one of the meat emitiluafaatio amid hiaruon'ous gatherimigs yet hold there , amid time procecdiuga moved along without"a jar or conflict of the slightest form , 'r'ime mioniaations mnado were as follows : Itopresentatlvo-A. D. French. Auditor-S , 0 , Osborn , Treasurer-Janos Iroy. County Superintumidont-Prof , Moore. Sheriff-0. L , Hurt. Surveyor-C , N. Donn. Coroner-W. If , Parsons , Mr. Franck , who is nonlimmated for rep. resontative , him boon too county tram. urer , Auditor Osborne his already served two terms. Surveyor Doan was also a reiomnineo , - - - - Dr. West , dentist , 14 Pearl street , I'EIt8CNAL. J , C , Crowley , of Cairo , le at the Ogden. Charles F. Thorp , of Chicago , la at thoI'sc IOc. IOc.W W , 8 , Baxter , of } } astings , was in the city yam + tcrdny , lion , , fohn Y. Stone , of Glonwood , was In time city yesterday , John F. Clark , of Jacksonville , III , , was In time city yesterday , Attorney If , C , Watkins , of Glenwood , was in time city yc.terlfty. Charlo , I'Itschmer of Dubuque , registered at too Ogden yesterday , } ' 'rod A. Gregory , of Indianapolis , reached the Paclfe , yesterday , , N , C. Chapman , of Sioux City , was a Pa- ciIle house guest yesterday , John G , Woodward , of Chtcago , wey among yesterday's Ogdmm house arrivals. Mrs. A. If. Harris and daughter , Miss Ida , have rcttmrnod ( rein a visit to relatives and friends In time cast , A. T , Cox , prupdetor of The Acorn , at Oakland , was ih time elty yesterday , and favored Tmt BEE office with a call , Miss Nellie hangs , time brilliant pianist , after vlsiting friends here fur several weeks , lies gone baclc to her Chicago humne. Capt. A. Tuttle , a traveller and lecturer , wlmo has spent yours in the Snhdwiclm Islands , was in tbu city yesterday amid stopped at time Pacific , Mrs. A1ico Stern , daughter of Mrs..1. G , Blaxsim , returned 'rhureday foan a visit to friends at llastings , Neb. Site reports a imnppy tiuio and pluasmmt trip , It. E , llrown , of Cambridge , Ohio , who hiss bean visiting Fla brother , Captain U. DI. Brawn , b.e new started fur hulas , accoumpa- tiled by ids niece , kiss Nellie liege , of the sumo place , who has also been hero visiting relatives , 1) , M , Workman , Ivlmo Imas served accepta lily as book.keeper for Foster lire , has ac cepted a positiom in the hmnplenmmmt house of the Wnlter A. Wood Conipany , at Fargo , D , ' 1' , , of which F. 0. Newell , formerly of this city , is niaaagor , Juhu A , Nowcll , time general agent for D. IL Fitzpatrick , as "ahuur a-ow , " way in the city yesterday arranging for the preseutatloa of that play at Dobany's opera lmuuse Sopton her 10 , 11 amid 12 , Mr , Newell hi well knout In ( xenectlun tvitlm aumsements , and his a cur. uncu that "Shaun a Gow" brings out Fitzpat rick at his fuauiest and best is enough to vlmio mushy that the eutertuhnmmd will be a good one. 11ev , Julius Soper , who has spent ton years of his life as a ndsslnnary in Japan , stopped over hero on hits way to his home In Wasliiog tun , D , 0. , and made a bile ! visit to County Clerk Street , to tvhoni ho is related , Mrs. Soper returned lmumo hart year , mid is now visiting frimmds in New Jersey , but will join her husband him Wasldugtoh , Mr. Super , by his long rosldtnce him Japan , hay become very familhar with time eustoums , the language and pccullaritie + of the people , mind is a very biter- osthmg amvereatioualist. Ho has a years leave of nlsmoneernnd expects to rroturn to time work to wbbcb le has devoted his whole heart and lhfo. 8Ah'I3 A'F NOME. , Tim h aria i Big Pour Arc at Their Vhi ( sldcs. Blair ( Nob. ) Pilot. Mr , Ralph Hackney , who lives up on thu river bottom , uoar MuKorchor's ferry , luuidcd us sumo slips of paper time other day , which le says his see found in a bottle floating down the Missouririvor. , There are three square cut pieces of muanilia , about 3x4 umchcs square , and a 'pieco of about two-thirds of a sheot'of note paper. Upon the sill of note paper is written with a pun and ink in a good business-like had , time following : "May 10 , 1882. We take this method of luformbig the world that we are iu constant danger , blmould we pever be hoard from , the finder liereJf will publish this auto. Up ter Dakota , north of Plorro. We are from Ilariati , Iowa , and are 'fumes. Ledwich , 0 , .r , Wylamld , E. B , Moore mad G , W. Cut. lison. ova LAST PIIAYEIL Vouchsafe Thine aid , Almighty Father of the Universe , at this , our lust meeting on earth. " Let the mind of our solicitous contemporary - porary of Blair , and time grant couumioim- wealtima of Nebraska , Dakota , Idaho mud nil oleo rest in ) caco amid cease frommi troubling , ' 1'ho above mentioned er- somma ges , muter manY hair-breadth uses mos ammd blood eurdliim adventumes are riuw omi'o ing time mleitaures of mono mold their ehiildrub mmd grand clmiklres are listening with , mouth ) mm6a1a1 at time wonderful storks about elk , beaver , milushruts , amid whales-llarlan Ttibuuu. Itoal Estate Trnnsfurs. Time following deeds wore filed for io- cord' ' in time recorder's ollieo , August 31 , reported for time BEE by P , J , Mc. Mahon , real estate agent : Willie Doi11y to Delia Denny , part of lot J , block 5 , Boors odd-$1.00 , J , S , White to Joseph Pinker , nk no 20 , 76 40-$1,000 , L V1 , Barnum to Martin Moram , lots 9 and 10 , block 4 , Howard'a add- $150,00 , J , 11 , Croumiett to Willioml Domed , s1J nwk 4 , 77 , 38-$3,000 00 , 1 lore Ii. Sndth to Namiey Preston , part of nj . 22 , 74 , 38-$100.00 , S. A , I lcMmiiiem to John Bono , part of iota 7 mind 8 , block 8 , iiaylisa'thrstadd- $25,000,00 , Jolts Bono to S , A , McMahon , part of Iota 180 mid 181 , original plot-$13,000. Tobsi sales , $ 12,751,00 , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE-Nlwctai ahertlemuenle , such as Lost , t'uund , Vu I4an , Fur Sale , T's ! tent , lyants , hoard. big , etc. , Nill be bmsurtud In this c.hmm at limo luw rate of rENcmr'niPlittLINisfurtbutlr + tanssrtluu cud Fl1'E UlNlit : i iii : IANE tar cacti subwquont In surtloi , Leamu adwrttsoments at uuromltcu , No. 7 l'uarl Slruet , near Uroadaay WANTS , t' ANTID-Emory : baiym Council nluas to tatu IIIEUsit Udtrcrud by sulerat only twenty cents a weak. % rANl'EU-Agoalrrl. : Apply at Utie tytmdsor tostaurant , 03i mruadway , \ TAN"1'EU-A boy , with pony , to dcltrur Tiu UK. 117ANTEU-Appicntice girls t + 1u ( r" drearmak Fig , at Mrs. A. E , WimIttakor , ilaki stmcul , oppodte { moslolltce. 1TAh"1'ED-TO TIIADE Fur residence property In S Council lmluas , eboic Inds in 1tr nolde county , Mo. Address Nugent e : Sudn , , 7 nd 0 Mahn stret. FOIL BALE AND RENT , TOItSALE-Ilouee amid lot , uodhwest corner el _ JTenth and Uruadr'cy , Join. . W. Uuae. Foil ItEiIT-Fumtahsd rooms with board , at No , TSOMy aterstreet. 1.2 N , CABADY R If. ORCUTI' . CASADY & ORCUTT 602 Broadway , - - - Council Blufs , Iowa , WHOLESALE AND 1U TAIL Cnrnetsaod Oil Cloths , CURT4INS , Curtain Fixtures , AND A COMPLETE a .a"OK OF CHOICE Hoiie FurflIii ! ; Nove11ie M Mail Orders rompptlY Filled. CASADY &dORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , r4x A. H,1I , YNE & C0 , f DE.1LEItS IN Bulk and Barrel Lime Louisville & . Poland Cement MICIIICAN PLASTER , IIAIR AND SEWER PILE , HARD AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST PRICE. No , 639 Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. NUGENT & ? MITH , . ' 1 \ D' 0 , ( w r 2 , . -ram CD r ; t k _ ! a , 0 I. E w' .01 MerchantTai1ors. 7 and 0 Main Street , 7Dx. 4T4DRY , aOLTIVGIL BL4JY'7Eelr , x. . ml OHN BEND t Cu. / Main streetand11llrarmst eet. L , B . CLARK & CU u Prcecrlptlons Compounded DRUGGISTS. nt all hours , 100 Broadway. M Lt11 Ap Mi x111 , Grocery , 215 31o1n Street Uotel , , 217 and 210 Afaln street. IT. . M B B STOW M ' D. . , A , . , Comer Fifth street and Fifth arc , l , J , F , W RITE , Cernam Slain and Filth up stalrs. OFFICE Residence. , 009 Willow avenue. i JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE , ' iRZ . Olac mer American Express. . LIVERY AND FEED , , S VYAa. E H , wlu contract tor funerals at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth btreet , M , S I I , JOH V & Cu.CAsH BUYERS , 1VhoIesaIebuttor tryand fruit. Ship eggs , toes. poul Draft by return mail. 140 Broadway , . NEW BOOT AND iLnOE STORE , S , Comer Male and First avenue. D. A , BENEDICT , SIG Office 937 Broadway C uncu Bluffe , Iowa. J AC OB KuOH , Stock Complete. Suits made reasonable prices. No. 805 Maln St. G . F , S 1TH , Comer 7th and Broadway. CONTRACTOR Plane AND and BUILDER speciacatlons , fnrnlshed. DEALER IN FINE HARNESS. W , SHERMAN , i have the varlaty that bdnga patronage. 124 Maln street. ° ANT TAILOR. JAMES FRANEY , ArtletlcWork and re as g able charges , 872 Broadway. H WE & SON 1 and household Buppllee FDRNITU , E STOVES , Spa Broadway. LINDT & Li ART , James Dloak , ATTORNEYSATLAW 1'ractlca In stale and federal carts , And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont. S A N ITAR U tun gomery , ii. D. Physlclaii. WADE CA' Y , once , ' SURGEON , No 12 Scott effect JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , El3VVIN J , ABBuTT , Notary rubllcand General Con oyancer. 415 Broadway , hEV1 1 hB H1iUSF , Broadway opposlta New SM Opera loustTUN , Refitted $1 , 81,50 per day NEW AND SECOND.IIAND IIOUSE110LU GOODS. yy 11 ALIMY , Bought and sold. 212 Broadway SECOND ANNUAL rair ! OF THE Council Bluffs 0RIVING PRfl K & FAIR R SSOCIRTION I SEPTEMBER , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , $15.000 in Premiums I 15,500 Iron SPEED. Liberal Promiuma for every Product of the Farin , Workshop and Fireside , The Trotting , Running cud Pacing Races will ho The Most Exciting ! EVER WITNESSED. CIIARIOT AND HURDLE RACES Everylday , Tire Track , Exposttlon Bulldlug and grand stand equal to any IiithuWest. EXCUIISION RATES on all rsllroads extremely low. low.LION , TilUS , A. IIENDItICES , of Indiana , will delver thu OI'KNIN0 ADDIIISS on thoafmuruoon of Tucsday , 6eft'or premlum114 address 1'IIOMAS 1tm11vilAN. Secretary , vuos , orncas , + n. Ir. russ-c. OFFICER' & PUSSY BANKERS. Council Dluffe , Is. Esta6'lishea - - 1856 Dealers In Forglen and Demesne Exchange and home Securities. W. R. VAUCHAN , Justice of the Peace. Omaha And council Bluffs. heal eetah and cllectlonaxonoy , n Odd Fallow' . block , over Savings flank. Iaaep MOROAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of Wooden and eletallo Cases. Call altendod to at all hours , w'a defy aimi.etltlun in quality of goals or prlcos. Our Mr . .organ lies served ay undertaker tr forty years awn thuruughly mmdersta'da , his bust. 'mess. Waroroonu,311 , hiruadwny , UI'IIOISTEIUNO In all Its branches promptly attended to ; xlau carpet laying and laumbrelulna Telcgraphlo and umall 0 ors fUlod without delay , SLzELTON , HENDRICKS & RICA , TAILORS , 102 1dlAYN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES NOT T0 BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. HOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . ,5 , 9 To The t Trade I , We take pleasure in calling your attention to the fact tmnt } nehavemado such arrange. menu as will amiable us to sell you Rllbhel' Boots , Slioes , Etc. , Here , as Low as you can buy them East , t'Writa for further information. , . a , CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , r . ) . . . . . EIn kI e Hardware Co. _ a t , F .Y Wg3C7LE 3 A.LIV S' aRf ' Hardware ! , l0e and 111 S llrain Street r , ; , .ax- COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. s IVIIOLTsSALE DEALERS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and.344 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Fruits Colileotloilery Parties , Sociables and Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods deliva.d to all parts of the city. Vienna Bread , and Pies. Fine Cigars. W. T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Model Steam Laundry ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. A. CHRISTIANSON . , - - - - Proprietor. : Hns just opener a new and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee good work , Please give me u trial. 3 H. E. ] Aii : A1 . r17 Special Sale for Thirty Days . . -COMMENCING- rtl.7.rC1c % A1 : . 1,1 1 ; f5 , . To reduce our stock and make room for a large stock of FALLAND HOLIDAY GOODS . : We offer at reduced prices our stock of ¶ roys , tOllOry , ioelllllloolls Boos PHOTOGRAPH ANDAUTOGRAPH ALBUMS , Pocket Books Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags FANCY GOODS Steel and Other Pictures---Cabinet Engravings - - - Photograph - graph Frames , Parlor Easels , : 'ir8 Cr@ i1 F'r * ixieS5 WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , 1 h ] D011 W1ixX.W WM 'EPA'- ' ' ] Conrlisting of all kind of , Baskets---Clothes Baskets and Hampers. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS. will Pay You to Call' and ; Look at Our Bargains. H. E. SEAMAN , 405 Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW A.