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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1883)
- . ' - - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,1 . I THE DAILY I3EE-OMAflA SATTURDAY S1P'FEMBEll 1 1883. _ L _ - - - - - - - - c'aqs Rheumatism , Lum. bagoL3znoflack Sprakmand flrai , Asthma , Caarr1i , C'ou'hs , Colds , Sore T.Ziroatl Diphihoria , flunis , Frost I 1flitn : ; , Thotl , Ear arnI Hoad. ace , and allpains axid achos. I N I bijt ) nurnt % n4 mn$1 , emed In the IJ. E'T1 hottt guar&nt4. J by medIcIne eeiywber. . DltctoittIgt I&nguagi. 1'tfte a ceRti in1ii. rotn , MILUIJRN &O. , Prop'rs , tljrrAto. N.Y..UJ.A. Nw O1it'M , Augllt 1 , HSL TO THE PUBLIC ! tnvostlgnto To1 YouraoIo . 1'tmter.UcnI Orekm ) ia1n eub1Itot 'wlflftul flI tTla1IthTSthOiNd hi i egaM to tm chat .ctrof The LoslitMi S u Lottery Unpat , th facts &rr .iven tn the poUlo th ptoo hh 'tcnicnt , thr.t tro onaged Lu tt.dtet bu . inc , to befaMe xa'4unt1 : 'Amount of irbti xud b- The T.ouWtna fito Lot- tety Compaty tram at1t.y 1 , 879 , t * ir iit dite : ? F&Id to South.nZxpreie Co , , New Okani , T. M. Wescott , Manvr . tISOtO ( 1'd ! to Loutan atIbtt1 13&nk. Jo , U. OJlNhy. Prctldent 463 OV ( : d tO ut tUt&ERtIoflaI Bk , a IL IensflyPrvchhnt . . . . . 125,1O ( \ aw to OftntgtIona1 , Banl. 1 A flildwin Iredcer.t . . . . . . . . . , . . 8S55 I'akrto tJnonntliM1. Iftnk , 13. Chaiaion , ( jhtr . . . . . . _ . . . . . 6,45l : I'aid to Uthui'flink , .ELCaniere.Prndent . . Iaid to Grrnnh Nfttoinal 1tnk , Ju1sCnIresIdent l'aIilto Iflhettda'ttIonnl flanks Chii. tdif v. ( IihIer . . . . . . . . . 37.oc P&k tosnt1I1hk. ii. roby , Ch4er . . . 13,1t I'&ld to MCtoI N&tia1 Bank Jo $ MEtchel. Ohler . . . . . . . . . . TctaI peld & bou , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,2S65 1aIdinnmi ofuMcreIOOO atthv various oil1ce d the Company Ibroeghout tho'JnttedState . . . . . . . . . 2C27.4I Ttatpatd forIlI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Far Cictruth f4ho above fa'.taae refer the pubik tothe otheer of the aboenam' eorporatIon ts for our k ! Ity * ifl , t&ndIn to tha jgyorand Oiicer - dtheOty uf No'OrIeaua , tothe'Stateauthorltlcao Lousan ; , .atft aim to the U. S ORtciaI of Loulsians Wo cIaintobe4leTa1 : , honeat n(1 correct In ell ou tranagioii , nr.tich so aa ony 'ouIncs In the couli try. OuraatiUIug Is concedoti y all who will inve tIgat,4nd ourattck has for yra been aIdat oa 1oat ' 1of Brok ric , and owned y many of our boa knowmond' reapetcd clCzens. M. A UA1JPIHN , Preldent - jCITAL.PRIZE $ Tooo. Tickets On Sb , rcu4nroportion < UA Loutiana tatc Lultery Compau 1 We do hrey arify that we superthe the i rangexenLi. ( or all the Moofhty and Sern-Anuu rawafke toui4ana State Lotferil CornpasZ GdiUnperaon . ? nosiage and contro' ' e Drawia ; hetaa1eesiina thaC the sonic are conducted Wit 1 oneaty/tzrneu. and n gcdfaifh toward alt pgi A ta anC t.oouthotho the company to use IMa di flc4cwWrfnc.lIUe of ecr gfgnaturea atfacM' n c2iverf8enenta COMMIONIP. Inoorpoiated In 1SC3 for 25 yeas by the Iog11atm for adncatonaI and charitable ptrposea-wIth o lt&I ofe1 ooooo-t ( ) which reserve fund of eve 6tOOOO baii Inco been addcd. By on oacrwhclinlng popular vote Ita francht was fl2adO C part of thu prehont atata conatitut1n adopted December 2d , A. 1) . 1879. oniji Lottery ever voted on and eado,8ed t thcpeople of ansi state It never Seata or Pogtponee. ' Itt grand single number drawinga tak . place monthly. A BPLENflID OPt'ORTtJNITY TO WIN A P01 TUNF Ninth firand Drawing , Class 1. at New Oj leans , TUEt3UAY , SEPT. ii , 1883-lOath Monthi ' 3rawing. CAPITAL PIUZ , $75,000. 100,000 PICt17lB tt FIVE : DOLLARS EACI ! .a-ra tlousln Fifths In Proportion. LIST 1 CAPPI'AL P1t1Zi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00 1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iooc 2 PR0.0F $8000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 , 5 do 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00 10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00 20 do 500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00 L . 100 do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,00 r Q0 do 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,00 500 do 80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,00 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,00 PPUOXOI 'rIoN vazxs. 0 Approoimatlon prI of $750. . . . . . . . . . . 6,7t 9 do do 500. . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 ( . 9 do do 250. . . . . . . . . . . 2,2t p lglT PrIseaooountIng to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Applicattonfor rates to cbba should i , nwle oni tc thu oSlco t the Company in New Orleans. For further bformatloi wrlto clearly glvin I I &ddrees. Mko V. ( > . Money Orders pnab1s an L address R.edered Ntiw ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK , : Now Orleans , La. . ) OrI1naryetters by Stall urExpreas to M A. DAUPhIN , : or M A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans , La. 007 Seventh St. , Waihlngtoi I ) - _ _ _ _ .LOllISIANI STATE LOTTBRY C ( B. Frank Moore. 127 La Salle Street. Chicag ( Formerly sin and 202 llroai8way N. Y. ) 1ow Manager of Cliieau Omitco. To4vfom apply S informatIon and tiekota. 100th Monthly r . Tuesday , Sept. 11. ) 'lrst CapItal l'rlze , $ fl,000. Tickoti $5. Bold ' 11tho at 81 each. Nee tuB schema elsewhere. _ we.i& - , . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIP An cxncllezmt appetizing tonic . - exqiIteItattavoriJowuedoYer It - ; , 7v-.r wliolo world , aarca flyspepil : - . ( ei liarrhlra , Pvver &r4 Acne , and s , - - ; disordcriiotbi iflgestlyu Orgasm V : - 'mQ A few driipei Inipart a deicloi ? - : - navnrtoaglassorcIi.imnagntnc ; . - _ : 8' ? ball , umnmvrdrlnts. 'iry it , hi . . 5 : bewarontcounlerrde.isle ( Tel 4 - 2.gocvr ordrugglvttorlmegemiule ) - ' article manufacturi4 by J)1C. O . .3 ( I. 13. IIIeUIILT t' . : : .a J W. YDPERMAHtl , oe ! A6e0 5SAA ; J. w. If.a.x , 51 Broadwa. N. Y. - - . , limnie' ; cii .u tb ; , tv'i OLLUIATLD ' lslte.l be e Idemic - . - .umil indeed lii I leaitle4 'ahero ' II jiimdlIlon. are ii I farornile to ICSlt 'I ' tlil faiii'ius igtt , - Ito invigorarit su - _ . . - = ; - alt4rative , jhisLi t , . - : : ' Icr'S $ tomach II ; . . ; iris , has licen 1ui . . a poteit aafegus : L ? even to feeble nomis C f tutl2ni aijil frag I frmiag , while as tore fur indigeetlo LIfluuness and ki ITOMACH died corn .lalnti , lITER - - - - - - CANDIDATES. K tron Tcaui Co1uill For th Fi1I Caiuaill. ' . ' 3'or. NOL omto 'unt. 'riitto etShtCII WM j'r2dictetl BOIflO thue ago that I the pavimg of Douglas vrcot would give that thorotighfnro a big boNli , and the result has imocu what. was anticipated. it is e.roiiely the favorite tlrivtmway for void- des rif all kinds , new blocks are tinily mishig skyward , and 110w firma aSo open- i11R'fll ) iii the whoksaic a11d retail busi. . .ijSS. .ijSS..Anlong Lime httor laThe witolesalu house : unt opened at o. lllOt ) Dinigilts street , OIL fJaIIWOII bhek y Messrs. Riley .1)ilion a brief atmnutimicutnetit of winch ; was mimacle & few clays ago. Time lirmn is coamposed of Mr. .AtttIy Ililey , die of the oldest anti mimost cx- ImerieIIcc ) IleII in thu liquor trade in the yest smut one of the ttost lolflthat' mncn OIl the road botveemt Oinihia muid SAIL : ko City. Mr. T. A. Dilluim is mtlso an old hand at the busincs3 , hm&viug been br ynra.a lnoInb'or of one of the biggust disLiIIng tous.a in Chicago , awl the two make A strollgt0a111. Their now tore room is fpacmous , beautifmmflypcred and ) ) vitlt 4iimo.ftmniiture , alike and baw , alt of ash and wttlitut amid hued to o'urI.lowing with the ittoat. fiunous bramida of.lim1uor& , and oigarsforeign and domestic , .liandl cd I niiywhore.inthuUmutcdStmttes. 'lUrn entire1 fruxttpMLofth store is 'rowtlutl ivithi1 I stock.yot.we learn tluit mmmcli I inoimeonithe road. At the right of thu cutriutco us the convenient emlilce and ) tiOSi Lu. it it ho cigar do1iartiucnt.cnclosd i hmuidswne wire scrs'olms gilded dtora.iiudornameutai work. Theretuil department is iu 'tim irar h emit1 , aiii.bis onu of the neatest , 'cleanest ) and best.1ghtod bar-rooms mm the city , , andwillLbeconio one of the 'most .attrac- I Livoofttho nany resorts we tlmvo of ttins . hind. ) Mr.Riley Imims already goneout on tim irondto tee his former cuao1dura nndMr. DiIIonrcmnaiiiS , PeV30fltlY in ch.arge , so ; thstimat.rons will receive thobest of treat- : mnent.oithor oiLddu or im.theiy.Vo wish 'time 110W uirmn 'time success it 'dim. . I eerVs. - _ _ _ _ - 5..A . iBaptist Minister's cpcrIcneo. . III an a Baptist minister , anti theforo I I thouht of being a clergyman I graelut&l 'in : medicine , but 1 loft ii lucrativu preectice for my Preeelmt 1)roICsSiOII , fucty years ago. I wes for.aiiany years ii sufferer froimi qulusy. Thorn. iectric Oil cured inc. I also troubled - I led with hummraonoae , aiid 2Yhornai' . .Elec4ric .alwye relieved immo. My wlfm anti child , , dlpltherln , aimd Tlwnuz' L.dccfric ( i cured thicni , ammil If tikumi iii ma cure auvuit thimlee wit of ten. I am confident It is.a.cure for the .rnost , obstinate cold , or cough , nd If unyono .will taken small teaspoon amid half tilI.ic with Oj , audtheu iilat' the end of the Spoon in olme . nostril and draw the ( .Z out of the spoon mintu , tho.head , by siiiffluig as hard as they canumitll the Oil falla over into the throat , and practice . twice a we k , I don't aim 'how.ulYensivc I theirhead cony be , it wihlc1eanlt out andcure their cntarrh. For elealmiecs muiil.earachmo , it r ha done wonders to my certain knowledge. It I iic the only nedicitio ilubbed patent mmmodicimmv ' that I have over felt like recommending , 101(1 .1 Mn very anXIOUS to icee Ii Ifl every jihzeo. for I tell you that I would not be without it in mimy house fur amiy consideration. I aimim 110W gutTer lug with a jam like r1meumatimiu my right limb , and nothing reliovem nOl like Thomas .i.tlectric Gil. " Dr. E. P. Cr.mne , Carry , Pa. TRULY METROPULITA. Au IllStitlltiOll tO C . Apriatc ; by All. One of tile Great Attractknu4 at Stiiti I F'ttii'sVcelc. . . Tim visit of the Knights Toinplarto : 'Omaha of late , as veil at of othmerdis. . tiuguished travelers has evoked a con. stunt round of praise of our hue hothis opera house , banks and busimiess blocks , u audit is sate to say iLium proved an ad. vertiseinent which will swell time tide ol tavel through this city for years to come , S Stat41 fair week , too , lviii 500 tile visit. nra who throng to this city accommo. dated aimd pleased as they hover have a been before. 'Oiie of the features of the city , not o ; either , will be thu possession ol ( a really line hotel wheru one .can obtain , all the comforts and ezijoymuenth of lifo k . without paying a fortumie for the privi. logo. Pun Ban refers to the Motropoli d tan Hotel oil Douglns treot , corner ol 1uitl , conducted by that genial and abic lmost.aud gentleman , Mr. ( Jco. Ji. Joslyn one of tim most eliterprising and aucces ful bUSillCHs 111011 Iii time city. Since Mr. Joslyn took charge of tin - Metrapolitan lie has mmmdc it thecqual ol any hotel iii the city. He has put in tmt ] electric light and just coiiijiletcd a thorough - ough renovation of the house from to1 to bottom , inside and outside until it it 1 a. clean as a ladina boudoir , Extensive I repairs have also been nmadecalculatesl t make it nioro atttnctivu and comfort able than over beforo. IL has tin I , advantage of being on the .nly paved street itt tue city and is the ) I only tIVO dollar house in Omaha which it centrily located , being in time center o the loading business houses and witimir two or three blocks of time opera house street cars and 'bus barns and other pUb Lii lic iiistitutiois. Time dining ronum is a - plcaauL as any in tim city and the cull ' Ilory dclartmcnt second to none. Obliging clerks and olliciuimt help tm'il niako ovcrytiiing p1asaimt for time gueetn amid it aim honestreccommodmition mnmuc when time public is advised to become guests of U1i11U host Joslyn while iii tic city. . - * SVhy is Mrs. Lydia E. Piimkham'i i Vegetable compound like tue ! IiSSiBSipp s. in a npriug freshet ? Because the j imnnmemmso volume of this healing rivei flives with such monteutumn that I , o 8wcej)8 away all obstacles wmd js literallj : flooding time couiitry. ThII NIVS' hi4tNiC. itiuflhier flvldrnicem of Omaha's ttcnil ily IiicremmeImig I'rcspcmIiy. Eveiry day lerings to the front omne ; : evidence of the rapid yet subtetantLi * trowtb of Ofnmtlia and assurance o' it 1 ( perpetual prosperity. This is duo as we ) tj ( A ) the enterprise and energy of her citi iii ZeuS Ut to her unequalled natural tulvant ! ages. Especially is the city noted for the : miuuilmr of its banks and time vast busi a , 1108 transacted by them and now it j t vxmnouncecl that ammotimor firni has opentu up oWces for conductjnm it. ill general . banking business. This Is the cornpoceol of MSSSrL John Ii , itnt ' \vi1.n McCscue , the forinerwt1i knowim as one of time leading remd est.mte mmmcii in tim city , nimit botim reoognized its lileit of ability anti immttgrity. These two gomi- limeD have foriiid a en.partnerslli1. anti will open ( In nut ! nLmr ( Sept. 1st mu the tmfhio mooins of Jolmii L. IteCmtgue , uppo. site tim postoflice , imiftll 1eerimatiulmt , % ittid uitimimle tooiiis can be secured , It will he gr.mtefying to kimenv hit ) . Ift. .loliti Ii. lcCimo ie , the senior nietimber of time drum , will still continue jim the real estate iitisiies , as it would ic a loss to time public shiuitl ho go omit of ins fumier and succuasful work , WHY WE CROW. ScciaI Eitioii of ix Thonsan Boos. Evclting Sceiies cm limo Streouc-in lHg 1)es.mmaiutt. The San Francia30 Chronicle limes beeim boasting of its big ld.pngo editioim and its iuiuiseliso sales , aviJ vull it limay , om it vam a great stroke f imewapaper enterprise. Eastern papers cro constantly eloing the smSflm , timing , but it remnaimied ( cr Omaha 'to comime to thtEfrout among the i.lissouri vaIley cities , aumol wimen six iimotmsatdl Buns sudduitz % appeared invtnlous varts of the city at noon yesterday .evorybody was wild wifh excitement , Immiel our con temporaries 'were fairly iirl'zed. Men sought eagody for the lIrio amid knots ol 111011 gatlmced on every carimur , whmomo any quaiitiy of BEES were 'to be had , Such an rintcnao lot of iseokera have ilot been soon in a good while mmmiii hid : even brought barrels and imoxcs to carry tlmomfl twvfly in as a business spuculatiomm. The boos referred to werunot news papers but wozo eiiL out by us as aim ad. vertisemmiont and consisted 'of two thn swamis of Italian lionoy bees. They canme sailing in from themnomthemn pan of the city about noon nimd vere limni scull in front of Uimion block , on 15L ) street , where tlioy caused a stampede. One of timequccus aiigbteti.oim a faniumori wagon , and instantly time whole swam began to ) settle oti the wigoii anti horses. Aim experienced hmumdki of boos got thmo queen and carried her to tim Wabasi corimor , whore sue was .qui kiy followee by time rest. Simo was mit nuder a barre1 anti they began to , followber in , butthure was so inuclm imoiso thsm.t .timo , ewmmnhiis weim on and flumally settled on time litimb of r tree iim frommt of the court house wlmich was nawed oil and both quceimi being secured tiic entire lot estimated at 0,000 were soon safely housed in box ci aiitl barrels. The value of the two swarms is in the neighborhood of $20 mimn it was a lucky capture for time immen. ii fact all mmmcii who gets Bass are lucky. _ DE GROA1'S i1tITU1N. C 11is Excellent. Commcluct lltesto Hum to Liberty amid Citizenship. Mr. Charles B. De'Grommt , who was con victed of incendiarismnlim Deccumbor , 1881 and semmienced to two years at Liimcoiii returned yesterday ammd svill once himore begin life aumoiig imis old friends. Charlie Do Great was veil kiiowii te everybody ] mcre amid aim attenipt wra mnad at one time to have lminm lmmrlImed out but timis svmms dropped vbluiitimrily. Hi : good behavior itt Lincoln won for imiii iiie estecimi of all time otlicers , amid iim tic cordaimce with time rules of time institutioi shortened his titime lo ) as to let him on four months before thu expiratiln of hii - , tune amid mestore iiiiii to full citizoiisliip Al ! will rejoice to loud lmini a imullilmi humid imm starting in life ztimumv. Sowing % Viltl Oats. how many waste their time an1 resource ill foolish ezlerillents ) , with namety worthies ijiedleimine that can mover do them a vbit o good. Ifyou are * .ick and uvint help get reputable remedy of estildisimid merit. 'lb curative virtues of JIiirelcwkJlood Jitters iimv lover Imeemi questioned. For au simm feebled clrcuiatloim or a wcik stomach they Mr splendid. ; AULTMAN & TAYLOIt Will Malce time Biggest Exlmiiiit Yet a tIlcStnU1t'nIr. I The foliowing letter has been receivee . by Major Whceier , secretary of time stab board of agriculture : I MANSFIELD , 0. , August 27 , 1883. Ilomi. Daniel Ii. Viicc1er , Piattcnoutim , Ne ) , . : Dear Sir : I desire to thank you fo information relating to state fair eJf 1883 I amid regret exccediiigly that I can not b [ prosommt , but we shall have the fiiicstsimc' t I ofour goods mit your fair that. we over zimado at any f.iir since we bt'gai I business. Youi's trmily. I IIA1ITIDL. Treasurer. ) Thmo Coluinclo Oil VeIls. . DINVEii , August 31.-In time Arkimusa I valley comimpany's oil vell , at Canon Cit : , to.duy , at a de1itli of 1O(0 ( feet the diii I penetrated time secoimd veimm of oil wimici 3 raised one hundred and twenty feet ii f time tubing. 'limo gimimuine pebble sam I fumes lmcrt of this soctiomi of stratum , tb , thmickneecs of which is yet tniknowim. Timi . vell is two amid a iialf miles from tb h I'eabody veil. Time Common City compazm . coiiiinenco boring to-morrow four miii imortim of time Peabody. Time oil obtainee I s heavy pure lubricating. TUTT'S - PLLS ) TOfWID BOWILS , r ZSORDERED LIVEfl , and MALIA. From these sourceti arise thicefourtha ot / thcs diseases of Limo limurman race. 'ilieSO ipiaptoinslndicato tholrcxtstcnco l Loss of Appetite , honed. coative , Sick Jlasul- , me.hao .iL1ilos. artcrcutlngavcriion to czrlIoii of Jmciy sir mind , Idrmmctatlon of toiti , Zrrltnbliity of temper , Low .pLrZLii , it ( vehIn orianving , .rglectcil 8ibIe ditty , Ihzzliaoas5 ' 1utterhsig 5t time - Ifeaal.flotsbafore tliocyciiiIihiycoI. . eyed Jrhiio , coNq'rst'r1o ( and tic. maud hime use ofa icmodythat dircotl natbe J.lvcr. .AsaLlvcrmnodlcliio'J'U'rT' . i'ILLH limmeim no o'iunh. 'Ximclr actiommon tim : m Ifiunoysurut Nkln Is also prompt ; removing nil lioptmnitics through timesothirco "scar- I cilUet Of the Mpatam , " producing cmppo. tim , sounri digosuton , regular atot,1 a clear It L iivlgurouuliodv. 'fIJTT'N i'IiTJ.M 1 cause fli ) nOuROti or 1plug nor interteru with cLilly woric ziim.1 too a perfect - 5CNTOTE TO MAL.ARWt. . hold everyhi. rn.nao. thUr.4 I Al IIrr'cy ' bt.N.Y. S GNAr JIMa on wiiiaiciwe changed In. 1 StienOy toaUrni.t3V hL.AC1C tyai.liiglo tip. plicaibsi of hue hYlh. lholmi by Druggists , orLormtbyeXjircss nnr.colptot 1. I 0mm , . 44 Mimrrrmy dtrot't. 1cw York. I TIJTT'a MJU1'JIL oFUrUflECUPT3 FREE. - fill. t 1HROUH THE PARK. ' ' Pot ftc The Iu lillc1's' an Uralldnr iii YlIostollo Falls. V1mi1H i1' Uncouth timeR Amflu1 IaJcsty Sects Ntmwhert flbe. CASIP A.thsoN , Yeilowstoiio Canon , Ata'u't 2l , 'in. Ltviimmzstou , IiIontaim , Amigtit ZO.-Leariug Yellowstoimtm lake at O:2. : this umoniling time panty jotiniioyetl 18 mimlles over a smiemiitiitL trail to this 1iitt. Time road was equal to any turn- 1tLko lit the states , mid tom tim. vay the ) at the vtiit1enfu1 hmithmi guy- stirs. ( ) ime of theni is kimown rum ' "l'hme Ettiteers' I late , " aimd one as " Dovil's Cmi. tlioit. ' As time t''Y ' looked into the tiret auil listemmed to the rush aimd roar of tlmeiiieuthiitig vatcr and immml that eternal. 13' 1'oils but linda ito outhit it geim- om'w'ly remarked that tholilemee wits Proleer- i timauiied. 'l'hmo cauteim of time \ elitiwatuno ema vimiehm We are now CmiiUpL'i surpasses tlcscmi1itioii ill gnummduur. 'l'hie two fills botwoumi which yu limivo pitched our dm1111) are equal iii subinnity and beauty to any thlmil the conthmuimt. Leaping mumd rushing tietwecim pmcc'ipicos of red amid yellow rock tim Yellenvatono i ivur seuimms to tear its mvay through solid iimouiimtaiims , leaving iii its LiivaY forums of uimeoutim muuict lawful lnojL'sty aceim imowimero else. I timid here , also time inevitable tourist.s , imimmie iumd femmislo , onch of wimma is aum. jolts to see iiot omimly time caimon , but the Presiicmhlt smmd it is immiidiy suggested by 5um that the eyes of these lovers a ! mm- turiro tiu'ected immure frequently to the C hatter than .to time former. W'o mdl prob. ably relmutili hero to.morrnw , amid eapect tu readi tile railroad by Snptenmiecr tmrst. C So far the trii 1mm beomi otmo of unalloyed L iienstmru , and all are in time best. of hmomiltit. I3TItOUIIINO IN 'I'IIE I'MIK. C Iimotlmeo 2)mmp.or Magnitleost Scenery nimit Ihluummitauti Cilnmbiimg. CAMS' CAr.xamuoN , Oil thmo Yellowstone I Itiver , via Livingstone , Mt. , AutisL31- Camp memis broken as usumi itt tidIO cicIock I ycalerdimy nmorlmiug , amid all of time buys I of time tuitty rested , b31 a day's sojourn almiongetthlo gemini accimory of the canon I miiiet time fails of time ollomvatomie , gladly took tIme trail leading imontimward to our last. oaimmp omm time baumks of time famimomue , tivor. Timero are two trails iemmtiimmg from timelomser falls to Barrett's bridge ; Ohio follows time etlimomi imloiig its I creek for tifty or sixty miles , thmm leaves , it uid passes to lme eastward of Mount , \Vimalmbmmrim. It is a very dilileult route. For twelve miles it is one eoiist.smmt doS - S scent. Other amid bettor one wo followed I aimd passed over to time westward slope of iho animmo iimomnmtaima. From time sunnmmit 1 of MomimmtVmtsiibumne , 10,000 feet above time sea , extummthcl and oomimprcbonsivc view of time park acuimer' ' wits obtauimcd. To time nortlmwmtrd and cast of time gonid elovmmted and snowy midget I and i10mks of time Rocky mouumtainm micro royal turrets rising to the sky. 'I'c time eastward and sotmtlm great bunks of snow limy low on time pciik of Shmosimone - ramigo. Time grimimd cmuiyon , frommi thu , poihit hf vantage , looks like a narrow I gorge fminged vitit dark pimmes. In time distance can be secim imoino of time great 0 geysers sondimig foitim ieufl of steam , nmul giving their location time nppemrammco of : , aim aggregation u busy factories. Tiit Li grimy volcanic rocks which crown time etumumimit of time mmmouimtains are relieved at iimtcrvmmls by gnimssy slopes , mmd (11)011 :1 tlicumm are sprinki 1 beds of lovely . wild flowers. In a cablim at time top Of I the mimoumitmiiim they' mylmo have bad tue I courage to iiiike ; time muecemit have loft tiiuim 0 cards with imotes , sotimo giving time mimost . u'rotchicd miccouimts of their eximetomimee , ' wimichi vero the results of cold WilmdA , snow and sleet which bad greeted tiieiii iiiitead of pleztsammt temperature aimd nmag. iiuhiotihmt views which they hmoped for iiimd ( ix pucted. 4 'fhmo 1)rL'siiCut and Semmntor Vest tried their luck itt isiiiimg yesterday afternoon t mifter our rather trying mido of U 21 immiles , over a rougim mouimtaiim trail , LI amid veru respectively rewarded byacatcht . ( if eight mmd itix fume trout. Our cauiiii U niuned Citmeroim by time presideimt , iii honor of the senator fiommm l'enrmsylvaimimm. It was situated omm a urassy sieimo iemmiclc ii grove of ashicims , amid overlooking time valley of time river , upon which our herds I ieacefuliy grased. To-day's umaicim oven a vimgoem mead to etamiunoLim hot sning , timid to.imiorrow we expect to reacim time terminus of time branch road of thmt 3. Nortimern I'acific rmilroad : LI riia imnvciur. CnlcAoo , Aiigmmst -Collcctor Spald. big received a telegraum fmoimm Secretary Lincoln , of Presideimt Arthur's lmmrty in r time Yeilowstoime , to.elay , saying time lInes ' ideimt wouid icachm Chmicimgo imext 'I'IIesda ) mumd romnaiim until 'I'hmuraday , imolding I : Public rcceptioimVediieeday. . This hog t Lives the report puilished , hems this after i imoomi tie thom etlect timmit the jromiii1eimt imu ; talegraphiod l'renideimt Vihitmrd , of time Nortinnmm Pacific , akirig at what poitil omm the road they cotihil iiiost coimveniemmti meet , the deniuctioim being that Presidiumi S . 'iitimur would attend time opolmiimg of tin V Nertimerim Pacific. f4ervluolti Chilcage , . Ciiictao , August 31.-TIme first np pOifltlfltImt here wider time clvii service law occurred to.dny. Collector Spaidin iimado a requisition upon the local eximimi 0 Ining board cif tue civil service cormimis V for a 3)0i0hm ) to fill avacancy of i clerkship lit $1,000 imer aununi in thmo sir cry ittid wnreimriuking division of time cut - loin house. 'I'hmo hoard certified the foui - imnines highest. omm tue register and time collector selected Johum A. Scmmniett , e Chicago , whose average ntaimding was Limo iiighiost. hmahiml. 'I'Jmu collector lini tilto mmmdc a requisitioim upon the satin lOaid for six ersorms to 1111 teinpomarj iimspectorsiiips. Time Clii's Uaiimo Spoiled , CilmAno , August 31.-.Joiin Ii. Valie quetto. 70 yeama old , a wemiitiiy French ( Jamiadimin , and one of time cariiest tuItion of Chicago , having caine here iii 1843 was declared sammy in tue icrobato cemur : to-day. 'rwO of his cimiiclron askenl te have a conservator appointed for Limo oh gintieimiaui , amid the imhiegmition mimado Wa : that thu hulls of timu itoimman Catholic church were ommdummvorhmg to have hut bequeath hiishmirgocabmtototimo cimurehi 1 % NIIiiL Kuemilis IlllLzaIci , hALIFAx , Aug. 3I.-Jmtu iiit.'Ihigonc of tue effects \S'ediiesdny night'm stoniii around them coast of Nova Sooth 511(1W tue damage to simipping ejitite ox tomiivu. 'J'iii schionmiet's mveiu driver nehicro , semmilo completely wrecked , tome others badly dnnmmwed , Thu fury of Liii gale was ternilic , 'I'hiu tower of time mmcm Catholic church of Cape Jiroton was car nod away , amid a large wooden buUdin1 moved from its fouudatmomm. Sr. JWIN , N. I , , August 31.-Tb : fleet of ( I , S. fislmingvcaauis which arniven imeto iMt mmimdmt report 1 % v'iohiit torni on the ( meat Thuiks , Smnulty list. Time gale rose from time esttwanl at 8 a. mu. , a imuimdretl Dories were driven away froimm time vessels. 0npt. Killier reports scores of clothes turimt'd Ulisitlu clowim aimil wreckage - age was slmrewim in every directioim - TILl : 1710111' 18 OlP. Or , Itittimer , time Flgimtcra are OfI to ( hot ciii. of tue itencim ot Knimsas Immiw. ATChII.SON , KANS.5 Amigumst3t.-1t is an iimmpossibility for time Sinlo.I'clitcimell ' Pri.0 tlgimt to take viaco tniiets nil commocted taku large risks of goimig to time iemmitoli- tiary. it was mriieosee to Slado's himalia- gut , Ii. 1. itico , to draw the light oil , amid lie replied , 'On enmmiition ( timmit it. Is ucitiorstood to ) ( lecilmro time fight oft" liotli ? clitclieil mtiitl Shade intro mccciv ci lotIoN froimi time commuty attorneys ( If time counties tim which they' have becim tratiiiiig , nimel as a comiseqmiohmcll both imavo gIehm up tmaumumg . Time letter motored to is as follows : timiNn.nMnN : 1 51)0 II the pau you are propnniimg to tight. a pniro tigimL 1 'visli to iiut'mfy )0t1 timtt mmmmtler time Iimiismis stattmtcs it is a PetituhmtiarY % olleimse o'itimer to pnuctico ( n tlgimt. hence aimy nttemmmlct elm yotmr PurL to do eltimur viil ccrtaliily get voim bite trcnbio. 'imilo 1 immiv no ndvico to give you 1mm regard to limit him. moral lmrtmctic , I vislm to say that. time law ivill be strictly enforced. ( Sigumiud ) .INm LlTrlli , l'roseetmtimig Attorimoy. A letter of time same tommor and force was received by Mr. lUte fnoimi time gov. enmmor of time' tato. CuloAno , Aummst ; 81.-.lemmi Mace , time backer of Shide jim time lately iimoimtmseti fight with lelitcimdll , received a teiugrtumm to-ilimy front harry Hill , of Now York , atimkeimolder , asking if time tigimt lied beemm declared uIl MAce telegraphed jim reply that "lie regretted to say such was time case. " letnee says Slacle will joimi imimmi in Miimmmeapolis mmext Sunday. Nnw Ytnuc , August 31.-Harry liii ) said to.imigimt : "if it is immmpossiblo to have a fight witimlim 100 miles of Kansas City , as agreed upoum , aumotimor battle groummil eflhl imavo to be selected. I nmmm stakoimolder , amid timere will be a tight. soimniwimere before I smirremidor timetetmikes. 'time tight will ptobnbiy occur in time ncigimberimood of NemvOrhoaims. " TEIEO 1tA11 NOTI4. j'tnoUmor iliy without ammy kind of slckmiciue tut l'dlmcmieoiLm. 'l'lmlrtcen cars of a freight train irene (1011101. leiieel at Kimmzor Stetlomm , I'm. No prsolmn hurt. 11ev. Iratiiur Carroll , ogel Sfl , clmapiatmm emf St. .1 oiiotdm'e , orphmamm muiyluimm , Cimicago , was mime lIver Oil Filth ivdlmuc , New York , yesterday , nod severely hummed , 1)r. .Tosepim VllHanms , city iiuysiclan of time Bunker 11111 district , Ilostoim , was arrested : eterday for mesnmltlng a 32 year old Rirl lim I hue office. VjilIaimms adiumits the rrhmno. Time icteaummehip Ludwig Is sixty days out fromim Antwsinl , , timid tim tmwmmora Imave aban- chimed all hope of imor niCety. Theme were 70 I dim iloard , 24 of whommu wino paseetigere. Noticing va dommo at thu directors mmmectlimg of thu Ieimver & JUn Gramulo road In Npv Yqrk yesterday. The regur ! mnoumtimiy macut- lug etll ls lucid fomitiii' mext , wimoim some mmcrn : thom lii the mmmatter of prmeideiicy will bem taken. Time ] hoetomm herald says timit at thin meetlmmg of t1me deimiocratie state reiutral coumiiuitteo , to. day , mepmescimtatlves f tue 1)mrtY muIhl I ) , iiutimoihzed to carry hiomno the news that ( luverimor Butler vill again be ii candidate fur governor. Tiuc clrommth In easterlI Now Emmgiamni which I imue lasted from thu to ml miruice , lmae ccuiiie 40 moriomis that cmolrn have licemi greatly In. Jmreil , , miiili ii lmrospect of ttihi further ilamnagu If time drutitli he lOit brokumi. Fnnmimene icru . o.unpciled to taku cow's ( room time mmluirue antI feud timmim (1)011 ) ithiitui' imziy. At muliiighut last milgiit tim stmthiuee of Stub- blelleici & Ci. . . , oil Ce lltim cetr.uet , Ihlctmmmil Igloo , Iii , tuero tlmtmoycd by fire. Iii thu stables vero 19 lisiul of mnagiillicoumt Nonimiarm horses , ( , I wimkim tcmm an h eti Ironm Fruitico lint tuimi- day. I if thu entire iit limit one was , eai'od , tim rest twing smimotheteil by the timioku. Lose , 20O00. Time reimmmbhlcan state convention hi coiled to moot Suiteumber 18. There iero olovuim loathe frotmm choicri at Aiixutitii'lmi , , ' [ 'hummrstlay. Geural Slmt'rnixmn imiiml party arrIved In San Francisco ( room Oregon Tlnmrutay. Semmator Aiithomiy lmmui a slIght attack of I vemtigo met mmlgimt , but hues chico ruloverol. Tlmo war on leseIIgOr : rates botwucim St. Loiile miimd Louisville tins aseunmod hiut. , : . .i. : iirtions. tileioitcii fromn Ztmmmzlbar says Fhimcimer the : ( ] uniimaim ctplorer , has returnomi froium the Into. nor of Africa. General .1. A. AkIn , colonel anti aeiistamut , immartrrmmtr general , wee iilaecd on the retIred - : tIred 11.1 of time tinily. Morgmmii , buslmiesi mnmmiagcr of time Itoolo Iii. himitl U mmliii , hits iimircimmud a controllIng In- brett him tue Ibivotiport Gazette. . Time VIliarti Party of iilethigmitsiieti foreign. , ore , jim their way to tiuq opening iii the Norkh era PacIfic. have arrived in 131. Psimmi. Edwnrd 0. Maclien , a Now York broker , . urns mirrtsteml for stealing railroad . wirtim ii,500 , from thu oflico ofViii. . 1. Town , law. I yer , 'i'iio nuinager of ? mlitciioil , the ] 'hItIsim . iimammlt'r , jimbiisiie a caritlulmying the stories I 1uhlleiieui Iii c.utcnim iaio , if working tip the sympathy of cowboys tim favor of liii man. ( leo , B. Ihtmmiimchi ropnIeutor 01 lhummnehi'ce L . immusoimm , Now Yur , Wale arrested cii coin- imIiiiit of Mrs. 1'.iaria ' . Mcjuo ( , for iimtiecuimt ox- Iluslir of life vemoim elm board time elpresH traIn I fioiim Now York. Sylvester F. Fitiler time runaway caiimler of time Sucoimd NmitImnai haiik if , htiffersoii , Oiihii , amid 11. ii , St. Joini , hilt asslijtamit , hero ar rested at Climeolamid 'I'himmrstls , on the cimango . uf stealIng $ tU,000 of the bank ii nmommey. A movemmunt Is on fimot to organIzm tin judo. penilutit base bail aesuelmmtlomm In Piltishmung. - Ior that purpose representatives fromii Cuba. . go St. i.oulu , Imidlauiapohis , 1'Itbbmmrg , 1iiIla. elelpiila , liiooklyn rind hartford will ziment iii I tiiast city October 12th. The consul general of tim Unlt.omi States at . itoimme , in im report to the doimartmuiont , uiurnisimin r Iiuterestiiug : iiccotiiit of a series of c.muksts , bu. , tween cumibi tied reamimg mud limull mg niaclil ties r imiiemuufacturetl in several oiuutnbes , Iii which : time United Stiles were .imiccesfiml , botim lrizom . being cminiled elf by AIrmellcans. S 'Jiiu special cimvoy of time AssocIated Press 3 aCCOiliatIyImIjf tint hmrcaltientlsi party , tube f graphs lImit ' 'thIs is tie good arm oiporttmiIty as will b jreseimtetl LI , totally doiiy tim. . , hmveui tIis , of nowsiapers whIch imavo contIiimiommisI iuiehlslietl jmreteniiod special teisigramus imur iiorLI. . to bi , ( rout curnesimondoimie with tht - larty , _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Tciiipturniiee ' .Vonmen. CorrAoE Ciry , M , August 31.-Tlic I. National IVoitman's Christian 'I'dnmilomaIico , ( Jiiimim begnim a four clays convention at 1 time Metimodist tabeunilndlo yesterday uu. S ternoomm. Addresses wore made by Mrs I Cimroiino Ihucil , connenpmnidiimg scene 1 tnry of Limo union , timid others. In ti ! . uvotiiiig the principal titidress was doily. crud by Mne. Mary II. hunt. of Boston - - - : u 'rliem NerL hunt ImicIlIo Usiccets. S CnmoAuo , August. .31.-A portion Of tin Aimiemicmeii mmmi Euighisim coimtiimgonts ( II . Vi1Iimd's : ' Nortiteiti l'aclflu jiarty arrived I ti I It limummuing and at mmoon , together v I tii 1 thu ( lunitimmu rupresentativums vim arrived F , last iiighit , wem'u tendered an inforismal mc V ceptioti on them floor of Exclcaimge this . aftonimooim , 'l'Imtmy visited PiI1ta of ii : . tentist about the city timid a imuniber visited the village of Pullman. 'I'wo train loads Li left. for St. Paul to.nighmt. and thu ruimmuin I tier go to.momnow rnormmirmg , helm , Ytti Tnylorsl Louisvirtr. , August. 81.-acnomnlTiuos. It , Taylor , at limo request of Limo commit- siommors of time Taylor muommutnent , imims takeum iii imamid Limo semiding of printed in- vitatioims for time occasion of time mmveiliimg of time mmmoummniommt. to ( lenomni ZncimTnyior , twelfth iresitiont of time Uimited States , So extoimsivo Is limo Taylor fammiiiy iii its various branches that ( I enoral Taylor finds IL impossible to locate all of thom , lie therefore takes this method of inviting all relatives of time deceased 1mm of the Mexican war to attemmel time coromommy , tie immatter ilOli' renmoto the relatiommaimlp. lb also invites nit of time deceased president's ohi nrmny' associates to attummel the core- mummy , whmialm tnke Place Soptemmmbor 2Oat I he 'l'n3'iot bmmritml grommimd , live mmmiica froni Louisviilo. - - - Cholera Sent-c at. hilhlwmumkeo , rl LWAU Kmn , Ammgust 31Time soutim attic its agitated over aim nuiegttl case of Asiatic cimolont. A mnmmmm mmammuedVmmtclmky was takeim sick amid tmcammmo torpid , amid 1)r. ooiowski , vimo imas imad experience ill Turkish hottpmtais , i1mmmomm1mcctl tiiedis- case cimuiermi. Dr. Iticimarels , assistant health coimilmmiseiomier , agrees with co- iovttki , html otimor mhysiciaims call it. cimoicra mmuonlmus. - Time I'mmnnmmmn Canal. 1'ANAUA , Augmiat 81.-Time work of time Pnnatmma caimni is boimmg lnmsimcci forward with great energy. 'limo total ncmnmbor of worimmeim sumploycti is over 10,000 , huh. cipaiiy , Jiummmmicrmmus , Tue salutary cumuli. tiomm of time working imeopio is yjy satit. factory. Time coimmpammy iviil coiimpleto time canal witlmimm time mmoxt live years. Itevoummo Figures. WAIUtIN(11'ON , Atmgust. 81.-Time jitter. nat revenue roceipta for time immomitim of July last , voro $ t,278f135 ) , being a decrease - crease of $3,609Ithi ) as conipareti witim time immoimtim of .Iuly , 1882. 'l'hme receipts for August , emiding to-day , is $9t)1Oith1 ) , simowimmg a decrease of $ i,483O87 as coimipared witim August. 188th. Time mutt decrease for July amid August. is $6,094 , . 00' ) . . Cohllelomi ot Boats. \Vniium , N. II , , August. 81.-\Vhiilo time Pimmafore , a nimmall boat , ivims immakimmg imer last trip from lions to Lake. Village , last imighmt , time caumo in coliisiomm him time cimammuol with time 'lieimmmeoia ' amid imadim hole imtvo in imer side. Both boats were crowded , aimd great excmtonmohmt lire. vailod. No cimmo injured. - Big Mlii 1lmriicd. ; MILWAUIcI1E , August 31.-News canmo railroad uflicea that through Eidridge t Somme' large piamming immill in Fort. howard mm Limo 01)1)ositt ) of time river from ( Irceim- bay , burned this mmmorimimmg. Time mmmiil was time immttimm iimdmmimtry of time town , and time loss is reported to be very imoavy , but. mme catinmatu is at hiiumd. - A DyIng Comigressimmnim. IIUI1LINOT0N , Iowa , August 31.-Timo flawkoye's smucinl front Othaloosmi aim- iioummcea timat Madisomi E. Cutte , con- grcssmimaum from the 'i'imiri district , and ex.attoriiey general of time state , is dying of eonsmimmuption amid cimimmiot live until mmmeruming. Assisted Fbmmlgrammts. flUi'PALO , August 31.-'I'wo assisted Irish pauper onmigraumts were tout. back to Cammatla to.dimy. Time stated that. 1,100 others comimo over in time sammmo meimip. All exluimses ) were paid by time British guy. enimmmieimt. Tue lhlLlm Is to imhmip thieimm to Cammnda , iimmd freon there to time United States at difforniit piim. 'Ilie Nimt'ai CourtMiti ( Iii ) , ANII.lm' , August. 81.Timo commrt. mnmrtimtl : for the trial of cadets charged uvitim hmr.iiig ; begami this mmioriuing _ Thu first emniot. tried was ' [ 'raimol. Ho Piemmd- od guilty. S. \Viimtrauum vna next cmiii. ed , mmmmd pleaded mmot guilty.Vitimcsses wore thmon oxmimimiimcd. Militia tim Cammmp , SIItINuPXInn : , Ills. , ' August 31.-Time caumijI of time secoimel brigade of Illinois Nimtiomini Ouiarels was fonimmaily turned over to ( len. Iteece , coumunmumding , yostur. day. Nearly every conmpauy iii time brigade hind reported this Iimorlmimmg. Bmmstimons F'ailmmreu. Nuw Yong , August. 81.-The bushiess failures timrougimomit. time United Statesaimil Cammmmda for Limo seven days omiding August. : i , iitmiimber 180 , as conmpared with lOu for last veok. Itching and Burning ! Itchingand Burning ! I 'C7.IilA , or Salt Ifleimmi , with its agonizing itch. .1 hg ani lair : lug , Jn.tantly relieved by a wirmim hiithm wIth (7utlt'urt 5ai ; , anti a single uplkatiom. . II Cijilcura , Ito great tkIu Gum. 'ills repeated Ialiy , meith , hut , or m hiio ihosos of Cutlemira Rvslvvnt , the mew hihoal i'urbller , to keeu , the liond cool , the I er , lratioii lire nmh , nib itatimig , tie bowels ojwn , tic lIver nil khtimie a active. will s exhily cmmru .czo. ills , 'rent r , hugs wmm , l' i.ichcu 11i1 itus , Scull I I antI , 11,11 , , tiff , amid every spet ice of itching , Hcnly. suit l'hniy I I loners Cf thu licaip aol hlhii , wliei the beet l.hIh lmi anti all knowi , renmeilke full. ITCHINQ HUMORS. lishcrs , hiamter'e , ( irocers iud SVaserwonan ) , Itrli , ihhliig l'lIo iuii .lelke.te Itching humors , iecuhiur tohiothi NCXOS , % % hiIcli are hartieuulrly distreisiuirug at tltI 5015011 , are Instmtiitly relleve4 nil .jeodily cii - jtuiiauietly cureul by tie above treatineoL 1,0w is the thitsi. when the Jores are ojurm miii thu perstini. ( lot , uiiiiiilamt , ti , tie imi.u thu hilissl it iiiipurltius , miii the skill of tartimrbig cmiii tllsfiguriig hiuniors. THOUSANDS OF LETTERS Jim our ii'eealOii repeit this story : I i.ayebcen a tsr. rUle suflercr for years with Blood amid fekln Iluinirs I lame hanomm othigod tn 511011 ; iuihlo place , by reason ci my dl4lguitlng humors ; have hail the best ihiyslelans : hievu sj emit hundred , of ilolhais and got. no real relief Utmihl I hush Cuticura 1temnedks , which have cured I inemni lift amy skIm and booth a uluru asia chiUd. . ; CUTICURA REMEDIES Arc time greatest mmedlclnes cii earth. J. v Amass , Newark , 0. 'flu. half hat Idol beau tall as to their eiraUv iow- era. (2 , A. % Viiuw. , lruildence. ' ( hey cur. , iii every case. ii. % v , hiiocitAwAyM II , FranklIn , N. Jr. S My frleuutis kiow how I . , ultercil froni ifalt lttmeutym until corel by thietu. Jib , , Ii. A. Ihwws Muldomi. Curednisof aScrofiulomis hlimmmior of thilntuoui ycirs' duratlo , , , J , Ii ltaciiiium.os , (2. II. New Oilcan. Cutlemira lienmodlu. at all druggists. irlco : Cutlcu. S ra , SO remit. ; itesolsint , $1 ; Hia1i , 25 ct. . i'ovrnii JIIUJi ( ANI ) CIIICSIICAL 00 , , 110510W. Ranford's Radical Cure 'luau. thiu iIUual ( Ii iiUltiIlUs , lectures (10 sense C .1 , tiitdi , tastu , sill htamiij - , elsciiufloctsid , ficus the heal , ttuoat , uiiil lmruichilal tuics of , ; teiishmo niatter , aweteiiu I aim ) purifies thu brtath , , s1039 thu cough cil Mrrests Uiu Irugress of Catarrh. . tiwuril , Coimmiimjitiuii Comit I 11(10 'lruu.timsiit , with hitlaler , l Ask ( or iaifuvd's itadlcitiCmirc , JOll lvi. CLARKE. , Oldest Real Estate agent. tlotai'y Pubhc and P'aclicai Con- : voyancer. I rClarke soil. Ifruse. sod Lots , hlesidenee Lot. .ini' ' . hJim.lteas lit. all clii this city , and all addition. , he ii ire linpmnar'I amud uniumprurud hum's user umsi eyothers"smml suul - THE ! ECSSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAGNER , hIss long bean aricno'sietge.I and mote so at thl , clay thami any other. The mint Shell of medical science Is 0mev imirreasn , niI Its nunmeretme branches are brought neamer sail neater to ierfectin , and no ins man can any longer grasp them all. hence time neceslty for liIilti the hmlor. And It ii trims hey mmd all doubt list disease , alleetlar 15. gee- lion Inery organs mice m 5100151 study more than any. timing else. If co would mmndenutnnd and know how W treat tIom uroprriy. liii. II. vAilnlII Ii fully aware that there are macmy phyIclans , iii 0u110 emiilhs peopie , wh. wm comitleino blue fir ii aldig , this class of dIscav a spa. chilly , but helshme ; to ko.v ( hit with macsi i's'- Sons of netnenment emit lmmteiilgence a in .rc euihlghtcn. cii , bew Is taken of thie mm joct , ant that the % hsu.- lamu who ilesotes 11nov11 to relievIng the ffllcted rinti eIng thcmi fron worse thmmi , iremh , Is no lei a ) hi. lanthropist and % , emcfactnr , to his rare thmiti tie , n. goon or ) Imyskitm who by chose siulleatItitu ext vIe in ally othier Ianch ofhl. hi'OfeslOfl. Amid fortuuntely for hummamutty , the hsy Is , Iacmuln me hot the f1se pmi- hanthurophy that conIenmmied thus vIctims of folly or itlimie , like thio icier. tmIulCr th. _ Jewish law , to die unrareti forimsa ) IMedsmuay , A Few Reasons Why you should try time celebrated Dr. 11. Wagne ? . methods of ruret I. "Hr. ii.Vsgner ii a natural physlcian. ' 0. 8. Powun , I1ie ( hreatet liming ihrenologlst. 2. "Few ran oxen you as a doeton" ha. .1. SIsse , The World's Ureatest l'hyslognonmist. 3. 'You lire wonderfully Irotrlemut lmiyour know ) . edge of disease anti meUclimes. " PU. MATrmIxwS. 4. "The ifllbcted flail ready relief 1mm your cmmc'e. ' la. J. 81555. S. "Dr. 11. Vagner Is a regular graduate fro * hlehltvmme hloisiltal , New York city ; has hs1 yry ox- teimp1e , , practIce , aul I , thmorotmrmmly iosmed oc Ml briencitee of hi. beloicd sclemmc. , ci&cclahly o * chmonIo duaees. ! ' DR. . flsowxim. & Swore. 5. "hr. it. V'agnor huts Imunortahlze,1 hImself by hI. wommdrrfoi dlrovcry of Cjeeltio tcnmedlrs for rn- veto anti , .exmmml dleascs.-VIrglnIa City Chronicle. 7. "Timoumamnh. of imasildi Ilock to see iuIrn.-Baa Prnmmde 0 Chmrockle. 8. "The locto ? . lamp xpemlencs as a specialist , hnmmhI reimder Julio very .uccessfui.-7Licky Mou. tflilm Nowi , Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one time a discumeslon of the secret tic. was tinny imvollod by the irfe,5iOIm , amid medIcal workiof but a few years agim voultI hiardl mnemmtlon It. Today tlmo Ilmyslelami Is of a Ilffcremit otlnlonl ho ii anemo tlit It Is lie dity-dI.arecatle though It mimnytie-to hmiutllo this muatter wIthout lou and e1etik iiaItiy about it auth Intefligeni iaronts and gtiam\hlmnhl mlll thank him for , lolnpso. 'lImo rusujis ftttemmdlng tlitm ileutructImo vIce were for. mmmcrly mint ummlerstood , or not rroienly estinueteP and no IimmlOrtAImrc behcigatmiuhiel to a aibjuetehIrfu by It. , . Iiatumto tlosi hot hmmuilo close ImavcsUgatlmii , it was wlllimmgiy Igniroil 'Fhmo habit Ii enerai1y comutmacteti by the yommn vI1o ) atmeiuilor sclineh ; cider coummanloms throut their otnmmu Ic , iiiay ho responsible for It , or It mummy acquirel thiri'mmghm aerlIcmmt. 'ilia excitement once ox- lerlemiceil , the IriUrc islhl be repeated again and agmImi , mmcmiii at last Chic habit beconics flnmn amid coma- I bitchy enslaves the mlctlmmm. Idomital and nervous at- Itletlone are umsumahly thi irlmary results of seifabuic. Amumbmmg the Immjuriomus eftoetx mmuay be mumentloncti lassi. tuils , dejecthcim or Irrium Ibflity of tcmpcr and geimers ] debility. 'ilie boy scsik. seclusion. acm , ! rarely joins iii time sPorts of lie comimiamlons. If lie be a young mmmli hue will to litUe fommmui In company witim the oth sex and I , troubled with. exceeding and aamuoyiimg iitsiifuhmmess Imi their Imeselice. l.amchlous , dream. , enulissions iuid eruptIon. omm the face , etA , are iromiilliemmt i'3mimhltoflhli. hI tIle practke Is vIolently Iier.litod In , more scrions , ilaturbitmice. . . tale lure. Creel lalnltatlon of th. heart , or opIlotIo conmumisiorm , , are uxierlcnrcii , amid the , iumllercruimy fall IumtoaconmIlotostatsofihlocy ba. fore , IIneilyileatim relieves IlIum. To nil those emigmugeil In tiI ) thmngcrous , practIce , I wmmid say , first of all , stop It at one ; mumako every lossilie otTort to do so ; but if fall , if your nervous , , ystomii Is already too mmmmichm shattered , and conso- ciUclitly , ytnmr olIlpower iroiccic , tale seine imerve tomiic to all you Iii yomir effort. havIng freed younelt from the habIt I , ould furthmrr counsel you to go througlm a rrgnfar course of trcatnmont , for It Is a great mmiftak o to suppose that any cia lucy , for some tlnme , ho it cry so little , glue hImself up b thii faaelmmatlmm hiumt damgemmms exeltemnemit wIthout uITerIng from I cm II omii.oqilemmee . at somnu future litmus. 'I lie mimmumuber of otmg mmmcii umlin tire rlated to fill tie dutIes cimjohmmtsl hiy moIlock i nharnilngly image , sitU 1mm imiost ( if eu hi vases Oil , ummifortumiato commdltiomi of thingi caa to tracci to the iractico , f , vlf'abuue , whIch lad teas abumidoimed years ago. lmmdccl , clew months' Iractic. iii ( his himmblt Is sulltcletit to Iniluco spcrniatorrhiaa in hater 3ear5 , cud I ham , m mnamiy of sucim cases under treat.- muemit at thu lircuemmt ( la ) . Young MeL Win may be suffcrhimg fromu the erects of youthful fiiIioi or ImillIcretloms 'u Ill , lo WCII tO muaU thciumselmoe , ) f this , thu greatest boon eser laid at the altar of soS- ferlmig litulnamilty. 1)11. IViuirit mviii gtmaiatitec to fur. felt & . ( XI for every case of semmulnafoeakiies , or jnIsat ilIuauiem of any kliiil timid character mcliii hue uiudor- takv to and falls to cure. Middle Aged Men. There tire nmaiy at thu ago of 30 to f who arc trotiblWl with too freitmcnt evacuatIons of tie b1a4- tier , often itecoliuhialilud by a slight snmmtlmig or bars- log sensatIon , and a smeakorilog of the sst.cnu In a inludor the iiittioiit ctinhiot icciuiit , for. Oji cxaiuile- log tIe urinary , Iemosits cm ro1.y sediment will olteim be found , tool somuotimuos smuall lartlnles of albtuiiuen wit appear , or the cohir , will be of thin mmiliklshm bite , agala chaiigimmg to a dark amid ilirild apcaranco. Thieve are mnuiy ilierly mmmcml whmo die of tile dhtiteulty , IgmiomumIt of tic cause , hIcu ) Is thus somnil stage of seiiiiial.wumk. Pu's. Dr. V. wIll guatautco a Perfect cute Imi all ctis arid a healthmy restoratIon of the pmilio.urhary or. gilDs. Cinsultation free. Thoromgh examInation amid advIce - vIce , $5. All ciniinumiIcatlons shiomihi be iuiiIrcssc,1 , Dr. Henry lkmryugmur , I' . 0. 2.180 , ieucr , Colorado. 'lbs Ynuig hlazm' l'wkct 1'olmiiitiloi , , by lr. 11 iViigmjer , ic worth Its weIght Imi gill to youmig inns. Price , $ l,23. Soul by nmaU to any addres. .Let 'sour Light Shine : Pr. Vngner the echebrated specialIst of lcnor Ccl , . , 1145 Lartner street , helIovu In lettug the elena know what lie aii un , emil Is dtiliig for thousands of lie tdlosiccn , llie trcatiieiut for lust limiiimluood Ii sire to slim hIm a tamili , that posterity mmlii bkni. Tea thiinmarid tostinuoci ide froim sill os sir tIe Umiltel Hiates from those him ha. C imrcul , Is Proof ioshiive that hedeas cure thu wrst c , sei. of tIes disease. . 'fhis alIlleted frimin chrnolo and sexual dIseases of , mmrry kind wIll find hIm their bcsL friend. Item ! lii , i'dmrnti.euimoitIa all our city i'nlersuid ' rail cmi 11111 Ion itdmhiu , xvi we 111(1W ) 'Utu.lihI corroborate mm , In so lug ho I. thu sot lever's true trleud.-lhnky 1ouummIm 'icws. Relief to the Afflicted. 1mm medicIne. , as Iii science , the specialists ore Lb. nuts whiualwnys collies tI the front cii a ermnttidm great rei.ulti. 'limlit renuurk is epeclally applicable tote to Pr , Ii. Wagner , of tile city. lIe slaid at Ilotop of hItlirofrsIomi , amid the cures he lerfurmiS for the unfortunate would seem wonderful If iiot vIewed Ii thohightof scientIfic acquirement. . ho euilorsimd by the most emmuiiient of this mnedkael fevuity. Ills oflicu at 843 l.smanlr street , where ho wIll m'ieudi. f Iiy ellecticuro forth. sutScrlcigof cithersex , no mat. tsr how 000millcated Umelr coumllzlimt.-ioiumeroyi hicinocrat. Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure , Pcrsoniat a distance Simo wish tobatreat'd i.y Pt. Wagner tusitsi not feel backward bcauuo of liabIlIty to mlait iiIii. It thioy will wrIte to th doctor lu will ccliii a li.t of iimintthun5 whi'il siuiabitit hIlmn to iiwi4 iiedlclnvi. , coitcissi and imiiIcu to thousands hue has due , or see : , . lie hiss hatielila Iiu every tity. town alit , station In ( olormelu , as well as allovcr thom Unltcd Hut4s. Sec lii. address Iii hi. cidicrthainemit- - , ver 'Iiburuu. Shall We Reform ? Hjeclhlo remnedlcifor all diseases is the theory ireatite at Ii reaccil cf eulucited cud ox emienco idiysI lam , . and lii all large conmmuiltlcs they hays theIr simlaltIes , to extol iii miichi ) they dIrect their stu Jim inch Intlcu lIr.'agcter hi a cu reesful U- IuutrutIxu of this imiodermi school of a eeIaItIes. not bli uuiroedeubxd stmieus him time truutmneit of m rieata ilbeiSot 15 tiC woiidvftii as It Is utattvrliig-l rut , 1. Slime. 'hhioso hmo teeth zimedleal relief for the iluomi delIcate of Illbeauls mm Ill itiid cii sccoiim lishci acid sue. ldiSfUl hiyskIami Iii the j eniumi of icr , Vugmer. Ne. 843 l.cnixmier street , mmhao is hlgluly recoximexiOtaI by the umeulkal irofeusluii at hiotiw amid aboanL-lum.ieioy's . IiemnocimO. hilgotry aid lgiuoraiicu mmimmst git u I ii to I , hidoam , acid the Ilisu JiiiClUI belle , us lii letuii.g . liii light aliiiu for the glory of his fellow inca. l'mliur's luik Is thasi tiirclm lao cam boil use to guide tIe umeary cull sick one to thu fuumotalu of licalmhi. if tlil mutkl stuouiI be lnstrunmexutmci as a " lOBCIIM hlV siet up. otuishaill to guide sqfurlmg lum.mmtty toOlS Latluu Street , Pecivur , , It will iuuss sir time purcoo fur which It was written. Adalroma , Pit. IZENitY WAONER , I. , 0. box 2389 , or eaU at 3-iS Lariiuer Struet Usimser , IYuIO. j'ltescdtlue coleman tucadel "The hiccculay for lbs