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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1883)
- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -1-------------- , . - . . - - - - - - - . - - - ' - - . - - - - - - - . - - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' ( i -V----- . . - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ; - . - - - - - . - - - , _ _ rtIE DAILY EE1-SATt3RDAY SEPIEMBER L l& . . - - - - - - - - - -r - I I 1 I/\I VVI T D KSAVE VOL TIME , TROUBLE , MONEY ' . , . . . , 1f you buy your UIIOCEMES&PflTISIOR ¶ P . 16 Mtitt and 17 Pearl Strool. , Council BluiTh. - DEVOL & WRICHTM : wi a rdvirare. 504 Broadwayand 10 and 12 Main Sf , , Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND OLOSE PRIOES ON MAIL ORDEE Broadway Steam Laundry . . ' 74 w'r . A. 0. LARSON , - - - - - Propriet ' * - . . . LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. : JOHN R. 11ARTIN , ; Pradilcal Plumber , as aM Steani File . , , , t.nd T.cad oed , Letd nnd Iron 1'Ie and flttlngs. I1..I $ ( Ut ! 1Io of Bath Thb bIn Sink promptly flolbni ittended to. lr.t casi w.rk guraiaced. Pearl Street , - ' - COUNCIL BLUF4 No , 11 - HOUSES , LOTS AND LAND Dub.t crncl 1cI. 1VI iy Loaned , Abstracts Furnishec _ . I. . . 3 COUNCIL BLUP , - - - No. 4 Pearl Street - SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , . rEAtERs IN flrogorios - cOYiSiOllS , Boots Shoe , . . . . . _ ' .a.G-mJT. : ' bN TilE BANK OF IRELAND , DUflLIN , FOR SALE , 43 BflOADWAY. COUNCIL I1L . . . CRESTON HOUSE , PROPRtET - MAX MORN , - - - . . E&troot , 21t ; , 27 : .rnc1 219 1ni13. . COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - 10 / MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , . TIlE LEADING DEALER IN . : : - - . I P1 & 0 0 D E . ' 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAtL1OAD TZ TAB : The toflowIn are thotArneof arrhal ani .lcparl , f trains from tht , IocI dcpotii. The tra1n Htat fi the Union I'acflo depot about ten minute' . eat thati below Ntato1 , and arrlvo at the depot about minutes later. Traftta on iool llne and K. C. run on Chicago tI , a half hour faster tttait localP Wabash truls rut , L , nilnutct fatter thait local. t- 8t. LoulB tjrne , twenty F. & .atl I1ncolii tralii run ott Council UIuff time. ClItCAGO , ROCK It3LO AtO PACIIC. J Depart. .Arrivo. L Atlantic Ext . . .5:30 : p. m. Pacific Ext . 9:4 : ° r ' I4xandMail..OMJ % . lu. Exatel 3taiZ..O:5 Dee Moiucsa . .1:15a. : in. Dc Moines so. .6.53 p . ClItCAGO RUftLIItGION AriD QUItC. Depart. Arrive. p .7 Chicago Ex . . . .5S.Sp.m. : Counall Bufft ox I , , 31&iIandEx..O45 in MaiIancl Ex..7OQp : CIIICAQO and tOflTthF.tTE. ; Depart. Arriro. Atlantic Ext . . . .5:15 : p. in. Pacific Ext . . .9:15 : a MaU and Ex' . . .9:20 : a. to. Mail atid Ix.6:15 : p , Accoza ( Sat.50 P. in. Aceom ( Moo ) . .145 ; p . ItANMt CITY , BT. JOlt ANtI COUNCIL BLVrI' . 7 Depart. Arrive. . , Mall andEx..9:55 a. in. I Exrea . . . . . . . . .35 p ' ) xpretes . . . . . . . . :25 : p. to. j MIl and Lx. . .0:45 , : UNIO ( CACIFC. $ Depart. A.rIvo. Overland Ex . . .1I:30a.m. OverlandEx. .4:00 : p / LIncoln Ex..11:30 : a. In. Denver Ex..SOO : a Denver Ex..7:00 p. Ui. Local Ex..O:80a Local Lx..7:25 : a. in. " Ex..0:05 : a EmIgrant..20 p. iii. ' Ex..6:00 : a ( WAUAtSII1 Kr. LOT.11 AtD PACIFIC. Itart. Arrive. Mall andE..9:45 a. to. Mail and Ex . . .4 : . iO p nnon BaU..4top. : oh. Cannon llaIl..11:05a : . 13100X CITY AD rACIFIC. Depart. Arrh'a For Sioux Ctty.7:55 : & . m. Frm Slitux CitCtO : VorF..rtNlobrara Frni Fort NLt1rare . . . . . . . . . . . : . in. Neb . . . . . . . WorSt. I'aul..7:40p. in. } 'rnt 131. Vaul..8iOe CIIICAOO. WILWAUKRII AND Hr. IACI. . Loavti Omaha. Ar.tlvott et Omaha. Ma11.atul Ex. . . . 7:45 : e. In. I PacicFx : , . . . 1h45 a AUautio Lx. . . . 3:40 : p. in. Mall at.t Ix. 7:21 p All trains dtIly. CTIIOAO , tULWAVK A'ID It ? . FAOI. . T..e&vts Council l3Iut1. Arivee Council IiIufl MMIattti lx..i:2Oa. : m. MeiIandIx..0:05p : LUantia 14x. . . . 15:15 : p. m. Atlantic E.x. 19:10 : a . cgUNcIt RLtJFV $ AtD OMAIIA ITRKKT gAILVAT. Le&ve CounCil lflulTd. Lease Omaha. SLm.Oa.stilOa.m. ha. ft. lOa.n - _ .tP.Ifl.2I ) . m.apui.4 .m , 1m.2p.m.8 \ , p..i.bp. I. . 61 , . in. 4p.m. bp.x' . Io the UnIon re St&.eet Car. run half hourly / dep.t. On 13urtday the cant begin their tripe odack * . . , and run regularly dorlog the da' . it , t , I' , 5 &ntt C o clock , and run to city time. It. Rice IV ! . D. ( I A Int1Dc ! ° l othertumor. removed wititoul UALUJiAWj knito or drawing uf blood. CIIRONC ! D1BAB of kIdA epeciai Over thirty yeare practical experience. omce . ' I earl bLftet , Council IJlidfC , ; jrConeu1tatlon free. 11r. II. J. iliftoll M. B } . . . , . , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEO 222 Broalway , Council flluff . r : . resh Ash Wholesale and Retail : J4o. 1O4 Main Btroct , Ner.L block Southof Poi4l liounril JIIuft , Iowa. I T - _ .n _ _ . .a Sn. 7 Usa ? . z.iet C ? othir c.s.ei r All tI.s , ho trout tadcr : tst. iwuy.I. Inw.Irt , Iia&lIS 4jtd , isa perL.rrn tUe's , IutI. . vrt-I1. 'ae I. . .eteSI s.d p.r . . u&Iy c'f. 50 , . 1 .t4.ML L4or..d . . . . - a&4 It. . Thi kI 4irI W..U , u.s Tb. L1AbtIrI & IleLtilIr I'k.t.giI Ite7 , .1 I Sa , .tii eIrc&IM , .ut.3ol , ! CrV0liS t.j Ill f g rus n. . IlsT t.WrUo ( . ' iUI.Lb' CS tl 1.4 . " C . 5OIf54 c - 6ae bpeJcse .es.k.ed. eu. 4IdpIt. , tfsCtV , , ISSIj. Cl..IZLZ. lr Ir..O. . Cs..WC1ISA .h pLtjtiit U.S. iru : 3E.)3iJ'Y Co. . 40 W , IJtt eV CURE OR O P xLac.1..1VE Mineral Sprin , We guarantee the cure of the foIlowln n eae.q 0mb lay : lihenniatbon , herofula , U tarrh , all flloo.l and Skin Iiscaset. Dyspep Complaint , Khlneyand Bladder Disenvee , G ralgia and Asthma. These Sj.rlng are time favorite resort of and debilitated , and are tIme Feeble Lad friend. 000(1 Hotel. Livery anti Uathin acconim Locality highly pictttre.qae nt1 healthy. Correspondence solicited. Addremet 11ev. M. . ! . TIIOMPSON , Siloama , Gentr ) YestrCorni ce- [ IRON AND SLATE ROOFINO. C. SPECHT , P 1111 Douglas SL . Omaha , MANUFACTUItEIt OF Calvanizea Iron Corni SITDormer Wmnaow , Finmals. Tin , Iron Koolimig , I3perht'e Patent MetaJilo SicylIgP adjusted Ratchet lIar and Bracket iThelsim the cneral agent for the above line of got Fencing , Crc..tlngms , IlaIumtradee. Terandas , Italtings , Window flihids , Cellar Guards ; ai agent tsr Peereon & 11111 patent In.Ide hum HBBRAKA LOAN ANII TRII I1A13TINO8 , NED. $25i Capifal , - - 3A9. B. I1FAIITWELL , I're.Iden A. L. CLAItlI , VIce.Prcektcat. 13. 0. wxIrr1Itji'reaurer. C. 1' . WEIO8TEIL Cashier. JJILIECIT0IIS : sinUel Alexuder , Oswald Oliver i 1. Clrke , Y C. Webster , 'ICc U Pratt , Jis. 13. lioartwd D. 3t. McElhlioney.I irt Mortgage Loans a Spi Ibis Compamoy furnishes a permanent hoe In whore school Bonds and other legally o1alSecjjtitoNehmaka can ho nc ( # terovi. Loamme made ott .51.5 IL 431 well settled ouotlce of the stat .ealcorrOeonte. _ fCR h.AtTnaIt.vAUO ml' OfllY Perect subatitute for t. 1ilk , Thu most nouriehimgi'ivt fur lits numin mothers. Cotutmirmttlml by oil I Kteps itt all climates. Sold by all drttbta Bend for the iemnihlet , T. l4ITCALl' 4 mno.tu.tth.r41 41 Central Wharf , : xs3uI burnett body entsrgml , deseioped anti strem etc. , Is nd lnterst1ng advertisement long i . In rejily 1.0 inquiries we will say tht paper. vLdenCe I lImut.ulf about thu. Ott thu no indoreed. j the advertisers are sery highly . , may get eealeddrculari gistug sU l.cThon by addreeslng Erie } Itdil 1)0. , 1' , 0. box LU V. V pi'ToJado Een. I COUNCIL BLUFFS . _ ADDITIONAL LOCAL N1\V FLEET FEET. ThcyVlll \ Bc llcrc Prom Frog car. A IImue I.lMt OF 1'utIrleR , l'iomt 1tltCI % Short. The second flUlitlull * xluibiUon Cotuiic il 1hlufla Drhlug Park filth F socitttioi , to bo held hero Seuitteuui to 14 , iiichtisive , h1VOl11iSe grczut t fluti if the weuithier is itt. nil fav there will 1)13 ) the nrgest crowl eve in CotlIlCil IhhlliTh. Titero will be to euitortuthi them , too , for every f of the fair is boilug brought. up highest. ( ttltd of the unodern tiull. TIlOSO WIlD fltO interested turf nut ! its sport will flutd the ra that could 1)1) asked for. Thin two uunplutlueatres , Itas'hig a aeftting c of over ,0Q0 , are aduilrnbly Iocit seeing the races. The two trncks fine as nuy ill the land , the utile trr hug Pt01101111Cet the best iii the Thu liberal purses otFered , the uuuut tIut trtek , the entorprishtg and coo iflftIulgQlulelit % the location of tb of Council huh's , and ltCCCOlullflO for horetuncut , have drawui hot alill horses from all parta of the c ut will be seen front the following entries. it will niso bo nottced tim are unatty horses of note , utuid the cauiuuot but provo exciting tia the nt thtusiastie lover of the turf coild : Besides these races , there are chariot and hurdle races by ? itiss Burk and Mrs. DuVaro. They ha running horses , UIHI their progriuiu citides utile races , half utile dashel hurdles , the wonderfully iitto chariot races , atuul the IlIdiall Wi I.acO for a bride , novelties indeed. The entries for the races rev TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 1 TIIOTrINI-2 :40 : cI.Ass-4OC James tcCcauuu , Bradbury , 111. , Toronto Maid ; harry Cumunings , cothe , 0. , br. iii. , Lucy B. , Thea St. Douis , a. g. Dublin Bay ; Watli Council Bluffs , bi. in. Lareno : Mdllenry , itock Island , i1.b. ] g. W , Jr. , T. J. Brodricl , Chicago , Modjeska ; J. H. Peuuinan , Kcuio C. S. Gienwood ; , J. 0. Frantz , 1 Neb. , b. g.Ticiory James Deutrer , b. g. Budd Doblo ; W. B dee , Denver , bl. no. Maud L. ; u Sheedy , Lincoln , Nub. , g. g. Mountain Tom. I'ACINO , FILE13 P0K ALL , i4OO C. A. Thompson , Wiuttertuet , la Belle m1altoiue ; harvey Cummings coth , ( I. , r. g. Sailor Boy ; ( bert 11cr , Council Bluth , by g. Gary 13. Iii. Momotross , Saginaw City , Ii. g. Limber Jacy ; Frank B. S p Salem , md. , g. g. Silver Tail ; J. I tumUlt , Keuiton , 0. , c. g. Billy Tuhius Schuicider , Council 11luIl Frank. ftUNN1NG , ALL AOLt3 , 5111.13 IASl [ Ira Platner , Council Bluuflt , Dtwn of Day ; Fayette Smith , Ma Mo. , li. a. Atwood ; P. E. Leliler , yule , Mo. , hi. g. Black Prince 1iIartiut , Titylorvitle , Ill. . b. ni Goodrich ; 'm\'eir & Co. , Comanci : b. in. Katie B. ; S. \Villiauns , Hi MinIm. , b. ktl. , Ella Ihoweit. WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBET TItOrflNI , ritEP. VOlt ALL , $60 JoluutV. . Russell , Coluiuibus , 0 Will balsam ; D.V. . Hunter , City , br. s. Stratlihut ; .James D Ottuinwa , Ia. , b. a. Ensign ; Low Mt. Pleasant , Iowa , h. g. Big So H. llonucr. Knightatown , md. , b. . Cody ; George Sheldon , Sherman , . b. g. St. Cloud ; J. Laniosticy , : City , Mo. , It. m. Bronze. T1CorriNfl , 2:37 : CLASS , $400. Colby & Brown , .Ft. Dodge , In. Charles ( ; , Ilayso ; .J. F. bilbil Louis , b. g. Anglin ; .Joluit VT. I Columbus , 0. , b. g. Columbus ; Mcllenry , Rock Island , Ill. , b. g. . W , .Jr. ; W. It HttlIdCe , Detivor , Maud L ; 0. Hatchell , Brownvillc hr. a. McMahoui ; L. 0. Turner , vihlu , Wis. , cli. in. Haud 11. ItUNNINU , AI.L AOES , MIL13 IiEAT8 , T111uu3 , $200. Ira Platner , Council Bluffs hr f. of Day ; B. 13. Martin , Taylorvil I b. g , Sullivan ; Nellie BurkeOinC g. , Muorviui B.Veir ; Op. , Co Iowa , b. rn. , l'atio B. ; S. C.V Hastings , 1Iiuin. , b. no. , Ella Jtom TIIURSDItY , SEPTEMBEIt TitorriNo , 2:0 : crsi , $400 , Jntmies Mclceali , Britdford , Ill. . Toronto Maid ; iluirvoy Cuinmingu ? hicothe , 0 , hr. itt. , Lucy 1h.Vmtm ; n Council Bluifra , 1,1. in. , Lorene ; Brodrich , Chicngu , b. IlL , Modjt .1 Penman , Kenton , 0. , 0. S wood ; Hake Bros. ) Avoca , loWuI - Bay Mac. TIIQTIN(1 , 2:80 : ( JLAH13 , $ IOO J. F. ( bilbirda , St. Louis , bi. bird's Sprague ; J. W. Duntu. Ii ! Mo. , l. a. , Vcstunount ; D. W. I Kansas City , Mo. , br. a. , Strati 0. Turner , JnnesvuiloVis. . , r. in . Girl ; E. B. WNodrufI , Knoxville g.m. , Nellie Woodru1i JLUNNINU : , ALL AOE8 , MILE JIEAT4I , IN PIyE , $300. Ito. Platller. Council Bluffs , Council Blufl ; Voir Co. , Co , Iowa , b. ni. , Katie B ; S. 0. VQ 7 tflastings , 1hIinui. , b. in. , Ella Item ! FRIDAY , SEP'l'EiIBElt 1 : TJtOTrINO 2:80 : W.A8S , $100 ; d E. B. vocmdi iufr , lnkViilC , Jowi ii Nuhhlo Woodruff ; J. F. Gilbir - Louis , I ; . g. , Auiglin ; John \V. Cisluribus , 0 , , it. g. , Cnluunbus ; Kite ; SL Louis , a. g. Dlbiin lb Miller , It'jck Island , Ill. , Ii. In. , l'u 4 % 1 luortinty , Denimuon , .1 ovn , hr. 1 ° cregoy ; iayettu Suumithi , Mary vii a. .tii , ; 1'Vouti , ihi1' ' ' ) ris , , r. iii. , A 11101 JiOll ; lj. 0. .Jaucsvihlru , Vis. , cli. iii. , Jhlatul Ii . TRorriNui , 2:23 : ( IL.tKS , $500 JIlI1tV. . Itmusseil , Coluinibus. C g.Vili Benhinuim ; I ) . SV. lluuiitcr , 1I. ti , Strnthuiaiu ; John I ) . Jittlml , Ut It. n. I'ritiigui ; 14011 ( jlenii , Mt. I Iowa , it , g. Big SoapJ. ; Itiuuiuisuio 114.15 ( JuLy , ii. iii LIIIIIIU. L IICJNNINU 3111104 , novelty , half , 875 to utile , $125 to fiiiis - Ira l'atiwr , Council Bitirs ( , 1 , . s. F JhlufTmu , ittuil ii. f. Dawn of Dat' I. Martin , 'I'aylorviilo , Ill. , Ii. g. Nellie Burke , Oiruahua b. g , Mar I and cli. in. Winnie h. Fayctto I Maryvthlu , Mo. , 1) . 8. Colonel iii B. Leuhier , Maryvilie , Mo. , bi. g , Prince ; S. 0. Vihhiumms , Ilnatinga , ? u tifl.I b. in. Ella ilowctt. it btgttutlnitmums flir tilbm. Auditor Osborne , of Mills county 11 % the city yesterday interviewing Loufbourow conceriling a lllnnltuuIt rectiumg the county board of super to levy it tax to meet the $20,000 iuieiit iii the smvnimmp taint caams , intro bcc carried to the United stIhiroulo court by the railways at cided agailist the county. 'rho c supervisors did not fool vositivo their authority to levy time tax hence a tunuidainus was issued. county is ill pretty good trim finutni thieve Iuoiiii only $5,000 of tlcbt. to out , amid this jiulgincuit. whiicit wit be 1maid ofF , when time county vi1l 1 of debt. 1'utu' , weak , numlaickly children , Brtnvn s ltOll hILltOPS. itwihl streum and invigorate them. II Its County ItcpIuLJlIcamlM Corropnn.1enco of 'rita Ihtin GuNvooim : , Iowa , August 30.-'I putthicaims of county to.tlay their cotlIlty coumvontinli. The in tiouis vero : For Atulitor , S. C. Oi shorliF , 0. L. hart ; ropreselmtati % D French ; county treasurer , .las. county rnljCrilItOlIleIlt , Prof. counfy stirveyor , Seth Denim , .1 Ileautiftll skiui , atid fair cntiiplcxi lUSt health , and jmomvers of endurati low the use of Browim's irout Bitter COMMBItCIATi. couciL Iml.tiCym4 MARKET. Wheat-No. 2 sprIng , 7tc ) ; Iso. 3 , 6 jc'cLod , 50c ; p.otl domumnuil. Cons -1)ealore are paying 3161J32c ; ' r coru , , Cldc.tgo , 40@45c ; new tumixeti tOe corn , bOo : tim rocoijmt.s of comm are light Oats-Scarce and In goomi dounmumd at Ilmoy-i OO0 00 l' ° tout ; bOo Imor bal ] tye--40e ; light moi > ply. Corn Moat 1 25 per 100 pounds. , rlcoa at ynnis VOtlGOOl smupiy ; a 00. Conl-Iehivorod , hard , 11 00 P ° tel ho per ton. Bmmtter-l'Ionty atul In fair domnand croatucry : ; Oe. Eggtm-'Jeady ( sitln end Plenty tot l0J dozeu , . Lard-Fnirhaumk' , , wholesaling at 11 Poultry-Firm ; iloalere are . chIckens tUb ; live , 2 130 ior dozen. Vegctohmlctm-l'otatoes : , flOe ; nimbus , S bagos , 3Oj-I0o Per IIOZ,11 npmIes , 3 l par barrel. Flour-City flour , 1 00@3 .10. Broomns-2 00@3 00 iter doz. aivx miioci. ( battic-3 O0@3 i0 ; calves , 5 O0@7 & hogs-Market for hogs tnlot , mm tit lug houses are closed ; shiiior $ are IOYI © 47. _ _ _ _ _ _ Srivt' to be Good. Limo Kiln Club. ' 'Gctum'blcn , " said timo.prcsident passed his lists over to the secretar has begtmlm anoder y'ar. Do past bohuumd us an' do fuchior ant ii Wimateber good wo has accouumpli& . written dowim to our credit. WI ; mistakes we imts : made we 11105' I giveness fur an' seek to do better "Dooriiu' do coinnm' y'ar lot us iii . see what good we kin acconipiisii ' individuals. Au ; as a club an' as let's discuss matters vid do sole 01 inmprovin' do human race , wimudet or white. Seek to be sages and i 1)11015. Doan' sot down utum' yuln ober a watermelon widout a thou Imatur' an' her grand works.Vi : oiler a rcso1usliun ax yersoif whom it ; ani to have 111)011 do 0O00,00 peep of Alnorlea. When you nit tO vote timoit (10 adnuishuuit of it nem bor rellect dat do eyes of 50 , ( white lIcolmie itlil 111)011 yOu. Striv a. Congress , wiui ( le orru left out. Sceic to be a statu legi mvidout haviui' accepted do free IaSSCS which nil (10 lueiItheruu hiatt ter. Make yerselves a common c wid do ; mviui' riug4 , Sems'ur frauds steatti roilor left omit. "As individuals , cultivate Ito industry. Laziumusa am to be di l'rnctico economy. It am what instead of what we airit ( lLtt mumukes Treat till mcii ivitl courtesy. At kin be a loafer , but it nun only oi ill ton vimo kilt be a gentleuman. outer debt if possible. If you hay in debt pay as annum as ye kilt. doaim' owe a man obor liteen ccli p ° ' ° ° at a Sniuday skule iticim s1ile your enjoynmolit of tie day. 1 husbands , just fadders , obleogin ii . mid law.nbidium' citizens tiumtm one Ito 1110' . ' - r : Etttuy weird tales Iowa Iseout told futuimi in time baittle of Egyptinim umiuumo I iutg plotuteti nmmml gritiving jtm , Collie 11 svoumdermul Imunuty , Immut with so deadil futtia timat t destrtyeti thin hivet of itt It bt a fact that aim Fnghieh ummarkot p has recently raised imeas from somiio dri S fomimimi its time g' ' of mm Intultuimmy. ? ilichitoei 1)nvltt vims in l'in-titut.l prl out , , of thtit vhitor. bttcitmmo hmitormito little garden In WI icli the fommnmlor of t I cigmu.t : mcms alioweti to anummee hluisuif U vtmtlmtg , tititi they ccitt him stuzuo ilovm , ihiichi had conic itt 111cc immmsnnor ft . tWIll ) of aim ggy1ttl mu. lnvitt tIami ued , nmtl raisuti m.peclunons Of thu lion Igyid. EXPEE13BAIEN LIABLE. Sir. A. 14. Mcrmill , time i'opulor exl'reSSmnau , Iclc , .tie. , write us Ott Uay 5 1853 , a " 11mm imtg beemm Ceverely aftllcted fur shout I alum Inlt.mmstioti of tItt , i.idtmeye nod ieIa.Jder . by toy ile4iammi , I tmiTered with distresitm ttt ) back utid reteittiotm of untie , caused by a S the imeok of the bladder , and acotni.licistlo . p dIseases. I was hardly aWe to att.enmi toII ) and at titmice would ho comnplutelv irostmt m also affected witim lrioommtimemmcu , of unite to ittg degree ; Itidurd , It demmiatided soy attemmtl or twenty timure icr mtightrsnd attitnce it a PS Impossible for me to tide duwu to the dc1 , Walcott , for cicry Jar Irommi tIme aagotm aou eerie to take toy life. Ilaslrig failed to ott. , fromma my doctor , I llmtsliy cormsuituI our thu Ucrrymmtaim , of llrmmmmwcik , atm.l . requested lii , nisim mu alUm the omost raliable and ppeedy SUCh .tkneb. , for I was suilerlng too m ImulnatI stature to tndurt , bug. Tue doctm mmttmmtleil mu to use Ilutit' , Iiumnemly tmad beemi used aith memmmarkabo ! su a good mmtauy cases Iti lirutisal % Iclitity , I jttIrthata'il a bottle , amid rvee great roilt that i cotitlnmtoi , ammd luil not bottles before Itgau to ltmmimrnvo 1eonml ii tatltmtii TIme pallie in IOmy 1.Iiituye nod 1.1 : leareiL I gained Ctrungtlm , amid mmuy water % iai naturally , etti I wa ella to lrep sue S obtain tl..yruatIy . iteud d root sltich fur me , I coidI 1.01. 1 atm. fuliy reetoruil to health , attemid te , immy imielmiuat , 'flianke t.s hunt' , fOr toy rest.mjrali.m , atid I Imighiy recietimitemi a Ito mmcc t romiblel altti kidney commmlaIttts. ' ; COULD NOT LIFT A POUND , Thom ebus.m are the aormlC of Sire. harriet J'utmumni , Commit , $ hu anIta May 5 , beti tritmhluit itit kiltW ) amid bia'lkr ' d . Is , . . ear4. I usrrudssceiy In the buck hiefuru taidmig our aimmmleful imushielimu , liv S 0h ) I Lould sot hit a imutmml.i , After git'lmi I' trial , I htgmi to imelirum 0 , emimi ( alt now tt I ames a 'flodseni to ItW , end I tutu ju.w able I Imouscimohil WOrk coil tiiJsy limit best of Jimemli ; ruct.mmittmvtulel hiutit's herue.iy { to Iw of ii hors , alto hamu hen greatly beuctitt.ccl lmy teLler I tend volumitarily , emith thu hmoje tb ; te the mucarmeef Inducing some utl'ercr to U Jteuivdy , and be cured as 1 have beefl. " P a te , Poor 3 Pun y , and Pall 1d Considcrng nil the ills thatni littIc children , ft is a wonder thai of the poor little youngstcrs lu grow up. .Fhcrc imre children vlmo are objects of pity. 'rlmcy seem at bloodless. 1'hicirchccks arc thk JiflCllctl ; their eyes arc hollow ; their skiti is tightly dravti over foreheads. There IS 11011111mg lii aboUt them , They do not c their lives. They arc sufferIng the debility that leads to Inaras Poor things I Do a toOd dcccl for time pale , i tahhid child. I land its tnt PIIIIY , it bottle of Broi'n's ' Iron Di here is life c'ci for the most Cate , the most ( lCbihutatCd ; for child almost given tip for dead. hit the blood iS what time child 11 I to bring 'It "la' The little digc aparatus vill recover. The checks will fill out. Time v groiii of the child vuh1 be cNcba for thmciucrry prattleof infhllt'uiC vii1 tell hess. Your druggist s'hmat t'OItCICF13 Jro/n'.c Irot B has done fet 'ery sick children DII , FELIXLEBRUN'S G ! I'ftIhVENTIVE AND CURE. FOR EITHER SI This remmirtly toing Injected mitmeetly to the time di.eMO , rellitires miti ettange of tiiet or it flioretitlet or pttsSmtotie mumilcimmos to be taker ally , 'hemm met1 as a ItreYrmItIvo by eItmcr ) Immiposettie to ammitract any prittito , iI.0050 lit (450 uf tItie alt-catty ummtortmimmately alitirtoit' attIca three booe to cmue , or we will ret uttoney. i'rico by utah , postage paid , 2 tier three bexe for S. ; vitrrrn OUAI1ANTEI sautl by all sutitoriarti agemite. Dr.Felix Le Brun i SOLU l'ltOl'itJl'l'O8d. C. F. ( loodmnan , 1)rugglst , Solo Agent , for Noit mmd Health is Weall Dr. F. . C. Vcst'e Nerve anti DrAIn Trem guaranteed sjieclfio for hysteria , Ditainra , dons , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , tiraileclic , Prostration caitseit be time use of alcohol em tVkciuiness Mental ' Depression , tinftemiimt Drain , reculting It , 19.attity mmmvi leatiimmg ti ileasy mind mleatim , l'rctttattmre Out Ago , Rn t.oM of irnaur In either sex , lmmvohuttary L Spermtrrlmma eauaii by 0' . er exertion bratmm , self-abuse or ovcr.lmmiiuigenco. Kacim talus Otto tmiummtlt'g trrattncmt. , 81.1)0 ) a hi bosea for C.QO. 13emmt by niall Imreiiald on I itriCe WE OUAIANTF.II SIX DOXES To cure any case. With cacti ordir reed for six hoxee tmccomliattie.i with I.OO , ire wil purchaser our writtctm gutimmemitee to refuttil If ti-me treattuemit does nut erect a cure. Ii issued otily by C. 1' . 0O(1Iifd u1&e Wi Urimi' let Omali Swift's Specific lit not a tritittijili or scienee , hut te a ri through the imittimict of time utmtmtore.l eimsmm. a comii1lete antIdote to all kitids of Blomi I' , ilkits hiumnormi. HaitI's Specific line cure ] moo of i4crofula , Imtredllary tim my famitily. I Itavu euulcreti w mitally years. arid have tried a great mmvmny p amid all sort , , f treatment. bitt ti , tin our thicn I bemiati to take Hwift's Sjxmcifle I was nub commilitlumi ittit timuike to this great em rid of thu iilqeaa , . 'Fhmore Is mm iJiimbt. this greatest ineIlcifle iii existence , aitti I ) mo.e doubt alit rite to Iiu. n. e. htAWV. Ciarkevl After euftcringtwenty.iivo ytisrs with mm pm fetter. ntiil tryiti moatty imiI)5iciumi , I seam a hosed by the use of Hwift's Hiwciflc , amid oiJmitettil it Li , alt idiimilariy titiilctmmil. S 1,000 Reward wilt Ito iial to Cfl ) alma will timid , ott time aiiaiyisl is ! I 0) bottim uric iartice mf Mercury , Iodiiio l'otamslutm immintiral subtunco , 'rut : wi'r H1'ECIFIU lrteacr ii , . % timui Write for me copy of time hIlls iiok-frco , i'rlcu : Stout size , $ i.OO per bottle , l.argu . douhlu ititattIlty ) ? i.7b ) mottlu. All drum I 1OTUCE ! To the Traveling Pu -TIIR- . m COMMERCIAL HO'J : -AT- S Jat. . Is now undergoing throrougim repairs , both without , amid the i.roiribter intends It. ebial I 013 1.1 'tO NONI ; 1mm tIme $ tatC , miect to Onimetu g. it. ltI.AII1Y V aug2i.2q _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ h'rt Safety Fund Sysi Life itismirimmice l'erfrct iii security amid at ( mOst comisit4imit therewith. U IJAlt'i'FOltD LIFE &ANNh Ifl C JIA1tTFitI,00NN , AUS. It. i'iiri'v , ( Jtmtoir.l d Attlm 7000d Agents Wanted - FURNITURE ! -THE- CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY FLirniture ! ISAT DEWEY & STONE'S They always have thc largest and best stock , NO STAIRS TO OLIMB ELEGANT 'PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THEDIFFERENT FLOORS. IY FARMER'S FRIEND. ERTEL'5 : HA PRESSI ; Are the cheispeil halo hey at lee , mit I ' ! _ _ . tvttrramitoii tie Ito - t1for Ilitietrati . 'S. , CEO. ERTEL I CO. , Qulnoy , N. IL-Mr. leiitirick1 Tito Eumimionmy is still , Iii settle the vlmislletmge with roe ci ) to time mm Just say aliemi amid smimero , ismmmi we will go spoile. ( , Jy mt.asev eat nio , $30,000 for $2. I flogomiar MonthiyDrawing wilittet hissoukm Hall , Ibsimotilo Teimmimlo I ST lmtg , In LstiiYllle , Ky. Thursday , September 27 , 1 A Lawful Lottery amt FaIr Dra cliartrm'ed by thu legisiaturoof Ky. , mumd taint ii it legal by the highest court imi tlto l4tato. a , ghvmi to llettry Coitmmt lmi the enmu of $100,000 ti , hmruIimpt imnmmmelt of mdl prizumi colti. , A Iu'oI.urioN IN IUNOI.U NtIMliFlt : hUlA ii I. t4rlvcrv ticket holder ? tlmown similervlmmor , Otit time mummimlier otm liii. ticket tsmmti see time mire lImE mnmmmiher ( it , the tag olacmm lIt the a'hem These draa itigi , uili occur ott I fliumday of every mimontim. Ileati time itmgmmiil September Schomo. I i'rizit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; : : : : : : i'rizet , $ .10o cacti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c , 5 l'rizus , 1,000 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'O' ' 2(1 ) ri7c5 , ( mOO each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 ( prizes , I' ' 0 emirlm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 i'iizem , Sm ) each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 00 lrmzcs , 2iI cacti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lctv ) l'riee , 10 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Irize , , 500 miaclm AiiImroXiIIifttIOri l'rtzett it lrizoi , nut ) nacli " ' 0 l'rizce , 100 cacti " " 1,557 Puree. WRote Ticicotcu , $2. lint ! Ticica 27 'rIckets , $50. 55 TIokoto , I lietmilt Immoney or hank Iraft iii I utter. or i tIxtirelmil. ioN"r HONI ) IIY ltlnIsI'iiui : : : ) I tilt 1(1ST orrtccoitnium : , tmmitii fmmrtiicr tmoti tiers of er amid mitissarmi by uxuirceim , cami tic set to J. J. lit ) . Addreai all ordctmm miapeitse. iommiviiio , l ( . ml it.tu.tii.&ts1m.t flEAL Ii. ESTATE ! jCENC BeIor&So I 0FFEUBAltGAINSIN iirh - Business Property ! Residence Propei I Sub rban Prope ] wI'novJrDA24DzUNIMVII0YImD nd : Lan6 E1'Tea [ Oma ] AND Farms in all Parts of Nehr WE hAVE A HANOII O . , 0 0 WlIlClIYUOFFElL AT A LOW WiTh ! A Rnze of vora1 Thaasii BlDl0htD & SOUl - 218 .1 Ithi SI' ' I eat DUFREME & MENDEE29 ARCHITEC . , . trRESIOVED ' 10 OMARA NATIONA IP1 UILU1NU , The mmmc of the ( cent " Slmotl Iino' In councetloti with the S H 0 R1 corporate namno ofa grcatroad5 commreys An Itlea of I 1141 mm haC reqmiirem % by the triteiitig pub. the-a Shert IAmo , Quick TOne I I N E tutu tito itost of , mccommodte. . I tloni-mmil of which are torn. Iitemi by the rcatcst railway In Aumorica. . C HIOAGOMILWAUKEE And St. Paul , It owns anti o0cItes over 4,503 miles of rosdi * Northern Illinois , Wiscoticimi , ilinnotota , Iowa atil Dakota ; anti am its moisim , line , , lratiche , tenil minneo. tiomme teach all tim itreat inisinesi centres of the Nortiiwot anti F'msr % Vctt , It naturally answers the mioscription of Short Ltmto , mmmvi Best itouto betwocn Chicago , ithlaimmikee , IlL I'amd mmii iRnneahtoiie. Chicago , Mhtwaukco , i.s t'rommso and Vinona. Chicago , Iilhlwankoo , Aberdeen ttnii Eltendala Chicago , Milwaukee , Rail Claire mmii StLiimvater Chicago , Mliii atmkcc , W'metimmteti temiii Month. Chienogo , Milwaukee , heaver thetis anti Oehkoh. Ctmict.gO. Milwaukee , Vteuke.ima menU Oconomnowoe. . Chicago , Milwaukee , itamilmotm atmit l'neirto miii Chico. Cimkago , Milsmnukre , Owzmtontmts tesmi cr.iribauit. Chicago , lieloit , Jnnmmt'ls ' temimi Uimierai Point. Chicago1 Elgin , Itomikfoni mitiii ltmimmmqtmo. Chicago , Clinton , itock tiatitt atut Cedar Rapids. Chicago , Couticil ItliOts amid Omnaitta. Cliicmmgu , 13tomix City , Sioux. I'altn timid Ystkton. Chicago. Milwaukee , Mitchell tenth Chtetnberltth. Rook timiatmil , 1)ui > tmpmc , St. l'mtiml aiUi MinflOithOlhS. IMommport , Umilniar , St. h'aui mind Mintietapolia. Pithlman Sleepers tenth ttmo Eltiont Dining Cars In the world are rimmi 0II the mimisinlimirim ottimoCHICAflO MILWAUKEE ef ST. PAUL RAILWA'V . lumit every attcntlomm is italil to vassomigcre by court. 00a emmqiloyea of the OtiiJiftfl ) . B. a nitimttr. , A. V. II. CAItPI'.NTEfl , ( Iemm'l Mammager. ( letm'i Pass. Agent. J T. CLARK , OEO. hi. ltEAiFOItD , tiemmi Supt. . Aims't ( bId ! I'a.mmn. Agi. I Have Found It I ' Was the exclamation of a man when he got a boi of Eureka l'tIo Ointment , which I. a simple coil our. euro for Plies amid ill tikhmi Dlaeaaoe. Lilty centi bj mall , htoai The American Diarrhwa Cure i has stood the test for twenty years. Sure cure for . alt. Never Fails. Diarthteea , Dysuntnry , and Chmolo. eta Morbmm , . I Oeall's ' Focr aii ue Tollic & CoriaI. It Is lmpouiblo to oiIplil3 the rapid stile of the same. ' SUItE CUItE WAI1IANTED For Fever tammd Agimo , anti all Malterial troubles. Pi1ICE , $1.o0. W.J.WHITEHOUSE . . . LADOIIATOItY , ICTIIET. , OMAhA , NED. . For Sale by a/I / Druggists ; r oent iiy Express on receIpt of mIce. in&e : Nebraska Cornice -AND- : Orllaillollt 'orks ! MANUFACTIIItEI1II OP GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , QrxxLor FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLA TE ROOFING , PATENT MlrFALIC $ tYLIGIIT , Iron Fencing ! Crestimige , Iialutra.ies , 'ermtnmlas , 0111cc anti flank hhaillngs , Window end Collaramiards , Etc. N. V. COlt. NINTh AN ! ) JONES STS. WM. OAIRE11 , Liatiager. Broom Corn I MACHINERY I A FULL LINE-CONIIWIINU 01' DOUBLE CYLINDER 6CRAPU3 -ANt- HORSE POWERS f isto1 , . . I The Best in the Market Manufteetmireti by byC. . 0. COLTON & CO. , 11 ( Jaloebtmrg , lii. $ tot Circular and i'rico LhL - _ BELLJEVUE COLLEGE. Under the care of the Presbyterian Syiiod of N. . bmka. Jiogimis September 10th. ClasMcal anJ Sciemmitflo courses with preparatory department ; also , Musical and Art flopartmnemit , alt open to both KZ.e Tuition low. Locatbomm beautIfuiimd healthful. On ) S utno milee from Omaha on the II. Li LI. it. II. A dress for circulars , VILOF , W , J. IJOLLMAN lieu. . sue , Nub. JyiSd.eod m&e&alm i : : : , , tie i I.e , mii I. or , i.m ' . . iii , WdrOiW. , , CB L' . i mioli IL. luSt , ii t ! p LY . . , . . , . . . . , F.I .i' iii i ii. mm i. . . i - Fi.wiriu I kim I imit mm"liict.'mi $1 I , rn ) UP1TflPDQflIT A regular graduate In I Ult. LlI.JUUUIWUII. tnedtcimmo. Over sixteen ( Os , mmmii 1105 Wyammdotto lit. yuaru hmracttco-twelvo Ia KANHAS CITY , 310. ChIcago. 'ftl : Authorized by time tate to ttno , m'c ' I CbrommloNervoueammd i'rtwatedtscaar. . 4 f 794t ; Asthmmm , Upilepty , htheummmatimmi Piles , . I. /,1lreii : : : ; . Title POflit , Uritmary amid Skirt Die. &il eases , Sctmminal Weakmioutiighmt ( Iaecs * , j . bexuol hebllltyloss mmfsoxtmal ( itt. Cmmru4 giitarmtmitctiti tir mousy rcfmmmidcd. I tiargel . Ioiy , 'flmiuwmttils of incus cured. No Imijurlous tmmdl. . cmos tmmrmmltmc.l mtvdtm to pmetiemmt at a dhstamiou. Von. , , sulttetlomi free mend comifldetmtlal-call or snite ne mend oxpurlemmec tire tittimortatit. A flOCK for bout IOXV- Illtmetratod-atmit cIrcular. of other timings edit scaled for two S otot stamps. FlIER MU13EUM . LI 4 mncduod.w pjfANiuOOD-l'o.Itisely itemitorud In from tao to i * Mexican Vegetable I.toofeetiumi Yi . .ly.I tlay by if particulars a.ddres ilan Meteo Medical Co. . P. . 1) . MoO , 21b1 , lit. Leul , Mo. Ir.