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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1883)
: . . , . . b F S : ' THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE. ' I NO.6G. AetiIetngcItnetIt ; : , II hu become 80 corninonto wrft4th. Lginning ofn trUcl. , n an o1eiit , in. tsresting flinor. "Then run itinto sme aveztii.aoat thit we avoid . .11 such , "Aii iirnIy c1I ttentIoft to Ui. mer of ilup l3itteii in u plain , hoaeat h14 U poiible1 ' 1o indcs p.ople 'To gius hoMe tria' ' , wbtchaop.ov.a vIao tlrnt they will ncver u.o any. tint elso. " - 'Tit 1txii io fsvorb1o notloed In idi )1)Z $ "Religious * nd ecu1r , is } 1aviug large ia1o , Mul Ii supp1t. tag i11 ' 4her inediciIIe5. "Theic it iiu denying the irtue of thu I1op p1at , tuid thu ProPtktrs of hop ] iittem have howii great shruwdness "And biIity "I ii COIflOUI1diflg ) tnehciue who ittuo are ko 1)aIPabIO to every one's ob. son itioii. " lId Sh D ? "Nut "Situ litigered and sullurod aio Lug , away , iihl thu tiIiiu fur ' ' IJiu Iuctor (1Ltig liur Ut , godU ; "Anti at 1ait was eurcd by tIti hop I iUor3 Uio 1Iicrs s ' HO IIIUCJL aibotit. ' ' 11iked ! I ittIuetlI' uI1Ow tliauidul wo houId be fur that 0 inoclicitie. " A 1)tIgIitr'g MIHely. "Elovon yuam our daughLr bnfcrod ! on ft bud of 1Itizury , "From a COIl ) Iicatioii of kidney , liver , rheumatic trouble and Nervous deinlity. "Under tht. ciro of the bestpllysipiauB , " \\'ll ( ) gave Jitr disejsu variona naiiios , "But no ruInf , f 'Aud nowH1Iu iststordto us in good health by xui iinpIy IL rtnnody a Hop Bit. tern , that we had Rliuniid for years be. fore 1Iing it.Tim I 'AligN8. PtliorlM Getting Well. sql7 aaugliter . .sy : ' 110w much b.Uir lather I , ! nco he u&ed 11. flIttere. "lie I g.ttlii well after his lang sufferliig trots dIeve decreI lflUttiU' ) " : Ikt WC aI k : IatI that ho uott your itlttere. ALDTOSUtIcn.ZI. V. NEBRASKA LOAH ANB TRUST LU . HAsrtos , NiIL Capital , - - $250,000. JAS. fl IIAU'lWEt.t. , I're.ttcn. A. L. tJLAIIlE . , Vk..I'rekiori. E. C. WtIWI.IIt , Tru.wurr. C. I. WlnS'E. Ce.liIur. fllIuu'rons : arnuc AIexridcr , O. . aid Oliver c. L. Uiarie , I : . C. Wubter , II 1rtt , Jai. B. Iteartwell , D. 11. Mc1111111uey.I irt Morto' Loann a Specialty , ) il Co1n1:3 fiirntIt a permattent home Iiistltti ' ar yhcru $ ( ) ItiiJ iud ttiier legally i.uc.I .Me \ C11IO.I Scu iLk , I. . cati te ntgotIatc.I 'it ill , . . , i. ' urli , , Luruts L.tais tnu.Ie IiI ; rpro ; cii I . M ii. il well ttttTtt e.ntitk.i , it iii etate tIir.iith NUI.fl.k . . . . . , rr.lflii , , , kit ? . . Lebraska Corce ' -AND- - - i' . ; _ : _ Iliii 1thilttI } ] ¶ OvlJr(1 ( ) , : ) MANUFAT'IREiL3 0F GAtVAIflZED IRON CDBNIES QXx.oI. PI ZIALSVINIOW CAl'S , i , IRON AND SM TE ROOF/NO , , II PATIsT : MI'rALIu ) KLIGIIT , t ! ron Crcttngt. , Ullu.ltraiIeIJ , Veraitilat , OuNce and flailc JlaiIIii , Window teid CtlIartuird , Etc. N. W. COIL NtN1iI AND JoNES $ Ti. WM. GAISEII , laringcr. ) . ; ii _ I , : I I I ' r4 : 4 ' ' ff : ' I . dar ; ' i ! ' . . ; . o.gtJut11 ; : . ' ldins , ' , . . . f' _ _ _ ISH il.V0tJ3 0 II'I . Cures iiIVsIOAL & OrI7AL L1)SM UU III J MANLY VIWIlilerrnatorr , .s ti'a , etc. , eltii all othcr rtint , : . , iIie f.Il , 4 cure qIiarflnteeiI. . - ' . $ l , ( r. bittIe , large bcttk , fitur - ' . ' tIute thu quruttltv , 5. liv cx . ttciJress. Sold In .Jf- vreM to iiiy 'i. : _ rtlitIrtaIt. } NLttII .iI1)1 CAT. INSTITU'FF. Propriet4rd,713 Olho Street , St. LnuI , Mi , . - l have i'II ' Sir AstIy Citiiiers Vital Itutiirtttl a I for years. Eve ry cuntoluer pisiki highly of It. iItsititItigy ! eitiIru It i a ruuoiIy ( if triiu ew "C. ( .OODMA' ( , Omaha l'eit I t CAi SAVED IN THE LIThTG EXPENSES OP . THE by the tiO if Ittix lLose , Itie ltutnlton Food Pro orothe. it Iirore Meat , F'tsIi , MIlk , Croatia , Iigb eJRI all klidi Ut Miiuital I'otal fresh iI beet Ioi wecl.e. CCII In the hotteet weather. 'l'til CAll bi 1)rOVtitI the tetImonlala of Itutidrude ho hau tritt It. YOU raft iiro U It for youreelf for O ccnt. You will lind that titlit Isait at ttclu which will avu you a C great deal of inoitcy. 0 SOUItED ; U OILED 1EL NO STALE 14111 kceptflem Iresh and eweet mr miny tiap doeeno Impart the aligliteit forelu ta4e o thi .rticlc treated. It I co cltnile In opertittn thai a chiU can Itilow tlio diroctlgne , ia aa harrnfe , a Stilt and coate only a traction of a cent to a tiound ol zneat Itch , butter or cheese or to a .uart of nillk , \ ThIg Ii xo humbug ; It le cnitoraod by aitch men a I'x.1. Sain'I % V. Johucon ul Yale Voilew. boW ti 4drpggIt $ and roeere. SanpIo pounde aelit pro.liali' . mail or extrtis ( a , we prefer ) on receipt of price. ) by .ane your eapreas chico. Vlsniiiiio brand for zucat. Ocn Wair for flab and cea food ; itnuw hake to. * illk. butter and chceaoAnti.Fermeflt. ; Antl Fly ini . &nti.Mold , UC. per lb. esob. l'earl for cream ; ( ueoi tar eggi , and Aqua.Vitae for uid extracts. Ii cr itt ae1Tu IflJMIBTON FOOD pniRViNO Co. , : . ia KUbybI. iiovLou. MW. Ail Eiiiite I 19llC ! - Pour PasQngor and Two Freight Traina Promiscuously Sid tracked and Splintered. Dodge aity , Kansas Enjoy5 the Peace of a Genuine Sabbath - bath , The Fecoiid Rate ) Sluggoili Invited to ' ' TrIal-Hut. Tenq-1'Iie Jniiu'i - cides runt Other Shoot- iIlgi4. Ci,1t1oi of TrninH. BAI.1Itlntn , IId. , Sctcinbetr 2.-A Cohlisiiil ) e.eeni'rct at ihiglihuid otati)11 ( flu the \Vu3t 1aryIintl routl : ( lisa niorilnig b.itwccn the regular and on u- tr.t fi'eigIi traiii. Thu regulir : trauiii st..pcu1 tilt , f a hot box , autl a few iuiiiuutea aftcrvar.Li w.s run iliti ) b the extra. A buiukoiiiuti loul giuiu bat to witi ii tim oxtr.u. Before the ernali , .J.epli Crut ; oiigiiueur of the extra , fneiu thu engine nod with ft spraiicd aiikI'Vin. . tliolI , linukeinati , wits killed ; Joe1ili Dnrey , cuttlo dio'cr , fatelly injuredVlIi. ; . Fleiph , lii ctiian , slightly inj tired. The votdkt of the ci'roIIer'te jury charged the collision to grosa iiegligeiiuu. Sii fllfl.3' In I ) ittIg ( , City , ICaq. Doint : Cxrv , Septoiiibor 2.-1or the Limo ajijee tisore waa a Dudgu Csty , We have had the teinblatiec of a Suiinlsuy. All bitaiticati liuuse , saloons , dtiict : liaIl u.iid . gaitibliiig liouitcs vuio closed , Hliow- iuig suiile regard for the Stbhath. I lucre is tuuuivorual rejileiuig over tlii8 , uiiid it. Ia felt tlnut all nucasutes of reforuuu , as coui- tcuiiplated by thu city couiuicil , will be carried out. Many gamblers nuid prosti- tutea are leaving. Auut t br Nw Yoin , Septotuibur 2.-It is ro pt.rtcd to.uuiit ) tlut Louig Beaeh trahu ruth lilt. ) the Roekawuty train , both roturuuitug to New York. It is said the cuuginus uiud a couilu ef cars were wrecked , but uuo mention isuutdc of lives lost. CollIsin ( )1 l'utt Trninr. ST. ALUAS , Vt. , Septeinluer 2.-.Uliu fast. tztiui leaviusg at 1. , . iii. Suturday ; fur Chicago , via the C. ntr.ulTcruuui.uIt . rail- r.tuul , , tllj&hud at. Cilelieitcr at 8 p. iii. vutlt the fa'.t New York ecpIoeu. Ciii- clietcr is the uin'otiuig pluuco for t.utiuis. . Tiit Nevi Yoik oxpretea utirivetI liruct uuuid turneul the switch prcpuratory : to suttiiig ofT on the uiuIo trauk , hiui hhuue the cuigiuie reached thu icle track the 13. artuui express .aine along nt L grL'tt : queeet. .h1)iJ ) .iuitiiR'oi ; and lit'oiuinii of Liii new'.York tralut jumped ; jd sieved their iivs. 'I'lio 13ttick ; to tlieiu 1uosts. Both wore badly iuuui't. Tue engines and teuuihera were vreck d tuid the baggage cars to1esioped. One teusdi'r ciit aluuient cuuiuphetoly tluuougli a baggngu car A lurge uuuiiiuln.ur of . ( ravel traiu usd1 were iii the haggute eis.i. of the Bu'utoui train , sonue of vIuouui % vere built. ' [ 'iikteen Oil the thistiiui traiui were injured , si gravel ti aiui men butt. A. Guiel 1 'l.c to 14'lght. C ALVI'@N , ' , , September -The I'uwn' 1't. \L'LIi hvecitl ; says : I > uitios to.niglut teier Slulii'n ilaiiager the following : 'rrauige for the Sladui. Mitchell light to conic oil lucre. All ox- hicilses finin ausy ISililt jut ( lie Uiuitcd States vihl be 11id 811(1 111011 caii light nil tifl ) ' pheutso auud iii , iuitei'fcreuuce : Ulilceis ( .nuutntutced iiIIe.l . hj I.i.Jtl .uiuig. LAuno : , 'l'ex , , Septeuidier 2.At the t ( Wil if Logos , in Mexico , a few (111)1. ago , W hue terVi'es wuic Iniug hu..hui ni ) uu luriuIeiitui church , there 'na ii t1uuuiudtr btoruiu , uluitiuig vhichi the light- nhuig atiuck the btuildiuig , killing tile pt iest , four wonieji nitd a little girl. 'I'Iie 'l'iuuhluiors I uivltod I o 1C.4is.s Cxrv. Si.1elenibei . _ S. C. Shade 1111(1 .1 . 1) . Courcuit , of 1I liLIli tl'uxas , unit hero in the iuutercuit of I lie Es 1'.wo shuirting frttoznity for tluo IuuI'piat of securing the prixtu light botss'cii Slidt uuid 1hitciiuh1 iii that vicinity. ' .fliey hid IL couufcrouuco wiLls huie1dcui nuid iiLchichI and have teIcgraihued Shuic , vhuo i' uuoe oil lila way to St. 1'uuul. 'I'huo state thiut : i'luuhdeii 1111(1 l\1itchull regai'tl the Pr4)l1si- tiwi favorably. They nhitiihiatu utecept 101cO ( iii the IIIrt ( If Shido. J'lie El l'aa jiarties. gipirantee whiate'ur auto of itiunoy unity be reejuiji ( l. CRISIIN : 1tJ4 IIFCOJlI ) . T1I ) JAMES TJUAL ; KAUR/eI Cii Y , Septtinln'r 2.-Tiut .Journal's Ouuhlatiiu special saa : 'I'Jiu ' cvi deuce has closed in thin ino.t ienieuluehuiu ; crintiutal tu i.d that over uccurreti iii 1'.I ' . is p401111. , t\hi who huitvu hucaid thuc ttntiiutoui iIliIIit the state Iota niadu a % 'ery atrtuui Case ogniutot F1Ilik Jaiuuee , so fur au filets elicited by the testiuuuouiy tue cut curuied. They to u grtatly in favor of ( lie' state. ' ! 'iiu case , however , vill heMthouug hy funughtt in ( hue unguuiueiut. 'Fito t1utcuu' uired the lunch chiauiwtcr of the atatcu' nhuuef witneseuie , Dick Liuldil tutu thu Ircl fuuuiuly , AS regnicla the selectiouu iii the jury , it is generally c'iiiidereul thi iltifeitso secured liii nulvuuuutago over fit , state. 'I'iio court. has nutuuuuuicoul then eight huijurs tviil be uuhhovcd each tide II the arguililetit. I'ieiseeuiiuig Attorney VuhInctu , of Kansas City , will close tot the ustato , and ( uo , .Johiiusun couclueli. * the nrguuiieiut for the defcuiu. A ? .IY8TE1UOU $ AIIItEST. Niw Y0IIK , Suptetuiber l.-Tnspcctoi Byrtiua detectives nrrested in Wall street a mysterious prisoner. The Police vul tIivo no inforuutatioui concerning luhiui. It us Icuiruied , however , the man is arruteu on ttuajuieuiin ( if huiuig one of the parties esuticeruied in the Iorthainpton batik but- huiry iii 1870 , when over 2OOOOOO , SVR stolen. All the itieui conuiected with ( list riuuie have boon arrested excepting \Viui. Conuiers anti Janies Byrites. It it , thought the former is now ui.deu-going it turin of iinpriscunrnont , auid the zitaut stow in custody i Byrite8. A OtEi ) roitnEn NAIIDEII. 2czw YOJtK , September 2.-Stephen LLyrnotid , iiiit "Steve" Marshall , wa .urrt'sted yesterday on the chiaro of for. , Lery. the forgery cuunBistilug in ahtenuunxu. . on the Uniuui Pacitic railway cotuupuis cotuhtons. It i aIqHiMd that a. pIrLiuuu of the bonds end coupons were stolen Jiuuuuity 211 , 187G , front the Northampton ( Mass. ) National bank. Eghte.en mouths itgo notice wait reccived in New Yomic , let Lime office of the Unitni I'aciIie rnilwy company1 front Mr. llinckley , of Boston , that couiui.ns su1ip..sed . to be . hiatt lu the ) ' of the Northampton burg. lary wvro beitig regularly paid in thia city. The matter waa iulaced iii time liauiels of 1urYst tieteetivea wuthuuttit any result. Last March , 12 cuulpeul , t1UOOOO in eutikiuug fund biundum ( If the Uniuuui Pa. cilitu runiruad were paid both in New York uuitti Boston o1hicei o the couuquuly. These itieciitett here eru foumnil to be gemiu'umte CuiUuOui5 , hut with altered imiuuut- tiers. The cululpomuiu iuaid iii baton % iii LW the prl1rty O a rJ11t1181)k ) miiui ehiauit. A few days agi. ln'peetor Byrmics vts ( imotilied of the fact..s , tumid tia the sotuti- null m oat I tyl itCh t of , _ i , tmnums betit u I U able yestutthuty , dtectIve weiu iussiuivd Li ) watch fur Itreauu.hutIumi . of altered euutt- P ° ' ' . itt ut sigied inoin 'eIr. Liteli , vein- Pt I I I clot-k of the U n ii in 1 'acilic , a miuuumi , Wltt ) IuuuIL gi'unu his tuauume uui Cliii k , vtes' fuuhuoweel Lit the muatiuuutiul batik of cuuuut- ulierco , witetu lie vent to ca'uhu It check for $4S0 , jutat received before presontitig the cheek liii recuig. itized Detective Steviu on the other sick. of the RilL'eut. Fearing thu chuck wouhil givu hiiiii away lie tuic it anti titrut tu Pieces itt Ins uutouth , and began to eat them. Detectives ut once arrested Imitti , bitt recovered ctuily a simuahl uuf the .iicck. Thu hrisoiIer wtvt recogmuized' as Ititytnotid alias ? uI.trshuuuhi , the forger , who ill 1878 aided iii julacimug 7i'iOOOt ) forged Ei ie autti Btuilulo bettiels , For this oiluuutuo ho vuus teuiteitceti to live years iii state lie is 46 years old tutu huei : one glass eye. He is said to couitiuio hitnavif entirely to fergury. Itt phice court today - day he was tuimamideth. 'l'hie bmidi ( ruin which thu altered coupons were detached Rio uuUIIOSL'd to be the luohlet't3' of hick- io , who intel a large amnouuit of securities oil tl1osit iii the 'auhta oftiio Northamnp- ton batik at , the tiumlo of the burglary. SUICIDE. NEW YORK , Selteuuuter 2.-Detectlvo Sergeant \Vuiliini : lu' . : llirul killed himself to-night in a bath roouti in him beam-ding hunmse. lieu vus : tituniciahly enibarasseel. lie vuts a imuphcsv of tevumi B. French , Presitlelit ( if the board of i)01ic0 COHtIIILS- siouters. TiLE tNt ) OF ALL ILL4. \VAS1IINITN , Septoutibor -Johimi Ciuiiuutehly , it wateliunuut in the trcasuu-y dejiattuticuit , shot amieL killed himself iii iii ililu of tue cuual vaults iii the btseitietit yeteiday et't'ZuIitg. hlu left. a mute say- tug faintly tiuuiileVIS ; the e.tuti. lie Seflt it buliet trout a Ie'ge sized Celt'u re- veulver ehutougli his Iuutuui. C..ltiiI-4ia CON l"ilET. Time Coumuiii iIaut ( ie p&ICkCP 01' tIm LOUIS\'XLLE , SepLdunber2.-TiuuuCourier .1 itIiitttl1'\Viitl.ituOI'IiIW 1)tmlhiiuhI no litter. % jti u'ithu hut. John G. Carlisle , iii which that gemutleuttutit i t1uoted as sayiumg thtict lii , ' 'ivies still ; u candielnto for seiiatw , al he uulway tuui been. " I1iuit he know muothiluig of l3laekbturui's jnteuutiunu to witiutli-itv fruit the race for the blitItlior- ship until the saw thu sanmu iii ( lie iuuwn- thuat lie does iuut yet kuuow Itlr. Blackburn's iuuteuutioinu respecting his Vote Iiitl influence fur ( lie ajueakurshuiu ; , execlit. thiuit ; lie u ( ipOSel to lft. t : iiidall. lcgiuidiuui. ( lilr. Itaimdihl ; , Iutr _ Carlitulit saidVhulnt : he itt souuuowhiat. cratty within thu utica of PCI'tY CrguuiuixatiulI , lie i 'u ttt ii I lt0litictl ly It o utunable' , atel tutu gu 1(1(1 it tietituicrat to think of seeking tue ' ! ' ) itt tiuc Imaxaid of luLl ty litter- uets. " 1lIi Cai-isIu expiessed the belief thu t ? ui r. luuidal1 ( vtuuiltl not lueriulit his ituuuhtu befbru clue cuiicti , ' 'fur Ito kitinva ii o vil 1 sulfuithlfCIt _ : , . ' ' CII 151 I ig , Liii r. I isle suuitl ' ' 1 ! ii ) i : t i equuires ite to iii iii I - uitte ; in tIme cauivtus. 1 utlttaidy huueve ninny I Ut ti-c J ulu'ulgt.d muic thunui : uiy i LIt or eunid i. date , emel uieu : m ly ciii u tight to secu iii tit o I Ii Ii I I I lulitH iii . I t It i uk it very probeblu I trill IntVo the humor of hteiii thu next JliAtIEY "IV [ l'IlIltA'.YS Vr-oin time ( 'itfIuIuLLinhi iii Ohili , utumul Grues . to lIIi Ihto'el lill itt 1.111' l'li sic. CIzcj.tTr. elit&'uutlCr 2-lion. 004) . 11 ' utth I cy , uleuistici : itie ill md nec for guy. elliot. of Ohio , started ( juiItt for Plum. tle'l iiht1t , t o Phtttu1 It met ei f ii uiil e i t hue tree L- iiIiflt ) of Dr. Jtrtluohuututv : , furuuucrly julie fueuiily pitysicinut. I I ii i.oes Lit l'iiilitdul- I 1i in by eel vi ec of hi i' iii I ) HCltLiit3 here , cv huuu lea ) . hi e is ml tutu-i utg ii. t ouuly tiuiiltup mauha e- itil tnfltullC but uumler auvcro. if muot uutirilItIlt iuorvtuus I" gr.nriumg . out of lila nidurotus iithtiuu'i in the caunneigui and uumxiety luicitluuut to it. Time 1 ttcutt Nuiittaorut ( titus. T'ilovuicLTowN , lultusq , , Septeuuihuur 2.- 'l1itt , recent gel ci con t i ii ties th u , auhj t'ct of C'utul ' utont. 'l'Iu o aclu' ' iou to r .1 .1V. . I tui sul I , I I ' lI \ I ithuu iii U Cj ty , lit .vus . i iii I iou' beatum ciuths ill ( Ito guhtt \\'eiliuesuhiy. : . ' ( 'Ito stinvuert , imid a bn.y . sc'uru dnotvuuiui. Thuu cuow on 4lucl : citing to the i igt'uuug. Seven of iDiom ss'cie vashi ed u uii uuuuti ( I nu wn ed l'It C retutuuii i ii I fI III 1 ' .t' ( 'ro t ; tkoum o11 I ) ) t It ii i'd I 01 111(1' lt'Ju it-a Iel liter. 'l'l u u achu t it iuuor 'elcu ii tutu of l.ts ii 't ii ut ug , sri i flu ii t itt tehtu ii ill East l'oiut , Veduieusthity umight , sva -lWutl uujicul by thu HI't , 'l'ci u thou uI i'ovl teul lilly ( tile saved. 1'htero tutu I l veiuuuobs lit cli a g U If of S t. 141ccuo1 u eu freuuum w hiuht , tot Ii i uug lets been d for six ty days , uut. ito ztumxiuty is felt ci unceriiihug thuuuuu uu it is thought tht't gale wuiti tint severe itu hist ciroetuumi. Auuxioty is felt. cuinicorui- tig the schuiouieur Lottie Icil ituiti Adue IC Outiiion. flc1ioits of large hiss life ate uuicraily diaweehited by sea captaiuis. Fl ueti. Nr.w OitLsANn , SIltelimbor 2.-A firs' uttitjilit destroyed the Boston lnuot amid htoo factory onu Charles streteL 'I'liu ted , . Joining buildings wore badly daututiged. $5,000 ( ) ; partly iiusum-cd. Ni'uv hiA'I ( , Commit , , Suptoitmber 2.-A disastrous lire destroyed this aftoriioint ii large brick buildiitg on Artisaim street rite fire broke out in a Ituunbor yard iii 'lie roar of the luuilding. 'I'Iuo building wits four stories bight amid ocotipieti by the Now Jlttvcim Stamjtiu Mautumfacturinug coin. pay amid Strong Cartridge company. Loss , $1OOOOO insurance , $ fl5OOlI. A iroItinn Wa seriously injured by falling bricks. - - TIlE MARKETS. Chio ProTisioll all LITC stock tar- kts Uflasua11yBuh1 far ie The Uncertainty About the Corn Crop Ouso Some Unoa' siness. lIodt'rnte 1tM'.tpt. . nf Stuisk Anti igwor t'rlces-llevlotv of iii. Wcik. ChAIN ANt ) 1'ItOV1SIOa. ( ) , Sejitemnber. 1-Dullness per- vittles till the muutu-kutut uctiul ever tiling utWnutIu the course to be takemi by cue-u , lv Itielt cetcuul wit I , for at uuuic tiiimU to c iitu , liu thu leuctier. tttliotught favuirtulihewuiuitit. er ctuuulitiuimis vtun1d iuustiio such it ykhl tlittt October corn might drop to 41. ) ccuut.s , et the hiwai'd to the crojus is au glen. the lust. eluuuaiiuug frost is to lii lug about t. ii alt urp tud uuiu'o , itetiucu ojter. tituilat iutOVii tuutitutiusly anti invuemt . tumeuits. 'rhui. umucerttuiuuty is wiict iiiui suu- tat ii .tt ties , fur tiio sI ii p . 'mu ug' duu.uuuuiul . , iiet.t : . i-u brisk , is imow cumituittt largely to I , , , j cr grueletu , uuuitl it ; oA1itetd to Lung cuuutuuutic to tme l ° ° u.tuuut. Coiti is being freely aluijiped Irinmu huetull- ties s hucie it huts been said tittie vuta tttiue. 'l'lie gnowiuig crop hoW in 1'eiuiicsseit , ICcuutueky , Kuemtsas timid Misoui-i , wiuiie time tcir'itory miuuthi cii thueso stuttes will require freedom ( ruin frost all the way frotum Sciutumnbuir 15th to Octoijur 5tIi , buifetue it cuut be called .tfe. .Viuia iii the jmrctntm&t coumehituumu of nffuumrmu. Otit art ) goveriued greatly by corn , tIme thupuiuud. lug to some extent , utmi the price iii the hitter grant , ned lroviamouls lila in 'ery isiuchu the salute position , the value of corn fixing tluuut of hogs. W lieu the outlook i8 a trifle inure clear a brisk business will bo treutsacted nil 'rotunuel , until thueht time lremmt inactivity is imuebie to exist. \'hicat. huria tumled quiet and easy umidur liberal receipts , but the visablet supply this weel rather surprise.d time trade &euid tended to coummtcract the weakumess. A recent feature is time fudliimg off itt 'the ' ( luumimtity of winter wheat received , wiimeh is less timumu half what it was a year ago. ( jouitieyvuttjt'o umot ' optiratois , lum'ttc1ihuurly bearish , commeenic a probable reututiutmi 511011 , but believe a break to about I for October umecesuary ti ) iugtiui ; stimulate mutnouug buying. At ; jmruscmit unmy umttesmmpt to ittivutitcO Prices iii hit-hill vork. it ) C liIIS lJCtiii Oil IL deciiitimig scale dur. iitg the vcck , time i-ccciptmu being uuuux- pectetily heavy. Should. tiuias imntrket settle a eLIjlIu of cuumts front Ituesomet. lm.ices , 'alues would he conmidt'u tid buy. A car of new No. 2 barley iii tumo old ( JIm 'L'iiursmlty ' at 74 ccmmta , buiuiz the first. ado of this litmel ummadu this Selesimmi. it tI ys.-t too early for business to siuuwatly kilo. - . The uoviaion imiarket. seems to hj i1 'timigiuule frouue\vlieun. to pinto u.teitt t3tuuitetmulg on liii own boLtoit. Oitsjuin is divided as to the cuutuac of 'utulu this uuiijuutht Iii stuuuue u1uau'tei- mi still uovcr range itt looked for Everybody is , eat- CUlittiutg 4)11 aargu ruin of hogs thu coining - ing tviiiter ltachiulg sonauui , cud we evitaumuly have emuuuught stocks oum lined to suhIhly the lurslteCtivo vauttie of tIme ti-.udu until the now ct-up couuies to uutarict. I1uch lower prices : uo anticipated. Iackeus note a summiowimuut. better sluijitiuig deummund uuiud show ito etiaiuueuitiout Lu now shout the umiarket ; ui time coultruiry humyiuug oil nil sudden liucaks. Prices are $10 item' tiutmi el beret' eIi imorli amid 'Ic 111iL oil butt timuenu at time begunumiutg uf Septouit- bee , 1682. 'I'Iue ' uuutmuouiiiceummeuit. of the visible sup- P1Y of gi-aimu esterday tuta i'ecuit'ed % vuLim cuiuiuulerabio amirjui'iu. It. ieimuu 20,4532 , . 55u hiemlmelu of w fueutt , 10,2titi,7u3 hiulteht ( if corsu , and : JriuuJL35 liitui t cuut uim siglmt , ui decmedt.e of filJUUU Inisliola of e'luent nuid o'cr 1,000,000 17iishicI of cu-tm teimmee last \ % euk. 'lime toek ot uatu has liceti I i teteased hal I it mmii II tu umi of bumsitl. it U ultmg LI mu Suitmc : pet uott , I n cx iiuuutLuoui : uut this utimtti zeg it. is stmtcel that. Lluutiuia'u- t ii vim nod itt ' heLl Ii- it lout ( cut ciii i u lum'gely - Otis. Sliiptmtuuuta tmozui ICauisas Uity autd Ott talun li Ui e as Ieeuipts niuci tilt t p i i toll Is 1 It 3 L. limits. Agucitu it m 'l'oiedt , unud 1.u1- tittuute nil tlieimu tmmuiiet , at treul as tiiui- eusgu , build iuii it big gi.uiii hittiuu on iit. lieu' by iuztumclmulugmiug grain aeetrdimtgJy as ittlees : Lm1&utt. 'l'hie teuuelwucy of iti'iueiu during Amumttt , : , its n1 immuetleti , isas elowim' , am it : 'there ' fitful i'altius but thmu ltote tttttmtuii'OUS , gull- uiitt dm'itt. duiteg thu wituilo uei'suti , nuts tousamd a loier ruungu of sudues. A gouud detumitud iii cash cons utiul ulIttit , tuguthutir uvitlu the iergc os'eruaie ci that August tie. iivet'y , whuueim caused tu shaip i.'utuuuuLttiuui Iu'iimu thu ittuitit ust. the cluso , hold up lui'uca imm tltat. option , amid both euletihuu sold utuam-ly a euut huigiior August. hist than eta J wy i1tit , Ltvj : ChicAno , eltte1iibu'r 1.-TIme winter )1viuu1g beitSuit eu % ' ( hocuS , itmiel ihicu o tviii tie Ii suetidy imuvucasu iii time iiuuumloi' of hogs % uu1lted , hut the jii&eiclii use utitug uvuu'y ehI'tut to catahiltalm a low i'amgu ot hm.ivt'j fi the ieti.tt5tutt , touch , whuilu luuutdttut itS huelil as low situ .tt pmesoumt , ito very guouct tielt'uviULiOJu ) Caim take piutce. Viuit ticam cs iii utimiet trill .f couiusc cotumu deAmur Iuuga I , lit. titu I nit LIt is year wi I I bu itmuge the wuiglmt ahuvet thu as'cmtegu , huuueu tiny. iiutiig njujtio.icliitug httst. cit's ulticus cute ltitm'elly Itu expected. Still , % 'ltim t.lui'ut to tied , as ites' Rectums uIHtum ed , thucu u will obihly Ito f.utr l1rhit Lii guowom.4 at. the Iiaui' ittlugeit. Diui'tutg the uutitL s'eek cite m oceipta tuf , , I t eattlu eitd Jut .gs imuuve hiuuu u u uimly uiuuduu tutu ; lees in htuith CuIsetu tItan fttm thu prtieceiiiug n ock , ii d tim cattle funcu' timaut ( or litany wuohit litat. 'Ihuis Jets ciittdueed Lui a steunhier tumarkut , stint cmi sotutu duuys Iettur tm'ivui itavo beeuu obtained. ' ( 'hue ' tesuJit iii a t.rulle higher- range at. the closu tlmuui at thu uiItilsiulg. 'limo olfuriimga of ithippiuug tuttle hua'u been bitt. atilliciunt for the dciumauid , intel limo pu opel-lion of limit , , luucvy buevus wius larger than utsuiml. hiustutuas Itas gciter.mily been fairly antis- factory to saietuuuoui , smith there was a good , lmealttty feeliumg in tIme tiado. lttiuigers , vamLieulnmrly 'l'exnnus , lowe not lieotm tto plumuty , and have cease- uueidly duttu much butter , , 'I'huis hrnimchm of tue immarkot hmaum been quite unsettled lately , icisci white time latest. indications are tujoro cncouragiumg , the general tendency of values has boon towicl weakness. Obtoico fat 1,000 to I ,025 , lntiflI grass 'Puxas cattle have sold met ? 4,00iJ4.25 , and tuatursi boo.'oa trout - . ' - _ _ _ , , - - - - - - - - - - tIme tsr west ) ma'r sold rut 5.OOt5.hO , witht , a lot of hms-ftd l,3itl lututitutiVyo. . nhmmtg steers at 5.7O , lUt wure. Of course , above the general market. Camm. mung cttlo hmau I'ecut ehiiumg at about 3 25 for hoot to $3 75 for good lots. The ran of mmorthmwt'sturn rtuumge attick is iflcreasiumg , tuumel tirka , for this psvticulftr graile are commiluuirmutiyohy weak. iLimehmmnsa who biLe the tiutibie to putt 'ii ) itay fur thick ctthu , and keuq. them tmmmtil the ug. of four years or mnoro , renew now i.aping their rswnm-d iii coimtparmt. ttvty ) high Prices. There iteaiis hiss hover becu a timime iii the iuiuutury of Aniuricamu stock maisluig whuomi theme WetS at , ummticit real mucod of coimdotasatuoim metal ehmeaueum'uumg of luruthietioii as at. Ptm eeiit. Them o is eutmmpiaiiut tuf ov.'r ' PnbtlUctititI tumid sharp euuuuiuetit'iomt in all tiratuebt's of iumeuut pnuductitumi. Stoektttuu ulmust ad , lilt better aethmods , butter bhmd , muuore eat-i' , amid try' iii every a ) ? to mimako two iculuds cii ehmomce Iumt at gniY t'iiem'o but. ceo of l1u1r quality hruw before. 'i'iuui e huts bevum it muu''tlem'ntelynctive ' ' but quite ate.ichy mmtarkut for hugs elmt'iumg time wi'uk , uemmei pmict'tu are suummuwhiat. higher ihmati iii last Sittttithiuy , 'I'Iuu uuetivu iii. quilt ) ' for iighit hu.ta . e imkh hut iimuvmuitetl fur siouto tittue is iestmhtiiug iii the hium'i' ) ' . mug to mmliii hot utf luuw grinto lugiit weights then. nm-a itt Ito cutuuthitiouu to sell. iiuuu hugs meciiugilig 170 ltuuitths have Ltcuuu sel I (1mg ( f ii' 4 ( ) cjiiO inure thuati it I mmmc I ighmt hogs of 20 ( ) tutlil 210 htotimuds uuvertugo. 'I'm uo dtuu mismud itt mit uev eltiet ugi mig iuiu I IC - vhmuet iii favor of heavy guides , flue mmtnnmtihtcttiio of Intel buimug tuii time iflCiuiihe , stiti of fiotcy cuts of iiteita nit so great. 'l'out l.ickilug . : huiituites ate 110W Iti olernt ) , omihy itbout it thiml tmf thu whole immumubcr. bttt several imitemud stumrthug tij , ituxt week. Time paekiitg at this point front Iliarchm hat Lit Suiteummbcr 1st is uijuproximuunute'tl ut tato,00o : hogs , or slightly iii aecu au iii last. year. 'ruue vest ) iuvu cumt Bulb 225O0O imt'aul of lungs iutitrt than duriimg time comic- sjtomudinu titute in 1882. I'rices ctirruimt ramtge at 5.i5@5.'JO for flghit , $4.7535.05 for mmu'mxecl ueckmuug : , uuuuei 5105.5O for heavy pueekiuug amid shmi1i- ping lots. . St'O1t'I'uG NOTES. 111 * NE\YA1IK ititUAlrA. NxWAR ; N. J. , Selutemmuber 1.-Fimmal .hUats of tIme 1'lewiutk pmufcnuMiuuuluui reguetm were rowed in Imo l'tusaio liver this utiter- neWt. 'i'ime eimtr'mes iii thmei hIi'iit heat. .lanues 'i'eum EykVahlaco Itinus , ( leo. IL. ltoiuumicr , amid ( leom'ge \ \ ' Leo. 'I'huo mumc'n gut away vcli together. Ihosmutur won itt 16:83 : , Lee lIJ:42 : , 'l'uim Eyk 111:36 : , Ito fiuuui tim. Time pi'izes vet u $500 to first , $3150 to second , timid 80 to tluimd. 'I'imo cuuisulatiiuim l'egettui : was titon mowed. Time cuitijomu vcmo Unhitch , Itc1Cut ) ' , Elliott , and ltiity. Gaisol hmuith an ci cay victory , eimmimhug iii 17:2lJ.Mc1Cny : ; iuecud iii l8:2Uj. : Time lt'lzes ) wore $201) ) timid $100. Tot.nno , Stiptemiubor 1.-'l'hme seumiling race betweuim four.oamcel Lt'eiv3 of tIme Uue. ditue club , of Toledo , utusci St. .1 uue , ofFer For \Vayno , Imudiuniut , for hue jiumuiou' clmamulimioiumshmii of Ohio tutu lumeliuuimii , w'aa vpuI by the iuuttr , Dhttuemtee omit , utile itmid , turn. Titimo 1 $ mmiuiutoa. , 1lAkui ' It.LL. csuIuiAoo ; tumabu -Sii thniuiimt'm 1)05)1)10 vero 1resetit to nittutsas thto closiuig gtiuuu of thu Chtieago'Clovttiuuuuul som-ics to. day. It si-tea tlue laigest uutteuieluummco of LImo season. Scuiiu-Uhmieutgo 2 1 Cieve. ' LI huh 7. 't'imo Uhmicagu scum-ed 1 1 ruins ut th to foui'thu it mu iumg ulgail iii L otu o'am u utd Pitcher Daily , which caumsed lila metiro. iuieutt to hue righmt field. Btv City , ejitciuuber i.-3imy ] Citys7 , Q uuiuuuys3 I 'I'OLiuut ) , Septcuumber 1.-Toledo 8 , Fort \S'aylmui 0. SAGINAw , Sptcnumbor l-l'eomhu 11 , .Stt'iitav : It. I'IIlIAIflLI'ulIA ' 1.-3oiitoim ] , SuiLUiIiliil' - 7' , I 'luilRliUhjtiiiit 0. hi'risou' : , St'itteutmluut' -h3tifthho iti , 1)otuott 2. 'i'iie gudiule nuts cmlicd in thu I tin t Ii ii i ii I mug oii ittctti I it. of tliu'i i utiH. NR\v Yuiti , Sujiteumubur -Ncmiv Vuik 0 , 1iu , vj uh'tuto 4. OItAND htiius , oite1um1ior , 1.-Grumud 1utluilisL , $ Jrmuigliell 0. A iiwi : coNTIacr. Niwi'out'r : Siilituuubei' -Tlmo 1 fuuiciutg cuuutust hICtsc''lm ' Prof. .1 u , . Costaluti , iii thu umuvutl tuutituiimg uoituutdu'tuuu , utuiti ituif. iil uuul CCI I Scorut tue , u t ( I 'mu i i ii I u'i uco , fui 500 utud t it o clii mu p I i 'ui Ii ip of 't mm met ieu : , tuuutk lihitCu ut Liii Uitiiuio to milgis L. Cuun : tueldi gained tlumec iuommue tluu ulatit tip mouth. iuig 1mm thmo foils , ttumui with cLod taubrea ciuitiittIieu1 Suoriutitu to nutiuc. 0 51 it't ill 1,1.1 A It I ) Ill CI (5j. Nav Yoitjc , Selttiluttluu' ) 2.-Au'nuutige.- fit' LIu ' It I iniul ttcht fu ' i I bouts e giu't ; I mu I I im' mu ciuui : m p1 total u iju lotcc'uoit , .1 ICc' , ub eiuumthIur , I uf Cii icuugo , iii tel 4\I iii mid , \'jgu m umux , oh l'ni'is , tu lii cu itt I hid CLI , 'l'iu ' u a iii ci cit of uugreuiiuuut ieee-u teiguteti by iullrcsoiutIiti Yes of Elm tuhuuyumi. 'l'fue stijiuluituil gdummu etil ho 11iycd : mit 1181 ft I I u mu cii a live by tei m ltruuswiek e Bilko taIho , the gaulle I. ' cuuutuiat of : iooo , to occuujty live tuiglits. )1i"J1SOi'A ( JttOl'54. 'l'lto ttverago 'Iu-Jtl amid AeI'vagn-A F'n''uu'uullit HIIlV.liig. Sr. l'Aur , Septemuubez'2-hI. II. Yotuuig , jiutnuut is uuom t or u If tugi len I t ii u-u ton l'ulii ' u II Ott I- flu , imu lila lehutirt , auiuttit thu mum u-st , , f whmiet liutmuhtu of J'ul ' miuiuettotut I hula tutm its r71o87 acm ca , or ithiul U I. lw. , Juor 001 I I. ut' .me . I Itam u the tuemeage lust yt'au' . 'I Ito nvuutigu ) lou ittm' lLem fl fur limo stat u is I 'I fill huiu clx , seluirlu v.uthI , ahm'w aim uugI eglito a hI 'If 88.1 7 1 , (18th ( I , tu I ui'lit. 'I Ju is , I toevos'tuu huts buju'it ieui tie Iiit fit hij , ' II VU I .ti eulu t , I I m mu I I is huh u yuiI , I ty a t . 11111 $ oceem mum u ug si mtut seoul i ul Li immo a u 1d t I so utettual uugg rugtd ci ) tout nih imot puobahiy t.xc' nid 'iI,55tti00 ; hi mal uuiu. ' ( 'bitt u.itt it 'ties sonut is ciii rittu I nh to Lie ' .122,71 (1 ( tuct ott , lii 1 2 i tom' cuiutt i uuu tue hut ii time aittu of oat ii i mist. t'um m. 'l'I to uuveuttgu yiuiid for the out it e state is 41) 11 Ittusim- tuiuu , iIu 'melt , svi I Ii thu pet ceuti umgo for d .i ut. lagos by slortum tied tucteel , gi ret tom liggu u. giuto yield of oats of 85 187,07 : ) lettiduthtu , Iuu'iuig mm , 'xi'iit"i of 82'J,00t ) bushels the crop of 1882 , 'l'iuu nyu mulch is 30,095 item-es ; avuruigo yield fur thu state , 18,4r , luutsiutils ; umggmu- gueto yiuid cuuumputed at 1121182 huimhiohs , 'l'luo hatmicy tumea is 295,157 acres ; mever age ylelti , 25 09 biutuluels iur teelu ; uuggmo' gate yield , after allowltg , fur duemmiagu by titorurt , 7,287,42(1 ( bushels , Cue-ui is reported doubtful iii tumammy suoighmhorlmoo'is , thong Pu pru i ii laitug me geed crop if Iruauts ' . , , , , ii it , I ipeums , iiutiui t ieuitimtii iloys. STAu'LSToi , 14. I , , Suptomuiber 2.-'l'lie home for dostltutu ciuildi-uuu of New York city , utear I'rlnmves Bay , whim acoouiuummo. datioums for 2,000 boys , was dodleated by 1 Oow1jutr .Arcbtiiuiliop Ccirrip.n CROWDINOTII MOURNERS. A ilajal nab1 Oer 1h Remaills of Ilic "Ki of Fraie an The Count Do Pane Rofued the Loadorehip of the Weeping - ing Throng. 'rime Oonviulstumiq , of titevut-Capturo of' l)3muneuuiiteru-OtIicu iIetmus. GENllLIu F4LlIIGX NE\'S. ItONOluB TO Tttit IJ1AD. LtNtON ) , September 1.-Queen Vic- turin seumt it mmuttguuitieemit btn1ttot tuf lihhies ucuiti ehutto i uses to be piucceel on Chmaumi- huotii'iu euthimi. 'l'hue litussiten court goes into tmlourumiimg live , ititytu fur Cimtumniuoud. Eunpt'rtur Frnmuc'us hnseph received all thu Liricinis iuri net's I \9emmuite. . 'l'iureo thmuiitiuitiuul iu'u' uerris'ed at ( liunitE teu tittemttl the fmituem.ul muf Cuuuit lit ) Chuatumliutul. It is t'xluetteui t' . ( ) Lhmousaumtl tuhfti'tt iihi be imcsemmt omm tiuc duty of time In ttural. C'nmtitess tie Chiremnutorti re ' I time Ozicauta lrimc with royal ecfn. . oumliti. AmuitESr 01' ll'i'NAMIlEiIM. 'l'hmh police Imavu decuiumtiul to reveal the aflutti C ( uf tumfttrumittioit wluiehi led to tue tut'i'e'mtt of si x I ilium iii cmi nim limo clutirgu ( ml imie'iuig beumt comuuuectciL 1mm thu attettulitie to cleat rely urtuut.mty hero last .ltimmuau'y. 'l'iuo mitemm were till ttllltt'uhtflIuIed at time suintu liumit' , iii hjtltmuiut , hulls III the city. 'l'hiu hmuuses iii which t lie ) ' lived voro senrehueti by thu ituthicu. 'I'iuu hlrisumimema nm-u chuuurgeui Cr ttiu Lihowimig tilt tue Inigetut gumsoutittem' iii tIme city , duutruimiiuug me rieiit'ny mtimeul autti uuttomuiutiumg to elt'stm'oy w'mthm dytutetutite time muuitiedtmet ut. 1rtht iii Clydo eniuumi. Aim- I ith mur Irish ummam p mumiut ed Du mtmmolly , ar rested ott thu bitumlu chumimge Simmeo thu conviction iti Dr. ( lahiagiter amuti t tie cit her dy umiiimttt o couiiqui net. in. , t lie lt1iet ) have cutely luurmuued climes which huuu'e 1)0011 ohbuiied iii rcgiemd to otimtir immoitubums euf time auug , stmmtl which , it is be- hioveil trill clcuunly estabikhm time ftiet that relatinims ox 1st butwecutI1lcgul societies imm Iomitlitim uuitd s ilium itue. At a mucetitug 'tf lu'tsiumneim in I4oumduumu mono ) . was stmbeeribetl to lImY ) an euutliucuit ittiicitoi tiu defoutd O'Doumuiuill , thu ainyor of Junmuotm Carey. cult NARY. lEutuy Amidersetim munuhum a mmmutat atiu'cessftul htbut at. time Lveeemuiu thicieter to.iuigimt , iii C I j tug umumtu' ; . ' ' 'I'hmu Imouttuo 'as cm . . ul eel , muiauu3' Auutoticamma be'uuig preseumi. She hind imuamuy iecthitt. Thu mE1'AIl itoti. . 'I'hitt ouhie'iul : i'u,1uomt , mehmows them itavu huechi 27,318 eleuuthts fmnumu ehmttheiuuimi Egypt teiuuco I luo uutthtitiek .uf thu eluitlemulic. 'l'Iteu e hutivo iie u m it I ) dt'iet liii luiiuoltg thu Bu'itihm tiott1tit ttmtjttiid iii Egypt. i'imurjs ItlitrAIuut ( kiatu goute ( I ) Uustetn front Salsburg. Ctiutumt'lCaltuu istum' etf foucigum ntlhim a , uuuicuumi tummiuti iuimil U ) ( liii tiiiot , I'uulmuoky thou rettmiumed to \Tieuuuuu. ; Tita ? .IAIASAttiY EVTH Will ) visited Emiuuuitu tuuutl Amuieu'icn , heft lnm'hnuiu Atigmutut 23 fmm' 'I'huuy iv i ii uitd ibhy litiud i tu thuu itt ititi u'nst nm'ut ii. I if I lmii i ahaut ul ci m Lit oi u' c'uiy to ti ci tu ' Lid , Ituili tluuts avoid falling jute thu itunimbu of time Fzutucli. RmFEitluEu , ' 10 rZtlIN(1. Time Ireuiciu titimmisiur at ] 3unhin lies itt- tolutiutt'uI te ) IL'tilliuu ' ) vithm tito Olmiuteso unit- huitesaihuui Ii ) ( ciut uamty , itegu utuet ii ii us wlu ichm esUIit lieu ug coum d net cii by t Ii e muunmmq ' 'I'ioing , ( ii u I imcs.u uuu m I 1 imiesttuluur : at 1 'a ris , Ii m tel Ci hum it oh l.itci u I t i , l"u'eim elm m ii I i u later I if fuuueigum ii huh r , I mit t iv I t ichi yeuu aims- 11(11 itictl. Il u iuua m'clcm'rtl Lii t Imo timex qua of 'J'zuiuug. vIi HMOm1l , ItU3'OLI'Jf. 1m'chm-Dtut.'huess S ouultiiumiti , wife ofA rchm. 1)uulo lttmuhulphu , itu'iuuc ' of i % tutu- t llii' I I uuuiutr' , wttu uIehiycm'csl of ii uitiuuiit- felt. t u-tiny. Jhmtlu tuii. 'h'hun immfutmut cviii hiti chui'ualumut , (1 thu fitl. . iuustaui. A tmA'i'l'LI OI ICINQO. Iuttuihliguumeo ii ; t'pceivu'il tiutut it f'uglmt. oc. cuircul out ( lie : sh imuuth thi of A ucuist , ut (4ittuttt5t4ie ( ; , hietiyoout ICiuug 1ilIuo : amid i'ihituthu. : Sixty of Limo lutttui'tt uuuetu velu i.itietl. , nui ' . I'IulNCIt tLTT1O. I3ai'onm Veumi timmtuttmtrelt , Oumuimium Coili. umttuitluii' ; uI1 Ahuteu-Iitrrutiume , closed thu irctteIi hitumuu'y eIutl at. Aetz. tIFA lIOA4IElt'f. ) It , lit ituumttiuii at i'Iymmuotuthu that I hmo tcmi. enul 'I'i'iitu- S lieu m tie e'uuu u m uutuy'uu : attuetti o " uutum'Jt it' , Cut ii I I Saw I ci I e , ci I m icit aumi I. oil iiottu lhts't'i , yt'steiuhtty for Now You-k , fuutmd ci roti . 'l'b t tu A uuut'm'i q mu em Iii- ziemit 1uhuut nd I might lust it ight. . A huoie'y gttle in ec'sulI till LI t Ii tigl uu itt t lumghttiu ci Stutut i lie ) ' tuigi I I , ( lull u mg mum ii ci i uhuti ii age to tielpu I - t y 1 mu my is-tuviu a uimu d t4Oiii ( I I iiua of I u Ic an ict , ) Om'ttsh , I4eter iumhmuim'y ( ftdhu # to ( uuulirumu the me , 1tvt of tito fouiuuduiiutg of , the Aitmetiquto AN lAllJOLIAI , itUi'TUlttt. A ttiit'gratit fu'uiumm Fuoumsdor ( says flint Cituntusa dci Cluuuuultuumd hutis uxmucssuit tuck" uI u'tt LI tuit LI s i anti ticumu of chic I i , uetu u iu mon et lieu' huuushutmimd ii fuiutui'ul Ito lucid by thm hitS I ci' ti it cares L rum tmtivo , I I mit iutt1 jut Ct tmit I ul ci i 1iii $ , cci t enoui ( Jot u mit , do I > .uI'l It do , 'jdetl to ruiturut to F'i'uiicti cu itlu thu umthtem Orluttutiut. humiumecim hint tuiglit. . Lettditu mu ' tul I ala tu no mu rgitmg I lie cut it ii I. he u rutuut-i Lu , ( l oil I z , i m hal I ig I I lit I ; tito pltLcci to which Ito is outtitled uhuitil 1u given hmiutm , 'l'lie cclii it t pam suit tu4 I ii hi I a mcfuusti ; to itt. t ci nit1 I I i et uimutemni. I 'idt'IS liI cc's iui : o En EU gum rd t hi is nut as coumati uuu uuati i ug tI I t3 itt u flute hiutwceui the Ou'icteuuists and thai legitiunats. ItAILICOAI ) liSASTIIt. As thu tm'iuimi fuoumt ilutliut was passing Steglitx toehuty , it. u'umut into uc cnovel of iieui. 140 who com'u itutemud'uug to take limo u-u I utniu tm'uuimm tollethin , 'l'lmey n'eru protusilug foreyard to cutter tite carriuges on time wroumg sidu. 'I'hmo mumumuber of tioplu tulil. eel ammel wotunded is ostiuuuatod at. forty. TilE 1.151' IS(3IIEAHINi , A correspouudutuit tttlttgruiphumu that lie be. liuved (00,000 ( , itonislieci in time North Ihetitaumi isluuumel ( Java ) caittunity , Ito believed time garrison amid fort at Auger were swo1ut away. Extotisive jialna of volcanic atomic forimied mu time sea smear Lamapong , Summmatrui , preventing coin. rnunicatiomm with southwest Java. 111(1 PillS , A fin broke out tim a tiumibr yard near Vienna , A gale of wind spread _ _ _ tue tlseuimes Ic ) a imeunber u f adjacent houses , Daumuiego , tuevetal mmmlhlleunsofflorimma. TilE NOIITIILIIN 1'ACJFIC. A Great Gntlierlmug of Ilstlngsalslmed Ileit at ) Unncapuhhe. LAKut MlNNETONA , Miii'ti. , Septcm'ci 2.-lintel Lucfnyotto is erewded with l'residemit Vihiat ci's guests. Thu advaiics guard arriveil yestumdny , but. tIme mmmlii body caine iii timiti mit.trntng. Thiteu ittng aitecial trucus am-ulveul befro 10 o'clock , All gimeatni uxct'jtt tint Pacific euntut eon- titmgeimt SEC IIIIIV hero. They now iuttni ber uutuuttt i110. 'i'lto party is vem-y liar- tmtotmhutis numil jitihy. ? 'tucIu attemmtiumm 'uS gh'umm to Ute ( lermumati rcuurescmutntives. 'l'huuro are aummotug timetmi mmmauuy of thu lend- mug seu'uititic mmmcmi of time tom'hh , 'i'imis ' jntrty ciumueltucta itself 1mm a pleasiuug tk.mtmo. o.utio mumttluimer. 'I ito iutemimhiot tu of Iii. [ tighisim unity ate it" lithe umiuire reserved , 'l'hitt t.ail I uftmiudunv ) , iiecoutulitiiied by hits lady aunt a rutitmue of sem-vauts occupy a sieciuil ear. iTauiy diet'tiigtuishmvd ummotm clum8tor mItsumi thu huiie-71fl. 'i'hmi I 0 Is 0tmmenuul ( lnumtmt. w'uthu his overluistimug cigium' ; flue I litum. \1iit. 1I. Ec'unts , iito ttttt acts stittt'stiteii uirotuumul itiiuu , tutu Carl Sehmeuiz , ivhmn is until amid fruit. of thmu .Otm'uutan lIuly ; Commgitiicsiiuttu Kutsus mm , of Iowa , rum- , tutiu's it sti'lmti gu cliii whIm remumiiiirueeuit es ; Cummtor llarm'istmuu , mmmiiyuur of Cimicago , iutuoils nuttuuug groups , of cc'htichm I's esidemit Vuiliu1 hmiuumst if itt uuin itys clIme ccumtur. 'I'hiei'o uum U tumaily im.ttatuhu inusittess mimen pm''semit. ( loorgtt ? uI. t'umhimnaui arch-eel iii hits tepecitti clii' ci'ithm a umutitlior of fmiomids. Ex-I'ietideuut. Fuedet-ick Ilihl'mmmgs is utiso cmli iiuuim.l wit hi it special car. Euuehm gutust cccupie'tl iuiutusuhf uhumi-hig the duty nccom'd- iitg to his 11511 immcliiiuetituts. lulutny tiitik it ride ( mum thue 1usho iii thu u.ftermuouut. . 'flue Genmitammie we'me umgi eeutbly tiutci tumid by it dehoguituoti of their fmiemiels. 'I'lmo PartY ctihi uert'ivu iii Si , . l'teuil at 0 1mm time mmuurmi- hug , to tutu mceti'uc'ed by time muutuyor tuzmd Ciuttltumoit ciumumcil auni a receptioum umuder the atispiccil of time city cviii ho given , I mm l'ehiuimmt'umpuhis mm uuhliciii rcveliLtiui will ' hut. - icimmomtlitl-ution is ocethu' , it gi-and ( ( lm'uumuised , A gmuumd hunitqitct occurs to. muuorrtmw uceumiulg at Lithe 1u1 iimimutoumkn at whiiuim tiuittit s'ihl lie du'uuuk uimmd simcechmoa imuntle. Cat-i Scimurz , J.dinm A. 1Cues.uim . , uix-Semmntnr huh itehucil , lii r. Vilhnrd Dr. lhtuuitueim null tttiuers am-c exhectoi to a1tenk 'i'hue jitumumiuhimuts hmavo ohtctetl luir , Noah hitookie , umf time New Yom'k 'i'iuimea , to re- sltuuuul to the toast , ' "l'ima Press. " AdVices - Vices incemiveti are to time efrect titi.t Pros. idetmit Arthur cviii be lucre met 3 o'clock to- mmuomTow , , , ' ' 1'EI.1GiL' t'&l NO'rIS. 'l'iui Aumicrhraui womietiu .uiiTrao . nn.octitton : vil I htuhul tint iatuut ititi mcii tag mit the him-tick iy it ucnuhtuuiy ctf miuttalu Octiub u' 9 amid 10. i-'eve'ruth ti touinuiil voimtnto u 'if huottk4 sitippeil ' Lit I hit ietitoi : I .y . tluri'uu iihtl Iiiets if 2u I ' 'tiLt . 'itl \i(1iti seized ty thu UuIteu1 Stuteiu cuatuummtu ohLi- , ' et'r. C Steiulwui A. PouglaM , Still of thin ,1ccenstl . -uuuiutor , Ia lvhuug atmknmty ill hum CIiIuigo Fri. , they 113 mutiuhtrtveut it thu git'til uutueriutloim grow. lug tit of cut utlet'eu t'likhi haul ftum'utteth. 'I'htm''c ' Clihui'tti'--Lce , Lou lug amid it. 1tiiuh- , , ; unirtu I iii. thin cuimmiminit ihnutu court tmf Viiitttu1li uhiluu , LJAttuu-thtuy , aihl Jumit eli rm'o.ird . , ' 'i'iio te'ouurla lietivetiVeat Deer 1'irk , nod - ' , v VtcttmiIusgthttl' , tthuuig Utu liii , , cit thmum Loig " I l ii mutt titli toad , wet , u thueth by npuu'ku : front ' I.iClutitttI ) % ( ' 5. ( Jeer ( our imtlis iu-ro burned ( ItCh tiittl tliO Ii i'4i ill tutu i tinhh uug. I lutittiiuiiut t Iuil ( ierttetmm , , uf thu ] ( rtet iYuultntl Stttu' , : , . caviilry , tuthmiu'u : itt \ 'atieiitmverV. . 'I . , chuimrt'th : teithu ii ti 1 heating itiuy ncniuui , Lii , huH plntlcti gel I I ) ' , hut ihoit1n frauthuilutu it In- tutitiimtuiu , , uutiul thin court miunmtiiil reserved scum- teiicti till to.ihuy. 4 'l'huut sttiarnu n attuclmuuth : to ii t1mrchu1 ag utitehilu.ui % ( uIm thu gu-tImu fluid , t-i uuilles ill irthu of 1 iniuk fun , 1 ) itku utti , Fuitimrday. ' iii. , utmuttty killing \Vitm. lfuunmmnlh , Cbuu'mic-um : Ihoul , ( i Ilurgul $ ti' lull mimuth uumi em tikoown , and I ijimri ng 11 % ' , tLlmeu'ui , , four of wlituumm time Itt a cdt loch coil. .ilthuutm , 'flit.Ventrrmm ijuilon te'Iu'gmnplm rtutiuptumy hiss hesic'iI ; itmu juitlir uitakIui thu huuum's for tijght , cr411 Ic eight huuete.'ul iii tutivemu tutu , niu'.ItIthf imu'r Lull I ni luutvi tug ox tic I for .Suiuthiuy ' , tit ( IX Lit sort It-at Lu , liii Inusu'ij on tint ii it ttmht'r .tf' v(4c uI uys I ii t it , muiiithi. , This viii iitcreziso tl' auttir' eumildi.rmhuly , It , ' ( ) , ) home ceuumntrry , ' ' ill's , . Cl itiagi vhilk , , , xavuitI tit , lijiet iu'i I ti iii t t1lehiisitig ii huit .uI Tutulituti mulhcti , anti iettiouig , utlurie , ii vhsltii uittiumiutty .i unit lien. ! , ttmmo I'd uhiuu'tit II'iVII ' by tuuvng'tu , iim-uhticti of ouuitit. ltIuiyki4 , is , uiules It hut utf milrttn' Iiniuliu nuumul filmittu. lit it itituuuuith 'I ( Ii II ii icc. c'er-ii uc cctpur ; heettie ' Cell ii twit inuitabni t Iuhie. : . , It iludy u'hiitiigti 'cii I ho oponnd I ii Nu'iv 'm'iui k alt' ' ii tly Lu ) itt hc uuiiwui at thin E Icetulo , lI I alult Inctimi I ug an ii l'ii ' h.c'l Iieumu'uuuu t' .k . Jx- ' c'huutr" ' ut Ntuiv 'i'nt k , I I i i iti'tl. I t ccii h tl.tth I ii ' 11101 I I I ti "it . 'utml irusul ti uutler timlit LI tIn , ni' I jhm ' I luihi ii tiutiuku' I for thiuuuu nuid m-eeotul tnt iutuu ctionta I it thuu'iui , 'nut nctt auiiz , Lu to be I I uI ted to Ii vii lmtutiulntsi mimotith''rshii ' it. - Iloti E. M Cuitt , mncutbsr , of c.uuegri'ss ( mum tlt' I . tim 1 ncs'a ii hsti let. died nt htlie hititic til ( ) sktuhoosa , Mitt mirth lut : , teftni a iu'otricuch lii itcs , iigu'iI tO. I I mu CilittO Lihiivtt itt I 8I'T3. I It ) wtuiu ' uuiitet Mmctiu'lutmll , luutthm as a Jiwyor tutu a tiuhl. ticituit , I Is uuu'i'coui iii huui0i liranehtoc of the jettt , ' Itgi1liut'uue ' ( mituit 18(11 ( to 1870. Ito ceag tvltu , , 'iectuth to ci tug. . s , 'hun hr. alilciuthtil reluortor ti'hr"rnltims . Irnuit jlaimmtttuuthu hot. Sitrhiitt . 't/illow. - t4uuutti I'irlc , uriitiduiy of the 1st 'it l ' "I'hmn mimture'lm of : ; rti mmlii hlitishinul , ny , 'lits lltV ttketi : a trot n ' ' tttI U tu thucunu suivo it mlii distaumi , mimud starts for I ivi'ug.ttiuu 'I'hio itresltlitmit mire pttrt.y ur. rite I ii Ciu Icitttc , 'i'tmestl iiv mnnrti uug. ' ' Jt'rrniutt : , I ii tluo Pithiliti dept d tiulmig A tignat , r,67LRrl Inirnsui ) titicu Itiutii 80 , l4f72 , . . -I 12. 'fit' ' cimutlhthttt , uf the tr't&uouiy hit : ( leuhd 0. ulum attil hummhlhuiui. .2O 1Iroo8 ; silver chuhlara utnul 1eulIb'tm ' , Sill ) ( )21)tIt7 ) ) ; ft'tlCthtuuimh ) aflver u'iijtu , $27RIHIStu ; Unhtcil ttetu itotem9 , ' 117,121 : tottuI 24Ol0tI1t,84i1 ; cirtlflcat"s l'it- 1tiuiullIut , gthuh , t ; I 1'P'130 ; aliver , 7o,4 us , . 771 ; cmmrreuucy , $ l2Ci.OOO. ( ! Now Tit r it tli141 ; Itenlgu , , WAMIIIUe-loN , Stlmtcinbor 2 - lion. , Iuulutt C , Now , uusIsttumit st'e'retuiry cut' the 1 (11151mEV ( , n-fusos cithuot' tu , afhimium om deity ti'tuthm ( if thu atatvmuteitt. lOhCElitithit't In nuu I umd itt it ii 11411 1 a lust mu igimt t hut. Ito c'uu1el , roalguu , or thu mtuttirut toVI)5ltJfl' . Init Itt Socretuury Foigem' . It is lentiuwit , hmuituvem' , tittit fur soitte thuumo l'ulr ' , Now titus coittoituphuiteil teaigluitg ) in orthom' tlttut he utmny imeticum' htuuk itrtei' his muewapaicr tuiel oIlier hui'tSulto iuitereuta , 511(1 Ito viil Jr4)h'ulIy ) cnm'ry hula mesolut'moum into druid. at aim ciai'lc' i1n. flu'ouulm Iii Texna , CAl.VEHTi ( , Sujitemuubor2.-A San Saba s1mochti atiyuu utucbt ( irlttthl usa smut beomi eX- iemtojmcotl iii the suut-nouumdituu' commumtm y for mumany ycuers. Frotum Summi Sabie tiurouglu to hTcCuuhlouiim tumd Commelta cenmmmtmea oxteut- sivo jrniriu tires inevo iuged , elestenyinga vast oxteuut. of pasteuro. Stock mmmcmi will sulfur hmoavc' iwiu , The ilIum , tti' JSruirt'rst. 0111(100 , SUlutOuiilOr 2.-ThmeDoMolay Coummuumaimehur4y1 of Louisville , whiners of ( hue prize drill banner at time recent ti-i- umtitiai comiciavo of ICimigiuta ' [ 'etmipiar , i-cuecimud this city trout San Francisco titus attorumooui. It was imiot at tiuu dejiot by local cointuiutudoniea and druyoum about time city. It leaves to.umori-ow aftormioun for houume , . - - - - - ' - - - I - - I - _