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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1883)
' TIIU1tSDAY JULY 'LG. 1Rs33 ( ) I'IIE DAILY 8EE---GUUNCILBLUFFS + , . R ID DAILY B1 L. C OUNC IL BLUFFS. ThursdayMorning , July 26. SUBSCRiP'HGN , IUTES : Dy Carrier - 20 rentt per week Dy ) Id - - - - - - - - $10.00 Ives. _ - OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION. Grading n i Main strcet will bo finished in 'a few . The Baptist ladies give n social nt the church parlors this evening , The Prcabyleriais have a sociable this evening at the residence of Mrs. K D. F. Fisher. A happy tiino for nil , - Mrs. Scofield had n valuablocoiv killed by tIm Milwaukee IC St. l'nul train near Oreen s packing house yesterday. The advertising brigade of Colu'6 circus reached hero yesterday and par pored the town for the 10th of August. Captain Kirsch : hM purchased Peter Thrall's fine family snare which ho intends - tends to have for is own orannnl use , 'rite consideration is said pto have been 1260 , These who want to hear an entertain. ing and instructive lecture , ahouhl this evening o to the Bloomer school build. lag , and hero Robert Shaw tell about the pyramids in Egypt. There is a vague rumor that W , C. James , who is , we believe , one of the city council , is to build a new Bidewnik along his beautiful property. It is al. most too good to be true. Dr. Archtbald's hones , Glenwood and Nornond , who have beet : at the driving park hero for ncntitH , undur tie care of that veteran turfman , San , Colhurn , were shipped to Davenport ycstenlny , to at. tend the races there. The Rock Island trains ycnter day were greatly delayed by a washout east. The train which ought to have reached hero Tuesday night did not arrive until cater do noon , and m ornin6'ty train W88 also l hours lte , T. A. Ross , who used to run the Mer- chant's restaurant , is now nicely Bottled in now quarters , at No. 637 Broadway , and has christened thto place as "Tho Clifton , " and has certainly n line reBtau rant and ice crcatp parlor. It is almost time for the annual fatali ties caused by falling bluffs. The exca- tistors are getting as usual a little von- turoso ie , and the banks are am trencher. ous aH over. Thera was n very narrow escape on Blufl ; strcot Tuesday evening , whi : should servo na a warning. All members of the social union of the , Presbyterian church who were nut pros- ant at the business mooting on Tuesday evening Last , are requested to moot at the church Friday , July 27 , at 9 o clock n , in , sharp , to participate in a picnic given by the social union , A grand time is ex- pectcd. Vehicles will be supplitd. r William Vincent , arrested on thto coin- plaint of William Carroll on the charge of burglary , was yesterday held to the district court in the sum of $200. Vin- cent's explanation is that he was sent to Carroll's house by a woman who claimed to own the furniture , and that lie was to get it for ] nor. The door not being open , and no one at ] tome , he took possession of it by force. Trio requisition for the man DIurIIhy , arrested in Omaha for the larceny of Far- ) van's store , reached hero yesterday , and floor o Edgar armed with this went across the river and brought the than ] hack into Iowa. Murphy was lodged in jail hero to await a : examination. Ho might just tot wall have conic across without all this fuss , but it swans that ho thodght' differently. Two of those charged with being concerned - cerned in the row at the Danish : dance , at which Mr. Oleson was so seriously injured , were brought. into Justice Sclmrz'a court yesterday. They were M , G. King and L. Barrett. They plead not guilty and gave $200 bonds each to appear - pear some day next week. Soue of the other parties concerned in the affair arc said to have skipped out. It will be a surprise to many to learn that Rev. P. F. Bresee , former pastor of time Broadway Methodist church hare , and recently appointed pastor of the contemplated - templated now Central church here , has been transferred to the California conference - once , where he will be given anew field of work. Mr. Breseo's many friends in this city and atato will regret that he is to make so long a move. Hu not only has made for himself a good name inside - side , but also outside thu church. Dirs.Paulina Blackcrts was yesterday taken to the asylum for the insane. be rouienbered that soon after the flood she had sego diflieulty with a deaf and dumb man , claiming that he was picking up driftwood which belonged to leer. Qulte , a serious affray occurred , and it is claimed that injuries received it that time have resulted in her insanity. The deaf anti dumb titan was arrested , but his ease has bean continued front t9une to time because the wumat was uti- able to appear in court. Wheeler , who was arrested on coin- plaint of a colored man named Epps , for aecuring money elder false proleces , was yesterday discharged , it n lpeariug tlmt while acting as agent for a house ho rented ft to Epps , supposing that the family occupying it had moved out , and took $4 in advance on rent. Wlcn Epn , went to inovn in , It was found that the other family had not and would not move. Wheeler thou served notice on tthioni to got out , so as to make room far Epps , and hung to Epps for $6 which made the latter hot , and Iii hind Gin , or- rested. John Lebty was just drunk enough : t o play smart , but lee pot ; too smartwhen in ' his abuse of quiet citizens a : Broadway ho used profnO and obscene language ( ladies passed ulonjr the 'walk , lu court he plcaadod not guilty , but it was prove ui , jso that the judge tined him , the whoa u bill being about $10. lie wanted chance to earn the money before payin j it but Judge Aylcsworth ronemberet hm of old , lie haying given lritt : a ehaie o to leak corn to gqt money to pay a fin u ] ast fall , but the follow skipped. Tit lingo 119 was given : a chancuto work it out i on the street , DAn Smith , who is chmrgod with shoo ] fag' another colored nuu named Osca r Dickson , was brought into court from jail yesterday. Dickson was not to be found , le having apparently skiiped to Prevent prosecution , but other wittnosses wore had , trout whm. it aIoared that two m cii hod a row in which Dickson hit fiuiitli with a shovel , causing at ugly wound on the art , Smith then wont off nud got a revolver and tuna back and fired three times at Dickson , the latter running , but receiving one of the bullets - lets in his shoulder , causing a slight wound. Smith was held to nlltear before - fore the district court. During the absence of the overseer of the poor , whin is seeking health else where , Dave Tostevin has been looking after the business , Yesterday Dave got a little too notch prohibition aboard and Chief Field sought to run hini in. Dave managed to get instdo the ofice locked the iloor , and the : : IdaS'ed "flail to the Chief' ' in n very aggravating way , with his thumb at the end of his nose and his fingers extended , 'Vito chief walked o1C in disgust , but wasn't bathed , lie laid low for Dave , and when the latter again n1)cared [ on thie Btroetl he collared hint and locked hint u p in nil. Now who is overseer for the 1ionri That's what the chief wants to know , Dr. West , Dentist , 14 Pearl street. A JIIbHING MAN , IcCay , rho Contractor , Scotia to Ilnvo 1)INappemred 1Vltlt n Good atoll of Cash. Mr. IoCay , of the firm of 'DeCay .C Cassel , contractors and builders , started three vecka ago lost Saturday for Omaha , as ho said at the time , and his family and partner kayo been waiting in vain since fol' his return or for some tidings of halm. At the time he left it is thought he had about $300 with , hie , , nod his continual absence has not. only caused much fiuati eial trouble to his partner , on account of the absence of the $300 , but also much trouble , as he hind evidently taken the tint-hooka witli biut , so that it is difhi- cult to get at the anlouit of wages thtu the met rat work for then : , The firm were engaged in several building enterprises , among then ] ilr. Entpkte'B house , Dlr , Bill's ] muse , and Mrs , Oerspaeher's. It him been discovered that quite an tunount of wages have not been settled , and there are a few lnutber bills unsettled. his partner thinks there is enough duo on contracts to pay up everything in time but limo loss to lain : will amount. to $400 or more , Mr. DeCay has lived here about three years , and lion a'vifo and 0110 chi d. No clue has beet : yet gained as to his whereabouts , and no positive remnni ascertained for his sudden amid strange tltsappearnnco. i J. W , Rodefer having beet : elected secretary and treasurer of the Mercantile Loan , Trust and Improvement company of Council Blutl's , him accepted the position - tion and assumed the mmnngeneiit of the company's' business. The following mood persons are otn thoboanl of direct. ono : T. A. Kirkland , C , S. Lefferts , ,1. 1Y. Itodofer , I. A , Millcr , E. L , Shugart , T. A. KIItKLAND , President. IIOTIEItBI ) IIX IIUIiGLAltS. TheyArut Themselves To The Teeth In n Ientlst's Of11ce. Yesterday evening it w'n4 iliscovored that the burglars nud monk thieves , who luiVo nmdo so many depredations here lately , were still boverimg about. They hind during trio night visited time dennud oflico of Dr. Clark , and helped themselves to two , books of gold filling , enough : to fix their tooth up in fine shape. They also nppropriatod a gold ring which had been left there as security for the payment of a dental bill by n young eam : who had not the caul : handy. The Teachers , The Teachers' institute , which : is in progress at the Bloomer school building , continues to grow it : interest and num- hers. The attendaneo yesterday vas swelled to 132 , and there are others still to couo in. In visiting the building yesterday for a few mimutos , we found Prof. Ht4tcli giving - ing instructions in languages to one roam full of teacher's. Iris mamurora and moth. ods impress em as being most excellent , amid thio talk and exercises proved very interesting and instructive. l'ho teach. ore were.given many new suggestions , which nest prove of value to thlin : in their work in the school room , and the attention given evidenced their appreciation - tion of this fact. Time instructors in other rooms and other studies are also said to be doing exwlleutwork , amid the present institute gives the proumiso of be. Iii ? the best over held hero , . Phis evening. Robert Sims A , DI , , of Union eollej o N. Y. , is to lecture in the Bloomer building , m : "Tho Great Pyrt- raids of Egypt , " and au iustructivo enter- tninmont of immure they ordinary merit is promised , AClntrch Not Wautecl. J , W. Church , who made such n senaa tie : hero by giving himself up as a fugitive fron jnlstiw , clahning that ho was a defaulter for a large amount in 1Ycst Virginia , is still in jail here. In rospoise to a telegram sent by Chief Field to the oatnmstor at Barberville W , Va , yesterday received the mnawor "Church ot waned. No chin'o a aisat limn. " Thts looks as if Church hind drtwn of his innagination largely for the story lie tolls , but he will be held hero for a few days longer until out answer is received to letters seat , so mm to nutko the matter more certain. VEItONAT , . Charlum ( I , Itaker , of lhmrhingtou , was at the Pacific yeatenlay. J , E , ( ' ] bleu , of ' 1'itlln , Ohio , arrived at the PacIfl yesterday. E. 11. Cowles and wife , of ( lIhsuu , Nub. , visited the IAulfd yesterday , and made head. quarters at the Paella , C oorgo 11. Jess , of Laicaster , lot5'a , hi mit the Ogden , a. 1Y , Whdto of , , Quhcyvas anmoig yes- 1 tenluy's arrivals at the Ogdmm. llrd , J , 0 , ] ienuett and her utothor , Airs , 1' , D , Wright , left yesterday for St , 14)1113 to ntaku a short stay , for the purposu of getting seine medical asditaueu fur Mrs. 1Vmight. I ) . D , Dykemau , of Logaussirt ; , 1ntI.i is ami Ogden house guest. E. A.1 fllutsun , hi aumong time Chicagoans at the Ogden. d. Y , Same Is agahm ht the city. E. J , Murttu , of Quincy , b an ( ) gdon house arrival. Chief Templeton , of the fare department , has now so far recovered as to be able to ho out twain. METHODIST METHODS , ThC MInIStersh MCCting and What They Talked About. A Idvely Dlscusslou Over the Three Years Llutltallen ol , 1'nstors -To-Day's l'rogrnuune. The district conference of the Motho list Episcopal church opened yesterday ironing with religious services , con- ductetl by 11ev. C , Smithy of Dlissnuri Valley , 'l'lie roll was called , and time following clergymmeim presi'nt : 1V , S , Hooker , presiding oiler ; P , F , Ikesee , .1. I , Armstrong , and 1Vilhur Fisk , Council Bluffs ; .1. W. Coo , Astor ; ,1 , IV. Adatr , Logan ; 1V. 0. Smmith , 1Voodbine ; l : . Lymier , Coin ; S. Smith , Dlissuuri Valley ; Charles hirown , Little Sioux ; F. Brown , Dunlap ; A , E , Grtf- fitly Glenwood ; 1V. L , Eduumds , Emer son ; C , L. Nyc , ] lanburg ; W , .1. Beck , Sidney ; F. Harris , Fnrrngut ; C..1. Eckles Slmemndnalr W , B , Douglan , fleet jlollow ; C. N. Breuer , Essex ; .1. S. Morrow , Dow City ; C..1. Burleiglm , College Springs ; D. I'ruitt , liastings ; L. alt. 11. Fleuminmg , Ceiumeil Iilutflu. Ituv. C. L. Nye , of llmnbmgwaselecb ed secretary. Vaious couumittces tvnro ampomntcd ( ) , and repots were received from the pas- tons of the dillinouteha res. Ito' . ' . Dlr. Sq 1 hires presented the claims of the American bible society. Rev , Dir , Danish , of Landon , presented time work in England. The afturnoom session opened with religious - ligious services , conducted by 11ev. E. Lynior , of Coin. Thu report from local preachers , Sit- : tiny school stmjiciitltelidcitts , district stewards and class lenders were received. The trammaferof Rev. P. F , lirwsee to time south California conference was an- nounced. 'l'lo evuunittee om time state of the church reported as follows : "Thu reports show good amid faithful work by all concerned , that the charges are iii good condition spir- itablly , and in time sectriug of church property , payment of debts , etc. At view of thin general discouragement - ment of thty early part of the HCiiSO1n to the farniag interest std time recent en- Inumities befalling a considerable part of time district by wind amid hall atorills , it is pot surprining that iho bmiovolent collections - tions fall Hhert of tint expected. So far nn reported we fiml Limo benevolent col- Icctions ti , ha about $ D50 fro : thlis district - trict which may be increased. The total member of accessions are 780 chicle indicates - cates n good degree of prosperity. The committee on the pastoral terns limitation : reported , n majority favorable , mud a minority roportopposing n removal of time limit was presented. Under time present Hystmm n Imitator caiuiot re- mmnin Ott 0110 clerge longer thou three years , aui . formerly time limit was two years. The majority of the couuuittee to whom the matter was referred , reported in favor of doing away with any tiamo limitation whatever. A minority - nority report was presented dissenting from this. Tlie discussion was nn animated - ted one and tunny keomr thrusts were made in the arguntetits , though nil in time spirit of personal kindliucss. The vote was in favor of tlte nifuority report , sad against doing away with the time limitations. Time progruume for last evoning's Bes- Rieopened with religious services , led by Ilev. ' . It. Douglas , and addresses on missions. "Hone Missiona"by Rev. D. Austin , and "The Missionary Spirit Essential to Church Life , " by Rev. A. E. Griffith. Today will be the closing one of the coferenco , and time prograumne arranged is as follows : t MetNINO. 830. ; Opening Services . . . . . .C. W. Braver. (100 ( , Cnnferoncebustness. 1100. ; "Dmcuduatlonalisnm".1' . F. Brosec. Ai-rnltNoo : . 2:00. : O Ioning service..J. W. Adair. 2I5. " ' of books In , CSmitlp 'pulpit ' troparmtiums , " } 3:00. : "iJtiltyofitlethodlnm" . . . Bro.Lawton. 400. ; Adhoimrunmit. Itcal Estate Tr iisl'crs , The deeds ' filed for following 'were record - cord inn tic county clerk's ch iw , July 26 , reported for the BEE by P , .L Mc- Malmn , real estate agmlt : .lohu Danforth to L. C. Dale , lots 4 anti 5 , blk 0 , Bayliss 2d add-$2,000. L , C. Frost to J , 1' . Kinyball , et al. , part of blk ( I , Drill add-$600. Ella V. I. Frost to George II. Champ , et iii. , part of blk O , Mill add-600 , 1V , IC. Naxou to R. F. Rain , lots 1 amid 2 , black : l , Hillside add. , $2,000. Snmael Tucker to Perry Reel , part of nwj , nwj , 31 , 77 , 436. . Robert Fair to John .lolulson , lot 1 , block 10 , Eubanka' 2d add. , $75. 1' , C. DeVol to Frunh Ford amid wife , Tot 3 and part of 2 , Elder's add. , $3,800. D. H. Frisbio to L. I Judson , part of of - maw sic. 26 , 76 , 44-$1,237.60. -II. Phuner to 0..L 1 ,1V.Railway couipauy , part of lot I , blk 11 , Boors mad-$137,60. County Treasurer to T. Marie , lots 4 , 5 , Oamtd 7 , Ilk 14Cmitril sub-$14,40. Total sales , $10,789.50 , IIOWA ITEMS. EIIi5CUp1tl churches are to be built at lda Grove and Sao City. The asseasmett of Booua is $600,000 anti time city has but $8,000 debt , 'Pic petuteutiary at Fort Dladiaon returns - turns a revenue to time state above ruumiug oxpmmse8 , A purl : pmckimg huusu is being built at Red Oak. Kookuk has 18 nmilea of macadamntzod streets. Ilurlimgton is to ha o an 800,000 huslmui elovutor , and Des Dloines mute of 600,000 capacity. Most of time towns along limo Rock Island road are raising money for Dlra. Dladdyr Widov of time nun : killed in time hunt for time s City nnuderors. 1Vltilo plowing near Columbus Jimmie. Liam J , Voung found a pro historlu pito. ) 'l'imo bowl wits carted into time fermi : of a hawk , and is , renOtuited time finest , miece of ntouul buiidor earvimig ever foumi , 11obe1't .lolunson , au aged citizen ] of Ot- tmuwn , was a mama of prmpuety' once , lie divided his estate autou' his children amid they' hmrncd limn out to staryo. On Freda time old titan nUeni rod to suicide by trai6 aseuic , but failed. In Mills comity during time past two peeks cute nun : vts : arrested for kidnap. ping a girl fmon Dlisaouri ; three ntmm arrested - rested for hog stealing ; ono smut for arson - son : six non veee buiug tried for horse stelilim r , uud (1110 uman charged with murder - der hlaU land hta ! nolimibnrJ' uxauitiatioi J , N , CASADY F. 11. ORCUTT , C AS ADY & ORCUTT 502 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Carpets nod Oil Cloths , CURTAINS , Fixtuzres , ND A COMPLETE STOCK OF CHOICE llouo Fllru ! hillg Nove1ti 1 Mail Orders Promptly Filled. CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. A. H. MAINE & CO. , DEALERS IN Liffle Louiville MICHIGAN i'LASTEiI , IiAllt AND SEWER I'il'E ' , ) iAitI AND SOFT COAL AT L01vEST PRICE. No , 34 Pearl Street , - _ - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , ill6 l iI , ul . . ' 't ' : ' r t . r m r. t 1 W - - Merchant Tailors. h-1 7 old 9 Main Street. 1 a3Ra > rTORY , C10VNGIL ILV3F , x. . . JOHN BEND & CO GENERAL MERCHANDISE. . , 18 ) ialn street and iT Pearl street. L B CLARK & 00n d , , Prescription , Compounded at aim 100 Broadway. - - - - - - r CItFSTON HOUSE , MAX MORN , Grocery , 215 Main Street. Hotel , 217 and 210 Main street. - - - - . M. BARSTOW M. D. , Corner. OFFICE Fifth , street and Fifth are. - - - - - - - - - - - iR. J , E' WHIrE , Come Main and Fifth up-stair , OFFICE. . liesidunre , 000 Wallow erotica. - - JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , N. SC UURZ. . . Otaco over American Express. LIVERY AND FEED , . S PVAGNER , wit : contract for funerals at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street. J. M. S r r , J0H N & CJ. , CAp ; H BUYERS , wholeseohuttereggs try and fruit. Ship , to pool. us. Draft by return mail 140 Broadway. _ NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE , S A. PIERCE. Corner Slain and First avenue. Broadway Meat Slarket , PETgYBPbIDGE & flERBERTZ , 327 Broadway , JACOB KOCH , Stock Complete. Suits node at roasonsble TAILOR prices. , No. 805 Slain Stl CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , G F SMITH . Corner 7th and Broadway- . Plans and seclacatioes furnished. - - DEALER IN FINE IIAIINESS. W. W. SH RMAN , r have the variety that brings patronapro. 124 Main street. - MERCIANT TAILOR. JAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work and reasonable charges. 872 Broadway. HOWE & SON , and household Supplies. FURNITURE STOVES , 303 Broadway. - _ ATFOitNEY3 AT LAW , LINDT _ & HART James Block. _ 1'roctlco in .tato and federal courts. Mauufacturers Fine l urniture , Upholstery Geode , Curtains , & CO. Ej STOCKERT . , and window Shades 307 Broadway , And hatb house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Soereign , Prop. P J. Mont. SANITARIUM gomery , )1. D.1'hyslcian. ' VETERINARY SUIiaEON , WADE CARP , UfRce , Bray's stable. No , 12 Scott street. - - - Manufacturer of IIOiiSli COLLARS P. J BENNESSY . 8thstreetbetweenottanti7tharc. . , , Trade Sutpllod. , _ arc. JUST1ClOFT1161'FtCE , EDWIN J , ABBOTT , Notary Publlo and Oenoml Conreynncca . 415 Broadway S SIITII h NORTON , REVIKE HOUSE _ , Droadway opposite Now Opera house. Refitted $1 , $1.50 pcr day. T - - DE CAY & CASSEL. CONTRACTORS Corner AND Sloth BUIGbEIIS. street andMcnuo0. NEW AND SECOND IIAND 1IOUSEIIOLD OOODS. W , H ALMY I Bought and sold , 212 Broadway S PECIAL NOTICES. _ _ NOTICE.-8ecial { adtudlsemmdr , such as Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Itent , 1Vantr , Board. Ing , eta , will ho Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS VEIL LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS 1'Elr LINE for a tell uubsequent In. wrtlon , Leave advcrtisematts at our o10cu , No. 7 t'earl Strect , near ltroadway WANTS RATED-Evury body In Council Bluf. to take WTllxhmsr. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cunt. a veek. % TADTED-Twounlurntshud , goal used rooms 11 lu pleasant locatla , , ulthhl two blocks of ( ) gden Ifousu , to be oeeuplud by utyseli sad two grown sues. Breakfast smith .nPperdeslrud if cuivenlcut. Address Jullu. U , Iluamayr , City Roller Mllla - rAhTEI-A competent girl fur general house work lit small family. Goad wages. Address P , Ilan Onmck. FOR SALE AND RENT , I ( miles trout FOil tumrell aAuidrosi. M. lieu Uvc. tOltHAiE-Ilnusustud lot , northwest corner of Tenth and lmruadwey , JOIIN 1V,1tAFttl ) FOR ItKN'r-'ruostote.,4obve0uu , lower Slain strestoplw.itofoundry. Enquire of Johu5lul. gucit. Tiled , errlcaa , it. U. naT. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS Cuuncll hluda , ram. Esfab//shoe - - 1856 Deler. In Furglen and Donmestlo Exchange and Norte Hocuritles. "FOR TABLE USE. " Theo Natural Mlncrnl KAISER WATER From Illrredenm mdho Rhine. Iteeommcudeet b the highest utedica ) authorities. FTIED'E IIOLLENDEII k CO. , Rota agent. for Ihu U , S. and Canada , 116 , 117,1 Elui itrcct , New York a23.3m ODELL & DAY , Loans , Reai Estate AND INSURANOE. No , 39 Pearl St. , Oounoil Bluffs , City Property , vo have vacant lots ha all reds of thus city at from $50.00 up , for sale amp monthly. { , nymunts. No. 52. llouse , 6 roottw , well , cistern , 4 large lots , plumy of fruit on Ilentou street ; cheap , $2,000. No. 30.-A dusirablo reddence on Hewlntlu street , near bloomer Schad , buildings nearlyy new. $5,000. No. 42.-Ninety feet front , comer Pearl St , and so. coed at enue , opposite court house ; $5,600. Business Chances , No. 20.-For sale or trade , a dock of hardware , at a goal bnainoaa Isdnt lu western luwa , WOl trade for farms or city eo erty , No. 51.-hotel , nw only outs htatown of 7001uhab. ltat. , 25 rooms , with goal tam , uull located , wall sell cheap or trade for a tan , , . No. 16.-A Ihu rupubllcnn ymler in western Inca , oteclal county laurandlarge { patralagescrycheap If sold soon. tVo also hate a number of choice , anus ht wester , Iowa , fur saiu cheap. LOANS. Vo biro monuy to loan on taruu auaclty property , at trout 0 to 30 ter cad. Fire and Tornado Insurance , host of companies represudol , Equitable rater and fair treatuwnt. Losses adjusted std 1wld at this uilico. bits , H , J. IliltouJ M , B , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 BroadwayPCounctl Bluffa , WI R. VAUCHAN Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Real estate and collection agency , In Odd Felton' , block , oter Satugs Rant , jaii $ . , a . . 1 b f i't . ) J b N rTe To ! he TradeS take plemuro in calling your attentio : to the fact that we havomado auch arrange- 11mmth as will mmbio us to sell you h Bootg Slioo Eto , ° , , . . . Here , as Low as you can buy them East. ' "Writo for further inforuatioi. a CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . 4 , r I _ _ _ _ _ 1 9. Parties , Soctables and Pimucs supplied on short notice , amid goods delivered to all parts of the city. W , T. BRAUN'S Europeai Restaurant , 40t West Broadway , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , . 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND OLOSE PRIDES ON MAIL ORDERS , Broadway Steam Laundry ! 724 , w ] 5T BROAa V A JT. A. C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MAOHINERY. JOHN R , MARTIN , ; Pilactical Plumber , Gas aM Steam Fitter. has a full hue of Bath Tuba , Sink , Dollars , Dress and Lead Goods , Lead and Iron Pipes and fittings. Job. bing promptly attended to. First-class wark guaranteed. No , 11 Pearl Street , - - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS ISoug1st Lr 45o1d. Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished , . . a P. J. MoMAfION No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN 4 ' 0-cocorios , p1boY1sioll , Bools o.ii Slioo IMMIGRATION AGNT . DRAFTS 0N TILE DANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 313 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESTON HOUSE MAX - PROPRIETOR , . MOHN , - - - 217 LWSd 219 :9. : MLLi23 43troot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWI e MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , ' TILE LEADING DEALER IN I 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. ' Little Windsor. ; 531 BROADWAY. etau.raiat i And Day Board. All theDellcaclcaoftime scasonandthefbesttatloIntheaily. , Pm Overton , DEALER IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and ] tai Cedar 1'IilngCedarTelegraph , I'oleaaud Fcmr , Poste , Oak Dlmension Stuff , llridga Material . of all kinds , at lied Rock 1'rlces. A Specialty. In WOOD AND COAL for brick yard puqsows. A full supply of woad and for coal always unhand at yard t scale on ) lain street , atllce,6a5 First Ar , wccu Slalu and l'earlstreets. WINTHERLICH BROS. IrOli & Brass Fouliry Car , 6th St , and 11th Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFN , . . IOWA. MORGAN , XELLERr & CO. , UNDERTAKERS . The finest quality. ind largest stock west of Chicago of Wuodea and Sietallo Cases. ( alit attended to at all bouts , 1Vu defy cnmpethtlou in quality o/ / goods or pricer. Our Sir : organ hiss serme d as undertaker fur forty years ano thoroughly undentanda his Luna. flea. ' 1'areruuuea,311 Druadsay , UI'IIOLS'l'E1INO ' In all Its branches pronmptly attended to ; also carpet lay log and tautbrequhea Teiegraphlo and mall a ors filled ultlwutdelay , DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITE OTS aTREMOVEDTO OMAHA''NMIONAL BANE UILDINO. /t J.JYr.wa/Y,1 h Yon are. . ) or bnaoesa Yrai' m.n or lea , , , .r.dhytlle.iodhor , wrstohWUonr . + Jude. avotd teebsword. , rro your ' .tunuaatsaadurC oars bralnnerrem Hop Hittenk wuW au Hnri , 'rrouar.7 Laa sun .uCatatr.rort5i ' . ' i.crrtloe rt damps ttuam 1 euat pw rt-a of atanie , old oI .ouapmdfera toots poorh.aithurknavl.h to xa a bad s asv oa , . , rely on Hop et nraaaa . J. u Whoer.t ucr wbmeret you feel mruU ff ere ramS this your system rerun ot , ton IuIz i needs weuutctc . tar or rtImu..tloc , bw .stiufue.i sc wnthattsfar/NtiW / , rake ' Hop Hop5lttora eltte.a. ' . ' dal nrnad t eyes , atdnrt Dr I. 53 orcrnaryeorn I easaadah Fh'af , dues. , anA 1tYr.taa P 0 blear. rc , a.r. , Wood dtuxtaraelc. errersansf oxhu Yea wtstbe tspiet c.l Hop Bhtta . iiTS [ autos . soisoyetcp. . . Icyoaer..Im aista 8anfrr iorii'77 + EVE Clzcdsr. I' ' ii , I t may vet vrr7TRr. eavi / ui mco. /t tui Lire. ynvod I huhas u { . .saMr r 11 .radar kTaa , acs. 'tit- ST LOUIS PAPERWARBROUSE. Graham Pa Co. per . , , d 217 and 210 : North Main St. , St. loins. WHOLESALE DEALERS IH NE1t'VS R , PAPERS 7 { WII < PNO ENVELOPES , CARD IIOAIII ) AND PRINTERS' STOCK , t t rcaah paid for tugs and Paper S"ek , Scrap Iron i and Metals. i'a er Stock Warehouses , 11'2 to 1227 North Sixth tree ! . rmy24 , Bm ,