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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , -V - . - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V-i TilE 1)AILY BEE'-OMAflA fJWilAY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , , J1JLY2 ; , iss : & 't g _ I Cures Scrofula , Ejs1po1as , Pimples and .Faco Grubs , Blotches , Dolls , Tumors , tet- tor Humors , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Sores , Morcur.lal Diseases , Female Weakness zind Irregularities , Di2zIness , Loss of Appatito , .Tuandice , Affections of the Liver , mdi. gostion , Biliousness , Dyspop. sia nnd Gonoral.Dobility. A courie or fluidock Tlo.,1 flittero will tIiy the moft ftkepllc&I tIit It Ii the C.reateot tent PurIter on earth. Sold by medicine ticaleri cierywbere. IIrectlono In .kven languagee , FRICR , $ tno. FOSTER , MILBURN & CO. , Prod's ' , BfT'o , N.Y. rcn sirT a INVALID b Only Perfect substttuto for Motler'e , J. . IIIk. the iiist IlOrlrIMIilhII elkt for ln nihie unit tiursing 1nt1itrn. Cotinneruteti by nil l'IIrICIl. . \ . 'S Reepe In rtlI cIIiiiatei. Sold liv all , IruigIot. . 5 cfld for the 1ftflhhtCt. r. t iTt.LF' & CO. , inc-Lti.tti.Ot ) 41 Centrulhart , ikiston , Mae. T/e1'tbi ! te CCCJUCMC ( ciicftiUiio , irtce g flcw and cnfarye1 Sccmc tc , bc drawn ifouthty avrCAPTAL PRIZE $70,000. Tickoto Oat $ , Sharon in Propor1on. Louisialla tatc Lottoiy COll1ll , , : t' heicky cirt1/y that we eupereioe Ihc a. ran/ernent $ . fu ) alt Ui , .ttoUai , aiil Seni.Annta Drawnijs of. f/ic Loittsuzzo State Lrettersi Coin pony , aPZ , ii ) ) CIiUI nanwte ainl contrul ) ie Dra icio'i Lheuurevcsaieit ( lint I/ic aiize a.e comlucted tcith hoiic.tyfatnzeeo. arni fn yooelfaith oicard nfl pat , i es , anti ire authorize the coulpotly to nue Lids cer tVlcate , wti ( , , , , , ije , qf oti r syeatureo attached In it.r advcrtioencutjj " CMMl8SIONIIth. Izicnrportect In 1863 for 2S years by the 1egioaturc for educational nnd charitable purpooce-witli a c.p. ItiLI of $ tOOOOOJ-to which a rcero fund of oe , $550,009 hac iilnee been added. fly an overwhelming loltIIar vote itt franchtoe % iNi made a part of the present state cunstitutkrn adopted December 2d , A. 1) . 1870. Tin' only Lottery ee.'r voted on and adorsed by ienpt6 0/ any state it , Iever Scates or Postpone Its grand single number drawings thko place monthly. A SPLEN1)ID OM'OItTUNITV TO WIN A FOR. TUNE Eighth Grand Drawing , Class II , at New Or. leans , TUESDAY , AUGUST 84 , 183-150th Monthly Drawing. cArrrAL rnizi , TICKETS at FIVE OOLLAItS lAC1f. . mc : V tioiis , In Fifths In I'roportlon. I LIST OF raI.s. I CAPITAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25O I (10 do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 2 PRIZES OF eooo. . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 5 do 2000. . . . . . . . e. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 20 do 600'.1 .r..r. . . . . 10,000 100 do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 300 do IS ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 boo do 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 1000 do 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 ) S ArrItoxIMTwx IRIZSR. 0 ApproxImation PrizCsOf 750. . . . . . . . . . . 0 do do 500. . . . . . . . . . . 4,500 S - ' do do 250. . . . . . . . . . . 2,250 1087 Prlzot , atnountilig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , Application for rates tocuhe ! shonlil only be made to the otilce of the CiIfllalI ) Iii New Orleans. For further Iifnrmtion write clearly giving full aeldreos. Send ordcrii by Express or Stall , addrcsienl only to 11. A. DAUI'IIIN , or ST. A. D.'U1'1IIN , Now Orleaun , La. 607 Seventh St. , Vasliington.D. C , LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY CO B. Frank Moore. 127 La Salle Street. Chicago , ( Formerly 311) and 212 Broadway , N. 'V. ) Now Manager of Chicago 081cc. Tn whom apply to , information and tickets. 150th Monthly Draulog , Tuesday , August 14. First Capital l'rizo , $26,000. Tickets 03. Sold In Fifths at $1 each. See full scheme el8owhere. d seexl&oat.w.Lw , - _ - . - - BEFORE-AND - AFTER ! ectrlc ApplIances are sent sn 30 Days' ' Trial. TO MEN ONLY , YOUNG OR OLD , 'cirio are sulTcrlna from Nouvous DCDILiTY , Y 1MB ? VITALITY , LACK 0 ? 1iiys Fouc ASI , Vioft , WASTICU % VKAKtCS3E5. and all tbooo dl.eaae , of ii l'.ItiiOUAL ? ATUItK rEoulting from Acuoci and 4 OTIIEIC CAI5e3. t41ue..1y juliet 9rld oinpIeto rosto. rntlnorlIKAI.TII.'v 100)4 and liAr.oool , OCARANTICD , .1-lIt. rudesIlIoeoyerYot tIii Niiottcntli C.nlury. , II atuncu for IlIuotri.ted l'.ui.plilet ( ice , Ai1ilroe VLILTMC BELT CO. , MARSHALL , MICH. NEBRKA LOAN AND TRUST CU , hASTINGS , NEIl. Capital , - I 25OOOO. JAf4. 11. lIEAItTWlLL , l'resIdont , A. b. ( JLAIIKn , C E. C. WKItSTEill'reaeurer , C. 1' . vElkn'FlL : Calier , ) damilcI Alexander , Oswald ( dler A. I. . Clarke , E. ( . . elieter , Oco. II. L'ratt , Jan. Il. IIearttIl , 1) . 8 ! , McEIIIIIIIIC.I Pirst Mortgage Loans a Specialty i Tlit Company tunilshe-i a peruinent home iristitu. E tion where lJoiiil suit other legally Isetiol Mu. V iitClliftl Securities to Nebraahft cOIl be nogitlated so 1Jil the , iost fayoralIo terms. foans made out , iiprouxl anus In all well settlud counties of the state throulh re.ponollilul0e.lronoepon.eTits. ! J. B.SMITH , Expert Book-Keeper A Practical jlook.keeper oer thIrty years. VIli &ttend o Examlntni . , Opening tid CIcailtig Rooks. Ilusloebu men .can hMs their L.oki kept Pt0d up nicely at small expense. Will write Up C enlngI end return book. in morning .hen required. Ohes In. titructioni and furnishes sItuations. All work confl. deestlsl. OFFICE , l81 DOUOL.V3 STREIT , OIZA1IA , ! GRANT'S FiRST BATTLE. . A Rcbcl o1icr's ' Rc 11ctioiis of a Nornollablo PihI. . ! l'hs , Cnti I.t' ol 1n'i s InnnldMon mumil : 1'Illov. .1. ( I llrtt ii In ( lrviil .trlny Matazlne. Vetrt after thu war tlluVO arosu n Itoat cml controversy botwcot two Ketitucky gentlemen Who VOV0 time coIlfetlenIto ei.auhets , 8mm to the rcspon8ibility of ( len. eitl l'iilow itliti thu coitiphicity of other lubel oimera1s in that reejIolisibIlity , for the fall of 1)rL Ioimahlson. Thu soldiers whet Particillatcel ill that ttieitorato , seigo of four ttrtys C811 recall uuiy thrilling iit ciihcmits wiuchi vih1 forever let tilt ) (11105. tititi ( If responsibility icst anti accord to every ltco of tllftt ilay , whether in thu gray or blue , the CICdiL of having IlUr- formed his titity. A ( lItI.tT sllul : : . The imIcklelits lealing to the story have lIlt ilIllOltllllt sigililicahico. Oii tIme ( .th ( itt ) ' of 1l'elnumny , l3ti : . , 1aL Ileliry , nit thu 'l'ellIlCSSeo , tiLs shattered ill 1111 hour by mt 111(1St terrific 1111(1 courageous attack I ) ) ' Il fleet ( if four gllIlhOtt.9. ) : 'l'ltu 101)01 1111113' of infalitry 311(1 cavalry , vhiich hind 1)0011 ) dniwit iii himio below ( Ito fort and hear thu gtllmltt ) ( : ) . beCalilo ptttic.sti'ickeii : thioii they saw the white hag in time immimist of Limo 8iImnke altove the fort , mid stmtrtel 1111(111 0.lil(1 i4titIllpede for Fort Jonnhdson , arliving there on thu ItlorililIg of the 7th Ut L1 miserable COiliuitioll , tll Limo Si13P thu roads vcto clotted with their blank. ets , gulls 1111(1 otra clothing. i'Ilalmy StVOhlUlt sticamun crossed mid Illally a Wealy imillu traveled out of tlto way by CitCtItiLLS totiten , Suddeitly the weatlmr chiaiiged froimi sultry ralit toficezing coin , 1111(1 this tiumninralized band of soldiers straggled into Fort. Donaldson , yorli out with fatigue , stificiteti with 001(1 : umdweak witit Ittitiger. 1.'mitil this reinforcement CnttIlU the garrison of Fort Doimahlson nunibered t,000 ) itmumi , C1'1fl15 with 1OOO imieii-by somiio estimates lii,000-thiu rebel comnmamuler left to defend thu fort against Ccii. Craitt with Imis imunguifi. CtIIt : arimmy. $ Elt1INfl lU1.lflENC1. 'l'hto various eoummnaiitls pqj distributcil to their respective 1noitjmis along the line of the anticipated battle mmiy a ( lily or tWO boforu time conflict began. Although the smoke of time Fcdern transports could be seen a fev itmiles ( lulvil the river , aliti although it Wi15 ktiotvit that a detach- mnctit of time armny was lyilmg at Fort Henry awaiting mnarclming ordeis , strange to say , imot time least work for protection or de- fonsu had beemi startedexcopt , the lrcast- works vrhmrcht hind been constructed emi time ctrenme right , beginning at time river nmmd circling towards the left a ( Instance ( If a millie , lcaimmg a gap of four miles botweomi its end aind time river on the left. Thu rest of this work was left to be accomimphisimed under lire of shot amiti shell. Although it was imast 110011 , the attack - tack was almost a surprise , so strategic muid rillid was tine movement of the Fed- orals. It was about two o'clock when a few simots were heard at intervals un tine front. ALMOST A SUIU'IIISE , Throughout the rebel army time mmmcii wore hying carelessly about jim camni , Uli- coliscious Itli(1 unsuspecting of tine conning storm. The cavalry pickets had becomno engaged and vcro rapidly fallimig back almost - most in view of the canip. Them canto tine loimg roll and a scene of great confu- idoii in forming thno line of battle. Al. thought there was dotmbie t1uick mnove. imiont to the 1)oillth designated for the respective - spectivo brjgadcs , boforn the line was formed tine onmeimny hind tiloir auIvaiic&bat- tories pinmnteti in connimnandimig positions and began thnrowiimg shell into time rebel ranks. All through the line tine imicmn were set to work with ax amid pick and shovel. By nightfall a trench was dug and time earth throwmn imp as a tcmmnporary protection. Meantime tine arimmy of tine north was moving under cover pf their artillery , and wlmomn miigiit camne it wins knowin that their lines were ( irawli conk- ) leteIy arotmud tine nobel fortifications. Tins ENEMY IN 1'OSITIOY. Time writer was ona of those wimo inn- bored all timnit night to stroimgtinein the rebel brcastsvorks. Whom dayligint camno oil Thursday we realized indeed thud we were besieged. From extreme right to cx- trcmno left time enemmny's rcdoubts wortn visible , ammd frommi tinemu caine amn occasion- mnl sineil scrcnmmling overineaml , while a stray mujimnie 1IOW and then c.umie whizzing by some unknown place. Witin this excep- tiomn all sas qumet along time limie until noon , rimomn tine Iall opened with a ter- rifle artillery dtnol between Barker's Ron- ttmcky battery and a battery on tine otimer side imilkimowli to the writer , winicin was located across a little s'alicy in a field protceteti only by tine cartinworks winicin inal 1)0011 imastil thrown UI ) tlurimmg time mmight. Barker a battery occmmpiod a posi- tiomn 111)011 in inimoli , about time center of Hienuimi's brigade , which suported it. ( choral Tiginlmnan having surrendered at Fort Henry , Col. Hieinamm , of tine Tointin Temmimessee , mnuunbering a thousnuid Irisim- 111dm , thok comnummanl. ( Tinese Jrimsimmmnemn were wail arimned and eager for tine fray. Two other regiments formed time hrigade. Cmme of timoso was tine 'rivcimt8uvelntin Alabamima , hn wimicin I was a soldier. 'mVe were rimned witin double-barrel 1not- giuns nmnd mug kmnives , time hatter 1)011kg used oinly for CinlUl ) Our aim- intinitiomm , wits huck aimtl ball , gooti for 100 yards. Thu first gommeral cimiirgu wan mimadu by time rebels. They foil lack a sinort dis. titmice , tallied , inebi the eneny ut bay un close huarters , amid thou , settiimg UI ) time old rebei , returned time visit 4 tine 5111110 immstamnt in brigade of rebel cavalry , wimicin lund iecmn soInt up tine river to gmnud the ga1m , cauio sweepilig ( lowlm oil time federal rngint flank. Timus time migint wing was iloimnolisined , nimd tine celntor was easily brokemm. 'I'inen cotmnmneimccd a run- niimg fight , witin a great ( icmll of ilisorder 011 both sides. liotin arimnies preserved tincir respective bodies , but not iii line. A. broad field , over winicin tine cointcimding forcemt.lmnumsud , stretched out. un front of oimr josiLion , so that as we stood safely beimimnd the lreastworks we cotmid quietly watch tite bloody scemmu. Distiimgitisimimig the litiu frtnmi time gray , regiiimummt after regimmiont 01)111(1 ( be scott charging iiimmimn aimd mlummging into each otimer's brokemi riniks , wimile treats of cnvalrymmmun came sweuil. iing into time mimidst , Immakilmg itnvoe : with their sabres amid nuvoiwers. 'rinus tinuy cmmmtirmued , to fight till time federal right wiimg was drivtnmn back fully three immiles from tue viace of begimumimmg , leavillg ii great imumler of thneir dead and wounded ( Ill tine field. Tine rebels ru- turned to their positiomis ill time breastworks - works with their nunks greatly decreased in lItIlinber. I t was near noon when tine oiicoumnter ended , and timere was quietude nloimg time limo until 4 o'clock in thu after- noomn , wlnomn a STILL 510115 1)EqIERATE CONILZtYF ensued. 'PImo Federals mnammsed their forces cli their aide with a dotermminatiomm to break our hiine , and il000lnliisIn our m-IL'l't timt , iinlchn limo ) ' fi1cd in time mnorim' 11mg . o (1(1 OIl our left. in tmo inoamitiime , tlmo defense was strougtlmencd by rein- forcemmmemnls ( lrawmt from time left. 'I'ime bttio begaim with a tletermnnnctl charge liiOll time 1reastsorks. 'l'ireo lines ( lcei time Pedentis itislmeel forwmnnl tmsfln time wrks. ( W'itim tue fliM volley frommi time rebels , tIme front ranks ycro niumost mmmmi- Inflated , tsitilo time mmtmlilcromm % pieces of ar- tiIieiy wimicin imad imeen hastily JmhillttC(1 Ielchied forth grape' and cattister ill showers - ers that cleft sit1o gaps in time limass of ltave , hmimimalmity. 'l'hmt ice these lntve mmtcn vei'e ieltl1SOl , but mnot vlnlqulshlel. 'l'imu fourth tune they caine deterinimned to con- (111cr , atiti niitl hot turin hack till at least a part ( If timoir purpose was fleCOmmlliisimed. \ \ ithi time tire lihntzmtmg 'lii timoir faces ammil tine mmi'mssies ( if nicatit crmtshm'mlmg tlmrotigii iotly amid 10111) , they neacinctl the lreast. vorks , mmmotmmnterl time Mimmulmit , amid pltmimgetl their binyommets thtromiit the imnemi in time ( litchntis before receivmimg their own nientin wonmlmd. Iltit few of those nvimo mmtoummted time lreastwnrks ever returmmcd to tineir comnmnaimds. lInt for tIme colmmimmg of might mutt tiinmely ieimiforcemnent.s , which tioro tlravmn frommi tmtiitms pos'mtiomms on tine liimnt , time assault would have been victory commm- 1ilete. Omme step itioro alml F'oit Don- 111(15011 WOmmill inivo imeemi SCiZCl by foree. (1ISifltAh n'It.l.OW IN A llI,1mlMA. ) llmmt flint rcsmmht oim1' a questitmmm of in might. hly itmittimigint it tvas knowmn timat tine siege wotnid l > e enmimmplute , for heavy reinforcemmments imad mtrrivoml oIl time tnitms- Ports for time Federals and thicir litmus vere imeimig rapidly cxtemmded to time iivon' tmn time rebel left. 'rime groumid winicin was voit by time rebels emi Friday would iimetitahIy ho oconmpicd on Stnmdty. : Timumn it vnts that tine altemmmate of Osctpe : or surremniler occurred to ( lemm. Pillow. At mmmillmiglmt lie vnt immmduturniiiicd. llitt ( elm. E'loyti , reaiiv.immg Limo miittnatimmm , lu- SOIVCl ( imot to b takemn 1riomme itmul innrcimed : his mmmemn safely up tine niver till ft tramnslnlt ) mlts neaclmemi , numd ito cnsscd ( ) , en , to the otimer side otmt of reach of tine thmelmmy. AN F.FFI1T ( TO ise.i'i : . About 4 O'clOck Stmndny mmnormnimmg timune tts : a stealtimy mmiovemmmemnt of all tine garri- Bomn to time ieft. A immntrcin two immiles wam mmmnde , mmii it , inislercl to time mmmcmi fromni timeir comimmmitmidems thmat we eno going to ctmt oimr vay out thnoimgin tine cmm- emIly's limmes. 'ulmis inlirmnmation was re- ctiiVC(1 with 11 shudder , for every soldier sceimmed to realize timat sucln a mniovommietmt voimltl be certain tiestructiomi. Tinene wits , however , tine imopo tinat we vure goimng to cross ( l1'C1 tine river to a lund of safety. Btmt time colinmun was headed for timat opumn grommind wimich every soldier mid learned remnnaimned nimnelosed after tine salt- gtmiimary struggle of Saturday imnormnimig. Suddenly timere was a malt. Generals ammd their staffs galloped imp amid dowln the limo , whisjmcrimmg to their subordinate ofli- cers , mud couriers wemnt flying inure anid there. TilE MUIIIENIER. \Vincmi at last ' 'attemitiomi' ' ' was called , every soldier expected to Imear tine wcl- collie "left face , " or the dreaded "for- ivard , guide centre , imiarchi. " But the comnmnaind was ' 'rigimt face , forward march.'iiat did it meani" was tine question tinat ran up nnnd clown the unto withnommt nil answer , Soon it becamnu kimown imi ranks that every foot of groumnd arunmid its smts closed , amid that tine Fed- cml hue reached fromnn tine river below us to the liver above us Then it was thought tinat we were goimmg back to fight it out in otmr ditches. Ennein brigade , each regimnemit and commipany was mnnarchncd back to the position whicin it mad occupied - pied fiommn tine first of tine siege. It was themi daylight. The sun was just peep- imng above time hnorizoni , ammd iwo began to P00l over tine breastworks for tine enemy , whemi mill along tim line caine tine COfli mand , "stack arimis. " Simultaneously a'vimifeflag wits lhitmitCd upon tine breast- vorks in front of cacin brigade. Then we kmnew timat Fort Donaldson was fallen amid thnat we were prisoners of war. mimmnor In time Stonimacim , MUch of tine distress amid sickmiess at. tributed to cIysesia ) , cinromnie dinnrrimoea atm ! otiner causes is occasioned by inItluor un tine stommmacin. Several cases , with all tine characteristics of thcse commnphaimnts , inave been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilia. Other cures effected by thus inedicnmme are SO ivomimlerful that tine simmmimlest statemnenit of tineimn aflrds tinobcstproof tinat it commi- bines rare curative agumnis amid winun once useti secures tine comnlidence of the people. CLJ1IOUS TEbEGRU'IIEItS. how John Gllnmore Uimravclcd a 'fllUmtllO Cipimer and 1"fndc a Quarter sf a Million. Louisville Courier : Tine reporter immet am old operator amid was talkimmg about this saimme mmmnntfor of cipimer. ' 'A cunloims imminmn lmnis ln ( ) rigint to be a telegrapimor , " said. lie. " \Vo arc forbid- dcii to talk about what passes tinrougin emir imands , and if a nmaln were to try to catcin tine imleamming of tine queer amni imnys- toiious thmimmgs inc reads Inc votmht1imave no timmie for busimmess. I reitmeminber once wimemn I Wins un Olnicago incavimmg souno of the Immen timikimig about ii lig strike oimo of time boys immde. his mmiummim was .Joimmn ( Inlimmore , and Imo is a weaitiny New Yorker imow ; inc hives oim his Imloimey and npemmds it hike a iord , inns fast trotters , has servmumtn in livery , hmia trips nmbnoad , and all that. 'J'imo way ( lilnioro got mis Ilmommey-so tiney say un Chicago , atid I never ueamd of imL'm coin- tradictiug it-was this : You arc not old cinougin to relnormnler tine vast speculations that time war irotluced , when mcii but immiiiiorms oln the result of a battle by buy- iimg bonds or gold or cottomi , whom priimce- ly fortunes ivore made un am inour and. aqualmdurel mm a day , wimuin beggars lose ilk IL itmouth to 1"mointu " Clmristos , mmd at tine end of anotiner umontim were beggars again. Yotn caIn inave imo eoimceptioii of time fmercelmess of nmpocmninition ; it iViiS sotmmutiniimg like time war tinat was ragiimg. Evenytlmiimg timosu tinys nvnis nubhimime. : l'1umn speculated hike gods and noibe1 citein otimer like eunc imeroes. 'Vine llnigimty cotiflict raging mimade limemn ( hstmnlst every- tlmting. 'tVeih , in timosu ( ImL's cijhmer , ( hisiiatcimcs wer lucre in vogue timaim they mire mow. Bvery speculator 1111(1 ft separate kind of cijhmer , for imis broker , :111(1 : hail our work wa domme in tinin laimgtmage of shnatlows.Ve knew notiniimg ( If wimint we vere nlomnmg , winetiter it swore an battle womn or a mimarkut bmokumm ; wimutimor it vmis tine Inatioll or tine stock immmirket tied was saved. 'J'Imemu ivmms nit timmit tinmo a % . (41t1y old tqecuhmmtor iii Clii- cage mmainnecl Armmnsteal , on' trmmnstmoimg , or sulime match nalmie US thnntt , ivino dealt emily iii cottmn and gold. lie scemmmud to have Bottle secret soiicc of imnfornmmatiomn itt \Stasiniimgtoim , 1111(1 mever failed to lirofit 1)3 , ' every battle , mo immmittor whether tue Suutin or tine Nortin cmumie out victor. All his dia1matclies , : timrotmghi ( iihmmmore's imalmdmimnlnluhl of tinotinwere sigimed. 'Spartica. ' 'J'lmoy were ilovun' over a thzun words. 'ruiesu words hind a Peculiar soimnil , 'rimoy seemmmed like a iaimguage to ( iiinnoru , 'I'imere wins mmotiniiig of tinat inan-sinimemsa of ImmalnUfacturod worIs about tlmulnn timat one always sees in Emngllsim cijilnera , Gilbert CWOltly 1mi0l 0110 tif tlmbin nmd renil it and timemi 5111(1 ( : ' 'Time words are Armlmelmialm1 bnmt thney make no soimso. It is a Immure jmtmmmlhii. There is imot in word ( If it imnilurstootl , ( lilimmore iva in in tlllltIllt3' , lie ivetit lack to his mimic , mmmii time next lift ) ' recoied mtimotlier tub' gmtimit limo Arlmmstrommg. lie coimiiureti it wtin his 001)V of time forlmmltr limes tige. : It as precisnly limo Snmn ( ' , whim tim OXceptiolt of elmo word , i I u ball icttcl to comini across a friommd vhmo its a silectihator , alIt1 asked imimim cnismiahiy itboimit Arimmsti-mmmg. 'limo friemmil tohil hmimit timid ycsterlay ito hail lmottglmt COttIlm imuirt , himt timat. ( Int ) ' ito 1nmttimt. it. hmmmg. 'I'Inat ' was nil (1 ihimiore wantcI ( to kmtow. I Ic cliii- stmltel mis lennrmmed fmiomnd , muiti Ioitnem1 frmmm hum tine Armmmeimittlm wtrds weno for loimg timid idiom-h lie know hhimit time em , itur wormi that hunt imecmn used nit time ECcIimd day immmiL have ieeit , ntmd tine previomls ( lit ) ' shunt. 'l'ltu fact timid time ivnnl tiidmmt mnenmm ' 'hoimt' ' I mm 4tilI1 utminim (11(1 HOt I tile inimmi. 1 t sas time key wmrd to time ci- Piker. By time WmtI Inc got , I thiiimk , six cipher letters , niid e.tsily got time lialnitice. lie sooim ullmlcrMtOl wimt V.115 snimil as readily as Armmmstrommg dtd. lie immitilu lmmomley raliil , ( ) ' . It is slut1 tlmat nit the resimit of time battle of Gottysiimmg , imbue inc imimule $ L'i0,000. I Ic knew time mcstilt iljfrO hImi. _ tmmmo 011 'chnmmge. I Ic ( bOtStt't slmttciilntte 1llCoutmo nnntmtmtmd dimriimg tine races and I'll ' give yomm 5(11110 ( tnps , ' SIIt1 tine old opetntor ; ' 'you kitoim we get unit time tips. " THE PICKETUNERI BUTLER. TIio Opi'atioiis ul' t1i Siistaii I1ii ! Garcfnlly Note 111 1I Iiiti'ior , 'l'lic ecmmmimulat 1(11 % miimti Smcct'&ns of' I lie lt.lIev iti mmgs-Tlme CL'Ol ) I'mt541m0ct8 Never ilet tel , COrrCelnItIOiiC'O ) of 'Ian has. DAVI I ) Oii'v , Nun. , J imly -Froium this gardcmn cotmmnty of tinis great gardomm state , we are nub to report time finest imar- i'est imn ( litlitY f graimn timat imnun hecim gntlmurcnl for several years. Notwitim- stamidimig we iiere smmnittcn ivitht Imtil : somime temn days ingo , ilnjtliy to cnops at large iii tinis coiumity iviil not exceed 10 pus' ccitt. \Ventimer dn'y and. excessively warumi Coin is mmot enlicrimmg for insin , hint a simowet wotmld do lm ( ) inarmmi. Smnnill grain imnirvest will be about coimipleteti ill' tine close ( If this week. "Imuprovennents" are goimig on imm evui'y directiomn. Towmn and couimtry vie whit cacin otiner imn tine mnarcin omnward mid elm. ward. Tine bricklayers are minaking fimme progress with lnIr. Bunnting's f'nlne block , wimicin will be an ulepumt structure , alt or- mmamneint to our fine lmttlo city. 'Ve are wntehmimng tine tigint of time citi- ' of wino ' in Ic- 'ions your city ( art' emigniged - gitimniate ptmrstmith ) with tine jobbers amnd robber , chief uumnonmg whnomn , seemmi to be tine samime ' ' imidividuals" ivini ) lord it over time lcOIle , of a mast area of otmr state. Amnd we kinow mow nmucin tine citizemns , wimo imnay be so situated in busiimess that tincy mmnust mayo btmsiincnss reiatioims i'itin timcsu mmminnions iii railroad lniamiagelimelmt. mmmii ) ' dread to imavo thncmmi know timmnt time ) ' op. 1)080 nimy scimemnes of tinese tyrants , for oppositionn to timelmn opeiniy would miteaui 'a ' ' limmanncual ruin. Aiitl speaking of tine jury bmnsiumess it is getting very well immiderstood timat imm tine federal court especially tine immlhmenmce of these sammuo vampires is wielded jIm tine selection - lection of jurymntcmn. I say tlnis is goIter- milly believed , amnd nmaimy circurnmsthitcos cain be citeu to warraunt time belief. Give thmeni yet a little mmnoro rope and tinoy will hmastemn time day our deliverance mnoro ralidly tinan all of our enrunest efl'orts cain do. They feel secure in timoir fammcied ability to inoodwimmk tinose wimommn tiney caunnot reacin to "buildoxe. " immd they build high on tine ' 'imypotimcsis' ' tinunt all linen are selfisin ammd tinat where 0mm limumi has reacined a ilacu inn plitiCai power winere mu umuty do timemmi teliiimg oppositiomm , thmcr plIm1ise imimmn soumme him plincu , as is reported un time case of tine legal gentle- 111811 froimi Kearney. ? traumy will be tOfll1)tAid to play " .Judas" un timis irrupros- sible cormilict for time r'mgimt , amid timeir funte will Inc eternal disgrace if they do not Inaimg themselves. I tell you , 1mIr , Editor , timat time Inoumest , tiniumkiiig , mmnfetterod Immiun- hood of this coulntry mmn'e keepiimg close watcin amid making ilintlIn notes ( If ) mU3tiiiIg events aind tine comndnnct of mmcm is being seiutiimi'zed by tine masses as hits not iieen demo of late years. Tlmcso jobbers pre- summme too ummucin upomn time credulity ( or as timey call it ) , tine ignnoraumco of tine lOOPle. Tine capitol comntn'act , 41,000 job , be- ] olngs iii tine samnie tnaimi , aund cIte dtimer little job rests back itt tine smtmite corn- ulmimny. I refer to time withminoidiimg ( If time inst legislative " , Journai" fromni thu iun1 lie. Ilmdced tine ) ' are playiimg inighn.immimtcl agaimm. I say iweil unity timoso who may be im timeir lowcr dread timoir vomlgeaulce , for they will imtteriy destroy nil wimo mmmnny 01)11(150 timemmm , if timey cain tiumd lmmeaimmn to do so. Their dis1ositiomn kino's mnotinitmg else , : i will not iimtrudo ftmrtimor ujumun your vniuabio BjiiCO thus timimo , but fain helm timat tue iimauiimootl which ' 'freouncmn" nsinouid nn'ill 1iuedily unriso mmmi amnatcin tinis nisun'ped power frotmn time Imniumnins Of timose legal ' 'pirates" ammd ' 'conmlner- cial' ' ' tyrmnts : , itmul lot us adopt time lilotto of that honest old patriot , Davy Onock- ott , iii timia Imoiir of demmuiuntlml aetimn : ' 'First , 1)0 sure we are migint , timumi go mmincati. ' ' 'J'lmu inumks are fmunt filling UJ ) nmnd time days if tinuir Ullmlrpatiolm will soOli lie full. Tin time mmmenumtimmne we vill renmutiim on ' 'picket. " Thu ChANGING OIIANNEIj. 'rime F4IiIflhnig Oilorntloims of time I'IIs- Hoimmi-Stonumnliomil I ug Imiys Nearly Over. Skmti City .JommrmnmI. : itlloilt a nm'umtln itg timO 1'tIisiimri ' conm- lmietlcel cmmttiimg its tViL tinrougin a buIld- hair inbomut six iiiilus ILIMve time cii ) ' nimd shmortemniimg its cimmiimmmcl , wimicin Jmas bucim for several years inmoinmnd in big hiumal. \'lnuii tinis cmnttiog isas sulllcicimtly tq. panumit to iinhiClLtO timud time riven' would evemntually alimmost elmtirciy semel its ts'untems timloingin time hew opening , mmitmmmy old river immeun said tinuit tine ofi'ect would be to cut oft'whmmnt is kmnowmm as the tOW. mend , mi l)11nt ( If humd omm timu Ilobimnskmn itinoro two mimiles iii , tine river , mmd stiinighnten tine iruselnt , curving cimaniwl of time river un fiont of tine city , Timis WOUld mmmimku time elmmlllumel on this idu aind nestonu tine oxceilumt stemiummimat himiilor of lii years ago. hit timuory timis lot,1 < ed 'ery pretty nunil probable , But winibo limmtil time Miissommri disposes of its cimmiumnel to suit its capricious self , 'l'hiu cut-off tinrougit tine mmaumd-l'ar and tine adjoiimimmg tillable bJttOtmt lamnds inns counttumucml ulmtnl time lody of water wimicim flows tinrougim I GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE , iAD MAIIC Tsenem , , EflTftADE MARK I ik1 limit follow e ft ' .s PtiliItIt , ( if Self Ak : : ' ; DEICRE TMINO.eal Iieejtud,1'.ijii FITTER TAkINO. I , tiu ILick , I ) hitene , of ltmi , l'rcmnstimr , , oil t cc , I , , ! , , lvums other itI.c'ee ttitt lead to iIi.Silty ftC niltillitlol , nril , it l'remiattmre , ( hane , I tw . .vtii of nil i-cit locinent , to iritinil IIiOIicl , , * liet lrIi1rgint ( mu. n liolli I lie , , , , ii 1..tight , tt , not rn , , , , f , hut trIer oil to tli maimmfnctmrciunit , I lie . , . , , , ; err niii , tiitt ttiV , art' $ etfa , , , , ( f enr ( 'flhItIilIeI % liii See ( lair rIft cii gtiarniitci , A I nut I 'f chub l'Ckiio of (1 rt % i4 Sucetilt u ill ( 'elms tote tlit Iioot skcptlctl of its real merits . ( lii aeteumlit of .iiiil enfetter. , n o liii u nliil'te.t ( lie ' ellnwS rnpu'er1 I ho .imly gc'inIiic. , . .rl-'iill IintleIlum iii , iun l'alfluiiilC ( , e lilcli , e us. tire , sciul free 1 , mail tO ( 'I cry , iie. , I171IC tie. till , MtuIlciuio is m.y all tiruggieti at i Per t'ek , le , lit cli 1CkSI7C bit 8. ' . , or l lii ta seiit tree by luau on the titcilit of the , iiuiIuey , luy ilulreelii TI I 1 0 lL' iI : IIt'i i : en. liimSele , . . n' . bolt it. Otnelia by ii. I' . (1otuuiimii , . j ' , tOiu&ecoul there is enunsinietahiiv larger titan timid wimichi ( ) CS mnrummd ) by timn icimd. 'limo tO'.T-itCiUl IS iimdecd lueimmg cut oil' i'y time cutout stnimt agaiimst it , but iimstoad of it commmimmg to timis side tine elmilnImul still mugs the Nehuaska mehmore , ammd time eatimig mni'ny of t I mu bamik tineto graihimini ly comm t I tames. I mmsteitd tf , a cinammimul , the iiomtx Cit ) stile guts the nuimmil ama ! ( iclumsit ( mimi time mmmd emit ninny uiio'e , , so that it vill 511(111 be ivUll mmigh nmnpossilmle fun' time ftwny-iuumt mutt tine Little i'dmnmtbe ti' himmil emmumimgin vnt. tur t imnivigato ill within 100 ymirtis of tint levee. 'Phmu head of time ban mnt a I1mmmt ( , hiiIS' ' t (1 t imo 111101 t it of I I me I 'Cml' ) ' $ wasin- I img mmliii ) ' inmume , t 1o so to , unit t bin t ol thy mmli Is t n , t inc nimmomiitt. of t Ito seth mmmumit du- Psiteil fmnrtimun' tbowmt. I Ioues ( if guttimmg ut gi > ( ( I ohmnnimmtul i III t it is iii 'u of t ho ni ten' mite timumufimno defence , ! . \\'huie gatinunimig these facts , it m'epitmton' ruin ulcioss Capt. 'Jesse 1micCiulnduim , mm 1mi. hot , cniptaimm atiti imt t inmate utem 1imuiimtnlmco f time 'ilissounri ' iivem fom' upwat'tts of tlmirty ) carnm. ' "I'imntt'a jttst it , " said tine gmcy'leam'ticd , t'utem'aim , its inc iuposetl mis six-finmt.two oh a lt ) ' , ' 'Ill ) ( JIIU Imins 11mm ) ' hitsimness , to PrIl,1mCSY , legartlimig time lit issouri. Von mtes.ei. know isimunt that stncmmmi : is goimmg to tIn immntil it Imits doumu it. Fin' timnmmsaimds of years tine nice hints becit wonkimmg like a huge lazy serpemmi , butweumi lhimlt'mmmiii iltift , ammd it. inn likely to go aumywimure tt'itimimn tied mtrcn : , its it huts (10110 iofore ) , Et'ui'y foot ut lnmn'l imetweemm these lltltiii huts btnmt rolled amid tuimmlmled oven' by time tIne tn'ater , utmntl tt'ill be agiiimm souimetiimme ummiess immmnicgmmnm1lo stommu witlis mire built to fcumce it immVimen ' ' ) 'otm Cilt get aIm- timimmg piled up that time winter can't camry away , tlnumm ) 'ou call commtrol timini mmmuthly mflolmster , aumd not before. 1'Vlm ) ' , tWCitt-fiVo yeniw ago , " anhleil tine cqmtnihm : , nut he dmopped immt , , rplmmitmis- ceImse it little , ' ' tine cimnumimel of tue river wmuu Ott Limits side , deep amni stn'ong. 'limo bamnk was omntfmnrtimer , ttto , muitl wins cut away sommm. 1 his state of nibnirs lasted for about twelve years , dun'imig tuimicin timmme time steanulomts , iimcrea.sed in nummmlmer frommi temm or eleven iii a year to twuimt3' or tinirty , wimichi 1150(1 to lnimd amnd line tine levee witln tlmeir smmmku-shmcks. Tlmemm tine chnmumgo imi tine ciumnumei cotlmmmlelmced. it sinifted frommi tinis sub furtitor ( lilt cacin year , alnd funnily was rummimimmg close to time Netraska sinore. Now , it mmmnt' cotmie back , mmd it ummay inmL Timere is Ito tolling. Notinimmg btnt stoimo will hmiiitl It. A brushn anti wire levee isn't worth ui coot. Fun' mm timime it itmmty inohi , btmt wimemn tine water cunts away itt mtmmdei' or mnbot'o it mind ioosemms tine imilliliort. a rise mmmii ) ' cammie ammd away goes evirytiminmg that temmmporarily duiied the restless struammn. All of tine govern- mmmeimt wen'k (1(1110 alommg tinis river is useless - less exceimt to distribute mm little immune ) ' . Tine emily real good to lie mtcctlmmmlllishmed is IA ) establish mi fleet of siting boats at every : ioo or 400 umiles and lot tinemmi keep tIne river free of slings for tine buinufit of tine stoammiboats. ' 'Bmnt tinemn tine day of steummbontts : for long trips is over , iii immy jtmdgmmmeiit , " Inc contiumued. "lioatt camn't compote witin railroads out time Missoiim1 as ott tine Pulls- 818811)1)1 or 01mb. Fuel costs twice an imimmeim , mmii tine sparrilig aimd figimtiimg over sninnlbars mmscs Ill ) boats so timint time ) ' don't last inmnlf as iommg. For tine fnmttmro the boats omn tine Missoimni to lie vrofitabiu mnnust. lie of 30 ( ) to 400 hums buirtlmcmm RInd immike : short trips. Fzumt mete ( hIiSln to St. Louis tine liver 18 limnetl by nail- roads , anmi time stcanmhioats have h , dii- pelmd mihimnost umitirely for their btmsitmess upon tine iottomim.lmund l > r0(1110t5.Vlmemn smicin in flood commmes as inas rccomntly visite(1 time scctioim ictwetnn lCmnimsns City almd St. Louis , timint nettles time stcnumninoatiimg for tine seinsoim , for it nuns tine bottommn cr0115. Froimn inure nm there is imot so minticin prhi- ability of railroad mnlommg botin sides of tine river , because time coummtry will hmartlly SUjiJOrt timemnm ; bimt time tmnmde to Jrt Bcimtoii in practically over winen time 1'ortlnerin I'acific bcgiuus to m4ulily ) , by its timnoiugin hitme nund feudenn , tlmmit whole country. l'owcr will niun imini line iuimtii it Vcam's , nmt , mnimd timein I ( lolm't ' believe imo will lmtmiil otiner bnints. I aol nmlrlin'iscl to mean timid tss' , hew ioats mire hitiilditmg for time Commimioin ii ime , but I muim comifideim t tinct they are iimtendenl for nhmort trill mmmd quick , trnimsfmnr itisiImCinti 5(1101) ' . " , JJmu , tntc'l , tiimmt time ii1ountmllmn , Fmnmminiu Lewis muid Far Vent arc doing all time work imm time lower river 'J'imu furry-boat hleimumet is at frusctmt , inumtliing nit in joimmt iimidwmny between tinu termmmimmtis ( If I'iurcu streut miumd timint of Ne- irmnnka street. 'J'liis mimmikcn it % 'mnStiyIIIilrO coumvcinietit for travelers time 0(11110 Ill 011 unstemim trmniims mund desire to cmons to No- brmtskmn , - - _ _ - 110 % ' . ' fl , Slmom'toui title. 'I'imo receipt is slmmiilo. , ' 'iInn imavin uimiy tip tntko a t'niuleimt cold , moo ! imegiect It. tlierammitimy , Line great Iumgilsm ) siurgiioim , inshciul mm lady wino tolil libim slmn uomiy intl mm eoiuglm : ' ' \Vimmtt iviiuhI yomm inimvtil 'I'Iiu I 'iitgime't' ' I uuum'nrmm u if ' 'iunmiy cunmglms , ' ' 'I'll' ) 'v''t'st. couts cimm imiweior , I , u entoil liv IIt.V.l. . Ji1f4l'S II4nISstiI for time I it NS. ( I \VIm'ojuiumg ( uuimglm nut ! Cnu ii I t liii uiioul lintel ) ' 81111)5 irul mmiii uum , mnimii Is summw t. , imrevuiuit in fatal termnmtiumtloun of thu uIlsi'ase. Soul I uy nil iliimggists - _ mmml ilumhoi , , ii I ii immIicIinu , 1"ri , , , o1 ( ; ( , i41 , fly caiilig at Sclnrumtcr & liedmt'ui iriig store , 3uum calm gut a smnui m ulmi Iiutthu , uf 1 ) r. I bisaimk's Cunigim no ii i i jim umg Symum u snimleim iviIl relluiu , time imioot. obtl jimit' , ( iumgim nm ( 'uicl , tool isimuunc wont wimit : tImom , ar ( ii ) cemit sI , , , imli I iii , . \V , , truuliicul w'mtli zuutImumni , 1 ur , mimelmlti , lit ) ' , imnnck- I mig cuiiugim , timm.nit , mijiut icings try in simumm I ulu of (1mb' ' iu'ullniiiu , --iL- t - -r--- I Have Found It ! tVa thu oxciamatloin of e Irma , , ulivii ho got a toe of Eureka l'iiu Olitiaiit , , , % liiiOii Is a Iiiiulu , muuuh buru mIre for i'JIus aimil all SkIn lilneatos. Fifty cents by mail , j'ooijusluL The American Diarrlwa Cure , ' limos stood thu test for tneumty esrs. Hum cure for elI. Nunur , l'iuilum , JIarrlisee , Iumuimtsry , simd Chub' rim Ifonijus. Pcallc's ' I1ovci' all Toillo & Coria1 , It Is Iimiioo4liho to ( Ululul ) ' time rapid subs of time ssunv. SUItE 0U111 % v.IIIIAN'rEu ) For Fomer uuicl Acme , amid all Melaninl trouliles. itic : , $2.00. w.J. WHITEHOUSE LARO1IATOIW , 10111 lIT. , OMAhA , NEIl. For Sale by all Druggists Or icot by Express omm rcoulyt ot pku. inlssO MAXMEYER & COi IMI'OtTEIS ! ! OF . HAVANA CIGARS I. AND .lOhlEitS ! ! OF DOMESTIC afflil , TOBAO , FIPE $ ; IOKER' { ' ARTIaJJE PROPIII E'i'OiU $ ( Jr ' 1' ! 1 l FOI4L\VINl ' CELEBRATED BRANDS : , Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. ASh ) 'l'IIE Fl4LO\\'iNl ( I4EAIINl FiVE CEN'i' CIGARS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and. ' Brigands. , WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. SEl ) 1)it l'liiOi LIS'l' 4NI ) SAMPhES. SALEM FLOUR. Tlq l'hour Ii omiuttu , at Satenin , ltlclonilooi Car , Nulitelia. ml , thu Cuiiimluliieit Roller Stone 53-stoin. "Ye i1I I' Ixcll : 151 % 'h silo of "lit htiimr In niuo minim lii a lube. \Vo lint t , olucimeil a loruirli at 1015 Omptiol am onus Ouimaimn _ t'rlte for t'rtces. itoliltwu eIther , - - . 11xxiJ ts rtxx-- miiIDuii&i'.Oiim Saieii or Omnalma , Msb. CARPET SEASON 1 3. B. DETWILER . Invitesthne attentiomn ml the public to liii Large and WeilSelected Stock . , 1w rn . Embracing au the Late Patterns in everything in the Carpet Line , MaMlls ! Oll Cloths alid ¶ ! ildOw Sflaaes. IN LARGE QUANTITIES AND AT , . ; ij : ci-ttcELk2 : : : . . - LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY 1 ! J:13 : ID'PwIiEFL : : , 1313 Farnam Street , - - - Omaha , Neb. A. II ) IANUFACTUIIEII 01' FINE Buio , Ciirios aii riu ¶ OllS , My itepository Is cori.bontly filled with a oleci stock. host Workunanshilpguuranteod. Office and Fac'tory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Omaha ' w. F. EVYEII SELLS THE BEST COOKING STOVES ! ' m THE OITY. 'riestones , : touik the litetiilniin at this New York Htato Fatr h182 , where they acre put oni actual trial b eIJdiI0iiC'4d jimtlgeii , him citjietltl4in whIm luadiiig Eastern Iiraomd stulcim are far ailtientor to all Writer , , Siotwi , uIIICCILII , ) inn ujomality of Iron , Fftuelnakhiig tout ecmuom' him all kiimd of fuel IIfti'draie ! ' 521 South Tenth Street. A. 3 , FISIIBLATT , Pilysiciall & Surooll ' ( Ilitcu' ' , 01cr thio Omuiahi Nutloimol Ilutik , Iqieclal attomitism , gtmeim to ihisoaoe of thu throat aomd l.nmmigs. 0111cc hours 0 to 11 a. lit. ; 2 to 4 atid to , , . mm u Iii. li Atiod 1,0 1/ , LOUIS BRADFORD , l'EAI.Ehi IN Lllmber , Sash , Doors , Bliuds , SI u1es , Lath , ETC. ; LOW PItICES AND GOOD GRADES. ( Jail and Get my Prices before buyiiig elsewhere , Yards1 corner 'Jib. aitil Douclu , Also 7th &iutl Douliui. , v. . ' . - - - - - -