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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1883)
Ir . . I , t I ' p . : i ' . . . . . . - - " - ' - - - - - . . htiTrrtr tLW , C , , , I , - _ _ ; , THE OMAHA ' ' DAILY ' BEE. bj \ \ * , . 1"L:1 : - . . , I , / : THIRTEENTH YEAit. OMAHA , NEB. FRIDAY MORNING , JULY 27 , 1883. I N0 34 : STRIKING EVENTS. . ' A Variety of Items Collcornill thc Strnff1c 01 nsc1c all Cit1 , aho Western Union BotH nnd Uragn AM URnal , buttho BoyR Rornniu a Firm zi a Rook. RVF.RYTILINO CLA1t At CIIIUAUO. CuzoAoo , .1ulr 2L-Suporiiitondent ( Clowry tiis niorniiig roIortcd all busiiies.j of the \Vcstcrn Uiiioti CouIpan in this city is ckarid up to all leLtIilig ; pohits but \Vitinepcg , to which thu wives are ( lowil. All main wires iii the board of trade are lilItilited to.tlay. ho also reports - ports that the day nial iiight forces in the maui operatitig room of the COIU1MUI3' ftte now getting fuU rest. The wires on the Northwestern road vcre cut again last night , but \voro sIcelily repaired. 0111. cials of the Baltimore & Ohio eonipu' have been ne'otiathig vith the strikers . J tIm past two iays , but as the latter tie- tnand recognition of the lirothiorhiood as I , . . . - ' - a' prehiininsry to a settlement , iio conch- \ ' 81011 has been reached. I , ECKERT'14 ASSEItTIONS. Actin President Eckert , of NowYork , . at 11 0 clock this forenoon , sent a tele- i grant which reads as follows : j "The action of the \Vcstorn Union . 4 Telegraph company , as defined in previ. ous coininunications , will not be chiaied , l by any nition takeii by other coinpames. The condition of our lines and service i most gratifying , and warrants the belief that within a day or two the general restrictions - strictions t1)011 ) acceptance of messages xnay be discontinued. TILE ornnoas ' held a secret meeting at Uhliclt's hall , at 10 o'clock , with the object , it was whmis- pored , of disetissing somime inforniation that had come to hand from l'ittsburg. A member of the Brotlwrliood exhibited to his follow stribors , previous to the mecting , an unofficial letter lie received this morning from a friend in St. James . Mich. , saying that $1,000 could be easily ) . raised in the writer's division of the Mu- ' t waukee & St. Paul railroad alone , should the Chicago men need assistance , . ' and that more would be forthcoming from other divisions. Mr. McCulloch , manager of the B. & 0. , declined to give any information as to the probable action of time company furthox than that the Brotherhood would . not be recognized as a body. If the muon ) negotiated individually they would probably - ably be well received , but so far as lie know no signs of yiebming to the men's demands had been manifested by tim directors. rUn SITUATION IN NEW iOItI. Nnw YomtK , July 26.-By a majority .bf persons the surrender of the Amen- can Rapid Telegraph company to the demands - / mands of tim strikers is regarded a a certain indication that the strike is micar- ) , ilj' lug the end. It is rumored that the Bal : L . timnore & .Ohio company would be iioxt to . give in , and that negotiations are now . . , . . towards consolidation f ' : - - pending looking 11 . 1l.tpid t1ua I ' . $ c , . forming & couibnmahon against lie West- , : . rn Umiion. . It Was stated thimnornhmigat the ollico of time Baltimore ' 01tio coin- : ' pany that it vas the intention of the coni- 7'- ' . . pany to remain firm. At the ollico . " of time American Rapid company 166 operators - orators were on duty , including the 116 mon that wont out on time day of the strike ; 900 out of town offices venc ' opened and 400 operators in all had returned - turned to the employ of the company. , Thirty.eight branch offices in this city ' wore also reopened and a large amount of business reported to have been unit- died. 'I'lio Western Union still remain finn , however. ThaY aor Tug nouNcm. WAShINGTON , July 26.-The seven Western Union operators , miot menibers Telegraphers' Brotherhood , who lastweek signed an agreement to strike by a certain time if no action should be takemi by the Western ljmminn limanagors looking to a compromise of the (1tiestion at issue 1)e- tween the commipmiy and strikers , were discharged to-day by Superimitemuletit .Tuellin. flio superintendent arrived hero last night with four mcmi , one print- 11mg , amiti three imioreoperators to take time places of the seven mmmcd. Although those discharged are first class men amid constitute a immajority of those who ro- ' rnaincd at their desks when the strike began. ' : 'ALL OUT. Noitwiemi , Coun. , July 26.-TIme entire .forco of telegraph operators except the I manager struck this morning. , TUE SiTUATIO ( IN NEW vomuc. ( f4.ri. _ Nuw Yoitx , July 26.-A large force of operators on duty yesterday returned today - day and the reports of managers of the operating rooms showed business was being handled promnptly. Press Agent $ omorvorvilio said the action of time Bapid would have imo effect on the policy of the Western Union. There seems to have been a little inmprovenment on time exchanges this mornimmg and little comn- plaint.s wore mnado amiywimero , except at the cotton and produce exchanges. At time latter place mime operatOrs were at work. Time 1)05tl telegraph conipammy baa put iii two Ohiicmmgo wires , which have : . beomi quadrimplexcd. No operators of time I \Vestern Union comnpany arc at time cot- / , , toii oxcimaimgo amid muessagos have to be I 7 .seimt to tIme mmmaimm ollico for transmnissiomi. I At , the stock exchange mime \Veskrim ' Union operators were at work anti it was reported direct wires to .Ciiicagp , Boston , Philadelphia nod Baltimmmore were ommtircly clear amid mm delay would occur iii I time tramismissiomi of moessages to tiiosc , 1)Oimlth , 'I'lmo Idutmmiml Union amid Balti. . mmmoro & Ohio oflices are closed , imut tlu mmmerchauts nod bankers were doimmg i large business , allmremmtIy. ' 4 TIlE flOUNCEJ ) Oi'mIATOILS : , A I I'i . W.thUINOT0N , D. 0 , , July 20.-Tlu II I discharged operators say Superintcmmdcn I \j onblimm this immorning appealed to each a ) time seven mcmi immuividualiy , amid omtdeav ' 1 ored to induce tlmemmi to withdraw thou 16 imarnos fronm time areciiioiit above rcferrtx t' to. lie jimfonmned them lie was imistructa I to discharge timemn umiloss time' coimsemita . to withdraw , Each man replied that lu would keel ) his pledge to his fellows Thu hour at which time agrcememmt was tA be arnietl into effect was 12 o'clock. ) few mnimmutes before noon , the seven mom congregated 1mm an outer roonm of the opor ; ating room , whore , after a few word mmmoro from time superintendent , they wer infornied tlmat they were discharged ' Timoy all womit to time headquarters of tim Brotimonimood , where they met wmth al _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - cnLhmtm8iastic reception , and a rnoetimig was imeid , mt is 8tmpOsCd , for time imunioso of initiating the miow macmm. In response to an inquiry front time Associated Press otlico as to time comidition in which the exodus has loft thmo Washmhigtomm olilco , Superintendent Zonblimi muado time follow. mug reply in writing : tlWith exactly time same number , ton whO arrived from Pimmiadelpimia , harrisburg and Chester last mtighmt , aiid with four more cim nuito , WI , mmow have time ofhico fully equipped. " OLP.VF.LANI ) KICnINO. CLnrEtAn , July 20.-TIme board of trade to-day adopted resolutions protest- mlmg agahist further commtinuatmco of time lrcemmt state of alihirs in telegraphimig , causing stagimatiomi to busimmess. 'l'hoy call omm thm'estermm Umiiomm to romimedy the defect. rimu ULOCKAflE RAnRm ) . OmimoAoo. .luly 20.-At 11 ti'clo k to- mmiglmt time \Vesterim Uniomm immanager re- Pr all imulortammt ) circuits clear of busi. hess , withm no immaterial delay iii ammy di. reclion. Tim simort , time bmisimmess of time otliec is immovimig as proiimpt as mmswml iofore time strike. ON nitr. CO..ST. SAN F1tANcIsmo , July 20.-TIme theat- neal perfornmammeo at time trammtl Opera house next Sunday night will be mmml or- lianize(1 benefit for tlmo striking operators. The play is Boucicault's "Long Strike , " with several strikers in the cast. 'I'imo lCnighits of Labor subscribed $1,000 worth of tickets. It is reported this Ovemmimg that over $3,000 are mimi. Time Kmmigimts of Lalmor levied tin asscssmnemmt of one dollar on each mmiemnbcr to sustnimm time olmorators duriimg time strike. Time busimwss handled in this office is equally as large as before tIme strike , amid everything - thing is working smmmoothly. - TilE FIRST iESEItTIOS. CziIeAoo , .July 20.-Time stnikimmg tele- grapimers held a mnceting to-miight , addressed - dressed by members of time commmmittoo of painters of time Knights of Labor. Cash and subscriptions received in Chicago is reported to amount to $2250. Time first desertion from time strikers' ranks in this city is reported to-day. Time strikers al- lose they have evidence timat lie only joined time strikers for time lUP050 of causing a break in the ranks. Subscriptions wore taken upon time board of trade for the benefit of the striking Telegraph operators ; $800 was raised. POLITICAL NOTES. TUE NEW mlAM1SIiIIUi OONTSST. CoNcoitu , N. H.July26.-Time 35th joint ballot for United States senator today - day was without result. A muajotity of the republican members of time legislature imeld a conference thus morning to con- aider time semmatorial questiomm. Several nmemnbers took the grouimd timat tIme .trug- gin ivits an iimjmmry to time party , iUt Ccii. Marston felt convinced time struggle would prove healthful to time party , amid somno good republican would soon be elected. Speaker Eaatmmman was satisfied it caucus could imot be heM , as it would require a two-third vote to nominate a cammdidatc. Gen. Stevens , of Nasinma , said the caucus was a thing of time past in New Hanipsimire , and lie was willing to gobefonc the people of time state on thtt skti'r r ; . TUE TSIWKEBUIUiY 1iUSflS5. BosToN , July 2G.-The senate accep. ted time majority of time Towksburry no- liort this forenoon without a word of debate - bate , by a strict porty vob. 'Italso ro- fusedby a party vote , to adniit time house bill to regulate time disposal of the bodies of time paupers. This finishes all time Tewkabury business before time logisia- tune. TImE COLORED VOTERS OF LINCOLN. LINcoLN , thb. , July 20.-The colored voters of this city met in convention to- 'lay and elected delegates to time state convention to be hold mn Omaha soon to name some colored citizen to be agreed upon for a place 1mm the state delegation to the national comivontion. Considerable - ble discussion was had in time conventiomm upon time subject of time welfare of time race. It was decided that time Liberia emigration scimemno was imnpracticable. A POLITICAL FLFAflU1tE PAUTY. , Ill. , July 25.-It traim- spires timat ex.Semmator amid Mrs. ltoscoo Coimkiimig aimd a party of fniommds , coimsistimig of mu. George S. Boutwoil , of Massaclmmisetts , ox-secretary of time treasury ; Judge Alfred C. Coxo , of time Ummited States court , southern district of New York ; Miss Coxo , imis sister , mmiece of Mr. Conkiimmg ; George 0. ( lorhmaimi , editor of \Vasliimmgtomm ltepmmbhicmum , amid Timmiotimy ( irifliths , clerk f time LJiiitCl States court of Soutimorn New York , passed through titis city inst mmighmt cii route to time Yellowatomme park cmi a vacation. A mmumnbor of Conklmng's political friemmds were preparing to no- coivo hiiimm amid a reportorfor the newspapers - papers was in readiness to immilict biter- views upon bun , but lie gave thorn time slij ) by having the private car in which he was travoiing switcimeci oil upon a side track before reaciming tIme depot , and taken - en on by time outgoimmg train Ho expressed - pressed regret at disappointing his friends , but asserted his rigimta as a private citi- Zen. Time Fate l Webb. NIAGAIIA FALLS , July 20.-Timero are ommm who believe Capt. Webb succeeded his foohimsim umitlentaking and timat lie is coimccalimig himself to fan time flame of cx- citemeiit , i'hemm lie will immako his aipear. aimco amid a fresh trip. A gmcmmt. immany wagers have beeim made emi the Amncnicamm side timat lie will 1w seumi alive inside ot five days amid bets have bean made oven , amid two to one , that such will be time case , but the gomieIml belief mmmmmoimg obiot residoimts is that Capt. 'mVciilm is no mnoro. Thu gemmeral belief is that life was oxtiimcl I before hum hind cleared time rapids amid that I wheim lie had reached time pool his iifolesm hotly svmms swaliowcd by the imimmunse cmhl nmmml that it is altogether likely ide bed ) will imever ho recovered. f Tcnmperammco by time Son. . OCEAN Gmto' ; N. 3. , July 20-Thou r was a large attoimdamico at time secemmi 1 day'ascmmsmomm of the National Teimipormmuc 1 assocmatmoim. Edward Carawoil of Canada 1 amid Mrs. J. Elkim Foster of loiva , spoke . Yellow l'ovor miii l'liimitlolpis lit. j PIIILADELPJIIA , July 20.-Time quanimu L timmo pimysiciamm reported to tim i hoard of healtim that l'atnick Kehiy , sea - nman of time brig Julia Blake , died o S yellow fever last night at the imospital a 0 Lazarett Station , to whmichi vlaco ho imu . beeii removed front time vessel , Tim 0 brig is dotaimmed at quaramitimmo and wil a be thoroughly fumnigatod amid. time cam'g removed before permitted to ln Uf the river. - - - SPORTING NOTES. rims now AT SYImAC1JSII. SYItACUSIS , July 2U.-Timo Ilammlan , Lco and Hosmor taco at Fultomi this afternoon was wit omsod by 5,000 i)00ll Tito course of three-quarters of a mile was rowed over twice. There was very little bitting , Ilaniamm boimig commcede(1 a sure wimimmer. A few oven bets on the result botwoomm iloamnor and Leo were umade , Time start was mimmulo at 5 o'clock , All took time water together. I1miimau itmiti Lee pulled 31 amitl Ilosmnur 80 strokes per mmmimmutos. 'l'lmo boats kept evemm time first half mmiile. lianinim timoim throw almond , amid llosmner hail a trifle time best of Lou , llmmmtlatm ttmnmmcd Limo stake 1mm 0 mimimmutos , with Ilosmimor 10 secommls later , mmmi LeeS a commmlsIeitimnI. I lammiami tmmrmmedtimcstartiiig 1imit four lengtims imimond itm I ) mmiiimutes itimmi 84 seconds. Iloammier mmmiii Lee timnimod together. Ilaimlaim stopped rowimig and tomk ( a tlnimmk ta' water. Again startimmg 1 1 anian was two lemmgtlms time best of I los- mimer amid Leo. Time tlmrce weimt iii this positiomm to the mimmartcr , wimemi ilaimlait crossed to Lee's water anti rowed to time ttmniiing stake. Leo and llosmmmer kclmt Up it fume struggle nil the way up. ilamilami turmied time stake iii 14 immimmutes itimd 50 secommils ; Lee 10 eccommils later , muml lbs. mimer 2 $ ecimdB behmimmd hmimmi. bouL a quarter of : t mmmilo fromu time f'imiish both Leo amid llusmmmor drew up to liammlami , amid time three rowed even side a short distammco , when ilammlamm , by a few stm'ommg strokes , leimol ml le.itl of several lemigtims frommm Ibosimmer , ivimo ivm still a lemmgth almond of Leo. Wimeim a few rods frommm time fmmmisim , limumlaim ltmIclcmmcti his stroke aimd crossed tim score , llosmmmcr imaif a length mtimead of Lee. 'I'imimu , Ilium- hum , 19 mmmimmutes , 41) seconds ; Ibosmimor , 19:50Lee : ; , 10:51. : Ilemiley , of O3wcgo , liulIciboutside , and wts imot it bad fourtim. 'l'imo timmie is regard ed as showing the course not being fumli three mimiles. Ilanian , llosmmmer ammd Leo started for time St. Patmi regatta. DOSTON i'tCE5 , BOSTON , July 21L-Tlmird day of time Beacon park races. Time track was good. 2:33 : class , Centurion ( time favorite ) won , Belle Stocketto second , Kansas Jack third , Joimim Love fourth ; timmie , 2:28 : , 2:29i : , 2:30 : % , 2:35 : , 2:31. : 2:5 : c1as Lady Morton ivomi , Ella Doe secommml , 1otio third , Arthur fourth ; time , 2:23 : , 2:24 : , 2:25. : MONM0U'ril nAcims. M0NM0UT1L PARK , July 20.-Mile and one furlonrv , Duplex worm , Anmazomm see- ommd , Delilah third ; time , 2:01j. : Selling race , three-quarters of a mule , Laura Could iron , Cclammtime second , Miss Brewster third ; timmme , 1:19 : , Ommo mile , for tlmre-year.oids , heel and Toe won , Timurles second , Lizzie Macic third , tinmo , 1:47. : Navosimik ilamidicap , mile and a half , Cole ivomi , Ella 2mmd , Renegade 3rd ; timmue 2:42. : 2:42.Auction Auction race , timrcc year-olds , mile and a furlong , Keno womm , Calomel 2mmd , Pearl 3rd ; time 2:02. : Bidlow stakes , gentlemumen riders , seven furlongs , itocim stor won , Podia 2nd , Harry Mann amd ; time 138. ; . Hurdierncbini1d"ti4' ' /qtmrtoi / Woodcraft woum , Custer 2IId , itocimester 3rd ; time 2:23k. : SARATOGA itACli. SARATOGA July 20.-In t1e mile free for all avcs race Bootjuuck woimBuccancor second , Lord Lyon third. Time , 1:42k. : Iii time mimile amid furlong race , 3-year old fillies , Miss Wcedford won , Lessee secoimd , Vera third. Time , 1:57k. : In time unite amid five furlongs race for all ages Geo. ICing won easily , Drake Carter second , Comm. Mommroe third. Tiume , 2:50. : In time thmree.qtmarter imuilo race for all ages Disturbammce Brunswick secomud , Tailyrand third. Timmme , 1:17. : i'lrnmnUito ImAcEs. Pvrrsnuuo , .Jmmly 20.-Second day's mmueotiiig of llommmewood dnivimmg park. 2:10 : class , .J. B. 'I'momaa ] womi , Adeie Gould sCCOiulYiison timird , Imlimimmie R distammced ; time , 2:23' : ? , 2:1t1 : , 2:20k : , 2:21A. : 2:9 : class , Sleepy Joe won , Lady Leah second , Brown Wilkes third , Maggie 'I' I fourth : timumo , 2:25k : , 2:20 : , 2:251 : , 2:20. : } , 2:25j : , 2:27.j : , 2:20.1. : Special stake of $1,000 , Jay Eye See won in mutmaigimt heats , 1hIajohica second ; ; best time , 2:17. : BARE hALL. CmizeAao , .Tuly 21L-Chmicagos 17 , Phil. adelpimias S. Cr.EvELANu , July 21L-Olevciammd 5 , Providence 2. DETROIT , July 20.-Detroit 2 , Now York 0. BUFFAW , July 26-Buffalo 7 , Bos tout 4. Fort Waymme 2 , Sagimmaw L El. ovoim mnmmmngs. QUINCY , Juiy 26.-Quincy 8 , Grand RitiidS 7. Eleven iimmmings. 1'EOiIIA , Iii. , July 26.-Peoria 0 , Ba3 City 2. SUmIINUFIELD , July 2G.-Toledo 0 Springfield 3. TIlE ILLINOIS SILOOTINO TOUJuNAMENT. CIIICAO0 , July 26-The siiootin im time pigeon tournammient of time lilimuoli State associatioim continuum to-day. There were 80 entries for tb diammiomud badge offered by time presiduim of time associatiomu. Tennis , 5 bivds at 2 ] yards , 5 at 20 , ammd 5 at 31. it was wom by James Sargent , of Jacksonville. TJIEA NNIJAt. REGATTA of the Mississiq iVahley Amnatouritowimmi associitiomm : begins at l'mihimnamm to-nmorrmv with six mnces cmi time day's progrmummilmo nil well filled. Nearly thirty clubs an roprcsommted jim the rentta , which prommm . ises to be the imiost iniportammt ammmatemm tLjUatiC event of time season. - Ready for the Shock. Uurliiigton Ilawkeye. m " a cautious mmmii , " saul ] 'ulr. ' Slow p imo3' , ' 1iiill rarely imiuucu mimyself in dango with takumig great preeaiutioims , " timid ii lifted out. of hm'm wagomm a dry goods ho amid irass kettle. ' 'I caine out home t see ii munich timreo weeks ago , " the ci Li maim uxpluimwd , ' 'amid during the gammmu 1 rcd.imot bull rigimt frommi LImo bat struck ni a like a canmiomm.ushot between tue eyes , buii , Joy spectacles double , broke both glussem , dissarrammged my ideas , obstructed jn view of time genie and kmmoeked umo dowi Timeim time catchier amiti simort-stop ramm t ( . gothier antI stood omm mime amid jumped u U to catch the ball , and. whuim they cain , . down they botim kicked nimo for getting i f time way and making them miss that lou t And nmow I have brought along thus di ii goods box to sit in amid tide brass kctt (3 ( to wearon my head. " Li Amid placidly , safely , but a little warm 0 withal , lie saw time gaimme timrouglm. THE BLUE ANDTHE AAY. thrall's ' Raiders Gaihor at Lcxill1oll , Ky , , allHo1 a bunion , Sketchu ortho 1'nimmomms ( itmerrilta- The Ohio' Reunion-Election ol the G. R. Conumnamntor. ( 'htciio 'l'immmcs. 'Tills MOIUJA.N ( iAtUhttNI. , A mmtr.ble , gatimerimig of time romuuiiummts : of tIm hmtto comufotleracy hi being held at Lcximugtoui , Kentucky , where time survi- vera Of the famous gmmorrulLi orgamlizatimni , which , tinnier time commuiuuand of Joimim ii. lompu1m , iliti so much ml miiitgo : to the Uiihmm dunimug time ivan , lumiye mimet to imold a ictimmiomi. Iii timis coutimoetmonu a bnif kotchu uf the cavairyimnut ivim raimlemi Kentucky , amid forced bun way timnough time I.'ititmi immuC't3 tmmtt rmmtftleu amid I ) liio , will miot be Out of lhiWC. .loimn Il. ltorgau ivuts mt near imigtoui imm the year 1S2 , Ibis paremtt.'m Were of good locAl stutmumlmt ! nithougimumot wealtimy , atud , bolmmt Wms the 1dest ( , f thick six semis. Of these Calvin , lticlmard Olmaritomu and Thomun.s a1i.ftnurltt for the Commftulemcy. , loiuh H : jiimted time First iComutucicy volunteers. at , tmm outtbroak Of tIme fcxicaim ivan mtttd'osmm fm-omit time numks to a sosomul lmetit'zmamicy. On his return homite ho eugaged'kft tiw imuamuumfite- tune of ji'mmums , himuseys aii l.imaggumg for thiS soumtimermi umtarkt. Alm this time lie mmiarnied to Miss -ttebecca Bruce. This lady , after .soveral years of sickmmess , thud hi 18)11 ) , amu.l Mor- gnu thou detcnmnineil tOtako up muuimus ton the south. 110 collected a littie band i'lio elected iuini their captain , nuimul each ProViticti Itis oivmm horse , hnmita , and equip- iimcmmt. They mmnumaged to get safely out of Leimugtout anti j&iimedtim cuitfedumntu Cituill ) at Bowling ( ruomiI.y. , Sept. 80 , 1801. Morgan established hendquartors ( in Creon rivoranJ. begtat a tuartisuimu irar- faro. Early iii 18112 imo'wa prommioted to time rank of colonel , his .emmmmmmamm.d im.aviimg immcrcased to a regiimmnt. Time cemmfuderato forces fell back front Bdwhing Green to Munfreesboro , their retreat being covered by Morgan's amid Forres's cavalry. 0mm Marcit 15 , 1802 , Mafl. made a successful - ful raid n the rear of the federal forces , and four days iatJr lie captured a train of cars at Gallatin and destroyed mmiiles of railway track. At time head of about 1,500 inca lie then retired to Spar- tim , iii mniddio Temmossoc , wimemmee ho car- neil ott a predatory warfare. One of imis mnkst noted exploits was arm attack cmi Lobammon , where lie cfpkured a amimall body of umuiolt troops , but vmts surprised before mnornilig by Ccii. Dumont , and had to cut imis way through time federal forces with great loss of imfo. A few weeks muter tue guerrilla loader lay in intuit for a train front Louisville to Bowling Green its it passed Cave City. Ho captured considerabie L.Tnitcd States ProhOrtY muid stores and miumide sovcrv. [ prine. In May Mo'guim : immiudo a raid elm Oalclaumd , Glasgow amid Burkosvihle. lie ivmus given nit nppointmnoimt its acting brigadier geiuefa1 mumider Comm. Kirby Snmitim1 then ip .omtnruud of east Ten- iios3o , mold mia 'a. , ere riida immto Kcmmtucky. ( ) f thiu of t"iieso eAcurliomms he iuuported as foliouvn : " 1 heft Knoxville .Jtmly 4 , 180' ! , with about 000 mnemi , amuJ. returned to Livimig- stomi JtX1y 28 , with nearly 1,200 having been absent twenty-four days , dunimig which timmie I traveled over a thousamul niullos , captured seventeen towmms , destrOyed - strOyed all the govornmemmt supplies amid arms iii timem , dispersed about 1,500 home guards , iumd paroled 1,200 regular troops. 1 lOst in killed , woumided and missing of time mmummibcr 1 carried immto Kentucky about 90 mmmcmi. " 0mm Au"umst l , 18112 , Morgan crossed time Ctuimierlammd river witim 1,000 mmmcii and four pieCes of artillery. lie sur- pnisomi and captured Col. Boomue's coma- mnaimd at Galliutimi , auth destroyed time railroad - road jim time rear of Niumhmville by blowmmmg UI ) time tumimmol. lie thou retreated across I , time Cumimbeniammd , btmt turned at Gahiatiim omm the federal cavalry , whmomim lie defeated in a saugimimmary oimgagenm imt. 'limen in united his forces with timoso of hiSs do. partmmmont coimmimmmummder at Loximigtoim. 1Iorgaum's mmcxt mmoticcalmte break was mm raid upomm l-1mmmt.sviiic immSeptemmmber , 1802 , at time head of 2,001) ) moon. lie c.ptmmreth L about iumi equal iiunmbcr , killed amid L woumided 200 , amid destroyed nummclm vaIn. . zmllu prolluity. On Simmiday , Decemimber 4 , . 18(12 ( , huvimig 1)00mm pmmited : to time ranmI : of mmmajor gemmerni , lie was immarnied at rururfrcesboro O ii. l'mhiss ' Itoady , but thu I muoxt day lie was oil' again on anothiem raid into Kemmttmclcy. lieu , lie destroyed I iniuny mmiilus of railroad , aiim ] I . bridges , amid cajmtured additional priaomm. . . era , Jim April , 1803 , lie was surpnmicd b3 Comm. Reynolds at McMimmnmviile , and 1mb I wife was captured by time invaders , Mon. gaim escaping. r 0mm July 2 , 1853 , Con. Morgan ntart oh imis wild raid through Kentucky iimt Indiana and Ohio. Ho crossed time Cum , beniand river at Bmmrkcsviilo that nigimi witim two tlmousand mmmenaimd four guims defeated Ibobson's cavalry and Wolford' m comnmaimd , and was in turmi repulsed a Stockdulo Ofl July 4. At Lebamioim , hay lug reorganized his forces , lie capturem t ) , mnaiiy pmisoiiera. On July 7 lie Looi L flrmtgumtbm , amid mmoxt dimy crossed tin Ohio river to tim limdiaima shore. Nez 1 day he hind a figlmt at Corydomi , Intl. , wit ] time state iiiilitia. Tliumico Imu i(3 muimmmmg tIme river timrougii LeximmgtonTcr : ; mmomm and Vcrsailles , destroying amid piling , lug as lie weimL On time night of eJuly J : ho Plissoti witimimm a few mules of Cimmehmmmati L ) iuiid 0mm thu 10th lie imati readied im ford mica . Pimmmioioy , 0. By this timimo time femiema r forces 1mm ! gathered him great stremmgtiimumim i time mlamimmg cavairymmiaim , after suvuimul fight imgimimist uveruvhmeimnimmg 0(1(15 ( , imecxuimio himmiuted fugitive. Soimie of lila imiemu go lute \ \ 'tmsL9rgimmimu , a few macic i their escape immto icomutucky , but nuns i r ctpturetl ; Fimmahly Ahmim'amm hmimns ] I C hiUilmiiiOl lit imear Lisbon , 0. , on Semi x day , .Juty 20 , ammil mantle prismior. 11 : was comifinmed in time Ohm'mo state Imummitol tinny at Co1uimbimsfvomm , wlmeimco altjr tw a imwimtims' incarcoratioim lie and two or time m comlalmioims mmmdc their escape by tliggimm timnmmlm a sewer. lie succeeded jim aguui m , reaching 'I'emmmmessee in 1)ucemmiber , 180 : y . amid early mu time foilowinug spniimg agal I. . took time ficiil. 0mm 8ujmtomnbor 4 , l86 ) imavimug attempted a raid upon ( ireenivili ii 'l'omm. , lie was surprised by Col. Gill cmii Ic commmniand , aummi iii time fight which emmeum was shot dead by ii pnivato soldier. 7 Cinmelimniutl Conmimmercial , to LEXINGTON , Ky. , July 20.-TIme r union of the Morgan 1110im annoummced Em mm to-day , begmum umidur favorable auspic for the boys who were time gray , mnaimy si-homii are Imresemut tm , umuect comnramles after a aeparatmomiof years. Time groummds where time miieethig tskc pinco rune at time Woodlands - lands Irt of the ( rngiiial llemiry Clay estate - tate , Immmt 11(1W used as a iark , miami is only a almort distance froiui time heart of time cmty on time ltichmnond Pike. IL is per- imps one of time l'rttiet groves around hero. Numerous shade trees hanging overrustmo seats amil gr.uveled ivlks muaku it a Ienutifmml sylvan retreat. 11cm is t1mo litaco selocteti ( or the reummiloim of time itnitlors , vimuro they eami meet agimlit not as of yore , whmeim imiudor military dis. cipimne , timoy emniured bmmunisimips ummitohl , mit in tiiiie of peacim , tO recount their mlmusimiiig raids auth hurd.fought : lattles , ro- turmming either as victors Immilumu with siniLlm or snft'umlmmg defeat , bearing timeir WOtiimle(1 coimupainomms idiot ml vuvu iii time skinmuilslm. Am ; eacim muf time survivors caine they irene wnrmmmiy iveleomneti by their old Coilipaniomis , aiiml imiami. a hearty simalco simuived ( limit , although yemuw bumud elapsed qimice last. they miiut , neitimom' Uiuy mum the timmmo was fom'iotteu _ , limit. time years , mienurly a score , bind ml possible Immure strommgty cc. iiuemmted tin' lanul of fniemmmlshdp niul love , imsuhe , ienhmaps , , where damiger ivas rife amumi battle thmmckust. l'ulmmumy mm.ssemmihled t. the various do1uts to be time first to tIn imoiuiir to soimme loved mmmiii liomttrCl ( olhicer ir comnmmulo , wimflo muimomig time asseiiihmhmmge there were. mmccii Imimtmi ) scatted mmd iveatimer-bemiteim vote. mini with face aglow muid imiummi mutt. stretciuni , eiuisphmg mu comminuic's hmmtiid lie hind mmcl touched msimico tlmoy hint lsunti ( ui the troimblous sixties. limit in all tiimeir joy iiintimy a siuttluiw : usscti athuvart their bromuzed aimd rugged'us as time muews of time doimmimme of sonic rolhielcimmg. fitmu- lovimug raimgcr , time life ( If time comiipamuy amid the first , to hmbi satitlle wimeim time hmmmgie sommmutietl , ivimo hind bi'emm spared it soldier's ticatim itmiti ivasteti aivuty Oil a bud of sick. nemus amid disease iii litter dmuys. About 10 o'clock this mnonmuimmg the brass gulls , omm a twelve amid lImo other a six.poummdcr , arrived cit a freight tralim , timid were hmauleti \Voodlammd , escorted br a nuimmber of itorgau's mmmcmi , mmeeomu1au- med by a lauud of mmumaic. Arrivmmm there , about fourhmtmmmdredvutemnnsgrceto the canlmsmm witim a elmer , . nmmd. it was put in its place till to.mmigimt. Camp life for time secommil tiimuu was ush. onod in by a imeavy rain mumd amid timtmmmder shower , which comitimumed semite tiiummm , but iii Ito waydamnpeimcdiiiu entbttmsiasimu of time soldiers , if it did sprimmklo their clothes. In tint midst ( If time pleutsuros of time day , however , mmmueh regret. is felt by nil timat time prosidemit of the comifedennicy is not mum attemmdamit ; but ut his letter states that ito was mmiuablo to nttoimd cmi account of late illimess. Below is his letter in full : BmcAuvommm , limurricoim Co. , Miss.1 .hmly 10. Secretary Morgmumm Itoummoim Assocat.iomm , Lexington - ington , Ky. : Data Simm-Please accept iiiy cordial timammks for time imivitatinim of thecxccu- tivo comiuiiiittee of limo 1Iorgaim ltcumiiomm associmutiomu to attend their cmicammipiitomit m'1 , Leximmgtomm , Ky. , to be lucid cii tumid after time ti1tim imust , Your letter of May last , imavimig either failed to reach mime or baeim received whemm I was too ill to ate- knewicdgo,1 aiim doubly iumdebtod to yommr courtesy in semuiing mmmc a copy of it , to which I iuow have time honor tim rciy. 1 mmiiicerely regret may immabihity to lie witit you as imivited , bciimg too mmmcli do- bilitat.ed by reouzm 11111085 to bear . time fatigue 'uf ( ho' juStuyz1dtimoexciib- nmemmt of so joyotms aim occitsiomi , You have justly appreciated time ninny ondearimig imtemmmonics of Immy youth which cluster around time ) ( If your immoutumig , and it would be mimoat gratifying to me to oxcimamige salmmtatioiis vitim time survivors of time gahimumt Kommttmck'mmumus who left timeir hoifles to nmniimhuin , at every Imazard , time princibles omnbalmmied imm time early history of timeir state by time rosolmmtions of 1798. Time mmammmo of yur association eloqumently commmmmmemnorativo of damimmg deeds performed , of ( lire suffering borne ctid barbarous indigimitios inflicted cmi mmmeim ivimo hiatt bravely mmtrtmgglctl imi tin- equal commibat to vimmdicate tim rights their futtimors loft thmeiim. 'tYitIm mmmy respects please present to your associates time imuartfelt good wishmums , with which 1 mmiii frautenimahly , J ainmltsoN : DAvis. Aimiong timuso iremmcmmt , iii wiwimi immtorest is felt is l'uhiss ' .J.ulmmm 11. ] 'mIomgamn , daugimtem ( if time rcut : clmitmftaimm , amid wmo lLrniVL'l ( in timis city frmmmmm Lebmmuomm : , 'I'cnmm. , Simm- ( lay evenhiig , ammd will roimnuimm dmmrimmg time mmaeutimmg. Shu is mu bcaumtiful yommmig lady ahuout twomuty imuiiiimucm8 , amid mm ulmu coimhl coimimmmaummd at deeper imiturest nimml imolicitimmic 1mm tIme imearbi of " ? , Ioigaumm's much' ' thmnnm Lime daugimter mtf timeir gallmummt comiimimaliier. LEX1NOTO { , Icy. , .July 20.-Time re , umiloim ( if Iorgnim'mm mmmcmi closed to-day. A gold imunded cane wits premmciitcd D. 11. 'I'ifiuiy ] , wlu was federal imoItmimastor aut Catmmmp 3imaso , while 1borguimm's commmmmmuuiiml was mm lumisoim timuru. A goill watch was r prusemmtud Mjss Morgmumm. Time uxecutiv& I coiiiiiiittco authorized time secretary L . nrramigc for a fund to I.'umiid a mmionmummiemil to ( Jonmerul Murgamm. 'l'lmo iuco of Lim I next retimiioim was loft to time commmmimittc I ommia REUNION. t Coiusmmmus , .July 211.-Timis was thu Grand Armimy day iii the national rotmumioim i amid was a great success. It in eumtimmmmute t timat 75,000 straimgurs , citizeims , amid. ox . Mldicrmm iii time city participated iii thu regimmiemittul amid mtssociattwmt mnuetimigs tbmi forenmoomm. 'I'hmimm nfturmmooim time ( iramid Ar c , meny 1amnde , tonIc place. 'J'lmreu tbmoimmmnun t mimeim were 1mm hue , timid 102 posts repru I tented. Anmomig time visitors are Mrs 1 lavis , of Perry county , amid Mrs. Mc . Cammimi , iS'ilOiVkS of muoitiiors of the mevoimm . Lieu , 1)011mg tim o omihy tuvo I a Qimio. 'I'hi e 1 are ruceiviimg a great deal of nttemmtioim aimd will take jimurt 1mm time general jiaraud I' . t .imorrouy , 1 'nina (1 , % . ii. mmRUNIO. . i lJNvIu : : , Juiy 20.-At time oluetio S this ovenmimig Albeit 11. lieathm of Pliilmi mu ( lCiiiiiilt , ilaum cicetcul coImimmmmummmer iii cimk 4 of time ( lnaummd it rummy of time Itepublic o ( a time socommd ljullot : , ruccivimmg 158 voh t miut of 270. Corpom'aI Jmummiums witimdrtu f hum camitlidney two days ago. I'ulitim ' Lgnmmmd nrmmmy nmmcmm muttiilimmto ( bum. hal ( I mmummm'i dtufeiut to imis expressed opinmion o I. Fitz.Joimmi I'ortcn case , 'i'ime cluctiomm (1 otimer ofilcenmu willt.mukoplaee to.mmuorrou ( Haiti Imiuhinig ( ) * at Itecohit iou , PIIILAIELi'muIA , .Jumiy 20-A receptk I WitS 1VUii to.miigimt elm h)0m1l time iiuw mmiii i'm Alamnuoda , of tue Ocenimic Stenimisimiti Coil smiiy , of Smum Francisco , just commujmhutcd a , ( irammip's aimip.yard. Among those iv ] , fiuvoreti time coimmiaummy with seuctiomms si Limo piano ivums Miss Maggie Cuimni , , ag 18 , tlaughitur of Joscpii Cm'ammmp , of ti ivoll kumowmm flnmii of aimil ) builders. C leaviimg time mmliii ) amid t1oscomtdinm time gan 0- plank to a iigimtur alomigmmido3 Miss Cmii an mmmdc a mmmisstop amid full mmmto time nv us and was drowmmod. Time body has mm of boon nocovorod UI ) to 1 o'clock. T maui ncc.hlumut imriugiit. time reception hI nh abnmpt close. _ CIUMINAIi ltFiCOIcfl , A t.VNCII1NO I'ICNIC. St. l'AUT , , July 20.-A Mibe City simecitl Ixtycu a Iunrty of imianked mcmi pm- CCOlet te time Count3' jail , OVOX1)OWOred. time jailer niuti locked iiiiit iii one of time coils amid then seized a malt named lUg- 1103' , ivimotis they took about a imihic unit of towmm nmid bMigetl to the hnjectilmg end of a tie ovnra culvert cii time railroad track. itigmuer imad been jatiled time day before for ilimmorderly conuhmct1 anti bore Limo reuumta- tiomm of ni hard citizeim , being accused of rotubory nuiti other crinies. ito was bantunder 'in tIme Binfl : of time Cos- iiiopohitaut tiii'atro. ' About. two imouits nfterwards.t.iuo theater burst. imito faimies , amid was destroyetl with mmix tither build. ings , aiimoumg whimeii were time large uirmmg store ofV. . 1. Savauge & Co. ami time fume estithihimmhmuiucut of ihusiumok. Bros. 'l'ime Jamugresmu of the fire ivais arrested by the brick building of time Fiat Natiouial batik. Otherwise time entire block svoumll leuime beemm destroyed. Almmiost mmtipcrimuiiumaiu efibrts wor'e miiamits to suluthuo time fire , but owi'lg to time immtlamnmimnlilo miimuterial of time bmmildinigs tumid thick' commtcnts , it ii as un- 1issibi tAm no. I'iie total loss is esti- immatedmit $50,000. It. is gumuerahiy timougimt that time fire was time work of an imnomi- diary , amid a stsitcel to time hmamigimig of 1tigimby A MiIERtFIZXOUr.lmATCO. Di'nmt , , July 213.-Time rccummt state- miuomul ; by : i'uti. ' Leimmimami simowim the om'igimmml : mumimkum that time late Shmemlir lloyer was cmimmmmtmetetl ivtlt the Grain ! eoummmty imsas- siiiittiomt WflS umitirely imimtttme. Tue cvi- deuce imi positive timat lie ivaus mnaumy imuilos itwaty. AimimEsT op o'rmtmi OVFLAiVS. PtTnuiiiUitU , PA. , J mihy 2(3.-United ( Staten Special Detective l'crkimms , assisted by a mnmmmibcr of othicurs fm'ommi this city , nrnistrd , rohmn S. Gordomm , Robert Mc- ( lenny , Albert Orumsar amid Dr. .Ioimmt 1' . .liuck , this mmmormuimlg , immVest Virginia. Time parties are miuummmbura.ot aim organized gang of hmigimwnmymmucmu , who have been ousrtutimig iii Pemumsylvnnia , 11aurylnmmd amiti \Vest Yirgiimimi , for several months , with considerable success. Z'Oi.K CONViT2I ) . NtammTIi.z.E , 'romumu. , July 211.-Time jury iii time case of ox-Treasurer Polk brought iii mu verdict of gumiltr of ummnbezziummummit , fixing time pomualty at mmumprinonmneimt imm time pemiitentiary for 20 years tumid imposing a limmo to time full ammmoumit of thu enmmbezilc- imiont. POUNIIINm ( A m'OUNii'MAHTEIt. PEORIA , .ltmly 20.-Lmmst. Tuesday tivo imomses bclnmugimig to Vi' ' . ' 1' ' . Dowdmmhl broke omit of imis pasture , amid buforo timcy couhi be fotmmmtl were hut ii a city potimmd. Ibr. Dowdall called mit time iXIttitti at Ii o'loclc , at 1 o'clock mmml at 5 o'clock. Not limmdimm time 1)otmuitlmmmaster or mummy of imis assiimtaummts to collect , fees mute ! lelemume the imurscs , him ivcmmt to time imhieu imcaidquanturs , stated time fiucts t4) time chief of police , amid time tivu ivtmimt to time 1ioumid , drew aistapbu ntmmtl released the ammmmmmntlmm , wlmkh hind beem : ke1d iii time imot sumi all day mvithmout wautoc or feed. 0mm his way uommio Dowdull : met the Iuoumdmiitor am&L limmid hmimmi two ddl I am's iii nuilvor , an4 offered to pay time aud. dd.icmnaflfty centu , whichm , wamclninued , ii time poummd mmmastor would clpmnmgu h , 5 bill , whelm hue could zuot or would umot do. Dotiail olrorcd to go te a store close y wimero they could get time bill chaimgcd aimd pity lm'mmmi. This tin poimimdmmiaster also refused and said lie would have all time immommoy riglmt lucre ox take time imorsos back to time poumud. Dow. dali refused to ive up time stock and tin poummdnnastor raised his stick to hit Dow. dalI lnmt time latter took time stick from 1dm would-be castigator and gave hmiimm a most severe pmmimmmimnmeimt. Ddivdahl tried tc evade time difllcmmlty , was wiiiimig to pa time full amnoummt claimmued amid iii self-do femuse hme hit too hard amid umo ommo regrets Limbs imiore than Dowdall , ntitimommgim lie says time little mmmii is miot ( haummgerommsly imurt. As mmoomm as time difficulty ivats ovum Dowtlnll roporto 1 at time jolice hmeadqmmar. terms wimiut. imad taken phiuce amid stud ivimumi wamitemi ho womalti coiiie 1mm mumiswer to n tehupimommo. No arrests lets beemm intuit mmd probably ( lucre will be noimu. Viiglulmt lcmimoonmitio l'lmttormnm , LYNeutumuiel , Va. , .Jmmly 20.-'l'imo dciii. ocratic state coumvcumtiomm rtiammsumnbled timim mimorimimig amid mmdojmted time fohloviiigdiut. forum : " \Vc Ii)05e any immcrcase of tauxatlom directly or immdiiectiy ; oppose mummy furtimom zmgitiutioim of time state debt quostiomm ; ad vocamtumm uimcoimditiommal amid imumimedimutu nb olition of time iimtenmial rovoimuc systemmi , a imumascry of spies ammd immiormiucra , a umiemmiucu L to fiuudommm of ulectiomms , an immtolenmibli I btmrdumm omm time tax payers ; favors tori ! I for rovcmmuu limimited to time muecessitics o I time govunmmmmiuumt ocoimoummicmuliy admmimimimm hired amid so adjusted iii its nupphicatiomi a 1 to vrovommt umuequni btmrtltnms ; a taril timat will emmeouragu productive interest at imommic amid afford just comimpeimsaticim fo I limber btmt imot to create or foster muomiopo lies ; pledges time dommmocraey of Virgimmi I to a contimmupd support of time pubii - school syatunmi until every chmilti mu th 3 commmmnoimwcalthm , whatever colormimayuuocur S time bemiofits of free educatiomu ; oppomme - mmuxed mmcimooimm amid placing of cohere trustoesand teachers over white cimildronl . favor proservatiomi mu separate mscimool ci gumimizatiomi for time two nuceim ; ( lemmmnmmd rem : civil senii'e mefornu , miualdmmg immenit tim . test of ofilcimul fitimemmim , mmumd exclude ( ii , ioatimmmommc ( ayatuumi of lnmrgainm amid sale ( ifliemis ; Ji1m05505 time IJOt3iismmi systcmm . ; wimichm benefits emily time numimmions of tj maids , which is at war with evor' primic imle of hemmer , ' nmurmmiiiness tumid roptmblica fmecmiummi. 'l'tmu timed reaoimmtiommsm of tii mm . llntfnmmm , mmmmnigmis , iii time mmtmoimgemt tumumm t. time amlmmii nmimmtmamtiom m of mmntiommni amimi stami ml umilimirs , ummmecitmliy hietwecum time lurcs'mdum mm amid \\'mmm lilaitommo. . - - mum - iv ' , Volgtuty onicimuis. 3' Cm IOAOO , .1 ely 211.-Frank 1)nmuice , m. thus cit3' , hums human iulmpoimmted by the go mm onion chief graium inmiqioctom' for Olmicag if to tmmCcuC(1 1' . Bud Price , m. 'I'mo ] auttormmcy gemmommul of Illimmois linus d uiiod that liii , 'I'orrummco is eligible for ti P(3itiim of state wuighuummamatur to wimichi 'mm ' huts lusuim uuppoimited , ' amid ki imolditug t : j ) office if state seumatur will mmot. mmtanmd Ittime wamy of imis necuptumimee of tIme ( , thm at ' jiositiemi , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m'j m'jUt Onto itt Mflwammkoo , ud MILWAUOEII1 July 20.-A severe the mu tier storimu Imassed over this city thus maui lit big , doiimg great damage , lightnimig atm mg mug lit auvoral places , simattorimig bui iii iuia ; but causing ito loss of life. ' 1 or miummmfmell was time imoaviost ever kimo ot home In a single shower , being one a lie ommo.aiztit inches 1'THE MARCH ii ! DEATH. , : Th Choicra t1ollstcr prcall ! Rpi- ly Tliroliont Eypt , A Cargo ot Egyptian Rags. &hlppel to Anucrlcn-Simspeeted Cases ot ( be Disease lit tluo London . DoC1LP , OENERATa FO1H'2t0N NEW& Tue elcoazimA. A lanA , July 26.-Time khedive retmirumed to time city front Cairo to.toy. ilu was received with mmmcii emitimusiasiut h)3 time populace. Timeto wore 422 dathms. frommm cholera in Cairn yesterday. 'rile. $ ANTMW CONIIITiON Ot' STEAMERS. LoNnos , .Iuiy 20.-A duputatiomi of time iinitisim umiudical association nimmi mmcv- oral mmiummibcms Of iiarliamnoumt called Upoim President Chmammmboniaimt of time board of tunic amid asked imimmu to nppoiimt a coin- mmiitteo to coimsider time inadequate muiedical. amid smiuitatry : miinmmagemiiommt of Atlaimtio. stoatimers. They comnmmiommtetl strommgly tiii the want of proior lirocnmmtiomms cmi emmuigmitimt vessels , frommi wimicim am large aimimimal mmacriflca of life resulted. They suggested shm'mp owmicrs be commmpchied to in- creamso time pay of shuip surgcoims , and thma time Amimoricau govenimmmicimt lie requested. ( ( I commtributo a small ammumi toward. time ox- Iommscs of vaccimmatimim ' p.mssermgors omuboard. vessels. Cimammibcram'hm ] replied that he imm- tendeti to introduce iii parliaimmomitmcm 1881 , it bill micahammg with time subjects mmmemmtion- od mmmid zumuiumutlimmg time shiippimig act. susmEornm ) cimr.r.mtA mn mNOLANm. : LosmiN , July 20.-Two cases. of stis- Puetod cimolura were uhiscovered in Louudoit chocks , mind aimotimor in'auics. . Time proper hireoauitiomis ivoro takefl iii comuucctmomt with eumcim casu Forty mimumnbers of time army imosiiit.aul Corl)8 Were ordered to Egypt. run IItATIL nEcomu ) . LONIION , July 2&-Deatima from cholera - era yesterday at Datmmdetta 5 , Tantaim 2 , Metahta 25 , Cimobar 6 , Sammmanoud 7 , Malmahet 50 , Tifteim , 21 , Manaourah 12 , Ghizohm 115 , Memmseaiahm 8. OmLOLEhmA A.'i : ROSTON. llmtmtLIN , July 25.-A special dispatch. to time Immdopendemmco Beige says cholera. is reported itt 1tostomi amid several. deaths imavu occurred. f zoyt-rIAN im.Aum COZUNO oVER. a Lxvitt'oot , July 26.-A controversy imavimig anisumim botwocmm the town coummeil. mummd privy couumcih regarding time daimgcr to public hicaltim nnisimmg froimm a large m of rags received from Egypt , it. untie omit that time iiarticulamr cargo of rags commmplaimied of had mmot. lauded at Liver- 11001 itt all , bmmt limed proceeded direct to : Aimienictu , beimmg on time iu'ay citimor to : Bostomm or Now York. ] MAI1AGASOAiC ) tAT'rmimel. m L0Nm1ON , July 20-A dispatch frwmi 'l'aimmatitve , dated 13th iimst. says time state I of siege is strictly nmaimmtained mummi four Frommuim mmmen-of-war are jim time imarbor amid. other Freamuim war sitips on routo. ! wo . British war ships have sailed. for Tama- ( ave amid time Aimmenictun nman.of.warEmitor- I , * 4 muminsioJmrieaimvmtim tmiincd in thQ interior and anile unabIe'to. . m reach Tanmatavo. Loni Hmtrtingtomm , abcrotary of war , m stated this afternoon iii time commons timat oluvemi English soldiers died of cholera out of fourteumi attacked. MARINU A. GOVEurOit. m GUAYQUIL , July 20.-By spontaneous. actiomm time poopie today proclaimed. . I Pedro Carbo cimiuf of time governmiment of Gumuyquil , with full immde1iendumit vosyrs. I Time three govermmients will jointly con- ' voice a mmationmal comtvcumtion. A itEVOLUTiO HqUmtLOmmED. PurmAsmA , .July 17.-Time revohtmtion in ( Ecuador was commcluicd omm time Otim iimst. , by Aifiuro amid lila forces defeating Vorn- . ttmruiuillaat Guayqmil , time fonimmor occupy- iumg timtmt place. Time latter him fled to I Limit , The vrosiiecta for peace becoimmo brighter every day iii I'oro. TIlE EMPEitOmiS , ItIENNA , July 20.-TIme Austro-Hmmn- gaurinum mnimiister of foroigum afihirs him had mmmi audicmmce with time emimperor of Ocr- . mmmtmy itt Jmmcimel. An intcryiew between I tue omimperor of Oermnamiy maid time ommipe- . ion of Austria has beemm nmrmuiigcdotake ! hnmce nut Tacimel cci time 7th ofAugust TJL iOm'E. I. ItOME , July 20.-Time iipo is indms- posed. TIlE hEATh LOT. t Buitais , July 20.-It is stated that a I'rof. ? u1muLiibe killed kimmmsolf because lie a hind drawn time death lot in a so-called. 1' .Ammmonicmum duel. . f JiiHMAltJK'H coNIflTJON. Fmunositicmnsmtummu : , July 211.-Bismnarck a still looks ill , lIe bears traces of time il recemit attack of jaundice. a TII 1'Ot'E ANI ) i'itVmt41A. r RosiN , July 20.-Immteiiigcmmce ruacimed. I- here from Berlin that Bismmmark wiil comm. a timiuu to treat with time Yat'mcmmmm for settle- 0 immomit of time difiorences between it amid. i Prussia. lmmfonmnation 1mm boon received. 0 at the Vatican front New York that time us Catimoiic clergy in time United States will ml follow time immstructiona of time Pope in a ; regard to Pannicil amid his followers. I'- QUEmNST0wN : , July 20.-Arrmvod , ml Stcmummmmmimipmm Sorvimu nimdVyoimmimmg , Now IC York. IC JONii N , July 20.-Two deatims front ) f chmoierat at Aiexuumdria , Egypt , yesterday. i , Additioummmi nmdvicos frommm Jurlmaimm , rola- - Live to tIme death of King Cetowago , at i. the imaumils of the instmrgemmts , state all ] mms ii wives tumid mitammy of his chiefs wore also l0 killed , t PURIFY i BLOOD. ' fIiiiii marvelous resimits of lIood'g S5r1pAXI1L % I imunmomlanI 1oycondItioumsot tiobioo4 mroytu It Un best 111.001) IEDICINE. Such has 01 ( ho , tmcces of this arilcio/ / itt hens V. th mleahiy erer tamnUy/ / 1mm whmomu 0 , nrlghborhmood , iiavo been1 I taking It mit thimu pamu timmue. It mVRm.YIEI. . yitnulres . imni cnrichca thu bloo4cures .lppep. . e. siablUoummicu , anSauhdcmailgemnents of lie tilosnniachmcammse4bmlmnpmmre 1.4004 or lie adetilhitated coMi. / . JUoim ol thommeiyou * .ytrin occa&Lone4 / b excesmivo mentaL or phi7.Icd care / labor ordisumpatlom , . it mum erdlcstesBcrof / ' lila ant su tout humors , or snl restores / sod renovates time whole Wtem. A / Vcuhiar potmit 1mm hoot's SaThatirtl. I 4J ; hut Ii Uust it cat sm np. peUt antI f ' builds up ii4 stremmgthmcmmi the , sptemaMproyeslnYluAbieu s protecuoum tmut mi cRinges ci U lessees , mt. . Meurs.OIJfoo4 & Co. : Oentlemn-lt sfforts ik. ua pieasttretoreoammnernt iioue'asansaattu , , . I 1 . 4yi55ithuIUberuulUCb that toriom. earsrutstl Lu. R5Yo beenOtiUged to taies toimlo of loins ktrn.Lumj the 'I spilag , ant have never tommie ! toything thmit lilt my wantsyourSrupaxiua. ii teustmp pmyjysttu tUICImY bioo4imrpeuii sod ivit , mrippcute to muskS ins ever. htepectfumil yemen , J m' Tuaowp. mid so I4oweui.Msu..ltegtiter of 5jlctdimixCo. :