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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ii- - - - - - . ---I------ . - - - - I ' iiEnAiLyE--'rituuuA ui : - - . _ _ - - - - - - - - - - SAVE YOU , t lf you buy your ROCERIES&PROVISIOI'TS ' , , I I ¶ P I _ l6Miunnudl7Pcarl Strec , Council BlufFs. - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ILtILTtOAD TIME TABLE. I1o tUowIn nrc thotfnoof arrhal hull dtpRrtUro of trMn froiii the oca1 dopot. Tim traliiq froiii the Union l'aclflo doIot nbotit ten mIiutc . . ; that below stated , and rrh-u it the tlcpot bouL ten I. inlnuto. later. 1'ralni on POl llno and IC. C. run on Chkno tIme , ft half hour faster than local.'ahnah tntlri run eni St. Louli tIme , t\enty ! flhI1UtC ftCC thMi local. 13. V. atlt Lincoln trtln run on tJuuncil 13luff time. cIIICA00 , flock Lsfl Mfl ) PAClPfl. 1)cpart. Arrive. AtlanticEti . . 5:3(1 : ( ' . in. l'aclflc , 0:4 : m } : and Mall' . . .OO : . l'c amt Mfti1. .OA : p. in Dc toinea.i'.7:1ia.n. : lei MOIlICI 1U. p iii. , flUIttOu1rU AND QUI1CY. lepart. Arrive. Chkngoix. . . : ! (2otinail lt'iiff , e -2.atl aiit i : ' . 45 in Mail nhIt l . . 7uO : i. iii , ChICAGO and oftiIIwtEk. 1)cpaet. Arri' . e. AtIantlc 1t . . . , ! :15 : p. in. Pacific E't . . . .11:15 : a. in. ! ait atitl l.n. .nto . Mail atil Fx . .6g1t , p. in. Acconi ( ) . . . . . . . . ) p. m. Aeciiii ( Mwi ) . .1:4 : p. in. IA.tS City , ST. Oii COUiI hi'U $ . lepart. ArrI.e. .Mail and E' . . . . .O)5 : a.m. 1prcn..3 p. in. Epcss..S:2 : p. in. Mali and lx . . .O:4i : p. in. t : ioN Iciric. , . . . Airlvc. OrerlantI Jx. . . .11:30a.rn. : OerIantllx. . .4:00 : p. in. . Ltncolii 1x . . . . .I 1:80 : a , in. Ien cr l . . . .8O : ) a. iii , Denver l . . . . . .7oo p. in. L.ocal ' . . . . . . : a. in. t . . , .txal lc..7 : a. in. " i : . . . . . .Oi : a. in. , - L'uhlgrant.:20 : p. in. . " } x . . . . . .OOO ; a. in. ' 1 WAIIiii , 81. IAiI4 ) ANt ) VACII'IC. Icpart. Arrhe. 1Iail and E . . . . .9:45 : a , In. Mail and E' . . . . . 'to p. ni. Caiiioti flail. . . .4fU : , . in , Cannon Dali. .11:05 : a , in. alotx Cite A ) L'ACIFIC. 1)cpart. Arrive For SIoux CIty.7:55 : a. in. Fnn Sioux CityO:50 : 'Forl'srtNiobrura } 'rm l'ort Niolrnra Neb . . . . . . . . . .7tFa. : in. Neb. . . . . . . . 'Urol,1ii. : 'For St. l'aul . . . .7:40 ii. in. Front St. l'anl . . SO : a. iii. ' ChICAGO , MiLWAVEi ) .tI ) ST. I'AIJL. Leaves Omaha. AriI'es at Omaha. Mail and Ex. . . . 7:45 : a. in. f 1'aciflcl. . . . (1:45 : a. in , Atlantic Ex . . . . 3:40 : f ) . in. ; ! aIi aiid 1x , . 7:2 : p. in. All trains daily cIlIc.too , Mii.W.1JKEl ANI ) MT. I'Att. Lea en Council Itiuff. Arive CoiieiI ititilts. Iail ami l. . . .OO : ! a. in. Mali aridEc..4Ot5 : p. in Atlantic Ex.l& : p. in. Atlantic .19:10 : a. in. COUNCiL iiLtFFS AN ) ) Oif.tIlA $ TJtEE ItA1IWAT. Leave Council Bluffs. T.eavo Oiiiaha , . .s a. in. t a. in lOa.iii. Ha. I 8 a. iii. 0 a. in. ba. in. 11. an. I p. in. 2 p. ni. 3 i' . iii. 4 I a. in. 1 in. 2 p. in. 3 p. ni. 'p. in. t p. ni. 0 ii. in. I 4 p. in. f p. ni. G p. in. . Street cars ri.1II half liotirly to the Union l'aclflc 'depot. Oii Sunday the car bciii their tripa at 0 oclock a. ni. , and run regularly during the ( lay at 0 , ; , 2 , 4 , & , and 6 o clock , anti run to city time. . DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S G P1EVENT E AND CURE FOR EIThER SEX , Thisrcmedy being injected directly to the seat of 'the disease , roquirca ne ciiano of diet ornauseona , mercurial or poisonous medicines to be taken intern. all. When uscU as a prcvQIItIve by either sex , It Ia hnposaiblo to contract any private disease ; but In the is aso ol thee already unfortunately afflicted we guar. santee three boxea to cure , or we will refund the 'I OflCY. Price by mall , postage paid , $2 lior box , or I three boxes for $5. wRrrrEN GUAP.ANTEES : jeaucti by all authorized aenta. Dr.FellxLeBrun&Co SOLE pOpflIETOitSJq IL , " c F. aoodman , Druggist , Sole Agent , for Oinah , , ' Neb. ni&o w1r : 'Hea1th is Wealth. Dr. E. C. West'a Nerve and Brain Treatment , e guaranteed sieciflc for hysteria , DizzliiessConnal elena , } 'Ite , Nervous Neumigla , ! fea&lache , Norvoua f Froetration caused bx the use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulness , Mental Depression , Softenitig of the Brain , resulting Iii limanity anti loading to misery , .dcy and death , Premature Old Age , iIarrenncsa Loss of ioacr in either sex , Involuntary Losso' Spermatorrhaa caused by over exertlond of brain. seit.abuso or over.iiidulgenco. Each b 'tabs one mouth'ti treatment. 1.0O a box , or boxes for $5.00. Sent by mall lrepaid on receipt , prlce WE GUATtANTEE SIX 11OXES 'To cure any case. With each order rece1ed by na 'for six ioxcs accompanied with es.oo , woiilIsend the purchser oir written guarantee torefundtho money u the reatment does not aiSect a cure. Guarantees 'issued only by C. F. GOODMAN' in&O Wi , . DriwIst Omahi Neb. imebauli & Taylor : OFFER A NEW STOCK OF 1IAED WARE FULL ASSORTMENT OF BUILDERS' MATERIAL. , . . . % , . . /.e. Newsat styles In Drooro Goods , carpenter and MachIntst. ool3. Warranted Cutlery andtBuf . falo Scales , k Z4O DougIas5tree , . . . OMAhA , JOIIN 1W. CLARKE. , I \ Oldest Rea1Estate Agent. t Notary Public and Pravilca , Con- 'k . r Cirke sells house. and Lot , , Itesideuce Lots and J. BUSineSS Lots all over the city , and all additioIs , te I , attic. imiirovcd Mid UIlfIflirOYCd farina lower tttao , any other i."cnt. mar t6- t. T. : . E.A.EtTLI. : ; S. E. Cop. barnam and Tenth St s' : IGREST OASH pnm ° " ° ' isnil r , Nestern Cornice-Noiks IRON AND SLATE ItOOFINO. C. SPEOHT , PROP. ' 1111 lotigla , St. . . Omaha , Nd , . MANU1".WtUItER OF Galvanizeu Iron Coriicos , ] trIirnicrVinaow , , 1'hiilni. Tin , tro , , anti Slate ltootliig Spcelit's vatcnt Metallic Skylight , l'atciit alJtIste.i Itatchct liar ail , lhrncket Slie1 log. I am the genemi atcnt tot tlio above line of goods. Iroii I'eticint , Creatintr , 1klustradeq'erntiilan , Iroti hank htaiiings , 'Iidow , HhItid , Cellar Oiiariln ; also general actit for l'cerson & huh Ptet hilbide 11usd. ' ' - 1iX ; ' ' : : 4 . . - ' - ' lIE ACENOWLEDOED To hhE TIlE IIEST 1W ALL Y1IO IIAVI. ; l'UT ThEM TO A l'itACTICAL TEST. AD.tI'TED TO , Hard and Soft Coal , COKI OR WOOD. MAiUTACTURL I BUCK STOVE CO. , SAINT LOUIS Perc , & , Bradford1 tOLl AGENQT FOR OMAII ) . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. = - An excellent eppettzlng tonic of - ¶ . axqiiisitoilavornowusedovcr the whole vorhd , cures Dyspepeha - . 1 ' ' IIarrhicea , Fuver acd .Aguo , and all LE. dlori1ersoftho Iigeatlvc Organs , : : A rew drops impart a doll clone - . - : flavortoaglaseofchampagneand to nIl i'umnler drinks. Try it , but I ( bewaroocounterfelte. Ask 'your tJ" bt" grocer or druggIst for the genuine article , manufactured by flit. J. 0 13 SIIWEItT .t , ; ! L J. i. YIUrEHMANU ? , Sole flgeni. Srn'ceuor so . W. Itawcoz , & WU IS2ptVL& 51 Broadway , N. Y. . of this human liody eniargeil , developed and strengthened , etc. , Is and interesting advertisement long run In our paper. Iii reihy to inquiries wo will say that there je no evidence t humbug about this. Oh the contrary tIle advertisers are vciy highly ludorsed. intereeteJ IeNOflS uiay get scaled circulars giving eli particulsi"i hy addressing ErIe Medical Co. , I' . 0. box M3 , Buffalo , 7.7. V.w'i' Even. : mn.y PROPOSALS FOR GRADING. EAL1 : ! ) I'ltOi'OSAI.S WILL BE RICEIVlD BY S the uiidcralg'ied until 12 o'clock noon of Mon. day July 50th , A' B. 18s , for the grading of the toh. lowIng streets , viz : Jackoii street , froiii 10th street to St. Mary's aye. 3l111 . Thirteenth street 1mm thioahley between Marcy and MasoIi streets to Martha stroetjii 8. } . htoger' addi. tion to the city of Omaha. I'ierco street , front 5th btreet to the west side of 10th street. Tenth street , front IIichory street to Cnstcltar 8trcet. Fourteenth Street , from Jackson street to Leaven. worth street. Fifteenth street , from Jackson street to Loa'ri. worth street. Sixteenth street , froni Jiowad street to Leaven. worth street. Sixteenth stroct slid flhierinan avenue from Izard street to Lake street. Saunders street , from Michigan street to Grand street. Seientociith street , from howard street to Leaven. worth street. tcveriteentha street , from Farnain street to Capitol at dime. Jones street , froni 10th street to Sixteenth street. Nineteenth street , froi.i . hiodgo street to Farnain street. ? odgvstreet , Stein 14th street to 0th street. Tenth street , frOiii street to ChIcago street. Cuiniug street , front Wheators street , runiilng west to thu western boundary lute of tint city. Twentieth street , from Dodge street to Davenport a street. Capitol avenue , front 17th street to 20th treat. 'rho allcys Iii blocks 116 and 117. 'fits ahiey In blocks 105 and 197. Eleventh street , frau , Iouglas street to ChIcago treet. Chicago street , front 16th street to 11th street. Tenth street , fruits I'Ierco street to thu alloy uouth of the same. Such gradIng to ho deiie In aecortlauco with plaits , proflle and speeitieathons on file in the otlico of this Board of I'ubhiu Works , a.iiil to be fully completed not later thieti Nosemhier 1st , 18S3. Iilti to ho accompanied by thu sIgnatures of urn. 1)050th ) suretIes she , In the stout of the awar4In of the contract , will enter intu bonds with , the city of Omaha for thu faithful jerorinalice of such colt. tract. This Iloaril of l'uhlIe Works reserves tito tight to reject any or all bido. JAMI.S CitE1GIITON Chalrnutu Board of l'ubhio Yor6. J 102w tw r. R. RISDONU , Oll'1 ' Ill8urllo 0 htEi'IIESENTS : Pit'nl Assurance CO. , of London , Cash ksaets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? 5,361W1.0O % VeatchiLSter , N V. Capital. . . . . . . . . . . 1,000,000.00 The Merchants , of Newark , N , J. , CapItal 1,215,000.00 Guard Fire l'hiIla'icljihila , Caj.itsi , . , . . , 1,200,000.05 FIre.uen's 1und , Caplta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFICE-htoom : 10 , Omaha National Bank Build lug. TrI3Ions No t5. 5' , . , a.tty JOHN C.JACOBS. Formerly fists 4 Jacob. UNDERTAKER. JAMES MoVEY , Practical Horse Sheer , Makes a specialty of Roadsters and tenderfoot hor3 pod. fihops , Dod street bet , 11th sod V41i , Of ilehlefl.a hlol. TRAVEL IN AUSTRIA. A Pic1nrosii JOIIF11OY Over thc Noiui tails Frani Triosto to Ythilila Sotitt' of ( Ito At1'aitngtn of' CutteR JI. vision hi ( ho Cnr-TIio 'ltryIhtg 8eCi1'r3' Alitiig the Itouto. Corrcpoiiiheico iii the I'hilatfelphla Preen. VIENNA , .Jtiiio 28.-"OhIly forCighiors ( thul fools r'ulo flrsL on the Atistriaui OhIti ( lerhiliul railways , where the S000tld.ClaSS flCCOhIlhIlOtfttli)11i4 hIll itS gooti ItS thu first ilk flI1) other country , " wore thu parting vonls of otie vlto has itatl txporiuhteo stif' . ficient to lit ) fl JIust , julge ; so E was titter. ly without class vruiudico whets I walked iiito the hllaghlit'icohIt i'ailroatl stittioti nt Triusto , with its crowd of porters , stl. ( tiers , custoiti-Itotiso iiistectoi's fllll rail. way ofileittls , all in unlfornh , 'Fito first thing that attikes one nitout a foreign railwa ) ' ill the solulity aliti isoatity vitlt which evurytltiiuu hs constructel , the uieatness aitd cleahllinoss s'ithi which it , is kupt ah1l ( the Politchless IUId cour- tes3' of the ihIhIthhtlorablo 0IhIph'cs. I htitti the general American ittipressiohi that we wore the only PeOPI0 ill the world who thhltlCratOO(1 ( ' 'riiilroatlih1 , " but iiy 01)ittit)11S L11'O tttitlei'goiitg a radical chirtitgo , niid the more I itee the luore decitled are lit ) ' COIICIUSIhlS that 01St ) 0811 trt\01 : here inure ralikhly. iiioi'e snfoly , nioru Ce0lt0hht icly tItan at ltoiite , ahid with as lunch Inore comfort. : i like the class ( liVisiohiS for the reasoils that you can have luxury aitti I3' vehl for it , 3'ttl Can have comfort for it fuir pi'ice , niul if you tue hard tip you cali rho for half the price you could alt ally of our roads. ' 1hiern shceping.cari illicit thl the Continent.'il railways 1 have yet 50011 , certainly hint 1 > tIllItflhI cars , but what they call ' 'Cotllo ) lit" ( beti carriage ) , which , although it lacks sotito of the colnfcrtl4 to which vo are accustomed , alas lacks litatty ( if the ( hisaIvahItagei4. Thu idea of hoing lockeil Of ) lit your led is at. first 11111) loaaallt , btit ( tIle 50011 becomes accttstohiled to it , as at every station where yourtraut stops there is a delay of four or five hllihItItils. Then yfl5 ( door is opehied , aiul before the train starts the ' 'guird" : visits your cohI1lart. intuit and sees thttt you are on board. Each compartment has electric c4ointitiiii. cation with the locoittotive , SO that iy pressilig on a btittoit you can at. olice stojt the traisi ; 111 alditioII to that thtero is a luau of the line , shiowitig stations , die. t.'tiiecs , CollIleCtiOhls and other matters of interest , tacked cii agnilist the side , as wehl as the rules ahid regtilrttions govern. illg passuiigers 011 the train and at the statiotis. FIht.Sr ANT ) hiuiONI-CLASS. The first.elass carriages arc triinniod with velvet , covered with lace , and under HO circumstances arc more than six per- initted in one conlpartlilent. The s000hid- class arc trimmed with gray cloth , whichi I thixik is far iteator than the former , and seats eight persolls , while the third are triinnied witls black oil cloth , and hold just as iiiaiiy as can find seats , and a seat you are bound to have. ( I have eps.kon specially of the Austrian railways. but there is coitiparatively little difference between them and the others. ) The Julian Alps form an abrupt and an immediate background to Triesto , seas as the trajis steams out of tim statioii t'o at oiicc begin slowly to climb their steep sides at a grade which puta Kittanning Point to shame. Our course is north , but for ittiles we go duo east , up , lull un til the several thousand foot arc at last surmounted ; for the first half hour the View is grand in the extreme , the city is beneath us , whilst tlio bay lies like a shieet of silver , glancing and silnineruig in the niorning sun ; far away , ytt to the right , is the blue boast line , that marks the spot whore VCIIiCO rests on her hunclrdd isles , whilst on the left are the bright green fields of Illyria. Close at hand are the white cottages of the Pet. sante , built wherever a spot of ground can ho rescued from the hilountaul side , stoiio vine-covered terraces , and peach and cherry and pear trees iii profusioti , all covered with their differetit colored blossohus , altogether hliflkiiig such a acetic as must have gladdened the eyes of the hungry Israelites when they first onterel the promised land. The track is double , with stone ballast , and kept like a gar- tlcii wall the trains pass to the left instead - stead of right , and every mile or two we a iteat "division house , " in front of whichi stands , like a soldier at atteittion , with a rolled flag in his haiida uniformed track watchman. Sharp curves skirt chasms vhiichi are so deep that a look down causes your fingers involuntarily to close oii the seat aria. Tuimel after tUhiflel is 1tsed. The toll of the mountain , ait it gradually slopes off towarl the north , reminds 1.10 very much of the west aide of the Alleghenies , oiiIp hero every available foot is under culti. vatiohi ; it is a rcgular "stony ladder" with little bits of fields and iiu'iiemmae boulders , such hand as I once heard Gough describe as ' 'the moore a mmiaii had of it the poorer ho wwt. " Thu poverty of the soil is plainly shown by the oiiiy tree which appears to thrive , "jack" pine , amid it is not large nor abundant ; bu as we ( ) northward tv ( ) hours fromii Triesto we get into the regular thstrict , where they phmuit pine and cultivate it as a iiitiii would an orchard. WOMEN IN TILE MINES. Four hours after leaving Triesto the iiiountaiiis are 1)asscd amid we enter the beautiful fertile valley of which Lhio grand old town of Laibachi is the center of at- tractiomi. In itnothier hiourwo reach Sager and its great coal mines , where there arc little to see excepting crowds of woaion work- nig like Puck mules at the mouths of the drifts ( imiimies , ) 'Fhio coal is somi.bif.umj- liotis , and reseimibles slate more thmmi ally. thihi else. I have hover 80011 such dirty looking atufl but it appears to answer for fuel , as they are burning it emi otlV queer-loolthig locomotive , and wo are getting along rapidly atnongst the niotmit- taihis 011cc again , but this time wo arc following a swift stream as it winds in and out of the gorges , and the mountain peaks , somnot'nnee snow.clad , are far abovu us on either hand. The railway embank. hiteilt oh the side next thie atrealmi is a solid vall , and this extends for mnik's amid mmiiles. An occasional tunnel is passed amid mitimmuerous spbeiidil atomic bridges , built arch on archmas they SjlShi the ( leoi. or ravines. Thu river is also used as a highway , and every hiost' mimsil thou we 1)1155 ) WoInhihi hauling lohig miarrow boats UI ) the atreamit. At thai mouth of almost every ravine is ii cottage or two , and wherever thiero is U mountain run a uiiill is to be found. Occasionally the valley opemis out a little azid hove is ihestled an exceedilhg. ly 8111511 village , with its evor-accohupaimy. immg church , Every here and there by the wayside is erected a crucifIx so that thu traveller miecil miot hose timmie in comubinihig his bus- imiebs with religion , and yet with all these outward sigis I venture to say that thioro Is aehittlo real PietY in Austria its in any other country iii the world , At 4 o'cloc'kwo reach Gratz , the cheapest ! in Austria , amid , for that reason the home of milan ) ' retired nrIim othicers. You call see soldiers whiorovor you go in Eu. rope , but in title town oflicers are as plomi. thful as they formuerly wore in W'nslilng ton Oil thu OVO Of fl battlo. The littisemutu of anciehit. ttrmns anti ( IflmtOtll' and iii fitet ( , f everything belonging to ( lie limihitary service of' thren or four hiumidred years Mmmcc , is famimus , It. is a regular arsenal , as they have every thing by the hmmmmitlred , ittiti could supily every mnmmsuuumm in the Uhiitel States with a full hue of curhosi- los , and never mules theni ; I itotuced jacks , chalims , imihlys , scales amid locks four hundred years oh , also tlrmuus ( tf the sauhe ago with the original heads 'ot ill. 'l'hto railway between liratz and this lilaco crosses the Semmitnuring of the hIiOtlli' talus , omio of the gnuideet feats of engi. hicering yet nccoum1mhisbcd ; the views tue wild , timid at tiutes startliuig. Although I lanovor thio I macan ItarticillarlY hitiY ) is a part anti ccl of the kingdmn of l'russla , and itrlt. ably vill always huhuahi SO , theta is ho lrtietllarlY great atnoutit. of love wasted between the Ilamuoveriatis and tIme l'rtls- siahis. 1or , 01100 111)011 ) 8 tililO , hlithiovci' \vas a little kingdomn all by itself ; and thought hardly as large as a muohlle-sizeti Cahiformiii : t0thhhty , IVOS ( tiLl of the Etmti- hiCitlt l)0'et' flhmd was consulted , council- ateil tumul treated with a great. (10111 of 0(111. siduintion. But when l'russia 1111(1 Atisti'ia got mimixed up into a dispute and i'esortd , ill 18(30 ( , to arias in order to settle the mnntter , the timeit king ( If I Ia- mio\'ui' vits umifoitutmato onought to shitait with the weaker silo and star an exIle' ( litiomi to Austria's iclief. lInt l'russin was on the alert , and imofore the stuiti ( IX1)ClitOli ! got very far on its Atmstriaward it wmut comfortably taketi charge ( If mimiti dis1mosod ( If by l'ritssia , Nit. only was title dwme , hut thte king of I lflhiOVCi' WitS (101)050(1 ) fltil tmmi'mictl into a gramul duke , oi somuethihig like that , whiile Ilnmmovcritsolfbceanuta ltrtofthie : l'i'ussiut : kingdom. ilciuce it conies about thiut : the Ilmumoverians love to talk of the times ivhuemi I lamiou'cr vis itidopomulumit and Slecthlitttm 011 the liossilmilities f'it rutmirii of those good (11(1 titties. But , though they (10 malt. love l'rnssia ' . 'oi'y miitmehithiuy do love the Geimunmi elupire-uniteti ( er mnany-autl , as 1rttssia is the king-pimi ill the comifetleratiomi , the Ilanoveihuns mtt'e 1mtit imu tlio rather trying position ( If by- ihig and still iiot. bovihig the same thing at the same time , nnvutENcm : : i'ohi. AN Exqu1IN. : It is a.liiittst I ) touchimig eight to ace thto reverence with which they greet their gmyhuurotl , stately ox-queen tie alto rides through time streets with her livened coachmnait amiti footlnan. Everybmly stops amid niakos a profound 11)1(1 ) mmant respectful salutation as she pscs : by. amiti she as graciously returns the greet- Imig. Imig.Vhi ) ' hanover , with its miarrow imoutid- aries and its comparatively few Peoile , was over powerful enough to hiavo been comisidered at all in European stmutecrtst : may miot , at first sight , appear pbaiii. But when one sees the 1)001)10 amid comitrafts themmi with thioso of other parts of' Ocr- itiany the lrobbcmn solves itself. For the llanoveriamis are brighter , livelier , quicker - or than nmiy other PeoPle whom 1 have seen iii Gormnany. Wiiemi they muove along the street they imiake somne up. Proashi towarl Ammiurican haste amid they bear in their couiitemimumce the stamimp of it greater personal imidependomice of chiarac- tar , and appear as if thtoy had more of iumi idea of their own persomial worth amid rightts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Collapse ( ) ftIuO Boom iii IfopH. Now York Stilt. The bottom has entirily dropped out of the booni in hops by whiich brewers were so badly scared bust whiter. Semite of the lucky operators who had barge stocks % 'hiehi the flurry coinmuemiccd , and time bolti but prudent omies viio vomit in with a dash and sold out at big figures without waiting for bigger ones , made large sums of money in time earlier niomithis of tIme cx- citemnemit. Several of thteiti are credited with having pocketed half a million cachm. But those vhio held on to do better , and nearby all the outside speculators have been supped. 'SVIien hops , for wliichi 16 cemits a pound is a payiug price to the producer , were forced up to 81,15 , time cotitidomit bulls proclaimed that the price Would reach $1.60 , and lcrhinps cveii $2 , before time year's state crop could cohtme iii. They were believed by mmlahiy brewers amid spec- ulutors , who bought on time unmmatural rise. Brewers laid in bingo stocks at 87 cents , amid felicitated timeimisolvos upon having done so. One whmo hiad bought for delivery at 80 cents it'a oflereti $2,000 to rulimiquish his contract mmd reftiseil. That was only host wimiter. Now good hops are down to 25 to 28 cents , and choice State to 35 cents , and at mitost 40 cents. Coo , Bechtel bought a large quantity of hops a week ago at 34 cemits frommi a. luau Whit ) had paid f)0 ) comitis for timemmi on speculittiomi. Au operator said yesterday tlmat the boommi was started by the unusually large demand frommi English br wers , emi accotimit of time Commiparative failure of time hop harvest ili both England mmd Bohemia. They sent over hero to buy 1101)5 still au the vines last season , and so started the upwartl mmmovemnent. All would have gone svcll but for tue discovery of a new source of supply. Australia sent to Emmglauid quite a large harvest of fine hops at a. season whemi liobody thought of a. new crop commhimmg ill. Then thmo trouble ho- gahi , Anotimersaid : "That's all very well as far as it goes , but tile real cause of time break was not Austrabiami hops , which could lmave beemi absorbed easily , but time necessities of the outside spcculakrs who bought iii at high prices mmd timumi cotmlthi't. afl'ord to hold omi. Wimemi they began to let. their holdimmgs slip immto time mnarkot at a decline a tuimible followed , for others got scared and Lhtci'o was a gummeral rush to i'etilize. Yomm cami credit tins full to mcmi withlotit tue necessary miervu or capi- ml to speculate , yet 'hmo would try to (10 so becausu they thought they sau othmoi's mnakimig fortumies by it. " Still iumother said : "Whemm hops jul. vanced so smmrn1simmgiy an ummorunous trade sprammg Imj ) ill 111)1) substitutes , CmmlpouIlde of drugs , whilcim mutmmmmbcrs of breuu'ers all over time land 1011(10 USC of. For one of these auhuetitmmtes the certificate of a well- hcnowmi chloInist was procurol that it was actually better timami hops , Fcii' othiurs time clammu Was made thiat thicy wemo chmoap. (31 timasi Imps , timid that tim beer mamido with timetti could miot be told frommi that. nutde witim 1101)5. hero is a Silmimplo of tIio of theimi : It is a brotvmi , resimi-imke miutes , with ii. bitter taste iii which 370(1 camm do. toot mmotiiiimg of time hojts ; but its mimaiimm- facturema aflirmim that whmumi boiled imi tIme wont it. develops Hi time 1io.r time genuimmu 1101) flavor , Of course , it huts umot. time beneficial efliset of time lupulitmu of time hop , butt what , do certain brewers care for that if time ) ' can soil thu beer ? " The host ( It Rh 1mm taut , Joimim lCoiicy , Esq , , Shieriff of Otsego county , N , Y. , sa'n that for years ins had boon a comisUmmmt sufferer fromn rhmcumgmatismmi of time knee , amid could not sloop , lie imim. Plied St. Jacobs Oil , ammd thmat iiigit ) lie slept ts peacefully as au imifnimt , It cured ittlmh , Thl I' GtItFI EIal ) hIOM f. how time unto l'rc8Itelmt'H Family M1icuiihs I hum $ ttmlmiimci' 2tlmt ( Its. ( letelanil hleratf , 'limo large , airy house is itt spioumhil ( commilitiomi , amid time oimtiro Phitco IC kept tip I uvell mis aim ) ' sulmmrlamu , imIhimO ( ill time I \ esterim Reserve. 'lime sibaciotme hawtis ihi front (01(1 at time sitles of time iuimse are velvety recli aimil are kept close croi'ped. l'lmu ( lrmves 1111(1 walks are llenutjflmli % ' rnvolctl atmd mmot a eflear of grass ( Innes tft mts head hIet'IS'C'fi time lelIlIeS , , lotte ( if gentlimummme nuud htot'hmotieo lllants in full lthRHfl ( let time lawns , 'l'imo trees ate s'mimumuctricll3' tnitmimited , Time barns tire cieamm and imu timoromugim repair. 'I' lleasatmt Picture ( If the ( tally life of time now fiimmmomme fitmimiiy was presemutet to the oyeof time repoitor. On time front lt1tt'/.7t , in atm eas rueklmmg.chiair , itat time aged immother , mu little grayer , perimap , for time xjIermemmces ( If time l1Mt ttVI years , bitt lookmtmg 'er' COOl luhil CImiitortflble in the ts'mhighit. lmttle to the east , Ohm ( ho ltoart l1maz.a , i.oi'e time children , seated in a knot iimttimtmg , lrwin amid 4\hbflhifl IImI1 time two little Itumiloipli loys , Armumid (11(1 ( eot'mmer to the east t'as ? iliss ttuihie , smttimmg ( iii IL wimmdou-.smll timml toyiumg with the simmittet's ( lf titO ldimmtl , I mu tlmt uciu' , CIII thu vest side ( if the imttmsc , time fithilily lmli'SO ummtl currmago stotSI , DC if in tCal.- hmCss tO take 801110 imiumiibet's of the famnily fat' it immonnlmghmt ( irive. Ilrs. ( ijirtield , I lorry miittl .Imttnes were mait vmsmliie , hmmt iuio living cii time ftmnimm , hiavimig returmtel fm'ommm Saratoga lust week i'meslay. I I ore t ho fummuily : now live inml will renmatim ( itirihmg time HiHitiIei' % . ' 1Imere arc twelve mimeimmitem's iii itil , beslihes tIme lid p ; 1I \ I i's. 0 null old , glum mdmmma iuiul I lie f i vu eimtltm'etm ; ? iI t. J ( ISefim I t uchmlpim , his fttlmer : , vifo nimtl two clmildremm. 'l'imeir lCmmttm' ( life is by no mnettms : tCli- ( Ills. 'i'ime village is a ( becidedly llleasahmt ammo , the fitimmily is lli'tvilel ( with e'ery commm foit , and th ere is no 0111) ( ( I I mmolest i muako nfm'aid. Occasiohmully a trip is 11111(10 to Little inomttmtaimi iii (11(1eV to esciuie the Imeat. for a ( lily 01 tuvm. , Last week time 1llboiftim { llnys itiitl ammimo , of time ( iarfbeltl 11(135 ( ( irovl ) ovei' to 1irtland amml itmspcct. 0(1 tIme ittorimiImm ( tCIlm1)lti ) tlmeh'C. 1"i'oqtmuimt ti'i1)M are imiatlo ( iCIWIm to Cleveland , mummtl , ccasittmmul : trips to other 1)111005 ) U'CIm ImiIl'e ( histlilit , lImit time fahmmily Rilohid mimost if ( latin titmie ill : Lremttttr. 'l'iio yotimigeters , Abraiti 1111(1 lrvtimi , 500111 ( (1 ( ( il1O themmisolves Immigely. 'l'Imerc is a sti'ealmm of water called Itoso's creek just vest. of the hmomiiustemd : , 1111(1 Imere imm cIhlImCCtiIi ( tVit.hi 5(11110 (111101' 11(13'S ( ( If tIme mieighmbonimood they imave lmtmilt. ii datit , tiitms causimig tIme water to deepen iuul iimluko a good 1111100 for mnviummnimmg. hero timey have soitmo rare frolics. 'l'liey lust ) go on occasiommal t'mshmimig expeditions. Altogether , tIme Gaifield imomne is a ( lelighmtflml place mumtl its occmipmumts uxjmerieimce 110 luck ( If wholesommuc ( livei'SOli , abtimotmgh hivimmg in such comimpamittive retiremmment. Ilorstord's Aofd I'Imosphmato Drank Wttli Soda Water is ( lelicioUs. All ( irmiggists imave it. It is rofreslmimig amid cooling. Ti'y it ofteni ANCIENT RUINS IN SONORA. TttcsolI Citlzcu. Amiciomit. nullS have rccemitly beomi die- covered imi Sonora , wimicim , if time reports arc true , surpass amiytimimig of tint kind yet foumid eli this commtimieimt. The rimimms arc said to 1)0 about four leagues somitii- east. of Mrtgdalomma. I'hmero is omie pyramid - mid which has a base of 4,850 feet atmd rises to time height of Th0 feet. 'I'hmere is a winding roadway froimi time bottommi lead- immg Upohi nit cue7 grade to thmo top , wide o - miotmgh for carringes to jass over , wlmicim is said to Imo tweimty-timroe mimiles in lexmgth. Time outer walls of the roadway are laid ihi solid imiasoury froimi Imlige blocks of granite iii rmibbbe , and time circles anim as uniforni and the grade as rcgmmlar as they could be meade at timis elate by our best ungimicors. Time wall , however , is only occasiomially exposed , bc'mimg covered over with time ( lebris aimd earth , timid in immany illaces time salmuaro ammd oilier immaigomious julauits utmmd trees howe grown up , giving the pyrnutid tIme ampcara1ico of it immoumi- tiiiii. 'I'll the east of time pyraimi'md a simort distance is a emmiall mmioumita'mmm ahlout time sammmo size , wlmichm rises to about. time amiio Imoight , amid if reports are true , will lli'OS'e lucre imitercstimmg to time lu'cimwolgist timaim time ) yratnid. There seummms to be a imcav- y layer of a species of gyllelmmim about hmalf ivn.y up time ImlotImItItiti , whmichi is as wimito as smiow , mmd mnay be ctmt immtt any coimceiv- able simape , yet sufliciemmtly mmd to retain its simapo after ieiumg cut. Imi this layer ( If stomie a people of mmmi- kiiosu'mt age howe cut hmuimdrcds upon hmwi- dreds of rooitms frotii five by tomi to six- toemi to eigimtcemm foot sqtmre. These roomits are cut cimit of tue solid stone so cv- cmi amid true are time vall ; floor , lilid ceiling , so plummib aimd icvei , cto defy variatiotm. There urn no wimidows in the rooms amid but one emmtralmco , wimicimie always fromii time t011. Time rooms are about eight feet imigim frolu floor Lii ceiling ; the stomme is so white thmat it scommis alimmost. trausparomit , and time relomims ttio mmot at mull dark. On time wiulls of these roojmus nm'e mmmmummeromms iii. om'ogbypimics tiiitl rejtresemitntions of imuitman fomitis , withi imlt'mdH mmd foot of lmumnzumi lie- ilmgs cut 'mit the mttommu iii difi'orcmmt jIhmicus , But , stnimmigo tO atty , time imaumds all imavo five fimmgors 1111(1 omw thmtimmmb , amid timu feet. iiavo six toes. Cimarcoal itt found ott the floors of mimammy of time rooms , u'imicim wommld indicate that. they bmmilt fires in timeir imouses. StOfle iimmjtlemiiciits of every do- scriptiomm are to he iotmimd ingreat imuuiiltermi iii immmd about time rmims. 'J'imo imotiseti or roommis are ammo above time otimer , three or four stories high : lImit iiotvoen each story there is ii jog oi' recess time fimhi widtim of time rooiii lictliw , so timitt tiioy resemmt time ajpearalmcu ( If large steps ieulmng : lilt time smmourmtitimm. \Vimo timeso heOImiU were aimmil wiiat ago they lived jim mimimet. ho nimswtsrcd , if tills. womcd at imll , by time ' 'us'iso macmm of time East. " Soumiu nay they vcm'u tIme zmhmccators ' ( If time lt1ml'os , a mitcu of hmmdimmma : vlmo still immimniit Soimtimermm Somipra , % 'hmo have blue eyes , fair ski mm , itt md I igi mt Imimir , iimmml , tire tiiuil to hue ii lmiIm'lI , imulmistriomis , nmmd fi'u. gal i'ttcu ( If 1101)1110 ) , wimo hitvu : wi'ittcmm ti laimgmmtmgo iii id k non' souimutimiimg Of mimatimu- mmatictt. , - Pa Not. tIOVU ltIItiifIy , (1 . carefully lii lIrellasItit , ! i itetl id no. t1 any tulvertiseti remitutlies cimim witrh gl'camt ltmjury- Lire VII'CU tlttim : 11(1110. ( JiItt'l/t'k Jibed flitters tire iltirdlY a segettelilo irtitaratliitt , ; tue stititli. tust chilil cum take titunI , ¶ 1 jtti'j kill disease tiitl * cute the tatletit I it im safe imimt I ki molly irnutiter , how to Keep Cool , N , V. Jotirital , Siijtl a ltimYsiciatm yestttiilay , will ) looked COOl jim sjtmttt of time timoritmomimoter : I ii t tt suijttstn1 by utmost ltcm'smms that if they batimu imi cold s'atur , ( kink iced bummiommadu , gihmgcr tile , ice s'tttem' , etc. , alcoil wjthm it thin coverlet over thmommm , eat cold diimmiurs ammd mul , their faces with thie'mr pocket. hmnmmdkcm'elmiefa every few limo. 1110111(1 tlmmit timoy i'ilI ho cooi , or , at leiutt. us coumfortaiblo as time wuatimur vihl per. mimit , Now thmitt is all % 'iiIlm. A cold drink mmiakots one feel uxccodimmghy coin- fortabbo for a few immummietitim , aimd timuim tIme immdividual will feel warimmor timamm over ammd PersPire mnoro profusely. "I'hu best way to keel ) cool is as fol. iUiiii'iui ' E ! . a -TIlE- CHEAPEST , , PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY ' Furniture' . . _ _ ISAT DEWEY & STONE'S They always have tF r. largest and best stock. . , NO STAIRS TO CLIMJ3 ELEGANT PASSENGEE ' ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. ' lows : 1)o ImIlt ( hulk mumiy ice vntel' ; take ( liii , ' , , ' Ummo glass (11 sotla on lummittmmade it ( lay ; t'ttt a wtut'mmt ( liuhict' , Ittut (1(1 ( mmIt. eat ( Itlite its much mis ( lt % viuiit ; take hut ecillce hm' tiNt for ltrtNulifiutCt , jImiCt its you (10 in win- ten ; sleep with a very light giummzo blittmket over ) ' ( Iml ill tIme imiglmt , 1111(1 tiulie a slIlluge Iiatlm iii to1mid salt watci' lniftra ret irimig. 'l'hmms mmiakes time Issly cool 101(1 keeps mlttlAtjtIibcS itWit ) ' . hit mint. 'ear it itcavy iiat or tigimt. collar ; wear light ittummimels , ltnv emit. 510)05 , carry aim timimitreiltu , 1111(1 ( IiI - I tovo at I , ( hI mmot. iOu ( 11mm' face too (1ff cmi , becatmee time mictimIn otmly heats tIme skimi in a gi'eater degree itmmtl miiakes ymut lIerslmii'e Inane freely. I f thus lU1'iCO iS strictly followed ynm will le cooler tiud lmealtlmier. lepend 1)1)011 It , : l other Slil i ttttit's lailtn.lts atttl I .ottilumma L'lt'ctititM tile Viii' ' utticettimi Ii tliittg , IlIlt 2'/tttj ItO' b.'lfl'll'lt' ( lit can Ito dt'ttitltitl uj sttm ultvays , It ctires neinoC - anti _ ilailts of every ( tucriiltitiIm , , , ( , % .s 1114 Chess I'1t13'ers. ' [ 'lie i'esult ( if tIme chess tIum'mmahtuemmt wits , t Ito .1 ewislm CIti'onicle siymt : , a ver'mtti. 1)10 t i'itlhnllm , for J owisim dices liiaycrs , Omit ( If time' fourteen oiIglmgcd in time clmief ( In ' 'iimistet" : ttmintititiemit , : ( ) less timan six woi'e , Jews. Anti imi time pi"mze lists the fim'st pr Wits takomm by it .Iuw-Zukor. ttm't-aimtl time second ii'tze wits iikowiso nljlmlged to ammotliur , Juu-Steimiitz. Besides - sides Lhmeso aimotimer , I , ow-Eimglislm-se- cti&cd tIme fifth lrize , iuimmi a fourth-Ito- eeimtlmalolmttuiiied the 1iiize allotted to time commipetitorVhlt ( mmmdc time Ilest score tmttiimst thu hIriz WillilCi'S. Omit of time omglmt lm'i.e gi'emi no loss tiutmi oiio.Imalf \vero WIIt by .buws. Time very great Imtmm- her s'imo numk ammiommg time im'mglmcst ImhttYOra amml time ticcess of Zimkorfort mid Steiimitz clearly immhicato timat there itmust lmo 5(11110- timing in time Jewish ititollect. Peculiarly tidiupted to the gnome. Time imiatlmummmtm- cal hunt ( If mmiiumd , time patioiico , pcrse'er- amice anti daring , mmd time iiecmlitir ( luitlity known as lImm-imet(1cdiiess : , are all pi'op. ertics of Iewmshi mitttmmre , wimiclm are equally - ly valuable for bmmsiiicwt ami far cimess. Frommi time timnes of time ralmmiud .Tows imave hmeeii Pro-elmmimieiit itt gammios similar to chess , nlil ill imiodormi tiimies .Jinvs have Cfluimitel several of time best players for sevonil gemieratiomms. nlCLINJ : OF MAN , Nei'votms 'iVettkmmess ' , Dyspepsia , Jun. POtOImCe , Sextual debility cmircd by liVuil's ' 'lleimltim Bemiewor , " - Ready for the Shock. Ijurliugtoit hiawkuye , ' 'I amit a cautious imiamm , " said Tuir , Slow- boy , 'amid rarely viace mmiyseif in daimgor with takeng great llroeltutiolma , ' ' 1(11(1 lie , lifted out of his wagomm a ( iry goods box ammd brass kettle. " 1 enimme out here to see a mnatchm three weeks ago , " time old muimmi oxiiltmiimcd , ' 'asul ( Immrnmg time gatmie a red-hot ball rigimt froimi time bat struck Inc like a caumnoim-slmot betweemi the eyes , bout 1113' spectacles dbubbe , broke botht glasses , dissu'raimgeml : utmy ideas , ollatructod miiy view of thmo gtummo and knocked mmmc dowim. Thtmui the catchier and simort-stop iiuhm together - gethor mmd stood on mmmc amid juilipud up to catch time ball , ammd when they caitme ( lOt'mm timey both kicked me for getting imm time way itmiti mmuulciimg thmemmm mmmiss thmat foumi. Amid now 1 imavo bromigimt. alommg this dry goods box to sit in and timis lIrass kettle tit ivear on mny hiefll. " And Ilticid1y , safely , lmtt a little winxmi it'itinul , lie sav time gaimmu timrommgim. - - NO REST DAY OR NIGhT. iti the Fall of 1575 lity stiffeeltigs wore terrIble. I wal eaolleii to sitelt I.roiortioiis ( lint I tented itty hiitdi t ttiiI liirt.t. I hta.l the best ittodleal talent ob. taltablc , and at ( Ito iclIrat stags of miiy llhrtess , wlteii lii ) ' ) , utium inatiy friettls hail giveti mite miii to ( lie , the lets 1)r. Joltu Wootlliimry niailo a thorough oatttlstatloit of itty water , att1 Proltoutmeed itty case acute kmilnuy , hiease , bortleritig on liright's disease , iirc ° iit.aitIel by gravel , aitil rticoiuitieitthed the Inline. diato use ( If Ihtiltt'ii hlontetly , At ( lila ( litte I was etillcrlitg most terrible hall , is tony hack , hiitbs , artd litnuh , attd could fltd no rest day or , tigbt for weeks , amid I was growlnt weaker daily urttif this kiitd lhl'siclali ortlurud IllS to take hltint' iteinedy. lie. fore taklit half of otto bottle I c.tiiujnetcud to liii. hirovu , atid after takftig six bottles seas utttlrcly cttretl. Thtiii was nuarl ) ' eight years ago , auth I have hail no rettirim of ( lie tilseasu , I have rceoiitiiendctl , hiuitt's iteitiody to otItis fri slitthlar eases , attil mt hta ttever failed to ella , , i Itavu also used it for lck headache , aitd Soutd Iti it a sure relief. I thittk it tite host ittechicitto itiadu , and cltourtully recoiuncml it to all , Mm04. % % ' , If. li'i'iitIN ( , No. 10 ' 1'lcr St. , mmostoii , Mobs , Alrii 18 , 11033. A WELL-KNOWN MAN , II iiitt' iteuttotly hra lug iceit reuoitiiuemletl to mite for kIdney ejith liver cotii.laittt , I Iturcliaseii , .t.nie at tlt ' ' m'et1le's lrtig titoro" umid emseti It fit mity tmnlIy , ttti Itomnil It t ( , Its a i cry u tiltiallu itttsliclmmu , ottd I gladly reoltttttottl i hIghly to iity frleitds , Iiittw imig It t' , ho beneticlui to those trunlled stitlm klilnuy or hIs or ilieits , hlvsectfihly , yttira , iI.mimt : N0'it , April II , l8i. _ _ _ i ( , 8t. , Ho. $ . , . , 3ioas , A LAST MANUFACTURER , I lust u mmstqi I I Uitt's hioiitt5I' for thu kitlttey vottt. I holtit , aittl hosIng bucit fttlIy reatorti to health l.y Its use , I ( aim test Ify to Its use , ttI Ito , holly I rocotuitnetsi It to wiittu Otto of toy trIeit1 , oh of is hotti I kts , Ito , ii It'utt bvttemltoi Ii , ) ' its use , ( lrateftily , 010 , I' . COX. ! . .IaltlejiMass.Iril 23 , h5'J. A tI$1 $ T M1 A ti lb. . . .1 . ( root , , , i. , . f.r oliti ties. . Ire .111. usarr.i. l.a .tit"l , tq.liIty , , ss4 sbl5 I.e pcrrws , IIr , , . dull , . t.wtsrt , , e. . . 1 .t.rt.Iat , ss4 flga. , itI csr' & tII.yi .Wudi , .adIta. . . Ead..t,4 by4o'WIU I.t541W11 & 4 ( Ii. TA. M.diel Hsilp .s'el " Tb. eli pile ottsttsi Xraou. IiebllIy l'ly.lui ) isy .1 C. , to . .aprr'Ir4bi 'lIY. MAJbI'IOIC 111)1.55 , tras b.peia rs , . , . , aa sfuitat , , , 'ileiulsu 1. faIl emS per. 5n.'ii , , lhcte .1.etj , I.u&ai. 5u I 'r i.sit , , , Cnssd'atts aitli l'teisu ri. . U11.LITON llt1EDY 00. . 45 Thtlh SI , , Siw Tvx. ' The tico of tIle tcrHi ' Short S H 0 R1I' lute" lit cotitiection is lth the ' e.flp.iritto Itatno of a grefttr'ad , ' ( ' 0111(35 till Idea of jtt wbmatis rtMliilrei by the tmas ehiitg pills' I I 11 E hlcis Sheet 1.Itte , QuIck Time ' amid the io't of aet'otnmoda. I tloitq all of which are ftmn- , Itch ) by ( Ito greatest railway Itt Amiicrli'n. C HIOAGOMILWAUKEE , And St. Paul. It Iloti , , timI n1cratt otor 4iOC ) ittilen of road in ' ' Nortlterit Ilhittoin , Viq'nmtii , , 1tltIIteItl , loiva anti I ) ol.itta ; intl ac It itmlit lItt. , traitehoi nittI c'nnnog. tloim renelt all tito great htiiimeni , tetitros of tlio Ntirtltwc4 amil I'ttr % 'ut , It Itatlirally ntaers , tlte ttOCrIfltIlit itt Short Iitte , atIti Ilest Route between ( 'ltictirt' , It lie attkee , St. l'alti attil Miiillsilohis. Cltk'agii , Mlloatmkeu , La , atIti % 'iitoit. Cltk'ago , Milwaukee , , % ienleci , and h'Jlettttalo , Cltit'ag , , , Iiltaik'O , l"itm Claire aitti Stiliwatcr. C1tiiigo , . ' .hlhaistmkee , Vitltsitti nitl , Merrihl. Cltlatgii , M Is amileo , llcaver Iotii amid Ositkoqh. ommuengt , , ? . .hilwalmki'o'tmkesltzt aril Oconimnowoo ( Cltleag' , If Ihivattee ) , 'tmtdloim and I'ralrle iltm Clmhon , Chicago , M ilwattl.eo , ( lwabitima cud Yalrlltault. CItieatu , Ileloit , , iattoii limo monl II lIteral h'ohttt. fl , ' Clmkaego , Eight , 1 t'ckfttrti aInl Ihiimmttc. . Citli'agi' , ( iltmtoIi , Iloik l.lamtl auth Cedar Cimica.g. . , ( oltnU , hiliOf. artil Ontitima. cmtlt'ng , Sint Cit ) . Slll Folk and \'attkton. Cittengu , tllI amikvo , hitcltell antt Clmontlcrlaln. ' htx'l I lamiiI , I ItIIlliltte , St. i'amih iett.l , ilttnenhohis. lal eiIurt , Calttutr , St. I'ttttl alit ! 3lliiltcaiIolts. l'tmllntat , Shet'mers toni the I'iiteet hittltig Cars In ( ho CC , irlii are nut Oil iltu ittrtiti liitt" . of thu C H I C MILWAUKEE ST. PAUL RAI A amtd us cry atteittt..ti hi 1,011 ( II uinMettgcrs iiy courts. Otis dtlthllOe'l of ( Ito .aItItatty , S. 4. Mtltlmll,1 , , A. V. II. CAhth'INTEIt , ( ieIt'l Naitager. ( Ieii'l l'asn. Agent. .7 , P. Ci..ltK , 010. It. hIlAhl'Oitl ) , ( leit'I Htmp't. Ass't ticii'l i'ans. Ag'S. Swift's Smiceltie hILts been the menus of brliightmg health altil hapittes , to thousatt.i. who were pro- tiommtu'etI Iiwttraile of hlhi.oil attil Skiti Iliseases. HEAR THE WITNESSES. HAVIl ) FhtOM A hiOhtlthill.i' DEATh ! . ' till to iIo ? ant I ItaI spoilt at IOMt five hiutidreti iloltora for truatinettt l.v mitany of the host , medical 111011 , it Itlttmtt any t.emtouit. I sitlTereil oxcrtmelathngly , . .nii all mity bent mtleitls uthyised ins that the Icy hand of .Ieathwasfantatpniitcltlttg. I caught at S. 8. 5. hIke a druwtthiig titan at astraw. Aftertaklimgtwts ilottlol I 'oiIi feel a eltatigo for time Itetter. The sores hogan to dIscharge freely aitti the illtetmmnatlsmtt to abate. 'Iiut , I ltaI tokumi six itottlos every sore had healed and mill' eItit 1egaii to annulmie a mtattim'aI appearamice. I perslteh imtttll I Itiul taken twelso hottlos , iarmto sIre , nmiil TIiEi1l IS 0)T A HYMI'l'Olt OF TmllS flmsIAsl : IIIIIAININU , amitl I feel as well as I over 'v , ( ! ' ' : did. I Itat U gaitted ; PIirttI Iii flesh , atmil " Ill ) ' trIoiitl tvoiittor lit mty Ilittirosed c..ttilitlon. f Itave recnnttiiettile.l It mimalty , autl Itt every Instaties with doltll.lito $ llCM5. I betters ( ltd S. S. 3 ha. savetf ltcfrussm Ce horrible , Ieft. C. ml. SMILEY , Quimicy , I. I amit Cliii' Iltot Swift' . , Specific saved my life. r was terribly m.Ilst.Imcd 'slUm MalarIa , arid wits gIven mitt to die , SIt itt's Hiecific relIeved tim promptly ammil etttirely. I tltink It I. the rolnotly of titu age , (1. (1. Si'ENClIt , Stmp'tGas Vurks , fouls , Ga. Writs for ac0y of the hittlo ltook-frec , SI 000 Rownrd wIto mii mild , ( lii thu aitahysls of loll hiottle 8. 5. 8. , Otto hartlclo itt Mercury , IodIde l'otasslunt , or aimy , uliteral tuimturico. rim stvirr SPICIFIC Co. llrawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. , DR. WHITTIER , 617 Sf , Charles Sf , , St. Louis , Mo , A IIIGULAIL ( IItAIIUATII of two mnotilc&l colIeg , baa hecit eigagoii ; Ioitger hi thu tretinent Of OmlitON- 10 ' NIltVItlS ( , SKIN ANIhUtuh ) Diseases titan any otl'ior itlosiclaim Iii St. Lttuls , as city railers show and all clii rosltleitts know , Comisultatlun free and invited. Whet , it Is Itteintyctiletit to vIsIt tite city for treat- ittent , mttetllciitc caim Ito semtt by litail irexprcss everywhere - where , Ctmrabio casci. guaramttced where doubt cx- letti It Is frttmikly stated. Call or write. Nervotm. i'rnstrtatlumm , Iebllity , 5hontl and l'hiyshcat Vcakmieas , Mercurial itttd eLliot atioctlons of Throat , ttfcmu : and litti'eiililuo.llmimpurltios atal Blood l'oiaon- lug , Sklmm amtitctI.tit , Old Sores amid Ulcers , ImpedI. nicutil to Marriage , itltculitatisnm , l'llcs. Specialat- _ teiiffoiticattei frtlmml oserworketlbraln.HUiWIt.'AI. _ iIsut rvcdIo s1ectaf atteittloim. Diseases arIli from Imittiruileitce , Excesses , Indulgence. , MARRIAaE O-t7Xfl. mnarrywhmomayno why , causes , cultemuemtces and a to. Sailed for 25o ; postage or slalom. , Md&wly It ! ) UPUflPDflT A regmilar graduate lie lilt , l1iIIJii1WU11 , nisilkiiio. Over sIxteen ( loCailil ( \Vyiendotto 141. . years' practice-twelve Ia KANHAH CiTY , 110. ChIcago. . Authorized by the state to trea. . Cltruttlc , Nervous amid i'rivato diseases , a Astititia , Ipilepsy , hthetimnatismii 1'Lhce , 'felts Vonii , ( ? rltmary arid Skin hIs. ousesHemnlmtalWoakneesnlghttiossco ( ) , Suamial lk'bility ( losS mif soxuai rower ) . etc , Ctmrus guaramttectl or mitottey rCftlitk5l. Charges h.s' . 'ilitisoniis of eases cuteil. No Injurious mnodl- cmos fttrmilshtai ( nell (4 , patiemtt at a dlsttttlce. Con- , , uIatIoi free anti ( ' . .nthlhctitIaI-eall or terIte' ago antS experIence are iltiltflttallt , A liIOl for buIlt sexes- Illustrated aitil clreuiors of other things ccItt seolesi ftlr too 3 ccItt statithis , 1 ItIE MUtIJM : f lii ed eod.w - - - BASE BALL ! ! , Ilwo GAMES , ' Leaffvilie B1ue . ' lliOli Pacilic 1 Friday , July 27th , met 4:15 Is. mu. Saturday , July 2.3tm ) , at 3:45 : , AdtnIssioll 25c , Oranti Staitti 2.o vtra , gsJFrot , Ust hOsitIbdlY suspended , MCCARTHY & BURKE , UNDERTAKERS ! ' 128 14TH STREET , BET. I'AItNAL ' ' AD DOUGLAS. , -