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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1883)
THE DAILY BEE ° UMAilA , FRIDAY JULY 20. 1383. 6 B , \ r0 NraNaAINVa D he Only Perfect substitute for Mother ' s the mod nourlshingdlctlor Invnlida and nuninQ matheni. ( ommel ? e t by sill rh sldans , Nce InaI1cllmate. Sold by allinii Ita.,5eeula. ten ( for the ) nmphlet. 'GSlgr'ALF& o. me.tu&th.20m 4I Cent rmiiWharf , l3 Mo , . _ t t Q } P k , 0 a D i m ( ' ( 1 I Q r ° SVEEIt'S F0 ur ; (4rap a . 1ne Ueed in the prlndpal churches for communion putpeca , XCELLE ' 1IFOBRAIIES , ANt/wEAKLTaI'ERsoNs : AND TiIC AGED , Speer's ' Pod , Grape 1Nine FOUR YF.AitSIOLD. , . Tonic and Strengthening . Prop- erfies. , MO unwrpas8od by any other native wine. Doing the pure juice of the Grape , ' .nsluced under Mr Speer' ow n'per1orral snpwnlalon , the. Imrity , mid genuineness are "guaranteed. The youngest child can F.artake of Ito igenerous quaUtica , andthe weakest inralld urn It to advanta'e. R is partlculnrly bcne fldM to the aged and dObaitatal , cold Nulted to thu various allmcnta that effect the weakerex. It is In ecery respect a wine TO DE RELIEDION k3 SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY. rIhe ' . J. SIIEitRY to a wino of an valor character , and m.artakca of the rich qualltlea or the grape from which it la nna.lo. For purity , rlchnaea , flavor and medicinal purposes , It will be found unexcelled. SPEER'S P.J.BRANDY. . . . J Th1abrandy stands unriatlallnthIscountry , bean ' , urpoacs , It b a pure distlllatlon Iron the grape , and con. ( aim valuable medical promcrties. ) thasa delicate flavor , almilar to that of the grape , ' tom which It 'la distilled , and la hr great favor ' * among flrut.elasa families. 9 See that the aignaturo of ALFRED SPEER , I' aealo' N. S. , is over the cork of each bottle. Sold by Kennard Dro'a & Co. , S [ , Parr , Schroter & v Becht , D. V. Saxe.JaicForsythe andJ.6. I'anter. H , H , MARHOFF r , pup " ' . eta 0.1 ; E a ; . r p IIp , = r' ' 4 i 1 , o t c.wrPr. r , pol(716H ( 1 "Itllld , ll ; q , H ! r i MANUFACTURER , WHOLESALE & RETAIL Millard Hotel Block , I OMAHA , NEB. c NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY. DAVIS ' ' 1. ' - A' r dSUCCFSSOitsTO ( DAVIS & SNYDER. ) rfP Oaeeral U'alcr lnl _ J REAL . 'ESTATE i ( It05FARNABST , . . tWAIfA. I''p Hake for Bale ? 00,000 acre. carefully aelecte d lands k1 P In E&ttorn Nebraaka , at law price and on early tern. . i Improsed farm. for , ale hr poulaa , Dodge , Cuhfax , tteBurt , Coming , Sar'y , Wahlugton , Alurlck , . eder. , and Butler Cowttlua. ? i Taxes laid In allyarte of the 81. e. Money l.anodonlmproredfarina. f wNota9' Public Always In olaeo. Correpondenco JOHN CLARKE. a . , Oldest Real Estate Agent. Notary Public and Pra ; ficaf Con- II A 1 . Clarke aella llauaee and Lot. , Residence Lota and u Boalneaa LoG all over the city , and all addition. , is I .htea improved and unlmpruved tan , . luacr thar , any other wont. _ mar 16- I h aT. a C El ai l'tT l. hit 4 j + 4 , , , S , E. Core Farnam and Tenth Sts , t ' , ) P'v c ' BVY1YA8T.OFIgCLOTtUNa. ; ; GBEST O. BH PlBIfE PAID Bin _ _ _ . nfaend ' - ' 'JE .HOII E oasaluo ao d CI1 I E heel as two f t ' SURVEYOR. ) f Smadal itteotlon to Sunoping Tows Addit ow an y 1 S'Aa. &hc.F + lhrulpul EaeaY&UtnP , lfakla I f IeIf & . ± Ie r OVER TIIE FIRST NATIO1jALa DAN 6 19 OHAIEA , 4611 , ? 'd l , tn' n' s. . .or rz z e : THE OPERATORS' CASE , Illcmorial of ilic Tclc raphcrs aiid a Recital of Their Gricoauccsl LongILurs , I'oor I'ny unit Tyrnnlcnl Oppresslon , The following is an oficinl stntcutent from the executn o uIlcars ( of the Broth. orhoud of Tolcgraphe x , concerning the difl'CUlLICS ' oxistuig between telegraphm compallieA mid 1111(1 their mnployes. TINA statofiient ja furnished to the press iii or do that the public any not be deceived by unnutlIorued statennents which niay etnulnte from irresponsible parties , On Aloldnv .July lhti , the executive hoard of the Brotherhood of Telegraph. el-s of the United Ssntea and Canna re Ao 1cd to the executive officers of savetwl commercial telegraph contpnnies of the United Stntea and Cnnndn , n uia morial placing before the cotupnuies the grievalices of the operators 1(11(1 employes generally , mil petitauiug for the redresa of the . ' 'Ito coinpaniae to wncn the uiolnorinl was presented enbraeo the following ; In Cnnndn , the Great North. western aiut the Mutual Union , 111 time United States , the \\'esteru Union , ltit. tun ! U111a11 , American J8 1)i(1 ) ( , lbtltuuoro 0.11(1 Ohio ( Commercial ) Ncw York Amuricnn District , nod tole Now York Ahitual Diatrict telegraph cenpnnies ; also , the Afotropolitan telephone eon , pang of Now Pork and the Cliictgo telc phomie comiIpany of Chicago , Thu bills of grioymIcc $ 1\p As follows : Ayt)1iIdAN COMMEItCIAL INTFIl1 : STB. SECTION I. Believing that nian'a phys cal 1111(1 ( muutal welfare requires that at Ieavt nee rho ) in seven be accorded Hint for rest and recreation , we ask for the t4)tnl nbolitioti of SumidBy duty , unless COilq ) ( lamtiel (49 extra service. SEo. 2. 'l'liat eight nouns 1411011 costi tutu n regular day's work , ( old seven hours m regular night's work , and that both : sexes squall receive equal pay for equal work. SEC. 3. 'flint n universal increase of 15 pep cent on all salaries smiail ho petitioned now' for. CANADIAN COVMEIWiAL INTEIihST $ . Tnc memorial of the Canadian Commercial - mercial telegraph mnployes is idunticl with that presented by the American cnl- pldyes , with tldo uxcgptiou of Section 1 , which asks for a faxed compensation for Sunday work of forty cents ) or hour ; Section 3 that salaries now mid shall be increased according to the following schedule- ; Employee now receiving , a bo per niQntlt and niuntlt amid upivaral , 10 per cent increase ; umployes receiving fromii $45 to $65 per nionth , 15 per cent increase ; employes receiving $35 to $45 per month , 20 per cent increase ; and that to a lowest salary paid shall 1)0 $35 per nnoitll. This applies to all practical telu- graplmic mmiployos , sucliasepenttorscierks fund linemen. Tim American Memorial make for the linemen , that eight flours shall constitute a days work ; that compensation at the Iate of two day's psi .shall be allowed for all Sunday work , ; that the lowest salary paid a regular lineuum shall be sixty-five dollars per mouths 1111(1 for helpers fifty dellnrs per ntoith , and that the ( lutles of linemen shall be eontined solely to their legitimate work. Thu America Afamorial petitions on behalf of the firstclassVllentstono opur- titers , tint they shall be paid at the rate of seventy five dollars per month , and for the second class oporatorsixty dollars per mouth that wnrkinr hours shall be the snuie as tau apcrnkns. This Completes the several Memorials. ( Thu firstelmsVheptstonu operators are at prenolit time recorvagbut$50permontli , and second class operators but $30 , ) The mmnbers of the Brotherhood claim that thiiir organization is the result of the t initial and nmijust treatment meted out to t11cm during tire hest ton , and that their demands are not easonblu , in view of time systomntic reductions unit navu hums forced upon , thou ( at difl'erunt times by the \Vustorn Union Telegraph Company , winch fixes time st iidard of wages for tim United Shites and Canada They give time following suggestive facts in ( support ej their claims : Between the years 1870 and 187't , two gomioral reduc- toes took place throughout the country , amounting t ) about forty-five per cent. From 1874 to 1877 , local supurimitmulonts milnnutagels ill order to curry favor with thu company , vied with each other in economic suggestions. In 1878 , time executive officers seeing time taco smifnitit so tamely to this process , became bolder and announced time famous ( or infanlousj sliding scale pr general reduction of from five to twenty-live per cunt on all omii- ptoyue6.This instrument had the quali ty of sliding but ore way , ( doivuwwnrd ) , and wrus followed by ninny comtem1)tible and underhand uamisuros. Protests were sett front all points with. out avail , Time Company's official journal - nal containing the order , with an audacity - ity unparalleled , had published on the 881110 m1. . a the rreport. showing lrofitquarterly increased and nword of mix dan ation in trio editorial columns na to time inconsistuney. Salaries were dopnecmat- jng everywhere. Whuu the 'grads- Lion" was announced , it was mistaken at first for an olive branch , but it was soon plain that it was concocted for thu pur- 1)eaa of cutting deeper than the provtou " mothod. In 1870 a secret circular emanated frdu m tlmo execu .ru duparttmunt- instructing supurintmldants that all vacacios Mine t be filled ltt five dollars loss per nionth , titan received by previous occupants. Thu infamous seunho had time desired effect , as under its working , salaries dropped pod in six mouths to tarty dollars mama l lift dolhara-north , south , , east mind west Everybody bocnnlu discouraged and du moralized. . Those who could leave tl1 u business did so. Time outlook until 188 0 was vury dark , all classes being dismayed amid illdhgltaiit. During flint' year tin American Union amid other rc mnputimi g telegraph coma ) muus , conpullud tit o Westurn Union Cumin Ian to slightly ad vance sumo salaries in order to osis their bust nlwt , but iuuuediiltuly after tit conaolidatiol of tlwso coulpmiles , the sys tonmatie reduction of smlares wits agau imiaiguited. After time ahlootingofl'rus idmit Gnrtiulal , time volume of ilusntuss in creased to such an extent , thaat furtlmo reductions for the tinese buimig ceased. I Ii is quito ' obable that time forTUition o Local An'ssenblics of time Brothu 11oa d throughout time United Status amid Canada ' Juts provmmtod mummy f urthur reductions 'I'ho mmubum of the Brotherhood foe inat they are nov strong enough to war ' rant thomi im dmnandiug of time vamiou tulegmpim cmnpm mios n partial rustormdiot to time stmdard of salaries paid before tim 1h10r'Ciless mid systurnatic''sgneuzes"wor nuilo. Time following is a brief mix imula d lion of tire several clauses embraced f rho bill of ( , , rmuvaihcos presented to time to d egra h comnpauics of time United State d Bud mmada , g BUNDAY 1voRR. , It is abnost unmiuccssary to call attez I tlun to the well known fact that Si branches of labor , skilled and unskilled , whcu required to perform Sunday work , receive extra , and in many cases double pay for such work , \vhicld is not time case with telegraphic eulployes , wlw arc sit resort required to iemforn such service without extra ) , 1101.1. $ ( IF 1 % 1mO1L Telegraph operators are required to possess skill of n high order ; their occu latiel is confi11hig and continuous mid 1111011 thorn is concentrated t11o gravest responsibilities , and this responsibility is crnet5nt , 511(1 oIpressive. ) It wears alike u'an ' mind amid body suit h1 pairs time ehMticit' of both hile it always (10 maids time best conditimms of botim. 'fume lateVilliammi Orton , president of time \Vestcrn I.'niou telegraph cmnpnuy , whose executive ability and gemioral knowledge ml all subjects pcrtaming to telegraphy cannot be I tlCAtiOtlel , tCAttflel ( before n coi ressioml conuuitteo that tulu gra rh operators could not perform daily inoru than six beers of coilhmous Inbur without endnmt crimi' tlmoir henltlm cause umitly the domiuuul for eight hours for tin' and seven hours for night work is lILlie Cl to lie renlonnble and 'net. In n number of time rrimici ai otlices soeii liolu scomintituleit nilht's work at the present ti ime , butt it is clnjmited by titent that tlmuy have no unforum ( systeml of working h ours , it being o ) tioual with lo. cal man gers ter regulate Mime snub e , and lvlmo to curry favor with their superiors frequemtly 11111)030 extra working hours Ii ) an time uuprotected operator in order they uiay show oeomiontical manage- meat. axplanatiom of time dumiuaud for a general incruaso of 15 per cent , it is only nucessary to call attention to time fret qummt reductions that navu bcmt made , notwithstaudizg : the net profit ( ' of hand- hug messages are much ) greater than to formur years , occasioned by im proved machinery mi nd more skillful labor now employed. WNEATSTONE 01'IRATOiL9. The seemning axitorbitaut demand in favor of time wlteatstono ' operator's 19 ox- plajnml as follows ; Twelve months ago a miutnbor of exports ware imported front Englnud , v'1iim time undoretanding that mm soon as time Aystmu was put in practical oporatjol they would be fairly conpen- sated. On the first of Marcim of time ppresent year tlmcy began work , and were informed by the nmnnngor that their a ! lowmumcu was to be $50 per month , at time satin tiuma giving tlmenn to understand that mum they succeeded in dovelopimig time systemic their position would improve. Five ntomths have elapsed , and altlmouglm they have bent fully emm aged during that time , and are now ( long nearly three tidies the amount of work done in time opening month , they lave not yet re- crated any iluiCation ( tlmt their imitorests or salaries , which tLoy deont wholly imiad- equate , are to be imimprovwl. STATISTICS , Time Brotherhood ofTolegrglmors leas n Seminal statisticiml , and also a local stat- lstciamm mil nearly every city and town i1 the United States amid Canada. Complete statistics have boot gathered , and show. time following gmmaral averages of wages paid at preeemit tines. Thu average pay for cotnmcr pal operators in time llnited States is 554.93 per month ; average for comimimercid operators of Cnnndn is $37.'lt ) per nuumth ; average of railroad operators sit the United States is $39.50 ; average for railroad operatorsimiCauadais$29.19. It should ho borne in mind that operators are not allowed extra coulpmisatiomi for Sunday work , amid that the railroad operators sit stations n'hero but one maim is employed are required to work from fourteen to sixteen hmoura lpar da' and ou nine ' roads are ru uircd to sleep iii or convenient to their ofiicea so that they uma ho called to receive orders for do la Y ed , amid obtaimi a eel1) for wrecked trains. These cmlis o : mummy roads mire of frequent occurrence. A COSTLY Sl'11RK. Over it 1lfllllon Dollars' Worth of I'z Icrty Destroletl by Fire in New Yorlt. Nm : s' Yong , July i9.-At about 10,30 , o'clock this nwruimig n spark front min eil- gi11o fell into a mile of jute which hind just been landed in IIarbeck's dock fron time slmi "Lawrmtce " f Calcutta ' ) Damp , otmi - cutta , 'rime ( lock wag filled ith a Imes n of , ute and eoffue. The Raines spread with rapidity aamid in a fey niimiutcs tlmo entire ockwas ablaze , Time "Damn ) " was the first vessel t0 catch fire and all liar rigging was burned before time could be towed out. Next to her on time south suite of time dock was time allip "Parse- vermtco , " muse fronm Caleltta , which arrived yesterday , mad an the north silo hay the snip "Col. Adams , " front Calcutta. To both these vessels time thanes domiulunieatml , mid the crews jmuped overboard for safeVhel ; time firenmomi ranched time dock the s111.lpo . ) rts of the roof gave way , hurnimig one dozeu firemml amid the dock hands heteatim time ruins , A rescuing party was quickly fornmd mid time mcn dragged out frou the blazing rafters. Noun wee dead but nil immure or less burucd 511(1 bruised , Jne t that a raw oceu rediu time crowd nod time chief of the batlliou gate orders to clea r time dock as time ship Lawrence Dolap , which was now 011 lire above mid below , as her lmold contraband 4,500 , po11nds o f salt putro. A resit was made by tie crowd to the further cad of time dock. \Vhilu thus was going on time hoistin g derrielt , from witch the supports loud d been burned , full over 0n time wharf with : a crash , knocking two dockniom overboard. Custom house Imispectp r Iiarradin , fn attempting to escape firm rI time suit ) Colomcl Admmis , was booms d about the face and hmuids. Time simi ) s Pursevoranee and Colenol Adamu 11al l tide tines boon towed far omit into tit e time strewn , and time tugs poured strennm ea into their 11(11(16. ( Time efforts of limo fire mod were iuaimily directed to uxtimignislt fag the flnmemu on board thuLavluneu Do lap , min whack it was momuuutarily fmurel rut OXPlosion would take place. At 11:3 : 0t she vvms still blazing fiercely. Time oxtuR . of time losses are umknowmm but are doubt I less heavy. LATlm.-Timu district ollicer at liar beck's ducks status the captain of tit I Lmwremicu Dulap , with his wife and dire - citildrel , wume reimited drowned. ' 1'iv . deck hands were also reported drowns ( I. and a sailor killed by filling timbers The loss is now Csthlmtutl hetwee $2,000 , f 000 and 83,000,000 , , ' 1'lueu mini w ere some to throw tit i trunk of Captain Grove , of time slmip Iauiv . Twice Iolnp evuebonrl , comhtinimio $1.0 , 1 000 hl tc ash , mu1.$4,000 is o tth of jewel . ry belonging to his wifi ( , It eras ) ieke ( 6 mm I by river thieves , l lmo wife eel chip m of firs caIItiin lvuro saved. Twelve fire u umeil wuru badly iujurod by time fallimig ii 0 of time roof of lima pier , b it only onu i thought fatlly hurt , 'Floe slmi p Delitl l u is llmTmod to the waters edge. .She w1 vidued , with cargo , sit $150,000. ' 1'h s ship Colonel Adams wits burned at tit pier. Time bark I'ormmevennmeo flontu(1 on unto limo streain mid burtud to the water' edge. ' 'rho total loss is note uathuated a 1 e1,000,000. AMERICAN SARDINES , Ifo r the Natioc llerricg llecoll1cs a Fall Flcdgcd Foroi ilcrr. ' A Mains Industry Employing hundreds of Persons aud Sending Out Thousands of Boxes Dally---The Differ- . out Processes , Correepondcuce Philadelphia from. Po1TLAND , Mo.-It is not' gotiecill kmiowil that very few if any , sardines are inh1ported. Nearly all time fish d in America condo from time southeast corner - nor of tills state. At Eastport there are uinotemm places wnero they turn out sardines - dines ; at Lubco , three , and along time coast sit ( liferent ports many otimors are found , The process of proparatiomi is very Intorestitlg. To catch time fish small trees or bnmsh nro thrust into time bottom of little hays or directly into time raajn body of water. They arearrmmgcd in a line quito close to. gotimer , running out fruti time shores seine e0 or 100 fcetf then curved like n horse. ahoc , with a Imo returning to the shore. lit this is placed a act. At time proper tidal monneimt , the net is raised and time fish taken up iii scoop nets. Time fish are miot sarliues at all , but amnll herring , Time catch is alsgaysvoryuncertain. Sommme- times otnly a bushel or two will be taken , and at others so ulnnY as to oltlami { , gar time safety of time not. After being placed in the boats , they are at once tatkml to the packing place and laid upon long tables in Imeaps. Time first stop requires tlto cuttimio off of time Itead and tlu Pdnlovnl of the eutrala , The ( logreo of dexterity with wlmiclt both of these operatiola is performed is astonishing - ing , especially as they are dune entirely UY very Youn g cimildren. Time writer couple one little girl's work during a nminuto nu(1 found site decapitated ad removed time interior portions of eighty fish in that timme. Boha operations ae done witlm ore stroke of the knife. Time head is nearly aevcred front time body , null the' knife is the : pulled sli lmtl away from time fish , remving thn one canal which couposes time entire digestive urran seem. A large box holdmg about a bushel lies directly sit thme feet of each operative , into wrcll the frslm slides , wlmilo time head is thrown by the samno stroke into (1notlmer. Tme pay for this work is ton cmmts foreach box ful. Sane of Limo amore exports niako from $1 to $1.50 n day , ' DmloILINo ANI ) I'ACRINO. Tito fish , are than placed in warm water , which is alightly agitated in order. to clmmuso thmomn tlmoroughmly. After this necessary - cessary precaution timoy are placed on very large gridirons , of which time bars are thin and wide apart , and are thou suspmidod over a very hot fire , where they are partly brtiiled. These gridirons are called "flakes , " mud hold about 120 fish. The sardines are placed in position on time "flakes" by littlogirlgf , who receive tan cents for fllingevory hundred. After broiling , the fisim are ready for the boxes. These are already prepared with : time attractive French dnbCls , stating that time inclosed are "Sardines a l'Imdosuper- ' iev re , and others elaimit to contain rll lrudo d'Oline , " but this is false. Time oil is cottonseed , pure amid simple , and is not always of the bust quality. Time first quality of oil is used , however , for those sardines sold as prime. Time boxing or lacking is another brammcli of time operation at which time lit. tie pcop(1o are quito expert. A fisim is seized iii each hand amend laid lengthwise in time box , first a ] mead at the outer end and then n tail. In watching time lacking nu observer is struck with time idea that it is muclm easier to put them in the box than to take them out : After time box is full a small quantity of cotton-seed oil ? about half a gill , is pourml fn , and it is then passed to auothcr set of girls , who place time bottoms iii position. Timese fit snugly just iilsido time outer rim and rest npotm a little shlouldor of tin. Time boxes are now ready for the scal- ars. These mime : sit at long tables , and each one hiss a little stove and soldering iron at his side. Time box is placed in a little grooved platform , whichm forms time top of n rovolviug frauto , extending below the table and worked by time feet. The solder , in long thin sticks or coils , is placed about half an inch above time end of time hot copper pointed iron , mid is rapidly melted , running down afomib time pout and filing up time groove. After slightly scratching with the ( point of the copper a lumber or mark to indicate the sealer , whose identity is thereby estab- Iis11o(1 iii case of bad work , time boxes are taken to mum imalmmse cauldron , whore the contents nro boiled for two hours , thus coutldotjug time cooking process and dia- solvmg time bones of the fish. TIIE FINALritOCE8sES. After boiling , time boxes arc placed side by side , and a small hole is punctured jut one corner , in order to ermimit the air , which vmts lmeccssmr'llY scaled in time box , to escape. This sonmutinmos cones witht a sudden spurt , throwing a tiny strain of steno : amid lhot oil in all diructmuus. Lmi- tmmediatel after this a boy seals time hole with solder , amid time box is them 1placed rwith others fu a rovolviug clamber pertly filled with sawdust. A few revolmitiotis cleanse thonm of all dirt amid oil , and they are thhei ready for testing , Eaclm box is Gukom up separately between' time tinnnb amid finger snit slightly pressed. If it folds there is a hole somile imere lhrou glm which air enters time box or there is still sonmu rmnainimig air which did not escape wlhmm the box was piurced. It is thrown I aside and ruturled t ) time monitor , who moat pay time value of the boxthuaspoiled. T hu final nandling is done wimml the sar- dines are packed 111 large wooden boxes for shipmmmt , Alnast time entire product is ship led to Now York whence it is sold to retailers tiirotmgimout time country , One of the eatablisluummts fn Lubuo preptures about 4,000 boxes daily. When it is remembered that tlmeu mire nmiioteon such places in t Easlpnrt maul mnuy otlmors at different seaport towns , time unormnoms Comisutuptiun of time gentle herring masquunmding uudor time nobler title may be seon. Time aettuul o cost per box , inel11ding all expenses , is e five cents. Time profit mnde by time I packer's souietiumesroachussevmlmunl siu a i cents , limit is of tenor loss. Time diflcrenC e between thaw ) uud time cousnniers' - ' uxpmilituro is lost in time different hnull 8 tlmrouglm wniuh time fish pass , 011'orntg 1114. PlrcvauauJuly ,18-District 't'hree - Knights of Labor , imeld a umoetimm g to. . 1 night amid atSSCllm'Csulutiolls tenderimm 6 1 financial aid to tulegraplmes iii case of a strike , . . . _ m - - - - .m-- s Time ( l. It , It. Itenmilon , ) DENVnu July 10-1'llo couulittoo it t a charge of tlmu ontortaiuuleIit of time grant d u array ropprt uvervthing jim rondiuoss fo C I timeir rucoptiomi. 1'lmq camp twill be liglmt I ytl time first tiino toahight by electricity a from tvule towers , preducum g gran d t effects , Time docarmttous thmrou glholt tin city already surpass aungtlminb of the kind 1 over attempted in tlmo west. Tim on- campnomlt certahuly will be the largest and most importamit over hold. Delega tines are begtnuing to arrive. Time Snenucrfcst. BUFFALO , July 10-Time grand paindo of the Sneugerfest societies this morning was very large. In the evening a sucjal omit-dofestival was held amid 8,000 seats occupicl. Time sale of seats for time festival aggregated $27,850 ; ex rinses to siu ers $6,845 ; hotel and railroad ex- pcDhtures ( , $15,800. , Thorn will be a grand excursion to Niagara Falls to mor row ; lie Shot to Kill , PninAmgl.I'IIiA , , Pa .July 1U-Toscph Staegamer a saloon keeper of Market street simot his wife lend amid then killed lmimself. Aloney miatters are supposed to be time cause of time tragedy. Mrs. Staegamer , whmm she became a widow , umarried Slaegaumcr , her husband's ' hired man. Ilorsford's Acid Phosphate. Be waroofilmltatlons ; , Imitations (114(1 counterfeits have again appeared. Be nure that the word "lIons roll ! ) " is on the wrapper. None are gmi- uino without it. 1'EitSONAL. lion , , II. Kyner left for Odgen yesterday. Sheriff B.1" . I'inne ) , of Grceley , Col , , went west ta doy. Contractor Collins , of the Oregon Short Line , went west yesterday , Miss Amman Downs , Miss Jessie Smtlm ( and Miss Carlotta Dowm returned from St , Louis Sunday. John G , .Tacobs amid family left on tiiomioon trahi today for California , for a three month's absence , Mrs. F. B , Baker and her daughter Woo- tie , anti son Ifeary , loft yesterday for Saratoga - toga Sprim rs , to spend time sumiuncr. AIr. J. G. Pollock , U P , agent at Madison , Ifni. Chas , P. Mathewson nod Dr , Alex. Boar , left for home today after a two days visit to the metropolis. Miss Mary Andrew. , teacher of the class in fire arts , visited the clmarmiug Pries lake Tuesday - day , mod made some very line sketches of that romnmdic place. Col. It. B. Boath , and Gen. John Taylor , of Philadelphia , arc at time Millard. They are delegates to the G , A , It , national encampment - ment at Berner , Dr , J. C. Tucker , medical director of the G. A. It. , of California , is in the city , mad will leave in a tiny or two for Ima er to attend the national a campmiient , to wlticlm ho is a delegate - gate , J. E. Cartright , city editor of Tim Platte. mouth JiiUillah , and .1 , l'ottison , jr. , are in town as witnesses of the final game between the 'Port. Hurons amid Omaha's best club , the U. 1''s. e * Far more valuable than tlmoso golden apples of Hesperides are the lift , health mmd beauty \Vonlanhood. . Mrs , Pink- imam's Vegetable compound restores and reserves all these. Tfl3T "KNOWLEDGE IS I'OWER NEEDS NO DEMONSTRATION , AND 1IE WI1O RY FCI'EItIUNCC ENows Tim VALUE OF TAR- RANTS SELTZER APERIENT h OES NOT NEED TO BE TOLD THAT HE ILLS IT WITHIN 1118 POWEII TO SVAIID OFF FEVERS , BILIOUS ATFACitS , IIEADACIIFS , AND ALL TIIE ILLS RISING FI1OM A DI8oitDEItnti STOMACH , LIVEIt a BOWELS. A TEAIII'OONFUL IN A GLASS OF WATEIt , BEFORE EATING , ACTS LINE ACIEAIiM , AND NO SVISE MAN WILL BE WITIIOUT IT. Fort S.1LE BY ALL DhiuGOISTS. E , L. Morse & Co. , REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. 1622 Capitol Avenue. on SALE-Two houses and iota in McCandllsh II placeBIOWandPl,25o,3cash balance on long tlmo at 8 per cent. Two Iota In Shlnn'a addition $700 each 100 cad , , balance In 6 equal annual paytncnta at 8 per scut. 170 micro farm near Creston Iona , 10 acres timber , 45 acme corn , 20 acres timothy and clover. Teams , stock , & fanning im'illuients ' w111 be , old with the place If desired. Price t21. per acre. Seven lots In Yates and hoed , addition eIeo each I cash balance on fee. Cpeaiest , lots In time dty. Two and nnehalf acres flnciyhnproued and nicely located , goal eottagehouso of 5 romus brick cellar and good well , 100 bearing fruit trees , besides other .mall fruits , x911 be cold at a bargnln , good reaonfor selling , for particulars Ball at office. Forty acres , 3 miles N. SV , of city , 2 houses , 2 hams , 2 wella 1000 bearlrig fruit trees amid { , rape sinus , all under cultivation. Price $ Trio hundred acres I mile N. W. of Elklionr Statlon,145 acres cultivated , lalanco mastureo , llomres , bane , and living wator. l'rlcu $ r.OOO , 3 cash hal slice min lime at e p cr cent' Tao Inwdrnt .and slaty three acre .took faun in Douglas comely Neb. , hnproved. ' 'rice i 2t per acre. Choice farm of 100 acres , only two mile. from the city of Yanktun , D. T ten dollars per acre , ( f taken Iunnetllntely. Nlcu house and lot at ( Irmid Leland , Neb. Lot 60x13'2. ( load sell , shade trees. Can bu purchased at the low 'rlco ' of (11100. 40o cash , balance on time. Three sire lot , , 00x132 at Grand Island , Neb. Only $75 each. Twenty to thirty houses for rent. L _ oans Negotiated' ORDINANCE N0 , 505. Orderhr 6g that part of Eleventh street in 1'aing Dhtrlet No. 3 , alul that lart of Fourteenth street In I'avhi kg 1)iatrlcl No. 0 , and that fart of Fifteenth streettn l'athig Itotrkt No. 7laued with Colorado Sand atone , ant ordertug that part of Twelfth street In Paving District No , 4 , and that fart of Thirteenth street in faring Dlslrltt No. 5 , lased with Sioux Falls tiranitoocordlng to speriacutlon. ern aloin the office of the Ikon ) of 1'ubllo 1Vort. of said city , and requiring said lineal of l'ublio Works to cause Bald paihig to ho done , lVheraaa , the Mayor and City Council of the cityy of Gmahna had e , amid .le hereby lletemdne upon lima. tcrlol for aihig as nboeset forth , and whereas the owner. of limo Iota abutting on said streets hn each of bald di.trlcts,1s' ' etliely , bait failed to designate the u.tcrlal they thslro uoed In ruck laving , a ro' quiral by law ; thcretbro lie it ordalno.l by the Clty Council of thu city of Omclia ( 8rcrmux 1. That t of Fleseulh sttect in l'aing 1)l.trlct No. Sln saidarcity of ( huaha , mid that 'art ' of F.mIrtuuiini street ire I'aitug Iliotdct No , 0 In bald city , mired that 'art of fifteenth street lid l'allimg DIY. trict Noel Inwid elty ilu and time same are hereby tcgwctliely ordcrml mavau w ith Colorado Saud Stonu , acoalingtothescifleetlou.onSic iii the utliceof the hound of 1' mbliso SVorka of x01(1 elty. Sec. 2. That that part of T mcifth street in l'aulug Diotrlct No. 4lusaid eltyand ( list mart otTldrtterdh street iii 15av1"g District Nu.Sinaahl city , be and the wow nru hereby respathely ordered pawl , with Sioux Fulls (7raoite , sceonlhig to the r Icdfcatiow on Iliu in time unco ( of the lluanl of Public SVurka of said Sec. 3 , That said ilea , l of Public work , la amid I. hereby' unlere l to caure said lailuag to be dune a herein required lu each of wild district. Ssu 4 , 'Aunt tlmo cmty clerk ho and Is hereby dlrcetcd to deliver a copy' of this ordinance to each , ' .enam of uongauy uwniu ! or nmeratlug any street railway upon or across any of said streets In ae' of said die tricts and to report his action In that behalf as early as ' .racticahle to time Council , ' baa. 6. 'that this ordumaoro take effect and be h ( force from and after Its passage , I'rised July 10 , 1553. Attest : JJ. L. tl. Jawrrr , City Clerk. W , I. Ilasas , l'rwident City Council. Approied July 10th , 1993. C. S. CIlASEMayor. r AnheuserMBusch , 4110 t M Agk , BREVING ( ASSOCIATION i I I ' 1 CELEBRATED 1 , .4 Ke and Bottled Beer 1a This Excellent hoer speaks for itsoll , A . . 0 RD1ItS rItUliANY P AItT OF Tidlt . , . , , 66 SCNBfZE STATT. UIt TII ) ; ENTIItL 1VIST : , , ' 1 STlOUIS M0. ? Will be Promptly Shipped , ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD GEORGE HENNING Solo Agmmt for Omaha amend the West. Office Corner 13th and IIanmey Streets , E. Bs CHAPMAN & CO. , Wholesale Grocers ! : ' ' t 1213 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Double and Single Acfing Power and Hand PUMPS , STEAM PUMPS , r Engine Trimmings , Mining Macliineryp Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings , Steam Peeking at whalesale and retail , HALLADAY WINDMILLS , CHURCH , AND SCHOOL BELLS , Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb , Boiler OMAHA , - - - - NEBRASKA. Build all kinds of Steam Boilers. Smoke Stacks , Breeching lard , water and Oil Tank , , and do a genera plato iron huslueso. Itepairhig done In City and Country. All work Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted . ! Second handBoilers will bekept on hand. Ihevinghadmany years exerlenceInthetrade indlfferentparts of the country , Iamconfident Icangive rathlactlon , having the hest shop and tools iii time State. Shop car. 10th andPiercc Streets. J M. WILSON Protrlotor. ; T. SI1IILID9 MANUFACTURER OF I I 1 F1DIaIS1 ! ! . . Skylights &o Thirteenth Street nla Neb MAX MEYER & CO : IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS ! AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC D A I r' ! I PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7'Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. ' I AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : f Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES , M e 1 1 r Je H. CIBSON CIBSONllIACTOllY. . CORNER TWELFTII AND IIOWAIID TIttET& OMA IA , - - - - - 1'T:1 : : . l'articular attention given to reialring. Satin nt re enaranteed. COLD STORAGE FOR BUTTER & EGGS IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES AT SMALLCOST , tS lVarehouse and ItefrigeratoraOt,913 ; , , i03 , 807 hfovard street Omaha , Nob. Apply ti 1 Commission i , e a JULd 9 Mercn. > , at , * ( m1Pra SALEM i Tila Flour iii mute at Salem , Rlchardon Cot , Nebraska , u , the Cnmllinrd Roger Stone System. SYe rime ESCLtfSIVt sale of . our Sour to one flan lu a place , we lone opummed a brmch at 1619 Capitol ar 0ane , . . Omalma Vtmite forfrier. Address either ' 0'11.L73NTx : sTE eta T 2iI PY. ro10m4e Om S. Ieur or i d ,