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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1883)
- - - . - . , - - - - I The Nebi'askaNaz'onaBank ! . . . . .2OOO - - - I 'ItHt. J ailay Time Tahin. I r" - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 - . - - - - - - - - _ _ I _ S TIlE DAILY BEE--FRIDAY . ULY 2O 1883. 7 HARKNESS BRO'S ; h\ \ Dry Goods and Carpet House. liMo th srgcs Btock * nd choicest pMtere ct- iwrn . . Ever Brought to the City and at . . . , $ , . . IcwEiEL : : ! THAN EVER OFFEREDIN THIS VICINiTY. , f lb Not FII to Call ad Exale Stock Defore PurchasIg1 UARKNESS BFOSI 401 BROADWAY , . . COUNCIL BLUFFS. I L. A L A C E MUSIC HALL , I Thu Lrgcst nULl MOSt llc1ib1o House for Music , Toys aiM Falloy Goods. IN THE WEST. . WHOLESALE MID RETML. . 'Neber1 ' LIodean ad llaFdan Piaos1 YIesteFo , [ astero , Cottage1 Durdette Orgas FOR CASH OR ON TIME PAYMENTS. 3. 11r 13 I ] . E Et , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - . . . . IOWA. COUNCIL BLUEPS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. - - I ' The to1IowIn arc the tinie of airhul and departure ' of tran from the local depots. The trahis tart from. the Union Pacific depot about ton mnfiiute eartler than bclow btated , and arrive at the depot about ten InInute8 atcr. Trafn on pool 1ne and H. C. run on Chicago time , a half hour tuter than local. Wabash traiioi run on t. Louis time , twenty minutes faster than local. U. P. amid Lincoln traimis run on Council Bluffs time. cmucAGo , nocK ISLAXO u rcmvmc. Depart. Arrise. At1anticExt.:3Op. : mu. PaciflcExt . . . . .0:4 : ° in Ex and Mail' . . .D:5O. in. Ex and Mail' . .6:55 : P. lU Des Moinesac' . : Des Moines ae..tJ-b3 p. In. CHICAGO , IIUIILINUI0N AND QUINCY. ' Depart. ArrIve. ChkagoEx. . . 5:3.p.m. : Counall 13'uffs cx..fl.45 Mail amid Ec..9 45 m Mail and Ex..7OO m. in. cmucoo and NoatIrwEsrmnol. Depart Arrive. At'antic ' Ext . . . . . .j5 p m. Pacific Ext . . . .0:15 : a. in. Mail and Ex. . .0:20 a. in. mIaiI and Ex. .O:5 : p. in. Accom ( Sat.5O im. in. Accom ( Mon.1:45 : . in. KAN8AM CITY , liT. JOK AND COUNCIL. IILUFES. fL Iiepart. Arrive. . lull and Ex..Of5 ; a. in. Expreec..r p. in. Express..8:2. : p. iii. Mail and Ex. . .6:45 : im. in. . UNION i'ACII'IC. Depart. Airive. 'I Overland Orcr1amiiIE . . .4:00 : p. m. Lincoln Ex..11:20 a. in. Denver Ex. . . . . . a. in. Denver Ex..7:00 . : p. in. LociI Ex..6:30 : a. in. l Local . . . . . . . . . . . in. " } : x..9:05 : a. in. .l Emigrant..20 p. iii. " Ex..0:00 : a. In. WALISII , ST. WUIS AND PACIFIC. 1 ijepart. Arrive. 1 MalI and Ec..0:45 : a. m. Mall and Ex. . .4:30 : p. in. Cannon Bail. . . .4O : p. m. Cannon BaIl..11:05 : a. in. Sioux CITY AND PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive . , . For Sioux City.7 : & a. in. Fnn Sioux C1t36:50 : p.m. ForFirtNiobrara Friii Fort Niobntra * . . . . . . . . . . : . in. . . . . . . . . ' : & } . in. \or st. Paul. . . .7:40 : p. In. Froni SLPaiii..SO : a.nm. : cilicAao , MILWAVKEC AND St. PAUL. . Leaves Omaha. Ari e at Omaha. Mail and Ex. . . . 7:45 : a. in. ! PariticEx. . . . 0:45 : a. in. Atlantic Ex. . . . 340 p. iii. Mall amid Ex. . 7:25 : p. in. All trmin daily. ! CiiiCAOO , 1.IILWAUKEe AND H ? . PAUL. . I Leaves Council Illuff. Arivos Council Bluffe. Mail and Ex. . . .920 a. m. Mall andEx. . ' 6:55 p. i * . /ttlantic Ex. . . .15:15 : p. Imi. Atlantic Ex. .i9Lo : o. in. : COUNCil. IILUFI'II AND OMAhA STILF.1LT RAiLWAY. Leave Council Bluffs. Leae Omaha. , 8 a. in. D a. m 10a.m. 11 a. 8 a. in. 0 a. m. be. m. 11 in. I p. in. 2 l ) . in. 3 p.n. 4 I a. in. 1 In. 2p. in. 3 p. In. h , . In. 5 p. in. C p. in. I 4 p.m. 5 p. In. C p. in. , , Street care run halt hourly to the Union PacIfic depet. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at 0 . . o'clock a. in. , and run regularly during the day at 0 , ii , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 6 o clock , and run to city time. . , "FOR TABLE USE. " Tile iatiiral Mineral \ KAISER WATER , From Birresborn onthie Rhine. liecoinineniled S the highebt medical atithmoritic , . FitFI'K IIOLLINllEIt & CO. , Sele aients for the U S. and Canada , 115 , 117 , 119 , Elm 8trect , New York. u23.3m All ILo. lo ( roLl IuilrtIlo , . , ia.s , r clber cau.e. &r uuh.d. iiw .lIrIIe , 1hsically dr.In,4. nd , iLsbl , to l.frtorUi mir. ' . 4utic prolml , , cn l. cuIoi & .d iraft. cue4. .iorb IrndIrIQ , , Iidot.e4 b .leclori % n IatirI Ii.I LI , . pT. , . TII Mdl IfeIIy .c. Tb ol p" ortre.r 1Pel.ilIt. I'hy.I..I Ao , L I. .hii , uj.r,44 t Tii MAJ&TON IIImI.1 I' . " Te p hoivl. rm. . , . .uI , rcrt.Iis rIor.In I loll aI * : . . ted laNnh..oI. Su,1Ie , l.iuIal , Coi , Ir&II. U'm.i.IIn .th ib.k I. ire , . 4 . , , 'rmN T1RflLmV ( , O. . 4" my , 141h 10. . h.r P.4ILIA.OE BILLIARD HALL , 1204 Farnam Street. P. 1. MIuie , Propriotoi JAMES C. BRYAN , Managor. SEVEN NEW TABLES. Time hiandomcat Billiard Ifall In Oniahia. The flimemi Wines , Liquor. imilil Cigaro are Ilrovlileil for Patroni. - JOHN CIJACOBS. Formerly 01111 & Jacobi UNDERTAKER. - lliM8bafl11 & Taylor OFFER A NISV STOCIC OF WARE ; , , r FUJTASSO1LTiE.ST OF . , r'UILDERS' MATERIAL. , t I , ! . In Ilcoozo ( both. Qirpenter and' jit * . 'lool. , r Wanted ( Jutlery and Buf- I.falo I. Scales. . . k Street , . . OIJAIIA. esterD Cornice-Norks1 lItON AND St.ATE 1OOF1NG. C. SPECHT , PROP. 1111 Douglac St. . . Oniahia , Neb. MANUFACTUIUI OF Galvanizec Iron Cornices YPormcr WInuow , Flnlahq , Tin , Iron and Slate Roolimig , SpcPhit'm4 hiatent Metallic Skylight , Patent adjusted Ratchet Bar amiti Bracket Shel'ing. I am time gemicral aient for the nlxmve limmo of goods. Iron Fencing , Creatimigo. Hahtmstraleo , Veranda , , Iron flank ltaiiilmgs , ' .Vimulow Blinds , Collar Guarde ; also gemicral alrnt for l'ecrson & 11111 patent Inside Blind. DR. WHITTIER , 617 Sf , Charles St , , St. Louis , Mo , A I1EOULAIL OItADUATE of two medical enllegea , has been engaged longer in the treatment of CIIItON. 10 , NERVOUS , SIlN ANIBLOOL ) Dlscasc than any other phyaiclan lmi St. Louis , a. city hailer , liow amid all old residents 1010W. Conaultation tree amid invited. Whicrm it is inconvenient to visIt the city for treat. inent , mcdlcinca caII be sent by mmiii oroxprees every. where. CIIL-alJ1C caaes giinrnmmtced ; whore doubt cx. 1st , it Ia framiklv stated. Call or write. Ncrvoua Prootration , DebilIty , Memittil and l'hy.ical WcakncssMercurlal aIItI other alYectlona of Throat , SkIM atid flomics , Blood Imnpuritie amid Blood I'oison. lIiRj Skims affcctlomiaOld Sores andUleera , Impodi. inents to Marriage , lthtetimuati.iii , Pile , . SpecIal at. tention to cases troliimernorkctl braimi. SURGICAL CASES iectve peclal attention. 1)iaoasetiaribiiig from iniprudence , 1xccmtaes , Indulgence , , IiIarrytlio may not , why , . cauaca , conacquemicca and cure. Sailed for 2c ; postn.e or btamps , ti&w1y iI fI- ' u WI ItE ACIcNOWLEDGEI ) TO BI TIlE BIST 1W ALL VIlO HAVE l'IJT TIIFM TO A l'itAflIUAL ( TEST. ADAPTED ¶ L'O Hard and Soft Coal , CO/'I : OR WOOD. ) IANUYACTCRa wm BUCK STOVE CO. , I SAINT LOUIS. Pierci & , Bradford. . IOLI AUINQT FOR OMAIIA - - - - - For You , Whose Complexion betrny8 ROIHO Jiuiiiillatiiig 1itioi'1ec tion , ivitoso iilii'vor iclis volt that you are 'l'Illnlcl ( , Saflow 1111(1 ( lISHghll'Cl ( in COlilIte' 111111 CC , or Jitivo ErUltiOllS ) , ltetliies.s , ltoiigltness or iiii- lYJloIesoIIle hiltS of Complex- lOll1lYtl 8ll IlHO llagtrn's ) lag- : iiolla Billill. It is a delicate , Ilarlhlless aiitl ( lOligIIt1l1 article , pro' ducliig the itiost iiittiiral amid onfrnic1iig tints , the tirtillel' alIty 01' WhiCh ho O1)SOVVOV can detect , amiti wJlfch OOll becoiiies 1)ol'imlahlOnt ) It' the MaiioUn Bahit Is judiciously useU. - - 1-- MOItI lION IST TItAN CA1tFPU Ii. 1I ( ) % ' a IciroIt CItzcn Pall $3 it Poimitti br Ilittler. 1)ttrolt ) Frce l'rce , . The other Inornulig a citizen v1tq litul ICC1I ) CMhtiOhlC(1 to SCIII1 tip aotno butter 89 lIe eut (1OWI1 towlI or eat dry brea4 jQr dihihlor steppcl jIlt4) i ) grocor3 , ' toro : uitt boti1it iiiitl for three Poulitis. The cash teIilorel wits In 1iapo of a bill nitti the citizen (11(1 ( hot count li'is change nntil ho ] IIiIl traveled Reveral p1ares. Thou 110 IhilUlo 1 % tlicovory. ' 'W'liy , I gltvo liiiii a $1 bill nud ho IILLi gt.ell IW back over $91" Ito soliloqtiiscd. 'I COtilti keeim this iiioiioy fthltl ho vou1d lie flout , the visor , lhlt , I itilt hot. thar sorL ttf a I vill at once return it. " lie wa as g oi M his Prolhlise. lb. tllrlliIlg to the store with the 1110110) ' jlt his ltaiid , lie saiti : " 141ick3' for 'oii tliitt I alt liii Ihoneat 111511. Voti gttve 1110 $0 too IllIcit fl himnk ing e1iaitge. " 'l i.tiess not. " " \V-0ii , i guess , Oll did , tiIti hero it is. I vitttt Ohily V1Utt. belolIgs to 1110 , " 'l'ite grocer stillemiy tilitIlked Iiiiii SlId time citizeitvehit on his vay , bitt in 511 hour or sm Ito iiindo niiitlmer , discovery. lie found the 0110 dollar bill atid luissed the teit. "It its a teli I gitvo Idhil aitci the cilango WItS right , " he ltsImed. ' 'I imitist. go to hiiimi 1111(1 eximlnin. lie started forthegrocery , hung mtrotiiid for ltrhIjle 111111 thou stated his e.tso. ' 'You are it vile swiitdlor , sir ! " ProhiiImt. ly' replied tiw grocer. ' 'Oh , no ; I'lli itot. I'imi slimiply rt victim of it too holiest Co1hsCelice. " "Xoii get outi 1 dnln't like the CUt. of you 1hijz iii the first imilice , atiti iieii you brought back the $1) ) I knew yeti SmiIIC sort of it gitimle. Now ou1 sir , you tite ; ) , or I'll ( ' .811 thu I)1icu' ) ) "But I'iii nh honest 11111111 1 toll yeti thtcie is It llmistutko here , ' ' Prtestel the imnyor. t 'Voti vroiitenule : I I'mit on nil the littlu galiles , niid oti c.iit't. iiiitku a cent. Boy , cull in it lolIceiIlan. " Thu Citizell walked out. amid kicked hithlI.pOStS 511(1 rubbed agailist. baby cutrri- ages , muiti refused to recognize his best. friends. lie had not. only 1)aid over $3 per poitiitl fur butter , but ho hind beaten Ilililseif itli arouiid , Ho rushed to it ltt- yer to see whllIt ho could do , and the lawyer - yer replied : "Bide your timiie and iass a counterfeit twenty oft ( ill him-fee , $511 thOi'14 SarHalilItrilin. Is designed tO meet the vants of those vhio 1100(1 a iiietlieiiie to build titemn up , give thiciit ILTI LtpCtitC ) , purify their blood niati oil p the mnaehiiiiery of their bodies. No other article takes hold of the systemai aitti hilts exactly the 81)Ot like Hood's Sarsaparilla. It works like magic , reach. ing every jart. of thclitiinan body through the blood , giving to all renewed life mtnd cliergy. $ it bottlesix ; for $5. BEAST Olt hUMAN BEING ? Tile Witbatilm Valley Terrorized by a wilti Woman , A wild woman , or perlutps the mate of the gorrilla recently captured , has ap. petro(1 : itear Lafayette , Iiitl. , atid is terrorizing - rorizing the people. Mrs. Frank Coil. 15511 , the wife of a we1-Rnowmi farmer , saw it tile other day sue ! thus describes it : Mrs. Coflmnan was passing through the timber when she suddenly saw to her right : t hideous creature , formed like a woman , with long black ilair floating in the vind , and the whole body covered with short , white hair. The creature wits breaking twigs from a sassafrM 1'usit and eating the bark , The noise made in breaking the bush prevented its hearing Mrs. Colfman's approach. Frozen with horror the farmer's wife stood and gazed on the remarkable creature before her. Suddenly the wild woniahi turned , aiid , facing her civilized sister , glared at her with a baleful light of hate. Ruisixmg her lon , hairy arnie she guvo an unearthly shriek and darted away ilito thu forest. Almost lutrai3'zcl B'itht fear l'ilrs. ' Cotranan gazed mtfter the 'Will creature for a iso- iiieiit , then , with agonized screamims , she fled homeward. Her cries of attracted her Illisbaild , who was at work iii the field , nitd he hastened toward 11cr , reach- 11mg 11cr 81(10 ini her knees gave way with weakness resulting from imiortul terror. He carried his wife to the house , gave the mtiarm , and soon half a hundred mmmcii anti boys , acconi1)anied by dogs , were ( In tile tr.til of the wild woman. She was hotly ptmrstied , and several times caine hear being caught , but eluded her Itirsu- ers with wonderful skill nut ! Cunuling. For fully half a iiiilo of the chase she svats never out ( If sight. Her feet. touched the ground but. 801(10111. SIte would grab the underbrush with her long , boimy hitusls , usl swilig frommi bush to bush and limb to limb with wonderful case. She seemed oiiiy endeavoring to keep beyoiid the reach of her itirsiiers , iinttl , costing to a SwahIli ) , she ( lisapearel as suddenly anl eilictualIy as an extinguisiteti light , amid 11(1 searchiiiig served to accertain her whereabouts. ANOThER bIFE St'ED. J. C , Gray , Of DAuEvit.r.e , AI.A , , writes mis : I have been miiiag your 1)lt.Vit. . IIAISAM bit i'aii : Lusos , 1111(1 1 can say , ( If it truth , It is far superior to any other Lummg pre hmarttiomi : lii the world , 1Iy mimothier was coim Ii macti to her lied four vocks with at csnighm , mimi had every attoimtloii ly as good imhiysiciamus as there are III the country , 511(1 tltoy nil faileil to effect a cure ; taut when I gut one ItLtlo of votir Jmu.Vn. . ILti.i.'ti IIAL.SAI i'Oit TIIK vNGH , she began to righit away. I can say iii truth , that ir 1AS rimS ImE.ti4s om sfl' . ISO ilfrit I.II'F. I knew of live cases that Jr. \Viri , huh's 1iaiamia lIfts cured , aimad may imiothier lit better mmimw thiii silo lass bccii lieforo for twenty years. Hciiry's Carliollo Salvo , Ii ; time B1S'i' SAI1'E for Cuts , Bruilsea Sores , Ulcers , Salt Jilacummi , Totter , Cianimpeil I Inmida ( Iaiibluui mis , Corita , amid iii ! ki imda of : .kin Ermii > tkmia , Freckled nhml i'immmjmles. ( Tkt 11 INR\'H CAIIIIOIJO SAhV1 , us all otheaa are comimaterfeita , J'rlcu 5 cts , Caiptiuimm ErIcsson's Jestroycr , Now York hula , The nuv soiies of trial trips of Captain Ericsson's torpedo boat , thu 1)estroyer , C.'tllliOt fail t4) as'nkcmt tmuiis'uruial iiateroait , ' .I'hiu central feature ( If the now invention ( ( subimiamimio artillery. If it. is inved in prItetical exlaorilaioiits with the vessel , timi. der circulmilatanees RhlItiogoIls to those of flCtIiltl iiiStilU that. time 1)es- tmoycr Cliii ( lisehaitIgU her giiii 1111(1ev water in such a wiiy all to tnke ullect agaiimst thu Is iii I if am i ci aoi ny , thi lam miut imastrim iiaeiit. ( if waifatru vihl ho uxecealimagly iiiijnirtmuat. 'J'iae series ( if expeiumacnt of this suit. CiflhlIlCtCd 8(11110 tiiaao ago , hlildtit thu shijCrVisioll ) ( If a iiitvitl ( , thlCUr , vere 1alhil. isiug , itmid atithaumaghi sulmlu coaiihitioiis 'cro thou iinfmevoraiflo , amid the oflicur in iiime. tioll ( lesired ( miller tiemnomustratwims aimd 51)1110 iinprtveiiieiits , he dii hot. fail to coiiiimiemicl tue results actually auchievol. Fuller satisfuictiomi may now ho expected , Its ilaiprorelalellt4 Jiavo licomi effected. 'I'o time United States this appliaiico is spe. emIly immipcrtammt , as it. Hisy IrOVO the sub. stittito for expensive ironclads , a Potoilt harbor defense. Siiotihil it ho as uccess ful its is ho1cd , the Destroyer vmil mark a revolutionary eptChl in mists1 warfare HOt less memnorablo than tilat of the Momi. itor , A NOVEI.T' . A Double Theatre , Double Stage and Two- Tier Summer Garden. New i'Opk mitmne. The Casino was a ploMtng Rulpriso in arcimitectuiro. There was notimimmg like it ill Now York , alit ! fltmdolph ArohiSohl it projector , simicerely hopes there 1h be iiothiiiig like it. erected tigaiml in muamly years to conic , or until he is ready to un prove Oil his invmt dosigii on a site further up town. It. iilhlSlCiflhI'S dreamim , this ? ttismrsh : mosaic , niodif'ietl Slid iiintlo imitoliugiblo as well as leaultifuhl , by the imratctical iii time dreammior's nature. 'I'hio architects to vhtoiui lie coliveycd his ideas ReelS at. first to huuuvo thirtmght. thmiit ho had lint ! at hilght- 15h11 0. Tile ) ' hail built 1111(1 t1econtetl thOse tWO beautiful theatres , time i'ilailjsomt Sltma0 ( 511(1 Theatre Couniuiumo , imut time schmeimte whi'ieii ? lr. Aronson imrcscmltel Wits Ill several features so novel that timI ) at first thought. it. ilnpntCtieabho. lie imi. s'isteul iii his nervous but. uiiii1ihintic way thiutt. the idea cotd be architecturally ear- riot ! omt with iuhl the miovel as well as time leautiful features which he hiatt stiggested retinmied. Some of thu vrlmlemm18 trouuhiicd time architects miot. a little , but the3' fimiahly ovorcoulu tiuoiii , atmuti vhiomi thto 1)111CC ) vas thrown le1l Ill SlI unlinishmed atnte , the ptililie were built ciiarunel amid surprised at the restilt of the labor done. There vits even a greater surprise iii sioro for tile public at the oieliiitg of the coiim1mioteil tiieutter , witeit tile Whiie imiaco % llS thrown PCil for a summer scasoii. Very few of thituse who have looked mit tue buiildiiig froiit tim interior or exterior have suslectel that it comititills two ( hicut. ters huLler 0110 roof. Such is a fact , how. ever. Tiloro mire two stages anti two nu- ( htoriuinms , the one vitlt two niul time ether or with three tiers. ? atore surjmrisimlg still , time to1i tier of the present. theater is the lower tier of the to1l thoatter , itiitl is lieiow the hovel ( If the uiper or secomid stage. This gallery is the one mlext be. low the roof. Froiii it. a 'iew cuts be had of tile actiiig stn e formerly tiscul , and iilunediateiy opmositu it. amtd above the presemit. stage is mimiotiter for milimsiciamis OmIly , from vhicii Arommsmn's orchestra vil1 verformmi nightly after the opera is over. This to1) gallery is fitted up as a restauralit amid aumnimior garlen ( , where partie hllity prommlemmlltle , Still , 811) wimie , Iiirt , laumgh oi grow slltima1clltutl titimotmt lot. or itindramice , and vititout. interfering with the 1)lctmrcs of those below. Simmali amid unobtrusive cafes oil this hour vill tCmilIt the lonely ones of time rougller sex. The SilCS are 01)011 , amtd omie prtst.ieutily : sits there in the open atir. Tile greatest surjirise viil be niot. witil % 'hlCli the specthtor goes a fligitt of steps higher SlId 1111(18 lliiflsOlf on the roof. This is a veritable garden Witil its flow- cry walks amiti bcds , etc. , piayimmg foumi- tains , its rustic c.ttagcs , its Iflyriads of colored lights amid its cafes-yet all over- hooking the stage ut wilicil the orcilestra is to play. The ordimwry relations of orchestra - chestra seats 811(1 gallery bemiches are reserved - served iii tills part of the building ; the gallery is below attiti the orchestra chairs are above the hovel of the stage. This roof is a mimarvellous network of iromi , a gridiron of a roof one might. say , and to make it of the requisite streiigth amil yet iii keciilg with the iigilt style of Moor- isii architecture emmiIOYe ! ( in the rest of of tile lliildiflg greatly taxed the ongen- nity of the architects. They have fialmiliy succeeded , however , and have secured safety without sacrificing beauty. The gardoll ( all the roof will be easily accessible - cessiblo by five flights of stairs and two immmmense elevators carrying thirty persoiis at each trip. A rustic cottage on tills roof is itt least fifty by twemmty feet imi di- lilenSiOlls , and is in plain view and Ilear- ing of thme orchestra iii the to1) stoge. Of course tue lower stage cannot be secil from tue roof , but the roof will be open betweomi time acts of time piay amid after its COilCiUsiIil. There is an npartimieiit in tilO tower just under the big lyre which is considerably above time level of thereof roof , amid winch will seat twenty r lnore peromis , From this tower the limiost view of the city citmi be had. It appears tobo about tue elevation of time Stevens imisti- tute on time Jersey Palisades. Oil i)1tts- ant evenings thiis'gardemm will be as cool a resort. as cmiii be foummid in tim city. Girls 't'1l ( ) ' % % , tln Eart hi. Frommi a llakota Letter. Now , as regards the gentler sex viio caummo here to ' 'hold ( lowil" their ciatimus. All over thu territory you will fimmd those little shmutmities. Iii mnamiy of thielil stylish ammil pretty yotmmlg ladies take tiju a miight's lodging oiiee evely 1)1(111th ) or oftemmur. I iiitve seen ntiimabcrs of milisses froimi the eastermi tates , who are out here ' 'holding ( lOWIl" a quarter section. Others s'hao hive micarer , its 51 Iowa , or Mimiiiesota , or Dakota , mailike iiiontiity piigrimmiages to their rnmi h , or , more likely , go once Ill two muomithis amid remmmuuiil tvo nights , en- ( lure this saciitice to thaoircommifortahad time shock to their nerves ii few times , amid ileCOlito owners of valuable real estate , A Dakota girl that isii't hwliing down a ClItilil or two is a curiosity. Time emIly drawback ti the etstoin giiis is thuo fact thiitt they must. publicly declare that they are over twenty-one before they can Illo tlieit' 5IPlicatioli. A hnllmlre(1 amid sixty acres of laud , you kmioa' , is not imiiidi of au iitduceimmummt to ami eitstern girl for such an auliaiissioii. hut muit. hero it ha alto. getiaer diffureiit , for it , miIy iztsts six iiioiitiis , 1111(1 mIt. the omul of that. timamo time youmig ladies go rigiit. hack to ogiiteort amid twemity agaill Iiitleed , it. is looked 1111(111 nIh really roiliamltic , ( lespito tue fact that wolves imo\'l airIumid at. iiiglut amid gophers jmiiy : iiide.amul.scohc through tue siuatiitieii like rats. Thraibtng a Bridegro om. 'rho miovol spectacle of mi muumi : amid Wo mnami pulisumimig a fIoeiii 17-year-old boy till street aititi beiailIrmimg hums at every bolilld witht it ciap.board and willow switches , attlactA.iIl II CEmWml of 11001110 OiL 1t street.Vasiiiiigtoia , oil 'l'iiesuhiy tufter. 110011. 'J'iiu boy WhIt Eraicst. 0 , Lowe , iumitl lie t'ius being spuumiked amul nwit.ciied for getting married , his father is ciii. PiY0l at the mitvy : yuul. Erilest pro. cimrel at imiuirriltge licomano , stuitiimg to tue clerk that hae s.its ( IS'Lr 21 years ( Iil , ahil ( iii time afterimonim tiuui maairried : U ; Itosu I. Jiuckhey , it damaisol .tboiut hits ott's ago. J4atui' hiu called at tue iircumtni : lamamisiomi 1111(1 nItrIulucol ( the fair Itosa its his hr'ie. 'I'itu aiiujivisud parents saul notiaumii' , butt mlisapJIelLrctl tiiioiighm the hick door , itiul totumriiing with a ht4Iult. switch uldeleti tue youmtag wtIaaaami out. I to times egan to belabor the boy , ViHi stout ! it. for ii miio. macmat , but imooui broke away 511(1 ( mu tii1s'ii thtu street , the fatiiut' following lllying the switch , admirably SllpOltCl ) by time zituithttur , WhO laud procured ii ehiuiibouurd , which she laid oji with vigo r. Ernest. was uiiiaily caia.t.urctl andtakoit luiiiue. bti lilt hour later juinel hut bride at. lier father's , where they wore seromnided b a brass l.iamitl , MISS 13t1tTO IS M1)i' MItS. TUNISON , 11cr ' 'atchflii Aunt Got itlit ( il' lit the 'cry liast. l'oHI4Itmle : 'lommmeiit. Nuw Yniug , .lttly 1fl.-Tho elopeinemit of it , C. 'l'nmiisomi , a young lawyer of , ler. ' Ui ) ' , with Mi. Belle IJartoti , of 'l ( llk , Pet , , % 'A5 nmtnlo Pilimhie ycsterltty. Mr. 'I'ummiisomi is tue elloSt. Soil of the 11ev. 2lr. 'i'uhiiSum , for mllumi3 ) . ( fl 4 the liresid- lmmg either of tue , lcrsey City district of ( lao letlilhist ( cllurcil , Alouit two or three weeks ago lie mnado the aeltmailltamice ( ( if the yotimg lady tiuo 15 miow hits vife , at the house of a friemid uim Sip tiVelitle , where site as visiting. She is lulmOtIt 18 years old , 'l'hey 80011 fell in lmV0 , 511(1 thlUll ? utiss Barton coilt'mdel to huiii that siio was CII- gitgetl 10 P. wealthy Old lachielor iii Imer miativo place , viuimn her muother desired her to marry. She did miot reciprocate tue ahicctiml , ililt felt. hIllside to oppose the wisiies Of lieu falniiy. 'l'uiiiott pro. PSCl nn tiiOllCuiielit , tl1l silo aRsellte(1 lIlt ) tihie saul sue expected imer atuimt vmuihIt L'iiiie ( ( mu to Jersey City in at iuty or two to take her iioimie , (111(1 ( if itmiytiiiiigvits to ho citiie it miitust. lie domie before thiI atmut's arrival , Omu Suttuirulay , July 7 , lr. 'l'ummiisomi called emu 11cr 1111(1 ( lisCoVereti that the Quilt hind ltrrivel umiexaectcdly early. but succeeie(1 , htuawuver , iii cornuiuuniciut'untz secretly with the youuig 111(1) ' , aimd ieitrmie1 thint , she amid her aunt. rere to start thuiit. aftermmnoti for their homuie by time l'eiiii. sylvamija railroad. I to untried to tue oliico of George I 1. Ilarromi , it frit'mid slid formerly it fellow lmtiu' stuidemit. 1ii ilutu- POll ito etiittitied ills secret. Thu pair prum. cecticul tI the ( lelalt iumitl taiteui fum' 'itiiui lktrtoll amid her ittimit to alpaear. \'i'iieii time lltliLS hiutul miriived 1111(1 ( had umIteted at car , i1atr. Iluirromi wrote a miiessago to the amnit. suuuumuoliiiig hue r to ii us olilco (15 1\tomltgomlieIy street ( Ill imumsimmess of vital imuluort1umice. lie gave the imuissivo to mi district muessoligor for delivery. ' [ 'lie boy Fuisiiel into the cur fill ! hutmmieI ( it t ( ! . the aumit , vhio iiul : bcoii ( IcscilbcI t 0 bu. Sue reinl it , 1111(1 then uxclmiuilig herself for at ftjiv umaimitutes to her mieicu , himistemied out of tlte tle1ot , amId up 1\tomttgoimicry street. street.o o siemmier was sue ( hit. of sight tiaitmu : lru' . 'l'tmnisoii , viio hiuI : been llhIxliuhlsi ) ' vittciiiimg tiue fitlecess of this miiuuoeuvoi : , rushed into tim car amid warmly greeted tile Imoivildered youmig lady. I I e nLpiIiy explaimued tI her the cause of iier atuitut's sutidemi ( lehaurture , ailS ! readily imlduiced her to accoitipummy iuiiiu to tiuts city , wiacro they ivouc miiarriod thilut. afternooll by time Roy. Itir. Simimpson , uf 'I'Womltietil street 1\Ir. Ttinisoiu then tuicgrtphel : the fact. of his milnrrimte to hits } Iriio's jlarents , mumiul sot ouut. with her to 1iImtmthuattaut Beach , whicro they stayed several days. Thucy hiaive now returimed to Jersey City. 'I'hie relatives of MIS. Tumlisoil scemmi uesigimetl to her iilztrriage. Immigration Statistics. Ait interesting statoinomit concerning inimigratioli imlt4) tiuo United States 1155 jtust.beemi issucti by the treasury depart. muiciit. Time miumnbor of imnmaiigralits arriv- lug during tile year omidimig , June 30 , 1883 was 599,114 , lacing 1811,878 loss thiami the imiimmligratioml duurimig tue precediitg fiscal year , 101(1 70,317 less thintu durimig the year entleti .Jumno iO , 1881. Thu arrivals fromat thu several fcreigmt coumitries weie itM foilows : Emigiamud nut ! Wmales , 79.852 ; irelutmld , ti3,720 ; Scotland , llG12 ) ; Aus- triui , 10,517 ; C ermalitmiy , 11)1,643 ) ; ltaly , 81,715 ; Norway , 21,849 ; Sweden , 34,596 ; Camtada , ( i4,071 ; all oilier coimmitries , 73 , . 84th. TIme PriIlciPal Ports or districts at which thus emiiigratiomi was received were : Baltimilore , 35,690 ; Boston , 48,188 ; Pc- troit , 17,109 ; Huron , 45,393 ; limiimesota , 1,182 ; New Orleans , 1,707 ; New York , 406,697 ; Plliladehpllia , 24,807 ; Suit FraIl- cisco , 8,191. Accoimipammyiiig the stste- mileilt iS a report shtowimmg the eXteilt of iiammmmigrlttioll HiilCO 1830. Iii thlat year tile nummiber of ilmlmnigramltls wits 23,322. Ton years hater it land increased to 84 , . ooo , aimd imi 1842 it passed 100,000 for the first. timmie , being tiietl 10.1,505. Iii 1846 it reached 154,41(1 , amid the follow- imig year , owimig to tue fuuimiino in Irciamid , it. anmioumiteci to 234t)68 , ) , lit 1850 it was 810,004 , hilt ! 1854 427,8:13. : Thieso figures weae not again reachiohi until 1873. Iru 1855 the arrivals were only 200,857 , slid time faiiiim' oflcoiitimuned uimitii iii 1862 time ilnilmigratiImi Wits tiown to 91,826. In 1865 a revival set ili , tue arrivals being 248,111 , buut the increase vtLs not mmtsimi- t4LiiltiI , and after reachiiimg473,141 in 1873 tile arrivals fell to 11)7,95.1 ) in 1879. In 1880howuvcr , a great title of foroigmiors again set thmig viiy , immul the iiaiiiiigration reached 484,196 , in 1881 (195,163 , itud iii 1882 time cimoimimoims miiinaber of 816,272. Toni Tliunib , New Y.rk Star. 'I' iii 'I'iililaii ' ) WIiS miIt a great mamamm. Yet lie got rmure notice , attracted mmmoio tittomi- tiomi , was store talked itiltItIt iuiitl wiittoiu about iii Ia is ( lily amiti gelieraution thami mosTly mcmi VitI thought. timetiasolves great itmud of PtihIiiC ilailmrtmlmice. ) lie wits visited - ed by iiiilhioiis , lie wiia velcomamod by Queen Vietoruit aiid l'iimice Albert. to \Vimidauor Castle , Lotus I'Jailippu immvitccl iiitmt [ ( I tlim HayaI Palace \Tersiiihles. . lie waft the delight. of the boys tumid girls of twti comatitiemits. Amiul lie mamalu inillmialern hiiu acopie it little ialullpier 'my ' sitiiaiy lot. timig thawai look at hihmi amid imima little wife , If he 11111 ! hot foohisiiiy liii. itated bigger itmomi , attmd spemit his moneys , its they s1aemit theirs , for ( lilitiorIl lie shiIlliti iiOt hILIVO eattoti , anti fashiiominhiie follies wiaieht ilrokehmiau down , lie iiuighit. have sltvci at fortumne , lmreserved hats diimmiiiutivcness , kept. his health and good looks amid iivci t.wcmityyears longer 1-lu hats show by nii uiiforttumito oxperi. 011CC tiiait. at little ziutuit mauuy be a big fool. Bitt. lie haiis set. 111101) ' iligger Inch lull ox. amnjale in other reallocts they YItlld do well to itamit.atu. lie ku1t. , hits telimper. He iUiilLVCd s'ehl , lie loved lain wife atnul % VLLS devoted to hmer. Ito hover sought ofhicu , road it. is imot ktiowmm that lie ever CILITIL'tl II iaresidentiail iau in his IloumleL 'I'iie world hits ii great maiiuiy bigger muemu wiiotii it could bettor milForti to 1(150 timami 'J'oiii 'rhaimimmb , - - Model Mothers-in-Law , A 11ohiho mmiotiiur-imm huiv pruusumiteti iitar dituglater's hiiisilalil witii a house limit ! lot. A mauiithiur.jii.iaw iamauie Ii will in favor of her 511118 wife , amid diet ! within tWO weeks nfterwaui'tls. it 1iimaiiuittuui i titoti a or-i ii. lttv gi yes liar somi.iui.iaw all time iaioimoy ito wuimits to sjmuiiai , si laajaiy iiecnitse lie is such a gout ! hiuslntmmd. A Iauitsses : never gets ahigry at. her ( lniigiater-iml.htsv : amid iios'er tells liar how to 00(1k , A t1il waukeu iamotiiur-iu.iaw always kisses her mtout-imi.hov : it'hacitovor site visits hujni , Site tiiiiiks lau hikes iL A i'ahitiesotut ' imiothmur-in-hiiv' 5011(15 her daugiitor.iii.hsw a jug of fresh maiiik 1111(1 ( IL baslwt. of eggs evtiiy tiiy. : Since she hits tlomie this her son hills sold his cow iiumd killed his chickeim , Mr. Edwimi C. Fowher , 1'stof1ico lopt.1 \STlLNhiilagtIIi , P. 0. , says tlmat. one npjali. cuutiomi (4 ( tiacm marvelous Iuliil.conqhioiai. , St. Jacobs Oil , eumod Iiltai of rhleuuult'usuil. FURNITURE' ' ! -TIlE- CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture . ISAT DEWEY & STONE'S They always have th largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMI , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THWDIFFERENT FLOORS. PECK'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Opposife Postoffice. } ' .flir hots oi larmiamo .trcet , each.1 000 Liia lot en t'ampitt.l Itu clint' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C f.X ) OIi' lot emi ul&sme tircot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (1. ) ( Imic lot , .o Citlitol III 011110 , iImmiurtu otl. . . . . . . . . ( I ( kb ( ) mic.hiilt lot. ( tim ( 'aliltul mit colic , imilir'Vel . . . 3 100 tiae.hiitlt ) lot iii , ea1iiLol at cillut , ilnitruocil . . . . : u nio I.t.t 10th atrect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 l.tut oil 9th street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 0A ( ) 1'iacc mime all iirt.clas hiuslimias locations. Resident Property - - - Improved. 1 house 7 roomias , itarmi , Convent street near .trect cars. A t.argitlmm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tOO 2 Nct hulle , t , rttoiiaa , barmi , large lot , hoar . i'trcct ears.'I 100 l1 Ne lioiv'e , three rt'ommu. , Ilcar high school 1 JO 4 Tue hoiitc , S rmInIs each , tium Chicago at. 4 000 0 7 roomil hiono OIl lut emiport street. . . . . . . 2 1100 S 2 story lioi e , full lot oil Chicago street. . 4 000 0 4 ritoum hoiia , , ) it Ilariley street , , Iear sew ( ( ) uIrL house . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 10 0 rotitia ) Ioue I'll I ( utteimport street , , oIl imnprovetl , Easy tormima. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 100 12 0 ruoni Inflate , . ! large Iota , tia Vnriiaiii at. , tclI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S OtlO 13 lltua 12 rtumua , , remaha fur I0 er mouth oil Iodgo street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ( .00 15 lloiu. . , t , rottumus mum Doumglaa , .trct. . . . . . . 1 0X ) 10 l'oir room luouo.emi l'umnuuimii mt root . . . . . . 2 5k ) 17 'i'tvi , otiuuit Iiouao emi Farmiutium , .trvet. . . . . . . Id 'Iliroc ritolil luutuo t.ui Iludgo . .trvet. . . . . . . 1 000 19 1 toil. , , 0 rottumia ( bhi 19th maarVclwter No. 1 vomi.iitImm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 000 20 'l' 4 amid S rouuuuo each , macno liruntiacil had . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . too 21 BrIck house , 0 roonis , large he , st. tars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7000 23 IituIue 0 room , , ( till lot , 400 cash , Sal. alice iiioiitlahy i.a3aucmt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 200 ! 4 Good brick lanuoc , 7 roouuu , , eli loaproved 3 tOO 27 1levemm roouum litnme , 3 acre , , iumuprovcmncmit llrt.claaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S (00 28 Good mitiume nmuI lot oil st. Mary' . avenue 4 000 Iii Four or Ste roommia imorthisest hart of city I 200 si : 1'otir or lIve roommi house oum 21.1 street. . 1 200 30 I'lvc reoun luouae , mare lot cmi 17th street , till lmnproctl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 000 38'llireo brick luotuac , 5 amid 0 roomlia caclm 7 tOO Itemise 4 nomuia , 4 Iota , \'cat Ouuiuihma. . . . . . 2 000 house 7 roomuia , 2 story , one hmlock fre.mum , .trcct Cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (00 (1 iioliae 10 rooms , 5 Iota , muoar Itreet cars 'cil imaul.roe.l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 COO 03 limumse , liarum , 10 acres ot graimmad , N. \ ' . luart of thaceity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000 64 house , barn , 1 acre 1mm Meat Omiunhaut cl1 lmnproveti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ( .00 Si 'Fv ( ) 110W Imoimacs two amid three rooms inch svell lmuml.rovil. Easy terimma. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 500 82 Niimo rooms hoot. , . ' , lot OOxSOO feet , iliac con ditlomi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elvcii itIhuI macuse , full lot , S blocks fromu , 110,1 nIhice , vehI Imiupruveit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 000 07 house Ii roouaaa , Inojuc lot , well imImitruveti iii .oumthawciat omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 103 11ocma roomi limuse , large h.arm,7 lots , \o. I location , St. tnry's atocinic . . . . . . . . . . 12 000 111 lloiiao of 4 iOiiiSvell iimu.ructm . , mitar 270i amiul liomiglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 'l'wo hmouiites , I lot tim Dodge street , liii. lrvcmmuemata flrst.claan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 tOO llouae S rotiuli. oh 23.1 street . . . . . . . . . . . 1 (00 Now house , 5 rttuiia , full lot , lii iiturthi Omiuthma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 400 114 JIiuae 3 rIoumaua , ummo.hialt lot , near atroet cars , ciudi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 150 Four lunuises , 4 to 12 00(11115 ( achm , corner It , cii 0)m Cnlltoriula stroet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 500 iSOlbree , 1. tam S rt.omus each , curlier lot eu St. Mnrys avemmume , remats for EGO. Clacaj ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 000 Lots. . . . ' CLASS ( L. ) it- " Lot macno Fnniamn , lucnrtng fruit , grape. , etc.e i coo 4 lots , hear lark , t.OO to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . coo 4 lots omm 17th atract , each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I boo 17 or 18 iota 1mm west Omiuahin , 2T ( to 300 Lots 1mm west ( immiahan 200 to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 8 lot on 5iatlisoii ave. , facing east , $500 to. . . . I 000 Lots Imi Lnks's aulditiomi , froiia IO0 . . . . . . . . } Lots ui Lvumiaim & Dwlglit'im addition , Irlcea to suIt purchasers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lot hoar Otbi auth llichory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Lot 611xm42 feet cliesli , llauacroft. street. . . . . . . . 450 Choice lots iii North Ommuutlia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Acre Tracts , CLASS ( A ) . Ouae.hialf nero lii Nitrtii Omutalia , very desirable 850 ( Iito aeru oil . us emutie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 iJI0 I , , , , f nero. , iaortla haimiatlera , her acre . . . . . . . .00 'I't' , , aicrea , lmuiproi oil , ( ii.I.uaitij . . harraclc , ensia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 300 Oiu mIcro lii , ii.rthiwost Omuiahia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see 'I\a ( , acres vim l'urumnuui stroct , Icr RUFU . . . . . . . . 2 500 4 arva fleer llaiiil'a lurk , her acre. . . . . . . . I 2oo 'Iwo OCCOS liii thimmaliag htret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Feii acres lim Simaith , Omiunha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it you haiti city or ci.liuatry rr ° l'ert' ' wish stulul , , cuati teriuaa amid flail tiracriptious and wu will timid 3(111 It hIirchaacr Iii a bhluirt timuic , Iltialmiosa Iri'rty , rvaiilenco lrI.crt , slmburbami ProPerty itmail farina for solo at all thaiae at bargalias. . Cit3. aiiil culimaty i'r ' .erty ftr leasu anti cxciaaimgu , itentam cuhlectuti anti moulNob for rtiat Imi all itarta of the city , Ilcuatluig houses it .i.vciutlty. uauoma.tla ioit United States Depository. First iiii Tal Balik , --OF OMAHA- Cor. 13th and Farnam 5th. T/o Oldest Banking Establishment in Omitha , SUCCISSO11S , TO KOUNTZF IlltOTliIhtS , Organised in 1888 , Orgami'ized ItS S Nntiomaal Batik iii 1803. CAI'I'rAIi . . . . . . . $2O,00 ( ) SUIU'1i1114 ANI ) l'1tOlI1'S . j1i5OOuO OFFICIOuS AN ! ) vumtmucioa. . IIEIMIN lcOUNTze , l' , Iumr A. CitY.muiirux'icu l'reahlurut. r' _ _ Avorsi Is Iou'Tzm ' : , 2.1 . VIce i'ro.l.lcuat , A. J. l'Ui'ILF.TUX , l' . Ii. 1)vis ) , Cnaltiur. v. ii. 3ieao'iimi ' , Aalatunt Cushier. Traiaaact.s a general hialakilig buaiaaaua. issued timaic certihicuats , hearing haiterest. Irioi ) a tirafta eu huh Fraaici.i 11)1 ) 1 lIrihaciltal citl , lii tue United States. Alt. . , 1.aniitii iiuhlln ) , 1.Ilmuh.iarli amal th prlmacipal cltle of the ' . aatiaavnt uf Europe. 'JL1 R. RSDON , 1T6111 lilsilFallO 0 Aeii ltlt ltiSl.iFs : Vlimiix Aauiruiiuu Ce , , of ( .ouatioua , Cash kuet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5S04.5O4.OO Westchatter , N V. , Caltital. . . . . . . . . . . . 1UUO,000.OO 'L'hu Mcrciaaiat , itt Nea , ark , N , J , , Ca1.ltaI . I ,218,000.OU Otrurd Fire1 i'hllaulelj.Iala . , Capital . . . , , , 1,200,000.03 Flriuaueaa' lUlid , capltI , . , , , , , . . . . . . . . 1,239,01(00 OFFICE-ltooII : , 10 , Omuiahua National Ilamak Iluhld lug. TfLipluons No 15. , , w' wl1j - _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ . _ _ The ue of the tor " Short l.liio 1mm conmiLwtInmm % t it ii the S H 0 Rl ( orpoyftto name of is grcatrail , ctii % C35 MI ItICIi. of JIit 1) hat IiI requiirctl by the tntvclltig iamb I I N E lie-s Sh.rt Line , Quick hau , smut tue Ist Of cciiimnot1. . tlomu' ' all of which are fuirn- lihiMI b ) the grimitoat railway in Aincrita , CHIOAGOMILWAIJKEE , And St. Paul. It oumus amid operata 0C 4,5)0 ) nulhci of math In Northucrhl milimmoi. , VitOtIifl , Mirahmototut , Iowa and Ilakotal itmul ni its inulimi utica , brnnchae amid cumummec. IIuiaa reach nil thai rcat ini4lmie,4 IUlitivh of lbs Ntrtliuc't niitl Par it imatumahly inwera thmO , lescrlptlomi of Short 1.Iie , nmal llcut Itouto I.etweemi Chicago , 3tllWiiktL' , St. l'niul mIhui Minneapolis. Chhngt' , fi lIt nukee , l.a Cri.e muid'intiiia. . Clilengi' , II lie nukee , Abonlecim amid IhlcIaliie. Chicago , .Illoauikeo , F.uui Claire anti Stilluvntcr _ Chuleag' , Mllwutuikce , Wstmt.ati amid Merrill. Chicago , Mulonilkee , Iloaver iamii auiul Oahakoqh. Chicago. Mllwnumkeo , VaImiccsiua multi Ocomunumwoc. Chilcagi , , Mulwatilteo , Mauibsomi anti i'ruiirlc tium Chien. Chicago , Milwaukee , ( lu , alumina niuti b'airil.ault. . ( imicago , fleloit , .hulIievlhle auth Mimieral l'oitit. Chicago , IIului , ltocklorti nuiui lbmhulmqtme. ( : iuicag ( ' , Cltiittmn , hlook isluuui atmiul Cedar mtaplla. Chicago , Couumoll Ititmila amid ( ) imaahin. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux ) 'ahla ahiti 'nmiktoim. ChIcago , M IlWulIikCO , Mitchell antI Ciuninheilalmi. Hock lplauaii , I alibiluitme , St. laud amuI 31 Iimmienpolls. lautciaport , Calmnar , lIt. l'uil niatl llinhmenhehua. I'ollmnan Skc1ucr , . anI tlueFimuei.t flhualug Carq In the World nra run emi this mnaimmliuura etHIc CH I CAC MhLWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWA aimmi every autohutlohi I. haul ( I , paweiigcrsby courto- OtIs CIihlblO3e or the coumpany. 1 S. u. ILltliILt. , A. V , II. CAIII'iN'TEII , 0e11 Malinger. flcIi'I i'aM. Agent. J , T. CLAItK , ( lEO. 11. iiiAFFOmuI ) , Cciii Suijm't. Asat ( lemfl l'asa. Ag't. , I I' Swift's Specific has itteui tluo mimouia of brimglng hwalth ailul brilupluacos to tiuoamsauiImm who wore pro. iiouiiveut inciiruthlo of lilouti nuitl Skium Diseases. HEM ? THE WITNESSES. . SAVII ) FROM A IlOltittflbfl DEATh. Uja tim May last I lmasi h'ltemit at ica.t lIve liumidred dollars for trcntiiieiut by munumy of the bou mamcdical mdl , witlimmut any hemiehlt. I antlered excnuciatimigly , amimi all lily beat frlciitla niltised moo that thu icy hand of dcathwaifastutpurcmaclmiuig. I caught at H. H. 14. lIke a drowmmimmg iimaim at nstntw , Aftertakiumgwo lottles I comhml feel a cmmuuige for tIio better. Thu s.resbcgan to mii.ciiamge freely ummat time lthmeumaiatlsius to abate. . WIICII I had taken six bottles osery sore had iiealot ! amid air akhii 1egiui to asatulilo a mintutral apjlearammce. ,1 ier.lsted untIl I ! ia1 tnktumm tusilvo bottle. . large size , auuml TIIEILS IS NOT A SYM1'TOM OF TIIF3 , . JISEASll ItSMAININO , aiiul I ( ccl us melL a I over thu. I have gilihiCti twermty.ommu i.m1IiitI in te.h ! , and hia3 frleimis voiumlor at mny ihiiprted condition. I hma u recouimuieimioul it mmmam , r , imumal iii evere instance with coumplete Hhi000aS. I ! eIice' , f/mat 8 , . : haa iaced mime/ansi a liorribc ! mIsafh. 0. il. .SM1LEY , ( thliacy , hf. I alum suite that Swift' , Specific save.l my life. I lIRtI terrIbly loisnmmed .t'lthm Malaria , mind was given III ) to ilie. Swlfta hi'eeIllc ' relieved imie proimmutly and . . LmitIruly I tluluik it is the greatest reiiictty mmt the age. ( m. ( I. Sl'ENCEIL , lSIImm'tGaa Work , , itoluic , Ga. . Write for a copy of thic little hlook-f000. S 1,000 Reward will hue haiti to any Chemist 'S ho a lii himmi , on time analamla of 100 botLIc 5. 5. S. , . 11110 larticlo Of Mercury , lodialu l'otasalunm , or any muuiumernl sumilMtammce. TiIll 8WliI' SL'ICIFIO CO. , 1)rawcr 0 , Atlanta , Un. Health is Wealth. jh TJ.I Et41 Ir. E. C. Wct'a Nerve and Brain Treatment , a guaranteed snociflo for hysteria , lIzziumessConvul aloim , , Fits , ervtmua Neuralgia , licaulacimu , Nervoua i'rostratlhuI caused lax time uu of alcohol .mr tobacco , Svakctuinc.i Mental Do reallomi , Softening of the Brain , reaultitig Ima Iiaia&y amad leading to miacry , decay anti death , l'renaaturo Old 4gm , , Barrenness Lemma of lwor iii either sex , Involuimtarv Losso flhernmtorrluua cauwal by over exertions of baaiui , , elt.abumso or oscr.Immdmmlgeumca. Eaclmi e taimms oils muuommta'i ! troatmmuent. U.00 a box , or buxom for A.0O. Soul by nmall Ibreilald on receipt lurlc' WE OUAILANTEI SIX BOXES' To cure aimy ca.s. WIth cacti onier received by us for six hotoim accouupammimud with t.oo , wtmwlllaemmd the purchaser our written gunranteo tomefuntitmacmnoney it the treatmaciat duemi hot ncct a cure. Uuarantee laaueti omIt ) Imy 0. F. 000DSIAN' $ m&a Wi Drimi' lit Omaha Nela BR. HORNE'S Electric Belt ! - . _ : ' ' [ 'hds Electric Belt will Cure tile Follow. iiig DIHCSSUSVitiiouit Mddiciiie. lutiia 1mm time iIae ! , humS , heal or LimilIi , Nervous I ) muhulty , i.hhhimIIago , ( leuiorutl Ilelmility , ithisuiniatiatin , lasmalysis , Neturidgia , Sel.ttlea , lIlsusuol thm ifidmicys 14j.imaul . llaeuiAos. ) 'Iorpld Liter , Gout , huxual Exliaus. Itoh , Kumumlumal limisuomms : , Astlumima , heart Ilumeaau , I ( yacmsla , e , Erysimtulas. I imdlgestioii , lleriuiut or lIuhlIt000 , IimibQtCiiC ) ' , Catarrim , t'1le , FpI. Iw'y , lliihmilm Agtau. Omaha Testimonial. OtmAhlA , NttmL , April 12 , 1583. lhat. W , J. Itoass , 101 Wab.ttiiAeuitie , Chicago ; hIeAaI hmILh ' 'ulrchaasAI ( time of your Electric lieltain 1)cmstor ) , Cult' . , letcmiiber , 15n2. It relieved thu imaiim erws mmiy kitiumtmyi limmul atrtumigthieaaud tiioi.I so thitt they glee lie Itmtmru trotlblo 'liiespliaul lrrltrtiumi It ro. hut oil lmmumuLMliateiy w Imirim ilqthtiIug could have , lommo. Yt'IIrageimL hero has sell them to ltitIu jtmr Pli ° . a xumal ssuakmmesa , miotmruigla , l.aralYI , , mtaatt fenialu wcakmaes , , s itli ttamuaa I mama ao.mtiainted , amid the ru. suits 1mm each misc imlor.uthiami Sleet uxluectktl00n. t can reter mimmy vile to tlis Itortlea viio desiru It. , Respectfully , lIlt. M , N , 1'ORTIR , ' lois 111tOl avo. Ommlaha. MAIN ( ) I'FXCE-1421 Fitmmiamui Street , tirrT salu lit C. F. (1oudamiam' , lru Stoo , j1 Fmtrmiaimi htmeot , ( ) mmtoha. . ' ' ' " . I "ua& ezn. - , _