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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1883)
- - . - - - - - . - . - - - ' - - - - - I : _ - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - irAy-TiTh1:1i . . ; : , , ' . . - - - - . .t-TTvJit1-r-----aU11K1 ' . ' .2,000 1,000 brk L 2 , : frnlh niker. Icltm f n I " : \ . , , , . ' ,1 . I s ' 'cn ' ' .rTITIIE . cJN4\r-1 : : : : . 1IJLESIIL1 Bii. - THIRTEENTH YEMh. OMAHA , NEB. ThURSDAY MOUNING , JU1Y 19 188 NO. 27 MASKED BATTERIES1 . Tlic Tc1orah MCII Resr Tlicir Fire : Kca Their Own Cuulls11 : : rtrn Cornpftnj Ageitta Fight With . 2hctr MoutliB Quito Vigorously -F'itcs Front Both Sitics. WAITki A ANWIfl. - F.w YORK , JUly 18.-It wi rnioutid' iii t1u. morning 1)aIcrs ) ) that coililuit. tce of the Telegrapher's Brothurliootl . woultL wait on thu ollicials of thuVest. . . . .crn Union COIflfly at 11 o'clock to deitud an uiswer to their llotitiott in rufctutici to wagon attil hours of ork. A meeting of thu directors of tim tuhi. graph CIflIaIIy will 1)0 held at 11 : O , atul the rcsu1t ao far as it refurs to thu luiti. ' ( ion will itobab1y itot be known for an hour or Inure after that time. Titojo is no uvidcuccs of tutttsnal oxcit"iucut. ninoitg the oloratora ) ' this morning , alf . Uiotigli the sittiatAoii is discussed with much inturest wherever a knot of them ' , ' . gathers , r A FE1II 1mLINo. : A feverish feeling exists in tolegraphi circles over thie strike. Every persomi in- terestel iS atixiotisly ayaitnmg the results of the mneetitig of the executive conunit- tee of the \Vestorn Union directors. The cointnit C of the Brotherhooti held a mneet- ing early this morning , but what tr.tns- k pired there could imot be leat-ucti. Ci1hier ' . diS1)atdIes were received by time conunit- tee froiti various poluth , Htutimlg that time operators were in readiness to leave their ' desks , at a imminent's notice. v. B. Somimervillo , of time \Vestern Ijiiion contpatiy said to-day that there I .secmed to be little possibility that the .cornpany would grant the request , and .A strike seemed to be inevitable. Thu , , ' .dcmnands vero unjust atid unreasonable , ¶ and if a strike should hiappcmi the coinI ) pany would fight it to the bitter end. . : TilE SITUATION IN NEW YORK. ' NEW YoRK , July 18.-W. J. Doaloy , : . .chief of the operating rooimui of time West. . em Union Telegraph comnpamiy , said lie . did not believe that the strike would 'be 4 .commnenccd..J without mature deliberation ,4 . on the pzt of the operators. This I morning thcro was an unusually large force at work iii the office , numbering 4 between six and seven hundred ; the ortli- j nary number of absentees was frommi 15 to 4 i5 , but there wore only nine ahisentees this morning. Ho said he had at least 50 . letters from CmllOye5 of the oiiipany .y promising to stand by it in tiic event of , L strike. There wore 29 chiitSf opcua I tors iii the office , each having ¶ under him frouil8to25 more. This mont- ; ? ing a canvass was made by their chief , .amnohig olenttom-s to ascerbtin , if possible , ' 4c time real struiigthm of time ( lisallcctel )1' tion muid how large a force might be re- , 1 lieu emi ill case of a strike. Time iirst report - _ port showed that out of 21 operators 12 _ ftr ; were doubtfuland nine promimised to stand by time Company. Later reports indicatn , oct this 1)roportton representcd a division Of fccliiig throughout time whole fprco. I Time Wlmeatstono operators to a man , . 'sajt1 ' to amitl the ' Dcaly , 1)iomLd by . . Company in ease of a strike. CIIICAOo , July 17.-TImo linemen of time telCJlLOltO COiflpUi'pP of this city wont out , On a strike at noon to-day , amid will hold l a imieetiiig at 2 o'clock this afternoon to \ outline their future course of action. INVTIOATINO TilE GRIEVANCES. NEW YOIiK , July 18.-At time regular weekly mimeeting of time executive cornimmit- . too of time diicctos of time Westermi Ummion telegraph COlIiliiY to-day , time following was atloptod : ItESOLWE1) , "That a comnmitteo consist- ing of ex-Gov. Cornell , J.W. Olendenimi , amiti John T. 'rer , ho aplointel ) to in- quire into time Comiiliaints of inequalities . of comimponsation amid comithittoim of service . of the CiiilOye5 of this coiimpaimy , if any , and report to this coummimittec. " 4. . One of time gcntlemncim who attended , ' time nicetimig says time sentiniomit was ; ummanimnous in time suport of time action ! of Ocim. Eckert in his reception of time - , : committee who called on mm to present I time umomnorial , Monday last , and that his letter to Ccl. Clowry , at Chicago , outlin. - , lug tim positiomi mmd tesommnces of time comupammy itiid calling attention to time ox- & ? ' orbitnimt ( of that commimimittee , vmui - likewise discussed amid warmly approved. iL , The meeting did miot take eogImianco in . r fact .f time petitiwm since it was imeld thiat whatever commiplumith : cmnployes of time ; - company might have to imiake , immust be 'I'- nitdo directly by themselves to time coin- : ' pany's olhicoi. 'Fimo sub coimimimittoc is not or emnimowered , except to make a report iiext o. l \Vcdnesdmty evening , vhiemi time full coimi- mnittee meets again. 'l'hme coimiposition ; of time committee , however , is of & , , L ' ' time same interest as bearing . . . ( iR thmuteiiipcr of time imiceting amid. its fu- 0- turo action. Ciondumihi , one of time mmmcm- . v- bers , is lrosidemmt of time Xcmulia Coal 11- ' company , which has extcimsiv mimines iii : Picton , North Carolina. Time miimom-s h-uI there hiavu iecmm m turbulent comnnmuuity , 1 amid howe frequently immdimiged in strikes. 'r' _ _ Clcmmdemmmim hits always mmumnaged ( luring : - - these crisi 5 , and never yielded to time do- mnaimda nmade through time mncdiunm of a .1 , ' strike. Ex-Goverimor Cornell mmmicl Terry i ) N. are aiso said to be ( mImlmtsel ) tJ strikes an a it. , . mncaIs of settling time wages difilculty. ' for Thu Wiieatstoimo is a system of mimid : ' ; traimsmnission of busimmess anti imows. It has 1)0011 Iii Use many years in Engianil , - t4 but is c01i11)flrativoly a now timing iii timis coimiiti'y. .Vime immstrumnoimt 'iil do nearly ton times time inmsimmess that can lie (10110 i I over time onilimmary Niorsu wire. Should time \Vimeatstoime operators icimmnin and other operators strike , the telegrapim conhilaily would hmavu commsiIermLbio midvitim- i tuge timrotigim time use of this systonm. 'fhme mmmommmbeis of time brotimcrimood ciaimmm j that iicmtniy all \Vimcatstones iiru will. m' 11mg to 140 out , while time oflicura of time . .coumji8mmy say timat imot mmmoro than tvo or t three of time mmiuoteemm iociil eImmm1oycs t 8)1(1 ) HOt a lingo mmtmimmimor iii those else- i wimeru will coimsemit to it strike , t t 1 _ , TilE O1'EIt4tTORS' SlIfl. 4 , % . h , ol time Pm-eMS , Pittbumg sliecial Phifladciplda i * ' 'I'hmu bill of grievammces of time 'l'elegrapim. im m , em-s' liretiterimood hits hmecim siiinmmitted by order of its executive commmmmmitteu with I P ° " ' to oct. 'l'hmo immterested reports 1 : . that have ieeii front tiimmo to timno lmrmimtctl i st- , during time past toim 1ays to time effect timat i the brotimemimood was so casiiy piacatod 1fa that imo strike need bo feared are iiow o known to have becim without good foun- t dation , in so far at least as they indicated i that timero was lie serious dissatisfaction s iamnong time opcrator $ . t R 1 mmmmy be that a strike will not be the o thLfl t , tiorm - - - - - . , -WI-I o utcome of tii. agitation , amid ti hat the ditroreimces boLti,5im time cornpamm. ta i cs amid their cmnpioycs nmay be amuicabiy a djusted , but if this idmouhi be time result ib i t nmity be (1COmIlel [ tipoim that it , iii emily b e achieved by time colmcessiomm of time \ Vcstorn UflhImi to all time deimmammtls of the b rolimorimood. It is an tmimquestionnbte fact that time l lrotimerhmonil is iii a positiomm to enforce e vot-s' reasonably demand it Juts mmmdc , a nd to nmako this clear it will Probably be at ao f immterest to sketcim time hitter history offi t hmis-Jmro1m.tbl ( ) the inot compact anil veil tlLi tscijiliimctl tltlCS unjoim at. hmresemmt in ox. Li tence iii timms cotimitry , xlii : rILsi TEt's ote iint tYNO. ! Tim jmruiesitimm of teiegrajmiiy i so cimn- im arativeiy ycumig that its experience with la bor orgammizatkimm has bceim commminmratively li mited , Time 'I'eiegrapiiic l'rotectiomm L eagtme , time 'l'i'legrapimers' Protective P mmiomm , ammil the lrcsemmt lirotimerimonil beS im mg time ommly associations that have mver a chieved prportimms. 'I'IIU ie ngtmo s-as fonmeti Lim 18158 , mind was thu o utgrowth of a feeling of iimsectimity tmpon t he part of imettors. A conilict. in Calit f ormmimm imm I 8(19 ( iead time icimgtme into it s trike , iii whicim 1,200 OliCntthflI Ptrt1ci- i ) atel , caimsing a general stmspcnsiomm of b usimmess. Time outbreak was catmsed by ti me nttemmmpt of ommo of time commqmmmy's an- tip erimmtendemits to break up tIme kague. mlays after time mmmcii had submmmmt- t ed timey learned timat time commmpammy had im rop1tretl a circular conceding all timeir d cmmuumda awl this was not issued simimm1y b ecause inmumlamis of weaker brutlmremm itt ti me larger c1ti25 accepted time mmitimmmmmtuimm o f tim comimpalmy wimemi ViCh)1'3 was really w itimin their grasp. Thmd. : ommded thu L eague. Iii 1876 , by a secret circular frommm time \ Vcstern Ummiomm executive committee , all v acammcies occurring after timat time were fi lled mit 5 loss per month thrum time sal- a ries paid to proviotma occmmpmumts of thern p ositions. In ptmrsuamice of this scimoimme , w ithin six nrnimtima all over the country s alaries were forced down to $40 and $50 I " ' nmonth for first-ciassoperators. Abotmt t imis time time mammager of time St. Louis o ffice gave wide circulation to a boast t hat lie Would be able to flil his oflico w itim fmrst-class mmmcmi at $50 ior immoimtim. T his , with time prncticai operation of time s cheimme jim otimer piaces , donmorahizod the p rofessioim , atd until 1878 it was next to i mmmpessibie for operators to nmakc a ro5 a pectablo livimmg. Out of the despera- t momt of time mmmcmi grew tIme Telograpimers' P rotectivo Uniomm. It was mmiore donmos c ratic timmun time League ; all power was l ocalized iii time circuits , as time asseimmbhmes \ vero called , amid at one time time imuimmorm- c al stm'eiigtim of time union -as Imlaceul at 8 ,000 mlmcimmiers , but as they imad no cere- i mmonies to make time mncetiimgs iutercstimig , a mid as time3' were witimout a clearly tic. f itted object , hike timat of time lreselmt o rgammizatioim , the umemimbersimip gradually f ell away , time ummiomm wommt immto a slow d ecline , aimd cventualiy died from pure i mmmtctis'ity. rIm : mumorlIEltmiool ) omtutsmzmn. Iii 1881 the hiresent Brotherimood had i ts inception jim this city. Sovemitecim 0 le1'ators mmict thctlier one Sunday after- n eon amid fornmcda local secret organi'ea- t iomm , They imiet togetimor weekly , and t heir nummbors toadily in rcased , until t he bull of the qporitors in 111L8 vicimiity l m-u1 joimmol iie societywimichm was incorporated - porated into time Knigimts of Labor , as a , d istrict assembly. Jim .January , 1882 , tIme : Pittsbmmrg assembly issued a call to time : t elegr.tpiiers of time 1.Tnited States amid Canada for a convention of telegrapimers , t o be held iii this city in Marcc , 1882 , for time do- d ared PU1)030 of formmmiimg an imitornation- i ii teiegnupimers' orgahmucmtiimm , and time a mnalgaimmatiomi of all existin' toicgrapiiers' ' o rgmLIuizat1omm jute one graiurBrotImenimood. Time purpose of the Brotimerimood was timen d eclared to be , ammiong other timings , to s ecure for it mmmemmmbers a proper share of t he wealth they created , more of time I l eisure that rigimtfuily beiommged to timemmi a nd equal pay for both sexes for equai work. On Monday , Mardi 20 , 1882 , time coim- v omition met in thus city vithi immure tiitmmm 1 00 delegates , rolreselmtumg mmiany cities. Over 3,000 operatozs weru reJreseimted. ? mfortimmier D. Simaw , of St. Lotus , vtms m ade imresidcrmt , amid , Joimmm Camupheli , of P ittsburg , sccictaiy of time commvemmtiomi. Time imlatformn rtdO1)tod as a basis of or. g mmnizatiomm at this comivemmtioii opened time t Enors for nil operators , immalo amid female , i ii time United States and Canada , above t ime age of cighmtcemm years. It declared t ime iimtcresta of time teicgmapim amid mali. r oad cohmmpaimies idemmticruh tvitim thmoso of t he mmmcmi , tiitl micdged time Itrotimerimood t o deserve time co-ojiermttioim of timeir ciii- j miyers imm oil their tmlilcr-takimmgs , amid a sked Wily fl.l)0hC reCgmmitiomm of timair r igimtn. They deprecated stniies , amid a vowed time imirise of time Brotimcrhioodto h o to presui'vo htmnimmoimy botwcuim ommmpioy- . o r amid employee so kimg as this could tic d omie witlmout. uimdue sacrifices. Time ollicems t here elected were : Ormumd chief operator , .J oimn Cnmnpbeil : grammd assistiumt , .J. 11. Vestai , of Chicago , grand treasurer , .Jim A . Ilartmmiaii , of Philadelphia , amid ( grand s ecretary , 'I'Itmimas H. hughes , of l'itts- b . urg. _ _ _ _ TIlE CICItUl1AKEItS' STIUJCF. NEw Yoiui , July 18.-A fight betwecim * t ime cigar immanufacturers begimim yesterday mmorimimig vimeim time bummcIm mmmakers ommmjmloy- c ml iii time dilferemmtshopsm'eprcsented imm time MmmmmufacturuLs IJimloim vero discharged. 'l 'lmis afterimoomm mu imumimber of 81101)5 shut d own , amid it is ostimmmnted timat cigimt t imousammd cigar amid bummcim mmmakoms viil ho t lmrowim out ( If enmploynmoimt. ifemmmlrnrs o f time eoimmimm'mtteo say time nsoeiatiomi is i lotemimmimmed to immake it sUmmit ! imow agaimmat i w lmnt timey turin time mmrbitmimmy amid uimjust cI cmnummtlm of thu union. 'l'lme ) ' 1)rofcss to b e wiiiiiig to do imimytlmumg that s fair toward tin , wonicmmmcmm , : b u timey have msubmmmittcd uimtih imutmomico itmis ceased to be a virtue mmmiii ' atimum timami yield 1mm timia case timey will c lose time aimops perimuumemmtiy. They say hmat if tiiuy subimmit to tb' ciimammils mien' hey tummy mum svell mnzmke over their busi. mm.ums to time ofhicers of time ummions nmmd rust to thicir generosity ( or hiving , ton m ime imimiomma would PrCticaiIy z-uii time 1)115. l 11051 , if timoy pemmnitted it to hictntc time i ) t ) ' , wimo shall ho cnmployed , imimil otimem- i mmattems they asammnmo to regimiatum. 'J'Ime t immmimufaeture.i's s'iii make imo tennis except m e lm the buis of uimcormdjtional smmm-rtjimdcm' . NEW \'OUK . ' ' , Jimly l8.-'l'imcro nero no 1(3W de'ulojmiiicimts to-day iii thu cigar- mmimkenm' strmku. ? 'Ieimibers ' of tim. . , litter. t matiommal eimipioyed by S. Ottemmhurg Bromi. arc at work , amid tumiess they resign r arc discimaiged to-day time iimonmhems of ime Protective Uimioim 'iii hot m'oturlm t4 , 'ork , amid iii that oveimt time Otteubtmrg imop amid foum'teemm others bcioimgimmg to ime Mammufactumera' Ujmioit will be locked l ut to-imighmt for an imideflumito time , One reatmit of time strikt , it Is akl , will be that mnaimufmmcturcrs who are not m mmonmbors of time l'mlztimtmfmictumrers' tYmmmon a imil whose , iimojms will imot be closed , will immercaso timoir working force. Memmm- l mem-im of time Protective Union say' they vihl renmaimi firma In thmuir iletenmmimmatiomm , a mnl titus timrotigit their unwihhiimgiwss to work with time twummty-six mmmcmi , who they c laim iohtett time proimmiso mmmdc to themmm , co ver seveim timoimsamut lcrsomis , a few of w bomim are wontOn , will this aft. e rmmoomm be thmrown out of omimpinmmieimtsnt1 fi fteen cinr factories will be closed. A l ock-OUt iS coiilideimtiCxhmecteul. G1NEItttIj IO1t1IGN SIVm'S. run TIImAI , tP Titli IAuIOS' ) , .luiy 18.-Time cotmrt at Fy. r egimylmmiza , llummgam'y , trying it imummnber of II ews , ciitrgtl vithm time minim-tier of Esther S alomnossy , wemmt to Tisaza Eziar yester. ( t lt3 , vimero time 1)0) ' witimoss , 1mlommtz S chaif , s'ns commmpchied to look timm-omtgh t ime key-hole ut time doom' of time synimA g ogue , timrougim iImicIm lie alleges lie SflW t he mmmnrder ctmmimmmmitted. I t wits coimelut. s ively proven lie cimtilml by so doimmg ommiy s ee ( mile lerSOmt iii time iimtom'ior at a timime , a mmd that it was imimpossiblo to see mu group ii fjiorsomms as ho svore ime cliii. TiIm Nm.V 4x. ¼ m. . Olmarles loLessops is expeeteti imcm-e on T imtmrstiay , to eommt imilme imcgimtiatiomms with t ime British govcrummmemmt meintive to time S tmez canal project across time isthmmimmis. l ie hiss mmcm object iii limit time rcmmmcm'al o f mimmutenial obstacles to beimelicia I coimm. m mmcrcini immtcrctmimrse. TiIl CiILRiIA. CA1iO , .July 18.Time mmmmmmmber of ( leatims f roimm cimoicra iii this city durimmg thu 21 I monm-s cmmdiimg at B o'clock this umommmimmg i s ( II. cilAMuommo's ( ONIIITION. PAitis , .Jmmly 1S.-Tlmis mimoriming'mm Imimlie. t in says do Cimamimbord ( a quiet nigimt a mid apparcmmtly iimilroved. TSP. 1tIFL MATCIIus. LoImoN , July 18.-Shooting for time 1 olaporc emil ) took piaco \Vimnbiedon t o-day. Time prize was comnhmeted for by t eams representing Engiammtl , Cammada I siaimds of Jursoy nmmd Guerimacy amiJ I mmdimm. The teams were composed of e ight nmemm each timid firiimg was at 200 , 5 00 and 600 yards. Each nmmumm was iii. l owed suveim idiots at cimcim range. The c up % i'itS t'Ofl by time Emmgliaim team with s cores as follows : Emmglnimd 608 , Canada 6 79 , Jersey 0:18 : , Guernsey 621 ammd Jmmdim 6 14. AMIiItICAN SCOltF.S. Arevisiomm of time scores mmmdc by time Aimierican riuloimmen iii timeir simootiiv' Timmmz-sday amid yestem'day for a cup amma 50 , apeciaily imresemmtcd for timat commi- Petitiomi siiovs tintt Vmum Ilumegomi was victbr , as imis score for tIme two days'r s imootimig was 172 rmgaiimst a total of 161) ) for .Ioiimer. AX A5timtssAflOit Alum ! VEIl. SIIANCIIAI , .July 18.-Li Sting Chiming , Wilt ) hits been miegotiatimig imemi. , with Toicoim , Fremmcim anmbassador , has arrived at Ticmmstimm. , . , .AXIOU8AUSTItALIA8. , ' .Bmuini , , Iuly. 18.-Th ? eicitivo ( comimicil iota foi'wiimded a nmcmmmorial to time Earl of Derby. secretary for time colonies , urging time govorzmmemit to recoimsider time tieC1.5i011 to forbid umnmioxatiomm of New Guimmea to Quceimsiand , and iimritiimg timwmi to take steps to provide a federal goverim. mont for Australia. A Sensational Eobbery. ST. Louis , July 18-TIme people of tIme southmwest corner of MiBBommri amid time imortwest cormmor of Arkatisuem are bemmting time bushes for three mmmcii for time robbery of a farmmmer mmammmed Jim. Flynn , living mm tile lStissotmri aimd Arkammsas line , ummder aemisatiommal cim'ctumiataimces. Oim time imigimt of time 1511 ! three immeim called at Fiyimim's aimd. scented lodgimigs. They ciauimmcd to be stock buyers. AiOtmt immnlmiigimt Flyimmm rind fammmily were imrommsed by time mmmcii bursting into thmeitsieepimmg m -oomn aim ci m1cmmmimmtjjii ; thu mimommoy 1mm tIme i mouse. 'J'v ( ) damigimters lmttc'iImJted to eimve time rmiommm vimeim time m'obhci's limed omm t iieni , w'otmimdimmg ommo 1mm time armmm amid time O tileV imm Limo simouiiltjr. Flyimim imimmmuif WitS knocked ( lowit witim time mitt of mu m'o- volvei. ' [ 'imu hammdits timuim lmmmstiiy imimmmm. d emoul tIme house , secmmm'ing $400 or $500 i ii gmeemmbacks , immiui timeim mmioummtctl imoi'ses t mimd m'otle away. 'l'Jme Cimmi'ch ) of Cmiii ( ) CH. ST. Louis , July 18.-Southwest Mis. m ummmri viis visited by mm severe timimmidem. s toimmm last e'ciiilig. \V. U. l'mliliei"mi ' s hiiimgimter Imoimso at Carthage WitS struck by higimtnimmgammd burmmed. Suveraistabies m immil lnmmns were struck by lightning amid destroyed , At lilanaimai , the sthrimm. wind t imid rain was von severe. 'l'm'ccs wcmw uprooted , fences levelled , corlm amid oats s l ) iOWfl flat mmd time Cimurclm of God , a now t s tructure , blown over by a tornado. i srucim stock was kihicci y ligimtimixmg amid a bout sevumm mniies of telepimormo iviro iiIlI p oics destroyed. Jopiimi was also visited t b y a storimi , but time daimmagu was slight. s - - Lawn Tunimis Tragedy. PIIILAI1uI.m'ImmA . l8.---'I'lme 2 , .July - - - towim of Bedford is 1mm time greatest cxeitunmemmt o ver time inwim temmimis tragedy. A purty : s y esterday vorc piimyiimg lawn tirimmmis hear t S iii I mmmi , at St. Omitimberts , 1mm Limo center ( If tswn. Aimmomig time 1)lmmyem's wom'u 11m1i. I ) overu , aim army olhicer , amid Miss Me. t i City , an exceedingly ln'etty youimg hitmiy 2 0 years of ago. Suddenly , without t qmiareimt ' , Iovemo liiiiiecl omit i hOVOlVOr mmmiii simot 1iss deiimi a mid thou blow omit Imis on-mm hmnimms. ] htim victimims mime ss'ohi.kzmowmm jim society amid iii l bothm case'm time emily smlrvivimmg relatives mm'e s'idows. .1 1 is Imul iovecl jealousy iva'i O t ime jmiotivu of time cm into. h ! J'imo Smnmt isimmim J'xIomil lii , ) . 1A)1YZS1 ) II,1 , J uiy 18.'I'Jmu demimummid for 8 iitCO : it time iiotmthmcrii exposition iS 130 g reat that time hlmimJiiLgOr.3 to.tlay commtract. l e d ftmm' I lie immmmmmediumto ioctio Ii of mum isim. s mcx , wimmeim will auiord 25,000 Kjunro feet 1 UliitimmIIl 8ltC0 , mit ii cost of $7,000. Exh h iihii ta mmm.o iimi imml I ) ' imrnivi mig , beiimg lihitceti h hmjimflhitiJmm. it ) ' time first of August tivery. . immmmg will be jim m'eimdiimciss for the immammgii. 11 .iti opummimmg. - - - imi'dcr amid tiii krklo. 1)gs July 18-- Iii mum imitorca. h imimi alilolig suimiut colored Imlmnurmi at Z \Vimitcbrcast , Limemma coummtP , last mmiglit , t o ime of timoumm was killed. 'limo mmammmus am-tm f not given. 'I'Imo mimurderor is tmmmdor ar. s est. r ( I \v. ii. Nebon , a respected citizen ( If 'r Oskaioosa , comimimmittud suicide timis cv cmi. u- ug by shouting hiiimisuif with a pistol , t No cause iii muisigimed. t - - - TilE UNAPPROACHABLE , T h Grcat Toroilto Oarsman Bc1s Ross a QuarLor Milo , 1 ) utnIi oftito Itrico at OgdcnHbtmrg- Turf amid 1)Iiumminncl lohmgis. sIoltTlG IIOTES. Thu ( immR.T 110W. OomnNiinuue , .1 uly lO-Tite I Iamiiamm. I toss race was started by time efvreuMr. E . Etstia , of Boston , at. ( itm1 : . mu , at- t en mmmumy had desp.tircd of hmavimmg a truce , 0 11 necotmmmt. of time high wimmil tmimt ) lire. v alicil ii chmiy. floss womm limo cimoice amid s uiecteti time outside enmmrse , exiiimuimming th at iii. , iviimc afraid time boats i'oimhci immtemPit f ere with imimmu. leui : oil'emsilv : a mid kept a leimgth nimt'iui timroimgh time i'm m'mit immilo roviimg :11 : strokes tO flcss' 80. A t I lmu ( mmli , amid thmico qtmiumtom' thug , I Iiummioim 5 tfl41ll ( mwiimg , thimimu immauie lit ) strokes , R oss 28. Soon lie wauitbi-co Iengtlms ahead. I Iumtiamm mmmmulu time tumit mmmi 7 mmmimmmmtes. t welve lemmgtk' almond of Boss. On time th ud mmm'mie Elmumlamu slowed till nmmd took mu cl rimmk of water. iii tespimmise lii a cheer clf f nmmmmm time mm'css llmtimhiin niecl , "it is home. s ommie out bemo. " Ross : tppetrtd ; hmiowmm at t imis timmme immmtl O'orge 1ee pnhieci mmiommg. s ide amid talked 1 hminm. llamminm : flumishmeci t ime time fommr umilies witim alt eusy : sIt-eke j ust its Hess reached the three amid timm'eo- q imarter flag. ' ] 'lme otlicmaltitmme ; ( if the font' n miies is : llauihiumm , 27 mmtmttitoS ! 57 see- o nds ; lt(1ss , 28 imiimmtmtcs ' 1t t'cimmti. I liummimun wits hilly mu citmttCr of u mimiie n imead , llmmi mmummdu time fastest time eu r ecord fmr time ( listammce with turim.t1l10 P teVitmS record of femur itilics ammil turit w its by i'mhike ' F. lavis , of P rtlaumil , Pile. , it t Silt-cr Lake , Miss. , Octolmer 8 , 1878 , t wommty-eigimt mnimumtos , six mmmiii timm-ee- q uarter * ieconls. , iimimmi Davis , of r1 rdmui _ t OVIIS judge for Itnumlaim , Cimam-les E. C ourtney for Itoss. Il mmiaii asked time f aver timat Ross wtmuld bhmtilc 801)10 other j udge , but lie doclimmed , so llammliumt mimic ii i 51) far iuimeiul timat a' majority of time 1 t,000 ) pcim1o Oil tlmd uiatcr amid shore u -hmc > saw time race atmtposed hiss anti L ee 'myimo were scuiling' thgetimcr were e ontestaumts and that Ross hind time r ace. This report "Wami teiegrapiied a ll over time country 'mum hour after time r ace. Time qtmcstio&twzs asked out time s treets and at imi'adquartors , ' ° tVhmo womi t ime race ? " Ollicial sigitals vere wnumgly g iveim for sonic roasomi : ° 'As Ilaumlan drew t o time referee's boat ndiienrd time otilcial tn n itnoimnecimiunt , lie xclahned , potntumg to C ourtney , ' 'Seiucl ' uittimat big feilouv , amid I 'll ummiuke aim oximibitiomi of ltimn. ' ' llummmiamm t imeim rowed ov if'"Itoss mmmd simoumk i iltlmda. lii it bni f 1)ecIm to it lai'gu c rowd , llmuumiamm said , imo felt pi-otul of imitv- i ng mmmdc time best four-mmmiie tiiime omm r ecord. Time p oi MurngetI 4 to I oim l lmumiiui thmrotm'iiout thto day. Ntmthing i mas beemm hican ? thus veuming cf mumy dial- lq l emige fruit' Courtimoy. Time water wits q uite rough. OaInNsnultcm , N. Y ? Judy 18-it is'l s aid Haimlomi approached Cotmmtmmuy iii time h eadquarters this : mimg bad temmmperetl. A verbal row followcdiim iyhipim Umunlaim i s , said to Imavt' , hittor- nes. ire olflircd Ui , ' , ' , hind row CommmLmmey a squmre : race omm ammy body of water immAmmmurica. Commrtmmoy kept cool , amid asked ITanlan hmcmw mmmtmcit ime imad to PitY for ecmttimmg lila boat at Clmuttammqtiim , aimd cximibitiimg $1,000 offered to bet that i 'mO wommid crowd lJmuihimn to faster tmmne at Vatkimms timaim lie evom made before. Courtney said if llammhan did not cut I mis ( Cotim'timey'a ) boat at Chmatauqtma , imm ( liaumhiumm'n ) mmwmmcy did iL Ilaimlami said Courtumey was mu liar amid a thief.Vitl - l ace amid Ross hmaviumg appoimmtod Cotmrtimey i ts judge in time nice , Jlaumlamm immado a fom- t mitml lmrotest Li , time cmnhmuttoe agaimmet Coui'tnu imetimig imm that Ifl C11zcno . CiiieAd , July 18.-Fommm'tim day Driv. z iig Pmmrk races , tnmck fast , atteimlammce i ml'go , races imimoxcitimig , time favimrites WiIiimiimg 1mm tWo of time three races. Cimmas 2:30 : , lmtmrso $2,500 , 500 extra to i ) eflt 2:22----'l'ommy : Newell , it strong favor- i to , won with case iii sti'umiimt heats , C ieom'ge V. second , \Vcstunim third , Browui \ Viikes fotmrtim ; tiimmo , 2:211 : , 2:24 : , 2:28k. : Class 2:21 : , imimrm $2rmoo , , $500 extra to b oat 2:17k. : Before Limo lust hunt .1cc l ltmiiker sumis time favorite iii time pooia tot' f ii'st jiitCe ) , imit Ovtinmmmuimm evidummtiy took il i ds immoasume wimemm timulmeat wautrottcd , itumd l iettimmg at cmmmce tihmifteil to Limo Cmmiiformmimmum. 'l 'hme i'mce : closed excitimmgiy. lii the see- l 1) ) 11(1 heat ( .Ylcmmmmmiie ( I. mmmiii W'ilsomm tmotted a (108(1 imeIt for HIJCmll ( imlimee. Ovorjmmmumm d i vflm stm'imight heats , Cicimmimmie G. $ eCOim(1 ( , c \ Vilsomm third , .1 oe llimmmktmr foimrtim ; timmmo , 2 :11)1 : ) , 2:20 : , 2:1fi : ! . a Chmmss 2:25 : , $2,500 , $500 extra to b eat 2:20. : Cimtcimliy , time favorite , woim w ith ease itt atm-migimt heats , Sleepy Jot , ' econd , Jm'it 0 timirdYiii Beimimammi fourth ; inme , 2:20 : , 2:20 : , 2:23g. : im ) m'iTIC i'AiIK mtACY.'i , a ti BosToN , July 18.-Second clay of Mysr ie Pink , time favorite womm iii cimeim class. Iii time 2:88 : class , Gaiantimtims won imm trimigimt. hicats , ? ilortimmmcmr second , Imtiimmmie C third , 1t11)1mio fourtim ; tiumu , 2:82A : , :81.f : , 2:31A. : ti Cimiss 2:8 : , Ella Doe wmm , George S c econd , 11cm-soy third , Am-chile fourtim ; lc immmo , 2:27. : ( , 2:251 : , 2:2Uj : , 2:25j. : imAHm hmALI. Cixietco , J iiiy 18.-Clmicimgos 0 , l5os. Oimfl 0. Dai'mui'r.Jimiy 18.-l'rvhiunco 1i , lo. I m-oiLs 5. ul C1.IiVEi.AND , .Iuiy 18.-Cloyciammils 10 , N ow Yonks I ( af hiti'm ; .1 uiy J8.--'hihadui1dmias 7 , 141 imiuhitioli 5. th thct SI'JIINIVIEI.I ( , , .1 imly -Smrimmgfluh1s 7 , ct mammd Itui1ids , 0. ] ) , % , .1 mily I If.--I'eoria Ii , Smgi. : em- umius 4 ; ten imumiimgs. or Ciiiuim'cli ? 4gOII3' . I CNcolum , , Jmmi3' 28.---'l'hmo ' semiatorial bai. im Ot to.clmmy ; \\'immiu jmmimmmhicr , :121 : nueca- mir ary for mu choice , I 08 ; Ladci , I ; , J0i'iiiiii , 111111,14 , 1 , 'I'odd 1 , Prescott I , SmmiLim I , ht i.iggs 1 , limmm'nimammm 2 , iluli 1 , hail 8 , lanimimni 8 , ( iiiiihimgem' 4 , I'iittenimnm 7 , ci M cmoru I I , Stovemis 2:1 : , Marstoim 28 , Lap. ( 1111 89 , Chmammilier 74 , Jfimmghimmrm 11(1. ( iu cla it ' .Vreclcc'd i'xprlHs 'I'i'zul n. a 1cNXVJLE , .July 18.-At 1 o'ciock this nomimimig , oimu mmiiiu cant of time city , at thu ulu works , thu eimsturn bouimd express 'i rain , going tm ( till s1iecd , 'sits thrown w rent time immmuiim tm-muck by a nmispiaved h witch , Time tm-aiim struck four coal cars iu _ hi thu side track , demimeilsiming them. ch ime ommgiuo thou jummiped time tm-muck ituici mimi into time immaimi buildhmg amid works of ime Valley iiie commipammy , tearing itway hu whole aide of tIme buildimig , and play. N 11 mg havoc u'itit time numeluinur- . Time loco mmim motie reid tender tum'mmcd ever , Thu im mami car wits tttii to piceni aimil time ( ix. imp p m-cM car dtuimmagecl. Time iluuimumgo to thu race ilroad cfltmlpally i $ I0.000 ; to time zimmc co mmipammy :0,000 : , Time railroad Cum1ammy olof hirs mm iargo ruwanl fr time apprulmeus'moit of the scommmulrul ivhmo brulie the iock and ci miummged time switch. - Oim. Ilmerclamm'.s New lfnnn' . Cmtt'.mo , ,1 ull18.Time currosptuul. mi nce butweomu letmt. (1tmu. ( P. 11. iteri. cl aim anti c'itizeni of this city wimi irelm- te d hmimmi a rosiclumice \\'ashmingtomu city in almtmcmiatmomm of his mtsstmmmtptiomm ( if ZJI1 ( mu aimtl of thu iIt'mmi3 ci time ( ttttrd States mm uxt fail , wumeit ( ion. Shormmuamt irill retire fm- OmIt time iurmmm , ' , u'ihI be mmmadu imlihihic to- mmm crnv. 'I'hme iett t'r ( mf lmresemmt1timum1 is si gimed by : i I prnmmmhment citizcus , iueltmd. imm g Aimsomu Stamvr , Pilarshmiul Field , Ceerge Pit . Peilnumum , P'u. l. lPuirbauuks , O.t.Fmw- uv ell , .Insepim Pitthiil , 1' . 1) . rmmmommr , i'ot- Ic r Pahimmer , 14. C. Loiter , mmmi 'I' . iL il iitckstoiie. Flume letter is a trilmmmto to ( b it , Shmemidamu its a soldier mimmil citiemm , am md exihi-esses time uvimiin h1t'r0mm1tl friend- si i'mps of time domnirs. ( hmm , Simemidnum's letter of nekumouvli'dgt- mmm emmt uxmm'csses high itput'cimtt limit of I lila mm e'mghilnmniy evhlt'mteo of regiunmi ut his ci uusemm home as emmummander ( cmf time dc- im ; trtuttt if time Pihissouwi , iummct says whetu 1w asammmmues lila muew cliitis , time fact of imi s imew imcimmuo prt'semmttl hum by Chicago fu iemmila will be it mmuttter of mipeocimiess pi eastmt'o to imimmm. . - - - TImIM 1'uu'kmilmmry Itepoit. llO4T0 , .1 umly I -'l'hme mmmajonity ammil umm hmmomity mepimmis of tue 'I'ewiahmtmry iii- ' estigatimmg ommmimmittee uill lie lmesemitedl to the li'gisizitiim'i' Friday. 'I'hmti fcmrmimur umm akos imhmiiimt 10 emmitimimims , time butter 17. 'li me mmmajority report iu-iii s1etk : iii mmmost 1m ositii'e termmts regam'dimmg time direct ci mit-es e1lictimm time homier of time stiutu. It umll tithe tip mit demtiid time mmmost scmuums of tiiommm mmml eimdeavor to show 1mw they h ave imeemt refuted , itmud will cimraetenizo ji m strong lamigitage time umittimi'o mf time at. te mmmpts to mmmimke time etmmmmmnomtwcmitli scent sa vage nmml brutal iummd possibly mmmay ho v ery direct iut its imtnguagq umimoim lime viurt ti me govurmior has tiukeit 1mm prommmimt'mmmg ti itt immvcstigatiomm. A Naval Court at tmutimiry , NomtaoLKTii , , .ludy 18.-Time mtaval c omrt.of immquury to oxiuninu imuto the clii- fi cuity betwecim Commmmmmodoro Piulmy4 , comum- mn andammt of time miavy yard. itmmd Commm- mm miumicler PilcGlemmsov , mtssommtbied. 1'iie ' ch miuges imrefurred 'by time comtmmmmmtmitiiummt. u gmuimmat 1IcGieumsey were read , accusing th at. officer amid lila clerk witim niulimmg cx- C ommgressimmimim 1)csemmtlorll' mmmmtkimmg ch arges to time navy ( lelamtmmmeumt iigaiimmit Pi ult'O. Timoy ftmrtimur cimargo tlmimt Mc- ( i icmmsey i'cfused to dcli'em cem'taimm Plm- w imcit omdem'ed by time comumnmnmmibmimt to do Si ) . Commmmmmaimder Itlct1 luimsoy elmai'gea C ommtumio&lcmie Piumtyo with itii'ostiimg and c umitlimmimig him to quarters without cimimse. Crook.'H I immitimum l'olley , SAN .i.i'itANUiSC ( ) , , I uily 18.-hmvormmom 'l 'imttie , of Arizoimim , iii mum imttorviuw emi C rook's Apacimo jmiiicy , iUt&i time Ajatcimes a re coinmmmitting fimrthmur du1mrcdmttioiuc , time r espoimsibility of wimicim ciuit't be lixed out a my lndlvlduitl mmmlnimbor. Vlmomt dtmtcoimm. i mmita umiurilor all should ammll'or. Crook's um military commtrol of time tem'nitory restmitetl l mt a great immiprovemmmemmt ill time Apimcime I utdiituma piaceti ohm time reimervntiomm. 'I'hmuy Im ave rommmmtimmed titere. 'l'hme imoimimle of ftu t erritory ViOw Crook's policy as t1tci tial- v atioim. - Fund-al ( if Con. Timlmumli. Mzimmmmniiomto Iuly 18-'hmo fimimeral o f Gun. 'l'omim Tfitmmmmb ecourrod timla ulmorhm- i ng. Every effort uva nmndc to have it as ti tmiut as lmssuiie mind imo display immimdu. 'i 'iiq body was eimcioseil iii it w'zminmit eofiimm c oveted witim bvcmadclmtil iuuiti ti'mmmiiimcd vitim Pifasoimlu cinimiemmum. 'l'imo Pluto bore t he imIscm'iitioum , ' ' Cimim.s S. Stnmtttomm , imged 4 5. " Time services were very Inief : mimd im iupressive. 'I'Imu Pilmmyflouu'er lotigu of ? i lliumomma cscomtcdtimolociytotime tm-aiim. Thu 1'mlic 'i'iiiul. NAMmmvhlLl , .1 lily 18.-TIme uximummimma- t ioim imf states witimesmies iii tlmo l'olk trial C omm ti mm nod to-duty. 'l'Iie ti immo wits iii iii mm iy o ceimpiemi iii time CmMM.tiXltiIiiLiLitltiii ) of Pu . I I ' 1ummmimmg , futimiur clerk of time : tm rer. Time Ilitmiliuim Itact , . l'mmisoi-i' : : , Citimmiclim , . ii hy I ----'l'hme iver coimtimmmmes rough muiti time hinimsimects f this aftem imommim's naco tire somimowhiit mmbiomimi , Nuitlitim I limimimmim or Itoss iremo mi I ti i i iim 'iii ' j i 1. 'J'hme iii Ii ii x i If vlsi toi'i-i in itil greatly itmmgmncmmtcii by time truimis ( mcmii i1 ll imoimmts last _ _ . ' I - RIlI lit's SilVCiji ii 00. 'I 1'huIr.uImmu.mhiIA , .Jimiy I 8. - b'ojiimiiu Vitm'timmimii , aged 10 , ivlmo , April iimimt , cariy mimicceeded in kiiiimmg limmisuif with im ' ruvolvur , itiimmnst severed her lmead ( room 'I' me body to-day with a razor. Sham wits li uimmed under Promimiso Of Jmmarriimgu. it _ - - Time Triuclo Isollar. tm Isollar.'I' l'mui./mmRtt'mI hA , July 18-'L'ho Prouiticu 'I' xciotmigo hits ngremmcl to co.opurato with me Comnimmcrciai Excmaimgu ) iii mmrvimmg tmpomm ongress time i'edemmuptioim , rctirummmeimt or gniinutnim of the tm-mule dollar. st - mmi 'rFliEatttl'lI : NO'l'EH. l td A Nflgilt frost u'zis reported at. 1)muoiiport , 11 c ; uva , I , y gitirieimcrs'ed mme'ci Ill ) ' immoimmi mig. NI , % auiimgo. : Z I ) cnmiI JCirmmay , the mcaiui hit orator , cal Iei I Ii i ! l miyIIr iIlMIIim , ii New ' , IrJc ) iisLUiI lay turmIIIImm , , vI0m ii view II ( cibtici im mi iIcrmuii. 011 1.1) 111)111 ii imeuS immeeting f unmirkimigmimimim omm u ( Jidiom Sitma-u ji1ii1im , 'l'lmu lmmmmyclr mmdii Ito ( ruhml give hmimmm Ito itsistaiice iii time immmtter. 1 Ii ( IX IlhilSilImi , .ei lIIlIIIiy miamimagemi ( ho Vtiiik' - s ( N. V. ) ( nMhigJit'irks , nimd Imijmmrial uv- al 1I1OIImm. 'Jim0 gemmermi Cr10 mentimm of limo North 4mmmcr. miii Saummgmm lest , , .i'limetiii , m1 I Isvummmku , ims time eXt 111:1CC : of hiiriiiiuig thu 8ceumgci : ftmst. I ioilcatiemmsm For tue i1 IslmmIimiiI valley i.mtlierly V. liitii , fitIi , j Im-eceliell I ii tIme ccii ti-al irLIoit Ily PartlY ci IlimIly uSeittImIJr cli lIcti rui mm , mver t.oiimlIcmmmtum II , I ii time 1 Iges ccurt iitaitlai at. Mt. I 'tmmml , Limo ufuimmie i eqmmmstcii time NummimmimlIrma IJ ( i1 isjor ! mi c - : Irmols mum uc ltmmcji. I Iges remiscil ( to statt , iiict lmim * 1X1)eCtOIl ) I , ' . Pmliu'o by Imimim. 'limo rn imlIst wits graimtoii mmiii I omimmt. mmlj mmuruii to wlt time mimilummi of time wltiiess. ltd imi-smeclto fIimOZ. LINIION , July 1 j-Icnural ( Sir Evelyn Vooi1 , coiimmmmammilur i ( time fom'emi iii Egypt , ho itumil uiimimurkeml at Suez for Emmgiammi ( , its m-ottmrimed , by order of time ICimudivu , t Cohm5UPiimlicu ( of the ajlpeaulmumee of time olera iii Cairo. - It 'iouv Isiimo , IlOior.t ( , Juiy 18.-Via ( lalvestuim- otice is givuim that time tovuriinmuimt tub- - Vuuiezmmc'ia were oiened y eate-rtLv Is' ( Thi fm-ihb0m- ! Cohtimmubma , witit time laimi iiite of uv herc tlsy cornicet , di directcon. nrc mu t gnvorinin.vritm , , of time ( cittram ala uiti ui t'tioim tlkvihuei S outh Amuieremum' Poic'gu , cummipammy , via ( l iulvestoum. TUE APPAUM1ffliEPL'RVEST. 1 onerally FaoraM Report cral ountios iii Iova all C ortu $ I'Cl Itmg Itmu pill i ) TtWWt ima- ( tirlty- -'lii'itt , ( ) it' immud Iyo Itemidl ) ' flC I Ii ( llemuhmc'r , ( S i't'vhl lLstiiutt'lte'c ) tI , 't'jtm uric. . A 1111(1 ( Ii MI I Swr'r , Iuurimus : Co. , Nob. , .1 umiy ht- S mall gm-aiim of tmvum'y kiimd i mu fiuim'iy gtmott c rop. i immrvestummg etmimimimemmeud oum thu 4 th. Corn is looking splemiulid ; wits ivmu'mst im igim cmi time -htl , ' amid it-lIlt a few mmuoru tn jits u'ih1 umuitho it ginid emop. l'otntoes iut 'o a big em-ep this year. ( larultimi truck o f every hunt is hiokiitg ivuhl. l'teumty of hil : tcklot'mles , , tiphmoni'ies ; itmmd otimer summall . fr muit uimtiro there is lnmimcs , etc. , to raise ( tl mcumt ( remit. a vu ml n mm'u 1. U imoiv-ri i ( mui'd ou. U'Nuu ' m , , Cm-tv , P' : n. , lumiy 1 7.Smimahl gm 'aimm amid lmotutocc mime immmmmmummso. 'l'imu - 00 1mm hits gaiutoci wommmlerftmlly lutlicu mmty la st ropott , bitt eamnut mmmake nit muvemtgu cm- elm. \Vitim fiuvotabie wuatimem' frcimmm umow utt mtil Fiull , we mttiuy gather twotitim-dic umf mu ce m it Cm'Ol ) . 'L'imo 14.11mm-mit of time 1 8th iumst. di d little or umo uhitmuttgu : timnmiigim titi. ; ( l Lmlt ) coummity. vummi WORK UI" , . VIRTII , Nub. , .htcly 17.-\VimL'nt , omits , ry o ammd immriey : mic-um looked bettor lut th ese parts timamt utow. Thu ictont of } 'tl- 11 : 1) ' , time 13th immat. , mmhmeiied time uuts : aumd he ft eutoumgim Oii time grtmtiumd for seed. I \ 'imeat ' ituiti rye wet-u immjtmm'od fii mdmotmt time mmu s mite uxtumit. Not mis mmmtmehm witwut muowmm it s usuiti , aumil uun cimimicim inigs hot Cuhom's- d o boutlea. Cormm hi i'tny iackwitrti , mummd w as cut biuliy by hail ; acreage , 10 per ( c citt minim-c timait la.Mt year. Fruit iuumd. v itmeld are imadly injured hmy hail. tiC lum Gage coimmity , itiljoimtimmg imero , hail ( l estroyei idOlliD iIeces ( If witeiut , oats aumd C otli. A few pieces of iy.i have beumm cut tu mid simockeci. Tm m m : Pmuadi'E-m' ( I ( loll. lMmd1mNs ( , 1OVA , .1 umiy 18.-'I'hmo Om-illi ll m'OSlleCt is vem'y good itt thus 'iciumiLy cx- dit wiiciut iu'hmicit tim vetvel ii e , : ; commi- eum memtciumg II ) Work on , nuuci u'imich iii ( im iii'i'y time faimmuem's to cmmttiimg. 'l'imtm m'ye hm mrvcst is nearly mms'um' , with mtbomtt twum. t hirds of a crimp , mmmiii if we mine fmtvlrecl % 'it I i I I mu m4ghmf k hid of vcat hi ei' , com.u m v ill I i e time tiattiti em-op. AN t V i : iuA ci m : chum I A8LJ kEm I. ( hnmmnu'v ' , Town , .Jumly 17.--'iVitent is s till iookimmg l'mmme , bait Smtitdimy's mimium s torumm clIiumg lid ) diummingu itt all. [ animmers w ill Imegimu lmitrvcstimmg i'riic'mtt by limo last o f time mmmcmitthm. lumlmmg the Imitab week c mrum iota growit bUt little , cwiug to limo c eel iiighmts We iU'u ) hmituiig , , ltyo in this c oimmity is about miii lmmttvested miii will be a good crop. Omits hma 'owmi quite iieavy a Ini huh iuiitl nrc tmmom liable to rust timitmm t ie ) citlmet mmuaii gmimiul. Theme iu'ill imo mu s mall muvorlmgo imimmnbor of Inisimeis pamftI ° .C'ro of Ihiux mum lime conumfy owimmg greatly t o its sivvims of growth tills year , ABOUT IIAL } ' A 0mb ! ' . CIIESCIn'r ! CITY , iii. , Jimly 17.-Thmo p ast two u'euks hauvu beemi fiuvoimbie to t ime cuitivatieim timid gi'ouu'tii of cm'oJis of imii k iumds. larmmmers Imave iiimimnmved time tiiimo t o time fullest oxtumit , coumieqimouitiy thom-c hi iis heeum it ummmrkud : ilmllmmovumimuumt imoticed I n time coin crop , bmmt ilhilItIld time corn iuhi ui imtmmie iim this towummiumihl it eitimiiiit exceed Im aif ii ci'om hum comimimmucd : with bust year. mm 'u Vhmitt fiv' fields of suimuil gm'aiim timero is mmm w ill be a giioil yiuid. Pilciulomu's thmimt uvore ri ii ot ( iestycl ( mviii yield it hmeuuvy ci'cmji. lmm 'i'iii ; NoilvimEmuN S'IIE'I' ( YimOP. pi Sr. 1'Aui , Jmmiy 18lk'mm Iltmttem'worlhm , co o f Ohio , imims j i mat m'etmi mi i cii fm'cimi mu iii p hu o ver Limo Noi'tiici'mi i'mtciiic. lie status mem I mat mu'oiimid itmmi hoyoi md 1 hisu mauck time iii Iw time'J'h w heat cm'iii will umot ilU over .imme.tmjmmtim mmmi 'J'h ' . .Jitmmies ltivci' ' wheat a vuu'iige clump. s'itliuy hi il l lii a vietcimeml coimrlithmmi , lIeu Itivem' tim v alley 118(1 amid nthmei'plmm'tkImmmi poor. 1miui I N . Y , mama. imim Our esteoummed eommtemmmporary , tIme Now .Ji k ri.ic ) 'Ui mmmcmi hmims 1 mccii i i impiemoil mmpimm . It lO 11iIiiHuit8 II iimtum'vitiw witim mmmi mmliimgemi Nt ) ' (11(1 RI mcI i miLl u motto fi'iui md mf 1m , 'i'i idei m. tii 'J' hie hnui'lmort of thus iuitcru'iow iii thmmmt ? 1r. fe 'iidon is sU I I n'i I I I mig to 1 mc umommmi immutcil fom' ( l' ruaideimt by lime lemimocrimtic purty. : 'i'Jiis is bosh. J L iii ilot true. 'I'imero in otimiii III it. I t j mi iiitlit ) fabricatiomm , ' hero is imil fi > tiutulittiomm for it , 'l'hmero is ha i ) notu mmd romisoul for snyimig it , for writing of , or for , r1imtimmg it. lim- 'mVo mire smmrmy tlmmit mm cuimnorvittive mind lie stiimmmmhlu joiiimiicl like time Now York ' liime mihiouid timtiii lie hmtmmiibumgged. - - Pi JIIOIcMAN'S ( Ilt/tNl ) BAAit , ca THu ( lmtEA'r 5IiitTiAUi'h1 ( ( tIAI.R immm ill comitintmcn , amid gIolmd are bemmig mu- iummgiitum'ud without regard to cost. 'Phmo siu loiio wimicit immuvim just been ftluleit tua tile lmu ictigimtumcd list mum-c imcimmg rapidly ills. to (150(1 of. I lime flmflI/i ( muveimty.livo ; ceimts l'r % ' tli'm hi C uer imoforum oid ( iii' temi cclii Is , wi eiiym in still J"l Vl OiN'1'S iwr oumumee. tim (1. fl Viui'iu , tim igeimt ( ) imuaumuu Nmitiommi.l iktmmk , uti ( ht Slmouhilor imntcusfmmrgemitmm timid hiulics at gu (1(1(11 ( iiiii tiu to 'PURIFY i BLOOD.Si Si fflhR ! irmn'domi ; itlimit. or IloOIt'4 Sanapartlmit , .I _ aim lolliori arm ( tow coritililolit at time ljtout lli m'rovo It mire 1.-st 111.001) lim)1C1I. ) Sircim iiim : ulu tseImttloluccCM of tmlmc mmriielu 9t ilOflal jmm that nearlr ovi tnimir : ' Iii wlmoia itt nelgilborimootls lucYo betim u/ mukmumg It at lire amno ( hue , II mcmii' Q. wmms , yuailzc4 ll nut errricimc time biooii , ' Vinci , dppup. gu ala , l4ilouiitii , Anti au ieiuimgcinriti of w tim..tomImdmcauR4bm- iiiipuitj bioo'l um- tR a ctebIiItat4 coitdi. ( iou ut LIIII itci'VOU * ssttnm occadionett IIy czceciuo , , meiitat mum or ilmycical u.n-a IaborordiMmpattoo , II Ec eraUlcmmteaScrof 3 ulit an1 mmli tout humor. , li arid remitorea 4 Sill ! renoytm tisu whole fu sstein. A ! CUJJf point tim iOott'd ! Sarcapaxl ! . . ' is m. uat It creole , cmi imp- to t'etite _ immm4 btmltds up Salt Itzemmglhemms ( him d ystin. ant urnu-is mystical. a. mu irutectimm front d iIlcevs tlumt omlsLmrate tim cheurgis of Cu , a4iLml. ot ilinaWimn4 ci mtIi. Memiirii.0.l.11o04 & Coi ( i'ntIen nlt affor'h3 ; nemnueiimeuuruiorc'coiirmiifli hmuoli $ .ntiiapimmiibi , sly Ileattil lia * I.en putmm uau tar u&rmu yemmi4 pelt i 114V0 i.CIi obilget to 1aI.e * Wino of sours kiricuili time .mrlng. ant iimve irevcr fouimt e.zmyttilmimc tlut Irli my WaIlt $ year B&iiap.mrtil * . II ionic up say syttrmr. d murtfltp may tiood , siiarmcim y am'ctmle immat , eeiIms fo iuini'keinnQVcr. Jhmectfuii yutIr , J. m' 'I'imOifl'- .OLLAwIi , iftaL.Ue IsWr of Vli. MlctLmmeseL Co. M 131)14 hytrugtts. $ botth'.tr sm fori v.1llwoi ) Jm CO.Aptt0Ci&QwttLM&U. . . . C i-i : NATIONALCAPITAL ; ' T he O1fsprins f Bisilluishc Mc - Name for POSiiOllfl t&rmy- , T hmo Two-cent Rate of Pottgo 'nuI ' time l'rcsldcnt'R Trip to' time1 I'nrk-Othmcr Matters. CAPITOL , NOTES. Pul.t.1i ( ARMY 'ACANIp . ' . , VA5lIlNdIT0h' . , .ltmly 18.-Thu pres'idonL de smit , miated ; Vitmmce sout of Semmathr vm viie , North Cnndimma ; Ohmas. D. Clay , It lt.V. , . ' gm-numtinmmm of Iloimry Clay , and ' .1. 1Ia1Te ' 1)uval , mf l'cummm. , to appear lici fore thur b.'matti itt l"oi'ti-csa Mouii-oo tin , 1s t of ( ) ctn.ei ' foruximummimuatmon for second. lkm tmtetmaimtmi mm time itrummy. Tlmeae , with tw elve c1umiigutatin. ' froimm cmvii life , fnmm- em- ly ummmt4 , will , It , tiio oxanmimuatioum im emstu ecosafumily asietl , u.'II all time viucaumcies ox istimmg itt th0 aruny u.'P , to .July 1. In cit ido timimse yumummg Immemi Li ) PS exanhm- mimu tiomms other dcsigimiutioum will be litfllti ( by Limo lmrcsuleimt. T1i1 uLr1N/T1l ( , ( LW t. M JlWO1' , .zM cohiector of time mmciv su'mcmmtfr ( listric- If Kemttttcky was ivitiiclrauvu to-day' , numd. new btmitd semut. itimmm for oxoctutitum. QU.mLt'TiNi Ar mmmlii' 1.MI..tNt ) . Ti me dlutnuitimho : tmthleor umf thu mmtnnimte aer- u-ic e on dtmty itt Ship lsiatmd , 1mM beout in- str mmctccl to imroveimt iuhl immfected vcssol frmm mti mummoimoriimg wit.imimt two iuiiies of thus Ljtt iRLttttihtl mitmititmn. Thu Kmii.L00i ( A3M. ! In that criimiiimitl court Judge \Vylio dim Liv ened mumm opimm'umim cmi time picas of abate- mmmo ut. by time defeimsu mmd ( tcmntmrror cml- ton ed iy time govcrmmmtmommt 1mm tIme case of tim e Umtitod States against ' , Vun. Pitt Kol- Iog g , chmared witim illegally rucoiving mmmo uu3y wimmlu Ummitoul States senator itt co uutuctiomt witim time expeditiout of certain sta r rotttcil. TIme coturt overruled all do- um-rermm aimul atuataitted time immdictnuent. ro- tu nic'd. nmmumUrr0m oi I'OSTAUL Thu circttiiur issued to-day front tlmo mil ieu of time timird asaistamit poatmitastor gu mmeral , otlicimuhly , imetifyimug voatummastcra time reduction of poatago rates to take eff ect time tim-mit of October , amid directing tim euti to mmiako prolmmmnutiolm for it. Post- mimi tatora are itotiticti it is desirable to ita ve its smmtall mu stock of time hmreseumt titree cc itt ilt4tuithllm amid atauntied emuvolopos as iio ns'mblommhtuimul ; wimeum time redumctiomm ofrato go es iimto cIect ; tltoy mire required to liuihit th eir rcciim'taitiouts for iitaummps amid eimvel- li mes cmf this detmoummiutiitiomm. 't'lmo circular mit sui imumumoumumecid timiut time delmnrtmmmUumt will h o ready to issue two-ccitt. mitittuiti of time ' hi uuu' tiesigmi 1lti time 15th of S'optelmmber , hu t timeso BtltiitllS mtiiti utivelopea mmmmmst muot 1) ) 0 jmiltCCl ( lit nib om' tuaei befome October ' - hi t. AIMI ) , titiut , mme hmtaummis viil li e issued after SO1)tUmmdhicm 1-Itim , ummlcaa th e reqti'isitilIt ill muccoiimpitlmied witim ii. st umtutmmeimt , timitt time BtltuillS ) immo iteeded for iit mummedi.tte use. No tlimee.ccitt ataunpqd. em trelojea vii1 be issimeul utter time 31st of A ugust. TIte c'mi-mmhmtr fuititer instructs P ath1tft5tra mmmi to tlt doaigmm - fur ti me lion' two commt amid futmr cent staunpa t tul stmuummped oumvcioios , mmutd imotifica theni th at time iiiicca of cmtvelopes ( excitmaivo of p mmslmtgo ) wihi u'ouimaimm time simimmu its at ime. em it ; timmut mit , cimrliigo viil bo immunje mu post' ftI : Ll due : ( limit time iimtc on dID1) Iutt iis h' 1ll t0lflnhlt titu santo aim at preseut , Timo. ? Iom-risoit wits ltppVl2mtUl mi mastem' at Sigeum'imoy , Iowa. FEVEiIISu ! IIS1'ATCIES. - 'l'lmo foilowiimg dispatches hmavo bceim re- ce i'cmm1 iy Surgeon Goumeral Hamniltoim , of ti me Pifuriumu lmoSIitItl service : VEIIA Onus1 Mexico , July 18.-Yellow' fe ver is prevamhiiug with umimusuial severity. T hem wort IJO ( leittimmi iii ] 'mlay , 201 itt .Juimu , mmi ii ! 11-1 to ilato iii .July. 'l'hiu lmUluhber of cmv citses itro tliiiiiriisimiimg , capeclauly mmoiugst time shmigpimmg , tom' us'itmmt of mimIc- : ti. Aim uxeeptimmumiml feature hits becuitho ovmtieitce ( If time tilsemmst , mummomig time shill- mig , u'imieim is umitmimily excummpt. Not mmntiimg thu steamimoms of time Alexandria e , suvoim hu' cuimt Of time Ammmericaum iioi'm lmimvii died. Time fever commmmnonceI hart mmmmmoiugst Norwegian vessels. ' muse imavo nmull'umctI mmmuat , mmmmml they itiim ll tiemmiy diumgoioumn , becituse ummost of tmmit ehiim for out ports. ( Sigmmud ) Gurruju , 4nst Stir , Marmmmu hospital Service. Nun' OIur.uNs , July l8-'l'iio steam- il ; Iluteshmiro arrived at cjuutraiititmu ll ) ' 17 , witim six cases of yellow fever on ltli. him iiimil thmirletiii jim all. The ciimimmiuiil ) lSicrcimmuimt. arrived itt quaran- iu .ltmiy ill. Ommu doatim frommu yellow ver. Ihotim wuru frommi Vain Crims. S igmmcd : ) Jossm'u Jouis , M. D. , lSrWmiiehmt Iloard of Health. liauiiiltoum says to-umigimt lie Case of ye- ! y fever imius yet mulmlmcarod on time shores the United States. lie believes thu - emittmtiolma takumm vill lrevoimt ) imigress yond time qiuiuraimtimme ijimmitmi. 'run inmiiimuit ThtIi. , It is autimoritiutivohy duimied that. time 'eamm.leimt.'mi trip to thu Yoiiowmutono will tuso ammy UXlCiiSU to time Governimmont , d it Is itiso doimied timat. telegraph linen - u IA ) be erected which vill cost thou- mmdmm iif dollars , imimd that 180 Imorsea are iimg imro'ided for time umrty to be paiti m' with Piiiiic ftmnds , Lime fnct of thu esidunt imeiumg it Immeummilor of time party ll hiIt ) mmdii a cloilmur tO the expeimsemi of e tilii. It. 1mm umot a pleasure varty for e bemil'mt of tue l'rcsideutt , but an lciitl oxlljormmthmmm puuty : , timid. time l'reai- mumt 'us to mtceoimmjiaumy it as ami invited est. 'I'hio expltlnttioum wouid be mmi dc ls ) 'Cti : hi mummy evomit , It is time custommi uimd one or ummcmmo Imtmtien : citcim year to ake exlmiorntjoims for time uiepartmmmcumt. vunmi immoumthms ago Liemmtoumatmt Gemmural merkhtui luiviteil time immcs'mdummt to necoimt- tlmY iiiiii ( mit exphtimiiug tti1) . 'rime pm-cal- I 4 - mt will leave \'imsimimmgtoum in tiimmo to lmu 'caeuit &tt & time ojmemmitmg of thmo oxht'ubitlimt , Louisville , August hit. 'limo mmLY will leaVe Chicago Au- st. 8d tOm FomtVashmakio , front imicim lIoimmt they u'ill folicw thu i'outo t'ehSl I ) ) ' Guimeral Simeu-idamm fit iamit. umhmmmmem.'mm oxpiorittimmmm tnijm tutu ! they achi hot $ pmiimgs. 'l'iwy will timeii. ntumeim oil' amid follow tittm Y'ulldIwatomho , a r mum Shields' river in Mommtana , Prior hum delmitm'ttiro for Louisville time Pm-emil- cmtt will numuku mu visit of two or thm-oo ays to New York. 'Vlmo Doatlu Roil. ALEXANIiUA , July 18.-TIme m-oppm-ts of uatims froumu cholera yesterday 'oru mims llows : At. Daimtiotta 18 ; Mamma m-mulu 45 ; emmxzuieit 42 ; Sammmammouutj 22 ; Oimoba 1J. airo 17 ; Cimirbln ( I , amid ' 11l