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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1883)
TII DAILYF1tIDr11' . ULY 20 , 1883. 7 TIIL DAILY BEE---COUNCIL BLUFFS FRIDAY , JULY 20 , 1R",3. THE DAILY BEE. .r COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , July 20 , BUnacnIrTlcN RATES : D Carnet - - - - - - 20 cent + per wrok By Mdl - - - - - - - - eio.0o per fear l OFFIOE : No , 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION. Cheap Itaflroad Tickets at Bushnell's , Charles Green anti ,101111 Marky weru $7,00 drunks in the police court yestor day. Inforiiatioi js being filed now against dolinqueiits on licenses , especially the common carriers , ' Deputy Clerk Warren is making up the calendar for the next terms of the eir cult court , 1t must be ready by Au. gust 2d. Cool ) laiut was filed yesterday against Julius Kahlur John Donahue and Putor - Douahoo for assaulting a telegraph nies Sanger boy. 'rho sneak thieves soma to bent on got. ting clothing. Besides Fainat and Mot calf Bros , , Rodda & Co. have had some goods stolen lately. The first p < triug in the city is proceed in well it b0m In the alley between - Nn in and Bancroft streets , Thu work se far as dome seems allnirabla Sneak thieves got away with a pair of pantaloons from Metcalf Bros' , store , 4rito goods were afterwards found at Guldstein's where they had been pawned , , S , S. Keller is making sonic improve. imertts in the second story of his furniture t establishment , mimking the upholstery departmetit lighter and more eoiv'u nient. The Congregational social last evening proved an enjoyable affair , it being held at Mr. Mueller's residence , and well at. tended. ' A musical and Literary . proo gramme was provided. A team attached to the elegant new'de livery wagon of 11IeCling a cracker factory took a lively run in the Fourth ward yes- terday. The horses bout fell , and tlitus came to a stop. But little injury was done. ' 1 Frank Champlain , the veteran conductor - tor of the 0 , & N. W. , who lately resigned - ed the punch ho has handled for thirty years , is receiving many complimentary notices on his record as a railroader. He merits thorn. The report is current of the attempt made by a young lady on Avenue A to commit suicide by eating sugar of lead. Cause unknown , and she is reported as being safe on this side of the river yet. i "Bought on Rats" serous to work surer. The citizens of Oakland have subscribed - ed $3,000 for a public hall to be erected at once. If they are going to keep on amusing thenmselves with liquor and perjury - jury trials , some such roomy place is needed for the lawyers and their audiem- ces. M. Flamomt , the postmaster at . ola , who was in time shooting smnpOlately 'r reported from that place , bad his exani- nation at Glenwood , and was irom tly discharged , it appearing that he firer iii self defenae. The other man is to have a hearing Saturday. The lot owned by the county near the court house , and which was intended as the site for a now jail , had not the voters said "no , " has been shut up by a high tight board fence. It is the imitermtion to w' , uae it as a woodyard to keep a supply on , hand for time poor of the county. The police made an enthusiastic rush fora mysterious trail : which was sent to one of the depots yesterday , and which was supposed to contain some of the clothing stolen lately. TheY became satisfied the trunk and its owner were straight and had their chase for nothing. f Belle Clover has built a t igh fence across the sidewalk beside her hous0 , thus causing passors-by to either turn in there H or turn out in time street and go by. She claims the fence is on her own ground , but an information has beer filed against ahem' , to see whether it is or not. Tlio residents of Walnut triedto got up n mobbing affair Monday nigimt. Seizing a half witted sort of a follow for some .supposed ofIerso , and riding him on a rail , they than were about to tar nud tfeather hint when the city marshal iiter- fered The victim naturally left time lcity , and as that was what they wanted , it saved time tar and feathers , 'm'ho report that Gen. Grant lmd dropped - " ped dead in the street , created consider. ' able excitement here yesterday until it was learned that it was time signal memo- 4 rly for the telegraphers to strike. So far as time Council Bluffs office is concerned time strike cuts no particuhtr figure , as the operators are still at tlmeir posts , though all messages are received subject to delays , Clerk of time courts Street has been sending out requests to time paves of the county to urge those who are interested .in time probatinu of wills at time coning August turns of court , to attend to the matters at once ; also to urge doctors to report prom tly deaths amt births , and ministers and justices' to report wed. dings. Most of the papers are comply. ing with the request of time clerk , and t11o variety of editorials on the text is quite amusing. The condition of the present city cala- booso is simply horrible. There are no sleeping accomodatiois beyond a bare board or the floor , amid the filth the stench , and the heat , nmku time place one not fit to keep vermin in. Time place was partially scrubbed out } yesterday , but 0110 such scrubbing duos but little good , especially when it weep but a deonth or so. Ile place is a disgrace to .nny civilized eoi iiiatllty. Fifty more cases have been started for the collection of delinquent poll tax. It costs $2 only iii cash to settle the poll tax pr0bieal , but if a judgment is got against it fellow it takes $ G and all tutu costs , and nothing is exempt from execti tint to satisfy thus ju(1iuent. [ In fiet , a maul who has such a judgment hanging over his head , cannot even take a bath without runnit3 the rink of an olicer running away with his shirt , Justice Seinir , has coumicnced suit against time county for $225 , fees which lie believes are duo hint , and which the A board of supervisors lop ) ed off'at a ro cent mooting. Justice clinrz believes he is honestly entitled to the amount , 1111(1 does not enjoy being deprived of his just dues ter of having his billscutdown . as though he was overcharging the count - t Tkose who know usice Schur know that whether his claim is successful 1 or not , he is honest in prosshm $ it , lie has retained Wright & Baldwin in time ease , L , S , Peterson Who keep a boarding house , is charge ( ; with taking a rather strange way to force a name ay up. It seems that a young tuna 11. 0 , Hanson , owed lint two or three dollars , and 1 eterson succeeded in getting hold of a letter belonging to thin young maim , and which had just reached here from taw old Country. Peterson would not lot the young Lunn have time lettnr or open it u11- tl he paid up lids bill , Thu young mnn in return has hind time landlord arrested for petit larceny , Time case is to be heard Saturday. Last evening the mucntbers of llarluony baud held au informal social nnlsicalu at their roonms , wlmielm wore beautifully de. corated for time occasion. The eomiipany gathered on time occasion was codined tO the nmemnbos of the band amid their ladies , ivitlm representatives of time press. Time band played several selections , and Olemn's orclmestnm furuislednmsic for time dancing. Rofroshnients , games , and social clmtt chat also served to vimilu time happy hours away , and altogether the oecasmou wits a 10011) ' 0110' mid all 1)aeticit ) ; lmtts enjoyedit heaY. It is stated that Council Blall's has furor cases of sumahipox. If this be true time papers of that haumlet have beer vary gmot over time matter ; as we have noticed nothing regarding the disease , iii their eohunns. Gentlemen , whey is this tlmtsl 1Vi11 it hurt time Lmsimmess reputation of time city mf noised ibout1 Cone do mi the aisle , brethren.-11'alnut limtroau. Fortuudely fur Council lihmil's there was no case of smallpox for time papers to report , 1Vldnover there are any 'I'Imu Ban frankly states time bet , mid { vleu they are all cured' and danger is last coes to the front to tell timeo ) lethat too. At present there am imoma to report - port , So time Bureau nmight as well stmt Imp its drawers. Dr. P , 1V. Poulsom returned yesterday umorniug from a two days' trip south to Kansas City , and along time Fort Scott & Gulf railway. The weather was clear and pleasant , and time comfyas boonming in machness amii beauty , mid could never have been in a butter condition. All through southern Pfissummri and suutim- eastern Kansas the corn is in time finest growth possible. The doctor visited his brother , Dr , L. H. Poulson ; at Paola , Kansas. It ninny be gratifying to his many friends to leant that he is getting bettor health all the time , and improving financially also. Time two brotjmers had a consullation about time sickness of an old aunt , now 83 years , living at Ovid , Bear Lake valley , Idaho. Dr. Hiram.1. Poui- son , free the Iowa State uuivorsityason of time doctor hero , was sent to her assistance - tance a couple of weeks ago , and is now rendering professional services at her bed- side. Many conphainta are made of a gang of rough doys who hang about time v'ie11u- ty of Stewart's packing house and indulge in all sorts of deviltry. They generally pitch onto other boys. One little fellow says they pounced onto him and took anew now base ball from lmini. Anotlmer boy was thrown down and fifty cents takot from him. A messenger boy for time telegraph - egraph company , Mr. Brauard's sou , was in that vicinity with n umessage , and was assailed by brickbats that lee had to retreat , together with anotlmer boy who was accompanying lmimn. His father then went with him , or rather followed of be- Imind , amid wlmet the brickbats began flying - ing time second timiie , he gave time assailants - ants a chase and succeeded in getting the names of some , and running others to their ironies. Conmplaint was filed against several yesterday , and an attempt is to be made to punislm time worst of the gang , and break up the proceedings. 1Vhen you feel life is a burden , and nothing you try seems to ease your dyspepsia - pepsia , find a sure relief in Brown's iron Bitters. Don't wait until your children clmokoto death with diptheria. Send met omico to Dr. Thonmas Jetl rice , Council Bluffs , for hla sure preventive and cure. In seven years trial it has proved infallible. ROGERS' RESIGNATION. A Change in the Supcrinteniency of of the Institution for time Ionf and Dmub , Time following is time full text of the resignation of time Bev , A. Rovers as su- pet'iutondent of time institution for the deaf mad dumb : Couxor , BLUFFS Iowa , July 17. To the Homorable Board of Trustees of the Iowa histitntimn for the Deaf and 1)unmb : DEAU Sums : After serving as superimi tmmdeimt for three yeas I have cone to time conclusion that it will lie to time bust interests of the imistiiimtion to tender to you nmy resigeatioi , to take effect its soon as you select my successor. I aim prongpt c(1 to decline your re nppeintmeimt at an increased salay , because my inclination , as well as'tho ' wishes of my fnnmily , lead nmc into another field of work. Time material interests of the imistitu- tion are now in such good condi tion that the supolintemidency can chalgo hands without serious eimbarrassaeut to the good work. In going out from this work I shall carry with mite an abiding interest in time prosperity and growth of the Iowa institution - tution for time deaf and daub. Thanking you for all your kindness in time mist' and assuring you tlmat I can but feel in your personal huIIpi- nose and prosperity , I au , yours respectfully - fully , A. Romans , Superintendent , Time resignation conies as a surprise to the many friends of Mr. Rogers , who have watclmed lmis work with satisfaction , and who have been interested not only in his pe'somal success , but mil time success of the institution , 11tr. Itogers is a Christian gentleinn of more thman ordm- uary ability , especially jn the pul nt , amid time public wilinot allow his talents to imo ( lornad , but will nimmko now deimmands up0u his usefulness to soeme other field. Wlny are you ill ? Why do yyou su0url Eve 'IOd' ) knows all adios aimd 1sins nil guar and Broru's lam debility are cured by Iron Bitters , Bittersteal - - - -teal Eslalo'rranslisrs , The following deeds wore filed for record cord jn time county clerk's office , July 20 , reported for time BEE by P..1 , McMahon - Mahon , real estate agomt : Robert Percival to Clmarles Sexoy , swj noL 25 , 75 , 42-8800. Mary .1. Hubbard to Addie 0 , Johm- sonl part noj no. } , 30 , 75 , 42-$1,100. I , Judson to 1lmiry Seidwmdorf , lot 2 , block 13 , Beer's sub-$37. II. A , Tarry to Mikel Jemmsin , part of lots 0,10,11. amd 12 , block 120 , Crescent City-$10 , Mary I' . Saoloy ; t ) John B , Morton , lots 7 amid 8 , block 10 , Mindeim-842b. 'T'otal sales $2,872 , , BOLD AND SLICK , Thie os Sacccssfnlly Caplnrc a Bnndlc of Coats From a Clothing house , Tossed Out of ( Imo Window 'imilo time Clerk's Attcntlolm is IIverted. Faruman's store was slickly robbed at a late hoar jmi time evening , by two bold follows , vvi n assented time role of custonl- ems alut pretended to wamit to buy sonic goods. They were taken up onto time second floor to be shown soumo , and after iuspectimig without b11ying buying turned to go down stairs again. Time salesimmaim vvho hind been ahowing the goods was almond , mud time fellow iii time rear slyly multi coolly did the plundering amiobsorvel at the time. Time windows of time build. deg along time side of time store , amid oimou lug on the street , w'ero open , and on tables were piles of elothing covered with i lung stretch of cloth to keep time dust otl' , :1s the iellow inmssel along lie pimsled a pile of coats out mmto time street , throlglm the window' , the coat falieg on time sidewalk below. Tie clerk noticeil notlming at time time , but after time fcllnsvs had loft the store Ie vemit back up stairs to tmnn out tie lights prelamntory ) to elosmg time store for time ui glmt ' maid then iuthel , that time strip of clothe used in iii , decth , g time goods , lua tinllj' sliovel nut of tie w and attracting his attmdioe by its strtnmge po sltlnll , time less of time goods wits discover- ed. It was too late then ; time fellows lum'ing had a ebauco to get away with time goods time ) had thus tumbled mmi time street , luvcstigatiomr showeil that the thieves got twelve or lifteem coats at least , 1'EItS0NAL. A , G , McAusland , of New York , is at time Pacific. ,1. V. Grover , of Chicago , va ; at the Ogdmm yesterday , Judge Ayles worth returned from Dakota yesterday , J. L , Iitnrris , of Harlan , way in time city yosteclay , C. S. Lippiucott , of Lincoln , was in time city y'esterday , A , T. Drake , of Anduiman , visited time Bluffs yesterday , J , N. Skiggs , of Now York , arrived at time Ogden yesterday. . Marshal Halloway , of Plum Creek , was iii the city yesterday , E , .1 , Abbott is out hl time country planting poste fur the G , A. B , S. D , Kinumi , of Englewood , was visible at limo Pacific yesterday , W. Ii. Clyino , of Philadelphia , nrrivei at the Pacific yesterday. 1v. 11 , Mayor , of Cleveland , was an Ogdmm house guest yesterday , Chris. SCliweIger , lta9 guile to Colfax Springs for health and recreation. C. 11 , Ifohues of Magnolia , was muung yes- terday's caller at Tut : BEE. Officer Warner has so far recovered fromm lifs illness u to be on duty again , B. II. Kuhlman , of Cincinnati , was numug these of the Ogden yesterday. 1v. S. Packard aid 1' . M. Dotfnler , of Walnut - nut , was in the city yesterday. , r Mrs. L. W. Crane , of Wilmington , 0. , visiting - ing her sister , Mrs. L. W. Tulle ) C. B , lvilson , well known among turf nmou , has gone to Denver on'a brief trip. C. A. Wheeler , of Syracuse , N. Y. , got iu out of time sat at time Pacific yesterday. Judge Hugh Smith , of Battle Creek , Ida county , Iowa , is hero , bcitmg magnetically treated by Dr. Jeffries. C. if. Slobs , the short hail uinn of the district court , tar gouo east with his wife on a visit to relatives amid friends. 11ev , Father Bmmifaco Verlmoynn war in time city yesterday In tlmo interests of St. Beuw diet's college , Atclmisoir , Kansas. Mrs. D. Hoist , wife of the proprietnr of Kiel's hotel , left vest relay for Sioux Falls , where she will visit Mr. Kiel's fatuity. E. 1' , Caldwell , of time law firm of Sin , , 3. Caldwell , lmas gouo to Vermont m , mm pleltrure trip , expecting to ix ) nbsmit about mm month , Char. A. Fov , of time fora of Fox S McAhc , has takei a vacntimm of a couple of weekN , which ho will spemid at Colfax , Iowu , Charlie has been very nttmitivo to business , mid it is hoped that time springs will ] give time desired etfect , nud ho will return fresber tlmnn over , 1'.T. Doviuo , general agent of time Mimmo- npolfs harvesthmmg cmnpauy , nud win imrukes hhs houmo in ICansas City , was dim taw city yes. terday elm his way to time shops is Minnoapn- lis , hero Ime met his brother , L. A. Doliao , who is witim T. W , McCargar , time general ngeit of time Buckeye , IOWA ITEMS , Creston is having a good growth tads season. Time Boonsboru coal mines have closed for a while. Time drain the works at Boone onidoy forty mien. Davmmvort proposes to collect liceimscs front ill saloons witlmiu time tw'e-lnile hinmmt. Time Burlington company will buiid a library at Creston for time use of ciil- ployca , 'l'le capitol strop of time Ottunmra plow works , now $15,000 , IN to be iiei'mtsL'd to 8'25,000. , 'rime contract has been lot for limildimig time $5,000 w'igon bridge across time Big Sioux at llawardon , Seedots Allison , Wilson , 1) , B , lien. Boson amid Go' . Shortnuu were billet ! for a grand rally at Clarinda. The election hi Iowa does not take place until text Novouibur , but time liquor questiumi rages like the Dog Star , 'l'imo Slate Prisoers of IVur association will neat in Dea filoines om Soptenlaor 5 to discuss time best nmeala of getting , omm siolms , Thin Oskuloosa Packing company has tailed , with liabilities a mountimig t0 $15 , . 000 , and the Sabula paeking house is in the slmorifrs lands. 0 , W , Cook , an Odobolt mm ii , write time Odobuit Ituportur from Itereford. shire , England , that lie has Lemght up a bumiclm of 3011 head of Ilurefoid cattle which le will bring over in time steamer Quebec. These cattle are for throe Sac county ndn , Dr , West , Dentist , 14 Pearl street , J , N. CASADY. F. It , 0ItCt1TF. CASADY & ORCUTT 602 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. WIlOi1ESALI : AND liF'i'Aii4 Carpets mid Oil Cloths , CURTAINS , Curtain Fixtures , S D A C0liPLE'1'L STOCK OF Cl1O1CE Fu1'llishllg ' ! Novelties Mail Orders Promptly Fulled , CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. A. H , MAYN E & CO. , U1.uEtts l3r Lime LouisviIle& MIC1110AN I'LASTEIn HAIR AND.E1vEll Phi : , lLUtll ANi Soli COAL AT LWiST : I'uuuc1. No , 34 Pearl Street , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , II Iqt , I I plll l t I I l ' Eh ' I t Ib t l a' I W . 1 II ( 'vim Kf ' -3 W .4 4 ; _ _ _ sWk - B - d arc an ai ors a 7 and 91S1ain Street. nIR > BICTORY , GOIINOIL ' ' , LA. . JOHN BENO & CO 00114 ! , 3llilt ( nANmISF. , , is Slalntrect and 171'cari street Ii B CLARE & CU 1111g00all . . n 1'ruecrlptlom Compouudat at all hours. 100 Unwdway , - - CIIm STON nouSE , MAX MOHN , Orocory , 216 Maln Street. lintel , 217 mmd 2ID mtnin street J' . M. BARSTOW M. D. OFFICE , _ , Corner Fifth street amid i ltth ado. - - - U _ ll. I. F. tNHI TE , Corner 31aIu and Fifth up , tair , OFFICR . Ilesidemicu , , 000 w'lllo v avenue. - - - - - - - / - JUSTkEOF'T'IICI'EACE , N. SC dURZ . , otllro mar American Express. L1YMll ' ANI ) FEED , i. . S VVAGNER , will contract for funerals at ieaonablo rates. 22 Fourth street , . _ . . _ . _ _ - - - - - J. M II' JOH .IVCJ. ( CAtiH BUYERS 1Yholusnl.buttcreggllpnul . , , . , , try' and fruit. luiilp to us. Draft by return mall. 140 Broadway. Nlw BOOT AND S110E STORE , A. PIERCE. ' . Comer afain and } 'lrst avenue. - + - PETBYBRIDO-E & HERBERTZ Droadwmsp Meat Market , , 3 7 Broadway. ° r TAILOR , JACOB KOCH Stock Complete. Suits mule at roasommble price , . Ns SOC. Main Stl 0F. . S "u1TH. Cerner7thaldDroxdway. CONTIIACTOiI I'Iamisandspecifications AND BUILDER , furnlhed. DEALER IN FINE IIAIINESt3. W. W. SH ERMAN , I have the variety that brings patronage. 124 Mafn street. - JAMES PRANEY , Artistic Work and 3IEIICIIANT reasonable TAILO1L charges. 572 Broadway , ii : UWE & SON FUIINITU11E STOVES , ( and Ilouselrolll Supplies. 307 Bmadway. _ _ _ ATrummNuYS AT LAW , LINDT & HART , Janmes m l'ractlcu in .kitu rota roderar court. . } . 7j 3lauufaeturors this Funrlture , Upholstery' Oeods , Curtains , STOCA.ERT & CO. J-rr . . , and w'ImidowShades 30711rnodway. And bath house , 421 sad 423 Broaduay , L. Semerelgn , Prop. 1' . J , Mont- SANITARIUM genory , 3L D , Physician. - WADE CA ft , 0a1o , I3ra ) ' $ _ stable. VETERINARY SUILOE0N , No. 12 Scott street. - - i - - - - - Manufacturer of iIOltSE COLLAIS P. J. HENNESSY , Trade Suppiled. Sthstroet , hetwcel 11th and 7th aro. - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - -1 ' OF TIII : I'IACE : , EDVVIN J. ABB0TI , Notary I'ubllo amid mencral Ci iveyaneer _ , 416 Broadway. - - - - - - - - --S311T11 S NOItTY ) , REVLEE HOUSE , BroadsayopposltoNuwOpcralluuw , Itefttedt,91,50per'lay. - - - - - --C0NTIAC'rORS AND IItlILkEILN DE CAY & CASSEL Cormicr Sixth street amid Avenue 0 , _ - - - - - NEwv ANI ) SECOND IIAND IIOUNEIIOLD (1001)5. H. ALMY. fsnglrtarillsold , 2121trndway Two 'tIillioma u llfonth , Arid still increasing is time record of the Hartford Life and Annuity insurance company , of Hartford , Coln , , since the issue of her now safety fund policy , at one-third the cost of old time companies , rued the full paymmmt of every certificate secured b registered U. S , lends' hold b trusted outside the corn ran , Call 0h or address A..1 , TUI NIIULG Manager , Council Illulls. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE.-Special advertlseurerds , Such as Lost , FommdTo Lea , , l'or Sulu , To Ilumit , ll'aut , , Ikanl lug , eta , sill bo haercl in this column , at llis low rate of TEN CENTS 1'llt : LINF : fur the first hmsertlon and F'11'E CEN'IS I'IIUJNE : for cad , .ubsequent In. sertlon , Lemu almertisemiwnts at our olilcu , No , 7 Pearl Street , near Broadway WANTS , C11'ruATt ( ) Nw'ANTID-ny : a thurtighl' cnmpe. I , tout buuk Ba- thnonlals. Address W , lieu utlicu , ANTED-Every iwydn i'mmmll IihmUsto take W 'rIIBBra. Dolhvred by carrier at only Is euty a week , FOR BALE AND BENT , F ° ' l BALEA goodlitemin lon typo a rinrchcap Address O , Ike ottlca AII31I'oltSALE- : ; , hty acres luipromud , eight milks from Coumicll Innis. Address 31. Ike otilcu , limo , , orncsa , n , s , rersr , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS , Council Bhif. , Ii. Establishea - - 1856 Dealer. In Forgisu and Domestic ExcLange and uomu tkcwltIo ODELL & DAY , Loans , Reai Estate ANI ) INSURANCE. . No , 38 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. City Property. We halo vacant lots iii all tarts ul the city at fromn 850.00 up , for sale nn uioldldy payuIIeuta. No , fit. llousu , 0 rooms , x ull , eintru , 4 large lots , plenty of fruit on Bruton street ; cheap , fJIll3. ( No.g'-A : ileslral ie ruldene , on 5e'emith street , near lilooumr school , beading , nsarl ties' ; 85,1$5) ) . No , 42.-Nluuty feet front , airier i'ard pit , and mime coed amunue , opposite court hulmu ; t5 GW. Buslnees Cbances , No. 25.-1'or sale or trnlu , a mtoek of Imardware , at a gliNl IiinlllesY , iall1it III Sme.tsrn Iowa , 11'111 trade for larmii or city . No , 61-hote , the only ono lualosu of 71 hilab. itamite , 2. room , , wltl , go/sl harm , sreB located , x111 , dl elioap or trade for a funs. No , 10-A Ilene republlcau paper to scsteru lisa , official connly paper amid large patruoage , iveychcap It sold soon , 1Su alai Ilaiu a number of choke farois lu wustuni dos a , for Sale cheap. LOANS , 1t'u hamo money to lean ei farms alidclly propurt , , , at ( runt 0 to 10 iwr cent. Fire and Tornado Insurance , Dtt of cmopanlus rupreseutal. Epdtaldo rates and lair truanucmit. Losses adjusted cud paid at this ( tile , , I Di1t011 M B rs,11 J , , , I , , I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 322 Broadway'Council Blufla , w.R.VAUCHAN . . f Justice of the Peace . Oumaha and Council Bluffs , Itual estate uul odkatlon , agency , lu Odd fellow's bioc& , over Buving , Amuk , jau2li' vrM4A ' , ii + wL s h $ jt } 1 To The Trade fJ take plea tmro in cnlling yournttention to the fact that woimavomndo such'arrango- inents as will omable ua to soil you Etc1 , Here , as Low as you can buy them East. 'Wrlto for farther information , T. LINDSEY CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , , . i 4 .t 5 1 I li CreathFnhit , Coll1eetioliery 1 Is I s Pmu'ties , Soonbles amid Picnics supplied on short notice , amid goods delivered to all parts of time city. 'sir w. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , lot West Broauhway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. R , S. COLE & CO. , lal.tNUl'.ICTUIIEll AND OF 11.Blts IN ALL Kinds Lightning And Onmatnerd , , Alsu'wood and Iron l'mnlxr , lVuod Tubing ant Oa + 1'Ipo and Pjpo Fixtures , for boat No , 604 South . Matn w'o.rl Street roil . . lrm . . . . l'uny.s. . . . . . . . Onlers . . . . . . a . ill . . . receive . . . . . . . prompt . . . . . . . . attention. . .COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. mob i3 lf M. CALLACHER G-I.OCEii.IE New Store , Fresh Onod , , Low 1'riro. and i'ollto Attendants. U it First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } ' ° ' o i % t' e'A PETER C. MILLER WII0LESA1FANU : Ills"TAIL el Wall-Paper and Window Shades and Painting In all Its Bfanchesl t FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. , , Norst. .D and 20 - - - North Il2ain Sit. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS i c 'L ht and T9old. Money Loaned ! Abstracts Furnished ! t' . r. OE' . J M0 t IJ No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD ) DEALEIIS IN lirocorios , FOY1S1OIIS , Boots a.ll lioes xMMxc thL.tiTION E'1Ci aNT9. DItAF'B90N ; TUE BANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 343 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUTJ8 CRESTON HOUSE , MORN - PROPRIETOR. MAX , - - - 2113 , 817 and 210 Sl. Maim Sltroot , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - . . IOWA MRS , D. A BENEDICT , TILE LEADINO DEALBt N , r 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. n Little Windsor. so Il 631 BROADWAY. " etrnrai11 Ani I l la , ' Board. All tIru luIIcacies of the .eaoo and the finest table In the clt y. i r OvertonI bEALEIt IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and Rid Ce.h. FIIIugCedar , Telegraph I'oluand I'mltu I'u.ts , Oak Dlmenalan Sault llrhi1 , e Malarial of all kinds , at fled Bock I'rlces. A 5j eIalty In WOOD AND COAL for brick yard purposes. A full supply of wood and fir coal ul nny.llmu hand at ) ant C sale mm Malti street. 0illee,605 } 'lust Av , seen Muls and i'e rnttrests , F WINTHERLICH BROS. 111011 I Foully Cor , Gtlm St , amid 11th Ave. COUNCILIthUFFS , - - IOWA , M R AN , XELLER , & CO , , UNDERTAKERS. 'rho Stunt quality mid largest atockwcst of Chicago of 11'.ssieu . sad Metallu Cases. Calls atteudc l to at all hours. Vu duly cumimputltimt In quality of good , or prlev. Out Mr h.urgan has served a. undertaker fur forty years anu thoroughly understand. Iii * Lust. lieu , Wareroues,3llUroadxay , Ul'II0ISIElt1N0 In all It. branelre , promptly attended to ; also carpet laying and laurbrclulns. Tulegraphle amid mall suer. tilled wlthoutdelay , DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITE OTS tlrltFMOYEDrO OMAHA NATI0NALUAXK UILUINU , if3arw.maa layouau. neSgthbrr4 . . . . , . , man of 1.1 + tboaiNaor untdaarto.xlaa .cur dotisS awls ni iwork u ro .o..ruuntsanlu.S toribralnaR.sJ I t Nop tIttara. MSS roc Her 2 , 1 It roe arS roooIm cad .af.1.rev a1. r dl.retloo or dLsips moat ICS euY b t rl.O or .Isle , ouif , ' olgduIo.r 1n b.4 as. and hrdr oo H o pV ttrrs. is ' . . waeerrr r0 + ou.a tee ) OdaN ha. j015 r order taro f1 ft.s . . , aI OtatiVQs1ina dl. iilibot/ntosfoat/rp / / , atlm.l set t : "a Hop Hot > lttrs * y itIBt t . F l it muwn ' nudw ' , , Ps 1. Is Chi ntadleem. , k r , In . ru..rro.each , lf1 tram t r'da. blood Uv.rcrn.rv.II 11 drootoa.u auotoal0a , , You wlii bs tObaoo"as amp op ra .llht a14asaa. ' ICIXoeaark.em But4Dii1U. 'aw , , trlta , rr NEVER > . ism af t m unvb out i/r / , rt has caved hen- 1..LLriB , 4lrade , rra A , , a. . , ST , LOUIS PhPERWAREIOII B. + , Graham Paper Co. j 211' and 210 'North Dfala St. , St. Louts. ' w71ULFSAI.E DEALEII3 IN r nnoE , PAPERS 11Y1tAl'l'IF' NEw'S , } 9 ' ' ' ' 1 ENYEIUI'ES , CARD BOARD AND PRINTERS' STOCI ae , , j rCaalm laid for hags arum Paper BI'ok , 6cral. . and Muteme : 1'apor Stock 11'arotmounes , If89 to 1217 Nortk trued ' is - '