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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1883)
N q THE DAILY BEE UMAI-IA FRIDAY JULY 20 , 1883. TI3E OIi II BEE. pubil.hai every moTning , except Sunday. The only MDnday morning dally , RRMR IT ltAtt One . , . , . . . . , , tonthe SkMonthe. . , . . , , h.00 One Month , . . . , , . , , 1,00 TIIR WUIILT hu , CBLIAIIRD RTRRT WRDx1IADAT. TRRwq MATrAID. One Ycar. . . . , . , . . , . roreoIsnths,9 to fIRMonth' . . , , 1.00 One Mpnth . . . . . . 20 American Ncw , CotnpMIy , Sole Agents Newedeal eu In the United . 1CRRM1 OtDR.iC1L A .lCommunkatlon + relatlnp to Nowa and Edltnrid ranters ehmdd be addretAed to the Eottoa or Tn * BfLI BCAIXR91 L:1rRRR. A11ISudnr letters and 1lemlttanceA Ahmdd ho 4 trcAgnl to T5R BRR P&nu M ! , n OovrAxr , OMAh1A. Draft , l'hcck + and Patomee orlcrs to be mule pay able to the order of the company. THE BE BUBLISHING COf PROPSI E. ROSEWATEB , Edltor. ' MU. CIIANDLER cony rule the seas , but ho can't control a New Ilnmpshiro 1 ° gis ant ro. MAY10t ChrASE , Hl days gone by , was ono of tam cijoinors. Now he is ono of. the cnjoincd. IIAVINO assailed General Garfiohl's ' character , Stove Dorsoy had better rehtin Bob Ingersoll again to protect his own. TnE sontimenl ltlatlifestetl t11rou"hout the State over tae capitol contract steal is very ominous for the future of the office holders who helped to engineer it. DACE and Sullivan have lieon matched to fight with soft gloves. If they could knock eachi other nut of existence in three rounds , to world would be happier , Mu. TILOEN says ho is not positively a candidate for the presidency , but his ad. dress until further notice will be Grain , mercy Park , Now York. TILE civil service commission in Now York are examining letter carriers. The size of the calves of their legs is an portent item which ought not to be over- looked. _ _ _ _ JUSTICE WAITS nict with a eori- 'ous accid9nt on 'Wednesday in time Yo- lowstono park , being thrown from , his horse. A bucking broncho is no respecter - er of persons. STEVE DoiLsi r is expressing his opinion - ion of General Garfield. Fortunately for ttho great star , routcr'thb load Getoral Garfield cannot express his opinion of Stove Dorsoy. Cot. . ILoEs , who is now on trial for duplicating his pay accounts , has becu twice before charged with the same of- fense. In Col. Ilges' case it is likely to be "ono , two , three and out. " TiLnEN nerds twopictlros to time Louis , vhllo Exposition. One is Huntinghm's ' portrait of Tilden , 10md the other is "A IIopoless Caso. " The latter refers to Mr. Tilden's candidacy for the presidency. PBEs1DENT ARTILUIL will pass through a Omaha on August 2nd or 3rd. A copy ° r M the last veto which Mayor Chase didn' t f , sign ought to be shown hint as time latos L i p roduct of public iwprovmnemits in a grows -j ing city , , TuAT notorious blatherskite , Denim Xearloy,1Las been refused a hearing b y the Now York Central Labor Union Donis' trip is proving a poor investmoit t for time managers of alto Central Pacifi o 1 railroad , OMAUA will expend $500,000 in publt c improvements if a corrupted council an d swindling contractors do not compel ou r citizens to ° PPoso the letting of any con tracts through a board of public work s and a mayor in whom the pcoplo hav e lost confidonco. ' TBE price of stock cattle is declining ' i and tendorfootwho , having been payiul g for lords of 2,000 head on the rang U UI ( which will foot uP less than 500 on thi I round up , are beginning to fool very aie k over the prospect. 1 Tun astounding news , "General Grun t dropped dead , " was flashed over the wire g throughout the country. Thera w rat much exe tdnnentuntil it transpired that 4 the sontemIco wiis the cipher signal for th o telegraphers' strike. TWELVE thoussuid tolegiapliers are o1 a strike and the stories of both the cal . poyors ) and the muon are before the pub . A Iic. The strike will probably end mu most great strikes do in mutual concos Bans and a compromise. Time soono r this result is attained the bettor it will b u for all parties concerned. Tss sooner President Aljhur roJiova s the country of Internal Revenue Cohlec - tor Evans ; the bettor will'"bo his admiuis . tratiun. Mr. Evans is a largo bull in tat c department china shop , and the way th 0 crockery Is flying forbodes no good fn r the administration's peace of mind , rA ran who openly assurta that hu care s nothing for public censure is not a flu r person to act as a high govor mnent ofli . r , chat. , i t A HiUdEFUL outrage hiss boon cola witted upon the American consulate ii , Monterey by a inch of armed Mexicans . 1. , If ] fir. Froliughuyscl , who hasn't boo heard of since his South American fiasco , i" lots the spirit of a gnat ho will denmid a t prompt explanat1ou and apology from tIl o Greaser go'enunemiL 'r'ime reports o insults to American uiissionuries in ? 'Ind agasear do not yet sooni to have rochiod the state depadniunt and would probabl y .4 be pigeonholed if they did , Mr , Fro - = 1 Iingbuyasc , ahows off to a bettor 'Si 1vAll f tago as prt siding elder in a Dutch 1to .t I formed classic theta ho does as to sec yf rotary of state of a great guvernnont ' , . J rA - s .r MAYOR CILISA'.fNDTIfEJO1111fS , hlayor Chaco has gone over bag and baggage to the jobbers null robbers in the city council. Lt bcconing a party to time sand sh no swindle in the face of roromis- trances from time leading tax payers of Omaha and time alnust ) unnniutous south- mont of his constituents ho has lost for , ever ( ho confidence of this community. Time was when Mayor Chase iii s1ito , of his known failimigs and occemmtricitics wits looked 111)011 as nn molest urn who would at all hnyarda protect the interests of this city , But Colonel Chine has fallen into bad hands of into , amid hihubest friends are forced to admit now that ho is mtot only a wreck but a dangerous moan in the po13h than lie now holds. Our relations withm him have been cordial , but nro are forced to voice the indigmmmmt sentiment of this eoiunmmity at his betrayal of a trust. Mayor Chase cannot plead ignorance of time clmrnchr of the job that he has umi- doused. It is arch more Infamous than the holly job which lie helped to block. If lie hind taken the counsel of our homiest business men half as munch as lie has of the corrupt gang of shysters that are cni PIOyed in engineering through this ouw- rngeous defiance of public seiitinent lie would miover have so disappointed his friemuds and erased his record by lending' n lmclphng hand t ) bribe takers , scotnt- drels and swindlers. It is not for us to say , at this time , what hnlhu- cccs were brought upon Colonel CHnsu to swerve him frou the path of aplain duty. Ilis condition for months patthas boon n soltrco of deep mortification to his friends and of congratulation to his encodes , lie has steadily avoided those who would havebeen his bctt counselors in tiumes of doubt , and has permitted himself h ) be led by the worst ulemncmts of this coin- nuntity. The result could miot long be doubtful. To those who have known thu llfayor in his better days this sad ending of rat honorable if eccentric othicial record is a sad one. The only thing that rcnains for our citizens is the protection of the courts , Vhon their riglits amid iutorests were menaced before , Judge Savage stood as a bulwark bctweot the jobbers amid Lao po0plo. Wu have no doubt that Judges \Vakoloy rand Novillu will as fearlessly - lessly do thuir ditty. SUMMER IWADN11. Cartloads of the lightest kind of road- hug are how luumg issued by publishers all over the county , and the supply does not seem any the large for the dcnand. The wants of sununar readers are pocu- liar. Nothing is desired that calls for the slightest oflbrt to understand it. IIouco heavy literature is tabdoel altogether - gether and the light novel amines to time front , with colors flying. It uuatters not that it is trashy , so that it is in a mcas- nro bright and emitortainiug' If it be amusing as well so much time batter. Clever and not great books are what is douianded. 1Vhei the mercury is as- cendimig the therntontutur,1)001)10 prefer Rhoda Broughton to Tliacneray , amid consider life altogether too short tc waste mi Bulwer and the fmnous mnasturm m the field of fiction. Nobody kuoui keen-sighted oxperioucod Publishers , maid they act accordingly. . In winter , readers are criti cal and oxactimig , but in sumuter they an just the reverse , and both authors ant publishtors take full advmihtgo of thoui 'iudulgeit frame of mind. hot IIarto is particuliarly notud fm this , amid although he hits almost writto hintsolf out at his best , his sununor pro ductiots mire always a thousand time ) worse thaum those ho turns out in eoolu weather. . Society romances , love shorie and fancy skotchcs have by far the law gust sale whoa PO 1)le ea'capu front busi nuss carros mind crowded titles to th + country , time sctmsido , thu lakes , mid tin niountahns. Price lute also a great deal to do with the success of a sunnier book. Reader ) do not wish to invest too much in a vol limo they oxpoet to leave boiiimid them ii the cars or at time hotel. Forum , too , i conshdored. Prufurencu is givoti to tltos volunes shaped as to eonvuniontly slip into the pocket or the traveling stttclich Briefness in time story mid Large type an further rceonmtondntions Amiothor is i tolling title , for the summer book per chaser , is guided in the process of soles tier vary largely by the title , and wil rarely take tine to real ovoi a page of i t book before buying. It hits buou mticus that poetry soils loss in suuinor then ii winter , Indeed , sonio publishers assor that first coat cannot be gotten cat o verse dtmring the amt season amh , there fora , refuse to undertake them tit tam period unless time author pays for till stereotype plates , if not for every thimmg Works of travel , oven if gossipy , do no succeed in sununoq though an occasioua poop into an accuurit of an Artic uxplora tion might be refreshing , and sensations ndvontures share dime sane fate. hook of jokes take well , but after all , it is th frothy , breezy novel that goes with th greatest rush. Suchn works do mint liv from om 5055011 to auottor , but tlmu abundnmttly servo their purpose whil they limit , GREAT Preparations are being mndu fu the president's trip to Yellowstone Pitvk t A large pack lraiu has bubo concentrate at Wmumbakiu , aid supplies amid provision t mil horses arc gnthc'ing at that point General Shoridau bails time party whirl is to "explore" time Park for time Publi benefit. Not to lnuice nuattur's , this ox f ploiwthun trip is nothing mo u than 51 - mutual jutkutthmg tour which is made h army ofileials lit govorunent expense , I is smaall wondur that we hemir every you of the nigga dliness of the ujpro1)rintions If thieve was loss ufiieial extravagance it tutu aunty , the appropriations for the men department would go a great deal fun thur in their application to lvitiuiat uses. Our military establishment needs a thorough overhauling. And it is likely - ly to get it before another congress has expired by limitation , AN Arl'1AL TO Tllh LAIr. Their petitions to the city council hay - big been rejected amid their r ° rnoustran- ces insolmttly spurned , time tax payers of Ommaha have appealed to the courts for protccti0u ngninst time venal crow of job , hors and corruptionists who arc ondca orimig to fasten thensoh'es upon this coin- muuity to handicap its progress and to rob its treasury. Yesterday in reaponso to time petition of Messrs. Karbach and Frank , repro- selitimig ilmo Propertyowners on Fiftoentlm and Eleventh streets , an order restraining - ing time mmnyor , council and board of pub , lie works from contracting for Colorado uaiidstoiie pavenents on time streets nhen- tionod was served u1)oi the above named officials. Thu case will be argted min \Vednosday , whet lie point Itt issue SS'iIl he time granting of ml injunction on behalf - half of our citirmms ruid against the jobbers and sharks of time saulstone ring. This appeal to the courts is in uvery respectpropcrauid timely , Mayor Chase's cowardly surrender to the jobbers took away time last hope that our citrcis had of blocking timis corrupt sclene without appealing to the courts which once before saved Onmahn from her own ofiicinls. It was hoped that our couuuuuity would he saved thhs last and nmrtifyingresort. But the necessity having a second time arises the case will be prosecuted with all the energy which niarkcdtlto figlitagniust the holly ring. In the face of such an utter defiance of bout the spirit 101(1 time letter of oar city charter , tm line been exhmibited by time mot who have dcterimnnetl to force nn obnoxious paving immaterial upon our citizens , we have lie doubt n hat time result of these suits trill lie when calmly and deliberately passed upon by rat Hon- emit amid intelligmit bench. Tim outcome will detoriuinu forycars to couro whether Omaha is to be governed by the will of her citizcts or ruled by the passions slid cowardice of umworthy and dishonest of- feints. 15 THE QUEY 1N.4Alh'1 It is openly asserted now hn London that Queen Victoria is insano. A correspondent - respondent of aleading Now York paper says that the statement is now "coldly , calmly , openly , dispassionately discussed by partisans as well as foes , by flatterers 101(1 scoffers , by time staunch adherent and fawning courtier , mess than the violent anarchist or the red republican. Time mind of time queer , not her body , is afrectad. 11or eccentricities have takcui upon themselves a nnmo , which is only a syuonyui for insanity. Time lurking taint in the H10ove ian blood , time dementia tgeeable to the lire of the Georges , bursting out ever and afresh in south wild or wicked freak , low seons to have unmistakably overtaken the qucet. " For years the selfishness amid eccentric ity of the queen have been nuittors o f tinily couunomit. Erratic fancies , sudden i I caprices , uurmasoniag dislikes amid uncut quernblo obstimcius have bemt her lead ing mental clmaracteristics. These ha e 11(1W culmiuatod in a suddct amid scriou s . attack of protracted niolancholia. Lik e I her royal great uncle , the mind of Vic l toria is now clouded with undisguisabl o . insanity , Several reasons are given for thi o quuct's nwiia. lit tlo first place , tai I disease is hereditary in time Hatovorin n . blood , But this last and painful out I break is undoubtedly attributable t r time death of John Brown , Inc I favorite gillio. For years , it - is said , tire queen has belioac - in the doetrino of time transmi , gratiomi of seals , and has persuaded hu r ) self dint the spirit of time dead Prins Albert hind setted in time body of Jolt 1 Brown. It was for this reason that Vic I tpria lavished her sympathies and afro c - tion on her servant amid braved all publi I connuoutand private remonstrance. Tim t loath of John Brown hiss bust follove Ty , time appenr10rcu of symptons of neat ) nialia , which time queen's physician have vainly euluavoral to comics mil I front thu public. It is of tlmi t account , if time corroaIondort of the Net - York Sun is to be belie'Od , that he - majesty lute host withdrawn ( rout all iii 1 torcoursu aid nbsolutoly secluded fret ' t sty eyes oxcupt those of her own house I hold , The hints of thu leading Loula 1 PAIION are mow turiud into unccooate I , rumors that the quo01t of Emiglaul i f hopelessly insalu amid that ntaiy month . cannot elapse before the prince of Wale t will be called upei to assume to r u guucy , t Blalno's History. 1 Ve have time plolasuru of aanouueimm the approaching issue of a great histories work , covering the events of congres d for ' amid ipcd twenty yea's , givimmg tun B i'aew of natural legislation and contou o porary ndutiuietratomms during time mos e nmmuntous period of Aniericau history with introducto ' clmu ptors sh ) wiu' th u rouoto au(1 inm ediate causes of the ° ivi V wvnr , As for the period chosenonly thin U of tlmo rovolutou is comparable lit uitur est. Even that of tlmo revolution boast no pra olitin01mee. Jim both periods alike the nati01uul congress was witness t r events not leas tromumdona amid deeisiv tlmn those of time battlulhuld itself , 'I'ii 1 upholding , in duo nonsuro , of the uuiom 0111150 nt home , 'lime defense of tie a national cauaa abroad ; time udjustnant o , constitutional eomdliets ; the suturing o It lph ucticttl gunruttees "f futuru loyalty all that was included in time province a c con"ressional diseuasiomi and unaetn01lt hn t1iu period fmoru 18111 onward , ' 1'h t puoolanatiou of war ; the call for troops I , time issuing of national currmmey ; the not of 01naocipation ; tae conifodenttu surrcld t or at A1)wotomiuax ! court louse ; time grant V imm at list of mlivursal nnmest ; th uiurdur Lincoln assasirl of ; the ) ur osetl titian of Seward' time atteni ptod rentova of Stuntan' time inn peaelunolt of Johnson r time uloetiomu of Gr umt , the electoral corn mission and seating of kayos ; Limo Hmnugu J nation 4ndassassiuationof Garfield ; thus i were but incidents of the time , with meanwhile , time questions of established reconstruction , resumpti01t , national debt , national taxation , std time development of limo nation's resomrscs. Such is time period which , on the congressional 5ido , tumult Its first full history at tire hands of Mr. Blaine. Ifhs work lifts no 1)redecos- ser ; we are conladomit it will have norivnl Nerd if time period chosen is uusurry'massed ' in umtercat null impart9mmc0 , So is time chosen historian especially fatted for the historian's work , On Limo one hand , lie sGnmds , at tliis present , sufliciemmtly ths- bunt front time everts theumselvesto insure cool perception and deliberate coilpari- son. In limo ) rimimo of his mowers , mmd uintnnuneled L time constraints of ofiaco lie gives luimself wim11y to lilt grzat Lask. On time other Laud h ° p0Rtet9c5 that absolute knowledge which comes front actual intluential rticipa tiou. It is iiis great tortuno tot be able to say with impersonal , historic trutlmt Of which I was part. 0h time floor and in time Speaker's ' Chair of time hlouso , and again on time floor of time Senate , he witnessed time great events which Ito now 1)lnces on the historic page. No import nut action was taken witteut his knuwl edge , and often , in special council , ho learned those reated facts nod undcrly hug motives which gave time nctiot its trio meaning. Accordingly , time stttomoits of 11r. Blaine , corroborated by both external and internal proof , wit 1)055053 nmi nu thority which will not be qucsthonel. Evart tliosa who limy differ ( rein his estimate of nmei and acts will yet be in- dcbtod to Iris narration , and will be interested - terested in his views , his porsotal remniniscences and portrnih of Ltmicoln , Douglas , Seward , Chase , Giddings , hale , Stevens , Stanton , Itreekouridge , Sunnier , Wilson , Garfield , Fessendou , Raymond , amid many others of the past , with incidents - dents of tunny public ntmt still living , tvihl give to Dir. lilniuu's work , to young amt old alike , time fascination - nation of biography and general history conbinod. Such a work , tliureforc , as that proposed , from his hand , is time litu- raty overt of our times , It 1)ossca5es greater coulbiued political , historical maid personal interest than amiother work of time cenu , It will he welcomed h ever stele rat of modern American his- tory. It will find n ) lace in evur library. It 1aura to be one of the most popular , as tvoll as ono of time most valuable books ever ofi'ered to time public. 1)orscy's Batch 01 Lies. New York Times. Fora year or more S W. Dorsoy hiss been scattering frost Waslmiugtonthrough the columiuis of every newspaper to which Hu could gut access , a series of charges against time integrity of time Into President Garfield. Tlto President , being deadwas nn object of attack exactly suited to tae courage amid capacity of Dorsoy , wlmo by dint of repenting lies to which n hut dead victimn could not reply , hoped finall'to nmako an ingoression on time public mmd. As ho kucwthnthis own nssertionsthomglt murder oath , would noti lee believed , lme lint tried to steuigthcn tlmu by threats timat lie would 1 umblish certain d urging letters which , ho alleges , cause into hut possossiot as secretary of the republican nati01tal com uuittee in 1880. He has at last succeeded in getting all the 10tcitint and fish-like stories that h ° has started strung together and published in tan e Now York Sun under the head of "Aim t Abstract of time Budget of Stephen . Dorsoy , " and acconpauhed by as ingonu 01113 editorial , which seeks to give t Dorsey's rubbish seine sort of dignity. This is nuts for the scurrilous star rout 0 thief , because it gives him an upparen 0t sbuuliug in a decant journal which h o has not for a long tinmo enjoyed. It is a dirty Piece of business , however in tylmiclt ] so lets entangled the Sun which , in its zeal to strike the ropublicat party , forgets what is due to its own re pubttiomi. 'Vero it really necessary , i n the interest of historical truth , null limes emit amid fntura good govermueut , t ° bhackeml the nano of 'the ' dead president it would be a painful task for any lmonor able journalist , to be undertaken vnly o cmmvinciug evideicu , front roputabl sources , capable of being sustained b o public use of docunsestary proof. Bu when a journal takes time uusupporte d word of a revengeful scoumidr whom its own cohunns have o shown to be a rubber of time treasury , r faithless senator , amid steeped in corru P tion , and 011 that word , without produ Pe d hag one line of the doeunonts whichs 11 pretends to possess , sucks to destroy till - mentor of time president it surely sacr' - focus to partisan feeling iuucit than r e ° s wctabie journal holds sacred. It wail nro attaclmiimg moro im ortamice to Dorsey' u stale stories than is worth while to exam : : them jut detail. They ima o been b a Toro the publie for utonths , and they hav ° produced no effect whatever upon tam minds of inn partial met. his uucou U scioltable brag about ' ] Lis wart in tat tl cos mai since of 81880 has been expose a bug and to ar one wit t tars to cam are his coullictinb atat e moitt the Y defeat tlmantselvos. So fa from bohmigY the trusted director of tan S campaign , ame was throughout a suslpecte v busybody. Time greatest labor for whic r he s responsible was the labor ho in : - posed upon time persons interested i watclung hium to provunt at outbreak 'i his unceupierable fondness for tremwha ry The Iiopublicau party amid time press Ii ndnmsistratiou are muir subjects for senrcl ml hug criticism front tlmoir political opp a mm ts , but time effort to reach then b s oinaug a disreputable wretch like Dorso s mil defanming iho mmnory of Presider r s Garfield is neither docent nor shrewd. Frutt iii Nebraska. Falrarid Ikrald. Fruit in Nubraska , hiss beers a questio with nmany over simico time country w fmrst settled nail though im time orchards lice t are et toe ours tdeutoustrate tim s fact , time orchards in the vicinity of Crot o e about fort miles east are oldeand 'iv roniiso of a good Ciro ) , Apples t inn that viciuit heretofore re said t have bnca ca fine as any raised in the t a u orchards of NewYork. Time flumes I orchard we have yet suet in Nebraska , I ; that bulomgimii ; to time Crete nursery-men - about thrco mmlus out of time city. In al s they have GO acres in orchard , fruit o , eVOry variety , amid for ovary season of t1m o year , 'l'imo Crete umurket was supplie u with cherries during time cherry seitto a aul Ingo quantities were shipped dail I to otluer towns , hair. Steplmuua inforaiu u us that their daily , sales nverwgod aboi f G0. Their tippluhnrvugtwil1 be a profi t f stile one , aid at time trading ox1)onse of a ; orchard , eve ' farntul ii time couutr f should have ono. ' 1'Jlore is no doubt the , if the stock of trees selected lint boo e inhsod in limit cliniatu , and properly 1)1u11m t ; ud amid protected , but that fruit can b I , raised as successfully in Nubntska as i . eastern states , No smlvesthsaltt can b . undo that will enhaneo greater value , nut o return a greater profit than time summon - of money and labor invested and expos d 1' 'ed on am orchard , If a ntau wishes t I sell hie fauit it will canumatd a high . ) ncco and find moru ready buyo rI . lonmo ; say , I buy fruit trees for a ° orcisatd , 't'a ' got to 1 lant forest trees t tlmoir protection. " True , bat the very trees you plant for a protection are just what you want , amid lit time will doubtless - loss be oven moro useful than tire fruit trees thomsolvcs , wliilo the only expense is iho plamtimtg and care. The trees hi many , of time orchards in this vicinity wore purcliased of time Crete nursoy , and as they have ma do ra pul growth1 it will of 01l ) ho time smatter a line tunic until it will be roveu to lima satisfaction of all that Nebraska can raise as flue fruit and at much of it a9 nay slate east or west. Arthur and Matrimony. Some of time pryhn gossips of Washington - ington say that President Arthur contin lies to send fiowers front time white-house conservatory to Miss Beckwith , time young lady witim whom time mntch ulakors uteri to associate his namiie last winter. 'rime New York Truth , in this connec tion , recalls time fact that time only lady of time white house who eitterami it as a bride was Mrs Tyler. "Situ was at that Buie , Rays Time Truth , a beautiful young lady , aaiablu and accomplished , amid became a great favorite in society. I'resitheumt Tyler laid lieu marked atten lion that winter , a ul wheal time famniiy ' me- turned t0 W'ashittgton tae next season time attachmemmt ilpmed into nu ° uiga grenietmt. It was Illlttommed aolimewhat b' the sud- and sad death of her fatlmer , wlyo wets ono of those killed by limo explosion of the gun ou board time Primmohnm , Thu lmr- riage was perfonued iii Now York a few nmoutims before time ) resident's term expired - pired amid attracted increased attention from the fact that time lady was tae first whohad over edored the white house as a bride. " Hcre is a preced01mt for time pr sidott , aini he might as well set time gossip mongers at rest by following it , Stock Slmlpnments , Larunle Ilo.nuorang. At this time last year time shipping season - son was well entered upon , but as yet no ramigo cattle Lava been sent to the Chicago - cage market over time Union Pacific. In the westent part of Wyoning some cattle were gathered for shipnment two weeks ago by a Cheyenne stockuman , but they roved so "green" drat limey were turned loose again , and Messrs Hans. & Evamis also vit ted Northi Park a short time ago with a view of beginning their usual slmipntentt , but did not do so for the same reasons. Time Leader says the Boslor Brothers Imavo ordered cars for taro 25th instant , at Ogellaln , and theirs will be the first train load sett in 1885 to Clri eago. Basler will scud over the road about 10,000 during time season. Once begun a very actioo shipping business nmay be looked for. As time season is to ho shortoued by a nleath , mid time nuut- ber to be shipped is about time saute as last year , time mnarkot will be watched closely by many' interested stockmen of the northern range. - - Vlay Didn't Ile ? Chicago News , Mr. Schur ? prints a long list of army officers senteoed to be ignominously dismissed - missed the service in 180778 , ' 70 , and ' 80 , all of whom , however , had their son- tetces commuted to vacations with ro- lhmcel pay by huts Fraudulency H. B. hayes. It is a pity that Mr Schutz did not call atteitiot to thmis scandal while 110 was a member of the Hayes cabinet. what Canthe Matter Be. Credo Vidette. VatWyck hasn't written a letter of advice - vice or admonition , or unearthed a big steal in any branch of the adnuinistratio for the past three days , It He has Lucl : . New Orleans Picayune. The assisted emigrant of today may b e , the millionaire of the future. He will b e , if lie lint good luck him politics. i WUaa UIUa THEGREATGERMAN g e' ' REMEDY Ii .Ituo > mmpugl n auC mmININNOo , 0 Uf j Itelleves and cures t lZlIiU [ 1i'1'ISIII , Nouralgla , lmn u , Sciatica , Lumbago , ; ; liFi ItACU ICIE , N" ' s ° a IIEADACIETOOTaACDFy [ SORE THROAT , , QUINSY , SWELLINOn 0 NI'ItAINB , U Soreness , Cute , Bruises , 41m1 Fnos'rlmITIr. % m- IIIIUNV , SCALi'1l , And all other bodily aches d and pains. 5 FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. SoidhynliDruRgists and Denlera. Directions in In lauguagm. C The Charles A , Yogeler Co. . . . . . . . . . e (6. ' to A.VOUL1.BR h CO. ) 1- i _ o. . . ifihIi.orL 0.8.1. e d ° NEBRASKA LOAN AND TRUST CO , r ' IIASTINOS , NEB , at tl h Capital , - - $250,000 - JAS. B. IIEAiITWELL , Presldent n A. L. Ci.AILKE , Ylee r'resk1ent of E. C. WEBSTEttfflvasurer. C. P. WEBSTEIt. Cashier. DIRELTOItS ; It Samuel Alexander , Oswald Oliver A. L. Clarke , E. C. SVebster , Oao. ii. Pratt , Jas. B , Ileartweil , D. at. Mcm iIImnney , Y Y First Mortgage Lonna 1t Speolalt y t Tide Company furnishes a permanent home Instih tion where school hoods and other legally Issued M u nlcipai Securities to Nebraska can he negotiated s the most favnmbie terms. Loans made on lnProv h farms in all well settled counties of the state throu g responsible lueai currespondenta ev n 5se is UNITED STATES , o , d 0 0t l8h OF OMAHA. fe Capital , - - $100,000.0 d him C , W , HAMILTON Pros't. M. T. I3ARLOW , Cashier I rat Accounts solicited and kept sub Joct to sight chock , mm Certificates of Deposit Issued pay y able In 3 , 6 and 12 months , boarln g It Intorastoron demand without in mm torost. Advances made to customers o n approved soourltlos at market rat m ° of intorost. The interests of Customers an 0 ml ciosoiy guarded and every facHit y compatible with prinoiplos o sound banking freely extended. Draw sight drafts on Englandlr o 00 land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu rope , , Soil EuropoanPaesagoTickets. " ur Collections " I H. tSTERMANN & CO. f ' IMPORTERS OF QUEENSWARE ! l i na an Glass , , t 608 WASHINGTON AVLNUE AND 609 ST. STREET St. Louis rao. m22.3m Dry.Goods ! SA1VI'L CO. , Washington Avenue and Eiftll Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO , S TEELEf JOHNSON & CO , 7 Wholesale Grocers ! rAND JOVIIERS IN FLOUR , SALT , SUGAR1 S CANNED GOOri : ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES ( A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF i Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BE//WOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO J. A. WAKEFIELD , WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEit IN Luiier , Lath , Slia1es , Pioketg , SASH BOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS LIME CEMENT PLASTER &C STATE GENT OR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB , C , F. GOODMAN Wholesale Druggist ! AND DEALER IN Puts , Oils , i7l1 rya glass OMAHA. NEBRASKA. 6 DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF ' ' 7' SAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , &e 1020 I'arb sm fStroc'st. Omaha. HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF PaDer 1 Sliaes. . EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , 1118 FARNAM STREET , - OMAHA NEB. M. HELLMAN & CO. . Wholesale Clothiers ! 11301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR.13TH , OMAHA , - - NEBRASK . GATE CITY b n PLANING MILLS ! MANUFAOT EImS OF Carpenters' Materials , -ALSO- Sash Doors Blinds stairs , Stair Railings' ' Balusters Window & Door Frames , &c taeilltles the First dais for mauuacturo of all klmlot . Moulding. Planing and Matching a spadalty Orders from the country will he ) rongdly eaecutisi. Address all cxauwwilcatlons to A. MOYER , Proprietor. 0 .1 . . H. ] DA.IL.EY y MANUFACrUIIER of FINE : Bii1OS , Caraos ! all Snu ¶ aolls , . My lmepoltory t , constantly ailed w ilh a select stock. Vest Workmanship guaranteed. Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha SPECIAL NOTIOE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , 0y WE CALF YOUR ATTENTION TO t Our Ground Oil Cake It la the lest and cheapet food for stock of any kind. One pound la equal to three pound. of corn , Stuck foci with Crowd Oli Cake In the Fan and Winter , Imtead of running down , will incruaso In weight. and . be in good unarketabl , eondluml iii thepdng. pairy . mun , as well as others . , who . . use it can testify to It. rucrita. Try It and Judge for y ourselwa. P' Ice 125.0)'er ' ton ; no chug. for sack. Addreae oeod me w'OODMAN LINSEED OIL COni'ANY , Oaa'at , NI , I