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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1883)
- - - . - - - - - - - - - - , . - - - -------1-- _ _ - . i - - . - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - : : : : : . . . , I . rilE flATLYI3EE'UMAHA4IJtJDAY _ , JULY 20 , i88i. - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Nebr ika Ndfonal Bank OF OMAHA , NEIl. j ? atdUpOapiaI - i - ' $2OOOO BurpluiFundMay 1,1883 15,00G ) A \ ' . \ S U. JO1ISON I'rcftldent , of Steele , ohtmon & Co A 1. TOU7AUN , Vice I'rrikIcnt , of l3oston. w. y. toitsi , of W. V. Mono t Co. JOflN S. COLt1NS of G ii. & 3. 5. COIIIM. .1. 31. WOOt.WORTIIt1otInctor rnI Attorneyat Law. I. . S. ItE1) , of Uyrori Itooil& Co. sv. YATE. , CiIcr , fortnAfly 7CT3 Cashier of the Fr5t Nitlonil I4nk of Omaha. . L Th flank opencd for 'uaInoaa April ! 7 , 18S2. ' I directora and atockhohlers ire mo.g the lead. bualrieM of Omaha , a. nd Ita baslneps Is conducted ecpeclal reference to the beet and Increacing In of Ita morcantUe atroni. toU&ctlons receIve prompt ttcntIon and chargea obtainable here or eIewhere. Intercat allowed on time depoalte epon fayorable atid UpOn IL000Unta of ltiki end bonker. Foreign Ichatige , Uovernmcitflorid , and County. City Sectiritlea bought aiid aold. J. w. Rodefor , Broker , tocha , fonda , Commercial t'aper and li other o.1 aecuritfea dealt liii llooiii 4 , Ni' . 23 l'earl St. Council flluft , 1a3 1 FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL Nv : YOIIK , Tuly 1ff. Monoy-Mrhet ea.y at 2@ per cent , 1IOSCl ut 2 per cent. I'riuo ! Mercantile Papor-tcj6 Per cent. Sterling 1xclntigo-Baitker' bills weak at : $4,831 ; ( lemanti , . . Gwernincut.-Iiuwer , for 5'i niul .a. * Stock-Excitei1 and lower in early deal. . : i21g. About midday apeculations becanic 3. 8tcaIlrer , and when the formal announcement .0 the tclegralmeN' strike was mumulo iinhuic the market was quiet. Front this pohit time ( market gathered Htremmgtlm , jrices recovering to per cent. W'ctermi Union was icmnarka. bly lirmi during time af terimoon , rallying front 77o to 'Uc. As comimpareti vit1t'etlne.s. . day's c1uo jmrtc are dowmt j to 1 pr ccitt. . . . . . . . . . S's 101 Icew 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 . Coupoii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118. .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'acit1c of ' 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , ftTOCKt ANI ) flOI ) . American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 .BurI. , Cetlar liapitis & Northern. . . . . 'Central 1cific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71. iChicago & AltOli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.33 tb do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 'Chi , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1th. Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do pfd , asketi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yort Vnyimo & Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Hannibal & St. Joaoi > 1i MkOd. . . . . . . . * 41 do do do hid. . . . . . . . . . . illinoh4 Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 .Ind. , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 127. Kansaa & TexnR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 .Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 66 .Michigait Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 . .MISSOUfl Pc1fic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 .Northern l'acifie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do 1)fd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 : Norhwostern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1211 no pfti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 .Now York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Ohio & Mississiiii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31. do do 1)fd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 .Peoria , Decatur & Evanviflo. . . . . . . . lTj Readimig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Rock Isaiid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122j St. Patti & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117k tin do do itfl. . . . . . . . . . . 107 _ st. Paul , Mimi. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . - .st. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 . ( It ) (1 ( ) lfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 \ , .IJIIIOII Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92. 4- . I \Vabasim , St. L. & l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . 1ji ! io do ( II ) 1)fl. . . . . . . . . 40 " Vestcrit Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . * - . p. ' .t\kcd. ( GRAIN ANI ) L'IIOVISIONS. OIHCAOO. . CIaIcAao , July 18.--Flour-Marketdull and itominally unchanged. V . . . t Wheat-Market cliii ! weak and lower , at ' ( . . 1 O1 for July ; 1 02@1 02 for August ; : . . 1 04@1 04 for September ; 1 011 for October ; I ' . 1. O6 for November 1 O1 for year. No. 2 p wheat , 1 00@1 01k ; o. 3 spring 1 wheat 841c ; rod winter 811c. Com-It fair demand ; unsettled and cIoed a mihado higher ; S0@51c for cash ; Sic for July ; 51@Sic for August ; 50@51e for Sop. tembor ; 5Oc for October ; 40c for year. ' Oats-Market quiet and weak ; 3@33e for J cash ; 33e for .July ; 28c for August ; 27c for .Sopteiiiber ; 27o for October ; 27Ac for year. ltye-Mnrket steady and unchanged at ! 14ic. Flax-Weak am ! lower at 1 33. Ti mothy-Unchatiged. Prk-n fair demand at lower rates ; 14 00 © 14 10 for cadi .luly ; 14 02@i4 05 for August ; 14 02.14 05 for September ; 14 35@i4 35 for October ; 13 00 for year. Lard-hi fair tlemmiamid ; opened weak amimi 1over closing finn with outid prices at S 72k8 75 for ciudi , July afl(1 August ; 9 O2. for September ; 9 97L9 00 for October ; S S78 130 for year. Bulk Meats-lit fair ( lenmaild ; shoulders , 6 40 ; short ribs , 7 55 ; short clear , 7 90. Butter , Eggs atmil V'laisky-Umichauged. Fmeight--Uorn ti ) Iluiritli , , 2c. Cheese--Choice full forward - - creams coming 10016 freely ; denmitud better ; prices unchanged. 1litle 1111(1 ¶ l'nllow-Unclmammgcd. NEY OIILEANS. .4 NEw OnrEASS , July 19.-Corn-Mixed firma .tit ole. ' Oats-Firma at i4c. l'ork-Lwoer at 15 50. Lard-higher ; tierce 9 37. ; keg , 9 112. Bulk Moats-Lower. . CmNeI4ATI. CINCNNATI ! , July 19.-Wheat-Quiet at 1 O $ . cash. . . Corn-Quiet and umichamigeti. .4. . . Oats-Quiet at 3Cc. " a. - * . Rye-Steady at 5Cc. . , , . . . . . l'orls-Dull amid uimclmnnged. Lard-Quiet itt 8 40@8 50. Bulk Meats-Quiet and unchanged. Whisky-Fair doimmaimtl at 1 13. i I Y.WAUK KE. : MILSYAUXEC , July 19-Wheat-Dull amiI , .1 Owor ; No. 2 , 1 01 for July nail August ; 1 .forSoptemnbor ; 1 01 for timoycar. Corn-Weaker ; No. 2 , 50.o ; now 4Cc. , Oats-Steady amid fair demand ; No. 2. 33.c. Rye-Strommger ; No. 2 , 55c. Barloy-Iligocrat 49e. 1'LV YOJiC , NEW Yong , July 20-Wheat-cash , dull at - @e lower ; options tjmimed at cLYc lower ; ungraded red , I 03@1 15 steamer o. 2 mcii 11 ; No. 2 rol , 1 lb@jl. 15 elevator ; 1 1G afloat. . Corn-Cash a shade better ungradoil 501j. 9c ; No , 2 , SBjo elevator ; 59fJS'J afloat. Oats-Lower ; closing unit ; mixed westerim a iO(43clmlto ( ; , 14@jrIc. Lgs-\Vesterxm fiehm , quiet nail firm at iO4e. l'ork-Quiet and firimi ; miew mnes , 153hte. Lard-1lrmn ; irlmmio steammi , U 0tljU 17 , Butter-Quiet amid umichatigud. KANSAS CITY. , } ANi3M3 Cir July 20-Wheat , lower amid weak No. 2 rc fall , B8 cash ; 87c August ; 8So eiiteimiber , Guru-Lower at 311c lilil for cash ; 37c for August ; 3f1o hid for Septemimber. Oats-1)ull ; 31e bid for cash ; no options , LIVIt1'OOL. LlvEmtm'oor. , July 20. - llroatlstiiifs , quiet iutl steady. Wheat-Winter. 8s 1Otlf9 3d ; sprliig , 8. Gdts. ( ) Corn-Ss 2i1. Li'fl STOCK. EAESAM CITY. 4 KAAs CITY July 19.-Cattle-Steady ; * atlves 4 85j5 0 ; grass , 2 50 ? 65 ; steers , 6 3OC 75 ; stockers in good request at 3 0061j S 00 ; feotlerd finn. 3 & 04 50 ; grass Texans firm at S 50Q4 50 ; Nebraska cattle , 4 O54 50. Sheep-Active and firma ; Inferior to good , 2504 25 ; chioic to extra 4 ( i05 15 , Lamnba-l'er head 1 503 CO. $ T. LOCIM. ST. LOulli July lt-Oatt1o-Stroner. ) Good demand .for all desirable grades ; gimt _ _ _ _ _ 1 , L : . . - - - . " shipping steers , 4 8St5 75 hmevy ( hitto , 5 25 S (10 ( ; exporters , 3 70&3 ; lnitcliemlng iiat1ei a 7r4 50 ; good Texnn , 8 ; o@a (12. ( hlogs--Stcady at 2 GO(2 75. ( II ICAIm. CIncAno , .1uly lU.-TImo Drovers' Journal report. I 1log-VaIrly actIve , values weaker , closing shade lower ; mixed , 5 l05 45 : imomwv , S S 85 ; light , S COJ6 15 ; akl1's , 30O4 5. Cattie-Geimerally strongcr 5q tOo higlmer oil Texas natives ; uticlutugeti ammil brisk , ox jMrt , I ; IO(1C ( IS ; good to choice shitqthig , S tolit ( ; ; os : eommnomt to mmiediumim , 4 7SCmS 40 ; butchers firimm ; eoti.s amid muixmi grasi Toxaims , 4 oo@r : , 00 ; eomumnomt to mmiediumn , 3 2. 3 75. . Sheep-Fair liitcliers' dotmmand ; fair to fan. C ) ititittomimi , 3 25 ISO. TR.AFFIC. m.IVE sTOCK. ST. Louis , Ttily 19.-1ecoipt. and shilim. ftletitM of live stock for the ) 24 hotirs lutvu been as follows : ] lecclit.i Shlp'ts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioo see 1hig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200 . . . . Sheep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1C.tAs CITY , July 1tI.-1lecelpt. and simlim. muomit. , of live stock fur the 24 hours have becim as follows : Itoceljit. . Sliipts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:300 : . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 . . . . Ciic.umo : .htily lt-leceipt. ) niiil simijoneitti , of live $ tiCi for the hiast 2 ! hours liavo beemi i folIovs : fleceipts. ShIp't..4. hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,500 . . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 . . . . FLOUII Mil ) flhIAI. Ciuc.uo , 1uly 10.-1eceipts { amid shipimments ( if Ihmur nimd grain for tlto past 24 hours have 1)0011 fli follows : hieceipts. SIiiiits. Flour , 1,1jl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 7,000 Wheat , loisliels. . . . . . . . . . 30,000 1311,000 Crmi , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 212,000 208,000 Oats , biilmels. . . . . . . . . . . . 124,000 112,000 Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 , 1,0X ( ) Barley , bushel . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 2,000 Nmv Yoiuc , .TuIy 19.-fleceipts amid ship. itmeilts ( if flour nail gralit for the liat 2-I Itour- have bceit a.s follows : ] cccipt Sliip't.s. Floimr , bids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Viieat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 111,000 28,000 Corn , huishiels. . . . . . . . . . . . 167,000 21,000 Oats , biuihiels. . . . . . . . . . . . 28,000 nooo } Z.tNsts CITY July 19.-lleceipts amid ship. miments , f grain br the ) : 21 hours have beemi as follows : 1tcceipt. Sliip'ts. Wheat bushels. . . . . . . . . . 8,000 1,001) Corn bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 2,01)0 ) 10,000 OMAhA MARKETS. Wholesale Prices , OiiIcE 01' 'I'IIE OI.tmrA BEE , Thursday Evomiiiig , J uly 19. Owimmg to the strike of the telegraph oiera tors , thin mimarket is decidedly umscttlod. Grain btmyers will not quote prices. In the general market no cliaimges are reported , and we quote yesterday's prices. The following are the prices charged retail. arm ; by conunission merchants , jobbers anti 1)acker : Grain. \VIIEAT-Cashi No. 2 , imuchangod at 84c ; No , 3 , umiciiangcd at 6Cc ; mojected nitclmauged at 45c , BA1U.EY-Cash No. 2 uuchammged at45cNo. ; 3 higher at 3Cc. IIYE-Cashi umicliamiged at 40c. Coit-Is1ixed umicliamigod at 38c. O.trs-Unchanged at 35e. General l'rodnce Euus-Unchmaimged at 13J14e. ] 3tJTTE1t-DiIhl and uimchamiged ; commuon to good , 711J10c ; choice dairy , 14fiJ16 ; sweet , high colored grass , 12@13 ; cooking , 7c. ( I ItEEN 1'EtM-Steady at $1 00. GmEN ( : 13i.tN-$2 25cJ2 50. POLtTOE3-NeW , immoderately active at 50 © COc per bu. ONmoNs-Qtiict at 84 505 00 bbl. NEV CAIiuAGE-l0@GOc ier dozen. IIONEY-Cahiforimia , in commib , pclOUmld , 20 @ 21e. CiIEE3E-QuiCt and unchaimged. We quote 10113i2 , . L'olATOES-P1enty at $1 00 per box. Green Fruits. llASPmiEIiIiIES-Unclmaimged at 16@17o per ) ) iimt box. LEoNM-Steady : and in good denand at 7 50@8 00 pr box. CiiEiuima-12@i5c tier quart. OimAsoEs-Cahifornia , unchmsiiged at 4 OO © 4 50 , PEAcIIEI-2 75 per box. C.tLwonEIA PLUIS-Ifl good demand at 3 25@3 50 Per box. CALmto1tNm .A1'IiICOTS-SCarcO af 2 75 in 20 lb boxes. BAAEAs-Uncl1anged ; 11cr bunch , 5O@75c. Ai'i'i.e-1 5Of)5 ) 00 pcr bbl , CALw0IiNIA BAItTLET ' L'EAIIS-Utmchanged at 2 75 per box. l'OL1ltI'l amid Fish. SrmiNo : CIIIcRr.Ni-Snah1 , dull aiim ! Unchanged - changed at 1 25@2 00 ; large , quiet at 3 00 ; ohil lower at 3 75 a 4 00. * IIITE Fismimichiamiged at 9@lOc. ; pike and lake trout the same. Flour arIclIMIiIstimffs. \ VmNrEmtVIIEArllest ( Juality , hatemt : , at 3 23 50. SECONI ) QL'ALITY-3 0O3 25. $1.10 \\'IEAT-BOst quality , patent , at 3 50cL3 65. SEcosn Qc.LiTv-2 503 50. ] 3RAN-l'cr ton , 13 00. CmIol'm'En ] i'JEI-1'er 90 hims. 1 00. ( 'ORN MEAr.-1 O07ij1 10 per cwt. ScIIEENINu-1106Sc ier cwt. Cureti Meats , hAMS-Quiet amid ] ewer at 12c. BACO-1Iiglier at 12@121e. SmlouLnr.ItM-1)imll at 70j7. 1)muEn JIEEF-Uiichinmigeil ; sc'o quote at 14c , LAmtn-Steady at ilk in tiercos. TALLOW-Firma at To iii barrels. Grocers List. CANNEn Cooma-Oysters ( Standard ) , jier case , 3 T0@3 90 ; strawiormies , 2 Ib , case , 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 lb , tier case , 2 45 ; Bartlett 1)Ca , er Case , 2 40 ; wiiortlohcrrios , pr case , 2 75 ; egg lliiiils ) , 2 lii , case , 2 90 ; greemi gages , 2 lti , rnr ease 2 90 ; do choice , 2 Iii , per case , 4 50 ; v" ° nppfes , 2 1t ) per case , 4 0O 5 75 ; peaches , 2 It , , case , 3 00 ; do 3 Ib , per case , 4 0O@4 50 ; do ( imlo ) , 3 1' . , Or case , 2 60 ; do pie , 6 II , , per dozeim , 2 30. JtICE-1oiiisiaIia Prmimmo to choice , 7I8c ! ; f air , 77 ; PAt inn , i3c. Fish-No , 1 mimackerel , half brls. , 7 00 ; Ni ) . 1 mackerel , kits 1 00 ; faimilly muackerol , half bris. , 5 25 ; family niackemel kits , 85e ; No. 1 white fish , half lirla. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits 1 05. Sywi'-Stainlard : Cciii , , 35c , buls ; ! tamiihartl lo , .l gallon kegs , 1 85 ; Stammdard tb , 4 gallon kegs , 1 110. Soia-him lb ialCr , 9 30 mer case ; keg soda , 2e , NEw PIcicm.Es-Mediutim , In barrels , C 50 ; rIo in halt barrels , : i 70 anmall , in barrels , 7 40 ; do in half liarrels , 5 42 ; ghemkiiis , In barrels , 8 40 ; do in half barrels , .1 70. 'i'Ith-Gtiiipowiler , good , 45@TiSc ; choice 00 . (7Sc ( ; good Timiperlal , 40@43c ; choice , 6O(65e ( ; \ ciing 1i _ ysoii , good , aero thioieo , CScOijI. 00 ; Jalian mimittiral leaf , 35c ; .Jnimmi , choIce , ti0(7Se ( ; uloiig , good , 35f3J tOe ; Ooloiig , choice , 40 55c ; Soucliomig , good , 35@lOe ; chomee , 35(4bt ( : . Roi'E-lsal , inch and larger , 10c , inch , lie ; mcii , 1le. \VOOIENWAmIE-Two hmooi pails , 1 75 ; three Itool , pails 2 00 , Tubs , No. I , 8 ( ' 0 ; Vie mieer wasliboarris , 1 85 ; ] ) oublu Crowim , 2 (10 ( ; Wehlbickets , 3 50. 14E41)-1iar , I (15. ( Soti'-KIrk's Savomi 3 45 ' Immmperlal , ; Kirk's satinet , 3 (10 ; KIrk's staimilard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Itusslamm , S 25 ; Kirk's eutoca , 2 15' Kirk's Prairie Queumm , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's : nagmtolla , doz. I1OTASH-Ponflsylvamiia camis , 4 case , in case , 3 35 ; Balbitta , iii , 2lo.t. IISCaISO , 1 U0Anchor ; ball , 2 doz. lii case , 1. (0. PEANtTh-ltoasted , choice , rod Tennessee , 12c ir Ib ; t'uivy white , l2e ier lii ; raw-white Virginia , raw lie ; roasted , 1'Jc. OANncss-livxus , 40 llms , iCe , l5e as , 15c ; boxes 40 1b , 16 oz. , Cs , l5c. 3rATCIIE4-Per caddie , 62c ; rpund , cases , S 70 ; square cases , 3 40. Covrx.t-Ordiaary griedeis , ZQc ; fah , , 1Oj - - . . . . . . . - . - _ _ _ _ _ 10c ; good 10@1Ic ; r1nt. , l2t12cf choke 13(111l3clancy / green * mmc ydlow , l4OJlSc ; ott gmvenmimirnt , Jnva , 2Ocj26c ; , , er1namasted , 14c' Aitiimcklo'i roasted , I4c .IIICLM'ghhin's xxkx rOasteil , 14jc ; imitation ,1iva , 10@ ( 18k. ViNEa.n-Now Yorknqito 1Cc ; Ohlii I' lilo , lSc. SAI.r--1)ray loaiiq , l'er hibI , 1 75 ; Aliloii , lii saek , 3 50 ; 1)1)15 ) dairy 60 , ( is , 3 tO. Stim.iij-1owtierea , 104e cut loaf , 10c ; gramumlated , 9c ; comifeetiomiers' A , 9.c ; St.aiul. aril extra C , 8c ; extra C , 8c ; metliummi yol' lost , 8c' ilark yellow , 7.e. STAmtcII-l'earl , 4c ; Silver ( Iloss , Oc ; Cormi Stardi , tIc ; ixcelsior ( hoi's 7.c ; Corim , 8c. Si'ICE4-Pcpiicr , 21c ; allspice , itic ; clovei 30c ; casia , 21e. CIIEmss-Full cream , I I o. 1.vs-AmnorIcimu 3 4o ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; \Vcstern , 2 75 ; .ortlr Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , 4 (15 ; Jowell lye , 2 75. 1)ry Gflflis , 1hInvN ConoNmi-Attamltmc A , SIc ; Apple tomt XX , 7c ; Atlammta A , 8c ; hoot FF 8c , Buckeye Iaha , .1.1 , 7c Cabot V' . ' , 71c ; Cititte. miamigo ' file ; Great 1' aIls J 8c ; I loosier , ficI homiest \'itl(1i , Sc ; Italian I i051i A , Sc ; imitilan Statulard it $ c ; I nihlan Orchard , ii , w. , 0'c ; Lawrence liii , (1c ( ; Mystic Iliver , 7e ; l'eqmuit A , 8c ! ; ttica 1) , 5c ; W'achusett Ii , 7c ; rIo A , Sc hii E 48 , 12e , FINI : Buows CorroNs-Allemalalo 4.1 7c , Alligator 3.4 , 3e ; Argyle 1.4 , 7'c ; .itfnimtie I f'ic ; ilailger State 4.4 , ( ' , e ; .iknmiimigtoit a t.4 , oe ; lhckoye : S 4.4 , oAe ; Iiidiiiit Oreliaril AA. 11.8 , 8c ; l.ncomiia 0 39 , 8c ; l.ehigh B 9c ; 1'eiperell N 30 , 7c ; tie 0 32 , 7e : do it 311 , 7'c : ( lii F 39 , 8c ; l'ocasset C 4-4 , 7e ; W'aimiimtta 4.1 , 13c. 1hI.EtcIIIn : Corros-Amidroseoggitt Ii SI-i 'J.c ; lhlavkstino . 'tmnpem liii 81'c ; tb ilim halt lleachmel , 4.4 Lfi. ; Cabot .I..I , Sic ; Fidelity 4-4 , p c ; 1riiit ot the I .ooiim , ( I c ; tin caimihirie 4-I , 121 ; tin \\'itter ' .i'wist , 10c ; Great Falls Q , t'c ' : lmiiilan I i mat shriimik .1 . I , 1'2c ; 1 , , , , , , 1tc ) ; I ) cambric 37 , i2c ; Now York EilIs , 12c ; l'etliot A , lOc ; I'eiipcrel , N ( ; ' 1'i ills , l2.e ; Ptczthmtimtas 1.4 , lIc ; 1'oc&set 5. , $ ' ; 1.'tica , lie ; W'amnstitta 1) X N , l2c. I ) IJCRS ( Colored ) -t\llaumy \ fl brown , Sc ; do C , lie ; tIn XXstmiies am1 1ihtiiis , 12 1.2c ; do hrnvmi , amid drab , mtripe.i and 1,1:11115 : , 12 1.2c ; Arlington fuicy , 11'c ' ; JIruiis ick brown , S i.2c ; CIiarit famicy , 12 1-2c ; do ox trz iiea'y , 20c ; Fall I liver lirowim , extra hic.tvy , 11 1.2c ; Indiana A. lrnvn , 13c ; Nepomiset A baiwim , lSc , ' .I'IcKiNms-Amnoskeag A C A32 , Ilic ; ito X lihtia 82 , 18 i-2c ; Artthvaiimii : , U 1.2c ; CIaie- ) iwmit 1311 iS 1-2c ; Conestiiga , extra , 17 1.2c ; Ilanilitoti ) , ii 1-2c ; LeriMsii A30 , lSc ; Mitt nelialta 4.4 , 20e ; Oiiiegrt , simper extra 4.4 , 28c ; 1'eaI Ither 'J ! , 111 1.4c ; l'utiiain XX blue stilpe , 12c Shetucket 5 , 10 1.2c ; rio SS , 12c ; Ycoiminmi's ltio 29 , tIc. flINmts-Amnoskcig : : , bitme amid browii,1fl1-2c ; Andover 1)1) blue , 15 1.2c ; Arlington X bltin Scotch , 18 i.2c ; Comicorti 000 , blue nimil brown , 12 1.2c ; di ) A..AA , do do , 13 1.2 ; do xx to do rho , 14 1.2c ; Ilayiimztker's blue amid brown 1) ) i.2c ; Mystic ihiverl)1)stripe , 1O1.2c ; l'earl Itiver , blue amid browmi , 1Cc ; Umicasville , blue amid brown , 11 1.2c. CA'Iiiiiics-Bammin.rd , 5.c ; Eddystono limiag , 21 inch doub1 face , 8cGarner ; A glazeil , Mc ; i1amthinttat : glove hush , 5.c ; Newport do. 5e : do glazed , &c ; l'equot do , Sc ; Lockwooil kid fitmish , Cc. Coitsrn JE.ts-Amnory , Androscoggln satteen , 8c Clarendon 6c ; Comiestogga sat. teens , 74c ; ffahiowohi , so ; Indian Orcimarti , 7c ; Narragansett , improved , L8e ; Pepierihl sat.- teen , 3e ; ] iockport , Cc. 1'iINTh-AllCIiS ) , 6 ; AmnerLcan , Cc ; Arnold , tile ; Bet-wick , 4c ; Cocheoc 6 ; Commestoga , 6c ; IDammkirk , - c Duimmiell , Cc7c ; Eddystono c ; Gloucester , 6c- harmony , 5c ; Knickerboccer , f4c ; Norm-linac 1) , 7c ; Mystic , ( c ; Spragnes , Cc ; Stiutlibritige , ic ; , do Gimighamns , 7c ; Zilarl. born , 5c ; Ormental , ( ac. UmNamI..mis-Arnoskeag 9.c ; Argyle , lOIc ; Atlantic , Sc ; Cuniborlanil , 7c ; 1ighlammd , 7c ; Konilwortl , , 9e ; P1wmkttt , 'J\c \ ; Sussex , 8e. ConoNAnEs-Abberville , 13c ; Agate , 21k ; .iiicrican , lie ; .Artisiami , 20c ; Caint , 1) and 1' , 13c ; Clarion 1) amid T , l7c ; Decan Co. stripes 1) amid T , 'lGc Keystone , 13c ; Nami. tucket , 19c Nonpareil , 11c ; Ocean 1) nun ' 1' , I3.c ; Iloyni , 1nc ; Stiiisex , 12c ; 'i'ioga , Wtchii. sett sIirtimig : checks , l2c ; ( ho Naimkiit 14cs York , phida Namikimm , 12c ; do clieck.'i , stripes auth fancy , 12c ; tIn 8 oz , 20c. SIIKEimNui-Amuiroscoggilt 10.1 27hc ; do 9.4 , 23c ; thu 3 4 , 32c : Contitmental 0 12. lie ; 1'rtiit of the Loomi , i04 ; 27Ae ; Ness' York at his 98. 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58 , 22c ; l'eimibroko 10.4 , 25c ; l'ciiuot 10.1 , 281e ; (10 74 , itIc : tb I9 , 1Cc ; l'cllcaohl ( IC , 2tlc ; tlt ; (17 ( , 2ic (10 7 , lSc ; Utica 'JG36c , ' ; do 58 , 22c ; do 48 , 17c. Drugs , Ditt'e.s AE1) CmImIIcAr.s-Acid : , Carbolic , 45c ; Acid 'rartaric , ( So ; Balsaimi Copabia , her ib , TOe ; ilark , Sarsafras , er ib , i2c ; Calommiol Ier Ib , 75c ; Cinolrnnldia , per oz , $1 05 ; Cliloro. forum , ier lb , 85c ; Dover's Powders , le' Ib , $1 25 ; Elisom Salts , per lb. 3c ; Glycerine , pure. per Ii ) 30cr Leach , Acetate , per ib , 22c ; Oil , Castor , o. 1 , POF gal , 1 25 , Oil , Castor , No , 3 , per gal. $1 15 ; ( iii , Olive , pergal. 81 50 ; Oil Origamiumim , 5Cc ; Opiunm , $5 00 ; QuinIne , 1' , & \v. and It. & S. , per oz , $1 85 ; Potassium , Iodine , per 11 , , Si 65 ; Salacimm , per oz , 40c ; Sulphate of Morphine , icr oz , $3 75 ; Sulphur flour , ver lb , 'Ic ; Strychnine , per oz , 81 25. Paints , Oils and Varnisimes. Omr.s-110 carbon , per gallon , 1'2.c ; 150 ° headlight , iier gallon , 14c ; 175 ° headlight , jier galloim , iDe ; iSO ° water white , 18clin. ; seed , raw , ler gallon , 57c ; linseed , boiled , per galloii , GOc ; lard , winter str'd , iier gallon , 95c ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , The ; castor , XXX , per gal Ion , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet , her ahlomi 85c ; s11er : ' , V. 13. , hot' gahloim , 1 60 ; tmslmS. . IL , tier galloim , tItle ; neatsfootoxtra , per gahlomm , DOe ; No. I , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; suiimmner , iSo ; goldet : macliiiio , No. 1 , iier gal. lou , 35c ; No. 2 , 30c ; sjermn , signal , per gahlomi , 80c ; tiirjentlime , ier gallon , 55e ; imapthia , 74 ° , P ° ' gallon , 1Cc ; 63 ° , lSc. I'AIETS IN Oi-Whito bail , Omaha 1' , P. , Ce ; white load , St. Louis , pure , Ce ; Marseilles greeit , 1 to 5 lb eamms , 20c ; French zinc green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; l'icmichm zimic , in varmiish asst , 20c : Fmciich zinc. im : oil asst , 15c ; raw cmiii burnt umaber , 1 lb cans , bc ; raw and 1)ilrnt Sienmu , , bc ; vaiiilyko lirowim 13c ; refhmied Inmpblack , 12c ; coach black , aim,1 , ivory black , ICc ; drop Ijiack , lOc ; l'riissian blue , 30e ; ultramnamlito blue , lb'c ; chromo : : green 14. il , k B , , 1Cc ; blurt : imiil shutter grew , , L. M. & I ) . , ICc ; l'ails green , lSc ; Imalluit mcii , 15cTeIletiiImI ; red tic ; .I'uscan roil , 22c ; Aimmeri. cam : Vcriiihhmon : I. & i' . , iSo ; diroiirn yellow , L. IsI. , 0. & 1) . 0. , ISc ; yellow oclire , Dc ; golden uclmre , ICc , patemit dryer , Sc ; graiiIiig colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , chiostimut auth wihm , ifie. Dry l'stints. White lead , 8o ; Froitchi zinc , lOc ; Paris whttlimg , 2c ; whititmg gililers , bc ! : whiting coimt'l 140 ; Iztmpblack , Germantown , lie ; lamphlack , ordinary , bc ; Prussiami blue , ( So ; ultrmunztrimie , 18c ; vitmidyko , brown , Sc ; uinlier , burnt , 4e ; tminber , raw , 4c ; siemimma , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 'ic ; 1'ami grocim , genuine 25e ; Paris greeli , cominon : : 20cchroniogreeu ; , k.Y. , 'c ; chromnegroomi , iL , 12c ; vermiilion , Eng. , 70c ; vermmiilhlomi , Amnericati , 18c ; Imidian red , Ilk ; rose iiimmk , b4c ; Venetian roth , Cokusosa , 2'c ; Venetian roth , Amoorieum : , lc ; roil lead , 7c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chmonmo yol. low , K. , 12c' ocliro , rochellu : 3c ; nehru , Frotichm , 2c ; , icbro , American , 2cViimtr's ; mnineral , 2c ; lehigh brlwII , 2c ; Spuiish browim , 2c ; 11 rimice's immineral , $ e. VItEIsIIis-1iamTels1 : l'r ' galloim : Furni. tore , extra , $1 10 ; fimrnmttmro , No. 1 , $1 ; co.'hi , extra , 51 t0 ; COach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Juiiar : , oxtma , 1 75 ; .Lnlaiii , TOe ; asplialtumim , extra , 85c ; hiel1 : . ' , $3 50 ; iwil : : oil fiuiishm , 1 (0. Leittlier. Oak solo,38o to 42c ; heiimloek solo2So to 85c ; hemlock kip , 8Cc to I 00 ; rimumier OSe to SOc ; bemiilock calf , 8So to 1 20 ; hiomulock upper , 23c to 2Cc ; oak iiiper1 ; 2-Ic ; tdligittor , 1 00 tI ) 5 50' calf huh , 324.i5 ; ( .iukctm kid , 2 54) to 2 75 ; oak kii Soc to 1 04) ; oak calf , I 20 U , I 30 ; Fienchi kip , 1 10 to I 55 ; Freticlm calf , I 25 to 2 00 ; rims. Sets , S SO ti , 7 50 ; linings , 11 (10 ( to 10 50 ; ( oh. Hngs , ii 00 to 10 (0 ; II. .i. Miinjcco , : u t , 3sf. hiulililo 0 , 1) . ? ilowcco , 35c ; simon , 2 50 to 3 00 , IIAINESS-NO. b star oak , .12c ; No 2 ito , 3'Jc : No , 1 Ohio oak , 38c : Nii. 2 do , 35c ; No , I ihilwaukeo , 37c ; No. 2 do , : fIe. Jumii hiei. WIIOLEiIAI.E. We quote huuiher lath nimil shingles on cars at Oniahia at the following liricea : Joiin AN ! ) SCAETLINO-10 It , amid under 22 00 ; 18 it , 23 ( ' 0. 'I'IMIIEIti-llh feet anil umitler , 22 00. 'l'zmmmnmr : ANt ) .JOIIIT-1B It , 93 ( 0 ; 20 ft , 23(0 ; 22 It , 20 tiO ; 21 ft , 2(1 ( ' 0. } k' CNO-NJ ! , I , 4 anti 11 1mm , , 21 00 ; o. 2 , 22 00. SIIEIiIn-Ni , . 1 (2il ( CiiiitiiiOit boarila ) , 2000 ; No. 2 , 18 00. LIIE-Pcr barrel , I 25bulk lr bushel' 35c ; COmflent , hbl , 2 25 ; Iowa i'1atei bbl , 2 50 ; hair Per Iii. ( i0c ; Tarred felt , 100 ibs , 3 50 ; straw board , 3 ( iO. Heavy Jfnrtlvare tiit , Iron , rates , 2 60 ; 1dow steci $ POC1I CaSt , 7c ; crucible , ' O ( lcrmrtn ( , . cast tool do , lr.20 ; wagon sit.ikt , sot , 2 00 ; huihiq I or set , 1 25 ; felloes , satsesi dry , I 40 ; tongues , each , 7XlfJSSc ( ; axles , cacti , 'L'ic square nuts lr h1 , ToJilc : washers , It'r ll' rivets , Ier Tb , lIe : Coil chiidti , ler It , , t.Ql2c ; ium1leabho , $ c ; iron wedges , Go ; crowbars , (1c ( : harrc'w , teeth , .lct siiring tee ) , 7@8c ; hltirtien's Imoiseltor's , 5 25 ; IhithIoft's mmumkshoos , 0 25. IIARIiEI'IitElfl car lots , Oje l'er 100. NMUI-ltates , 10 to 110 , 3 35. Siior-Shot , 1 85 ; hnmck shot , 2 10 : oriemital l'owtler , kegs , 0 40 ; tIn. , half kegs , 3 48 ; tIII. , .titiarter kegs , 1 881blasting _ , kegs , 3 85 ; fuo , l' ° 101) foot , ( 0C. . _ . CoAI-rCtmmmmI'erlanll l'lacksmnith 12 00 : iItr. ris nut Bhossbtmrg , 12 00 ; Vi ltiteiircast , 4 \\' ; nut , 4 00 ; 1os lummii , , 4 00 ; Iova mint , .1 00 ; Bock Sirimig , 7 01) ; Anthra' cites , 11 SO12 00 ; Cation Cmty , 7 00 , I'or Lum , horses anti fLttht's. 1xtra draft hiorso , 17t.Cj22S ; comiummon draft horses , 1001Z'O ; extra farmit hotses IiO125 ; CoiltUlilit to good farm horses , tOjiOO ) ; cxtnt lhtigs , flOj7ti ; ; coimunomi liltmg , 204O. Muii.s-Extra , 12S'l5O ( ' ; good , 100@1l0 ; fair , 75(110O ( ; comnmmmon , 1101375. 141ltIirS. AI.COIIOt.-18S i' ' " , 8 25 i'er wine galton : extra California , qiiits , 18 $ insif , 1 25 ; er Pr ° ilf gallon ; ttipho retineil sjiirlt. , 187 iirtf , 1 23 l'er lirti > f gallomi ; me.iilstltleti t1tiskie.s , 1 ( ) O31 ( ' 0 ; hue blenikil , I SOSI2 SO ; Keim- timcky liourbomis , 2 O0,7 (10 ; Keittucky and 1'eunylvania rycs , 2 ( X)47 ) 00. lhii.iiIrs-bmmmiorteil , , 6 O0ijiC 00 ; tltunestlc , 1 40jl 00. UINS-bmnhiortell , 1 ( 'ti0 00 ; doinestie , 1 40 133 ( Xl , 1l031s-lmilported , 4 50(1(1 ( ( )1) ) ; Ntnv Etighaimil , 2 ( ) O5I 00 ; ilotmiestic , I SIX's 3 (4) . l'AcmI .tm ) AI'i'I.E Bii.riiy1 755I 00. CiI.t1'AuN1s-lmItiiirteil : her ease , 28 0013 31 00 ; .Amnu'iit.tmm , tier cc.e : , 12 0OiJiG 00 , "ill , i1erino tinvashed , light ) b41311c ; heavy , 13Cj'1tc ; mnlitmlit ttit'iishiel , hihit , l8@2tc ; t'nshed , chiiico , 320 ; ftit' , $ Oc ; miii rasheil , 28c ; hurry , black ama ! c 'ttetl wool , 2C'iC ( less. Tolntccos. FINE Ctrr-Coininou , 20Gj30c : good , 4513 ( "Oc ; Hose Leaf , 700 ; l'rcnliiiii : , (15c ( ; Iiamnomnl Coiwmm , t15c ; SwcctShteen , I7c. SpoKtEu-O. S. , 20c ; Miiskovy , 25c ; lur. hmtiii : , S iii. , , tithe ; Durham , 4 uz. , t'2c : 1)urliamn , 2 , , z. , Seal of Nut tim Canilina , S uz. , 1 Ic ; Seat iif uttlt Carolina , 1 nz. 4Cc ; Seal of N rth Cnnllita , 2 oz. , ISc ; 0. 1 , iumhiamim , 1 flz. , 28c ; 0. K. 1)iirhatm , 2 oz. , 81k ; Uncle Neil , 's 2 Ic ; 'rmit amid . ' eirv , 2k : , . Picu .l'oItAcco-Chiiiiax , Oc ; Bullion , ! 0c ; Iliirseshioo , ISo ; Star , 4t' ; Ilutlily , 4lc ; 11cr. soy's , 48c ; Black , 88OI0c. - - Ii IMEIIAUGII , MEItIIIAM & CO. , PItOi'RIETOlt $ Irr.vAToits : A , .M ) U. recelve atiti ,4ihiprs of grahi , OiiahaNeh. Also litty atI : sell gralii aid irot is1oii tam iiargliis iii New York Chicago , M ihi atmke , SL 1.nuis nii 'I'de.Io. $ jieeial tchcgraihic facilities 1mm office. Msrket reports recek. oil et cry fifter'ii nihmute. , lilchm io w hO furiiii ) on op. pllctttioim , together iitli our sIecI.l circular , InlIeat- limE tIe : tendency of the markets. office corner of Dcii 'las end 13th atrect. Est.tihlMhed 186. : of the humnn body enlarged , detelopeii amid atreiigthened , etc. , it amid intcroatiimg 'l'cflIsemieit lonE ruim Iii our hailer. in rc'ly to Inquiries 50 ihI aay that there ii no eviIeimco :1 hmnbug about this. Oii the contrary time advertisers are very highly Imilersed. Interc'iteJ fer5iii5 may get nirtulara gi' . Iii all partic,11si by ahircasing iric 3cdical Co.,1.0.b.o. I3 , IiutTalo , v , , . vw'r.m1o Even. mll4y REAL ESTATE SHRIVER & BELL. Opposite , Postoffice. Bargains in Improved 'Properly. ' No. 169 Ifouso 5 room , : , aiid basement , 20th and tHMasom , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2 400 173Oouil house , barn , Cuiiiiiie , aiid 25th atm. 2 000 172 house a riloilli 1)11 Icasotl lot. . . . . . . . . . . . 425 170 Iloumo S rioiims oil l'ark necimuc , corner , IItcheai , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 300 107 house macor Saunders street , full lot , easy F termims. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i)00 I House 5 rinIs , 2 story on 11th street. . . 1 ( .00 16IIouso 3 roiiins , 18th amid Leavenworth at OO 104 1Iiiqo five room , , liamiiltoii , street near Cliaric , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 163 Two houses , full lots , 26th antI homey. . . I 000 101 'I'w ( ) story house imear ittIm atreot , corimer U 000 160 home tao roimn , , full lot , 27th arid ilotig. Ins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850 158 house 5 riis ' , OtI : end Clark. . . . . . . . . . 2 300 l50'I'wo acres cii Ciiiiiliig , iiiirovei1. : . . . . . . . 300I ) ; 55 IIouo 4 riiiits , liar : : , 0th htrect . . . . . . . . . .200 151 house 2 rooin , kltdeii : , ete , 12th atreet. . 900 153 0 houses , rents for tI 15 Icr iioiitli , ft11l Iota nit l.eateiis ortli atiti 15th streets . 10 800 152 'iwo house , I ) ni : ! 8 rioIIis , harm , , ctc , fuu IL' lot , Iacnlilrt auth 24th street. . . . . . . . . . 0 000 180 lliiiise (3 ( rooiuis , ' 'ii IStli or , car line. . . . . 1 800 14a Ifoiae 6 rtiis : , cii 21)0 ) , , Ileor l'ail . . . . . . . 2 801) ) 14S Ilouso C riiouis , ) .Iiiii , 20th aijil umel Clark 2 lOi ) 147 house 4 roi.mus , 2 hits , : wtli atract. . . . . . . . I 146 iliniso 4 rn"iIi , 1)tl ) , ai,1 , , Clark. . . . . . . . . . 1 &oo 18 house 0 roullIs , Jl % ilOii atreet , elcaii : . . . . 2 500 ISO Ililtiso 4 ris'ili8 , trec , 5th etreet . . . . . . . . I 801) ) I : : t Itouse 0 roiHus , IIui. , Slum , ' , , a.llltliirm 2 800 131 ' ( 'hires Iioii'.cti , Capitol asentlo amd : 10th , , trecteacli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 000 150 JIiuaa 5 ro'nu ' , l'lcasait , Itreet. . . . . . . . . 1 800 122 10 acres , huuse , garilemi , etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . i see 119 Jfinmso 0 rolilia , 21.t aiUhvavenworth. : . . , I 650 12Q Double hinter 4 Coonis Oil 214 street. . . . . 2 ( .00 1)3 ' 11w hiouies , full lot , 16th ati,1 Macaim. . . . . 2 ( .00 104 I'ivo acres , Saimalora street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 000 101 3 hita and house , 9th street. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 0i house 4 roomims , 16th , trect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ooO Two houses , full lot , rent for 75 icr ) imoimtlm,18tIt am , , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ooo 80 llouee3roomna , Cane..6 000 Unimproved Property. 325 Lot Casa aimil 22.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 324 Lot near car hue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 317 6 lots hoar Park avemue , eacim. . . . . . . . . . . . Cit. 804 16 hits l'arkera additIon each IWO to 600 303 1 lot 25th suit IaveIiliort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 000 2T 7 lots l'urters a.lilItloit0 to. . . . . . . . . . . . 201 8 hots ci , l'urk avenue , mitaku aim offer. . . . . 292 2 hits vim Isaac street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 263 6 , acres iiii ( : iliiey street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 100 188 house 5 riolis curlier 801i street. . . . . . . . 2 ( .15) ) ( .4) lots ii , Lowe's ail.litloii . . . . . . . . . to $ 401) ) 175 liit In Ilo d's atl.lltlon , earl , . . . . . . . Co to ( .04) 104) lots in Ilauwa.iii l'iaceeaeli. . . . . . . . 351) to 1 ( .00 20 Iota Iii Hurr Oak tulifltloim , each. . . . . . 801) to 2is ) 54) ) lots lii Isaso & 8t4leii'a ad.lltloi . , . . . sr.o to ( .00 80 lots In Roillek's aii.lltioii . . . . . . . . . . . 701) to 1 ( .00 10 acru Sits , I'nrlc plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . too to 1 80i ) 4 acres mm Cmiiiii btret 5 3(5) ) ( , o lots Iii I'atrkk a ihlItloii. . . . . . . . . . . . 401) to fl'.i ) 80 lots lii hllirs , , , adilitloim . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401) ( I , 1 tis ( ) I ) lots lii I tagai , ' $ , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) to 1)01) ) I 11 Iota lit 1. V. $ mnltli's aililitloim . . . . . . . lot ) to $51) ) 3 iota Iii 11orlaeli' ) a ( , llIthoii , , sachi. . 1 oi.iO 1.0(5 Iii all h'arts of the tlty , ouch lii every mtdilltloii Oh t.5) ' ttfliOilh Call or scud for duscrhi.tiiu . lath' l111et5. West End At/dillon. Iicaiitlfiil lots It , tll a.llltlon at roasomiablo .rices smith on cloy terms. w. B. GRING , AuclIn ad CoIssIon MCFChaDISI ILL A1'TKND TO HAl.ll IN ANY l'AIIT OF OlCOUN'fitY ( , 14' ' . Douglas Street , ALMA E. KEITH , DEALEIt IN Fine Millinery. lIMIt 0001)3 , WA''ES , 1JAN08 , ETC. Stock Entirely Fresh and Now. 'c4,1O5 15th Strout , Opp. PotofUco. NOT1U ilrr urnrx..rn VOMAit ( Vroin 855 O4oa Q ° .l tJtor ( $ 5- ThsdomI.&goo4 liken. . , of Mrs. f.ytIa.flaf In ) , Of l.ynn , taaa.wbo .bni'.a.lloth.r 8urnazi t.Ss. w.7 I. . . truthtoltj cXl.dth. "jj. l'rt.nd otW'oznn , siomi of bar eorripordsnti lov.toe&li has. b jw.aiousl devoted to ber pork , which Is lb. outeotn 1 a lIfe.tudy , &ntt Is obU.e4 to keap .Iz 14 ' 311011 , tO help her aaswar 18. la.r. eorrpons.n hid. dilly poura In non tier , .h tarlng Its epoch atdn ot miTerIng , or 3oy at reIw. from It , Hi tgot8loComun.tIiamdIeln. for good and ni ill purpea4. I hat ; * rnn&Uy ln.itlgtt.r . tmutlfted of the truth ottht. . Ona.oeonat of itiprnenmetjtstt I. raeommn.i. a.lpre.crlbedbythebetphyatetn. itt the countr a. u . " It wo , . lItn chine Rnit atses mud mb. It 'lIl cure entlr17 the orat form ot talIIr ' the , terua , Leueorrhcy.a , trr.uli.r wd palafi .snstruatlonedi OarIanTmub1e , InflammatIon fl Iceration , tlii.sllng , . ' .11 Piiptarnintq an.t the cot Suent sl.Itl&l eel.nesa , 101 I. .pecte."y edaptod a 'I Clianwe of Lila. " 1tporinrateseyeryporthnor tt. ryatam , &ndi , . awlifeindrlgor. It remove. ftlOtnioi , f1i'ttItn. Idm all era ) lag for stImulants. anit retlnue wa , sI of the stomach. It curs. ttloatlne , lale.'hri rTouI l'ro.tratlon , anrr..l IebUlty , BIecitssnop , cprrarbn soil ln.flgetI.n. That frlln of bcaln and hackse ) , . . Ii &lwy , ennanently cured t.y it. ties. It will at all time. , an odr all ciretiitiataiiees , act In hiriuony itth the La I-at goerns tIe fcnal. a3tem. only t. per lottIe or e1 for & , and I. ooId nglst. Any adrfce to special ease. , a he nanei , tiC niany iho ln , e ticen retorvl to porfec o2iibyti.o ) . tisst.f the V'getableCompound.c.ab bts.itie.l ty , ullrrnn Nra r. . wIth OtIUnp r rupl 'I tier ) , Cio , tim 1.3-nfl , Itasa. i'or Iidney C.'iut.islnt of rflier ccx this rompotmzmtlg t.urpasI , q atein4ant testimonial , show. . . M . ' . I'Lakha'a : , X.t er Pills , " . , ya ono wrtts , as ' ' . world Fortho cure ut Constipatlot " 1 Torpi.lIty of the lin'r. Her lUo.i .rnn.I.ri. . It , Ito epectal iihi ezid t&is Cit . , m..Milha in it ) 'IIUiarIt7. .t h'r as , tn Angel of MrTT ; oed to others. i' tS ) atr.sI.ILD . RailwayTime Table. _ U. P. It. IL , StAIN LINE. umsyr.- ARhiiVS. l'aciflc l:1ies.l2o.S : : p in Atlatitho E.ress7:5t : ) it me Vostern E4ress 3ti : ) P iii Easterti Expres. .8 : . (0i In ( iramiti lslaiuil I'a'si 4 : $ i ) p mit ( I. IslaitI lasse I I :10 : a mim OMAHA ANI ) LINCOLE LINE.-U. I' . Ilt'OT. ijrvL AIIRIVL Ltiicoln E . . . . . . . ; 80 p in I LItcoln Ex . . . . .12:55 : p in 1)IJMJIIY TILA1NS-lilUlOE 1)1 ) VISION. Dummy tratna leave Oiiaha as follows : 8:00 : a am , 0:00 : a in. 10:00 : a mu , 11:00 : a nm,2:00 : in , 3:00 : p to , 4:00 : p am , 5 : P fl 0:00 : P iii. . 10:10 : 1" Oi. I)1)mthi ) trauma leave Council lilutle ac fohleva : 8:25 : a am , 0:25 : a mm , , 10:23 : a iii , 11:25 : a in , 1:23 : in , 2:25 : 1 mil. 3:2 : ! ) i' am , 4:25 : mu , 5:2,5 : p nm , 0:15. : ) p mu. 10:30 : I' In Sundays-The luintny train. . loam e iimaba at 000 , 11:00 : a mu ; 2:00 : , 4)00 , 5:00 : , 6:00 : and 10.11) ) m1 mu. Leaves Couiictl liluSs at 0:25 : and 11:25 : a tim , 2:2t. : , 4:25 : , : and 0:54) : aii..l . 10:50 : i , in. TIlitOUGI ! ANt ) I.OCAL PAMSENOEIt TRAINS- iitlDOE DiVISION. LXAVS OMAIIA. L1CAVII COLJNCU. ntUprs. Pass. No. 2..7:55 : it am Pass. No. 0. . 7:5 : ama " No. 10..5:45 I' I" " No. 15. . . . 11:80 : a at , , No. 4..3:50 : , ma " No. 'I..11:20 : a am l'ass. No. . . . . . . . . , . . " No. I . . . 7:35 : p mu ' , No. 6.,6l5an : , SIOUX CITY & 1'ACIFiC-DEI'OT N. 15th Street. Leave Omaha for O'Neill ia lIt. 1aul Line for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I'm Arrive from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1' tim . ILO. , 1(1. ( & St. 1' . It , IL-U. 1' . 1)l1'OT. LArx. Atutivic. Mail 4 Ex..7:45 : a tim : iall & Ex..7:25 : pin Atluttlclx.:40 : 1 , Iii l'acitlo lix..0:45 : a in lJahly Dolly. WAIIASII , ST. LOUIS & I'ACIFIC U. lL-Ui1' , DEPOT. LzAvmt. Muuvx. . . . . . . . . . : a at Omaha..11:30 : a in " 3:40 : ii tim ' ' . . . . . . . . . 5:20 : ji 0. , II. & Q IL IL-U. I' . DEI'OT. mutmvx. LEA VS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a mu . . . . . . . . . : a at . . . . . . . . . : 1' lim ' . . . . . . . . . . : p imm N. Y. Express Leaves Cuuimcil liluffs at 3:17 : p at , , 1. arrivea ' " 8:20 : a nit sundaya cxce1.tetl. fOmnaI thou. C. , ft. I. . ! t P. It , It.-U. I' . IEI'OT. ARittVIt. LICAVX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , a am . . . . . . . . . : a mu Express..7:20 : m' am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 1mm (3. & N. V. It. IL-U. P. DE1'O'l' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Express..0:45 : am . . . . . . . . . . . . p iii . . . . . . . . . . . . . : phim Suridays excepted. 'Sundaye uxccjtud. S. 0. & I' . IL IL-U. I' . DEPOT. & . . . . . . . . . . . . : a iii Express..9:50 : ant Ex1iros . . . . . . . . .6:00 : p am Maul . . . . . . . . . . .7u0 i'.u t- : - tsuidays excepted , . . , . ST. I'ALl & OMAIIA-NEIILASICA DIVISION- DEI'OT N. 1ST ) ! lIT. No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . 8O0 a ma No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . 4:50 : l iii No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : i' ' in No. . . . . . . . . . . . : a mn Sundays excepted. E. C. , ST. JOE & C. 11. It. IL-U. & 51. DEPOT. Mall..8:2.5 : a iii Fxiross . . . . . . . . .6:00 : a mu . . . . . . . . . : i' ut . . . . . . . . . . . . : i' am II , a : lit. IN NEBItASICA. Demiver Expresa. . .8:15 : a mit Atlatitiu. . . . . . 0:301 : , am I'acIfIc Ixpreiis. .6:35 : I' Iii , ietimer Ipross.9:40 : ama SlisSOUlti 1'ACIFiC-U. 1' . IEi'OT , ARRiYtt DEi'J.RT , . . . . . . . . . . . a iii . . . . . . . . . : t in . . . . . . . . . . . . : I' Ill . . . . . . . . . . . . . : an ) 'I'ralii leo Iiir , at 7:25 : I Iii sial arrit lag at 0:50 : a iii Ill hot u l'ullmnan sleei.ern . u. . ' OpenIng anti Cloelag of Mafia. itOCTY. . OttOl , CI.0f3K. ¶ = slim , a.ii , . I.tii. Clitrago & Nortliwisteri.11:00 , : 0:00 : 5:80 : 2:40 : Chicago , Euck laMmitI & l'aeille.I I :01) : ) 9:00 : 5:84) : 2:40 : ChlcaEo , limrUtigtohi ) & Qulhcy..11:00 : : 0:04) : 5:30 : 2:40 : Wabash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:81) : ) 5:30 : ( dotix City & P.tcille. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:01) : 7:20 : LIiiIiiit lncifto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:15) : ) 11:40 : OhilalLa & ltej.ttlillcaii . Vaihiy. . . 2:00 : lIl0 : II. & 30. In Ncliraska. . . . . . . . . . 6:04) : 7:40 : 5:30 : Onal , * & Nortliwestrn 8:00 : 7:20 : IlissourL 1'srItir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:3(1 : ( 5:34) : Local atolls fur Steic of losta bate but ohicea day , viz : 4:30 : ii. in. . A Lltct.lii , itmail Is also p1icied , at 10:80 : a. in. 0(11cc ( opeti Sundays ( miii I'2:15) : ni. to 1:00 p. um , 'IliOs. F. IIAILl'oatmiaat.ur. : I Have Found It I Wa. the exdauiatlou of a inafl41ieta ha got a box of Eureka I'iiu Oijitttient , midilcl , is a e4inle ; situ cure cure for P11cc aid , aIlj Ilki , , Diacacee. fifty cents by imail : , liosthuld.h The American Dia'rhwa Cure i lb. etood the teat for twvimty years. 'Sure cure for all. h'oer Faili. Ilarrba.oa , Dysuntmy , and ( Jholu. t blorbus. BllC'S ' Pevcr all Agile Toulo & Cordial , It Is ItImIIOlhfluIi ) to luhilily the rapId sale of time same. SUItE CUlili W/tIIIIANTED For I'omcr and Ague , anii all MalarIal troubles. 1'itICl , l,00. w.J. WHITEHOUSE 1.AIUIIATOIIY , lOfif S1 , OMAILt , NEIl. For Sale by all Drug psts' 1r sent liv I.Iiress Oil Cec.olh.t . ot'irlcc. i&e0io MA VEIl/CA' NA TIONAL BANK. Cur , Water anilComigress Ste. - J Ix. CAPITAL , - - . . $400,000 SURPLUS.5f. - , .554QQ,00Q TrzimsactN agenorol bankIng bualmiess. Receives the acciitmnts of taikscanl.ers , and others. Iraw foretin exchange am.I , tnakes cable traaaferf lii ELmriI.o . sail tclegrajiiilo transfers ( .1 . iititiitY througIiut rho finite. ! States. Ilu ) f oiiI soils giivtirtihiir'it : uim.l other inycatijicats securities , aii , xecUteM army business for its curresi.uudcats lit tlu Ihime of batikliii , AIIA P. I'O'l'lElt , I'resileut. J. J. ElIY , J , V , WO'IK Ca , ) l.'r. Ass t. .asmier. ta&th.m TI ) IIE or fl'griera. 0 I.r . I . Jm.ii4' . , . , Ii , h ii ) - 43iVc' . . Ib , ,141 h II , Ii timiii , liii L" k I : ; ' . ° ; , . ; ; . ) ' . ii till , with t.Itctre ( I5't ' $ rI s I . to i'uuv all III. 911 hI.OM ( or I , Ih utsi , 5Ib1i it hull , & , ad Ite UarYi.C EI.wtriu . ikit 103 \ io1 hilItull 51. , htcssro , it. Jy mae.tu.thbat ) I tUL.TNGTON FOUTE ( I ( Ctiloago flurIngton & Quinoy Pftllrod. ) I w I I L2\ tu : S _ Lfi : = ; _ _ Ifl..t1M1 COINO EAST AND WEST. GOINC NORTH AND SOUTH. ( F.legont Day Coaches , Parlor Cars. with fl'cIIn Ek'fld Trains of Elegant Day Coaches and Pull ingCliairs ( Matmt free ) , Smoking Cars Itim Ito. nmarmFnhaesSleeplng Cars are macholly to andj solving Choirs , l'tmllman I'alac'c Sleeping Cars nail from St Loith. la Ilitnnibitt , QuIncy , keokttk,1 thin famous C. H. .t Q. Iinhmg Cant rita daily to and Ui'rliagtorv ' , Cedar Itaphts and Albert t.ea to St from Chiengo .t Kansas City. Chicago , t Council i'attl isod Mbnespolia : I'arlorCarswitht Recliflingi lilufTa , ChIcago 4t Ie * Moines ChIcago , St. , J0. ChaIrs So and from St Louis and l'eorla and to eh , Atchison .t Topeka , Only through hlno tm anti tram lit Isumia and Otttmmwft. Onh7 Ofle tween Chicago , lincoln & flomiver Through cars change of cars between St. Louis anu hw'teea hhmilianimpolls . Council lihitiTe miii I'eorla. Moines Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Donvor.1 All coimnections maim In Union 1)epota. it is Colorado. known , ts the grnttTlhltOUClil CAit LINE , It is untwtrs&Uy admitted to be the Finoat Equipped Ralirond in the World for nil CInsao of Travol. T. J. I'OTFEIi , 3.1 Vjcu.l'rvs't and ( leni Manager I1EI1CEVATI LOWRLL. Ocim , ra. Ag't , CIJCOSO. ' . . UNFORTUNATE. Catarrit is mic of the nnr.t , iIscac ( if I ) , . , presctit tlno , iftnilrc.lsoro , . CitlTcrlimE with It when they an ho rcht'IeI , at ( iIi'L' . I Ii III gttarantee to cure the . , rt t'ao of Cntmmrr ) , In three mmioimtii or rcfitmmil the moneY 71114 tne.lciiis ( . iq for tiI , tlu one iIieaic , Iiy seiiibiE tue 8 ± 00 I will seimil the mneilicltio by Chris,4 (5. Utah. Do act aniler all ) longer m Imoti ou can I.e cured for so siimafl a sittim. 5 , 1' . SE\VEI.l. , care of boc 460 , Omaha , Neb. c it II Medical Dispensary I OfficesandIParIors Over the new Omaha National Bankl3th , Between Farnam and Douglas Streets. OMAhA , . . . . NEBRASKA. 'A. S. FISIIBLATT , YE , B. , PROPIETOR SPECiAL ATTENTiON ( lIVEN TO DISEASES OF THROAT ANDLUMCSCATARRI/ AND BLADDER , ntl Fdlliale Diseases , as Well a all Clirollie all Ncrons Diseases. iii. : . F' I II : ] : aA. 'P 'I lies discovered the'rtmateat citre In the world fir wcakticss of the back anti limbq , Involuntary diachares' miiliotency , geiieral.tobtl1ty , iiervimthsImess , languor , cotifumilomi of imlea. , Ifl1Pit.tlIttm of Itlie heart , tlmldlty trcmiihing , ilhimuiess of eight or gitidhiiem'm. dIeasce of tIm head , throat nose or akin , affections of the liver lungs , cttmiutch or lowcls-thoo terrible habit. nrlelttg froiti solitary Imattit. youth , and secret practIce , immure fatal to time , ictitmia thou the somig , . of Myretma to the timarlimera of UI sea , bilghitltmg theirmost radian 1,01105 or iuitici1atioi , * , retitlutg , muartiage lttmiiuslhmIe. niOSotihatarU eulleritig froiji thu em II hirOctices whilelt dcatro3 PthclrInmeImtalhmd physical eyatcnm. caltslig , NERVOUS DEBILITY , TIO NytnltOflms of which are a dull , tllstrcased atlimmi , mthitchm umifits theimi for crforimtfng their btiainesa an , euclal dutIes , , ) malilw marriage liihlm..ssil.le . , dlatressee time action of time heart , catislit tltmslies p1 hea hieiiresIloi , of splrita , e ftirchti.iitmgs , ciiwarillcu , fears dronimme , restless miight , iiizzltmes , forgetfulness itittiattiral tlisclmargos , PaItm Itt tile luck amid hire , short iireatmltmg ) , amelamicimoly , tire easily of cunmpany anJ luau I'refereikcu ti , lie slomie , fceliiig as tlreii lit time mmmormmhmig a. ulieti retiring , communal meakncs , lost man. ) mitsl , a lute hone ilr'ioait tim thu sirimic , tmert oimsness , cotmlttalotm of tlmought tretnb1itm , watery atid weak eyes ilyspupsia , tomtstihiAtiOtt , paleness , iodtm iutd neakimess lit time I1mmb , etc. , efiould cotmuit ice immediately atnt be restored to Iwrfoct health. " YOUNG MEN Who hao lieconie ictltmme of colitary vice , tInt itrcadftml atiti destructive habit hiiclm annually sweeps to an uimtitmcly , gram u thmimusaiiia of yimuiig tmtoim of exaltcI talent atid briiilalit Intellect who nmightotherwiao entrance Iistoniiig . .ematorc , Uith the thiutiders of their eloquence or wake to ccstaey tite living lyre , may cal vitim limO commlhlcimcu. MARRIAGE. tarrietl ' or yotmim mactm contetoplating muarriago lie aware of ithelci weakness , loss of procreative 1.05cr , Itmipoteucy , or aimy othmerdiqualiiltation speedily relieved. lie sue Imlace. htintaclf umtder the care of Dr. Fialmimlatt may reUgiout y 201)0db in his honor as a guimtheniamm , and comfldemitIy rely upomi hts skill as a imli3acmaml. ORGANAL WEAKNESS.Q inimedlately cured amid vigor restored. This iliatressing aiUictlon-uIIolm rcxmmleri hUb A burden and mimarriago itimposaiblo , is tIm oerhaltl' h1aul 117 thu vIctIm for itmiproper Indulgence Young people are apt to coitittilt excesses front hot iioliig award of time dreadful coneoquences that may eimslte. Now who tha ttiidcrmtatmda thie subject will dOlt ) ' that lmrcratioh , hi lost sooner by those follimtg into ( nipropor habits than by hrudehmt ? Busbies hieing deprived of this Ilcasuro of healtlty otlsprlngs , the immost serious amid destructive syomptoums f lioth body and timlad arise. Time systoimi deranged , the Illl'elcal , amid mental functinni weaken. Loss of lirocreatiso nervous inability , dyipepala , palpitation of time heart , Indigestion , constitutional debility , wasting of time fraitmu , cough , ctuiauniptlon and death. A CURE WARRANTED. i'ersnme ruined km health by unlearned lireteitil 'enho keeji them trifling month after month takia isonoue amid Injurious compoumids , should apply iitimnediatciy. On Long Time--Small Payments. At IIIiiufoturos Prices. A. lloso , Jri 15l'l 1)01)05 STIlE CARPET SEASON I J. B. DETWILER , Invhosltho aUcution of tito public to hi Large and Well Selected Stock -OF- 1vw 4LII Embracing a/i the Late Patterns in everything in Carpet Line , aliiu , Oil Clotli $ aud ¶ iudo Shades. C IN LARGE QUANTITIES AND AT LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY ! J . 2a 1313 Farnam Street4 - Omaha , Neb. . , . . : _ . . . . I ' '