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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1874)
lie Host TYoiderful ; 2Ied calI _ > lt- I covery of the Ag ET < TJ Man lib own t > lirs'can. ! Frazier's GreattRemedyj , " " * fN * > -1 Th * people f the United -EUrt-t Chare .Ten humbugged with all kind * of Patent ii'dicines , quacks and liu powers , for tLe past lew yesrs , iu a uiost sharaeiul tnanii'pr. The wrlur of the fallowing is one of the victims , and bbes to present a very plilticas ? . Be.ievicg that by cleansing the h oed was Ihecily true w y of banishing disease , and lieincagre-t Buffcrer fr.m weak Ungsandm bcrofulouj aK ll li , aDd ftertryingJuiany { kinds of Patent ae-Udoej and'the most eminent Fuysicians , 1 cJnTnrenced doctoring luvself , and at last d scoTertd a Blood bearcber , . . T.n. . . . ! . ! . n AHl * tf Ta BIAim * a radical cure. Aiic . * . - - - - tr- Iiecame .trons and ; ' .4'id-\r/a.lpett ' good. e sc"0fulou duease Tiad aUajSpered. . . . . . mlc'ru. ana iuu" * t-Mvfc..v ' - - - - r- - - IJu. cures In tbouSafld. ol-tasoal'notTrone ! curing Gugh .OmsurfptltmrAstnoa' . Catarrh ; Scrolula and We k Lung * , but all diseases caused from humor , in the b ood. Thedemand Bitters becoming t.n < them tip foi * BOOT BITTEfW. I was a CHt . prcsentinz either myself or medicine to the public- not being a Patent Med cine Man , but 1 am catting brardr o er < thaUr I hare sold it I * my desire and detrt-rn ime within the reach of erery inflering man. woman and chUd.on-U f faci roi.lh.aTliiMd . f ThejTand princtrle IWtV-lperatei ijrihete Hoot Biters is tbe power tUy4 > oiae i In cleansIng - Ing the turgid blood and banUhing the rllo humors from thesy 'em. ' BootBItten are trictly a Jiedlcinil JP toUbfc71fenjp nded from roots codibli d * iii Jherlai4jpUjt , many of whi.h wore used in the O-K ! oid days of uur Jorefatbors.wbeuipeoB were cured bjr same simple' rooteR ht * . f * wtea Calouteiy ind olhex polstitjorjfce'ljaiBnCrJ ' klugdom' M * . of body , cast out dIseasevSk 'awiiy' aud build up tha lystem with , pure.blood , heuce they must reach all diseases by- long uuvtll. Victory upon yictory gamed over disea janA-aeatb. . ! ! . stations aud conditions in HfeVtW ife tan tantJr-A ftctiuc- cur 3 ol theutmo.t importance , tor - Consumption' , Jstuma , &a-luli , Scrojulous E- ruDttoDB. Catarrh , We k Lungs. LoiT Vitatltr aud Urokeu-dowii Cuuoilutiulis , these Itoot . SlmHted to be - Bitter * .re univeisal.y n. tc every pomonoiiiw'j - ln the Luugs , streosthwjlnjs the bjjiuach , , Ki'dnejs and Uver.tleauste ihe-Wood irwia. V.Trv iind of bumor ho other tacdlclne will carl CJjronlC * SStufSvtaT Neuralgia ; and , uca diseasei ore ca S * ' and a poisonoui condition ol thg oed , tor insuer mluss Traiiers'.Koot Bitters are sold by alUhe lead- Storekeepers and Chemist * . ISold In * DruszUls , W nolesale. by. . qwastfr Coblv in fiuperua trout aifl Benton"Myers-ft CanncW,1wai - ? r street , Cleveland , O.j B.L.Fahnestock 4 < a. , Pitu'jurg ; George l > Ouodwin * J- lloston ; John F. Cdrj ; Wrnnf CTWT Unli States Medicine HenSe,8-'aud-9'Coilflg rJatXrJ New YorkT.Wvth Urothers.l'hlUdelphaJ'1- : ; leri If , | " i. iMpdjRfSNT"u : fi : rnMMERCI\I. THAVCr-EBS who solicit by CAKD , OATAWOPB , IHADg. SAMPLE. 'OH OTHEB oJ'BCIMEN. didkU 1rre tr'wo' weeno. This t' is of OKEAT | MTOETA > CE UALiv . - & fcTesmenklUUTto ? , o men ollcitlnn trade Jn-thls manner. It is ! ihcicfore EriPECIALLV des red jK * notlca war meet thpiey t ALL CommercUl nd-ele nieit.iaitW * Oun.W * nd thatTthe7wUl AXOifCELgive It their .alien- , * 1 * * . * * . Those ' . . wlu . > conip'y . i-rrsj- with above.requwr , i f - - * T < T * - 4 -ftndvauiw careGpo. P. Bowell 4 Co. , JySeodlm i a T ts > . Practical Watclunaker3 171 FarnP m , B. . Ow. Uta St. OMAHA n % , .c _ NEg American CYCLOPAEDIA " A Hew Eeviied Edition. A - Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every subject. .Printed from new type , and Illustrated with Several Thousand' Engravlngsj dMaps. f Vr " TUB workoriginaUy phbHahed ndecthtiU ! ! i' SStSHSirSS : theUnltcd Slates , andabe.algnaUJcvclopment. V ich * fsS& \ It to , anexact. Usu a < ; CtctoMV M'i thin the ia i ffy. f w a.i ? " - - T-T , - - . r- , . eovcry in every departnie roj knowledge la * inade a new work of referents an JmperaUve WThe movement ol political a3alrs has kflt nco with the discoveries of science , and their fruitful application to the Industrial and useful convenience * nd renflTOtnt .of art. and the - ' "oolfUlle. OreatwoJ-and - . . nave occured , involving natfonal changei of peculiar moment. The clvU war of euro n county , which waiaCiU height whKirth. last TOlnmeot the old work appeared , has hjtppUy been ended , and a new course of commercial and industrial activity hat been commenced. Large accessions to our gt4grapQlcarV , - ; edgejbave bocn ma-U bythe in < iaatl bU ex- ' jp'orenof Jta A U ) < ) Ihe great political revolutions ol th Ust decade , with the natural result of the laps S SS Sfffjeol wmenimhoseiiaHxM ar tidenrT scurfs and ol whose lives every onffti cartons S tao'wTthe pardculsrs. G .t batUc * nava sieg j. aalnulned , . but . take - most recent In of well as to clve a surdnct and original record of the progress ol political and hUtorial event. Tbe work has been begun after lung and caro- 'resources "for * cwry fiU - tennlnatlknvtin . * KlMilt. , Vtt > irn None ot'tht lortgbalivUreatrpa-plates ; bar * been used , but every page test buenvprintod on ; - > ew typetnortulsg in tact.a cw , Cj-dopjeJU , > - - l.-ih-i\in rn 'pUnanJcoB9f M a lUttBd * * - L-ttt with alar greater pecuniary ezpendf . tare , a d Hh such ImprovemenU'ftt'lU com- 1 A-l pe > rieitSati nT Wed\n.0"l < 1 eA l I : Irh lllustriJions which are Introduced'lor lie first time lo fjie present edlUon have been r idded not for thiut of plctorl , ' effect , but to \ riv greatcnteeMUr * * & $ * L f1 V * * all branches of I ? J jas In IBB t eiU-1 Tney MlCf , f ounnd jemartaWeI rta ol Kenery , .SSj cfore , andart , u y * b yarfcja MO M-MO , of mechanics-ana inanufactnrtr/ i , Inwndadfor Instruction rather an inqoEu't ' no jiin , have boon spared to k em "Sure , theb artistic excellenc * tto'CMt d : is enormous , . ad It U Ullsved on veryoeac vu. pleted in sixteen large octavo volumes , each containing about 00 pageSfaUy.lllastratea with vmaihoaiJMli.WDtdgi r Tlnp > 'aa4 with , . -rcilapi. Hit STYLE OF UIDI O. Hit In extra Ooth , per vol. . . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . $ ; .QQ * t ] In Ubrarj Leather.'pernroL r > , . . 6.00 v li in Jl | TurkCT. Morocco , per vol 7.09 lin Iu Hafl Basils , extra gflt , per veU . s.OQ n In luUiw-Jfco , antique , gilt edges , per 6 > TOl . . 0 00 6n ii i iii.ii ii. ' " miiiii v i ! > * In fulixniilaj MrJyol.JL..i r. . . Oloa - n Three voioms now rsadf , J Succeeding1 - ' IU.TIU , until completion , wiu La ( ssued once In 6I * ' " two months. Specimen pagea'of the Aimic + Tr PTTU > - PAKDIJI , showing type. Illustrations , etc. , wllj - Resent ratli > , on application.v t I \ FIRST CLASS CANVASSING U.QES13 ! WAMTED ' i- D , opMdioL''Co. , u 5i ( lox Broaawayji / , iti t iu- a'l -li- : . , ? Sr4York. It l 2t/ NEBEASKA CHOP NOTES. The wheat crop Is nearly all safe ly secured Iu the stack. [ Sarpy 8entinel. < 'Report comes from the lower part .of the valley that-the crops are good 'andAn-abundanLJiariesiig antici pated. fLoup City News. _ - - T- The peach. crop thlsyearpromises to be very , large. All other .fruit will be small. [ Nebraska City _ _ . _ ! . _ , 11 parts of the coun ty snow thaflhe "wheat will average about 15 bushels to tbe acre. [ Fill- moretCouuty Bulletin. - .Wild plum trees are loaded down with .fruit , and an abundant plum harvest is expected. [ Seward Re porter , j- The wheafcrop'u excellent. Its yjeld will range from 20 to 25 bush- eisjper Tacre n&publican r " BentlriSLJ J- , VVi Our farmers are reaping a boun tiful harvest of wheat , oats , etc. , " "but rahiisrnecessary to mdde corn what" it dugfit to "T e. [ Pawnee , County Republican. * - Burt1 has never-had - a prospeciYor a better crop ; the grain is of superior quality , and out of the way of danrjer the.recentTains will * iaake ah briormous-com-and potato crop. [ Burtopian. t H ) 'i ' " ? ' ' T ? UFRP ( The ( fanners of Howard fcbantyt ' are jubila'atrjover the ! prospective r.TrJia _ few , and they all exclaim i "with' one accord , that crops were rnever jorejromislng than they are Ibis season. p > anrieb'rbg'Sentlnel % . - " Harvest is- almost over , and threshina baa-already commenced. . sold , at 70 cents. The quality of whgajt will . " asgood as ex- pectetf.faiftr the "quantity will fall , 'short ofS'lmt fsEbuIJbe. rSutton JCIayrCo. ( ) Times. 17Vhea . recently' looked ekcellehtly/fwUI / ' - 'dry weather. ra"hrItraVagesVbf the grasshoppers , ' ' aVerage''ab6u ' 17 bushels to the acre : .All that fecot,3hus\ , wilr-fully-f systain-ihe-stateinent.-vOato-look first-ratp. [ Loup City N"ew'flV- ' . , northeast atc good half onie piecM.are whbl- . SThe iBftVog r bad ly * 'cliaweabut"a3 ; tHe silk had "npfyet Appeared , "the damage done " i i not"sVgreat. [ Bohuyler Register. TLetfarmer8.of Tdams.-flbiat { are nearly through harvestjng. , . The weather 'has ' been extremely hat , but otherwise the weather is bjf- ceedinyly favorable. No storm hab lodge the heavy crop } or j , Dutirjfr the [ past Tveek l3 * * ar- " mers In thlslocality have co"mpleted. the harvest of thejr smalpgrain. Oals. . * . . ' ' goneroHy , Was . , > cut before - . * > ma- - hoppers. Wheat is not 80'large ' , yield as usual , but is , so far u wo have seen , superior In quality. f Columbus Journal. , ST < 1 ? J rr ' ' ' Ifls fea'rea that the'-'corn crop in this section is a failure. One week , ago the corn crop promised an abun- ant'harveat , but-'the.Krasahoppers. ' have s'Jnoo then jnade" rsad havoc of : It Barley is'in-a falrcondltldn and' ' - canbo _ expected to do weJIt The oatcrop jvlli betheayj no doubt. fCe3ar County Advocate. f f 3 - > ' " ' ' " fi. ; * " > " uhe ? wlieal"crop throughout ItHis"- nounty cis repre finted by harvesters , as , beingjgeijpraJly excellent. "Thej grain irxsome late sowufleWg became Bbnje.whaK.snriveed ] .by. tlJeXcpntinr upt.dry-Jiotweatherand } occasion * nllyja-'flold Wfts Injurecl by grasshop- porsand-qh'iiiDh buga.ia : 'fhc o : ar6 ( the only exception's' , 'and-farmers ' generally agree tlint the crop js un * ' ufiually good. [ Brownvlllo ( Neroa- KaTJbunty ) "A'dvertiser. We have now on exhibition at this office a stalk of this year's corh elaven heightgrown/on ; MJJ ; Mollrlng' ' Jotslih tliiscUy.f ; Jt , waa- planted ahd-has-beontondo'dtjy his sons , shows that boys can farm' even here in the city. This corn is all aboutrthersaraa- height and for , country where' it has -hot rai ned for nearly two months , we chal lenge any State to pqual or beat i ThoJarmers are1 In the".midst . of harvesting now , and .the-yibld is' wheat is turning out < adjeJipbiy , as al5b thotbarle'y , arid' the otier 'oropa proportionately well. - TBis ' cortf prpp'is in most excellent condition l ? and will yield heavily If no'thln prevents from BOW , untilsUje bS Tnst.Not"sQhtmion oorn laa'usual ' , . has4becn.put into the ground and' a'mucfr larger number of acres of wheat , but .the cprnhas > Itgosslbie.- received J > etteiLAttedUc3i. ( than n&rlfy , and hence will , afford , - p . ear , ftat in some portlona 96 the county the grasshoppers have1 been , at work and did some damage to the Corn crop , but wo believe not to any very great extent taking ) jtha ounty together. [ Sewardj < Atlasfu vWcu have takeoj a trjp through > 3ur QPUiity , and find the whea't'fci'op ' ' a : so ba4 > y Injured by the yaf as'wp bjid fi first fearpd , JR fact our averagu wheat crop wjjl-be- larger/than last year. Last year ? the-crop was 110,000 bushelsfron ? an acreage of 8,000 aoroa. Thlsypar not less than 12,000 acrns ,1s Jn wlieat , and estimating 18"b 4shelSo S i tSe.acfe.onariaver&ge ; ourcii6ps for " ' ' this season will"De 216,000'T > ushels ; deducting 30,000 bushels for bread , IMfJ 2PJOOO ( forJseed we still ; have 168,000 bushels for shipment , jwhich it 80 cents wouU } brjng $132,800 : de- Jucllng $25'OQO'pr"iritoJip3ery wpuld eave $1D7OOQ from'je wjiaettt 'i&rgti' Uphefo'r tfora&crculaTio"n. | rii Our oat-gran , wjU , bp cpnsidprably Dettcr-tnanJastypAi > , cjt Wfts mostly ill out before the last rflfdbf the jrasahoppera- that an average , .threshed. The , ho' rains have saved the potato.crgpY While that part of the county"not" laid waste by the grasshoppers ( 1 which have settTeAq wn'ln ' patchesV sr streaks In the cdimtyrTwlU have aih exceedinglygood ? cnjp of-dmfl 1I > tliat'on the wholeTpakotacounty , an be Htftnkful for the blesslngfbf average prpp for the present I IB Buffalo Jill gn Impoitor f few they are pbdeaj-orinp , i\-ith-BOixie-slio\r of sucoewTto show , that the Hon. William Cody ] is not hetoueBuffixlo BUI , IraPlhat Wil- iam Mathflwson , a modest man 'of nuscle , Li.entltlel to the distinction f wHlchthe' cheeky man lof-thb- nelodrama has ribbed hlmx n . md at the age of 15 ran away to the. wineries of his native state. Seven' i-ears laterhe had established a trad- \ % post in southwestern Kansas , " " i frqnteJV-fewas ! : hv the buflklo range and ali ay scason'a supply of thS/mea hung it jp in 4)U.ranr4)tb.whljbjie ) } freigh . . i ! rswere qlway welflpme , J 1860 iC lh famlna rtgtxf itf iKa as , nA C that he might secure meat , for , aifferingfellow-men llaUaowson djd J < - t < , - not hesitate , to push into the midst of the hostile Indians in search of buffalo. Wagon trains were laden with his cEarity offerings , and all the early settlers and-immigrants recognizedi = Ms good and " " "timely work calleddiim "Buffalo itiller , " ly tgJJufffKj'Bill. In 1867 Ire rode unaccompanied among Cheyenne ? , Aragahoe ta'nd Kiowas inducing tbein/to meefin council and ac cept preservations. . The Indians' callium Sfi& > ah-7.ii'bad , the Dan gerous - Lojjg.f > eard. He hasjiltfSys been a frfendi of-humanity , malilnj no . .distinction tetwEeiifi wljite Times , b * L J O OrMj lirniirwf niittpii. ui.the.rEl PasoUnl. Journal.H j. Sullivan , the/great'fanue of Jlljnois , fUd of tfieIWesi too fo that natrer vas In ErPaso ; Satur dajfeHeTcaHed oniSegry & House who hav been supplying him will agricultura fmachinery > fo some "years , and ordered of theni half-a dozefi BtfcKfcye mowers. Sullivan is one ofJtKose cheerful soula- whenever never do anythlnglhy halyes. -correspouiitet says -.o his farm : "j Vas at SulUvant's farm to-day. It is about S'mfles squariTand Contains about 44 000 cres. Met-Mr. Sullivan - van l TBIsTJJJHceJ andy found him * "a "TuoSc * ple&sanv and a'grcJattEIAman7' - ! readyr to glgrkTTfoc ne ' following .cbndens d repprt of the''wprlun'gif of tlffe farm ! : -600 ; mulea indliorses , JQ&iilj" " f oxerr ) $0. ; number of acres in -20000 ; ; ierih smalL OnB acres in t&Qiq grassO00 ; miles or hedge , 30ft ; tead of hogs , 1,100 ; h'ead p cattle 'COOft Everything | a Ibusb'ei of'tcfam on any 'section pi * a.t.eac . TbHreiaaresident ; doctor , _ Attendstfojthfi/Jiqkl , Accpr actual ' 1 rhftl I-/ ? , Y r- seasons will nut corn in tne cnb. , 'and'26"cenis uer < iav wilt board i hands. TnVt3ll-rof : ! fare is better thifn foiindlmnosr/boarding-houses. ! AlganbWnfls treTBin < lare4 for 5uner 874 ; Sm&Kea slfourderr mess. beTSf lreslr : teel Iour , bredd'i rice , beans , peas , tea Fay.the'cfishlerj'Mr.'Minter/thegen / * " l'Tnanagerand others.-reiypl s- ' ; k of " irf Is- . . * * " ' " ' " " _ " " " " * T."V7'Jl"JTS 3 't f"4. 7Z J 7I O j ' ' said to oe , by competent'judges , th'e beat fandmostic6mplet9..ele.vatpr ( , in. the Stat outside of Chicago. There , is now'inMrn/Wth'e farm , 450,000 bushels qf corn , waiting the co'ro * " > plolioh of th'eej6vatqr'to : hp1 shelled , and .shipped , Crops look sple.i did' ' 5 . _ : . 1 _ --f _ ' hasrfimovM'all apr- nffi9f .drought. ( ; / . r AJ > ne'tr ta\kDown before , . , f"J f * Are rising frottf raclfie's'btranJ1& * J .TToAtlantic's rocicy sbore.-J T "rrii " . ' ' Wac Dtt ; eanpte ) , te/1aa : t ; . . .The rising of the. massw , J . . } " ' i'rcm nprthrr4 lake to iouthirn 1ea.J ' - ' ' The spirit of old seventy-six' ' From out our heroes' grates' " In ipatrlot ' blood. 741. ft'Jl . LI. ' * _ , Though obsojete long since , . _ . _ _ . ii. ' ' 1 i - - , . Hemaln as'ever'inie : nofljn'ecent fortrlbutr. , . , . { And n tlon § yet unborn shall gladly greit r In trjuje we'll fry to deal , As roan ibonla deal-wjUi man , ( Aud while we seek to live ourselves , iI .We'll tell as chespfaa. an ybodyjan , i And if a bat y > .u iieed , < . . , ii Or f need you chance to taeelJ i J\ Ji ) l t 15th'itj between .Farohanj L , , \ . . . OMAHA/ - 'jisfEa ' Spring anJFFpjftgpns1 ; titBUGOIES1Atl < iRH110B8. . . a JealerslnjipinianuT curcrsef _ ( iGRICULTURAL IMPIKMENTS ; ! ) ARTICUHR _ ' tijbm'haqd and8AW.EpTi ; t-i ixj ; > a k > 4 10 neW td U ROH ij ln Booong , Spouting and Mutter * "igoon hort notice and Ir xt 'belt'mianez , i Uteen. ' treet ' , p ' \ . ' ! -/fy4id' ' ) 2 jr ° Elkliorn . LAND ? ARE CONVENIENT TOj the market and the , * t i j. ii't. ' > < .4. ,11 ( xh . ijr . ' IT ; FINEST IB tlie STATE ! ' .XfT P , ,8 r } Mxttej-fJ ! B2.50 to $5,00 PER ACRE ) : i4r'tiUJBr- gr Tl e. - - 'te IiAND EXPLORING 0.1 > x > t , . .bearing coupons which ie take'rrfl11" ' ' * i'i or land. ' i o- UUfi riit i r rWdod Stock , * C'3 Fjnr Jf TT.i Tfrt i r bti $ ' fjtips * w JWoSe SkfbM ; AA ' A HARDWOm'lWER , Money and Commerce. ' - i'I - -5.\ . , . 1 . 7 . t , t- . . , / . . . . tDaily. Eeriew- . , . , , ' . _ y27 , .1874. , "kr Jt .1 . . - xif , , , | vt T/ . b.lho banks' . , tQHlay ; is -Wt , 'iSf ef 5me demaud-fronii Uhe'iROu'riiy'for funds. Deposits /are. * z'i _ , , ' * j. , ) u < , % : 'uf i I-T - pood.Exchange in good-supply1 ; demand ifalr'ut old rateS , < L,2iisc6TUjjt3 are tolerahly good and v nle , biisi- hesslwasdone-in this line. THE FIRST NA1IONAL ai. . i u , < : . 'quotes ' : / > nt .is ; . acres1 , - Buying ) . _ 176100 , nLandWarrants { 160. acres > rr _ ' jbellfng ) . . . . .i. . . . . ; , - . . ' . . . . . > 185.00 'Xgricultural.LCdllege " ' . Script t' ° ( ICQ acrqs buylng ) . . . v.a76. . . . . . . Exchange lh"NeWyyor per ct - J J < 3rocefiesi tlulk andVqufel-sugars ; i.afej.jjreaUyj ( t . | ast'J ° jqu a ipis ) ; < 'ca Jj gooUrf 'are ' flrjirerjjpeaches "tlJ l - > - - IH > higher Bud unsteady."tlJ . , j 'flrohi'cauntry received. ! : xi'i'iXf/ i < * * * * * " * * - " --1 * - V - * * / / / r 14 Wines , liquors Trade .ifJilr we . . . . . . , , - - - 1 7. it ir o W4i x' d.i ii1" ! lUYoIded fo'rthp-west tc-d y tt" II ; es areaflnctuatlhg 'A rith a pros- " ' * 1"jj" - -v General trade in all lines ia quiet .to lay there are"no. . changes ihTthe iarkefworthyofnbte.5- ' - ' . , " ' ' . ' * fC reInUrComicleI : ( 'DtJif ' vi ' u , iL uJi.niii , , .i j / . i.vMu jmwt c- ii-Xoo.l9JcltI- ' > irtaJi'tnse-.3'c - > | , , L i SSRY 'OI ) - ' ' H ,14U janil'1 IK Doujagitree / / ( , i > ) I c ; . ' - ' : t - t i-n.i n. . j UaJ i .1 - t WPBINT3. jaaT p Aiuerlcaiil ' ' \ . , . , , , . . ' . , , , t1 , , i1-t * ' /ri f "AhiSkeii.t : . . . .t-s. : _ . .i.- . ' . ; -1 w 'fHE : ! } zf'l"d : ! ! ! ; t * > 4' "yffrryp f.y 11 , i jin"-i in. . i Simpson's : . . . . . : : 13 BLEACHED 3 8IHBTINGS o _ _ . . . . . " m.-r-r , . . . . . . . . _ " i Bout Q . . "l . . . . . . . "n i "V ' f - MV" . , . COTTOHAU ; 8.-'v " { i , r Firmtr'tmd MTCt-ntar. " . . , ' . - - - - - fir af.\V < wiirrI * ' * * - i . JiJU ll Utdlord ' , Jl , . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . % UrantTille , E L..7 ; ; : .7T. . . . . : IDA I G ndanWJB'Bj. - . ' . .J.JU JU.S..i.fn l iju " .7 ' .r . Amoskesg , a c * - . . - . . . . . . . ; . . . - . . . . . . . j. - ftVnukeM. . . _ . . ' . .JIir. " . ' . . ' i,2 , J lAis ! B'Tin ' ; ; , . , v..I.j T : ; . . . / " ITV ' OtUi'C C _ _ . . . . .Jj . _ . . _ .X. [ & ' " . - > / " JEAKB. ' > li- -l' A co. , 231 ' - Clark's Q. " * . T _ _ nf iv. < - - " - - Uerrick'i..M 'HOSIERY. Hnm . , 4t _ TITII-III , , , , * , , , , , , , y KG 7 00 RrHTahj , r. - t i TT. . . M 3.0C3S 00 \ PIckens' ty > .t i , , , , , , , ! , , , , , , - - , " _ . . .w , 3 OOJ 8tanIeT-.J. " . . " ' . . ' . - " . . . . _ " r " r. . " . " " " , . . . _ . I . fiO Ji . _ - . ollAWLa. ' " * - , I " 1 OX2.JLTT Ld. / 1,1'n I Ottoman strips X-J . ± r2@S 60 ' " " . aUTTVftJ - - I SHIRTS. , , White common . . . : T 110 50j ' chitom mJSe . * . : n . . . . I 80 00 I 20Da2400 ' " " ' OVEKALL9' I . { , / , , , St SOaVis1 , 7 7aflKKr , Blufdrlll _ _ . j..rr _ . . _ _ _ _ .7 OOa7jGO " ! 'ir:2H : r.iO.fJyi ! > oaj 50 f-'COBSETSJaU rreich'- whalebone I . ' .1.fii'JLa'.f..vt6 UaSOO Dur own _ . . _ _ . HotJioiL ' * " * * J * tl * * ' t Common bar. . dorse shoe b ? - ' ' " kmerican casn. c tafoq and ySf ! ' 4 ' itor-s Upa taxl ff JfCOunt'IO ef pt. da ' & tUj > tt kt . . 2J.L.i..Laj is * * is.fl . id- 4U Id 5 10 J ' CO ° r.--- 5.85 .Od' . . . . . . .En _ > . i 429' id do do T7mrrr 77 ; I c 10 Wrlnght'ul sl ! . .cIriAij3ll > > 'W am tlr . . . . . , , , , . . . . . . .d&coant 70 pr c. ' " " ldtt ' * i M "A3 1- J t - * - ( j BTT f arrow wrought , Tut Jblncidlseount cf - . Ioe and gaidcn r k . . . . ; , t. "JJo ' U 4a - HINGES , - rj'J * : .discount J _ t..dljcount 45 pr 4 n ' . linciiutlon - 31 - ' - . do . . .brass tin. . - SCTTHJW. do's "spring point" L CJJoi * oi m do p f x - _ _ net | B dBL idolS,3d9r do . . . . , , ; - - * * .jr IiurzraT nw ? , SinttV * Cb' . , U.ld&ec iit M pr e Imerlcan _ F11 Co _ . - Ja. * dd 50 do. SB - K HATCHETS. Vorrii'inlngUng.-Jioi- , - .87 00 1 do'Ml5J 'do 2. ' . . 8'00 do do do 3 9 CO do il-.w .do.U ; 7 50 dc - o do 2. 860 LEATHER. BcdXuBalo SnJe' I , . . 5.7 do do . . . Uatamoras do . .r. o. 2 , 32c ; No. 1.35n B t Oak _ do . _ 43 < 345c Balllmor JOak. ' r renchrKli . . . . . L1,40@2 00 " T a Tr-t > Ii-'i : 1agbrMda > .ii:2s2 0@2 60 Dbmesfie Klp ; .ii.l : iL L t..i8i oo&i,30 -r ; dooCalf 4.-Ji.fc- ; - . l , Sl , 5 < sl. 75 -BeiuJbck pper , per Kol .5 . : ' pJa@30c drain do dp/ , . _ . . ; . . . ! ru- . . , , ' . /UX.- Llulngs. per dozen. _ . .M. ! 7'00 < aiO 00 , Toppings - Jdo . 'ill21 _ 5.ii. . WO M 00 Morocco ( Boot Jjegi P * > foot , _ . ; _ _ . 3S@13c do' _ . ; ' . . -.MQWc' < _ , doa . ( OUr Prepi ) do'f do .1 ( GiKe id7)Tr. ) . , r . . * 3,50t5,00 7 tX > 70c .45c , do do Vdo ' OskLipe - ' ai" - vL'i . .Hemlock Line llnv . ' 2wJZu. J fali-Bridle/pfififdeVi li-iu yL- - yLfeo Team Collan , per d State , do. , do loncord do do . . . - _ _ .Cullir Leathci ( Black.per ) looOi : . .J8@i4e "do1 "do' - ( Russet ) ' Uo" ' ' . ' .U-'J Pa tent Dash. LeaUreritU.U'i-i.-- ; _ , _ , ' . . loc ni-nioa - , Powell AvCb.8orapm"6nufa ' ittirer8. ! > I bJicoj , 6r.l2@6 s4 SaVbn ubUcildor , .ChVatctvl ' i9UJre , 6 to 6 U2 ; Wlm6 6 Iv4 ; Getto. Mot- . led , 6 L4a6 1-2. . * ; ! un ' OoJiVJ . "Oir > - .tf.-- , . . ! , ART GOODS' AND , . 'OTaotflTEEER'S tfrrfrr' ' * "tTjwt.ia ' n } J 7-innT IfrTliudi-'Jnrv Bemjkiisla-R JonesDecora tiYeTJp- Kols'te&r 'nd dealer/iKfirie Art goods , ' 270 FunhaSm1. 8treet/1-fujnishefithe > it * "Jvi jj ; i i -r ii \l' if i | .J ' - 1 ) , ( ger fee Scj JJinch iOq 3 inch-UScr 15c ; 3 inch 21c. Berlin gilt , I 45c : imitation- woo4 and Kilt , I ' _ _ VlITDOW SHADES. f..q-a ) ' ' ' Uaion ted dliwooLterry , J It 66 ( 81 90ptLAperial pUun au : J > wrnli w : .Jifc'rt-nf < , : - , . > - , - o Oo.U. P.iE-'K. track bat. iornham ai , iJU. c. rf,0n , / > k rt- , < _ uir/i _ ) " " AKI-.i , * .lilt r - ' * ' 2L < Wj . . . . . _ 2J 00' dalli tSoii-J/'iU _ , i 22-00 " , toik board * . 10 and 12 inch 6UOO > "a6 , , , . 6 , do' . ' ; ai > - S600 " " ' f . "C" do"H'do I do Jdon i taoo 65,00 ! 2d do do d 'do "V.- 3d do. do do dot 4S'oa 50 00 t I do | Ul.cgiaiucu _ 4000 r do 2d" "do 3500 1 do & yA- J _ . 145-00 tcJ _ ar - 4 . OO w lit ) dorado1 jSO 00 ; . IF 1st cl .27 00 IFSi iZSOO Si lit umnipnfidinj- ; [ 21 00 U do o > . 2000. A" shintle _ . . . . . . . . _ 4 5l Extra No 1 jhiinle StO Joinmos No 1 ah.ntles. . . . 300 Uth pto &SQ U 60 ( tO * I dO _ * . * * * yiarrt. it. K 3"GJBait tfpeT'Uneal'f : > . ; . .V--.r..1.s { ' G ttouah do do do r n.-.n. * . ! ! * u * JLlberaiaUcounoh'carload lots 'L Y . . / JIM ( WINDOW 'LSI ; ( GlawLj , t SIP K perceaV . ' . P .TChico'jbUliiiini 14114. 101 ul 1. . DOois , 4Wedgodij- ) YG YL ; T L , , per cent offUst. . ' * ' ) WhlU lira * per bbl 81 llt ) ctment per.bbU. . 3 00 3 25 JS 9 BQQST5 Plastering hair per busheL. . . . . . . . . .v4 ; " ( BQBEB'rC. 8TEELL. , * * - - J , jfc- 4if $1 Ia. . ' . ! ! ' ! > : TUro uilHo ! 1 $ 95 1 00 nnt04)d Oil , raw.,1.05 70 - " ' il'Aa'l 10 rtxrpentlne : .65 deadlight Oil - 2 * ACV - * > ' ' ' " " ' ' , V - " ' ' ' - . . n' , . ! ' ! ; ! 'l 'JUl 4 1 " ' ircoIori/ . _ . _ _ < _ l.'It.'ir. _ U r.OSl 12 < * jiiV Jr a " T * * * .V/ ' t hp. - - N n rf ' , - I .1 ' " ! i MILTON ROQEBB , C6R. 4 % < fc r - jtL , - - " * ' - X , iM eivn i-fi -fa /IFARNJBLAM. . A j . i'i T."N PLATK. I . . .113 00 A A 15 50 14x1-0 LX 'do i do , , - , - > _ r..i.-'ljl"T . do i li i _ i _ _ . . . 20,80 c < Au , . _ - , - . - 'S3 50 110 - plat. JH3 . . ( bwt quality ) : . . . IWpUUDXX. do do .J , _ , IO 6at yDXXX'- d x rdoi 20 00 aoo4a , IC charcoal , do , , do , IS [ ' o1'doj .1Hfln . 10x14 fc 1C d .M60' -1 ; 4xl4 LX charcoal. 21 00 Bar tU _ . : , .VKUJ ilNC. A > _ . do , . do do , . Jr. half caiks S ' ' do'1 -do * oM toSS l > ca l . ? ; Clnneiaoldei ( extra rsflned At aj . - - ! - 23 do. . do ? ZLH n f/a2j ) ajS . ' ; riHBEn k ? ' v. , : S .A first quality. Nnmberi'lfl to'2 M.T ? ' V f * ' ' Jot. . Jip | iliT'lrta .J" ! ; _ . * ' 'a'fttj IE do 45 fl 28 . " . ' "fiH do do np Mi.iiifer ' .I.- ' : --n i'jKl aarcoal , both tide * sj pthp ' li ; , . . , i 11 > M i4 i.a < c | Ti m i Bccenw i - _ 'A"AmercaK | Karaitat'n Kuala , 11 Noil' " 18 < j&j Lesa-itaa'fall bnadleeit.M one tent. t , 15rt TI. * T .j > , i rr * . p } Xipo U ul r.-i'wid7 po 60 Pa Pawi 14'14 wi wiBJ BJ lifl' J i . * .u V I ,1 * " - GBOGERIES. 6TEELE ifc/JOIINSON 53Sr540 14TH ST. CLARK Jt FBEN CH COR. FABNHAM AND llTff 6T. EtmDT , MEYKR.ll- EAAiP212.FAEjr- : HVM ST. , WHOLESALE DEALERS- - - - HlO J' Tf- _ MOBQAX & GALLAGHER , UOo Fam- ham St. WHTTlfEY , BA-USERJT.AK * . Co. , i247 ' Tf fejBRO. .Douglas" * - > , . . i Granulated pi n > .A. . . . . . . . . . . . , _ . . _ , < , , J2 Powdered do " ' . " . : . ' . . . ' . . Ls ; Vi Crashed do L..L _ : . .i _ wi.-i- .l , - 12 Eefd cutloaf do _ _ . . " . . 13 Standard A"do . ; _ . _ i _ i _ llkall Circle , , , A do ' . . _ , _ _ . 11M ' CJ ' 60' ' _ . - . . - - - - "H i .jYellqmC do . . . : . . - i - kf. - lOKalOX N o choice do . . : : _ : _ . L : ; . . . . : n > } | ' * ' * " ' COFFEES"IT : ' KO ! choice prtt.-.t. . do prime do do good do - " - - * i C" fii Common pr gallon. . . ? . . .1..1..J..m. u 35a45 Goodl l-juto' ' ' . . . . _ u.i.- . . _ _ .i , ' Ui > 65 jCholce . , d ? .V. 70o8t ) * do'K ' r > \suies..u.- \ . . - . Li.i iu/,80 HI . ' * . ' ! i-r -i'-n > . \-n.i * ' . VlOj . 4 , . U" ' . . T jMiuourlY.rlI y..i . . . . . . - . . . . . - . * 6a6 Kirk's'Savon' : . . _ ' . . ' . ' . .v.i.--J "jl'JGK M. Weak 4' 0) , ; . . . ! ; . . ; . . , t7a7J | Kirk , ' , ftnp ttrl - ' - ' " * * 4 % 'dd "Vffl'T ' - ' . - ' - ' - . . . . - . - . . . . ' / -nJ- f 4a4J ! ; ITOI' i- ' Pltl&TbBACCOlt . ' ' " J do 'dor Vlrginrul'47 , MaS5' " do "i do i LorrlIard's . . . .M ? ' . i..MM 55a60 - t'do'dd 'do ' . ; ! . ' ; .k. ' . . ' 60a65- .do Vlrglnlai : . . . , _ .i.i. . .63a60 , al , leaf . _ .i. . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ 7..M . 75a9- > ' , _ jDMEDFBUITS. 'r " Q lfornlapeach < sp r pound . . ! , ' ' fl'i 'tlermajl " " " . 83 40 do ' ' I As il.SALT. . ' 85 ; . . 4 SOJ5'75 ' ) i-'J. CANNED : GOODS. JS x 2 pound can Myef'so'ys'er's1 , per caseU-i 25a4'50 I 'So ' > & 6da.'Udo . ' . 'do . _ 5J60o275 zndc : d William-ado . , , do , . . . ,4 00a4 7ff Z' > , .do peaches , pet case . . . . . ' ' 5 50 J 'd6" do'o - - 'd6U. ' . . : . . : . ' 700a700 J -ad i-'dcdoraatoes ! . i6 ; . . . ; . _ , . ; 3 0a3 75 > do aOiydof , . , do , _ ' . ' ' 500 CornTropnyVP F case- . . ' - : .i.l.- ' S ( .do' Winbloiir 'ao' ' ' C- _ i..i.iin . } 550 IddttTrarmbuUj do . ' . _ . . . . . _ . . _ . . .SSor Strawberries , . "do , . . . . . . : . . : . i 4 50a4 75 Raspberrles7 * "do ! . - . - : { -u - . : 4 00 Pineapples- doljl . . i. . , ' . . ? . . , 5 Of * ' ' ' i- . ' TEA . - / Doloif'S , per'pound . . . . . . . : - i.un 25a75. Voiing Hyson , per pound. ; . . , _ . . . . , ,40al 00 a.npowder , .dp , , do . . _ 1 : . . . . ' "COal 25 , / " K , . L R. " " " ; i'vl : 3nowFlake , OVeUsiHiemany J"1 4 50 361d li8tm . _ ' .liJ. : . . . . . . .L .UI ( v 3 10 SXXX Iowacity _ : . . _ . . _ . . . . : : _ - { , , , . 300 , : . . . JSaS CO idee guhnlesli-/ l ! . ' . - . . . Lii v. ' 13 .o ] do Ludioir a a. . . . . . . _ . . . . Nutmegs , Penan2.be8tper pound' . . . T'Soal i ( aJfeT , ' ' ' 3 ' 'do'do ' 'WAI60 ll p'icelo JOB . do. ' do , . . . , , y * & 0 Tinawon bark , _ l ; do , , do . . . . . . S5a46 bbis. , lU ) Bsi.j } . .i - S9 50@10 00 .ft cans , per.doz _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . 2 5C@ 2 75 do do i..i .V. _ . . ' 90S 4 00 > ' ' Jo. lilts . . liAi : . - . . : . . ' . ' . ; - . ! 15@ 1,25 family Iu klU iirjili.U. i , . . ; l.lOa 1 20' Jbbls. . - , - , . , - . _ . . 6 50Q 7 00 5 50 < 3 ? ,10 20 0)11 r T jdo . . .t _ . - . . ,1. , G0@ 2 00 less,1 * 'do . _ ' . . . . .Ll A.l. . 's 00 ® 3 25 amilyl 1C bbls.j. .i ' = . _ . . . . . . . 7 00(3 ( 8 oo to. i , d : . : .t.i.CiL.'Jj.9 ' ougio co iardincs , Ji boie3i . . : : _ . , - . . _ . . 50ijl7-W ( ) L. , Ei SIMPSON , , .Manufacturer. 532' , ,15th Street. ' " ' - ' I' Vpman. _ _ . ' ' . . ' . _ ' . ' . _ 'J& ' M. 'S f 5 00 , do 35 00 irand ( .entral. . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . do' 35 00 JnlTrsal 1 dot 40 00 fara . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ do 4300 Ja'BoquetiJ. . . . . /.MU./ . . ) . ; ' ' do 50. 00 , iinwn Pure. . . . ; , - . . . . , . . . . . _ , do , 50 CO ; ' . . flo73tO : > fours Truly i. . _ . . , do 65,00 , Sold Medal. . . . . . . J. . . . . _ . . ' _ - . - ' "do 50 00 A spanola . . . . . .v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do ' 60 00 , Viple 4vr6whM..MM.JH..HHM.M lo 73 00 lenry .Clay. . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do ,100 , 00 e"Vlller.ii-l. . . . . . . . . ' . . . .i.doT .10000 r.VIller..I. . . . , . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . do 10000 876..r. : . . . . . _ _ . . . . ' .L. : _ . ' . ! . do75 ' tO CALHOUN MILLS TLOtJK. I'l- J , ' . 4 ' qlesale depot 648 14th Street. , lallbarrel g'v , , lt , t -t _ ! 2 SC io ' f . . v Chicago , Kock .Island anla 'Pacific ' JR. R. J ' , ! , . . ; * " * ' * * - * u , ' * THE GRAND CENX&AL JIOUTEFKOM ) MAHA - - ' - - 'ANDuTHE.EAST . , ria DeaMbVnes.liaTenportaud1 Mock Inland. All Passenger Trains are equipped with the VKiTi oHOUSK s PATENT Am BBAKxsiand liller's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler- SlFMt Eirress ; Trains Lear/i Dally , ' T ' t f.onnectlng as follows : " ' LT'DES MOINES with the Des Molncs ValleyL Eailroad..JorOaktloosa , Qttumwa , Keokuk andSt.Lonii. , LT OUINNKLLlwUh'the Central aUrbzd of Iowa , , for all points north to St. Paul. , LT'WESTIJBEKTY with' the Burlington , iCedar Kapids A .Ulnnesota Railroad , for Burlington , ' Cedar Rapids , DubUque A. St. , Paut AtuWILTDN , JUKCTiO wUhthe South-Western nranch. for ' Muacatine , Washington and all points saiitb. , , . ' L.T OAVKNPQBI. wllh the Davenport ' 4' St ! Paul Ballroad jar paints north. LT BOCK'JSLAKD with tha Western Union aihroad for Frceport , Be ; it , Kacine. Mil waukee Jand all points in northern Illinois and .Wisconsin. , ' ' it HOCKJlSDAtfD 'with ' the Eocllord , Rock ( Island and St. Louis , Railroad for St. Louis .and points south. ' " * * L-PRUCKilBLAND. with. the. Peoria A Rock. Js nd Railioad for Peoria and points' east/ iT BUBEATJ JUNa. . with branch for Hen- rnLaccre , .Chllllcothe and Peoria. .T LA SALLEwith the Illinois Central Ball- , road lor pdlnU nor t hand south. IT CHICAGO with "Jl lines Eastfifortli and South. s'd-/.t a . j iTHBOUGHlTICKEla to nU , Eastern 'cities , . la this line , can be procured , and any 'infor mation' fontained , ' concerning points. at.the Itket ofSc * of , the company , , 12s Farnham 8L'- ' 'tEe mftjclpil tlcSet daces. Checked Tbrongh to all Fiinelpal Kaatem Points. , " LJL SMITH , "H. RIDDLE ; .Oen'lPass'rAg't. . ' ' . , Oea'lSnp't ' ' ' ' * > Chkago , ' . , - Chicago. , H. LACET , . a a STEVES 8 , . ' llcket Agent , O B'l Wwttvn Aa/t HHI - OtLte OsOha. Pacific R , R , < 1 ' & , , A&U MA A viu a ju ' - rclBTffiEiS'lOWi : & MDWESOf A. [ J-JMUlll 4,4 , - j' t . , T BaLACE .SLEEPING CARS T - , , j i jOn { alright trains 7la thli route. , ; , Il * / t CONNECTIONS. ISi U.'JP. Transfer with Un Pacjfle allroad for Omaha. * f - ? .4 * 'CoqncU'3ruff , with Kansas City. St. JlwdJCouBeaBlB8 * aiIroadlor ! St. Louis d ajlpolpts ? outb . . caOTan OTta estern railway foi Chicago and'"aU nlnt east. is rAt-Slonr City with Sioux City and R uJ.nUnols Central and DaroU Sonthe/n Olrwds. 'Steamers fcr'Upper Missouri Blv r : &l ° t .navigation and. with .stages . for ail alnts fn theNorthwest - - l * * . A 7. At wisner with stages Jo lnts1njlonh n febraska. , , lltt u WTlckeU lor sale ia-Chicsgqtind North- estern Bsilway offices. , lo tali * * "Be sure your tIckelareadrTi ! rl * 8.43. i.p . 0 JBOU J A" F..C. HJllS Gen- . . . , GenvAvl"iV'.iGBATTANf U. ' /r- ' i Agent. Omaha , CHICAGO & NORTHWEST tlf : i AQ The Popular JUjti'ta from O vj. . alf-i Chicago and the East ! -Disroot. Croistvrmlrle OuT Chleri. Wlueua , St. t > ul , Dulnlh , aanV vnie-KVnd- ' ° 8ha , Urrrr-i.n .Itacllie. htnrei * ' . Point.Wtrnovni , .O.hUesJi , FOB Da Lmc , ' iadl m'iu d Milwaukee It Being the.Shortest and FLut.Contote ed.LIne D 211 AH A and GOS-JiG AJGhO , rqnsfant Iniprovf m-nts "have taken pUw'in the wYof < ; reducin2.Uiadf ; jdd'plariDeilron wlth Steel Kails , adding to Us rolling slock new arid1 Elegant 'Ut , ' - -.rg DAfnrifl 8 , : | XPICI 1&HS .Equipped with the " -W itiughouM Air , Brake" and 'Milled Platform , " ' < ablishi&g"eojnlorta- .biuattijComnirdiousEatin&Houses.efleringaJl tbe conif irti'ol traveling tfce'agocaii-'produce. ' FrojtVt < xJDF3 iyress lTsJui.ruii each way dailrover the various lines of this load , , thus * securing tbe , traveler jeJeetlPfithls route sureand certain connections .In any di rectloa'hemsy wish iogo.\ - . " " - , 'UiOl ' I ? , AT .MISSOURI . YALLEX J.UKCTioK/or : Sloui C ty , Yanttoa and polau1 reaehed'Yla . ' iSlo'unCItyand Pacific railroad , , ! ? , - - , AT GBAN.D JTJNCTTOir WFort Dodge , ' 'DesMoInes.'OttawaandKeokl ' kV > y l' ' : AT.MARSHAiJ.for St. Paul , iUnneapolls , . Duliitb'arid northwestern points.- ! . .IfilO AT.CEDABiBAFIDS for Waterloo. Cedar Falls ; Charles Citv , Burlington and-St. O6uls. . JLT.CLniXO or DunielthPrai rie du Chien , La Crosse , and'all point'on the Chletgb , CUnton and < Dabuque. ) aaduCUacO iDubuque and Minnesota railroads. . . * ATFOLTOirfor'Krwportl Racine jnlhrau- . kee.'BBd oil points In Wisconsin , r ti , . , AT CHICAGO with'all raUwar lln leailng- : out otChicago. ; < fjf v 'r , fr if- ' Through.tlckets to all easlerri'cItTes'vfa thia line' cati be 'procuredandlinytnfarnnUttniot ' ; : > . , tsloedconccrnin/ . Kates , etc. , atthe' , Cbm-aQle's'Office ; 213 Fanih'iia Street , Omaha/ ; ? : and also-at-the principal ticket offices along tbe JlneoftheUP. B.R. | seerBiggagt chected'Ui'rbugtto'aU fiicipal Eastern/points. 'W ITTI'KTRNV mchlSvl , Omaha & . St , Louis' ' Short ; ( ' ' ' ' " ' . 'c"iJ'l'i' ' Lie"- - , Lin6uiH ( ij.ahJie "T" ' Jfi The Kansas , City , Sttjnpe.'aiidj \ Cbuiicil BhifiscRi / ; ' t I.i' , ' . " . , . ' I.- : "u. ' .if-- . , Is the only dire line to . _ ' V' > -1" * - iit OMAHA - -it n I t 1 ! NO CITA GE j 5Sbbetween Omana and St , . | Louis lana'b'it oi t between U.MAUA f ' an AiiW'TrpBKJr51 | oJj This th Only Ine running a / 10 l > - jj jc , j- f I'ULLTIAN SLEEPING jOAU.1 EAST ' Fitoni oMAii'A , ON - - - - OP THE UJV1OW PACIFIO , f arPa 3eniier ; taklng , othet routes nivota disagreeable transfer at the'Klrer Station.1 t ' t 'ISrnt.i * , ' ' . ' ' T' ' ! r 't.TJ-n3r ' fiBJ [ j t > \ j A9j.f lli * 3X SlaV A YW i * ( w UA A JW With l jss Changes and , In adTWCft'Of other { . , . , ' iUflesjru y n j' This Entire LJne.lae < juijp i with * I JPalaceDayCoatheiandChairCara. ' ' ' O U-Bi..j , { Miller's Safety .PlatfonmaniCoupler , ana.'lhVCelebra'tea Westinijhouse ' ' "v , "A Wi-l--01. I fcc. . * , ' l - yj T.J3t ) I f ' your ticket * readJTlxn . i Kai > A aiM ; for.salo , at cor. Tenth and Farnhaa ? 'streets ; and'U , P.-'lcpot , Omaha. , ' , I % ' t j rOS.T15HON , < GEO. L. 3BADBORY , , Pass. Agt. ; , , Qen _ Agent. . . FBAKNARD , . A C.T > AWES. " Gen'l Supt : Oen'l Pans. Agt ' St.Jos oh. HWJoaeph. .1 'a v ) . > 'L f u-iil i ' " ,5 > IJV-J " T . / - V ) rr .r- . s ' J Pullman 'Pailiice' J 'Gal's - ' . ! ! ! - , , _ i > _ l'nr-a , ' THBOUQH WITHOUT OEAHGB - i , ' -rf , ' l ITJ , ' ) "lipjiSs , insifi * : * * J T i./T. | a so : ilBftl'tiiiiore t > 9d > -.A lit . la " ' * ' . J HJU , i Cieveiand.'Buffalo''E ItH . , . . ItV : PTT-PTQ I'Ar * .rs.aitt..e , , Corer ny' - , seei . . SI B. airsL < .r Fourth < fc ChcsUmtrt * ! t.L Hl , end , m tbe Px-ln W y Oilfee , , ' lathe Wisf.ui . , , T , . . , ' S'lhernEass.AVt , L , rpinr E. SIMI-SON ; CIIAS. E. FoiiEir ; ' ' . GealSupt..QenlPaas. . AgJL , ' ' J ST. Lot rr Jdiifictronfers 3 - Freezers. ' PHmDElPJUAjPA. ItO. lit I .t-i ---rr-rf . - ' " . 'inl E.VJ SxAl I iMESTABLISHMTSftt- ' ' ' Ol rrt tv , - > EST upocmppliaUM - kinds of .TAILOBINO , CLEANINQ and ' BEPAljUKJ-doo * af mwaahj , raUi FLTJID-EXTRi'Ca- The only known remedy 'for v T = .1 . - . ; f-frr. And a Bositire cnro for -u U , .TL , j j ' -V. 'Gout.'Qrafc'i1 ; Stricture" , i - . ' . . : - --i . 7 Diabetes , .Dyspepsia , Xer. . * ' * * vons Debilitrj Dropsy , ' ' 1 ! . . , - ' i ' jSon-rctcntlcn or Inojitlnence pf Urine , Ii l- tation.Inllainatldffor Ulceration-of ilia aSi'mt , : : r - : BLADER A'ND KIDNEYS , Loucoerhoe or Whites ; Diseases of the'Prottrate , OUiuUa , oneln-the Bladder. Colcul ur , GRAVEL OR BRICK DUST 1 > E- . . , iJAnd Mucua or. lUIky.Dbchirges. ' Li ? aoJaji - t " ! . , % ! > ! > . ! : ( if. ; * ' - Ptrmanently Curw'ali/ Diseases ot.the Bladder , Kidneys , .and Dropsical ExUanjinifenWomen and Children , Prof , We Je ast ) ' 'On * , botUe , of Kearney's Fluid ExtracfBuchu Is'worth 'more thin all other Bachus comhined. " feriee'one dallar.per bottle ; or , sir bottles fcr ' Ajedollarsv'v bebbtJ104'DuaneStNY ' , , , , ic Vie I ' .jf , ; , , . , ' A physician , in attendance to answer corres- MiMtencfTand'glTa ad rice gratis. ; . . . Send stamp for pamphlets , frec. r Crane A BrigbamVholesalo. ; . Agents , San " Francisco. CaL a 'C4fifi . - . . it PERVD1JS' ( ' & DEBILITATED ; t a.OF\BOTH. \ , SEXES. rjjif-v . . > * .jr . . . i tO OEIBGE JOB ADVICE'-ANI ) COff- i. , - . ; . . .f V- . . . . SULTATIOff. r * ' . < , i - ' ' , n ; -f , ' . ; : FYR-'JL iBj DYOT31 , graduate of Jeferson Medical College , Philadel phia1.'author of'several valuable J > m - , l i./ ; : ; * . -r. . . . . . yorks , 2&n. be consulted on all dis- , jase gf the Bexusiland urinary or- ; ansivhich ( he has made an es pecial study , ) either in male or fe male , no onatter jCrom what cause originating err how long , standing A.nractice of.30years enables him i ir'T * * * * * 4 C - i ' l t towtreut diseases-jyith success. Cures guaranteed. _ . - Charges reaspuable. rhose at a distance , canibr\\'anl , let ters describing..SYniptoins , and en- loSing stamp to-prepay * postage. a-Send for the Guide 16 Health. PrfcelOcl * ' ' * ' ' J : - : ' L./'ir 1 513. ' . . , ' / . , . J. , B. , D YOI2.1 , JJAD. . Physleiotiand Surgeon , 104.JDuan"c DBSTAGlLE&to 'MARRIAGE , I'HAPPr-REKElF'FOR YOUNG JIBX from heeflects of. Errors and Abuses in early lifd. tfanhood ! Restored.inipcdiuientsitoMarrisge temored. New method of treatment. Ken ind remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars eputatiod for' honorable conduct 'and profes- jonal kills. / ie5J4win- : ! Oiiarles Popper , WHOLESALE BUTCHER UTAH M , Keller , * r. " ' ' Proprietor of UJA ] ii.II n ; , ] - ! ' j ; , , ' , . . - JRISING SUN ij : ' - JK ! " ' * : : n ' . 11 ' ' " J'--1 ' - - - TINEYRDS. i : . . , . . .t . ( j fDepot for the. sale of hia Ji i fAND \ , : s3 < f 'i , . i . . . - nz . /j , - . . * . ; < / f . ' " ' rnerolEaiery ! and Vashlnston'S'j. 0. V > , PArSSENGKE-KS - ; a Jtlng East orSouth from Omaha UP.B.R. , ' .honli take the- ; j i ! f / , ? . -j EOUTE" ' i''V " " - : ; ' ' { iJtiJiSOiN , , & NEBRASKA ' - RAILROAD' . [ Laa.ioinirj'tor themaelvj the cholcp of Eli < )7//J A . i : _ if Ltcagoa to Chicago and St. Louis , LiU making BtllaMaC aricctlooj and being Quipped vita Pakce Dij'acd Slasplnj Cjr . All d lay and Inconvenience arriving Irom 'arrfea'atd transfers can. bo avoided AVest or Intcago and St. Louis by'securing Ticket ? via LTCHISOS and the ATCH1SUN Oc an9TEBRAHKA QAILHOA Q. . , r > rvf ' ' C llreetan'd'Bellable Conncctfons are also made n ; wlti.the'A. T. 48. F. B. K-for , the Irtit LLrkAusas Yallej & Colorado , jvl with ill lines rnnoinx outh to points In Southern Kn * t and inq Indian Texritorr. A t for Ticket § via " & ATCHISON CHAS. C.SMJTH , W. F..WHITE Gen'ISupt , 'Gen'/Pass.-Ag1 ! . Kanaas i IBON'T BUY-J UNTIL YOU HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED AM ) LOW BESERYOIK A S WE HAVE TWELVK OQOD REASONS "Maw' a \ . why they will do your work. Quick and Easv , Cheer > and Clean. IjJ Theyarectejpest tobuy , * They are best to me , They Lake ertnly and quickly. ' Their optration is perfect , TheJ" hjTe always a good draft , Tlie j are made of the best aferial They roast pei ly , They require t. nils fuel , . .TMyarpTTo priced. They ar ea * . ' - nnaged. ' i They are sui. aUlocalJt -SOLD BY- . Excelsior " Man'fg Co , ST. LOUISi , MO. , ASD nr M. BOG-IS BS. SIZS ' OP PELLETS : o 009 Or 8aKar > Coacd , Concentrated , Root and .Horbal Jolce , Antl. Billons Granalcs. TflE"LITTLE CLINT" CATHARTIC , or Multuxa. 1) ) > Parvo Physic. The novelty of modem STcdlcsj. Chemical ind Pharcuceatical Science. No use of any Icneet taking tha large , repnhlve.and naoeeous pllij , compojcd of cheap , crude , and bulky Ingredients , nheu wo can by a careful application ot chemical science , citracf all the cathartic and oUier aedf- . tlnal properties front the mote Tilnabio rocts ace herb3a3itronccntrato.theax inU > a minute Orajv me. eari ] y larger than a Hlu tard sccxl , thatcac oe readily'BxraUowed by tbosool Ihu most sensitive rtomacns and fastidious tutcs. Eacaliuldfurgatlvo Folletrepre ent , la * rae t concentratutl form , si mucK cathartic power as U emboJieU in any of the br-u pllU fcmnd foe pale In the dnr ? ( hops. From their wnnderful ca thartic power , in proTortlon to their lre , people who hive not tried thctu'an , apt to wppo * that thjycrehoria or dra- > tic ia effect , but inch it not at all the cae. , he different active medicinal prin ciples of which they are composed bein so bar. manlzed and motived , ona Dy tha other * , M to prodcco a mont Bcarchlui and xhor- utisliyet ; Bcutlj'audUlinlljroporatliis' catbartij. < 8300no\vardlsherehy offered oyUia pro prietor of ihcso Pellets , to anycheolst who , upon analysis , vill find m them a3 > Calomel or other forma of mercury 01 any otier min ral poison. ' Cclnir entirely vctrctablo.nopirtrcaUr care is 'eqaircd while nsinx them. . They operate - rate tvithaut diatnibanco to the connlmtlon , diet , orcccnpntlon. ForJanndlcctIIcadacIiek ot the Moraach , Bad istnta iu. Ldonth , Billon * nttackc. Pain In rcRloii of KidneyB , Iu ornal Fever , Bloated foellug cuout Stomach. UUHU of Blood to Head , HIg& Col ored tlritie , VnioclalUItr n l nloomy Forobodliigs. Uka Dr I'icrce'a Pleasant Purgative Pellets. la explanation of the rcncdiai power of my Par * gntive relicts ovcrfo prcat aTarietyof diseuea. 1 wlshtoray ( hat tbcir action upon the ai-.inial economy la nulvorBuJ , not d Claud or tissue escaping their ona tlve impress. Asa docs cot Impair them ; their ga ar-cobtlnif and being enclosed in gat ! bottles preserve their virtues unimpaired for ar lcstk fcf time. In any climate , ca thai they are sj- iray ? . fruh end reliable , \vbich ; is not the cii rrith the pihs fonnd in the drag ( tores , put up ' .viit clve the moat pcrToct BatlafacUoa to \vnoudeLhsn. . They nro Hold by all enterprising Druggists at 25 cent * a bottle. Do not allow any dro slat to ' Induce yon to ts > : e anything ; els ) thatlTa may'eay la jnst as rood ; a a tny Pellcto bccane. he makes a target profit on that which ha recommends. Jf year crqist cannot vnpply them , encloio S3 cants tnJtcccire them ny retnra mail from B. r. rUZBflE , Jf. P. , JiWTALO , Jf. ASK EOR PYLE'S SALE RAT US ! AND BAKING- SODA I Ppnai ifeyer AEisnke and 'Whitney Ba merman A Co. CASTLE BROS. , IMPOBTEtlS OFT _ T E AS _ _ East India Goods , 213 ana 215 FRO3TT STRKKT Francisco California. mchC'm PLATTE TALLEZ . t REAL ESTATE ! Samuel C , Smith , Local Agent for , the * U. P. B. B. LANDS , * Columbus,1 . - , ITeb. Government Lands Located 1 .U. P. LanOsSold ! improved Farms and Town Lotv ft ? ? d j sia : ; ! ! -OR COST LONGTIME ! ! ComThunicatrona Cheer- oxT-sr 3TOVB ST.OKE. E , F. COOK , 37 14th Bt , fcstweia. Donglu aad Dod lanalacturer ot Tli Copper and Sheet Iroa Ware ; and dealer In " / booking and Heating stoves i StamppJ , Japanned , and French Ware on < JTin Roonnz , Gutters and Spontln ganu. Work dpaa anl warrauta ebSt