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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1874)
THE OMAHA BEE * OFFICIAL -PAPER "OF THE CITY. TUB OMAHA BEE Wt.5 by , or . wheu paid "vAUeompidnts about IrrejuUrlUe * . addretsed thisoff&wlUncel prompt attention , c OMAIIA. DAILY iUtK will t * mailed to ' ' yableluYa- f 7JO per an turn. S.T5 " * .onths. Tax 'UKAKA. .1 > AU.T Bex hss by far the l KUEST ebeulklien la the city , and Is , beef ors , Uw teat sad. cheapest tditrtislns - ADTrrrmaQ. Local noU.-cs , 25 ceatsuper line ; .local adTertisetatnts , SO oeau-per line ; by the month , 10 cents. r < o sdTcnisement inserted lor lea thsn SO cents. McUl.noUoe ,10ceBUp rllne ; single inser- tloa , cot tan thus 23 cents. TtajuUnt abrU Cements must Inra-Ubly be , Bate * tor auadlas drertisemenU by sped l rcntract. AH Itfti > otlcts , Statements ; Tabular Work , etc requiring careful rerislon by copy cr proof-to be fur&Uhed , must be banded in before ten o'clock A. it. to insure insertion the axneday. / pcdiil and Local adTerllsemeuU before two o't.o1.ic. . . Adrertlseiaents tefore one o'clock p. x. All adTertlsements for the WEEKLY BEK Biost be handed In before Monday noon , for the aaae week's isrue. ililUYAL AJX1) DEPAlilUllK OF TJJAIKS. Time CAtfL of tlie BprJlPfitcm Route LEAVI OMAHA. AUKJ VS AT OUAHA. Expreir--.2SO r. if. I Express..955 . ; A. if. Uail * . . . 6:00 JL. K. | Jlall * 10:45 : P. u. \'Sundays-eicepted. . , * ilondayi excepted. JMs 1s the niy line running Pullman Hotel. n. wSiSrciicocr ) , 'HtiutrP ' BEUEL , . J n'i-Wt . . Pass. . Atf. Ticket Agent. - v ' - JJL Omaha , Neb. Pacific. --z - : TJUTZ. ABETVZ. 3:00 P. M. Krpreti Dally Ji2s I * M ! 10.00 P.M. .Oally Freight" ! " ' . . S0 A.M. 6:45 : P.M. Ually Frelght _ fc45 A. Jt. 3tSOA.lI Cfalc CO , .KoclC Iri-tHd Pacflc. lOU * . : r. . . SaOA.M. 10:40P.M. : -WOP.M. tlOOOA.M. &Bsd r0 erccptcd. tMondays ezcepted. & P. 3L Kknra * City , St. Jo. & Council BlBfTsi ficcnlng Express..8SO A. It ! 10:00 A.M. iJCreslaeBii.fCfis..2:50P.M. : . 6 : 0 P.M. Omui ft Kortbirestern and Slotuc * * > . Cltr & Pacific. . . , , . . .B:1SA.M. : Dally except. Sundays. and Baggage Wagoni leave the dec , comer yarnham and Ninth itrccta , nT- vea minatas in adracco of the above Kollroad ' TOAUTKsi-l-leiKBS -jlHCU- tAflOn of be DAltiT OPE : in more , ( bail lnable ttiatof anj ollier dally paper X ebracka. > ' < - Peycke'a KeBtaurant and Oyster Tooms. The leading bouse of the kicd. ; 207 , Farnham street , between Twelfth and Thirteenth. Jeb24tf yOMAHA BREVITIES. < - - - ' | v " i The funeral of M s. "Welch , who -u : committed suicide on Saturday last , , took , place Sunday from the Cath- olio cathedral. -The Concordia will give a sum- . 'mer night's festival at Thiele's garden , on Thursday evening of . -nest week. It will be an invitation aifair. Watermelons have made their r -appearance in the market. They forcibly remind you of the days ; \vhen ypu used to steal watermelons II -'from.your neighbor's patch. The remains of a man were found Sunday night in Elm Creek , .lying within a few feet of the Union Pacific railroad track. It is thought that he was murdered on the tram , and thrown off. The "Sledges" have changed their name to the "Occidentals , " and will soon appear in a rTew and . ' neat uniform , ready to play any , club in the State. They expect to 'distinguish themselves at the State Fan . ; - The shooting match between the Omaha and Council Bluffs Sportsmen's Clubs , will take place * toHday at Council Bluffs. Quite number of. Omaha sports will be present , is expected that the v fflflkir will be a success. * * -During the past month McClure l & Smith's cracker factory has turn- t t $ edkgut .26,000 pounds of hard bread forthe government , in addition to the usual amount of woik done to * -fill'tho regular business orders for cnick'efs , etc. ' -crazy woman from Sarpy cpucJyhas been put into the jail t await .transportation to the Lunatic Every night she keeps row , -which prevents everyotherl > oarder from sleeping. It is.said , ihat.she murdered her husband in 'MichieS-l some years A - y Is around town selling _ _ Prof.Chas. . Kcllcy's "Eectifier of 4 < 2 * * C S -it ! ! ' 10110 claims to be a r . safety.agamst .oil explosions. Bis , chargesare fifty cents for about a ' ( Stile spoon full , and he states it is jwiponous. After a person has pur chased he can safely tatste it , and - . ' .may ) discover a marked resemblance to common table salt colored with a solution of Indigo. . r i ? * * r-9fcl jf t / Marshal Snowden on Saturday - - * night arrested Hales Harry , Frank Council and Henry Homan for fast , 'driving , . three abreast up Douglas street. Council and Homan were "each fined $5.00 and costs. Hales Jias no yetjieen brought before the _ , .Police.1 Co'birt. ' .Marshal Snowden wants it distinctly understood that JTw-1 Jiost , drivhigon the "public streets , niustbp : stopped. " ' "Patrick' Maguire was fined : r. $5.00 andcpsts at the Police Court " ' yesterSay 'for disturbance of the i peace'by. fighting. He then turned round and made .a similar , com- n * SiaS lsi.nPc .ny'a'nan sj the d Anderson family , and the examin c ation was set for three o'clock this h _ Mfifterjioon. . . J&mily fights often I prove an expensive luxury. Ji The sanrpd concert at Hauscoin Park Sunday afternoon by the Unon Pacific band was appreciated . by-an a'udience of about five hun- m , * dreT"pe6pIo. ! > > t.S > ) me came in car st riages andbuggies.yliile others en- test Joyedlthe'-walkoutand back in the stbe is made be cool afternoon. Complaint bebe be to us that the wagon roads should . be. widened so as to , allow two car riages to pass. It is hoped that they Union Pacific band Vill give con- J S vcerts at the Park till the cold wepth- . f r comes. < | A grand excursion will Icavo Council Bluffs on Thursday for Sioux City , for the benefit of the Methodist Church of that place. On arriving at Sioux City a free steam boat ride will be given the excursion ists. Tickets , $3.00 , to be had "of Samuel Burns , Omaha. A very amusing aflalr , In the shape of a mock trial , took place at the Police Court Saturday evening. The culprit was H. F. Strong , who had been accused of various acts not consistent with the ideas of "tho vestry , " a band of jolly good fel lows , at whose instance he was tried. After the trial , the party ad- journeu to Peycke's and there sat down to an elegant supper , at the expense of three generous members of the vestry. Champagne flowed freely , and fun was let loose till an early hour Sunday morning. In the so-called examination before Justice Bartlett , of the Bye charges against Postmaster "Yost , the deposition of W. M. Banberge was taken yesterday. Perhaps it would not have been taken if Mr. Bamberge had not been ordered out from the interior of the postoffice several months ago. where the clerks alone are permitted to be. There la almost always an explanation-for 'the milk in the cocoanuL' JSepub- lican. lican.How How about Tattee ? Why has this great lottery gambler been per mitted to enjoy the privilegts.of the Interior of the postoffice at , all time's of the day and night ? Bid Pattee furnish the milk for the postdfHce cocoanut ? . J ; The appraisers Appointed to assess the damage on Dodge1 street ; which would be caused by the joon-- templatcd grade , decided on Satur day that there would be no damage done to the property hbldersTjy the improvement. Those ' who are posted consider this a pretty good joke on Mr , Meredith , who -was elected to the olty counpd | n 1869 , In order to get the grade of .J edge street established , Kipp , tftp pty | engineer at the timermado a re port , and told Mr. Meredith that tjje established grade wouldu only cut him three or four feet , which was satisfactory to hjp ) , jmd he bore that Impression till Saturday , when it was .discovered that | here was HO fjifferance between US grade of 1808 and JS7S Jn reality , Kipp had made him a mlsfeprer Bpntation , although he had' put the correct flgurpa on his profile. Personal. "Phatty" Madden la in town , Mrs , E. C. McShane has Buffalo for a six -weeks' visit ; S. A. Taylor left for Lincoln yes terday to pay off a $3,000 policy. , James M. Pattee and C. C.Hous. el left fora business visit to Monta na Monday. , J H Lacey , ticket agent of , the C. &N.W. and C. &R. I. railways , re turned .Monday from Chicago. Sam Jonhson , of Johnson & ' Steele , wholesale grocers , .left .for Montana yesterday on business. The Rev. Miles Greenwood and the Rev Charles P. Boottof lx > n- don , England , are at the Grand Central. Frank Smith , , traveling agent of Whitney , Bauserman & Co. , has returned from the western part of the State. He can tell some bad grasshopper stories. ' Lloyd Tevls , president of the Wells-Fargo express , , and director in the Central Pacific railway , went west yesterday accompanied by/a party of friends. Hon. Francis Colton , president of the Galesburg National 'Bank , arri ved Sunday In this city , his for mer home. He has a large landed interest in this State. ? Charley , the enterprising sales man for H. Hornberger & Co' , wholesale dealers in liquors , and cigars , left Sunday Tfor an ex tended business trip to the west. Col. .Noteware , State Superinten dent of Immigration , returned from the west Sunday , where he has been looking after the interests off the Stafe. He found grasshoppers everywhere doing 'a great' damage. J. A. Dodge , the advance agent of the Palace Amphitheatre Circus , | is at the Wyoming. He is in the 1 city to make arrangements , for < the exhibition here of the showhe rep resents , and'which is said to be a genuine cli'C'is and the best of the / kind ever seen in tbU country , , The following are the arrivals at ' the Wyoming : Wm Petrie and wife , Clilcagoj JV , " M White , Bastings , Jfeb ; T 8 Mnncher , WIs ; G N Bartholomew Plattsraouth ; W MMadden , ( "Phat- ty" ) Chicago ; WH Watson , Mont real , Canada ; Wm Gaslln Jr , Low ell , Neb ; C J Burra * , Thos Hofme9 , ( J H Wilson , New "York ; W Key. Council Bluffs ; John B Burge'aa/ Davenport ; Robert Oliver , Prfaoff toe , Ont ; Fred Croner , Jes Moines ; A B Heisland , Arapahoc ; J P ly , Dubuque Thos Wilson , , nelie ; J H Roe , U' ' JB jLand Dep't ; WT Williams , RW Taylor , R H , tl Mitchell , Lincoln ; John R Paul/ Seward , Nth ; F JijEJlsworth , An- 65 rora , Neb ; W H Cole ! Lincoln : , ' , . .t/ltu { BASE BALL , large stock , ( best make only ) at lowest prices. Or ders from clubs filled prori cash , or C. O. D. Address , Eber- hart , Manager "Bazar , " * Omaha. RabyLuggietatcottto'clote * 4fpCJX 27 ts ' j it OMAHA. NEB ; , July 27th , .Notice is hereby .given that all money due to the.latefirn/bf Weinstein - , stein &Kolls must hereafter be paid ] John H. F. Lehmann to whoa i stock of goods and all toatlfetandlng { > ok accounts of said coacerij eeusoldby me , . FREDBICK DEEXIX , { Assignee of Wiensfein &KoW ; factory cheesp WJe & WUJiams , JulS4-3t DARING ATTEMPT AT BANK ROBBERY. Harrow Esiapo of Officer & Pu * ey'i BanjE t Council Bluffs. I ; ' 'i Yesterday at 12:30 : o'clock , a most daring but unsuccessful at tempt at bank robbery was made at Council.Bluffs. An unknown man entered' the bank of 'Officer & Pusey , while ' , Mr. P.iisey waa'Jhere alone' the , chief clerk being absent in Minnesota , said to him , "You take money on time deposits here , I want to deposit a certain amount and wish you to figure up the interest for a certain time. " While Mr. Pusey was thus engaged , he happened to look around , and was astonished to see a bareheaded man , in moccasins , at tempting to 'get into the vault , the outside1 , door of which was open , but the inside door wlis shut Mr.Pusey Immediately gave an , alarm , when the fellow ran out of tha-building , followed by' the other man , who , was evidently in league witir .him. The exdtementsoon.became gen eral. Every road 'leading ' out bf the city was guarded and two men in buggies were sent to the river to .prevent the thieves.escaping to this .side. Had the insiile door of the vault been open , the bank ould in , all .probability have been'a heavy loser , as the men had not been cap tured at the time our informant left lKj ovem ati ai ths TJ. P. Depo . J ' The track of the B. & Ne braska is being laid south of the Union Pacific depot and the B. & M. trains will soon amveand depart J 51r The emigrant dining liali and sit ting room building has been moved west of HIP depot , and , outh of the Union Pacific track" The building containing the sleeping apartments \a \ nqw pn its way to a position ad joining } t Markjeintends to make U woreioorafortftblp rh n ever. --The excavation for the north wall of the arch of the new depot -nearly-completed. . * A wa.tertauki3 , being built near the west end"of the bridge , from 'which water will be supplied .to the emigrant house and depot buildings. : ' DIED-r 3rjb Catherine Gettings , of inflamation of the stomocb , Josj night , at the age of one year. The . fjpgpascd yfns a' grandchild of Dr. Jsaac , JJdVirnJSf9 funeral took tin's afternoon ? ' COTUlto ( JOUf8lOBtrff ] SATURDAY , July 25. Board "metpursuant to adjourn- menL , , , . Present-i-Commissioners Knight - - , RedfleldflOfJ MpArdle. 4\ Minutes of tue-Jast pieptjnfir were "read and approved- Dr. Wm. : McClelland county phy ? 'siclan ' , reported tweney paupers re : maining In the poop bowse. ' " A petition signed by A , Ponjeroy and twenty-six others , was present ed , asking for the location of a road along the line between Douglas and. . Sarpy counties , from the Bejle- vtieroad west to the Elkhorn river. George Smith was appointed commissioner to view and. report upon UPh proposed road , in con- & F , Brotch , the com missloner on ' the ' part of jSarpy county , Thfl proper petitions and bonds having been fifed , licenses for the sale of liquor were ordered , isssued as follows : To John F. Cronin , at his place near the Barracks , in Saratoga pre cinct. To Thomas Forney , at Elkhorn' Station in Chicago preelnct. , , George Smith , Commissioner- , was directed to vacate the road run ning diagonally across the * land of Claus Stivers , inN > W. 23,15 , 12 , . as petitioned for on the 7th instant. The following accounts were'al- ? 16we < i : . . FROM THE GENERAL FUND. "M G McKoon , Jurprs. fees , $ 4-00- Dr ILR , Benjamin , examining insane. . . " . . " . . ; . . 6 00 O S G.uild , coroner's juror..i. . . 2 00' FROM THE POOR FUND. .1 . . ITSeelemyer , cutting'grain. . . 30 50 J B Walbf , work on poor farm 14 00 Knapp , BOO r Miller , ' . . , ' ,600 T Milius , goods /or poor. 2 50 " * " " 'Wkerl3vpr ' ? poor house. . . 12 00 KOAD AND BRIDGE FUND. 9TS Ludington , work , etc 41 00 James Hughes , " . . . . . . 1000 ROAD FUND. H 8 Rudington ; grading Bates road. . . - . 5440' Adjourned " to Saturday , August 1. , - LEWIS 8. REED , Clerkr ' GRAND CLOSING ; OUT SALE OF THE SEASON AT BUSIiyr'AN'S.- 'NpwiorTieyer/iThis is the last opportunity you. will have to buy- , 'louwjftf musliria at 12c , fruitof the loom at WJe. ooiJyard wide bleech- ; ed muslins at 9,10 aoi4 U > per yard ; "dfressr goods , shawls--grehadinwi , Llam * Igce points , also our cele brated raven bleak alapacas , at ; 20 , 30 , .40 and .50o , The3prjcos have never been equaled in Omaha , an < J fnp.onp haying * t llttlbready ; cash to ; , spare should fail to visit this , our * last'grand closing oashisale of thu. season . Please do1 not .tokexur word1 for Jit only , butJiCiih aifll see'for' yourselves atBushnian'ff.K jiil27eodtf , T Ladies make ; a note .of the factai > that 1 am on Dodge street : , 'between 15th and 16th streets , and will sell J w hals at $1.50 eaciif'-for a few days T ° waly. French iiats-che8pcr than D " ' ° Ji ' . he cheapest. ' , Jy24eodtf MRS. C. MILIS. In potatoes the first of ) f [ LITTLE < t WILLIAMS' , SALOON for sale "cheap. Inquire 50 BEE office. ju243f. ' The test flour In the 'LITTLE ' ? Jy24'3t 261 Douglas St 1C on ' the months of fcr " ° m 5" . - , Jr f , -f- ----i r , : . m > "U iasp'ptm. and ojnJSO : p. m. .to ,12:30 , a. m. am 'F. ALSTEAD : JulygOeodtf THE KETCHAM CASE. The Motion for an Arrest of Judg ment overruled. -The Dktrict Court of Douglas countymet yesterdaymorning , Judge Lake presiding. The principal bus iness was the rendering of a deci sion denying a motion for an arrest of judgment in the case of Charles Ketcham , convicted for embezzle ment The sentence will be pro nounced this morning , to which time the Court adjourned. The decision was a lengthy one , and on that account we could not publish it The Falaca Amphitheatre Circoj. Concerning the celebrated Palace Amphitheatre circus , now pn its way eastward from the Pacific Coast , and which will exhibit in this city August 7th and 8th , the 'ltdeky ' Mountain JKetcs thus speaks : T "The best show that ever visited Denver came to town yesterday. The Palace Amphitheatre'circusin its equipment , stock , and , in the character of its performers , has nev er had an equal , in .Colorado , and it will be hard to find its superior any where. The.performance last eve ning , despite the fact that the show arrived one day ahead 'of. time , attracted a large audience , which ] , had it been as critical as lago , could have found ; nothing to cavtt at From the beginning to the close , the acts performed were all new , and nothing could have excelled1 the grace and strength exhibited in- .their performance.- From .such . an enbarrassmentof.richness . in' 'tb'e shape of extraordinary feats , Si 1 * . difficult to make a selection , bjif perhaps the most unique feature of the exhibition was the absurd trio bf French clowns , who repeatedly brought down the house with their eccentricities. They came In 'the ring looking as solemn as owls,1 , .each . armed with a fiddle , on which be kept fiddling , while turning all manner - of somersaults , and twisting and contorting around the others till the three fiddlers and the three clowns seemed one clown , and one fiddle. Then theie were the , wonderful Carlo brothers , whtl climb on pacb oth.or's shoulders like cats , the topmost one taking leaps from the pn'e to the other ; that were on the ground. A more wonderful exhibition of strength and skill was never seen in the territories. We. have no space to inuivlduall/.e each and every act of this , above the .ordinary en tertainment , but this notice would be incornplete without a reference to the' trained horses of the establishment Handsome , bet ter behaved or morp intelligent , equines never were'seen in Benyer. The concluding act of , th"p'per- ' formance , however , was after all'the1 ' chef tf'oevre of all. iJ-t.was the Igap- trpupepjjed/ph / fop by tfje Wkap- er O'Brien , who performed the. fg t with an ease that seemed to take from its difficulty. " FIRST WAGON LOAD OF WATER AND MUSK MELONS AT TIHAftD'S ' CALIFORNIA 4ND GENERAL FRUIT' ' STORED 204 Farnham street jy 2Jtl H. PETEBSOI-J the plonke iFJRfSP&HFf fcpepa P8P- stanHy on han.d tip } yery branrfs of pigars , anfl ajso' Txinp Jack , Fruits and Flowers , an "Durharii" Smoking Tobacco , 2J1 Douglas street. mayGeodlv RECEjypi > A carload of DAKO TA. PATENT FLpUR , miide by thp new-process from Dakota wheat fhp pply ' flopr of the kiujl in thp market , jm4 of far superior qualjty. ' ' Sold only by i. y. SPOUSE , twjpfye. rapes' from.Omaha on the llpe of the B. & M.'B. R , , and 100 yards from thp depot , has-been improved for pit nips and private parties ' ' ' Y'M'ATJSLAK'D & MARTIN. All engagements for the grove will be made through ; , . 'jy7tf.v 24S5 Douglas Street" OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY. OiTAHA , July 24. EXTRA NOTICE , to all concerned. Fred Riepen Is no .longer in the employ of thp Omaha. 8team Laun dry , and the customers of the same will ' nokpay him any more money. 'ju24-lw. ! FOR SALE Immediately a great bar gain. The furniture in the Phfta- 'delphia House can be bought cheap one half cash , and thai other half- on three to six mouths time with good security. Lease " .of the ; h oiise " runsi seven months , at 125s9 per month. Foiiy-five to , .fifty good * cash boarders. The proprietorhas other important business to atte'rid immediately , and for tha $ reason offcw tfifs splendid opportunity , 0 , 'july24-2t. Bt office S ham street , , ' . DurlOfr this raontb. ' t ' .will offer special 'bargains ' 'in' reimfonts of 'ETS , OIL CLOTH , MAT- and 'WALL PAPER. Call K and examine goods , and 'prices ' You can always 'find a large and well selected stock of CARPETS , * OIL .C.LOTH , * MATTING , WIN F DOW SHADES , MATS , RUGS , b < 9icn at my establishment , audas J liuy direct from nJariufaciurers and importers , I can sell the &trop pass goods a < 3 low as Chicago or St xHiis , , Give roe.a call , ' T OUN B. DETTOLER , ; Carpets , 04 Fourteenth street , " between Farnham and Douglas 8freels. Jy25-d6t - ' Judian , Curiosities at No : 170 , arnhamstreet , cprnerllth streefc may 7-tf. - v . - . ' ' * _ CE CREA > T ! ICECREAil ! ! H. L. LATEY'S s the'place to go ian t" " Brie-J Beef , Sugar Cured Hams . Breakfest mcon , at41 . ? LlTTXE &WIL1JAMS1 , Vm , Jy243t 281PongIWSt , DOUGLAS COUNTY DISTRICT COURT. J " " " T ' -A Eon- George B. Lake , Judge. OMAHA , July 27. . . -State vs Ketchum ; the. motion in arrest of judgment was overruled , and the defendant's attorney'ex- ' cepted ; the bill of exceptions to be presented Tuesday. Omaha B < fe S.Insti ution.vs . , Mc- Cast Sale confirmed ! Shane et al vs Weynajller et al. Motion , to set aside overruled. Green , et al , vs M & M , 'Building ' Association. , shown by to morrow -morning ; why the sale should not be confirmed. Philo vs Butterfield , et al. .Motion to set.aside.stay dverrule'd. , CaldwelTel al va.,1 Warwick , et al. Dismissed.- * - . " Minervs.Crbfut , LeavpJtotreply in ten days. - i > * Iler et al vs , Williams et al : Eeave to answer in thirty'days./ State vs. Brown. Demurrer to -petition ( .overruled nd ( Cleave to' , ' 'Granger Vs. JiLP. St-teGa. 'cu'rlty-for'costs to be.rjflle'l ; in , Uae Merriclu , .vs. Cajey.J""Leave"to " c < ' TJA answer in ten" ddys.c - Winterburn 1 .4 Turner et al. Leaved answer Jn thUtyjda ; 9t .anBwerjby August 4Jh.- , . " , , ' . Muldoon v Fletcbefet'ar. Jildg- 'a1tulifl3IJfSa- . In thVK&tterttmb&Witate of N. Pv l8a 03.deWased..S.nlvfeonjlrm { - Adjo'urned ntniflh'.tii until mom- ' ' . . . SAN FRANCISCO , July 27.t A' 'aispWbh- trofo'Eurekfc'to-'night ' s 1 > yithetcflpoa iv ( ihundre'd auil flrtyihousand ; dollars The Eureka Consolidated Miqing Company Iosea3t\venty thousand. They wlil'TiavertO'Shirt dotv.a' their furnaces. ' ( Several inore bodies have been recovered. .More people i arg still missing.d/ y A , private dispatch from Eureka to-nlghVBtates' that lourtteil dead bodies have been reooveral J ' A watfef spoufburst near Carson City , -Nev.y thi 4iternoon ] , , causing No" lives werejlostr jT " , ' . The"ldssbv'tK9"flood in Eureka. * foots up'over oife Hundred thousand dollars : Ih nddltfon-16 themames give.a"thls mofpingi the following are sent to-night , as drowned : Jas Galvln 'W Talbot , S : Ddtney > Jno RaiiftsJW JtMcGeary and Win. Smith. " l. At "Anaheim itf' this 'St , tg , , tP- " day , Constable DyeDa"Yls/mgd : to arrest Joseph Moreno for.arape on Mrs. Eldridce. . . , T6f6nou'1dre w l H pistol. Davis shot"him "near * i& h'eart. foreno1 raDavis sho.t fc"SRrl. . S8d [ ifflr feft ? ea once' at'-the lomcerwithout .cUcUl. _ , , f ' , L1 i The steamer' Altonabrings.xolvO- , homa dates to July 4th. The Jap anese steamer Talomari was lost on the 15th of June ; off the west coast , . . . " .and.iwenty.persons pferished. i News from-Fornios'vsayl Ujfitthe ] Japanese--ali 'cleWlq % ' pbfat.'ot aborlglnees , 'and the" , . Japanese war vessels are still 'on the -Formosa - ' ma iflrlooked.upoQ , ' as an unfavor able omen by. jba Japanese in con nection . .triththe.'War in Formosa : A Greek church Jias been opened by the Russian missionaries at ' v ' To obtain the best daily" paper pub ; lishec } hi Nebraska a 'ihV "exceed- Aftpr < theflrsfcof August no spriptiops will be received at [ less NowJB muB o-wiB j 81..50 > Jn.a4 * , vance pays for the OMAHA BEE three . .months.j ; > J1 f , . e. ' nt * ' ( Bourgeois , , Type of which , tb ? ; ; J | . ? - f W gVn 60p Ibs.Thi ' 4ypai bjwiioeen ia use1 on 4 , year , jtnd is nearly as ' , : - r'f I.- .1 /H/JT/1E. . RoSEWATERr' " [ : to f , Publisher of the Bee. . . . in&place : ' to , buy , C suppHies la , . at . Jno , ' . Johpson & CO.'B , .SQO Dbagefi.BtrVfc 1 Prime Butter , Country Produce , ; fljfresh in voice of one of the -very best brands of St lx/ufa family/flour iind 'all ' "can b&fouiyi 'jreah . " * * - " * * ; -tw - Lruf l > lA / Ott frO - can not be undersold. _ uS j41 s ' * / " * Ji O. Si , JOHNfiOS\fe' \ h.- 6 July25-eod3tn 260 Dodge Stiv > . ] J8TSEE McKeiiigon-sJcardl 01 second'page. ' ' juue .tf ! > . ' t' t njapnprat ; t jp STEAij : DE WORKS , " ' u loth.Ht.LeirFnfp mftn4 Douglas fp. w- tot tu Tiiv..the : JdE ; .CBEAM at th'e FBEXCH-COFFEB HOUSE , . 12th > 8t : , between-Farnham . andtHarney.4 : i Since Mr'Alsfead has > .mantifac- tu'ed ithimseiiit ; "th'dt aj Conf ctioiiary < ti - 'i GROCERS JtJMl 0 MraIF Tlsb aIaI > ruemLtaqen Md Clgart , andeH < n-4p 171 tay wntr bona * in Omaha. Jjf da All mil F. A./PJBTEKS. ' * FOd / -d B W - < B > " * * ( "V-y . ' * ! * * "HriijJ J-'t t * - * i and Harness'Maker , L .w . . - ITRuaicK ! * pgt. S 15 ; CAKKlAO. , . , " / < fi - ' " ! 5"2uS5 | 'ids ! NOTICES. NOTICE. AdTertlsementa of To Let , For Sale , Loct , Wants , Found , Boarding , * c. , will beinserted In these columns once lor TEN CENTS per line } each nbs < iaent Insertion , FIVE CEFJS per line. 'ThY first Insertion nerer less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS WANTED Nurse girl , at (356) ( ) three hun dred and fifty-six Chicago at. , near 19th. Urown girl preferred. Jy27dtf. WAKT3 'A. mTUATION-A young man , willing to work for moderate compensa tion.Addiess "Ci" Bee Office ; jy27dlt "VJIT ANTfc'tJ A tev more boarders can be act - t t commentated at the Tremout House , cor ner of IGth'and Cupjtol ATenue. ' 'Jy27dSt : "DJLXJARD TABLE-For tale , two nearly JJ newM } by 9 , latest style , 4 leg Billiard 'i'ablestwitb.balls , cues .and.fixtures complete , will be sold very'cheap. Apply at ' - * ' ' Jy27dGt. - - jjw 00 . SITUATION WANTED-By a young man who has had 4 years experience in the cloth Ing and dry goods , also boot and sboe business , wiu < rork for smallSalary forafew'months Good referenceVAddress . "A. , B. C. " Bee ' . ' - Office. - , -jj. jy d2t , TTTANTED A' sltxiatlon/as. a 'Wagon gnd .y Vi Carriage maker , and can rtpairall , kinds of Farming Impleiiiehts" . " Address tor flre dars . . ii" ' > : ' 'J.'C ' CtlPSON , . ' t. . . { siij'fu ' iOeowood | , ' Iowa. 0- -f - . . . 'FarnhaurBtrceV/a' ' . I- ' * 4 : Jj23dtf. NICS * MINING AND SMELT Jjl ING CO r-The , . semi-annual meeting , ljtmrne4frbm JUlr : 2lstiwill : bfc'heli > t the .Duraul . Engine JJouse , on Thursday , July 30th , al8P.3J.for the election ol officers , and-the trap actlon of-budneML.uf ! great iuiporlance to thestockholdirs. * * * L K. ' Jy23 7t . 'C \ > ' : To < * frr v > f I i , * * T ' ' ' ' TtTANTED - - - - A'giri'to a Apply at-lOjFom Mary'a .Avenue. Wagis- " iiiu > Mf at if. , _ Mi IT HolfsVoinsth nWbiss street. ' . -.S-rAjriAYLOB _ - A/P9- EA A D o'Tcrc o ? c'nofte ianda in ; J A-arpy Countyv or.aiaaa i.TS pei.acre , ' one-half cash , balance one 'year at ld fier cent. ; Apply atOffilceof Great Westcrnl ad Aicncr , 130 , A 132 Fainham street. , , Jy20lf . _ . _ i Mr * jfl i i * * > \ * ' - - j ? * ? i rnt.wtUor ; | wlth- ' . _ out board""No/ HF'Podge street ; , near , 'ntntbi 69.1.1 J' .Jialf * ! -'I'lT'ASTKD ' A 'girl to cook ) YY House , b UJlt and,12th , Douglas st ' . . DRu're at Money Order"WlrMoVr. Potf Office. * jylitt TT MPLOYMEKTOFFICE-RoomNo.l.iiouth XL * - . - . * ca-tforner.l5thand.DougI-jSI Wanted - ) ed Immediately , servant girls , 'armbands , car penters and laborers , also real estate bought and soldandrbue * paid , lorjon-resjdents. . - < = 't-J-V. - x X. v JUf. FISHED , ' * JrSU Omaha , Neb ; CrrA'NTEDl ' IMMEDIATELi girlltodc VV house-work.'Applr , 3S1 Davenport street , between ITtharid thi Jy3tf JTOIIE TO KENT 198 Douglas street. Inquire - quire of . IIJI- ; WEBBER 4 BEHM. . ' ITlon'KENT Honsa on ljth-near Davenport t JD ftrwt : Je30tS. . A. TAYtOR 4 CO - FE RENT House tf Chicago , near 16tn ft"- jeSOtf " .s ; A.TAYLOB4CO. , > 'ANIED Day hoarders ; afijii , aquthwesV .jCflT..oUQtli and .Harner ijiC tt , . , ] e29tr W'ANTliIX-lAcnciiili ' ! ia inr exsnange' ' tot merchandise. Address , FarmerBkXr office. . . . , 4p2lt ' T WILL SELL SECONI HAIfD , firTlagef , JL and pap Ue rte , clean ( gr test or trade , aa 1 need the zoom , lor new ones. i.s jelSdU. . . O. W. HOyAK.- TnWH SALE 1 X ) acres of Tana , being the NE1 JD township 13 , N of K 4 E. In the SE parf'of BttU.V.T'ccnnty , 'iO miles Nnrth- west of Lincoln ; A well Imj TOTid farm adjoint It on the westand ; country ell arotind It is thickly-Sftfjffl-- WU'sail.iortSDor'oo"e ' half < 16w < i , BalSnc8'to'ono : year , or $3 00 per acre In" cash , * Hrlll trade ! or city prbpcrty. Apply to mTatlANDBEW EOSEWAIER. mo .TaE.JBDBLIC-Theaunuersigned has JL purchased..and , put upon the1 streets as public conveyances , some , of the'finestcarriage * exermanufacturedin this country ! TEey will be run to andlrom the depots , hotels nni prjjate re idence3 % All ordpni left t the urerfopolitan Hotel , ofat tbenable , nesrs erdr'ofEleventh nt and'tSplttJ-A-venue , 'will be 'promptly at- tended'to. , A share of the public patrouago is respectfullysolieHedJ JOHN EBULL ; ; . - . s , . . f , NOTICE. * ' 'OmaKa , A'tbt July'.lltb , 187-/ / . \TOTICE is hereby given that F. it' tioddard Jand. . T , W. Bead , doing business in the F. HvGoddard continuing la th W. BeaoVretiring.1- - * - Signed Jy24d3U Frults , Confectipnory , [ WGABS AND TOBACCO. 215 Douglas , bet. Jlth and 12thStreet. OMAHA , " 'Ai"- ' - . . -JIl-iAil-fA. f r J I * j _ " _ , ut iy ttl 'J-iJ : ; BUGCi-ai \ . tOBKEB of Mill and HAKNEY SIS , tVX7 OULD fejpcclf ully anuounca to the .pub- W llctlittAejlsjboVreaay'to fill all Jco - dlapatctut , . , . ' * " " . - . " i . "MTEjpresswAgoni coailanUf on hand and c IStb ' at-ee bet.qaifornla apd Webstsr. . . TIT'BI ! ( KEEP ON HAN'D , . THK BEST yV 'flPPlr" ol "FBESH * 'A P"--SALTED MEATS.AUoia'ljve'.iwdk'of ; JFlna Sorar- ( ' B-fB6bt Brkil ; u J i ' > ' M-uma s. EKED JJ : STKOJTMBD mj * . , ' , Tha.OIitat . QUhllihed. . , B6ptf ! tete Agency lift NEBRASKA- ' Keep .a complet AUinct , of ' TUIo'to all Beal Estat ln.Om' ' > naandDuslaacoa&tv 500 ffatisGomFlnce-IiOts 'ADD JjOT3 > ax the.tdtr of Omaha , HOUSES ' eoodterms. " ' BOG08'4i UlJLIn. . . . , Beal estate. brofcers.offico over Mackey "s store , J > odce st. op.positonew po-tpgre- i. A.riioFpiTT ; . . , Fashionable Pressrnakingf-f 564 iFourleentli St. , 031AIIA , N * . - ' AOISTBH. OF THE DEPARTED. " " ' " " ' ' x - ' . . . . . . . . . .H. gn rdUa'iplrlMr , obtalp ' ofttff DieK ) Yiew of tne pant , present pd JO- ' A8' are. : No fw charged In cj. esot siiknetsv I ! v apiitl5J" " i i . -jif GSI.ATTBB. . . . Dealer In. Staple arid Fancr ' , , ' [ . ' 'aid ' Highest price pskTfor'ponntry Produce , trick Store , B. E. Cor.1 lert tCUago EtJ , -1' ' ' - 'J m. ' , P.Boap J ao'iorjrl Sjuae4 ( ( pp , p jllq vor lha'JTn'lon Pacific aibpad.neajf , tje } pQWuer "bogie ; Hanuljac ; iiM Arstsf [ azj. f p/or hpme fgnsumptl n. C Be * * > Cor. 3 kladr -TAILOEISO , rWnlor and rfc. Cblc ilrlnr dflfie stxrjaoqible raU a. A fee Ipf of and < T'GOaDSf" n UaUy"ori"&a4 ' iold.'cntap. " ' -tfcSBW - it. " * * V OAlfPEJi DAYi entanJM "uJni lyj \ ; i. ; AII diuw of work- Jus in their ipari ati anything el > * " " - - . Maine * nti rij\ . . QOTJSTI oJy LIQTJOHS , WINES , ETC. cio. . o.P. o' . = 5 " o * - - - - ---M f- , fc 'J.g Ip " " " " " - pH fcj - &n > H * fS KT | ' M I < | S w " - , 2K n o I w I m "fr 0M S si ? W s 23 w t * w s " o1 s ra TH < _ s p r f , = MM g - § _ . o - - - - . g : itJ -g-B l E. . g - " " ° .1,03. 5 4 I at . ! P.N-GLYNN TriIOIUAtE AND IETAII. PKALKR IX : Wines ' , Liquors , 5egars , * " " " { ' " ATJD PIPES , . t Cornerol llli an'dDoJgestreets.ojipotilethe > ew 1011 Office buUdine/Oiuiha.Neb : ! . . ie25tf n . . i i . i Bavarian ' Bfeer. 193 Doiiglig St , Opposite. SXetropolltan Hotel. , 1 Finest' brands of all' cl 4 > ' Liquors and. Sesars. > Fresh Lazer conatantly on hand" ie25-3m ' ' CUAS.HABT Prop. ' r j 'j ' . . .i Gor.oa/t Oofkr aid : Comiags Tweity-iecoad stieets . ' .Thi3 * finest Iag4rfbaer con * * ' 'JeZSlfim . ' ' CHAS.WEYBtULLEB , Prop. , ' ) ' . , .HOTELS . , , t Tt largest and , best hot "between'Chicago ' Opened neW September SOthllS73. pci t-j .J'rOEp.TU-iAli.1Proprietor. -t . - ' , ' . O A. , 4 , j mtm , 10th St. , bet. Farnhamfand Hamey , , ' PM4I1A , JfEB. _ , . Iree. Buss to and from all Trains. Passengers for other 'Hote's. or private' B si- " " ' ' ' ' ' W All "orders left at P.'H. Allen's2il door from F..O , C. . .WJlson4. ion..cor lSth and Hrney , and the Oly Hotel Office , will receive piouipt attention. irTlm * United States Hotel , COK. DOUGLAS AND"TENT # { JTRCE S. mHEyXppnglONED Kipectfnlly announ- I eel 'Hint he haj purchased and re'fi'ted the aBove Hotel , and Is DOW ready to accommodate the public , with board by dp.y or werk , at reasonable enable rates. WILLIASI LEHK , Prop. ' July22 ' 7' ly FARMERS HOUSE ! 8. W.'Cor. of 14th. and-3arnevSt4. : JU5TUS KESSVf , 'Pro-irielor , ILLINOIS HOUSE. Between 9th and lOtbL. " " CRARt. FXXPBIUIAV ' , Prop. Centrarouse K o. 630 Sixteenth Slmt , ' Oppi Jefferson Sqv8T ! , OMAHA , liEB. * > < > JttSEP-H DOYE.prop'r. Day' and weelt'ltoard ' st reasonable , raleuy' , First-cluu brtr attached to tUc tcuifl , f . ' 'ie37 Sto ' ' * , _ House ! No. 170 Donglaii Street , corner JJth , Oinha , Kebraita. 'Board by the day or week. ' " * ' illtmel.M j > , , , > t j > 4 t SontkernHotel , on 4th , Sib'taa'WilsBtitirt . . KGTIJI 0 * r , "Warnffl : Sc. 1-rTheSouUiernJIotcl isaLclus in all'lU aopolntmenta. Cttj-tablesar tt all jlmc np- plieainthegreatesribun5ance,1-wlth all'the 'delicacies the markets afford , Its clerk * add employes are all polite and attentive to the wants of the guests of thaihotel , Then is an Improved eleva'or leading from the fint ! floor tOfthei pp r one , . Railroad and steamboat ickttoifleti.'news * tnnd'snd.ieVl r flufon telegrjiph offlre in the Botanda of hotel. ' ' " Ifrimense'iReductionl ' ' . . ' ' . . CORNEB OF .th and Chi sgo Street * . Good Hard Wood $7. 00 ; Soil js 00. Store " , Vcod to sell any number o. move n-rjr cliny. apISif N Bex t ' ' ir ; . . " " " ( 'o'n foci ioucry , Tli -K. < OR.or > i-TI "M " \.r.- ft ? ! ? > Wtf 8S ? PSn ! ? Ps'lroS'lt ' ' * I * ' . ' ! iltfi4 & ' 5IOUX CMY & ST , PAUL ,63 lalks the Uiortut rpate. from ( haaba ooaclf Bluffs'f * St. Paul ) JUaeapolU. . ' . i , . , . , Illnattr , AnokaDaIntlijBIssiarfk , MdsJl tints la Xlanetota. . ! . i I Train leaves Omaha daily , ( except Saturday ) Jp toclcp. pi.jaodOonncli Bluffs at 8:05'p' , ' . ' , ' 'i | rom Cnioogd $ Korth-Westtrn pcpof. iW'is LOWaiiiII p as QUICK t ? credl pure Vr sure TOOT ticket reads VIA Sionx. Otr. ijljlingfU-cuitons routes and inldnignt _ . , . .xZ * * } . < < . / ' / ' " " Thel flckeU can be porcba- a ( I be office * ' pi the , ' " " ' In - Pap ) , Minn. The ( anda C. 4 ataon * * * * - * f " - , zv , u. The King of Uie.SEWlXG JIACHlJvE WOILD ta pu-tniiritntlr ta Gold Jn tie * Realms tt Finance : JSALES EOK * 1873 : In Round . timbers 232,444 Machines ! TtEeing over One Hundred and Thirteen 7tcniac < ! coreXatUcct tltn were sold V zcr ctLtr Sewing ilacblreCoirpsDj'dnrlnpthfU.metlr-e. ' ' It Will * - - . - ' ' cn such evidence that the superiority of the SIngeris inonstrated. THE SINGER MANFG CO , W. N. NASON , Agent , J : NO. 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS Agents /or the Oriental Powder Co. A JT A , ilsTEIB. , STEFXE & JOHNSON , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! . BLOCK- v , ; 15G.Sand 54O Fpurteentb , Street , BET. DOUG-LAS AND DODQE - - - IsTIEIB MORGAN & GALLAGER. SUCChSSOKS TO.CBEIGHTON AJO MOBGAN WHOLflSALE GROCERS , < Farnliam Street _ _ . WHITNEY , BAUSER1IANCO WHOLESALE GROCERS \ : ' .v To. 247 Douglas Street , I AUKMWJFOJt TH DUPO.\T POWDEE CO. . / x .1 'GLARE : & FRENCH , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! JJfg DEALERS JN tfennedffioods , Dried ; , , , Fruits in Season , el - . SOLICITED - FILLED. V jf' jf's , z j ? s o isra -MANUFACTUBEB'AND WHOLESALE DEALER CIGARS. 532 ST. , t ! " - * C , li. .A. ttB , a'E3C : .Dsra ? TAZLOJE ' 288 Dodge Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. * KOBEBT C. STEJELL , > EALEP. DT Oils Varnishes , , , BJTTSHES , LAMP&OODS ETC. - ' . . , * " 257 Douglas Street - - OMAHA - T2lflOHR& CG JOBBERS OP 1)IIX"GOODS , HOSBFRT , eiOVES and NOTIONS. v' , ' ' 231 ! Farntiam. Street , / t i.3 : J. BROWN & BRO. , \\TIOLESAI31 DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS' BTMT- Notions , rtnd Boots and Shoes. JOHN T. JOBBEE OF Shelf I Heavy Hardware ! ' , IROM , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK,1 , ASD- AT , Z&SSHSSi&iSfr EEU RAKKS AMD XVAOOKS. " " " * meh 1 2-iS Douglas St. , Omaha , ITebraska. HENRY HOENBERGER , , ' 'PEALEE TK WINES , , CMRS , | lne01djKeijttickjJ\yiil3kIc3aal ] ( a Specially. llltlTL' , 4..t . . . ' an Burlij ton and Musonri { flyerl HroaiJ , Gk > . , 'oi-n best Ua' allow pricei on 10 year itabc teDtinterMtJ ; * ! ' h a binds premium of .20 percent. on the amount of tLa aseiu half tbe'Und is cultivated ; wlthla two yeVun from 'data ' parchaw. " . LAI1GE DEpUCIONS FOR C H PAYaiEXTS. orth ] of : ? Iatter Juup Fork nd EJkhg.rn Valley ? K. Co.-rlll iabog 7.000.0 , - . . , ' . * , j IfJOaj cr Jt } , . . . South of he Comi iny o-rnesa large body o * the be t land in Iftbrm-ia , ln ( no Ud by nnmeroqs rtvprs j < aceta to Inrallroad and la the largest and best dtvelopfd B rt of the Sale , i also in tal tonfrrpubllcan Valley. 1'orcircularsandlull lolqraii gtj an ly t4 j 'SL SCHALLIB , Agent IB , & M , Land Office , . , " v- CornereflXIatk.-iBil Farabap Sts. Or