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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1874)
MM. m 4 m f JDJDJJJJ OMAHA MONDAY MORNINGJTJLY 27 , 1874. NO. 32. * t VOL. IY. TEE DAILY BEE. EDWAUD KOSKWATEB , EAl'-or nd Prop'r -Cffice-Xo. I'M r irnlinin treettjetw. Mnlli nod Toith. TEUMS OK fcUBSCBIPTION : r , ° ne r"1""nre . idrance 4.00 ' month * , in six thrt-e menlhs : n dr ncc _ . _ . 2.00 f rot paid in adTsnce , $8 { > cr annum wiJ It colleted. PSEDEB.ICK , LEADING HATTER ! Best Goods , LOWBSTPHICES Far t'immSt- OMAHA. CBACKEEKASOFAOl-OBT , . JS5 liarner . .treeUj tot. McClureAMnltu. detU" QLA83 AHJ ) PICTURE PfliMEB. -r Kclnhart. ISC Poul etreet. dwlei In J .wlnJow gU aad picture Iraiues. " " " "g ' 2 doac to order. EOOT3 ADD SHOES. I-ang. 155 Fiirahara st , Iwlwran IMa - Philip 115U. -ebl9TJ COSFECTIOHEBT. - - 12th and ttcugln streets. --r L. Latcy , corner rl manufacturer nud wholesale dealer In Sndks and conlettlonery. Couutf f tr d so- Jiceted. 8Pla COAL Jr.A.LEIB. ! ) otondJ TJIiot , " 0 'i 131 Karulutn et. DEUGOIST ? . 1A. K < lcr , druggist , corner 12th v * " ' . neysis PAWN BKOKER. -n * - Eigutter , No. 200 Farnbam tt. | el"tf LAU5DBY. Isun-lrT opened at oil 11tl > kt"t - Anfw . fat Poujlan. 1 l nsa'.ing and iroulng will l > e done to order , oral ! asJ work PAIITTEES. i B < sinl. hou-e auj iilsn paint , Lcliiaao st. bet. F-rnuarn aud Uaneja28u BO/tP PACTOBT. 13rcmlnm Soap Wortf. TowcJI & Co , atill I ; manu'act-ire tl-eir P.Viuluca Soap. Fl p Jirxt i.rcmlun.awarded by tbe Lougla county and Stste Iair , and rottawatlaiuU ! couutjr , 14 , Orilers goli jU l ( rom the trade , A1IOBHE1S. K. ISTABROJK. M. FRANCIS ESTABBOOK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Creluliton Klock , Oiuaha , Neb. DEXTER L , THOMAS , sy antl" Counsilor at Law. 1 OPTICS oem No" Viacler'i Block , NEB ' ' - OMAHA Atlomcyat-Um and Solicitor IB F-Q3UJ" . -OTH Tlrst K tJon l Baak , Attorney at Iaw ( CampbeU'j Kkck. ) 091-2 TH1BTEEKTBB 8T3BBT. OMAHA 2B 1m . . BALDWIJJ C20. M. O'BEJKS. BAI.DWIN & . i ATTOBNEYS5LA.W Office Cald r U Block , Douglas Street , OSIA1IA. - * * - - NEBRASKA. JOHN C. COVIN , r. JSolloltor- COUNSELOR. ? FICE-CKEIGHTON'S BLOCK , OMAHA , KEHBASKA. ArftfOMAHA T. W. T. Kicnards , Attorney at Law , Office 510 13th St. , bet. Farnliam and Douglas , Omaha , Seb. P' 0. Box 80 O.H.BALU ) r.i > . U. GLASGOW. Bnllou& Glasgow , ATTORNEYSATLAW , Office n Creighton'9 new blocV , southeast cor room , floor. OMAHA. aEB. SAVAGE & MANDERSOh , Attorneys at Law , y ® FAENHAM 8TBEAT. H . J. BIIB.1SHAM. ATTOllXEl AND COUNSELLOR " AT LAW , . , No. 2CO Firnham Htr et OMAHA - NEB. mrliSOll _ JOlfJi K. KBM.KT. Attorney IGounseloratLaw / OLUUTTIONS SOLICITED AND PROMPT- \J ly attended' to. No charge unless collec tions arc made. Houses to let and rents col tclal. Itcnl estate twucutand sold. aplTtl W. J. CONNELL * AKD Attorney for Second Jad- Iclal District , OF1-1CS South sJdo of Farnhan ? , betweei 1Mb an < 16th sts. , oppoeite Court ilouse. teU "SPAl'N & PRITCHE1T , Attorneys ind Counselors at Law. . oe60ft Twelt 1 V eet. / 4.1 . . . iffc ] RAT 4no. Omaha. Ileb " < , ' , S. SIlROPSfiIRE , i' Attorney- r Law 000 No. 1 , S , B. ftrncr 15th and Doi ias Sti OMAHANEBB ) G. Vf UEIIC | JS jPEBA HOCSB ouAHA. "res. Ay excursion for Iceland would just now be very popular in these parts. Two goblets , an ice pitcher aud a tray , comprised Tattee's munificent gift to our accommodating post master. AND now Jim Btephenson think * it was a put up job to swindle him out ol $75.00 , aud he would be enti tled to public sympathy if the mo ney had not been paid by him as a bribe. . THE Senatorial probabilities of Governor Dix are now being serious ly canvassed. He is said to aspire to the Senatorial slippers of the la mented Fenton. DOCTOR ( ? ) STODDARD admits that he was circulating a pact of lies about Furay and the$4,000 trans action , for the benefit of his liberal patron , Patteo. There is no doubt that the .Doctor ( ? ) lied , either then both times. or now , and possibly THF.RE is one man in Omaha that" does not believe Gen. Strickland's version of that $4QOQ transaction , and his name is Pattea. If Pattee really believe 1 that Strick had de- liberstpjy swindled him out of such a large sum , would he counsel , con sort and cohabit \vftb h.lm ? THB reported stoppage op the Grand Island and IJaslJng ? Rail road , Is by no means to be construed of tbe as a financial embarrassment Company. It U simply R failure on 'be part of tbe contractors to raise t means to continue their the contractors a dJ. have all the means for the road , they originally had. Only' 60,000 yards more of grading , and one-half of the Platte bridge re mains still unfinished. The bridg- JHK material Is on the ground , and the probabilities are that the road will be completed In accordance with the contract indiscriminate slaughter m clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnhatn street Fine linen and chovoit shirts ol our wu make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Railroad Tickets bought and sold by P. Qotthelmer , Broker , at 296 Faruham street Unredeemed Pledges for Sale. may Iv26 Hamlet Drum , 9th street between Jones and Learenworth sts , &MAHANEBBASKA. . T7"EErSTHF. MOST COMPLETE ASSORT- _ LV Wtt of Indies' > nd Gents' straw hats , trim med and untrimfflfd , Parasols. Piques , Mar seilles. NalniooU and s ! ) kinds of liy Goods , Ladles' tnd Gentr * Bo. ts , etc. Ify line ot Cry Goods ir Complete. S .lll ; only ' ( or OAS1I , I am able to any other Dealer lethe the City Our PKICESare LOWEK than erer heard U before. mTli-3m-nl , KOOEEHEAD , AND Patter's Block , BetCallfi > nl fc UMAUA , NEB. Phyilclans Prescriptions carefully JicJC 3m * comnoundxd. DEMTISTS , OFFICE , Ho. 232 CP STUM. Bet t3t * ) L Uth lj- ae-OldcRt ractlrl ? l > intlU In the city DR , A , S , BILLINGS , 5334 : . . 3. flit , * Bet. 13th and 14th , up sum. T eUi xtractod without pain , by use of M- irous Oild * 3u. L VAN CAMP M. D. Dispense * his own medclnes' end besides regular practice , makes spedalltfe * of DeraBgt- mcnUi ted Disoasea Peculiar to Woman , Fistu la , PllaVand otber Diseases ot tha BeetDm. OFFIOC : Caroar Farnham and l h itrtett flit door to tha rinht , up iUlir. Besldenc 210 Dougtii street , botwaai ; and nth , next to Lutheran Church .Omaha. JfD AflUr * * L < * k Hna SU. un ldvlf MB8. J. K. VAMDKIICOOK. Eclectic Physician. Besldeiice and offlc. 250 Dodi t Ut Utb "al 15th sts. Special attention paid to'otoUtrlci and dll- eases peculiar to women and children. I9U. PROPOSALS FOR t proposal will be received by the un- lersigned niJJ 8 P. . , July 2l t , 1874. for lorfr * nl of lr , more or lot. to be dellTered in such quanttties , cd at such times as my bo uired Jor tbe u e of the fifpdepartmeut. ' be openid at neii-m tjpe ot the "WILLIAM LATEY , Cor. 16lh and "Webster Keeps a complete assortment ot GROCERIES and T PROVISIONS. SHERIFF'S By TlrtuacI arendl issueJ out of tbe Dis trict Court Jor Cummluc County , Nebraska. and to ma directed , I will on tbe 24th day ol July. A. D. , 1871. at 10 o'clock , JI.'M. ot said day , at tbe store room ol Albert Tucker , No , 234 Douglas street , in tbe city ot Omaha , and County of Douzlas , In said State , sell * t suction the following described property , Jerled upon to satisfr a Judgment ol said. Court ; re covered by II. L. Henry , against Albert Tucker , to-wlt : Eighty-Si * cases of BCD' * and -boys' boots , 29 case * of shoes ; also all the retail stock ot boots and shoe * contained In said store ; also A small line of bats and caps ; also .thi fal lowing' described store aad ofice lurnlture ; Two lounges , 1 desk , 1 store and pipe , 2 chain , 1 stow east and 1 letter press , or so much ot UM aaU goods as are neetssa'y to satisfy said Judg ment and costs , and accruloccoiti thereon. JLLFBhD BUBLEY , JylUlOt COSTRACTSI BtUDGKSf The subscriber is prepared to do all kind ot Bridging. ( Kailway or Jligbway ) . File Drir leg and Heary Framlcg of any description i6f4fl bridges a sprdalt-rlll furnish malaria inicompUi , the same on the shortest potslbl jtoiityT rliiji * .n speciBcatloLi furnished Oidm s llcludr Cowl ? Qerka and other jffi wntealaror b tad og f fctttac VERY LATEST. MIDNIG-HT. TrjJ3 * . . , . . . " " n . . . . THE "WEST. A Terrible Flood Visits Eureka , Nevada/ BROOKLYN , July 26. r A large seizure of illicit whisky was mode last night by the revenue officers , from a prominent firm here. Several packages of western spirits for Illinois were .captured , their names not corresponding with their labels. JEKSEYCITY , July 26. " * Mrs. J. P.-Bauer , wife > ofa , Ger man saloon keeper on 'West New ark avenue , , was mysteriously shot while standing at her door last night and fatally wounded by an unknown assassin. Her husband is undersuryeHIance. ' NEW YORK ; July 26. Early this morning a fire broke out in Beamer & Co.'s stables , 123 west Eighteenth street , and exten ded to Nos. 125 and 129 , also occu pied as atbbles. Several horses were lost and a lot of harness ; dam age to buildings , stock , del , $250- 000. Sunday papers say that 3Ira. Til- ton say that Susan B. Anthony had visited her home and unfortunately too many of her class 'to contribute to its unhappiness , still she has no recollection of such scenes having occurred jn the presence of Miss Anthony as bgs bepn Described. v The Beeoher investigating com mittee bopp to conclude their labors during the present Wpek. .Beecher will Jjlf ejy bg examined on Tuesday. Mrs. Tilton will have another hear ing , and an opportunity wH be given Air. Tilton to bring forward T'nesaesylio , he claims , are hi confession of Mr. with Mrs. Tilton. Mrs. TUton expressed her entire confidence iu a favorable' result iu the investigation. Tilton yesterday said he had yet' other proofs of Mrs. Tilton's crimin ality of the most direct and positive character , that cannot be disputed. Ho thought there was now no hope of compromise , but , nevertheless , he has suggested a mode of settlement which would stay public excite ment. If the committee decides in favor of Beecher , Tilton will sue tor divorce. EUREKA , Nov. , July 26. One of the direst calamities by flood which ever lias existed in Ne vada since its settlement .took place at three o'clock this afternoon. It had been raining with unprecedent ed violence at times since early morning and about midday the cloud bunt upon the lofty range of moun tains which borders on the canyon in which this town is situated. Al though the water came down in large streams but trifling damage was done and soon the excitement ceased. Scarcely had tbe people re turned to their homes and business when a deluging rain set in , such as js seldom seen in any country. Each street gujly way was , within ten minutes from the begjpning. converted into rivers , the east part of the town which is much lo ver than any other , and through which is a natural channel fora good ized creek , and where the water -flooded.- The was immediatelyflooded. - 4) ) ] for water being considerable , oretbromrh with fearful rapidity , but still lba''inbflJUauto } thought henuelvGB safe in theirlibustfj pnd resumed at each successive stage hat the flood had reached its hlgh- fl # point. They reckoned amiss , ror su44enjy fjjerp game thundering down tbe canyons , frqm twe di jp- tiontya perfect oceauMVvbjcftgarrfcd everything floatable before it , So great * wa3 te . geed- and volume hat it frightfully tofetop theground , and 'mingled * the * dust of tbe earth the spray of the-foaming wa- Jfoap who remained on their rending character , Ttyoue living' , or who chanced to be on tj } § more raised portion of the town , came he- rolcly forward , and rendered olltlie assistance that human aid could render. Every moment houseswere moved-ffom. fadf .foundations , and came rushing down , Tb ? < wp wjjoyet remained for the purpose'of-assist- ng others to escape , was to commit themselves to tbe foaming stream , md be carried down among the fragment * Pf feogscs. utensils , and timbers ; infacteverywngthatyame in the way of tbe flood , and wotch went tumbling forward to destruc tion. Ropes were procured and placed in the hands of the brave pnen , who ventured forth as far as possible , each depending on the other as they formed into a4ine ex tending into the flood , Good -work was done by these who were rescued by this means , but before men' had e to procure such means , or even infr of it , many were carried down d Wt , , As"the debris float ed by now an4 tUen poujd be seen human forms mixed with tn'e mas ? . Some were still ollvg MM } struggling for assistance , but th ywere beyond the reach of those'who looked.plty- mgly on to Mve the women and children ; with but few excep- U.Q03 a. ) } were wived. It was In the act of eavjpg { hem that men in many cases Jest tbeir Jives. Two women are reported'lost. ft la. dffc rJOHltto l arn the names. " Bodies are being brought jn every fiewpiin- utes to tbo court house ; among themj are the' bodies of three Chinamen , It is also difficult to ascertain tbe extent of the loss ol property. At least thirty houses were swept away , demolished 01 otherwise totally destroyed. All that portfcm 'of town devoted to dance houses aada other ( places of public entertainment IB gone. The office of the IfcJlyf'Capel was entirely swept IWW3 The flood lasted bul half an boor but did its vork well In that time. It has , at this'hour , totally sub sided. Had it occasioned. In the night , instead of ihe day "time , the dead must havcbetn'numbered bj the hundred. The scene is now one'of desolation , despair and bittei mourning. Many persons hav < lost their whole property Amonj the buildings destroyed Is iho-Eure ka 'Hall , one of tha largest theatn 'halls in the state. Tbe weather is still threatening but careful watch will be kept U ] through the night , lest the occur rgnce | s repeated. TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Specially Reported for the Omat Dally Bee , br tli * Atlantic and Pac ! o TelemPh Oo. HEW The ( Beechar-jilton Investigat- 1 Ing Committee still in ses sion. ' t Very important testimony given favoring Beecher. Woodhuli will not converse on the Beecher-Tilton Scandal. NEW YOKK , July 25. Victoria Woodhuli arrived from Chicago yesterday. The Daily News this afternoon says that Woodhuli would not converse on the Beecber-Tilton affair. She de clared that the reports published in the western papers , giving conver sations with her on the' scandal , were untrue and fabricated. She said , however , that she believed Tilton's charges against Beecher and Mrs. Tilton. She further de clared that the committee was com posed of Beecher's iriends , and that some of them knew that Tilton's charges were true. She isconvinced that Moulton's will testimony sus tain Tilton's allegations. She has certain facts connected with the scandal which she does not care to disclose just at present , but she will sum up the case after the investiga tion closes. SAN FRANCISCO , July 25. Chqllar , 55 ; Consolidated Vir ginia , 82 ; Crq\vn Pon'i } , QS } ; pver- man , 32 ; Legregated Belcher , 82J ; Gould & Curry , 21 } ; California , 38 } ; Hale Norcross , 50 ; Savage , 79J ! Belcher , 64J. Win. B. Bourne , a prominent stock broker and capitalist , shot bjmsejf this afjqrnopn at ' his resi- in this city. It is'beJiev'ert tha.t he was insane. A Chinaman , name not known , was shot and killed by one of his eouul"vmcu to-night. Four or five shots-were fir"e , Ollc taking effect iirough the heart. The man Tan the distance of a block and then fell dead. Several parties have been arrested onsuspicion of having com mitted the deed. BROOKLYN , July 25. It is ajjnost impossible to obtain the procpedings of the poinniittee in the great scandarcase" , put it is stated that during Tilton's exami nation Thursday night , he intro duced the orignal copies of his wife's letters , mentioned in his first sworn statement , which were addressed to him. Other original letters of Mr. Beecher , of which mention has jcon maeje , arp in the posscsion of Moujton , and will be produced when ae goes before the committee. Gen eral Tracy did not ask TiUon any questions last evening , but employed : he time in examining letters that Tilton produced. It is said that the committee also discussed the propriety of holding open meetings during the rest of the investigation , but decided to con tinue as they commenced , ank when a verdict Is rendered , to sub- ioin copies of the statements sub mitted by all the parties , and the stenographers' reports of the cross- examination. Tilton remaineji but a short time with the committee , and the session was the most unim portant one yet held. It Is stated that either Mrs. Tilton or Beecher will "be examined before the com mittee this afternoon. BROOKLYN , July 23. It is understood that Moulton , the alleged mutual frlgnd pf Tl ) n and Beecher , is now preparing a formal statement , and expects to appear before the committee to- nlghtv Ip J3 sijt ( } the statement is made atter tbp faahlqn.of Tjltqn/a original stafeinept , but wJUriflt conr tain any letters , as all ho received haa already been laid before the committee and published. Where- over mention has been made of the receipt of letters by Moulton in Til- ton's sworn statement , such men tion wH | ba Qwprn. to by Moultou without rpprojluction of the letters. HJs statpnient wil ) " not goldtolhe | cirounjstanpps a.ttp"nfjing the repej'pt of these Jptters , buj ; al | fb § other points will be developed in tbp ex amination before tbo committee , Moulton only vo.unteerlng to en dorse Tilton's statement on oath where his name is called in question. He wll | not appear as an accuser of Beeoher"fiuf wiilsfmpjv answer all questions put to him by t' tee. BROOKLYN , July 25. The investigating committee met last evening at the residence of Mr , Stony. It was expected that either MoultonButler or Mrs. Tilton would have appeared to testify , but neither of them came forward. Instead of these however , two witnesses were examjnei3 who were not expected to give evidence 'Rt this stage of the proceedings. First of these Wft Mr. Oliver Johnson , at one time an editor of the Jndependent. He gave it is said very important testimony jn Mr. Beecher's favor , but the nat ure of it3 \ npt known : the next witness was Mrs , Tilton's mother , and her testimony it Is alleged was even more Important than that given by Mrs. Johnson. The'committee refused to give the slightest information respecting the nature of the testimony. Mr. Til- Jon "was not present , nor did any any fmp appear in his behalf. Neither W , ' Beephpp nor Mrs. Til- ton were called before tfye pommltr tee. tee.A stenographer bos written out his notes of SJr , Tilton's evidence. General Tracy informed ft reporter that Mrs.Tilton was examined be fore a committee this evening , to. gether with a Mrs , Logan and a Mr. Forbes. Owing to the reticence of tbe com mittee it Is difficult to write accu- "rately concerning their proceedings. Outside of the members of that body , those interested in the case give dif ferent versions of what transpired in the evidence. Only one lady ap peared before the committee yester day evening , but it is not known whether it was Mrs. Tilton , Mrs. Tilton's mother , or Mrs. Logan , The committee adjourned till Mon day. day.Mr. Mr. Beecher starts to-morrow foi his farm at Peekskill. His testi mony , Gen-Tracy says , will not b < given until Mr. Moulton has beet before tbe committee ' and has giver his testimony. 'It is not probablt Mr , Beecher will be - , NEW YORK , July 25. Mollle Colbrook , the alleged pane ) thief bond robber , was surrendered to the Chicago police to-day on a requisition from the governor ol Illinois. BROOKLYN , Jufy25. A fire at 3:30 : p m at 134 first street damaged tbe building owned by Mr Ackerly , $3,000 ; Prindle & B-ayer. machinist' tools , damaged $3,000 ; Belcher , machinist , $2,500 ; Insurance unknown. SAN FRANCISCO , July 25. Terrible stones have prevailed In Nevada for the past two or three days , doing an immense amount of damage. A cloud burst near Toa- no yesterday , damaging the Central Pacific Railroad track considerably I It is reported that twenty-six lives were lost. NEW HAVEN , July 25. A fire destroyed the stables of Case & Ailing , coal dealers , here last night. There were seven horses in the stables , only one of which was saved. Loss , $5,000. Tbe fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. NEW YORK , July 25. Adolph Beal , cashier of Hynes Bros , , clothiers , of 42 * } Broadway , has been arrested , charged with purloining goods of his employers. The firm estimate- their losses be tween $10,000 and $15,000. BERLIN , July 25. It is reported that the German government is making strenuous ef forts to have the supplies of ammu nition , weapons and money , to tbe Carlists , stopped , and has called the attention of the Versailles govern ment to the subject. NEW YORK , July 25. f Inquiries among leading bankers concerning the tew loan , show that Rothschild , Belmont & Seligman ha ve bid 'fqr. fifty millions , but de tails concerning the time and privi leges for calling the remainder , has not been agreed upon , and negotia tions are now pending , but it will not be settled before Monday , as the Rothsehilds house transact n.o Busi ness 'on ' Ba'turdays. fpip [ Bids' at and above'par , already accepted , aggre gate ten millions " 'and a quarter. ' Secretary "Wrist'qv ? wa hi Wai } street to-tlay , endeavoring w expe dite negotiations , NKW YORK , July 25 , Ai the Sffalon of the Plymouth Church investigating" committee , last evening , Oliver Johnson testi fied in relation to the interview be tween himself and Mr. Til ton , in De cember , 1S70. In this interview Tilton related and Johnson says he harfl } t for the first tijne pom- plaints about Beecher's ' pondugt to ward him. " Tiltbii spoke of Beecher having aUeniated the' love'of his family from 'him , and otherwise having injured him in his business , but there was no allusion at that time pto _ any such charges as that of adultery ; hence in his letter of 1873 Johnson diq" npJ rpfer t ° env charge adultery , The next session 'of th.0 Jnvestjgti- ting committee wjll be held on Monday night , There was a good attendance at the usual Plymouth church weekly prayer meeting last night , but several ot the best known members of the church were absen.t The Rev'Halliday , assistant pas- or , closed the services by giving out the hymn amid scenes of con- uslon. After the benediction had > een pronounced , anc tbe members gathered in groups , MrHalliday re marked w thirt ni | msw ! j Hff , ypu are -anxious to'pftr bqw ! Brother Beecber Is to-night , I left him only an hour and a half ago , and be is n admirable spirits , and I believe weighs more than bo baa for a year. Mr. Halllday said that lie had tried o get Beecher to attend tbe ineet- ng , but he believed the pastor was oo busy and hurried , Being asked f Beecher was still preparing his statements , Mr. Halliday replied : 'feoaajbly ; idonftknoHr t already pi-epared. Chicago Prouuce Market. Pwcuna , July 85 , Flour Dull and unchanged for all but Minnesota. Wheat Steady ; cash 1 08@1 08J ; September 1 04. Corn Steady ; cash , 62J ; August , 51 i ; September , 60 } . Oats Steady , weak ; cash 50 ; lyf 47tj August , 36J ; September , rJey The market is dull. No quotations. Fork Unsettled } August , 2225 ; September , 23 00. Lard Quiet but firm at 11 75a 1180. Butter Quiet at 25o28.- Eggs Sales at 13al4. Whlshy Strong at 95 $ . BYftOX BKKB. LMWIS f , KXXO BYRON REED & GO , TOO Oldest EiUbUihed Real Estate Agency IN a SRASKA. Seep a templet * Abstract of Title to all Real but * in Omiht and Doozlai count r. 100,000 ACHE SI MOB FAHMWe W3P II PEBBA9K1I ! 500 Han scorn Pin co lotg ! ASH LOTS in the cltr o ( Omaha , HOUSES and on food terms. BOGGS & II1LI. Beal estate orer Mackej's store , on Dodge it. opposite new postofficeap30m2 Hfl , D. A. MQITETf , Fashionable Dressmaking , 564 Fourteenth .St. , JeSO Sm OMAHA , SEB. EDWABD KUEHL. MAGHTK& OFTHE DEPARTED. r o- Will by tbe aid of guardian spirit * , obtain for aqy one < t Tiew ol toe past , present and fa- tore. No ten charjed la cases of sickness , spUH J. O. Dealer la Staple and Fancy Groceries. Highest price paid for Country Produce. Brick Eton , B. E. Cor. 16A & Otlcago Et& , ] eS6U OMAHA , NEB. QTTAILEY'S a F. Soap Tactory ] Situated on the llne'ol tbe Union Pacifii Ballroad , near the powder bouse , Slanufao tares fint-diss soap for borne consumption. lunea-lT S5 tO $20 ed. All claates of work Ing people of either sex , young or old , : naki more money at work for us In their spare mo oents or all tb * tire * than' at anything else Additaa 8T1NSON ft Co. , PortUnd , Maine- CABLEGRAMS French Budget of News. M. Disraeli announces tha Parliament will bo Prorog ued on the 8th of August. Captain General Concha issues a Decree on the Finance Question. ROME , July 25. The announcement that Father Howard would succeed Father De- Morode , as the Pope's private Chap lain , was Incorrect. Father Sum- meniatilli , until now one of the pri vate chamberlains of his holiness , has been appointed to the vacancy occassioned by the death of Father DeMerode. HAVANA , July 25. The Captain General has issued th.e following decree hi order to pro mote the circulation of the treasury bills five millions dollars in amount , the issue of which was au thorized by the decree of Juno 8 , 1874 , and in view of the indications given by banks and the principal capitalists of Havana , a decree that from date of publication hereof cor porations and local administrations of customs may receive in payment of taxes of duty feaid treasury bills of the issue of June 8 , in all cases ; and any amount the same as band bills , of the Spanish bank of Hava na. [ Signed ] CONCHA. Six persons who were wounded by the holler explosion on the Spanish steamship Minerva have died This makes seven deaths by the disaster. PARIS , Juy | 93. In the Assembly M. Eathu pre sented the report of the committee of thirty on { he general electoral bill. The Marquis of castlino moved that the consideration of tha eonslitu- tqn.a { } bjjl bp postpone until after recess M. Malatere , Bonapartist and extensive industrial proprietor , moved that the Assembly after voting ing on the budget , be prorogued un til January 5th , 1875. M. Clmbaud , lately minister of the Interior , paid that the government was still desi rous of having a vote on the con stitutional bills , but would never submit to the decision of the Assem bly.if. if. ppCastalljan's ' motion was carriedj nnil tutof jMalatre was declared urgent by a vote of 395 yeas to 308 nays. The House then appointed Tues day next for debate on the latter motion , and proceeded to the con sideration of the budget. The general impression is that none of the CoustUutjon is able to ooramanf } a niajorlty Jn tb.o assem bly arid render dissolution inevita ble. Jt therefore voted for post ponement. President Mediation has congrat ulated Due De Broglie on his speech of yesterday. LONDON , July 25. In the' House of Commons last evening Mr. D'Iserali announced that the land , transfer , judicature and disavowed school \\\\a \ \ \ w-ouhl withdrawn , and JVirJiameiYl be p'ro- rogued'bn'the 8th of August. In the House of Iiords Lord Ru - sell Qskod whether the government had made any remonstrance td France against the connivance of her authorities In violation of the Spanish frontier by the Carlists. He especially ferred to rumors that the Frerich'goYeniment had inter fered wlth'Spaln In a manner con trary to friendly relations and the law of nations. That the ( 'artists who flspapefl | nto Jfranpe instead of being returned baft "been 'furnished passports and permitted to cross and recross the frontier. He argued that in an ordinary GQurt there should bo no unnecessa ry delay In the formal recognition of the Spanish government by that of Great Britain. The Earl of Derby , Secretary of Foreign Affairs , said Spain had not asked England to in- erfere with the Spanish govern ment , and to do so now would be ) remature. When the proper time irrived he hoped that such recogni- J9 W > H& J10 & Ipcttyu not of Europe , Jt Js reported from Spain hat "General Morjones has won a jreat victory In Navarla , taking ; , BOO Carlists prisoners. O , 171 C'or. l-arnham and Eleventn S ( . All kinds of TAILORING , Cleaning and rc- > airinz done at reaconable r ( . A fine lot of rOBNIsniNQ GOODS cOUstanUy "on band and sold cheap. ' < lec2CU STODJUARD & Market Gardners ! KINDS OF VEGETABLES AND ALL , for sale. Orders addressed to us at our garden j , Cor. 21st and Fanl Streets/ will receire prompt attention. ap5J3m Fruit an.i . Confectionary Cor. 13th and LeaTcnirorth Ste. , | yU3m AT THE BRIDGE D. 7 O -JtiS'yACTOBES _ OV AKD DSAI.EK IS- Lambrcq.ning and TY-ndoir Shades , CHBOMOS , EN GRATINGS PICT USE FRAMES. 170 Farnham street , cotoer Filteenlb TEEITSCHKE & CO. , GROCERS And General Protislon Dealers , B. Cor. Jaciuim and 13tli Bts- , Keep a superior stock of Groceries , Provisions Wines , Liquors and Cigars , and sell cheaper than any other bouse in Omaha. Jy3 3m P , FALLON , DEALEE IN Dress Goods , Silks and Trimmlnga No. 263 Dodge * ' -eot , between nth and J3lh Dressmaking done with neat- nese and dispatch. Orders sdlicited. F. A. PETJSKS. Saddle and Harness Maker ASH CABRU65 TRDfflEB , Ho. 274 F rubams'.b l.l3th < fclGth A LL orders and repairing promptly attendet A to snd satisfaction guarranued. SrC M. HELLMAH 1 CLO TH s AHDIDEALEKS IS- GOODS , 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET , GOB. 13TH ST. OUR STOCK FOR THE ' .A-IfTID STT IMIIEIR , Is Complete now ; Our Assortment in Clothing a Gents' FurnigMng Goods Comprises the Latest IToveliies. * THE LATEST ST'ZLES ZXT SATS A2 ? > CAPS. We Haye also a Full Line in BOY'S and a YOUTH'S Clothing WE WILL SELL OURG-OODS LOWER THAN EVER. ' M. HELLMAN & CO. r STOOIK : , 1873. R. A. BROWN , 248 treet , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS , CARPETS , > AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Jns.t Opened to be sold lower than any. other house in the city , consisting of MERINOS , EMPRESS CLOTHE , RSPELLAffi , ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , also YELYET& BEATER CLOAKESGS. A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS , MERINO I/.NDERWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE LINEN IN GREAT VAKIETT. A PULL LINE OP ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTING RUSS , AND MATS , TIKIS Furniture , bedding , Minon and everything pertainine : to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTER Y trade ; has largely increased his stock , and now has a complete assc. tment pi FINE , MEDIUM and LOW § il ? " seeds , which he is offering at such REDUCED r ± uoji.b as to make It to the interest ox everyone desiring anything m thig e , t © examine his stock before pnrchas- PABLOJEISL'TS ' , LOUNGES &o , . UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. Stroot. HATING BOUGHT THE BANKRUPT STOCH Of the Popular Dxy Goods Store , 22 S Farnham Street , Lcrcby wish to Inform the public of Omiha nd Ticlnlly that I shall continue tha builceu nd oUer at all times GREAT INDUCEMENTS In all kinds of STAPLE AXD FANCY DRY GOODS ! I have adopted tha Strictly Cash and One Price Principle , which I hope will meet with the pprcYnl of the public as mr prices shall be always THE VERY LOWEST. A liberal patronage solicited. BeapccUully , JOHN H , F. LEHMANN , 228 Farnliam Street , Omaha , Neb. , Jtjly 21st , 18J1. y231o FRANK J. J.TAILOR . AS1 DEALEP. IX - GENTLEMEN'S ' FURNISHING JGOODS , if all > 5sortmenlof Imported Woolens. All Work Warranted , 2b2 arnmh mSt , - - Omalia , ITob B. & J WILBUR , Books and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Tourtoantb Street , - , ITeb GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS arS-lmy . JBTTIR/IR , , I I ! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OOP. 13th and Harnoy Streets , Spring and Summer Styles , A. POLACK , CLO T HIE 238 TiLrntLam St. 2Tear Fine-and Medium. Clotliing , and Furnishing Goods. TIHIE