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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1874)
THE OMASABEE TO COUK.ESPOSDENTS. WK o XOT deslro any contributions winterer Q aU&uyTor poetical tharscter ; andre preserreorto return supply onr limited s = pWln th * direction. ftxix. NA OF WJjiTKB , to IaU mn > t ln ccb ndeTeryait'iwo ? 1111 any communica tion of wh t nature soerer. Thl is not In tended tor publication. but for eur own satis faction and u proof of good filth. bw5risig"'Fi3KHs we wffl. lw T t * ajok to hear ' .from , on ill matters connected with crop * , country * politics , aid on any ub- ject whateTer of general Interest to the people ple of oar 8tat . Any Information connect ed with & Ijjjcuon. aid relating to floods , aodJent etS wffl tieTfladly recelred.All' inch oonununlMtlons , Uowerer , must be brief si ponible ; and tiey must. In 11 cases , be wrltUn upc one side of the theat only. . _ , tandldgto lor. office * jieUier2inade bj , self or frlendi. and whether u not Has or con.iinnicatlons to the Editor , are ( until nominations are made ) Imply personal , and will be charged as ad- B. BOSEWATZB , Editor and Publisher , Draw- 271' ' KOTXOK. . a--4 Vter Octobesy vealy .ftnt , 1872 , lh y fi on oitheJD < Mi.Tr BEJE U ammed y MrSsawta DaricHo whose.order all astt- criptlons not paid at the office will be payable. ted by whom all receipts for subscriptions ! BEECHEB is accused -of another high crime. He was among the first publUEeraprfha't "bribed"'subs Bcribers wilffa chromo. " tains-an elaborate-editorial in favor of lightning rods , "Vy © are in clined to suspect that the'liehtnjng rod agent hos Jtaken possession of &Hn whJlo the editor was at- * 8 Korea * raoo 'at Long Branch. re- rea rockHrooled''can- ycns of the Sierras. It came cot as the consequences of carelessness , but as one of those Providential visitations , against which no'nmount f human , /orflthought or wisdom in'the'Pattee ' corruption fund , simplybecause ( Pattee andlv Strick land * polsliivelydenied that they ad subsidized him. Now did any ody-iexpect' that either Pattee or Strickland would confess tba'fr they 4i i ; - bad-committed a criminal 'offense bribing a UcUed States officer. ( Sent of the.grasshqpperin- , J.vaslpnjnax. be best judged Jrom the. . - 'grassHopperextracts -published in another column. _ WhJle , the loss and actual destitution , entailed 'by -the unwelcome voracious visitors will doubtless be 'qulfe .severe in some localities ! we apprehend that actual -sustained will q-the damagesustained " " -Mall beiowkhe first panic estimates. won h - . ? r v applied for S225- _ loftal national currency un- : , . . . . - . Jew-currency act. ' - Of this cfja 61inLrSSO,000 : ias. already been granted , and § 135,000 has been re- owing to informality In the jatlonsT It is" expected that these informalities wall soon be rec tified anoTtheri-'the currency will be iBgucd/byHh'e'-Unltcd / States treasury " ' " - deparimehtr disdain- of the opportunity to be present at the ex amination now in progress before Judge Bartlett , His1 refusal to rec ognize * fife proceeding" § regular t 110. .way. diminish tf force of tthcdepostions ! tbat are ilng lakin'ther nder oath' . It is theonly way in which the charges preferred agaiRSt'blnfcatf'beproper- " " Jysubstantiafedr" " . . , .distinBuish.ed ionariesln the Co-op cause have Sfpe where they instituteda counoii of this * It would hardly be necessary in ba , tp Btate ho.W'Luthej Poland an iHI ) : P raU "have gained dis tinction among-us. _ _ _ For the information mation of tha5ijiize5is. : oL-Beatrice , r e mention " the fact giaiitbeyl iSldMhiKh ' rank in the Or to the Iincgjn Jour ; norUie meetIng of the Nebraska = lhdepeHa1IHls"on 11l5" ' 21st"roved "s fizzle , 1 ecausc ( tbeBEE and other ' - aHBo'uriced ttKat" th& t 3 * Itake place on July factlt vas called for the 28th.Inasmuch as the BEE had efSriyedits information from.Uiq theSf mahA county papers , wfiere the new parture originated , ; this re- iletely hoodwinked In and other op- were at the Tuesday. fflMMlpoUtical sons of toil * ' - - - - " -iell the trtith , they .owled . ed thai the B H-fizzle , because the * sand Grangers had isition to talrc soratnblc for office. heNcmaba Grang- meeting adjourned b , hen it is hoped respectable attendance secure . Meantime the . i liite-giorious cause are to heWiJ ecr i"enfcrcnce with the jJAf flf tke Ko-op ? Klan and the % w , . - * - . . wlth a YJ.ew Q { % so forces upon one platform and ) ne ticket The only serious obstacle in the way of this brilliant schemers the lament able insuflieSacyJlft the number : of payjng offices to be distributed . , anxious to Sacrifice tljcmselves upon * * * ' the altar of their country in defense of the industrial classed * i 1 V * " v * THE leading' organ of IJebraska Bourbonism is again doomed-fto disappointment The industry iand zeal which if bEg-of'late displayed in attempting to firejhe Germanic heart Into revolt against "the Re publican party is likely to come to naught Thftchietstaple. tion that was to drive German-Re publicans'into theTJemocratic ran su was furnished 'by-the-utterances 6f * the Pawnee Republican. That pa per was quoted as an. oracle that foreshadowed the temperance cru sade that -was to be/ imaged by the Republican party "m the coming campaign. * The Herald\ery ingeniously as sumed that the- Pawnee county paper was in favor of prohibitory State Legislation , which , if enacted would deprive Jhe German of his .indlspensiblej fievera F. Ajid now' ' the Pawnee Republican explains its position by pronouncing against local and State legislation and hi favorof Demanding the liquor traffic questionto congress. The following extracts fully explain how our Pavj- ; neo coniemporaryprbposes to deal " " " " * ' 4 with this issue. "We believe'this matter belongs to Congress , and Congress most cer tainly bar the- right , and power to prohibit the-Tna'nufaclure of liquor ; if it is an evil ha the land. It if uv national evil. Then why has Con gress not just the same right to leg- Jslate.this evil out of the country as it had teflegislale slavery ? * ' - - * * * * What are our present 'laws worth so far as the penalty goes for viola-j ting them by the whisky drinker and seller ? scarcely -much as. the paper upon-which4hey are.ptitt- ted : ' - > JLC t t t f . THE'editor of the ( Lincoln ) Jowfc nal knows \ thatf jwherf X hkl ey. shops -prohibited tBat'in those localities tUerei3Tas much whisky sold and 'drank on prescHptlons , " as if saloons wjre in ull blast We must , get to tke.roof ofthe"eviL Jfo ) absolute curewas yerefiectedjwjth-j out-first striki8 at < tbiHroot ItJ/ so with the whisky question. We favor the enactment qf $ Jaw , by congress , to prohlblt-the maaa ? : facture of Bpirituousjliquors savgfer medicinal purposeiV3 aifd' for Ifiif alone , and aheavy fine for its adul ' * teration. > - ' ! [ j 7 State laws , asf6 65d/rbefore } , re main as a dead : let er.on. books. " ji 'y ' . " . tJ : ' i. < 9 5 * ALTHOuair James 'M . " .Pattee-was1 never commissioned as.deputyfposU. i - - . . - ! i .f ; ' , ; ! , * > CTf f i master of Omaha ; the evidence pro-1 duccd by the postal /investiga.on > shows thaf the dispense ? * of ndble charities was' - practicallyacting5 in tliftt "capacity during Jinajny/ months. Not onfy ffi he exercise ' ' : the privilege of staraprag'and'-tjifaT to. the. ppstmaster"gf'Omfthar His replies to these communications were commeno'ably brief .arid . to .the ] * " point tFor instance : if ariy"ver- dant farmer VRjr own * in Texaa rej quested the postmaster of O.mihi * state whether Pattee'a Orphan Asy * lum Lottery was.ireUlble , turned over , tlle > Postmaster Pattee } and that func ; ' , , - Z-r " - ' * -v > v-t > 5 tionary rophed 0 , K. TUB address of the .Congressional Republican executive committee contain ? among other , facts some demonstrate that tKf'Srdinary'ye'x- " penditures of "the Goverrintenl ex eluding the interest on the national debt and-expenses-incidentaLto-the. rebellion have been reduced to a less amount than during the last year of Democratic rulesunder. a very striking" evidence of the economical management of our na tional-affairs. - , i. , /c , .lusuranct Beform. . , Q Reform Ininsurance5fenow1 the watchword of property owners gin1 Chicngo ami the Chicago Tribune presents a very plausible argument continuing the present method of insurance.mj'mp * ' - - - - insurance. "Every insurance agency , sp far as we k hpwyls E3cCby * a percentage ' " on Its 'business. "Hence , the more \ usjrjess the'more/profit . ? rlnVaddi-J * - 'I l * * - * * * MM. * * " * * * * U * * * * * - / tion to that , a whole army of brokers and solicitors are paid in tbe same way by theofficesorrwhich they ' solicitor by those "t'cpWlionr hey sell whatever policleg.they'are'able ' , torcontrol.The , old and salutary rule-not fto-take insurance property above two-lbirdsof its value haslong since been bbselbtejaiidj1in c the ' ' ' phrase othei'ansa'riab * J eAfctted , and tho-system of percentage above described fl'property wner cari < get" ibout all Uie insurauce laiplehses. By iheLp.erasteinLbdrhJgofJinsur- ( aucc agents and brokers w which x > rtion of property-Jn jrotahly-Insured/fft ro ilaasfor ( < a 'bultojn 'ouhdatlonrarid nn't ast nail he.wUl " be constantly pes- ered by "ihwrraaceTbroksft and agents. kll'CJL ' J 2U /The trndency f insuring to the full amount of tbe vajd > pf pfiperg dsibad , cven upon oiR iciosgbouc and. careful business m > n. * An neighbors all around him are fully Insured , and hence does not exercise ordinary vlgllence inr-'guarding his property. Hence , * -Iufers that ordinary care on his perfcean only , or mainl3- , protect hitk fpom fire on his own premise ? . Hence he argues to himself tbat , on/-- " * * * ' care will cost hira fully insured. He e slirancc , and soundly , lee companies to ihav sustain ; Buf while _ "other insurance- . keeping fully insufed [ clous influence oB'th t ofjmen , among the dishonest rf& the vicious they furnish the ffireq pipnptinss to incendiarism. , Anafentfor in stance , calls on an MhaW. and , with a little palaver , tcidfcS | him to take out a policy forJJIJWO , when he ( the agent ) kB 0vs , should have known , thatt&prowty is not worth-SOO. SuriJ he Mb to bun- ' self , I would rather bavelhe com missions on tUe.largef would my prefers-theJarger sum , for he knows before itheJ oUey expires , if his neighbors do riot conveniently fur nish , a fire to-burn hlaLJip-Jie can set oneliimseI L JKnoCJbe resent plan of fully Insuring or over insurIng - " i Ing property , therefore , a direct pre mium for incendiarism ? 8TATEVJOTTnrGS. * York is a promising fown Seward will soon have a brass - - - band. Wahoo is stlU on the high road of progress. " Hastings expects eVatorthisseason' . . . _ * r < - - ag ricultural fair this fall. , Tecumseh expects to establish an agricultural implement factory. The Ashland flax mill is pre- _ faaulng mill factory. J Corner lots have riz in Bloom- uagton. Nemaha county will build a $500 poor house. \ " l 5DS5t &i&Q& rage- in the neighborhood of .North Plattej Fremont is building another elevator. St. Paul wants a hardware store. . Wilber is constructing a 16,000 bushel grain elevator. * , Bell Creek exports one car loa'd of brick per day to Fremont . K --L * * * \ j ; ThQlSlncoln Lincoln proposes to organize a $75,000 hotel stock company. Plattsmouth is trying to estabp lish a church and parlor organ lac- torv f ? * * * ir' ' i. i wli * o rrr' fjoi ; s > 5 s Sewar oTOtyiias bver eD,000 backpaydueher In taxes from the 7B73TM. raUroad company. " i -tClarksville is in a flourishing condition in spite of the grasshopperf j " * ' eomineucetlve"6pera'lionsm weeks. Helena has a sprightly er OieTCedarwc"ounty "Ad ? .vacate. Helens willsfebllsh a. steam ferry across the Missouri by September Jst. pasj r\ F -ljpliamah wants the Omaha & iNerfnwestern RaUroad to move for ward and extend. and .being agitatea -itfSaunders * codnty. AG -Beatrice , h'as a second ' p per , thej ] ? , Gage ' county Emory Higleyi editor and publisher. The saw mill at Arapahoe , Fur- " n al cQon 'vss accltjeQtally de stroyed by fire last week. it S Qalf tmanjwaa pulled'out of the Missouri river at Brownvllle hut -eek" > but he was not identified. iy = iThenew.flouring mili at Wilr her , SalineCo" , 'will be in operation - Bed. Cloud. , Webster county , Jitijgs betKeenl'lOtfgnajfiOO in- . " * " " " HabitaqS. rep resented as a first-class substitute forfuelrj- ( " Theljfrennonites that arrived in thiaState , last week are said to have bfofigKPftwut $300,000 in money' An.ejftensjyp bed of mineral caygr.pbtImetaIpwMeh ! l e'ipfec'tecl tbimake fiij.\ai.a first - . - ? , . clasa ; Jrr' < stonewareT V. _ jJ j L has " > c6imty&fuse toap rdpriateQCO ! for of the proposettCSioux- neySbad JA - emptying into the Republican ; riven uine saw > rnills < > invoperatlpia7 two cfiburinejnillsin.runiUng:6rder ; : and nine in contemplation. r-A party of Ottumwa capitalists have puruhttsed A PPfltjon pf laud near Wood river , on which they - - - - proposo-40-ereet-a-substantial grist mill. , ? Sp , d OTt ir to now completed. ! A tw.eJYVAQrse ; power engine supplies its motive power , and a separator that will clean fropa 5QOjtoJ50ibbusheiso(3jain per hour ' is being placed in ihe cupola. G ± ihe SoutEOork" ! of ffielSPlatte river is nearly dry , where the two forks1 of 'thatti stream % bme together , Ht Norih , Platte. , The water has notibeea .known 'to be so low forever over sjx years , * - - ' i > < " : 5rr-JS ep.Ial terra'of bB [ | > is'trict Court for the trial of Qebrge Waldo < and Mrs : Celestia Bandall , for the raarde oftQeorgB Jlandallwlll qom- ' mence in Pawnee City on the llth1 o fj ugask Sheriff T 'yl < w .has been cogimgided taiave thirtvro wit nesses presentTrom Johnson county , justtobegin'thetrml. Between .RedrClpudWe bster : lUn'ty'ahd * ' - Arapaftoe'Furnas / ' there are , by actual count , seven hundred . .tiouspsTb s fngludea the dvelUrigstn ( the diflbrenttowns in the counties of Franklin " 'Harlan taken on which the dwellings are not-visible , is eighteen hundred : . La Platt Sarpy countyj eight weeks old by fts parents on thel ! tirins& ! rhe deed was com mitted. Jnl7 the presence , of several' persons ; ahd'as'lue'cfiiia'wasofiille. gitimate origin , the verdict of the ly as follows-tells the story : } The Juy.flnd I tbaFtbe QhUd , ipiS * to "its Dwho , dro inftd RingolSk'tbe mother were togotberimrly all tbe fore noon , and RtngaaUiougb he denied en his oath t atV 'as the fither of tbe child , gdmiif&i tbat he fur nished the njgiher money before the child was/ljfcr to leave the country , be s eJSI threatened to1 sheriff Jkr etwbb | rG orgianna - - - " i S JHngo. * t # i * * 3&- : - . . . . . > > v.t , .to offlciil instructions un- J ' - ' lNtt n. . . UMgw 'at that _ _ _ _ ' ' . . lti6'Jo r - - - pay money " ' ney onto * toitbe"smiBe'narties. , That . ' superior . - - - - t. tBEiajfevv - hereUA M . closedout- and tl K H < / lately hav ng ltj'M > PTte * for tc S & Hg Speculators tI In tickets oanpBMr congrablate I themselves en UlM ract that' tliey I need Buflbcaq ftwtlM anxiety'in ' re tI lation to tb oi ial drawfag. " People who desk temake ; perman I ent inve tnwat .c * * ' be accom'mo- latcd neawrOBM than Corinne',1 * } y ta j aSBkreeljEilfcat other bograf " * - - ' " * * - - Qraer of Enoch : ' 24. Torinne evidently did not jknow low to appease the wrath of post nastera. If he had served an ap- * he would" ave fnvesteSTiri a' set if silver-plate and his lottery would tillbeinfuUblwt , * GRASSHOPPER POINTS. . JtfyrjadsQL .gjasshopperiL. have , been visible flying in the air in this propinquinty for the past few days. FHebron ( Thayer Co. ) Journal. . . _ ; i - < IM.M.J - w * gfr ig-v TjriT - - ± ' J3'"r' * J t Theysettled abournoon , by darn , hundreds df acres of com had been ; ' " destroyed. ; , , ' ' ThfegrassTioppe.rshavegIyen ! us a call andflonea ; i ; damage- , to the' ifrh crop .In some jlocalltles. .Around "Wood .Riverj station they . 'haverihjured.the crop Tmt little. [ G , i'aXd , Island -Independent ail/The grasshoppers during the last Hhree-daysbf theipyislt , took 'fanj by to' nibbUng'thewleavesv' ' pfln the , youhg ottbnwood trees about town , 'arid--also1 'hi' * the' * * country. Some groves look as frbsfc-had 'nipped the , leav < Js.-H8cnuyler ; Register . IpUUlCljlclUlv iiiUAMv * iJtv7 ( f i "J , fplaceatb'ey hjve me , oqwn , and i&YQ rloiOfiT CODSld6r > i Dlt ) , r jQ3plflQ the "com noyisiflQr&plQ Jc& y tire nterfalnedtha ; | eri6us { Injury1 will' ' 3be.dojjfi { tbeyvfjo. : not Jeaye.Boon. * - to be doey butaos sere K > ny | at , , tacked' on1 'ttie outsklrts "a'nd , > the. idamage ; is - the'sduthernjportionibf the ; . . . , J3 llJttjr. DJ V * * * j JV. ! * * - wrf Ibeei remarkably' liibkiyt in escaping with1'as1liWle' damage1 aflhaS'beenj 'done 'Ward fe ortei"j ' ' * { . iThe chief.topicicf ; ) nyersfttion' in this county to-dayyiaigr sshoppers1 : rlLris-discussed-.on'thb.BtreetiCorners , ! in < oiir parlors < atiith6ijnealntlmg. < > imdj-when'iwe ' are retkedstoj.bed at' 'hightpitas the , all absorbing othe ne every where ; Fat all j times ; , oud1 on , rtempt todlfffuise'tliafactjtbat he grasshoppers > are ihere and : thatdhey | are > dhiug serious 'injury-do icrpp through , , out iheicountry rtr Lpiie. Tree Courier , : oil ! > % i - -l itil [ , IO 'stripped the coro'MDai ncountyi. . 'There vm.not e'ehbu'gU'rafteaifor ' * A 'J - ' " " * * - " ' l u'i * " . 11113' Xf UI OOf WU VA AAC. v < * * * * y ' part oC-the.couutr3LaseX5ond 'visit , and so far as weican Jearn have de.f . f strbyed everything ) in the..5hape of- den truck ; .even .the fwitl trses and young cottonwoodgro\r ! .onimany farms are killed. , rona , tbe be3tin- | .fdrmation we c'an.getthere.will not bel more than tM-Qior.three.bvmdred . bushels 'iof rcorn Jbttvested'iiOi fbe iconntyj ipHt,6f some ! flfteen : thousand lacres plantedlastspring-r-iKp.ward' ' iDountyAdvocate , . 'oeiiq Jm'j. ' l rTne corni.'b anlatVdIpotafo.crops. ' 'o.f the'Pawnees are1 all' ' eat'eh1 up , leaving ttfem entirely : destitute ! of these'.articlesdn'hich they1 so mucn'depehd'tiuHrig the1 fall arid winter months. ' Withpuf additional aid from the government "dr'4ome ' . . tpJbese.half l.yiUzedjnien , women and children of the prairie. ' It will , be outpof"the power of the1 citizens living 'in'tbe immediate vicinity of the Pawnees to aid them- , by" supplying thein with either coriij beans or potatoesfor they too ; are ; alike suffering by-this Visitation of grasshoppers ; [ Columbus * Journal. Reports , reachejl , itowni Monday that the grassboppgrp were , : J5 to 20 miles , north , .of us , , and , that they were traveling .this wayfj Tuesday , afternoon the ah was full of them ) fly ing south. $ jey,1 > egah ito.decend on. the.fertile fields /f ' Clay county , thinking" thaf a ric ' ' fpastAwaitedthem ; x' Tho'taud wasy soon covered and the .corn and yeg- [ etables wlp | and snivel Jos , i grusshoppersonlyjcan./niake / , crops wilt , The .corn , ci op' nearly , all destroyed , as well , as what'grain / was standing when they made ' their - ' ' * " fttrr * Vrt * . i ° v * ' * * ' ' * * * * * that the forme'rs Ehouldreh'hqulsh the ; ' ' ' products of their 'tbit to'thesevnasty , rapacious insects , but"what' is' t6 be. most be. , jYe jbu few/ofOurfarm- : ' discouraged , as tpeir man. ] reliance , thi } wheafc crop.was sayed , * At' presentwfiOng'4hehoppers ( , are still here.-rSuf ton ( ClayiCpTimesi ) Thfes terribje destrpyersof .crops ' have , made their .appearance in' , Boqne gounty { in numbers that would taflfe'all r attempts at ration , Their visit was sudden , , an [ t ieir stay likely ito be j lengthy one. 'ifo sooner baH fipyJlanded ) on terrarjiiffla from'tie } .8Kies ) tHan" they commqpce - eVpurijjg everyv" thipg.beforeit ini , asjtere7 ; The * blades -grassl the stalks , of weeds , the golden grain ready to be harr vested , jthe corn , , arden"stu'ff,1 and , even the loftiest tree .tops . were ; entirely covered.withJit-hem . You4 could not , make your app arance 'oiit doors , wJihVut receiyin , hard 's-paWon the breast' > face.and eyes j\ " * * * * * * * * * * " " * lik I T * * * * - - - -k ] - - - - Dumped from .pi corn fields Jj p a.prgirie.firqtbrough' : dry fjrass , and left Aotbln'g but rank ) bare stalks , p show tlia but , at few hours"bVfore beautlful w'ayrn'g .corn' ' . --3 = U" T ! , t. THeyf caunpt.b much' 'fin morvA , 4 TtrriJkA 4" .oo-tf-'Jci * i * % rt 1 rH l damageto ; . , , . . , , , , . . . . cut and ; gathered ; , t ut tge proflr pects for a go68..cbrn crop'if , they' ' cdBiique SWsH wprkiof 1 , devastation ' ujyaomuuuj' . . . _ _ , . . _ ? . . * * . " . . wilCberather ! ! Bobne /t- t .tr in , [ Countyc ' ' . r , . / . . . CT * ' \u / ti'n 7 .iotjnni. ' . ' 'rj iiu n 'OJ ' flt niUsf-be Decidedly pliasant to HVe Jnnder , monarchical ' 'gbvern-J ' ments. So many opportunities offen h to be gpiferpup'.to pebpje'orie \ ojijdj ! never suspebi 6f needing asefst4nce { ' ThetBriUsh iParliaj'ncnt'jprovidlDg f r Prince Leopold-is a case'in pblnt Mr.-Dlsracllasked'thatith'e modest annual 'sum of'J$75,006/ gbld should be set asidQ'forthdTmalnfe- naitceof-this 2 > ria . ' . - < 5e.'bby.1tand the propositionJwas-secondedibyj Mr Gladstone. It was Voted' ' aU. : most r , without Oany * ! 'I dissent' ' The Premier-took' occasion ( to fhti ) > boy' ' < intelIectuaLand cientificI aidrp theJiodest allowance grantedi to himbyr.Parliament ha wiliJb& ' able-to,1tye ! espcitablerTvitJiout : any extraordinary exercise pf h'fa talents ; It IsTery generou8f'of tte1 British. Parliamerifto vq'te princely incomes to the chUdreri'oftbe " Queen , whais" nerself worth mUHop 'bni Vr'ei woni ) lier what the 'hundreds .of . thousands , of homeless and svretched' peep t who'1' le byways of English , ; clhes ihink inee , we"w6ndef wpuldlh'e ParTla-1 ' nent-grant to 'cv-prince who 3 * ta * ndenrfgbmevidrvioe3tat6i [ ; Stafe ; fit could beso , geunrous to a scKobl- ; > py ? , The great [ soldier who saved- he1 Onion and "the-liberties of hu" fr. nanity receives forf Mfa1 setvfceif 4n1 residentbf-'the ' 'tThit iStates : $ SO > n1 100 annually. ' Yettnewf ire men1 rho pretend to'saeer ' at'-TCpublican . . " , . no.flHiifnna TinXT TTJ - l-- * / * QJ he U.E. and theB. & M , Railroads JO ! rill , need some Important legisla- , Ion' this winter itt 'ofder toa-fria hemsei ves of * the - tax1 - ' charged gaingt the several counties by the We , on accouqt of the thousands of acres of railroad lands , wJbJch , under the decision of the Ignited States Court , aroYnot'liable ro 'taxa ' tion. As the .companies pay3 no tax to the countfejt ? on thVuupitcnt- ed lands , the counties should pay nonejpjthe Stnte n. accountofsaid lands. There seems to be no" 'way esc TT vpr C ! , \ill.LlGm . .a .DOtiXI The First ational Bank * .r 111 a , ini .u - > rt , OBfC Cornel of FsKimt .ki iaA' ' KtrttU. IS SBBEAflrjt < a v ( . ! i > T in/I ' .ESTABIilSHED .JIN 71858 , ) /tiod2 ( , . 4. il f. tnw i ! J y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Authoria ciCaplUlJ.l.U..U. ' ! . . . > l,0001HJl ( it ? iTlilj ih7tt .r . " ' . bid ' | T\EP IS1TS AS SMAlJf AS I JLlar sece'Teil and coinpound Interest al1 1 a JJowedbnth | < r 8Tiie.1' ' ' . l' & > P W-i-ftj .jra.f ) ! { ) IA L , : . , -c .p.yaixtageaF : ) Ji .1 1.1) I f ii v&VgW" J.A ; ji L * / / Ww J-J2jc { ( . , I ixlucda ( Aty * - fierimcateS ) oficDeposit 'fte okrpB' MMl VK ? V& i'JtKirB nltIt ? Pfltf BMIS .W IBAJrmWe fdcj ! > os- itfo payment. vi Th iwboleorany partpAsj . de- posit can > > drawn at any ! ( 'me : / txtgtsii , i ) iJ f vui m CaldWelti-Hamitqn- ! ! ? ,1 ' , t i J i > JI1' , ' { < I ' ' , . Jo i * Bnslnesaf'ti'amsacted'eame as , tbat. . of an cprpvirated.Ban.ii4 " , Odj a Ttcoounts kep'in'CnrKpcror Gold subject .to s JgKt'Jcnccli ' ; ! > rith6nt no- tlte ; * * iiiviqMi * tWX.A . , a"blc . t 'flkcd d te , . ec , anaahiT-andraf tilable Info aUfparti of ( tkejoouutrx.L . t'p 4 j , , "j. . i 4.AdTJLHCcsmade , , to : eastoraers ; on approved securities at market jratcs1. of interest , j , . rrUf. * ) - O I ) ut * ' Bu and eU.fJoId Bills' of , fex- aHd IjllW .UlfUUS. 4f ' , r rB j - 7s ; ffe give special attention'irfiiega tiatiag1 RaUroad'and' other Cotife- rate Loaas Issued within theStaUv - < Brav Sight -Drafts on England. Ireltadi8cotiaad.ana'ill art8 of .FuropwMc , iLJiMt tjtU j " ' Sslttre'T Kets ! t u . ttd : 40 fi t. ' . "t > ' ) 'J' \ lo L'44ljiei : : .OMiABA.1' ' - ' * Ii * J'l'.5 < * iljJBASKAn } ' * * ' * * ' ' ' * " ' -1 / 'f 1u'1 ' n' - , " ' , iii i , ! ! ' < ipaii ! ( : : . . _ iJ.'J..u . . . .jLj. . . . . , . $2 < io , obo' ' r. Surplus-and1 Profits . - . , . . ! . . ' --i'J , OOOi 09' TTUNANCl'ALtAGENISFOR TIIEUNrrED1 f * * * ' RT'ATPS * * t EPOSITORY [ FOB1 IFFCPRS.yri % . . , , , . . - -.fltnenfcBonds.-iVouchers , rjl'lrjI l ° ° t C ° ' ? / , " ! T r / "C0 DfST l * * * " * " * - f'f. . . - . .1 V fc And sells ! drkltJ andflnatesJtollectlonal oa'all ' , .to/ 7. g A > | g ° 'PflI.l A j | " ' ' J ' . ' ' w ° s > \ UTHE PUBLIC THAT- are now rrady to furnish1 H3T- un u < u\ > - CEME5T i of the Tery best q liall IT.- SM u f' " BEATBIC&TORAULIC CEMEHT' ' > " " U-Zit KTCmoillQ flff/ > . , I . AHAMO .H . STONE , * * 0 til i i < M > . i i'im 2Pr-.SIiW ! "W ss , ! Wa .ijwj- . , ' , 1 ibJHv/-p'flni-jva .9 Lm ,9" - ' * ! ' < T' * ' . 1 - - ; n Y OTJ * n'jsd ovt o ) ' ji * ' . * i' I . K lo1 j./r- . : . .HS 4 - TIIT AH2I and THT1TZP.S'.STOCK. L ion.ijL.i , riv.iii P - i ' 'i ; - - . ' . : . ; . - . ' . . . . Joailfa R'noJJiT nK" ; tc 3ol * . ? 'T. . . i . -/c.t .t. . , , . "f" OOEIKG'fiiid ; HEATESG STORES/ bolw iit ' 1 - u J .u ij Jijmic 1 ; . . . . ! ' , . : , neil alj /ttf _ 1o onn'ut ifit.I : f imrcj-- . ; ( COOKINfr STOVES. i--- * /jSij A ro'i n u'ityt \ A'T"t ifS'ifYTCrirx. 'cn f"i ' u'd , \ / * LJt3rffjirV'A' ( "i- " -i.v-jf\JPL ; yJi.J tv L j > ) 1 , , C > i\ Y--O , * 'Qfli ' of FfiliB JTiliVd 'Stfld'at ' 'MaHuTacinreVs' 'I Hccsj 'Wlft' ' ' Preigita dded. ' NEBEASEA ; _ . _ _ . . . . GOODS , , , - , , , , , f iriCSKSbJrts J > f all Kinds m'aaa to order , tiatisfation guarrantsed , d 'i rfff ' ir ? ' . : " , : , " i - - . Fort Calhoun Mills. .jm. > 4Jj./ . . [ rnhyi' " ; " " . ' ' v f' . ' tisi \ i i T Ji , TCTI CJ'TC r * ' * Q" * * miji.sA J J _ JbiijJ it l't i IJVJ JjLr ' sWisJ Ji sLj LpsT * ff t \TTi\m \ ti Jissfass * i Ji 10 ojfafBDfflctHrcdwiih ; Great dai-e from 1h6 Best Graia. ' . . , , . / , . . , . > ( 'General ' Depot , Ccr. ; 14th , c& Dodge Sts , . . ne.1- . . . . . . , r 7.01 j''l ' > 'i. , CL.ARK. H d X 3& Sk A L i ! C 'A , I . ' ' 1M"I ft' V S I ' . > . ' ' , \ jj v > I aiE. noWiiiianiilacturing ] all varieties , ofcandiea " " , TTsT ii i < f 2 ! .fTT r vlffl y * l T * * C3 7C3" "T" , s l' C l - JCiU sVii ) K J * ' Jij * -JjLl ) 'xJCiiAj sJin V mJLm JI J 11L r j2j p ' ' | Mi'lJeaTerV'irthi8 ( State nwi notjrant'tp | ( gd East for CANDIES. car 12 t2i. J j.u \ i j > - lit tJ 'if i , . , . .1 ? PITC | i 'ew. . ( ! | iBLop l2ig ; ' 'Pitohif Poetl , jfTstr , 'StoJEtc1 ; t . -f f ! { < L j i L'l ' > i . j ' "P" ft4r nrnrMt A TVT , - , - i * fijzndol .iVii * - / VlVyVJXJJjr4t'O ! LX v ol onill ' . , " - - B ijuJelid ) in 'j .i- : iiuifl , < A ijfio4e ( vTfjsrn vuriTT' ' ' , 7 : oo sti lal baa 01 jif i lo i , , ; A i.dL'aOenle ln. Airrs ; oiLa isTD WINDOW'GLASS ; ' , ' - > l .13S aaa IS * Fanatem Strtf t. ' 1 IN 300TJS < fc SHOES . , f ,4v i i ' . . b aiij ITel ) isr > SETAJI. BULKS or 1 "BH iKfe : ETC , , li --it.r . . r -T- , etata Bank'corner of Farn- ! e t JACOB GISH , IBUi , -City Kpep cqnsUnUr'on.hand " ' ' * BUP'PL Y OF MDTTON ; .GAME * tD HI ( JL. OS Xi OB < H HII I ! MAK MEYER & BROTHER , OMAHA , NEBRASKA * * TJ.U'ATS C i SfiifiavJii Union Pacific Railroad A L2i-tJnafof-i2,000)OOOAcrM.f the butFA IIKItai-llIIESAIi Ltads of America iiOOO.OOO ACKFS' tJtS > NEBRASKjJ DFTHfe/SBElT PLA.TTE TALLEI ' THE -QAXDEI OF THE" WE8T 50 ? F02 SALE jnese lands are Ifa toe cnntralportlon : f the 'United State * , on tbe 41st degree of Ko.-th Lat ItudeJ the 'central ' line of { the great Temperate Zoneo ! the American Ccntlnent , and for grain , { rowing and stock , railing unsurpassed by any In the United Status. CHEAPER 15 PRICE , nort Tonl > i t rm ri sa. tad mor ooaTtttleat to market than ca. - < bfonadElfswhiw. --FIVEndTEN XEJLBSxr ! dlt tfr nwith Interest al 8IX..PEB CENT OOLOHISTSand OTDALSETULEBScaahayonTwTtara1 Ortdlt. Land * at tin taa uric * to ill CREDIT'fUBOHABEBa. ' A' Deduction' 'TEN PEK CENy-.FOB CASH , FREE HOMESTEADS-'FOR ACTUAL SETTLERS. ' . ' ' ' 4. tlio Best Locations for Colonies ! Soldiers j Entitled to a Homestead cf > . 160 Acres. Send for new Deacrlptlre Pamphlet , lth new maps , published In Enzitsh , Grrmu , SwceJ and Dan' h , raallod free enr whore. Address aO > , 3iP. 3O A. " "IJE * . Land Commissioner U. P. K. Ii. Co. Omahs. Neb. A.jB.EUBEIcMANN < fc CO. , j . O T I 'O J X * jfc xxxx r , o t xi'io x- WATOHMA'KERS , OF . JEWELBY S. E. Cor. 13th & Douglas Sts. WATCHES fc CLOCKS. AND PLATED-WARE , - * ' ' * _ L - . / . "AT WHOLESALE OB .BETAIL. - " i t :4 : Dealers Can Save TIME and FREIGHT by Ordering , of Us. 'V' ' ' " G ' ENOBATDT . h DONE FKEE OF CHARGE ! * ' i * ' * * - * * . - ' > * ALL UOODS WABEANIjcJ ) TO BE AS REPBESENTED.- " " . . AMOTT J. S.C ; ABBOTT. fc CO. Booksellers DSALKBS IS ' " , DICORATjCOlTS , " . , ' f * * No. 188 Famliam Street. Omaha , Neb1 Publishers' A greats .for School Boosts ased IB Nebraska. ; ! HQAGLAND , , Wholesale Lumber ! , 1 . - _ * > * * rOFFlCE iia , COR , OF-DOUgLAS AND STflSTS , , U. P. B , R. MCL , WM. M , FOSTER , Wholesale Lumber , IVViNDpWS DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , &C. Plaster Paris , Hair , Dry .and Tarred Felt. . > - i ' ' ( ' - \ CreeVLImo and JLonUrllle Cement ; ' " OFFICE AND On U. P. Track , bet Farnham and Donglai 8U. . , . N. I. D. SOLOMON , 4 , , rtUJJA QIliS' ' GIrASS , COAL OIL AND HEAD-LIG-HT 0 : " " * ' 3MAHA . - NEBRASKA ' FAIBLIEMpifELLr BLANK JOOK MANUFACTURER ! Stationers1'JEngr2fvers and Printers , 2TOTAHTAlijAJTOfjjQjDCS ; SEALS. Hafsc 'icJ Odd Fellows and * Jtifglitg of. Pytliial TJlsTI O ODGE PEOPERTIES , JEWELS , B6OK8 , BLAKKS , ' ETC. , o < = s "nrA'C3Tn7 > ovpjjjj jg , jfj ) WVWT > IC OCII - L * AHi Stx-oot. JHiA 3R P'Z N TrlS 11,7 B "O1 I L D S AKDDEALEaiN § 125 . , ' * " T -y IiWiSSSlSSSS SSSSBlSSSS is W iBlBl lJW SSSBlBlS i B " - - JJ > Tor Tardf , lamwCemeteriejuCHiTCk 6r8 4s stti'PaHIc Parks , * - Office and Shop : " ' " i Street bet. Farnhaa and - = - OMAHA ]