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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1874)
T s" he Most Wonderful 3Ied cal His- corerjcf the As ; Erorj Man his own L'hrs'clan. Frazier's Great Remedy Thepeopleol tire United States hire been humbugged with all Linda of Patent Medicines , quacks und importers , for tte past lew years , in a roost shameful maurer. The wriur of the fallowing is one of the victims , and wishes to present a very plain cas" .\ii > i ; by cleansing the bood was tbe cnl . true way ol baclshing disease , and beiogagre't uHeref IrCur wealr langs-and-a scroIulousafllcUW , , und after tiring many kinds of Patent M llcioes and the most iminent Puysic'sns , I commenced doctoring myself , and at hut d scovered a Blood bearcher , or Boot Bitters , which Tiol hl > feare me Iru- inediate relejf , but-siwr * f w week * effected a radical cure The cough left me , my lungs became strong and tlulxl. mf a , petite good , aud the scrofulous diwane had disappeared , reeling confident that my Discovery possessed wonderful healing T rtues , I gave It to other * aiaictcd , and found ItefiecUdthe most mlracu- loun cures in thousands bf cases , not alone curing Cot-gh , Consumption , Asthma , Catarrh , bcrolula and We.k Lung . but all diseases caueed from humorsln tueb'ood. Thedcmand from my friends < > nd othei * bear.ngabout these Buters becoming rery eat , Iconiinenced put. t nz them up for sile , tailing htia FBAZItE'a BOOT BITTERH. I was a first backward In presenting either myuelf or medicine to the publlc-not being a Patent Med cine Man , but Ism getting br Tdy o.r that. I have sold thousands of bottles tt my KooJ > ltter , and it is my desire aud determination to place the same within the reach of every suflering man , woman and children tne faceeUhe civilized B The grand principle that operaTes''in these Root Bitters Is tue power they possess In cleans ing the turgid blood and banishing the Tile humors froui.the jiystem. , Boot Ultteis are strictly a Medicinal Preparation , compounded from roots fcomWned with herta and Pla < u , many of wbiih were used In the good o.d days of OUT forefathers , when peopte-yere cured by tome simple root or herb , aud wUea I aloinel , and otbtr jxiii.iiJiOt the mineral kiugdoni ere unknown. U W - * . , ' They open all the naiaral'passages of the body , cast out disease , ta\e away all s ckness and buUd up thj system with pure Wood , hence they must reach all diseases by purifica tion andaourisnmeut.- _ _ , r , SltterJ and remain No person c t uke Roa long uuw.ll. Victory ujwu victory they have Kaiued ovtr disease and death In all stations and tonditions In life. They are constantly ef fecting cures of tue utmost importance. J-or Consumption , t stbmascr-fuli , biroJulousE- ruptisus. Catarrh , \ \ tuk Lungs , Lost \ italltv and UTfcUn-duwu Cuils'itutiuus , these Koot Bitters re uuive sal.y admitted to the most wonil.ful ilyJical sUi-'CoTery JkUowa to the worlJ. rneir-pcctona bcallug protM-rlicj | > eno- trateevcry po.ilonof the human frame , sooth ing the Lunji , suaiigtbeulus the fetouiacb , Kidneys and Ln er , cleansing ihe blood Irom every kind ol humor. oUiervuicdldnu. iU. cure Chronic RheuinatUui , , heur lgia , Jlcart Disease , Tits , blziiniss , lltadattie , Dysiwpsia , Tever audAgue , Costl cness , Pjlf , Urinary Diseases , Kidney Wbejse , aud Liver Complaint , so quickly as this Koot OJHtCTs. All such diseases ars caused from a bad stomach and a poisonous condition ol tbp blood 1-or weaUy ; nervous young men , suflering from loss ot memory , loss of energy , etc. ; caused from abuses in early lifc.and to delicate feuulesthee strengthening llout Bitters are eipeually re commended. On * bottle * HI do more toward wadicatiog Syi iilUU > auru. JCtUer. tcver Sores , Sofe Kyei.aumors , Canojrous .forma tlons Dropsy , Erysipelas salt llhvuni , Ul rs , Uoili , Flesh Woruis , Wotcbejj , Pustuto , f ruj tions , pimples on the tai * , and Corruptions Iroiu the Wood than all otherre nedlM In yiistuice. rrazlers Boot Bitters are sold by oil the Icad- streei. anu jwuiuu jij * . w v * * " " * , . er str t , Cle > elaod , O. ; 11. L. Fahnestocti ( , o , Pittsburg ; George C , Coodwm A Ca , Boston ; John F. IfiMiry Curran A to , United States Medicine Hens * , * and 3 Co leco i.'lace , Vew Vork : W th Brothers. Pliilauelph.a ; 1 ul- lerA Fuller , CfOcago % , John U. Park , Cmclnna- tl. aud other first-class Drug Houses. arugglst artMarc- * ohaw thisuotlce to your kecrcr. Ask f r rSAZlKIH fiOOf BlTTlUlS , and accept no ub tltute whatever. Trite with in tha reach of all-Sl per bottle ; jiix bottles , IMPORTANT TO GoimiierciaL Travelers. - - COMMERCIAL TRAVEI ERS who solicit orders by CA1H > , CATALOUUE , TBADE- LiaT , .SAMPLE. OR orilER cPECIMEN , also the e hu > isit their customers and solicit trade by purchase * 'Tnatie DIRECT FROM StUCK , and who travel in any lection , by Rail orJJoat , felling any class of goods , are re quested to send their BUalNhsS and PKI- VATE ADDREhS , as below , sUtlog class of goods tne's llJiudbV wBom euiptoyedr also those who are at mesent-uador W ) enicgcment. TliUmatic , | i ol UKEAT.ITlPOIfrANCE INDIVIDUALLY tosae inenof > hls cla3 , or men solicitinc trade In this manner. Ii Is | b.eiefore EbPECIALLY desired that ihls notice may meet the'tye ol ALL Commcrcul Travelirs and Salesmen In thlj country and that they wiJlJVT OhCB give , it thclratien- _ tion. 1 ho e who coinprwith alovp requojt trill be COSnpENTiALLY treated sndflulT lulvUed cf object lu view. Please address , ( by care Gfo. P. Pujwall 4 Co. , 41 Park Row. jy9eodjm Jfi.IV YoEK ClTV- JOHN 11AO.T1KK , Practi cal BVatclniiaKer , 171 Tamp m , B. . Ojr. Uth St. OMAllA - . NEB ABEL-ETON'S American CYClTOPA-aEDIA Hew Revised Edition. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every subject. Prlnfed from new type , aodllluiUatedTrtUrfceTcral Thousaud Engravings and Slaps. > ! > o TuKworkorlglnally published nnderthetlUe oITitE Nicw AMEBiRAir CVCLOPABDIA'-was completed In 1SG3 , tlMe. jrhlcb time , the wide circulation which It .has attained lifall paflt of the Uultod States , and the signal developments which have taken place , ln every branch of edcnce , literature , and art. have induced the editors and publishers to Submit It to an exact and thorough revision , and to Issue a nr dltion entitled , THX A EIUCAN CrCLOPAk- 1)1 ) A. A.Wilhln the last ten years tua piogress of dU- eovcryin every department of knowledge has made amtw work of relerence an imperative The movement of political affairs has kept pact with the discoveries of sclcnce.-anil-their fruitful appllca.tioa'.tQ the Industrial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement of ocir 1 life. Great wars and consequent revolu tions nave occured , Involving national changes of peculiar moment. Theclvll war of ouronn country , which wat at its height when the last volume ot the old work appeared , has happily teen ended , aud a new connaof commercial gad Industrial actlvUy.lvai beeaco-iiinenced. Larc # accessions to our gtxigrapMcal know- edge havfi L > cen male by the Indefatigable ex- p'oreraol Af/Ua. Ihe frc&l political revolutions of the last decaje , with , t he natural rrsolt of the lapse of time , have brought In to puUtc'tlcw * multitude1 of uewinen , whose names arc in'every one's mouth , and of whose Jives evtry one U curious to kaow the pirciculara Uieut battles have teeu JoqsSt a d Important sloges-mainialned , of which lLa details are as yet preserved only la the newspaper * or in the transient publica tions ot thedar , but which ought now to take their place in periuaaectsnd authentic history. In preparing the prebcnt edition for thepresx , thu acx-orJInglv been the aim of the editor ! to bringdown the information to the liitest pos- Ible dates , and to Jurelih an .accurate account of the jnost recent discoveries in science , of every freih production- literature , and of the newest indention in the practical arts , as we ! ) as to give a succinct and original record of ( be proarek * oL political and hbuorial event. _ Tbtvort Ui becujiegun after long and care ful pTcliminarvTIalxir. aud with the most "ample resources for carrying tt\n ) K > .sncccasful " - - tcnntnallon. t i'one ol the oilgiaal stercatypo plilps have iecoVScJ,3 > nttTery pagehaj buca printed on new tyiio , forming in fact a new * Cyclopxdla with the zama plan and compass as iu predecessor ser , bul.Rilh ajar greater .POCUniarT expcndl- ture , and , with-saoC improvamustJ la Iti com1 position -ariave "been miggested . laager ex- , pcrience and enlarged knowledge. The illustrations which are introduced for the first time Ju the present edition have been ideate and na'ural hUtory , A 4 depict , ffib tiiost iamouiand _ remarkable leavarei of s cnery architecture , and art , as we. ' las the various pro ; cesses of mechanics and uianufactnret. Al though intended for instruction rather than embellishment , no pains have"beeu apared to Insure thelartlatlc excellence : the coat of j their cxecufion Is enormous , < nd1tT believed < reception . an , ad- they-wiU-Cada-welcoma , as. - _ ju.lrable fcatareW thfrOydopjeUIa. and. worthy JU hTgl iharattB1 : v She VQff U sold tp Subscribers only , payable end-livery of each rolamSt' Jt vlI \ \ * com- nnmerous colored Uthographlciiaps , - PBICBAND STYLE OF BINDING. In extra Cloth ; per vol i , _ _ . .M$5.00 In Xihrary Leather , per rol 6.00 In flail Turkty Jforocco.-per jol _ . . TOO In Half ItuMia , extra gilt , ycr , ! 8 00 In lull Morocco , .antique , gilt edges , tier Tel , . . - . - . . . . _ , t _ . io 00 , InfullBiXMJspcr TP ! , . . _ . ic.00 Three volums now rcadr. Succeeding vo- lums , until completion , trLl bo issued once In two months. * . * bpeciinen pages of the AIIERICAH CTCLO- rAEDU , showing type.'iJUislraUauj. etc will be sent ratloc application. ! t ? FIRST CLASS CANVASSING AGENTS Address the Pnblliherx , ' . . J * _ York. WHAT A STROKE OF LIGHT NING DID. BY OLIVE BELL. One sultry July evening fortune favored Justus. Agnes.was aid up with a headache her jealous heart racked with fears that Celia might improve this opportunity and win Justus from her and Justus had stretchedliimself upon the grass un- _ der.a . locust , _ sweltering with heat and intensely" bored. For he dis- pised old Phelps ; he had a most un- gallaht dislike for Agnes , aud the only creature about the house he cared a fig for kept o-it oi his way. "Hang it all1 ! ; he muttered , "I wished I had stayed away forever. The first thing you know she'll be asking me to marry her. " " A < light step on the grass startled him , and he glanced up suddenly to see CeliaBrooks , tripping across the lawn , her sun-bonnet in one hand , and a basket of ripe strawberries in the other. He was at her side in an instant. She faced him laughingly , her bright eyes full ot mirthful light , as she tossed a shower of kinks and curls about her rosy face. "You-wantto speak to me ? " she Inquired , in answer to his call. "To talk to you an hour or so , if you will. " "She shiugged her shoulders pret tily , and looked down at her faded jdress and red-tipped fingers. "Where's Agnes ? She generally entertains you , don't she ? " "Agnes be hang " " Take care , sir. " Celia laughed outright at his look of disgust " That is not a pretty way to speak of your future wife. " "She'll never be that" Justus looked down at Celia , who had dropped wearily on the grass at his feet , with a light in his blue eyes : hat madp her brown eyes drop shy- y. And then , taking the red tips of lie berry-stained fingers in his , Justus went over the old , old &toiy new , although it be told a hun dred million times a minute only to see the silken lashes lift steadily the clear , bell-like voice say cool- y : "A very-pretty story , Mr. More- on , but you should have told it to Cousin Ag. " " She will never hear It from ma , Celia , I love you , and yov only. " "I don't believe It , " fcaid Miss Ce- la , filling her mouthwith luscious berries , and .looking up at Jiini la zily."You "You don't ? Why ? " < ( Because you don't know me " "well enough to know whether you Jove me or uoti"r ' < ! know you as thoroughly as Agnes. " "There J" &he held one chubby finger mockingly. "Don't say that ; Aggie , jKxir child , has courted you assiduously for six weeks , while < I have been buried in piejnaking , cake-baking antl berry-picking to feed our dainty turtle doves. " She jumped up and started for the house. 'Celia , Celia , list"n to me. I don't love Agnes ; and I'll go home to-morrow if you don't say'yes , " he called after her. " o ! no ! 110 ! " faljg crigtl , Ljssjng the tips of her fingers to him as she disappeared in the doorway. "Justus , " called a voice , as Justus threw himself "on the grass. He turned and saw Aggie Phelps stand ing on the vine-shaded porch , clad " in some light summer material" , with a scarlet shawl about her shoul ders. She looked well-bred , lady like and stylish , and as Justus went sjowjy up th.o walk ho1 said to him self , MI may as well ask her and have it over. She expects it , the Governor expected it , and old Phelps" is eager for it The other won't have me , aui } I may as well do It and , have it out of my mind. " Aggie looked pale and languid after her headache , but Justus soon brought the first flush he had ever seen in her sallow cheeks , by ask ing her a question she bf l b.een longing and expecting to hear , ever since his advent in Haverhlll. Miss Phelps , blind with woman's fond , foolish blindness , never gave a thoughtto the unlover-liko man ner of the proposal nevei1 , for the moment , , imagined that the man who stood at xier side , and looked down on her face with his honest blue eyes , was thinking of another , and a fairer face , and what a dreary farce his life would be in the future , as hp plaoetf a diamond sojt jre on her slender finger. The sun which for an hour back had glowed like a ball of fire abqve the far off western hills"was sud denly obscured by dense , black clouds , and vivid flashes of lightning shot through the sky , the wind bent the towering locusts , peals of thun der rent the air ; but Justus heard nothing but a clear , sweet voice rip pling through the breezy hall , as Celia sat on the back porch , picking her strawberries and singing at her work. "Justus } " screamed Miss Phelps , flying-to her lover for protection , as a blinding flash swept past them. "This is terrible } " She clung to his arm nervous and excited. Another came , a sharp peal of thunderrent the air , a scream from the back porch ! and Mr. Phelps' cries of "Justus Aggie come hero quick ! " brought Justus to asense of his danger.1 He broke , away from his affianced , andthe next monient stood beside the prostrate form of Celia Brooks. A huge locust , a few rods from the housp , haq been shattered to the root , and Celia lay ether | , stunnec ) or dead , Mr. Pbelps stood in the old-fashjoned kitchen helplessly wringing hjs hands. * fCeHa , " cried Justus , picking up the curly head , und holding the still , -white face to his cheek ; "Cellu1 , my darling , my little love , come bacfelo me. " And forgetful that Barnard Phelps looked on aud wondered , and that but a moment before he had 'pledged himself 'to another , Justus'-kissed the mute lips until life fluttered back into the stilled pulses , and-tho 'dear Oyes opened - - - slowly , 'laving ! Thank God ! " was his fervent ejaculations , as he lifted Ce lia' In his arms to carry her into the house. In the doorway he met Ag nes Phelps , white.aud wrathful. Shi held her engagement- ring in one hand , and laid the othcron Justus Moroton's arm. " ' "You love her not me ? " she said. "Yes , " flashed back Justus , 'and . will love her while life lasts. " i "You dastard ! " fumed Mks Phelps , "how dare to you insult me . " so. - i She flung his ring in his face and ' ilashed away from him. She was , proud jind selfish , and ,03.wrathful as a tigress wheWarouiedand Celia nestled closer to Justus and whis pered : "She will turn me out of a. home for this. " y Justus laid his burden down oh SI sofa , in the parlor. The rain'came * dowji ialorrents , the white sheets- of lighting lit up the black darkness' Without But , words were said that , made the world as "bright as day fop Celia Brooks , who lay in her lover's arms and cried. Moret"n Sr. tided through" the panic , and Agnes Phelps } s wrath ful imd. unmarried still. , J fjLlyerpool has made upits mind that it doesn't want street railways , which are regarded as a tram-end- ous nuisance , How Mules Came into Pashion. Few of. tLe farmers , of this coun try are aware what & debt of gratitude - tude they owe to Geo'rg * Washing ton , for the introduction of mules into general use for farm purposes. PreviouSto 1783 there were very few , and those of , such an inferior order prejudice farmers against them as unfit to compete Awith horjses upon the road or farm. Con- sequentlythere were no jacks , and no disposition to increase the stock ; but Washington became convinced that the introduction of mules } gen erally among Southern planters would prove to them a great blessing less- liable to disease ing , as they are - ease , and'-J longer-lived , andt work upon shorter feed , and much less liable to be injured than horses by careless driving. As soon as it became known abroad that the illustrious Wash ington desired to stock his Mount Vernon estate with mules , the King of Spain sent him a jack , and two jennetrfrom the royal stables , and Lafayette-sent another jack and two jennets.from the island of Malta. The.flrst was a gray color , eigh teen hands high , heavily made and of sluggish'nature. . He was named the Eoyal Gift The other was called the Knight of Malta ; he was about as high lithe , fiery even to ferocity. The two different sets of animals efave him the most favorable oppor tunity of making improvements by cross-breeding , the result of which was the favorite jack Compound , be cause he partook-of the best points in both the originals. The General bred his blooded mares to those lacks , even taking those from his family coacb ifor that purpose , and produced such superb mules that the country was all agog to breed some of the sort , and they soon became quite common. This was the ori gin of improved mules in the United States. There are now some of the bird and fourth generation of the Knights of Malta and Eoyal Gift to ie found in Virginia , and the great [ Benefits arising from their introduc tion to the country , are to be seen upon every cultivated acre 'in the Southern States Custar's Failure at West Point. < J Colonel Ludlow , chief of the en gineers in tins expedition , was a freshman at West Point General Custarwas about to graduate , and has the former to blame because he didn'r get a graduate's diploma. The fact has been recalled in the association of the past few days , and I will tell it as General Custar told it at dinner one day. 'He talks very rapidly so rapidly that he repeats his words in n peculiar manner , which I cannot reduce to writing. " You " said the raider see , , gestur ing over a tureen of soup , " Ludlow was a greeny but he had pluck ; and one evening , when I was officer of the day , some upper classman pitch ed on to him , and he , showed fight. The boys encouraged them until they got into a good square out-and-outer , jus.t' ' as I was going my rounds , Instead of send ing both of them , as I should , to the guard house , you know , I pushed back some fellows that were trying to trip Ludlow , aud said that there must be fair play. It was a good one , and Ludlow was getting the best of it , when the boys began to interfere again. I was just getting my hand in again , when o\ \ < \ & - , instructor in artillery , came around , and instpsJ of arresting Ludlow and the other fellow , he locked me up for allowing the light-to go on , and I was in the guard-house wh.00 my class graduated. ! $ ut they wanted soldiers at Washington just then , and they sent me on. I never went back there again. " Chicago Inter-Ocean , TUB COJIIXG Thp voters of our nation , i ne'ir was known before , Are riling from Pacific's strand To Atlantic's rocty shore. * Why is th i mighty change ? What can the meaning be ? The rising of the nias ra From northern lake to southern sea. The spirit of eld serenty-iix From out our heroes' gnres " Forbids a nation drenched in patriots' blood , Should sink to that of slarea ; Thp motto which OUT coins once bore , 1 bough obsolete long since , Remain as ever true : not one cent for tribal * , But millions for defense. - . Patty tUs aqd party laws Are but as ropes of sand. Tbe > ig'at ol mm 10 tMaman , Should govern Freedom's land. I Then shall our Flag more proudly-float O'er land as well as ca , And nations yet unborn shall gladly greet 1 he emblem of tlie free In trade we'll try to deal , As man should deal wi. And wlille we see } ; to'live ourselves , We'll sell as cheap as anybody can , And it a bat y LU need , Or f need YOU chance to meet , \ / Qeinember Bunce , the llatter.i On Upper Douglaa"Street. * * ' el6tf B. GUKBSTC T 1T I If ' C. J. KABBA'H. GllEUE' & - K1BBACH , 15th st. Lctweca Farnham and arney s'i. OMAHA7 - - NEB. MANUFACTURER Or Spring and Farm Wagons , BUGGIES Dealers inland manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS 1 T > ARTICULKATTENTION PAU TO Jj HQBSKNttOEING. U3-R ? pairing rf wagons and blacbunlthlng prompUv done at reasonable prices 400,009 , ACRES ! OF THE FINEST - T ' Elkliom yallcy Lands ! - .FOB. SALE BY. Wisnbr , - - Web HESE. LANDS ARE CONVENIENT TO T the market and the TFINEST FINEST in the STATE ! And will be sold at from $2,50 to $5,00 PER ACRE ! For'Cash or on Ion ? Time. © LAND EXPLORING ri JCK- ETS forrsaje at-O. & .N. W.vTDe- pot , bearing coupons \ vhichvlll ne taken " qt full cost ' in payment lorJand. Southern Motel. 1 1 jnj ; t - Mo. Laveflle , Warner & Co. , In all ita Iti tables are at all timn > up- uied to tbe created abundance , with all tue lellcactcs'lhe taarkete afford , Its clerks and implores are all polite and tb , rantCthe ff&ita of the bat el.rjl here Ii ad us pro f ilri1 or leading' from the fir.t floor o the. upper oni * . Railroad and steamboat l ketoA.'ec , ZMWS atuid. andlwenerr Union teleeraph offl e in the hotanda of hotetj ' . . . WTTTT AM T-ATlTy , 3orJ I'Glh''an& ' iWebster Sts. , Keeps a complete assortment ot OYISIONS. Money and Commerce. Daily Review. OFFICE OMAHA JAILY ) BEE , 1 July 23 , 1874. f Local monetary affairs are dull and quiet to-day. There are no funds from the county coming In to amount to anything , as all the County banks and merchants require their surplus funds , and more to carry their farmers through thehar- vest , and to help move the heavy crops. Exchange is dull , and rates are the same. Some demand for Chicago Exchange , but ligat. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK quotes : Land Greats ( selling ) $815.00 Land "Warrants , (160 ( acres buying ) 176.00 Land Warrants (160 ( acres selling1) ) 185.00 Agricultural College Scrip , ( ICO acr s buying ) 170.0C Do. Selling 185.K ( Exchange on New York , 1-5 of on p'er ct. Groceries Quiet and prices nom inal. Sugars are unsteady and ir regular ; the market Is net so firm and has a downward tendency * " \ have made some changes In canne < goods and tobaccos. Market la thes lines is somewhat excited , and an other rise is anticipated. Dry Goods Quiet ; prices steady at last quotations ; several gocx shipments to-day for the country. Wines and Liquors Local and country trade good. Hides and Leather There Is some improvement in this line for coun try orders , which are quite liberal ; local custom quiet. Hardware In better demand for heavy goods ; orders principally from the country ; local trade quiet. We saw several parties from the country , who are feeling quite bright in regard to the assurance of good crops and predict a heavy trade in a few "weeks. OMAHA MARKETS. Caretully Corrected Daily DRY GOODS. j. J. IIROWN & BRO. , Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. PRINTS. Aliens _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . 9 American. . . . . . > M . . . . . , . . . . .7. . . S Aiuoakeag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Bristol _ i Uarners . 8 Hamilton _ . . 9 Merrimack D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peabody _ . . . . _ y ] Richmond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sim pso 118 * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. Bright 4-1 _ Boot O. . . . . . . . _ g Cabot 4-1 . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . 12 > Lonsdale- _ ij N. Y. Ml Is . 18U Peterlioro _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ | Suffolk L. . . . . . . . . . . _ _ 8Ji BLEACHEC SHEETINGS. Pepperell 8-4 . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . 31 do " - * 8.1i do 10 M . . . . . . . . . . 3SJ4 COTTONADi S. Farmers and Mechanics. . . . . . . . . . . . K'-J Great Western . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 BUOWN SHEETINGS. Albion ( A . . . . . * . . . * . * * * * * . . * . . . . . . . tiji Bt-tlford. It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H. . . . . . . a GrantUlle , EL _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10)tf Germania , B B . . . . . . * . . . . . . * % Lancley q ! - * . .M. . . . . . . . . . . . . if UIKQ1IAUS. American . . . . . H Amoskcag . . . . . . , . , . . . . 12 Bates . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . 12J < TICKINGS. Amoske > g , n c a DENIMS. Amoskrag . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . B arer Creek , B B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haymakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . Otis , B B. . . . _ . Otis , C C . , . . . . . . JEANS. H..M..HH.M..H.w.H. . H. 40 YANKEE NOTIOKS- KURTZ HOUR < t CO. , 231 Farnham Street. SPOOL CUT.I-UA. : Clark'a 0. N. T - . . .JL. . 70 Jlerrick'a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 7 " ! 1 42 % UOiIERY. Domestic. . . . - . . . . . _ . . . . . _ _ S Kgz 00 British. . . . - . _ 3 OC@S 00 PAPER COLLARS. Dickens' be3t..H..HH..M..M . . . . . $ 90 King William _ . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . _ . 1 35 Domestic. . . . . . . , . . . . _ 1 80 btanley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 2 60 SHAWLS. Ottoman trip _ . . _ . _ . . 8i 25@6 60 . SHIETri. While common. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910 50 1 medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . , is Oo * " ciistoui made..M H .MM. . . 30 00 Percale. . . , . . . _ . . . .MMM _ . . $1200a24 00 Calico , . . . . . . _ . . . , _ 4 75a7 50 OVEBALLS. Brown drill . . . . . : - . . _ . t 50a7 25 ' duck . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . _ _ 7 7Sa9 00 Blue drill . . . _ . . _ . _ . . _ . . . . . . . 7 00a7 50 duck . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 9 60 White . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . 8 00a9 50 COESETS. French vhalebone H..JT..M . . . 95 25ad 00 Our own. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MM. . . . . . . 15 00 Comet. . . . . . . . . . . - . _ . . - . . . . . - . _ 22 50 fcPRUJU SKIRTS. Linen printed.----- . . 8 9 00 " ruffled . _ . . - . 12 DO " Euted. . . . . _ i.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 QENERAi COMMISSION. * J. ( J. KOSENFELD gives us uie following quotations his day : Butter , active , 15a20 hi tubs ; Eggs fair , at lie per dozen ; Uve Chickens , dullat 2 00@2 50 per doz. ; Gooseberries , 2 50 per bu. ; Cher ries , 4 80 per bu ; Lem ns,12 00 per box. ana BaspberTies,20c per quart ; black berries , 20c ; apples. 600 to 7 00 per barrel : currants 20c. JOII.1 T. KDQAE. , IBON. Common tar - , . , , , , _ , , , . llorse shoe bi4 _ . .M Norway nail rod- . . , STEEL. Cast plow. . . . . _ . . . _ . _ 12 Germon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 American cam , oc'igon and tquare _ 18c ( > 22 Jcasup'a English do do . . . 25@ 40 Burdea's horse shuts , per keg , . . - . . . . 725 do mul" do do . _ . . . . . . . 8 25 NorthwesUru bone nails. . . . . . . . . 22a 21 Dundee thliub'c ' alelns , discount 45 ptr cent. Stor half patenv axles , discount 10 per ctnt. NAILS. lOd to COJ per t g _ i. . . . . ,1. , , . . 4 10 8d do . . . - . _ _ . 4 35 td do t-.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 60 4d do _ _ , - . _ _ . . . 4 85 3d do _ . --i.m.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 3d fine do -T _ . , . . . , . . . . . , , . , , , 7 10 lOd finis'ng do M.- . . . . . . . . . . 5 Si 8d do do . . _ . , _ . 5 6Q 6d do do . . . . . .ril . . ' . . . . - . 5 85 lOd casing do , , , , , , . , . , lt _ . 4 85 8d do do - . . . . - . . . ' 5io Cd do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 35 Wrought , all Elzes. . . . . i- _ 585 Carrlige and tire.- . dlscouqt 70 pr e BUTTS. Narrow wrought , fast loint dlaconnt 20 pr c Cast , loose pin reversible - do 35 do , MISCELLANEOUS. Hay and manure f oik . . _ _ jlbicount "SO'pFc Hoes aud gu den rakes- . da 25 do 'HINGES. ' Strap and T i. - discount 25prc. \VRENCHES. Talt' black.j ' _ - discount 85 pr c Coe's luiniitatlon do 45 do Coe'i genuine.- . - , - . - , do 20 d SCREWS. American Iron _ _ _ - . - . - , - . - 45 pr c do trass . - _ ; _ _ _ 40prc AGHICULTTJRAI. SCTTUR . H Holt' * Ha.\e t King , per da , net 14 25 Champion -i _ . - - - - 12 00 Utald'a Eureka - _ - jo COde do red - , . - _ . . _ } 00 SPADES A5D 8MOV LK RowUnd'sNo2 black iQOtelx ) D H 12 00 do do polished do do 13 00 do do black spades do ] 2 00 Moore do polished do do 13 00 do's "spring yolnt" L II ahorels IS 50 AXES. " = S Llppencott'sA1Test rn Crown - Is 00 do do do bcTefeJ 13 CO - COFFEE MTT.T.JE , * arke'i > o3 , lronbox _ . - net J 5 25 do do 103 do . _ Q 75 do do 25 Union Inh - ? 5 11-00 eo do 35 do 00 FILES. HantraTe , Smith < & * Co. , _ discoant * SOpre American Hie Co _ _ _ _ , _ _ , , do 60 do HAMMERS. Haiflole's , A E No 1 , 1 > { , 2 _ Mammond's A E No , - , - , _ | 9 00 do do do * - , . - * . i _ 10 59 do injrfnttr * * No i , , , . , , , , , . _ 19 00 do do do a . , , , _ 13 g0 do do do 3 . _ 14 00 HATCHETS. thlngUng , No 1 . . $7 00 do do do 2 . . . * . . . . . . . 8 0 do do do 3. . . . - . . . 9 C do ct-iw doT , , , . , , ! , , , . , . , _ ii _ , 7 5 dc o do s.-ir-.i , . , . , , , , , , . , i , , 8 S LKATHEB. le , - - . - . . . . . . . . . . ! ZSc Matamoras do o.2 , 32c ; No. 1,35f Best Oak do . . - . . - . . . . . . . - . . - . . . .43 i45c. Baltimore Oak Sole 43c ' trench KUs.v - SI 40@2 00 -do Call , leading brands S2 0g2 60 Domestic . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . OOful 2i do Calf . . . . . . ' . . - . . . - . . . 31 35(3l ( "i Hemlock Upper , per loot . . . _ . . . . . . . . .25$30c ( Oak do do . . . _ . . - _ . . . . . . . . . _ 0i. Grain do do . . . . . . _ . _ . . - . . . 0. Linings , per dozen , S7 OOQ10 00" Toppings , do $11 00aU ( 00 Morocco ( Boot Leg ) per foot-- 3t-t5c ) do ( Oil Dreswd ) do . 36@40c do ( blmon ) . . . . . i. ? 1 CO@J 25 do ( Glore Kid. ) 83 50&5 00 Welt Lealier , per side , _ t6 00 ® " 00 Boot Webbing , per bolt , ! . _ .4c@70c Oik Harnsss Leather , " Pittsburg , " 45q do do do No. 1 , . . . . . 40@42u do do do l o. 2 , . ,33 < g40c Oak Line . do _ _ _ _ 446e Hrmlock Harness Leather , > o. I. . . . . . 39Q40C do do do No. 2 , 37 ( 39c Hemlock Line do , . . - + % 4Gc tab ? Bridle , per side , . S5 00@7 00 Team Collars , perdoi 123 50&.2S 50 Stage do do . . . * . . $21 50 Scotch do do . . . - . - . . . . . _ . _ . _ S3G 00 loncoid do do . . $33 00 Collar Leathei ( Blackyper foot , lS@24c do do ( Bussel ) do ' . . . . ls < y.:4c : Patent Dash Leather , . . . . . . . . 15c SOAPS Powell & Co. , Soap montifacturera. SapcPublico , 6 l-2@6 3-4 ; Savon Republic , do. , Chemical Olire , 6 to 61-2 ; Palm , 5@61-4 ; German Mot- Jed , 6 l-4aff 1 2. AUT GOODS AND UPHOLSTERER'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones , Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods , 270 Farnham Street , furnishes the folio whig quotations : FBAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings , one inch , per foot , 5c ; 2 inch iOc ; 3 inch 15c ; polished walnut , 1 inch 7c ; 2 inch 15c ; S inch 21c. Berlin gilt , 1 inch 6@15c ; 2 inch 12@30c ; 3 inch 18 © 45c ; imitation rosewood and gilt , 1 iuch 5@10c ; 2 inch 10@20c ; 3 inch 15@30c. "WINDOW SHADES. Plain bands , 6 feet , all colors , per pair , 1 50 ; ornamental bands , 2 00 © 4 00 ; each dditional foot , 75c per pair. BEPPS. Union ind all wool terry , per yard 1 50@3 } 0 ; Imperial , plain aud stri ped , 2 60a8 00.DAMASKS. DAMASKS. Union per yard , 1 60 ; all wool , 2 00a3 00. MATTBASSES. Husk , 4-4x6-2 , 4 00a5 00 ; straw , 3 00a4 00 ; Excelsior , 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. RETAIL LIST tubied to change of marketwitnout 1 WM. M. TOSTER , On U. P. R. H. tract bet. i jrnham ai GEO A. HOAGLANL. Joists , studding and sills , 20 It , and un der . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . | 72 00 Orer 2011. each additional ft add'l 60 Fencing No 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . * 3 00 do No 2- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 00 1st common board * . . . ' . . . . . 25 00 2nd do do . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . 22 00 "A" atock boards , 10 and 12 inch 50 00 "B" do do do tie S3 00 "C" do do do do 10 00 lit clear , 1 , IVji and 2 inch . . 65 00 Id do do do do . . . . _ . . 55 00 3d do do do do - - 45 00 Flooring , dear. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 00 do 1st common . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 00 do 2d do _ 35 00 do 3d do . . . . . _ . . . 27 SO do narrow , cltar . . . 4500 Utclear ceiling % inch 35 00 2d do do 44 inch. , . . . . . 32 50 1st do do y. Inch. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 id do do Ji inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 50 1st clear aiding . . . . . _ . _ 27 00 Zd do do . . . . . . . . . . . . ; _ 26 00 1st commou siding. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 00 M do do . . . . . . . . . _ . 20 00 "A" lhluges . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 4 25 Extra No 1 shingles 3 10 l ouitnoa No 1 shingles . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . 2 00 Lath per 1000. . . . . 3 5o D A H pickets ecr 100 . . . . . . _ . . . . i 60 Square do do do . . . . . . - . . . . . _ - 0 O Batten per lineal ! > \yt \ Rough do do do . . . . . . . . .M Liberal discount on carload lots WINDOWS. iGlazed. ) 96 per contoffChicsgo list. DOOBS , ( Wedged ) 25 pet cent ofl Cl icago 1'st. ' BLINDS. SO per cent off list. White lime per bbl . ? ! 75@2 00 LonliTllle cement per bbl. . . . . 3 00g3 ( S5 Plaster paria per bbl 3 50oJ 75 Plastering hair per bushel. . . . . . . . . . . 40 1 tired felt. . . . 4 OILS. PAISTS. OLA S , &c. N. I. D. SOLOMON. ROBERT C. STEELL. CoalOll _ f 19 Lara uil , No 1 $ 951 00 Linseed Oil. raw. 105 " " " 2 ; . . 70 " " bl'd 110 " " winter 1 . Qn rurpentlne. . . . . . _ 65 " "straln'd ; 80 Headlight Oil 28 Lubricating \ _ m- . . , , W.Va. PAlNTb , AC White Lead , St. Louis , brtictly Pure _ S 11J4 " " " " i'ancy Bratdi. . . . . . 9 % Putty In Bladden. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 " " Bulk. . . . 4 > Ensmeld Glass , colors , $ § q. ft. _ . . 1 uo Window Ohun. 50 c discount TIN , SHEET-IRON. WIRE , &C. MTLTON ROGERS , COR. 14th & FARNHAM. PLATE. 10x141C , lair qualitr. . . . 10x14 Ic , best quality I'ixl4 ' LX do 12x12 IX do LU20 1C do 14x20 IX do 14x20 IXX do 14x20 IXXX HO plate DC 100 plate DX , 100 plate DXX 100 plat * DXXX Roofing 1C charcoal do do Roofing IX do do do 10x14 IU coke do do ! 0z231C charcoal roofing. . Wx 81C charcoal rooting. . s4x4 IX charcoal .L. . 10x20 coke ( for trotters ) . . BLOCK TIN. Large plg -T-T-T- . , , , , , Lll 35 Small pigi. . . . . . . . . . . . _ 3fl Bar tin - , . , , . . , , . , . , , . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . ss ZINC. Jheet tin 25 to 36 in , . . . . . do do do Ic-hjOl casks. . . , do do do In 260 ft casks Sheet 24 to 35 Inches persb _ . finnerssoldsi ( extra refined do do No. 1. . do do rooflng. bid metal SHEET IRON" First quality , Numbers 16 to 24. do do do 15. . do do do 26. . do do do _ S7 , Charcoal , both sides smothe do No 01-- , , , . . _ . . _ . do do 16 do do 27. _ . . runlataNo. 24 _ _ . do .1o 26 do do 27 . tussU perfect 7 to 12 , do No. J , stained- I is tnan tall bundles , add one cent. > 'A"AiaerlcaiimmlUt'nBuj3la , llNcs. 18 Less than full bundles add one tent. GALVANIZED. fo. 14 to 20 nt 15 do 21 to24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 16 4o,25to25 . . , dc IT do 27 - ' _ .i . _ do 18. do 9f nll , , - - - , , - , , do jo Full bundles discount 15 per cent. COPPER. Per bundl * ) per wntdJjcowi GROCERIES. STEELE & JOHNSON 538-540 14TH ST. CLARK Jt FRENCH COR. FARNHAM ANE llTH ST. PtTNDT , MEYER &RAAPKE , 212FARN HVil ST. . WHOLESALE DEALERS- MOHQAN & GALLAGHER , 205 Farn- huin St. WHITNEY. BAUSERJIAN A. Co. , 247 Douglas St. j. ' J. BROWN & BRO. , Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. SUGARS. ' Granulated pr B > . . . l Powdered do . . if Crushed 'do . . . .5. i 12 R fd cutloafdo 1J Standard A do . . . . - > . . . . . . . . . . . ll all -g Circle A do . . . . : H > 4 KxtiaC uo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It Yellow C do . . . . . . _ .10)alO > N O choice do . . . . . . . 10 > i COFFEES. Rio choice pr B > . . . . . - 26a27 do prime do 2VW do good do . _ . . _ . . 14..25 O U Java . . . . Sl 3o SYP.UPd. Common pr gallon. , Good uo 6.G5 ( Choice do 70oSO do N O rnoLisscs _ 80 P i Kanzoon choice. . Carolina. . . . . . . . . CAUDLES. jj Wesk A Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . IG jSlT bchof era 102al7 SOAP. Missouri Vrlley. . . . . . Kirk's Sarou. . M. Wesk i Co tchofer's German. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kirk's standard. . . . . . . . . . . . _ do bterllnjj. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rei PLUG TOBACCO. Black goods , Western . 43 rdo do Virginia . . . . . _ 6ia55 do do Lorrilard's 55a60 Bright do do do . . 60a63 dj do Virginia 65a60 Natural leaf 75o93 DRIED FRUITS. California peaches per pound. . 16)fal7 do apples do 12at2K Ftate do do . Hal4 > i New cnnants. . . . . . . . . . . . Saa do prunes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . 14all do German cherries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 do bl.ckberrles- _ - 21 do raspberries . . . . _ . 33a4Q do raisins , per bor t3 40 do seedless raisins , per pound . . . l- > j bALT. New in barrels _ _ . .S2 70a2 83 ilu dsiry. . . . . . . . ! 50o5 75 CANNnD GOODS. 2 pound can Jljrer'soys'crs , per case . .SI 2" al 50 1 do do do du do 2 KJ 15 2 dc do William's do do . . . 4 0 a4 75 2 do do peachis pei case. . . . . . . . . 5 50 S do do do do . . . . . 7 00a7 00 2 do do tomatoes do . . . 3 0a3 75 3 do do do do 5 00 Corn , Tropny per case- 6 l > 0 do Wlnslow do . 550 do Yarmouth do . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 Strawberries , do 4 50a4 75 laspberrica , do _ 4 00 Pineapples , do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > 00 TEAS. Oolou-9 , per pound 25a73 Young H ) son. per pound 40al 00 Gunpowder , do do Coal 25. FLOUIt. Snow Flake , ( Wells 4 Nicman ) 4 50 Gold Dust . S 10 XXXX lowaCltr 3 00 California - _ . . . . . _ . 4 75a3 10 BAGS. QoBHies , heavy weight. . . .o light do . . lips , four bushel - . - . ISslS fldee gunnies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . * 18 iiu bags , Amos V eg A . - - . _ 30u31 .o do Ludlow a a . . . . Nulmegs , Tenang Leal , per pound 1 35al 41 Cljvet uu do . . . . . . CO Alspiee do do . . . . . . ISa.O Clnauion bark do d. > . 35j4G COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON. V bbls. , luO B.S _ . . J9 30@10 CO 1 tbcans , pirdoz . - . . 2 50j ( 2 75 2 do do _ . _ , . 3 90 ( < J 4 CO W11ITE Flail. No. 1 kits . _ . 1 15(5 ( 1 2r' Family In kits . - 1 100 1 20 Jibbls _ . . 050(3 ( 7 00 Family in J bbU . - 0 50 ® C 10 MACKEKhL. Family , in fcils . . 1 10@ 1 20 No. 1 , do . 1 OOO 2 00 Mess , do . . 3 00 ® 3 25 Family , bbls - . 7 OOQ 8 00 No. 1 , de . _ . 3 OO&IO CO Sardines , } { boxes , . - 18 50 < iil7 10 CIGARS. A. K. SIIIPSOX , Manufactmer , 532 15th Street. U. TJpman- . _ . _ . V M. 5 H > 00 I'.oconstructlon- . . . . do 3 , > 00 Grand Central . . _ . do 3500 Universal _ . _ do 40 00 Yara . . . . . . . . . _ . i . . do 43 00 La Boquet . - do 50 00 bimon Pure . . do 60 CO Pariigas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . _ . - . du 75 CO Yours Truly _ . - do 05 CO Gold Medal . . . . . . . . . . . _ do 50 00 La Eapanola . . . . . . . do 60 00 Triple Crowu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 75 00 Henry Clay. . . _ . _ do 100 00 De Viilcr . . . . . do 100 00 YViller. . . . . . . . . do 100 00 1876 . _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . do 75 UO CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 548 14th Street. Half barrel sacks. . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . 2 9C Chicago , Rock Island and Pacific R. R. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FROM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST , Via Des Moines"l/avcnport and Rock Island. All Passenger Trains are equipped with the WE&TINOIIOUSK PATENT AIR BRACKS and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. 2 Fast Express TrrJns leave Daily , onnectlng as follows : AT DES MOINES with the Des Moines Valley Railroad , lorOskaloou , Ottumwa , Keotut and St. Ixnls. AT OKINNELL with the Central Railroad of Iowa , for all points north to St. Paul. AT WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Mlnnesofe Railroad , for Burlington , Cedar Rapids , Dubuque A St. Paul. At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Western tiranch , for Muscatiue , Washington and all points south. AT DAVENPORT with the Davenport 4 St. Paul Railroad for points north. AT HOCK ISLAND with the Western Union Railroad for Freeport , Be > nt , liaclne , Mil waukee and all points in northern Illinois and Wisconsin. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Rocktord , Rock Is'andandSt. Louis Railroad for St. Louis and points south. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Peoria&Rock Island Railioad for Peoria and points east. AT BUREAU JUNG. , with branch , for Hen ry , Laecre , Chllllcothe and Peoria. AT LA 8ALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points noit hand south. AT CHICAGO with all lines East , North and South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern titles , lathi * line , can be procured , and any Information mation obtained , concerning points , at the ticket office of the company , 123 Farnham St. , Omaha , and also at the principal ticket offices ilong the line of the U. P. R. ii. Baggage Checked Throngh to all Principal Eaatcru Points. A.M.SMITH , H. RIDDLE , Gen'l Pasa'r Ag't , Gen'l Snp't Chicago. Chicago. J. H. LACEY , a 8 STEVENS , Ticket Agent , Qea'l Wcstwn Ag't i28U Oniaba Offlaba.t t Sioux City & Pacific 1 ? , K , The Shorten ana only Direct Route from COUNCIL BLUFFS St. Paul , Minneapolis , And all Points In WBTHEBX IOWA & 3QNNESOXA. * PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CABS On all night trains 7la this route. COXSECT10SS. 1. At U. P. Transfer with Un 3 Pacific iailroad lor Omaha. 2. At Council Bluff , with Kansas Citr , St. lot and Council Mlunj Railroad for SULouis tad all points .south. 3. At JIL-soarl.VaUeywilh the Chicago and Northwestern railway foi Chicago and all Kints east. 4. At Sioux City with Sioux City and S 'aul , Illinois Central and Datoti Southern allroads. Steamers lor Upper Missouri Blrer , luring naTlgatios and with stages for all lointa In the Northwest : 5. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern ailroad for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. 6.'At Fremont , Nebraska , with the Union 'acific railroad lor all point ; west and the adffecoasf 7. At Wfcsner with stages lor Norfolk and a olnts In Northern Nebraska. KS Tlckets for sale la Chicago and Norib- reatem Hallway offices.- ea-Be sure your Ucketa read Tla S. C , & P. iallway. L. BUBKETT , Sup't. T. C. HILLS , Gen. Ticket Ag't. QEC , W. GIM.TTAN , Ageat , Oaubm CHICAGO &NORTHWES'N The Popular Koute from 2k lEi O .A. TO- Ckicago and 'the East I AND THE TVWalerloo.Fort , , Cro M , Fralrlc Du Illicit. AVlnunm. Cl * ulI > uIutli , Jnncwllle , K < no- Him , Urrrii tat. Kuclnp. Meven'a I'oliit , Wctrrtown , OlikTssli , ton DuLar. aiiulUou iiutl Milwaukee. It Being the Shortest ami FListt'omnlctedLIne Between OH AH A and CHIC AGO , Constant nls Lave taken place in the way of reducing GiaJe , and plaring Iron willi fetcel Kails , adding to its rotliag stock Dew and Elegant DAT and 81. KKP1NG CARS Equippol with the"W.stlughou eAir Braio" 'and ' "Jllller Pljtlonn , " rstablishlng comturta- ble and commrdlous Eating Housed , ofTering all the comforts ol traveling t he ago can produce. From. : , to 10 Fast Express Trains ruu each way dally over the-various lines of this toad , thus securing to the traveler selecting this route sure and certain connections in any di rection he may wish to go. Principal Connections. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTIOK , for Sioux City , Yankton and points reached via Siour City and Pacific railroad. AT GUANO JUNCTION for Fort Dodge , Des Moines. Ottawa and Xeokuk. AT MARSIIAiiLforSt. Fanl , Minneapolis , Dulnth , and northwestern points. AT LEDAB BAPIDs for Waterloo , Cedar Falls , Charles City , Burlington and St. Louis. AT CLIN10N for Dubuqne , Dun'eith , Prai rie du Chien , La Crosse. and all points on the Chicago , Clinton < nd Dubuque , and Chicago , Duboque and Mlb lesota railroads. AT FULTON for Fre port , Kacloe Mlllwau- kee. and all points in Wisconsin , AT CHICAGO with all railway lines leading out of Chicago. Through tickets to all eastern cities vH this line can be procured , aud any information ob tained , concerning Koutes , Kates , etc , at the Companle's Office , 218 Faruhaui Street , Omaha , and also at the principal ticket offices along the line of the U. P.K.B. CSS-Baggage checked throggh to all principal Eastern points. W. U. STENNETT , MART.IK HUGniTT , Gen'l Posslnge'r Ag't. Gen. hupX J.JI LACEY , G.G.EDDY , Ticket Ag"t , Omaha. Gen'l Ag'tOmaha. mchlSvl , Omaha & St. Louis Short Line , 1874 ! The Kansas City , St. Joe and Council Blufis R. R Is the only dlro line to ST. XiOTTXJEI AND TUE EAST , FROM OMAHA AKD THE "WEST NO CHANGE i cult between OmanaandSt. Louis ana b U or e between OMAllA ana > r.W YOBK. This th Only -Jne running a I'lILLTIAH SLEBPING OAR EAST FUOJI OMAllA , ON AUKIVAL UK TUB UN1UX PACIFIC CXPUE&S SVPassengers taking othei routes rjare a dlsazrceable transfer at the Klver Station. TRAIMS DAILY ! BEACHING ALL EA3TEEN AND WESTEBN OITIE8 With Less Changes and in advance of other lines. This Entire Line Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars , Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westinsjhouae Air Brake. JKB-Soo that your tickeu read via Kansas City , S' , Joaepli & Council liluift Hal rod , Via Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets for sale at cor. Tenth and Farnbam streets , and U. P. Depot. Omaha. JOS.TEHON , GEO. L. 2RADBURY , Pass. Agt. Gen' Agent. . F. BABNARD , A. T. Gen'l Supt. Gen'l Pass. Agt. , St. Jospoh. St. Jnvoh. ROUTS S T. 3 TEATJSfS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. tOUIS WITH Pullman Palace Cars THBODGH WITHOUT OHAHGE TO Indianapolis , Cincinnati , 'Louisville ' , CJiiuago , Columbus , Pittsburg , PMladelpnia , Baltf-Jiore , Washington , NEW YORK ArrlTkl oi Trains from toe West ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland , Buffalo & Boston _ _ s _ . . _ . . nTlY lT7"l7rPC ! Are for Sale at the - aJLJAJLO Company's Office , N. E. coitL.fr1ourth < t Chtctrmt > ti , 81. IiOHli , na al the Principal Rl > - vray Offlcet In the We t. CHAS. BABCOCK , C. E , RUSSELL. JS'thern Pass. AK't , Wesfn Pass. Ag'i. DALLAS. TJCXAS. KASSAS CITT , JOHN E. SIMPSON. CHAS. E. FOLLB1T , Gen i Supt. , Gen'l Pass. Ag't. 29tf ISDtANAPOLU ST. LODI3. TTjtj-itoct. i lonfcctioners1 Tool Works , Tlaos , Mills < ifanulacturcrs o Confectioners'Tools Jfaffaltie 91 on Ids , Ice Cieem Freeze n , Nos. 1301 & 1303 No Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA , PA. Proprietors : 1 ESTABUSHID 1SJ1/ TBouii MUM , 1 - , GEO. ST. MILLS , f CATALOGUES SENT ATLKEP.PAKMZE.J upon application. 13th St , bet Faraham and Banter. all klndi of TAILOEINO , CLEANING and fi PAL' < tNG done at reasonable rate * SJPT26K KEABNEY'S FLTJID-EXTIUCT BUCHU The only known remedy for MIGHT'S DISEASE , And a.posltlve cura for Gout , Gravel , Strictures , ' ) Diabetes , Dyspepsia Xer- voii3 Debility , Dropsy , Kon-ietention or Incoitlnence of Urine , Ir'l- tatiou. InSauiatioq orlllccration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS , SPERMA TOUSIKEA , SLouroerhoe orWhltes , Diseases oi the Prostrate OUud. S one In the BhulJer. Colcnl ur , GRAVKL OR BUICK DfST DE- IPOsIT , And Mucus or MUky Dlscbarges. KEARNEY'S Extract Bucha ! Permanently Curcn all ] Diseases ol the Bladder , Kidneys , and Dropsical Swellings. Existing In Man , Women and Children , No Mailer What the Age : Prof. Stetle rays : "One bottle ot Kearney's Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more thn all other Buchus combined. " * Price one dollar per bottle ; or , six bottles fcr Ive dollars. Depot 104 Duane St. , N , Y , 4 physician In attendance to answer corres pondence and give advice gratis , arbend stamp for pamphlets , free..ogr Crane 4 Brigham , Wholesale Agents , San Francisco. Cal. a Swi TO THE. NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. 100HABGE POB ADVICE AND C3H- 8ULTATIOS. TR J. B. DYOTT , graduate of Jefferson iledlcal College , Philadel phia , author of several valuable works , jau be consulted on all disi eases of the Sexuul and urinary or gans , ( which he has made an es pecial study , ) either in male or fe male , no matter from what cause originating' , or how lorg standing A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. JCSTSend for the Guide to Health. Price lOc. lOc.f. B. DYOIlltX.D. Phy&icion and Surgeon , 104 'Duane street , ! N . T. OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE , HAPPY P.ELE1FFOP. YOUNG MEN from the effects of hirers and Abuses in early life. Manhood Restored , impediments to Marriage Bemovcd. New method of treatment. New and remarkable lemedlcs. Books and Circulars nentfree , in sealed envelopes. Address , 11OW- AltU AbSOCIA'lION.No. 2 South Ninth St , Philadelphia , Pa. , an Institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and profcs- ional kills. 1e5d&w3m c/Jiarles iPopper , WHOLESALE BUTCHER NI ) CATTLE BROKER , SALT LAKE CITY , - - UTAH feh27ItM. . Keller , Proprietor of tha' RISING SUN AilO \ LOS ANGELES YINEYRDS. Depot for the sale of hia NATIVE WINES AND KEL3LEH. & Co. , Comer.of Battery and Washington ? ! * . SAN FRANCISCO , VAX. . mar7U PASSENG-EtfS Going East or South from Omaha And Points on U.P.E.E. , hould take the "LINCOLN KOUTE" via The ATCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD' Ana f cure lor thcmjelvs the choice of Six Popular K'.Jtesfrnm Atf IiLsou to Chicago und St. Loals , AH making Reliable C aucctlons and being E vipptd wit5 Palace Day and Sleeping CJK. AH delay and Inconrenfenco arrlrtni ; from Ferries ar.d traoifen can be arolded West of Cnlczgo and St. Loula bj- securing Ticket ! via jLTCHISOX anil the ATCII1SUX A .NEBRASKA BA1UIOAO. Direct and Reliable Connections are also made with the A. T. & 3. F. R. B. for the Great Arkansas Yallef & Colorado , And with all lines running South to points in Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory. Ask for Tickets Tla ' LINCOLN & ATCHISON CHAS. C.8MITH , W. F. WHITE Gen'l Supt. Gen'l Pas * . Ag't , 1 UNTIL. YOC HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED OTJH. .AND LOW RESERVOIR A S IV E HAVE TWELVE UOOD < ± \ . why they will do your work. Quick and Easv. 1 Ghean and Clean. W They are cheapest to buy , They are lest to u e. They bake evtnlyand quickly , j Their operation is perfect , They hare always a good draft , - Tliej are made of Uie bestuiaterlal i They roast perfectly , tThey re < iuire but lltilo fuel , They are Terr low priced , I They are easily managed. ' They are suited to all localities , Tey tOTeguaranteedtogiTesatMac oa SOLD BT Excelsior Man'fg Co , ST. LOUIS , 'MO. , M. ROGERS. S1Z2 ' cc KlinS , 09 OQO Or Susar-Coalc J , Concentrated , Root and. Herbal Juice , Amu niUons Granules. TilE " LITTLE GIANT" CATHARTIC , or Multani Ii > Parvo Physic. The novelty of modern Nou'cai. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Seance No uae of auy lea > t taUni ; thu large , npuliivc antl niofeous pit ) . composcd of cheap , crude , and bnlty in redi'nU , waeuTO can by a careful application of checrcaS science , extrac all tie cathartic anil other mnJl tlnal properties from the rae t valuable roc * aoC heilti , and rourcutrate them into a minnc Gran- Die , nearti Iy larccr than a iiiuftarU HccJ , that can be readily aw allowed by thc'eol thamiwtsensive ! ftonmlH and fa-tidlous tats. Eicnlitllal'ilrsratlro I'cIIct rtprocntsini moHconcentrated form , ta mucK cathartic powrc es is embodied in any cf the lan\j , pills fonnd fur pile in the drr ; : ehopi. From their wondcrf.l cs- tlurtic power , in proTortlou o their elzc , peep ! who have not trieil them art. apt to fnp o-x ttat they arc har < r. or d-a < tlc in cffLCt , Irat ( Lch Is not at all the * . - . > he didfercnt actno mnlicauU prin ciples of which they are composed be n so bar. numzed and mwl.'ieJ. ono by the others , as to produce n moit HoarrliliiK aud thur- on hKl goutlyamlliluaiyoiicruliug- cataartl.- . 8300 Hi > waril ii hereby offered by the pro- prictor of .hcso ivllct' . to aiy chenibt ho , upon nnalysi' . ill Hml In thcra en > Calomel or other forms of mercury oi any other mineral poison. Bcln-j entirely pittfcnlir care laequlretl while uinthem. . Ihey CpS- ritc u ithout disturbance to the conptitutlon , di t , oroccupation. ForJauiidlccIlcadaclic , Constipation , Iiuiuiro ISlood , 1'nlu lit the Miouldcrx , TlclTtucss of tlio ChCHt , DlzzliicHu , Sour Kructatioiic ot the Momacli , Had tavto In inouth , Hlllous nttackx , I'alil In region or Kidneys , internal E'cver , Uloatetl fccIiiiK about Stomach , Iluth of Illood to Head. IIlRJi Colored - , orod Urine , LiiHocialiilily xind. dloorny Forcboillnu" take l r. I'lerco'HPIcaxantl'ursatlvcI'cllclf. In ciplan nua of tha remedial power of my I crI I gatlvo Pellets o\crfo cast nvo--kty crdi < ca cskl I wi htoraythst thrir action upon the animal economy Isunl crwal , iiotrv Claud or tliouocNcaptn ? their NancI I live im : > rcf > R > A J dues cot impair them * I their eagar coatlnsf aud being c lcctl in glas * I bottles pre-"er\e \brtucsunhnralrcd for any I Iccgth of time , in any climate , eo that they arc a- j \nys fresh and reliable , which Ii not the ea a I infi the pilis found in the ilra-j ? torc , put np in 1 cheap vrixid or panto-board box"3. Ut collect that I fira'i ' di oa cs where a LnTatlve , Attera-l tire or Pursatlvo is irul'catnl. ' the o llttioi IV.l- tsvli d\c lac uo t perfect eatislactioa to I all wnouoethsm. j They nro MoU ! > y all ciitcrprUInpl Drusulstw at Z cents ti bottle. I Do not allow any ilrnp lst to ! mluo rot lo I take anything ls j that Le may fay is Ju t aj I peed as my Y'cllclo becau"e ho nukes a Urpet I proflton that vrhi-h ho rccoiamcnds. 'f joccl drasrl't cannot supply then , enclose 23 cent * | anotccci % Pthrmnyr _ _ _ _ > tarn on 1 f-om JJCTFALO , N. ' ASK FOR PYLE'i SALEMTH -ANI BAKING SODA ) I OXT S : J Meyer A Raapfcc and Whitney Bauserman i Co. .CASTLE BHOS- , IMPORTERS OF TEA AXD East India Goods , 213 and 215 FRONT STREET San Francisco California. icchG'm PLATTE YALLEY REAL ESTATE ! Samuel C , Smith , Local Agent for the U. P. B. B. LANDS , t t Columbus ITeb , - , Governmentlands Located ! T. P. Lands Sold ! Improved Farms and Town Tots , for | O j SBC ! ! on ON LONGTIME ! ! JE6 ? A1I Communications Cheer fully Answered STOVE ST.OS.E. E. F. COOK , 537 14th St. , betieea ItogLu an4 Dod > * Manufacturer of Tin Oipper andSheet _ Iroa Wrc , and dealer in Cooking and Heating stoves Stamped , Japanned and French Wire 01 an d. Tin Rootta ? , Gutters and Spoutlnjana ho Work done and. wirroatod. et U