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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1874)
THE OMAHA BEE OFFICIAL PAPEK OF TILE CITYl TO ffs DO HOT < leilra any .contributions whatever of * literary or poetical character ; and we * ill not undertake to preserve , or to return case whatever. Oar Bufl te EJirae , la any Is sufficiently large to more thaa rapplr our limited space In that direction. EiLit NAMK OF AVBITER , In full , roust In each and erery case accompany any communica tion ol-irhat nature soercr. This Is not in tended lor publication , 'jut Jor our own satis faction and as proo ! of food taitb. OOK COUXTRT FKIKSDS we will always Ixs pleued lo hear from , on all matters connected with crops , country politics , and on any sub ject whatever of general Interest to the people ple of our SUte.Any information connect ed with the election , and relating to floods , . _ -ccUcnts. etc. , will bo gladly received. All . . ' inch communil'tions , however , must be " brief'as possible ; and C.ey must. In all cases , be written up c one side of the sheet only. POLITICAL. AU. AHSO KCKMEHTS ol candidates for oQa whether made bj self or friends , and jf. whether as not 'tesor. con-iiunications to ' .li t- Editor , are ( until nominations are made ] simply personal , and will bo charged as ad. Tcrtisemrnta All communications should bo addressed t < . B03EWATEB , Editor and Publisher , Draw . T.m. JTOTICE. ' OB and after October twenty-first , 1672 , thi city circulation of the DAILY BEE is assume * by Mr. Edwin Davis , to whose'ordcr all sub criptiuns not paid at the office will be payable and by whom all receipts for subscriptions wil countersigned. E. li'JSEWATER. Punlinne fWHAT was it thatiiroiuptcd Pat tee and Strickland to visit Furay a his private residence last nigbt Did they go there to compare note about that S4.000 "business ? THE bloodthisty character of Hi Carlist brieauds receives further il lustration by our cable dispatches Over one hundred Spanish Ilcpubli can soldiers , held as prisoners b Don Carlos , have been butchered i cold blood" in the past three days. Acting-Governor of Missis "sippl appeals for reinforcenienl 'from the Federal army to kec .Vicksburg straight during tbe in : pending election. The Mayor ( Vicksburg implores Secretary Be' knap to let Yicksburg alone. Tb prayer of the Mas'or seeius to pn vail. NEBRASICA Grangers who ai "importuncfl ; by ambitious inembei of thebrorder to organizea Granger' ' party \vill do well to ponder over tb following resolution , passed by Si vo'y Grange , Xo. Co , of Champaig countyr Illinois : Jtcsolval , That Savoy Grang locks with distrust , ami most en phatically disproves of the cours taken bj * some of the Granges i wending delegates to political non inating conventions. " i" ; TJIB Lincoln Journal holds tli - BEE responsible for the flzze of th " Independent meeliug at the Stat Capital Tuesday. It is charged th : a number of delegates , includin Mr. Root from Douglas county , wci cent on a fool's errand to'Lincol by thd BEE'S announcement thi " the meeting would be held on Tue : day , July 21st , when in fact it do < not come off until one week late - 2 < owiheBEE proposes to place tl : - ' v responsibility > \here it belongswit the Kcmaha. Granger. Thatpap < is the oflicial organ of the origin : movers of this new departure , an the BEE simply obtained its info : mntion from that sheet. DOES VINDICATION" VINDICATE t SJoro than a wcek before the a : rival in Omaha of Special Agci Hawley , ihe Omaha postal corru ] tionists openly boasted their abilit to "box him up. " Mr. Hawley M now * herej and , much as wo jcgn it , we arc , unfortunately , forced i the conclusion that ho is effectual ! boxed. From the Very outset tb pretended investigation condticte by him in the interest of the Go\ ernment has proved a transparci and' disgraceful sham. "While tL party that preferred the gray charges "against Messrs. Yost an Furay was denied the privilege < counsel in examining witnesses f IivsHawley has throughout acte * ns the attorney of the accused. Instead of'nn impartial investigi tor he assumed the role of vindicc tor. In fact he openly sought to cs culpatethe acctibcd by the most ir C1 gemous sophistry. "While conceding Mr. Hawley' ' n vindicator of postal ras cality , the BEn doubts .excecdingl , , whether his .style of viudicatioi f "will vindicate before an unprejudi " ced populaf frlbunalL - "In' order that our readers ma ; _ .comprehend Mr. Hawley's peculia . -vie\rs of otricial1 honor and intcgri . - ty .we shail cite a fc\y .of his logicu arguments.Vhca Mr. "Win. Bam l , rgejhad.tcstifled that Postmaste ostshad'coaverted Pattce's" lotlen 4 * JW * ' establishnieiit into n bianch i > est office by pbrmitting I'attec to putu ] his owa. laail and cancel the stamps Mrv Ycst acknowledged the fact and Mr. Hawley promptly remark ed that Ibis was somewhat irregula but inasmuch as iPatlec was a libera patron of the postoflico there could b o harm iu letting him cancel hii \ stamps Bince it saved the clerks ii Cjethc postoflico much labor. y. .Now" we defy Mr. Hawley to cit - a single instance where -the Post ' office Department has ever grantc < % a permit toany merchant , banke ; ? or journalist to put "up , stamp am * fc1 ? uS'roail on his own premise " " land" without the persouol super jjyisiou 'ofa sworn postal clerk 3Iuch less can Mr. Hawley cite ai instance where the Postofllcc Department -partment has granted such cxtraor vdiiiary privileges to a lottery mana 'gen Again , the same witness tcs Miffed that postmaster Yost had hr * turned over all jnquirie to him by mail conceniinj reliability of Pat lottery to Mr. Pattce , and Mr Hawley declares there is noUiinj wrong about that , "I might liavi done the same thing. " " \Vasnohsucliaii act-ait oinphall endorsement of the lottery swindle' ' r rAngahi ; when -Yost aclnio\vlcdge < " "tVat he had received anil accepted : - * set of silver service from Patlcc , Mr Hawley thought there was nothing improper about Uiat. Taken in con jiectioa v.ith the extraordinary mailing facilities enjoyed by "Mr. Pattee , does Mr. Hawley believe this munificent gift was not well earned' ' And now we come to Mr. 5per- ry's testimony , which can. be .cor roborated by the pay rolls Jnjhe Omaha post office. .Sperry 'testifies that he signed the pay roll for$125 each month , of which amount he only received $100 and Yost retained the balance. Mr. Sperry. served ten months in the office and the Government was thus deliberately defrauded out of $250. Mr. Hawley thinks that was also somewhat irregular. In fact , he in clines to the opinion that it would have been sufficient cause to prevent Yost's appointment , but inasmuch as it was done during Griffin's administration - ministration , it is questionable whether Yost should now be held t uccount for it. , "Under this code of morals the promotion of a public thief would debar the Government from dis- misfeing him , providing the thefj was committed before he was pro raoted. This is a bold and'danger ous declaration , that a public officei known to be dishonest and odrrup may still hold a responsible positior of honor , profit and trust. Against this monstrous and in famous doctrine the BEE enters it solemn protest , both as a publii journal and a representative of th < Republican party. That party can not afford to invent or forge excuse for public corruptionists , nor wil the BEE lend itself to such a suicida task. Jf Ur. TTawley is disposed t make the postal Investigation i farce , nobody can prevent bira , "bu let him not attempt to vindicat what cannot honorably be vindi catcd , AN IHPOBTAHT DBOISIOIT , A decision involving very impoi tant principles touching the right of pubh'c carriers was rendered i the U. S. Circuit Court of Illinois on Tuesday , in the case of the AI lantic & Pacific Telegraph Compc ny against Chicago , Rock Island i Pacific Railroad Company. Th Telegraph Company accepting tb act of Congress of July 34 , J88 < 5 , f titled "an act to aid in erecting tel < graph lines , aud to secure to th government the use of the same fi postal and military , and other pui posei , ' ' commenced the constructio of a line along the route ( the R.ock Island Rail Roac between Chicago ami" Qah ? } } : The railroad company ordered tli telegraph company to desist after IHW poles were set Therefore tl telegraph cqrnpany appealed to tb United States Circuit Court for a injunction restraining the ralirpa company from interfering with.tb construction of their lines , clalmln that , as the Rock Island road cai ried the "United States mail , it wi a post road and came under tb provisions of the act of 1SGC. It was claimed in bqhajf the raj road company , that the aot in quo : tion applied only to roads travesin public domain. That the right way which had been condemne and purchased by the railroad undc the State laws was the property t the railroad company , and und < the fifth amendment to the Const tutlon , could not be taken withoi compensation. JudgeDrummond in ills dcclslo held that the act of July 24,1861 limits the powers therein conferre to such military and postal roads ( the United States as are owned c exclusively controlled by the go\ ernment. That the act does nc include railroads which have bee designated as post routes by otlu acts of Congress , over which th government exercises no cor trol , but simply contracts Ic the carriage of the mail of the United States. Tha neither under the act of 18C6 nc under any other act can Congres take or authorize the. taking of th private property of a railfoad' coi poration for the purpose.of erectin and maintaining a telegraph lin without compensation for the frau ebisc so sought to be granted. The Hennonites at Castle Garden Among the emigrants now a Castld Garden , are about COO Men jiouite ? . If these are a fair sampl of those who are to follow , we ma ; expect the great body of emigraii Mcnuonite * about to come to th United States from Russia , to , rivn their brethren in Pennsylvania am Maryland , and the States of th Northwe t , whose ancestors cam here before the Revolution Mos readers will recall the , singular his torical fact , that even Frank lin opposed the emigratioi of these people to the Province o Pennsylvania , and yet they are to day the bone and sinew of tha ' great co'mmonwealth. Scotch-Irish , though proverbially i thrifty race , had no chance in eon tending with the steady indusrn and economy of the German rclig ionisls , and to-uay many of thi most mngnificenf farms in theStafi are owned by the Meunonites. Oui fact as .significant as it is remarkabli is that such a , thing as poverty isam always has been , unknown among them. A poor Mennonite is harder t < find than a rich gambler. Tin reaMtJi of this is that they teacl their children industry and frugality as a rc-ligious duty , and laziness anc Ihrlftkv&ness , are among them vices to be particularly avoided They are not what the Yankee call "intelligent , " neither are ? thej "cute , " but they are extreme ] y h'mest , eminently active h earing for their own interests , with out detriment to those of thei neighbors , and so industrious tha they not only enrich themselves but as they have increased in num. hers and wealth they have conferrec incalculable blessings upon thi vhole country. They do not be lie ve in war , but if all men were likt them in developing the natural re sources of the soil by honest toi the country would soon become K rich that nobody could afford tc fight. They arc a'simple , modest earnest , industrious and frugal pe < v pie , ttnd , thpugh opposed to waranc talcing no"part in politics , tiler's an are no better or more useful citizens "V\re"liave3iacl five oisix geSbration ! of Mcnnohites bom iii this country and the stock has proved so satisfac tory that we cannot but receive the new supply with special and heart } welcome. JVcu ? York Herald , Jult , PTTNGENTISTIC. , . Dubuque surrounds its dead with pleasant memories , by laying out a race course around a cemetery. Land can be bought In "Florida at five cents an acre. No family should ba without a farm. Georgia convicts who have been leased to contractors are anxious to be re-leased. Illicit stills can't be kept still in Maine. The excise officers always worm them out. One old maid and a bald-headed man will cast a gloom over a picnic party which no pickled oysters 01 deviled ham can dispel. The man in Corydon , Ind. , wlic received three small pups in pay ment for three days' harvest worl demands an improved currency anc more of it ! According to the marine editor o : a Cincinnati paper , there is nott steamboat man on lheVestern riv ers who would not die rather that telTthe truth. In Maine the other day the light niug struck a negro square on thi top of his head. The darkey wa ! slightly confused for a moment , am then wanted to know "who frewec dat brick ? " "My son you look like a boy whi has .been brought up by affectiouat parents , " said a kindly stranger t < golden-haired child , and the latter in an excited tone , exclaimed , "B I ? Just look at my back I" The Virginia Enterprise facetious ly remarks : "Down in Carson Val ley it is so hot now that the home * toads are obliged to carry umbrella in order to guard against sun stroke. " The Western papers are full c "The Man with the Brandei .flaad : " but no attention is paid t the men with "brandied" noses though they are as ten thousand t one. Boston J'ost. At last reports , says the No York Commercial Advertiser , In djau Agent Miles had had bis seal nailed on for safety , thrown a\va ; his broad-brimmed hat and wa coming east at the rate of a mile minute There is nothinglike persevcrajip and industry for building up lastjn relations with the busy work There Is a woman in Delaware wh was once a lonely and friendlej girl. Now she Las a husband an twenty children. A Toledo man recovering froi his Fourth of July patriotic exei tions , announces that ho don't s much inlud the loss of his pockei book and watch , but if the finds will bring back his set of teeth lie1 be everlastingly grateful. The Rochester Democrat notes th fact that three of the Hamilton Co jegp graduates liqvp entered journa Ism , anil goes qh to sqy that "it is hopeful sign that so many journa ista regard a liberal education as necessary preliminary to tUeJr pr < fcssional dutjes , The Danbury man says : "On English dinner In the Inexperience American will produce that night- twelve cross-eyed lions ; eight bear with calico tails ; eleven glanfc with illuminated heads ; one awft dog , with twelve legs , and fourtee bow-legged ruffians chased by heft of piratical cauliflowers mounted on ; sail.des ( of beefjroastet Any respectable chemist wiil oorrc borate this statement. " An accident such as we hope ma occur often happened recently t .Nashville. HetrjUutiva. justice vis ited a baggage smasher. * Eo droj ped a box in the manner of thos gentry.and the nitro-glycerinc tha it happened to , contain spoke for il self. 'He now repents in bandage ; It is all very well to say the explc sjvo has no business there. But it will be there occasionally an will teach them to handle baggag gently we shaHoverloolwtheofiens of the sender. A hater of tobacco asked an 61 negro woman , the fumes of whos pipe were annoying to him , if sli thoughtshe was a Christian. "Ye bruddor , J eppot T is , " flo yo know that there is a passage in th Scriptures that declares that no thin unclean shall inherit the kingdoi of heaven ! " "Yes , I've heard ( it. " "Well , Chloe , you smoke an you cannot enter the kingdom c heaven , because there is nothing s unclean as the breath of the smoke : What do you say to that ? "Whi Ispects I leave my breff behiii when I go dar. ? ' NATUHAI CURIOSITIES. In Ceylon the monkeys are eatin the cinchona bark. A twenty-five pound porcupin was killed in Eleventh ward , Sal Lake City , the other day. There is a Iree in Florida , at Lais Harris , which yields 7,000 lemon annually. Natural curiosities , gathered o PugetSound , arc awaiting shipmen at Olympia to a Museum in Yicnm Austria. A rattlesnake ten feet or more i length and as thick as a man's arm ' has been we'll ncarFreiichtownCa , ] ifornia. A remarkable-instance of longey ity is that of Mrs. Josefa Valmasedii who recently "died at Springfield Tuolumne County , California , agei 111 years. The San ( Jose Patriot is informei of a remarkable herb growing on th foothills of Santa Clara county , tha is a certain cure for small pox. Th first dee cures Ih A "peerless" potato' is on cxhibi tion in Marysville , which grew ii the foothills In 83 days , and \vcigh 1 } pounds. Another instance shovIng _ Ing what the foothills can do. Mr. W. H. Dall has .found . 01 Amaknak Island , Onalaska , i cave containing human skeletons o : a great age , with many implement of bone , ivory , stone , and carvet wood. There were several layers o these remains formerly bclonginj to distinct periods of time , each lay er being covered by a separate mas of gravel. We regret to say that the meg recent and thrilling zoological stor ? is tragical. A. cat in Massachusett bereaved of her young adopted j set of little muskrats. When thei eyes were opened , and they eav what kindof _ a mother fate had be stowed upon them , they so loudli complained that the benevolent c > i became both liungrjrand indiguan and ate every one'of them. " Abraham Cooper , who died las week in San Francisco , was 'note < "for his gonnandizinK'propensities Tiaving some time before his sud den demise performed thointerestinj feat of eating at one meal of a hal hours duration a fourteen pount furkey arid a loaf of' bread. Upoi another occasion he consumed fiv glasses of lager beer , one glass o whisky , two bottles of claret , twc glasses of gin and one of brandy in all aggregating in liquid measun gallon and a quarter. PERSONALITIES. Sunset Cox gets up at sunrise every , morning at Saratoga. Aristarche Bey , Minister from Turkey , takes his Turkish bath -at Long Branch. Mr. Henry BergVtbe champion of dumb creation , is spending the season at Saratoga. General Butler is at "Martha'f Vineyard , where they .raise , camp meetings and convert people. The Cincinnati Enquirer think Matt Carpenter should have , pro posed a law prohibiting hotel regis ters. . . ' . - " ] Kate Stoddard-wants her looking glass to take with1 her to the lunatii asylum. Nothing remarkabl strange , about that. That cold-blooded human icicle liyman Urumbull , is coquetting fo a nomination to Congress on th Anti-Mouop ticket. Hawkeye. Lydia Thompson threatens t come back tothe. United States nex season -with a new company. Th s"shape" artists have struck for high er wages "already. Minister Washburne in Paris ha been in very poor health of late , am possibly may come home on sic leave next month. It is said tha he contemplates an early withdraw ! froni diplomatic. service. Jones , of Nevada , is at Lon Branch. Ho has a team of fou horses , and a brilliant complexiori Jones handles the 'ribbons wit great success , and thus supplies in measure the loss of Jlin Fisk. Sir Moses Montefiofe has bee presented with the iree'dom of th Fishmongers ! Company , in recoj nitioti of his philanthropic effort on behalf of the oppressed Jews i various parts of the world. Si Moses will attain his 'ninetieth ' yes on the 24th of October next. Kemper , of Virginia , lias d ( stroyed his chances for the Vic Presidency in Ohio by "having n authority" to let the 03 posjtion h.o.YP an old piece of Ire own ed' .liy the Com mon wealth. J is an old colonial stove , and with the Cincinnati managers hope t fire th&Buckeye heart , Governor ot New York , Gei ral Dix , retains the vigor and ba ance of his mental vigor facultit to a remarkable degree. He is sei enty-six years of aue , yet the can of governing a great Commcwwealt does not apppar to weigh heavily o him , qltbdugh. = ho will soon be a octogenarian. The editor of the Mattoon (111 ( Gazette Introduced Colfax at tt Odd Fellows' celebration , at Ma teen , last Tuesday , and undertoo to apologize for the part the ( \ \ tinguished orator took.n . ' the litt' Credit Mobillor affair. It is sai that Colfax""b.lustibl dtepjy , a.n looked vpry peniteiit. f\\y \ \ ladji all took out ' thclf handkerclijof ghl thprg wasn't dry eye In tt crowd , Minnie Myrtle Miller , once tl wlfo of Joaquin Miller , the wande Jng poet , left Choos Bay for Sa Francisco last week , in compan with her mother , who is in vei jxwr health. It is supposed thi Minnie Myrtle is accompanied I the three children , whom she cal her trjnU.Yt The oldest of the girl Ma.ud Miller , thirteen years of ag < is remarkably handsome and a tractive , possessing rare intelligent for one so young. Do it Circumspectly. I Wattersoa's Advice to Murat Ilalsteid. ] The drums are rattling on tl ) Champ de Mars. Helmets glitt on the Bridge of Marengo , Tli Elysian Fields are aflame , j Cressanoix js twirling ins baton b < hiiul the Palace of Industry , an half a hundred fat girls in false jev elry are bawling the ballads out < M. Le Cocq's last extravaganza t the Arch of Stara. The naiac around the obelisk in the Palace < Harmony .bob their bron ? heads through tlje ml of the fountains , and tli river runs qn. toward Auteuil , whei Annajid Duval and Violetta sougl a rustic dwelling , keeping its secre passing 'well. The Moulin Eouge not far aAvay , nor the.Ma'bille eithe Mr. Halstead pays his money an takes his choice ; and we shall nc be kept Waiting long to see .ho.v 1 will come out of it. But , whatevi he does , let him first down on h marrow-bones and beseech som good Frenchman ' to show him , sin he nius't , how he may do It ci cumspectly ! A Colorado Pony. Yesterday , says a Southern Col rado paper , we saw a man , a wi man , a good-sized boy , two babie five'or six blankets , a buffalo .rob and two strings of chili on a sing " pony. "Every available inch fro ) his ear to the root of his tnU W ) "taken. " The .poop . anlrapl wi very small ; thin as a towel rack ; < a siokly pole color ; and one fore ie was about five , inches shorter thn the other the knee joint of his le was very large , and we suppose thi the missing part of the leg wi driven in there by the weigl above , so that when it was r < lieyed the leg would stretch oi again like a turtle's head. In fac nearly all his legs was short1 , an the crookedcst convention of le { that we ever saw. Incredible as , may seem , the wiry little anims passed us on a trot. When he cam down on the short leg , and the fan ily "kerplumped" with it , It woul have' made the oldest man llvin laugh. Both the clillldren wer sleeplng'Boundly , for the motion < the horse served all the purposes ( a cradle' A Dead. Dog's Power. ( Sptingfle'd , Mass. , Republican. } . A Worcester boy was engaged i nocturnal cherry-stealing a ahoi time ago , and was observed by th owner of , the fruit , who , unnotice by the jourig robber , placed a larg stuffed dog , at the foot of the tret and retired to watch ihe result of hi strategy. The boy about descend ing , observed the dog , and then th fun commenced * He wlustled.coax ed , , threatened unavaflinply , the'an Iraal never , movlugf and finally tb youth , accepting the Inevitable , set tied down to passing the night ii , the tree. After some hours hai passed , wearily enough to the lad moj-ning dawned , and the proprie tor of the'tree ; , coming from th house , asked him how lie'came to b in the -tree , to which the boy a.p swered.lhathetookJt to save .hlni self from the dog , who had chasei him quite a distance. Itjsn't health1 for a smaller boyto say stuffed do ] to that youth now. That : noble old veteran Hoii Gerrit Smith , , is always exhibitinj his philanthropic qualities inaprac tical manner. His last gift of on thousand dollars for the relief of th Minnesota sufferers by the depreda tions of the grasshoppers is but an other reminder of the blessed chari ties he has strewn along his pathwa1 of life for the benefit of his fellow countrymen. BANKING. U.S. DEPOSITOR'S Ban ! Cornerof , Farhamand _ 13tl Street , THE OLDESTBATOIHQESTABLISHjaEN ! ( Successors to Jiountze Brothers. ) ESTABLISHED IN 185S Or tmiajd u a National Bwk , August 26.-186 Capital and Profits over - $250,00 . OFFICERS AXB DiaECTOES : E. CREIQHTOX , A. KOUXTZE , President. Cashier. i Vice'Pres't. "As't Cashier. : ey. , AI-VIN.'SATJNDEHS ' , ; BfiOS L.OWE President. Vice Presden f" " ' , ° ' riEN \ wobn. i Cashier. SAVZXTCS BAITS K. W. Cor. Farnham aud ISth Sts. , Capital. : . : _ - S 100.C Authorized Caliltll . l.OOO.C ! , H. . . i . * iT\EPOSITS AS SMALL AS ONE DOt I \J larsece'vcd and compound interest alI - I lowed on tbe sr.iac. . . . Advantages " ; ' ! , OVER . ( jertificates of Deposit : E WHOLE.OR . ANX-PAKT OF A D Til poilt after remaining- this Bcnk thi montlis , will draw interest from d.te ol depi it'to payment. , Tbe. whole or any part o' a c posit can Vdr wn afjanv fine. aug23 r' The .Oldest Estabiisheo BANKING HOUS1 XX JiilJlASKA. Galdwell , Hamilton & Co Business transacted same ris tli of an Incorporated Hankl Accounts kept in Currency or Go subject to feignl check' ivithout h tlce. tlce.Certlflcatesof Certlflcatesof ; Deposit issued pa able ou demand , or at lixed da bearing Interest at six percent , p annum , and available in in all par of the country. Advances made to customers < approved securities at market rat of interest. , Buy and sell Gold , Bills of E change. Government , .State . , Count anil CUT Bonds. AYe give special attention to negr tiatingr .Railroad and other Corp rate Loans Issued TTilhin the Stal Draw Sight Drafts on Tnglan Ireland , Scotland , and 'all parts Europe , Sell Enroppan Passage Ticliots. CuLLLECTiOKS PKOMPTLY MADE. , aultf EZRA atlLtAKO. I J. H. 3III..IiARI President. Caahit NATIONAL BAN ] Cor. Douglaa and Thirteenth Streets. OMAHA , - v .TSE1..RA8K : Capltnl. . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . i..S200,000 Surplus and Profits- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 30,000 AGENTSFOR THEUMT ] FINANCIAL STATES. AI.T DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY 'F ( DISBURSING OFFCEUS. THIS BANK DEALS ID Exchange , Government Bonds , Vouchc Gold Com , BULLIONand GOLD DUST. And sells drafts aqil makes collections on parts of Europe' BCP"Draf Is drawn payable In gold or curre cy on the Bank of California , San Francisco. THICKETS FOR SALE TO ALLPAR' ' ' * of Europe via the Ciinard and Nalloi Steamship Lines , and the Hambufg-Amcr' < Packet Comp-my. jy27tt BVBOK KEKD. LKWIS S. BE BYRON REED & GO. The Oldott EatabUahed Keal Estate Agenc1 IN NEBRASKA- Keep a complete Abstract ol Title to'all R Eiitnte In Oin-hn and Douclas conntr. Established 1858. , a- . CARRUGB WNUFACTORI 538 & 540 Fourteenth Street , ( Office up etalrs. ) Omaha , Nebraska , .Carrlaj and Buggies on hand or made to order. N. B. Particular attention , paid to Bepa tog. apr28-t Hydraulic , Cemen.1 AND- WOULD : INFORJT.-THE PJBUO J they , arc now ready to furnish H DUA1JLIC CEMENT of the very best quail andlnanyiquanmy.eitberat the factory , whi Is located * t IkaWcc.NeU , the ripe woi in Omahi. They also are prepared to furnl all Mnds cK3 tMENT 1'IPINO lor SEWERAG TEE OUR CEMENT TO BE EQUL TO Ali HYDRAULIC CEMENT MANWACTORI IN THE UNITED STATES , BEATIUCK JIYDBAUUC . & PIPE CO. stexrzx Corner of Cnaitgs and Tyent'y-second tint The finest lager baer 'con stantly on hand. Je25-fim CUAS. WEYMWtlEK ; , Pro LH. STATE-MILLS QRAINj FLOIJB AND FEED , . AJfD COMMISSION 3IERCHAKT. 255 Harnejr aireeti between IWh. and JStl r _ . ' p I -i am i Carriage and * agon Jffaldng In all it Branches , * In the latest and mo approred pnttem. HOBSE SHOEINO AND BLACJCSmTHIW * f * reptlrinz doiw on ihort moUce. Furniture Dealer Nos. 187,189 and 191 Fainham Street. m'arSdtt MILTON ROGEBS , Wholesale Stoves and THTITBB.S' STOCK , - SOLE WESTERN AOENCYFOR - STEW\UT'S COOKING and HEATING STOTES THE "FEABLESSCOOKING STOVES , GHARTEB OAK COOKING STOVES All of Which Will bo Sold at Manufacturers' Prices , With Frelslitjadded ap2"tf Some * , for JETloe Xjjstst. _ _ J. A. THORUP , NEBRASKA SHITMANUFASTOB1 FARNHAM ST. , l FARNHAM ST. , OMAHA. NEBRASKA. SHIRTS AND GENTS' FDOTSfflNG GOODS , &C. . &C C -Shirts of all kinds made to order. Satisfation guarrantsed.-a aprllyleod Fort Calhovm IF'IEIIEJID Manufactured with Great Care from the Best Grain. General Depot , Ccr. 14th , A Dodge Sts CI.AIIK. W. B. 21IC2IAE.DSOIT. PITCH , KLT AND GRAVETROOFER And Manufacturer of Dry mitt Saturated Hoofing and Sbentklns Felt. ALSO DEALERS IN Roofing , Pitcn , Coal , Tar , Etc. , Etc in any patt of Nebraska or adjoining States. Office opposite [ the Gas Works , o : EOOPiNO Addreea P. O. Box-132. _ _ _ _ _ WHO LES ALE CANDIES I ant now jnanulacturing all varieties of candies and will sell at * IE _ A _ S T IE IR , IIST IPIR/iaiE ] Dealers in this State need not want to go L'ast for CANDIES. A trial is solicited. IS t- mchl1t > B. & J WILBUR , Books and Stationery. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Fourteenth Street , Omana. , ITeTs GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS ar3-lmy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. P. GOODMAN , WHOLESALE DRUSeiST .A.ricl I > cnlei' III ; PAINTS , OILS AND WINDOW GLASS , Omaha. Nebraska. IMPOKTEB AND JOBBER Of ToninOS AND DOJIKSTIC WINES and LIQUORS , Tobaccos and Cigars , No. 1 2 FATINHAM STREET , OMAHA , ' NEB.- * ; : Old Kentucky Whistles a Specially. ENT FOR THE ELDORADO WINE COMPANY , CAUFOENIA.-ia of aroliot. 111. JAS. M.MCVITTIB , WHOLESALE DEALER IN fCla ried Cider.i i 135 and 1&6 Farnham Slreat. II. U. YTALK1 * , JCAXOTA.CTUKtJ' AMI DliALERIN BOOTS & SHOES 51fl nth. St. Between Farntam and Douglas JACOB GISS , ,261 Farnbaia fit * Bet. 14th * UNDERTAKER MAX MEYER & BROTHER , OMAHA , NEBRASKA CHEAP PAB.MSI FREE SOMES. On tne line'oftit Union Pacific A Lani Grant of 13,000,000 Acres of tfco test TABUING oad MISEBAL Lands of Anerlo 1,000,000 ACUFS IN NEBRASKA Iff THE GREAT PLATTE TALLE THE GABDEH OF THE WEST KOW TOE SALE These lands are In the central portion oJ the TJniteJ States , on tbe 1st degree of Lr Itade : the central line ol the great Temperate'Zone o ! th8 American Continent , and lor gra growing and stock raising unsurpassed by any In the United Stat . OHEAPES IS PBIOE.mnis faiorable terns siren , aad more eoarenleat to sauiet th a e he found Elsewhere. , FIVE and TEN YEAES' credit glrea with Intersst at SIX PER CENT COLONISTS and jsOTUAL SETULEBS can liny oa Ton Tears' Orsdlt Lands a tbs it : ] erics to all OBEDIT PUSOHABEB3. A Deduction TEN PEll CENT. FOR CASH. * FREE HOMESTEADS FORACTUAL SETTLERS. liid HIP Best Locations for Colonies ! Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead c 160 Acres. Send for new Descriptive PamphM , with new maps , pnbllahed tn-Eiiillsb , German , S . HUBEIiMAIOr & CO. X O ja. Zj WATCHMAKERS , OF S. E. Cor. IStli & Douglas Sts. WATCHES & CLOCKS JEWELRY AND PUTED-WME , AT WHOLESALE Oil R ETA II , . Dealers Can Save TIME and FREIGHT Ordering of Us. ENGltATIXG BONE FREE OE CHARGE ! UOODS WARRANTED TO BE AS REPRESENTED. ' lan31-tr CULKBLll S C. ABBOTT - S. C. ABBOTT & CO. Booksellers 1 JJBALKKS IN PAPERS , No. 188 Farmliasn Street. Oinalia , 3 > T- | Publishers' Apents for School Hooks nscrt In N GEO. A. HOA GLAND , Wholesale Lum - OFFICE AND YARD , - COR , OF DOUGLAS AND 6TH STS , , U , P , B , R , TRACK , ' ] anlltf WM. M. FOSTER , "Wholesale Lumbej .WINDOWS , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , . Plaster Paris , Hair , Dry and" Tarred Fe T .Sole Aleuts for _ 15ear .Crcclt Lime and Loulsrilla Cement J 1 " - OFFICr'AlTDTrAKU : - l llVTAT-TA On U. P. Tract , bet Farnhaia aud Douclas Sts. j V/ilJ.jti. JJL i , aprttf N..X D. SOLOMQN , OILS AND .li I , HEAD-LIGHT OMAHA - ' .NEBR F AlBLIE & MONELL , ; , BLANK EOOK MANUFACTUer . - * - Stationers , Engravers and PrfnlersL IiQPCE SBAI Mascnic , Odd Fellows and Kniglils of T ' TDT-O T I & O IRL S. . LODGE PROPERTIES , JEWELS , BOOKS , BLANKS , ET 2Q2 ARTHUR BUCKBEE. ' 'P-B IT-T'SS RJ AND DEALES IN UJI I 00 < cc i : 'M ' \r. \ r.I I D _ < C t' O For Tanls , Lawns , Cemeteries Charcli Gronds ana Public * Office and Shop : 1 fJJJ llth Street bet. Farnharn and Harney , J \JJJ aprJ3tr