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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1874)
THE OMAHA BEE FRIDAY , JULY U4 , 167-1. OFFICIAL 1'Al'KU OF THE CUT HIE OMAHA DAIO U * * TT64 W auUcnWi IT tarrtrt- * * n ibU fc will ! ptwupl itunuin. Tia < uinUilt.Y I'.KK vill I * wall" ! 1 , y M Jui .75 tl drcuUt < m In ADVxrruairo , L l noifoa , : emu , 10 l , MA lo Trm tent nrnj tor io irfraiu * . 4 ertl utiiU ' toururautw , u t > iw l n o'clock A , M. ui Uton < Jo rUun II * % i tl4i iU Uloto one o'dw k ! . K . JJJ All < J rtUo tiU tor tU WKKXI.T ! m t uu ttu * wef Itfix. 3.KK1VAL AMI DKl'Alt'lUUK 0 TliAINS. rime ot < ! * JU n . * BmVK ATOMAIU. . / -.iVKO iJ/i. I'x l i.rrtl JIT M r , H , I l.iirtM - V.M A. A. . M. 10.CO A. 1' . M. C.40 I' . Oinnkn & nortliwwutorn and Nloi City < k i'oclllc. . 6:18 : A.M. V.J&T. l > ullyctccjitHuni y . . Nlmh ecu iutunl In BJvuiro of Uio * Ixjvo Itellrc rotr and CiOHlni , ' of Omaha. CU ) K. MUUTB . i J * . JU Itit. " i. J > :00 4 M do do. . . . n.ABl.Jo . . . . 7 .00 4 JO do do , . . . . U. A H. W. U . . 3:00 10U : ) U. A N. W. U. It. . . . 2:60 7 : Ctilrteo kml nil i : iti > rn cllbiii , Ki'b City. 1'utU.coutti , Council JlluCond llurlln jon , lue tiuao : . ia.clu t l4. : . m. ni mi. tiii fit. 1/iuU onil HU Joirtili , dug nt 10 00 . I mil 7 1 > . in. ; cliMii it Ii9 : | i. in. nud 4:30 : k. i Office OIK-U H'jiiJ T Ifoni 22 to 1 p. in. O. K. VOMT. I'oilwMtcr. TOAl > TiCKTi icii.n rno > iitci ) LA'l'IOM of th iUAI.Y 11ICIC ! mm llmu iloublii flint of nny'ollirr ilnll ! A'olirntkn. Poyckv't llcHtnuraiit nnd OynU roomii. Tlio lending hotmo of th kind. 207 , Fnrnhnm Htreot , bclwcc Twelfth and TLIiltentli. Iob21tf OMAHA BREVITIES. Ti > o Injunction R'Mnilning U > jinwllnjf cmSU Mnry'M uveiuiu , ha lwn ( llmnlwfod at iliu Itthtanc-u o Mr. Kennedy. Jfo will mio tin city for thu dum go dpnp iln jiroi > criy. Eininott Kennartl yi-fttenluj Imd Uio inlvfurtuno to losi JTO fron his , iwclcol , , wincwlicro lu U < \-iclnlty of CaMwcll liloclc. Any' ' Ixxly flntlhiK It , will please return ll to him. f W. K. Meronnell & JJrotlier , llio ( rroccrd , lirivo gene Into Imnk- niploy , impcra of voluntary bank ruptcy wtvo filed In the ofllco ol the dork of the United .States Conrix thlH niornlni ; . St. INlnrlc'H church plc-nlo at llatiHconi J'nrk yexterdny wan a pleaMint Hoclal Mim * * . Tlieaniiise. iiiontH conMHttHl lu croquet , \vlnj- IIIK and tlaneliijr. The , tiMinl re- fn < Mliiiu < iitn wcro mipplied't lu great nlitiudniloo. A HttloSillddk'd-yeSterday on Slxtwntl1 Htrcct , veryxuddenly , and under nither peculiar olrcuniHtaiiees. The ( lixtorvho \va < t attiMtdlng R thought It htul Uiecroup vhen Ilhad the whooping cough. irccantcrl > l itt throat with milphurlcacldcaiiHhig It to cough violently and hrlng > u a hemorrhage , which killed It. The City Council held a special meeting yesterday uftornoou to PUSM an ordinance appropriating $050 to pay the apprised ilaiuagc.s on Kt Mnry'M avonue. Thin v/as IIOCOH- Kltated by the action of thuTroasurcr hi rvAixtug { opay this aiuouut over , a * the City Council had appropriated It Tuesday oveutng only by rc < olu- tlou. The onliuaneu wa passed yctitcnlny , and after the adjourn- of the Council a warraut wai tlmwu for $0r > 0 , which was cn hod by Mr A.-J.IJnii coui , and Mayor Chnt < Q tundur'cil tin ) uiouey to fr. Kennedy - dy and Mw. Cniry. In both cases the money wax refused , and notice of ah appeal * to thd courlH wa.s glvou , Yc tt nla Tttin Murray caught fix women tro pat Iug on his pro- ] tcrly , uud as ho nup | > oed , eugngcxl In the muttoulluo occunntlon of cutt ing ( Sown tn os. Thonuw employed two men to corral them and hold them prisoners , till ho could .come up town nnd get an otlleer to arrest tht'in. CoUHtablo Kelly went down for that puriKji-o , and marched them tip to .fiiNlloo ItortMl' ' * olllee , where llif.V fottiut u complaint madu out hg int thoui , clmrglng them with elltlhig'iowti trow , but nn they do- nlwl HI Jit cwiiwxl wiothor complaint to be mleoutnjjRli 8tth in , charg ing ( hem with Molding Uintar. They an oxRtnlnfttlon , tuid Jus- jJ rtlctt to ( k their porwwttl r . Air theirhpiwamnct1. < Percoflsu ? > 1 r A. J. Doyle ha lccn confined JiJs Jiouw for the j a t ten Uay b > Lloyd Pevto , President 'ft * tin \V < : ll * Fargo ? xprcwf company , will arrive liere Monday , over the C. B & Q. , accompanied by a party o Congru man Crounm ; , occompa nJed by ills wife and family , arrivci in Omulm Wednewlay cvenlngand htorjx.-d at the M etrojwlIUtn Hotel Thin morning he Htartcd for hi by the Omaha and North railway. He will retun to the city in u few dayM. The following are the amvalH a thc"\Vyomlrig : Joseph Connor , I'latUmouUi ; < E I-'rogg , C Tijomi on , HaHtingt Neb ; ThoinoH "White , Qulncy , 111 P H Duke , HIchrnond , Va ; JJJIgg Denver : W A Lain , WhUewatet \Vln ; Hugh J Jfclll , Forewt City J K J2II1H , Philadelphia ; N J Ml ! Jer , DcsMoineHj F& WLawrcnct New York. LIED. HOUfcTON Thursday morning , 8 o'clock , DANA BARNEY , infar hon of Sam and Pearl E. Hou/ / ton. Funeral D o'clock Krlda morning. ltadcnce ! outh hid of Welwter , l > etween 21 tand , 22 htreelx. Fir * Department Meeting. At a meeting of the Fire Depar riK-iit Iu t night the following rcioli tlfii Avcre paiswl : ' WIIIHIAH : , The FlreDepartniei of Omaha have made application I tlio Common Council for th'e'pu ' chac of a large fire alarm bell to I used In conneotioi ) with the F.ii Alarm Telegraph , and IhoCouncl lit tllflr meeting on Tuesday evi ning , did order the purchaho of ul b"ll : therefore , ho It Jtceolvcd , That the Ihanlw of tl tlcpartment IK : tuudered to tl memborH of thd Council for the action in the matier. llfM'vcd , That n copy of the ! rpHolutloiiH IxifuniNhed totheCoui ell mul In the proas for jtubllcutloi The thauka of tlls departmei were alw > tendered U ) JJ C. Mi Shane , for hlH kind offer to advuiu inoney to the city for the purchai iuy nf lW ) Winual parade the dojmrlmfnt W'jva | ) x J ntHcj ( ember HOlh. The committee on the parade mi last night , and appointed the fo lowing nub committee , viz : H. ( Wnlkur , ( J , WmpHon , W. Weld and AE. . Ixwi ) | idj nn roceptlo of gucHu < , the Chief KngincdC on hi * aMHlMtantH : Delon Jioard , 5 Klllott , C. Campbell. M . Meyer , Henny , J3. K. McSlmne , L , llcw Jl. Duinon. A motion wan carried to ilivll the Dttrant engine company to Jo } lu the parade. Alfto that nil Invjtc gueNUi he cared for by the doper menl during their Htay. Tiio following committee o ; printing wan npi > olntcd , viz : S. ft Meallo , L. C. Jelflild { ( ; , II. C. Tajj gcr. Adjourned to meet a week fron next Tuewlay. * Board of Education , A Hpcclal meeting of t ho , Board ( i Kducatlon wan held Iwt night a the olllcc of Hon. B. K. B. Kcnnc dy. AUjncmberH proHcnt but f Alt JIarpHlor. Mr. KoyH wa elected janitor o the High School , Mr. MornrHy o the north school , Jullun HaiiHon o tliUKoiith cehoolMr. , ChrlBtlatiHon o the woHt Hcliool , Mrs. "SVm. Knlgh of the CaHM Htreot wihool. and MH Morarlty of the Dodge Htreetwihool Thoftalary for the Dodge Htrce Kchool waH fixed at $20 for the mim ncr montliH , aiu$30 for the win er. ' Mr.Konnedy moved that July fll Did AugiiHt 1 , InjHct for tlio exam I iiition of teacherH. Carried. The Secretary Htatcd that' Mis ; kVhltmoro , teacher , IIOH resigned , hit few teacherH elected : at lost necdng have accepted. The preparation of coritractH-tobc undo with teachers was referred to t committee , and the Secretary ro.- jidrfd to enter Into a contract with nch tcnchcr and a Janitor. ' The Secretary won directed to ad- vcrtlso for proposals for printing re quired by the Bouid during the en- Htilng year. AVe the undersigned agree to close our respective plncea of btiHlne.s.s , at 7 o'clock p. in. from July 23d , 187-1 , to Octobei 1st , 187-1 : Clark it French , Pundt , Jfeycr & Ilafjii > ke. Little & Williams , 'P.'JI. Allen , Jno. S. Johnson & Co. , L. V. Morse , IF. Buiincy , J. O. Blatter , ' & ' ' Hedman it LcwN , M Daniels it Ollllnc.stcr , M. dimming * , - i " lU-iin & H'itk-11 , - - . KrJUliUe&Co , Wllklns , ' - - V. M. Araekoy. July23-3t. WANTED. Fifty good Miovelern to work on U Mary's Avenue , , Jy l Mt A. J.'HANSCHJM. ' THK LAST CHANCE 0 obttdn the best dally paper pub * -hod In Nebraska at the oxceetl- igly low rate of fifty cents per lonth. . j After the first of August no -rlptlons will IK > recelvvHl at less inn the regular price. Now is THU TIJLK ; $ l.oO In , ad- incepays for the OMAHA D\IIA * 1:1 : : three months. jyi3-3t ! BIII.UVDIT.IKOVK , twelve miles nm Omaha , on the line of the B. M. 11. B. , nnd'lOO ' yards from the pot , has been Improved for picnics id private juu-Ues HV M'AUSLANl ) .t MAUT1N. All ongngemcnts for the grave 111 bo mitdo through ' ANDY jy7tf. Koii rtiOM > n tf remarkable low Ices. T um selling my spring and minor gooda very rapidly. . - lulylO-tf J. II. STEIX. IS CBEAAl I ICE CREAM- ! I If. L. LATKY'S Is the ptaca.iogf ) UiU very necessary oommodltj- . ciStf. ' . A .SERIOUS FARCE. How the Champion Postal Invei tlgatorwas Boxed. Postal IrreenlariiieSj Briberj Gift Taking and "Salary Grabbing. Pattee and His Branch Loiter Postoffice Cations De velopments. < The Investigation into the charge againht Postmaster Yost , WOH Ix gun Wednesday afternoon , at th ofilce of Paul Vanderwort , chh clerk of the Union Pacific rallwa mall hervlce , over Smith & Ban lctt' real estate ofllee. Jt waft cor ducted by Hpcclul mull agent Hav ley , from Chicago , who , as he cam over the river in the morning , wi "eHCortcd" Into the city by pccli mall agent Fumy- who IH abio b < Ing Investigated , and M. * . Var derwart , and at the Grand Centn Hf > t : l he WOH "looked after" in kindly manner by Yost and Furaj Whether they euccceded in "boj Ing" him , in the language of tl ; immortal tree-planter , James Allei remains to be BCCQ ; although publ opinion already Inclines to the to lief that they did fiuccecd , If tl manner of his Investigation thus ft In any criterion. The inycHtlgutlo Is being held with closed deere , n < even those Importanthcrvantsof tl public , the reporters , being allowt to be present. Tills action in itfcelf BUHpIeious , and creates a bad hi presHion in the public mind again the jtostal ring , who thus exhibit fear o ( having their deeds oppose Notwithstanding this barring out the repreacuitfttlves of the pre'-s , tl key-hole reporter of the BKK mai aged to obtain a mifilclent account the proceedings to let the publ know what Is going on , and to coi firm the opinion thai the whole h vestlga-tlon is a complete farce- put up job of white-washing. MB agent Bye , who had preferred tl pjjarges requested Mr. Huwley i iwrinlt an attoujpy Jo conduct tl examination , but this was fiatly d cllned , as was aso ! the request I havp tjip wjtehHesnmke } | their de sltlonsin writing. Mr. Hawloy's mannerof proccct Ing was to carry on a rumbling tal with witness , which Is occaslonu jy jntprjarded by his own rernurl touching tile gravity of imy pprfj" of the testimony. Both Yost an Fumy were present. Mr. Low HUH , formerly chli poftlul plfsrjf ftl Omaha , was ono ( tjp ) wjtnps. ( : s iyljo tj.'fjtjfipd jl | tli examinatioji , His ttstjfnojiy > vf to the oll'cct that Jamoa gtcplionho had , hi consideration of hccurlng mall contract In which ho was m t)0 ) ) Jowcst bidder , paid him S7 ( The amount was an order on Yo ; and ho returned to HJII W2.H $10.00 of which was paid by Hill I Captain SwJtb for procurhig an iu slgnmcnt of tlw ( ioJtr ) pt frn / J.h lowest bidder. James StejheuKoii who listened during a portion < i this tcstlmonycalled Hill a Harani . .WASolng / to smash a chair orc his head , wlien Hill rpmarkcd tlm ho could not do It too quick. Btcph prison's loud tajlc created consldera bio o.\ritciicnt ) | i > tjip neighbor hood. No blooi ) WIV ) Hpl | ) at las accountK. Stophunson , when oxiim Inod , admitted paying the $75 t ( H'll ' , but clalmod that It was t check , and declared that lu could produce It. Ho was In vlted to do w > , but IK finally udmUtcd on returning to tin room thatliocould not find it. Yosl put in u point blank denial of this transaction , and also produced n paper purporting to be an affidavit from Captain Smith denying that he ( Smith ) received S10 00 the Mr. Rye requested Yost to show him the Dfilduvit , but the request was de- slined. Win. Bambergc , formerly mall. Ing chirk to James M. Patleo testU lied that he hud gccn a vast quantity * ty of lottery1 circulars put up by I'attoo'a clOrks , and assorted by states accorillng to postal rcgula- IOIIB. Q'hoy wcro there "stamped md the stamps were cancelled on hem in Pattcu's ofilce. Sometimes rom five to ten mail sacks well Died- with circulars thus stamped itid l-an celled in one ilay. and put nb the iMmtofil < ? 0 rently for shlp- iient. Mr. Hawley remarked that Ids was somewhat Irregular , but lien It was an accommodation to lie i > OHtofilce , and saved the clerk's nioh labor. BambergaUo testified Hal he had seen' n costly and mag- lllcentsetof silver plate , which 'atteo ' had purchased and presented > Yost. Mr. llixu ley thought there us nothing Improper In that. He ltd the Assistant Postmaster at Chl- jgo was receiving presents nearly rcry day. Yostf ( admitted .the amplng and an'cclllig'of { the cli > ilurs at PatttbH ; incc ; as w'6il 'As 10 acceptance of the silver plate am Patteo. 'JBamborgo m further ntcd that \ro t wan In the habit turning over all the ttcre that came to him by mall as istmaster , inquiring about , the laractcr and reliability of Fatteo's tterles , to Patteo , foe answer. rhero Is nothing wrong In that , " Id Mr. Hawley , "I might have me tho&iruo thlug.'t - = * * * * > ( X C. C. Si > crry , formerly inoney- iler clerk of the postofilco , stlfied that wMlo bo was iployed at the Omaha postofilce , iwas rcquestetl to sign the pay roll : $125.00 per month , when In rcal- Yes > t only paid him $100. Con- lerablo sparring ! took place bo- cen Yost and Sperry about tins hit , Yost contending that Griffin * ide out those pay rolls. Sperry tUIeuged him to produce i y , jells and ho would prove struth of.hla statement by Yost's n handwriting. When asked lether lioincw of any other dert it was signing pay rolls for more m he received he said he did not ; Yost had told him tha ho would have made fcimilur arrangement with JU Allen , but be woa afraid t trust him , because be was dron half the time. 'Other witnesses have since bee examined , whose statements ai btUl. unknown. To-ilay the case ( Furay Is being investigated , und < tbe same farcical regulations. An arrangement has been mad the important wi U ) r.e-examine nesses in the ease before Jufitic Jiartlettat his office , for the purpo : of toting their dejwsitlons. Tl examination will commence at ] a. m. to-morrow , and will be coi ducted in public. A Oeteral Eow at w Heventh Strei Boarding Home. , A very animated row occurred i the boaidlng house of Mrs. Ann Stodler , corner of llth street and tl Union Pacific rallroo < l trackWtdne day night. It appears that one < the boarders , a Iwy named Chari Parker , had for some reason klckt one of his landlady's children , an she soon afterwards , upon .learnlr of it , pitched Into him about It , ar he laid hold of Jier. A Germai named Adolph Avert , Interfered I separate them , when Parker .dre a knife on him. Avert grab'K up a bottle and hit young Park < twice over tlio head , cutting hi deeply each time. In the meai time , word had been conveyed Parker's brother of the affair , at he soon put In an appearance anni with his revolver , which he fired the German's dog. Charles Park when he saw reinforcements hi come , grabbed up an axe , , ui yelled "hurrah. " However J tl fight did not proceed a-iy furthc Parkpr had Dr. Pea'wdy ' dress h wounds. gjYcstcrday nil the parties ( we brought before the , j > ollce court obtain Justice. F. A. Parker , wl fired the revolver , was fined $5 ai coats ; Charles Parker was fined and costs ; Avert , $2 and costs ; ai : Mrs. Stadler was discharged. A ppy Wedding. Chailey Williams , a Imudson agricultural implement agent Fremont , was marrjed last Tucfadu night to Miss Mary Miller , tl daughter of a well to do Dodj county Normal Inititnte ut Fremont Deforn One Week. Citirn : , July 21. KDITOU BKK : "lliavtJ thought bo t to defqr tj Normal Institute at Fremont on week. It will therefore comment Tuesday , August 18lh , at 2 o'cloc p. m. ThcTfallonal Teachers' Assoch tIon"Cpfs | | ) a.petrojtjurjnjjtho | fin week In August , mid as nUityot whom I oxjicotcd to assist mo , o : pect to attend that Association , cannot have the assistance In tli Institute until the 18lh. Will othe papers please notic e. State Suerntpi ] ) | ( } ( > nt ; A IT.W more good solicitors wan ! e < l at the new American Hesvln Marhhic rooms , 58. ! Scventcccnt ] street. 13. H. SHAMAN , jy22-it : Manager. B.n.siNrsB well established drug business , wit ) a large and continually Incrcnslni putroiutge , wit ) ) } jujljngs ( ) , real cs tate , btoi'k and fixtures , in the thrlv ing pity of Spwurf ) , gf ) njilps wpst o Llnooln , whloh has brighter pros pccts for rapid development thai any city In the west. Also a com. plote millinery stock and cstabllshct busjupss. The , almvo will bo sold hi part , if the whole can. be. djsposed of to difipront persons. Satisfactory reasons given forseh- Ing on appllofttlon , Cash pnynjents or Its eijuivalont will hp required. This Is tt rtire ohanco to make inon- uy , and those desiring to ejigago in this business should apply or address Immediately Hi A- Lewis , or Jle- mrl'T ofilcp , Bpwnnl , Bowart } coun ty , Nebraska. Jy2h8-wl | Voi.u's 1lAfit , tree concert every veiling by Professors Celarlus and Dahns , jiine27-lm Tvi'K FOB SALE ! A Font of Bourgeois Type , of vliicli lips is a sample , weighing GOO bs. Tina typo has been in use on he D.iily BKK loiw tbnu ono year , md H nearly as good as new. For teriiu&o. , address E. ROSEWATEH , n f. . .Publisher of the Ike. DR. POW.BI.L , office 215 , Farn- street. tnne23-tf In ordbr 'Vo'/Jinakc / room for my irgc fall and winter stock , I now tier my spring uud summer stock t greatly reduced rates , below the Hglnal cost. ' J.-H. STKIN. ' ' JulyStf . - on JCOIH ! liage. , , June2-tf TORE lilJLLDING FOR SALE. I \iill t > ell ata , great Bargain a it and store building in Ft. CitN nun , , Nelv The builcljng Is $3 by ) feet , and Ts' ulppcd with ooun- rs and shelving In complete dor. . No plaoolu.thoBtate nllbrds enter hiduci'tnentH for additional isluetts in general mcrohandlzing. jrms easy. ICuVM CL.VIIK. DYKING , cleaning and repairing mo in the neatest manner , at the 8TEAM DYE WOBKS , thSt'Let. Fanihom and Pouglas tr2St f. Tun tradols hereby notified that eat reduction Is tnade in the Ice of Calhoun flour on account of dine in price of wheat , CIAKK , PARSOXS & Co. July lst , 1874. st Indian Curiosities at No. 170 rnham street , corner 11 tli street. 7-tf. Additional Telegraph. HAMILTON , O. , July 23. Waa. DunriJ of prominent lumbc merchant , committed feiucide her thia morning. YOHK , July-23. Inspector Gee ; W. Walling .ha beea appointed { superintendent ( police vice MateclL Charles B. Ocvlsthp alleged bon forger , was to-day. heldin $10,0fj "bonds. , O. , July 23. At 4:45 : this morning , as Uharl ( McFarland , Robert McDowell an a German , name unknown , eu ploycsbf the Standard Oil Co. , wei Unloading crude oit from a boilt lank car at First street crowing i the Atlantic & Great "Western ilia ! way-the oil ignited from a lanterr ' instantly enveloping tbe'unfortv nate men in flames , and they wci all burned to death. Several tan ! exploded and eight care of oil wei destroyed. The track of the Atlai tic & Great Western Railway wi greatly damaged : Iwa no , t estimate * At the book trade-convention th morning papers on Cermyit an ' English trade by Christian 'of rsd York and Caseiiora Of Lindoh wei read , as also"by Mrs. Pnrtingtou ( Boston , and letters from-.Harper BeribuersyjH , , Appletpn , and r < Jigiouanublisliigg houses'etc. ali ' the report1of thfe committee' pe , ' /flid ham mancnt organization.flid was'the-AmoricanrxBoot Trade A : sociution , and the , uxecuttye con mltteo and the .committee on a Hernblies , arbitration' 'Atid finatn providdforan annual ttieelingpftl association , probably > at thejnie | i the book /air. t , , < A.D F. RandQlph. .ofXewYor ) was" elected president with tr < mendolm applause ; J.C. Aston , i Columbus , Martin Taylor.uOfc 35ii fulo , and H.IMYefst , of Milwauhe vice-presidents ; L. Nicholson.Ricl mond'Ind.-irdaSurer'Ji'li.Bakc ; New York ; correspoijdlnp Becrelar , J. H. ThomasJiayton / , , recardir secretary ; Q. B. Payne , , paytoi Jameson Chicago , M. & Appl ton , NoVyorUorfnd } wtherp cxeci tivo oominlttee ; Sheldon , uhqlnnn of assemblies , " and.-JloberU Clar of arbitration committee , Considerable discussion , as 'tl ' ncope or tlie 'platfo'rm , which is I take effect on SeptemberJst , . is In ing indulged in. It is thought th : it cantinterfere with existing coi tracUv.but probably could , not ji elude the contract sales of'the cit by " 11)6 board' ' of.eduration. Ac journcd. \ypstprn \ johbcre licit ] a ijieplin lasj night , jiiircc'l ( } hot to feplj PI lo\y thrcp per" pout , discount. * * "SPECIAL ISTOTICES. NOTICE. Aarertlsementa of To Let , F. . Bale , Loct , Want * , Found , Boarding , AC./- ! lie Inserted in thKa columns price ( pr TE CEKYHiwr Ilnor'rach'iuturQtioilt Inicrtlo FIVE CEFJS per lino. Tbe firit Inncrtlc nercr TWENTY-FIVE CENTS .IiL WANTHD-At IEDWARD'S. . II G1 Karnham Street. ] y23dtf. KCIIANICS' MINING AND SMEL1 M INtl CO The semi-annual meetln d f roii | Jnlv 21it ( will bo held at tl UJriiif' ' Kfisne | Hfiusp. b TbArsdayi rfly Jw nt S 1' . Mgr ; thp ilcitqn | or oUjceri ( niiJ tl transaction of tmslitpss u ( crvat Jm tbe nlocklioldiri , t , K , J. , J J28 71 I'jestdeiit , WANTEU-At 8. \ \ JT corner of Harney and 10th ttroox AI ply at once. Jjrsa St Men to work * , inquire at Cer WANTED Market , Cor. Douglas and 1511 July,3 SI , , / 7ANTKR girl 10 an pencra ) IIOUSP worl Apply nl If. romcroy's , West end Si Mry ' Avenue. Wage * -J5.CO j > cr wcok. Jilly22tf. TTIOIt KENT HoUsio on 18th mnr dan Mrccl X1 Jy27tf. S. A. 'JAYLOK A CO.- 10U BEST A two-story brick'-bulldlng'01 Harney Dear 10th street , suitable lor ; . . --.ling houne ; nice yard dutrrn , iroU.-ella and other convLnlpncM. Apply at Olnca o ( SIIKAT' ' ) ! EffllN ! LANlJl liptiNCV , 13 nnd li ! FarnluAi street , * - c " 'JyiHt LAND-COO Acres of chotco landMi CHEAP County , for-sale at SI 76 perotrc one-half cash , balance one ycojrat 10 pecccnt A pply at Ollilceof tireatWesteni Land Agency . . . , . , t Ol V.IlOl t * ) < m.J t-At Iv9ftf IIOOSIS to rent with or with 'out board. 'No. ' 117 Dodge street , ' neai ninth. jylG12t \T7ANTKDi-X3 fcW.V cook at Aintrlcar YY House , bet. 11th nnd 12th , Douglas st. jviSlf , _ _ r AGIIIL' WANTED Inaulro at Mone , Order Window , Po trUince. jyljit , A jnan to work about place , WANTED ilall's Toundry. jylitf. ClOlt SALH A lirat cottage , corner llth and J } la > enpitU Inqiuraal ' ' JylOU H. JIOhMBCUOEB , Douglas St. rr Ml'LOYMiNTOFPICE-ItooniNo.l.BOuth Ji cast corner 15th and Douglas Sin. Wanted - od , imniiill Ujy..5erT 'it1 elrls. .farmhands , or- j nlersarid IJlxJrcfs/nlsrfrciiJ Mtale bought and sold , and taxes paid lor nou-re ldcnts. - ' ' " W-BSHER , , Opujii ; Ncli. ClT'XNTWl ) IMMEDI ATI'.MAcirl to' TV house-work. Apply 831 Davc'ii'pbrt iticet , , bc\vtf 11 17ih and lath. Jyajf ) CJTOUK TO Itl-JJT WS Douglas slrfet. IUv liilreol WWIptJj A 11KHM , FOH BKNT House on IStli.lieur Davenport tlrec' . JcMlf a. A.TAYLOU A CO. I7IOII KENT House On Chjcncrf , neir 10th st. 1 ; ] c30tf S. Ar'TAYI.Olt ' A CO. WANTED Pay boafdcr * , if ( lid sonthwest cor. of 10IU and Jlarney fli. [ JcWtf W ANTKD A cica ) > < J mul ] ) > Gxaango for uiorcUsiiJijo. Addroti , Furuier , .i nt - > . r WIUj SKLL HCCOSIX-TIAND arrngcr , L nd one llmrto , cl raj ) furr cash or trade. 03 iietol the roolu ( or ue\r onrn. J I6UU. ' . O. W. IIOXIAIT. -Bscrcso land. Iwlns the K ? nwpBhlpj3Koi u 4 K. In beSEpatt oIlluiv.vT ccuutyifl mlloK rth- rest of Lincoln. A well IrattpT a nu adojn ton thowfjt , &nd country r amind4t Is lilciJr MJlIrdf11 | toll for $500 , ono half own. lalimra Jn ono year , or S3 00 per tre In uh. or will trade lur dtjr urojwrlv. Apply to HO TJE I'UDrjQ TUn undenlRnoO. hai I imrcbasct } unjl put upon the" lref ta u uliUc com eyancc i , oiu ol tie finest cartiuffes crmanuf.iclur l In thl country. They -dflll b * in to amlirom thcdrpola , hoteli andpmate fldoncrt , All ordc's Iclt at the Metropolitan old , or at the stable , near t e cor of Eleventh lUidCaplttl Arcnue , promptly at- nOM to. A hareljf tha public patronage la tpottfully solicited.J011N E. ' ' tuyistt United States Hotel ; AND TEKIK STREETS. lt rupcctfnlly announ- . c a tint he has purelwjortlind rtflitod the orp IlotcJ , nnd.i ) OOT rsadf to"a"ccompioiJato public , wilb.ioartl | br day or'wo , at rca - atJo rales. , WILLIAM LEHB , Prop , ' - Jity Meat Marker. Ktap cpMtar.tly on'b&ad A XJLRQE SUPPLY OF 3B , DTTONi ir an G < : B a ? PBOPOSALS JOB HAY. lcJ proposal wtlL be rrcehol by the un signed until 3 P. MVJuly 2t t , 1S7-I , for ty ton * cf hay , more orjcss , tobedellrcred iucb quantities and at snch times n tniy l utrcd lor the use of the fire department. lid * to be opemd at next meeting ot the mdl. 0. C. LUDLOV , i cur citi * . An Ordinance , To pmend section 2 of XXXI l'ther rlit ordinai.ce. Be It ordained by.the cilr council of the city Omaba : x I. That section. 2 ol chapter XX : of tLuEeTlftd Ordinance Cf theUiyofOini Uio amended t to read as followi , to-wlt : "yAny owneiyproprlttor or agent of any 11 : or pW * Lereld mentioned , 1037rrcelre llctn to tmploy ope or mor < J poster or runneri ut application and upon eMemng Into a bond tLccllT.ol Oitahi In tbo tun of fire-handr dolhr § for each Itanse conditional for the pa ment of all damage wdltb sbill occur bjr av ol Jbe catelcis or improper handling of ai or nrlklci entrusted to the care of pwt l or .runners , and further , upon tbe pa ueut of , the following sums lor a liccnie lor o year/to-wit : < A ruDCftor j > oste > Inr any public boa : h'ofd.-'stea ' nl boat , st3g f < romnibU Hue , tweut fire ilollars , ruunen fo ; a j merchant ! liotue'or firm fl.'ty dollars with proportion : rates ior a lew period ; PCOVIUEO that no licenw shall 1j ne for leu r > eriod than tLcmonlba. , Attestf O. C. LUDUJU' . J..S. OIB OX , tity Clerk. PrM.CItyCounc -Approrcd JulvyKH. . > , _ , jyildlt , , ; C. U& Majr < AX OEU1XAXCE. " f t . . . / J f. . An ordinance Iftrying tsm fordlw year 18' lie it o'diiutd b ) the city coundl.of the city Omaha , ' ' ' -faccriox I. That the following ) taxes be a tie same.are lipreby levied on ttwjisstt eJ i uc ol Uie'property wiUitn tafd City for tbe y < For the general fund of said city to be us for R < ; neral jmrpose * , a tax of ten xailU on ea UoIIar. . ' iKor tbcalnlclnz fund of said city a ( ax of 0 mtTls on' each dollar. F : 6KcriO I. That the following taxe be , a. the name are hereby levictTbn the a-fwa l V ; ue of 'all the property withln.thetBchool dlstr ol the tit y ot Omaha , lu th county of Voul In the'srateof-Nettrjuko for the year A. D , 18 i'pr t ho. school Jund of said district , a tax' STC mllTs'bU" each 'dollar. r XECIIOX ni' Tl ) V1 .Ordinance shall take eOi and be in forte from and alter Its passage' ' Attest ; o. c. tuni/w , js. . ' , CItyClcrt. J'rei.Cily Count At noted July 8. 1S7J. Jy21d3t C. S. CHASE , JIayc AN An Ordinance In relation to tbe extension 18th fetitct- 1 Be It. ordained by the City Coi ncil of the Clef of Omaha.- SFCTIO > ( JI. - Jhat H.lsanJ U hereby decb ed to'TjC necessary for the City of Omaha appropriate a certain tract or parcel of land ! the public uer andtiencfifpf said City for t /txULslon / of 18th strict In said City and to UAtil and occupied as jiart of raid 18th street , 1'y lu Jeat-fslai'e U nituatwl within tuld Ci And iadvriboda < ifollo ri , to wit- A strip" bf land GO feet wld6 and al > out 20 ro , lnpecxtudlo | # lt > Ujtlie present aotbtrn tcru nus of 18th street , north tlirouzh the Ian shown updn Ilia ilia p of Staid City 41 bcloguw ed , by the hdrs of Samuel Nation to the sou line of lakeS additlfti/ Mid City. All of u rip of land being in the South I.a t quarter thi'SAuthVest iiikrfcr'of | rectlon Ten in Do glasi County , f/tljra ka and containing one hi acre of land more or iesil. SLCTlOKJi. iTIuttitliu mayor lie and he hereby instructed to appoint Uircccoiiiini > nio era to asjiralso xald lanilsal-ovedlscrlUilaccor lux to UwJP ' SECTION III. Thli ordinance shall inkccfTi and IK * In force fruui and afttr its poaioge. Pa * ( ! dJuJy,8th4S74. Attest : O. C. LUDIOW , J. S. GI1SOX , City ClcrLPits. . City Count Approved July Stli Ib74. Jy2ld3t C. S. CIIASi : , May < P , FALLON , * * llPAI PI * fV * Dress OnojlsSilks and Trimming No. 2'Kl ' Dodge 'ect , between Uth and 121 Dress makinc done -with nea uese and dispatch. Ordei sdhcited. F. A. 1'ETEUS. Saddle and Harness Makei AND CARRIAGE TR1M31EK , Wo , 2T4 Parnhnmnt.btt , 13th < fb ICtl ALL orders and repairing "promptly aticnj tosnd satisfaction guarrantied. paid for hidra. n | > 39rl O The larefljt and best hot between Chlcag in j San IrnncUco. Opened new September 80th , 1S73. 30 U OKO. T1IKALL. l-roprletor. EDWAUD KUEDL. JMAOISTEU OF THE Ko498 lOth'Bt.betwceB raio Will by the aid of i nrdlan spirit ? , obtal In arfy onVji'vietf Juf tins paai , proseut anil fu tuje. No fer * charged iu UIBCS of ulckncss , apiatf ' Bavarian- Beer Hall 93 poiKpq St. Opposite "Metropolitan 'Fotel ' Finest brands of all classes of Liquors am Kozars. Fresh l-agor constantly on liand. je2j-3ra CHAS. HAKT I'rop. J. O. SCATTER Dealer In Stiplc and 1'aucy Groceries. Highest pflre paid for Country Produce. Brick Store , B. E. Cor. 16rt & Chicago Ets , JcJBtf OMAHA , NEB. 337cr z o > r Zj ZEE aa x ivc DEALER IN Fruits , Confectionery , CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Nt corner Ftinhara and Eleventh streets , OMAUA , . . . NUBItA&KA. 100.COO SCRIES ! EIOHTAHMI QiLAND JN flEBHABKAl ! 500 HanscomPlac0Iiots ! HOP3ES.ANV-I-OTS m the city of Ofnalia , lorfealeclienDnml on coodterms > _ 1111,1. ' Tical estatp brokcnot21cc , over -MacVoy's store , > n Dodeu bt. opposite ccw postofllre- ' ' WoodWoodlWood ! Immense Reduction ! ATS. p ; nuio sYAUD , COUNEH OFt t14lh hhfl Chi ago Streets. Good Hard iVoo.187 ( XT ; Soil 8s 00. Stove Wood to ufU ny number of stove very cheap. pStf ! ' "If - . - i I * . , 5ARRUGE , IJTIOCy JfANCPACTUREU. , , - - ' > i , i f. E. tORNEB of 14tli ana HAKNIH STH" ' IT7OULD rp'poctf ully announce to tlip pul W lie that hols now ready to fill all con- acts In the nbovo lines with nentims aud lljpatch. . _ - Ifariliprcss wpgons constantly on hand and r ralo. * - _ i I , P. RR , MEAT MARKET , 16lh street bet California and Wibsler. T7E KEEP OXflIL\X.D THE ItFST V supply , , of rilESII AXI ) SALTEU EATS. Also' a larre stork of FlnoHogar ired Hams and rlrrakfar Bacon. Ht the low- trttosm I ' .WM. AUs > T A KNUTII , wrlMT 1 roprfcturs. - i - -11 - 1 - . REDMAN & . LEWIS , , , . lor. 16&uand Izard Streets. " TJ On band and SAWED TO OKDEIl. | e2fl 1 iu & . tSTmFFLER. DEALEB"K * SHOICE s. i E s , ' - - , " " ' ' Conrcctioncrj/ i > Tobacco , , &c. K. con.or JC&TI : a 114if BurniesterJ Uannfactnren cf J Jf , XPPEfi ) JiSD SHEET IRO JT . WABE ! DEALEBS IN Cooking and Heating Stores. In Booting , Spoatlog eod Gutter' ng doa rt nolle * and ic ibe beat manner. etn Utct Cio = o K cc WI * i e S - - - ourt ° 1 3 S1 > , I i-4 r z & sn E m B u o iAa S kJ S s G § M B c1 e C3 'V ' & 'O i 9 , g j g. .IB MI lg * H 3 fe1 0 = 5-3 4.aI5 ? fn COrt PKBJJAY. Agents wai gK I" 5iU ed. All clu > 3 of woi g people of either sex , young or old , n more metier at work Tor us in thtir p re DJ menu r all tb tlni than it anything el Addie * STUi&0 > 4. Co. . Portland. Maine- SHERIFF'S AL , By Tirlneof a rendl Issnol out of theD : trict Court ( or Camming County , KebruV and to me directtJ , I will on the 2-ttkday July , A. l > . ,1874'at 10 o'cloft , A. 11. ot ha Vlayvat the ctorei room of Albert Tucker , N .281 Pouglas street.lo the city of Omaba , ai County of Douglas , ( n'&id State , sell at auitii the following uMerlbed'properiy ' , levied up < to satiily a judgment of iid Court , i covered by U. L. Henry , again- A1U TucLcr , td-witj Eighty-five ta esol men's 11 boyb' boots , 23 casea ofjlioea ; also all the ret stock of boots and shoes contained in EaU stor alio a small line of bats and caps j fll'O the f < lowing described store and ofhco furnlturi Tvroloungm , 1 de > k , 1 stove and pipe , 2 chat 1 show case and 1 letter press , or so much of t ald goods us arc npc ssa-y to satisfy said jud ujtiit and costs , and accruing c oils thereon. v ' ALl-RLD BUISLEV , - Sherl 3P . AU kinds of light and heavy .MACIIINEUY MADE & BEPAIRE1 2SQ nARHET STBEET. - ' OMAH WILLIAM SEXAUEB. 225Tum iani Street , - - Onals , N ' WiroLEsiLK JLTUD BETAIL DEALER IN TURNIT.DRE. BEDDING , ET ( , TBEITSCHKE & CO. , GROCERS Anil ticneial TroTlsIon Dealers , 8. "WCor. . Jacksoa and' 13th Eta- , Krvp a siipriior stock of Oroccrles , I ovialoi Wlntf , Liquors and Cigars , and sell cheap than any other house in Omaha. jy3 3w ENOCH HENNEY , Justice of the Peaci tlffice < ivrr tnu , State Hank , corner tl Far ham ami 13th slrrets. ! e 1 AKO DliALVK IN- Lambrrquiiig ail < l lY-inlow CIIROMOS , EXGBATINHS AN ] PICTURE FRAMES. 27U Farnlura street. coi ner Fifteenth CITY HOTEL , JJ. T , PAGE , Proprietor. 10th St. , Let. Farnham nnd Harnej 0I-\IIA , NLU. JVfe Jiw3o and from all Trains. Passengers for other Koto's or private Rcsl j , t Tfied for 25 cents. BAll orders left at P. II. Allen's , 2.1 dee from I' . O , C. Wilson .t bon , < nr. Uth am II Toey , and the City Hotel Office , will receivi prompt attention. ] y7 liu FARMERS HOUSE ! 8. W , Cor , of 14th and Harnty Eta , JUSTUS KFSSVPR , Proprlcior , Omaha. Neb. Jy3 tu ILLINOIS HOUSE. Olh ara JQtli. CHARLES P LDKIt9IAN , Ktop. mchllU _ _ Central House To. 630 Eizteeath Street , Upp. Jefferson Square , OMAHA , KEB. JOSEPH DOTE , Prop'r. Day and week Boat J.ntrcasonal.le . ralcs rirst- < lass bar attached to the house. Ic27 . ' m _ The Sioux t'iij anil raclfic Iiallroiil ) , la-CVnncctba wllh ibt SIOUX CITY'&ST , PAUL RAILROAD , , < Ci miles tlir sjiortrtt route from .Omaha nil Council Blnfn In St. Paul , Jllnrapolli , tllliatpr , Anola , Dululli , lllsuiarol , and all " * r \ l'f > i. i J'H - Train leivoi Oni5hld lly , ( eTiorlit Saturday ) L G o.cloet p. m. , and Council lllulPi at 8.03 p- i. , from Chlongo & Ifottli-Wcattrn Pepot. areas LOW and lime as QUICK as I , ' i , , , by auy6lJicr Line. QMMPALICE SLEEPING CARSON -ON , EL He sure Tour ticket reads VIA SIou&jCiLy. us avoiding circuitous routes and midaigut ansfcis. * * Kckets rti be i urchawl at the .ofiicet ofthe ifcagn A Kortliir.steru lUilvnt in Omaha d Coundl lllutl . . f\ \ -J ( * , liOXDEN" . sn'l Pa . A Ticket Aglh't'P.'AS. . f. Rt Jt. ht Paul , Miuu. F. ( X III1.I , , jn'l Pa .t. and Ticket Act. , S. C. A I' . , htoux dty.Jowa. , , .1 C' > _ ' GKO. W. CBATTOX' , Agent. 1C3 Farnham Street , Omaha.Kel > . FulyM , If. . D. A. MOFFETT , ashionable Dressmaking , 564 Fourteenth St. , ' - 303m 03IAIIA. NEB. Xu J8 Douglas St.Omaha , Neo. Vood Stock , rAGON HARBWARE , P Unt Wheels , Ji'nfihed Qeirinj , 4c. " * lc. , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWO.ODitUMBER . , irriage ? . Hacks " 3 Buggies * j " ? * 11 * . t tTJcpot. . Tie KJngof theSEWlKG MACE1SE TVOtLD i , rif-ccSccctlr 3 GcM Eeljcs Jn the Realms ct Finance. SALES -FOE 1873 : In Round Numbers 232,444 Machines ! se fi S It 'Vill h rtly leclenira on such evidence that tbe inferiority of the Sieger Is lu Ir monstnted. THE SINGER MANPG CO. W. N. NASON , Agent , 0. 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS , t . Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. STEFXE & JOHNSON , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! -SIMPSOA'S. BI.OCK- 528 and 540 Fourteentb. Street , BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE MORGAN & GALLAGER. SUCCESSORS TO CEEIGUTON A T MOEUAjf WHOLESALE GROCERS , fto. OIJ Farnliain Street WHITNEY , BATJSERBtAN & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS XTo. 247 Doug-Las Street , mch27yl AGKM'S FOR TIIS DUPO.NT POWDER CO. CLARK & - FRENCH , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! AND DEALERS IN Canned Goods , Dried Fruits , Green Fruits in Season , Je X .MlfcEKS SOUCITKUZA'D PBOM1TI.Y FILLED. A. , 3si. s z IM : 3 ? s o --JUNUFACTOKEBAND WHOLESALE DEALER IN CIGARS. S32 ST. , C. X. . A. SZ.ATTB , 288 Bodge Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. ITkecp cons i"3" on liand llie eptst ' " < > ' Br ad Cloth , Ckssimerrs and } ' " "ni1 U 8UU the EiTABLISniilJ St PUNDT , METER & RAAPKE , DEALEP3 IK FANCY GROCERIES , r " - M Teas , Spices , Tobacco and Cigars. 212 FarnLam Street , - - - Ornalia Nefo UIcm7eodvX 0O JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS , HOSIERY , GLOYES and KOTIOXS. J 231 2ParaJaam Street , 'J. J. BROWN & BBO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ' I STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOGDS' UT8.iT Motions , slid Boots nnd Shoes. JOHN T. JOBBER OF- Shelf i Heavy Hardware IRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK,1 AND- ' . , ' . . . , 'I1UESI1BRS. IIAIWKSTKHN IlEAl'KIlS.MOWKItS. DIIILLa. MKCOKIIK . CORJfC.VN1EnN PLOW ? * , CTJI.TIVATOBS , IIAV. KAKKtf AND WAGONS. ruchtty Douglas St , , Omalia , ITebraska. HENRY HORNBERGER. DEALEB IX- WINES , 'KciitnckjJWhLiiiles and Import"I'UooJs ( a Specially. hl9rl EOME& lie BurliDton and MUsourl P rverJUallroaJ Co. , offsn Ixat lin M illaw pricei on 10 year . . , . premlmaof OTpereenL oo tha amoantof the dltat6pc. c .Interest a d wliu b.inuj . rchase , It halt the land U cuitlrated , within two yean from dt of purchase. LA11QE DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. orlh" df.lalte : , Jsup Fork and Elkhorn Valleys E. i M.K.Jw Ok. wUl eC about J.000,000 acre * of spU-n it I mln ? . and.ajrlcaltnral.'Und 1 eU > atered f unlry , > t Irdin ! I ft to 87.00 per acre on Ion t credit. , * South of he Platte UAClvAgUA Aa u * * * C A > V Or General L a4 D pu1aeBtj