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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1992)
Congratulations to Amy D.. Lisa M„ and Nicki P. (ADPi) for Doing selected for Health Center Advisory Board. Good Job! _ _Love, Your Sisters T nat day is finally herel Hope you have a wonderful B-day. __Love always, Jeff GREEK WEEK ^92 April 6-10 The Week That Zeus Cut Loose Jill Hueser A Julie Kocn (Gamma Phi Beta) Good luck this weekend at the First Nebraska Leadership Forum. We know it will be a successl Your Sisters SAND BASH Sand Volleyball Tournament Gamma Phi Beta - DU April 11th & 12th Tri-Delta * Phi-Delt Spring Formal 1992 130 Student Government SSSSSSSBSSSBBSSSSB STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Have an impact on committees dealing with student related concerns. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union. Deadline for ail positions ia 4:00 p.m., April 15. Campus Recreation Advisory Council Campus Safety Subcommittee (ASUN) Central Planning Committee Commencement Committee Computational Services A Facilities Committee Convocations Committee Curriculum Committee Electoral Commission (ASUN) Five Year Projection Committee (ASUN) Government Liaison Committee (ASUN)-Reg. Lobbyist Government Liaison Committee (ASUN)-Chair Government Liaison Committee member (ASUN) Grading A Examinations Committee Honors t/onvocaiion Human Rights Committee ntercotlegiate Athletics international Students Subcommittee Libraries Nebraska Union Board Parking Advisory Committee Parking Appeals Publications Board Racial Affairs Subcommittee (ASUN) Recording Secretary Scholastic Commission Chair Student Life Commission Chair Senate^ASUN) chyjry specific college openings Student Employee Grievance Committee Students with Disabilities Subcommittee Teaching Council UNL Campus Police Committee University Judiciary/Appeals 140 Personals aaaaaaaaasa.i ■ ■ , ■ 1=_ DOOGIE, Hey pal. good luck on the MCAT Saturday. I know you'll blow 'em away. When it's over, well vacation on my five square meters o< Rain Forest in Costa Rical (Some day) Love Always A Blue Eyes, It's time you had a real man. We'll see this weekend. Still Waiting Strasse. Congratulations for coming out of the closet. What a great Spring Break. Jeff T. Eric (FH) _ PteMe forgive me. May all of your dreams oome true (well maybe except lor that on with the donkey and the midget). Love. Skid THE LETTER OF THE DAY IS S If your last name begins with the letter S REE DNPersonal Adi Come down to the DN I NE Union) with your student ID, before the 2.00pm deadline,and place a FREE Personal in the Personal' ad section (15 word maximum). Send birthday greetings to a friend, contad that person you've been dying to meet, or whatever message you would like to send to someone. This special applies only to students paying student fees. Wanted: National League fans to start a N. L. Rotisserie League. Call 472-8347, leave message. Matamoros Girl (Padre), *rom Pound (you told me where it is - by TKE). I met you last Friday at the border and forgot your name. How can I reach you? “ Guy with ponytail 145 Lost & Found FOUND: Watch with black band by Big Red Shop 3/31, 9:30am. Call 737-3317 to Identify. 150 Child Care Needed Mother of three will baby-sit in her home. 27th and Hoidrege area. 475-8124. Part-time summer companion needed for older school children. Pleasant working environment, and hours flex foie. Must have own transportation, previous experience preferred. Equal opportunity employer. 421-2371 leave message. 160 Help Wanted A & S STUDENT ADVISERS Applications are available for Arts and Sciences Student Adviser positions in 1223 Oldfather. Deadline is April 15. 1992___ Are you friendly, articulate, and politically oriented? We need people who can communicate well and build relationshps with members o( environmental and con sumer organizations. - Is a supportive, progressive work environment important to you? Work with a talented, diverse, dedicated staff and an outstanding management team committed to your per sonal growth and development. Evenings/$6.25 hourly Weekends/$7.25 hourly. Hudson Bay Company Is expanding and needs to fill full and part-time positions. If you are interested in a mean ingful career with decent pay and benefits, call 12-2pm only. Monday thru Friday, for an Interview 476-1010. Find a great job! Come to The Great Job Fairl Wednesday, April 8.9:30am to 330pm Nebraska Union.__ _ Job Hunting? Call the SEC Job Line 472-8800 from the Student Em ployment 6 Internship Center. i GRAND > 'OPENING!! i • 11th & Comhusker 4 J 477-2535 ' ■ 1/2 Price J ■ checks cashed ■ goffer good Belmont location onl^| THE PAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I opMrw*u*ocoot | h»*a.o ». u “Oh, this Is wonderful, Mr. GruenfeW — I’ve only seen H a couple of times. You have corneal corruption.... Evil eye, Mr. GruenfeW, evil eye.” Cafeteria Worker Part-time position. Approximately 14 hours/week. 4:30 7:30 p.m, rotating days and weekends. May work other shifts on weekends. Perform cashier and other related duties such as cook, grill work and clean-up. Friendly, polite, customer-oriented individual required. Previous food service and cash handling experience helpful but not required. Apply to: Department of Human Resources St. Elizabeth's Community Health Center 555 S. 70th St. Lincoln 60510 _EOE__ Chi Chi’s Now hiring all kitchen positions and prep, pm dish and pm cooks. Please apply in person at 201 N. 66th, between 2pm and 4pm. College Students Expanding local branch is filling part-time positions now and can be continued in the summer. $9.25 to start with scholarships and internships available. Call 488-6017. Experienced bass player with lead vocal A Plus lor top 40 country rock band. 466-8214. EXTENSION ASSISTANT - HOME ECONOMICS/YOUTH Plan, develop, conduct, and evaluate food and nutrition programs and 4-H projects, activities and events in Polk County, NE for the Southeast Research and Extension Center. Bachelor's with major in home economics or closely related field, preferably with emphasis in nutrition, required. Experience with 4-H, youth or volunteer organi zations preferred. Position minimum annual salary plus excellent benefits. Submit cover letter of application and resume postmarked by April 13 to: Dr. Loyd Young 211 Mussehl Hall UNL Lincoln, Ne 68583-0714 The University is an AA/EOE. Manhattan 9/92-6/93 teach sweet. I/d boy. 16/yr, after school. Days free. Opportunity to work part-time as paralegal or study. Excellent salary, room/board. Call Sunday Thursday(pm) (212)724-9540._ YMCA Youth Sports needs volunteer youth soc cer coaches Apply at the Downtown YMCA, 1039 P St. Nebraska Republican Party seeks quality telemarketers. Experience a plus but not mandatory. Call Sam Fischer, 475-2122. _ Need extra money? International Telcom. Inc. offers flexible schedules, competitive wages, a pleasant work ing environment and an excellent opportunity for ad vancement in the growing field of outbound telemarketing. Full and part time positions available. Hours available Monday Fnday. 9am-9pm, Saturdays 9am-4pm. Set your own hours - Saturdays not manda tory. It interested can 474-1256 or apply in person at International Telcom, Inc. 3410 O Street Relieves hangover symp toms. New Product. It works. Dealers needed. Part-time okay. Send $5 for 5 samples and dealer information. Davidssons Distributing, Inc., Dept. DN, 12 Orchard Lane, Estherville, IA 51334 Office Assistant/Receptionist Permanent part-time position (17 hours). Requirements, typing, data entry, filing.communication skills. Must be mature and self sufficient. Experience in assisting per sons with mental illness helpful. $4.25/hr contact Sharon, M-T, 475-5069 for details._ Part-time computer operator Immediate part-time opening for a computer operator to work 10a.m.-2p.m. Responsible for computer mainframe and perpheral equipment, off-line printed output and distribution. Ability to lift 60 pounds. MVS and VM expe rience preferred. Apply at Technical Management. Inc., 421 S. 9th Street, Suite 222, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Equal Oppor tunity Employer. . Mailroom Assistant Full-time mailroom assistant needed immediately. Posi tion requires an organized and seltoeliant individual. Experience with inventory maintenance, capable of oper ating and maintaining a variety of office equipment, familiar with USPS and UPS. able to lift 50+ pounds and driver's license in good standing. Please send letter of application, resume and salary requirements to Market ing S. NSCA, PO Box 81410, Lincoln. 68501. Runza Restaurant 13th & E We are looking lor friendly people with smiling faces tof ill part-time day or evening positions. Join our team A receive 1/2 price meals, flexible schedule, competitive wages, bonus program and a friendly work environment. STOP BY AND APPLY TODAY! SUMMER JOBS Line up that summer Job nowl Meaningful, exciting Job working for enviromental and consumer legislation. Call 477-8681 to schedule an interview. Hours 1:30-10:30, M F. Pay S300/week. Training/advancements. Summer Marketing Internships Participate in marketing project for successful commodi ties brokerage firm in downtown Lincoln: DEC Futuree. Earn $7-10 an hour. Pan-time, May-August. Juniors, Seniors. Grad Students. Apply NOW in Student Employ ment A Internship Center. 345 NU. Off sale clerk must be 21. Hours vary will last thru this summer. Apply at J. Ryans 27th and Holdrege. Spring Break is over, but let's keep that Spring Break spirit Alive! Rolling ROOk (reg or light) wease $12.99 Molson reg or light)wease $11.99 Pabst Blue Ribbon reg. light, x-8ght, draft.or N.A.) wease $7.99 Keystone reg. fight, or dry) wease $8.89 Old Style (Rag.fight^fafl.dfaft fight) wease $7.99 Miller teg. ft*, draft, draft ft*) wcaa* $11.99 Natural Light $7.59 JL California Wine Cooler vw*™*)*# 2 for $5 White Mountain Cooler aph $2.69 Pink or Purple Passion 4 warm $4.99 I Kahula 750ml $13.49 I H Amaretto Di Saronno 750 m $17.99 Complete Keg Equipment Available with FREE ICE! 2620 Stockwell (5 blks N of Hiway 2 on 27th) 4 4 423-2085 _Otter good thru April 8 Limited to quantities on hand Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson ms ARTICLE SAYS THAT B1 AGE S\*. W05T CHILDREN HAVE WATCHED SOOO HOURS OF TV - A QUARTER OF THEIR ^__ WAttNG L\VES / 4 I HAJENT WATCHED THAT much.1 THINK OF AIL THE GREAT SHOWS I'VE MISSED/ TVE BEEN DEPRWED OF CULTURAL I REFERENCES/ LM IGNORANT j OF COUNTLESS AMAZING PRODUCTS/ > Ayf^ - \mV. IF I WATCH TV ONT\L beotime, r can get in a FEW PRECIOUS EXTRA HOURS AND CATCH UP A B\T.' ACROSS 1 Roman statesman 5 Swarms 10 Kiln 14 Continent east of the Urals 15 Mountains in 14 Across 16 Brownish purple 17 Native country 19 -, crackle and pop 20 Friend of Anatole France 21 Seine 23 Three, in Trieste 24 Flap 26 Herrmglike fish 28 Disagreed 33 -fixe 34 Bellows 35 Dobbin's deterrent 37 Sherman Hemsley sitcom 40 Opposed 41 What reasonable people make 42 Do road work 43 Sambar 44 Acclaim 45 Cupolas 46 Writer Bombeck 48 Seattle baseball team 50 Kit and Johnny ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE lEkUlNg1 lull |l I |ll ISpE'NlTlEiR ■giiTFrr ■ C|L|0|u|d1RtIoInMO|R|A|L |A|h[a N KMSlA V eIBl I R A 53 "All the King's 54 Rowan 55 Japanese admiral 56 Salad ingredient 61 Rampage 63 Joel Chandler Harris storyteller 66 Olfactory stimulus 67 Water nymph 68 Clamp 69 ‘-and the Swan": Yeats 70 Coup de 71 Roman road DOWN 1 Bivouac 2 Hebrew lyre 3 Josip Broz 4 Honolulu is here 5 Type of sauce 6 Annex 7 Greek letter 8 Miraculous menu 9 Avocation 10 Goddess of harvests 11 Rosalind Russell role 12 Muffler 13 Wickiup's cousin 18-Park, Colo 22 Koppel or Kennedy 25 College in Ky 27 Sword or spear 28 Small amount 29 Scottish isle 30 Bill Cosby best seller 31 Franciscans, eg 32 Sturdy fabric 36 Muslim faith 38 Always 39 Promontory 41 Silky fabric 45 Eating establishment 47 “L'6tat c’est 49 Ebb 50 Burnett or Channing 51 Private line 52 U-boat locater 57 Jacob s third son 58 Discharge 59 Trick 60 Belgian river 62 Refrain syllable 64 0rg headed by Allen Dulles: 1953-61 66 Resinous substance