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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1992)
Classified 472-2588 WATS Marketing is currently seeking enthusiastic and sales-oriented indi viduals to perform Telephone sales. QuaWled candidates should possess excellent communication skills. Part-time evening and weekend hours avatable. Mon day-Friday, 500pm-10:00pm. Saturday 900am-500pm Apply at our Employment Office 8:30a m-600pm Monday-Friday WATS Maiketing. 6t00 0 St (S.W. comer of Gateway Shopping Cents!), EOE M/F/V/H If you're looking for a great job that will give you real world experience while you're still in school AND pay you for it... m You've Just Hit The JACKPOT! The Daily Nebraskan is currently accepting appli cations for Fall Account Ex ecutives. This position requires ap proximately 25 hours per week. The following char acteristics will be helpful: ‘Creativity ‘Self-Motivation ‘Interest in Learning ‘Communication Skills ‘Sales-Oriented ‘Advertising Background If you possess any of these qualities and are interested in applying your academic background in advertising sales, we have a job for you. Fay is based on commis sion with monthly bonuses also available. Applicants must be UNL students carrying at least six credit hours. Applications are available in the Daily Nebraskan office and must be com pleted and returned by Thursday, April 9 @ 3 pm. UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by ail federal regulations pertaining to same. 162 Work Study Jobs Want to work in a stress-free environment? With Study time? Learn about art? Hanging exhibitions? ART MU SEUM SECURITY GUARD, WORK-STUDY ONLY. 10 hours/week rest of this semester, weekday afternoons and weekends. Approximately 14 hours/week an summer sessions. Call Martha Kennedy, Great Plains Art Collec tion. 205 Love Library, 472-6220. 164 Summer Jobs CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/ girts summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail ing, waterskiing. gymnastics. riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $1.000 or more plus R4B. Marc Seeger, 1765 Maple. North field, IL 60093. 708-446-2444.__ NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS— MASSACHUSETTS Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls. Counselor posi tions for Program Specialist: Al Team Sports, especially Baseball. Basketball. Field Hockey. Softball, Soccer and Volleyball; 25 Tennis openings; also Archery. Riflery, Weights/Fitness and Biting; other openings include Per forming Arts, Fine Arts. Newspaper. Photography, Cook ing. Sewing. Rollerskating, Rocketry, Ropes, and Camp Craft; All Waterfront Activities (Swimming, Skiing, Sail ing. Windsurfing, Canoe/Kayaking), inquire: Nah-Kee-Nac (BOYS) 190 Linden Avenue. Glen Ridge, NJ 07028. Call 1-800-753-9118. Danbee (GIRLS) 17 Westminster Drive, Montvlle, NJ 07045. Call 1-800 729-8606. CAMP COUNSELORS Mata/Female. OUTSTANDING SLIM DOWN CAMPS: Tennis, Dance, Slimnastics, WSI, Athletics, Nutrkion/Oietetics. Age 20+. Seven Weeks. CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES AT Mas sachusetts. Pennsylvania, California. Contact: Michele Friedman, 047 Hewlett Drive, North Wood mere, NY. 11581.1-800-421-4321. Part-time summer help needed. 20-25 hours/week. Morn ing or afternoon hours. Apply at United Rentals, 710 N. Spring Break Over & Still No Summer Work? -Gain valuable work experience for all majors. -Travel 8 work with 3,000+ other college students from North America 8 Europe S1800/mo. 421-8645. Summer Recreation Leaders Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting application* for Summer Playground poskions: Leaders ($4.60/hour) Assistant Leaders ($4.40/hour) Craft Specialists ($4.60/ hour). Morning hours. Monday through Friday, June 1 through July 31. Apply at 2740 A St, 4/1-7952. EOE/AA. 170 Roommates M Huge room, Big Apt. dean, neat 210+1/3 utilities. 474 5073,29th tO. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY!! 1 responsible, non-smoking female to share an apartment wkh 3 other girls. Will have own room. $194.50 +1/4 utNtties. 4 blocks from campus at Claremont Park Apartments. Free garage. Call NOWI 477-6788._ Non-smoking female roommate needed to help find apart ment for early May. Please call 438-5168, leave mes sage. 11 Session.$3 10 Sessions.$25 ^ A 20 sessions.$40 I-J Mon/Wed/Thurs.9-8 1350 N. 48th Tues/Fri.9-7 (Next to Ken’s Kegs) l Sal ^ 466-8044 AUTOMOTIVE SALES □ Assertive □ Competitive □ Demanding □ Persevering □ Appealing □ Outstanding □ Persistent □ Adventurous □ Daring □ Cheerful □ Polished If you’re looking for a career after graduation and can TRUTHFULLY check at least 8 boxes that really describe you, we need to talk. This is an excellent opportunity for the right individual. Apply in person to Ms. Ames at Branker Buick/Hyundai, 48th & R streets. If you have any doubt... don't come in. KEGS-COLDEST BEER AROUND-LOW EVERYDAY UQUOR PRICES I i I 5 I s a m 8. f » uor I BUD LONGNECKS $1 1 99 5 Reg., Light, Dry, warm case longneck bottles... A A £3 KEYSTONE $089 8 Light, Dry, warm case.U fe HEINEKEN $ J99 2 OLD STYLE $*799 £ Reg., Light, Dry, Classic, warm case./ P ************************* c ___ 2 g C,A Jack Daniels $*99 . g Country Cocktails... 4 pk „4 J MgjjB ^ Yukon Jack.. 750 ml.^9" | £ Bartles & Jaymes...warm 4 pk...2^ ^ CO m 8 ...and much more through 4/8/92 5 g -PLEASE DRINK OUR PRODUCTS IN MODERATION- g & -NEVER DRINK & DRIVE!- | f|jr0,27th & VINE 477-7516 Id ' KEGS-COLDEST BEER AROUND-LOW EVERYDAY UQUOR PRICES m 1 responsible non-smoking female roommate to share 2 bedroom apartment near 48th & O. $175 + 1/2 utilities. Call Dan or leave message, 489-8503._____ Female roommate needed for summer. Close to cam pus—19th and R. $192/month. 438-2457. Non-smoking, M/F summer roommate needed to share newly carpeted two bedroom with Law student. East Campus area, $150 ♦ 1/2 utilities, 464-1732. Responsible, non-smoker, male roommate needed Im mediately. $172.50/month ♦ utlttiee. Call 435-7796 alter 5pm._ Roommate needed to share three bedroom duple* near 30th > N. $150 plus 1/3 utilities. 477-2953. Roommate wanted to share 3 bedroom house. Prefer male. $165/mo.*1/3 utilities. Available April 1st. 488 8733.__ Wanted: Male Roommate, non-smoking, very dean. 21 ♦. to find place to share for summer. Call Mike 474-6407. 180 Houses For Rent 1138 Charleston, summer only, walk to class, 6 bedroom, 489-6948.__ 2112 Vine, wait to campus, very nice 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, parking. $650. 475-1579, 488-0061 709 N. 25th. Real nice. Four bedrooms, two full baths. Parking. Near campus. $675.475-1579,488-0061 ■ 836 Y, very nice three bedroom, basement, garage, near campus. $525,475-1579,488-0061. Nice houses available mid-May. 3. 4,5 bedroom. Near campus. Summer lease or longer. 475-1579,488-0061. Reserve your 3,4,5 or 6 bedroom home for summer and/ or fall now and relax I All dose to UNL. 423-1535. 185 Duplexes For Rent TWo bedroom, four blocks from city campus, utilities paid, available now. $375.475-6669. 190 Apartments For Rent 1/2 OFF—EAST CAMPUS Rent in May and receive v* oft your first month's rent. 3300 Huntington: 2BR, (350/mo.+elec. Min. 6 month lease. Cal 466-6611 orMegaCorp 475-6400. ^BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Sunny 6 spacious 2 BR. 11/2 bath, open staircase, glass doors, private patio, great N.E. location, most utilities pd. (450 464 2697 CHERRY HILL MGMT 400-46(7 540 S. 20th, ’Rent Special*. Two bedroom reduced to (329. Mega-sized one bedroom (309. 475-7262 Century Management Co. Partial toting of our rentals: 1 Bedroom- 1237C. 6-pfetr heat paid. $310 1 bedroom- 2203 Vine. 3 month lease. (290. 2 Bedroom- 3023 Q, Large klchen. al appMances, (400. 2 Bedroom- 2130 J. St.. Fireplace, al appliances. (340 Call 476-2500 mm**# Ride the P.O. Pears Bus for FREE to BURGER MADNESS Sunday: Noon-8 p.m. Cheeseburger & fries $3.24 Hamburger & fries $2.97 311 S. 9th 476-8551 df jf’W'St. f po FEAM *** FALL LEASE “* 640 South 20 / 475/7262 Sign up for a fal lease, before you head home for the summer. Both one ($309 up) and two ($359 up) bedroom available. Parking/Laundry. JONES APARTMENTS_ “‘SUMMER LEASE“* 640 South 20 / 475-7262 SpHsh, splash In our pool Two bedrooms, some with balconies, $359 and up. Mega-sized one bedroom $309 and up. laundry faclltiee, one parking stall. JONES APARTMENTS_ ‘NEW AND AFFORDABLE* ‘Spacious one and two bedroom ‘One and two baths ‘Ceramic tile, entries, kitchens and baths ‘Washer/dryer hook-ups ‘Built-in microwaves ‘Mini-blinds ‘Pool ‘Luxurious carpeting ‘Balconies and patios ‘Several handicapped units available Cherry Hill Management, 489-4857 ‘UNIQUE 1 BEDROOMS* You don't see apartments like thisl New carpet, ceramic tile In dining, kitchen A bath floors, breakfast bars,private patios, ceiling fans, variety of colors A floor plans for only $300-$340, most utilities paid. For more information call: CHERRY HILL MGMT 489-4857 Claremont Park Apts Now leasing for fall. 4 blocks from campus. 5 blocks from downtown. New 1, 2, 3. and 4 bedroom apartments. Laundry facilities. Pooi/wetghtroom. Garages. Call now 474-PARK. May or August Leases East Campus, 30th and Huntington, newer two bed rooms, fireplace, central air, appliances. laundry, parking, no pets, 489-9916. Near Campus, near new One bedroom from $250 a month, no pets. 438-1970. Newer 1,2, & 3 bedroom Pin* Tim Apartments, 231 Adams, Embassy Park Apartment*, 5608 S. 31 at, S1S W. Saunders 3325 3550 Security building, no pets. Cal tor May A August vacanciaa. 483-8057,483-1130. Newer Two bedroom central air dishwasher washer/dryer hookup 840 N 28th, available now 475-1449 Orta bedroom, ck»* to campus, shower, $225, 541 N. 28th, 488-0587. Put a Splash in Your Life at Wiliowhaven Apartments One and two bedroom apartments available, swimming pool with large sundedt, minute* to UNL campus. Rent an apartment and get a free summer fun basket. Call 476-6200 NOW REFRESHING & NEW a Been looking tor a horns not just another apartment? Been looking for al the space, quality, comfort A amenities of a new horns? 3) Bean looking tor affordable IMng? We have I all with 5 new floor plans n Northeast Lincoln. Cal 48P-3387 CHERRY HILL MANAGEMENT SOUTH WOC® 1 and 2 bedroom, and town homes avail able. Sava up to $360 on rent. 27th A Hwy. 2,423-2902. Statehouse Suites 1A24M One bedroom 3295 Efficient tee from 3225 __438-3132 No pets. Sublease spacious 2 bedroom with balcony, a/c 3 off street parking by East Campus. Cal 467-3360. Summer tubist wkaxtension possible. Walk to East Cam pus. Large 2 bedroom, balcony, a/c. DW. w/waaher/dryer si building. 3400/month. Available May 1. 466-1504 Three bedroom duplex, 1020 N 8th, 3435/month. Call 8284437 collect. 191 Summer Housing Affordable summer housing at Triangle Fraternity. Single or double rooms. Air conditioning and laundry. Call Chris 436-8780._ SUMMER LEASE 2 bedroom apartment. fits 3 easily. Balcony, fireplace, a/ c, park, laundry. Campus close. 487-1862._ Summer Sublease: Non-smoking male to share 2 bed room Apartments with A/C. fireplace, off-street parking, and furnishings. Walt to East Carrpus Call 464 3460 Summer sublease available May 1. One bedroom, fur nehed or unturnehed. dose to East Campus. 3220 ♦utilities. 466-1632._ Two bedroom summer apartment, appliances furnished, doM lo East Campus, rent negotiable. Cal 464-8534. leave meesage.