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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1992)
Baseball salaries flying out of the ballpark It is simply out of hand. Professional baseball has been degraded to the point of one determining factor: “How many digits do you have in your salary?” Gone are the days of playing a sport just for the love of it. The love of the sport has changed to the love of money. How can anyone justify paying a player $6,100,000 to chew, spit and grab his crotch on national television? That is the salary paid to Bobby Bonilla, the New York Mets’ center fielder. Granted, Bonilla can powder the ball and run down the occasional pop fly, but $6.1 million (including signing bonus) for one year? And $29 million over five years? In addition to over-inflated salaries, most good players are given contracts, which ensure that they won’t be cut. This allows a certain player to ram his car into his wife’s car just because he is mad, and not get fired. Poor Jose Canseco. Go spend a few thou sand and forget about it. You’ll feel better. Bonilla’s money was tops until March 2, when a new fortune king was crowned. Ryne Sandberg, the Chicago Cubs’ second baseman, signed a four-year contract worth $28.4 million. It must feel good to make more money in one year than a Third-World country., But hey, Sandberg has talent. Point your finger anywhere on the map and you will find people starving. Before I leap into social repercussions, let’s look at how salaries have increased. According to a recent issue of Sports Illus trated, Babe Ruth was paid $50,000 in 1923. This was a huge chunk of cash for an athlete in those times. But Ruth was, and still is, considered one of the best to play the game, or at least the best known player of all time. Thomas Clouse If you compare Sandberg’s $7.1 million to Ruth’s $50,000, something doesn’t add up. Although it has been almost 70 years since the Babe got his paycheck, it still falls short of Sandberg’s bank account. Ruth’s salary equals $390,405 in today’s dollars. Yeah sure, Sandberg will be remembered as Mr. Baseball for the rest of eternity. He revolu tionized the game. He made every child want to grow up and be like him. The world bows down and kisses his feet. Well, you get my picture. I can’t blame Sandberg. Personally, I feel he demands respect for his play and should be paid well for being one of the best second baseman in the game. I blame the system. The owners have in creased salaries so fast that soon they won’t be able to pay the players. “Big Money” has jumped from Nolan Ryan’s $1.13 million in 1979 to Sandberg’s $7.1 mil lion this year — a $5.97 million jump in 13 years. Before 1979, salaries increased from Ruth s $50,000 in 1923, to the Yankees’ Catfish Hunter’s $578,200 in 1975. Over those 53 years, salaries had increased only $528,000. Baseball is not the only sport that has sold out. Football, basketball, boxing, golf and even hockey have all started to ruin the “profes sional sports” image. This corruption has inevitably spread to the NCAA, where most professional athletes first become commodities. Increasing recruiting violations, TV con tracts and fan expectations have all skyrock eted in response to the sports-money revolu tion. Currently, college athletes have price tags put on them before they are even drafted. High-school athletes go to colleges with the best reputation and the biggest TV revenue, not for academics. Even junior-high athletes choose the best high schools to get a chance to be recruited by a college dial plays on television often. Sports are exactly that: sports. It isn’t real ity. The world does not end when Nebraska loses. Baseball, football, boxing, golf and hockey are all just games. Although fans have fought, cried, laughed and cheered for their favorite teams since the beginning of lime, games were meant to be fun. They should be a learning experience, not a financial battleground. The “Big Money” syndrome has started a vicious cycle that has turned professional sports into a corporation, and college athletics into a corrupt-pricing game. Where has the fun gone? Clouse is a senior news-editorial major and the Daily Nebraskan assistant sports editor. $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica tion. -- The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any persor on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race religion, age, disability, marital status or natona origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edi or reject any advertisement at any time whtcf does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. J Lincoln Donor Center Earn S15 for each donation 1 st * - 15th of the month. Enjoy I prompt courteous treatment | from our caring staff. Free ■ physical on your first dona tion, call for appointment. Bring this ad in for $20 on your I first visit & $20 on your second visit within 5 days i f this is your I first donation, or if you have not donated in the last two * months. Expires 4/30/92 | 126 N. 14th St., Suite *2, 474-2335 | Mon. - Thurs. 8-6, FrL 8-4, Sat. 8-2 gHE Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be. Begin the ed with the Item for sale or offered. 3 Bicycles For Sale Lincoln Police Department Notice of sale of unclaimed bicycles and miscellaneous property April 11.10am„ Lincoln land Towing, 410 W. P Street. No checks accepted. 4 Books For Sale Cruise Line Entry level, onboardrtandside positions available, year round or summer. (813)229-5478 SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE regardless of grades or inoome. 200,000souroes representingS10 billion All you hays to do is apply Call 1-800-783-7413 for recorded informal ion. 6 Computers For Sale 8MHz IBM PC/XT. 640K RAM. 20Meg HD. 380K S’4 8 720K 3Y4 drives, new VGA monitor 8 card. 1 parallel 8 1 serial port. DOS 320. $650. 436-8171,6pnv9pm 7 Jewelry For Sale 1/3 caiu diamond engagement ring. Hardly worn. Paid $500. asking $350.488 9667 after 9pm. 8 Furniture For Sale_ Couch/da^>ed tor sale, $30. obo. Call Cyndi at 895-4954. Dresser , $15, Twin bed. $75. obo In great condition. Must sell by May, 477-5714. King-size waterbed with new mattress. Complete with heater, padded rails, rwsed headboard. Best offer. 421 2706. leave message. I.'i „■ I, '."I I I I a—ss 13 Office Furniture Canon Typestar 3 portable electric typewriter. Light, handy, with many functions. $76. Call Steve at 477-1013 after 6 pm. 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale CAP S^PEO Kenwood Topolline PuftoulCO/Tuner; Works Perfect l Must seN $300. 436-9874. Lied Center for Performing Arts Cq Johnny Carson Theater April 3 & 4 at 8pm, April 5 at 2pm tickets $3 on sale at Howell Box Office, 12 & "R" St. 3 gg| "mefmertztng dance theatre"-Clive Thompson, former principal dancer in (to con^Mnni of Alvin Alley and Martha Graham •ored by Umveraay of Nafiraafca-t^ooohi The ana Arts A Dance D» parrot* The Precinct B104 & Miller Presents >feLCEC JwnpfcM EVERY SATURDAY IN APRIL 226 S. 9th ST. Exclusively at the You've seen it on the Letterman Show Now DO IT!!! PLUS COMPLIMENTARY BREAKFAST SERVED AT MIDNIGHT. I NO COVER BEFORE 9:001 LiBHBBBBBaHHl 19 Ticket Exchange 1 ticket to April 4 Tim Aden Comedy Concert. $20, Great Seats1436-0748. Bose - Acoustimass SE 5 Speaker System. $650. Call Marc at 435-8517. For Sale: Two Wrestlemania VIII tickets plus hotel reser vation. Cal 477-0176._ For sale: Two single tickets for Tim Aden, $22.50 each Two group tickets. $25 each. Aprd 4,7pm. 796-2497. 20 Vehicles For Sale 64 Honda Prelude, 5-speed, moonroof. loaded, $4,250 offers. Baer's Automotive Sales, 1647 S. 3rd, 477-6442. 60 SAAB EMS 900, dark red. 5-speed, sunroof, stereo, high miteape. fairly new tires. $1600 obo. Call 477-7138 1986 Honda Elite CH80 Motorcycle, white wI faking, 1,621 mdes. $900 obo. (M-F 8-4:30pm) 467-7733. CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED 89 MERCEDES.$200 86 VW.$90 87 MERCEDES.$100 65 MUSTANG.$50 Choose from thousands starting $25.24 Hour Recording Reveals Details 60 f -379-2929 Copyright #NE 11KJC 22 Adoption "A. ARTIST A NO ARCHITECT COUPLE" Eager to be loving full-time mom plus dad. Beautiful country home filed with happiness. Home cooking, mu sic. sport6. fine education promised. Expenses paid. Susan and Mathew coiled 212 219-9024 _ ADOPTION Cailomia professional couple with much love and secu rity to ofler wish to adopt bitoy to age Mo. Ail expenses paid. Totally legal. PLEASE call Deni collect 310-470 6855. THANK YOUI_ Adaption: Let's help each other Loving couple wishes to adopt newborn. Legal and medical expenses paid. Call Sheryl and Howto colled. 0-518-763-1810_ Single and Pregnant? You don't have logo It alone we're here to help. No tees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893. Ns breaks Children's 4600 Vatey Road! SuiuTSk 463-7879 36 Entertainment Attention Ladies Mato hunk to entartain your bachelor olio B-Day or any occasion. Professionahsm and satisfaction guaranteed Call 421-8851. 38(nft Ideas Donna's Decor featuring Home Interiors end QMto to peri«* tor Wees. Cel 468-6058 tor Intormmlonl 40 Hairstlying NEW Terming Bed! TANNING SPECIAL: 5 sessions. 615, 10 sessions. 825. 1 month unBmNed, 842. Grin Apton Salon 4711 Huntington. PWnemen Cantor. 484 46 Instruction/Tutoring PRWATE QUIT AM MBTRUCTIONfRCNTAL 7tQt Studio m Tir 60 Misc. Services Prolmionil Tattoo patbi of by appointmani. Ctinwon Dragon Tattoo Wavarty. 7M-026ft. 63 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING ConfidantW < ounaalng avnHatoto. Call lot an LINCOLN CWsSphT GNANCY CENTER 041 O Straat, Suita 0-1 ■47S-2S01 PREGNANT? RtRTMRKJMT la a confidant ial hatping hand. ^Ffaa^agnancy (oat. ptaaaa cal ua tor appotnt 76 Travel Heading tor EUROPE this summer? Jet there anytime tor $169 from the East Coast. $229 from the Midwest (when available). (Reported in Let’s Gol and NY Times.) AIRHITCH r 212-864-2000. 80 Typing & Resumes All types of word processing Laser printing. $1.25 double-spaced page. Cal Dana. 467-5737_ Fast & efficient word processing—class papers 6 other assignments. Call Mary 483-40)0. Home-based certified typist with ten years word process ing experience seeks to type legible handwritten reports/ term papers. $3 00/typed page. Handled with contldenti alky end profees onaSem. Indicate document type end deadline. Submit name and address to: P J. A.. Fft 1, Box 268, Geneva, NE 68361. 1-759-4183 Resumes By Ann Quality returnee, profeeaional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionaly typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax. OmHy AM break en.baeement of Nebraska Union. 110 Announcements ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - fisheries. Earn $5,000+/month. Free Transportationl Room A Board I Over 8,000 openings. Male or Female. For employment program call 1-206-5454155 ext, 1676 _ Are you Pro-Choice? Come to the Students for Choice Meeting 730. Thursdays. City Union Attention Teachers Colegs Grad. Students: DVAE-G50 Spring Symposium. Diversified Approaches to Qualtarive Research*. Tonight - 70&9 30pm. Re gency Suite. NE Union. ATTENTION! Now accept im application* for Healti AMm for the 1 SK IMS academic year. *Must°anand and participate in all training actrvkiea ‘Must attend Peer Health 230both fail ana spring semes ters •Provide minor first aid care •Act as Heath Center liaison ‘Act as referral and resource person for living unit ‘Other duties as assigned ‘Appicants must live In residence hall. Greek house or Co-op for the 1 M2 1993 academic year. “heath Aides receive a smal stipend for services pro vided. Applications are avalabf* at the Communty Health Edu cation Dept. Room 12, Lower Laval. University Health Center. For more information call 472-7440. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is an affirmative action/equal apportunty institution Congratulations to the fotowSng people for being sleeted 10! he following Canpus Had Cross positions: Fir* Safety/ Bat Chain: Tracy Distefano. Adam Valencia, PR Chet: Grelchen Market; Blood drive Co-Chairs: Nicole Kahrhoff, Adam Valencia. Friday, April 3 THEOLOGY LUNCH Nebraska Union 1130 AM, Brown Bag Lunch 12:00 Noon. Program ^tndhg Untf AmlduAmw*/ Mftaf Mi how us fogsthw r Bob Stock. UNL Engish Department Keth Pwker. UNL BoctslogyDepartment UNL FACULTY, BTAFF A STUDENT* WELCOME RaMon baaed on equator of woman A man? BahAI Hrss ide Culture Center (14th A It), Thur, April And, 7pm Check boAfd. skydiveP Jump out of a perfectly good airplane! Crete Skydiving Center, n&4B(70B4. Summer Sessions Early Registration March 1&Aprll 3 TCAB Teachers College Advisory Board Retreat, Sunday, April 5th. 4-gprri In darn*. Coma |oin In tha food A tun and aratooma our now members. Want lo baooma Involved? Pkk up a 1902 Homaoomlng Stealing Committee Application m any of the loltowing tact it ms: Campus Actlviliss and Programs, 200 Ne breaks Union or 300 Nebraska East Union. ASUN 115 Nebraska Union. Greek Aft aim, 332 Nabraaka Union. RHA, 334 Nabraaka Union Pieaaa return your application lo 200 Nabraaka Union by 4:00pm on April 6. WANTED: Student Leaders for the 1992-93 Odyssey Program K you «WI bo a Junior or sontor noat faff and want to share your leadership experiences wtlh a now student ihrough a mentoring relationship, can or atop by the CAP office and aak tor Megan (472-4130) Sign up todayl CAR WASH April 5 Cornhusker Bank 11th & Cornhusker 1pm-5-pm Can $2.00. Pickups $3.00. Can washed by Phi Mu Sorority Pledge Class. Proceeds go tor Easter Baskets to hospitalized children in Lincoln. What are insects good for? Honey, sik. pollination, disease, pestilence or 2 credits in Entomology 106—Insects, Science, and Society FalM M2 115 Meetings Ad Club Officer Elections Thursday April 2. 6.00pm. 201 Avery. Ad Club The zoo project meet Saturday April 4. Room 12 Avery. 900am. We need your heipl Block & Bridle Meeting Thursday, April 2. 700 initiate meeting. 700 business masting. East Campus Union. Gay/Lesbian Student Association Weakly mseting Thursday SOOpm. Room 342 Nebraska Union. 472-5644. PRE-LAW CLUB Thun., April 2. 7:30, City Union Speaker: County Attorney Gary Lacey SAA Members Meeting Thursday at 5pm Wick Confer. Vote on Execs. UNL Students for Life Meeting at 8:00pm, City Union 120 Greek Affairs AXA Spring Break Panama City, PdeeReportT>.K.. P.I.. In N.O7S307 Koop's ban* win dow looks frosty/S268 Sinks Mom's car tender plus shotgun / parents real happy. P.C. Cop atop banging on tho wale. P.C. Don't think I wont through by boys out of horn. P.C. I'm not going to check any I.D.S. P.C. So. your twenty years otd on Spring Break and you have had a few beers? Unlawful stereo volume. Son, what are you doing to this motel room? P.B. Treepassing and breaking ana •mtenn^ / $74, Lunger, unlawful pawing on strip. Dup Scales spinnaker wan, 7 days six kegs, cha citing. Johnson Koop's cab service. WNtey's credit card, it he dead er alkre, mony. mony, dr oppmg |eep doors, sprained ankles, dangerous beer stands, eanway chickens. Kink Wins, room B33, four story freefai. So where are you from Michigan or Ohio. Whley drags btok oft FionWne. whws your major today. 9 beers lor the price of three. 3.2.1 bungee, our loee at Kansas border, chop. chop, sloth mode, rm gonna drowned you, here's to brother Sink, my nickname a (Ire crotch. Comer's cologne. Room 128.6 kegs. No charge. Room 114, no beer. 8100 box spring, premium gas. satya. (barky's, spinnaker, dub laveta. Howold are you WMey? Live It. learn It, love It. Deans bawl movements. wN oomeone hep us? Take the keg to the beach. Oh- she pewed out. Blnk kick door In. beer bongs, I never, bad moods from aJwte, convict, head beats, my girt karoke. shake the tree. In 2 ax. fm stH AKvei? nxo xo Fourth annual Iran car amah lor tha banoM of PUSH. P.O. Pnar». Saturday. April 11. mco Congratulation# Dava 8mlth lor a aupar job on PUSH. _Pi Kappa Alpha Delta Pi Diamond Dayaarahara.CongraluMona to our atwoaomo Alphaal Loyafly. Your Siatara AOII Saniora. Hop# ydu hav# a graat Sanxx Waak. Wail mtaa you I __ Low. your AOil Statara AAA Congratulate: Backia K. onhar DianaylntarnsMp (Y ? Bacauaawa Vka youl) Kaly A. lor harpagaant twin Good luck at Mtaa Notoraakal CongraMaBonatoGraachanM. (AOil)andRobA.(DU)on your pinning. IPa dbout dmal __ Low. AOII