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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1959)
Wednesday, April , 1959 The Pink Rag Page Charlie Broivn Arrested by Cops Charlie Brown, Nebraska track speedster, was speed ing a little too fast for our "fair" police force and after a 10 mile-110 mile per hour chase the cops hauled Charlie to jail. He was charged with trying to re sist arrest, speeding, care less driving, and tiMrris accounts. Explained Charlie after being caught, "All I did was drink a few beers, leave the bar and wander If Charlie Brown around until I happened to stumble into a house. After I left the house, I got In my car and proceeded home to spend a quiet evening. The sad thing Is fans is that Charlie was only going 26 in a 25. He needs us now so lets all help our beloved Charlie. Notice The Orchesis, women's modern dance group, is looking for a student man ager. The qualifications are simple. You must be male and eligible. The girls would also like to extend their thanks to the previous manager, Herman llardup, who served them so faithfully for a week be fore his injury. Herman is presently in Student Health being treated for protruding eyeballs and other minor defects. Leafhoppers, Die There will be a meeting of the Society for the Preven tion of the Potato Leafhopper Monday at 4 p.m. in the Ag ronomy Building. 17 MU IvM Ml 1 1 . .4 . J . til tl f M J.h ill W , J f if Biirm iiiiniiiiniiiniriiir- in- - windy boy Designed for the active man. Zelan treated Windy Bay cloth. Soil it, wash it, wear it. Resists wrinkles, oils, spots, and soil. Machine washable . . . drip dry . . . needs little, W arjy, touch-up ironing. Sheds water after repeated washings. In smart, sun-fast colors. 1095 "Clothes for the complete gentleman" hi Captain Ulalh UNIVERSITT OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN niden Call For By The KIAS Currently, the university of ficials are engaged in a heat ed debate as to whether or not women (nice young girls) should be allowed to compete in college athletics with their male cohorts. This is a topic "Pffft" Tweedy and friend jog towards the practice field for the opening of spring practice on the Nebraska campus. We p ate ans 1127 "R" STREET By Mickey T.louse "We hate fans." said Lolly Hepley, Will Myth, and Shake Slyer in a joint statement to this reporter. The three coaches went on to say that they didn't need supporters at their meets. They said, "We don't need fan support. Our athletes already have all the support ttiey need of another kind. We console them daily. Also, they know that their daddies and momies stand be hind them." Hepley, who coaches wim men (excuse me) swimmin, said that fans are a terrible menace at his indoor meets. He said, "It is hot enough in there without all those peo ple. The more people, the thicker the fog on the win dows. As you know I am a birdwatcher and the fog im pairs my vision. The great number of fans also add to the confusion. Not only have sev eral people been drowned when pushed into the pool, but after the last meet it was such a madhouse that I and several of my swimmers became mixed up and ended up in the girls dressing room. It took me several hours to fight my way out and my wife still isn't speaking to me. I was late for supper." ' - WV XT v iyl ' l IHII amililili llllllMbllir .mMmmmmmemmmmmi mil nun t Ml I III HH II II I II Xi I Myth, who is grappling coach, said, "The people are I generally so packed in t h e ! Coliseum that many specta ! tors are pushed out into , the wrestling mat. We are facing a liable suit at the pres- i ent time because Ed Teth- ! meier, my heavj-weight wres tler, accidently grabbed an 'observer and tore his arm off." Shake Slyer, who coaches ' gin-nastics, said that over enthusiasm is his prime con cern. Last week his parched ' peons were three quarts ahead ' of their opponents when a fan rushed from the stands and tryed to assist Muck Pelvis ;who was doing a gigantic 'swing on the high bar while holding a bottle between his knees and catching the con tents in his mouth. Whether ; the fan was trying to assist 'Pelvis off the bar or assist the bottle is not known. Any way the fan and Pelvis be came entangled and now i Coach Slyer's prize athlete lies in Student Health with ! broken bottle wounds and the I broken bottle. Slyer expects I him to be back in action with in a week. However, he may not be in top physical condi tion because he cannot take part in the team's daily warm up exercises. He is unable to do any exercises that require a sitting position. INebraskan Want Ads LOST The two fastest deodorants in the world! Old Spice Stick Deodorant is built for speed. Plastic case is applicator. Nothing to take out, no push-up, push-back. Just remove cap and apply. Prefer a spray? Old Spice Spray Deodorant dries twice as fast as other sprays! Choose stick or spray... if it' Old Spice, it's the fastest, cleanest, easiest deodorant -rjrv Each J. ni P. lice by SHUtTON you can use. ' plui to I5st: Brown rim p'lBes on Ag Campus. Ray Miller, 8-2147. PERSONAL Esther Ioso. noeclallin In Men's Women's ffttln? problems Double bre-dsted converted to single. 4445 Bo. 4Sth, 4-4212. FOR SALE For sale Bookcane. desk, chpflt-of-drawers, miscellaneous furniture. 3-8327. For Sale: Half pr;re sale on mups German. Panlnh, English. American S1..V) to ?15.0O. Cliff s 13th M. FOR RENT Typewriter, srtdlne machine for rent or sale. BLOOMS. 323 No. 13. 2-5258. TV's rented. (12.50 per month Every thing furnished. Kollar'a appliance. 2-2744 THESIS BINDING Students, have your thesis bound at H. H. Bindery by experienced book binders at new low prices, any thlck nepg S3-00. Special custom binding at a slightly hlpher rate. Bibles. Text hooks. Periodicals bound and rebound at Low Low prices. Phone 6-4435 Daytime 2-8309 Evenings. H'antrd I'wd Innocent's Jackrts for HtntHnr Herd contact Jerry Srllcntin, Tort XI political bms. 1535 K. FOR SALE Six house broken Blllle Goats. See Farmer Junes. WANTED Man exptrnr6 nr. licking: stamps, pahtlnjc clMuiln, etc. Denliv work on staff for one day. t ied Christmas r Hhpna Hotie after :Hl. ontact Kap- Coaches., Official omen n which has long been consid ered by the men of all uni versities throughout the coun try, but it is the first time that the athletic and admin istrative officials have dared to consider such a brave move. Here at our beloved institu tion, we have nine sports tthat this writer is sure that girls (nice young ones) would per form admirable in. They are: football, basketball, swim ming, gymnastics, wrestling, track, tennis, golf, and base ball. Of these nine, two, wrest ling & football, stand out in the minds of all red-blooded American males as being the best sports to admit girls (nice ones) into. In the eyes of these crusading males, these sports are the ones that the girls (nice young ones) could excel in most. In this small (very tiny) article, I am going to present in my humble way all the reasons for adopting such a policy. (I am NOT going to give ANY reasons for not giv ing this magnificent plan a try because that would be silly.) First of all there is the rea son of companionship. A star athlete always needs the companionship of a girl (a nice young one). What better way is there to wipe out this problem than to have our male stars playing against and with the fair half of the species. Think of it. Ward Moved Up To P.E. Instructor Pal Ward was moved up from his head football coach ing job to Assistant professor of physical education at Colo ratdeal University. Ward is replacing Bud Wel kinson who will be moved down to Ward's old position of football coach. Although W'elkinson didn't show much emotion, it was evident he wasn't happy over the change. Harold Honeylips, chairman of the athletic board, said Welkinson had been relieved of his duties after due deliber ation and consideration and much regret. The board said the school was in need of a younger man. Ward was given the higher post because of his excellent Secondly, girls (nice young ones) are able to hold their own with males any time as most of my fans can testify too. This is absolutely no rea son why they couldn't cut the mustard in sports as well. The third reason is a big one. The students want Co-inter-collegiate sports. This writer has undertaken an ex haustive survey as to wheth er or not the coaches and the students of this institu tion really are in favor of this plan. They are. The most outstanding student opinion came from Husker athletic idol Selvyn "Buckshot" Pin kleberry. He was very em phatic in his approval of the plan. Coach Bill "boy would that be sharp" Jennings summed up the feelings of the other coaches pretty well. He said, 'I feel that this plan would .t.. :mnrna Vip morale 01 the boys especially during those long tedious practice sessions. Last but not least would be the tremendous upsurge ot gate receipts. Think of t n e thousands of fans that would suddenly swing over to the Husker side if girls (nc.e young ones) were allowed to participate in sports. They would flock to Lincoln from all parts of the country to witness the spectacle. Anyone interested in be coming a Football Student Manager contact BOB HALL 7-1911 Immediately record as the Buff's 'tead coach. His teams have repeat- eaiv Deen runnerups 10 mei conference champions, 0 i 1 wellhoma U. Since 1950, Ward's teams have lost only twice by over whelming scores. Twice they have been beaten by a touch down, once by a single point, and once they tied. Ward was overjoyed when he learned of his new appoint ment. He hadn't wanted the job for a good many years. His new position will ease the tension and give him a chance to be at home more. All and all, Ward was overjoyed at the prospect of being turned out to pasture and relieved of the duties he had held in good stead for many years. HOLLYWOOD BOWL Open Bowling Saturday A Svnday 24 Lanes Automatic Pinsetten x Restaurant . . . Barber Shop 920 N. 48lh PHONE G-1911 HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR. CORNHUSKER YET? Limited number still available 16 colored pages Delivery toon Order at Cornhusker office Std. Union AD LIBS by Lorry Hurb "April Fooll- ULnJLlLJVJ F"""l f J I 1 I I English: SLOW-WITTED BASEBALL PLAYER Thlnklish translation i The guys who patrol the fences on this man's team include a slugger (cloutfielder) , a braggart (shoutfielder) and a sorehead (poutfielder) reading from left field to right. The clod in question a loutfielder rarely breaks into the line-up. He thinks RBI is the second line of an eye chart. But he's no doubtfielder when it comes to smoking. He goes all out for the honest taste of fine tobacco ... the unforgettable taste of a Lucky Strike! En9Hfh: POLICE STATE ''AW. f! "WW1 fjf- M'wf" 33 rj:dja.r. taitMiSia LUCllV -, I STRIKE CIGARETTES no Jiff s $ Take a word institution, for example; With it, you can make an aquarium institution), a bowling alley (pinstitu tion), a fireworks factory (dinstitution) or a saloon (ginstitution). That's Think lish and it's that easy! We're paying $25 for the Thinkllsh words judged best your check's itching to go! Send your words to Lucky Strike, Box 67A, Mt Vernon, N.Y. Enclose your name, ad dress, umversity and class. Thinklisb: COP1TALISM Get the genuine article Get the honest taste of a LUCKY STRIKE English STINGING VEIN English: COED BULL SESSION jlH ThiAlfsh: BULLERINA J j0HHWaUMU.f.SATICH. ! TbinJcliifi: SMARTERY A TOHTI.0C,"w.COHI,HITmCOLU. product oj .jAntxu3vaco (Jum.ULpKTjmlddlesss ClawA n t now. oa probation effective si AJ-Caj