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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1959)
Wednesday, April 1, 1959 I I Editorial Misrepresentation: Rag Becomes Shopper; Mendacity Destroyed In line with our usual fearless editorial policy and the real principles and pre cepts of that sacred goddess of truth and virtue journalism the Pink Rag will to day tell the true story behind one of the campus's most secret and closely pro tected organizations. The organization in question has long enjoyed the protection of those in govern ment who would keep all hidden from the searching eye of the press. The cloak of secrecy now, however is swept aside. The Pink Rag today reveals the true situation in that most perfidious of all departments, the very scourge of a good newspaper: The Daily Nebraskan business depart ment. We have discovered, after long and care ful perusal of the books, ad mats. Invoices, ink pads and especially the business man- Good Old Trib Today we are going to write about the Student Tribunal. We are going to write about it because It fills space so nicely and is so secretive that we can make all kinds of misstate ments about it without fear of contradic tion. Also, we are going to write about it mainly because we have taken a stand on this furshlugginer thing a long time ago and now we're stuck with the issue. Can't afford to lose face you know. The Student Tribunal was organized around here because the students wanted to govern themselves. Having thus estab lished their inalienable right to take every measure possible to avoid the wrath of the mighty in the student affairs office, the students walked away and, left the thing. Much to their surprise, once the Tri bunal got' organized, they found that it went on handing out the wrath of the stu dent affairs office like it had never heard of such terms as whitewash and leniency. This is a disgraceful way to be acting. It is a betrayal of the simple trust the good hearted electorate placed in the hands of that Tribunal when they con ceived it. Moreover, it is conducive to law enforce ment. Otherwise termed "crackdown" in the student vernacular. Now everyone knows that crackdown is a bad thing. It forces people to exercise self-restraint, and when you are young and B student burdened with the problems of sjudenthood, self-restraint just ain't the thing to do. To make matters worse, the Tribunal Insists on surrounding itself wiht secrecy. This always leads people to thinking in terms of ''tool of the administration" and ail that jazz. Not only that, but it makes newspaper columns awfully bare on Friday. ager's personal bank account, that adver tising is at an all time peak. In view of the situation as it now stands (more or less) and the cosmic conse quences which are irrevocably involved in any consideration of this situation, the people of the Pink Rag have decided to come to a conclusion. We have decided to quit lying to you. For this reason, The Rag has gone shop per. Mostly, we have decided to quit lying about the obvious status of this newspa per because if we come out in the open about this whole thing, maybe we will get a salary hike. Anyway, we feel it is time that we stopped deluding the student body and our selves that the publication of a newspaper anywhere serves the altruistic purpose of informing a free and democratic society about its institutions, thus enabling them to choose freely the course on which they will set the nation's feet. (Yes, I know that is a mixed metaphor, Dr. Hough). There are four reasons for calling this delusion what it is: They are to wit and we emphasize, etc: 1. There ain't no news worth printing in this paper anyway. 2. If there was any news, people wouldn't read it. 3. If they read It they wouldn't do any thing about it. (Note this sly reference to apathy clever what?) 4. Newspapers are published for profit anyway. (There now we've said it drag us off to the torture chambers on the third floor of Burnett Hall.) Down with mendacity. Call a spade a suite of cards. Let's face it let's be ma terialists. What is all this rot about the ideals of the nation's press? Move over Sellentin. Here we come! So there, children, is the reason for the advertisement on the front page. That also is the reason for the general ground swell of advertisements throughout the paper. Attention should also be given by the in terested shopper for rare and occult bar gains to the new. improved classified ad section. Insidiously, the business depart ment added a classified salesman at the beginning of the semester to build up this often forgotten department. Now, prospects are bright for a full page of classified ads with a classified special consisting of a front page banner to be run every day. In conclusion let us say that this new policy may not offer any distinct advan tages to those who contemplate the Daily Shopper as a stepping stone to the senior honoraries, but it sure is nice for we who are working our wav through. $$$$$s$$$$$sss$ Stuffy Views by Etaoin Furd "y- ,f Today in my editorial column I must take a step that I would rather not, that is to publicly come out in somewhat of a form of opposition to the policy of one of The Pink Rag's stands.' In the past, we had op posed coeducation on the University campus and listed our reasons for do ing so. Although the arguments are strong for no coeduca tion, I can really see no narm in it. Ana wnue i a feel a deep loyalty to the Jpt 1 policies of The Pink Rag, mt.,l this is an issue on which I Fnrd feel so strongly that I must speak out. The reasons are many, but among the strongest are the position of the female in this complex, shrinking world, and careful consideration of what a college education means to a young lady. These arguments have been presented opposing coeducation on the NU campus: that the young ladies present a distraction to the male student; that their intent is not really for an education but for a good time; and that they cause dissention and argument among the men who should be more concerned with the favor of a science professor than a girl. Counterplay I would like to counter these arguments with the following: 1. Perhaps certain coeds do present a distraction to male students, but look around you this number isn't very large. Besides, the distractions of most would not be ones that would cause more than momentary concern, because the average, studious NU man wouldn't want more than one look. 2. Most of the NU coeds are here for an education, contrary to reports. As Molly Golly, sophomore Awful Ogle Pie said, "Boy, you should know what ve learned since I've been here. Nothing like a liberal education." Mary Blurp, unattached and unaffili ated graduate student, said, "Talk about education. I've had my nose in these lousy books for five years. How come? Well, I haven't had a date since the dorm formal when I was a freshman. And I had a blind date. The only reason I keep studying is so that some day I can be rich and famous and some handsome gold-digger will mar ry me." Social Life 3. Dissention or vying for dates is ob viously dying out on this campus, so that argument no longer holds up. With fewer and fewer social events, this has been the natural course. Besides, it is only an un cultured dolt who would try to date a girl another has escorted in the past. It would be a breach of trust and a blot on the hon orable code of the Nebraska man. So that is why I contend coeducation is OK. Let the girls go to school here if they want. Live and let live. All right, I wrote it, so please stop twist ing my arm, pinmate. Pink Rag SIXTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD n Member: Associated Collegiate Prest Intercollegiate Prest Representee: National Advertising- Service, Incorporated Published at: Room 20, Student Union Lincoln. Nebraska 14th tc R Th Pink Ra U frnerallj pobllhI m April I im- h Khool ytmr. upt Sarins titnrt wiu-n .prl 1 JH during vacation or wlm th nivUlon Mudrnt Afflr confiicatrs tbe prwufi, bjr itudrnt f the 1 nl rly of Nebrk DrdfT thr to-rll-d -,ath'-.rl7.t'i th on,mm on StndMi Affair. r 1 npnsova f atndrat opinion, JaM aftoat all thr n ..Vwl ... nl anp ontalnrd hrrWn in a pack of 11". " n- aairr lot b IM vr wnt lflt. Mnrr monrr ".Iwt nay. Tiw Knotn of itae flak Urns !' nmtunUi ,ft re- pmuiblr for what thrjr nr, do or tmt to be printed. Apr. 1. 1W. Knnwrlptkm rat are M per mmKr or S lot tbe arademtr rear. Wliat a jp. F.nterr4 a tuna rtafcs matter at the post offfee la Lincoln, braka. mitrr thr art of Au,-uit 4, 112. EDITORIAL STAFF Plrtator Gro. "MUprlnt" Mojer As!. Dictator Mix Well (and fterve with an olivet Ubel Controller .Oolnevere ldeii!!neft fan and fr'rolle KdJtor R-jirlom I .a Tib rrncU VUeldrn ..Carroll. Hamljr and CiiHr. with h-lp from Annie Jr. Penrll Wieldrrs Patty and Torrmy Inln-pld Brf-'orteri 3!ar:la Tea. Sondrj Ware and John Homy Staff Photoitraplier Minute Rlre m r-,;.VE-.a nta: k f. ' '. Chesfer Jerry Seller A .. heaiem !;:il n Morra 'n And;- HT:.out. th.h:,y nU by Ytiar ClrrulaSon .Ir . tf t'i ..m Libel buit Clarence Iarrv r don't care if it was water ... it wasn't registered! The Liar Patch by Robin Redface Aren't you glad? It's time for my column again and now you will all be enlightened. Today I am embarking on a scathing , attack on every- thing from " , the Aye You X Eff to help f JIT.' j J But be- fore I go on - 'v to these jyrx bvlons-ge- tL 1 ly worth- 6, ;,nj less activi- Robin ties, a word first about these pagan practices some times known as pinning ceremonies. First of all, let us con sider the physical effects when a coed takes on one of these fraternity badges. First, the danger of get ting pin-sticks is doubled when the coed wears two pins. Think of how Student Health could devote time to healing of lepers, delivery of children and appendix op erations. Second, the physical stat ure and posture of the coed is endangered as she puts an even heavier weight on the left side of her quiver ing little body. No wonder so many pinned girls are showing up nowadays with one leg longer than the oth er and twisted spines. The wearing of two pins has a very dangerous unbalancing effect. Thirdly, budgets are ruined by the buying of cigars, candy and other as sorted items by the parties involved in these pagan rites. And the worthlessness of it all is terrific. It has been proved that only half of the fraternity men re ceiving cigars after a pin ning smoke them to half their length. Besides, when the soror ity girls get their candy it adds to an already obese community of coeds who ob viously shouldn't eat more than one meal a day any way. Now that I've completely trod over pinnings. I ll at tack the so-called help weeks some fraternities have been trying to put into effect. Ha! Patsy-watsies. When I went through hell week I was nearly beaten senseless, I didn't get an hour of sleep and I consequently flunked three consecutive hour ex ams. And I loved every minute of it. Let's keep our frat men tough. Don't let pledges talk back. Hit them in the mouth. Bah! Humbug! Desolation! Despair! Masochism! Fie on Dental College! Bah! And now for a few of the people who have asked me to put their names in my column: Dean Spyder. Bob Higherland, Orville Klautz, Ed, Ed, the coolhcad. Eto ain Shrdlu, Niaote Uldrhs, Charlie Brown, Z o r g, The Kingstone Trio, J. F. Dulles, . G. ivers. Jon Mover and Gloria Moratorium. Ard before I completely deflate Aye You Eff. I will stop. I cannot stand it Tom Slum has entered the office. I think he is leaving. As I was saying, are Outstanding Nebraskans rea ly? But I digress, as usual. On with an attack on the Kellogg Corn Flake Center. What a worthless endeavor. That is all that need be said. Aha. drinkers beware. I have given my official sanc tion to the Administration and now they may stringent ly enforce all those laws they should have been en forcing before. I officially will see to it that anyone" under twenty one who is not drinking at least one time during week ends must appear before the Student T r i b u n a 1 on charges of conduct unbe coming a University stu dent. Such effrontery can not be tolerated. And now on to Aye You Eff. I have just forgotten what I was going to say about it, but you can bet that it was something that wasn't very flattering, ha, ha. But I'll get t h e m next week. So now kiddies, back to the mausoleom for another week until I can dig up more dirt and slander about all sorts of old, established regimes. Try to study until then, honor your professor and your housemother, and last but not least, take lye. Nothing This space is largely emp ty because we havn't any thing to say anymore and why bother you with some meeting in the Dairy Barn. Hi and Lois ip youVE ear ws likte hi anp me OF WHOM YOU'RE J ! I'M OUtL HELP TMEIR FUTURE VVITH A U.S. SAVINGS 0ONP Childsplay by Wendie Wetsie The forthcoming exams again prompt some efforts to please the sensibilities of the noble opposition in the grading department. Let us start off by buttering them up with: Hunches ' I have a hunch (I had a hunch?) that that perennial best seller of the Mistory Department. "The Heretics of Western Decadence" will again catch the eye of the populace. Some of its more popular features are vari ety, sprightly style, human interest, high quality paper, a durable cover, numbered pages, smatterings of tex tual material, and a fine in dex. It is interesting to note that this book is made up al most entirely of plagiarized material. These, of course, are ad mirable things to say of any book, but I feel that in the interest of democracy and the easily swayed, feeble minded-children that will be reading this book, that it is obviously the work of a rad ical. First of all just take a look at the names of the ed itors, Bailey and Johnson. Any names as innocent as those must be hiding some thing. Then let us turn to the table of contents. On that list we find first of all a ser ies of foreigners led by the first recorded traitor, Soc rates. Then in rapid succes sion come the well known figures Isaiah, Ezckiel. and Job. Obvious pseudonyms. I have not read their works, but I am positive that men with names such as that could not be for American principles. A prominent name on the list, whose writings take up 400 pages, is that of General Cashiers, a tyrant, if I ever saw one. Last of all come several works by Marx and Engels and I guess that should be sufficient warning. But in case it is not take a look at the next name VLADIMIR ILYLYCH LENIN. WELL! the distillery . . . Since dis is da foist time I wrote a column for da Pink Rag, I got nothing to say except; Why don't dem guys Phil and Frank . . . A Few Unkind Words c.e.c.e.c,e,ch Have you ever browsed through a dump? I have. In. fact it was while browing through this dump that I discovered this, browsing through this dump through which I was browsing, this dump. Oh! And lo and be hold I found that it wasn't a dump after all, but rather the University Book Store. Let me tell you that's an interesting place! So never browse through any dump that isn't a dump and then write a column unless you're prepared to make it really fascinating. I saw a Cadillac the other dav occupied by people. I really thought that was in teresting because they were driving it in a manner un common to the common manner of driving a Cadil lac and so there. It is out. I wish I had a Cadillac. I would drive it commonly. Pardon me a moment, I must r e 1 1 g h t my huga. It goes out every three days and then I must restoke it with poppy seeds. (Catch on?). As I was saying, I went over to West Lin coln the other day to look at the ocean and al though I have seen the ocean in that very spot sev eral times, I noticed that something was awry. I could see the land just like .always and I could see the sky just like always, and in addition to that I could see the ocean. (Fooled you that time you thought I was go ing to see the bottom of the ocean.) But that day as I looked out over our beauti ful Pacific I saw . . . Blast ed pipe. Some days it just will not light. Maybe if I put some tobacco in w i t h those green poppy blossoms. As I was saying I saw Eu rope. Isn't that strange? It was a little foggy at that. Walking in the countr! Who asked me that? George did you ask me that? Ern est? Jack? Sue? Alice? Dmitric? What if nobody asked? I still want to talk about it. No, I don't walk around the country like a fool. Why I couldn't even get out of the state in my condition. But if lever get a chance I'm going to dream about the country where you really find out things. Some of the things I dream about I would even dare writing about, and that's why I don't write all that silly nonsense that you can read about anywhere. There goes that huga again I think I will take it down to Dmitric's and have i t cleaned he has some very sharp drills besides it is a nuisance to carry all those ashes around. Cigarettes? I never car ry them. Why should I there are always plenty lying around where you can get your hands on them. The other day I found one I bet had three inches left on it did I tell you about the ocean? George? Sue? I have? Why I didn't even notice. Well since that proved my point which was to keep your column look ing like a column and some day someone will notice it and start a controversy and you will then be labeled a columnist I had better close now because I am sobering up and I haven't even got a match. Kith (By the A uihor of " Rally Round tkt Flag, Eoys! "and, "Barefoot Boy with Cheek.") THE TRUE AND TYPICAL CASE . OF CHATSWORTH OSCEOLA You all know, of course, that ever' engineering senior is receiv ing fabulous offers from dozens of corporations, but do you know just how fabulous these offers are? Do you have any idea how widely the corporations are competing? Let me cite for you the true and typical case of Chatsworth Osceola, a true and typical senior. Chatsworth, walking across the M.I.T. campus one day lat-t week, was hailed by a man sitting in a yellow convertible studded with precious gem stones. "Hello," said the man, ''I am Norwalk T. Sigafooa of the Sigafoos Bearing and Bushing Com pany. Do you like this car?" "Yeah, hey," said Chatsworth. "It's yours," said Sigafoos. "Thanks, hey," said Chatsworth. "Do you like Philip Morris?" said Sigafoos. "Of orris," said Chatsworth. "Here is a pack," said Sigafoos. "And a new pack will be delivered to you at twelve-minute intervals every day as long, as you shall live." "Thanks, hey," said Chatsworth. "Does your wife like Philip Morris?" said Sigafoos. "She would," said Chatsworth, "but I'm not married." "Do you want to be?" said Sigafoos. "What American boy doesn't?" said Chatsworth. Sigafoos pressed a button on the dashboard of his convertible, and the trunk opened up and out came a nubile maiden with golden hair, flawless features, a perfect disposition, and the appendix already removed. "This is Laurel Geduldig," said .Sigafoos. "Would you like to marry her?" "Is her appendix out?" said Chatsworth. "Yes," said Sigafoos. "Okay, hey," said Chatsworth. "Congratulritions," said Sigafoos. "And for the happy bride, a pack of Philip Morris every twelve minutes for the rest of her life." "Thanks, hey," said Laurel. "Now then." said Sigafoos to Chatsworth, "let's get down to business. My company will start you at $45,000 a year. Y'ou will retire at full salary upon reaching the age of 26. Vhen you start work, we will give you a three-story house made of bullion, complete with a French Provincial swimming pool. We will provide sitter sen-ice for all your children until they are safely through puberty. We will keep your teeth in good repair, and also the teeth of your wife and children unto the third genera tion. We will send your dentist a pack of Philip Morris every twelve minutes as long as he shall live . . . Now, son, I want you to think carefully about this offer. Meanwhile, here is ten thousand dollars in small, unmarked bills, which places you under no obligation whatsoever." "It certainly seems like a fair offer," said Chatsworth. "But there is something you should know. I am not an engineer. In fact, I don't go to MJ.T. at all. lama poetry major at Harvard. I just came over here on a bird walk." "Oh," said Sigafoos. "I guess I don't get to keep the money and the convertible and Laurel now, do I?" said Chatsworth. "Of course you do," said Sigafoos. "And if you'd like the job, my offer still stands." e 1W,, M Speaking of engineers, the Philip M orris company makef filter cigarette that'i engineered topleane the moat discern ing of filter smokers Marlboro, the cigarette with better "make's." More ftacorplus more filter equals more cigarette! ..-- .-rj . -.--