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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1959)
Pog 4 Wednesday, April , 1959 The Pink Rag Rotten Egg Revenge Faculty Tea Party Raided; Culvert Serves Penance 0t.,Plil0'fmmSKmif I Wltpw i u i mml MiiiiiiminiimiMmun I l ummj.jluiw.ll ' 4 - - : ""4 if m - i , ... s , , C 4 i&m lasitLjlliiiiifi AN UNIDENTIFIED participant "coming out" at the annual Faculty Coming Out Tea Party, raided Saturday night by the campus cops. Deflated Beauty Is Disqualified Linda Glutz has been dis qualified as a contestant in the NU Miss Body Beautiful contest It was discovered that Miss Glutz had used false padding to get into the finals of the contest, judges said. A judge told the Pink Rag that Miss Glutz could not be considered as a candidate af ter her measurements were discovered to bet 32-24-36 in stead of 38-24-36. Miss Glutz only comment was, "I feel terribly deflated." AUF Chooses Needy Groups The IFC Ball, Coed Follies, Penny Carnival, and the Kos met Hub Spring Show have been named AUF charities for 1959. Karen Shyster, AUF presi dent told the Pink Rag that the above charities were deemed the m o s t deserving and needy by the AUF selec tion committee. There is no sense sending student funds off campus when there is so much need right here under our noses Miss Shyster said. 3Kf SStOlSrS. AI ISO BEfiSOt Typewriters For Rent Try Ow ffeafd-fvrcftost Mm Specie! Student Rates NEBRASICA TYPEWRITER CO. 125 No. Ilth Phon 2-4284 '.: "Z. Typewriter kUbans Put On Committees Are Added To Senate Twelve new committees have been announced by the Faculty Senate. This brings the total num ber of committees in the Sen ate to 796. "We want each faculty member to belong to at least eight committees," Apple Breakbridge, dean of his fac ulties, said. "It gives so much more of a feeling of together ness." The new committees include Bird Watching, Student Watch ing, Bar Watching and Hop ping as well as Faculty Pre paredness subcommittee. Others are a committee for The Relocation of Dislocated Spanish teachers, and also for the Dislocation of Relocated Campus Policemen. Two sub committees on the Committee on Committees' Subcommit tees have been organized. Completing the list are four committees designed to pre vent knowledge of the other committees from leaking to outside sources. NU Ejrjr Team DO Places Third The University egg counting team placed third in national competition in St. Louis last week. The team, which was the second determination sub committee of the originally scheduled group, meets week ly in the University chicken coop. WE HAVE THEM! What Are They? Part Time Student Jobs, When? IMMEDIATELY 1. 11:30 - 1:00 or 1:30 Monday thru Friday as waiters in our Main Dining Room. 2. Banquet Waiters and Waitresses Noon Hours, and Supper Honns. Work as your schedule per mits. Good pay, good hours, work with our present trained crew of 33 students 10-20 hoijrt per week. Ai Bennett, Room 1 or 104, Student Union J. Piedmont Culvert, dean of the division of pre-college affairs, coed affairs and alum ni affairs, spent the Monday morning prostrate on the rose rug in the glass house, his penance for mistakedly re questing a raid of a Faculty Tea Party. Dean Culvert broke down Sundaynight after a day and a night of relentless inquisi tion by Sergeant Bomb Bur row, head of the campus cops. "I thought the administra tion officials should have been invited too," the dean con fessed according to Sergeant Burrow. "It all goes back to the Easter Party in 1867. I got a rotten egg." The Tea Party, a coming olt party for Chancellor Rock hard Hardy (who was coming out of his walnut and chrome office after the winter's hiber nation) was held south of town in the Pappa Forest, ac cording to uninformed sources. Sergeant Burrow, describ ing his part in the fiasco, said:x "At 11:22 p.m. I got a call. It was Culvert. South of twon, he says. Unregistered party. Students, I thought. Naturally. Had no idea. Faculty? Never entered my mind.'' "Contact city police, county police, state police, national guard, FBI. It's dark out at 11:22 p.m. "Headed south of town. On foot. Arrived too late for the fireworks." The chancellor's office could not be contacted. The glass walls had been fortified with cement blocks. rv (0 k A BROWN EYES shining, a happy University resident learns she hag been selected Dairy Princess. The excited young laay could only say moo". Whee Dolt HeU Week Wins Award Whee Dolta Theta has been awarded the administrative award for Constructive Hell Weeks. f The award was given at the annual banquet which the administration sponsors for recognition of outstanding campus societies. Upsle-Wupsie Delta Upsie-Wupsie re ceived a trophy for having the most well cared for( House. DW basketball star Don Smear, received a spe cial figure skating plaque. Delta Rah Delta was also honored at the banquet. The house received an engraved loving cup for educational pledge sneaks. The Palladian Society ran a close second to the Whee Dolts in Hell Week awards. Phi Dolts said they were "surprised and pleased at such a wonderful, wonderful honor. "We had worried for the; past few years because our Hell Weeks were growing' rougher," Dave Merit, Phi Dolt president said. "Why last year we even had our! fellows wear engineer's hats, to class." He reported that this year: the pledges spent all their; waking hours helping little old ladies across 16th Street. PoUs Poll Planned By Pollers Real Wants Are Subject of Poll The Souper-Dooper Council will conduct a public opinion poll to determine whether or not the student body favors Council opinion polls., Dwaine Rugbee, Council president, explained the poll in the following manner: "Dun .... We never know what the students really want and we really want what the students really want and I'm sure everyone really wants us to really want what the stu dents really want That's real ly why we're taking this poll." The poll will be taken in the usual manner according to Rugbee, however, this time ballot boxes will not be used. (Last time the council used the ballot boxes in the Hate Library poll they lost four of them and at the next election Council members were re quired to personally hold the ballots in their laps until the election was over. This was all right except a few of the council members don't have laps and thus the election had to be nullified) Anyone who e a r e s to ex press an opinion on this poll should contact a council mem ber, Rugbee said as there will be no questionaires printed. Parents Tea Sei At Roca Sunday Cancellar Rockhard has in vited all parents to a recep tion Sunday. The annual event will be held at Roca, so the "parents can get a real taste of student life," Rockhard said. i ... lift 'At ta a m 9 BSC 1MT ? ' ' , a.U St li 13- :H f hsre corns' TT m I mm t and his ::: itn rTLjFT If J FRI., APRIL 3rd Arfv.iKtd HckM $1.71 MHtor Pain. Tmm fp t kxt $2.00 TURNPIKE CAMPUS CHATTER 1 by Wendy Mahepettc Ton will be lovely to see when yon wear this whisper soft formal from Gold's secoc J floor Campus Shop. Made up of nylon chiffon it is unique in design. The wide cumberbnnd fives you that tiny waist line. The dress comes in Mist qua and mist pink for only 25.95. Sizes include --7. 7 uy If V On the Social Side: Unregistered Functions Abound, Deans May Reopen University Pub By Condy Pro The catacombs were over flowing with wine and people last weekend as unregistered functions reached an unprece dented high. The little black book in the basement of Ban croft revealed 380 coke dates, dinners and parties. Deans Helena Jones and Earnest Hollerin Keepers of the Keys to the black book, said that if such mass social izing keeps up, the University Pub may reopen. Profits from the Pub, which closed its red doors some 10 years ago, were used to keep the Chancellors official auto in good shape and the Univer sity Police Force in pencils and ticket pads. Dean Hollerin said he pre sumed that if the pub were re opened, the profits would be used for the same purposes. Since the police are now writ ing tickets with bits of burned tree bark. In the love and marriage de partment, five pinnings, two engagements, and 27 mar riages threw the campus into a frenzy of serenades Monday night. Unpinnings and unengage- Corn Clods Abolishes Officer Jazz Harry Smag, Corn Clod president has announced that the corn clod election of of ficers has finally been settled. Smag in cooperation with Dreary Frazzle of the Super Dooper Council judiciary com mittee made the announce ment The solution is that Corn Clods will have no officers as they don't have meetings and there is no need for them. There will be a blazer chair man however.. ments were to numerous to mention. Besides, we made a considerable sum in hush money this week. Tom SI one, Cornhusker Beauty Queen and Miss Rur al Plumbing Betterment As sociation of 1959, was chosen the Honey of Eta Ata Pi at their annual Grape Crushers Ball Saturday night. Congrat ulations, Tommy. Unregistered functions for the coming weekend include: TGIF in the treetops of Pio neer Park. Phi Phi Theta, Spring Grass and Weed Formal, Fri day at 7:30 p.m. (Pre-party begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Stu dent Union lobby.) Registered Functions! Beta-S i g m a Chi, hour dance, Thursday at 3:30 a.m. Delta Phoo Delta, pledge sneek, 108 Social Science, Fri day at 1:30 p.m. Alpha Omicron Pi, pledge study hall in Love Memorial. Saturday from 3:00 to 10:2) p.m. (The library staff has gladly offered their service i to any registered functions on weekend evenings.) Pinnings: Karen Deterson, a Fresh man Idle Co-ed from Hot Wa ter Springs, Ark; to Bob Un handy, a Senior in "Fun ant' Games" at the Student Union. OF NEBRASKA Feature of the week , At suggetted by Marvin Moe of GOLD'S Varsity Shop MEN'S RAINCOAT OF POLISHED COTTON Full turned up collar with large side pocketi 16.88 The casual tailoring- of this raincoat is ever-popular. It may also be worn as a lightweight topcoat in chilly weather and is fully lined in a colorful tartan plaid for that jaunty collegiate appearance. Available in the knee and full length models in regulars and longs. GOLD'S Varsity Shop . . . Balcony THE TAREYTON RING i MARKS THE REAL THING! i A ESIS AROUND! HERTS WHY TT TAREYTON'S DUAL FILTER X ' ' Hi N FILTERS AS NO SINGLE FILTER CAN: w. :': 14 f: 1 Ld L It combines an efficient pure white outer liner... 4 2. with i unique inner filter of actiatid CHArcoai , . . which has been definitely proved to make the smoke of a cigarette milder and smoother. THE REAL THINS IN MILDNESS... THE REAL THINS IN FINE TOBACCO TASTE I New Dual Filter Tareytons are fast becoming a big smoke on U.S. campuses! Just take a look. Vou'll see. And why are they so popular? Just take a puff. You'll see. FI17 DUAL FJLTE8 TGTSVti