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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1938)
THE DAILY NEBRASKA, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1938. Music News Holds Campus Spotlight fotm Uni Musicians Unite to Offer Handel Oratorio W. G. Tempel Directs Traditional 'Messiah' on Sunday, Dec. 1 1 For the forty-third time, Han del's "Messiah," best known of all oratorios, will be heard as the University of Nebraska choral union, University Singers, the Var- ' r Ih ft 4 WILLIAM G. TEMPEL , , . Wields "Messiah" baton. Bit y Rlee club and the university symphony orchestra unite for the Yuletide offering in the coliseum Sunday afternoon, Dec. 11. Wil liam G. Tempel, director, an nounced the program will begin promptly at 2:00 o'clock this year to accommodate participating mu icians and those who attend the Christmas presentation from out atate. More thai) 6,500 persona heard the program a year ago and, ac cording to the director, a larger crowd is anticipated next Sunday. Special features and additional lighting effects have been designed to make the presentation the most elaborate ever presented. Myrtle Leonard, Guest Artist Miss Myrtle Leonard, one of the country s most outstanding vocal 1st s from the Metropolitan Opeia ll Christmas g Shopping I Suggestions CkrlhUBM (;rOntvd rdt R04 llt-ia & 12 rampltmrnU rtrdt. IM.'.jRlS I ROM MAN T ((MlMkli.h T MU F 1 Wr IS ( lir.MMP- IVr UtH III in ral.,r A AtH. ...a a.. A J (i'IIIM AI, Ml It IIAKrilsF i v u - ... . - i.- - rt i lit lit- trrr n r inu and m, arnt i ifm inn i id In I'.fN.iH i I I i itii-unnr, i innautr, I icq a ft t '117, if, in aril fi. i ' vun k yirri r st H- in u urea cr fit all rci 'uni iikt ft fckractftprr, I NTMV M.NS- f 1 r'"" " U 17 fit. (r.Br namri tn in iqI4i. T e.lon-s- I ll i- fron II M u MM In till J rVir. nil Ii(lilr4 f.labra. fl m m i p 'hi i.ounuwN ash Tiuvs-j i In ll' eolnri. Irlmik nm on . - nT film i. (if,r ' I "' ""'"I "ll H "I A li lr, " u "I lllinmr l "I pn up !l (I 1 iil II III V"V( : Til J f i 'v li'-V Sri. nd honlri , l ;,' I " ne I - Ihr liun r '' 1. I ' t 1 1, J) , ... . ,, , , fi T H ' 'lllft. Ivry l I'i I I oi.U iiM ( run f M ' 'V 'fl os l '', ...4 r i pi ini , 1 ' OK Ml II IMKMI MHI M R m ' !'.! ,4 I'l'inii llif , 9 I I. '" 1 ' ''I .. A I, 1..,. t , '''''. ri ICi iiv lidc la ..M J f, 1 n' lmin r fl'-. I. 1 M s on , 4 W .. S I ( llU ,i)N,,.A( A "Mil. Iiti. Ril.l.r.n, ...A ii.,.,,..,.j. ft nf .m.,ll ll.m, .r ,h fm,., H .n1i., all.m, llrcr.l,,,,, ,, R i 7T I '"-mm dijis atJ N Stny I George Brae Mu Phi Epsilon Holds Initiation for Three Mu Thi Epsilon, honorary musi cal sorority, recently initiated three new members. They are: Milada Dolczal, June Meek and Eleanor Thomas. Union Directors Return Monday 31 Schools Represented At Minneapolis Meet Kenneth Van Sant. Mrs. R A. Yinger find Mrs Kuth Quisen lierry, directors of Union activi ties, will return Monday from Minneapolis v. here thev attended the IPth annual convent. on of the Association of College Unions at the i niversitv of Minnesota on Thursday, l'ndiy and Saturday. KepresiTitatives of HI colleges and universities met at the con clave to oir -iiss mutual problems encountered in union administra tion and their solutions. One of the convention duties for each del egate was to scoop out a shovelful t dirt from the site of the new Student I'nion building which the Univcrs.ty of Minnesota is now beginning. Highlighting the speakers' list was Dr. William Mayo, co-founder of the famous Mayo brothers hos pital in Rochester, Minn. Other speakers included William T. Mid dlebrook, Dean E. K. Nicholson Dean Ann Dudley BlitJt. Malcolm McLean and Malcolm M. Willey all University of Minnesota offi cials. company, will sing the contralto roles this year. Guest tenor solo ist will be Hobart Davis who is now instructor in voice at Kort Hays Kansas State colleRe. Davis will be remembered as one of the "Messiah" soloists some years apo wnen tne production was in charpe of Mrs. Carrie Belle Ray mond. Director Temp'-I will also pre seni lour ouLstandine student soloiHts to smjj bass and soprano roles. They will be Martha MeCee of Columbus, Ixiuis Stajileton of Lincoln, Dale Can of Alvo, and William Miller of Lincoln. Brass Entemble. A brass ensemble ntider the di red ion of John Srhi'dneek of the school of music, assisted by Kranl: funkle at the v.ill plav n noiaieN wni'e the crowd is asseinblipp. Taking j.ait in the hliiss ilioir this year w.ll lie Muane Harmon. Weeping Wa'er T.'eil Sliolt. VollC Fle.,.,el( Ne!).. I.illcfihi: llerbeit Cecil, St. l'iilil i i.inn i oilman, IancnM, and ..locte i:,ii;tr, Ninth Matte. HOTEL LINCOLN -tho finest ballroom and bcinquot facilities E. L. WILBUR, Mgr. Carolyn Shurtlcff, Soc. Director. r i i k orarsoT llal Our. IhiIht M:tilftolt. When the university offers its Ord presentation of Handel's Messiah" next Sunday in the coli seum, the above persons will ap pear as soloists. Miss Myrtle Ixonard, contralto. is a member of the Metropolitan Opera company. Hobart Davis. Unor, is an instructor in voice at N I I i 1 ' " ( II' i f II' - :tr ' $ 1 .....A V- i MYRTLE LEONARD. HOBART DAVIS. W -w I ' sir , "? L, 1 J f; jr , t I S bv,,. I AW- ;gjf Virovai Entrances Large Audience With Concert Young Violinist Appears On Symphony Series A moment of silent calm pre ceded the storm of applause which rewarded Robert Virovai last night, so entranced was the audi ence by the younp violinist's excel- mm , 41 x, -in . t. -J i :.'. ' ; I-iriruin Juurnul. ROBERT VIROVAI. . Enthralls Lincolnitcs. icine as he played Hach and Mo zut before l.oo niuaie lovers at St. 1 '.i ill's church. Little wonder that tho w.u momenta! ily slilltd, for Viro vai h id jiimI finished playing I'n :: uiiiiis ' I I'alpiU," with un excel lence which rivaled even the it centric composer's stupendous skill in playiir.; harmonics. Short and shy, uncomfortable In Ins swallow tails which made him lo M older than bis 17 years, the young virtuoso bowed his curly head in acceptance of the plaudits of the audience. He played n program full of brilliant, lucid music nften..ii i,v lii;lit und penile music, over whose passages he smiled and lifted his eyebrows, completely nonchalant huh ai cue uie moment he liegan to play. "Kntltled tn that niul urnrH Renlus," accordiiiK to Uie noted critic, Lawrence Uilmnn, Virovai COaXed eOlinllv RWenf lnl hnnntln sounds from his violin, beginning k i vessian William X II r. Mirllei Mrtirt, Sunday J tuinil nn I S'.'ir. Foil Hays, Kansas, .slate colleeii and ajijH-arcd here several years ao. Dale Can of Alvo, Louise Kta plelon cf Lincoln. William Miller of Lincoln and Martha McGee of Columbus, all students in the uni versiiy, will sing bass and soprano roles in the production. l .MON PKOGKAM Sunday. 3:00 Lutheran Girls club, parlor X. 9:00 Y. M. C. A., ballroom. Monday. 4:00 Sigma Alpha lota, room 316. 6:00 Sigma Delta Epsilon, parlor X. 8:00 Graduate club, Teach ers College, parlors Y, 2. with Can-lli-Fx-onard's "Iji Folia whos! chords he played without accompaniment. I'laviiiL' ' amrioMil v witbnnf .slip, unaccompanied, throueh th "Praeludium in K major" fron liarn a k major Sonata, he turnt to Mozart, bis favorite, to rendi haiinilv the "Concerto in A m.-iior waxing moody through tlie adiipi iiioveiiieni. Written for and ded.cated virovai uy ( J.iulio Carnevro, on of the imjioit int contempo i'oiup:..ser.s, 'Criima" (Mists was unusual, an I eerie. Th youiiH ;.il,st followed with "C fiiice No. 1" of -Tin. Violin M;,l( ol ( I. motia," composed by teacher. Jem H'ibay. hi aiiej n.icit fur times by an eiiuiusiastic audience, he playei "Daive I Isjianole" by De F'a'lla i.imsi.y-Koisakov's "Hipht of th i.iimuicDec, -rile Zetihvi" an, The IM i ' i.iumen witu tlic Haxei Hail Dcon O. J. Ferguson, Prof. Honey Speak Dean O. .1. Fercuson of the col icfte ol ciiginoerinR and I'rof. .Jile H. Jiatny, i hail man of the de li.ou.ierii. oi inecnaiilcal etii'ineer in;;, spolie beloie 11 meeting of the inieiproiessiofKil in.'.titute yester oa.v. i ney Ih.ih g;iVe reviews papers which th. v delivered of re .eiiuv ueioie a jiaiional en;inecr mg convention In Milwaukee ICEiYT-CAliS OiKid, cli-Hti and arnllnble it all hfitirs. Hntri rrAOinnlil. Conti I'M location. Alwa a opan. yrars In hnalnoaa MOTOR OUT COMPANY 1120 P tt 6t Mortar Board Head Speaks At Vespers Phyllis Chamberlain To Talk on Cathedral Of St. John, the Divine Phyllis Chamberlain, president of Mortar Board, will speak dur ing the vesper service nf the cathedral choir this afternoon when the singers, directed by John M. Rosborough, appear for the second time this war. The year's topic for the vesper services, which are hell every Sunday between 5:30 and 0 o'clock in the Cornhuskcr ballroom, cen ters around the famous cathedrals of the world. The cathedral Miss Chamberlain has chosen to de scribe in her talk Is 'the ca'.hedial of St. John the Divine, in New York City. The Mortar Board pre ii nt will develop the topic "rfpir.t a ill! y nf universal Ide,".ls and a woim Killed With Beauty of ( ntiasf as svmlHihzed by the l i-nous imerican cathedral. The Cathe dral of St. John, the Divi::. . en- tains the Seven Chaj els oi the 'forgoes v.h: h are pl.u- oi wor ship in which non-Kii';!---'' " ,! ing people may attend !. - n their owr ' 'isua"cs. Thi tis-d in t .veil chapel, i ' ''- j man, Spanish, Fri iii h. ' j Italian, Armenian and (')i.iic.-l-. j! String Orchestra. The outstanding ar'd m of the ;! Cathedral choir during tin- ! --rv i- e will lie "So Soberly and r'olt-y bv Cliristiansen. The i attn-il id string choir, a twelve piece str.n? orchestra directed by Dnroitiy Holcomb. will present back':ronnJ music, prelude and pos'lUlte (1;ir ing the service. The vesper services this season are being broadcast by two Kta tions, KKOR, the station which presented the group last year, and KOIL. under the Central States Broadcasting: system. The doors of the ballroom are opened at 5 o'clock for early-comers, who want to be sure of seats, and Mr. Rosborough states, if groups de sire to come in a body, a section may be reserved for therJ. Nu-Meds to Hear Lincoln Doctor Dr. J. J. Hompcs, Lincoln rye, car. nose and throat pc -'ll;;l' will be the guest of honor at a Nu-Med dinner to be held Wt d'n-s-day evening at 0:15 o'clock m the Union parlors X and Y. Dr. Hompes will f-peak al"it Ins experiences tn India and s'1" films of operations tlutt he m-'1 le there. Following thi program an nual election of office-is will be held, according to Itusstdl Ca- i en, president. All members who plan ti a't 'iii iiist make reservations in tl c of fice of Dr. fit s Wade, facility a I visor, before Wednesday n o:i. -STUART- l.l lnt "The Great Waltz" Maria Tnei'TT"" ' MICKEY R00NEV "Out Wost With the Hardys j -LINCOLN Nun slemlni! Joan Crawford M.ironret Sn'l.ivan Robert Young Mclvyn DoucIjs In "The Shining Hour J ORPHEUM r 'YOUTH TAKES A FUNG' arllh Joel McCrea Audita Leeda Dorothea H"1 Frank Je"k t