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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1938)
Ni-x run 20, 3,1 re put" Nov day THE DAILY NSfi3tASX4fi, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1938. T loni sch' 6u sioi Jul FOV Music News Holds Campus Spotlight . ' .1 Uni Musicians Unite to Offer Handel Oratorio Stars of 'Messiah7 W. G. Tempc. Directs Traditional 'Messiah' on Sunday, Dec. 1 1 For the forty-third time, Han del's "Messiah," host known of all oratorios, will be heard as the University of Nebraska choral tinion, University Singers, the Var- Mu Phi Epsilon Holds Initiation for Three Mu Thi Epsilon, honorary musi cal sorority, recently initiated three new members. They are: Milada Dolezal. June Meek and Eleanor Thomas. ...i.-.lty ,1-Mlinil and Mill. WILLIAM G. TEMPEL . Wields "Messiah" baton. gitv Clee club and the university symphony orchestra unite for the Yuletide offering in we coliseum Sunday afternoon, Dec. 11. Wil liam G. Tempol, director, an nounced the program will begin promptly at 2:00 o'clock this year to accommodate participating mu sician and those who attend the Christmas presentation from out state. More than 6,500 persons heard the program a year ago and, ac cording to the director, a larger crowd is anticipated next Suniiay. Special features and additional lighting effects have been designed to make the presentation the most elaborate ever presented. Myrtle Leonard, Guest Artist Miss Myrtle Leonard, one of the country's most outstanding vocal ists from the Metropolitan Opera Union Directors Return Monday 31 Schools Represented At Minneapolis Meet Kenneth Vnn Pant, Mrs. E. A. Yinger and Mrs. Kuth Quisen- berrv. directors of Union activi ties, will return Monday from Minneapolis where thev attended the l!Hh annual convention of the Association of College Unions at the University of Minnesota on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. KcrircsontativcR of 31 colleges and universities met at the con clave to liir -uss mutual problems encountered in union administra tion anil their solutions. One of the convention duties (or each del egate was to scoop out a shovelful of dirt from the site of the new Student Union building which the University of Minnesota is now beginning. Highlighting the speakers' list was Dr. William Mayo, co-founder of the famous Mayo brothers hos pital in Rochester, Minn. Other speakers included William T. Mid' dlebrook. Dean E. E. Nicholson Dean Ann Dudley Blitz, Malcolm McLean and Malcolm M. Willey, all university of Minnesota offi cials. v f . Li ' . S 4t Lx. J annua. s. MYRTLE LEONARD. HOBART DAVIS. tone Christmas Shopping 2 Suggestions J ( Urdu n rrnf-ive - ian 4 (IMniRlM I ROM MAN J (OtlNlRI.-h rt VTMll.R I MPH IN l TlfiMr 4 J rVmulllul in rlir n- rtifirtrnt Ift 1 tf l'lr. Mm 'Mir. Bni hi.J, r bolh from II tm in (HI. o J (KtllMAI. MriK IIANfllsE 5 thin Md thr !Rt nrf In nrnsn.W J Iniionnr, InnslMr, Iwqufr anil 4 5 Itorj, Mie. nd mp. h ClTATHIR 71PI'IR SI1 5f I In all li. mi,A .11 Ituilt lit fchyatrftprr. J 1 E i oi O! NTAIN I INS rnn H HI urn U Pit. n In Coldl. B ( I obi s I t All Ivpr. frnn (1 m u M In all 4 5 rnlnr. anil I ithlr4 (,ll.r. , ni l r on low nowN ash trav- ') M In rhrnmr- In rninri, lilarli nn, (n Z per Iri.m II im u H 'l. irr II ,i ' y in niMnl II hi and 11 n i,,, n S In rliromr (I "(I pnj up rt I I : HO IM til N"VI 'TII K J t- l lr lu M ll'l N lap Unit C,r-l" f I ItFk J i. . n-m I llir hun t J 1 hnti'lrf .I h M. I'.- llir hun t I nil I lot lis B-,r i $-, ni( I.IlllF. I'l l I i. Ill iimI C oin I'mc alfml it. l -, a,,d i. J iril.RMln Hflllll Vl.lll.i,, II jj IWmalcit C liar n (,ritri, Hn.. ( Ira... I am l-laqnr.. A .li lr.,-j m l'iif llnld-f., vn ll. lia. mc t. ciiMi 9 I r' Ihr hnm ar afiv ulMIH Kill llll rAMIIV 1 V IAIU.I. Ill ( IIHATIONH I'AI K A'il'A 8 i . nminrtmi arlrl l "'la. lata. Rllilmn, and l,nnd, nl atnall Mem, f.r lh, ,m,r, I UXt al GeowteBiw. company, will sing the contralto roles this year. Guest tenor solo ist will be Hobart Davis who is now Instructor in voice at Fort Hays Kansas State collepe. Davis will be remembered as one of the "Messiah" soloists some years afro wnen the production was in charge of Mrs. Carrie Belle Ray mond. Director Tcmpel will also pre sent rour outstanding student soloists to sing bass and soprano roles. They will be Martha of Columbus, Louis Stapleton of Lincoln, Dale of Alvo, and William Miller of Lincoln. Brass Ensemble. A brass ensemhle under the di rection of John Sehitdnecrt of the school of music, assisted hv Krunlt ( unkle nt the will nlav P.a h Oku ales whi'e the crowd i.s assembling. Taking pai-t in the brass choir this year will bc Duane Harmon. Weeping Water Neil Short. York: Frederick NYlic Lincoln: HeilKit Cecil. St. J'aul riank ("ofrnvm, Lincoli, anl Monte Il.iker, Noitli I'latte. ill iPP i i llah iuit. IIUIM M;llilfllin. When the university offers its 43rd presentation of Handel's. Messiah" next Sunday in the coli seum, the above persons will ap pear a.s soloists. Miss Myrtle Ixonard. contralto. is a member of the Metropolitan Opera company. Hobart Davis, ttfnor, is an instructor in voice at WilliUTii llll t. M nihil Mrdrr. SuTnl.iy J iiimil mil F: -il I-oit Hays, Kansas, state college and apearcd here several years ago. Dale Canz of Alvo, Iconise Kta- pleton of Lincoln, William Miller of Lincoln and Martha MrGee of Columbus, nil students in the uni ver.sily, will sing bass and soprano rules in the production. Mortar Board Head Speaks At Vespers Phyllis Chamberlain To Talk on Cathedral Of St. John, the Divine Phyllis Chamberlain, president of Mortar Board, will sneak dur ing the vesper service of the cathedral choir this afternoon when the singers, directed by John M. Rosborough, appear for the second time this year. The year's topic for the vesper services, which are hen every Sunday between 5:30 anil fi o'clock in the Cornhusker ballroom, cen ters around the famous cathedrals of the world. The cathedral Miss Chamberlain has chosen to de scribe in her talk is 'the cathodal of St. John the Divine in York City. The Mortar Board presc develop the topic "dpir.t'i Universal and Killed With Deauty of " as symbolize! bv the American cathedral. Ti:.- dial of St. John, the 1 1 ; tains the Seven Chai ; N Torcues whi h me plac ship in which non-Kn ;!- ins people may attend i--their owr ' Mgiiages. Ti.e ns"d in t . ven chap. ' man, Spanish, Ficm Italian NiW nt will ititv of Vor!J ntrast famous ciin nf the nf v.or i f ro:iK : . : cs ia I 'ill ;V.eJ -re il r-.- . , a. Virovai Entrances Large Audience With Concert Young Violinist Appears On Symphony Series j A moment of silent calm pre ceded the storm of applause which rewarded Robert Virovai last night, so entranced was the audi ence by the young violinist's excel- r v J v ? A V -'3 "J a,5 v X ... . IMON PKOGKAM Sunday. 3:00 Lutheran Girls club, parlor X. 9:00 Y. M. C. A., ballroom. Monday. 4:00 Sigma Alpha lota, room 316. 6:00 Sigma Delta Epsilon, parlor X. 8:00 Graduate club. Teach ers College, parlors Y, Z. Armenian and Cli.n--e. String Orchestra. The outstanding anl!' of the Cathedral choir during tin- frvi' 't will !e "So Soberly an l f-in liv riiristiMnscn. The attiedi' siring choir, a twelve piece s'.r r.r ' orchestra directed by uorouo Holcomb. will present backsrowu music, prelude and postlude djr-1: ing the service. The vesner services this ea'on . . ta. , are beinr broadcast ny io ' Uons, KFOR. the station which presented the group last year, aiw KOTL under the Central State Broadcasting system. The o" of the ballroom are opened ai o'clock for early-comers. jm want to be sure of seats, and Mr. Rosborough stales, if gmup "r sire to come in a body, a " may be reserved for Ui'm. Nu-Meds to Hcor Lincoln Doctor l.iTir-'ln Jm ROBERT VIROVAI. Enthralls Lincolnites. llllllll ( v-'iii uu'-A.-i n I il( '."IT i. V J ulrphint BIMS lltJH Street Ki;s3wris's5, HOTEL LINCOLN -tho finest ballroom and banquet facilities E. L. WILBUR, MgT. Carolyn Shurtlcff, 5oc. Director. lence us he played I'-acli and Mo-' ,'iit before l.'.'oo music lovers at St. I 'aid's church. Little wonder that the applause was iii iineiita: ily slilhd, fur Viro vai had just finished playing ra it. mini s '1 l'alpili," with an excel lence which rivaled even the ec centric composer's stupendous skill in playing harmonics. Short and shy, unc imfortable in his swallow tails which made him look older than his 17 years, the young virtuoso bowed his curly head in acceptance of the plaudits of the audience. He played a program full of brilliant, lurid music, sof'ened by light and gentle music, over whose passages he smiled and lifted bis eyebrows, completely nonchalant and at ease the moment he liegan to play. "Kntitled to that sweet word, Renius, according to the noted critic, Lawrence Oilman. Virovai coaxed equally sweet and haunting nounos rrom nm violin, beginning with Carelli-Ix-onard's "!j Folia, who.- chords he played without accompaniment. 1 laying smoothly, without a .slip, unaccompanied, through thi "1'raeludium in K major" fron Bach's K major Rons! a, he turne to Muzart, his favorite, to rendei happily the "Concerto in A major,' waxing moody through the adage movement. written Mr and (led.rateJ u Virovai by Claulio Carnevro. om oi tne ni'isi imtxiit mi roiiteinno- i.iry toiiip.'sers, "Uruiuu' (Mists was unusual, noft and eerie. Th. young fullowed with "Ca- plice No. 1" of "-ie Violin Makei 'l ( reiiiotia," composed by liis teat-lier. Join U'ibnv. -..II.. a i . . . v.incii d.-ick tour times bv an enthusiastic audience, he niaveii i-.inie i spagnole-' hv Ie KhIIb l.imsl:y Korsakov's "Higlit of thi i-iimuieuee." "The Zetihvi" nn.l The lOuiden with the' llaxen Hair." Dr. J. J ear, nose anoi will be the guest Hompcs. Lincoln fV throat speii'"'"" Of holl'T i ..... nt...i .i.rr . K held Vr'l!'S- ; day evening at 0:15 o'clock in t" Union parlors X and Y. t Dr. Hompes will Kpeak nr" his experiences in India n"J films of operations tliat lie "w'lf there. Following lh jiroeram nual election of offireis will M held, according to Russell Casln president. AH members who plan to n't''"1 ciust make reservations in He"' fice of llr. Olis W'nd", faculty J visor, before Wednesday n "n. Dean 0. J. Ferguson, Prof. Honey Speak Dean O. J. Ferguson of the rot leee of engineering and 1'iof. Jile.s v.. Jiatiey, (hairinan of the de partment of mcchauicMl enrineir- in;;, sjio;e lielore a meeting of the inti -rprofes nonal institute yester' "ay. uiey lith gave reviews of papers which they delivered re euiiv neioie a national engineer ing convention in Milwaukee. --STUART- list nil.: "The Great Waltz" Muni Tn'"iT" ! MICKEY R00NEY In "Out West With i tne naruys j -LINCOLN Nun Hum tug! Crawford M.-rnaret Su'lava" Robert Young Mclvyn DoacIJi In "The ti pruning iw1 j IKEXT-CAIIS Gobd, clran and ivallnbls it all hnuri. ItHlri rruonubl. OmrFn I'nt lootlim. Alva)'! open. 30 yrart In tmilnoM MOTOR OUT COMPANY 1123 P St ECS 19 r ORPHEUM 'YOUTH TAKES A FLING villi Joel McCrea Audrea Leeds upaIIim Kent Frank Je"ky n r