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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1938)
Sigma Delta Chi Edition DAILY Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraslia FIVK CKNTS Nebraskan . TrTTTT" m. :u. Lincoln, m: 1 1 1 i? r : 1 ,:, 1 al II DILL CALLIH AN I? , I X II CHARLES BROCK II r m saa W - . 111 I 1 I I r-.-V I II a. i j Ill k IL. 1 II ' II 1 l III 111 I III W I tf il Ifv- ,.J III II II II I 1 I , . II XX I iJ - I I II .if X I I I XX H f H '6 SUI-X II I 1 I .' U 1 1 h- ---.XX Inert! J I I III l MARVIN PLOCK. X . ..n....i. ...n. n ' I I I, '. I,, , X All cuts Lincoln Journal Tf . . ... , , , J jsj.U. Extends Christmas Vocotion Classes to convene Tuesday Noon, Jan. .3. ftcr noiioy - ., ..,,d.v.ts will get an University - ,..,if Christmas . . .i.u mill ".. , n vacation lh " Monday . the univcrs y ,av noon. ffernoon In ...mntlon of J,n- 1 Christmas recess. inally T . , jn. 2. The diversity c t Uo will Next year "ni.,,11s,i.y. Dec. run i" " f ay, Jan. nnlil nnon of vw- j " . ..!.... 1,1 imiiniiay wn-'i I. C""K " , u.., nf rPP- 19 . mi, n l.v th heard of reg- .nls tll W r . .. o hnli. ird ks am dral Divine iresidont :ik dur- of the ftcrnoon . tod by 1'oar for e vesper i every fi o'clork (im, cen itln drals ,ral Miss i to do ratheitral in NW , nt win 'iiilitv of WorlJ (' in'.rast" fumoiis c'atl: i : :i . coll' , ,,f the ,,f ,: .: i'a in t'.n ,'.;cs . 0.- S.v-'.n, h.m m.". i. m ff t!ie 1 In- .'i-vi''f ' ( iitlicdial i rirotiiy.' itluiie dur- . i this w-asm? y two t-t lion -t"cn' t vear. an1 States The doors M-ned at nert, 'h0 is, and Mr., proupa de- i arrti'in lem. 1 Hear ;tor Nov. 11, A"""" ' ..i,.n.l:r shows I to ff! n that the 1939 summer hK,oi w 11 r.m from noon of June 1 nhl AHC 4, ami tho .short ses ft until AHP '. 6 until " ...r tho first se lit V 14. JH a,.nl. 21 wim weeks given oye tration and In eenerai, n- wi stun uii fi,,. nri'VlOllS two t.i tests, regis- tli. . pi 1'timinanes will start a E i,ier next vo;.r than they did this year Rni4 fn Practice Wedncsdoys, Fridays . . ...... -i , , ripf t Beginning :,,-u" ill band men not in the sym phonic unit win mrui on nesdayt and f r.flays ai a o'clock for rene.Trsai in bind practice room. I nia pro cedure will be folded for the renninder of the semester. Prom Committee Filings Open Today Student Council to Make Choice Dec. 14 Filings for clew:! positions, on tiii- Prom committee i; this morning in tl' tirs office in tli" ( J1 cmtinuo un'. '. ton at 5. Automatically a ' commitlee liy viit junior I'f.v. Tlioma.v (If the 1, avnilieit-l)e. a: tunien an tv. ii cording to Co!:.-' ' U rns, be cliosi n : il. All -. 1"'8 to the Cu.... . file before tlic 1-, Final committrf Bsile from the i . ' tui'iit goverim . Hifliiig on V. ..i: , Oni-ial ui.ivi i .' furemeiils imisl ! Wei Hiu4 hove -tied 27 homu ,,f ... two prwdmp. t.. s- . MrryiZho'P-- : Uie lime i,f t , ! te the regular i . Milieu of tli.- junior s" '"e no less tv... crc,:.t 1.., .if the twelve Junior-Senior . at 8 o'clock .-.'..i leiit aitivi .' - urn. They l iiiny after- i . n her of the i f his heiiiK : ! is Grant ;..; eleven V ist three ."'N list, ac-.T'f- iirovi ., i. .tsuie the : in t they be i not, must v deadline, 'imi will he 4 list hy the v lit its next . iy. Dec. 14. . 1 liiliihty re 1111 t. C'uiidi- '. . . ssfully car- ' 'i i; liurinp the ' 1 i J. and must 'i , I'.'.d .tanilinK .. In addition I'liiement, all " miittee must niiK- that is, ':'. ami no more Arts, Sciences Faculty to Dine Dr. Pfcilcr to Speak At Annual Dinner VQenlttf nf the aits and arienres colli'KC will hold its annual din ner tonight at 6:15 in the Union. The banquet will he featured by an address by lr. W. K. 1'feiler of tho Oormanies department, who will talk on, "Fads an I Fiction in and About Central lairope." fhnneellrr S Bolli her will explain bnefly to tlie coll. ee fac ulty the objectives ot the new state education Mirvey leeently authorized by the pUnnini; board and its relationship to the Uni versity long lei in buiMing p'O Rt am. Members of the arts college fuenliv who have been ad led within the last year and who luve the rank of intiortor or a Dove will be introduced nt the dinner. Dean C. II. Oldfather, of tlie coi lcue of arts and sciences, will pre side. Jsscls M. -t Tonight 'tli v. '00m ' 'do:k. Boarj pa-"itckeit. t this evening the Union at on Mortar ' its will be Frosh A.W.S. to Hear YWCA President A.W.S. meetings will be resinned tomorrow at the reu i., ,,f n oMlhIc in KUen Smith. Mm i. l White, .resideiit of ih V WC.A.. will r"l at her talk f i-.ut week .it the Ac colli ue lor iu meetinir. Cav Deiiniiyer will luvsi'le nt the l'nertiniT and t. 1 M.nriMi.ll WI 1 ad US j.iii't j . - - - Ann (.';.' :ib. 1'resid 'lit of the af ii,. will talk to the lAllU.ltl- ., I I.,.,, Alii e l-'olda and Jean Hurr w 11 serve ns president and TUB LINCOLN JI'MOR fllAMBLR OF (OMMKKI K 1-tnroln, N-lirnnk THIRD ALL STATE UGH SCHOOL FOOT BALL BALLY FUOGKAM 0;(W ft. m. K' ciNlrHtitm of " noa rt.miitMT of i m- ( hftnilK-r of CiminirnT, Mr Ker, irpii.lnl, Lliifvlii Jimii r i Iter c( ( omiiurr-, in Htlinc. I iiicrilv f N-ltr.ln thili dirt-t, d by Win. i. Tii-hl. toMililiK n(i(f, Inlvr tit v it Srhtn.. In rii'1tr d ly ' h till" JH"H. f.iail.inir kltlf. V V- hii I rtlvnMv, liHro- rrU. 'rc.'p( (khi f Ort'.fl r.m.t t.i -iiiiori M ( nn nn I I nun mi i NelitiitU. Ir.'r. . In. (i 11 ttf4: ' N w r i I. NHir.U ix n ltd fi(ir tlirtittcti I imni.d) l N Urn"!. I iiHcep uf AcHmllurr l lnti;rrtiii. 1 H A : 1 K n. m. M Idrlir lrcriMi ftt I .ii.-r..(i. nf NclirMHUift lll- .ii.liti Ira.L Muitiunilii:, wit -lime. Ihihinc, hski- ftiiil k yttiuHHti( . m-iLA Ilii.ftj-r nt Klll'le'nl 1 lll'in KiiilMlhen rei;rni f on Hi run;-. It'tilinlal It'trn. fit .. Iiv ll' I vtrr ill v of Nrhmnttn rluun Hiii.ikrrM 1 iimmlHT ui ( .iimmrrf. ItiliiNnU, p"tie Mid bridicr. p. nt. 1 (Mid 1 H l MilVll'l, , n. nt. I m( rlitinncnl Mh Jirtnm New II, Nrbmk- pie iuiiii;. 1 1. -11 (. in m "A- T0 Oimlft T A ti-l.i. o in I r r o I'i I niMtffl hw imk." ft: 1.1 p. m. l"th lunth. AI'J(l UN 1 :fcO p. m. 1:.'(0 H:Sfl R:.10-9:0 Nu-Mcds to Hear Hompes Physician to Relate Experiences in India As nuest of honor at a Nu-Med dinner to be held tomorrow Dicht at G:15 in the Union parlors X and Y, Ur. J. J. Hompes, Lancoiii physician will speak on his expe riences in India. Dr. Hompes during his two months' tour of the far Kast de voted his time to stud vine the rioinic and social conditions of the outlyins rtRioiis of India. t.-m- on -the conditions exist ins tin umit the entire toimtiy, In . Il'ir.ipcs said, "Kthics of medicine and met hods of admiiusli athiR it are vciy crude as a whole, how ever, in' the ni n e riviliz-d regions condition., are usually Rood." The noted physician's lecture will be illustrated by films taken dm in. Ins stay in India. Of par ticular mteiesl to pre-nic I htu- dents will be films "f operations that he made there. Fullowim; the pioRfam, annual election of olf, (ers will be held, according to Kus- sell ("a diell, I esidellt. All members who plan 10 in tend must make reservations in the office of lr. Olis W'ade, fac ulty advisor, before Wednesday. Prep Griddcrs Plan Busy Day at Rally Jay-Sees Fete N.U., Wesleyan Senior Men; Honor iUU brid itars F.ntertainment in carloads Is in store for the 300 or more high school senior footballers from 55 Nebraska high schools who will be gaiests of the Lincoln junior chamber of commerce at the third annual all state football rally to day, ponored along- with them will be Nebraska's ten senior grid ders and ten seniors who have played their last football game fov Nebraska Wesleyan. Beginning the day, the guests will attend a general reception in tin rhnmhpr nf pommpree rooms. followed by a luncheon. Tresiding over the noon affair will be Max Roper, president of the junior chamber. Songs by the university glee club, introduction of Nebraska and Nebraska Wesleyan coaching staffs, certificate awards to the college seniors being honored ana Inti-mliintinn nf .Tp.ltlnft Newell. Nebraska Sweetheart, are sched uled for this luncheon. All Sports Demonstration. A trip to Nebraska Wesleyan's campus will follow the luncheon with a surprise program in store for the 300 guests. The latter part of the afternoon wdll be spent in the Husker coliseum, with swim ming, wrestling, boxing, basket ball and gymnastics exhibitions on tan A track demonstration will 'be staged in the stadium. Six o'clock will find guests ana all others interested in the rally dining in the Student Union ball room. An exhibition program of tumbling and special work on rings and horizontal bars by Ne braska's champion gymnasts will follow the dinner. After the dinner and gymnastic exhibition, the rally will adjourn to the chamber of commerce rooms for a smoker, where bil liards, ping pong, and bridge will occupy those present. At 7:au, looiDau movies win no shown, to be followed by threo Kosmet Klub skits. A dutch lunch at 9:45 o'clock will conclude the rally. Teaching Candidates Convene Wednesday All new candidates mr icji-m-Ing positions for the school year of 1933-39 will meet with R. D. Moritr, director of teacher placements, Wednesday, Dec. 7, in social science auditorium at 4o'clock. According to Mr. Moritz, stu dents who have classes that hour will be excused for the meeting, which is highly im portant to all interested in teaching next year. Students are asked to come prepared to take notes. Barb Queen Will Reign Unaffiliates Lay Plans For February Party A Barb queen elected by the votes of all Karl) men will be pre sented to the campus at the LUrb Winter Frolic February nieniu ers of the F.arb Union decided in their regular Monday meeting. Sternie Sternberg will bring his eleven piece orchestra to tlie Student Union for the occasion. Fating conditions, social affairs, athletic program and the national convention were also discussed at the meeting:. The group vote! definite action ,,n tli.. sn. 'rested Student Union Hoarding club. The weekly 110111 dmce was announced for Satur day evening from 7 to 8.30 o'clock with the girls in charge of the arrangements. A party in co operation with the Harbs on Ag campus working through the ACHC club and Ualdwin hall was suggested aud the group voted to join the Town Uirls ciuu Jor even ing meal once a month, the series to begin January 9. A wn'MlmC tournament to begin immediately following Christinas vacation was proposed and action will he talo n in the llaib mass -..,.! i.u. 1 ..nilu-r 1 Kntries for llie liilsKeinaii i"o n.ini. in- won.. I will begin January (1 aie rvquiied ; to be into the inti amui a! office before vacation. Tlie National Convention o Independent .Stud, nts Assm i;.l ion I was announced for IVcemh.T 10 'and 17 at the University of I'm - ,:-.i. at Lafayette, li .:..rr. Tie' Union offered to pay the rc( .. i (Continued on l'age 12.) Jnroln ryf secretary respectively. spe alist.- hoie.r at i-til W"h"'!- i rkx k m tw peak ntx'.'1 a i.u J show ;it lie HW-" 1 0 mt m T T