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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1938)
SIX THE DAILY NF.FJRASK lN. FKIDAY, NOVEMBER' 11. 1938 Turner Struts in Soup and Fish )"ix. 4-X Pascoe Goes in Blue and Rose ft If t . ' X t k ' V , 1 1 !K A'' t n I ( A1, ill u; ill . - lf- ilii i . i Mi it's x A I ill ti Flit' -h1? . 1 i ! l i ' r " ill f ruft ? !' j i u i is 4 ! ; 1 1 i tl I r IIIMI Ml illliLlllllll IliLl ll-MLIWI I IIIIMI1 1111111 fl HllllWi I W lilW illihVlW "i Tftl "" Accessories Go Over In a Big Way-Brighter They Are, the Better It's an accessory year, s;y Yopue, Harpers Bazaar anil tlic Daily Xebraskan. lints, ploves, scarves are jitUlier than ever before, and we think it's a srood tiling. Even tlie most con servative spirits are blossoming out in riots of color, the brighter the better. Bob Turner, Kappa fSipna, fill dressed up . . a Mack double breasted tuxedo with braid-trimmed lapels . . . from Golds. IMcn Pascoe, Chi Oincca, Mortar Dorml Honorary Colonel enndidnte is a symphony in bine anl ohl rose , . , Imvic chiflon formal with a a1hcroi bolice. square neck and pnff sleeves I l,n-t n1 Miivlliui. silvi-r slimirvs . . . and a silver locket villi a brilliant blue stone . . . dressed for the Ball !v old's. Fashion Rules Merger of Modern with Classic in Natty Sports Outfits This year, per visual, sports clothes have undergone no drastic changes. In sports it's the classics that are best. Eut :.ny element of sameness is shunned by fi?hion vise roeds. To achieve this seem ingly impossible coalition of fash ion and classicism taV:es some do ing, but Nebraska coeds, as over, prove themselves equal to any thing. (And v.-e mean anything! I Take the Ray twins of Kappa Kappa Gamma whose tailored sport jackets are the very essence of correct Eritish tweeds. They are fashioned of rough-surfaced rose colored woolen paided in light green, blue and yellow. Novelty is added by the six pockets and the new cardigan cut. With these jackets. Verna and Betty wear navy blue skirts and angora sweaters in a soft shade of blue. Knitted dresses are a'.ways popular with feminine campusites, especially when they are as dis tinctive as the green El Shirro dirndl sweater cress which Marian Bradstrect wears. This Gamma Phi declares that the style comes straight from Hollywood. ' The Plaidi are in. Betty Lehman, Sigma Kappa giggle-gal, goes ahroad in a gay plaid pleated skirt lopped by a warm green sweater jacket. Combining a candy pink angora sweater with a brown knit skirt is Elizabeth Smith of Alpha Omi tron Pi. The Tri Delt community jumper really gets around. This gay yel low and brown checked job be longs to Marj Liniiquist. but has been seen, complete with match ing jacket on neatly all the sisters. Match-mates in soft green are , the favorites of Mary Virginia : Knowles. The set includes a tweed skirt, long-sleeved pull-over and ' formal with gathered elbow length sleeves and a gold mesh wide belt. Men's Religious Group Meets or Noon Today Men's religious discussion group will meet at a lunch today at 12:00 o'clock in former Museum, room 6. The discussion, in accordance with Armistice day will be, Vhat at titude should a believer in the God of Jesus take toward war?" C. D. Hayes, secretary of the University Y. M. C A will lead the meeting. The luncheon is open only by reservation because only 35 men can be accommodated. Hunter College in New York City is the largest women's college in the world. LINCOLN "Look ot that boy go for a touchdown!" . OS? ,fq A , vVX. S IS . 4 v - J Before the news gets around, make a bee line for your Arrow dealer and pick out your quota of Sanforized, Mitoga cut beauties from the finest assortment of Arrow shirts that ever hit your campus. Everything's brand new quiet patterns, colorful stripes on white grounds, checks and double checks, many pew cellar styles all tailored with Arrow's inimi table touch. Hurry . . . Hurry . . . ! $2 and higher. ''Touchdown, my eye he just heard where to get the new Arrow Fall pattern t." Lr sty 8 i grosgrain bound cardigan, all very becoming to the blond Kappa Alpine fashions intrigue Gail Ferguson. Kappa Pelt pledge resi-! dent, who dons a jumper in brown ; beige, with bright yarn embroidery around the midriff. The straps are , removable and then Gail has an ; extra skirt A preview of winter is given by Helen Kovanda. daik haired Gam-! ma Phi. who tells about her '..right j red ski ruit trimmed with black caracul. Another early bird is Sara Smeerin, Sigma Delta Tau, ! who looks forward to wearing ner brown wool snow suit, zipped up ! the front find having little red ; leaves on the collar. Coal black woolen makes the isnrw suit worn by Ruth Samnurg, I SPT pledge. It has a white collar, and there are two white insets on the jacket front. T.uth wears with it white snow boots and white an , gora hat and gloves. Petticoats Must Show This Year, Says Fashion White, black, flame, fusebia crushed rose, eggshell, wine, lime ... sapphire, patio blue, strato sphere blue... all lueious new names for lovely new colors in winter formals shown at Miller's. In the stvle of the gay nineties we find a black taffeta with a shirred bodice, pink and blue bows on the skirt, a cotton petticot ana a jace oai i fmrmm A doll's hat in black with cerise ! S I MART velvet flowers sets off a blacK ; w pencil satin silhouette style with matching cenae jiowers. fcnirreu chartreuse satin gathered st the -nitrt rnrrie out its fullness in succeeding bands of shirring down the skirt wmcn jiares. i.nyai oiur in a formal with tiered ruffles is set off with red velvet bows. Ice pink net over metallic with ihinestone bodice and slender shoulder straps is the height of femininity, jne crusnea iosom ti feet and the old fashioned bustle have come in from the gay ninties. The starlight ihinestone trim KTiarkles under bricht lithts. New est in the limelight is the monastic A oir; Janet Gaynor Robt. Montgomery "3 Loves Has Nancy" riot "Woman Ag-ainst Woman" xoi.f NEBRASKA-PITT FEP JAMEOREE armisthf: utiM tit flit ltl Miim' ltn4 fcciimln Over lull. I ipt a Nvinl MudUi l'M--im 1 ARROW SHIRTS Aluayt fur 25f mr Shtirinc- "Men With Wings" In Tfwhnlrolfir Fred MacMurray Ray Milland ORPHEUM TOim: I'anir Siot fii thr alioti "MARS ATTACKS THE WORLD" Yesterday' Crowdi Relied In the Aislei . . . Said It Wsi the Funniest P cture in Years . . . WINCHELL . . . Says It't Funnier Than Long Underwear ... See It TODAY! poft, "0 Will Of) "nti 'El the 5olnt So r i - m t w DtffAfL NOW SHOWING 9xis Mat YAM 6EE FootbiM Uptetr CARNEGIE TECH 10, PITT 10. By Betty Meyer. Red. brown, green and bine combine to make a wool and suede sweater for Jean Hughes, brunette Alpha Thi. YVooly grey forms the front panels of Tlieta Eeiie Knight's Kelly green sweater. Weezie Lefler of the same house looks very cozy in her wooly red cardigan. Angora, that campus favorite, is worn bv Jean HolU Alpha Chi, in an aqua bolero, sne wears 11 over a black velvet skirt. For formal wear, Corky Ash ton has white angora sweater gloves and kerchief. None of this factory stuff for this Alpha Phi Corky, she did all the knit ting herself. Betty Benson, Phi pledge, ac cents her brunette charm by pink angora soeks and sweater and tiny pink bows in her curly hair. Bell-Hop moos. A bell-hop sweater of red brushed wool is worn by Mr.ry Ellen Crites, AOPi pledge. The sweater has black and gold but tons. To set off her red hair, Pat Prime wears a pzlc yellow an gora jacket. There's more to the jacket than a lot of fuzz, how ever. It has a sentimental value, having been sent to this Alpha Phi by a friend in Atlantic City. Match mates at the angora anklets and sweaters of Eetty Gib son, Gamma Phi. Peggy West, of the same house, will keep warm 13 this winter in her white wooly mittens with matching initialed scarf. To match her gold suede bolero, Elinor Hakinson, Alpha Chi, has a wide belt of the same material. More suede, in the tan waist and matching turban worn so jauntily by Maxine Meyers of Gamma Phi. For art's sake, Geeg Johnson, Alpha Phi has a denim smock with wood barrel buttons up the rWlng front. Nice thing for a d lab and very practical A bright note in the drab winco, landscape will .be sounded bv p-,t Woods, K A T pledge, in L fuzzy red mittens with anklets u match. Red too are the wool bon net and gloves of Doris GnV Gamma Phi lieta. ''' Buffalo Bill 1$ in. Shades of Buffalo Bill; gob ble Marston Sigma Kappj head" woman, sports cowboy gloves of pigskin, with gaunlet cuffs dec orted by a horseshoe of Sjv." studs. Red and blue is the f0,ih-r sticking so pertly from the crown of the teal blue sport hat w-irn by Betty Jean Turner, Alpha Omega. 1 Lending her support to it, cause of the extreme tvne 0f hat is Marge Heuser, Theta sh proudly wears a black felt profile beret trimmed with a bright green feather. Louise Oddo, fiao,p brunette Sigma Kappa. wearV w black -doll hat" tipped far 'over her face. A red bird perches in the center of the roundrd ciowi! To supply the good ground work that every college girl needs, Maria Donnely wears high platformed sport oxfords in several tones of brown Los Harpster, AOPi, tramps about the campus in black flat-heeled sport shoes with red and black lacings around the top tdse Matching her spindle heeled tan and brown kid shoes, Helen Abel of Alpha Phi, carries a plat form bag in the same colors. Gamma Thi Beta will hoM i'S annual Founders day bunnwt at 6:30 Frid.Ty evening at the V-iiWr. ity club. Seventy-five w.! fre present. Decorations will H in f-.e sorority colors, brown arA mi and the sorority Tower, the csrnv tion. Toastmistress will be Helen Kovanda, and toasts will be given by Betty Fosbury, represent: the pledges: Irene Holcnhr sophomore: Eetty Gibson. j;:n:nr Carolyn Kennedy, senior: Mrs! Arnim West, alumnae. Miss Mar guerite McFhea will also give a short toast. For dramatic entrance into a FORMAL season , KM if ' lOiriJE IMkin for feitive clothes for pala nipril f llie formal season. You'll find lliem lierc at Miller. Youthful MiphUtication in learning alin. or a demure fa-liion that miht liave leen Ixirrowed from your frrandinolher n ilh its quaint hurtle or ide lioops. 16.95 lo $23, in Junior Sbop, Second Floor. Danrins feel Mep li?ht and prarefully vben beautifully frbod in satin. Black 'or while, illi open loe and open hank. S3. Shoes, Second Floor. fifC Jewelry lakes on added glimmerinss and sparkles im portantly to tie with llie stars themselves. Prices from SI to S10. Jewelry Street Floor. Hair poes UP for formal wear, pivinp your head a proud, repal look. Have your coiffure desipued for you in our Hcautv Salon, Second Iloor. j Our accessory shop, second floor, offers many helpful suppeslions on what is right lo wear with what. If you've any problems, lake ihem here, and assure yourself a dra matic entrance to a formal reason. i) ? IL II 1 IS I I? Ik n fl 1 m li. , ,,,,, ,. - M-M -II "I .....aMMMMMMaMM MMWW