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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1938)
Till, rMT,Y NKHU VSK AN, FRIO VY. NOVKMBFR 11. 19.18 Date Dress Dark Horse Comes Thru for Coeds On Nebraska Campus m . By Marian Bremers. The many house parties, open hl)UCpS. and' dances are always making it necessary for Nebraska v,p.1s to have the latest in date ESTo" Thrta Franny Wrights i 'n has a wine and teal crepe that m mike the fellows take notice. :nl , f are skirt and trim of 1 1 . UnMno am A hilt. rhinestone and 'rs- "." ! ni With her brunette coloring ...i. Wanna Knnns K07'" i.-,,.iv in a hunter's n wool ln trimmed in mul . .4 ,,(( c nf candlewick ti-l-OlOieil niii- Vain- , t. Marlon Another diumc Stone from Kappa Delt wear, a rust WOOl, ss decorated with yarn flower dress uv . . h embroidery. --- Chi Val Harper fairness Py aPPec . woo dress innm.w ... - - -rXs a skunk chubby jacket, puis "J" o.,ni. u,hft k an Then Donna r , IX -AiphaW - per. fpet n oiive y"-" - ' . . ii.. tame materia on hraid Of l"c on the front and brown accesso- rv!'n THllKil. Delta Gamma, brought ungual brown angora "" h . ...ui..v, io on te til a n hut strikng. Mnp ul v , ! en are used in Alpha Xt Delt'S . , '.. uiiiilu aist firpss Marina - which is accented by a wide green Miede belt. Wool, Wool, Everywhere. .... : :n a n Pi accents her teal date dress with a large , i iha npi-kline. while rdial pin m " Alpha Chi Dcloris Bors uses n rhineston. clip on her Ual monas tic style dress. Smooth Ginny Smith of Theta chooses a maroon wool having detachable plaid vest and white pique collar 'and bright silver buttons. Black velvet for dates is the choice of Doris Grabow, Kappa Delt pledge. Kappa Betty Jane Hopewell looks perk in a light blue chashemere knit dress, as does Alpha Phi Janice Lee Morrison in her pale blue knit dress with China blue ac cessories. Again teal appears, this time in Theta Lois Keller's crepe dress of teal, wine and black. Maxine Kingsbury, Delta Gamma, with the auburn hair and blue eyes is a picture in her dark rose wool accented with gold buttons and black acces sories. Plaid makes a lowly dress for Betty Gronqmst, Alpha Xi Deit. when combined in yellow, preen and blue. Hazel Wis'ncr or Alpha Omicron Pi will cause many com plimentary glances when she ap pears in her mustard sheer wool dress embroidered in yarn, while Chi Omega Margaret Jane Pyle is darling in a black crepe woven with white yarn. ftVHoopsMy Dear" as Gay Nineties Bring Back Ribbons, Ostrich Plumes, Petticoats in Feminine Fripperies White Chit Son Sets OSS Morgan i By Helen JK Severa. It's hoops, my dear, and a riot of pi;.ids...a black ribbon about your neck and an ostrich feather in your hair... the demurely dar ing petticoat formal and some times just the suggestion of a bustle. . .and a muff to keep your hands warm! All to take you back to the gay nineties! New monastic type formals with yards and yards of material and wido waist belt ilk "The soealled social sciences are not sciences at all in any manner analogous to the natural sciences." Dr. Harold V. Woods, president of Princeton university, adds that science has helped the man in the street but little in deciding how he should vote. SEE i i $ ! J J feminine touch. The Honorary Colonel was there ...but no one knew who she was Hovland Swanson's formal fashion show, Tuesday night. Her disguise was made perfect by h black mask, and her colonel cos tume was correct to the last detail. Her honorary highness introduced the fashion show. . . Two-Timers. In a white wool gold appliqued evening wrap over a pleated white chiffon formal, also gold appliqued. ...Hope Drummond, Chi Omega leaves in her hair. Ked hair set off by black velvet formal with a white lace square collar and wide lace band around lower skirt- line, black velvet full-length wrap with white fur collar. . .Claudine Burt, Tri Delta. . .whlet ostrich feather in her hair. Metallic plaid gingham with a hoop skirt and a black velvet rib bon around her neck... Doris Gra bow, Kappa Delta. White bunny waist-lengui wrap over blue velvet formal. ...Nan Talbot, Delta Gamma. . . jeweled white kid gloves. Full length red wool prin cess style coat with silver fox pockets... Louise Oddo, Sigma Kappa. Two-timer dress of blue crepe, short skirt for daytime dress, and long skirt for formal evening wear... Ruth Calrk, Alpha Xi Delta . . .gold girdle at waist. American beauty taf feta with same color velvet trim, puffed sleeves. . .black ceives more public-1 velvet full-length wrap with white ity and salesman-: bunnv sleeves. . .Marv Stoddard, Alpha Phi... combs in her hair. Laetex, Too. Versailles blue faille, short white quilted wrap... Betty Rowland, Alpha Chi Omega, in a Louise Mul ligan formal. . .blue ostrich feather in her hair. A symphony in black net over taffeta, black sequins on bodice. . .Jeanette Polonsky, Sigma Delta Tau. . .a red chiffon hand kerchief to break the black mo notony. Whiet satin, lestex bodice extending to hipline. . .Lois Harp ster, Alpha Omicron Pi... topped by black fox fur jacket. Red metallic jacket over red crepe. . .Marjorie Dirks, Pi Beta Phi. . .embroidered sash. Dinner dress in black crepe, metallic blouse. . .Lois Keller, Kappa Alpha Theta. Plaid wool hooded full length wrap, red muff .. .Dorothy Evans, Phi Mu. Judy 'N Jill egg shell moire taffeta with a ilttle bustle flounce in back. Rose satin with pleated bodice .. .Thais Ann Haley, Gamma Phi Beta... blue velvet short coat. Whits petticoat formal topped with pink ruching. . .Beth Howley. skunk bolero jacket. American beauty taffeta formal pleated at top. . .Rosanne Sheehan, Kappa Kappa Gamma. . .blue- ostrich plume In her hair. Purple draped crepe, butterfly sleeves, low V neck front and back. . .Ruth Clark, Alpha Xi Delta. . .fuschia crepe sash tied In bow at front uaistiine . . . gold mesh shoes. Angora sweater and mitts... Hope Drummond. . .plaid metallic that catches the extra fullness wherever you want to put it seem to be the only really new and dif ferent style to break the formal line this year. The two-timing formal with its ont top and two skirts, one for daytime dress wear and the other for evening wear is not an entirely new fashion but a prac tical one that re- ship this year than in most years be fore. Sleek. rippling satins in the rose and purple shades frtittliro lactAv Ul waist lines and 'M bodices. Metallic lops many a neavy crepe formal... and metallic plaids are something new to look at,, from white bunny wrrps to "hug-me-Lights" are short fur jackets. . .definitely leading the velvet short and full-length formal wraps, still the good old stady-by. Sequins run a close second to the metallics and are seen espe cially in short transparent-over-jackets. Fluffy little angora sweaters may be worn over many types of formals. . .and starched wliite lace and white net add the ft formal, blue trim. . .hoops. of course. White net and silver lame . . .Claudine Burt. . .blue love-birds in her hair. Flame red chiffon for the Lambeth Walk... Doris Gra bow. Arctic white net, iridescent sequins, lastex waisted blue velvet full-length wrap... Nan Talbot. And a Lumber Jacket. White bunny jacket over Amer ican beauty moire taffeta, and hoops. . .Louise Oddo. Ermine edged black velvet hooded wrap over blue slipper satin and V.ack et...Mary Stoddard. Black wool wrap bordered with black velvet over metallic gingham formal... Betty Rowland. White tucked taffeta, Mademoiselle fashion... Jeanette Polonsky. . .blue velvet full-lentgh wrap with stand-up collar. Black slipper satin, drop shoul der. . .Marjorie Dirks. . .black vel vet coat. Black taffeta petticoat dress with pink rases at choulder, neckline, and on skirt... Lois Havptiter. . .damask coat. Lum'oer jac!;et in blue, blous?d, over blue metallic formal .. .Dorothy Evans. Fusohia sequin "hug me tight" jacket over black matelacse... Lois Keller. Monastic dinner dress in black. . .Thais Ann Kaley. Long-haired black monkey jacket over red crepe... Ruth Clark. White starched lace. . .Rossmary Sheean . . . b'.ack velvet wrap. Whits net hoop skirt formal... Beth Howley. . .blue velvet short wrap. TT I 1 I 1 J 5 i ; I 1 r 1 WHs- aW'X' WlH 1 1 "' a ....... ... ... I At f S-W- . ? ., . J, v.. X t " ly i - '! I , n I $ : . ; ? ' " ' ' t T " j ft ! ' ' 111 - f '"' H P ' Jean Morgan, Alpha Phi, Ne braska Sweetheart candidate, sets off her dark hair and eves witli a - RlnehHrt Marden. white chiffon formal, softly draped . . . .gold sequin girdle, gold sequin cap and twisted gold satin cloth sandals. . . .all from Gold's. Union Fireplcce Proves Its Worth i j I N. U. Grad Pleads Red Cross Cause 'Jt 'J i , ' i f t, f ''. 'i ' I - 4 1"" r Now. You Can get A Complete TUXEDO OUTFIT That You Would Reg. Pay 23.55 For 1975 for Only Tuxedo. Handsomely Tailored. (Single or double bremted. Mldnite Blue or Arrow Dress Shirt formal Tie 'Black or Mldnite. Tied or to be tied.) Studs and Links 'Jet black or perl grey.) Suspenders iBinck or white. Leather or clip ends.) Black Hose Wg Collar Complete Reg. 18.50 Blnck.) Reg. 2.50 Reg. 55c Reg. 1.00 Reg. 50c Reg. 25c Reg. 25c Total 23.55 Yet You Pay Only 19.75 SHOES to Wear With Your Tuxedo Packard... Pr on . e, mlnut y" -y GooJ,P.,r of P'ck.rds. tt T'Vmke "o rubbing lPBnd the top. Brownbilt... 300 Pr. New patterns for formal wear, pine , leathers, well fitting hoe make Brewn bllti real bargains at their modest price. GOLD'S Men's Store. . ... . ' fi j f It - , 111 , v - J : - : y vlV v v ' 1 I by the news report. However an j ticipation of living quarters else ' where than the drafty Cocial i Science building helped to restore their feelings of joy. Michigan was the first state uni versity to recognize the need of a museum building to centralize the research and educational func tions of organized scientific collections. 'Dan' Touches Match To First Official Fire Contrary to popular opinion, the fireplace in the Student t'nion lounge really works! Students who happened into the lounge yester day were surprised and perhaps received a tinge of homesickness ! when they were greeted by i. ! blazing fire in the heretofore un- used fireplace. I Credit for the cheery fire be ! longs directly to Dan, the stu dent Union janitor. Dan, a modest sort of a fellow, refused to Koeept credit for the performance, how ever and merely commented, "Heck, it wasn't anything. I just chopped up a few old boxes and ; there you are." ! Dan further proved to be the man : of the hour by promising bigger and better fires in the future find i pooh-fooed the reporter's sr.ggos- tion that this was one of the ! better fires. "This first fire is merely in the nature of a preview but fires in the future will be tA the old fashioned log variety flnd should prove popular to the rtu dents," Dan commented. . Dr. Louise Pound is in Wash ington, D. C, this weekend at tending the annual meting of the executive committee of the Amer ican association of ui.iver. ity won, en of whiih organization she is a national vice-president. She meets v( ith other special commit tees at Chicago and Baltimore. non Esther Gaylord, who was grad uated from Nebraska In 1931, now looks out appealingly at readers throughout the United States from the new Red Cross roll call poster which was painted by Lawrence Wilbur to urge Amrricans to "join" between now and Thanks giving. Esther wus "tops" as a Ne braska coed. Not only was she a rhi Beta Kappa; she was a Mor tar Board, Tassel, student council member, A.W. S. president, soph omore attendant to the Mav queen, and president of Mystic Fish. Now she has turned to mod elling In John Powers agency In New York, posing as the charm ing housewife, the woman whose baby Is sick or whose husband died without leaving any insur ance. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaylord of Lincoln, she has two cousins, Betty and Bob McGeachin, now attending Nebraska. 1918 ARMISTICE (Continued from Page 1.) pailiuent to the news. According to this then-active member of the O. T. C, the cadets were march ing from 12:30 until 5 o'clock, cov ering most of downtown Lincoln several times. During the evening the strict discipline of the preceding months was realized, and the O. T. C. a dots were given leave from their quarters in the then-unfinished So cial Scieneee hall. Most of the ca dets Joined the street dancing near the old capitol, where several blocks of H street were roped off for the dancing. The false report which preceeded the actual signing of the Armistice by 48 hours server In the most part to build up more Intense feel ing at the time of the real action Members of the faculty and alumni who had friends or rela tives at the front or in camp have recollections of definite feelings of relaxation from the emotional tension of the later stages of the Members of the O. T. C. who had nursed hopes of being sent "across" were at first disappointed fit YOUR FORMAL fVf II TWI tO MOTId THAT SANITOWf D cicithci ioo men AVill always luive that fresh new uppcanmce when SAMTONE CLEANED. Let lis kocp your garments in condition for all occasions. Modern Cleaners Sonknp & Westover 21st & O Phone F2377 Service 4 FOR THE MILITARY BALL Long lius Hoxlatul-waiison lieen recognized us providiiii; 1'onniils 1" hr.Xf yon the prettiest pirl in any pailicrinp. l()(i-skir1sslr!iiis f!,.';nii( rs -slim sophisticntod styles. An 'I we complete your rust nine vviili aeeesMiries that are correct and i'lailcrinc to j-sl YOU. Formals and Wraps priced 1 2!i:' l(isi 22" OVLAND-SWANSON -Qtt V