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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1938)
SEVEN (iiamour Formats For tiring Thoughts cf Gag Nineties U clamour and glitter ... are i-'mals at Gold's. White chiffon vVequin girdle, cerise taffeta, tulle over blue taffeta, old embroidered taffeta, alpaca l-Vin in old rose, and the very " ... ice colored satins in blue, 11 1 - roe Victorian necklines ricfboored velvet bring back the :.v nineties influence. Yvr "sleeved evening wraps for -nili over drop shouldered for . evening bags sequined r'm'o!-e elaborate than ever be i "X In vour hair feathers or rwer evening hats, or.rhinestone orna-r.ents. Formal length $A cloves or angora glows and -ns may be worn. Chiffon chiefs are studded with se quins. O "-WV'lJiifc . r" ? 1 iT v-"y X THE DAILY NEBRSKAX, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER II. 1933 o 31 n 2L r Society ilia' time a lotta company, and .: week tM regular deluge start LvHiv Rath Larsen. Helen Ma- ..v Dolphin will be back at the r, iT.i hou?e...Ruthie Huston, -i owa Wow in Wednesday. . . ,:'o Tavbour and Barbara Grif , Twill be at the Delta Gamma . c( Marjone ' """"" ; '..V'i visit Kathryn Horrigan, V.A Ni Delta... Polly Boyd, r . "m i rroud'.v shining the dia Xiof Jack Christainsen, Kappa : . L0is Keller, Theta. is still J..-"," of elations over wedding she in H:ch!and Park last week Hoilis Ecpers. Sigma Kap- IVYer ho-JM rarty date with r Phi, Psi... Harold ;e.n. Sigma Nu. dating a , ;,-vfr dsted-up pal Fnday night ; "" c,i'v Se'leis. A Xi D, expecting ; v- -a Nus from Colorado this , , ; o- d J'-n Sigma Chi. ' '-'r'm;e rart' with Be1"1? Sis" ! i n rhi.-.and election talk V- ,n suhiect of bull sessions in--'-'d of the usual ed and coed j..,V' t'.is fashion edition one : j . V'-e '"h -'est and Dost ever... j r-X rjtt:Vard everybody yell til vv're hoarse. . . I ... V'? panics Friday night K--a ar.J Chi PI i. Saturday eve- n - D. I'-. Pi - A., fe. A. 31-, i t ... lU-ra Sig. and Sigma Kappa J t. . rh are opc -. Farm House is a clored fc-.use party given : i ire pleiccs for the activites f -,.vj-; a carnival theme. ! ? Chi pledges are giving a j r' - - i house party for the actives ; r r y even:-.? with Armistice day , :.-.e thc-T.e. The decorations for ( party are not being disclosed. , ; pi.i Fsi's of Boulder are ; v r; over for the week end to j v ?.; the Phi Psi s and Delta Garn er. k The cs'is with the dates at tKe D. G. ho-so are Pat Reitx. JMy ) .'-vs. Jf'3n and Luck Jane Wil-j 1 .-, Gin Harm and Marg K-.ius?. Vi-ih Minor. Alpha Chi, and P: ry Jio .ie, D. U.. both gTads j i j , t year were married last V. c-.-esiiy in Medicine Hat, Al h ::.a. Canada. Alice Black and E;.";a Jeary, both Alpha, Oil ; f-Ecis of last year went up to Med- . . - 1 " . . k... .1.. w ; l . u. r.-jfi ' i T.irv are caine to live In V, ; ro.nt. Xeb., where he Willi I j'Tt. lice law. j.r.i how wouM you like to pet tit Gtrn:an lessens of a whole f:tvn..ty? Wnemer Buch he t.r:t v he called -Butch") has f ' '. ' 1 " r. 1 r ' . . . .k Ml . ....... c.-a m uic riu rai !).. .e. brides trj-mg to learn hii. i-.-.j-... S.m.a I'ti-.a Tau pledges enter- i tu--d the a-tives with a hayrtde ii-.t Sf.-.-Li-.y fverjr.g. ATrwarda, 1 -'-.- ct.r.e to the house which fj:ej f-s a western saloon.' . j har to br.r.t, named Te Olde FOIi THE LOVE OF SCIENCE - is iht life lore of I.'ib;i;u,SDT pe3?e v I rii.K to po in for J1" oi genn-hanting.. (,ns lo run in iVi Miriam's falter rl..i....;t. So for Mir "l,ti U li-mAofj first ".N -t,' .'ujsiry and rool '7 rii:;i ff a close stconl -I. ut V"'J ,''v'r 'an tell wtaitycoaie into her life l,r .t,R of becom i. lib i.-.-ljiuioiani It's ttUQt. ki Miriam stiU has v)"'ijj 1n i j,. , . Jivr roio- i:ri"1'- faithfully er-J;- Now uf kuow, that . Miriam djukI t V -'Mj,fS a time when "'l '"I'.'!! v . r -sarr . . . I,, thit Jliriam MM fron tJ hool CApVt s' tke HOTEL M)f . . 41 end hare hr- hotel capital i V, Enciantmp; Junior Formals 2250 Blithe young frocks that can practically go into a dance by themselves! Picturesque hoop skirts, strap less necklines, shirred bodices and drop-shoulders are reminiscent of "when grandmother was a girl" days'. Glamorous fabrics include rayon taffetas, Gros de Londres, Bengaline, Chiffons. Nets and Rayon Crepes in vibrant colors or white. Sizes 11 to 17. Other Romantic Styles for Qala Evenings. 16.95 to 29.00 A Wrap of Lustrous Vel 1695 vet Will complete your formal attire re gally! Sleek fitting styles in black, royal blue, and American Beauty. Some with trimmings of Lapin-dyed Coney or Ermine. GOLD'S Third Floor. Add Accessories Cinderella Sandals 3JS Costume Jewelry 1J00 to 43S Hair Ornaments 1JD0 to 2J9S Fluttery Kerchiefs SOc and 1.00 Sheerest Hosiery 1JO0 and US Evening Hardbags 1J00 to 6.95 'Street Floor. KMX 4S. .1 0 1 .! ;.J U -if . WJ 7; 7 Vf'.. :' ! e "--A U- c-$ I m s fe n vu sy u atl k' f .1 5 . i fx, 7'. t I ; It '' I 1 't I .4-, f . i v y '4 A . 1 45 'k. : I ,1 JL v He A 0 A v : ' u mmm mm1, m i if. 4 1 vtals ft rtrl in- f . . .. e W .''''':'!V' ill (C :o)