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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1912)
I" ljr, -r "u;i Nn;W''"f- 5T'i'"5'!W5N-, V .'; apn"- -TW i' THE DAILY NEBRASKA fiatlg Nebrajakan Proporty of THEJ UNIVEU8ITY OP NEBRA8KA. Lincoln. FREDERIC C. McCONNELL, Edltor-lnChiof. Managing Editor Morrill V. Rood AfiBociato Editor. .Konnoth M. Snyder AflBoclnto Editor Cloyd L. Stowart Lltorary Editor.... Chandler Trlmblo Business Manager. . .C. C Buchanan Assistant Manager J. L. Drlscoll Circulation Manager J. 3 Bowen SCRIBES C. L. Yochum, J. L. Cutrlght, H. 0. Howltt, W. P. Goodman, Winifred Seo gar, C. N. Brown, P. N. Wolla, A. R. O'Hanlon, L. W. Horno, P. A. Turnure, J. R. Wood, I. K. Frost, Leon Samuel Bon, Claronco Splor, Besalo Mason, Ruth Squlron. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. TELEPHONES Offlce B-1888. Night Phono B-4204 Editor B-1821. Manager B182t Entered at the notUofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as Becond-claaB mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. THUR8DAY . DECEMBER 19. 1912 -fc By University Chorus With fc String Quartette and Organ. CONVOCATION. Memorial Hall, 11 A. M. "THE ME88IAH," Ethol Syford, a Nebraska graduate, has tho distinction of having written ono of tho six flneBt lyrics of tho year, her poom, "Hungarian Lovo Lament," bolng ranked second only to Schea mas O'Sheal's "Ho Whom a Dream Hath Possessod," in William Stanley Bralthwalfs anthology of magazine poetry, "The Lyric Year." Tho contest was tho ldoa of Mr. Pordlnand Earl, says Mr. Brathwalto In an article In tho Boston Transcript, and it is due to his efforts that the anthology was issued and to his con tributions to funds for tho prlzos that pootry of such high worth has found tsway into magazino literature Bui due. Braithwait him- in contemporary cacy of tho poetl- literaturo. It Is 'hamplonship and a New York that pu raturo ie bound volumes which aro rapidly gain ing wldo circulation. Brathwait finds In pootry tho means of preserving and orocting tho finer Ideals of the nation nnd hopes that tho ronowed interest shown this year will lead to another golden ngo In which poetry will come to its own again. Miss Syford's poom is characterized by tho Intensity and earnestness ot tho omotlon under tho weary control thnt comoB from tho sonao of tho mul tiform, hurrying, purposeful llfo that goes on lnattontatlvoly about tho Lover, who, now that Sho Is dead, finds no lntorost, no care for llfo, and hears nothing Bavo tho wlerd cry of (he wild cranes ovorhoad Her poom follows Hungarian Lovo Lament. Tho nay (he cranes last night did cry Overhead I did not hoar thorn. For In a hut by Tlsza's torrents My lovo lies (load 1 hoard tho whinny of hor milk white stood Calling to her. That hoard I riu say tho oak tree's leaves ure sere What caro I? I havo Home faded violets, Those I hold dear Sho gavo thorn me. rhoy Hay that Szolnok's field's afire, If so, I caro not. Thnt could not koep mo from my lovo Wore sho not cold. Saw'st Szolnok's flames? Oh, well, thoy could not warm me, My blood Is chilled. Thoy sa throe gypslos at tho tavern Sang their songs. Let them sing! I could not dance -I am too lonely for their minstrels I wish my love might waken. Rut she cannot. Piesh vloletB she would bring me, But sho will not. For cold In death sho Hob, by TlBza's torrents, And sho'll not come again! -",u """" i Lot tho wild cranes cry, far and high, Ovorhead Llppincott's Got a phonograph free. See our ad In this paper Tho University Book Storo. aTi x Iprintimc,) r.j fL. i - J JFin rsrr J& ilxi unjoin nctit WE WILL MUSIC irds of Instruction are given lartmonta of the University. Music Violin, Clar- and Public jity fe Btglfelj rUrtltea mtppnrt -g tatlur mitlj ge grfatpr fljicnbittgu in ye rmmtutnUjI ana tljere bu ye loittttatttrtt ar benefitted. He merrljaitt latlnrrb garntentu meet roith, murfjfumir, bear great image anb arp att eronomy. f e reaby nw&f rlotlfeu fino only profit for jje distant manufarture r attfo arc an abomination to loral inbufltrn;. He $nle-(&t&f C&reetitujH. allege atlorfi Auto Want -(D-X A4frv BEFORE STARTING HOME FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Buy your presents at Armstrong's and avail yourself of the advantages of larger varieties and lower prices. A Suggestion Smoking Jackets $4.50 to $10 Bath Robes $2.95 to $12.50 ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS DIE STAMPING FOR YOU ' GIVE US A CHANCE 128 N. 14th See our Sample miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiuiiiuniiiii, 1 Do Your Christmas Shoppin NOW! Parisian Ivory Toilet Articles Stationery $1 Safety Razors Waterman Pens Athletic Supporters Rubber Aprons Shoulder Braces Pennants & Trusses Christmas Candies Huylers, Lowney's, Gunthers Chocolates Soda Water and Lunches I SfeJ- cunTl? 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