Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1912)
.J?r- ' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THEATRES CAMPUS NOTES . 4-ifc" W-" Jones' Orcheatra. Phono Lr8605. Call Roy O. Wardo. danco orchestra, Auto 7186, Lr81B2. Accacia announcoB tho pledging of David Olen Holler of Broken Bow. A Httlo sKoaper. Duncan's Frator nal Print JOhop. ted Marrlntr Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. Mrs. Victor Smith of Omaha, Nob., called at tho Alpha Omlcron PI houso thin wook. Hagenelck's Orchestra. Auto F-2042 or B-2990. C. H. Frey, University florist, 1133 O Bt. Kula BateB, '12, of Springfield, Neb., called at the Pi Beta Phi house this week ' -v PaperB Buitnble for calendars and I other novelties. The tilversity Book i Store. ABk for cash prize ticket . when you buy your Christmas present at the Unlvorslty Book Store. Jack Cowther from Brown University, who waa chosen All American quar terback, visited tho Phi Gamma Delia house tho first of tho wook Christmas stationery, rancy cardH and letters, memiB. danco programs i George Bros , 1313 N. I .f Jlll rPiAKHHH LBbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbV9MPvIimLBbh V MPf M ? sr Jsrwi I BBBfl - OLIVER THEATRE Frl., 8at. A 8at. Mat. Dec. 20-21 Cohan A Harris Preient " GEO. M. COHAN'S BROADWAY JONE8 Lincoln the only stop between New York and Denver Night, $1.50 to 50c. Mat. $1.00 to 60c CHRISTMAS Thurs., Frl., Sat., Dec. 25-28 Mat. Christmas and Saturday BUNTY PULL8 THE STRINGS ORPHEUM ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WILLIAM H. THOMPSON OFEDO'S MANON OPERA CO 8ILVERS MARY ELIZABETH FRED & ADELE A8TAIRE AITKEN-WHITMAN TRIO TWO ALFRED8 Bar. Mats at 2:15 Prices 15c, 2E Night, 8:15 15c, 25c, 35c and LYR mSFWJRB., FRIDA) ainly Do Love Ice Cream" MU5T-ART DILLA & TEMl Photo Plays 'THE SHADOW OF TWE "FOG" "PATHE'S WEEKLY' "DOCTOR BRIDGET' 3 8HOW8 DAILY 2, 7 & 9 ALL 8EAT8 10c Caxonce Hoard, ox-'03, visited the campus Tuesday. Mr. Hoard Is in tho engineering and contracting business at Victoria, B. C. He was rosldont en gineer on the Canadian Pacific for five years and tells some Interesting stories of h'B privations In the northwest. Freshmen as well as older students will receive a hearty welcome, courte ous treatment, and the best of service at Greon'a Barber Shop and Bathhouse, 120 N. 11th St. Adv. Dor Deutsche GoBsolloge Veroln versammelt slch Donnorstag Abend bei Frauleln Woostor, 1820 ashing ton street. Woihnacht's program. MARY HOLCOMB, Vice Pres Scone from Geo. M Cohan's "Broadway Jones." At tho Oliver, Friday, Saturday and Saturday Matinoo. "For the first time in tho history of Lincoln there will be a premier performance. In this attraction. Mr. Geo M Cohan 1b now and has boon playing this comedy all season in his own theutro on Broadway and this company Is organized to play only tho largest cltios. Tho company will jump direct from Now York to Lincoln, then to Denver for the following week, with Salt Lake and Los Angeles to come Tho company was selected and rehearsed by George M. Cohan, and an evening's entertainment such as you seldom have in Lincoln is assured " F C. ZBHRUNG. CLUB OFFERS PRIZE TO WRITER PUY RAILROAD TICKETS EARLY The offer of the Glee Club to give a box at Its home concert to the Ne braskan who will write a "Unlvorslty Anthem," has caused a great deal of comment among tho student body, as this need has been long felt ProfeBBor MHIb, at the School of Music, wiU bo glad to give any Infor mation as to what is wanted to those who wish to work on It during vaca tion. All manuscripts must be sub mitted by January 10, 1913. Visit the most able and up Moving Picti Program Students who are planning to leave on tho Burlington trains either Friday or Saturday are requested to buy their tlckots as early as possible. Theso will be stamped ahead of time and will bo a holp to tho railroad company in forming tholr trains and estimat ing the roqulrod number of coaches. In this wny the crowding at the last moment and the delay In making up trains will bo ontirely obviated Fuzz. Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries fm p Cafe Open after the Shows with "Good Things to Eat" 1325-31 N STREET , it CALL EN8IGN, B2303; Be "A" 303 for cab or baggage wag Quick service. ., fcrhanj foul! "T 240 &( EN -A - '