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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1913)
ifW pvriPiii y aa giwy & Nw ftbe IDatlp IRebrashan Vol. XII. No. 65 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, JAN. 7, 1913 Priqe 5 Cents NEBRASKA FAR BEHIND football banquet tomorrow, fifteen get 15 mackinaws STALLED IN SNOW DRIFTS m vt ji' i ff iy ii n 1 1 V k'Swftl .'VISSTA T- J , CHANCELLOR AVERY AND RE GENTS FIND OTHER 8CHOOL8 GROWINC . HUNOLS EXCEEDS IN WEALTH University Party Returns From In spection of Missouri, Illinois, Wis conBin ard Minnesota Unl vci sitics. Omaha Alumni to Entertain 'Varsity i Hu3kics ci Sophmore Claso Receive and High School Football Teams Eleborately. Maroon Coats for Football Victories. I PLATES COME AT A HIGH PKtCh CLASS BACK THE FINANCIAL SIDE 'I ho Omalin Alunuil will tut an host 'l ill' !,i ! to more than 17f in honor of tin .Ji:di un ; ' and limh school loolha.i ( o' i'ic 1 loveiiH at the new Unhorriity luh plajing loth mai oon m i Mnaws tided th- inotball -;.ibn or r.M.' tor out- the Freshmen and LATE COMERS OFFER THIS EX CUSE FOR DELAYED RETURN. BUZZARD IM-B'IS THE CAMPUS 1.. ( c 1 ,i i ;.e 1! 'unl ' 1 io :; a tu'ii i f I he It ;'J,n . I I . ll 1 11"! Il Lei .- '11 K ! 111 i ha', o ri'tm m '. of In ;'( ti'.ui ol si ' 1 unh . ; allies of I ho mm quarters toinonow oeiilrr; I'lido 'hi1 present plunr. the i ni m's tnter- ! in. 11 1 cut will Throughout the .il'.pil t is !' in l..iw and other I S 1 1 1 li' hi I T1'.. lot il ;: li V I e,t Il star : a 1 1 o clock e 1 :!ii: . bile ilu' i 1 1 on ! he ( a ban ! 1 ut 111 ' ol 1 he i' fii- lit mi niiinli" 1 of jiialf.- w III :!i" three bundled maik . ml it is promised liy the baekM, that mi cvi ry way will tho banquet surpass dlo wc Ht and are now working on 'i loport which in to ho filed with the governor and tho legislature. Tho (rip was taken to ascertain tin- post- j -J1 o boon Hold to noarlv all Alumni lion of Nebiaska n'lativo to other ' p-siding in or near Omaha Tho pilot; loading universities as tespects equip-' ,,f the tickets has boon plated at $5. nicnt and facilities, especially Tho but this high pi it o had to be attached (no IjBtotl foin days and included ;,, ,i,;o of the epons ai'.iehed to x it its to the Univeisity of Missouri, :be ntei taiiiinu of th-' high school I'nivornity of Illinois. I'nnersity ol team.-, Wisconsin ami Um i .it ol Minm Coich s'tu'lim and hi-- tube of loot- votu. Thi (liaiuelloi and Itogeiit b.; wanioi.s will iouin' to Omaha Coupland, who was on the campus - on-,, t ime tomorrow afternoon in 01 OHtorday wop- both highly pleased j der to be fully prepaid foi tin- escii with then t i i and were impressed j nn; ordeal In addition (o the team by tho npl-i..!ul Mi idea that tlus-o in- ihcii will be seeral otlui.- Hint will -tltutioiiH h.i.i made dtiting the past mak .Juiiioi-, niii'-d dmlng the vacation penod ami woie ii'ui out e.,torday. I be new m,'i :,ie Norfolk in out and i bode' I'd in Hi, hit see i with a i wi'ite (!.: .'i j . . t : ! 1 1 j r lb' numeral !" ' '1 '!' ..i i ol l.t u inalerbil. ' i uh inak..... H..-M, ,,n "; : nriate I ,,,:!l" "' ,,'"1,,'" .oi the i)i i ut ..eather I h in( 1..11.M w aie the Uhiii! ul i'ic i o op i i. 'on ol the men mid the c lass a w'ii)i- .Not i nouyh money wan Old BoreaB Returns With Vengeance nnd Studcnto Come Back to Work in Flurry of Snow. t tie II others Tickets to the banquet taken in .it the several uim r, to pay the trip to tale- 111 the ten yeurp Nebras a Lacks Equipment, lu mukiiiK i (onipaii-ion between NobraKku and an ot the three laiger iiiGtitutloin L :.- isiimated that, al though the exresi in student popula tion 1b only TiK pel c in the excess in material equipment and physical properlleB oer that ol .Nebraska is be tween thret and hour hundred per eeut. qut-t biK bail I iiiimv COMMITTEES MEET TODAY. Date of Junior Senior Prom to Be Announced Wednesday. 'I he date of the Junior Senior I'lom will bo announced definitely in to morrow's paper The date was at for them "o the ehiHH voted to k1c the men their reward pro ided they wAuld help They did ho Tho rmiekiiiaws sue decoiatiuf, the cam piA I ue!ollowlim; men itcimmiI coats 1 i.K I Taiiio 1 (' Fout.. I' Touts. S.i'lin k, Mail , Ihiumiiu, 'i stover. Aiil Soiithwiel'. Majies, M;mh, b d irl-, ami Tett'iH, the mannKer. iii! two L-anns wei. pla'd but ill-1 Sopbomon's -jiiii'1 "lit ol both i1 itli a i lean scoie wiim 'i , tit'in He I'li-hmeii ', H ,uid ''ion i n lunuii 7 o TOWNSEND AWARDED CONTRACT It is further estimated that the Uui-itirst set for February ',12, but duo to vernity i allowed about oiro-half as! other activities on that eveniiiK the Cornhusker Pictures of Jumors and Seniors to Be Taken Before Feb ruary 1. 43 Covers all Expenses. 'I he (onlraet .or taking the photo i.iphs of Juniors and Seniors for th'1 l'.Ji:i Coi lihusker Iihh bet n let to Mr A ('. To'wnsend airain Satb-.fac- iu i ail'.w p the pi nod oi do Ib'Jilful :i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 .e-iUni to ie t vo w i -lc.V vara o'd lit tea i hai nwepl dowi from uorili with a vi n "anco Wo had ic'iiu I Ihil the old r;tntlnnian had .' i ! ;'oi,'o,ii a i.n a id wan denlrouH i' pi tdoii hiK Ion welcome htborna ' o'i Ho. ei ;i hpi'ihh that our con ie.-'iin-. wei without foundation and h" uod of tho north wind merely l.ill.-.l to Iilmi- the hi aen toneii of his .r.iiiii i lot 1 ami oerulept iioiiiowliat i !' ' t.idi nts who bt'ijan pouring i:'o ih. fit-,- Ku.iday morning found Hu no eh irnpidled lioadloiiK into a ::.k'ii", bllzard and regn-ll'd excootl iii,-l their i ' tin it to duty in imch a i el'i i""iati d alniospheru Tho fine powder;, ;,nov, '-tunc like piercing .1' i d!e an I thli ten- d Kj tretv.o into a ma.'.- nl ( ! upon "i- rubicund hi. uti'ii.iiiM Km ii the t'luiBtmas mufflers end the heavil lined ovei (oats set in to oiler but little protei (ion Irom the wintry blaat. Some studenli, h.'ue Kmaiui-d at home io enjoj in, i omforts .i few days iuiii't r and to gain th' courage necessary to enable them to bravo the pel lis of the storm. Tho bllzzatd lmppil solves the problem of making excuses for lute arrivals at college, and those are unimaginative. Indeed who cannot invent talon of boiug kept much money for running expenKOB and Faculty Comimttee objected to meet lion with bin work in this Hue In (lie ! )r'ao'"'ru lll)on H'f" delayed for sev- about one-fourth as much for build-' sometime today for the purpose of ings as iH annually appropriated at i deciding definitely when it is to b Illinoln, Wisconsin, or Mlnesota held I K F Worth $50,000,000. At the University of Illinois, it iH the plan of the authorities to have a plant that will ultimately be worth rl AAAflAfl .l,il., ,. ( K,v Ifnl.-nrnlH- f UU,UUU,VUU, TV II 11- Ut LIIV UlllVtlDILJf wi i Wisconsin it is asserted that $2,000,00 re-presentB the normal growth of the i University during a bienlum. At! Minnesota, $000,000 has recently been invested In new buildings. Prosldent Vincent told tho Chancellor that the ''r vVunlverBity was cutting Its estimates in nail tuts year ana as a consequence would tisltho legislature for only a ll.OOO.OTO.oddltlon to any appro priations that 'theVimlyerBlty receives form .tho legislature Jtihas the In come Of extensive mining TOidp and Is already in possession of -a Tatgp fU( its camp'nfl'at pleasure. - Removal Not an issue. At Missouri, Illinois and Wisconsin tho farm and city campus aro not separated by an appreciable distance and Ueqce.rp not confronted by the tquostion of removal. At -Minnesota th. farm campus is thioe mileb re moved from the city campus, but be cause both of them aie so fur built up and developed the removal queH tion has never become a very serious issue. ' The Minnesota authorities are ask ing tho legislature UiIb winter for an appropriation of $60,000 for the pur-' PObo of building a car line from the city to tho farm campus. This rail-1 way would be for tho exclusive UBe of tho students and would cover the distance In nine minutes, thereby eliminating to a great extent tho dls-, advantage of a divided campus. If such a method were tried In Lincoln past and his low price, prevailed upon1"1111 (,ayH uy me ni"nen,lc unowuruiH. the Cornhusker management to lot ' For t,1H'' "' k':iHt- tll(' cold Hnam w,th him have the contrail this earas In itH accompaiijliu; snow flurrj does i;ih, y,,H.H not come in amihs i;;:JT!H';'Irrr3;:cAN read thehome journal huskei-H" by Mr Towiif-cnd and the $3.00 paid Mr. Townsend ctivers all State Historical Society to Keep Open cost of placing the photo in the an nual. All Juniors and SenlorH are re quested to arrange with Mr. Town send at once for sittings, so that all pictures can be completed by Febru ary 1st. rit is not contended that It would re- a. Weeks. The regular routine of the military moyetbo objection to moving a part department was interrupted laBt night of the campus to the farm. It would by a lecture by the commandant, Lieut. Bowman. He outlined tho "- thlrtv-slx lessons nomnrlBlnc th theoretical courses to bo given this File of all Newspapers Published Over 8tato. The State Historical society re ceives and puts on file nearly every newspapor town or county, published in tho state. Tho papers can bo seen at any tlmo that the society rooms aro open. The undertaking, which is an experiment, 1b proving successful. Students who long to seo their home Lieut. Bowman GIveB Out Plan of paper now have the opoprtunity. The Work for Next Few Y. M. C. A. will probably keep a file t of stato newspapers if the Idea proves successful at the Historical society. THEORETICAL WORK TAKEN UP t-Ati operate, hovrovBr as an aid during the period of transition, if it should be decided that the city catnpliBshould bo abandoned $& ' ,W l. V-V-, year. The courso will commence to URAQUAYAN8 LEAVE FOR COAST The teachers sent out by the gov ernment of Uraquay who spent several (Jays a.t the TJfniverflUy during vaca tion left yesterday Tor' Seattle, Wash. i 4 '1 -i I I' Ml I ft U.I i it I l!. 1 h,Sf., 1 w - u & -xn u" sr . wHnJi' i Kri .:i ' r VO ' "' .1, - it, 3 Vv 9 i Wt... v. ..-U.l