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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1912)
be Datlp IRebraekan Vol. XII. No. 63 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, DEC. 19, 1912 Price 5 Cent NEBRASKAN IS HONORED I "the Messiah" at convocai ion cadets to winter quarters ANNUAL PLANS COMPLETE 1 ETHc.L SYFORD OF THE CLASS OF , . ... . I I'JUJ WHITES HHIZE POEM IN RECENT CONTEST. "TRANSCRIPT" f OMMFNDS WORK ' .J I Former Nebraska Woman s Poem, "Hungarian Love Lament." Placed , by W. S. Braithwaits As a Work of High Merit. r.'ini'T distinction has been placed uj, on the shoulders ol' another No brasl.a j-i:i(!u.i;i- iMhei isviorn. :i in- ml., i- ol I In- class of I'. !(.. lias writ , I l.l Ml' SI'ltUMl I J 1.1 1 IWil ill IIM-Ill 1 1 II IF ' li-h.-d ill ilie I'nited Slates this vear. .u cording to ; 1 1 award recent Iv made b; William S'anlev Hrnil li v. a it s m his anthology !' magazine poei r . "The l.yric Year" The po-ni is en titled "Hungarian Love Lament . ' and is published in a late issue of the lioston levelling Transcript. In con nection with the poem, there is also published an account of Miss Syfonl. and her work in literary circles. In the contest there were over :'.(MI writ-lags considered and Miss Sv ford's sa'- placed at ilie lop, with Sheamas O'Sheal's "He Whom a Dream ll.iih I'hsm'smmI " The poem, which is published elsewhere in this 1 issue of tlie Nehiaskan. "- a short one,: and is notable lor its P'-i iilianl v 111 meter and I" .niK of expression While III college. Mbs Svford spe ciali.ed in the classical languages 1111 dcr Dr. .1 T Lees ol rlie Depart ni ol Creek Historv and liberal lire Sin also tool' several coins -s in tlie De partinent ol English Literature and was an admirer of Dr L A Sherman, head professor 01' that department Miss Syfonl was associated with Miss Margaret Mcl'hee of the Rhetoric De partment in a special course in themo writing under Dr Sherman, wherein special emphasis was laid on metrical forms. It is said bv those who are familiar with the subject that there is a striking siinilarit , or at least a suggestion of this training in Miss Syford's prize poem While in college Miss Stord took a particular interest in music, and was not at that time recognized as having special literary ability Since leaving college, however, she has been proini nent in literary circles, and is at pres cut a member of the New England Magazine literary staff. Miss Syford's parents live in Lin coln. SJie is a sister of Lester and Constance Syfonl. both of whom have graduated from the University with in recent years. . r " PALLADIANS ELECT OFFICERS. At a meeting of the Palladians in their rooms in the Temple the follow ing officers for the ensuing trem were elected: President, Igerna Montgom ery; vice president. Earl Curry; re cording secretary, Elmer Gee; pro gram secretary, Mary Holcomb. Minor offices are held by Gertrude Scrlbner, Harry Hurt is, Ressie Rogers, Gladyco Well. University Chorus Assisted by Soloists anri fitrlnn OllartM Will fiivr " M "" Annual Program. LAKUt.3 1 LUdlUMd .r r -T-.,r- ..,,r .,or "The Messiah, the glial onnorio ol , ...... Handel, is to III- given by tile Ullivei s y (.,lonls ,,.,.,..,, b m,-s umomi ill convocation this morning This is tin- iinniial Christmas program given l the chorus, and the initiated knov that it should not lie missed Tills year h" servicis ol several well known singers hae been obtained to take ill" solo part-, and the siring qua iciie which 11-uinlly accompanies the 1 Inn us is to plav Mr Frederic Fi eemantell ol Omaha. .one ol the leading tenors in the west-. ! together with Miss Annette Abbott of Lincoln, soprano, and Mrs (iut.uiei i of Lincoln, contralto, will give the solo 'or recitathe parts, assisted by the whole chorus of eighty voices 'I he singing of "The Messiah" at this season of the year is not conllned to this I'nlversitv , but is world wide In the universities all over the conn ii, in churches and in concerts this iChiisimas oratorio will be given the Week helore I lirislllias It is one or tie- oldest customs at Nebraska, and Memorial Hall is alwavs tilled for this ( o'i v ocat ion period The second chorus, "Glorv lo God," is taken Iroin I'ergolesi and Mr John llwsl, (rough of the University t'oiiser vaiorv ol Music, wrote the orchestra tion lor the strings The progiani follows: Recitative "Comfort Ye" Aria. 'Every Valley Shall He Exalted" Chums, "And the Glorv of the Lord" l'astorul S mplion.v. Recitative the Lord. w Lo! tlie Angel of Recitative Th Angel said unto Ihem 1 Recitative -V"! suddenly there was with the Apgel '"horns ylilory to God. I'ergolesi. Recitativ'y Then shall the eyes ot the blind. Ricitative There were two Sliep Del (Is Air He shall feed his Hock. Air Come unto him Choi us Hallelujah. Edvv. Watt First violin Miss August Molzer Second violin Win. Quick Viola. Miss Lillian Eichie Cello. M. (). MAKE PLACE FOR STUDENTS. Western Society of Engineers Recent ly Creates New Grade. The Western Society of Engineers has recently created a "Student Mem ber" grade for the purpose of provid ing a placo in its membership for stu dents in the Junior or Senior year in engineering schools of recognized standing. The Society has a mem bership of over 1100, being the largest and most representative body of engi neers In the west. It publishes a monthly journal. l,y. Ater Vacation Outdoor Drill to be Sus- nrnrlri llnlll Qnm Tirvi In Mnr-li " "-" -Theoretical Work the Order. r, ,-, .,,.-r-... r,.- KLLAAA HUN rKUM UA1LI UK1LL The caib 1 regiment, al'iei 1 inning irom the two weeks' furlough at Cbiistmas. will go Into wiiii.r quar ters Drill, whl'h has been given al- i most eiitii'lv in the open thus far I this fall, ilie mild weather having p. riniited. will ilicn be conllned within! h" liuiils of ihc armory Itecause ot the limit) d pai e, companv move incuts will be dropped and I Iniu it lea 1 lieOiellCill , . e posit ion drill and in- 1 1 1 1 1 Ion in 1 lie 1 ! Ilie rille in tin- manual 01 anus will l.e tiie or(b-r until some time in ,!ni I in 1 tidinieiits of company drill. In eluding extended order. 111) V been ueaiiv mastered by the lirsi vear ca lift.. m further instruction in that ma.v 1 asilv be disposed of for the pres etll. A class in the theory of military op-rations will be started immedia atelv after vacation for the second vear men. similar to that which win hold last vear The liest vear man ma.v come in I'm a little insi rue: ion along this line also The books used 111 Mils work will be Ilie same ;is last the oliicial drill maunil ' imun as I I ) R , and 1 he Vales s'iinlei,e ui .'ii v manual While I he se( oud e;i 1 rem ;i ',. .iwav from ilieir comp..uies "he l.isi .iiar men are lo be given a little re laxation Irom the grind Galler.v prac lice, i , tcb conipan.v taking its turn at the I llgets, is to be oil i .illll'e of ilie winter's work. Ride drill, with emphasis on the firings and position of lb" pieces, will occupy some of the Signal drill, otherwise known as "u ig-wagging." with the buglers plaving the leading parts, is in b, carried on Setting up exercises and Hull's manual will take the place ol the out door exercise, which will u-nr), ibis ( hange For the olfiet-rs. a class in maneuver problems, inking up tin liner points in troop niaiiag lit. is to be lorined lonigni 1 nc cadets lall 111 Mibout iiuiiorms ior ;i leciure ill l"iiiliil hall C N It 06 REPLACES OLD SEAT. New Seat of Dazzling Whiteness naments Campus. new seat of dazzling whiten and graceful design has replaced old '0(5 memorial which had succi ed to the forces of nature. Thl seat was ordered placed by 11, too from '06 and h 1 within the last few 1 casting any reflect! 1 seat- which was whole once it now one is ai 1 campus. It, which caut decessorj I to grovJ spoofj ani FNA (LEAp YEAR MEETN0 QF r.ORNHIIRKFR STAFF RPRIILTR N MpoRTANT DEC8IONS. SETTLE ON SIZF, SHAPE, BINDING Contract for Printing to Be Let After Christmas Staff Far Advanced in Work Completed and Under Way W01 k in preparation for the 1 ill it Cornhuskcr is progressing rapidly, and the entire stuff is devoting much time in the actual "gi hid" of getting out , v, . ...... ,11)1' Dig book A proof ol their energy I .. . ' . . . ..... lies 111 tlie lad inai tne worn is laruier advanced than ever before at this sea hoii of the year Former Cornhiisker stall's have not begun serious work until the Christmas vacation has be come a part of the past. The staff gathered together yester day afternoon for the last time in the leap year They decided upon a nuni-' her of proposed plans that were hang ing lire, and now the book will be pushed through to completion without a possible hindrance A prominent member of tlie faculty was chosen to whom the book will be dedicated, and Important details concerning the size, shape and ihe binding, were settled up. 11 hootnaii bcction Outlined. Much of the material has already been collected, and the first three forms are practically complete, notably the section devoted to football and those who worship the pigskin Idol The book has been outlined in full and a "dummy" made ol the copy on hand and prospective stories A staff of artists, three professionals and two students, are caring for the pictorial and decorative features, which promise to excel both in iinntlty and quality The engraving and doslgnlr work is in the hai competent men printing the am diately altei Chi from Chicago t for the privL The e. hav e